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The TRUTH bears WITNESS to the LIGHT (Part 2) YHWH

Date post: 15-Aug-2015
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א א א א(the fathers name) English is written (left to right hebrew right to left) ( י י י י/ יייי) Sola scriptura Hu Ws a א א א א


(the fathers name)

English is written (left to right hebrew right to left)

אהיה/ הוהי ) )

Sola scriptura


The name of His Word, who lived among us


Yud,Hei,Wav, Hei, Shin,Wav, Ayin

His Name is unique; no other name will bring salvation

Zekeniam Y’Ishra’al

Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuyLet this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

There seems to be some confusion with my spelling of Y’Ishra‘al, in the believe that al stands for Allah, if

you look at the word Y’Ishra’al ; The Y is the stick pictured at the beginning and represents the House

ahayah asher ahayah(AHaYaH (He was), HoYAH (He is), and YihYAH (He will be).


היהב היהא

YaHuWaH (I AM) YâHuWsHúa`

ShaMa Y’Ishra'al היהא Aluahiym היהב

There seems to be some confusion with my spelling of Y’Ishra‘al, in the believe that al stands for Allah, if

you look at the word Y’Ishra’al ; The Y is the stick pictured at the beginning and represents the House

YHWH echad,

2 in 1

I AMDevarim 6:4

Hear, Y’Ishra'al: YHWH is our Aluahiym!  YHWH Is One!

Devarim 6:5And you shall love [long for] aleph-taw YaHuWaH your ALuaHiYM

with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. (me'ode)

Exact Hebrew translation.

Debarim 6:4  Here, O Y’Ishra'al,


The Great 'Al of All Increase; I AM HE

WHO  IS SELF EXISTENT, The Only One.] ..

exact Hebrew translation.


Often spoke of Himself has

I AMMy Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16This is MY NAME for ever,


היהאAluahiym of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob

[Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial for generation to generation." and I appeared to

Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. And my name,

היהאwas not well known (famous) to them.

היהא Aluahiym Tzevaot,


is his name.The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav (Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)



YâHuWsHúa` ‘Nätzräya king of the Jews

(in His Name)



(Fathers name of the

[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

היהב YâHuWsHúa`

(YâHuWsHúa`) is His Son


[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"


Means Set-apart, Pure.


(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Raukh (Raukh) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pic-tured as the Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "pro-

ceeds from the Father"


(I am He)

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the covering of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me


is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be protected, pray,

and hear from

היהב YâHuWsHúa.

Knowing there is such a place is a matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a matter of building a relationship. You need not

have an advanced degree in any subject, need not have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but instead

be aware the

היהאOf Y’Ishra’al

Has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their minds and hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your inner chamber, and having shut your door, pray to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees in secret shall reward you openly.

In praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore

don’t be like them, don't you see that your Father knows what things you need before you ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by those who will live or else ... they will perish ... in dark-


It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a bas-ket, but on a stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of dark-ness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness. If therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it

shall be wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its bright shining gives you Light.”

The Menorah is the only symbol created by

היהב YâHuWsHúa`

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the Raukh

And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

Who see it from afar? The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so many can see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to Jew and Gentile together. We do this because that is what the Bible does. This opens the window to make more sense of what

Scripture tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a mere starting place for deeper consideration.

If the Raukh of

היהאHas moved your Raukh to seek out his word


Before the study I wish to point out that only the WORD is the TRUTH, be it days, months, years, hence the calendar is “sola Scrip-

tura” based.


!!! WHY SOLA SCRIPTURA !!!Dan_7:25

And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear down the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to

change set times (Festivals) and Law, (Lawlessness) and they shall be granted into its hand for a time and times and half of a time.

And then I will profess to them,

‘Never did I acknowledge you: even if you are on My lap and do not do the will of My Father Who is in heaven, out of My lap will I cast

you away! Depart from Me, all ye workers of Lawlessness!’

So that in them is fulfilled the prediction of Yshá`Yâhuw, which says: “You shall surely hear, but you shall not understand; and you

shall surely see, but you shall not perceive! For the heart of this people has grown thick, and they do hardly hear with the ears, and they have shut their eyes, lest they should see with their eyes, and with their ears they should hear, and their heart should understand,

and they should return to Me and I should cure them.

False worshippers of the Sun Moon and Stars

The Hebrew Bible is fully aware of that. Deuteronomy declares the worship of sun, moon,

and stars as allotted by

היהא that is to all the other peoples

But strictly forbidden for Y’Isra’al

Red = OJBGreen = Modern day translation

Dev 4:19.

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto Shomayim, and when thou seest the

Shemesh, and the yarei'ach, and the kokhavim, even all the tz’va HaShomayim, shouldest be driven to hishtachaveh (bow down, wor-ship) them, and serve them which Hashem Aloheicha hath divided

unto kol HaGoyim under kol HaShomayim.

Translated it reads

Duet 4:19"or lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and see the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the armies of heaven, you should be im-pelled to bow down to them or enslave yourselves to these

[things] that

היהאhas apportioned to all the nations under the whole heaven;

Anyone can see the heavenly bodies, but we have heard from

היהא There is no “hard copy” of Him! People want something they can identify with, which is what makes the “god-man” concept so at-tractive, because it makes them think they can be gods too. We

can only understand what

היהאAllows us to know about Himself, and we cannot control what we cannot comprehend. Apportioned: divided, assigned, distributed; Aramaic, "designated to serve". I.e., He gave them to all the na-

tions and they are common (contrast v. 20).But none of them is to be identified specifically with

היהאDev 4:20

But Hashem hath taken you, and brought you forthOut of the iron furnace, even out of Mitzrayim, to be unto Him an

Am Nachalah (a people of inheritance), as ye are yom hazeh.


היהאhas selected you, and brought you out from the crucible of iron--from Egypt--to be-come His own--for the purpose of being a people [that are His own] prized posses-

sion, just as [is the case] today."

Any wood placed into a furnace for smelting iron would be con-sumed immediately. Egypt completely used them up, while feeding them—like pack animals. Even the products forged of iron there—chariots—were used to kill them. Now they were going to a place

that would serve them rather than consuming them. Nothing in the Tabernacle was made of iron;

היהאHad no use for it at this point. Prized possession: How awesome!

Why throw away such a rare privilege and settle for something that the nations all stoop to--nations that He considered a mere drop in

the bucket in comparison

Yeshayah40:15?Surely the Goyim are like a drop in a bucket, and are accounted as dust of the scales; surely He taketh up the iyim (islands) like fine


Isa 40:15See, nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are reckoned as dust on

the balance. See, He lifts up isles as fine dust.

Today we see the illegitimate worship of these celestial bodies, within those who claim to WORSHIP

היהאHow many more times will Y’Ishra’al turned to HIS CREATION and not their CREATOR

Melachim Bais 23:5, And he did away with hakemarim (the idol priests), whom the

Melachim of YahuwDah had ordained to burn ketoret in the high places in the towns of YahuwDah, and in the places around

Yerushalayim; them also thatBurned ketoret unto Ba'al, to the shemesh, and to the yarei'ach,

and to the mazalot (constellations) and to all the Tzeva HaShomayim.

2 kgs 23:5And he put down the black-robed priests whom the sovereigns of

YahuwDah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of YahuwDah and in the places all around Yerushalayim, and those who burned incense to Baʽal, to the sun, and to the moon,

and to the constellations, and to all the host of the heavens

Melachim Bais 23:11And he took away the susim that the Melachim of YahuwDah had

dedicated to the shemesh, at the entrance of the Beis Hashem, by the chamber of Natan-Melech the saris, which was in the colon-

nades, and set eish to merkevot Hashemesh.

2 Ki 23:11 And he did away with the horses that the sovereigns of YahuwDah

had given to the sun, at the entrance to the House of

היהא By the room of Nathan-Melek the eunuch, that were in the court.

And he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

Yirmeyah 8:2And they shall spread them out before the shemesh, and the

yarei'ach, and all the tz'va haShomayim, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have consulted, and whom they have worshiped; they shall not be gathered up, nor be buried in a kever; they shall

be like domen upon the surface of ha'Âthâ´m ah.

Yirmeyah 8:2 ;( modern version)And shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of the heavens, which they have loved and which they have served and after which they have walked, which they have sought, and to which they have bowed themselves. They shall not be gathered nor

buried; they shall be for dung on the face of the earth.

And He brought me into the khatzer Beis Hashem hapenimit [i.e., the Court of the Kohanim], and, hinnei, at the petach (entrance) of the Heikhal Hashem, between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, were

about five and twenty ish, with their backs toward the Heikhal Hashem, and their faces toward the east; and they bowing down to-

ward the east worshiping the sun.

Ezek 8:16And He brought me into the inner court of the

House of

היהאAnd there, at the door of the

Hĕkal of

היהאBetween the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with

their backs toward the Hĕkal of


And their faces toward the east, and they were bowing themselves eastward to the sun.

Yet in the creation story these celestial elements are simply taken as creatures like any others

Any word Highlighted is a point to ponder the treasure hidden in scripture

What is light?


ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי אורPart 2

Bber 1:3

So declare the mighty one (I AM) who made the light to be light

2 Ezra 6:38 and 43

And I said, O Aloha, of a truth you spoke at the beginning of the creation, upon the first day, and said thus; Let heaven and

earth be made; and your word perfected the work. For as soon as your word went forth the work was done.

Describe YHWH/Aloha as speaking a word at the beginning of creation, and the word itself completing the work or carrying it


Yâhuwchânâ’n 1:1-14

BaReshiyth was the Miltha (Word/Manifestation/Instance/Substance) - [ this manifestation

of YaHuWaH’s nature that “was given a life of its own”], and that Miltha/Word was with Aloha, and Aloha was that Word. [In a

beginning was the Miltha …. [BaReshiyth bara Aluahiym ET (Aleph Taw) ha'shamayim w'ET (and Aleph Taw) ha'aretz.]

[This verse when literally translated says,

"In a beginning I AM the Word and the Word I AM with the ‘Aloha and ‘Aloha I AM the Word.


The Miltha/Word/Torah was made flesh

(thru YâHuWsHua - "a body you have prepared for me"),

and dwelt (sukkot) among us ,

and we closely inspected His Qabod - the Radiant Shining - as THE ONE (the Unique and Only-Begotten)Who is from the

Father, overflowing with empowering favour and truth.

The first 2 letters spoke was


Yawd (Yaw with a "d" at the end) actually reveals the Name, the nature and first action taken by our Creator.

Yawd means the open hand, indicating power, means, and direction.

The vowel point "kaw-mates" means to grasp with the hand (in the sense of holding, preserving, and ownership)

The letter "d" in "Yawd" means "door."

In short, coming from a door made in infinity, was the hand of

Yaw (in power) creating and sustaining His creation.

The second word was;


resh            waw            aw


The energy that YHWH spoke into Creation was the power needed to create and sustain all things. This is represented in concrete terms by the ox. In the abstract (or spiritual sense)

that same energy brought insight and perception to the mind.


Built a House of Prayer

The letter beyt, from the word "house," refers to YHWH's house: "My house will be called a House of Prayer for all peoples." The Midrash states that the Divine motivation for creation was that the YHWH

desired a dwelling place in lower reality.Before the world came into existence, because of the sin of

The fulfillment of this desire begins with the creation of man, a Divine soul unclothed in a physical body, and proceeds with the

multiplication of man, to "conquer" the whole world and make it the kingdom of YHWH.

רץאה תאו השמים תא להיםא אבר שיתארבA House of Prayer that would last for 6000 years

Bber 1:1 (Gen)

Disclosure 18:23 “And the light of a lamp shall not shine in you any more at all. And

the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you any more at all. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorcery all the nations were led astray. We are a

drug filled world

And there is the Paradox of YHWH and ManThe aleph is formed by two yuds, one to the upper right and the other to the lower left, joined by a diagonal vav. These represent the higher and lower waters and the firmament between them,

Universal Ocean is first mentioned in the Torah in the account of the first day of Creation:

"And the Rúakh of YHWH hovered over the surface of the water." At

this time the higher and the lower waters were indistinguishable; their state is referred to as "water in water."

This is the light of those who testify to the commandments and are witness to the blood of the Meshiakh

This light ( men’owr’ah) is for those who are clothed with the robe of

YâHuWsHua. That walk in the light, and that light is within their souls, He ( YâHuWsHua) has never let one soul be extinguished, no

matter how much darkness surrounded them

Men owr ah

The first letter (aw) resembles the head of an ox (with two horns), and means (in concrete terms) strength, as in the strength of an Ox.

In the abstract sense of the letter, it is a side view of a human eye, and means "insight and perception."

The letter "waw" means hook (or fastener, tying things together) and is in the shape of a tent peg.

The last letter "resh" is in the shape of a human head, and means "the mind."

The same energy( light) bars the exceeding of the brain more than was stated by the word of YHWH when he said

And Aluahiym said, "My Rúakh (Spirit) will not dispute forever with the Adam who goes astray; he is flesh, and his days shall be 120


By limiting the powers of man by placing a / in the use of the brain was like placing a cherub to the entrance to the answer to life


Whatever is going on here angers YHWH to the point that He will no longer take the merciful interpretation of His sentence that men will die in the day they sin (that they could not live a full 1,000 years),

possibly because they are having too many daughters with the inclination to tempt. They will no longer live so long—no more than 120 years. This could also mean that Aluahiym would extend a final

grace period of 120 more years (which is how Targum Onqelos interprets it), or that mankind's lifespan hereafter would be only

120 years. Both could be the case.

The Rúakh within upon repentance, belief and immersion is coupled with his Rúakh HaQodesh ( by the laying on of hands) and

bequeaths him up to 120 years

A question YâHuWsHua spoke


I tell you that he will avenge them quickly. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Makes more sense today has man is evolving into cyborg, already we have machine fused with flesh: man in taking the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil, is now tempering with the very genetics of life, from our food, to designer animals, even human life




Unless those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved. But for the sake of the chosen ones, those days will be


Today we face the greatest threat from manmade

? life ?

is a child born out of the womb without soul;

Job reflected on the birth of a


who is born of a woman,

is of few days,

and full of trouble.

What is man,

that he should be clean?

What is he who is born of a woman,

that he should be righteous?

How then can man be just with YHWH?

Or how can he who is born of a woman be clean?


But when the fullness of the time came, YHWH sent out his Son, born to a woman, born under the law,

Where does it say man is born outside of women?

This scares me so much

Revelation 9:13-16;

"And the sixth Messenger sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before YHWH, Saying to the

sixth Messenger which had the trumpet, Loose the four Messengers which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four

Messengers were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And

the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them."

These are not human beings, why do you think we has creation would ever contemplate winning against our creator

Again read


Unless those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved. But for the sake of the chosen ones, those days will be


His energy, His Strength. His light

Both benefits were tied together (as in the waw) by the power of his spoken word, as revealed in the strength of his hand (yawd). Energy appears is the correct chronological order of Creation, since energy was needed to produce electro magnetism, by which all chemical

bonds necessary for life depend. Also, all of the neurons firing in our brains, are dependent upon an electromagnetic field.

In the next verse, the word for energy ('owr) is modified by the definite article (the), changing the word energy to mean "the light"

or "luminaries."

 Electro Magnetic energy was also needed to produce the luminaries

that followed the creation of energy.

It all makes sense.

Bber 1:4

Aluahiym gazed at the Light, and saw that it was good. Aluahiym divided the Light from the darkness.

Gazed at: with satisfaction. It was right: He would not have brought it forth if He had judged it to be inappropriate. But

previously something had gone wrong with it. Light could not be distinguished from darkness. The light was there all along, but

could not be seen until the right measure of expansion had taken place. Now it was no longer so gloomy, and some of the confusion was ended. He isolated the light from the darkness, breaking the

unity that once existed, as a mechanic must take a damaged machine apart before he can repair it. It will all be put back

together when the right elements are all reconditioned or replaced. He was sorting through the mess and setting things aside to be put in their appropriate places. To bring order, we have to participate in finding the light in dark, seemingly profitless places, and separate it out so there is clarity. The epistle of Ya’aqob begins the same way, with the chaos of the twelve tribes still scattered, and tells us to rise

to the occasion rather than hesitating when the trials come, because they harbinger the drawing forth of patience which leads

us to completeness and perfection. If we doubt, he says, we will be unstable like the waves driven by the wind (compare verse 2 here),

and all we will experience is confusion. We cannot expect the Kingdom to come if we do not get into the proper order. One does

not light a match before gathering kindling and firewood, for the fire will go out too soon. The Torah (studied in depth in the context of community) is the road map to that proper order. Taking YHWH’s

word out of that context sows more confusion back into it. If we do respond in the right way, we will have light—that is, be able to see what is really going on, and bring each thing into the realm of light.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 1:8

That one there was not the Light, instead, he came in order that he might testify about the Light.

Pilate Questions YâHuWsHua

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18: 33

So Pilate went back into the governor’s residence,

( “into the praetorium/ judgment hall )

The word translated here is aule, the same word as is translated "court" in

Mark 15:16,

"the soldiers led him away within the court (aule), which is the Praetorium."


Do not judge, that you may not be judged;

Summoned YâHuWsHua, and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

Pilate was interested in this charge because of its political implications of sedition against Rome.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18:34

YâHuWsHua replied, “Are you saying this on your own initiative, or have others told you about me?”

“saying this from yourself

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18:35

Pilate answered,

“I am not a Jew, am IKnowing that YâHuWsHua is

I AMAhayah Asher Ahayah

(AHaYaH (He was), HoYAH (He is), and YihYAH (He will be).

ויאמר אהיה אשרwas is and will always be,

Acknowledges him has the WORD of YHWH

is not the word

“am I”

ן ט� ש� (śāṭan)

Was the adversary, resist. one who withstands .enmity, accusation. Pilate the human image of Satan, spoke to

YâHuWsHua knowing that even at that time he was the EL of this world



in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the

spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience, Your own people and your chief priests handed you over to me. What

have you done?”

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18:36

YâHuWsHua replied, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my servants would be fighting to keep me from being (“so that I may not be) handed over(delivered

over)to the Jewish authorities

Because of these the wrath of Aluahiym is coming upon the sons of disobedience,1

. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.”Let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these

the wrath of Aluahiym comes upon the sons of disobedience

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18:37

Then Pilate said, “So you are a king!” YâHuWsHua replied, “You say that I am a king. For this reason I was born, and for this

reason came into the world – to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to (obeys) my voice.”

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18: 38

Pilate asked, “What is truth?”

Here again the accuser is challenging the very WORD of TRUTH, in saying look at the CROWD( what do they see has true)

When he had said this he went back outside to the Jewish leaders and announced,

This was the time of the Passover/ the Jewish authorities knew the scriptures, yet the truth was not in them

“I find no basis for an accusation against him. But it is your custom that I release one prisoner1 for you at the Passover.

(They acknowledged YHWHs Festivals, yet not the truth) So do you want me to release for you the king of the Jews?”

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18: 40

Then they shouted back, “Not this man (one) , but Barabbas

The name Barabbas in Aramaic means “son of Abba,” that is, “son of the father,” and presumably the man in question had

another name For the author this name held ironic significance: The crowd was asking for the release of a man called Barabbas, “son of the father,” while YâHuWsHua , who was truly the Son

of the Father, was condemned to die instead.

Well did Yâhuwchânâ´n say

Mat 3:7

And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his immersion, he said to them, “Brood of adders! Who has warned

you to flee from the coming wrath?

Political leaders as then and now

Pharisees were members of one of the most important and influential religious and political parties of Judaism in the time

of YâHuWsHua. There were more Pharisees than Sadducees (according to Josephus, Ant. 17.2.4 [17.42] there were more than 6,000 Pharisees at about this time). Pharisees differed

with Sadducees on certain doctrines and patterns of behaviour. The Pharisees were strict and zealous adherents to the laws of the OT and to numerous additional traditions such as angels and bodily resurrection. The Sadducees controlled the official political structures of Judaism at this time, being the majority

members of the Sanhedrin. They were known as extremely strict on law and order issues

Disclosure 13:1

And I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads names of blasphemy.

(Now Barabbas was a revolutionary.4)5

Yâhuwchânâ´n 18:37

37. Then Pilátus said to Him:“ Then, You are a King!”

YâHuWsHua` responded to him:

“You say it because ’(I AM) (I shall always continue being) King. For this I have been born, and I have come into the world for

this: in order that I may testify to the Truth.

Everyone that is from the Truth obeys Me (hears My voice).”

And He commanded us to proclaim to the people and to witness solemnly that it is He who has been marked out by YHWH to be

Judge of the living and the dead.


To this One all the Prophets witness, so that through His name everyone believing into Him will receive remission of sins.



For YHWH is my witness, whom I serve in my Rúakh (spirit) in the gospel of His Son, how without ceasing I make mention of you I tell the truth in YâHuWsHua, I do not lie, my conscience bearing witness with me in the Holy Spirit, And there are three who bear witness on the earth: The Spirit, and the water, and the blood; and the three are to the one. If we receive the witness of

men, the witness of YHWH is greater; because this is the witness of YHWH which He has witnessed about His Son: The one believing in the Son of YHWH has the witness in himself. The one not believing

YHWH has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the witness which YHWH has witnessed concerning His Son. And this is the witness: that YHWH gave us everlasting life, and this life is in

His Son.


For our glorying is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we

had our conduct in the world in simplicity and sincerity of YHWH, not in fleshly wisdom, but in the grace of YHWH, and more

abundantly toward you.


And the dragon was enraged over the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, those keeping the

commandments of YHWH, and having the testimony of YâHuWsHua





In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

"d'aidala nehwa Awraham aina ayti"

Asher Hu-Howeh, Hayah, waBah –

YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, YHWH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truthAnd, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that YâHuWsHúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O

YHWH, [thou] Ben David. An YâHuWsHúa` stood still, and called them, and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, YHWH, that our eyes may be opened. So YâHuWsHúa` had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately

their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yoursshalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YHWH



Remember me and pray for me that YHWH will be gracious unto me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him.

Peace be to them that read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the

work. Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the

Rúakh (Raukhual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from the Rúakh

HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most

infamous sacrilege

The Everlasting Covenant is The Sabbath

Aluahiym YâHuWsHúa `HaMeshiakh

be with your Rúakh
