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The Truth About Dna

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Search * Sign Up * Sign In Esoteric Online * Main * My Page * Store * Add Carol from Sweden Scientists find extraterrestrial code inbedded in human junk-DNA * Posted by Carol from Sweden on July 8, 2009 at 6:49pm in DNA * Back to DNA Discussions - DNA junk not so random... A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project will be announcing soon that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called non-coding sequences (97%) in human DNA is no less than genetic code of an unknown extraterrestrial life form.
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Carol from Sweden

Scientists find extraterrestrial code inbedded in human junk-DNA

* Posted by Carol from Sweden on July 8, 2009 at 6:49pm in DNA

* Back to DNA Discussions

- DNA junk not so random...

A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project will be announcing soon that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called non-coding sequences (97%) in human DNA is no less than genetic code of an unknown extraterrestrial life form.

The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from molds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader.

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Non-coding sequences, also known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remains mystery.

Unlike normal genes, which carry the information that intracellular machinery uses to synthesize proteins, enzymes and other chemicals produced by our bodies, non-coding sequences are never used for any purpose. They are never expressed, meaning that the information they carry is never read, no substance is synthesized and they have no function at all. We exist on only 3% of our DNA.

The junk genes merely enjoy the ride with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation. What are they? How come these idle genes are in our genome? Those were the question many scientists posed and failed to answer - until the breakthrough discovery by Prof. Sam Chang and his group.

Trying to understand the origins and meaning of junk DNA Prof. Chang realized that he first needs a definition of "junk". Is junk DNA really junk, (useless and meaningless) or it contains some information not claimed by the rest of DNA for whatever reason? He once mentioned the question to an acquaintance, Dr. Lipshutz, a young theoretical physicist turned Wall Street derivative securities specialist. "Easy," replied Lipshutz. "We’ll run your sequence through the software I use to analyze market data, and it will show if your sequences are total garbage, "white noise", or there is a message in there." This new breed of analysts with strong background in math, physics and statistics are getting more and more popular with Wall Street firms. They sift through gigabytes of market statistics, trying to uncover useful correlation between the various market indexes, and individual stocks.

Working evenings and weekends, Lipshutz managed to show that non-coding sequences are not all junk, they carry information. Combining massive database of the Human Genome Project with thousands of data files developed by geneticists all over the world Lipshutz calculated Kolmogorov entropy of the non-coding sequences and compared it with the entropy of regular, active genes. Kolmogorov entropy, introduced by the famous Russian mathematician half a century ago, was successfully used to quantify the level of randomness in various sequences, from time sequences of noise in radio lamps to sequences of letters in 19th century Russian poetry. By and large, the technique allows researchers to quantitatively compare various sequences and conclude which one carries more information than the other does. "To my surprise, the entropy of coding and non-coding DNA sequences was not that different", continues Lipshutz. "There was noise in both but it was no junk at all. If the market data were that orderly, I would have already retired."

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After a year of cooperation with Lipshutz, Chang was convinced, there is a hidden information in junk DNA. However, how could one understand its meaning if the information is never used? With active sequences you try to watch the cell and see what proteins are being made using the information. This wouldn’t work with dormant genes. There will be experiment to test a hypothesis; one should rely on the power of his thought. Since there are letters, it should be tested in some old languages, perhaps Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, and so on. Prof. Sam Chang solicited help from three specialists in the field, but none of them managed to find a solution. There were no cultural clues, no references to other known languages, the field was too alien for the linguists.

"I asked myself: who else can decipher a hidden message?" Chang continues. "Of course, cryptographers! In addition, I began talking with researchers at the National Security Agency. It took me few months to make them return my calls. Were they running background checks on me? Alternatively, were they too busy lobbying senators on retaining and strengthening their authority to control exports of encryption technologies? Eventually, a junior fellow was assigned to answer my questions. He listened, requested my questions in writing and after another, few months turned me down. His message was polite but meant, "Go to hell with your crazy ideas. We are a serious agency, its National Security, dude. We are too busy."

Well, Sam, forget the Government, talk to the private sector. Therefore, I began approaching computer security consultants. They were genuinely interested, and a couple of them even began working on my project, but their enthusiasm always faded after a month. I kept calling them until one nice fellow told me: "I’d love to work on your project if I had more time. I am overbooked. Emissaries of major banks and Fortune 500 companies are begging me to plumb the holes in their networks. They pay me $500 an hour. I can give you an educational discount, can you afford $350?" Scrambling $15/hr for a post doctoral studies is a big deal in academia, $350 sounded as something extraorbital." Eventually Prof. Chang was referred to Dr. Adnan Mussaelian, a talented cryptographer in the former Soviet republic of Armenia. Poor fellow barely survived on a $15 a month salary and occasional fees for tutoring children of Armenian nuveau riches. A $10,000 research grant was a struck of luck, he began working like a beaver.

Adnan promptly confirmed the findings of his Wall Street predecessor: The entropy indicated tons of information almost in the clear, it was not too strong cryptographic system, it didn’t appear to be a tough problem. Adnan began applying differential cryptoanalysis and similar standard cryptographic techniques.

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He was two months in the project when he noticed that all non-coding sequences are usually preceded by one short DNA sequence. A very similar sequence usually followed the junk. These segments, known to biologists as alu sequences, were all over the whole human genome. Being non-coding, junk sequences themselves, alu are one of the most common genes of all.

Trained as a cryptographer and computer programmer, and having no knowledge of microbiology, Adnan approached the genetic code as of computer code. Dealing with 0, 1, 2, 3 (four bases of genetic code) instead of 0s and 1s of the binary code was a sort of nuisance, but the computer code was what he was analyzing and deciphering all his life. He was on familiar territory. The most common symbol in the code that causes no action followed by a chunk of dormant code. What is that? Just playing with the analogy Adnan grabbed the source code of one his programs and fed it into the program that calculates the statistics of symbols and short sequences, a tool often used in decoding messages. What was the most common symbol? Of course, it was "/", a symbol of comment! He took a Pascal code, and it were { and } ! Of course, the code between two slashes in C is never executed, and is never meant to be executed; it is not the code, it is the comment to the code!

Being unable to resist the temptation to further play with the analogy, Adnan began comparing statistical distributions of the comments in computer and genetic code. There must be a striking difference. This should show up in statistics. Nevertheless, statistically, junk DNA was not much different from active, coding sequences. To be sure, Adnan fed a program into the analyzer: surprisingly, the statistics of code and comments were almost the same. He looked into the source code and realized why: there were very few comments in between the slashes, it was mostly C code the author decided to exclude from execution, a common practice among programmers.

Adnan, religiously inclined person, was thinking about the divine hand - but after analyzing the spaghetti code inside the sequences he convinced himself that whoever wrote the small code was not God. Who wrote the active, small coding part of human genetic code was not very well organized, he was a rather sloppy programmer. It looked like rather somebody from Microsoft, but at the time human genetic code was written, there was no Microsoft on Earth.

On Earth? It was like a lightning... Was the genetic code for all life on Earth written by an extraterrestrial programmer and then somehow deposited here, for execution? The idea was mad and frightening, and Adnan resisted it for days. Then he decided to proceed. If the non-coding sequences are parts of the program that were rejected or abandoned by the author, there is a way to make them work. The only thing one needs to do is to remove the symbols of comments and if the portion between the /*......*/ symbols is a meaningful routine it may compile and execute! Following this line of thought, Adnan

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selected only those non-coding sequences that had exactly the same frequency distribution of symbols as the active genes. This procedure excluded the comments in Marcian or Q, whatever it was. He selected some 200 non-coding sequences that most closely resembled real genes, stripped them of /*, //, and similar stuff and after few days of hesitation sent e-mail to his American boss, asking him to find a way to put them in E-coli or whatever host and make them work.

Chang did not replied for two weeks. "I thought I was fired", confessed Dr. Mussaelian. "With every day of his silence I more and more realized how crazy my idea was. Chang would conclude I was a schizophrenic and would terminate the contract. Chang finally responded and, to my surprise, he did not fire me. He had not bought my extraterrestrial theory but agreed to try to make my sequences work."

Biologists have attempted for years to make junk sequences express, without much success. Sometimes nothing turned out; sometimes it was junk again. It was not surprising. Grab an arbitrary portion of the excluded computer code and try to compile it. Most likely, it will fail. At best, it will produce bizarre results. Analyze the code carefully, fish out a whole function from the comments, and you may make it work. Because of careful Mussaelian’s statistical analysis 4 of the 200 sequences he selected, began working, producing tiny amounts of a chemical compounds.

"I was anxiously awaiting the response from Chang," says Dr. Mussaelian. "Would it be a more or less normal protein or something out of ordinary? The answer was shocking: it was a substance, known to be produced by several types of leukemia in men and animals. Surprisingly, three other sequences also produced cancer-related chemicals. It no longer looked like a coincidence. When one awakens a viable dormant gene, it produces cancer-related proteins. Researchers began searching Human Genome Project databases for the four genes they isolated from junk DNA. Eventually, three of the four were found there, listed as active, non-junk genes. This was not a big surprise: since cancer tissues produce the protein, there must be somewhere a gene, which codes it! The surprise came later: In the active, non-junk portion of the code the gene in question (the researchers called it "jhlg1", for junk human leukemia gene) was not preceded by the alu sequence, i.e. the /* symbol was missing. However, the closing */ symbol at the end of "jhlg1" was there. This explained why "jhlg1" was not expressed in the depth of the junk DNA but worked fine in the normal, active part of the genome. The one who wrote the basic genetic code for humans excluded portion of the big code by embracing them in /*... */ but missed some of the opening /* symbol. His compiler seems to be garbage, too: a good compiler, even from terrestrial Microsoft, would most likely refuse to compile such program at all.

Prof. Sam Chang with his students began searching for genes associated with various cancers, and almost in all instances they discovered that those genes are followed by the alu sequence (i.e. protein as

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a comment closing symbol */), but never preceded by the comment opening /* gene! "This explains why diseases result in cell damage and their death, whereas cancers lead to cell reproduction and growth. Because only few fragments from the big code are expressed, they never lead to coherent growth. What we get with cancer, is expression of only few of genes alien to humans and symbiosis with some genes of bacterial parasites that lead to illogical, bizarre and apparently meaningless chunks of living cells. The chunks have its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs.

"Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can’t know their motives - whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe. If we think about it in our human terms, the extraterrestrial programmers were most probably working on one big code consisting of several projects, and the projects should have produced various life forms for various planets. They have been also trying various solutions. They wrote the big code, executed it, did not like some function, changed them or added new one, executed again, made more improvements, tried again and again. Of course, soon or later it was behind schedule. Few deadlines have already passed. Then the management began pressing for an immediate release. The programmers were ordered to cut all their idealistic plans for the future and concentrate now on one (Earth) project to meet the pressing deadline. Very likely in a rush, the programmers cut down drastically the big code and delivered basic program intended for Earth. However, at that time they were (perhaps) not quite certain which functions of the big code may be needed later and which not, so they kept them all there. Instead of cleaning the basic program by deleting all the lines of the big code, they converted them into comments, and in the rush they missed few /* symbols in the comments here or there; thus presenting mankind with illogical growth of mass of cells we know as cancer."

There are three options to the problem. Either delete all the /* symbols and comments and clean this way the basic code, or add all the missing */ and avoid illogical mixing of the basic code with the big code. Alternatively, in the third option, remove all the / symbols and let work the basic code with the big code as a complete program. Unfortunately, none of these options are within our capacity. If we were able to efficiently insert genes into the chromosomes of living men, our breakthrough discovery would mean instant cure for all future cancer cases; at least from the programmer point of view. Theoretically, we can do it in a laboratory, but we have no practical means to implant the repaired DNA into living subjects. The mystery of "junk DNA" and cancer seems to be solved, but no quick cure shall be expected. The best thing we can do now is to try nourishing new, cancer-free line of humans with gradually debugged basic genetic code. That will take a long time. For us and our children, there is no hope on the horizon.

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"However, from the programmer’s point of view, there is also positive outlook in it. What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code. First fact is, the complete program was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in the game. What it is or where it is, we don’t kow. The third fact is, no creator of a new work, be it a composer, engineer or programmer, from Mars or Microsoft, will ever leave his work without the option for improvement or upgrade. Ingenious here is, that the upgrade is already enclosed - the "junk DNA" is nothing more than hidden and dormant upgrade of our basic code! We know for some time that certain cosmic rays have power to modify DNA. With this in mind, plausible solution is available. The extraterrestrial programmers may use just one flash of the right energy from somewhere in the Universe to instruct the basic code to remove all the /*…*/ symbols, fuse itself with the big code ("junk DNA") and jumpstart working of our whole DNA. That would change us forever, some of us within months, some of us within generations. The change would be not too much physical, (except no more cancers, diseases and short life), but it will catapult us intellectually. Suddenly, we will be in time comparable to coexistence of Neanderthals with Cromagnons. The old will be replaced giving birth to a new cycle. The complete program is elegant, very clever self-organizing, auto-executing, auto-developing and auto-correcting software for a highly advanced biological computer with build-in connection to the ageless energy and wisdom of the Universe. Software wise, within us is either short and diseased life, or potential for a super-intelligent super-being with a long and healthy life. This triggers puzzling questions - was the reduction to the basic code done by sloppy programmers in a rush (as it appears to us), or was the disabling of the big code purposeful act which can be cancelled by a "remote control" whenever desired?"

Soon or later, we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is. This discovery may well shake the very roots of humanity - our beliefs in our concept of God and in our own power over our destiny. With the right paradigm, we may discover one day that all forms of life and the whole Universe is just one huge intellectual exercise in thoughts expressed mathematically, by Design, by Creator"

Tags: biology, body, code, codes, dna, extraterrestrial, genes, genome, human

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R011y F4lc0 Permalink Reply by R011y F4lc0 on June 16, 2010 at 3:22pm

i am a programmer in profession and i can relate to what it is trying to express here, it is revealing.

only if we have the technology to insert that code, how wonderful it is to be if it will be use for the good of mankind. but i feel the extra codes that was commented here in our DNA was the same code, that will help us elevate our self soon. will it really be the shifting will remove the comments from the code? that would be an amazing thing to think about.


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Keluar #1

Round the Clock


Amitakh Stanford

1st January 2009

The New Year has arrived, marking the arbitrary beginning of another orbit around the sun. Humans have invented calendars, and the Western calendar currently in use declares January 1st as the dawn of any new year. Chinese calendars are based upon moon cycles, and the Year of the Ox begins on 26th January 2009. Other calendars are in use today, including the Jewish and Masonic calendars, and many others have been discarded over the centuries.

Based on the commonly accepted calendar, the past year is gone. 2009 has just arrived, and 2010 awaits the passing of this year. Such is life on this planet. Even though January 1st is an arbitrary point on the orbital path, the choice of this day as the beginning of a new cycle in this Virtual Reality unwittingly brings about an artificial, subtle being who is attached to the arbitrary year of 2009. This being should not be confused with the being called “Time”. “2009” will only influence the planet called Earth during the common calendar year.

“2008” had a very difficult year to drive, with domestic and international unrest, severe weather anomalies, massively destructive geological events, financial collapse etc. “2008” held off total chaos and was relieved to pass the “baton” to “2009”.

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“2009” has even more difficulties ahead than its predecessor. America’s first Black President has a huge task before him when he is inaugurated in January, 2009. All eyes are on him! President-elect Barack Obama will take over a waning power, a nation plunging into a deep economic recession, mired in a multiplicity of wars abroad with a rapidly declining international image. Many perceive that Obama is taking over an office that the current president has disgraced.

Obama campaigned on the promise of change, but the composition of his “new” cabinet shows that somebody is dictating that things stay the same. He has chosen George W. Bush’s Secretary of Defence for his new cabinet!!! What kind of change is that!!! This is the same Secretary of Defence who has bungled Iraq, Afghanistan, and probably engineered the 8 August 2008 fiasco in Georgia. Obama has also selected a myriad of bankers who are significantly linked to the economic collapse. He has further chosen the former First Lady as his Secretary of State, whose husband oversaw the demolition of Yugoslavia and the massacre at Waco. The only people needed to complete this tired, old cabinet to carry on the same old politics would be Margaret Thatcher, Nancy Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. Yet, the key word of the Obama campaign was “change”.

Everyone is hoping that 2009 will be better than the tumultuous 2008. But, will it be?

When the United States continues to deteriorate on all fronts in 2009, Obama will become the scape goat. He will be blamed for many things that are out of his control and many things that his predecessors have wrought upon him. The ruling elite have already dictated much to Obama, especially concerning the make-up of his cabinet and his upcoming policies. In other words, no matter how ethical, intelligent and determined he is, Obama’s hands are already tied. Oddly, the timing of his administration is tied to the collapse of time.

The imposition of “time”, as we know it on Earth, is merely an expression of the artificiality of all the expressions on this planet – from commerce, finance, social mores, religions, politics, and education to other aspects of life. That is to say, without “time”, nothing operates with an orderly appearance in this Virtual Reality. Darkness realized from the outset of Its artificial creation that it needed to have the appearance of order to maintain control of Its Virtual Reality. That is why the True-Light being that is referred to as “Time” was trapped and imprisoned by Darkness. The being called “Time” has been forced to maintain the appearance of order for Darkness.

The imposition of time creates the fabric of all the complexities in this fraudulent dimension of this fraudulent creation – the Virtual Reality. It is a cunning scheme, devised to delude, entrap and enslave

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all inhabitants into believing and accepting things as they are in their world. It controls their lives. It controls their thought patterns and behaviour. Without time, the inhabitants of Earth and other planets would not be so easily programmed in the orderly way of things, whether they be moral, social, political, religious or other issues.

Time lulls people, animals, plants and other types of living beings all the way down to sub-atomic levels, and affects their physical, emotional, subtle and mental states. It dictates how things ought to be. Any deviation from the way that things are supposed to be as dictated by time is regarded as abnormal. One of the main tests of sanity presently in use is orientation to time and space. Yet, within the abnormality that deviates from what time dictates, there are other forms of intrusion caused by the imposition of time. Thus, it is like a fraudulent imposition within a fraudulent imposition. Imagine the vastness of all the fraudulent abnormalities within the virtual realities of the Virtual Reality.

On Earth, years are divided into months, weeks and days. All of these occur as ordered by the calendar in use. Each day is arbitrarily divided into 24 segments, which are regarded as “hours”, and within each hour there are arbitrary divisions referred to as minutes, seconds and split-seconds. Physically, earthlings regard these divisions as physical time. They have created clocks to keep track of their time, but clocks are not timekeepers.

Were time to stand still, all chaos would break out. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and psychological madness would express en masse. This would be a horrific and dangerous situation.

Time is a subliminal intoxication, a subliminal programming, a subliminal control of every consciousness in the Virtual Reality. Even Darkness Itself is affected by the delusions of time.

There is a physical time influence and a subliminal time influence in this Virtual Reality. When both of these are interfered with, confusion and chaos will lead to the collapse of the entire system.

Time makes everything look orderly, sequential and chronological. That is, without time, everything happens simultaneously. Time is rather like the illusions of motion and no-motion. In time, people cannot accurately discern things without their relative confinements.

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When Darkness created chronological time, It caused things to appear to happen sequentially. By imposing this illusion, Darkness was able to mould Its subjects into total servitude. Were people to be aware that World War II, the Great Depression, World War I, the American Revolution, the Renaissance and the Dark Age are all occurring simultaneously – that is, they are occurring right now – they would not be so easily programmed by Darkness.

Darkness has created the illusions of birth, death and re-incarnation, and has thereby broken down time segments into lifetimes. Due to the illusion of death and the imposition of re-incarnation, people forget that they were alive during the Renaissance or any other periods. This is a nefarious imposition by Darkness for Its own purposes.

Time is amongst the most severe illusional impositions by Darkness in Its Virtual Reality. Darkness has constructed a house of horrors that nobody would willingly enter.

Time is artificial. If you think of time in terms of having layers, thickness, length, breadth and width, you begin to sense some of its complexities.

Time is sequential, especially on Earth because the planet’s rotation is so rapid that its days are relatively short. The international date line is an artificial constraint designed by humans to hold the illusion of time on the planet. But, crossing this artificial constraint requires a huge step to be taken. From whichever direction one crosses the line, they must accept that they spanned one day in a moment.

London is arbitrarily designated as being zero hour or Greenwich Mean Time. The clocking systems that we use now are tied to London time. Had the Anunnaki been able to bring about the New World Order as proposed in the Original Protocols, they would have blended the British and the Catholic worlds into a One World Government using 18th century technology. Under this type of constraint, inhabitants of the Earth would have enormous difficulty seeing through many of the illusions of time. In other words, the concept of the illusion of time would be so abstract that few could begin to grasp it. With jet travel and electronic communication, the world appears to be a smaller place, which allows people to better see through the illusion of time on the planet.

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Incidentally, the introduction of daylight saving time around the world has made it easier for people to see that time on Earth is artificial and arbitrary. Even the arbitrary time on Earth can cause chaos, were all the clocks to stop.

As I have stated in previous writings, the Anunnaki were forced to implement a very quick development of a new regime before 2008. Time needed to be re-started before 2008 expired. This date was not arbitrary. It was based upon the development and the progress of the Rescue Mission. The time for the re-start has passed. The Atu-waa cannot change things now.

The illusion of time is weakening and fracturing. Chronological time is breaking down and some people may have noticed glitches in time, or momentary hiccups.

Time is segmented chronologically, which is also arbitrary in the bigger picture of Darkness’ creation. The whole Virtual Reality is nothing short of being a huge, complex playground for Darkness. In one sense, that sums up the entire purpose of the Virtual Reality – it is a horrific amusement for Darkness’ sick Mind.

Some of those who can see through the illusion of segmented time can manipulate it to some degree, which can result in the stretching or shrinking of time surrounding events.

The last of the three Jokers will soon go in shame

The whole world is fading into Darkness

Another year has slipped away

But 2009 will not go unnoticed

It is being watched by those on and off the Earth

Never before has such wild change been at the doorstep

When the threshold is crossed

Everyone will be looking for cover

Some will call for peace

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Most will scream for war

When the economic farce is fully exposed

The booms and bangs from guns and bombs

Will soon be heard around the world

What is right and what is wrong will matter little

Fear will drive many and it will overcome most

Be Ready

Be Strong

Be Hopeful

Be Steadfast

© 2009 Amitakh Stanford


Mystery of the IniquityENDTIMESWATCHER-Mysteries of our Most High GOD!

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Page 15: The Truth About Dna

Satan’s Counterfeit Matrix PT8-DNA

By endtimeswatcher

Chapter 8. DNA

GodHuman DNA was pure and dignified but Satan enters the picture.SatanSatan beguiles Eve producing Cain. The first tainted blood line. The Sons of God comes and produces children with the human women. So, we have two blood lines of impurity. Cain has many wives and the blood of the Son’s of God starts to spread over earth as well. Even after the great deluge many people have tainted blood. Even to this day, as of October 2009, a child was born having 12 fingers and 12 toes. So, we have the blood of the tainted/tares everywhere. The Illuminati keep their blood of Cain pure by breeding in the family. So, who is to know if the bloodlines of today are still being inputted with tainted DNA.The tribe of Dan is spoken of as the serpent so I tend to believe the Obama is of this blood The tribe of Dan is spoken of in the Bible. In the division of Palestine among the twelve tribes of Israel, after the Exodus from Egypt, Dan received his portion in the very north. As Dan was unable to secure and conquer much of its inheritance, due to spiritual weaknesses, they felt hemmed in and constrained to migrate and conquer elsewhere, which is one reason they captured Laish and renamed it “Dan.” Their inheritance was near the cities of Tyre and Sidon, famous home ports of the Phoenicians. Dan, who “abode in ships,” made common concourse with the Phoenicians, intermarried with them, and established colonies throughout the Mediterranean region. In Hebrew there are no vowels, so the name Dan is written DN, or its Hebrew equivalent. Thus words like Dan, Din, Don, Dun, Den, or Dn, correspond to the name of Dan. Shardana: The “Tower people,” or Shardana, or tribe of Dan, conquered Corsica around 1400 B.C., the same time Israel entered the Promised Land under Joshua. Their occupation lasted until 800 B.C., or possibly as late as 500 B.C. (about the same time Assyria took Israel into captivity, 718-721 B.C., or near the time of the Babylonian captivity of Judah in 587 B.C.).The tribe of Dan also passed through this region, and the surrounding territory, leaving its name in Mace-DON-ia, and the Dar-DAN-elles, and to the north by the river DAN-ube. In the territory of Sarmatia (or Samaria, meaning the Israelites), were located the rivers DN-iper, DN-ister, and the DON. Dan-ube, the Dan-ieper, the Dan-iester, the Dan-au, the Daci and Davi, the Dan, the Don, the U-Don, the Eri-don, and the THOUSAND OTHER dans and dons of ancient and early geography, down to the Danes in Dan-emerke, or ‘Dan’s last resting place’” Denmark, the name of the modern country in Europe north of Germany, means, literally, “Dan’s mark.” It’s people

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are called “Danes.” In fact, because at one time Denmark ruled all the surrounding region, the whole region took its name from themthe ScanDINavian peninsula! Clearly, here are remnants of the people of DAN, who migrated westward overland from the Caucasus to their present location in northern Europe! However, other Danites, who dwelt or abode in ships, and who associated themselves with the sea peoples of Tyre and Sidon, fled westward through the Mediterranean when northern Israel fell. Early Danites fled Egypt at the time of the Exodus, and migrated through SarDINia, and left their trail along the sea-coasts of the Mediterranean. Thus Dan, who was a “lion’s whelp” who would “leap from Bashan,” leaped all the way to Ireland, where historians explain that the early settlers were known as the “Tuatha de Danaan” — literally, the “tribe of Dan.” The Greeks called them the Danoi, the Romans called them Danaus. In Ireland, today, we find their customary evidence — their place names — in abundance. Such names as Dans-Lough, Dan-Sower, Dan-Monism, Dun-dalke, Dun-drum, Don-egal Bay, Don-egal City, Dun-glow and Lon-don-derry, as well as Din-gle, Dun-garven and Duns-more, which means “MORE DANS.” Of course, the most famous Irish ballad of all time is the song, “Danny Boy.” It should be plain that the country of Ireland is replete, filled with names which derive from the ancient patriarch of the Hebrews — DAN, the son of Jacob! It should be plain that the ancient Danites settled in Ireland, and most of them dwell in that land, today. There is also a river Don in Scotland, and another in England. These countries, also, show the evidence of the presence or passing of the tribe of Dan, who migrated with the other tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel, especially the tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh). Here we find such namesmarkers, or “guide posts” as YEHOVAH God called them in Jeremiah — as Dun-dee, Dun-kirk, Dunbar, Dunraven, E-din-burgh, and Lon-don. The Greek historian Herodotus reveals that some of the ancient Greeks actually came from Egypt, and that the ancestor of the Dorian princes in southern Greece was a certain “Danae, the daughter of Acrisus” (Herodotus, VI, 1, iii). The term “Dorian” apparently comes from the name of a city of Manasseh, in northern Israel, called “Dor,” near the Mediterranean coast. The Dorians were apparently Danites, of the tribe of Dan, perhaps mixed with some of the descendants of Manasseh. The Irish word “tuath” means literally “a tribe” or “people.” These people were the tribe of DAN of Biblical fame! They came from the Greek “Danaans,” and were the same people as the tribe of Dan. Hecateus of Abdera says that the Egyptians, troubled by calamities, in order that the divine wrath might be averted, expelled the foreigners — all aliens gathered together in Egypt. Of these, some, under their leaders DANUS and CADMUS, migrated to Greece, others to other regions, but the greatest number to “Syria,” that is, Palestine, their leader said to have been Moses. The tribal emblem of the Danites was a snake with a serpent in its claws. Interestingly, Josehus records a letter written by the Lacedemonian Greeks to the Jews in which they express their kinship to the Jews. Their seal, that of the tribe of Dan, was affixed to the epistle — an eagle with a dragon (serpent) in its claws! From Greece, the tribe of Dan — the Tuatha de Danaan — travelled by ship through the Mediterranean Sea, and thence up the coast of Europe to Ireland and Scandinavia. Early Irish history reveals that the first permanent settlers in Ireland were called “Nemedians,” after their leader, and were “of the patriarch, Jacob” and were “said to have come from the shores of the Euxine [Black] Sea” (Moore, The History of Ireland, Vo.1, p.63). It is very possible that some of these descendants of Jaob, or grandchildren, migrated to Ireland during the time of grievous famine that struck the Middle East in Joseph’s time, around 1707 B.C. That famine lasted seven years and struck the whole Middle East, and was “very grievous” (Gen.41:31, 54-57). This was about the time the Nemedians entered Ireland, according to Irish history! The Nemedians dwelt in Ireland from 1709-1492 B.C., during the time most of the descendants of Israel were in Egypt.

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Before the time of the Exodus, the Nemedians were conquered by African sea-rovers called Fomorians, and a colony of them fled to Greece, where other Israelites and Danites had settled, after leaving Egypt. They later returned to Ireland, now known as the Firbolgs. They were the first people to establish royal authority over Ireland, dividing the land into five provinces.At this time, after ruling about 30-40 years, a new tribe conquered the Firbolgs — called the “Tuatha de Danaan.” This tribe also dwelt in Greece, and then migrated to Denmark and Norway, and then to Ireland (Moore, p.60). The Tuatha de Danaan became the sole masters of the country. In time, they were dispossessed of the country by another group of Israelites — the Milesian Scots! The Tuatha de Danaan were beyond doubt of the tribe of Dan, of Israelitish fame. The new tribe, the Milesian Scots, were no doubt of the royal tribe of Judah — through his son Zarah. These Scots spoke of a “long sojourn” in Egypt, no doubt the same as that of Israel, from the time of Jacob till Moses, over two hundred years. Milesian Scots were of the same race as the three colonies in Ireland before them — that is, the Nemedians, the Firbolgs, and

the Tuatha de Danaan. Notice!“The Bardic historians themselves, who represent the Scoti to have been of Scythic descent and to have from thence derived their distinctive appellation . . . and to confirm still further the origin of the Scots from that quarter. It is added by the Bards that they were OF THE SAME RACE WITH THE THREE COLONIES that had preceded them; namely, the Nemedians, the Tuatha-de-Danaans, and the firbolgs or Belgae”The tribe of Dan was the first tribe to plunge into idolatry, as the book of Judges reveals (Judges 18). They became ensnared in this sin, and their descendants, today, the Irish, are among the most superstitious and idolatrous people on the earth. They today practice the Roman Catholic religion, and are among the most devout and fervid Catholics on earth. This, however, is partly due to the fact that a strong Canaanite element is mixed in with the people of Southern Ireland. The Canaanites and their descendants have always gravitated towards the various forms of sun worship. It will require the Second Coming of the Messiah to bring them back out of the idolatry they are steeped in, and that is why the tribe of Dan is left out of the 144,000 servants of YEHOVAH God mentioned in the book of Revelation.RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE MIGRATIONS INTO WORLD-PURE RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE (SCANDINAVIANS) – HYBRID RH NEGATIAVE SERPENT BLOODLINE (ARYANS)-You will notice that many DNA studies on line ONLY track the SERPENT BLOODLINES with the Rh Negative blood factor. These studies focus on the Basque area of Europe. These studies DO NOT track the PURE RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE FACTOR group back to Hyperborea. IT WOULD APPEAR THAT THEY DO NOT WANT US TO FIND OUT WHERE OUR PURE RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE ANCESTORS CAME FROM.These studies also track the Rh Negative bloodlines to a place in Europe where inbreeding occurred. These studies take us back to a place where the DARK HAIR DARK EYED RACES mingled their seed in with the BLONDE BLUE-EYED Scandinavians in places like the Iberian Peninsula, France and the British Isles.Some scientists would have us believe that the human race started in Africa despite the fact that the oldest mummies found in recent archeological digs all over the world were of Scandinavian.

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Some scientists state that mankind evolve from monkeys somewhere in Africa, but cannot find the missing link between the Rhesus Monkey and human beings. This scientific opinion has always been a highly contested theory.Most people have wondered where these Scandinavian races came from before the Ice Age. Legends and language tell us that these Scandinavians came from the Hyperborean Regions, which at one time in our not to distant past, was a warm climate that sat by the equator until the earth’s shift moved the lands we now call the North and South Pole it into the arctic regions, CAUSING IT’S INHABITANTS TO MIGRATE DOWN TO GLOBAL AREAS IN THE WORLD KNOWN AS ATLANTIS, Lumeria etc.ALL OF OUR ORIGINAL ANCESTORS ORIGINATED IN HYPERBOREA when the continents of our earth were joined together or in different locations from where they are today due to pole shifts which have happened in the past breaking up what used to be one land mass into 7 continents. History, archeology, science and legends tell us that the dark haired races bred into or with the Scandinavian races to form a variety of people groups such as the Basques, Anglo-Saxons, Scythians, and Aryans etc. The group of human beings who are positive with Rhesus Monkey DNA who have the Rh Positive blood factor, which are associated with Africa were referred to as the original Eves. The original Adams were actually associated with Indian populations through out the world and in North and South America.Legends from India indicate that the cradle of humanity originated in the North Pole and South Pole regions. The Hindus believe that their families really descended from the lowest and most miserable of India’s four castes known as the Sudras who were a servant class who were considered to be unclean and untouchable.“The 4th group, sudra, denotes the service communities – manual and agricultural laborers, artisans, masons, etc. Although they lived on the fringes of society, the “outcastes” or “untouchables”, the 5th group in the hierarchy, were still very much a part of mainstream society as the tasks of scavenging, cleaning up after funerals, killing or hunting animals for food, working in leather and other unclean materials, all fell to them. Mahatma Gandhi in the 1940s renamed them harijan, which when literally translated means “the people of God”. http://www.anand.to/india/caste.htmlAs a matter of fact the British Royal Family also came from the lowest of the low class as did the Blue Bloods of Europe to rule Europe. These Blue Blood families are said to have stolen THE DIVINE RIGHT TO RULE the world from their Scandinavian predecessors before recorded history. The British Royals and Blue Bloods of Europe appear to be a bloodline of people with Scandinavian DNA and the DNA of a dark race who may have been the “Sea People.” The Royals and “Blue Bloods” can be tracked back to the Lost Tribe of Dan and Cain in the Old Testament who are described as having had red hair and green-eyes. They are also referred to as the “Serpent Bloodline” or “Reptilian Bloodline.” The Bloodline of Cain or Dan migrated into Europe from the Mediterranean Sea into Spain, France and the British Isles with the aid of the “Sea People.”Further some even say these royal “Blue Bloods,” are a hybrid human reptilian bloodline with Neanderthal DNA. Science tells us that the red hair DNA did not originate with human beings but was Neanderthal DNA. If this is true, they are not the original bloodline on earth and worse than that they have demonic reptilian DNA flowing through their veins.It would appear that the Hindus ancient history is wrapped round spiritual traditions that occurred, not in the ancient Indian subcontinent, but thousands of miles northward at the North Pole region, which ancient peoples referred to as Hyperborea, the Land of the Gods, etc!

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The ancient histories of all the major nations and religions on earth mention a time when several races of mankind lived in a temperate paradise at what is now the North Pole. All ancient races referred to Hyperborea as a paradise, a “GARDEN OF EDEN,” region. These legends tell us that the Scandinavian race was the original race in Hyperborea until the gods came down and started to rape and manipulate the DNA of the original Scandinavians creating hybrid races of genetically altered human beings. These evil gods began a human hybrid program in Hyperborea, which is eerily similar to what was being described in Genesis Chapter 6. This chapter in the Old Testament describes the “Fallen Angels or Watchers” who we refer to today as the Nordic Aryan Alien “ Fallen Watchers.” These evil fallen demonic entities came into our three-dimensional world to rape woman and tampered with human DNA. All cultures also speak of reptilian gods who created a hybrid race of kings and queens that sat on the thrones of all ancient kingdoms that can be tracked back to ancient Sumer Babylon in Iraq.When you read the “Scuttle Butt” on line regarding the PURE Rh Negative blood factor we find that some experts believe the PURE Rh Negative bloodline is of unknown origins. I wonder if that is simply because they do not track the origins back to Hyperborea, they only track their studies back as far as northern Europe to the area the Serpent bloodline of Can and Dan migrated into and bred with. These authors then make a MAJOR LEAP and assume that those who actually have the PURE Rh Negative blood factor came from other planets and were not a people group who originated on earth but that they are aliens or were created by aliens.WHO CREATED THE HUMAN BODY AND WHAT DO OUR SOULS HAVE TO DO WITH IT

According to Yahushua, He and His creative forces, which were known as the Aeons or the “Watchers” created the earth and all life on earth originally. This original race of human beings was created to look like the Watchers aka good angels or guardian angels. Then the souls or spirit beings from heaven were fused into these bodies and Real Man (Soul) became a physical being (operated from inside the body) created by the Watchers. Similar to what happens when we hop into our cars and use them to get around in as we travel. We do not know why physical man was created no one does.At some point part of the group known as the “Watchers” fell from grace and became the “Fallen Watchers” or what we call the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers” today. Once the “Fallen Watchers” entered the picture things changed.

Another group of evil entities entered our three dimensional world that were created by Yaldabaoth the Demiurge, they were reptilian entities. One of these entities was known as Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge, who was one of the 6 sons of god Yaldabaoth the Demiurge, is the evil entity the Judah Jews worshipped. The Israelites worshipped the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers” or the Elohim.Once the physical bodies had been created these evil artisans known as the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers” and the “Reptilians were able to rape and clone human DNA.

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Those falling for the “Alien Agenda’s” believe that the demonic entities we wrongly call Aliens today, created human beings. However if these people would simply DO THEIR HOMEWORK and dig deeper they would find that the entities who came into our three-dimensional world to rape and clone human beings were NOT CAPABLE OF CREATING HUMAN BEINGS AND ARE STILL NOT ABLE TO. Even the Old Testament story of these “Fallen Watchers” states this.These entities did have the ability to rape women and clone hybrids using human, reptilian, animal and bird DNA, which is how the “Serpent Bloodlines” were created. This illicit sexual activity with the gods is the actual meaning behind “ORIGINAL SIN.”WHAT DOES THE VIKING Y-DNA PROJECT INDICATE REGARDING THE ORIGINAL SCANDINAVIAN RACE?The Viking Y-DNA Project was initiated in Stockholm in December 2004 as an offshoot of the Scandinavian Y-DNA Project. The project noticed that many Americans of Norman, English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish ancestry are quite obviously of Scandinavian descent, although they do not have any family records or other official documents to prove it. With the help of genetic testing many of them might soon be able to link up with their Scandinavian siblings and the kin of their forefathers.SCANDINAVIANS INHABITED NORTHERN EUROPE BEFORE THE DARK HAIRED RACES INFILTRATED THE LAND.As time went on the dark haired races, such as the Sea People, bred into or with the Scandinavian races to form a variety of people groups such as the Basques, Anglo-Saxons, Scythians, and Aryans etc.“In the English towns, the most striking thing was the sheer scale of Saxon genetic input.† “Our conclusion from the figures,” says Mark Thomas of the Viking Y-DNA Project, “is that there was between 50% and 100% replacement of indigenous men by migrating Anglo-Saxons.” “If true, this was an achievement beyond the blood-lust of even the maddest modern tyrant.† How could it have been achieved?“When we look at the Y-chromosomes in Wales and Ireland, we find a very close match with the Basques.”† Other genetic evidence, he says, strongly suggests that the Basques are the descendants of the Paleolithic inhabitants of Western Europe prior to the arrival of farmers between 9,000 and 6,000 years ago”.†“In the English towns, the most striking thing was the sheer scale of Saxon genetic input.† “Our conclusion from the figures,” says Mark Thomas, “is that there was between 50% and 100% replacement of indigenous men by migrating Anglo-Saxons.” “If true, this was an achievement beyond the blood-lust of even the maddest modern tyrant.† How could it have been achieved?”

When you look at the map above you will see that before the “Earth Moved” and before the Ice Age, part of Europe was also connected to Africa by a LAND BRIDGE. The ancient histories of all the major nations and religions on earth mention a time when several races of mankind lived in a temperate paradise at what is now the North Pole. All ancient races referred to Hyperborea as a paradise, a “GARDEN OF EDEN,” region. These legends tell us that the Scandinavian race was the original race in Hyperborea until the gods came down and started to rape and manipulate the DNA of the original Scandinavians.

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The second group of Scandinavian people who appear to have had the PURE Rh Negative blood factor, migrate out of Hyperborea before the last Ice Age into the Scandinavia countries and northern Europe. This group left after the first group of hybrid Hyperboreans were TOSSED OUT. We will be focusing on the second hybrid group in this article.The first group was forced out of Hyperborea for mingling with these evil entities we wrongly call aliens today. This first hybrid group migrated into areas ancient peoples called Atlantis, Lumeria, etc. The races all over the world we call Indians today were called Adams, the races of black people were known as the Eves. Parts of Africa are associated with Atlantis.These Adams and Eves include the Siberians, Africans, Polynesians, and Indians etc. The Adams migrated into North America and become the Indians of North America. When you DO YOUR HOMEWORK what you will find is that some of not all American Indians have bloodline links to the Mediterranean Region and Africa, this is not a coincidence.The dark haired peoples moved into the world and occupied an area known as Atlantis and Lumeria, which do NOT appear to be separate continents which are all under water today. When you see the “Earth Is Growing” maps it is clear that these landmasses never existed as separate continents from the 7 we have today. This tells us that the Atlantians and Lumerians occupied territories that exist today such as Antarctica, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, North America, Africa, the Canary Islands, Asia and Polynesia etc. As a matter of fact, one of the early maps of Hyperborea looks almost identical to the Antarctic region. Knowing that our earth was once one big landmass, we are now able to see how it possible for these tribes to migrate onto all continents.During a period in history known as the Dark Ages, which happened around 1200 – 800 B.C. The “Tribe of Dan” was shipped into Western Europe with the aid of the Phoenicians from the Mediterranean Sea at about the same time in history. They came into Spain, France (Languedoc Area of France).We also know that the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel known as the Hebrews migrated into Europe and became a blended group who would later become known as the Scythian aka Aryan Races. They migrated into Europe from the Caucasus and Carpathian mountain ranges while the Tribe of Dan into Spain, France and the British Isles from the Mediterranean Sea.We do know that the Phoenicians helped transport the Tribe of Dan into Spain, France, and the British Isles by way of the “Sea Route,” from the Middle East. We can determine from history that the Phoenicians appear to be the Siberians of Russia, the Yakuts, Sakha and the Buryats. THEY ARE THE SAME RACE WITH THE SAME DNA. They have the same spiritual and historical traditions: the same names of landforms, rivers, etc., How is possible that no one noticed this and why has this knowledge been LOCKED IN A CLOSET.Origins of the Sakha (Yakut)

The origins of the Sakha or Yakut people are something of a mystery. It is apparent from their language and customs that they had not been in the country for more than two or three centuries before the Russians arrived there, yet they had conquered the whole region. It was also clear that they had been an advanced nation, but they had lost their writing system and any written works completely. So only oral histories survived.Influences in the culture and arts suggested links with traditions as far as the Celtic traditions of Western Europe. They had a similar clan system, and other cultural similarities. There are also cultural similarities with Buryat Mongols and with Central Asian, and other Turkic nations. The differences between Yakut and other Turkish languages suggest that it separated from the other Turkish languages as much as two thousand years ago. The Yakut language has changed little in the last five centuries. As time passed and the Scandinavian and Siberian races mated, they became a blended people that came to look similar to our modern day Russian woman in the picture above. We have been taught by a select group of scientists that Black People came from Africa. This had been highly debated subject among the scientific communities.SECRET RELIGIONS OF THE EVIL GODS

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The Hindu legends tell us that prior to 30.000 years ago, they believed that they were spirits occupying the physical body. For them, their bodies had no life at all. They were just shells which these spirits occupied and used, just as we drive and manage our automobiles. This is what all world religions teach. They appear to have had religions and were either atheists, monotheists or polytheists and worshipped evil demonic and reptilian gods known as the Vedas, Shiva, Kubera, the Nagas, Indra, Vishnu, and Brahma. These evil gods allowed humans to speculate about religion, just so long as they knew they were spirits occupying insignificant unthinking physical bodies that were used as a means to operate in earth’s three-dimensional world. However, when they forgot that truth, becoming more and more convinced that they were trapped in live bodies in various degrees, they fell deeper and deeper into degradation as well as religious error. These same beliefs were shared by the Christian Gnostic’s.If the Hindu, Jewish, and Christian myths are true, there is no doubt that the North Pole was the Garden of Eden. It is well known that at one time, the climate at the North Pole was pleasantly mild and that abundant flora and fauna existed there. The North and South Poles were sitting close to the Equator.Dr. Valery Dyemen, a Russian researcher of the Arctic, is convinced that Hyperborea existed. He said: I believe we should be looking for the traces of that civilization in Eurasia and American arctic regions, in the islands and archipelagos of the Arctic Oceans, at the bottom of some seas, lakes and rivers. It’s worthy of notice that Russia has the largest number of locations and artifacts that could bear relevance to Hyperborea. Some … have already drawn attention of specialists; others are yet to be discovered. Active exploration is currently under way in the Kola Peninsula, in the Island of Vaigach, in Karelia, Ural Mountains, West Siberia, Khakasia, Yakutia, and a few other regions. There are good prospects for conducting research in Franz Josef Land, Taimyr, and Yamal.’(UFO Digest, 1/12/2007.)‘One of the charts by Gerhardus Mercator, the 16th century Flemish cartographer and geographer, shows a huge continent lying in the vicinity of the North Pole. The land is an archipelago composed of several islands divided by deep rivers. A mountain sits in the center of the land (according to legends, the ancestors of Indo-Europeans lived near Mount Meru). The question is: How did that land appear on the chart? There was no information whatsoever regarding the Arctic regions during the Middle Ages. We have some reasons to believe that Mercator had used an ancient chart, the one that is mentioned in his letter dated 1580. That chart showed a continent located in the center of the Arctic Ocean, which was pictured ice-free on the chart. Mercator’s chart seems to be based on the ancient chart.’When these dark haired races bred with the Scandinavian races in prehistoric France for an example, they gave birth to a hybrid people group, which became a people group know as the Basques. After the freeze ended this hybrid race traveled up into the British Isles and settled there. The Basques very likely had a large portion of people with red hair green eyes as a result of inbreeding. We can see from the inbreeding that the “Tribe of Dan” certainly occupies the British Isle.Considering the information available on the internet it is easy to see that Satan has defiled the DNA of God’s people in numerous was. Various sites agree that over 160 species of aliens exist. I consider these all to be variants of the same entities, fallen angels and clones and drones thereof.This is one of the biggest ruses ever committed by Satan. To take man’s DNA and change it. They have manipulated it from the beginning of the Garden of Eden into this very day. The

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technology used then is still used today. We have out TEMPLE of GOD within us. This TEMPLE is our DNA, for we are made in GOD’s image. This is how we communicate with GOD. When the Ascended Masters bring forth their plan of ascending on earth, to take man away from earth and take them into another consciousness, this will indeed change their DNA. Another way is to inject another species DNA into ours. This is being done as we speak and has been done for decades now. We have strange species of animals, and human, with hybrids of every kind. And humans are being cloned as well. So, we see their lies are working. Their trickery being inserted into society at every avenue possible.Triple Helix DNA

-Most know that human DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is constructed with double strands of molecules. The triple helix form of DNA is similar to the double helix DNA except that it contains another oligonucleotide that hydrogen bonds to the bases that are already included in the double helix strands of DNA.The demonic realm brings forth a triple-stranded DNA to the table, and with it powers beyond our comprehension. The promise of this spectrum from the demons brings human into their grasp. People think this promise is an actual event that can be accomplished. The transformation needed to accomplish this task is offered by the so-called ‘aliens’ with the promises of enlightenment and transformation only achieved by the graces of our GOD in heaven. The undercurrents of this subject is something that must be addressed. Within its promise is only a fake reality, once they have your soul it is too late.

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enesis of the Grail Kings,

The Phoenix and the Firestone

Pg's 184-185

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In the Scientific American journal of May 1995, the effect of the platinum metal ruthenium was discussed in relation to the human DnA.

It was pointed out that when single ruthenium atoms are placed at each end of a double-helix dna, it becomes 10,000 times more conductive.

It becomes, in effect, a superconductor.

Similarly, the Platinum Metals Review features regular articles concerning the use of platinum, iridium and ruthenium in the treatment of cancers, which are caused through the abnormal and uncotrolled division of body cells.

Platinum Metals Review

[link to www.platinummetalsreview.com]

When a DnA state is altered, as in the case of a cancer, the application of a platinum compound will resonante with the deformed cell, causing the DnA to relax thoroughly and become corrected.

Such treatment involves no amputation surgery; it does not destroy surrounding tissue with radiation, nor kill the immuse system as does chemotherapy.

It is a straighforward cure which actually corrects altered cells, and doubtless we shall hear more about this from the medical establishment in due course.

Or shall we ?

It is hardly in the financial interests of the influential drug companies.

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More likely, we shall be advised about it from other sources.

It is of particular significance that, irrespective of all today's costly and extensive research in these areas, the secrets of the higherward fire-stones were known to our ancestors many thousands of years ago.

They knew that there were superconductors inherent in the human body; they were the elements of our consciousness; or the light-body (the ka).

They knew that both the physical body and the light body had to be fed, and the ultimate food for the latter was called shem-an-na.

This was manufactured by the priestly Master Craftsmen of the temples for the express purpose of deifying the kings.

It is known that both iridium and rhodium have anti-ageing properties, while ruthenium and platinum compounds interact with the DnA and the cellular body.

It is also known that gold and the platinum metals, in their mono-atomic high spin state; can activate the endocrinal glandular system in a way that heightens awareness and aptitude to extraordinary levels.

The highward shem-an-na is capable of defying gravitational attraction, and it would appear that it perhaps activates the body's so called 'JUNK DNA', along with generally unused parts of the brain.

Page 27: The Truth About Dna

When talking about machine language, two states is fine at that point for what compiled machine code is meant to do. Though, ever notice the use of hex editors even in machine language? Base 16 to "compress" the on, off state in a shorter format. Much more efficient than editing in binary.

In the biochemical language, four states similarly allows for more compressed "functions" in the code. If DNA was based on machine language the helix would be much, MUCH longer and unwieldy at the cellular level. So would RNA (and by default, tRNA) making the copy and transfer of DNA much more error prone, increasing the time it takes to transcribe and slowing down certain protein synthesis processes that are very important at the cellular and transcellular level. Actually, four nucleotides is perfect for what DNA does all around. If there was another good base state amino added to the function, it would be better of course... but we have not seen or found one that is as dynamic as adenine, guanine, uracil and cytosine. That does not preclude one from existing, but here on Earth based biology there isn't a fifth, nor have we synthesized one.

Anyhow, that is why DNA necessitates the use of 4 base states. Machine language doesn't have to use this slow and cumbersome format because it reads and processes the data pairing incredibly rapidly. In a biological system, the same process (during DNA transcription) is no where near as fast, and far more prone to error. And error generally means some form of death in the organism (or species.)

i have asked myself a lot of questions lately:

why is it that the most powerful people in the world act helpless to change the things in our societies, despite all their resurces?

why are we educated to desire a mediocre life?

why has our technology developed at an unusual rate, and more importantly why are we deprived of more efficient, safe, clean and productive advances by people of power?

it is human nature to be concerned for another, and the earth. so why has a society developed where people ignore other peoples losses, and deceive them, for personal gain?

if you ask yourself these questions, surely you would think that it is just the complexities of the world in motion, and that is exactly what they want...

as humans have progressed, so has the size and complexity of our lives, an all along, a perfect pyramid of power(with a minority at the top, and the sheep at the bottom) has been maintained, and evolved to suit.

Page 28: The Truth About Dna

soon this will change, and it will be liberating. read my first posts for the truth.
