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The Unicorn Nation Myth, Legend and Truth

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The UnicornNation:

Myth, Legendand Truth.

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A time has passed which threatened the very nature of whom and what we are, where our very existence was endangered and many dear to us have been lost.

A time where betrayal and pain touched each and every member of our proud and noble nation, where not just our way of life but our very existence was questioned.

For now that time has passed. Yet the Darkness still remains a cloud upon the horizon. There will be future fights and further losses but for now a

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time has arrived to re-forge our strength and unity. We must once more stand firm and take our rightful place in the world.

The sun rises on a new day. Our fallen will forever be remembered. They will never truly be forgotten as they live on in our hearts and minds. They are our conscience and our reason to fight for what we believe in.

It is said that the history of worlds is written by the victorious, and that too often a nation’s history is a biased truth of victories and success. Yet I believe a history is also written by the survivors – those still able to tell the stories and songs of long forgotten times.

So here lies the truth of our nation. Its glories and failings. For all who remain and for those who come after. To see and know who they are where they came from and the sacrifices that were made. To forever more feel and know what it is to be… a Unicorn.


Bright the new dawn on the beckoning seaBuoyed were their spirits, their hopes and their dreams

Bittersweet tears stung the cheeks of their kinAs they bid fond farewells from the shore

Strong was bold Sven as he hauled on the helm,Sapphire the sea as they dipped their oak oars,

Soaring the seagulls and raucous their cries,

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As they sailed, the North to explore.

Chorus:Unicorn, ride the storm

Safely from harmUnicorn, guide us on

Into the dawn

Dark grew the clouds as the sails caught the wind,The dragon-prowed ship - she pitched and she rolled,

Dim were the waters, grown grey with the dusk,The rain broke with thunder some roar.

Raging the ocean, the sail torn to shreds,Rearing the prow, as she crested the waves,

Roused by the thunder, Sven stood on the deck,“Gods! We your mercy implore!”


Abandoned by hope, and the latitude lost,Aching their bones, and as day followed day,Ardent hearts quailed and heroes grew weak,

In the hold, how depleted their store!

Ragged the reefs of a faraway land,Rasping and ripping the ship’s wooden hull,Roaring the breakers and rearing the rocks,

And shipwreck the sailors foresaw.


White was the unicorn, riding the waves,

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Wailing the wind in the rigging,Watching he stood, bold Sven at the tiller,

He cried, “Men! Despair nevermore!”

Tossing its watery mane in the wind,Treading on hooves of pure gold,

Touching the boat with the tip of its muzzle,The unicorn led them to shore.


Lush was the land that they found at the harbour,Leaving was far from their minds,

Long did they stay, from the kind natives learningTheir language, and hearing their lore,

Till dreams filled the mind of a young hero sleeping,And all doubts he steadfastly spurned:

Deep ocean, a unicorn leading him onwardTo seek for his homeland of yore.

ChorusMoist are the eyes of the women who dream,

Men weep, his memory to tell:Moored in the harbour, his dragon-prowed ship -

He set sail, and they saw him no more:

Misty the dawn on the soft, swelling sea,Murmuring, they stood on the shore,

Mute was the wind as he rowed past the reefWith a unicorn riding before.

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Mauritanja itself seems to be ever changing and that is something that is evident throughout the Unicorn nation’s history.

The lands of Mauritanja hold their share of both diversity and mystery. Our lands are an integral part of who we are and it seems only right that before we journey through our nation’s history we start with our home.

Before the Cataclysm forever altered our lands and before the True Unicorns emerged to these lands the main existence of Mauritanja was beneath the waves. Highly volcanic in nature the area supported a temperate and diverse ecosystem supporting a wide range of life. The few islands that existed were rocky plateaus or lifeless peaks, none capable of supporting life or much vegetation.

Amongst the life beneath the waters of Mauritanja life was abundant and flourished, it continued after the Cataclysm but the lands above changed, becoming more than there was before a changing the future of Mauritanja forever.

The Mauritanjan Archepelago now contains at least a dozen islands including the two largest North and South Isle. Spread widely across these islands is a multitude of transport and ritual circles. The diversity of the islands is matched only by the plethora of people who have come to call these islands home.

Following the Cataclysm the main land masses of Mauritanja were split in two. These two separate islands re now linked by the Colossus’s

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steps, which were formed when the mighty Colossus fell into the sea after the Holy Isle tidal wave. Both of these islands differ greatly in their appearance, as we will come to see later there is good reason for this.

The largest island South Isle, is the most densely populated within the Archepelago. Its hills are rich in iron and its forests are dense with trees. South Isle is the seat of learning for the Unicorn Nation, and home to both its present capital and the ruins of El Dorado the nation’s former Capital city. The island is almost completely divided by a long tidal river running from Kenco in the southwest to Talcontar, home of the Ghostwalkers in the northeast. Along South Isles southern coast the waters are warm and fishing villages populates the coast.

The second largest of Mauritanja's islands North Isle is sparsely populated both in its population and its forested areas. The North of the island is rich with minerals. Here the Alzheimer Mountains are situated which makes it difficult to live. A large proportion of the area remains largely unexplored due to the strange confusion effects that have lain in existence there affecting any who enter the area. In stark contrast the Southern and Western coast of North Isle is green and fertile with Vineyards and forests that are home to many rare plants and herbs.

The remaining islands of Mauritanja encircle the two largest land masses and the biggest problem we have when encompassing the smaller islands is that within the Archepelago many islands shift, and many islands have only recently come to emerge. This means that at any one time attempting to describe them accurately would be insufficient. Therefore as this history progresses and as those who come in future years continue to document our peoples achievements it may be necessary for them to update the movements not only of our peoples but of the islands they call home.As it stands at present there are just under a dozen smaller islands surrounding North and South Isle. The variation amongst these islands

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and the diversity of life they hold is typical of our lands. Alongside this the people who have homes amongst them are the foundations of our nation, and as we will come to see the reason we are the way we are.

Adelena Isle.

Formerly known as the Island of Vaecena, until the Unicorn expedition of 1102AF. The island is one of mystery and it seems to have been affected by the magical mists and influence of the True Unicorns and the elves. The island itself has been one of the more recent discoveries of the Unicorn Nation, having lain approximately 100 miles west of South Isle for many years unnoticed. Until recently powerful golems which had been left behind by the previous inhabitants had been guarding the island. The Unicorn expedition of 1102 saw the discovery of many artefacts and secrets which had lain unknown since the islanders left. Queen Adelena was laid to rest on the island and the island renamed Adelena’s Isle in her honour.

Beast Isle.

Inhabited almost solely by beastkin and the homeland of Primal Urge the island remains largely uninhabited, with one small sized town. The island as yet has been largely unexplored by the Unicorn Nation since Primal Urge joined the Unicorn People.

Boar Isle.

Lying to the northeast of North Isle, Boar Isle is the ancestral home to the rainbow Boar. It still bears the scars of the blood pit and Monotones damage. Before his arrival in early 1100 the land was full of life and covered with forest. The boar that have begun returning hope that it may in time blossom with life as it once did.

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Far Reach.

One of the newer discoveries of these lands and a protectorate of the Unicorn crown, Far Reach lies far to the west of the larger islands; it has become a great source of debate amongst the Unicorn people. A unique environment where the people had signed living contracts to become undead after their life of little or no work to repay their debts. The lands themselves are sunny and warm. Plants and fruits surround its buildings, which are tall and columned with statues. After recent years the people on Far Reach have once again to rebuild their land and their lives.

Forest Isle.

Originally one of the four islands it is the only one remaining after Holy Isle landed. As its name suggests it is covered in rich forest and there is an abundance of animal and marine life. Of recent years Forest Isle has been home to the Salandrian Court, a recent addition to the Unicorn nation comprised primarily of Fae but including a pack of Beastkin. Almost all the members of this court are born of the Dreaming in Arcadia except the Beastkin who descended from a group who joined the Court around fifty years ago. The island has had its fair share of drama over the years with attacks from Cu-Hurrican and the exodus of the Silver Isles from the threat of the tainted.


Gavelle is possibly one of Mauritanja’s wealthiest islands, rich with gold, silver and iron to its Northwest; it is also home to one of Mauritania’s most heavily used ritual circles – The Soul Forge Ritual Circle. Gavelle is somewhat a rarity in the sense that it contrasts large parts of the other islands. Its forests are open and cool when compared to the dense woodlands of South Isle and its hills are pleasant when compared to the barren Rocky Mountains like the Alzheimer’s. Gavelle, like many other

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islands, has a turbulent history, though these times have passed and the island is rebuilding itself to its former beauty.

Isle of Grynd.

It is now thought that this island was the first landing place of the elves who came to Mauritanja and that a number of them remained there until their departure into the Shadow Realms. The island has remained in its current position for some time, prior to that it was said to have disappeared at dusk only to reappear somewhere else as the sun rose. The elves influence on this island is unmistakeable, it is highly fertile covered in grasslands and forest, the island has been highly sought after as a staging point for councils and parliaments over the years.


Illyria itself once home to the Mauritanja police Department; and shared with a still active volcano was lost beneath the waves in 1105, only to begin re-emerging in the early part of 1106. The island had always had a uniqueness all of its own with rocky terrain surrounding its volcano and an area sparse with plant life. These desolate areas were contrasted by warm waters and hot summers and abundant fishing which made this island a true natural beauty. Its instinctive calm made the island a perfect retreat for those requiring peace, seclusion and a quiet place to contemplate the world.

Shadow Isle.

The history of shadow Isle is one which even now little seems known about. Like Forest Isle its surrounding neighbours were lost in Holy Isles tidal wave. It is theorised that it was possibly the island used by the Shadowkin

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to liaise with the younger races upon the formation of the Shadow Realms. In recent years the Shadowkin remained in control of the island and initial Unicorn expeditions failed because of the mists surrounding it.

Shipyard Isle.

Shipyard Isle is the main building port for the Mauritanjan navy. However this is not its only use. Heavily fortified and with imposing cliffs it is an ideal defensive position for the Solent. The island is dedicated to the navy, building its ships and housing its barracks. Although an Isle which has mainly been a centre of industry it has of late become a home for a new group to join the Unicorn Nation the Pirata Venator,

The Pirata Venator were formed around five years ago when a shipbearing a cargo of Slaves was sailing through clear seas until a magical storm came out of the calm and struck the ship. Amidst the battle to keep the ship afloat the Slaves were loosed, though none to this day know by what force. The Slaves attacked the Pirate crew that had been there captors, fighting with nothing but their sheer want of freedom. The slaves leader led them to victory against the pirates giving them the chance to surrender and reform there lives. Those that chose not to do so were killed or set adrift.

With the need to repair their ship and heal their wounds the group landed on an island and spent a harsh winter there losing some of their number to the cold. As spring arrived their leaders told them that they were now ready to set forth into the world and pursue freedom amongst the world. The former slaves set out to sea finding other pirates and trying to re-educate them on the rights of people to freedom. The Pirata Venator now follow those that set them free as Ancestors, though the race of these immortals is not spoken and believe that we all have one future and it will be what we make of it. On the night of their rescue it was heard said by Savek-nor:Your past is dead.Deny any their hopesAnd they will be taken from you.

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Deny any there secretsAnd they will steal them from you.We are your future.Your fear is uncovered,Your knowledge will be ours,We are your end and saviourSolem Isle

Although lying within the waters of our islands, Solem Isle is not strictly a part of the Mauritanjan Archepelago but a self governing State. Its whereabouts is unknown though it is known to be home to a group called the Church of Mockel. The Church are a group of Knights who follow the Ancestor Mockel, a noble Knight of a Great Teutonic Order. The Church have in their time brought much to the Unicorn people, not only Master warriors they bring strength and unity to the nation as well as some of the finest ales and wines across Erdreja!


Home of the Silver Elves the once beautiful land has been rampaged by the devastation wrought upon the inhabitants by the tainted. The land which was once a place of beauty and architecture has now become barren and desolate and the life from within its forests is only now beginning to re-emerge from its hiding place. It is the Unicorns hope that the land can be rebuilt and the elves can once more return home.

Storm Isle.

Another recent addition to the Unicorn Nations lands Storm Isle emerged from the Mists when they were destroyed. Little is known about the island although attempts are being made to scout its terrain and gain its history from its inhabitants the Storm Pack. Pack Storm joined the Unicorn nation after the Unicorns emerged into the Heartlands and became a prominent force within the Heartlands. Once they were slaves to a group of Drow from the Underdark and it

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was when they travelled to meet the Unicorns with their masters that they discovered the free will of the Unicorn way and that the Unicorns believe that no one should be a slave. Realising that they had chance to build lives and homes for themselves they rebelled against there captors, becoming one of the most prominent and valued groups within the Unicorn Peoples hearts and expeditions to date.

Sven Isle.

Lying on the warm shores to the south of Mauritanja, the island is warm all year round with well-stocked coasts, which supply fish to Gavelle and South Isle. Its forests supply wood and game and it remains quite sparsely populated. This may be due to the lack of ritual circle, but it’s under population adds to its natural beauty.

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…From dreamsand Legends…

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For many years now Unicorns… True Unicorns, creatures of light and majesty, blessed with a magic that sparks a glimmer in all our dreams, had become little more than fable. The proud forefathers of our nation became stories told to children, visions to our leaders and deities revered by the faithful.

Once again it is time they became something more. In remembering who we are we must remember our heritage…

Our heritage takes two paths. Firstly, the beliefs and myths that form us from an early age, passed on from father to son over the ages. Secondly, the forefathers that shaped our history, and the bond which becomes forged between the two. Those who established the society of freedom and unity that we now aspire to… the True Unicorns.

Much of our heritage has been lost through time. What we have left is largely a collection of older beliefs. It does not in any way fully encompass all the ancient beliefs of our ancestors, but they form a basis to what we understand the beliefs of the true Unicorns to be. In understanding those beliefs and in turn their aspirations for life we can better understand their descendants… our family.

In looking at the beliefs of our forefathers we must first speak of Ancalime. Ancalime is what can only be described as a Fair Trade ancestor, a single individual ancestor who is comprised of four separate personalities.

These four separate personalities are said to have been the major ancestors of the early Unicorns. Whether this belief system relates at all to the True Unicorns is uncertain but it is likely that it held great value to those who first settled under this name. The tale behind these aspects of Ancalime is that they travelled from Calisfarr, which was later destroyed through the actions of Ancalime the Black.

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The four known aspects worked together to form the Exchequer of External Wealth on the Ancestral Plane. Once they succeeded in their task they united and created a group who would protect Fair Trade and the Unicorns – The Knights of Ancalime.

The four aspects of Ancalime are said to have squabbled amongst themselves although they came to realise that uniting was far more profitable. The four known aspects of Ancalime are as follows.

Ancalime the White.

Known to the Calisfarrian as Dianysis, she will tend to appear as a matronly, white-haired woman of pale complexion. She wears either a long white robe, or white plate-mail, and wields alternately a mace of great power, or a sword of justice. Since her arrival on Erdreja, she has taken on the appearance of a large, glowing white unicorn with a long golden horn and golden hooves.

White is Ancalime's aspect of law, order and purity. She is stern and uncompromising, and if she sets a task for her servants, she expects them to use whatever means prove necessary to complete their objective, and will rarely forgive failure in this area. She detests unliving, believing them to be against the natural order of the universe, and seeks their destruction. Ancalime the White tends to be called upon by knights, warriors, justiciars and healers. She was in deepest Calisfarrian history a great warrior and healer, recognised by the symbol of an ankh.

Ancalime the Green.

Her Calisfarrian (i.e. true) name is Salendoria, and she tends to appear as a slender elven woman with golden skin and hair. In ancient times she could be seen wearing robes or armour of dark green, bearing either a staff or hunting bow.

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As with other aspects of Ancalime she has a Unicorn form, that being chestnut brown and sporting a glowing pearl horn, flowers spring up beneath its hooves wherever it walks.

Green is Ancalime's aspect of goodness, wisdom and the forces of nature. Gentle, merciful and slow to anger, she remains a force to be reckoned with when roused. At need, she can call the full force of the physical elements down upon her enemies. She, like Ancalime the White, dislikes unliving, but her reasoning is different, she wishes only to bring rest to the poor demented patterns. Ancalime the Green is called upon mainly by elves, rangers, herbalists and magicians. In her own lifetime, she was a great warrior-mage, and started the elven royal line of Calisfarr, under the banner of a harp.

Ancalime the Grey.

Originally known as Tassendal, a kender of some renown, Ancalime the Grey, would be seen in either doublet and hose or a long robe, both in grey. He travelled many roads; making maps and secreting his many acquisitions in any number of specially designed pockets, pouches and bags. Sometimes he would try to trick his followers, by appearing as a man of middle years dressed in multicoloured clothing. Armed with whatever weapons came to hand (someone else's prized dagger being his favourite trick) he is a cunning fighter who proves impossible to catch or restrain.

By nature, Grey is Ancalime's facet of chaos, whose most noted feature is his terrible sense of humour, which when combined with innocent fearlessness makes him an annoying and implacable foe. He is neither for nor against the unliving, or anything else for that matter (with the exception of Dark Trade which wants to "tax" all his lovely shiny things). As patron of kender, thieves, children and the insane, he will take a small unicorn form, grey in colour with a silver horn and cloven hooves. This legendary scout takes the magpie as his symbol.

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Ancalime the Black.

Zell, (his true name) was a dark god whose greed, malevolence and lust for power brought about the destruction of Calisfarr. As a cunning individual, he used many spies to infiltrate his enemy’s camps. Seen often as a dark, sinister man wielding weapons of cruel and evil design, he would only be caught at night or lurking in the densest of shadows. Since his escape to Erdreja, he has adopted the form of a black unicorn with glowing red eyes, and if he travels in this form, sparks fly from his ebony hooves.

Black is evil to the core, but he remains vigorously opposed to Dark Trade, as it reduces his chances of potential followers for him. He is not necessarily pro-Fair Trade, but knowing that that is his only means to freedom, will cooperate until he feels he can take on the other aspects and win. Ancalime the Black, is only opposed to unliving who will not serve him, and will willingly use them in his own interests where he can. In life, Black was an accomplished sorcerer and assassin, his followers tend to be of similar professions, and gather under the sign of a black triangle

Ancalime the Blue

Of the fifth and last aspect, not much is known. Referred to as Ancalime the blue, she is literally the balance of the other aspects. Blue refused to interfere when the destruction of Calisfarr began, leaving the other aspects no choice but to flee. Believed destroyed when the other aspects fled, Blue has recently been shown to still exist, speaking to followers from the great exchequer of wealth. Blue has not been seen in many, many years but is said to take the form of a large blue tinged unicorn with glowing, deep blue eyes.

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These beings are the major figures in Fair Trade, and it should be noted that they all use the name Ancalime and their various colours, and it is considered blasphemous for unbelievers to use their original Calisfarrian names.

Unlike in the days of our forefathers it is thought not all of Ancalime’s aspects remain. This however has not diminished the belief or importance of Ancalime. Their knights protect us still.

It would seem that the beliefs of our ancestors support the society in which they lived and the value system they held so dear. It is hard to say more about the beliefs of our forefathers, as so much was lost in the cataclysm. However one ancient belief system that remains part of nation even today may well have existed in their time. To understand the influence of that belief helps us to understand where it came from.

What we know of the beliefs of the Tribe of the Rainbow Boar certainly depicts an atmosphere of mutual respect and unity that we will come to see as an integral part of Unicorn society. The length of time that this belief structure has existed is perpetuated by a transitional period known as the time of “Un-Writing”, Beyond this no written structure exists.

Many years ago two slate pieces came into the possession of Umlinster Oxbridge, these two pieces of slate depicted the tribe’s history and lore. The two tablets suggested that the lore and structure of the tribe remained fluid and altered often when the tribe gathered.

One tribal structure that remained constant was that of the tribal voice. The Voice seems to have taken the place of a leader, being nominated by other tribal members to act as an emissary, conveying the needs and wishes of the whole tribe.

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The tablets depict the society of the tribe as one of unity. This is evident into the day-to-day lives of our forefathers and our lives today. From these tablets and the information they hold we see that the tribe was made of many different people: -

“None are ever turned away; all are seen as equals regardless of history or race. New peoples joining the tribe are always welcomed to the family with great rejoicing. Those who come as a whole perhaps as a smaller group are able to take a stave from the first fire to build their own fire, remaining part of the tribe yet retaining their own identity”

From this we can therefore theorise that these beliefs may have developed as a result of the rebuilding of Mauritanjan nation after the Cataclysm. The inclusion of many different peoples groups and races is an intrinsic part of who we have become today. Whether or not the Rainbow Boar and their beliefs were an example the True Unicorns incorporated along with their growth and development, or, were ideals descended from their actions we may never know. What does become obvious to us is that the beliefs of the Tribe of the Rainbow Boar are embodied, even if not followed, by many Unicorns today. Our unity and theirs can best be described by a single sentence contained within the tablets…

“All voices made into one, all voices spoken as one, so the many can be one, so the tribe shall move together”

As we will come to see in our more recent history however ideals such as these are not always as easy to uphold, yet this statement is one held close to the hearts of many within the faction whatever ancestor they follow.

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It seems somehow wrong at this point to mention these two foundations of our society without also mentioning a group which exists still today and who are tasked with protecting the very land of Mauritanja, The Watchers.

The Watchers of Mauritania (archaic spelling) were originally a group consisting solely of druids though in recent years the ranks have been opened up to those following other ways. Most lore on the Watchers has been lost over the ages. Most of its history and secrets were kept as tales passed down through the generations. The sect was once much larger and as it has dwindled many of their tales have been forgotten.

For many centuries the Watchers have spent time their time in seclusion, quietly watching from the background and stepping in when their help was needed. In early times in the Unicorns history the Watchers would on occasion come forth from this seclusion when they felt a more direct presence was required and in these times they would interact more directly with the Unicorn Nation.

Traditionally one member of the Watchers has been tasked with looking after one island in the archipelago, with apprentices to aid them. The Watchers acknowledge the wiser among them but they have very little in the way of a formal organisation. Although one is selected as a Primary representative to the Unicorns they have no named leader. Each watcher only has the authority of his own wisdom and skill. Many of their younger members ask that they may learn from the older and request to become their apprentices.

The Watchers believe the land itself is very much alive and the ancient spirits of the land were watching. However in dark times forces would try to assail these spirits directly. To aid these spirits the Watchers crafted Monoliths to which they could retreat into safety when required. Few of these Monoliths are thought to remain, though one such is currently in the care of the Watchers. Discovered on Stormpeak it is the home of a spirit of the land called Carabrill, who they believe to be an ancient druid.

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In the lore of the Watchers of ‘Mauritania’ that remains it is spoken of a number of lost relics of our lands past these include-

Crescent of the Moon

This Silver Sickle was not only used to collect sacred herbs but also was used in rituals because of its connection with the moon and Luna cycles. Herbs collected with the sickle often displayed powers beyond those normally attributed to them. No records exist of when or where this was lost and some believe that the tale is merely an allegory.

Mirror of the Mist

When so gifted, Watchers of old would sometimes be granted a vision of something that was happening in that time in Mauritanja. The visions would be seen in pools of water, which would suddenly be covered in mist before revealing the image. It is believed that when the tidal wave that destroyed the mists protecting Mauritanja struck it swept away the energies that made up the pool and they became scattered.

Horn of Thunder

This curved horn is believed to have been created and used by a more militant sect of the Watchers who took offence to the civilisation that encroached on the wilds. The horn was known to be incredibly difficult to play properly but legend says that when this was done the horn brought such thunderous destruction that it could level entire towns. It is believed that one of the watchers sects hid the horn to prevent its use by their enemies and the Horn has never been found.

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Crown of the Wild

This is the most sacred artefacts of the Watchers. The crown itself is said to have literally grown out of a plant or animal into a form of its choosing. Sometimes it remained manifested for years. However legend tells of one instance where it grew from summer flowers and had faded by the autumn. Another time it is said to have formed from a cloud of mayflies and only lasted the one day. The crown has displayed various properties at different times. Commanding beasts, animating trees and bringing fertility have all been known. The Crown hates those who would misuse it and it is said to bring curses and doom to those who would try to corrupt its power.

The Watchers in recent years have become more known to the Unicorn Nation and have stepped further into the forefront of the Unicorns, they still maintain their guardianship of the lands of Mauritanja and it is through them that we can learn about the lands we know as our home.

It is now time for us to follow the second path we have spoken of, that of our forefathers the True Unicorns.

Few know the origins of the creatures known as Unicorns. It is believed that they first appeared on Mauritanja through the Void gate on what is now North Isle. Legend suggests that the Unicorns were cast out from another world to travel and allow them to be free from who sought their magical horns.

Some of the last scrolls to be discovered came from the island formerly known as Vaecena suggest that the entire area in which they found themselves was innately magic. Around four hundred years ago a group of elves document in their journal their original colonisation of the island and within the journal they recall an encounter with the Unicorns who lived to their North East behind the mists of confusion.

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“They called themselves Unicorns, and were a race that could change their shape from humanoid to horse like at will and were also powerful magic users. They were a solitary kind and wanted to be left alone, as did we, so we agreed to leave each other be.”

From “A Brief History of Vaecena” by Kessia Talvenea.

They created magical mists that protected them and gave them a safe haven; they remained few in number but spent their time contemplating the magic of the Universe, especially ancestral magic and the conflict between the Plane of the dead and the Plane of Unliving.

It may have been a result of their persecution prior to arriving on these lands but the Unicorns became guardians to many races. One of the first of these races were the Minotaurs of Mauritanja lost to myth for centuries to reawaken a thread in the tapestry of our past which may otherwise have been lost forever.

The first insight into our long forgotten past brought to us by Promanthius, a Minotaur. Son of his clans Khan, he was banished after discovering his father’s involvement in a plot and under control of the Hemsica. Before his banishment from his homeland he managed to retrieve certain items, among them being a document about his people, their traditions, ideals and strong ancestral links to our True Unicorn Ancestors.

“My muscles are weak but my mind is still strong. In that respect I feel it is better to be a sage, as a warrior spends such a short time in the sun. None have bested me, even though I have held my position for decades. But it cannot be denied that one day my eyesight, or my mind, will fail me. Therefore I shall make a record of these times that we live in, so that the strength of my wisdom does not fade with me.

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We are the Minotaurs of Mauritanja. Brought here by the Unicorns, whom we give thanks to in the form of great temples. Their time among us is but a memory, but who could truly forget the might of Cadrus and Narduk? Each year we host games in their honour. But I digress, and there will be plenty of time to return to the games.

Our people are warriors. If we cannot protect what is ours, then it is a sign that the ancestors do not believe us worthy, and that we never truly possessed what we seek to defend. Weakness and laziness of mind and body are the greatest crime in our society. Anyone can pick up an axe and train their body, just as anyone can pick up a book and train their mind. I have visited a few other races in my travels and I have always been amazed at their want to avoid being responsible for their own failures. It is easier to blame the weather, the Ancestors, the enemy or anything else, rather than commit to the hard work of training mind and body to prevent the ill fate from visiting again. This seems to me to be a great naivety.

We are led by the strongest Minotaur, who must prove themselves in both strength of body and strength of mind. After all, might is right. Anyone may challenge the leader, and this fact ensures that we are always led by the strongest and wisest. Our people will never be lead into folly, because a weak leader is elected on the merit of the blood that runs in their veins. Our current leader is the great Oximine Stronghorn, who has led us now for over a decade. Under his guidance we have grown in strength, taken more land and increased our numbers.

Our leader chooses a council of advisors. Again, these will be the strongest and wisest from amongst our number. Anyone can challenge for a place on the council, so there is never any doubt that those that lead us are the best for the job. I am currently one of those council members, and it is my job to keep records so that our wisdom is not lost, and advise our leader on what we can learn from our history. What point is there in learning a lesson, if it is only to be forgotten by the next generation?

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Our home is the great mountain range known as the Dual Horns. The strongest and wisest live high up in the mountain, with the status of the individual lowering in keeping with the position of their home on the slope. The summits of both peaks are holy, and it is here that the Temples are built. Any young that are born weak or deformed are left in a sacred circle outside the temples for the ancestors to reclaim. In this way, they may return to us with strength. None among us could be so cruel as to expect a Minotaur to live with a weakness, constantly denied respect and glory. And when we become old and frail, we go to the circle to make the same journey. Each Minotaur knows when the time has come to offer his spirit back to the ancestors.

The bodies of our dead are left on the mountain to be reclaimed. What is the point in burying and crying over a broken shell? Is it a weakness in me that I cannot comprehend the custom that is common to so many other races? If we were to do this it would be an insult to the being that once inhabited that body.

Instead of paying homage to the damaged and useless remains, we look to the day when the spirit will return to us with new energy and vigour. We remember our heroes by feast and games, and never dishonour them by mourning over what is left behind.

When a Minotaur reaches maturity, they are sent on a quest so that they may pass into full adulthood. Some do not survive, but we do not mourn their passing. They will return stronger and better prepared in another life. But the nature of the quest is one of the secrets that we maintain, and it can not be recorded. When a Minotaur returns from the quest, a feast is organised to welcome them, for they return to us on equal footing and are able to contribute to our people, rather than being a burden. How a Minotaur deals with their quest will often establish their path in life. It is a great moment, and a turning point in many lives.

A Minotaur must be active in order to be happy. When there is no war to fight we set to work building, although already no city can compare to ours. We also forge fine weapons and hold spectacular games in honour

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of Cadrus and Narduk. Many other races travel to our city to see the games, and they are allowed to watch from the furthest end of the arena.

Amongst our people we have a dedicated hunting party that spends several months before each game collecting monsters and fiends for our warriors to fight. The fights are always fierce, and many do not survive, but this only serves to make us stronger. At the end of the games two champions are named, and for the rest of the year they serve as the champion of Cadrus and the champion of Narduk.

Apart from this, our society is like any other. We welcome trade with other races, and are often hired to help them fight their wars. We do not take well to travelling over water, but that causes us little in the way of problems as we are content with our home in the mountains (although there is never any harm in expanding)

So that is my account of our people. I hope it will put to rest some of the myths. We are not monsters, but lawful beings that give due respect and reverence to the ancestors”.

This document confirms the ancestral origins of Cadrus and his brother. Even now with our encounters with their descendants and with these ancestors themselves are knowledge of them is still somewhat limited. Information on Narduk Nathnul has always been somewhat vague yet his emergence as a so called Dark Unicorn is one which now appears a little clearer and one which we will come to discuss at an appropriate time.

His brother Cadrus Cornus is known to be an ancestor of spell casting and void magic, based in the Void rather than the Plane of the dead. Having both aspects of dark and light incantation, Cadrus Cornus is unusual in the respect that he does not have an afterlife; he merely sends the patterns of his followers back to the great pattern to be reborn once more.

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Whether our knowledge of our ancestors will truly become more, I do not know, and I fear I hold little hope of discovering any more documents within our lands… the cataclysm destroyed so much.

The true Unicorns relative peace and seclusion was altered forever by the arrival of the Cataclysm.

The actual cause of the cataclysm is still uncertain. What is known that over six hundred years ago an uncontrolled power was released and cascaded through every known ritual circle bringing devastation in its wake.

The Great Library at Norhault suggests that the cataclysm was caused by a ritual, and that the ritual was performed to bring rain to the drought stricken lands, and that within this ritual something caused the release of the power. Many have theorised as to the exact cause of the Cataclysm, and maybe one day the facts will be revealed. For now the only thing we can be sure of is the shockwave that swept across Erdreja and the loss and devastation it caused.

The cataclysm’s uncontrolled power caused devastation across the Heartlands. Violent earthquakes shook the land dividing continents and submerging large areas of land, including the Heartland capital of Malkarn.

When the cataclysm struck Mauritanja it triggered a giant volcanic shift. This shift sunk and rearranged the islands that dotted the area. Although the Cataclysm left a land that is now temperate and warm, in its wake it left the land virtually uninhabitable. Much of the Unicorns world was lost in the devastation. Their villages were destroyed and their society and way of life was deeply fragmented by the loss of so many members of their small community.

In desperation the True Unicorns did something they had never done or had wished to do before, they sought contact and help from others.

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What we know of what follows this plea for help, and the devastation caused to Mauritanja and the True Unicorns society comes only from the knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Only a handful of documents survive.

What follows is the beginning of the Unicorn Nation, its path through darkness and destruction and into light.

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…as a Phoenixfrom theAshes…

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It is said that a group of elves answered the Unicorns plea. The elves were relatively small in number and arrived on what we now know as the Island of Grynd. The help that the elves brought remains visible today, not just in the part they came to play in our history but in the land we call home. Only their number limited the influence and magic they brought. This visibly spreads over the major islands but physically does not extend far beyond the channel between North and South Isle.

The elves brought with them an abundance of flora and fauna from across the Heartlands. What had been made rocky islands by the cataclysm, devoid of any of their former beauty and of virtually any life, had great magic brought to them. Trees and grasses began to grow and flourish. Barren areas of stone became abundant with beauty and life.

Through the life they brought to the Unicorns homelands, the elves and the true unicorns forged something of an alliance. The alliance they forged was a steady one, but the Unicorns retained their tradition of restraint and as amicable as this partnership was it appears both sides kept their distance.

As the years passed the unicorns were able to restart their magical research. A hundred years after the Cataclysm a group of true unicorns who had been investigating further the Planes of death and Un-life discovered the secrets of Necromancy. The group of unicorns discovered they could change their use of channelling, from healing channelling to necromantic channelling, and use their power to raise the dead.

Despite their wisdom this power began to corrupt its users and Cadrus Cornus decreed that they should relinquish the power of necromancy. Some of those that had investigated the power obeyed him, others including Cadrus’ brother Narduk did not, and refused to see the error of their ways they became corrupted and became known as Dark Unicorns.

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The Dark Unicorns decided that if the other unicorns did not wish them to use this power they would leave. Initially this was satisfactory to both parties, but soon the True Unicorns discovered that the Dark Unicorns had built a temple in the Savannah and were using the powers of Necromancy for their own ends. The unicorns, led by Cadrus Cornus, pursued the Dark Unicorns and a titanic battle ensued. Without the powers of incantation to remove the Unliving it was a long and difficult fight but Cadrus and the true unicorns triumphed.

The unicorns decided that they would not destroy their own kin, as they were so few of any form of Unicorn. So Cadrus Cornus lay an enchantment upon them in their temple and buried them beneath the earth of the Savannah and laid down the Helm of Good to keep this power strong. They then returned to their home in the Alzheimer Mountains and strove to find a way to remove the corruption from their brothers.

The islands of Mauritanja continued to flourish and become more widely habitable. Many races gathered from across the Heartlands to live on this newfound land. Even though so many found themselves beyond the mists, the land remained sparsely populated since having no organisation or structure within their migration they dispersed to all corners of their new found world.

So it was that Mauritanja became a place for people to make a new start. All were welcome here, the lost and homeless found unity and hope, and the word spread that Mauritanja was a peaceful and prosperous land whose inhabitants lived in harmony. As the Mauritanjan population expanded the true unicorns once against sought solitude. It was at this time that Cadrus Cornus gave the mists that had defended Mauritanja and the true unicorns for so long over to the elves. The elves themselves were a proud and noble people; they tied the mists to a powerful source of magic. This fortified them, causing them to become strong and permanent, thus cutting Mauritanja off from the rest of the Heartlands, and they hoped in turn, the fears and dangers of that world.

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It is true however that peace and harmony rarely last forever and what had prospered for so long was once again threatened.

For many years now much of the Unicorn nation has lived under the misapprehension that the threat to the rebuilding of Mauritanja came from the elder race wars. This is not entirely accurate. Historians across Erdreja have concluded that the wars ended over a thousand years ago, at around the time of the first Founding and many years before the Cataclysm, and in turn many years before the point in time we now discuss.

Now we can theorise that the elves that came to Mauritanja were indeed some of those who had survived that final battle between the elder and younger races. Maybe they had grown tired of hiding and had looked for a place of refuge and new beginnings in the reformed world. What we do know from history is that there was remaining conflict between the younger races and the few elder races that had re-emerged in the world.

Knowing that war and hatred spread all too quickly and fearing that it would find them even behind their mists it is feasible that the Elves in turn sought a new protection and refuge, in doing so they found a means of magical protection with a human by the name of Bari.

Who Bari was, where he came from, is greatly theorised but has never been proven. As a historian I have searched archives and found little more than a brief remark of the man who would come to so influence our lives. Whether this information has been purposefully removed, or is just another piece of a puzzle lost in the great expanse of time we may never know. Scholars have long contemplated his origins and maybe one day we will uncover who he was, maybe it will forever remain a mystery.

Somehow with Bari’s help the elves managed to open a rift to the Plane of Darkness – The Pits of Taxation. This plane acted as a transformer of magical energy, allowing them to change large amounts of one type of energy into smaller amounts of another.

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It was at this time that they encountered the Daemons of Dark Trade and began to plan a new world of their own. With the daemons help the elves took magical energy from Mauritanja and cast it into the Pits of Taxation. This in turn helped create the Shadow Realms, what can best be described as a sub plane that lay over Mauritanja like a shade allowing the elves solitude and the freedom to use the magic in whatever way they desired.

The elves, who had now become known as the Shadowkin, due to the links with the plane they had created, started to become corrupted by the thing they had create to save them. To best describe the powers they called upon to create the Shadow Realms we must try to encompass the very nature of Dark Trade.

Describing Dark Trade in a manner that makes it understandable to all is virtually impossible. Its essence is almost intangible. Dark Trade can best be described as something that causes a loss to the world. It is fair to say that the taint of Dark Trade on the elves of Mauritanja did a lot more than that.

Twisted by the taint of Dark Trade the Shadowkin fell further into darkness. They became angry at the younger races that had colonised their home. They became bitter to those they had lived side by side with, and as they withdrew further into the shadow their corruption and fear twisted their once generous nature. The Shadowkin threatened those that lived upon the surface that if they did not follow their instructions they would sink the islands.

The Shadowkin, as we know, already had a level of innate magical ability. Their connection to Dark Trade and their retreat into the Shadow Realms allowed them to develop this power further. Although their skills were similar, if not the opposite, to spellcasting, their magic had advanced far beyond that. The Shadowkin became able to Shadow shift from the surface to the Shadow Realms, and their increased power and ability corrupted their once noble nature and their ties to Dark Trade grew stronger. After the construction of the Shadow Realms the elves that had become Shadowkin retreated further into darkness.

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Few stories exist of that time and little is spoken of those who had once been Mauritanja’s guardians and saviours. It is written that the Shadowkins once noble king succumbed utterly to the power of Dark Trade, he later became known as the Dark Trade daemon Bankruptcy.

The Shadowkin fell into darkness and the further they fell their malevolence, their bitterness, their greed laid waste to their noble nature. It is hard to give any time or era to the point at which they withdrew to the Shadowrealms. If we follow the time line backwards we can estimate their withdrawal was gradual and that establishing their will and domination over the Mauritanjan people happened over some time after the Cataclysm.

To be any more specific would be inaccurate, so I think it safe to say that the Shadowkins withdrawal and following governing of the Mauritanjan peoples took place around Four hundred years ago –Somewhere around 700AF.

As we have said previously the Shadowkin threatened to destroy the islands of Mauritanja if the people did not do as they desired. Already travellers and wanderers by nature the Unicorn people took their first steps on the path that would earn them the title of “Greatest Traders on Erdreja”.

Legend tells that these initial steps were somewhat shaky. The Unicorn people were still building a home on Mauritanja amidst the ruins of the Cataclysm, the elves had saved the land from barren desolation but the building of houses and villages with any sort of societal structure was in its mere infancy. It is hardly surprising that with the withdrawal and corruption of the elves who had guided them that there would be harder times ahead of them.

When the Shadowkin withdrew to the Shadowrealms they left the compliance of their orders to a council of Unicorns. Put into place by the Shadowkin the council were chosen as those who would have the highest probability of ensuring a good profit and maintaining the Shadowkins control of the people residing on the island.

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It was fortunate that the four Mauritanjan chosen also felt that in fulfilling this task it left them free to advance and develop a great and fair nation worthy of the Unicorn name.

The council consisted of five elders, researching the archives retrieved to the Unicorns original capital of El-Dorado, and now housed in the library at Capital City; I encountered a small parchment which post dates these times but show a record of those descendants of the original five members of the Unicorns council.

Council of Elders.

Brevikan Stanvon

Ayala Kimura


Furin Farndale

Versican Arner

Henbry Stanvon

Rubin Kimura

Furian Rosenfeld

Furin Solomon

Ba’in Arner

Felson Stanvon

D’anara Kimura

Gavrel Kimura

Furin Sel’adin

Luciar Arner

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The council organised the first official trading missions of the Unicorn nation. It was agreed that the profits and goods from these ventures would be divided between the Unicorn peoples and the Shadowkin. The unsuspected success of the Unicorns first trading parties related to them fulfilling a unique role within this time period. The Unicorns were the only neutral traders within the 600 year war of the heartlands.

As the years passed the Unicorns skill to trade flourished, they were not hampered by dispute or season, and for a time it appears that the Shadowkin were unseen – content to receive their share of the profit and remain separated from the nation who provided it. The lack of any factual information would suggest that this agreement continued satisfactorily for nearly one hundred years. The next event we have documented is in the late summer of 890AF.

Throughout the years it seems that as council members died they were replaced by someone within their family, those that had been chosen up until this point had served the nation well. The lives of the Unicorn nation were simple but well enough. Somewhere around this time the council’s leadership changed again and the simple and peaceful existence altered with it.

It would seem that in recent years the lineage of the council had led to two brothers becoming members of the council. The brothers, named D’anara and Gavrel descended from the original council member Ayala Kimura, they were proud peace loving unicorns that had grown up with the unicorn’s treaty with the Shadowkin. Along with many others they resented it but were content to continue in the best interests of their nation and people.

We know that it was at this time that Felson Stanvon descendant of Brevikan came to be voice for the council. Unlike his forefathers Felson had been tainted by greed. It is said that in his youth he had been one of the men sent to deliver goods and money to the Shadowkin, perhaps it was at this time he received a touch of dark trade, perhaps it was a failing all his own.

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After his ascendance to voice of the council Felson aligned himself with Furin Sel’adin, an elder and longstanding member of the council of five. History does not record which of these two council members decided upon the change in agreement but it does appear that these two alone would be responsible.

The unique position of the unicorns as traders meant that the summer of 890AF was their most profitable to date. The raging war of the Heartlands meant there was a greater need for neutral trade than ever before. It would seem that the increase in the Unicorns income was not sufficient for Felson and Furin. They decided that they deserved or needed more profit, more goods and that the people who they were supposed to protect could manage with less. History suggests that around the ninth month of that year an edict was announced. It stated that the within this period of unmatched profit the Shadowkin had decided to increase their share of the Unicorns profits.

The change to the original treaty is uncertain, and in this time of increased trade the majority of the Unicorn people noticed only slight changes to their daily lives, many remained resentful of this alteration but the alternative was unthinkable. Few questioned the change to the treaty; it had been agreed by the council of five who had been their voice and their guardians against the Shadowkin for so long. The remaining members of the council – D’anara, Gavrel and Luciar (who is rarely mentioned), were under the mistaken belief that this edict had indeed come from the Shadowkin. The voice of the council was one of the longest serving elder of the group; there was no reason to doubt his integrity or that of his partner Furin.

The passage into the new “agreement” continue unhindered, the Unicorns trade profit continued to increase and the traders and people contentedly went about their lives, relieved that the most recent threat from the Shadowkin had passed. This contentment continued unhindered for some time, we can estimate till some time in the autumn of 893AF. In this time Felson and Furin had stockpiled a large quantity of wealth, yet at an outward glance they appeared no different to before the edict changed, this however was not to remain the same.

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As we have said early in the autumn of 893AF things altered dramatically. The war in the Heartlands continued to rage but the frenzied trading slowed almost to a halt. Perhaps this coincided with a relative truce, no-one knows for sure, but as the autumn unfolded the Unicorns profits faltered. After paying the fictitious treaty’s allotted sum there was virtually nothing left. As the days marched closer to winter, it became a cause for concern. The Unicorns relied on their profit to purchase necessities that the island could not provide. Being unable to purchase these things could prove disastrous.

We can propose that the council would have met to discuss these fears. It is likely that D’anara, Gavrel and Luciar may have suggested that they speak with the Shadowkin and ask them to reduce the portion of profits that they took. Maybe Felson as voice of the council agreed, having no need to speak to the Shadowkin about an agreement they knew nothing about, it would have been a wise step, and who would know any different when the Shadowkin said no, who after all would question their council.

We can as I say only propose this took place, there are no definitive records. As historians we can only put together the pieces of a puzzle we have in our possession, attempting to create the most logical and just picture of time we can.

Legend tells that as the winter hit the Unicorns trade ground to a halt. Food became in short supply and misery crept slowly across the nation. Many of the traders remained in the Heartlands, holding tightly to what little trade remained. Few traders made the journey to and fro, the mists made the journey a dangerous one at any occasion, but some brought what little supplies they could and others with little prospect of trade returned home to be with their families in the hope of renewed success in the spring. It was one of these few journeys which first aroused D’anara and Gavrel’s suspicion.

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The Harbour Master to the North East port of Talcontar kept what appears to be a fairly immaculate log, only small portions of it remain legible and intact. It does however give us an invaluable insight into the time. Maddox (the harbour master) may well have been the only reason that the truth of the council’s injustice came to light.

“It’s unusual for me to go far from here, but it seemed important at least it felt like I had to do it. They still visit me, not as often as they did, not since taking their place in the council, but still they come brought me some of their mother’s biscuits, that was the last time Gavrel came. Anyway my mind wanders, the last of this week’s ship came in this morning, it’s been quite of late, too cold and icy for ships and the traders are rarely home since trade has dwindled. The ship came in as expected; it was listed as food and materials. Looking over the ship I could see a mass of figures on deck, I thought they were our traders, I was wrong. They came off ship and came towards me handing me their papers, signed by Felson!! As they walked past me I had my first look at what they truly were, twenty maybe thirty of them well built and some of them seemed to be wearing well, what I would call armour, I have never seen there type before. I would not have thought it quite so strange but when the men came to unload the supplies there were less than expected. I checked my logs and spoke with the Captain, who was most unhappy. The men had arrived when the ship was half loaded, and the captain was told (and he isn’t the sort of man to be told anything!) that if the men would not fit on with the supplies then room would be made for them. I didn’t understand we needed those supplies; every one of us needed them. I waited till what supplies had been brought were stored and left to see the boys. I found Gavrel first, I told him about the men and he turned grey and went to fetch D’anara. When he too heard my news he talked to his brother in hushed voices. When their conversation slowed they thanked me for my news and journey. Gavrel offered to take me home, but he looked upset. I thanked him for his offer but set out for my home alone. As I sit here now my weary bones begin to feel the first warmth from the fire, the journey home was cold and the first of the frosts are forming, it will be a cold winter, but I do not know if the cold I feel within me is caused by the weather alone”.

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D’anara and Gavrel did not act hastily, the mood of the Unicorn people was poor and their supplies were minimal but they had enough to survive even a harsh winter and not wanting to make rash accusations or make things worse they waited.

As winter passed and the spring dawned on Mauritanja, trade journeys increased once more and the Unicorns mood improved. D’anara and Gavrel remained cautious, Maddox’ suspicions about the men that had arrived the previous winter had sparked concerns which had lain dormant within the brothers.

As spring broke they noticed Furin and Felson in more jovial moods than ever, further men arrived but the elders dismissed the brothers questions explaining that they were simply men tired of war and seeking the chance to build new homes and an honest living, where else would be more fitting for them but these lands where all were welcome?. The brothers remained unconvinced and took time to observe the goods that arrived and the profit which was taken as agreed with the Shadowkin.

D’anara followed Felson one day late in the spring. It was his task as voice to take the allotted goods and money to the Shadowkins collection point. It was agreed in the treaty that their goods would be delivered on the morning of every full moon. On the day that D’anara followed him Felson delivered the Shadowkins portion but then continued south. D’anara was puzzled and followed silently behind, the dread within him worsened with every step. Felson bridged the hill and stepped down from his cart, he walked to what became a cavern shadowed by a large drooping tree.

D’anara waited out of sight, some time later Felson re-emerged taking his place back on the cart; he turned north and headed for home. When he was far enough away D’anara walked to the cavern, inside he found his worst fears realised. The cavern held a variety of goods, gold, silver weapons all the fineries that they had been so fortunate to have acquired in the last year of trading, maybe longer.

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As D’anara headed home he was overwhelmed with so many emotions. The closer he got to home the more clarity he found, it did not take him long to make a connection between the Shadow kin’s altered treaty and the goods he had seen in the cavern.

D’anara and Gavrel spoke with Luciar; in turn they spoke with other members of the community. They estimated between them that Felson and Furin had orchestrated the transfer of nearly one hundred men to the island. Their betrayal needed to be stopped but how?

The events of the next few months are unrecorded. The heartlands conflict intensified and the Unicorns trade at last improved. The journeys through the mists increased in number and the mood of the general population mirrored that. There were some however who watched and waited. From what we find in the evidence later documented it would seem Felson and Furin felt there was no need to bring more mercenaries to the island.

From the harbour logs found in the library at Capital City, we can see that winter again caused a lull in trade. This may have been what spurred the group into action. When action came it was swift and well planned. Maybe the organisation required for their stand was the delay, maybe the harsh winter, we will probably never know, what we do know is what came next.

How the next document came to be found is still unknown. It was among a pile of dusty parchments I found when I began piecing together our nation’s history. It was not listed within the libraries archives, and I do not remember uncovering it within my research, but sure enough when I searched for records of this time it was there. Still in its original script, an elvish dialect, I have yet to find a translation. This may well be the first time that the story has been read and understood by our people.

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“I cannot begin with a day or a date, time has become fluid to me, it effortlessly shifts, it ebbs and flows yet remains vaguely tangible by the sun and the stars. I do not know how many days have passed since I first came to these lands, to rebuild and to nurture them after the cataclysm. I do not know how many months or years have passed since my brothers and sisters fell into darkness and shadow. I do not know if I am the only one of my kind left behind, I may be the last. I cannot even tell you how many moons I have wandered this world. I was born into peace that became poisoned with hatred, I watched my race retreat and face their final battle, I watched them hide and make new lives. My name is Thu’leanna Malta’are, I am maybe the last elf who came to these islands, the elf that turned away from the corruption of shadow and remained in the light.

I do know that winter has passed, spring is upon us. New lives and hopes are beginning to blossom, the land is awakening from its slumber as are the people who now go by the name Unicorns. I have remained hidden from them since my kinsmen left. I observe their actions, their growth and development, I have watched them become what they are today what will lead them to take a place in the world they take their first tentative steps in now.

I watch them from aloft the great oak tree at the edge of the town square (I remember him as a seedling, a sapling growing steadily into the great tree he is now, my friend and shelter). It was a little after sunrise that the two brothers known as D’anara and Gavrel met with the one named Luciar, the last true council members in my eyes. They talked in hushed voices by the tavern; I could not here the words they spoke but a short while later they separated. Each man was joined by others as they walked; the others spoke and then returned to their tasks with no more than a simple nod. I turned my attention to Gavrel and his two companions as they climbed upon a readied cart and headed south, seeming to those around them no more than men going about their daily routine.

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I debated for a moment following them, I decided against it. I had followed Gavrel and his men before; I knew where they would go and what they would do when they arrived. When last I had gone to the dark cavern I saw the men dividing weapons into piles and talking in hushed tones on the way in which this task must be performed. I knew that later this very day, the men would return with their cart loaded with the weapons Felson and Furin had stockpiled for their own gain. Then they would be carefully and discreetly dispersed between as many Unicorns as possible. This was at least one third of their plan.

As Gavrel reached their weapons, Luciar and D’anara had their own tasks to fulfil. D’anara casually strode around town as I have often watched him do, talking with the local people, I notice today that each of these conversations end with a nod from both sides. Luciar has since vanished from my sight though I believe he walked in the direction of Felson and Furin’s dwellings.

I rest for a while and pull my cloak around me, I smile a short while later as I see Morna bustling in and out of the tavern, and I am almost brought to a laughter long absent from my lips when I realise the final stages of their plan, I catch myself in time – fortune may still smile upon me those that play beneath the boughs of my hiding place remain unaware of the unknown guest. Outside the tavern Morna is joined by a number of other women from within the town, I do not know their names but I would guess that they are known by many.

I reposition myself to better view the tavern across the square. Two of Morna’s “friends” have now draped themselves on a couple of men from within a group of mercenaries. I cannot hear what they say but shortly after the group enter in Morna’s tavern. Watching with interest I see the same thing happening again and again with varied numbers of men and women. In total I have seen maybe thirty five men enter the tavern, yet none have left and the noise has grown to a quiet din in the recent hours.

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I glance around me from my new vantage point, Gavrel’s cart has returned without my noticing, I am annoyed that my enjoyment of the scene below me has clouded my sight, this fades quickly though as I notice that the cart is already empty. I marvel that the weapons have already been distributed between the people and the skill at which it has been done, the Unicorns beneath me appear the same as any other time I have watched them, and they have grown so much gone so far.

The sun has started to sink in the west, even the shadows glow orange in the light. To my left, against the now familiar buzz of the tavern, I hear footsteps and laughter, to my right I see D’anara and Gavrel forming into a group of maybe a dozen Unicorns, a lull begins to fall over the market place.

Furin and Felson are brought by Luciar, whose laughter dies away as they approach the square. They see the group in front of them and they slow, Luciar keeps his pace and joins D’anara and Gavrel. Behind Felson and Furin, Unicorns are encircling slowly and quietly, in the centre of the town some Unicorns look puzzled, I do not believe that all the people were aware of the day’s plans. Felson and Furin pause now standing only a few feet from the group of Unicorns standing firm before them. I hear a noise from behind me, a group of men, Felson and Furin’s mercenaries gather silently. I hope that Gavrel and D’anara have prepared well for this day. Unaware of this approaching danger Gavrel steps forward and his voice becomes the only sound amongst the encroaching shadows.

“Felson Stanvon and Furin Sel’adin you are called here before your people. Accused by your people of greed, of neglect of your duties and turning your back on your own people in their greatest time of their need. Felson, you were our voice, our guide. You were meant to protect us from the Shadowkin, instead you became as one of them. Furin you are the eldest of our council members you have nurtured all of us into becoming representatives of the people. You of all people told us we were here for them, not for ourselves” he takes a moment; I could hear his intake of breath from here “do either of you refute what you have done?”

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The town square is silent, behind me not even Felson’s mercenaries move. The silence stretches for an eternity; it is broken by something unexpected. Felson steps forward, he is laughing, even Furin looks shocked he shifts uncomfortable glancing from Felson to Gavrel. Felson claps his hands, his laughter echoing through the stillness around him. “Well, well, I did wonder which of you would find out, I have to say I am impressed I didn’t think you had the well the intelligence to do something quite so STUPID”

I heard rustling behind me and Felson’s men stride purposefully forward, I counted as fast as I could, fifty, there were maybe fifty of them, at least half of the number Felson had brought to the island. Felson was smugly grinning as they walked to join him but even from my vantage point the disappointment was visible in his eyes. A roar of drunken laughter emerged from inside the tavern; it appeared that this part of the brother’s plan had indeed been successful.

Gavrel and his people stand firm before the men bunched behind Felson. Gavrel raises both his hands and speaks “Men of the Heartlands, we have no quarrel with you, take the money our traitor has given you and leave in peace”. Several of the men towards the rear of the group stir but their leader remains firm. Felson addresses the men “You have been paid well to drink in taverns and rest for a long while, but if you perform the task I have paid you for I will pay you a greater sum than many of you have seen” some of the men mutter to each other, Gavrel steps forward once more. “Please do not mistake us as the naïve traders that he has, though we may not have the skills that you do we fight for our people and against another oppressor, we have prepared to fight many more of you than stand before us now. We outnumber you; can you trust that the money he offers you is worth your lives? If you value your lives and your future, more than the offer of a liar, then leave this place”.

There is some discussion between the men, some of them walk away towards the quarter houses, some, join their friends in the tavern. Glancing quickly I would say that maybe thirty five remain.

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Felson stands aside and the remaining men step forward take line and wait. More Unicorns step forward beside Gavrel, D’anara and Luciar, many armed with swords, some with maces, some with shields and some with whatever items they could find. Behind those taking arms stand more Unicorns, at last I see so many individuals, from so many races and homelands unite as one, as Unicorns.

Even I cannot describe accurately what comes next, the screams and shouting merge into an angry wall of rage and retribution, of fear and loss. The blur in front of me reddens, it twists and turns until no sense can be made of the people involved. I search for D’anara and Gavrel, D’anara fleets in and out of sight. I search for Gavrel and find him one on one against the last mercenary standing between him and Felson. The mercenary fights well but falls, Gavrel and Felson stand face to face. They begin to fight; it is obvious even at this distance that Gavrel is the superior of the two. I cannot focus solely on their battle, it is obscured by Unicorns fighting and dying. In a space I see Felson fall, I see Gavrel step forward, I see Felson smile and then I can see them no more. I reach for a higher branch to gain a better view my heart in my throat, fear a feeling I had long since felt within my heart, I look for him and find him. He lies motionless, even at this distance the pallor of death has overcome him, I see Felson crawling away, he is in pain, his wounds slow him and I am glad. I see Unicorns run at him and in frenzy I see him move no more, and in that instance it is over.

Those mercenaries left standing surrender, the Unicorns do not utter a word of celebration, each one understands the price that has been paid. With them I survey the town square, now littered with the dead and wounded, but it is over. I sit still, in the shade of the tree, I do not move. They have fought a treachery that nearly destroyed them, in the gathering dark I depart, I leave them to their grief and their joy, I leave them to their future they are strong, they are one, they are Unicorns”

We do not know what came of the elf Thule’anna, without his notes we may never have known of the sacrifices and betrayals of our forefathers.

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Legend suggests that he left the island, maybe he felt his guardianship of the Unicorns was no longer required, some say he still wanders the Heartlands, a solitary figure, the last of his clan, watching over the Unicorns from a far.

In the wake of the uprising the Unicorns forged forwards joining together to form the nation we are today. In the time that followed Felson and Furin’s treachery the people reunited to build a better land and a better future for themselves and their children. It would be unsurprising to many that the first step they took was in choosing a leader.

History does not state when this decision was taken, how many hours, days or even weeks went passed whilst they mourned and buried, celebrated and planned. We know that in the year 900AF a leader is cited as the first leader chosen by the people. It would be no surprise to say who that leader was.

In the wake of the uprising, D’anara was nominated by his people. The council was disbanded and many changes set in place. There are no official documents which state how the Unicorns title of leader was dictated, perhaps the influx of peoples from the Heartlands felt that it was an appropriate name for their guardian – and so it was that D’anara Kimura became the first Lord General of the Unicorn Nation.

Under the leadership of the Lord General much restructuring took place. The false changes to the Shadowkin edict were dissolved and D’anara set about altering the agreement that had been about for so long.

Over their years in the Shadowrealms the Shadowkins corruption had become total; they were twisted into an entirely different race. They had lost all ties to the outside world bar the treaty that had been in place since the creation of their new world, and that was one which held some interest to them.

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The Shadowkin had developed distaste for those who had become Unicorns. They revelled in their own power, but had no interest in those who remained on the surface. It would seem that D’anara had agreed that the diversion of Unicorn profits would cease and in return the Unicorns would stay far away from the Shadowrealms and protect the Shadowkin and Shadowrealms from attack.

Many still lived in fear of the Shadowkin but the relinquishment of their profit ushered in a new future for all the Unicorn people. Trade was restarted but with new guidelines. D’anara and Luciar established systems and ministerys to better manage the day to day lives of the people and to prepare them for the good and bad times to come.

Traders were licensed by the Unicorns and in turn paid a tax. The tax was used to rebuild their world. Money over the years was invested in building and development. As their forefathers before them they invested their time in knowledge and growth. Research into magic, incantation, and a variety of subjects swelled, the taxed profits they now had at their disposal allowed libraries and colleges to be built, for Unicorns to gain education and purpose that exceeded their bounds as traders.

The Unicorns future was bright. Cities were built and the people flourished in mind and spirit. The Unicorns had in essence become what they had always had within themselves to be. The change became noticeable in their trading, they no longer traded purely in items and coin, they traded with and for knowledge and skills. The ministerys put into place an organisational structure, allowing the Lord General to retain their position as figurehead. The recruitment into the ministerys allowed everyone a say in how things were done and although the Lord Generals decision was final, it was in their nature to be fair and just.

The Lord General’s leadership of Mauritanja continued over many years, passing from D’anara to a long line of noble and fair guardians, but the relative peace and seclusion that their rule heralded did not.

No peace lasts forever. There will always be those who seek to take what belongs to others, who live to destroy what others have built.

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The tranquillity the Unicorn people had created was to end abruptly. A war came, it is not recorded how or why, as best as I can estimate it happened sometime around the end of the first millennia, the only reason we know of it is because of a story passed from generation to generation.

The story better depicts this time far better than any theory or collaboration of events that a historian could make. This tale of a hero depicts not only the relationships existing between the Lord Generals, their Field Marshall’s but their people and families. It shows the Unicorns true natures and trackers, as rangers, and as people with the spirit of heroes.

“Men come and men go, but I doubt there will ever be another man like Aristoloki Baicalein. He was known as Aristo to his friends, and friends were something he was never short of.

As a child, Aristo was fortunate enough to be fostered out to the Lord Generals family. At the time, fostering boys was the normal way to prepare them for life. Aristo was cousin (several times removed) to the Lord Generals son, Lewis Keptide, and the two boys grew up together.

The friendship formed in childhood lasted and grew. Aristo became Lewis’s right hand man when he took over from his father as Steward of Mauritanja. But whilst Lewis was a leader of men, Aristo always longed for the solitude of the woods. He became a skilled hunter and tracker, and it was said that no man alive knew the country better than he did.

For a decade the land was ravaged by Orcs. No one knows where they cam from or why. They destroyed everything in their path, leaving behind ground blackened by blood and fire. This was Lewis’s first real leadership test, and he made Aristo his Field Marshall. The quiet man won the hearts of his troops with his confident and calm manner. He used all his knowledge of the land to help the military win battle after battle. It took many years to rid Mauritanja of the scourge of the Orcs but, had it not been for Aristo, it may have been a very different story.

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Lewis aged dramatically in that decade. He went from a fresh faced lad to a troubled and weary man. He had seen more death and destruction in his few years than his father had in a lifetime. The stress showed itself in physically ways, as the young Stewards hair went from dark brown to grey. But all Lord Generals need a wife, and Lewis was aware of his duty to his country. A year after the last Orc battle, he took a wife. Her name was Josephine, and she was rumoured to be the most beautiful woman to ever live. She was a heartbreakingly delicate thing, but underneath was a will as strong as steel. She was ever the match for Lewis and, with their union; the Lord General regained some of his vigour.

Aristo meanwhile returned to his beloved woods. He never did take a bride, preferring the freedom of a bachelor’s life. He seldom remained in one place and could often be seen roaming Mauritanja. He shunned the fame he acquired during the ten year war and sought out solitude.

Life settled back down to normality with the threat seemingly defeated. Over the next decade, Josephine gave Lewis two beautiful children. The first was a girl with the most striking blonde hair and blue eyes. They named her Ash, but Lewis always called her his Sunshine. The second child was a boy, named Aristan, in honour of Lewis’s foster brother. In this time Mauritanja prospered, as did her people.

Then disaster struck. A band of rebels kidnapped young Ash from the palace gardens. Lewis and Josephine were beside themselves, although Lewis had his hands full trying to prevent Josephine from destroying the palace in her rage. The Mauritanja military were sent out, but no trace could be found. Aristo was called to the palace with the utmost urgency.

Lewis begged his friend to save his little girl. No ransom note had been sent and the Lord General was worried that they may want Ash for a sacrifice.

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It has always been the way that the Lord Generals first born is brought up to take up the reigns of ruling Mauritanja. Whilst others may be nominated, the task seldom falls to an outsider who is unknown to the people.

Aristo began his search immediately. He took with him a hiking pack, a hunting dog, his armour, sword and shield. He refused all escorts and offers to help, saying that he had more chance of rescuing the little girl alive if he was by himself.

Two days of agony followed for Lewis. On the second day, a call went up from the palace gates. Aristo staggered along the path, his hunting dog bloodied and weak, trotting by his side. In his arms he carried the gently sleeping body of Ash. The child was peaceful and unharmed. Aristo put her into her father’s arms, then turned and left. Despite the desperate calls from Lewis, he refused to turn back and tell the story of what had happened.

Lewis sent a regiment out in the direction that Aristo had gone to rescue Ash. After many false turns, they eventually found the site of a battle. Six men lay dead, each from a single lethal wound. It looked as if they had had no time to even draw their weapons. They were heavily armoured with fearsome weapons, but they were no match for the stealth of the ranger. The rebels were dead.

Aristo retired back into his forests. Lewis tried desperately to persuade him to take back the mantle of Field Marshall, but he refused. He slowly became more and more reclusive and the tales of his bravery became the stuff of legends. But Aristo never recovered from the slaughter of those six men, even though no other choice was open to him. He died seven years later whilst exploring the forests in south west South Isle. Lewis was devastated and ordered that the body be brought back to the Capital and given a burial fit for a King. The tomb of

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Aristoloki Baicalein can still be seen in the grounds of the Palace at Capital City. His ability to be both a leader of men and a solitary ranger inspired generations of boys. And his quiet charm and handsome looks made him the centre of many young girls’ dreams. It is said that he was the greatest military ranger to ever live, and there are not many that would argue the point”.

The loss of such a well known and loved member of the Unicorn people, affected many. Despite his solitude Aristo had remained a hero of all. Emerging from this war with the Orcs the reign of Lewis Keptide continued peacefully here on. Trading continued, and the Unicorn nation prospered. It was late in the year of 1092AF that a trading party heard of an opportunity for profit, the like of which had never been heard of before – The Gathering of Nations.

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…the ageof heroes…

In the year of 1091AF there was the final war of the Heartland nations, the Battle for Norhault. In victory the Lord General of Caledonia took control and a Grand Council was formed. The Grand Council comprised of representatives from the many nations of the heartlands. It was in this year that the Grand Council drew up the Gathering Treaty.

The basis for the Gathering Treaty, despite the confrontations and alterations since, remains the same even today. It was agreed that if any

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conflict between nations could not be resolved through diplomatic means then at an annual gathering of nations a battle would be held under a ritual of peace. The first gathering was a year later, late in the summer of 1092AF. The gathering took place at Norhault (within Lions lands) and was hosted by the family Karlennon. The gathering was viewed as an outright success. News of this gathering spread across the Heartlands like wildfire and a group of Unicorn traders heard the tale that would come to lead them out from behind their mists.

For the Unicorns, this gathering of so many of the Heartlands people was a perfect opportunity for trade and profit. The preparation for the Unicorns first trip to the Gathering of Nations started that year; they gathered a variety of items, scrolls and weapons. Within this time of preparation we discover the oldest issue of the Unicorn Exchange.

The Unicorn Exchange was a way not only to record the achievements of the Unicorn people, but to allow those not living in the main cities to stay aware of the nation’s happenings. It bridged distances and perpetuated the Unicorn nations bond with its people. The title article of this exchange relates to the preparations for their first venture into the Heartlands as a nation.


5TH month 1093AF

Preparations for the people’s first attendance at the “Gathering of Nations” is being finalised. A group of Unicorns comprising traders, guards and

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Ambassadors will be sent to the gathering later thisyear. The Ambassadors hope to establish more formal trade agreements with the other nations in attendance, they also aim to make contact with the guilds of the Heartlands allowing us to further our knowledge of channelling and other “magical matters”.

This years gathering will be held in Norhault, as was the first gathering, but since last year control of the land has changed. Hosted this year by Lord Garth a supporter of the Bear Nation. Rumours have reached us of tensions rising between the hosting nation and the Lion nation who held Norhault and hosted the previous gathering.

The Exchange is still awaiting conformation as to whether the Lord General himself will be in attendance… more to follow.

The months that followed this publication would have appeared to be a frenzy of preparation and planning. Through the documents we have we can estimate the party of Unicorns who attended the gathering numbered around a hundred. Led by Lord Cynewolf, Lord General of the Unicorn nation, the first man to lead his people from their homeland into the Erdrejan world.

Little is known of the man who was to be instrumental in the faction emerging from the mists. It is rumoured that he came from other lands, some have previously suggested Albion, he was a warrior and a general

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and many freely admit that the politics and organisation that comes with running a faction did not sit well with him. It was because of this that his viceroy, and future successor, Seduraed handled many of these matters.

Upon arriving the Unicorn’s discovered that this was a prime trading position, there were already a number of other trading parties there, but they were individuals with no leadership. To better consolidate the quantity of profit and to protect all the traders from unwelcome threat, many of the traders agreed to join the representatives of the Unicorn nation. As a larger group the Unicorns now held considerable sway.

The ambassadors had unprecedented success in establishing relations with the guilds and other factions in attendance. Lord Cynewolf and his viceroy Seduraed met with the representatives of the Grand Council to sign the Gathering treaty. Another new nation in attendance the Tarantulas also signed the treaty and became part of the great nations of Erdreja.

Over the days of the Gathering tensions rose, not only over the surrounding territory, but over the Mages guild. The leadership of the guild by Floris Illias was challenged by Brand. Floris, who represents the immortal pattern of neutrality, exists within the body of a host and this is the name which he is known by. The factions in attendance took sides, the Lions, Wolves and Gryphons took the side of Floris Illias, the Bears, Tarantulas and Dragons took the side of Brand. The remaining two nations, Vipers and Unicorns, took somewhat different perspectives. The Vipers decided to remain neutral, the Unicorns, well the Unicorns did what they do best, and they saw an opportunity for profit. On the day of the final battle the Unicorn Nation offered themselves for hire, as newcomers the politics of the Heartlands were foreign to them. They saw their standpoint of neutrality as being a potential for money and their first Gathering proved to not only be successful in forming new relationships but for trade.

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Following the Unicorns attendance of their first Gathering of Nations it was decreed that the Unicorns would continue to venture further into the Heartlands. The chance of making so much profit could not be ignored. The Unicorns continued to venture into the Heartlands in between this Gathering and the next. Lord General Cynewolf ushered in anew period of adventure and prosperity for the Unicorn Nation. The Unicorns went from strength to strength, becoming more than a nation of traders and playing a more powerful and important role in Erdreja.

The Unicorns following year of attendance was to be somewhat less successful. Having sided with Corvus when his nation split from the Harts over the succession of the true king of Albion, the Unicorns withdrew from the battlefield when it became apparent that victory was out of reach. The year’s attendance did not however go entirely badly as it was another year of profit and trade agreements. It also saw the arrival of the Unicorn nation’s future queen.

The previous year’s loss on the battlefield was to be soon forgotten with the events that were soon to follow in the year of 1095AF. The Unicorns Lord General Cynewolf vanished to be replaced by his viceroy Seduraed. Many have looked into his disappearance but few findings have been agreed or published. At one point however the new Lord General hinted that Cynewolf had last been seen on a trade route to Cathay, where he had become fond of certain substances grown there. This however is pure speculation and has never been proven.

In assuming the role of Lord General, Seduraed proceeded to advance the assimilation of the Unicorns into the nations of Erdreja. As with many of our former Lord Generals, Seduraed's background is sketchy at best. Known to originate from the “Chaos Guild” he was first and foremost a warrior, however, he had a broad knowledge base and his former role as viceroy to Lord Cynewolf had given him ample opportunity to familiarise himself with the political and organisational complexities of leading and running a nation.

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Little else of his background and origins are known, many historians have concluded that he travelled for much of his life before taking position with the Unicorn Nation. Seduraed’s rise to Lord General brought with it a variety of changes to the Unicorns. Though it appeared that in turn the nation’s fortune would change for the better. The Unicorns became a more prominent force in Erdreja and in turn they strengthened themselves from within. This year saw not the appointment of a new Vizier, Adelena, but the introduction of two new forces within the nation – The HoC Sect and the Ghostwalkers.

The HoC (Hall of Champions) Sect were led by a man who would become a war leader, a prince and a son of the Unicorn people.Having existed as a group for over two years the HoC were born operating as a highly skilled unit which specialised in almost every form of combat and magic. In the years since their formation the travellers became known not only for their skill but for their loyalty and honour. The loyalty and friendship shared within the sect was viewed as utmost in their thoughts. The strength that grew with this loyalty meant that death, personal power or money held little sway with them. By 1094AF the HoC Sects number had more than trebled from six members to twenty six. As their numbers grew the group became more prominent and attained a position of controlling power. The bond that existed within their members added weight to their reputation as highly skilledand high speed warriors ready to do battle with a single cry – “HoC”.

By the Gathering of 1095AF the HoC Sect had shown themselves more than worthy of their reputation. They had established influence within the guilds and finally found themselves a potential home. It was at this time the HoC Sect were appointed personal guards of the Lord General of the Unicorns. In the years to come the HoC became a vital force within the Unicorn nation and from within their ranks have come valued, loyal and skilled members of our people.

As we have said the year in which the HOC joined the Unicorns a second group, The Ghostwalkers, allied themselves with the nation. From within

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this group many have risen within our people. Much of their history remains a mystery but what they do tell us is this.

“In the beginning, they were a homeless people seeking a new land. To many they appeared to be without honour, selling their skills and sword to the highest bidder. Many believed them to be a lawless people made up of outlaws and criminals. In fact in this time of the clan’s rebirth their law and honour was integral to them, only it differed from those they met. Much of what came before their arrival in these lands is unknown, much remains rumour and fable. What is known even today has been passed along generations and guarded by those within the clan and by priestesses who guide them. The clan were a civilisation far advanced for its time, a cataclysm destroyed much and many were lost. The name Walker became little more than a ghost, yet not to all. A handful of survivors moved to new lands and new lives, over the years the Walker became a legend and a myth of a once great people.

As time moved on two strangers walked the land, gathering people to their banner, a banner of a long dead race. The ghost of the Walkers has returned. As they grew they were joined by three other groups who complimented their beliefs and honour, they were the Tier Archers, the Royal Scouts and Cloak and Dagger. The people of the now named Ghostwalkers met and joined the Unicorn Nation, and after two years of service in 1097AF they were granted lands of their own”.

The arrival of two such strong forces into our nation could not have come at a more appropriate time. Many Unicorns had now spread across Erdreja and the population upon the Mauritanjan islands had become more dispersed, yet their lands remained hidden and protected by their mists. The secret Archepelago kept them safe from all who sought to oppose them. This in itself had both advantages and disadvantages and was to lead to another turbulent chapter in Unicorn history, a chapter that would stretch its shadow over almost a decade. Many people wished to visit Mauritanja, some for trade, some for friendship, others for mere curiosity, and this in turn attracted the attention of the Shadowkin who had lain quiet in the Shadowrealms for some time.

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The next couple of years were to mark the beginning of a dark brooding undercurrent for our nation. In 1097AF the Unicorns minds were occupied with the troubled land of Rockholme. Having won the right to govern the town on the borders of Caledonia, Albion and Cymria, the Unicorns found it promptly invaded by the Bear nation. The war over the town raged all year but was to be resolved on the field of honour at the Gathering of Nations when the victory settled in the Unicorns favour. Rockholme, however, would remain a bone of contention for many years.

This year saw the re-emergence of another longstanding group of Unicorn people. Much of their history is private to them but we know that their lineage runs deep into the history of the Unicorn people.

The Temple of Shadows, brothers of the faith of seven Lords of Shadow, seven guardians who would rule and maintain balance between light and dark stepped out once more into the world. When the Bears invaded the city of Rockholme the temple was sacked and all within it slaughtered, but Lantharius a Master of novices who had been guided by the Lords was spared. In this act the Temple walked a new and truer path and once more reaffirmed their pledge to protect the Unicorn people from any threat it should face in its future becoming proud and loyal members of this nation once more.

As the battle for Rockholme continued unbeknown to the Unicorn people another battle raged beneath them. Silently at first the Shadowkin awakened and as the dust settled over the fight for Rockholme the beginning of a new year (1098AF) brought about the re-emergence of an old threat. As the year progressed it became obvious that the Shadowkin were warring amongst themselves, amidst the building turmoil of their internal conflict, Dark Trade stirred, setting its sights on the people and wealth that had emerged on the Mauritanjan soil. Slowly as spring turned to summer it visibly gathered its forces and mustered its strength.

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On the surface the conflict between the Shadowkin and the Consolidation of Dark Trade was felt by all Unicorns. As the threat became ever more tangible the Lord General Seduraed stepped down to become head of the Inquisition against Dark Trade. The Inquisition had been formed at the Gathering of the previous year when amidst the battle for Rockholme the first signs of Dark Trade had emerged. Their task was to rout out Dark Trade and they consisted of at least one member of very Unicorn group. It is thought to many that some of the Inquisition may have become tainted by the Dark Trade they sought to remove, and at one point plotted to replace the new leader of the Unicorn Nation.

As Seduraed left to pursue this new quest his vizier stepped up to become the nation’s first Lady General – Adelena. A Teutonian peasant by birth, Lady Adelena’s family had been killed by coastal raiders and spent many years as a slave in Aegyptus. Beyond that little else is known of the time before she attended the Gathering of 1094AF. Attending as part of the “Illyrian Mercenaries” a relatively nondescript group who hired themselves for service, she soon settled amongst the Unicorn people.

Adelena was a spirited and determined leader, whose compassion and loyalty to her people allowed her to become the most loved and revered leader the Unicorns have had to date. Her ascendance to command raised a well love son of the people, Manthar (of the Hall of Champions) to the position of war leader, under the guidance of Adelena’s second Cormac Olafson as their charismatic General. The arrival of such strength and leadership to the Unicorn nation is quite possibly the reason they fared as well as they did against the threats that soon began to assault the Unicorn People with no sign of stopping.

As the year of 1099AF dawned, the enemy, which had so long threatened from beneath, struck. Whilst the Unicorn armies were dealing with a rebel Shadowkin army a Dark Trade army swiftly and without warning took control of the Nations then capital of El Dorado as well as the HoC homeland; the Island of Gavelle. Upon capturing Gavelle

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the Dark Trade army also took control of the ritual circle, threatening to expand the ageing mists they had unleashed on El Dorado and destroying every living Unicorn.

The Unicorns led a venture to recapture Gavelle and were victorious. The mission was one fought on two fronts, sea and land. The First Unicorn Navy under the command of High Captain Tarvan, made a consolidated attack around the island on all Dark Trade forces, focusing on the beaches to the west of the island and drawing the pirate fleets away from the main harbour. This allowed Admiral Shiva and High Captain Arran to assault and secure the harbour.

The primary cavalry unit was landed in the harbour villages, the rest of the troops were dropped about a mile away from the Gavelle Estate. A combined attack of both magic and force made a path to the ritual circle where the Unicorns High Mage Ailwen broke through the circles seal and disrupted its power sending a shockwave through the compound.

The account of the Battle of Gavelle, written by Petal of the HoC in the autumn of that year is one that to this day echoes the true essence of the tale. It is still told in the darkness and firelight and one that deserves to be recorded for our children

The Battle of Gavelle.

Our Island had been taken, our army’s had been lostDark Trade must be defeated, now at any cost

The greatest of the sea battles, led by our Captains greatTarvan, Arrun, Sheiva and the Cocks, Took our men to the Gavelle


The Finnish and the Bear berzerkas, stomped the enemy linesBlood and bones soaked the floor, parts of flesh and spine

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Then heavy troops moved forward of Ghostwalkers, Raven and HOCBacked up by the magical arcane, forcing the enemy to stop

Our army was outnumbered, the enemy began to regroupAnd launch a counter attack, on our now struggling troops

Cavalry from the harbour, knocked them off their feetLed by the Temple of Shadows, to make Dark Trade retreat

We stormed the compound gate, to the ritual circle they ranBut they regrouped again, to evil Dark Trade plan

The army was dishevelled, but held them at bayIncantors looked to ancestors and all began to pray

Carrying in Fearthallion came the avatars of White and GreyThe three brave warrior into the center of the fray

To the cry’s of Manthar, the army was now ralliedTo the sight of the Horn Blade that he now carried

To the scouts by the river, with Esuom and BriarHad the rift stone to collect from a tunnel of fire

At the ritual circle, Ailwen broke the sealDisrupting the evil, but an earthquake revealed

When the grounds had shook, the Dark Traders diedBut the Scouts in the tunnel were buried aliveThe losses were great, but the battle was won

And the army survivors sailed into the sun

Dark Trade has gone but never forgottenLike our ships in the sea, that were burned to the bottom

So in business take care and always bewareOr in every transaction Dark Trade will take a share

Gavelle, Gavelle

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Home of the HOC and the Unicorn’s prideGavelle, Gavelle

Leaving Dark Trade Corpses on the evening tide

Pettal of the HoC

Moving quickly from this bloody victory the Unicorns once more rallied themselves and stepped up to fight for their Capital. It was almost directly after the Battle for Gavelle that we were to see the quest to free El Dorado. The Unicorns led by a party of brave Unicorns were guided by a captured Dark Trader and former business partner of Lady Adelena, to find the six crystals stolen from the laboratory of the creator of the Giant Colossus. The six crystals were retrieved but the search for the wand which empowered them took longer.

However the Unicorns were successful in this quest and a small group led by Vadek Kain of the Ghostwalkers were sent out on a mission to activate the legendary giant. The giant statue which bridged North and South Isle was empowered by the Unicorn people in a rite and headed towards the besieged city of El Dorado. On the 30th day of the Eighth month the Colossus stamped out all Dark Trade in the city disbanding the ageing mists and allowing the first Unicorn troops to enter the city since its capture.

The victory against Dark Trade was celebrated by all Unicorns over Mauritanja, and those that had given their lives for those that were lost were remembered with joy and honour. In the midst of the Unicorns victory there was a departure of one who had led our people through such dark times. The Unicorns charismatic general Cormac Olafson returned to Norsca to aid in freeing his homeland of Finja. Into his place stepped Manthar and the Unicorns Chief Diplomat Akasha Du’Pont became the Nations third in command.

The next two years was to see the re-emergence of the Shadowkin into the lives of the Unicorn people. The turn of the Century saw the continued fighting between the Shadowkin and the demons and followers of Dark

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Trade erupt from the Shadow Realms and onto the Mauritanjan lands. It also saw something of an alliance between the Unicorn people and the Shadowkin they had feared for so long.

The second month of 1100AF saw the muster of the Unicorn peoples to discuss the traumatic events of the past year. Early at their meeting Dark Trade reared its ugly head in the form of the Demon Fraud and Deception. Once it was discovered that the Demon was impersonating a captured member of the Unicorn nation it took its opportunity to attack and then escaped. This may well have been a victory for Dark Trade but the Unicorns repost was far more lethal. With the unlikely assistance of the demon Usury, it was discovered that the sap of the Gold Tree acted as, a lethal venom to the Demon Bankruptcy (former king of the Shadowkin). A group of Unicorns managed to retrieve some of the sap and it was successfully administered to Bankruptcy ridding the Unicorn people and the Shadowkin of this threat.

The Congregation of the Unicorn people at this time was not to go without further incident. Lady Adelena was taken to the Shadow realm by the Shadowkin King Eldrazar. Here she received the “gift” of the Shadowkin the Defences of Mauritanja. The Shadowkin declared that in order for the Unicorn people to govern themselves and govern their protective mists they must become a monarchy. The Shadowkin therein declared that Lady Adelena must become the Monarch of the Land of Mauritanja and that her successor must also been deemed royal. Beneath the Mauritanjan lands Eldrazar’s daughter Vikaria was crowned queen of the Shadowrealms. In the wake of the Unicorns royal reforms the Unicorns first constitution was proposed. With the help of the Avatars of Ancalime the proposals were debated by the Unicorn people for a long time. The debate into such a change for the people of Mauritanja, not necessarily those of command or rank, but the ordinary Mauritanjan person, was fuelled by propaganda and fear. The leadership of the Unicorn people was one that had been fair and protected by the Lord Generals stewardship. The thought of the Nation becoming a monarchy and the possibility of it

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becoming a nation led once more by fear and oppression was re-awoken in many people within the land.

Many of those people were concerned that a Monarchy would mean higher taxes and many other unpleasantries and some local farmers were persuaded to take arms against the “Faction” command. After the uprisings were settled the Unicorn leaders invited many of the local communities into the debates on the constitutional reforms, their plan was that by once more involving the people in such decisions the laws would be fair, just and applicable to all. In essence the people hoped to merely adapt the leadership which had been in place for so long whilst guarding the flexibility in its laws to allow for the nomadic nature of the Nation.

The final documentation of the first Royal Constitution of the Unicorn Nation is at length a complex document but can be reduced as follows.

Unicorn Constitution 110AF.

Article One – Statement of NationhoodThe Unicorn Faction exerts the right to self determination and declare ourselves a nation independent of the control and influence of all other nations and factions of Erdreja. We are pledged to the free movement of goods, assets and wealth within the known world. We declare the right to defend the land in which we dwell and the assets that belong to us.

Article Two – The Monarchy and SuccessionsThe Unicorn faction leader shall be given title of Monarch of Mauritanja and shall enjoy absolute rule over the people of the

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islands, the Unicorn trade posts and other Unicorn controlled territories. In turn, the Monarch is to defend the Unicorn people and their basic rights, wealth and privileges from all enemies.Each Monarch will name a successor and perform a witnessed Act of Succession.

Article Three – Dark TradeNo Dark Trader will be allowed to hold Rank or Office within the Unicorn Faction Command. The use of Dark Trade items or abilities upon Unicorn Land will forfeit the life of the perpetrator.

Article Four – Unliving and NecromancyNo Unliving or user of Necromantic powers will be allowed to hold rank or office in the Unicorn Faction. Unicorn citizens that have temporarily acquired either of these may be granted an exemption from this article by the faction Monarch whilst they look for a cure.

Article Five – The Right to bear and sell armsUnicorns have the right and duty to protect their own person, belongings, family, wealth and property from attack. Each Unicorn has the right to Trade weapons, armour and items of war to either side or both sides of a conflict not including an enemy of the Unicorn Nation.

Article Six – The Right to Fair TrialA Unicorn has the right to a fair trial according to the law of the land the offence was committed in. A Unicorn shall have the right of legal representation whether they can afford it or not. Prosecutions shall be limited to those acts committed within the last twelve months (with the exception of Treason)

Article Seven – Free TradeThe right to Trade with anybody who is not an enemy of the Faction.

Article Eight – Equal Opportunities

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The Right for anyone who conforms to all the previous articles to have equal opportunities to progress within the Faction hierarchy.

Article Nine – Freedom of the PressThe right of free speech written or spoken that is not libellous or slanderous. Recognised members of the Unicorn press have the right to investigate and to comment except when it is deemed to affect national security.

Article Ten – InheritanceAfter preparing a legally binding will and leaving it with a recognised governing body an individual can decide whom receives their possessions after they have died. The property of anyone who has not prepared such an effect is forfeit to the Crown. The Crown may apportion remaining debts to the spouse or nearest relative of the deceased.

The Emergency Parliament which had been called following Adelena’s ascension to Monarch coincided with fears of a new devastation for the Unicorn People. The first of its kind since the Cataclysm which had reformed the Mauritanjan islands and forged the Shadowkin elves into the tapestry of the Unicorn story.

The beginning of the year saw threats from beneath the Mauritanjan lands and also from Aquatanja and the seas our lands were born from.

The seas around Mauritanja had long been guarded by the Merfolk. It was discovered that those Merfolk who went anywhere near the Underwater Ritual Circle located in the Solent were becoming struck with an unknown illness. Many of the Merfolk and other sea creatures had taken refuge with Merquis, the Unicorn Chamberlain, upon the Island of Gavelle awaiting a cure for their illness.

The Unicorns sent a group to discover what was causing the effects from the ritual circle and it was agreed that it was possible that the unwanted

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effects were being caused by large quantities of Alchemical waste being dumped through the circle.

At this point in there history it was not just the Unicorns who had an interest in the mysteries of the Underwater circle. A group of Sea Hags had managed to obtain a Tankard which allowed them to safely enter the circle without contracting the illness; the Unicorns managed to retrieve the Tankard but used it to trade with the Sea hags for members of the Unicorn nation they had captured. The Sea Hags escaped with the tankard and with the Unicorns Horn blade and the Unicorn minds were temporarily diverted from their capture by a threat which threatened to destroy all they had created.

The middle of the second month of 1100 saw all the known ritual circles across Mauritanja filling with large volumes of sea water. Others areas across the lands were also affected by the same phenomena. It was discovered in turn that an unusual magical aura was extending across the entire Mauritanjan Archepelago. Ethereal beings closely resembling Shadowkin were wandering the lands. The magical aura contained within it a taint of Dark Trade becoming more and more defined until its disappearance which coincided with the complete deactivation of all Mauritanjan Ritual Circles for almost a week.

The Ritual Circle washout also coincided with the flight of a comet through the Eastern Mauritanjan sky. The comet was discovered to be the Lions faction returning from the Void on Holy Isle and was a site witnessed across Erdreja.

The disruption to the Ritual circles was to be the least of the Unicorn Nations worries, when it was discovered that a large Tidal Wave was heading from the east and that this threatened all of Mauritanja. The Unicorns discovered that shortly after the disruption of the Ritual Circles and the news of the Tidal Wave that Thirteen of the Mauritanjan Islands had sunken below the water. The thirteen islands – The three most western Shadow Isles, Thorn Isle, Kitaru Isle, the three Rainbow Isles, three of the Southern most Forest Isles, Sven Isle

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and Boreth in the South, were discovered lost and the Nation set about a mass rescue.

The Isle of Gavelle was used as a base for the rescue effort however during the attempted rescue Queen Adelena discovered that the Mists were failing. When activated the mists did not maintain themselves as they had previously done but had to be continually activated by the Queen. The Mists and Tides surrounding Mauritanja that had long defended the lands and people who chose to call these islands there home were failing.

In continuing to activate the Mists Queen Adelena put her existence at risk by physically trying to maintain them, the Unicorn people relieved her of this responsibility and the Mauritanjan Mists were laid down.

The Shadowkin Queen Vikaria and her brother Valdrazar arrived at the Parliament and explained that the only defence against the Tidal Waves onslaught would be to find a way to raise the mists. They suggested a ritual be performed allowing Vikaria to raise the mists and protect Mauritanja from the tidal wave. The Unicorns agreed although reluctantly, and Vikaria managed to successfully raise the Mauritanjan defences. Vikaria’s brother Valdrazar still bore the resentment and hatred that so many of his kin had for the Unicorn people and demanded that the Unicorns incompetence and failure to protect these lands should mean that the Shadowkin stand once more as governors of the lands.

The Shadowkin Queen however did not agree and here on was the storm that would consume the Peoples for many moons to come. Vikaria stood strong besides the Unicorn nation and maintained the mists as the wave struck. The Mists held long enough to deflect the wave but were lost forever in the process and an earthquake ensued. Many cities were destroyed in the aftermath, and the great unicorn Colossus which had freed the Unicorns capital from the grip of Dark Trade was lost below the seas, but it was a small price to pay for the protection of so many.

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In his anger at his sister’s support for the Unicorn people and Monarchy, and after her protection of both the lands and people when the Tidal Wave struck, Valdrazar captured his sister binding her to the Shadowrealms and vowing that the Shadowkin would return to claim their rightful place as rulers of Mauritanja.

The dawning of this new era saw the Unicorns with a heavy heart once more with the loss of one of it former champions. The Unicorns former Lord General who as we have already seen had stepped down to pursue his battle against Dark Trade was murdered at the Heartland Games of that year. Lord Seduraed was led away from the Unicorns present to assist in the cleansing of a Gryphon who had succumbed to the temptations of Dark Trade. A letter was then received from one of the Unicorns highest wanted outlaws, Salma Azim Intef and her supporters the Dark Trade worshippers of Sett, saying she had claimed the life of one her oldest enemies and would take the lives of any others who opposed her.

With the loss of the mists and the reappearance of so many threats for the Unicorn People we can see how these events played an integral part in creating two of the Unicorns other groups, the Pen Cethren and Order of Cadrus Cornus.

The Pen Cethren were formed before these ages by a group of brothers, Eltan, Nathaniel and Logan Gaidin, and were initially a mercenary unit working for the Unicorn Nation. But it was during this year that the brothers became separated and in its wake came about the Order of Cadrus Cornus.

By the end of 1100, the Pen Cethren had started to fragment when Eltan disappeared and Nathaniel left. The third brother Logan was rumoured killed the year later but it was Nathaniel that would venture the furthest in history. Sometime in the middle of 1101AF Nathaniel decided to leave the mainland in search of solitude following problems withLogan, including his probable involvement in Eltan's disappearance. He sailed off, travelling for many days/weeks and eventually coming to

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land on an island somewhere off the South West of South Isle. Upon landing he was greeted by the islanders who told him that Cadrus Cornus had sent him to their aid.

The islanders themselves had become lost in the Mists of Mauritanja many ages ago, after their leader had a vision of a Unicorn guiding them through the Mists to a promised land. The pair of islands they found were uninhabited yet lush and fertile and they lived in peace and harmony for several generations.

Then sometime just preceding the loss of the mists a war barge of Orcs and Goblins ran aground on the Most Western Isle. Unable to withstand the attacks they retreated from that isle. After sometime the invaders turned their attention to the Islanders home. The Islanders built some defences though they knew that they would not protect them from the invaders mighty force. Then the Mists that had been their last protection vanished. They prayed to their ancestor Cadrus Cornus who had given them the vision of their islands and were granted a vision. Cadrus Cornus told them that a great warrior would come to their aid and only days later a boat with a solitary man landed on the island. That Man was Nathaniel Gaidin of the Pen Cethren.

Nathaniel was greeted by the islanders who explained that they had had a vision of his arrival and their salvation. Nathaniel was quickly told of the situation and after surveying the islander’s attempts of defences he realised that they would do little to hold them back. Nathaniel helped the islanders reinforce their defences and trained them with weapons though at the same time they prepared to escape. The Islanders repelled many small scale attacks but when they main assault was begun it became clear that though valiant the islanders could not beat the invaders.

Nathaniel led the islanders away on the boats swearing that one day they would return to reclaim their lands. The Order as they were now known roamed the world for some time before returning to Mauritanja

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in 1102AF when they recruited many from Pen Cethren lands to join the cause of protecting the Unicorn People, a role they excel in even today.

The loss of the mists not only changed the world for the Order of Cadrus Cornus but it forever changed the landscape of Mauritanja and plunged the Unicorns into the Heartlands in a way they had never known before.

Without the mists which had guarded them for so long they found themselves open to attacks from other nations, merged with the Shadowrealms and without the aid of the Shadowkin Queen Vikaria, who was bound by her brother to remain in the realms. It was a dark time for the Unicorn People and it was not long after the loss of their defences they received their first invasion.

In the early summer of 1101AF three ships were landed on North Isle by the Vipers Nation. The Ships landed in the region of 3000 Skathen on Unicorn lands before withdrawing. The Skathen that were landed on North Isle were members of the Iron Fang Clan, which in history are one of the Unicorns most troublesome enemies.

The Iron Fang are one of the most heavily armed and armoured of the Skathen clans. More of a warrior culture than the rest of the Skathen, they employ heavily armoured warriors and are experienced in siege, offensive tunnel building and large scale battles. The Iron Fang are also one of the largest of the Skathen clans and regularly push other clans into their wishes.

Overall the Skathen may not be the strongest or most organised of enemies, but are one of the most numerous. Their ability to build complex tunnel networks quickly and breed at stupendous rates, means that if left encamped in a position for too long they will be difficult to ever remove.

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The Skathen who landed ‘conquered’ certain areas of North Isle and gave it to the Vipers who said that the land belonged to them as they had signed the Gathering Treaty. There was some debate amongst Nations as to who had landed the Skathen on our Shores, as it was rumoured that they had been transported by not only Vipers ships but by Dragons. The battle for North Isle would range over the rest of the year and through the Gathering of Nations yet in its midst there was the re-emergence of another one of the Unicorns biggest enemies.

The Unicorns attendance to the Heartlands first Moot of the year was marred not only by the Viper invasion of their lands but by the emergence of the Shadowkin Prince Valdrazar. Valdrazar informed the Unicorns that he was now King of the Shadowrealms but the Unicorns were thrown into turmoil when he addressed Queen Adelena as ‘Sister’. The Unicorns discovered that with the destruction of the power source that had kept the Shadow realm in place, the Shadow realm merged with Mauritanja and Vikaria, shackled as she was, merged with the Monarch of Mauritanja, Queen Adelena.

This was not to be the Unicorns only enemy to re-emerge at the Moot of that year. Monotone who captured the Unicorn island of Boar Isle and turned it into Blood Isle returned to once more plague the Nation.

During an attack by a group of Orcs, Princess Akasha’ son Malachi was taken from her after she was wounded by a Mage. Her daughter Josephine was not present at the time but it was discovered that the Orcs were Monotone’s minions and that the child had been taken back to Blood Isle. Monotone had invited the Unicorn Nation to return to Blood Isle and attend his ‘Carnival of Horrors’ later in the year and after the Prince’s kidnap the Nation unanimously agreed to attend and bring him home.

The Unicorns were plagued by dreams of the torture and torment that the young prince was enduring in the hands of his captor. These nightmares were removed by Shulton a member of the Kith Rhae. The Kith Rhae are now greatly absent from our Nation though I believe

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that many may still walk the lands of Mauritanja and the Heartlands beyond. The memory of their achievements and dreams however is one that remains amongst many of our people their history is as follows.

The Kith Rhae had grown rapidly towards the end of the eleventh century a collection of disparate individuals with common aims. Founded by Shulton and Rowan DuPont (nee. McYokel) the Kith aimed to excel in service of the Unicorn Nation and the development and reestablishment of the Cult of Lillitu.

The beliefs of this group, known as ‘Children of Lillitu’, stem from a religion discovered some years ago. Those who investigated its foundations discovered that the main theology of the religion was that ‘Lillith’ is the mother of all and that after our lifetime we return to her. The religion is based around the cycles of the moon or the ‘cycles of Lillith’ and the associations made for each cycle which then represent a facet of Lillith that are lost within the dream.

The Cult of Lillitu were founded many years ago shortly after ‘Lillitu’faded from the material plane into the realm of the dreams. The remnants of her ‘Children’ were scattered far and wide by the Armies of the Sun.

In some place they found themselves gathered in small numbers and began to work together to see their Mistress saved from the dream. They developed the means for conscious beings to enter the Dream so they could search for Lillitu and lead her back to waking. Therein lay their ability to aid the Unicorns tormented by the nightmares of Monotone’s dark acts.

The Cult believe that support should be offered to any who require their help. The weak should be protected from those stronger than themselves; the hungry should be fed and so on. The Outer Cult of the Children of Lillitu are the Kith Rhae, they actively sought out new members who wish to hear the teachings of Lillitu and search for information and resources to aid the larger Cult

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As time passed the initial founders moved away from the group, Rowan becoming a member of the HoC along with her husband Ailwen, Shulton moving away from the central leadership allowing him to rediscover his strengths and follow the path of Lillitu. This change in leadership allowed the group to focus not only on their quest for Lillitu but their belief and skill at protecting those that needed them.

The aid of the Kith in the nightmares of Monotones treatment of Akasha’s son was invaluable but the prospect of further visions was a potential for all until the Unicorn People could face Monotone later that year.

For the time being at least the Unicorns had more pressing matters to deal with, unable to attempt a rescue until Monotone’s carnival the Unicorn people struggled on with the months hoping that they would not be too late to save the young prince. In the Meantime they had plenty to occupy their attention with continued threats from the Shadowkin and the continued Viper occupation of North Isle.

The months following this saw the Shadowkin, led by ‘King’ Valdrazar occupying Shadow Isle and alleging that he wanted peace with the Unicorn people and their Queen, whose body was inhabited by his sister.As the year progressed the battle to remove the Skathen and Viper forces from North Isle intensified. After giving their conquested land over to the Vipers the Skathen had done little to expand their situation. In fact the Skathen had been pushed back from the nearby Ritual Circle by the Unicorn armies there and were holding a smaller area on the Far East coast. In focusing in this area however they had been digging tunnels and fortifying their position appearing to be intent on keeping their position rather than extending it.

The Vipers however had landed larger numbers of troops on the tip of North Isle. The troops who numbered over a thousand were making their way through the eastern borders of the Alzheimer Mountains, though their number and heavy armour meant their process was slow.

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In the meantime the Unicorns forces had been preparing to meet the Vipers as they made their steady path from the North.

When the first of the battles for North Isle came the assault was made on two fronts. The Northern front which faced the Skathen faced little resistance against their advance. Many Skathen were seen fleeing, and many more were found dead in what were poorly constructed holes and lairs. The Skathen in their holes had been poisoned by a slow acting toxin, not having any healers or mages they died slowly. The Unicorn forces on this front took minimal damage and prepared themselves to join the battle against the Vipers.

The Southern forces prepared to push forward into the Skathen and Viper forces, the first advance was quick and successful but it slowed and the Unicorns advanced cautiously. From the West a group of Iron Fang Skathen swarmed joined by a number of Copper Spiral Skathen the Unicorns advance of both army units were slowed and then pushed back. As the Unicorns regrouped to attack once more they led strikes by air and land. The Unicorns were attacked by wave after wave of heavily armoured Iron Fang Skathen and lightly armoured Copper Spiral Skathen. The Vipers attacked with Catapults though they took few casualties, and the Assault was halted once more.

The continued battle for North Isle continued as the winter encroached on the Unicorn and the battle on land spread once more to the sea. The Judge of Erdreja had ruled in favour of the Unicorns claim to the land and in the wake of this decision the Unicorns prepared once more to claim their land. Through storm and wave the Unicorn navy battled Viper fleets with help from the Gryphon Nation. The few Dragon ships that were there struck out for sea offering no retaliation to the Unicorns who had arrived to remove the invaders. The Vipers were pushed farther and further back until there was little resistance, and whilst the war at sea was valiantly being fought the war on land was too holding form.

The attack on land was one of many forms and its combination of specialised attacks meant that the Skathen and Viper stockades had

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been over run. The Dragon boats insisted that they had only come to retrieve the Vipers who were leaving the Unicorns shores and after the heavy fighting of the past few months the Unicorns let them go, enough blood had been spilled. The Unicorn forces had suffered damage in the previous months but the success of their salvation of North Isle was to be a hollow victory by the end of the year when the Unicorns recount their voyage to Blood Isle.

The preparations for the Unicorns expedition to Blood Isle, formerly Boar Isle and home of the Rainbow Boar was well planned but fraught with the fears of what was to come. When the Unicorns arrived on the island they were confronted with the Orc militia that served Monotone. Granted only a few permits for weapons and magic use, all of which were banned without possession of a permit, the Unicorns smuggled weapons into the town and behaved as Mauritanjan citizens without plan or purpose.

The safety that they were promised seemed hollow as posters were strewn throughout the town portraying members of the Unicorn Nation wanted for crimes against Monotone. It was not long before Monotone revealed himself to the Unicorns which had travelled to his carnival.Monotones entrance was dramatic to say the least, dragging a captured Unicorn into a warded room and murdering him. Monotone emerged from the wards protection brandishing the Unicorns head and a skirmish ensued which led to many of Monotones militia asking for sanctuary and protection from Monotone who had forced them into his service.

In the wake of the Unicorns murder and battle the Unicorns were faced with a number of puzzles and riddles which were to lead to the defeat of Monotone. Many rooms contained puzzles and creatures created by Monotone and one of which contained the most horrifying site of all. A man covered in blood and scars was screaming. The creatures helping the Unicorns claimed that the man was the prince Malachi and that Monotone had dramatically increased the rate at which he aged.

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Reeling from the image that had confronted them, and the thought of what may lay ahead the Unicorns continued in their battle to find the items that would lead to Monotones defeat. The puzzles and riddles discovered lead them to understand that they must collect seven horns which would imprison the monster. There were eight in total but one was a fake.

Of the eight that needed to be found the Unicorns discovered that one was hung on Monotone’s belt this was stolen by the Tengu’s leader Lord Kittaru. The Tengu a group who remained within the Unicorns for a relatively short time and whose history is shrouded in the unknown. Alleged to have come to the Heartlands in 1098 in search of a missing artefact the Tengu joined the Unicorns and were given the Unicorn Province of Little Nippon as there new home. Documents on the Tengu suggest that they hail from a race of birdlike humanoid creatures who were the original inhabitants of their homeland within the Obsidian Isles.

The Tengu were not only valued members of the Unicorns but remain today allies and friends. Their aid as both a group and individuals has been vital in many of the Unicorn battles. The Tengu now form part of the Mercenary Alliance, a group of elite warriors of which the Unicornsformer Prince Manthar is allied with.In order to capture Monotone within the Blood Pit there were not only the horns to collect but as we have said a number of scrolls and puzzles to translate. The longest of the riddles written in blood was translated to read as follows;

The dark pit of blood perception is the keyPuzzle of the mind release the curse that surrounds theeSpectrum of seven in a circle round stoneGather them together to release MonotoneThe colours are lost, the tribe in dismayHe shall be one, his colour is greyToken held by mage, seek theBlade of a colourful sage

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The veil of a deceiver, the tribe he did foolTo steal the power and rule one day forever. Colours is hisCage, jailed in shadow to suffer in rage.

As if the torment of the past few days had not been enough for the Unicorns gathered in that dark place, a shadow crept out and emerged to trouble them further. Valdrazar triumphant after his conquest of Shadow Isle arrived asking to speak to the Queen. He said he had come in peace that he wanted nothing more than to hold his sister in his arms once more. The proclamations of peace did not last long and soon Valdrazar was threatening the Unicorns, saying if he wished it he would tear Vikaria’s pattern from Adelena’s body and crush the Unicorns occupying his lands. Valdrazar called upon his followers and attacked the Unicorns the fight was short lived and the Shadowkin fought off.

The Unicorns fought valiantly against the Shadowkin but the battles were far from over, the armies which had been gradually clearing a path across the besieged land were closing and there was only one more horn to find before Monotone could be stopped. After a battle against Monotone’s high priest and the Acolytes that stood in their way the Unicorns bravely fought on to the blood pit within the Circle.

Monotone stood before the Unicorn Nation on a platform above the Pit the baby (and not tortured man) Malachi in his arms he asked who within this land would give their life for the child and not one amongstthem faltered in answering yes. He told them that if someone would willingly give their life he would let the young prince go, many offered but one was brave enough to sacrifice himself to save the child. The sacrifice was in vain though as Malachi was dropped in the Blood Pit and lost to them all. A struggle ensued and Monotone was forced into the Pit and the lid lowered sealing him within its depths.

The loss to the Unicorns was immeasurable, not since the death of Aristoloki Baicalein had there been such grief in their hearts. The victory

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against the Unicorns longstanding enemy was outweighed by the loss of one so young and loved by the people.

In the wake of their victory and loss it was announced that Prince Manthar was to leave the Unicorns to wed Lady Jo of the Gryphons, this was a cause of some celebration yet tinged with sadness at his departure. Akasha would step up to next in line to the throne and hold the title of Princess Arcane. Vadek Kain would become the Nations Prince Warhost. With Adelena still guiding the Nation this was the Monarchy which would lead the Unicorn People into the year of 1102.

The pressure from the other Nations had eased with the Vipers removal from North Isle. Monotone’s defeat meant that Blood Isle had been returned to Boar Isle and a time of rebuilding over the winter months had brought renewal into the spring of Mauritanja. With the mists gone, Mauritanja had struggled in its return to the Heartlands, but now stood stronger than ever. The time of rebuilding had also seen a lot of change and the Unicorns held a Parliament to rest and discuss the events of the past year, for this they journeyed to Rockholme.

When looking back at the parliament that took place that year it was far from a time of rest though discussions were had. Shortly after the Unicorns had arrived and the first matters had been suggested Valdrazar appeared with a small army though he claimed to come in peace.

Valdrazar offered the Unicorns one last chance to return ‘his’ islands to him and for Adelena to return his sister Vikaria to him. He offered those gathered and all other unicorn peoples his ‘benevolent protection’ saying he wished to restore the mists and aid those under his rule. Adelena offered his choice to those gathered who refused to believe his words or live under his command. Valdrazar left the Parliament saying he would offer the same terms to the people of Mauritanja not gathered in Rockholme. Valdrazar's herald however remained saying he would

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attempt to enlighten as many people as possible about the benefits and protection of Valdrazar’s rule.

The discussion about the Shadowkin would rage across the Parliament, though all those present were agreed that Valdrazar should be killed and that it was time the Unicorns declared war on the Shadowkin. The battle would be hard one and many would be lost but they had decided that it was time for the People of Mauritanja to no longer live in fear of them.

The Parliament was the Unicorns first chance to learn more about the island of Far Reach which had emerged within the Mauritanjan Archepelago when the mists had fallen. The islands leader Lord Tallarn was present and was willing to answer questions on this island of undead. This was a matter of some issue for many within the Nation since under the Constitution that was introduced when Adelena was named Queen Necromancy was banned. The subject was to remain a subject of contention for the Unicorn Nation for some time although there would be little opportunity for its discussion at the Parliament.

The Shadowkin continued to threaten the nation and attacked those gathered there, on one occasion the Unicorns faced threats from both the Shadowkin and Skathen who had emerged from tunnels within the town. This made the Shadowkin threat more prevalent to the Unicorn people and it was obvious to those gathered that something had to be done.

Of the many discussions held at the Parliament of that year we see three matters which would be vitally important to the Unicorns over the next couple of years. Firstly a representative from the Silver Elves of Sonalista, Princess Thiadain arrived seeking refuge from the ‘Tainted’ who besieged their island. She had been sent to find safety in the Unicorns who had been allied with her people for so long and warn themof the coming threat.

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Secondly, a representative of the Unicorn ‘Republicans’ attended wishing to speak to Queen Adelena. The Republicans were a group who were of the opinion that the change of Mauritanja to a monarchy was wholly wrong, and they had sent their representative named Mallor to speak with the Unicorns Queen about the recent referendum discussions. It is better to speak of the Republicans in detail at a later time though important to note their appearance at such gatherings even at this early date.

The third matter was to be that of the Island of Vaecena. There had been a lot of activity on the coast of South Isle from the Sea Hags and combined with the areas strange magic which emanated from the island the Unicorns had sent a group to investigate. The third Unicorn fleet took a group from the Ghostwalkers on a scouting mission and discovered a large amount of sea hag activity. The Sea Hags were searching the island for something and it was decide that the nay should be sent to the island to clear the threat from the Sea Hags so that further investigations could be performed.

Following the Navy incursion the Unicorns discovered that there were in fact two groups of beings from Aquatanja upon the Island the Sea Hags and the Cu-Hurigan. Though the Cu-Hurigan who had attacked elsewhere on Mauritanjan shores remained largely unseen the Sea Hags were prominent in their own investigation of the island and attacked the initial research parties.

Along with assistance from the Gryphons and the Merfolk, the Unicorns led an assault to rid them of the Sea Hags threats and interference once and for all and the sixth month saw the Unicorns strike against the Sea Hags. The battle began as many would assume underwater and the events which unfolded under the water left many on land anxiously waiting for news of the Unicorn warriors. The Sea Hags birthing ceremony was an ideal opportunity for attack and those hags not killed in the initial assault were caught trying to escape. Though the strike

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against the Sea Hag was largely a success many unicorns and merfolk were lost, a reminder for all that victory is rarely achieved without loss and remembrance.

As spring blossomed into summer the Unicorns found themselves in a relative state of peace after the defeat of the Sea Hags. The Shadowkin continued to make their presence known but there was no specific advance in their occupation of Mauritanja, and much of the people spent their time rebuilding and strengthening both themselves and their homes. This relative peace was as always to be short lived.

The Unicorn Nations venture at the Gathering 1102 is one which is fresh in every Unicorns memory even today. Those not present could recount the events and the story using different words but words told with the same pain, the pain of the loss of a loved one. The Gathering held in Viper lands, had not been opened long when the Unicorns camp came under attack form Shadowkin. The Shadowkin King Valdrazar was there and in the confusion of the battle captured Adelena and cast a barrier surrounding him, the Queen and one of his followers. Adelena was powerless to escape him as he used his control of his sister Vikaria to prevent her from escaping.

Adelena resisted Valdrazar but was still unable to escape his control, and he teleported her away with him blaming the Unicorns refusal to acquiesce to his commands as the reason why he had been forced into hurting the Unicorns queen. In Adelena’s absence Akasha was placed in temporary command and Vadek informed all those gathered that the Nation was under Martial Law until the matter was resolved. Some time after her disappearance the Unicorns heard that Adelena had returned and was on her way to the Unicorn camp but that Valdrazar had done something, in essence Adelena was unliving.

Adelena arrived in camp and explained to her people that Valdrazar had ripped Vikaria’s pattern from her body along with that of the Queens unborn child. These two patterns had blocked the Pits of Taxation and halted the threat of Dark Trade. Adelena then asked

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those gathered to dismiss her and lay her to rest, she did not wish to linger in the form she now found herself. Before she said her last farewells to those gathered she decreed that it was her wish that Princess Akasha take on her role as leader of the Unicorn People and that Vadek would be next in line to the throne, there was the matter of a third member of the unicorns command and Adelena suggested the Unicorns Ambassador Lady Rowan.

Those gathered on that sad day obeyed her request to be lain to rest not out of obedience or as the order of their leader but out of the love and respect Adelena had earned since her arrival in Mauritanja. Those gathered said their goodbyes to her as friend and family to all and mourned the loss of the Unicorn peoples first and Only Queen, Adelena.

In the wake of Adelena’s loss the Unicorns feelings of grief were temporarily outweighed by their feelings of anger and revenge. The Unicorn people destroyed the Unicorn Constitution which had been implemented when the Monarchy was ruled necessary by the Shadowkin vowing that the Unicorns constitution would be one decided by the people and not one dictated and decreed by anyone else.

The Unicorns left Viper lands to transport to Shadow Isle and confront the Shadowkin and Valdrazar for the last time. The Shadowkin on Shadow Isle were utterly destroyed without the loss of one Unicorn life though they were unable to find Valdrazar and so returned to the Gathering. Amidst the Unicorns defeat of the Shadowkin and the loss of their Queen the Unicorns gathered agreed it was time to appoint Akasha ruler of Mauritanja. Akasha however and many others agreed that the title of Queen would be an inappropriate one as the Unicorn People still saw Adelena as the true queen of Mauritanja. Therein Akasha was announced Empress, and in short order guided her people in the defeat of their enemy Valdrazar.

Much of those gathered had proceeded to the Gathering Ritual Circle to aid in a ritual for members of the Nation. Valdrazar again had other ideas and after appearing in the centre of the circle proceeded to inflict

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his recollection of Adelena’s torture and pleas for mercy upon those present. Those present remained strong and stood against him recounting everything he had called them previously and aiming such remarks to him. Valdrazar attempted to leave but was unable to teleport away. Adelena’s husband, the Unicorn Field Marshall Grimbold stepped forward carrying the Unicorn Horn Blade challenging Valdrazar to combat in the name of his wife and unborn child.

The fight ensued was not a great one worthy of recount and detail but Grimbold was victorious and Valdrazar slain, freeing the Unicorn people from the oppression of the Shadowkin forever.

The coming weeks were a time for great change and discussion and changed for what was now the Empire of Mauritanja and its people. Amongst the time of change was the immense wave of sadness and loss that swept across the Nation. Adelena would never be lost to the Unicorn people she will be remembered in the hearts and minds of everyone who knew her and in the stories told to the Unicorns not yet born.

The first expedition of the Unicorn People led by the Empress Akasha Du’Pont was in the autumn of the same year and saw the Faction venturing to the Island of Vaecena in a venture of exploration but so that the people could gather together in remembering the loss of Queen Adelena.

The island was one of many which had only recently discovered and the years earlier scouting missions had discovered that the island was full of mystery and magical energy the likes of which had never been seen before. Many documents which were discovered and translated held the key to the island and the elves which had previously inhabited it. The ‘Vaecenans’ had long searched for a land before the cataclysm hoping, to escape the hatred for their kind brought about by the Elder Race wars.

Perhaps it is this part of our lands history which led us to believe that the elves which came to the aid of the True Unicorns after the Cataclysm

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were too escaping the Elder Race wars, it may have been a simple mistake between two separate groups arriving in our lands at different points in time?

The history of the Vaecenans is well documented and shows a race of highly developed and curious elves who researched the Void and magic in the Elemental Planes, the history of their people we have referred to before in their initial encounters with the True Unicorns. We will use it again here to show how they came to reside in our lands.

“The history of Vaecena is a complicated one.

We arrived here after travelling for many years, seeking a home that was far from the others so that we could continue our research, into the Void. When we chanced upon these islands, far from anywhere else we thought that they would make an excellent new home for our people.Though we did not number many, we are long lived being elves and we needed to ensure room to grow in the future.

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Though there were several islands to choose from, one was protected by some magical means already. It had a magical mist above it that confused any who came to close.

Though we thought in time we may defeat the mist, we did not seek to antagonise those it protected. The small island we named Kal-Toa was too rocky for our liking and it did not contain the essential supplies we desired. The coral coast was a barren place unless you were a fish. This only left the small island we named Vaecena.

However our choice was an especially good one. The island had plentiful running water andthe magic of the place was immense. We could immediately erect the shield stones around the void barrier rift and we had a working ritual circle, and soon after a transport circle for us to use. The city had a tall mountain that made an excellent lookout post and place to experiment with Air Magic. The earth glowed warm at times giving the volcanic nature of the island,

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and indeed the whole area, away. This made it an ideal place to tap Earth energy also.

The isle we named Illyria lay near by and that contained a magnificent Volcano that tapped into the energy of the Plane of Fire and the entirety of the waters around Vaecena seemed imbued with energy from the Plane of Water.

All, in all the place abounded with magic, and seemed safe from those that thought to disturb us. We started to construct our capital city, well our only city and named it Valence. We built the ritual circle at its centre and the city within the bowl that formed at the bottom of the mountain, now known as Mount Vaecena. Construction docks were the hardest task, as trees on the island grew tall and strong and were difficult to mould to our liking. However, it was necessary in order to have fresh fish and other food.

Soon our misplaced people had a home once more. Houses of stone replaced the shacks we first built of wood and the city of Valence

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became a place of beauty, of knowledge and of happiness. We toiled long in our research and discovered many secrets of the Universe, secrets of the void and the Plains of Light and Darkness that are all around us.“The history of Vaecena is a complicated one.

We arrived here after travelling for many years, seeking a home that was far from the others so that we could continue our research, into the Void. When we chanced upon these islands, far from anywhere else we thought that they would make an excellent new home for our people.Though we did not number many, we are long lived being elves and we needed to ensure room to grow in the future.Though there were several islands to choose from, one was protected by some magical means already. It had a magical mist above it that confused any who came to close.

Though we thought in time we may defeat the mist, we did not seek to antagonise those it protected. The small island we named Kal-Toa was too rocky for our liking and it did not contain the essential supplies we desired. The coral coast was a barren place unless you were a fish. This only left the small island we named Vaecena.

However our choice was an especially good one. The island had plentiful running water and the magic of the place was immense. We could immediately erect the shield stones around the void barrier rift and we had a working ritual circle, and soon after a transport circle for us to use. The city had a tall mountain that made an excellent lookout post and place to experiment with Air Magic. The earth glowed warm at times giving the volcanic nature of the island, and indeed the whole area, away. This made it an ideal place to tap Earth energy also.

The isle we named Illyria lay near by and that contained a magnificent Volcano that tapped into the energy of the Plane of Fire and the entirety

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of the waters around Vaecena seemed imbued with energy from the Plane of Water.

All, in all the place abounded with magic, and seemed safe from those that thought to disturb us. We started to construct our capital city, well our only city and named it Valence.

We built the ritual circle at its centre and the city within the bowl that formed at the bottom of the mountain, now known as Mount Vaecena. Construction docks were the hardest task, as trees on the island grew tall and strong and were difficult to mould to our liking. However, it was necessary in order to have fresh fish and other food.

Soon our misplaced people had a home once more. Houses of stone replaced the shacks we first built of wood and the city of Valence became a place of beauty, of knowledge and of happiness. We toiled long in our research and discovered many secrets of the Universe, secrets of the void and the Plains of Light and Darkness that are all around us.”

From ‘A Brief History of Vaecena’by Kessia Talvenea.

The investigations into the nature of this island and its inhabitants would in turn reveal much of Mauritanja’s history and more besides. Investigations earlier in the year had discovered many documents including the one noted above. One of these documents, a diary depicts amongst their investigations and research into varying forms of magic and power a conflict the Vaecenans faced against the Cu-Hurigan. A race we mentioned during the Unicorns battles with the Sea Hags.

The Sea Hags and Cu-Hurigan both appear to hail from similar backgrounds as creations of the great underwater creature the Leviathan who is believed to pre date not just the Cataclysm but the Elder Race wars.

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Knowledge that was gained during the research into the Isle of Vaecena suggests that the Leviathan created the Cu-Hurigan and although they were beings of limited intellect they worshipped Leviathan as an ancestor. When the Vaecenans arrived and discovered such a pool of energy within the waters surrounding their new home they tried to tap into the energy and by proxy the Leviathan who was most unhappy with the intrusion.

The Cu-Hurigan sought out the disturbance and began to attack theVaecenans, this began with attacks on their shipping vessels but escalated into much more and soon both sides were trying to annihilate each other.

It so appeared that during the Unicorns investigations into these newly emerged islands that they too had woken the slumbering Leviathan and its followers the Cu-Hurigan, which in turn explained the random attacks the Unicorn people had suffered along the coast of South Isle.

The prior ventures to the island as the waters continued to recede had revealed much about the island and the Unicorns discovered that in the Vaecenans war against the Cu-Hurigan they had transformed people into Golems to protect the island against the onslaught of attacks against their people. This was done through a so called Ritual of Stone devised by one of their greatest and most arrogant ritualists Daegin Juzo. The Golems had survived beneath the water even until the Unicorns arrived their in the autumn of 1102AF. It was through the Golems that remained we discovered that the Vaecenan nation had been destroyed when the Cataclysm had struck and the island had sunk.

The Unicorns continued their expedition of the island and fought of many attacks from Cu-Hurigan, whilst investigating a way to control the Golem which remained on the island. They discovered a document which gave instructions on how to open an item, a Ritual Circle Box which held an amulet which would allow them to control the remaining Golem.

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Whilst this item was recovered and the document which held the puzzles to unlock it were translated and solved, the Leviathan emerged and threatened all those gathered saying he would reopen the rift to the Plane of Water, sinking the island and causing devastation to many of the nearby Mauritanjan Islands. The efforts of those gathered defeated the Leviathan by controlling the Golem within the Ritual Circle and saving not only the island and those on it but those nearby.

The Island of Vaecena however is no more. As we have said those who ventured to this island of mystery did so not just out of research and knowledge but out of remembrance and whilst on the Island the Unicorns Queen was at last given her final resting place. In her memory and in recognition of all she had done for the Unicorn People the island of Vaecena was renamed Adelena Isle and from this place we have the most fitting tribute to the Queen of the Unicorns.

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Sweet Adelena

The scent of the sea air,is filled with a whisper.

It’s the sighing of Sweet Adelen.

That welcomes you sailors,to cast your eyes westward,to the Isle of Sweet Adelen.

O, calm was the night,that stirring the memory,

led you dear sailors away.

But she’ll lead us homeward,to her Mauritanja.

O, guide us our sweet Adelen.

Though the mist fills the sea air,there lit in the distance,

are fires for sweet Adelen.

Our queen of the traders,has shown us her favour,

and lightens the port and our bow

The scent of the sea air,

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is filled with a whisper.It’s the sighing of sweet Adelen.

So pull your ropes sharply,for Queen Adelena,

set your dear seamen to sail.


The Unicorns emerged from the darkness of 1102AF and the loss of their queen and went to the aid of the people of Siam. A small group had approached the Unicorns shortly after their trip to ‘Adelena Isle’ asking for help in protecting them from some daemons and in recovering a beacon.

The plea was in retrospect far from a plea for help and more a means to an end. The Unicorns were asked to save the people of Siam from a group of daemons, the Oni, who had been held at bay by use of magical beacons.

The history found on these daemons was a relatively small amount but it showed the Unicorns the threat they presented to Mauritanja. The Documents which were discovered in the Great Library told of a great Ancestor worshipped by all. His followers all aspired to please him and he aided any who struggled and remonstrated those that were prideful. He was known to his people as the Father of All. The Father became corrupted by the Oni, daemons from beyond knowledge who used his followers beliefs to gain power and corrupt all.

The Father of All became twisted and arrogant, finally becoming one of the Oni waking the dead and washing the forests with this great evil that had consumed him. The Emperor at that time called upon the power of the Ancestors and took his finest Samurai to fight the Father of All and his corrupted followers. Upon realising that the father of all could not be defeated whilst his followers remained the Emperor bound the Fathers essence into a torch and then bound that beacon within a magic box to prevent his essence from escaping; this enabled the father’s pattern to be

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sent to the void for all eternity, so long as his essence remained contained.

The Siamese representative Yokotuma begged the Unicorns to help them fight the Samurai who wished to open the box releasing the Oni and destroy the Siam people.

The Unicorns gathered their forces and collected the beacon and boxrequired but at the point the ritual was to be performed to ‘bind’ the Father of All the Unicorns discovered that they had been betrayed by the Fathers followers who were seeking to free their Master. They managed to defeat the daemon which Yokotuma and the Siam people had tried to release and make an ‘uneasy’ peace with the Samurai who were charged with guarding against the Fathers release. As years went 1103AF was not one which began well.

As the year progressed the threats facing the Unicorn people had grown. From the constant propaganda of the Republicans and the emerging of the threat of the Tainted they had struggled with the loss of their Queen and forged forward.

The Moots of that year were too frantic and unsurpassed in the events that took place for the Unicorn Nation. In the months preceding the Moots ever since the Silver Elves had first fled the threat of the Tainted investigations had begun into these creatures and the Island from whence they came. Lucas Fairfax of the Ghostwalkers had ventured to Sonalista to persuade Princess Thiadain’s father to leave and return to the Unicorn People with him, instead he was captured and returned, tortured and returned with a single message – “We are coming”.

This propelled the Unicorns involvement into the threat from the Tainted to new levels and the Unicorns vowed to help the Silver Elves in anyway they can to reclaim there homeland. The matter of the Tainted however was one which would have to wait as another of the Unicorns enemies was moving against them.

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We have previously mentioned the Republican movement of the Unicorn Nation but by this point in history the Republican threat had been corrupted to be more than it had ever intended to be. The Republicans were rooted from the time that the Shadowkin decreed the Unicorns must become a Monarchy and their intentions were initially the Protection of the Unicorn common folk.

Many Republican representatives and much of their propaganda had been seen since the Republic of Mauritanja had become a Monarchy, they viewed themselves as Guardians of the Republic and of the free Mauritanjan people.

The Republicans held many meetings and many Mauritanjans heard and held with what was voiced, for in essence the Republicans ideals were similar to those of the Unicorn Monarchy with justice and protection for all. The Republicans spoke of a peaceful end to the Monarchy and was heard on many occasions speaking of what the Republicans held as right -

‘…for we are all Unicorns, and we are all here as those loyal to Mauritanja. If there are any who seek to overthrow the Unicorns or wish to use our cause to gain revenge against other Unicorns I shall ask you leave at once, for that is not what we seek. What we seek is a right and just rule in a system that allows us each to speak our minds and that the decisions for the people are made by the people. The governance of the land cannot be made by all. A council must sit that must decide what is best for Mauritanja and the Unicorn people, but we should decide how that council is made and we should not be dependant on the whims of a single individual for all our futures.’

In the wake of Adelena’s death many Mauritanjans were unsure of the path that lay ahead of them, a Monarchy was one thing an Empire was wholly different and the words of the Guardians of the Republic were ever more tangible, but the words of the republicans were hollow and more malevolent than they could imagine, for behind the calming words was the threat of a deadly force.

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Since the Republicans movements in the wake of Akasha’s rule had become more prevalent the Unicorns had investigated what was behind their uprising and discovered many training camps whose purpose was to train those with similar beliefs not in talking but in warfare and death. One of these investigations led by Mordekai Thurloe revealed that the Republicans were not working alone but with the assistance and ‘guidance’ of a group from another plane the Trakalites.

The Trakalites were an aggressive human race, come to Erdreja from another plane. Their government was split between the army commanders and the High Priests of Torbelthane; the Trakalite religion. Trakalites were warriors first and citizens second. Ruled over by a high command of 8 persons, 6 taken from the army and 2 from the top of the priesthood. These 8 people were responsible for every aspect of life for the Trakalites. The high priest of Torbelthane being the person who usually leads the 8, he is the one who has to look after the souls of his flock and no one (including the rest of the high command) would go against him. It was this same priest who had started the human sacrifices to Torbelthane 160 years ago.

Because the Trakalites preferred fighting to farming, they had to import most of their foodstuffs. These were either bought with gems and precious metals mined from the mountains of Trakal by slaves and prisoners, or taken from conquered lands. Nobody was allowed to criticise the priesthood, and there were witch-hunts whenever someone did, usually ending up with the accuser being tortured and killed. The priests also enforced the laws, being the judge and jury, and often the executioner too.

There were priests in every unit of Trakalites, most of them did not use magic but preached to the rest of the unit, helping morale and also persuading others that what they are doing is correct. These priests were disliked but nothing could be said without the risk of death at the hands of the priests. However this belief in their god, Torbelthane, protected

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the Trakalites. Torbelthane granting them immunity to the effects of other Ancestor’s Incantation magic. Some Trakalites thought they were immune to all magic, but this is not the case.

Due to the upbringing and daily training, which was started as soon as a baby could pick up a small sword, the Trakalites were stronger, more resilient and generally tougher than the average human was. They were well-disciplined and highly trained troops that would not rout in a battle. They were honourable foes to those that they deem worthy of honour and would not attack from behind. They would rather die than surrender to a foe that is seen as being weaker than they are. There were many zealots in the Trakalites who were willing to die for their god. Those that they conquered they treated fairly as long as these people rejected their previous beliefs and accepted the Trakalites beliefs. They had a very severe code of law with slavery, capital punishment and torture often being used as punishments.

Trakalites frowned on magic and rarely, if ever used mages. Incantation was kept solely for the priesthood and any others using any form of magic were seen as being weak. Channelling was also frowned upon, though did appear occasionally in the priesthood. Some magic items were used by the Trakalites but only if the priests of Torbelthane had checked to see if they would fit their very strict moral code. They would feel unsafe with the ritual of peace in place, as they might not die if defeated in battle; this would totally demoralise them and they would try and commit suicide at the first opportunity (even though this is also seen as a sign of weakness). They also saw all other races and peoples as being inferior, which often made them unpopular.

There had been rumours of dark magic being used by the high command of the Trakalites, anyone heard by the priests saying anything untoward about the high command or mentioning high command and dark trade together usually disappear never to be seen again. The Trakalites were enemies of the Royal Scouts a founding group of the

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Ghostwalkers whose lands had been burnt and families destroyed by the Trakalites who were zealots in their belief of the righteousness of their Ancestor Torbelthane. The Trakalites leader Nathaniel Blackthorn had allied the Trakalites with the republicans in an attempt to destroy the Royal Scouts, the Ghostwalkers and the Unicorns in order to exert their power over Mauritanja and the Unicorn people. The majority of the Republicans followers believed that their new brethren held the same beliefs that they did, many others may not have had a choice in their participation as was the Trakalite way but it is also likely that those higher in the Republican order were aware of the Trakalites plans. We cannot say that they were completely innocent in their motive as it was the leaders such as Benedict and Mallor who had recruited the Trakalites as mercenaries to teach their followers the skills needed to fight the Monarchy. Who knew what about the Trakalites intentions we cannot say but we do know that by this point in 1103 the Trakalites had made there presence known to the Unicorn People and their motives were now understood.

The Unicorn forces led attacks on many of the Republican camps, destroying the means the Republicans and Trakalites had to take arms against the Unicorn Nation. As their attendance at the Moots progressed word was received that the Trakalite leader Nathaniel had been seen in a nearby camp with the Unicorn hornblade which had been stolen from the Unicorns the previous year. The Unicorns mustered their strength and prepared to face another threat to their people hoping to end the Trakalites tyranny and save as many people from bloodshed as they could, no matter whether they believe in the Unicorn nation as a republic or a Monarchy.

The Unicorns battle against the Trakalites was swift but not without complications. The Trakalites leader Nathaniel, High Priest of Torbelthane was indeed in camp and it was he who carried the Unicorn Hornblade but no magic worked within ten feet of him and the only chance of defeating him was to retrieve the Hornblade. The Unicorns were however victorious and the threat that of the Trakalites had been ended, with its ending came the opportunity for many who had sided

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with the Republicans to voice their concerns over the Monarchy and the Unicorns diplomats began to travel across Mauritanja to speak with people over their concerns and their ideas towards a new Unicorn Constitution one which would represent and protect all Unicorns.

In the wake of their victory against the Trakalites the Unicorns soon found themselves occupied with matters once more, the Nation researched the threat of the Tainted and ways in which they could help the Silver Elves of Sonalista after the arrival of Princess Thiadain’s brother Tharius and the news of their fathers death and loss of many more of the Silver Elves. The third Unicorn fleet was sent to guard the shores and prevent the Tainted from leaving the island.

The Unicorns also received a visit from their Ancestors the True Unicorns and forefathers of the Unicorn Nation.

The True Unicorns which came to speak to the Unicorn people at the Moot of that year were concerned and surprised to hear that they had received visits from other ‘True’ Unicorns the previous year, and that those True Unicorns had asked for the unicorns help. It was at this point that the Unicorn people learned of the ‘Dark Unicorns’ spoken of in the first Volume of this history, of Cadrus Cornus’ brother the ‘Dark Horse’ but the information that we have already spoken of was slow to arrive. It was however the first time the Unicorns became aware of the dark past of their Ancestors. The Unicorns discovered that when the Helm of Good had been found in the Savannah the spell which had been put in place by Cadrus Cornus to keep the Dark Unicorns in the temple where they slept had been broken and that they were once again free.The dark Unicorn Ancestor was raising his followers.In this time of upheaval and insecurity for the Unicorn people the emergence of their ancestors dark past added to the sadness which overwhelmed so many of their people, in a time which seemed to move from one conflict and enemy to the next the Unicorns held strong to each other and once more stepped into the Heartlands to fight whatever next was to stand before them at the Gathering of Nations.

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The gathering of 1103AF however was to be one of more conflict and turmoil for those in attendance, and was to see the first conflict of Unicorn and Unicorn for many years past. Amidst attacks from the Tainted and the arrival of both True and Dark Unicorns, the threat of the Conclave became ever more present to all people on Erdreja and not just the Unicorn Nation.

The Conclave are an enemy which even to this day are a threat to all of Erdreja. It was discovered in this year that the Conclave were in fact an Elder Race who were using the ‘Circle of Herdth’ (meaning Ice Temple) to try and control all Ritual Circles across Erdreja by tainting them and in turn binding them together. The Conclave had succeeded in this cause nearly five hundred years ago and it resulted in months of drought and famine which cost the lives of hundreds. The Conclave were defeated then but the Knowledge of how and who achieved this has been lost.

But as we have said the Conclave are a threat to our Nation even now and the Unicorns attention in the year of 1103 was concentrated on a different threat, the Farsailors and Wytchwoods.

At the Moots of that year the Unicorns had discovered a poem which was linked to the fight between two families the Wytchwoods, a family based on Erdreja and opposed the release of an entity from the Void known as a ‘Land killer’, and the Farsailors, a family based in the Void who wished to see it freed. The poem itself was one which many read and understood to mean different things and it was this that would cause the conflict amongst the Unicorns at the Gathering.

Beast lies watchingChild of Void

Shackled by WcheodSeven of Seven

Beast lies waitingChild of the Horned One

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Will be the keySeven smiling

Seven scowlingOpen the temple

With the keyVoid released

Homeward boundNow Erdreja will be free.

The Unicorns had been visited by a woman naming herself a Far Sailor at the Heartland Games of that year who had explained a lot about the dispute between her family and that of the Wytchwoods. That neither side was inherently good or bad but just opposed in their beliefs and aims.

Much of the Faction believed in what the Farsailors wished to achieve and supported the woman named Yarwen offering her the assistance of the Unicorn Nation, many however remained suspicious and when it was discovered that the White Tower that had appeared on Lundy where the Gathering was being held was related to the families feud the Unicorns sent people to investigate and translate the writings inside. The writings along with Yarwens nature around certain faction members suggested to a group of Unicorns that her intentions towards the Nation weren’t necessarily benevolent. The group decided that Yarwen had to be removed from causing harm to anyone in the Unicorns.

The group destroyed the ‘creature’ after discovering that she was trying to release the power source which would bring devastation to the world, their actions however were not well received and for a time they were forced to seek Shelter with the Lions Nation who had also discovered the same information. In the wake of Yarwens death the Unicorns discovered that the small group had indeed prevented the Unicorns destruction and saved many lives and because of their actions they were summoned to the Unicorns by Empress Akasha and told that though

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their intentions were in the best interests of the Unicorn people they must still be judged on what they had done.It was decided that whilst more information on the Farsailors and Wytchwoods was sourced they would meet at the invitation of Lord Tallarn on the Island of Far Reach in the winter of 1103. Here the Unicorns would resolve the issue of punishment for the group and also meet the residents of Far Reach to debate the islands future.

The winter saw the Unicorns travel to Far Reach and the group’s punishment was one of the first matters to be discussed. The group were hereby to be known as ‘The Forsaken’, those willing to forsake everything in protecting other Unicorns. They were to spend a year on Solom Isle, home of the Church of Mockel remaining there unless performing official duties and to be fined One hundred and Fifty gold to aid the Unicorn Nation.

The Unicorns were to find that the Tainted had ventured the farthest to date from their island attacking the Unicorns with both feral and Elder Wolves. The presence of the Tainted so far from their home was of great concern and it was now clear that the Tainted were indeed coming for the Unicorns and would come to them wherever they were there and there would be no mercy. The tainted assaults were ferocious and many were lost the true nature of what the Tainted were and what they were to the Unicorns and those they had sworn to protect.

The Unicorns plans to meet the people of Far Reach and talk with them about their land and way of life was pushed further away from the front of the minds of those gathered when following an attack by Tainted a man covered in scars appeared and attacked Akasha.He screamed at her calling ‘Mother, Where are you? How could you leave me behind?’ The man attacked Akasha and the Unicorns that tried to stop him were powerless against him until Akasha’s daughter Josephine attacked and killed him. Akasha was seen to recoil in horror when she looked at the mans body and realised it was her son, Josephine’s brother, the child that she had lost to Monotone’s Blood Pit.

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The Unicorns were in disarray, it was painful enough for them to lose the child to Monotone but to see him fallen and not know how he had come to be there and where he had been for so long was more than they could bear. With his arrival brought the fear that Monotone had escaped that maybe Malachi had been dropped in the pit with the Unicorns enemy and that he had somehow escaped from his eternal prison. The Unicorns sent a group back to Boar Isle immediately to check on the Blood Pits seal, amongst which were those members of the Rainbow Boar who had travelled to Far Reach. They returned to inform that the seal remained intact and that there were no signs of anything out of place except for a pool of blood surrounding the pit.

Reeling from the numerous attacks from the tainted and the traumatic arrival of the man who was Malachi the Unicorns took pains to remember the reason why they found themselves gathered in this place and took to discovering the island of Far Reach.

The Island of Far Reach as we have said in the earlier parts of this history was a matter of great debate for the Nation and after the Forsaken’s punishment was decided those gathered were asked to speak to the inhabitants to help the Unicorns in reaching a decision over the island and its people. Before its emergence from the mists the people on Far Reach had willingly signed contracts with Lord Tallarn wherein they lived idyllic lives and were served by unliving and upon their death they too were raised and repaid their debt. Even after the dissolution of the Unicorn constitution when Akasha took the throne necromancy remained a contentious issue for most of the Unicorns and where better to resolve its practice than here?

Before the Unicorns had chance to discuss the matters further Lady Tallarn had appeared and threatened Akasha and everyone gathered on her island, the point of discussion was lost utterly when both Lord and Lady Tallarn were killed during fighting and the stronger Unliving on the island began to take control over the weaker ones and turn against those Unicorns present.

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This meant that not only were there going to be terrible problems with hunger and starvation without the Unicorns help but that the Unicorns were now trapped on an island with a large number of hostile unliving between them and their means of exit.

In the loss of so many dear the Unicorns grieved and mourned for as long as they dared in that place, however they soon discovered that the Navy forces that had come to aid their retreat were trapped on the beaches and unable to reach them. The Unicorns had little choice but to fight there way to them and many more were lost in the escape. The Unicorn sadness had reached new bounds.

The Unicorns retreat from the Island left them not only shaken but missing many loved ones and with their depleted forces in need of repair. They spent many of the winter months mourning their losses and rebuilding their forces, and it was during this time of renewing the bonds between them that they discovered that the Dark Horse Narduk had been gathering his forces.

As winter advanced the Unicorns heard rumours that the dark Unicorns were trying to raise the Temple ‘Narduk’s Hand’ within the vast expanse of the Savannah on North Isle. As the harsh winter passed they found that this was indeed the case and that the Unicorns had raised Unliving to serve them in this task and that the Dark Unicorn Narduk Nathnul was growing in strength and followers. As soon as the weather allowed and the forces could be readied the Unicorns planned to march on the Savannah and end the threat of the Dark Unicorns.

The Unicorns offensive against the Dark Unicorn Narduk took place in the fourth Month of 1104 once spring had finally arrived and the depleted forces of the Unicorn nation had been repaired and mustered for the battle. The Unicorn forces met on the east coast of North Isle in the town of Freetown preparing to transport into the savannah once everyone had arrived.

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In the time that they gathered together in this place there the arrival of a creature named Mephias. From the land of the Alashans a group of travellers who began appearing through the Void in 1101AF Mephias appeared amidst the Unicorns Gathered demanding they give him the Enose AeS, a relic from the Alashan homeland. Mephias was immune to all attacks against him and even though the Unicorns were not in possession of the Enose he left saying that he would help Narduk in destroying the Unicorns.

The Unicorns set out to the savannah as soon as they forces had mustered in Freetown. They emerged to assault the Unliving who guarded the area leaving the ground littered with corpses. The Unicorns took control of one of the Temple buildings, using it as a staging post from where they could hold ground and safely scout the surrounding area. The Unicorns scouting was short lived as their staging camp fell under attack from Dark Reaver, the attack was fierce with the Unicorns being able to do little against the Ancestors power.

The Unicorns had little time in which to recover from the assault when Narduk led his elite troops against the Unicorns. His troops were destroyed but Narduk remained wielding Dark Reaver. He took great pleasure in attacking the Unicorns intermittently but most would say that this was more for his own enjoyment than a serious assault. The Unicorns repelled the attacks from Narduk and at one point witnessed a battle between the True Unicorns and the Dark Unicorns from the mists that encircled their camp. The True Unicorns appeared to be a form of some sort, and many believed that they may well have been reliving the epic battle that took place between Cadrus and his brother so many years ago.

The Unicorns tried to venture once more into the surrounding area to see what damage had been done to the Unicorn graveyard that lay beyond the mists but were attacked once more losing brave Unicorns and the Unicorn Hornblade as well. The Unicorns were to be attacked by another of Narduk’s armies led by the raised body of Ragnar, who had been lost with so many others on Far Reach.

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Ragnar had been given Lord Rhino’s axe, a weapon gifted to the Unicorns by Lord Rhino, King of Avalon many years ago. Lord Rhino long time friend and ally of the Unicorn Nation who had been slain at the Gathering of Nations 1101 defending his people the Lions. and told by Narduk to destroy as many Unicorns as possible. The Unicorns were successful not only in defeating the army but in reclaiming Rhino’s axe and the body of their former friend.

The events which followed were a mass of blood and destruction, with the loss of more Unicorns who had come to rid the Savannah of the Dark Unicorns taint, including the Empresses son Gaylyn who died whilst aiding a small group of Unicorns in retrieving the Unicorn Hornblade.Soon after the Unicorns reclaimed this artefact it was noted that Narduk appeared to be weakening but it was a muted note of hope after the loss of so many of the Unicorns. It was decided that the Unicorns would make this apparent state of weakness their final assault on his temple.

The Unicorns final stand against Narduk Nathnul, brother of Cadrus Cornus and member of the council of the True Unicorns who had first crossed through the Void to form the Unicorns history was not what the Unicorns had envisaged neither did it end in the manner that any who had gathered there had expected. The Unicorns had fought Narduk but had realised that they would be unable to dismiss his pattern, however whilst Grendal Olafson, the Unicorns High Incantor, attempted to remove the Dark Unicorns pattern with a Dagger of Holding Narduk began to laugh and told them he no longer had need for the body.

The Unicorns were lost as to an explanation as to what had taken place, it seemed that Narduk had ascended, becoming an Ancestor like his brother Cadrus. The Unicorns left a contingent of their forces in the Savannah to help remove the remaining Dark Unicorns whilst the majority of those who had gone returned to their homes to try and come to terms with the loss of even more friends and family.

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Peace is but a shadow of death,

desperate to forget it’s painful past.

Though we hope for promising years,

after shedding a thousand tears,

yesterdays sorrow nears.

And while the moon still shines blue,

by dawn, it will turn to scarlet hue.


As the Unicorns once more stepped from their homeland to join the other Heartlands Nations at the early summer moots they were confronted with the ever present threat of the Tainted. Several times tainted were witnessed to be in attendance, and it was even rumoured that some of the Tainted had been talking to the Beastkin within other factions trying to get them to join forces against the Unicorns.

If the Unicorns losses over the past year hadn’t been enough they were about to embark on one of the darkest periods in their history, this was signalled by the tainted’ planned assassination of the well known Unicorn Lucas Fairfax.

In the time since the Silver Elves had first sought the Unicorns aid, Lucas had been not only gathering information on the Tainted but helping many of the Elves escape. Using his lycanthropy as an aid he learned not only valuable information about the tainted but the respect of Unicorns and Silver Elves alike.

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Even his capture and torture at their hands did not deter him from his quest to save Sonalista and protect those he cared about. Lucas was always a voice of reason when all else was madness and without him it is likely that many of the treacheries discovered in our lands would have been revealed. His loss is still a painful one to those that knew him and I feel there is no better way to honour him than in using the song written about the fight against the Tainted.

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On the Wall.

My dreams. Awake. A call.A cry brakes over the wall

On the west wallWe’ll be free

On the west wallYou and Me.

And lo, their taint have comeOur hearts won’t be undone

On the west wallWe’re fighting freeOn the west wall

Heroes we.


One beatOne heartOne timeOne call(repeat)

With your swordIn your hand

You’ll riseor you’ll fall

One beatOne heartOne timeOn call.

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And though our time draws nearWe’ll show these beasts no fear

On the west wallWe’re fighting freeOn the west wall

Heroes we.


On the west wallWe are free

On the west wallYou and me.

And if my sword should fallThen who’ll be next on the wall.

On the west wallWe are free

On the west wallYou and me.

(Chorus x 3)

One beatOne heartOne timeOne wall.

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The feeling of loss that had settled over the Unicorns over the past year had if anything caused the bonds between the Unicorn people to become even stronger. Some of the Unicorns however had been looking at the unfortunate events that had befallen the nation with an air of curiosity. Over the past few months it had been noticed by certain people that things had been happening within the Imperial Family that were wholly unusual and extremely disturbing. Even they did not realise to the extent to which this disturbance had spread.

Many had been concerned about Akasha’s leadership from the day she had proclaimed the Unicorns to be an Empire, but in the months preceding the Gathering of 1104AF it was discovered that she had been siphoning money from the Unicorn accounts for her own use and that she had bought the Unicorns allowance of poisons and potions from the Alchemists Guild in a matter of weeks and yet none had been seen by anyone else within the faction. This also coincided with the discovery that someone within the Faction was having Unicorns murdered, included within this list was Storm Claw a valued member of Pack Storm.

It had been known for sometime that Akasha was half daemon, and this in itself had not been a great issue for most of the Unicorns, they were after all famed for their acceptance of all. In the months prior to the Gathering information had been uncovered which suggested that Akasha was not from a background quite as unknown as she had painted and that she in fact hailed from a group of daemons known as the ‘Tcnari’. The society was not only matriarchal in nature but evidence suggested that Akasha may well be the Tcnari queen.

Those that had suspicions were cautious in their search for further information to either prove or disprove what the evidence pointed to, they involved members of all groups within the Unicorn Nation and included members of the Mauritanjan Police Department in their discussions before any plans were made. Their need to discover the truth was intensified by the fact that Akasha was pregnant and their fears about what she would give birth to.

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The Unicorns who feared the truth about their Empress hoped desperately to be proved wrong, for their to be another explanation besides the ultimate betrayal, even to the last they could not fully bringthemselves to believe what she had done, and even then they didn’t know it all. Matters were finally brought to a head following the Alashan enemy Mephias had attacked the Unicorn Camp and transported Princess Rowan away, supposedly to bargain with her. The following day Akasha teleported away, taking with her Lady Shiva Elorian of the Ghostwalkers who had been one of us gathering information on events.

In fear at what this may mean, the group mustered the Unicorns present together, between the information they had gathered and the added information of those now hearing their fears the worst possible realisation dawned upon them, they now had proof that Akasha had been working not only with Mephias, who now held Princess Rowan prisoner, but with the Tainted who had killed so many of their family and friends. It was not long before their shock turned into anger.

The Unicorns set out to find Princess Rowan and inform any others involved of her betrayal. It was not long after this when Shiva returned and managed to tell the Unicorns that she had been taken to Bedlam and that Akasha and Mephias held Rowan there and were torturing her. The Unicorns stepped forward and named Vadek Kain as their leader, he announced that there days as an Empire were over and that the Unicorns would once more become a Monarchy as they had been in the rule of Adelena.

So it was in the autumn of 1104 AF that the Unicorn Nation discovered the treachery and betrayal of the Empress of Mauritanja and named Vadek Kain to be Prince Regent. Rowan would remain titled Princess Arcane and the Unicorns other guiding force would be Lord Duvall leader of the Unicorn armies who would hereby be known as Prince Warhost. Amidst the elation many felt at returning to a state of Monarchy the search was quickly begun on a way to enter the City of Bedlam and rescue Princess Rowan, The Unicorns left the Gathering before the Gathering battled and gathered their allies to seek Revenge.

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The days between the Unicorns exit from the Gathering and their eventual assault on the town of Bedlam was hectic with attempts to reach or rescue the Princess through means of Ritual and in planning the way they would indeed enter the city which was guarded by Akasha’s forces and those of her husband Lord Errtu.

The Unicorn forces arrived at the city by barge and made for the Ritual circle, where Akasha waited for them with many of her daemons as well as her fallen son Gaylyn, her healer Yoshie, who hailed from the Rainbow Boar, and the captured Princess Rowan. The Unicorns attempted to break her siege on the town but were unsuccessful they did however manage to rescue the Princess but not before Akasha had managed to capture other Unicorns including Denny Tasslemouth, the Unicorns High Mage.

Akasha’s daughter, Josephine, who had accompanied the Unicorns on their quest to confront her mother, was distraught at the Unicorns hurting her mother and Akasha told her that she was free to go with her and meet the new members of her ‘family’. Those gathered tried to persuade Josephine not to go but she made the decision to go with her mother and the rest of the Unicorns retreated to Akasha’s library which they were using as a holding point.

The Unicorns were greeted by a daemon named Naberius who said that he was Akasha’s enemy and that he was awaiting her imminent arrival as she would be joining them to celebrate the marriage of her daughter Josephine to Denny the high mage. Akasha indeed visited the Unicorns talking to many of those gathered and accompanied by more of her daemons before leaving, leaving her daughter and Denny with those in the library. It was discovered that during the wedding a captured Unicorn had been sacrificed and that Denny appeared to be pregnant.

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The Unicorns continued to hold their ground and find a way to destroy or save Akasha. Things were not aided as Mephias, who was now known to be working with Akasha, appeared making random threats and at one point trying to sacrifice a group of Unicorns he had captured in the Ritual Circle his attempt at this ritual and others in the city of Bedlam was foiled but it led many to wonder what he was trying to achieve.

The Unicorns were informed by the daemon Naberius and one of his allies Haurus that in order to weaken Akasha the Unicorns must capture a glowing stone which would prevent her and her allies from returning to the Daemon Realm. They had already found and realigned one of these stones. Whilst the Unicorns searched for the stones a large number went to the Daemon Realm to rescue a number of Unicorns who had been captured though they did not initially meet them head on she followed them at their retreat and disappeared from sight.

The daemons attacked repeatedly and they soon saw the lost of a member of the Knight of the Church of Mockel and the Unicorns Field Marshall Balthasar. His loss to the Unicorns as a military leader was tremendous but to those whose lives he touched with his wisdom and guidance it was immeasurable. Balthasar was a true warrior of legend and we remember our fallen Knight of Mockel.

In the hearts of the Unicorns the decision to kill people who had once been friends and allies was the hardest one they had to make until this point in their history. This was compelled by the fact that Akasha’s husband Errtu was believed by many to still be a friend of the Unicorns and that his ally Ignatius was married to a member of the Ghostwalkers Heather. There was little time for the heated discussions and all other attempts to trap Akasha failed. There was no way left for the Unicorns but to prepare for one final battle against there former Empress.

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The Unicorns faced Akasha, betrayer of the Unicorn People and they were strong and true. She fought them and brought her daemons warriors as well as the two daemons Naberius and Haurus who had visited the Unicorns since their arrival in Bedlam. During the fighting Akasha disappeared after being wounded by the combined forces of all those gathered, shortly after this the daemons that were present began to die, and the Unicorns hoped that this signalled the death of Akasha.

The Unicorns had again lost many brave warriors in their quest to kill Akasha and even on their return from the battlefield they were uncertain whether or not they had been successful in this task. They could however be certain that they had returned Princess Rowan to her people and the town of Bedlam would be forever cleansed of the memory of the Daemon Queen who had betrayed them.

Over the winter months the Unicorns searched for confirmation over whether or not Akasha had indeed been destroyed in the final battle but none could be found which either confirmed or denied this. They did however decide that it was time to end the threat that came from those that had allied with their former Empress and the first person that would face the wrath of the Unicorn Nation was to be the Alashan enemy Mephias.

It would be best at this point to describe not only the enemy Mephias but the Alashan group which hail from the plane of Alasha and began to emerge through the Void in 1101AF. The history of their people and their land has best been described by Meldir who initially formed the Alashans group that became part of the Unicorn Nation.

“Like Erdreja, Alasha is the host to a great deal of life, containing many different creatures of many different races. However, unlike Erdreja, it is a separate entity, neither dependant nor connected to any other planes, sealed inside the protections of Mehera, a barrier of magic that surrounds Alasha, protecting it from the Void and allowing nothing to pass inside and nothing to pass out until recently.

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Also surrounding Alasha are the Strands of Magic, similar in many ways to the elements of Erdreja, except that rather than the 16 known to Erdreja, only 7 Strands exist, these being Rawk, Galn, Aert, Sera, Tael, Lear and AeS. The first four are elemental Strands, Fire, Water, Earth and Air, and while they do have other properties as well, these are their main uses. Mages can generally tap the four elemental Strands for their power and deities will occasionally grant dominion of one Strand or another to their followers, depending on their nature.

The Lear and Tael Strands, known as the Balancing Strands are the representation of Light and Dark or Good and Evil upon Alasha. These Strands are far more difficult to control, and can only be done by extremely powerful mages. Priests and the Faithful are granted a limited power of the Lear and Tael Strands by their deities.

The final Strand, AeS is a mystery to most, as it seems to cover the magic of magic, all that hasn’t been defined within the Balancing Strands or the Elemental Strands. Very few people can control the AeS Strands and its powers are not entirely understood. The plane within Mehera is, or at least was once split into three sections, these being Amoth (Alasha) Lear-eb-Amoth (lit. The World of Light, the planes of the Fae) and Tael-eb-Amoth (lit. The World of Darkness, the demon planes). It is believed that Lear-eb-Amoth was somehow destroyed many years ago, forcing the Fae to invade Tael-eb-Amoth and create the burnished city that they inhabit to this day.

For the last 3 ages, the Enose have been closely guarded. However, approximately 400 years ago, a creature known as Mephias arrived on Alasha. Scryings have shown Mephias to be half Fae, half Daemon, unique among the races of Alasha, drawing his powers from both of his heritages, though apparently exiled from Tael-eb-Amoth by his father, Grhul, the son of Iblis.

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His actions immediately drew attention to his whereabouts and his motives as he sought sources of power across Alasha. Thirty years of searching brought him and the allies that he had found to the Citadel of Marakal, the holding place of the Enose Tael. While his attempts to seize the Enose were thwarted, he laid plans spanning the next three hundred years locating the seven Enose and planning the downfall their guardians. In this time, he took many powerful allies through his power, manipulation and guile, and with their aid, managed to take six of the seven Enose, leaving only the Enose AeS remaining. Unable to find the crystal, he and his followers, now known and feared as Draklingconducted a ritual in one of the Eyes of Alasha to locate the final Enose.

Unlike the plane of Erdreja, rituals are not conducted on places that have a strong connection to the Void, but rather places with strong connections to the seven Strands. These places, known as the Eyes of Alasha, can be used to summon immense amounts of magic, and when coupled with the six Enose that Mephias used within his ritual, the stored magic had the power to rip the world apart. It is unsure exactly what happened, but when Drakling conducted the ritual in the Eye of Marakal to locate the Enose AeS, the crystal acted against them, almost in a manner to protect Erdreja. The magical backlash that it created is thought to have permanently blinded the Eye of Marakal caused untold damage to the Strands of Magic, to many magical creatures such as dryads and collapsed many magical structures. Earthquakes ran through the world under the powers of Aert Magic, whirling tornados ripped cities apart by the powers of Sera Magic and creatures of Lear and Tael were created and loosed on the world.

For many Alashans however, this was all unknown. The last images that many saw were the Stands painted across the sky, manifesting themselves before the AeS Strand weakened and the Tael Strand grew stronger. The thaumaturgy backlash created an immense rift, a hole in Mehera that first hit the Eye of Marakal, then travelled across Alasha pulling many people into the Void. Thousands of creatures were lost to the Void, some were returned to Alasha, and yet more were hurled into other worlds, explaining the presence of the Alashans of Erdreja”.

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Mephias’ deeds upon Mauritanja have been well documented within this history of our people and though his alliance with Akasha had ended his threat to not only the Alashans but all of the Unicorn remained ever present, and as the winter made way for spring the Unicorns gathered in their Prince Regents home of Tallan’kor to find away to defeat him once and for all.

The Unicorns discovered a scroll which when translated appeared to be a Ritual which would allow them to summon Mephias. However upon performing this ritual the two planes became overlapped merging the area with part of the Alashan equivalent of the Plane of Darkness. The damage done not only to the Ritual Circle but across Mauritanja was evident by reports that the Volcano on Illyria had erupted and that the island had begun to sink. Mephias was indeed within reach of the Unicorns but he had apparently gained some level of power from its attempt.

The Unicorns had to rethink there plans for destroying Mephias as they now found themselves assaulted by creatures emerging from the area, those allied with Mephias as well as those emerging from the Alashan plane. Under the assault of their enemies the Unicorns were visited by their True Unicorn Ancestors Cadrus and Narduk, Cadrus offered guidance and wisdom when he could though Narduk however offered gifts that were more than they seemed.

One of these such gifts given to a Unicorn named Sh’arl left him in a living death of decay and a group of Unicorns attempted to help him by performing a ritual to save him from his impending death. The Unicorns had previously been warned that the Ritual Circle was not to be used as it remained seriously unbalanced. In their desperation to save another Unicorn they attempted the Ritual anyway which sent a wave of necromantic energy pouring from the circle and tormenting any that stood in its path.

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The Ritual Circle was to again be the centre of further pain for the Unicorn Nation when as the Unicorns when during a confrontation fragments of their Prince’s pattern were torn from his body. The only way for these fragments to be returned were by the Unicorns to scout the woods and fight the mages that had taken them, only upon their death would his fragmented pattern be made whole. A small party of Unicorns remained with Vadek in the Ritual Circle whilst the others gathered there searched and battled to save their leader. Mephias attacked the Ritual Circle and those in it but was repelled and the Unicorns were able to restore the fragmented pattern and their leader before beginning their final stand against Mephias.

The Unicorns found various members of their nation transported to areas surrounding where there people had gathered, here they were attacked by small groups of Mephias’ forces. After defeating Mephias’ guards the Unicorns discovered that the areas that had been guarded contained a number of glowing obelisks, they discovered that these obelisks contained scrolls which when translated gave them an ancient ritual which had been used to bind Mephias.

The Unicorns sought out the remaining scrolls and they were put in the order which would safely free them from Mephias’ threat, they faced attack after attack and were forced to withdraw within the safety of their Prince’s home until the darkness and creatures from the Tael-eb-Amoth had retreated from the light. However as the creatures of the dark shrunk back the forces of Mephias surrounded them and the Unicorns faced a heavy fight to reach the Ritual Circle.

The Unicorns ritual invoked the standing circle in the hope of summoning Mephias to them, which they did though Mephias sealed the circle and began performing a ritual summoning vast amounts of energy from the Plane of Unlife and then channelling them directly at Alasha. Alasha was unable to cope with the amount of alien energy that came from the Plane and was destroyed before the Unicorns could complete the process of binding Mephias for all time.

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The Unicorns had indeed been victorious in destroying the enemy that had tortured the Alashans for so long but in the process the Alashans had lost their lands and had no chance of ever returning home. The sadness swept through those gathered and there was little celebration for their victory against Mephias. The Alashans were comforted by their friends and offered help from the Unicorns Crown but it was little comfort against such a loss.

The days which followed were dark ones and they found that they had little time to grieve over their lost loved ones and the land of the Alashans as they were once more confronted with fears of what was yet to face their people.

They had already encountered one such darkness which was to haunt them over the coming months the Dark Hunters. The Dark Hunters were initially a group of thirteen creatures hailing from Beast Isle, home of the Unicorn group Primal Urge. The Beastkin upon the island have been terrorised as long as they can remember by these beings who kill beastkin and obtain power by wearing their skins. The Dark Hunters had first appeared on mainland Mauritanja when the Unicorns had attended Tallan’kor for the assault upon Mephias.

The Moots of 1105AF saw the Unicorns first direct assault from the Conclave and the sinking of Shipyard Isle and the Isle of Grynd, although these matters are still being investigated it is thought that the conclave activated the underwater ritual circle to the South East of Mauritanja, by this action and subsequent others a great tsunami levelled the islands and killing many Unicorns including refugees that had been sent there from the island of Illyria when it was lost to the hands of Mephias.

The re-emergence of a familiar face was also seen when reports of Akasha’s survival were confirmed when she appeared in the Unicorns camp making demands. She later appeared accompanied by her alleged enemy Naberius and attacked the Prince Regent.

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As the year progressed the Unicorns realised that they faced another danger but this time one which came from within their own lands. As the Unicorns once more went forth to brave the Heartlands and attend the Gathering coming face to face with the Elemental Guardians of Mauritanja.

Even now little is known about the Guardians, in the short time I have had to research them I have found little or no reference to them. There presence and purpose however is undeniable. The Elemental Guardians are angry, angry and fearful that without redress Mauritanja is lost for all. They have spoken with many within the Nation and the Unicorns have been given time to address the issues that were brought forth, to mend what is needed to stabilise the islands before there is no hope of them being saved.

Though in this year of 1105AF the Unicorns began to realise that it was not just Mauritanja that was in danger as the Elemental Guardians had warned but Erdreja itself.

The Unicorns went to the Gathering with many things to discuss and learn about. Erdreja itself was under threat of a new cataclysm and the Cadre’s were vying for their place. But in this time of turmoil the Unicorns had cause not only for remembrance but for celebration, as they remembered all those that had been lost over the past weeks and months and celebrated the victories over their many opponents.

There was also cause for further celebration with several of the Factions members getting married; this included the marriage of the Unicorns Mistress of Languages Lady Shiva Elorian Walker to Leseonar Elpragh, former master of the Armourers Guild, and the Unicorns Prince Regent Vadek Kain to the Unicorn Historian, myself, Theya Catori.

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However as it seems is evident through the Unicorns history to date there can be little time for celebration without sadness once more affecting the hearts and minds of the Unicorn people, on this occasion it was the loss of the husband of Princess Rowan Ailwen Du’Pont.

Whilst aiding his allies against attack from a Balrog, Ailwen was struck down and nothing could be done to save him. The Unicorns present tried everything in their power as did the combined presence of many of the Factions and representatives of the embodiments alike who tried to ritually purge the Magical poison from within him but to no avail. Those gathered around him refused to believe that there was nothing they could do for him and spent over an hour attempting to find a new way of curing and healing him until finally they could do no more.

A founding member of the HoC Sect Ailwen Du‘Pont was a strong willed, and some may have said stubborn individual, who was boundlessly devoted to his wife Rowan. I have yet to meet anyone who had not come to respect him and the Unicorns will mourn the loss of a beloved son for many ages to come.

The Unicorns not only had to endure the loss of Ailwen along with the normal demands of attending the GatheringThere was indeed the death of another once deemed to be a Unicorn at the Gathering of 1105AF and although it was one that many within the Unicorn Nation would welcome its circumstances are ones which left the Unicorns with many unanswered questions and concerns. The former Empress Akasha Du’Pont who had arrived in the Unicorns camp and attacked many of those present was killed by what was initially an unknown group of Daemons who appeared in the Unicorns camp. Emerging that these daemons came from the Void it was also discovered that these creatures were known as Abyssal warriors though this was a name that the Unicorns had not encountered before.

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The relative ease at which the former Empress was killed was a matter of some discussion as was the creature’s conversation with Akasha before her death there are mixed reports on what exactly was said but there was mention that Akasha was not the ‘child of prophecy’. Investigations into these beings would continue for the Unicorns for some time to come, but for a time they could live safe in the knowledge that the betrayer of the Unicorn Nation the Unicorns former Empress Akasha Du’Pont was no more.

The Unicorns time at the Gathering was never going to be a particularly profitable one and this was evident when the Unicorns took the field for the Gathering battle and this time it was for the sake of all Unicorns across Mauritanja. With the Cataclysm on the horizon and the Conclaves interference with the Lantian Time Chambers food was in short supply and crops were beginning to fail. The Unicorns took to the battlefield in attempt to win there part in a bountiful harvest, though it was known that there would not be enough for all those that were hoping to protect their people across Erdreja. The Unicorns were unsuccessful, and the Unicorns left the Gathering with an uncertain future.

The number of matters which had arisen were beginning to stack up against the Unicorn Nation and it was decided that in an attempt to review all these concerns the Unicorns would hold the first Parliament that they had had since the Parliament that Queen Adelena had held in Rockholme. The Unicorns would hold their first Parliament since her death and in the winter of 1105AF they travelled to Capital City to plan their future.

Though much of the Parliament was taken up with discussions there were the ‘traditional’ interruptions from the Unicorns remaining enemies both the Tainted and the newly emerged Dark Hunters. The Dark Hunters had reared there head at the Gathering when they had terrorised the Unicorns collective beastkin especially those from the Primal Urge group. They had whispered voices and made threats preferring to makethreats in the darkness and torment the minds of those they hid from and this continued at the Parliament.

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The Unicorns had also the final confirmation that despite all their research and time that there was now no chance of finding a cure for the Tainted of Sonalista much to the dismay of lady Evenstar, the Silver Elves Unicorn representative. There was now no other way that the Unicorns could see but to plan an assault on the island and destroy the Tainted before they could spread across Mauritanja, as soon as the winter passed the Unicorns would set sail.

The Parliament saw the continued discussion of the cataclysm and the Cadre’s that are bound to it. The Unicorns had to decide which Cadre they would choose from, War, Peace, Famine and Feast. It is believed that when the Cataclysm finally comes the Cadre with the greatest influence would become the dominating principle on Erdreja. Each of these four Cadres are balances of the embodiments and it is the support that these have which will determine the strongest of the four Cadres. The Unicorns were asked to decide which path they wished to follow though this in itself was a contentious issue as within the Unicorn Nation there are many individuals and each one may follow a different path, that is the way of our people and the nature of who and what we are.

Strong willed and independent the Unicorns have always wanted only to be free to govern themselves and that therein they would be able to make the decisions that were best for there people and their families. How they would come to make this decision and how they fared not only with the impending Cataclysm but the many threats that they have yet to face we do not yet know, we know only one thing with any certainty that they will stand united and face them together…as Unicorns.

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A Cold Rush of Lies

Tell me the rules to your game.Is it feasting or famine or fame?Unfurl your banners and play

For war or for peace or the game.

ChorusA cold rush of liesA cold rush of lies

Won’t you do what you like with me.You choose me tonight I choose you and I’m

Just a pawn in your liesYour game.

Take me, break me, You’ll tryI’ll be the tongue for your lies

Your champion, Your baton, Your crimeMy fate and my fortune are tied.


The world’s your plaything, a toyTo use, abuse and enjoy

A truth you try, but can’t hideBehind your cold rush of liesBehind your cold rush of lies

Well, I’ll tell you the one’s I will blame.Through wind, earth or water or flame.

Your pattern is clear in your play.

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But your choices I choose to distain.A cold rush of liesA cold rush of lies

Won’t you do what you like with me.You choose me tonight

If I choose you then I’mJust a pawn in your lies

Your game.

A cold rush of liesA cold rush of lies

Won’t you do what you like with me.You choose me tonight

If I choose you then I’mJust a pawn in your lies

Your game.

Just a pawn in your liesIn Your Game.

Dr J Tapper.
