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The United States of America: A Nation of Immigrants

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The United States of America: A Nation of Immigrants. US History: Spiconardi . Old Immigration. Prior to the 1900, most immigrants (two-thirds) came from northern and western Europe England Irish German Scandinavian. Old Immigration. Reasons for Immigration Irish Potato famine Germans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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The United States of America: A Nation of Immigrants US History: Spiconardi

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The United States of America: A Nation of ImmigrantsUS History: Spiconardi

Old ImmigrationPrior to the 1900, most immigrants (two-thirds) came from northern and western EuropeEnglandIrishGermanScandinavian

Old ImmigrationReasons for ImmigrationIrish Potato famine

GermansPolitical revolution and instability

New ImmigrationBetween 1900 and 1909 two-thirds of immigrants came from southern & eastern EuropeItalyRussiaAustria-HungaryPolandGermans and Irish continued to come in significant numbersBy 1910 Mexicans and Japanese started to migrate to America

New ImmigrationReasons for ImmigrationEscape religious persecutionsJews, particularly from Russia, had become the victims of pogromsPogroms attacks against Jews characterized by killings and/or destruction of homes and businesses

New ImmigrationReasons of ImmigrationAvailable land and farming opportunitiesIn countries like Italy there was less and less land availableFarming had become unprofitable in EuropeMany peasants lost their land due to the commercialization of agriculture

Political RevolutionGovernments were constantly changingAvoid mandatory military servicePerceived higher standard living in America Fewer taxes

Ellis IslandEllis Island was the main point of entry for immigrants into the United States between 1892 and 195412 million immigrants passed through during its years of operation1907 was the peak year of immigration with over 1 million immigrants processed

Ellis Island The ProcessImmigrants were asked 29 standard questions including:NameOccupationIf an unskilled worker, the immigrant was rejectedBelieved they would be a public chargeMarriage StatusCriminal RecordPolitical viewsWanted to weed out anarchistsAmount of money they were carryingMedical history

Ellis IslandThe ProcessThe Medical ExaminationTook 6 secondsPotential sick immigrants were marked w/symbols in chalkB = BackC = ConjunctivitisE = EyesH = HeartK = Hernia PG = PregnantSC = ScalpX = Mental Defect Marked immigrants underwent a more thorough exam

Ellis IslandThe ProcessIf you were considered undesirable after the examination you were sent back to your home countrySome who were being detained were temporarily placed in a dormitory

Ellis IslandThe ProcessIf you had a clean bill of health, your journey was nearly overMoney ExchangeExchanged gold and silver for American currencyIf New York was your final destination, you claimed your baggage and wentIf you were going to Bridgeport or another locale, you went to buy a rail ticket

Angel IslandLocated in San Francisco, it was the immigration processing station on the West CoastBetween 1910 & 1940 1 million Asian immigrants entered the US via Angel Island

Angel IslandDue to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, there were severe restrictions on entry into the U.S.Many potential immigrants spent 2 years detained on Angel Island

Angel Island Dormitory

Chinese DetaineesAngel Island

Well, I came to. America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, I found out three things...first, the streets weren't paved with gold; second, they weren't paved at all; and third, I was expected to pave them.
