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The Trojan War. Hector Trojan prince and one of the greatest fighters in the Trojan War Killed by...

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The Trojan War

The Trojan War


• Trojan prince and one of the greatest fighters in the Trojan War

• Killed by Achilles after he had killed Patroclus, Achilles’ best friend

• Leader of the Trojans and their allies in the defense of Troy

• Favorite of Apollo• Oldest child of Priam and


Helen• Daughter of Zeus

and Leda and wife of King Menelaus of Sparta.

• Abduction by Paris, which started the Trojan War.

• Used her beauty to stop Menelaus from killing her after he found her.


King of ArgosBy: Kent Woodling


Anti-Trojan Man Becomes commander of Achaeans in the Trojan War

after the abduction of Helen Gathers his seamen to sail from Greece to Troy Voyage marred by Artemis’ curses of lack of wind and a

plague Breaks through the Trojan barrier protecting the captured

Helen Considered the Greek equivalent of Achilles Upon his victorious return home, he was blown off

course and is suspected dead Slain by his wife, Clytemnestra, in the bath at the

banquet ensuing his surprising return Daughter Electra murderers her mother to avenge her


Scylla and Charybids• Scylla and Charybids were a pair

of monsters who lived on opposite ends of the Strait of Messina between Italy and Sicily

• Scylla was originally a nymph who was loved by the sea god Poseidon, out of jealousy, she was turned into a six headed beast with three rows of sharp teeth in each head, by Poseidon’s wife Amphitrite.

• Charybids was a also a sea nymph, as well as Poseidon’s daughter. She was turned into a dangerous whirlpool across the starit from Scylla, by Zeus

The Oedipal Saga

Who’s your mama & daddy?


• A divine hero and key personage in Theban

• Son of Labdacus• Was raised by the

regent Lycus after father’s death.

Laius (cont.)

• Laius married Epicasta, the daughter of Menoeceus

• Received an oracle from Delphi which told him he must not have a child with his wife or the child would kill him and marry her.


Who is she? (Jocasta)• Oedipus’s biological mother• Oedipus came and killed who he

thought was a robber (his father) and Jocasta did not recognize him

• Married her son with out her knowledge and had four children

• She commit suicide in horror and despair upon finding out that she married her son


• Son of King laius & Jocasta of thebes.• Teiresias prophesized the tragedy of oedipus.• Oedipus was abandoned as an infant & when he was

of age he returned to thebes (after being brought up by shepherds).

• Oedipus murdered his father in a chariot fight, on the way to thebes in self-defense. And when arriving in thebes, he solved the sphinx’s riddle & was named king.

• Oedipus married jocasta, his mother, and had four children.

• Oedipus gouges his eyes out after the death of jocasta.


Teiresias• Teiresias was the

blind prophet who revealed the truth of the crimes of Oedipus.

• According to Ovid, the Roman poet, he spent part of his life as a man and seven years of it as a woman so he knew the act of love from both points of view.

• He died when he was struck by an arrow of Apollo.


• Antigone is the daughter of King Oedipus and his wife Jocasta.

• Antigone is the half-sister of her father, Oedipus, and the granddaughter of her mother, Jocasta.

• She attempts to secure a respectable burial for her brother Polyneices in defiance of her uncle Creon, even though her brother was a traitor to Thebes.



Biblical:Creation- God created the Earth and

all thing on it and in it in 7 days• 1.Light/ day and night

• 2.“Firmament”/“Heaven”

• 3.Land and plant life and seas

• 4.Sun and moon

• 5.Birds and fish

• 6.Animals/man/woman

Adam and Eve and the Fall

• Adam and Eve were created in the likeness of God and told to gain dominion over the world he created.

• A special garden was planted, named the Garden of Eden.

• Adam and Eve had to follow God’s command.

……the fall• The serpent lead Eve to

the fruit which they were forbidden to eat and tempted her to eat it.

• After she ate it they realized their nudity and since they disobeyed God’s command they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and from then on became corrupt and forms the basis for some beliefs of original sin.

Cain and Abel

(the first “bros”)

Brothers Are Violent

the first and second sons of Adam and Eve

CAIN- farmerABEL- shepardCain kills AbelCain is known as the

first man of evil (murderer) and Abel the first victim (martyr)

Tower of Babel

• Whole earth had one language and few words

• Men settled in the land of Shinar

• They decided to band together and build a city and tower to reach the heavens

• God came down to see what man was building

• God threatened by man’s cohesiveness

• He saw that the tower was only the beginning

Tower of Babel cont’d

• The Tower became known as Babel, because God scattered man abroad all over the world and confused the language of the world

• Babel means “the gate of god”

• Word in Hebrew “balal” means confusion

Abraham&Sarah Abraham is considered the

Father of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity because of the prominent progenitor role he plays in the respective holy books.

Sarah is the wife of Abraham, and she is initially unable to bear a son for Abraham and so offers him her Egyptian handmaid Hager as a concubine. Hager bears a son named Ishmael, later to be a prophet and considered to be the ancestor of Arab people. Sarah later bears a son named Isaac.

Lot and Lot’s wife• Lot was Abrahams companion

to the land of Canaan. • Lot was visited by Gods angels

to warn him about Gods plan to wipeout the 5 cities of the plain.

• Lot’s wife, sons-in-law, and daughters are told to escape.

• The sons-in-law do not believe this, they eventually die in the cities destruction.

• Lot’s wife is turned into a pillar of salt . (b/c she looks back at the city with regret and disbelief)

• Lot then escapes with his daughters and retires in a cave

Sodom and Gomorrah

• Sodom and Gomorrah where two in a group of five towns known as the pentapolis

• In the myth two angels and god appear to Abraham as men in the plains of Mamre, where God reveals that has come to earth to investigate Sodom and Gomorrah

• The two angels proceed to Sodom where they are met by Abrahams nephew Lot, who asks them to stay with him

• The towns people become anxious and start gathering at Lot’s door asking about the visitors

• Lot refuses to give over the visitors and instead offers his two unmarried daughters

• The towns people refuse the offering and start threatening Lot

• The angels save Lot and his family by turning the crowd blind

• The angels proceed to destroy the two towns


• Ishmael is Abraham’s eldest and first born.

• Born to Abraham and Hagar (Sarah’s maidservant)

• One day Sarah was angered by seeing Ishmael mocking Isaac and she asked Abraham to expel him and his mother.

• Abraham provided Hagar and her child with bread and a bottle of water and sent her into the desert

of Paran.

• An angel appeared and showed Hagar a spring of water saying "What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.

• Judaism has generally viewed Ishmael as wicked though repentant; he later comes to revere his brother Isaac.

• Ishmael is a prophet in Islam. The Qur’an considers him to be a son of Abraham.

• The Qur’an states that Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son. The son is not named in the Qur'an and in early Islam, there was a controversy over the son's identity. (Isaac or Ishmael).

Ishmael (Cont.)

• God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac at Mount Moriah

• Abraham follows his orders; at the last minute an angel comes to Abraham when Isaac is already bound to the altar

• The angel is sent from God to stop him and Abraham then spots a ram caught in some bushes nearby

• The ram gets sacrifice instead of Isaac

Sacrifice of Isaac:The Story from the Hebrew Bible


• Rebecca was Bethuel’s daughter. Wife to Isaac (Abrahams son) mother of Jacob and Esau.

• Abraham had sent his servant to Haran to find a suitable wife for Isaac

• Found her and had twin sons. (even though she had a difficult time conceiving children)

Jacob and Esau

• Jacob and Esau were twins, born to Isaac and Rebekah. Esau was the first of the twins to be born. He was covered with red hair, and was called Esau. Some scholars believe that the word Esau means "hairy." Esau became the ancestor of the people of Edom ("red."), which was a country near Israel during ancient times.

• Esau was born minutes before Jacob; Thus entitled to lead the family and obtain a preferred inheritence after Isaac’s death. When Jacob was being born, Jacob's hand was holding onto Esau's heel. This was taken as a sign that Jacob wanted to be born first.

• One day, Esau returned from an unsuccessful hunting trip and was famished. He saw that Jacob had been cooking food and he asked for a serving. Jacob asked him if he would be willing to sell his rights as the first-born son in exchange for a bowl of food. Esau agreed.

• After Jacob had gotten the blessing from his father, Esau vowed to kill Jacob. To protect Jacob, his mother arranged for him to live with her relatives in Haran. Jacob lived in Haran for about 20 years, working for his uncle, Laban. When Jacob returned home, his brother, Esau, who now had wealth and a 400-man army, forgave Jacob.

Jacob and Esau (cont.)

Jacob and the Ladder• Jacob was traveling from Beersheba to

Haran.• Jacob became tired and decided to

rest for the night due to the sunset.• He laid his head on stone and fell

asleep. • In his dream he witnessed angels

climbing a ladder to heaven.• He experienced a revelation as God

stood before him and promised that the land he rested on would soon be bestowed upon his countless descendents.

Jacob Wrestling with an Angel

– The fight began when Jacob had helped his family cross the ford (a shallow area of water)

– Once he did that, he was all alone and was approached by a man the was clamed to be an “angel”

– Jacob insisted that he wouldn’t stop wrestling with the “angel” until the angel blessed him

– Because Jacob was having problems with God, the “angel” renamed him as Israel

– After being renamed, Jacob asked the “angel” for his name and at that moment, the “angel” blessed Jacob

– He wrestled with the man until daybreak

Joseph and his brothers

Sacrifice Of Isaac (cont.)• Some believe that

Isaac was a young boy

• But the majority agree that he was already an adult about 25 years of age

10 brothers• From Jacob and Leah

– Reuben

– Simeon

– Levi

– Judah

– Issachar

– Zebulon

• From Jacob and Bilhah (handmaid)– Dan

– Naphtali

• From Jacob and Zilpah (handmaid)– Gad

– Asher

• Jacob favored Joseph• Joseph has a dream

about one day ruling over his brothers

• Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him

• Jacob gives Joseph a coat of many colors

• Joseph’s brothers sell him as a slave

• Joseph becomes a pharaoh and forgives them

10 Brother’s Cont.

Joseph and his trials in Egypt

Potiphar and his wife

The Egyptian slave traders took him into Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, an officer to the Pharaoh.

Potiphar’s wife began to develop a sexual attraction to Joseph.

When he rejected her feelings, she brought accusations of Joseph attempting to seduce her and Joseph was thrown in jail

Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers.

The Jail and the Dream

Joseph interpreted the dreams as foretelling that seven years of abundance would be followed by seven years of famine, and advised Pharaoh to store surplus grain during the years of abundance.

Joseph was rewarded with the position of overseeing the lands of Egypt and stored abundant harvest towards the tragic times ahead and Egypt became prosperous under his care.

The prison keeper befriended Joseph and he learned of Joseph’s divine ability to interpret deams.Joseph was called upon to interpret a dream that deeply troubled the Pharaoh that none of his consultants could decipher.

• When Famine Struck Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt for food

• Joseph disguised his identity and held one of his brothers hostage in prison

• He demanded that the rest of them bring their youngest brother Benjamin to Egypt

• Joseph put his brothers’ money back in their sacks of grain

Joseph’s Family Reunion

• When they returned Joseph revealed his identity and brought his father Jacob to live with him in Egypt

• After Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers wondered if he would have a grudge against them

• He replied “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good, to preserve many lives.”

Joseph’s Family Reunion( Cont.)

Moses Childhood• Born in Egypt • Born into an era(1391)

where all newborn Hebrew males had to be drowned in the river of the Nile so that no one could grow up and fight against them

• His mother, Jochebed, hid Moses in a basket, by the side of the river


• 3 months later, Moses could no longer be hidden, so his mother sent him off into the Nile River

• Abandoned by God’s protection

• Thermuthis found Moses and kept him as her son.

Aaron• Aaron was the brother

of Moses.• He became the first

high priest of the Hebrews.

• Aaron married Elisheba and had four sons.

• God sent Aaron to help Moses bring His people out of Egypt because Aaron could speak well

Aaron made a Golden Calf

• When Moses climbed the mountain alone to retrieve the stone tablets that God had ordered him to get, Aaron was alone and in charge of the people.

• Moses had not returned for some time and the people begged Aaron to create and idol that they could worship.

• Aaron was not very strong willed especially without his brother, so he demanded that they all give him the golden earring that they were wearing.

• He then took all of the gold earrings and created a false God.• The people began to worship this God and do wicked things.• This angered God and do he threatened Moses that he would destroy

all of his people if he did not return from the mountain and restore order.

• Once Moses returned he destroyed the golden calf and burnt it in a fire and then put it in water so that all of his people could drink it, in order to punish them for worshiping a false God.

40 years and burning bush

•According to the Book of Exodus the burning bush was a bush on fire that was not consumed by the flames.•Moses saw the bush and was contacted by an Angel.•God then spoke to Moses and appointed him as the leader that would lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.

40 yrs and burning (Cont’d)

•Because of the Israelites’ ungratefulness and lack of faith in God they were punished by him.

•Moses and the Israelites wandered for 40 years in a trip that should have taken less than 1 year.

David• David was the second king of

the united Kingdom of Israel according to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.

• He is depicted as a righteous king as well as an acclaimed warrior, musician and poet.

• He is the youngest of the sons of Jesse.

David and Goliath/Philistines

• David hears the Philistine champion, the giant Goliath, and insists that he can defeat Goliath.

• David is indeed victorious, felling Goliath with a stone from his sling, at which the Philistines flee in terror and the Israelites win a great victory.

• David brings the head of Goliath to Saul.

Goliath• Goliath was also known as

Goliath of Gath (one of the five city states of the Philistines).

• He was a Philistine warrior, famous for his battle with the young David, the future king of Israel.

• The Israelites are facing the army of the Philistines.

David & JonathanDavid & Jonathan

• He was a shepherd and son of Jesse of Bethlehem

• Appointed by Samuel to be successor to Saul, the first king of a united Israel

• Was a musician as part of Saul’s service

David and Jonathan (cont.)• Jonathan was the son of

Saul and David’s closest friend

• David defeated the Philistine champion, Goliath and made Saul very jealous

• Saul attempted to kill David, but Jonathan helped him escape

• David lived in a cave and lived as an outlaw

David and Bathsheba

• David first saw Bathsheba while she was bathing

• He found out who she was and laid with her

• However, she was married……….

• Bathsheba got pregnant and David began to feel guilty

• So he had Uriah the Hittite (Bathsheba’s husband) abandoned in battle and killed

• David was now able to take Bathsheba to be his wife

• God was displeased with David so he killed Bathsheba’s baby shortly after birth

David and Bathsheba (cont.)


• The biblical King Solomon was known for

wisdom, wealth and writings.

•Son of King David and Bathsheba, who reigned after his father’s death

• Soon after inheriting the empire, he received threats to the empire from his, and his father’s enemies. After eliminating them from the empire, he appointed his friends to military, governmental and religious posts.

• Took many wives and concubines to strengthen alliances with his kingdom

• Wrote the Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and Book of Proverbs

• He accumulated wealth and when his empire was tranquil he built the Holy Temple in seven years


• Prophet who was swallowed by a fish• Seeks to flee from “the presence of

the Lord” and a storm arises• The sailors throw him overboard to

calm the seas after learning he is to blame for the dangerous storm.

• Storm ceases and Jonah is swallowed by a great fish for 3 days and 3 nights

Jonah (con’t)

• After Jonah commits to paying for his mistakes and thanks God for saving his life, God commands the fish to vomit Jonah out.

Ahab & Jezebel

• Jezebel(Phoenician Queen) marries King Ahab of Northern Kingdom at the time the nation was divided into Northern(Israel) and Southern(Judah) kingdoms

• She turns Ahab away from Yahweh and toward the worship of Phoenician god, Baal

• Ahab and Jezebel let temples of Baal operate in Israel, and the pagan religion receives royal patronage

• The queen uses her control over Ahab to lead the Hebrews into idolatry, sexual immortality and sublects them to tyranny

• She has prophets of Yahweh slaughtered

• Elijah challenges 450 prophets to a test, exposes their god as powerless, has them slaughtered, and incurs Jezebel’s furious enmity

Ahab & Jezebel (Cont.)

Jesus’ Birth

• Mary, Jesus’ mother, conceived immaculately.• Mary and Joseph, Mary’s husband, went on a journey

to Bethlehem but when they arrived there was no where for them to stay because all of the inns were full and Jesus was about to be born.

• An inn owner let Mary and Joseph stay in his stable. Here, Jesus was born. He was among many barn animals and hay; a simple setting for such a miraculous occasion.

• Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger

• An angel appeared to some shepherds and proclaimed that the son of God had been born. The angel told the shepherds where to find Jesus. Once the shepherds found the Messiah right where the angel said he would be they spread the good news and all were in awe of the joyous occasion.

• We now celebrate his birthday on December 25 (Christmas) even though we do no know the exact date of his birth

Jesus and the Magi

• 3 Wise Men, 3 Kings, or Kings from the East

• When the news of the birth of a savior, the Messiah, reached the group of wise men, they traveled from eastern countries the Jerusalem and Bethlehem to worship the new King.

Jesus and the Magi Continued…

• They had been sent by the King of Judea, Herod.

• They visited Jesus after birth bearing gifts.

• Because three gifts had been recorded, there are traditionally said to have been three Magi.

Herod/ Massacre of

the InnocentsGospel of Matthew 2:16-18


• Formally known as Herod the Great, he was the King of Judea.

• Shortly after Jesus’ birth, Magi from the East came to visit him and ask about the “one being born king of the Jews”.

• He asked the Magi to seek this newborn out in order to “pay homage to him”.

Massacre of the Innocents• However, the Magi

had a dream that warned him not to reveal where Jesus was.

• Herod found out that he had been tricked by the Magi, he gave orders to kill all boys age two and under in Bethlehem and its vicinity.

Jesus and his mother Mary were at a wedding where the wine ran out. Jesus had 6 pots filled with water, and turned them into fine wine for all to see. This was his first miracle and led to the public belief in his works.

Jephthah’s Daughter•Jephthah the Gileadite vowed before going into battle that if he succeeded in battle he would offer up the Lord as a burnt offering whatever first came through the doors of his house to meet him•His daughter walks through the door•“Oh! My daughter! You have made me miserable and wretched, because I have made a vow to the Lord that I cannot break.”•She asks to spend two months in the mountains with her companions, to bewail her virginity.

Jesus’ Ministry: Loaves and Fishes

• The Gospels reported that the disciples were able to find 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish

• Jesus blessed the food, broke it and gave it to the disciples

• The food fed the 5000 people present not counting women and children

Jesus’ Ministry: Loaves and Fishes Cont’d…

• Gospels stated that Jesus miraculously created more food

• Also stated that after the meal was over, the disciples collected the scraps which filled 12 baskets


• Lazarus and his two sisters were friends of Jesus. When Lazarus fell ill his sisters sent a message to Jesus to let him know. When Jesus received the news he returned to Bethany, Lazarus’ birthplace, after two days. When he arrived Lazarus had been dead and in a tomb for four days. His sister Mary exclaimed to Jesus that if he had been there Lazarus would not have died.

• Jesus calms her and her sister and goes to his tomb. There, he resurrects Lazarus. As a result, many people put their faith in Jesus.

Prodigal Son

• He finally comes to his senses and plans to return home and throw himself at his fathers mercy but the father accepts him home with open arms and doesn’t even give time for his son to express his repentance.

• The father slaughtered a fat cow to celebrate his return.

• The older son became jealous at the favor treatment of his faithless brother and upset at the lack or reward for his own faithfulness

Prodigal Son

• Story told by Jesus of two sons.

• The younger of the two demanded for his share of the inheritance while his father was still alive.

• The younger son goes off to a distant country, wasting his substance with riotous living, and eventually has to work as a swine herder

• Mammon is a Hebrew word

• Describes material wealth or greed

• Personified in the Bible:

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can not serve both God and Mammon.”


The Garden of Gethsemane

• This is the garden where Jesus prayed after the last supper. In his prayer he experienced a great agony, taking on the sins of every man.

• While Jesus prayed Judas brought in soldiers to arrest Jesus.

Judas Iscariot (why we remember him..)

• The Betrayer an original apostle

• Led the soldiers to the garden of Gethsemane

• He helped to arrest Jesus

The Death Sentence

• Jesus was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate who was part of the Jewish Sanhedrin.

• Jesus was mocked by the Roman soldiers as “King of the Jews” while they dressed him and crowned him with thorns.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

• Jesus was striped, nailed and hung to a cross between two other thieves.

• Super natural events such as an eclipse occurred after Jesus was hung.

Holy Grail

• The Grail was said to be the vessel used by Jesus at the Last Supper.

• It was also used at the Crucifixion, the one that received the blood which flowed from the spear thrust in Christ's side.

• Numerous legends of the quest for the Holy Grail, which would bring healing and eternal life, have been recounted in various ancient times.

The Conversion of Saul

• As Saul, he was given instruction from the high priest ordering him to persecute Christians.

• When he was traveling to Damascus with his companions, he saw a light, fell to the ground, and was blinded by God for what he had done.

The Conversion of Saul contd.

• After meeting a prophesied priest and being healed, he changed his name to Paul and began preaching God’s word.

• From this conversion, we get the metaphorical reference, "Road to Damascus" that has come to refer to a sudden conversion of thought or a change of heart.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Name Horse Rider’s weapon


Conquest White Crown & bow

To go forth in conquest; to kill with the beasts of the earth.

War Red Sword To take peace from the earth, and let men kill one another with the sword

Famine Black Balance To bring famine To kill with hunger.

Death Pale /Green

Scythe Followed by Hades, kills with death and disease


• Site that is for tolled in the book of revelations, depicting an epic battle the Messiah defeats the the Anti-Christ.

• Then Satan will be put into the bottomless pit or abyss for 1,000 years, known as the Millennial age.

Camelot Famous court of King Arthur

Upholds justice, truth and braveryThere are doubts to whether the

castle actually existed.
