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The Ultimate 50+ Guide to Burn Stubborn Belly Fat · PDF fileBurn Stubborn Belly Fat ......

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The Ultimate 50+ Guide to Burn Stubborn Belly Fat After the Age of 50 For women over 50 who've tried what feels like every last trick in the book to get rid of belly fat for good... but aren't quite sure what's missing. A recent study conducted by the University of California examined what happens to most people when they try to lose weight by “dieting” or eating less. They found that at least one third of the dieters (but often as high as two thirds) would regain more weight than they lost in the rst place... leaving them worse othan when they started. (perhaps you've been there too?) The study also pointed out that most scientic research conducted on “dieting” tends to underestimate how counter-productive it really is for most people... because most of the research conducted on dieting is structured in a way that highlights the very few people who succeed... And just avoids discussing the many people (often the majority of people) who are left worse othan when they started. Leading them to the conclusion that... “There is actually very little scientic support for the notion that calorie-restricting diets lead to lasting weight loss.” And... to many of us who've been helping people lose weight for years... and... to many women over 50 who've struggled through that same problem for years... that conclusion isn't surprising.
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The Ultimate 50+ Guide to

Burn Stubborn Belly Fat After the Age of 50

For women over 50 who've tried what feels like every last trick in the book to get rid of belly fatfor good... but aren't quite sure what's missing.

A recent study conducted by the University of California examined what happens to most people when they try to lose weight by “dieting” or eating less. They found that at least one third of the dieters (but often as high as two thirds) would regain more weight than they lost in the first place... leaving them worse off than when they started. (perhaps you've been there too?)

The study also pointed out that most scientific research conducted on “dieting” tends to underestimate how counter-productive it really is for most people... because most of the research conducted on dieting is structured in a way that highlights the very few people who succeed...

And just avoids discussing the many people (often the majority of people) who are left worse off than when they started. Leading them to the conclusion that...

“There is actually very little scientific support for the notion thatcalorie-restricting diets lead to lasting weight loss.”

And... to many of us who've been helping people lose weight for years... and... to many women over 50 who've struggled through that same problem for years... that conclusion isn't surprising.

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While the mainstream media will insist you're overweight and struggling with belly fat because you're lazy and eat too much... more and more scientific evidence is showing that being overweight is NOT just a matter of diet and exercise. Nor is it simply a matter of bad genetics...

There are a number of other underlying challenges that – for most women over 50 – make it difficult or even downright impossible to lose

belly fat!

No matter how much “dieting” they do...

For example...

• A joint research project between the Washington University School of Medicine, the University of Toronto and the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology found they could make mice gain 60% more body fat and become diabetic in 14 days simply by changing their gut bacteria... despite the fact they also lowered their calorie intake at the same time.

• Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have identified 26 species of bacteria in the human gut that are linked to inflammation and obesity. And several other studies have demonstrated that inflammation is part of the reason women over 50 struggle with stubborn belly fat.

• The University of Iceland Department of Medicine also found that the COMMON viruses helicobactor pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae contribute to gaining weight no matter what you eat. And several researchers at the University of Maryland found the same for the other COMMON virus Toxoplasma Gondii.

• The University of University of Göteborg, Sweden found that if your body has high levels of adrenal hormones (such as the hormone “cortisol”) your body will store fat around the middle more than anywhere else. The University of Tokyo Women's Medical College came to the same conclusion. And these high levels of the hormone cortisol can be triggered in your body by many things such as not getting enough sleep, hormonal imbalances, stress,

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anxiety, nutrient deficiencies, and ANY kind of inflammation... Because while inflammation is part of your body's natural response when something goes wrong... if your body has too much inflammation, it causes your adrenal glands to produce more and more cortisol in response... causing weight gain around the middle and stubborn belly fat.

• The Pennington Biomedical Research Center conducted a scientific study that identified 10 alternative causes of obesity that usually get ignored. Including microorganisms, epigenetics, lack of quality sleep, taking certain pharmaceuticals, and being exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals (such as common household cleaning products, paint, and many other chemicals we are exposed to on a regular basis. And some of us are exposed to these more than others).So it wasn't surprising they concluded: “If infections [amongst other things] contribute to human obesity, then entirely different prevention and treatment strategies could be needed to address [them].”

• The University of Gothenburg, Sweden found that increased intestinal permeability (or “leaky gut”) is linked to stubborn belly fat that won't seem to go away no matter how hard you try.And leaky gut is quite common. In fact, in modern countries such as the United States, Australia, and Western Europe, just about everyone has it some degree. It's just a matter of how bad it is... and if it's bad enough to screw with your weight.What leads to leaky gut? Having high levels of the hormone cortisol is one of the main causes. As well as eating certain foods (such as wheat and other whole grains) that damage your gut.

• The University of California found that high cortisol levels also trigger more cravings and a bigger appetite... leading to eating more comfort foods...

• Sahlgrenska University Hospital found that a number of factors can elevate the levels of cortisol in your body. Including fungal and yeast infections such as

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candida albicans. And bacterial infections in a woman's digestive tract. As well as heavy metal toxicity and biotoxins. (to name just a few)...And – in the end – high cortisol levels means more problems with belly fat.

• The National Institute of Health found that having high cortisol levels also makes you more likely to contract pathogens that cause obesity such as viruses, bacteria and other infections (and having high cortisol levels is common amongst women over 50)...

Most weight loss “experts” insist belly fat is purely about genetics. That you can't choose where the fat comes off your body. And you have to simply keep losing weight until your body eventually gets around to taking it off the middle. But more and more scientific evidence is showing that is simply not true.

It's true that body fat does tend to come off some places before others.

But if you have other underlying challenges (as most women over 50 do)... it's unlikely that any amount of dieting will “eventually” work out...

Because gaining weight is actually a later symptom of these other problems. So until you fix the problems that caused the weight gain in the first place... your body will “gravitate” towards being overweight...

And several of these underlying challenges cause your body to push everything towards the middle (such as having high levels of the hormone cortisol as mentioned above)... making it almost impossible to lose belly fat...

So until these other challenges are resolved, “dieting” may help you lose a few pounds. But as soon as you go back to eating like a normal person (and quit counting calories), your mid-section will simply re-inflate... often leaving you worse off than when you started...

And several of these underlying challengesaffect women more than men...

While others are more common the longer you've been alive. Because you've had

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more chances to be exposed to them.

So what works for a twenty-or-thirty-something is simply NOT what works for women over 50...

Because we face unique challenges. And the mainstream approaches to losing weight just do NOT take into account our specific needs...

Then when their voodoo diets fail to deliver on what they promised, they just blame the women themselves and tell them they aren't doing it right... and make their lives a living nightmare... when their diet failed to address the real underlying problems...

It's absurd!

And while many women will write this off as “just a natural part of aging”... we've all seen many women our age who are still trim and in shape... so you may be beginning to wonder how you can become one of them...

And – along those lines – the number of calories you consume … and the number of calories you burn... does matter. But it is only part of the equation...

For example, many of these underlying challenges make you more likely to eat more (and several of them practically force you to eat more). And give you STRONG cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates...

And while the mainstream media will blame you and tell you it's your fault... you may be beginning to wonder if that's a bit “nutty”... and that it'd – perhaps – make more sense to fix the underlying challenges that cause the cravings in the first place...

And this is all made worse by the fact that... many supposedly “healthy” diets that get thrown around out there ignore these biological facts... and – in many cases...

actually make it HARDER to lose belly fat!

For example – According to Lawrence Wilson MD, Anne Louise Gittleman PhD, and several other veteran health practitioners – the common advice to avoid animal

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proteins, eat more whole grains and eat mostly vegetables...

leads to chronic copper poisoning...

Causing symptoms such as extreme fatigue and muscle weakness, anxiety, panic, a racing mind, insomnia, roller coaster emotions, skin problems, trouble with digestion, difficulty digesting meat, thyroid disorders, and immune system disorders. And it also makes you more susceptible to getting the parasites, viruses and pathogens that cause inflammation, belly fat and obesity!

And this hidden cause of weight gain, extreme fatigue, and stubborn belly fat usually gets missed by your doctor...

Because standard medical testing only looks at the level of copper in your blood... while the copper poisoning is stored inside of your body's tissues. So it requires an entirely different form of testing in order to detect it.

And – as many women have found out first hand – as soon as they knocked off the mainstream diet and took steps to detox the copper, their symptoms improved dramatically...

And this copper build-up is common amongst women over 50. Several health practitioners have commented that more than 70% of their female patients have a severe case. And an even greater number have it to at least some small degree.

And that isn't the only hidden cause of unexplained weight gain

that usually gets overlooked by your doctor...

For example, many women suffer from hypothyroidism symptoms such as fatigue, constipation, bad skin, hair loss, unexplained weight gain and difficulty losing weight. But many doctors will – unfortunately – write these symptoms off as being “just part of menopause” and send you home... or they'll give the standard medical test that is often false. Allow me to explain.

If you have an issue with your liver or gut, your body is unable to use most of your thyroid hormones. So even if their test shows your thyroid hormone levels are

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okay... your body is unable to use any of it. And so many women are – unfortunately – sent home being told “it's all in their head”... when they really do have a thyroid problem wreaking havoc on their ability to lose weight.

If you want to hear more of the science behind this, I recommend the book “Why do I still have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal?”

Yes, it's unfortunate. But...

these and many other underlying causes of obesity often go unnoticed...

Because science evolves very quickly, but it usually takes up to 50 years for a new discovery to be well known in the mainstream. Even by doctors.

This can all seem a bit overwhelming. But while there are many possible hidden causes of unexplained weight gain and belly fat... for most women, just a few of these hidden causes account for most of the problems they face. So if you focus on these key areas covered in this guide, you can get great results more quickly...

Here's what you need know: If you've tried to lose weight (particularly around the middle)... but it didn't budge an inch... or... you managed to finally scrape some of it off, but it just came back a few weeks later... it's important to resolve the real underlying problems causing it...

And soon...

Because these underlying challenges tend to get a LOT worse over time if you don't give them a helping hand. So it would likely become even harder to lose belly fat than it is now.

This guide will take you by the hand and walk you through the simple steps you can take to get started on reversing these hidden challenges that make it difficult – or even downright impossible – to remove stubborn belly fat. And show you how to regain a thinner, healthier, younger-looking body.

Quick Start

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This quick start section is designed to give you a quick overview of the rest of the material in this guide. Along with some basic steps you can take to start off on the right foot.

Then, once you're ready, the rest of the guide goes into greater detail about the primary underlying problems that make it difficult for women over 50 to lose belly fat... and the simple steps you can take to begin overcoming these challenges.

Simply follow the steps one at a time, in order. But remember that not everyone will need to do all of the steps. Some will get all the results they need from the first several steps. Others may need to do more. It depends on where your body is at right now.

Some of the recommendations in this guide are repeated in multiple sections. This is because these are the most important solutions... that help improve the body in multiple ways.

This guide will also make some recommendations for what to eat. But avoid thinking of this as “dieting.” These foods are recommended because they are a form of “medicine” that helps to heal the underlying challenges that are causing stubborn belly fat... so you can be on your way to a thinner, sleeker mid-section.

Thinking of food in this way has – unfortunately – fallen out of mainstream medicine. But up until the 1970s in the United States doctors would prescribe specific diets depending on what problem ailed you. And there's a significant body of scientific evidence that suggests we were better off during that era than the modern medical era that focuses on prescription drugs instead.

For example, many women over 50 are prescribed hormone replacements. These aren't inherently bad, but there are ways to – instead – heal the problems that cause your hormones to be low. So – in many cases – this is like putting a band-aid on a leaky pipe and calling it fixed... even though the wound remains.

But once you've resolved these underlying challenges for good, your body will naturally gravitate towards being thinner rather than heavier.

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As you go through this quick start, try to spend 1-2 weeks on each step and only continue onto the next step once you feel comfortable doing so. Just take as many steps at a time as you can. And move at your own pace.

Quick-Start Step #1: Heal Your Hormones and Kill Your Cravings by Eating a High-Protein Breakfast

Getting your first meal right each day is perhaps the single most important step. Because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. It's also important to make sure to include extra protein at breakfast.

Here's why:

• There is a hormone in your body called “leptin” that controls if you feel hungry or full. Most women over 50 have a problem with this hormone that makes them not feel full when they should... so their body keeps telling them to eat more and more. This problem also causes issues with several other hormones and lowers your metabolism... making it harder to lose weight.

• One of the most important things you can do to fix this problem with leptin, boost your metabolism and be on your way to having far fewer cravings... is to consume a high-protein breakfast within 30 minutes of waking each morning.

• When you eat a high-protein breakfast, you'll usually experience far less cravings for several hours afterward as well.

At first, start out with having 20 grams of protein with breakfast. But – as you get used to eating a larger breakfast – try adding even more protein for a greater effect.

Here are some example recipes that contain 20+ grams of protein:

• An omelet with 3 eggs. a bit of meat and some vegetables sprinkled in.

• 4 ounces of salmon served with raw tomatoes, red onion and lettuce. And if you want to have it on the go, try rolling it up in a large leaf of butter lettuce.

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• 3 scrambled eggs with bacon from pasture-raised pigs.

Quick Start Step #2: How Virgin Coconut Oil Can Help Boost Your Sluggish Metabolism and

Burn Off Stubborn Belly Fat

More than two dozen scientific studies have demonstrated that eating more virgin coconut oil helps drop the pounds and get a thinner, healthier, younger-looking physique. And a recent study at the Federal University of Alagoas in Brazil found coconut oil also helps reduce belly fat specifically.

So the word is finally getting out! More and more studies are confirming that not only do low fat diets NOT work for most women... but – also – the personal experiences of thousands of women around the world are showing us that eating a significant amount of healthy fats seems to actually be critical for your overall health and critical for weight loss in many ways...

And so many women have discovered – for themselves – that something as simple as swapping ALL of your cooking oils for virgin coconut oil instead gives them more energy and less cravings from the first day.

And that they – in time – start seeing the results in the mirror as well.

And while there was some research published years ago that claimed saturated fats (such as those in coconut oil) are bad for your health... those old, out-dated studies have since been proven false. And it turns out those studies were actually a misinterpretation to begin with; the researchers had used hydrogenated coconut oil... which is not at all the same as natural, pure, unprocessed virgin coconut oil. Plus, more recently, scientists have discovered that saturated fats (such as those found in coconut oil and meats) are actually critical for your overall health.

The women who get the best results from using virgin coconut oil are usually the gals who use it for all of their cooking... instead of their usual cooking oils.

You see, common cooking oils (such as those found on the cheap at any grocery store) are one of the two worst culprits behind stubborn belly fat. Whereas virgin

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coconut oil actually helps heal the underlying problems that make it difficult to lose weight...

So making this simple switch is often one of the easiest – yet most powerful – changes you can make.

And – for many women – once they experience it for themselves... including the great taste and the boost of energy it gives them... they never go back. But remember...

Many of the coconut oils out thereare NOT made with health in mind!

And if you get one of the snake-oil brands, it will usually not taste so great and could even give you a stomach ache.

So when choosing a coconut oil, you want to find premium brands of virgin coconut oil that are unrefined, unbleached, not made with heating or harsh chemicals, and that don't contain genetically-modified ingredients. It should also taste great (often the first sign it is a snake-oil brand is the flavor is a bit off ). It's also best to avoid “copra” coconut oil.

Quick Start Step #3: How to kill your cravings, trim down belly fat and gain lasting confidence in your

ability to control your weight

If you want to finally lose belly fat – and keep it off – one of the most powerful things you can do is eat mostly healthy fats and proteins with every meal.

Here's why:

• There's – unfortunately – been a lot of negative press against fats. But a growing body of scientific evidence is showing that fats are not the enemy. And that most of the negative comments about fats have to do with specific types of fats, not all of them. Focusing on eating the right fats is one of the keys to losing weight.This is especially important because healthy fats (such as virgin coconut oil,

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virgin olive oil, and pastured butter), leave you feeling satisfied longer after each meal... and greatly reduce the amount of cravings you experience each day. They also help reduce the cravings you experience when trying to sleep at night.

• Healthy fats are needed for your body to absorb many of the vitamins and minerals in your food. Without them, your body tends to develop nutrient deficiencies that make it hard to lose weight.

• Eating a diet high in carbohydrates (and therefore lower in fats and proteins) tends to lead to a zinc deficiency and copper poisoning. Which makes it harder to lose belly fat and contributes to the extreme fatigue many women over 50 experience.

• A big reason many women over 50 get cravings is low blood sugar. If you eat a diet that is high in carbohydrates, you suffer from low blood sugar multiple times per day... so you are constantly plagued by cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Low blood sugar also tends to make you irritable and moody... and so therefore more likely to say “Oh eff it” and just give up.

• When you don't eat enough healthy fats, your body undergoes certain hormonal changes that make it hold onto the fat around your belly even more tightly... making it even harder to lose weight.

• When you eat a meal high in carbohydrates, your body releases more of the hormone insulin. And insulin is what drives fat accumulation.

So swapping some of the carbohydrates at each meal for healthy fats and proteins instead is important for a number of reasons. And critical to avoiding the constant cravings that plague most women over 50.

But, to be clear, carbs are not “bad.” We just recommend eating smaller amounts of them for women over 50. Because getting too much of them can be problematic.

Here's a simple way to handle this: a quick way to make great tasting meals is to just mix and match foods from the categories below. Take 1 food from each category and mix it together in a stir fry... using virgin coconut oil as your cooking oil. Then, add

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some of the healthy herbal seasonings mentioned in the next section. And rotate which combination you use each time.

• Category 1: Healthy proteins: salmon, grass-fed beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, eggs, pork, wild game

• Category 2: Healthy fats: pastured butter, virgin coconut oil, virgin olive oil, avocado

• Category 3: Healthy carbohydrates: sweet potatoes, spaghetti squash, quinoa, lentils, beans, legumes

Some example combinations are...

i. A Mediterranean mezze plate with raw nuts, olives and grilled or roasted chicken.

ii. An egg combination like an omelet or frittata with eggs, vegetables and avocado

iii. A smoked salmon plate with crudites and olives

iv. A lettuce wrap filled with grilled beef strips and avocado (tastes just like a taco if you use the right seasonings).

Make liberal use of healthy, delicious herbal seasonings

There are many herbal seasonings that can lower inflammation in the body, improve your health and make it easier to lose stubborn belly fat.

The most important of these is turmeric. Turmeric is a seasoning common in Indian food that has a number of medicinal properties. And helps to heal a wide range of different problems that lead to stubborn belly fat. Making it one of your single most powerful weapons for losing weight.

Turmeric is even more powerful if you eat it with coconut oil and black pepper. Because these two foods help your body use the turmeric. Try eating 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper with at least one meal per day... to make a delicious curry that helps battle belly fat.

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But keep in mind: turmeric is heat-sensitive and light-sensitive. So be sure to let your food cool a bit after cooking it... before you add the turmeric. And try to keep the container of turmeric hidden in a dark cupboard until you use it. And buy it in a dark container at the store. If the store has had it on the shelf in a clear container, it won't work as well.

Other seasonings and spices worthy of mention for losing belly fat are oregano, basil, rosemary, marjarim, lavender, black pepper, dill, garlic, ginger, and horse radish. The two most important ones (after turmeric) being rosemary and ginger.

How many carbs to eat each day?

As I mentioned earlier, eating less carbohydrates makes a big difference. But it's hard to understand how much to eat unless you do a bit of simple math. Try to read the labels on the foods you eat and keep track of how many grams of carbohydrates you consume each day. If you need help finding how many carbohydrates are in whole foods, you can use the free database at nutritiondata.com.

If you are active all day long (the way a waitress or flight attendant tends to be), aim to consume 150 grams of carbs per day. Otherwise aim for 100.

Tried this type of diet before and didn't feel good?

Many women who try eating this way will give up early saying it just doesn't seem to agree with their body. But this is actually due to a few underlying problems they have... and not this way of eating itself. And – gladly – there are some simple steps you can take to prevent these underlying problems from ruining your weight loss...

Avoid Hypoglycemia

If you have been eating a high carbohydrate diet for years, your body will have much higher levels of the hormone insulin. So when you start eating less carbohydrates, you might get low blood sugar for the first week until your body adjusts to having lower insulin levels. Which usually means experiencing dizziness, confusion, headaches, and fatigue. But there are some ways around this problem.

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• You could try gradually lowering the number of carbohydrates in your diet. For example, eat this new way for breakfast for a week. Then breakfast and lunch for a week. Then start doing it for dinner as well.

• If you're in a hurry to start losing weight faster, you could try eating every 2-3 hours for the first week. This will usually prevent you from getting low blood sugar. But remember to always include some protein and fats each time.

Watch out for dehydration

Eating these kind of foods usually requires more water. And many women over 50 already don't get enough water each day. So switching to this type of diet could make you feel dizzy or light-headed due to dehydration. The key here is to make sure to drink plenty of water. And getting enough water is critical for your weight loss as well!

Do you get a “heavy” feeling in your stomach or heart burn after eating meats?

Many women over 50 have trouble digesting meats due to a zinc deficiency. If you have this problem, start by using more eggs, fish and other proteins instead. And only gradually add more meats to your diet over time. As your body heals your zinc deficiency, you'll be able to start digesting meats without any problems.

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The 3 most reliable ways to keep belly fat at bay... even after menopause

A study published in The Official Journal of The Endocrinology Society – as well as more than a dozen other scientific studies – have found that there is a certain “accidental” hormone imbalance that may be making your life a living nightmare.

If your body has this “hormone switch” set to ON, you'll struggle with constant, unrelenting, almost-impossible-to-ignore cravings for sweets... and your body will make all of it go straight to your belly more than anywhere else. So, for many women, their body is – in many ways – forcing them to gain belly fat...

And – unfortunately – most weight loss “experts” will say that belly fat is just a matter of genetics. They'll tell you that you can't choose where the fat comes off first. That you have to just keep losing weight until your body eventually gets around to it; that you need to just do better at your diet and exercise until it all works out... some day. But this is simply not true.

Your body fat does tend to come off some places sooner than others. But there are other factors at play. And you could do your diet almost flawlessy, but if these other areas aren't resolved first, you'll still only struggle to get rid of the belly fat.

But here's good news: while while most women's mid-section – as soon as perimenopause hits – begins expanding beyond their control... in this video, you'll discovery a small handful of simple, inexpensive tricks you can use to stop this problem in its tracks...

How to Disable This Accidental “Hormone Switch”

Here's what you need to know: many studies have demonstrated that – when your body gets high in the hormone called “Cortisol” – it stores fat around your belly more than anywhere else. It also causes you to get STRONG cravings for sweets... and tends to make you eat more than you normally would. So, in a way, if your cortisol levels are high, your body practically forces you to gain belly fat... and keep gaining it.

But don't get me wrong. Cortisol isn't a bad thing. In fact, this hormone serves many

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important purposes in the body. But certain events can cause cortisol to get a bit out of control...

You see, any type of stress will cause your body to naturally produce more cortisol in response. Such as emotional stress, relationship stress, not getting enough sleep, having an infection of any kind, financial stress, and being exposed to toxic chemicals in the air or your environment.

But here's where things can get a bit haywire: scientists have found that if you experience a quick, short burst of stress (such as a minor setback at work), your body will produce more cortisol for a short period of time. You'll get more cravings for sweets and tend to eat more. But your body will turn off the cortisol and the cravings after a short while.

But if you experience chronic, on-going stress, it seems that your body never shuts off this mechanism. So you have high cortisol levels and cravings that plague you night and day. (perhaps you've experienced this too?)

Also, during times of chronic stress, your body produces LESS of other key hormones such as human growth hormone, estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. It also almost completely shuts off your thyroid through a variety of different mechanisms...

And when these hormones get low, that is when your body composition starts to go haywire – fast!

You start losing muscle, your metabolism drops, your body fat rises, and your body start getting bigger around in the middle. Even if you didn't gain a single pound on the scale.

And the underlying cause behind all of this is stress that causes inflammation in the body. So — all things considered — reducing inflammation (and therefore lowering your cortisol levels and fixing your other hormones) is perhaps the single most important thing you can do to lose stubborn belly fat and keep it off.

But some of these stressors that trigger inflammation, high cortisol levels and belly fat are worse than others. So this video will focus in on those few most important ones that – once resolved – will give you a renewed ability to lose belly fat and greatly

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reduce your cravings.

Hidden Belly Fat Trigger #1: A Lack of QUALITY Sleep

Not getting enough sleep definitely stresses the body and causes problems with belly fat. And several studies have been conducted on this link between belly fat, obesity and sleep. But most of these studies miss what is perhaps the most important point...

Most “experts” will tell you to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. But a University of California: San Diego study found that – for health benefits – the QUALITY of your sleep is far more important than how much you sleep...

So the common advice to get more sleep is somewhat mis-guided. Indeed, many people sleep far more than 8 hours, but none of that sleep is high quality sleep... so it's not surprising they still struggle with the same problems (such as belly fat)...

So it's important to make sure you are getting quality rest each night... not just sleeping more hours – so you can finally overcome your struggle with belly fat. Here are a few simple tricks you can use...

• Eat Healthy fats with dinner – One reason many women over 50 struggle to get a decent night's sleep is because they get night-time cravings. Cravings that are so strong, it makes it hard to sleep unless they hop out of bed and eat something.One simple solution is to eat more healthy fats with dinner. More fats than you would at any other meal. Healthy fats tend to leave you more satisfied, longer. So you don't get hungry later on.Also, if you are going to eat fast-digesting carbs (such as sugars and refined flours), try to eat them at another time of day. If you eat fast-digesting carbs at dinner, your blood sugar will crash a few hours later when you are trying to sleep. And you'll get STRONG cravings just as you are laying down for the night.

• Eat Dinner Earlier – if you eat a large meal near bed time, you'll struggle to

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get a decent night's sleep. Because the process of digestion tends to interfere with your body's sleep processes. Try to eat dinner at least 3-4 hours before you retire for the evening.

• Get More Omega-3 Fats in the Evening – when you eat omega-3 fatty acids before bed, you usually get much better quality sleep. So you might consider having some fatty, cold-water fish – such as salmon or sardines – with dinner. You may also consider using coconut oil and grass-fed butter with the meal. As these 3 fats seem to be the best choices for preventing night-time cravings.

• Let your mind unwind before bed – if you experience any emotional stress in the evening, it can stimulate the release of more cortisol. And cortisol interferes with your body's production of certain sleep hormones. (Not to mention, being stressed out tends to just ruin your sleep on its own.)

And – unfortunately – most of us spend our time before bed doing things that aggravate this problem. Such as watching the blood and gore of the 11 o'clock news. You might consider a one-week trial. Turn off the T.V., shut off any other possibly-stressful distractions, and just do something relaxing for the last 30 minutes before bed. I think you'll be delighted with the results.

• Honey and Apple Cidar Vinegar – it seems that the longer it takes you to fall asleep, the lower your quality of sleep tends to be. And – in the least – tossing and turning tends to cause stress and frustration which interferes with your body's sleep hormones.To make it easier to fall asleep quickly, and get deeper, better quality sleep, you can try taking 1 tsp of honey and 2 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar before bed.

Hidden Belly Fat Trigger #2: Unstable Blood Sugar

The problem goes something like this: when you eat foods that cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly... your blood sugar will suddenly drop shortly afterward. In

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response to this blood sugar crash, your body then releases more cortisol. If this happens on a regular basis, you are sure to develop stubborn belly fat. But there are some simple steps you can take to keep this from happening...

• Get more L-Glutamine – L-glutamine is an amino acid that helps stabilize your blood sugar and keep it from crashing. This – in turn – prevents more cortisol from being released... and so reduces your cravings and helps prevent the food you eat from going straight to your belly. A great source of L-glutamine is from animal proteins. Such as red meat, chicken, turkey, and eggs. You can also find it in somewhat smaller amounts in vegetable sources such as lentils, peas and beans.

• Limit fast-digesting carbs – fast-digesting carbs cause blood sugar crashes (and the resulting cravings, elevated cortisol and belly fat gain) more than any other food or drink.The most common fast-digesting carbs are found in soft drinks, rice, potatoes, corn, refined flours, pasta, cereals and breads. If you'd like to end the cravings, regain your sanity and finally lose the belly fat, you may consider eating more healthy carbs instead. Such as quinoa, lentils and sweet potatoes.And if you are someone who likes to have a little dessert with dinner. You might try having a baked sweet potato with cinnamon and melted grass-fed butter instead. It tastes amazing and you'll be able to avoid the harsh side-effects of more common dessert choices.

• Use Alternative Sweeteners – most sweeteners (such as table sugar and honey) are fast-digesting carbs. So adding them to your coffee or tea tends to cause nothing but problems for you later on. But there is an alternative sweetener called stevia that has none of these problems.

Hidden Belly Fat Trigger #3: Emotional Stress

Several studies have found that cortisol tends to be much higher in people who are stressed, worried, or overwhelmed. But there are a few simple techniques you can use to reduce stress, lower cortisol levels, and make it easier to gain a thinner, healthier

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torso. For example, you can try...

• Taking Time to “Decompress” Each Day – This might sound strange, but taking some time to unwind each day is one of the simplest yet most powerful stress relievers. Even something as simple as taking 30 minutes each day to spend time with friends and family, reading a good book or doing something else to unwind can make a big difference.

• Rhodiola Rosea – rhodiola rosea is an “adaptogenic” herb that helps your body cope with stress. This – in turn – helps lower your cortisol levels. So you can avoid the inexplicable urge to eat against your better judgement... and more easily lose the belly fat.

• Take a Quick Nap – If stress is high, consider taking a quick 7-10 minute power nap. Many people will avoid this advice, because they already have too much on their plate each day. But the truth is, taking a quick nap is often the most productive thing you can do. Because stress impairs your ability to think clearly and makes you more likely to make mistakes.

• Deep Breathing – Most feelings of stress and panic are made worse if your body becomes deficient in CO2 due to shallow breathing. Often simply taking 10 minutes to sit down and deep breath (even if you are still doing something else at the same time), will make a big difference in your stress levels.

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Why most “healthy” diets actually make it harder to lose belly fat

For women over 50 who've tried what feels like every trick in the book to lose belly fat for good... and aren't quite sure why nothing has worked

as well as they'd hoped.

Have you tried to lose weight (particularly around the middle)... but it didn't budge an inch... or... you managed to finally scrape some of it off, but it just came back a few weeks later?

This isn't surprising considering most “healthy” diets that get thrown around out there don't fix the underlying causes of belly fat! And – in fact – many of these diets just make it even worse in the end...

For example, one of the underlying causes of stubborn belly fat is some serious “bad chemistry” in your digestive system (or your “gut” for short). But the mainstream media tends to just gloss over this point... or even ignore it completely...

You see, if you have a problem in your gut, losing weight will have a lot in common with trying to roll a boulder uphill. And your body will tend to pack on the pounds around your middle more than anywhere else... even if you didn't gain a single pound on the scale.

For example, a joint research project between the Washington University School of Medicine, the University of Toronto and the Korean advanced Institute of Science and Technology found that they could make a mouse gain 60% more body fat and become diabetic in 14 days simply by giving it different gut bacteria... without making any other changes in its diet or lifestyle.

And – truth is – we all have bacteria in our guts (also known as “gut flora”). But people who are obese have a very different type of gut flora than people who are thin.

And more and more evidence is showing that this difference is what causes weight gain in the first place – at least in part.

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It is also a BIG reason many women over 50 struggle to lose weight...

And – at bottom – this isn't surprising because your body's decision to store fat is 100% controlled by the bacteria in your gut. These bacteria are responsible for creating a chemical called “fasting-induced adipose factor” (also known as “FIAF”) that signals your body to stop storing food as fat.

When we have healthy gut flora, our bodies create this chemical as intended. So we tend to store less food as fat. When we have damaged gut flora instead, our bodies do not create FIAF. So our bodies start storing a LOT more of our food as fat instead.

Having the wrong gut bacteria also tends to go hand-in-hand with a problem called “leaky gut” which causes inflammation in the body. And this inflammation causes your body to put all the fat right in the middle instead of anywhere else.

And – unfortunately – many of the diets touted as “healthy” and “the key to losing weight” completely ignore these biological facts... and... in many cases, even make the “chemistry” in your gut even worse...

Then when their voodoo diet doesn't work, they just tell women they must be doing it wrong. When in reality, their diet fails to address the real problem.

So while the mainstream media will tell you being overweight or having belly fat is because you eat too much and don't exercise... you may be beginning to wonder if there's a lot more to the picture...

But it's important to act on this now. Because – if you don't – it's likely the problem will only keep getting worse over time... making it even harder to lose the weight and harder to lose belly fat.

In this video, you'll discover the simple steps you can take to regain the gut flora that makes a person naturally thin. So you can get a slimmer, healthier-looking, sexier body.

Step #1: The surprising-yet-simple secret to repairing yourgut health, slimming your mid-section and regaining a

leaner, sexier body.

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The first step to making it easier to lose belly fat is to flush out all the bad bacteria from your gut. This is especially important because your gut flora controls several chemicals in the body that decide which foods you crave and which foods you find pleasurable.

And the bad bacteria make a person love the simple sugars and refined carbohydrates that make it almost impossible to lose belly fat. The bad bacteria also make it hard for the good bacteria to grow and thrive.

So unless you flush all the bad bacteria out, losing belly fat is going to be quite difficult.

You can flush them out by taking 2 teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt in the morning on an empty stomach. Within 30-60 minutes, you'll get a strong urge to dash to the restroom.

This may seem like an odd approach... but it's the only way to get the bad bacteria out. So we can start rebuilding the good bacteria.Ideally, you'd do this for 3 days in a row, then you'll be ready for...

Step #2: Rebuild the good bacteria thatmake a person thin and healthy

Once you've flushed all the bad bacteria out, the next step is to rebuild the gut flora that makes a person naturally thin. Once you do, you'll find it much easier to lose weight, experience a lot less cravings, and find it easier to keep the weight off as well. Here's what you need to know...

▪ #1: Probiotics – probiotics are live bacteria that are healthy for you. And now that you've flushed out the bad guys, you want to eat more foods that can get the good guys back in. It's best to start out with fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles, Kimchi, kombucha, yogurt and kefir.But it's also helpful to add in artichokes, horseradish, onions, and garlic. Because

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these foods have powerful effects on your gut bacteria as well. As do the seasonings rosemary, turmeric, and oregano.

▪ #2: Turmeric – turmeric is a seasoning worthy of special mention. Because it helps the new bacteria survive better in your gut. So you can rebuild your gut health sooner, and make it easier to lose belly fat.But turmeric also boosts your energy and greatly reduces inflammation. And inflammation is the main problem behind stubborn belly fat.

The next time you cook a stir fry, try adding 1 teaspoon of this inexpensive seasoning to the mix. You might also try adding the probiotic foods mentioned above.

▪ #3: Coconut Oil - coconut oil is a big help for repairing your gut health. It also helps reduce inflammation and clear out any bad bacteria that might be left over. So until your gut is healed, you may consider making virgin coconut oil the main source of healthy fats in your diet.

Step #3: Fix the food allergies that make it almost impossible to lose belly fat

Two studies published by the International Obesity Society and Sahlgrenska Center for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research found that the condition known as “leaky gut” seems to be a significant contributor to fat going straight to your belly more than anywhere else.

And this isn't surprising because when you have leaky gut, the food you eat is able to leak into your bloodstream where it's not meant to be; causing stubborn belly fat and food allergies that make it almost impossible to lose weight. It also causes a significant amount of inflammation in the body. And this inflammation causes cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Also – for many women – it is these food allergies that keep them from being able to finally lose the weight.. and they usually don't even realize they have them...

But while it's tempting to jump in and get tested for food allergies... if you simply resolve leaky gut, the vast majority of them will go away on their own.

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And leaky gut is common! If you have had troubles with resistant belly fat it's almost guaranteed that you have this problem to at least some degree.

But there are some simple steps you can take to turn it around. Keep reading...

#1: Fix Zinc Deficiency – if your body becomes deficient in the mineral zinc, you become much more likely to develop leaky gut. And – unfortunately – many women over 50 ARE deficient in zinc. Because most of the diets that are touted as being “healthy” limit the foods that are high in zinc (such as animal proteins) and tell you to eat foods that are high in copper instead (such as soy and whole grains); and when you eat a lot of copper, your body's level of zinc goes down.But you can correct this problem by consuming more zinc. So try adding more red meats, turkey, chicken and eggs to your diet... if you can.You see, if you've had a zinc deficiency for a long period of time, it's likely you'll have trouble digesting meats. Because a zinc deficiency impairs your digestion. If you have this problem, you might try getting more zinc by eating pumpkin seeds and eggs instead. Then – only add meats gradually over time.

#2: L-glutamine - L-glutamine is an amino acid that helps heal leaky gut. It also helps remove the bad bacteria in your gut; the bacteria that cause obesity and other problems... and helps stabilize your blood sugar so you get less cravings throughout the day. You can get more L-glutamine by consuming more animal proteins such as red meat, chicken, turkey and eggs with your meals. You can also get L-glutamine in smaller amounts from vegetable sources such as lentils, peas and beans.Or – alternatively – you could supplement L-glutamine. If you decide to go that route, try taking 1-2 grams 30 minutes before meals.

#3: Steer clear of high-inflammation foods – there are three foods that cause severe problems for your gut health; making it difficult to lose weight and almost impossible to lose belly fat. And – unfortunately – as long as these foods are in the picture, weight loss will be an uphill battle. But there are some simple ways to get around this

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problem... The first of these foods is industrial seed oils. Such as the cheap, commonly-used cooking oils you find at any super market. You might try replacing these with coconut oil instead. Because these common cooking oils cause a significant amount of inflammation in the body. And they also cause you to get the obese person's gut flora that makes you gain weight. Coconut oil – on the other hand – actually helps heal your body so it's easier to lose belly fat. And it tastes great.

#4: Gluten – gluten is found in most grains. And causes a significant amount of inflammation in the body. It also tends to cause leaky gut and food allergies. So try to limit the amount of grains you consume.

#5: Simple sugars - when the bacteria in your gut are busy eating simple sugars, your body does not product the chemical that signals your body to burn fat instead of storing fat. So if you eat a lot of sugars, you're body will be constantly in fat-gaining mode instead of fat-burning mode.So if you're serious about being able to lose belly fat and keep it off, try to count how many grams of sugar you consume each day... and keep it below 15 grams.

#6: Aloe Vera – taking inexpensive aloe vera juice has been shown to help heal leaky gut. Try taking 2 tsp 3x per day. If you'd like to give it some flavor, try adding it to a glass of lemon water.

#7: Vitamin D – If your body is deficient in vitamin D, you're almost guaranteed to have problems with leaky gut. And – unfortunately – vitamin D deficiency is basically the standard amongst women over 50.You can correct this by eating more foods high in vitamin D such as Sock-Eye Salmon, Steelhead trout, Mackerel and Sardines. If you don't like fish – or just prefer supplements – you could supplement 10,000 IU per day of Vitamin D3 instead.

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The right – and WRONG – ways to shed belly fat for women over 50!

There are countless ways to lose weight. Countless programs that claim they can help you lose belly fat. But, truth is... what works for a twenty-or-thirty-something is simply NOT what works for women over 50...

We have different needs...

For example, scientific evidence has now made it quite clear that being overweight is not simply a matter of diet and exercise. Nor is it just a matter of bad genetics. Several clinical studies have proven that several viruses contribute to weight gain. Such as human adenovirus-37 and Helicobactor pylori. As well as fungal and yeast infections such as candida albicans. And bacterial infections in a woman's digestive tract such as SIBO.

Most people dismiss these parasites and infections as a third-world-only concern. But they are in fact wide-spread even in North America, western Europe and other modern countries. For example, a study in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene found that about 32% of Americans have parasitic infections...

And that 32% doesn't even include the much-more-common yeast, fungal and bacterial infections inside our guts... and was based on a diverse sample of people...

But women over 50 tend to be more susceptible to these pathogens than most. So the number is much higher for us. In fact, the majority of us have at least one of these pathogens. Some of us have several...

And these pathogens also cause other symptoms such as an irresistible urge to overeat sugar and refined flours, fatigue, hair loss, constipation, acne, dark circles under the eyes that don't go away from getting more rest, inflammation, and resistant belly fat that won't seem to go away.

So you may be beginning to wonder if this isn't at least part of the reason you've

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struggled with embarrassing belly fat up until now. And you may be beginning to realize why women over 50 have truly unique needs...

But here's the good news: once you've rid yourself of these pathogens, you're likely to have a MUCH easier time losing belly fat. And experience FAR less cravings.

This is something you'll want to act on soon, however. Because the longer these pathogens hang around in the body, the harder they are to remove later on.

Step #1: The hidden reason women over 50 are more susceptible to pathogens... and what you can do to lose belly fat for good.

You see, we are exposed to these pathogens almost every day of our lives. And – most of the time – our immune system is able to fight them off. When our body has been weakened, however, our immune system just can't get the job done... and they end up hanging around as unwanted guests.

Perhaps the worst and most common problem that makes us more susceptible to these pathogens is an overload of the mineral copper. When your body has too much copper inside, it causes a series of problems that weakens your body's defenses and makes you almost guaranteed to pick up some pathogens as a result. And this copper build-up is extraordinarily common amongst women over 50. Because while most people have this problem – at least to some degree – in the modern world... we've been alive longer and so the copper has had more years to accumulate in our bodies.

The other typical symptoms caused by an overload of copper include extreme fatigue, anxiety, panic, a racing mind, insomnia, roller coaster emotions, skin problems, trouble digesting meat, thyroid disorders and immune system disorders.

Also when you have a copper overload, you can try to kill off the pathogens with antibiotics or other methods, but they'll just come back. Indeed, this is one of the reasons many women over 50 suffer from recurring yeast infections.

And unfortunately standard medical testing is unable to pick up this problem. So most doctors don't even know about it.

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But the good news is: once you get rid of the excess copper in your body, you'll feel a lot better... be rid of many of the pathogens... and will likely be able to finally start losing belly fat. And there are a few simple, inexpensive things you can do to make that happen... starting right now...

• Correct Your Zinc & Copper Imbalance – your body needs a balance of the minerals copper and zinc. When you get too much copper or not enough zinc, copper starts building up in your body. And – unfortunately – many diets that are supposed to be healthy limit the consumption of animal meats. When animal meats are the most important source of zinc!... so limiting them usually causes BIG problems.If you begin consuming more zinc, your body will naturally start detoxing the excess copper. So try to include more zinc-rich foods each day. The most important ones are red Meats, pumpkin seeds, dark green vegetables, fish, eggs, chicken and turkey. Because these foods also contain other nutrients that help remove excess copper from the body such as niacin, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, molybdenum, sulfur, iron and manganese.

• Help your digestion – when you have an overload of copper in your body, your body struggles to produce enough stomach acid and digestive enzymes. And this, in turn, makes it difficult to digest meats... causing constipation or making your body feel “heavy” after eating them. But – paradoxically – these meats contain the zinc your body needs to fix your broken digestion. So if you struggle with this problem, it's still worth adding more meats to your diet. You'll just want to start more slowly. And gradually increase the amount you eat over time.Alternatively, if you want to speed things up – you could supplement 25 to 50 grams of Zinc Glycinate each day. This would help repair your digestion faster. And also help detox the copper from your body faster.

• Avoid high-copper foods – any foods that are high in copper will – unfortunately – only make the build-up of copper in your body worse. Causing more extreme fatigue, more pathogens, and more stubborn belly fat. So try to avoid the foods that are high in copper such as grains (including

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whole grains), all soy products, yeast, nut products, seeds, chocolate, dried fruits, mushrooms, shellfish, organ meats, and many types of tea. Legumes are also somewhat high in copper, but they can be okay if they are only eaten on occasion.

How long it will take to correct the imbalance between zinc and copper will vary from woman to woman. It depends on where your body is at right now. But we recommend continuing with these recommendations for at least six months. So you can get a lot of the excess copper out of your body, get rid of the pathogens, and be on your way to finally losing stubborn belly fat.

Keep in mind, when you are detoxing excess copper, there will be more of it in your bloodstream as it makes its way out of your body. So you might experience certain symptoms as a result. Such as headaches, mood swings, racing thoughts, and digestive upset. If this happens, just back off on the detox diet for 1-2 days. Then start again.

In practice, though, if you consume a large amount of zinc each day, you usually won't experience these side-effects.

Step #2: How you can kill off any unwanted guests and finally lose belly fat using these proven, time-tested methods.

As you take those steps and reduce the build-up of copper in the body, you'll improve your health in many ways. And your body will be able to fight off many of the pathogens on its own. To get rid of 100% of them, there are a few other simple things you'll want to try.

• Garlic – raw garlic contains a natural anti-microbial substance called allicin. Try grating or chopping two cloves of raw garlic into your meals each day for 30 days. You should experience fewer cravings and renewed energy. If you don't like the taste of garlic, or the odor... you could supplement garlic instead. Just make sure the label says its allicin content is 5,000 or more.

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• Limit Sugars – if we were limited to giving only a single piece of advice for how to best eliminate pathogens and be able to more quickly lose belly fat, it would be to limit your sugar intake...Because – unfortunately – sugars are the single worst culprits behind these problems. They feed the parasites, fungi and bacteria. And they damage the immune system in our gut. Making us more susceptible to getting even more pathogens. Eating sugars also depletes our body of zinc... so we get a build up of copper in our bodies.You might consider doing a one week trial. Limit your sugar intake to 15 grams per day or less for one week... and see how you feel.

• Coconut oil - Researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) in Ireland discovered coconut oil is a powerful anti-microbial. So it can help you fight off foreign invaders... and keep them from coming back in the future. So you may consider using coconut oil as your main source of healthy fats for the next several months. An easy way to do this is to simply remove a bit of carbs from your meals... and add a tablespoon of coconut oil instead. It tastes great and is more filling as well... so you get less cravings later in the day.

• Turmeric – turmeric is an herbal seasoning that helps the body heal itself and remove viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Try adding ½ to 1 teaspoon of organic turmeric to your meals.

• L-glutamine - Sir Hans Krebs discovered that the amino acid L-glutamine improves the immune system in your gut... helping to remove unwanted guests and protect you from further problems in the future. It also helps control your blood sugar so you get less cravings each day... and tends to have a relaxing effect which helps reduce cravings even further. Experiment with taking 1-2 grams of L-glutamine powder 30 minutes before each meal.

• Correct problematic nutrient deficiencies – there are several common nutrient deficiencies that make you more susceptible to parasites... and make it harder for your body to fight them off. The most important of these

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nutrient deficiencies seems to be vitamin A. Without it, your immune system is much weaker.And while it's true that dark leafy greens are high in vitamin A. The vitamin A they contain is in a form that the body does not use very well. So your better off getting vitamin A from a different source.One excellent source of vitamin A is from eating chicken liver. There are other organ meats that are also high in vitamin A, but they tend to also be high in copper which wouldn't be right for someone with a build-up of copper in their body.Alternatively, if you'd prefer to take a supplement instead, make sure to get a “micellized” vitamin A supplement. Because micellized vitamin A is the safest version you can get. And take 5,000 IU per day. Ideally with a meal that contains healthy fats, because vitamin A is better absorbed if taken with fats.

• Vitamin C – there has been a significant amount of research done on vitamin C's ability to guard the body. And it seems to help fight off a wide-range of different pathogens. As well as speeding up the removal of excess copper from the body. You can get more vitamin C by having a glass of lemon water each morning. Ideally, using fresh-squeezed lemons. Alternatively, if you'd prefer to take a supplement instead. You can find pure ascorbic acid powder inexpensively. And dissolve 1/8 tsp of it into a glass of water a few times a day.

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The Hidden Hormonal Imbalance That Makes It a Humiliating Struggle

For Women Over 50 To Lose Weight

We recently received an email from one of our members. After reading her personal story, I realized many of our other members are struggling with the same problem. In fact, what she is facing is the #1 hormonal imbalance amongst women over 50 (And... no... it's not related to menopause). So I thought it would be appropriate to share her personal story.

I asked her for permission. And she was okay with it as long as we protected her privacy. So let's call her Mary.

The “experts”... they INSISTED she make time in her already-busy schedule for “vigorous” exercise. “It's the key to weight loss,” they told her. Never mind the knee and back pain she was sure to experience...

She tried it. She gave it her all...

After a few weeks, she had achieved hardly any results.

The “experts”... they told her she MUST burn more calories than she consumes. So she kept a journal of what she ate each day. She did their voodoo math. She counted her calories...

Oh, she lost a few pounds in a few weeks... But the ENTIRE time... she was consumed by every woman's worst enemy... cravings. Night and day.

Even worse, the cravings eventually wore her down. She broke down. Gave in. Their diet seemed to make sense on paper... but when it was all said and done... she weighed MORE than when she started... not less.

She mentioned she DOES remember that working in her younger years, though. It seems like, as the years go by, she has to work harder and harder to get any results at

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She doesn't see herself as being “old” yet… (In fact, she often asks herself how it's possible that she's over 50 now.) But she's REALLY starting to think women over 50 just have different needs.

You may not agree with her 100%. But, you may be beginning to wonder if all those “one size fits all” weight loss solutions... are REALLY going to make a difference for you. A lot has changed with our bodies... hasn't it? I'm not so sure things work the way they used to...

For most women, as soon as menopause hits... their weight gradually (or suddenly) rises... and they are plagued with night-time cravings. Not to mention the mood swings that make them more susceptible to emotional overeating. And the unexplainable lack of energy that makes it a struggle to stay motivated.

I'm not so sure the “experts” understand what we REALLY need.

I'm not sure they understand what YOU really need...

And it's not just about menopause. According to the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive Diseases, and Kidney Diseases... Hypothyroidism is something that tends to affect women more than men. And also tends to be more common as you get older.

While the exact numbers vary from study to study, some found that as high as 24% of all women over 50 had a severe thyroid problem.

The symptoms of Hypothyroidism include:

• fatigue • a puffy face • joint and muscle pain • constipation • dry skin • dry, thinning hair • depression • Weight gain

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• And Inability to lose weight

Also, other studies have demonstrated that even if you do not have a more severe thyroid issue (such as Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease)... it is VERY likely that you still have a more mild thyroid issue that is making it harder to lose the weight.

In fact, thyroid issues are the #1 hormonal imbalance for women over 50. And – even worse – many of the symptoms of Hypothyroidism are similar to the symptoms of menopause. So many doctors will, unfortunately, write your symptoms off as being caused by menopause... instead of having your Thyroid tested.

So you may be beginning to realize that the needs of women over 50 are truly different (and this is only one example of how our needs are different). Especially compared to all the 20 and 30-somethings on TV and in the magazines. Telling us the latest beach diet worked for them... and so will work for us too. Are they REALLY going through the same things we are?

We need more than just a “diet.” We need a diet that heals, nurtures and repairs our bodies. A diet that corrects the problems that are keeping us from losing the weight.

Here's the good news: Because your thyroid function has such a significant effect on your ability to lose weight (or not lose weight)... if you take some simple steps to resolve the issue, it is likely to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in your weight loss results.

Here's where to get started...

Step #1: Get Tested

We'd recommend you start by getting tested. If you have a thyroid issue (as many women over 50 do), it's better to discover it early on. So you know what you are up against. So you can recover quickly. So you can be on your way to FINALLY losing the weight.

Ask your doctor to perform the following tests:

• Blood levels of T3 thyroid hormone

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• Blood levels of T4 thyroid hormone

• Also test TSH

Most women who have hypothyroidism also have Hashimoto's disease; where the body attacks the thyroid gland as though it is a foreign invader. So it's CRITICAL that you also ask to be tested for the thyroid gland antibodies: aTPO and aTG. Just in case you also have Hashimoto's.

Step #2: Remove Hypothyroidism Triggers

There are many suspected causes of Hypothyroidism. Some of them, we are not yet certain about. Others are almost guaranteed to cause problems. For example...

BPA – Bisphenol A is a chemical used to produce various plastics. Many studies link BPA with thyroid problems. Luckily, it's not difficult to find BPA-free plastic containers. Just look for the BPA-Free label. A good rule of thumb, though, is this: the less foods you eat that come in plastic containers or plastic wrapping... the easier it will be to finally drop any excess pounds.

Drinking Tap Water – The Chlorine and Fluoride in tap water are both proven to cause hypothyroidism. Solving this is a relatively easy fix, though. Any large department store, and many smaller grocery stores, sell water filters. You simply fill the jug with tap water and keep it in the fridge. It will filter a large % of the Chlorine and Fluoride.Alternatively, you can buy drinking water by the gallon at most grocery stores. You can also find non-fluoride toothpaste at almost any health store.

Stress - A little stress is okay – even natural. Longer periods of distress, however, have been show to be directly linked to hypothyroidism. And therefore make it more difficult to lose weight. It's true that some degree of heightened stress seems almost unavoidable in the modern world. But it's advisable to – at minimum – have at least 30 minutes a day to

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“decompress.” Do something relaxing. Even something as simple as reading a book before bed or taking a brief, relaxed walk around the neighborhood will make a noticeable difference.

Phthalates - Phthalates are mainly used as chemical softeners for various plastics. They are also widely used in other products, though. Including personal care products like perfumes and body lotions. They have been shown to have a negative effect on Thyroid function. So it's best to avoid this stuff at all costs. If you are an avid user of perfumes and body lotions, you can find alternative perfumes or body lotions that contain only natural ingredients... that will NOT interfere with your weight loss results.

UV filters – Many cosmetics contain “UV filters.” Although not much research has been done on these, the preliminary findings suggest they interfere with our thyroid gland... causing nothing but trouble.Again, if you are an avid user of cosmetics, there are alternative cosmetics available that contain only healthy ingredients.

Step #3: Eat These Delicious Foods That Heal and Nourish Your Thyroid

There are several nutrient deficiencies that seem to cause thyroid problems. So you'll want to eat foods that correct these deficiencies. The more you help your thyroid heal, the more energy you'll have, and the more easily you'll lose the weight.

For example, people with a thyroid disorder usually have low levels of magnesium. So you might consider eating...

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is very high in magnesium.

It's also delicious!

You might try using it in a stir fry to give it a delightful, creamy texture.

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Other tasty foods high in Magnesium include nuts such as almonds, cashews, chestnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, and hazelnuts.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a healthy alternative to commercial cooking oils. Also, most people experience a boost of energy when consuming coconut oil. Which is a welcome guest for anyone suffering from the lack of energy that accompanies hypothyroidism.

Also, many people have had success treating thyroid problems with coconut oil.


Many people suffering from thyroid problems are also deficient in selenium.

Brazil nuts are very high in Selenium. So you'd only need to eat 3 to 4 per day to correct this deficiency. They taste great raw or lightly roasted.

Alternatively, you could supplement 200mcg of Selenium per day.


Many people with a thyroid issue are also deficient in Zinc. An easy way to fix this is to eat one oyster each day. Or eat a serving of 3-4 oysters twice a week. They are very high in Zinc. As well as high in many other vitamins and minerals.

Before you start eating oysters, though, I recommend you eat a few brazil nuts per day as mentioned above. This is because the oceans of the world tend to be polluted... so seafood – such as oysters – often contains small amounts of mercury... and mercury can have some unhealthy side-effects. But, if you eat a few brazil nuts per day, the selenium will help your body remove the mercury before it can do any damage.


Many people with a thyroid problem (such as Hashimoto's disease or hypothyroidism)

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see relief when they consume more Iodine. There have not been enough studies done, however, for everyone in the medical and health communities to agree on this treatment. Treating thyroid problems with Iodine remains controversial. And some feel it is potentially dangerous…

So it's important to work closely with your doctor. They can help you do the tests we mentioned before. And then work with you to see what's best in your unique situation.

The general prescription for treating Hashimoto's or hypothyroidism with Iodine is the following: Take 200mcg of selenium per day (or eat 3 to 4 brazil nuts per day) for 2 weeks. This is because it's important to, first, correct any selenium deficiencies. Then start consuming more Iodine.

Here are some easy, delicious ways to get more Iodine. So you can heal your thyroid… and be on your way to finally losing the weight.

• Fish, seafood, sea vegetables and eggs are all high in Iodine.

• Specifically, try to eat more coldwater fish such as halibut, sole, mackerel, snapper and salmon. Try to avoid large fish such as tuna. These larger fish are usually high in damaging toxins such as mercury. It's also best to get wild-caught fish instead of farm-raised fish if you can.

• You can also try adding a strip of kombu (an edible species of kelp) to soups or stir frys.

• You can try sprinkling black seaweed over the top of your salads.

• You can eat cage-free, hormone-free, antibiotic-free eggs with breakfast each day.

If you decide to do the Iodine treatment, you'll also want to…

Avoid “goitrogens”

Goitrogens are foods that block the absorption of Iodine into your body. If you are

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trying to correct an Iodine deficiency... but consume many goitrogens... you'll struggle to see any results.

Unfortunately, two goitrogens are common in the American diet. Peanuts and Soy. Even if you don't intentionally consume peanuts or soy, you're likely ingesting a lot more than you realize. Especially soy.

Most packaged foods use soybean oil as an ingredient (many of them labeling it as simply “vegetable oil”). It's also used at most restaurants. So anyone eating those foods is getting A LOT of goitrogens in their diet.

This is just another example of why it's so important to eat real, whole foods instead of pre-packaged foods. Pre-packaged foods usually contain hidden ingredients. As a rule of thumb, the less your food has been processed, the better.

Why leptin resistance is the hidden “fat switch” making it difficult – or even

impossible – for you to lose belly fat... no matter what you try

The strange-but-true reason what you learned about nutrition in your 20s isn't working after menopause

Dr. Richard Johnson, the head of nephrology at the University of Colorado, has been conducting research on obesity for 25 years. He has published more than 500 papers in peer-reviewed journals. And has authored several books along the way.

In his research, he's found that while the mainstream media will say you are overweight because you eat too much and you are lazy, that doesn't seem to be the case...

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Dr. Johnson has found that in order to gain weight significantly, you actually have to become “leptin resistant” first. Because the body has a number of processes that regulate your weight and keep you thin even if you eat excess calories...

So calories don't really matter unless you are leptin resistant...

For example, when you eat, your body makes more of the hormone “leptin.” And higher levels of leptin is a signal to your brain that makes you feel full. And prevents you from eating too much.

But when you are leptin resistant, your body no longer responds to this hormone... so you never feel full, your constantly hungry and your body practically forces you to keep eating, because it thinks you still need more food.

Also, your body is intended to burn off excess calories as heat while you sleep. But if you are leptin resistant, this process never occurs... so the excess calories are more likely to accumulate over time.

Plus, leptin is one of the most important hormones in the body. When it isn't working right, it causes a breakout of other problems. For example...

When leptin isn't working in the body, it disrupts ALL other hormones... making all of your fat go straight to your belly.

It also causes your internal organs to swell so you get a “beer gut.” And it nearly shuts off your thyroid, crashing your metabolism. As well as wrecking your sleep and preventing your muscles from being able to burn the fat stored on your body... so exercising doesn't do much for you.

And while you can gain a bit of weight without having leptin resistance. It seems that you can't become significantly overweight or obese until leptin resistance sets in first. So while getting tested for leptin resistance is very expensive... in most cases, you can tell if you have this problem simply by looking in the mirror.

With this in mind, you may be beginning to realize that – at it's core...

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Obesity is NOT about just diet and exercise!

It's caused by hormonal disruptions in the body. And – in some cases – a few related problems.

And until leptin resistance is healed, your body will always “gravitate” towards being overweight. Also, any fat on your body will seem to hover around your mid-section. So if you've tried what feels like every trick in the book, but always gained the weight back... you are most likely leptin resistant.

But a study conducted by Harvard medical school has found that restoring leptin function in mice leads to long-term reduction in body weight. And the personal experiences of hundreds of people has shown the same is true for humans as well. And...

Once leptin resistance is healed, you'll be able to lose weight without counting calories or feeling deprived.

Because your body will be able to naturally regulate your weight again... and the feeling of deprivation only occurs when you are leptin resistant... because it makes you have a bigger appetite.

But it's important to start healing leptin resistance as soon as you can. Because the longer you remain leptin resistant, the more it causes other problems in the body... and the longer it will take to heal in the end.

In this video, you'll discover the simple steps you can take to heal leptin resistance, kill your cravings, get a thinner, healthier, younger-looking body... and gain lasting confidence in your ability to keep the weight off for good... even if you've struggled with belly fat for years.

How to heal leptin resistance so you can finally break the vicious cycle of “yo-yo” dieting

There's a lot that could be said about healing leptin resistance. But the following tips

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are the most important things to know. They will get you the most results for the least effort.

• Leptin Tip #1: Swap carbs for more healthy fats and proteins - Dr. Richard Johnson, in his experiments, found that the single biggest culprit behind leptin resistance is eating foods that cause inflammation in the body. The worst of these foods being sugar. Especially the fructose sugars found in many processed foods as high fructose corn syrup. And also found in fruits.When you eat these sugars, your body gets a high surge of leptin; more than usual. And if this happens often, your body starts to become “deaf” and unable to hear the leptin signal.And as you become more leptin resistant, you gain more weight and your fat cells start producing more leptin as well. Making you become even more leptin resistant over time. So you lose your ability to control your appetite, get strong cravings for more sugar, and feel tired. While your body just keeps storing what you eat as fat even if you are eating very few calories per day.But here's the strange part. It seems that if you are already obese, your body has a much stronger reaction to sugars. So it only takes a small amount of sugar to keep you fat... even if you are doing everything else right. And – unfortunately – your body converts other non-vegetable carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice and grains into sugar in your body. So these foods will only make the problem worse as well. But, on the other hand, eating healthy proteins and healthy fats tends to greatly reduce cravings and help restore some sanity.So the simplest way to get started fixing leptin resistance is to swap some of the carbs at each meal... for some healthy fats and healthy proteins instead. You'll be able to eat more of these foods in the future. While you are trying to heal leptin resistance, it's important to eat only 100 grams of carbohydrates per day. And try to eat less than 15 grams of sugar.

• Leptin Tip #2: Organic, black coffee – if you consume a lot of sugar and

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carbohydrates while you have leptin resistance, it manipulates a chemical in your body called NPY that makes you crave them even more. So it can be very difficult to eat less of them at first. But once you adjust to it, your cravings will go down significantly.One way to make the transition easier is to drink organic black coffee. It blocks off the part of your brain that makes you crave sugar. So drinking it can help reduce your cravings. Too much coffee could have other down-sides. But a cup with breakfast and another one near lunch should be a big help.But use the alternative sweetener called “stevia” instead of adding table sugar. Or it might do more harm than help.

• Leptin Tip #3: Eat 3 meals per day – it's “in vogue” to recommend women eat many small meals per day. And this does help reduce cravings in the short-term. But it causes some other problems as well. You see, your liver is meant to be a “bank account” for food. When you aren't eating for any reason (such as while you are sleeping), your liver is supposed to send the stored food out to your body to keep you fueled. When you are leptin resistant, however, this doesn't work. So you need to eat constantly to keep yourself fueled. But if you eat often or do a lot of snacking, it is ultimately only contributing to this problem.Because eating often causes your leptin levels to always be high. And high leptin levels means you are going to stay leptin resistant. So while it is helping you reduce cravings in the short-term, it's ultimately reinforcing the leptin resistance that causes the cravings in the first place.But you can retrain your liver to fuel your body when you aren't eating... and heal leptin resistance... you won't be hungry all the time. You can do this by eating only 3 meals per day. And avoiding any snacking. You may feel hungry at first, but as you retrain your body, the hunger and cravings will fade. And then be gone for good.

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• Leptin Tip #4: Eat a BIG breakfast each morning – this is perhaps the most important part of healing leptin resistance. If you eat a BIG breakfast that is high in healthy proteins and fats, you won't be hungry for many hours afterward. So it makes it easy to adjust your eating schedule.For best results, eat this meal within 30 minutes of waking. Eat at least 20 grams of protein at first. And try to eat less than 25 grams of carbohydrates with the meal. And completely avoid counting calories!And – once your body adjusts to eating a big breakfast – experiment with eating even higher amounts of protein at this meal. Up to 70-80 grams. The rule of thumb is this: if you can't go until your next meal without getting hungry, eat more protein at breakfast. If you can go a lot longer without getting hungry, you may have over-done it at breakfast... so try eating a bit less.

• Leptin Tip #5: Eat mostly whole foods – many processed, pre-packaged foods will sneak in sugars and high fructose corn syrup. And – as I mentioned before – if you are already overweight, it only takes a very small amount of this stuff to cancel out anything else you do.And, ideally, you'd want to consume less than 15-25 grams of sugar per day. So try to eat mostly whole foods that haven't been processed or pre-packaged.

• Leptin Tip #6: Always eat your carbs with lots of healthy fats - If you eat lots of healthy fats with your meals, it will cancel out many of the problematic effects from eating carbs. For example, it slows the rate the carbs increase your blood sugar. So you won't get as many cravings later in the day. But for best results, stick to pastured butter and virgin coconut oil for now. Because a diet high in omega-6 fatty acids (such as olive oil, other seed oils, nut oils, grain oils and other commonly-used cooking oils)... causes leptin resistance. You'll be able to add these other fats back in later, but it's best to stick to just the coconut oil and butter for now.

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Most women who follow this plan closely will notice a change in their hunger and cravings within 2 months. Their cravings for carbs will have vanished. And they'll be able to go throughout the day without being hungry. You'll also notice you have much more energy and have less muscle fatigue after exercising.When this happens, you'll know your leptin resistance is beginning to heal.

Your weight may not change drastically at first. Because if you were leptin resistant for many years, it will take your body longer to heal before the weight starts coming off. But you'll experience the improved energy levels, lack of fatigue and reduced cravings much sooner. And if you continue the program, you'll see the weight start coming off... and because your body has been healed, you'll have a much easier time keeping the weight off as well.

Why many women over 50 who exercise and eat 1,200 calories per day barely lose any weight at all... and end up gaining weight in the long run

For women over 50 who are secretly beginning to wonder if the “good old common sense” weight loss advice everyone throws around might

be a bunch of nonsense after all...

If you've tried every diet that's come down the pike in the last 25 years and are on the verge of just giving up... or... if the weight just started creeping up on you after menopause and you're not sure what to do... this may be the most important message you ever read...

Because while the mainstream media insists “you are overweight because you are lazy and eat too much”... cutting edge science is showing that simply isn't true.

For example, a research project conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine found they could make a mouse 60% fatter and diabetic in 14 days simply

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by changing its gut bacteria... without making any other changes in its diet or lifestyle.

And other evidence has shown the same mechanism applies to humans as well. We also have gut bacteria. And people who are obese have a very different type of gut bacteria than people who are thin...

And more and more scientific evidence is showing that your gut bacteria (and other related problems) are what causes weight gain in the first

place... NOT “diet and exercise”...

For example, countless scientific studies have shown evidence for other alternative causes of weight gain as well. Such as several viruses, fungal infections, epigenetics, poor quality sleep, and fumes from common house-hold chemicals. As well as many prescription drugs and food allergies. Not to mention chronic copper poisoning.

And none of these underlying problems are rare! Several of them are common. So it's not surprising that so many women over 50 struggle to lose weight...

The typical “diet” advice just does not address the real causes of their struggle. And these problems become more and more common as the years go by. So it's not surprising that what worked in their 20s just doesn't seem to work anymore...

So if you've tried what feels like every last trick in the book tofinally lose weight... but every pound you finally scrape off... seems to

just creep back up on you...

You may be beginning to wonder if there isn't more to the story than just calories in and calories out...

But whatever you do, be careful about getting lulled into thinking it's “just a natural part of aging.” Because while most people start getting “soft” in their 40s (even if they aren't overweight)... we've all seen women our age who have remained trim and in shape...

And once you reverse the underlying challenges that cause weight gain, your body will “gravitate” towards being thin as well... even if you've struggled with your weight

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for years.

Plus, you'll have some fun when you start being able to wear clothes you haven't fit into for years (and start looking like your younger self again). And most women go on to eventually feel 2,000% better with more energy and zest for life as well...

But it's important to get started now. Because these underlying challenges tend to get worse over time if you don't give them a hand. And until you heal them, your body will “gravitate” towards being overweight.

Why liver trouble is one of the most common reasons women over 50 struggle to lose weight

One of the biggest problems (and most common amongst women over 50) that makes losing weight an impossible struggle is an underlying problem with their liver. When your liver (located just below your chest on the ride side of your body) gets overloaded or stressed, it causes a number of other problems in the body. For example...

• In order for you metabolism to work well – so you can lose weight and keep it off – your body must convert the hormone “T4” into a different hormone called “T3.” 60% of this conversion happens in your liver. So if you have a liver problem... your metabolism crashes too.

• Also, most of your other hormones are metabolized in the liver as well. So if you have liver trouble, you get hormonal imbalances that make weight loss difficult.

• Plus, your liver is the most important part of your body for removing any toxins or poisons you are exposed to. If your liver is overloaded, these toxins start to accumulate in your body. Causing cellulite, low energy and difficulty losing weight.

And liver trouble is extraordinarily common amongst women over 50. Because with each passing year we are exposed to more and more chemicals and toxins on a daily basis. From chemicals added to our water supply, cleaning supplies, paint, food

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additives, air pollution and many others.

And while our liver is meant to help remove these things from the body, there's just so much of it that the liver often gets over-burdened and sluggish... and the toxins start accumulating in your body. Causing fatigue, cellulite, and difficulty losing weight.

And since women over 50 have simply been alive longer... they've had more time for all the toxins to build up in their body.

But there are some simple steps you can take to get rid of these toxins... so you can finally lose the weight and make your way back to health.

Step #1: “Bind” the toxins so you can get them out of your body... and be on

your way to recapturing a Healthier, Younger-Looking Physique

In order to get the toxins out of your body, you'll need to use “toxin binders.” Toxin binders are other chemicals that latch onto the toxins and carry them out of the body... so they can't keep floating around and causing trouble.

Here are a few simple tips for getting started...

• Toxin Binding Tip #1: Glutathione – glutathione is the most powerful toxin binder that occurs naturally in your body. With thousands of peer-reviewed studies documenting its importance. It seems that having high levels of glutathione leads to being in great health and living longer... and lower levels of glutathione leads to poor health, accelerated aging and many other complications (such as difficulty losing weight). And – indeed – many women over 50 feel exhausted and unwell because their body is low on glutathione... so all sorts of toxins are able to roam around the body and cause all sorts of mischief.One way to boost glutathione levels in your body using only foods is by

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drinking hydrolyzed whey protein powder. Simply have a glass at least a few days a week. And if you want to get even more bang for your buck, try drinking it near bed time. Because, for many women, it helps them relax and get better sleep as well.

• Toxin Binding Tip #2: Sulfur-Rich Foods – sulfur-rich foods such as eggs and onions help support your body in producing glutathione. An easy way to get more of these is to have an omelet for breakfast with some chopped onions, meat and vegetables sprinkled in.

• Toxin Binding Tip #3: Turmeric – taking the steps above to boost glutathione will help your body bind more toxins and carry them out of the body... improving your health and making it easier to lose weight. But you can make the effect even stronger by consuming the season turmeric. Because turmeric strengthens the toxin removing power of glutathione.Try eating some turmeric with at least one meal per day. An easy way to do this is to stir fry some meat and vegetables in coconut oil. Then – once it cools – add turmeric and black pepper. It tastes delicious, and the coconut oil and black pepper make your body absorb more of the turmeric.

Step #2: Flush The Toxins Out of Your Body... So You Can Get Back To

Health and Make it Easier to Lose Weight

Once you've “bound” the toxins using toxin binders, the next step is to make sure the bound toxins get flushed out of your body. Otherwise, they may just get recycled back into your body instead of leaving.

Here are a few simple steps for getting started...

• Toxin Flush Tip #1: Use a sauna – Your body eliminates toxins primarily through using the restroom. But it can also eliminate toxins through sweating. So you might experiment with sitting in a sauna 1-2 times per week. This is particularly important if your liver is over-loaded. Because if the toxins come out through your sweat instead of going through your liver...

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your liver gets to take a break and recover.

• Toxin Flush Tip #2: drink more water – generally, the more frequently you go to the bathroom, the more quickly you'll be able to remove toxins from the body (without overdoing it of course). So you might experiment with drinking more water each day.

• Toxin Flush Tip #3: Senna – Senna is a plant that helps stimulate the movement of your bowels so you go to the restroom more frequently... and can eliminate toxins more quickly. This is especially important if you struggle with constipation. Because when you are constipated, the toxins are not being eliminated from the body as well. Making you become more sick, tired and overweight over time.Senna can be found in “Chinese dieter's tea.” You may consider having a cup or two each day.

Step #3: Support the Natural ToxinRemoving Powers of Your Liver

If you want to give this process a boost so you can lose weight faster and improve your energy levels... you can take a few simple steps to give your liver a helping hand. This is especially important if you experience a feeling of fullness in the area of your liver (located on the right side of your body, below your chest). Because this usually means your liver is overwhelmed.

The following are some simple, natural steps you can take to give your liver a helping hand...

• Liver Support Tip #1: Get More Vitamin C – vitamin C stimulates your liver's ability to remove toxins. It can also serve as a toxin binder and reduce the damage that toxins can cause in your body in several other ways as well. So you might consider getting more fresh lemon juice each day. An easy way to do this is to add a slice of lemon to a glass of water each morning. Or – if you want more of the lemon flavor in the water – you can add several slices of lemon to a pitcher of water and let it sit in the fridge overnight. Creating a

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healthy tea you can sip on throughout the day.

• Liver Support Tip #2: Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup – if you consume a diet high in sugars (especially fructose from fruits and high fructose corn syrup in processed foods), you'll be on your way to liver troubles. Sugars cause your liver to become over-burdened. And over time it will swell in size... causing your belly to bulge outwards as a result. Giving you that “beer gut” look.So try to limit the amount of sugar you consume to 15 grams per day or less.

• Liver Support Tip #3: Milk Thistle – milk thistle is an herb that has been scientifically-proven to support your liver. So it can remove more toxins from the body. It also helps your body create new, healthy liver cells. It's fairly easy to find milk thistle tea or supplement capsules. Either one will do. Although, milk thistle does not dissolve into water very well. So the tea isn't as strong as taking it as a supplement.To get an even stronger effect from taking milk thistle, try having it with some choline. Choline is an essential nutrient that improves the absorption of milk thistle. So your body is able to use more of it. A great source of choline is from eggs.

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Final Chapter: Closing Thoughts

As you've likely realized after reading this far... the reason so many women struggle with weight loss and stubborn belly fat... is because what works for a twenty-or-thirty-something is simply NOT what works for women over 50...

And if you've tried what feels like every last trick in the book to get rid of stubborn belly fat and regain a slimmer, more youthful-looking mid-section... but nothing has worked as well as you'd hoped... you likely (like most women over 50) have some underlying challenges causing your struggles...

Until the underlying challenges are resolved, it's unlikely that any amount of cutting calories or “dieting” can bring about a lasting weight loss or scrape off stubborn belly fat. Because your body will gravitate towards gaining it all back again...

But if you resolve these underlying challenges, you can experience the weight loss breakthrough you've been looking for.

And put your body into a state where it's easier to keep the weight off as well...

This guide has laid out the most important underlying challenges to work on, and given you the crucial steps for improving those areas. Now, all that's left is for you to take a few small, simple steps that almost anyone can do...

Simply work through the simple steps in this guide. Starting with the quick start section before moving onto the later chapters...

Because we've all heard of the full body transformations other women over 50 have experienced. And you may even know someone who's done it themselves. So you

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may be beginning to wonder if – a year from today – you couldn't be experiencing something similar... or at least be part of the way there...

It may take some time to do that. But it has been done by many women over 50... and I'm confident you can do it too. Simply complete the steps in this guide at whatever pace works for you... and you can be on your way to finally reversing these hidden challenges that make it difficult – or even downright impossible – to remove stubborn belly fat. And be able to regain a thinner, healthier, younger-looking body.

Appendix A - References:

• Central Leptin Receptor Action and Resistance in Obesity - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2798145/

• Phosphorylation of Jak2 on Ser523 Inhibits Jak2-dependent Leptin Receptor Signaling. Mol Cell Biol (2006) 26: 4063-73.

• Critical Role of STAT3 in Leptin’s Metabolic Actions. Cell Metabolism (2006) 4:49-60.

• Leptin regulates neointima formation following arterial injury through mechanisms independent of blood pressure and the leptin receptor/STAT3 signaling pathways involved in energy homeostasis. ATVB (2007): 70-76.

• Appropriate Inhibition of orexigenic hypothalamic arcuate nucleus neurons independently of leptin receptor/STAT3 signaling. J. Neurosci. (2007) 27: 69-74.

• SH2B1 enhances leptin signaling by both Jak2 Y813 phosphorylation-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Mol. Endo (2007), In Press.

• Inhibition of Jak2 signaling by tyrosine phosphorylation in the JH2 domain. Mol Cell Biol (2004) 24(11): 4968-78.

• Lrbà STAT3 signaling is required for the neuroendocrine regulation of energy

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expenditure. Diabetes (2004) 53(12): Feedback inhibition of leptin receptor/Jak2 signaling by Tyr1138 of the Leptin receptor and Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 3. Mol Endo (2005) 19: 925-938.

• Roles for leptin receptor/STAT3-dependent and -independent signaling in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. Cell Metabolism (2005) 1: 169-178.

• Mice lacking inhibitory leptin receptor signals are lean with normal endocrine function. J. Clin. Invest. (2007) 117:1354-1360.

• A simple qPCR-based method to detect correct insertion of homologous targeting vectors in murine ES cells. Transgenic Research (2007) In Press.

• Infecto-Obesity:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22115071

• Correlation between T. Gondii and obesity: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3872312/

• H. Pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae correlate with obesity: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17943636

• Gut bacteria linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome: http://www.sott.net/article/249740-Gut-Bacteria-Linked-to-Obesity-and-Metabolic-Syndrome-Identified

• Coconut Oil is Anti-Inflammatory: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21454992/

• Coconut Oil vs. Soybean Oil for Abdominal Obesity: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19437058

• The Antioxidant effects of coconut oil: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4247320/

• Inflammation is behind the correlation of insulin resistance, obesity and

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diabetes: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14698276

• Just a sample of the many studies done on Vitamin A and pathogens • http://jn.nutrition.org/content/136/5/1365.short

• http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/content/194/9/1217.short

• http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.nutr.21.1.167

• Oxidative stress levels affect infections and your susceptibility to them: http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/content/182/Supplement_1/S93.short

• Food-bourne diseases: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20153070

• Do stress reactions cause abdominal obesity and comorbidities [other diseases]? http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1467-789x.2001.00027.x/abstract

• Correlation between cortisol and belly fathttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0026049592901716

• Study on the effects of stress on belly fat (abdominal obesity) and disease: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1467-789x.2001.00027.x/abstract

• Chronic stress leading to cravings for comfort foods: • http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889159104001527

• Chronic stress and obesity: a new view of "comfort food" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12975524

• Chronic stress and Higher cortisol levels causing cravings and overeating: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/abs/10.1210/jcem.83.6.4843

• Ten Clear Alternative Causes of Obesity: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2932668/

• Correlation between leaky gut and belly fat http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

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• Correlation between T. Gondii and obesity http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3872312/

• H. Pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae correlate with obesity http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17943636

• T. Gondii and obesity: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3872312/

• Gut bacteria linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome: http://www.sott.net/article/249740-Gut-Bacteria-Linked-to-Obesity-and-Metabolic-Syndrome-Identified

• Changing gut flora causes 60% greater body fat and diabetes in 14 days: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15505215?dopt=Abstract

• Inflammation is behind the correlation of insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14698276

• Correlations beteween specific cell levels and inflammation and obesity: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2740384/

• Obesity-Induced Insulin resistance is partially-caused by inflammation: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14679177/

• Oxidative stress levels affect infections and your susceptibility to pathogens: http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/content/182/Supplement_1/S93.short
