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The United Seminole Nationfiles.meetup.com/46916/The United Seminole Nation.doc · Web view-Cyber...

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The United Seminole Nation Info Exchange… >>>>>[All you need to know about our fair nation, and a lot more you didn’t bargain for. ]<<<<< - 16-Bit (**:**:**/4-10-54) >>>>>[Omae.]<<<<< -Phantom (ha:ha:ha/4-10-54)
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The United Seminole NationInfo Exchange…

>>>>>[All you need to know about our fair nation, and a lot more you didn’t bargain for. ]<<<<<

- 16-Bit (**:**:**/4-10-54)>>>>>[Omae.]<<<<<

-Phantom (ha:ha:ha/4-10-54)

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Table of contents

General History 3How it is now 7Bases, Bases, OH! And more bases… 9Sector Data Dump 11Tallahassee Sector 12Jacksonville Sector 18Tampa Sector 23Orlando Sector 28Miami-Dade Sector 33


Page 3: The United Seminole Nationfiles.meetup.com/46916/The United Seminole Nation.doc · Web view-Cyber Cowboy (9:21:22/4-13-54) In 2012, a representative of the Native American Nations

Hoi, Chummer! Welcome to the USN info exchange! As you can already tell, we ain’t a part of the lovely CAS. This is simply because we got tired of other people telling us what to do with our land! As for everything else, here is a quick little time line and travel guide.

>>>>> [Travel guide my hoop. Here comes a history lesson.]<<<<<-16-Bit (13:45:12/4-11-54)

>>>>> [16, just because you already live in this little slice doesn’t mean that everyone else does. U gotta start somewhere.]<<<<<

-Megabyte (13:50:40/4-11/54)

The Seminole, Creek, Mikasuki and other tribes of what was once as Florida gathered between 2002-2008 to commune with the Great Spirit who told the tribes to gather seeds and prepare for Mother Earth’s wrath. In 2010, the re-education camps were built and enforced. The tribes continued to bide their time.

>>>>> [They were getting fraggin impatient, if I recall correctly.]<<<<<-Old Timer (08:32:10/4-12-54)

>>>>> [From what I remember, the Seminoles and the other Amerindians high-tailed it into the Everglades, and told the US to frag off.]<<<<<

-Net Jumper (08:33:45/4-12-54)>>>>> [We left you drekkin palefaces to suffer. You were always arrogant as hell.]<<<<<

-Chief Rolling Thunder (08:38:10/4-12-54)

When the Goblinization occurred and VITAS reached epidemic proportions, the Amerindian tribes took these as signs that the spirits were angry. At the same time, the tribal shaman realized that they no longer needed ceremonial masks for rituals. Magic had returned to the land. On December 24, 2011, they learned of Howling Coyote and his plans.

>>>>> [And we hoped to the spirits that it would be handled with wisdom.]<<<<<-Chief Rolling Thunder (09:15:36/4-13-54)

>>>>>[People turning into stuff u only c in movies and vid books, magic becoming real, and dragons coming back! Omae, this was a mess!]<<<<<


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-Cyber Cowboy (09:16:45/4-13-54)>>>>> [Remember it do ya, chummer? Here I was 4hinking’ that I was the old timer in this room. How do ya feel now?]<<<<<

-Old Timer (09:20:40/4-13-54)>>>>> [Older than I want to say, Old Timer.]<<<<<

-Cyber Cowboy (9:21:22/4-13-54)

In 2012, a representative of the Native American Nations comes to talk with Chief Soaring Eagle and the other chiefs of the tribes. After careful consideration, the offer to be a part of NAN was respectfully declined. The representative was sent away. Howling Coyote is announced as the Ghost Dance Shaman. The Amerindians of Florida were still biding their time.

The Ghost Dance was performed in 2017, and, at the same time, the Seminoles gathered all the tribes of the CAS and revolted against the government. After three years of turmoil, battles, and military operations, the CAS surrendered the Florida portion of the CAS. A counsel of elders was formed, a constitution was drawn up, and the region was officially renamed The United Seminole Nation or USN. In 2020, they also went after the Caribbean League to usurp the southernmost portion of the region. They finally succeeded in 2023.

>>>>> [We showed them who was boss. They put up one helluva fight.]-Cyber Cowboy (9:23:12/4-13-54}


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The water, land and livestock were tested and found to be disease and contaminate-free. The rare commodity of fresh, real, food was the USN’s to do with as they pleased. The other nations open trade negotiations with USN. Agricultural Commerce was alive again.

The Counsel of Elders, in 2026, passed the Open Arms Amendment. It states: Let those of goblinized nature, outcasts of the outer territories be welcomed in the United Seminole Nation. Those who choose to settle here will be subject to the laws of this nation.

This also triggered the decisions of which of the existing races could stay and which had to go. Many CAS residents were allowed to stay but were confined to the northernmost portions of the nations. The people of the Caribbean League were allowed to reside in the southernmost portion. They were told they would be subject to deportation if they organized and rose up against the USN.

>>>>> [Yeah, let the snowbirds have their beaches and the islanders have their fun. We can keep a close eye on them this way.]<<<<<

-Old Timer (9:25:10/4-13-54)>>>>> [Paranoid much, chummer? lol]<<<<<

-16 Bit (9:26:12/4-13-54)

NAN sent another representative to open talks in 2028 to extend another invitation to join. They were turned down again. Two years later, NAN attempts an invasion. The NAN troops were never heard from again.

>>>>> [Rumor had it that they defected.]<<<<<- Phantom (9:30:13/4-13-54)

>>>>> [Waddn’t a rumor. They scanned with their own eyes what we saw here and asked if they could fraggin’ live here. We told ‘em yeah, chummer.]<<<<<

-Cyber Cowboy (9:32:40/4-13-54)>>>>> [Can’t blame ‘em really. I would want to defect here, 2. Man cannot live on synth food alone.]<<<<<

-Phantom (9:34:23/4-13-54)The next few years were spent assessing and re-opening military installations.

Trade routes and negotiations were still being conducted. The smaller cities of the


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nation became agricultural enclaves and livestock farms. The USN was in business and had been preparing for this day to come.


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How It Is Now…Brought to you by 16-Bit

Hoi! This is the part that I have been waiting for! My time to shine, Chummers! Here the dump on the important stuff…

The Five Sectors:Okay… We got the Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Tampa-St Pete, Orlando, and

Miami sectors. They aren’t set-up like Denver; so, you don’t have to worry about fraggin’ checkpoints every time you go in or out of a sector. Just consider them really, really huge cities.

Transportation:Getting from point A to point B is now regulated by the wonderful United

Seminole Transit System, or USTS. This means you have to pay them creds to travel by bus or mag-lev. They have their own law dogs, and sec is tight in the terminals; so, don’t think that you and your chummer can hop a bus fully loaded. You still got Yellow Cab, Checker Cab and Central. They will get you where you need to be, and, for a few extra cred, they keep their yaps shut.

Let’s talk about airports. Miami, Tampa, Gainesville, and Orlando International airports have retroed for sub-orbitals. Sorry, Saint Pete, your airport closed. All the smaller ones are either FUBAR, owned by corps, the rich and nutty, or used by more adventurous types. Nuff said. Let’s talk pork.

To Protect and Serve:When the good ole USN gave the major CAS corps the boot, they had to worry

about who was going bring law and order, not to mention save the hoops of sprawl rats who were at the wrong at the wrong time. Knight Errant and Lone Star were given the boot. The War Chiefs provide the protection for the entire nation with precinct houses located every-fraggin’-where you look. They also do fire and rescue. Sorry for all you tourists that have Doc Wagon contracts. Doc Wagon was given the boot and told never to come back. Crash Cart contracts are honored, and you can purchase a Medicine Man EMS card at your local War Chief Precinct.


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Is there anything left?Yep. We still have Disney (although the “It’s a Small World” attraction fell

pray to a stray bomb or ten. ;)). Sea World is now home to awakened aquatic life as well as the usual. The Zoos here still have your lions, tigers and bears. They have also added cockatrices, hellhounds, and other awakened critters. The Miami Seaquarium has expanded so that people can go see what’s under the ocean.


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Military and Coast Guard Installations

Mayport Naval Airporto Jacksonville Sectoro Openo Used for AWACS and SR-71 Recono F-4R Phantom patrol station

Naval Coastal Systems Centero Panama City, USNo Openo Renamed USN Naval Training Centero Used for Salvage and Naval Ops

Pensacola Naval Air Stationo Pensacola, USNo Openo Border Guardso Home to the Naval Air Chiefs and Marineso The whole city is an archology for the Base

Whiting Field Naval Air Stationo St Milton, USNo Closed

Naval Diving and Salvage Training Cantero Panama City, USNo Closed

It is still in one piece, though… Wonder what it could be used for…

Eglin AFBo Valaparaiso, USNo Openo Major hub for Air Chiefs Training and Combat Center


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Hulburt AFBo Fort Walton Beach, USNo Openo Special Ops Training and deployment

Tyndall AFBo Panama City, USNo Openo All General Air Support Ops

MacDill AFBo Tampa Bay, USNo Openo Major Hub for Air Chiefs

Seventh Coast Guard Districto Miami, USNo Openo Main Base of Ops for Coastal Patrol Chiefso Both Marine and Air

Joint Interagency Task Force – Easto Key West, USNo Openo Main post for the joint ops of Coast Guard, Naval and Air Chiefs

Saint Petersburg Coast Guardo Openo Boarder Patrol and Law Enforcemento Includes Air Supprt


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The Sector Data Dump(Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood bit-heads)

The moment you have been waiting for, my friends, is finally here. All the intel you ever wanted to know about our sectors. Every thing from how many (population) to how smart (education) as well as where to party can be found here. If you read between the lines, you might even find places to go so that you get into trouble, but you wouldn’t do that now, would you? After all, you’re a law-abiding citizen of the USN and would never think of doin’ such a thing.

As previously stated, the sectors are just really large cities, think of them as old-timey counties. There are no boarder patrols between sectors. They were broken up so that when some named a sector, they would know that general location. The main cities of the sectors pretty much have absorbed all the really small towns. Any towns that weren’t suck into the sprawl, became agro-towns and municipalities.

The law in the USN states that you can carry arms in plain view, but nothing of military grade. That will get you a free trip to jail. No btl’s or other drugs are allowed. As for cyber, limb replacement is allowed, but nothing that augments your already above par physique. Arming you ride to the teeth will also get you a one-way trip to your friendly neighborhood War Chiefs’ office. Tread wisely runner. The Chiefs are everywhere.

The next pages will just list the places of note. Every cities has your usual stuff, clubs, trid-plexes, paradas, trading posts. Just the really famous drek is listed here.


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Tallahassee Sector

Don’t be surprised when you scan the stats for this neck of the woods. This is snowbird central. Most of the CAS cronies that wanted to stay are here.

1) Tallahassee Sectora) Lifestyles

i) Street to Middle(1) Horseshoe Beach, Shady Grove, Saint Marks, Vitas, Red

Head, Crestviewii) Middle To High

(1) Panama City Beach, Valaparaiso, Pine Barron, Downtown Tallahassee, Freeport, Apalachicola

iii) High to Luxury(1) Fort Walton Beach, Gulf Breeze, Port Saint Joe, Destin


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b) Colleges and Universitiesi) Florida State University

(1) Tallahassee, USN(a)Aerospace(b)Biogenics(c) Computer Sciences(d)Hermetic Studies

ii) Florida A and M(1) Tallahassee, USN

(a)Agri-Sciences(b)Awakened Animal Studies(c) Land and water conservation(d)Medicine

iii) Troy State University(1) Fort Walton Beach, USN

(a)Business(b)Accounting(c) Auto Mechanics(d)Enginieering


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iv) West Florida State University(1) Sorry, chummers. It’s closed.

c) Night Life and Entertainmenti) This is just a short list of famous spots and stuff…ii) Street to Middle

(1) Horseshoe Beach(a)Cali’s Place

(i) Booze and Oyster Bar(b)Chukie’s Trid House

(i) Tridio multiplex1. (Okay, it only has three theatres. What do you

expect? It’s street man, street.)(c) The Orange Peel

(i) Strip Club(d)The Overnighter

(i) Coffin hotel(2) Shady Grove

(a)Marna’s (i) 24 hour diner

(b)Empty Arms(i) Coffin Hotel

(3) The other cities have much the same thing. You might actually find an honest to goodness real motel. Good luck with that though…

iii) Middle to High(1) Panama City Beach

(a)Magic Mountain Multi-Plex(i) Tridios, Shopping, Food, Waterpark.

1. Name it, and this place has it chummer.(b)La Vela


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(i) Night Club(c) Schooner’s

(i) Seafood/Oyster Bariv) High to Luxury

(1) Fort Walton Beach(a)The High Life

(i) Restaurant(b)The Big Game

(i) Boat Charters1. Fishing 2. Cruises

(c) The Body Farm(i) High end club

(2) Destin(a)Famous for its seafood markets and condo rentals.

d) Underworld and Gang Activityi) Mafia 20%ii) Russian 5%iii) Jamaicans 20%iv) Street Gangs 55%

(1) Halloweeners(2) The Rough Riders

(a)This is a go-gang comprised of the anglos that refused to leave the area. They sport weapons as well as extort money, steal, and beat the drek out of anyone that is Amerindian or any non-anglo race.

(b)It is suspected that they have poly-club connections, but the cops haven’t been able to find any evidence.

(3) The Tribe of Zion(a)Jamaican go-gang. Their sole purpose is to eradicate

the Rough Riders.


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v) You guessed it, Chummer, we kicked out the big Jap corps, and with them, the Yaks. Wasn’t easy, omae… We may have missed some.


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e) Population: Registered-675, 213 Projected SINless- 301, 056i) By Race

(1) Human 65%(2) Elf 10%(3) Dwarven 10%(4) Ork 8%(5) Troll 7%

ii) By Origin(1) Anglo 40%(2) Amerindian 30%

(a)Chiaha(b)Apalachee(c) Choctaw

(3) European 15%(4) Misc Asian 10%(5) Caribbean League 5%

iii) By Education(1) High School 65%(2) Under Grad 5%(3) Grad or Doctorate 5%(4) Drop-out 25%

f) Corporationsi) Major

(1) Cross Applied Technology(a)Artemis Industries(b)Dawn Development(c) Virtual Air Inc

(2) Novatech(a)Compuforce(b)Minuteman Security(c) Pioneer Cybernetics


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ii) Second Tier(1) Marion Industries


(2) Agri-corp(a)Major Grocer

(i) Farmer’s Market(ii) Grab and Go

iii) Other(1) Star struck Industries

(a)Clubs(b)Talent Scouts

(2) Doc Wagon>>>>> [Can’t get rid of these fraggers in this sector. This is the only sector that has Doc Wagon. You can bet on that!]<<<<<

-Old Timer (09:56:02/4-15-54)


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Jacksonville Sector

Hoi, welcome to the Jacksonville Sector. We got beaches, beaches, beaches, and pretty much nothing else other than clubs, malls, and the one of the biggest bases for the War Chiefs. (Whoopee)


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2) Jacksonville Sectora) Lifestyles

i) Street to Middle(1) Archer, Cross Creek, Gainesville

ii) Middle to High(1) Jacksonville, Hawthorne, High Springs, LaCrosse, Melrose

iii) High to Luxury(1) Micanopy, Newberry, Waldo, Windsor

b) Colleges and Universitiesi) University of Florida

(1) Gainesville(a)Aerospace(b)Biotechnologies(c) Computer Sciences(d)Hermetic Studies

ii) Jacksonville University(1) Jacksonville

(a)Agri-engineering(b)Awakened Biology(c) Medicine(d)Business

(2) Embry Riddle University(a)Aerospace, and Bio-engineering(b)Drafting(c) Computer Technologies and Sciences


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c) Nightlife and Entertainmenti) Archer

(1) U-C-It Multiplex(a)Theatre

(2) Icarus Ascending(a)Bar and club

(i) Techno and Dance(3) The Sprawl

(a)Bar(4) The Bountiful Earth

(a)Gourmet Diningii) Gainesville

(1) The Grunge(a)Bar and Club

(i) Alternative Rock(2) The Hard Life

(a)Bar and Club(i) Hard and Acid Rock

(3) The Thin Red Line(a)Gentlemen’s Club

(4) Cineplex(5) The Gainesville Trading Post

(a)Malld) Underworld and Gang Activities

i) Street Gangs 45%(1) Wild Ones

(a)This is a gang of Amerindians that terrorize the sprawl with Shamanistic Magic and drive-bys

(2) Rough Riders(3) Tribe of Zion

ii) Mafia 25%


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iii) Seoulpa/Triad 15%iv) Jamaicans 15%

e) Population: Registered 589, 560 Projected SINLess- 275, 480i) By Race

(1) Human 60%(2) Elf 15%(3) Dwarven 15%(4) Ork 5%(5) Troll 5%

ii) By Origin(1) Amerindian 70%

(a)Creek(b)Apalachee(c) Mikasuki(d)Oconee

(2) Caribbean League 10%(3) European 10%(4) Misc Asian 5%(5) Anglo 5%

f) Corporationsi) Major

(1) Ares(a)Ares Consumer Electronics(b)Quick Trigger Systems(c) Crystal Optics(d)National Broadcasting Service

(2) Saeder Krupp(a)American Broadcasting Service(b)The Arcanum(c) Krupp Chemicals

(3) Mitsuhama Computer Technologies


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(a)Drive-ware Techonolgies(4) Yamatetsu

(a)Crash Cart Medical


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ii) Second Tier(1) Biotech, Inc

(a)Cybertech Inc(b)The New You

(i) Bioware(c) Nanotech, Ind.

(2) Sky Father Technologies, Inc(a)Aerospace, Inc(b)Hardware, Inc

(i) Weapons(c) Keypunch Ind

(i) Decks and Computersiii) Other

(1) Scout Broadcasting(2) Medicine Man, Inc(3) Grab and Go(4) La Paradas


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Tampa Sector

This is Tampa Sector. Busch Gardens is now Tampa Gardens; it is home to endangered wildlife, roller coasters and virtual reality attractions. The zoo is still here. It has awakened critters now. Besides your usual movies and stuff, there is nothing else new to report; so, here is the basic breakdown.


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3) Tampa Sectora) Lifestyles

i) Street to Middle(1) St. Petersburg, Tampa, Pinellas Park, Treasure Island, St

Pete Beach, Sebringii) Middle to High

(1) Largo, Oldsmar, Hernando Beach, Sun City, Gulfport, Lake Placid, Fort Meade

iii) High to Luxury(1) Winter Haven, Clearwater, Longboat Key, Venice, Dunedin,

Arcadiab) Colleges and Colleges

i) Eckerd College(1) Tampa

(a)Biochem(b)Anthropology(c) Arcane Theology(d)Magical Theory

ii) University of South USN(1) Saint Petersburg

(a)Marine Biology(b)Awakened Biology(c) Biotech


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c) Nightlife and Entertainmenti) Street to Middle

(1) Strip Clubs(2) Gambling(3) 1-3 Star Dining(4) Tridio Theatres

ii) High to Luxury(1) Art Museums(2) Live Theatre(3) Orchestral Concerts(4) Five-star dining(5) Full-service convenience stops

d) Underworld and Gang Activitiesi) Caribbean League 45%ii) Mafioso 10%iii) Jamaican 20%iv) Gang 25%

(1) The Night Crawlers(a)An all Female Night gang that is mainly known for petty

theft, extortion, and general mayhem(2) The Dreadheads

(a)A poser go-gang that uses intimidation and extortion tactics to claim and maintain their territory.

(3) The Warrior Chiefs(a)An all Amerindian go-gang that prefers to vandalize

anglo establishments.


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e) Population: Registered- 478, 210 Projected SINLess 217, 520i) By Race

(1) Human 50%(2) Elven 20%(3) Ork 10%(4) Troll 10%(5) Shapeshifter 10%

ii) By Origin(1) Amerindian 65%

(a)Seminole(b)Pohoy(c) Cherokee(d)Choctaw

(2) Caribbean League 15%(3) European 10%(4) Asian 10%

iii) By Education(1) High School 85%(2) Undergrad 5%(3) Grad or Doctorate 5%(4) Drop-out 5%


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f) Corporationsi) Major

(1) Shiawase Corporation(a)Arbortech(b)Desert Storm Security(c) Imperial Tech Services(d)Kuroyama Minerals

(2) Yamatetsu(a)Crash Cart

(3) Novatech(a)Aurora Design(b)Nightingale’s (c) PULSEware(d)FTL Matrixware(e)Compuforce

ii) Second Tier(1) Parada Convenience Stores, Inc

(a)Parada Fuel stations(b)Vision Works Media

(i) Pixels R US Animation(ii) Virtual You Technology, Inc(iii) Trid Star Entertainment


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Orlando Sector

Orlando Sector, the jewel of the USN known for its attractions, and lots of drek do to if you have the cred to do it. Disney, Epcot Center, and Paramount Studios are still here, but a couple of the attractions in those parks have undergone major overhauls. It’s a Small World ride is gone; it was hit by a stray bomb or ten. Epcot Center no longer has The World of Japan. Everyone figured why keep it when all you have to do is visit a Jap archology to find out what its like. A lot of the Paramount rides are now virtual. For a hefty fee, you can experience what it is like to run form lava, try to keep your feet during an earthquake or run from King Kong. Sea World is still a big attraction


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here, especially since they started exhibiting awakened marine life. They even give real underwater tours. 4) Orlando Sector

a) Lifestylesi) Street to Middle

(1) Downtown Orlando, Titusville, Apopka, Cocoa, Fellsmereii) Middle to High

(1) Okeechobee, Port Saint Lucie, Kissimmee, Saint Cloud, Fort Drum

iii) High to Luxury(1) Winter Springs, Cocoa Beach, Cape Canaveral, Vero Beach,

Winter Parkb) Colleges and Universities

i) University of Central USN(1) Orlando, USN

(a)Mechanical Studies(b)Magical Theory(c) Computer Science(d)Diplomatic Relations(e)Political Sciences

(2) USN Shaman University(a)Alchemy(b)Enchantments(c) Conjuring Theory(d)Magical Theory


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c) Nightlife and Entertainmenti) Street to Middle

(1) Stuffer Shacks(2) Fast Food(3) Trid Theatre(4) Average Restaurants

ii) High to Luxury(1) Disney/Paramount(2) Seaworld(3) Museum of High Art(4) Virtual Reality Theatre(5) Four to Five Star Restaurants

d) Underworld and Gang Activityi) Mafioso 45%ii) Gangs 35%

(1) The Enchantresses(a)All Female gang that specializes in witchcraft. They use

illusions and manipulation to gain wealth and power.(2) The Bloods

(a)All ghoul gang(3) The Dreadheads(4) The Wild Ones

iii) Triads 20%iv) Caribbean Mafia 10%


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e) Population: Registered- 875, 468 Projected SINLess- 485, 250i) By Race

(1) Human 50%(2) Elven 10%(3) Ork 10%(4) Troll 10% (5) Shapeshifter 5%(6) Ghoul 5%

ii) By Origin(1) Amerindian 75%

(a)Seminole(b)Choctaw(c) Cherokee(d)Creek

(2) Caribbean League 10%(3) European 10%(4) Asian 5%

iii) By Education (1) High School 80%(2) Under Grad 5%(3) Grad or Doctorate 5%(4) Drop-out 10%

f) Corporationsi) Major

(1) Ares(a)Quick Trigger Systems(b)Silicon Valley/Apple Computer Systems(c) National Broadcasting Service

(2) Yamatetsu(a)Crash Cart


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(3) Aztechnology(a)BANCOMEXT(b)Natural Vat Technologies(c) Marine Techonologies

ii) Secondary(1) Medicine Man, Inc(2) Parada Convenience Stores(3) Dream Works Media(4) Disney Robotics Technology, Inc


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Miami-Dade Sector

Ah, the Miami-Dade Sector, this is the place where everything seems to happen all the fraggin’ time. Sure, lots of things happen in the other sectors, but the best spot for meetings, transportation of “acquired goods” and so much more is all right here. Read on, Chummer, and you’ll see what I mean…


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5) Miami-Dade Sectora) Lifestyles

i) Street to Middle(1) Downtown Miami, Carol City, Hialeah, Deerfield Beach,

Miami Springs, Miami Beachii) Middle to High

(1) Coral Springs, Miami, North Miami Beach, South Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale

iii) High to Luxury(1) Coral Gables, Boca Raton, Pompano Beach, Hollywood,

South Miami, Miramarb) Colleges and Universities

i) University of Miami(1) Aeronautics(2) Marine Biology(3) Computer Science(4) Robotics(5) Magic Theory(6) Biotech

ii) USN International University and Hurricane Center(1) Alchemy(2) Enchantments(3) Conjuring Theory(4) Magical Theory(5) Meteorology

c) Nightlife and Entertainmenti) Street to Middle

(1) Fast Food(2) Trid Theatre(3) Average Restaurants(4) Strip and dance clubs


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ii) High to Luxury(1) Seaquarium(2) Virtual Realty Theatre(3) Museums(4) Four and Five star restaurants

iii) Really Hot Spots(1) Mall of the Americas

(a)This mall has been changed to a large trading post. Cred is always welcome here, but merchants will trade merchandise for herd-to-find items.

(2) Dolphin Mall(a)For the most part, this has remained al mall. The Dave

and Busters has gotten rid of all archaic games and replaced them with virtual gaming and simulation platforms.

(3) Coconut Grove(a)Located in the south of Miami, this used to be a place

known as a major hang-out riddled with restaurants, clubs and all other forms of entertainment. It has since been taken over by squatters, voodoo priests, and shadowrunners. It still has a lot of clubs, but you really have to know which ones to go into if you don’t your hoop geeked.+

d) Underworld and Gang Activityi) Caribbean Cartels 60%

(1) As you can see, we may have kicked them out officially, but they still “run” most of the drek around here.

ii) Gangs 25%(1) Los Mijitos

(a)Latino go-gang that specializes in vandalism, violent acts and theft.


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(2) The Dreadheads(3) The Serpents

(a)A Voodoo go-gang(4) The Warrior Chiefs

iii) Triads and Seoulpa rings 15%


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e) Population: Registered- 1, 175, 345 Projected SINLess 785, 240i) By Race

(1) Human 50%(2) Elven 15%(3) Ork 15%(4) Troll 10%(5) Shapeshifter 5%(6) Ghoul 5%

ii) By Origin(1) Amerindian 45%

(a)Seminole(b)Creek(c) Cherokee

(2) Caribbean League 40%(a)Cuban(b)Jamaican(c) Hatian(d)Dominican(e)West Indies

(3) European 10%(4) Anglo 5%

iii) By Education(1) High School 65%(2) Under Grad 10%(3) Grad or Doctorate 0%(4) Drop-out 30%


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f) Corporationsi) Novatech

(1) Cavalier Arms Limited(2) Nightingale’s(3) Matrix Systems(4) PULSEware(5) S&S Agricorp(6) Walker Aerodesign

ii) Yamatetsu(1) Crash Cart

iii) Aztechnology(1) BANCOMEXT(2) Genetique(3) Marine Technologies(4) Productos Cultivatos

iv) Second Tier(1) Sky Father Technologies, Inc

(a)Aerospace, Inc(b)Hardware, Inc

(i) Weapons(c) Keypunch Ind

(i) Decks and Computers(d)Mother Earth Limited

(i) Agricultural trade and productionv) Secondary

(1) Medicine Man, Inc(2) Parada Convenience Stores(3) Biotech Industries(4) Marine Explorations Company(5) Miami Tech Robotics, Inc

