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i THE USE OF MINIMAL PAIR TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING PRONUNCIATION AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA MUHAMMADIYAH SUNGGUMINASA (A Quasi Experimental Research) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Part Fulfillment of The Requirement for the Degree of Education in English Department Arifudin S.DM 10535660015 MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2019





(A Quasi Experimental Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Part Fulfillment of The

Requirement for the Degree of Education in English Department

Arifudin S.DM











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Makassar, Januari 2020

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Arifudin S.DM




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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

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Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Makassar, Januari 2020

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Arifudin S.DM



“Rupanya, Kenyang Itu Membuat Manusia Berhenti Bergerak;

Sementara Lapar Akan Menjadikan Kita Manusia Yang Tidak

Terhingga; Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” _Mardigu Wowiek

The Biggest Treasure In the World Is Not About Dollars, It Is Not About Gold, It

Is Not About One Piece. It Is About “You”.

Do Your Best, And You Will Get Everything, Except One Piece. Cause It Is


I dedicated this thesis to

My beloved parents and my families



Arifudin S.DM.2019.The Use of Minimal Pair Technique in Teaching

Pronunciation at the Second Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah

Sungguminasa (A Quasi Experimental Research). Guided by Sulfasyah, Yassir

Mallapiang.Thesis of English Department, The Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

The difficulty in distinguishing the pronunciation of words that have

similar sound is one of challenges faced in English Classes, especially in

pronunciation class. Students usually pronounce words as written. Minimal pair

technique is used in this research. This research aims to see whether the use of

minimal pair technique will have an influence on improving students'

pronunciation skills.

Problem Statement “Is the use of a minimal pair technique effective in

teaching English pronunciation at the second grade students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa?” while Objective of the Research is ”To find out

whether or not the minimal pair technique is effective in teaching pronunciation”.

This research is limited to the use of minimal pair technique as a treatment and

focus on vowel sound (/I//e//æ//ɔ//ʌ//ʊ//ə//i: //ɑ://ɔ://3://u :/).

Quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent control group design was

applied. The populations are the students at SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa.

The samples are 2 classes as experimented and control class using purposive

sampling. The independent variable is the minimal pair technique and the

dependent variable is the students‟ pronunciation.To collects the data, researcher

used pre-test and the post-test.

The data obtained were analyzed with analysis techniques like descriptive

analysis, normality, homogeneity, sample t-test (paired and independent sample t

test), N-Gain Analysis test using IBM SPSS 25. The result of this this research

shows that minimal pair technique was effective in improving students

pronunciation; with probability in sample t test (Sig.) 0,000 < 0.05 then Ho is

rejected. N-Gain value also concluded that experimental class compared to the

control class was 0.52> 0.26; this shows that the used of the Minimal Pair

technique in the experimental class is more effective than control class.

Keywords: Minimal Pair, Pronunciation, Similar sound, effective, vowel



Arifudin S.DM.2019.The Use of Minimal Pair Technique in Teaching

Pronunciation at the Second Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah

Sungguminasa (A Quasi Experimental Research). Dibimbing oleh Sulfasyah,

Yassir Mallapiang. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas

Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Kesulitan dalam membedakan pengucapan kata yang memiliki suara

serupa adalah salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi di Kelas Bahasa Inggris,

terutama di kelas Pronunciation. Siswa biasanya mengucapkan kata-kata sesuai

tulisannya. Teknik Minimal Pair digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini

bertujuan untuk melihat apakah penggunaan teknik Minimal Pair akan

berpengaruh pada peningkatan keterampilan pengucapan siswa.

Rumusan Masalahnya adalah "Apakah penggunaan teknik Minimal Pair

efektif dalam mengajar Pronunciation bahasa Inggris di siswa kelas dua SMA

Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa?" Sedangkan Tujuan Penelitian adalah "Untuk

mengetahui apakah teknik minimal pair efektif dalam mengajar pengucapan".

Penelitian ini terbatas pada penggunaan teknik minimal pair dan fokus pada suara

vocal saja (/ I // e // æ // ɔ // ʌ // ʊ // ə // ə // i: // ɑ: // ɔ: // 3: // u: /).

Desain Quasi-experimental menggunakan non-equivalent control group

digunakan dalam penelitian. Populasinya adalah siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah

Sungguminasa. Sampelnya adalah 2 kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dan control,

menggunakan purposive sampling. Variabel bebasnya adalah teknik minimal pair

dan variabel terikat adalah pelafalan siswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti

akan menggunakan pre-test dan post-test.

Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan teknik analisis seperti descriptive

analysis, normality, homogeneity, sample t-test (paired dan independent sample t-

test), dan N-Gain Analysis test menggunakan IBM SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian ini

menunjukkan bahwa teknik minimal pair efektif dalam meningkatkan pengucapan

siswa; dengan probabilitas dalam uji sample t-test (Sig.) 0,000<0,05 maka Ho

ditolak. Nilai N-Gain juga menyimpulkan bahwa kelas eksperimen dibandingkan

dengan kelas kontrol adalah 0,52>0,26; ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan

teknik Minimal pair di kelas eksperimen lebih efektif daripada kelas kontrol.

Keywords: Minimal Pair, Pelafalan, suara yang sama, efektif, suara vocal



In the name of Allah جل جلاله, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the writer would like to express to the Almighty

God, Allah جل جلاله, who has been giving us mercies, blessings and good health to all

the time of research and writing of this thesis. Also, Shalawat and Salam always

been delivered to our prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, who has bringing us from the

darkness to the lightness by introducing Islam and teaching the great source of

knowledge “the holy Qur‟an”. Immeasurable appreciation and sincere gratitude

are extended to the people who in one way or another have contributed in all the

time of the research and writing of this thesis, especially for the writer‟s parents

Syukur Sulaiman and Zulaihah Ismail, and also the writer would like to express

his genuine grattitudes to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M. as the Rector of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education (FKIP) for the guidance and support the writer.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Head of English Education

Department for the guidance and suggestion during the research.


4. The most profound thanks to all lecturers of English Education Department

and all staffs for their help, support, and guidance during research‟s time in

studying at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. And especially for

Sulfasyah, M.A., Ph.D and Yassir Mallapiang, S.S., M.Pd as the first and the

second consultant for their guidance, supports and suggestions during the

research and writing of this thesis.

5. Big thank to the researcher‟s beloved sister and brothers who always praying

and help for writer‟s success.

6. Thank you so much also conveyed to those who were not mention, who have

help the writer in the preparation of this thesis. Thanks for the idea, though,

enthusiasm, and your do‟a.

Makassar, Januari 2020

The Writer

Arifudin S.DM




TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ............................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................... iii

COUNSELING SHEETS ............................................................................... iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN ................................................................................ vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................. vii

MOTTO ......................................................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. xi

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xiii

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xv

LIST OF FIGURE ........................................................................................ xvi

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. xvii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

A. Background ............................................................................................. 1

B. Problem Statement .................................................................................. 4

C. Objectives of the Research ...................................................................... 4

D. Significances of the Research ................................................................. 4

E. Scope of the Research ............................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................. 6

A. Previous Related Research Findings ....................................................... 6

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ................................................................................ 9


C. Concept of Pronunciation .......................................................................11

D. Minimal Pair ......................................................................................... 17

E. Conceptual Framework ......................................................................... 20

F. Hypothesis ............................................................................................. 21

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................... 22

A. Research Design .................................................................................... 22

B. Place And Time Of Research .................................................................23

C. Variable of the research ........................................................................ 24

D. Population and Sample .......................................................................... 24

E. Instrument of the Research .................................................................... 25

F. Data Collecting ...................................................................................... 26

G. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................. 28

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 33

A. Finding .................................................................................................. 33

B. Discussion ............................................................................................. 44

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 45

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................ 45

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................. 46

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................... 47



Table 1.1. English vowel and consonant sounds showing

the symbols for phonemic transcription of English ............................................ 13

Table 1.2. Some example of minimal pair in vowel sounds .............................. 19

Table 1.3. The Rate Percentage in Experiment Class ......................................... 33

Table 1.4. The Rate Percentage In Control class ................................................ 34

Table. 1.5. Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Experimental Class ............ 35

Table. 1.6. Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Control Class ..................... 36

Table 1.7. Test of Normality ............................................................................... 37

Table. 1.8. Homogeneity Test of Variances ........................................................ 38

Table 1.9. The Result of Paired Sample t-Test ................................................... 39

Table 1.10. The Result of Independent Sample T Test ....................................... 40

Table 1.11. N-Gain Analysis in Experiment and Control Class ......................... 43



Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework of the research ...................................... 20



1. Appendix A. Daftar Hadir Siswa

2. Appendix B. Pre-Test and Post-Test

3. Appendix C. Lesson Plan/ Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

4. Appendix D. Recapitulasi Hasil Nilai Test Siswa

5. Appendix E. Output Descriptive Statistics Using IBM SPSS 25

6. Appendix F. Output Normality Test Using IBM SPSS 25

7. Appendix G. Output Homogenitas Test Using IBM SPSS 25

8. Appendix H. Output Paired Sample t-Test Using IBM SPSS 25

9. Appendix I. Output Independent Sample t-Test Using IBM SPSS 25

10. Appendix J. Input Data N-Gain Score Using IBM SPSS 25

11. Appendix K. Output N-Gain Test Using IBM SPSS 25

12. Appendix L. Photos of Students Learning Activities




A. Background

It is widely known that one of the four substantial skills in English is a

pronunciation, this is very important for learning and supports the improvement of

students' English language skills, According to Joan Morley, he said that

intelligible pronunciation is an essential component of communication

competence (Susanna Modesti, 2014: 9). Furthermore, pronunciation also has a

very important role in the process of learning English, this is because most

countries in the world have very different pronunciation for each other, and

Indonesia is one of the countries that have totaly different pronunciation

characters with English.

There are some exaggerated differences between English and Indonesian

language notably in symbol and sound prospective; for instance, Vowel and

consonant sound in English will be changed after becoming word. Whilst,

Indonesian pronunciation has no various changed sound after be becoming word.

It can be seen that there are so many challenges in the English classes,

especially in the pronunciation aspect. For instance, about the mother tongue of

students affect them in the words of English, this case can appear when students

try to transfer their first language to their target language (English). In addition,

another problem faced by students is the difficulty in distinguishing the


pronunciation of words that have similar sounds. They usually pronounce

the English word as written.

According to Harmer (2007: 59), for all those who learn English, become

aware of the problem of pronunciation will give them the benefit not only for their

own production but also to their own understanding of the English spoken. It is

means that students who have a good pronunciation, they can speak and

understand the spoken English more and it will be understood by others. It is

important for students to learn pronunciation as well as possible.

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that there are

some problems that appear regarding to the ability of students in pronunciation,

namely some students have difficulty in distinguishing pronunciation of words

that have a similar sound. Therefore, the students‟ problems who have explained

before are very prominent to solve. Hence, referring to how to solve the problem

of students above; researcher used interesting techniques called minimal pairs.

Fromkim, Rodman, & Hayms (2003: 277) stated that, minimal pair is two

words which different meanings that are identical except for one sound segment

that occurs in the same place in the string. Crystal stated in Nur Isna (2017) that, a

minimal pair carries two words which are similar to each other except for only

one sound which can be vowel as well as a consonant.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that the

minimal pair is a pair between two words that have totally different meanings but

have the same pronunciation; the differences that exist between the two

pronunciations of the words are only found in one segment sound only. Teaching


pronunciation with the use of this technique is expected to help students to

establish the habit of thinking in English. To distinguish the English sound that

has a similar sound obscurely by pairing those two words, so it could be easy to

recognize whether the sound pronounced contextually or not, because of wrong

pronunciation can be misunderstandings and hamper or obstruct the fluency of


In this research, the researcher used minimal pair technique to look some

increasing in student‟s pronunciation ability to distinguish the sounds; this

research is taken in second grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa.

There are several reasons why researcher chose this school to be a research‟s

location, the first is the easy access to the school, and before this research was

carried out, the researcher also made preliminary observations to see the

feasibility of the research location, the researcher got information about the

number of students that were adequate, the supporting facilities, the good school

environment, and also the used of minimal pair techniques that had never been

done by the teacher in the school. It is be a reasons to the researchers determine

SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa as a research location.

Minimal pair technique is a technique that possibe could be used in the

process of learning English; this is because this technique is expected can be more

easily to understand and apply in the classroom. Besides, the students are able to

practice their pronunciation skill; they also would know many English words.

Thus students not only practice their pronunciation skills, but also enrich their



Those are the grounds of why this issue should be studied by researcher in

writing his thesis with the title “The use of minimal pair technique in teaching

pronunciation at the second grade students of SMA Muhammadiya


B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above the problem statement are formulated as

”Is the use of a minimal pair technique effective in teaching English pronunciation

at the second grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa?”

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the problem statement above the objective of the research are

formulated as ”To find out whether or not the minimal pair technique is effective

in teaching pronunciation”.

D. Significance of the Research

The results of this research are expected to be able to prove and support

other theories before, also can provide useful information about the benefits of

using minimal pairs techniques in the learning process of pronunciation. There

will be a lot of practical significance from the results of this research that can be

used and useful for teachers, students, and subsequent researchers.


E. Scope of the Research

This research is limited to the use of minimal pair technique in teaching

pronunciation at the second grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah

Sungguminasa. This research will be focused on vowel sounds





A. Previous Related Research Findings

Pronunciation is a very interesting topic to be appointed as a research

topic, at least minimal pair technique is one of the very interested methods to be

appointed as a scientific research, this is can be seen from the number of

researchers who raised a minimal pair technique as their research theme, it can be

seen from the following results:

Barlow and Gierut (2002) conducted a study which evaluated the

effectiveness of minimal pairs as phonological remediation for children

experiencing phonological delay. The study explored different types of minimal

pairs such as conventional minimal pair treatment and minimal pair variants and

determined that both kind of minimal pair treatment is effective in improving the

pronunciation of English consonant sounds of second language learners who are

experiencing phonological delays. Even though the study did not focus on second

language learners, but instead speakers experiencing phonological delays, the

study was still able to establish the effective of minimal pairs as a teaching


Similarly, Hayes-Harb (2007) evaluated the effectiveness of using

minimal pairs in acquisition of phonemes. The results of the study determined that

the participants‟ perception in acquiring second language phonemes increased and


that the participants‟ overall performance in acquiring second language

phonemes improved. The study also determined that after using minimal pairs, the

participants‟ sensitivity in identifying phonemic contrasts in the second language.

By increasing the participants‟ awareness and sensitivity in identifying contrasting

phonemes, the strategy of using minimal pairs was able to improve the

pronunciation of the participants of the study. The result of this study is also

similar to the results of other studies which were able to identify that an increase

in the awareness or sensitivity as an effect of using minimal pairs as a teaching


Sari (2011), she concluded in her thesis that the implementation of

minimal pair in improving students‟ pronunciation is success since the criteria of

success were achieved. The criterion of success that has been agreed by the

teacher and researcher is if the improvement from pre-test to post-test is 30%.

And the result was 34, 01%, the improvement of students‟ mean score from pre-

test result to post-test.

Putri (2015) she concludes in her thesis that there is significance effect of

minimal pairs drill technique on students‟ ability in pronouncing similar sound of

word. It was proven by the data shown. The value of count was 2.25 while the

value of table in the significance level 5% was 2.02. Therefore, the score of counts

higher than table or 2,25>2.02. It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected.


Nur Isna (2017) she concluded that the application of minimal pair

technique was effective in teaching pronunciation at the second years students of

SMAN 4 Bantimurung. It can be seen by the significant different between the

score‟s result in pre-test and post-test. in the pre-test the score was 1.76 while the

result of post-test increased to 2.96. Obviously, it defined that the pronunciation

of the students was improved after the treatment.

Based on some of the research reviews related above, the difference

between this research is: in Barlow and Gierut research, they conducted a study

which evaluated the effectiveness of minimal pairs as phonological remediation

for children experiencing phonological delay; in Hayes-Harb, evaluated the

effectiveness of using minimal pairs in acquisition of phonemes. The results of the

study determined that the participants‟ perception in acquiring second language

phonemes increased and that the participants‟ overall performance in acquiring

second language phonemes improved; In Putri, she uses minimal partner training

on students' ability to distinguish the same pronunciation of sounds; in Nur Isna,

she use the minimal pair technique to looking for the increasing of pronunciation

ability focused on consonant sound in second year student of senior high school;

While In my research I used minimal pair technique focused on vowel sound to

look some increasing in students pronunciation ability to distinguish the sounds,

this research was taken in second grade student of SMA Muhammadiyah



B. Some Pertinent Ideas

a. Definition of Pronunciation

As we have known that the pronunciation is the sounds we produce and

use to make meaning in a verbal communication. In short, the pronunciation is the

way the word is pronounced by human being in order to make communication.

Pronunciations in English differ with Indonesian, including pronunciation of

vowels, consonants, and diphthongs. Aspects of pronunciation skills are accuracy,

fluency, intonation, and stressing. There are many experts who have visions of

pronunciation in language teaching.

According to oxford dictionary pronunciation (/prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/) is the

way in which a word is pronounced. It means that pronunciation is the way to

pronounce a word or sentences in a way that is acceptable by the listener. Yates

(2002: 1) said that pronunciation is the production of the sound that we use to

make meaning including to the particular sound of language segmental aspect and

supra segmental aspect. The segmental aspect of pronunciation includes

consonant and vowels, while the supra segmental aspect of pronunciation includes

stress, rhythm, and intonation. So that means that when people give a message by

speak, it must be clear about their segmental and supra segmental what they say

so listeners can understand massage. From this definition, pronunciation is

focused on how people produce and express a word in the spoken language.

Furthermore, Achary (2010: 86) explain that pronunciation is the use of sound

system in speaking and it is made up of vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and

juncture, and their sequences.


From some concepts of pronunciation understanding According to some

expert and linguistic above, the researcher conclude that pronunciation is the how

the way we process and produce the correct sounds of words by understood all the

aspects of the sound itself in other to make the acceptable communication.

b. Aim of Pronunciation

There are some factors that influence language teaching in school

especially for teaching English pronunciation. Besides teacher must select the

media which is suitable to apply in teaching English pronunciation, and also they

are hoped to know how to teach pronunciation well. According to Jeremy

Harmer‟s (2002), the alternatives in pronunciation teaching: “There have three

alternatives to convey. First, whole lesson: making pronunciation the main focus

of lesson does not mean that every minute of the lesson has to be spent on

pronunciation work. Second, discrete slots: some teachers insert short, separate

bits of pronunciation work into lesson sequences. And the last alternative is

integrated phases: many teachers get students to focus on pronunciation issues as

an integrated part of lesson. In this case, teacher decides what alternative he or she

chooses. By deciding the alternatives he or she uses in teaching English

pronunciation, he or she can make a strategy based on the alternative to get a

maximum result. Moreover, the most important thing of the teaching and learning

process is the understanding of the students about the lesson.

Cameron (2001) says that “it is a crucial thing for teachers to take the

responsibility for checking whether their pupils understand the language being


used and the purpose of activities being carried out”. In this case, the teacher

should let the students know that they are studying about pronunciation and they

are expected to be able to pronounce English words correctly. It needs an

enthusiasm in teaching English pronunciation so that both the teacher and the

students get a good result in it. It can be done by encouraging the students that

they can do the best. Besides that, it also can be done by asking the students to

present their ability in pronouncing English words so other students know that

they can do it well. By this, students have a great spirit to learn how to pronounce

English words well.

C. Concept of Pronunciation

Not only does pronunciation mean the way we produce sounds or

pronounce words correctly to be understood by others but also has several aspects

that explain how we produce the sound of words. According to Ur (1996) said that

there are three aspects of pronunciation those are: the sound of the language or

phonology, stress and rhythm, and intonation.

a) Sound of the Language

Sound of language or the term phonology comes from a combination of

two Greek words namely phone which means sound and logos which means

order, word, or science is also called sound system. However, the sounds learned

in phonology are not the sounds of just any sound, but the sounds of language that

can distinguish meaning in the spoken or written language used by humans


(phonemes). According to Kridalaksana (2002) in linguistic dictionary, phonology

is a field in linguistics which is focusing in the fungtion of sounds.

When people producing vowels there is no obstruction when it is

produces, event it is produced smoothly without any hard effort to produce it.

Consonant sound can be differentiating into three features: first is by its voice;

weather the vocal cords are vibrating or not. Second is by tongue shape; whether

the tongue has a flat surface, a groove along the center line or is curled at the side.

Third is by articulator; whether the lower lip, tongue tip, tongue front, o tongue

back blocks the airstream as it goes.

The first feature of consonant by voice is divided into two categories;

voiced and voiceless. In addition, Murcia, et al. (2009: 42) said that one of the

best ways to appreciate the difference between voiced and unvoiced is to put your

hand against your Adams‟ apple larynx. Somehow it is one of the most familiar

ways to recognize the production of consonant. It is consonant when there is

vibration on the Adam‟s apple or larynx when ones sounding for example /z/

sound. Meanwhile it is voiceless consonant when there is no vibration on the

larynx for example when ones sounding /s/ sound.

The second feature of consonant, by tongue shape, the consonant is

produced by nasal or oral. The nasal consonant is produced by channeling air

through the nasal cavity. Nasal sound for instance, /m/ and /n/ are produced with

air only passing through the nasal cavity for the production. While the oral

consonant requires a closure of the nasal valve for instance, /s/.


The third feature is articulation. Articulation is divided into manner and

place of articulation. There are three manner of articulation: stops, fricatives, and

approximants. Moreover, there are eight places of articulation; bilabial, labia-

dental, dental, alveolar, post alveolar, palatal, velar and glottal.

According to oxford dictionary, vowel is a speech sound which is

produced by comparatively open configuration of the vocal track, with vibration

of the vocal cords but without audible friction, and which is a unit of the sound

system of a language that forms the nucleus of a syllable. In other words, vowel is

a sound produced with a comparatively open configuration of the vocal track in

every day language, a vowel is a letter or sounds of English alphabet thet is not a


Vowel can be classified based on it sounds. According to Kelly (2000:

84) said that, there are two kinds of vowel sounds, single vowel and diphthongs

that is involving a movement from one vowel sound to another like /ei/ as in late.

Single vowel sounds are both short and long. For instance, short like /i/ as in hit

and long like /i:/ as in heat. The symbol /:/ denotes a long sound. It showed that

single vowel sound is vowel that appeared one morpheme in a word or when it

sounded, whereas diphthongs consist of the combination of two different sounds.

The following is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), the formally

phonetic symbols (vowels and consonants) using in English language.


Table 1.1. English vowel and consonant sounds showing the symbols

for phonemic transcription of English

Vowel Phonemes Consonant Phonemes

Single vowels

01 /I/ Pit 01 /p/ Pull

02 /e/ Pet 02 /b/ Bet

03 /æ/ Pat 03 /t/ Stop

04 /ɔ Pot 04 /d/ Door

05 /ʌ/ Luck 05 /tʃ/ Chair

06 /ʊ/ Good 06 /g/ Green

07 /ə/ Ago 07 /f/ Fish

Long vowels 08 /v/ Vote

08 /i:/ Meat 09 /h/ Head

09 /ɑ:/ Car 10 /dʒ/ Joke

10 /ɔ:/ Door 11 /s/ Sit

11 /3:/ Girl 12 /z/ Noise

12 /u:/ Too 13 /m/ May

Diphtong 14 /n/ Nurse

13 /ɪə/ Ear 15 /ʒ/ Casual

14 /eə/ There 16 /ð/ Bathe

15 /əʊ/ Vote 17 /ʃ/ Shoe

16 /aʊ/ Out Consonant Phonemes

17 /eɪ/ They 19 /r/ Rule

18 /aɪ/ My 20 /j/ Yes

19 /ɔɪ/ Joy 21 /I/ /I/

20 /ʊə/ Tourist 22 /w/ Way

23 /ŋ/ Sing

24 /k/ Cup


b) Stress and Rhythm

Stress is one of the suprasegmental features that affect the expression of

the meaning of the words spoken. According to Harmer (2007: 42) says that stress

is the term we use to describe a point in a word or phrase in which the elongated

vocal inflection and volume increases.

A stress can be indicated not only by the change of volume, force, pitch,

syllable length but also by visual clue for example hand movements or facial

movements. Stress is classified into word stress and sentence stress. Word stress

refers to accent or emphasis given to particular syllable of a word. The words that

have two or more syllables have one stress, it can be in the beginning, in the

middle, or in the last part of the word. For instance, Hotel,beNAna, kangoROO.

The capital letters indicated the stressed syllable. Kelly (2000: 84) explains that

sentence stress is an integral feature for the listeners with vital clues as the silent

points of the speaker‟s massage, example “He saw a movie” and “He saw a


Another feature of pronunciation is rhythm which is commonly defined

as stress in many languages. According to Ashaby and Maidment (2008: 161) said

that rhythm can be defined as the pattern of occurrence in time or relatively

„strong‟ and relatively „weak‟ events. Here the strong is known as stressed

syllable and weak is unstressed one. So when the words or phrase are pronounced,

the strong syllable is usually spoken in highly pitched and clearly utterance, while

the weak one is not.


c) Intonation

Intonation is one important part of the pronunciation of expressing the

meaning of the word or sentence for sentence intonation can indicate whether it is

a question or information. According to Kelly (200: 86) stated that intonation is

regarded as process where people play the tone of the language in communication.

Intonation also shows the speaker‟s emotion and attitude in her or his utterances,

directs, whether the speaker finish her or his speech or not yet and explain about

the speaker‟s purpose in speaking if that is in statement or question.

d) The goal of teaching pronunciation

This is not the main goal in teaching pronunciation to make students

speak exactly like a native but as close as possible to the English Standards. The

ability to communicate orally with ease and efficiency become the goal of

teaching pronunciation because when people utter something, indeed they are

desirable to know what they are going to say, they should think whether their

utterance can be understood by the listener or not and predict whether the word or

phrase is efficiently delivered or not.

The students are involved in learning English pronunciation to recognize

the sound system of English in order to distinguish the sound system between

their target language (English) and their native language. If the students have been

able to recognize the sound system of the target language and have been able to its

sound system, they may be able to practice the English word accurately.

Absolutely, these goals required lots of practice.


e) Problem in Teaching Pronunciations

Teaching pronunciation is a demanding job. It is become even more

difficult as well as crucial when one is faced with a foreign language. Despite its

immense importance, it is still no adequate time to provide proper attention in this

aspect of English. The lacks of time to practice pronunciation are the major reason

that makes pronunciation tends to be neglected. there are a number of general

factors for bad pronunciation of students. They are students‟ mother tongue, age,

motivation, ability, attitude as well as their instructor.

There are three causes of pronunciation errors such as, Certain sounds may

not be in mother tongue, Sounds do exist in mother tongue, but not as separate

phonemes; Students have not learned the pressure pattern of words or sentences.

D. Minimal Pair

In phonology, minimal pairs are pairs of words or phrases in a particular

language, which differ in only one phonological element, such as a phoneme,

toneme or chronemic and have distinct meanings. They are used to demonstrate

that two phones constitute two separate phonemes in the language.

According to Avery and Erlic (2009: 207) said that minimal pair refers to

pairs of words which have different meaning and which different in pronunciation

on the basis of one sound only. Also, Ashaby and Maidment (2008: 136) said that

in order to prove conclusively that a phonetic distinction is contrastive in a

particular language it is necessary to find a pair of words in the language that


differ in only one segment. It means that minimal pair is one of the appropriate

techniques to prove that the single phonetic sound in pair of words is constructed.

The minimal pair was an essential tool in the discovery process, arrived

at by substitution or commutation tests. Modern phonology is much less interested

in such issues, and the minimal pair is consequently considered to be of little

theoretical importance.

As an example, in the pair of words, very and ferry, the only

distinguishing sounds are /v/ and /f/. Minimal pairs have been used for teaching

pronunciation. They provide a means of differentiating between sounds with

vowels and consonants.

English has many minimal pair in consonants and vowels. Here is the

example of minimal pair in vowel sound:

Table 1.2. Some example of minimal pair in vowel sounds

/oʊ/ /ɔː/ /æ/ /e/ /æ/ /ʌ/































Minimal pairs are not only useful for pronunciation practice but also for

listening practice. Minimal pair helps students practice listening skill to recognize

English sound and contrast the differences of the sound of words, hence the


students understand that there are the differences in the sound and different in

meaning of the words.

E. Conceptual Framework

In this research, researcher focused on teaching pronunciation using the

technique of minimal pairs. Therefore, there are two classes which are divided

into experimental classes and control classes.

The conceptual framework of this research is as follows:

Figure 1.1. Conceptual Framework of the research

Teaching Pronunciation

Experiment Class Control Class

Using Minimal Pair

Technique in Teaching



Using Conventionl

Technique in Teaching

(Speech Method)








Based on framework above, it can be known that in experimental class,

the researcher uses minimal pairs‟ technique in teaching pronunciation. While in

control class, the researcher uses conventional method (speech method).

F. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of the research is formulated as follows:

1. H1: There are significant differences of students' ability in pronouncing the

same words sound after using minimal pair‟s technique.

2. H0: There are no significant differences of students‟ ability in pronouncing

the same words sound after using minimal pair‟s technique.




A. Research Design

In this research, researcher used a quantitative research approach. Which

are studied quantitatively or carry out using numbers, statistical processing,

structure, controlled and experiment classes. Whereas, the type of research was

quasi experimental design research that used to look for the effect of certain

treatments on others under controlled conditions whether there is a result of

treatment on the subject being investigate. The way to find out is to compare one

or more experimental groups that give treatment with one comparison group that

not give treatment.

The form of Quasi-Experimental design used in this research is Non-

Equivalent Control Group Design with experimental and control class to find out

the improvement of students‟ ability in pronunciation by using minimal pair


In the experimental class, the researcher applied the techniques of

minimal pairs in teaching while in the control class used the class traditional

techniques (speech method). Researcher used the design of pre-test and post-test

in the experimental class and controlled class. The result is to prove or disprove

the hypothesis by statistical analysis.


Model of Quasi Experimental Design

Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design


E : Experimental class

C : Control class

O1 : Pre-test (in experimental class)

O3 : Pre-test (in control class)

X : Treatment that will be given for experimental class by using Minimal

Pair Technique

O2 : Post-test (in experimental class)

O4 : Post-test (in controlled class)

B. Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa

which is located on Bontotangnga Street No.50, Pacinongan, Somba Opu, Gowa,

Sulawesi Selatan. The time of the research held on September 3 – September 27,

2019. For about one mounth the research was carried out the observation,

lettering, giving pre-test, treatment, and post-test both on two experiment and

controll classes; namely XI IPA class and XI IPS class.

E O1 X O2


C O3 O4


C. Variables of the Research

Research Variable is an attribute or nature or value of people, objects or

activities that certain variations are determined by researchers to be studied and

then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 2011: 38).

Referring to the title of the research, the researcher uses two variables.

They are dependent and independent variables. The independent variable (X),

Independent variable is a variable that affects or is the cause of the change or the

emergence of the dependent variable (bound). In this study, the independent

variable is a minimal pair technique. The dependent variable (Y), Dependent

variable is a variable that is affected or which is due to the independent variables.

In this study, the dependent variable is the ability of students to pronounce.

D. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is a generalization area consisting of objects /subjects that

have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied

and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 2013, 90). Therefore, the population is not

only people, but also objects and other natural objects. Population is also not just

the amount that exists on the object /subject studied, but includes all the

characteristics /properties possessed by the subject or object under study.

The population in this study was taken from all students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa. The total population is 5 classes, they are XII

IPA, XII IPS, XI IPA, XI IPS, X class; which in each class consists of more less


than 22 students, its means that the total population are 110 students of SMA

Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa.

2. Sample

The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling.

Purposive sampling or also known as judgment sampling. It is sampling technique

that researcher used when the researcher has their own certain judgment on their

sample consideration for certain purpose. Therefore researcher chooses this

technique because it is facilitate the researcher to choose the sample of population

to participate in his research.

In this research, the researcher was taken two classes as sample which

amounted to 44 students, which is divided into 22 students for each class and

divided into two groups, experimental class and control class. The experimental

class here is XI IPA consists of 11 male students and 11 female student, receives

treatment using minimal pair technique whiles the control class is XI IPS consists

of 11 male students and 11 female student, learning English without minimal pair


E. Instrument of the Research

The researcher used the pronunciation test as an instrument to collect

data. The instrument will measure the students' ability to pronounce the sounds of

similar words. In the test, the researcher asked students to read the prepared pairs


of words as much as 20 points, so that researchers can assess the students'

pronunciation skills.

The test was aplied on both pre-test and post-test. Classes will be given

pre-test before the treatment. Pre-test used to find out the student‟s prior ability in

pronouncing English words. While post-test used to know whether there is an

improvement of student‟s pronunciation ability after being treated by using

minimal pair technique or not.

F. Data collection

The technique of collecting data in this research is used test instrument;

pre-test, treatment and post-test

1. Pre-Test

Pre-test was given before the beginning of the teaching and learning

process (Treatment). This is done to determine the student's initial score before

treatment. The test was given to the control class and the experimental class. In

this activity the researcher prepared at least 20 pairs of numbers and asks them to

pronounce it in turn. The score was taken by the researcher for each student.

2. Treatment

a. Experimental Class

After giving the pre-test, the researcher conducted the treatment for sixth

meetings. In every meeting the researcher used minimal pair technique which

takes about 2x45 minutes in each meeting. The treatment using Minimal Pair was

conducted for experimental class only. The procedures of the treatment are:


1) The teacher enters the classroom and starts teaching and learning activities in


2) The teacher explains the subject matter on that day and also explains the

objective of learning.

3) In the learning process, the teacher also explains about the minimal pair


4) The teacher tries to slip at least one or two minimal pair in the ongoing

learning process.

5) In the treatment process, the teacher takes 30 minutes at the beginning or at

the end of class time to conduct a minimal pair of treatments.

b. Control Class

In Control class also After giving the pre-test, the researcher conducted

the teaching process for sixth meetings. In every meeting the researcher used

Speech Method which takes about 2x45 minutes in each meeting. The procedures

of the treatment are:

1) The teacher enters the classroom and starts teaching and learning activities in


2) The teacher explains the subject matter on that day and also explains the

objective of learning.

3) In the learning process, teacher using speech method like usually.


3. Post-Test

In order to assess students after treatment, the researcher applied a post-

test at the last meeting. Post-test was applied to find out the extent of development

or improvement and the influence of the learning and treatment process that has

been given during the previous six meetings. The test will be given both control

and experimental class.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

The data obtained were analyzed based on data analysis techniques which

included descriptive analysis, normality test, homogeneity test, sample t test

(paired sample t test and independent sample t test), and N-Gain Analysis test.

1. Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analysis aims to describe the data obtained in order to obtain

useful information in research. According to Sugiyono (2014: 206) descriptive

analysis is "Statistics used to analyze data by describing data that has been

collected as it is without intending to make conclusions that apply to the public or

generalization". Descriptive analysis is research conducted to determine the value

independent variable and dependent variable.

Student achievement data in the form of pre-test and post-test data. The

statistical techniques used are mean, variance, and standard deviation. This

Descriptive analysis done with the help of IBM SPSS 25 statistical software for



1) Formula of scoring the students‟rate percentage

P =

X 100 %


P = Percentage

F = Frequency of wrong answer

N = Number of samples

(Bluman, 2004:68)

2) rating scale of classification the score of the students

No Rating Classification

1 90-100 Very Good

2 70-89 Good

3 50-69 Averange

4 30-49 Poor

5 0-29 Very Poor

3) Using this formula to find out the means score of the students‟ answer




: mean score

: Sum of all score

N : Total number of subjects

(Gay, 2006: 320)


2. Normality Test

Normality test is used to determine whether the data value Test

understanding of students' concepts is normally distributed or not. In testing the

normality of researchers using the Kolomogorov-Smirnov test (Misbahuddin,

Iqbal Hasan 2013). In the process of testing this normality, researcher used IBM

SPSS 25 statistical software for windows.

3. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test aims to determine whether the two groups have the same

variance or not. If both groups have the same variance, the group is said to be

homogeneous. For simplicity, researchers use the program IBM SPSS 25

statistical software for windows.

4. Sample t-Test

The hypothesis test used is the T-test. T-test technique is statistical

techniques used to test the significance of the differences in the two distributions.

This technique is used after all treatment ends later given a test (post test). The

data obtained is then analyzed to find out whether the results are in accordance

with the expected hypothesis. To looking for the t Test, researchers use the

program IBM SPSS 25 statistical software.

1) Applying this formula to find out the standard deviation

, where SS=


SD = standard deviation

SS = the sum of square


N = total number of the subjects

= the sum of all square; each score is squared and all the

squares are added up

= the square of the sum; all the scores are added up and

The sum is square, total

(Gay, 2006: 321)

2) Finding out the difference between students‟ score in Pre-test and Post-test

using this formula


) (



t : test of significance

1 : mean score of experimental groups

2 : mean score of controlled groups

SS1 : sum square of experimental group

SS2 : sum square of controlled group

n1 : number of students of experimental group

n2 : number of students of controlled group

2 : the number of class involved

1 : constant number

(Gay, 2006: 346)

3) Comparing the result with t table to answer hypothesis.

(Gay, 2006: 346)

t table < t test = Effective

t table > t test = Not effective


5. N-Gain Analysis Test

The pretest and posttest results were analyzed to calculate the N-gain

between the pretest and posttest in the experimental class and controls. To

calculate N-Gain, you can use the Hake formula (Meltzer, 2002; Archambault,


1) Applying this formula to find out the N-Gain Score


S post: Post-test score

S pre: Pre-test score

S max: Ideal maximum score

2) The criteria for obtaining an N-Gain score can be seen in the following


N-Gain Score Criteria

g > 0,7 High

0,3 < g ≤ 0,7 Medium

g ≤ 0,3 Low

(Meltzer, 2002; Archambault, 2008)

To looking for the N-Gain result, the researcher use the program IBM

SPSS 25 statistical software.




A. Finding

In collecting the data, the researcher administered the tests. The tests were

done into two times, pre-test was given before the treatment and the post-test was

given after the treatment. The results present the interpretation as follows.

1. The Rate Percentage of the Student Score

The rate percentages of the students were present in the following table.

Table 1.3. The Rate Percentage in Experiment Class

No Classification Pre-Test Post-Test

F Percentage F Percentage

1 Very Good 0 0% 2 9,1%

2 Good 0 0% 9 40,90%

3 Average 6 27,28% 11 50%

4 Poor 12 54,54% 0 0%

5 Very Poor 4 18,18% 0 0%

Total 22 100% 22 100%

From the data that was presented in Table 1.3 above, it can be seen that

prior before to the treatment (Pre-Test session) there were 4 (18,18%) students

classified into "very Poor", and there were 12 (54,54%) students classified into

"Poor ", and the remaining 6 (27.28%) students are classified into "average ".


After treatment is given to students, the results obtained are 11 (50%) students

get an "Average" classification, 9 (40,9%) students are classified as "good", and

there are 2 (9.1%) students classified into "Very Good". From the results of

students' presentations, it can be concluded that the rate percentage after the

Treatments (Post-Test) has increased compared to before the treatment (Pre-Test).

Table 1.4. The Rate Percentage in Control class

No Classification Pre-Test Post-Test

F Percentage F Percentage

1 Very Good 0 0% 0 0%

2 Good 0 0% 2 9,09%

3 Average 3 13.64% 15 68,18%

4 Poor 16 72.72% 5 22,73%

5 Very Poor 3 13.64% 0 0%

Total 22 100% 22 100%

Based on the data presented in Table 1.4 above, it can be seen that before

the treatment (Pre-Test session) there were 3 students (13.64%) classified into

"very Poor", and there were 16 (72.72%) students classified into "Poor", and the

remaining 3 (13.64%) students are classified into "average".

After treatment was given to students, the results obtained were 5 (22.73%)

students obtained a "Poor" classification, 15 students (68.18%) were classified

into "Averange", and there were 2 (9.09%) students which is classified as "Good".

From the results of students' presentations, it can be concluded that the rate

percentage after the Treatments (Post-Test) has increased compared to before the

treatment (Pre-Test).


2. Descriptive Analysis Test

a) The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Experimental Class

After doing the calculation and data processing using IBM SPSS 25, the

results obtained the mean score and standard deviation of the experimental class.

where the data is presented in the following table.

Table. 1.5. Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Experimental Class

Statistic Statistic Value

Pre-Test Post-Test

N 22 22

Ideal Score 100 100

Minimum Score 25 55

Maximum Score 65 90

Mean Score 39,32 69,77

Std. Dev 11,159 11,698

Based on the data presented in Table 1.5 above, it can be seen that the mean

score of the student in experimental class in Pre-Test was 39,32 with the standard

deviation was 11,159, minimum score that student got was 25 and maximum

score was 65. While in Post-Test, the mean score was 69,77 with the standard

deviation was 11,698, minimum score that student got was 55 and maximum

score was 90.

b) The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Control Class

For the results of the calculation and processing of post-test data between

the experimental class and the control class conducted with the help of the IBM


SPSS 25 application, the results of the mean score and standard deviation are as


Table. 1.6. Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Control Class

Statistic Statistic Value

Pre-Test Post-Test

N 22 22

Ideal Score 100 100

Minimum Score 25 40

Maximum Score 55 70

Mean Score 37,50 53,64

Std. Dev 8,557 8,447

Based on the data presented in Table 1.6 above, it can be seen that the mean

score of the student in experimental class in Pre-Test the mean score was 37,50

with the the standard deviation was 8,557, minimum score that student got was 25

and maximum score was 55. while in Post-Test, the mean score was 53,64 with

the the standard deviation was 8,477, minimum score that student got was 40 and

maximum score was 70.

3. Normality Test

Normality test aims to test whether the sample used has a normal

distribution or not. In the linear regression model, this assumption is shown by the

normally distributed error value. A good regression model is a regression model

that has a normal or near normal distribution, so it is feasible to test statistically.


According to Singgih Santoso (2012: 293) the basis for decision making can be

based on probabilities (Asymtotic Significance), namely:

1) If the significance (sig.) is > 0.05 then the distribution of the regression

model is normal.

2) If the significance (sig.) is < 0.05 then the distribution of the regression

model is not normal.

From the minimum pair pair test results in the experimental class and the

control class, normality was tested with the help of IBM SPSS 25 using the

Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test the following results were obtained:

Table 1.7. Test of Normality

Class Kolmogorov-Smirnov

a Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.


Experiment 0.151 22 0.200

* 0.935 22 0.156


Experiment 0.158 22 0.159 0.917 22 0.066


Control 0.128 22 0.200

* 0.950 22 0.321


Control 0.166 22 0.118 0.929 22 0.114

From the results of the table presented in table 1.7. above it can be seen that

all data presented are normally distributed where all the asymp sig > 0.05.


4. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is used to determine whether the data from the results of

research in the experimental class and the control class have the same variant

values or not. It is said to have a variant value that is the same / not different

(homogeneous) if the significance level is ≥ 0.05 and if the significance level is <

0.05 then the data concluded do not have variant values that are not the same /

different (not homogeneous).

Homogeneity test results using IBM SPSS 25 can be seen in the following table:

Table. 1.8. Homogeneity Test of Variances

Test of Homogeneity of Variance


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.



Based on Mean 3.203 1 42 .081

Based on Median 2.878 1 42 .097

Based on Median and

with adjusted df 2.878 1 39.24 .098

Based on trimmed mean 3.196 1 42 .081

From the results of homogeneity test calculations in table 1.8. above, it is

known that the significance value is 0.081. Because the value obtained from the

homogeneity test is of significance level ≥ 0.05, the data has the same variant

value / not different (homogeneous).


5. Hypothesis test results

1) Paired Samples t-Test

For the results of paired samples t-test seen in table 1.9. as follows

Table 1.9. the Result of Paired Sample t-Test

Paired Differences

T df Sig. 2-

tailed Mean Std.





95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper






-30.455 4.056 .865 -32.253 -28.656 -35.219 21 .000






-16.136 4.612 .983 -18.181 -14.092 -16.412 21 .000

It is known that the t-value is 35,219 with a probability (Sig.) 0,000. The

decision making provisions are based on the following provisions:


H1: There are significant differences in students' ability to pronounce the same

words sound after using minimal pair‟s technique.

H0: There are no significant differences of students‟ ability in pronouncing the

same words sound after using minimal pair‟s technique.

Decision Criteria:

(a) Accept H0 if the probability value (Sig.)> 0.05

(b) Reject H0 if the probability value (Sig.) <0.05


The t-count value is 35,219 with a probability (Sig.) 0,000. Because the

probability (Sig.) 0,000 < 0.05 then Ho is rejected. This means that There are

significant differences in students' ability to pronounce the same words sound

after using minimal pair‟s technique. Based on the results of this processing, it can

be concluded that, the minimal pair method gives a great influence on learning

English especially in pronunciation.

2) Independent Samples t-test

To see the difference in influence between the minimal pair technique applied

to the experimental class and the control class, the distribution is done by testing

the differences in the difference data between the two groups. in this case carried

out with an independent sample t-test. The results of the Independent Samples t-

test using IBM SPSS 25, can be seen in Table 1.10. as follows:

Table 1.10. The Result of Independent Sample T Test

Levene's Test

for Equality

of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T Df Sig. (2-









95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper




3.203 .081 5.239 42 .000 16.136 3.080 9.921 22.352


variances not


5.239 38.2

88 .000 16.136 3.080 9.903 22.370


It is known that the calculated F-value for the assumption of variance is

3,203 with a probability (Sig.) Of 0.081. As for the decision-making provisions

based on the following conditions:

Ho: Variance of English learning outcomes of students using the minimal pair

technique and not using the minimum pair technique is no significant


H1: Variation of English learning outcomes of students using the minimal pair

technique and not using the minimal pair technique is a significant difference.

Decision Criteria:

a) If the probability (Sig.)> 0.05 then Ho is accepted,

b) If the probability (Sig.) <0.05 then Ho is rejected,

It is known that the calculated F-value in the distribution table above is

3,203 with probability (Sig.) 0.081. Because probability (Sig.) 0.081 > 0.05 then

H0 is accepted. The conclusion is that the variance of using minimal pair

technique in the experimental and treatment classes in the control class is the

same or not significantly different. Thus, for the average test (t-test) refers to the

values in the row column assuming the same variance.

To determine the differences in learning outcomes in the experimental

class and the control class the following conditions:

H0: There is no significant difference in effect between learning outcomes in the

experimental class and the control class.


H1: There is a significant difference in the effect between learning outcomes in the

experimental class and the control class.

Decision Criteria:

a) Accept H0 if the probability value (Sig.)> 0.05

b) Reject H0 if the probability value (Sig.) <0.05

Known t-value of student learning outcomes 5,239 with probability (Sig.)

0,000. Because the probability (Sig.) 0,000 <0.05 then Ho is rejected. This means

that there are significant differences between learning outcomes in the

experimental class and the control class. Based on the results of this processing, it

can be concluded that student learning outcomes using minimal pairing techniques

have significant differences. In this study the minimal pair distribution technique

is better than the conventional method for students' learning outcomes in English.

This is evidenced by the increase in English learning outcomes using a minimum

pair technique in the experimental class the average distribution is higher than the

conventional method in the control class.

6. N-Gain Analysis Test

Below are the results of N-Gain in the experimental class and the control

class using IBM SPSS 25.


Table 1.11. N-Gain Analysis in Experiment and Control Class

Based on the data obtained in the table 1.11. above can be seen N-Gain

experimental class is higher than the control class. Where the mean value of N-

Gain in the experimental class was 0.52 (52%) while in the control class was 0.26

(26%). Then it can be concluded that the N-Gain in the experimental class is

higher than the N-Gain in the control class.

After getting the results of the N-Gain test above, it can be concluded that

in both the experimental class and the control class, after the treatment there was

an increase which was categorized into the high category. where in the

experimental class was 0.52> 0.7 and also in the control class was 0.26> 0.7.

From this N-Gain value it can be concluded that the experimental class has

higher improvement compared to the control class that is 0.52> 0.26; this shows

that the used of the Minimal Pair technique in the experimental class is more

effective than the used of the speech method in control class.

No Category


Experimental Control

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

1 High 0,52 52% 0,26 26%

2 Medium - - - -

3 Low - - - -


B. Discussion

The results of this study indicate that the students' scores on the

pronunciation test especially in the same sounds of the vowel words have

improved after treatment in the experimental class using minimal pair technique.

this can be seen from the number of students who get good scores where there are

11 (50%) students get a classification of "Average", 9 (40.9%) students are

classified as "good", and there are 2 (9.1%) students classified as "Very Good".

The analysis of the mean score gap in the post-test between the

experimented and controlled class ensured if the technique was effective. The

mean score of the students in experimental class was 69,77 and 53,64 for

controlled class. It means the gap of the students‟ score of the experimented and

controll class was 16.13. The explanation of the gap between the two classes

indicates that the experimented class showed higher score than the controlled


From the results of Paired Sample t-Test calculations using IBM SPSS 25

it can also be seen that the value of the t-test is 35,219 with a probability (Sig.) of

0,000. Because the probability (Sig.) Is 0,000 <0.05, this means that there is a

significant difference in the students' ability to pronounce the same words after

using the minimal pair technique in the experimental class compared to the

control class using the conventional method.

From the results of the calculation of Independent Sample t-Test using

IBM SPSS 25, it was found that the significance (Sig.) 0,000 <0.05. This means

that there are significant differences between learning outcomes in the


experimental class and the control class. Based on the results of this processing, it

can be concluded that student learning outcomes using minimal pair techniques

have significant differences. In this study the minimal pair technique is better than

the conventional method for students' learning outcomes in English, especially in

the pronunciation of the same word in vowel.

This result are in line with the results of previous research, where in

previous research such as in Hayes-Harb (2007) concluded that it was determined

that the participants' perception in acquiring second language phonemes increased

using a minimum pair; Sari (2011) also concluded in her thesis that the

implementation of minimal pairs in improving students' pronunciation is success;

similary in Nur Isna (2017) concluded that the application of a minimum pair

technique was effective in teaching pronunciation at the second year students of

SMAN 4 Bantimurung. It can be concluded that the results of this research are

appropriate and support the results of previous studies regarding the use of

minimal pair technique in learning pronunciation

According to those statements above, the researcher concluded that

minimal pair technique was given significance effect towards students‟ ability in

pronouncing similar sound of vowel sounds. Teaching English Pronunciation

using minimal pair technique is suitable to be applied in the classroom. This

technique helped the students to increase their English pronunciation ability.

Teaching English pronunciation by using minimal pair technique indicted the

students easy to differentiate the similar sound of words.




A. Conclusion

The conclusion that the researcher can conclude after analyzing the data

that has been obtained in the research, is described as follows.

1. From the results of this study the researcher concluded that the application

or the use of the minimal pair technique in the second year students of

SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa was effective in teaching English

pronunciation. this can be seen from the results of data that has been

processed using IBM SPSS 25, where there is a significant difference

between the score results in the pre-test and post-test in the experimental

class and the control class. Student scores on the pronunciation test before

applying the minimal pair technique in teaching pronunciation are still

low. It is different from the ability of students after applying the minimal

pair technique in teaching pronunciation. This can be found in students'

mean scores. In the pre-test the score was 39.32 while the post-test results

increased to 69.77. Obviously, it defines that the pronunciation of second

grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa has improved after

treatment which is 30.45.

2. The Minimal Pairs technique is very effective in teaching English

pronunciation, especially for vowel words that are similar in sound. Seen


from student learning outcomes in the experimental class better than the

control class.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to submit several

suggestions to:

1. English learning, especially in improving the pronunciation of students

should be further improved. This is because English is a knowledge of

skill where the level of knowledge can be seen from how students speak

English. Therefore, teachers should not only focus on grammar and textual

knowledge, but also should focus on improving students' pronunciation

skills. To improve students' pronunciation skills can use certain methods

or techniques; one of them is the minimal Pair technique.

2. The researcher recommends that students continue to practice their

pronunciation skills using minimal pair technique to improve their ability

to pronounce and distinguish sounds that are almost the same in English.

Learn English not only at school but also outside of school, because

English is a lesson that must be repeated so that it can be mastered well.

3. Furthermore, for subsequent researchers who wish to use minimal pair

technique in conducting their research, researchers suggest that they

should provide more pairs of words consisting of the same sounds to be

tested before conducting treatment.



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No NIS Nama Siswa Pertemuan Ke_

Ket 1 2 3 4 5

1 Andi Muhammad Akhdam ZM

2 A Rafikah Lillah MZ

3 Andi Rama Ramdhan

4 Firman Alfiansyah

5 Fitriani

6 Hayani

7 Ifan Dwi

8 Ifa Dwiyana

9 Indra Pramana Putra

10 Kisran

11 Novita Apriliani

12 Nurhayati

13 Sakri

14 Sarmila

15 Wadief Hainun Hafifah

16 Apfry Syilia H

17 Dewinta Rizaldi

18 Muh. Zulkifli

19 Ikhsan

20 Surrahman

21 Sabda Alam

22 Annisa



No NIS Nama Siswa Pertemuan Ke_

Ket 1 2 3 4 5

1 Ahmad Daniah

2 Citra Samaila

3 Indah Sari

4 Muh. Fahrul Syarif

5 Muh. Ismail

6 Muh. Iswan Irwan

7 Muh. Syair

8 Nadila Sari

9 Nurul Insani Saiful

10 Nur Sakinah

11 Safhira Zahwa Alleygra

12 ST Khusna Shadida

13 Sukmawati

14 Syaputrianti

15 Wirda Ananda

16 Muh. Asriadi

17 Zalwi Hajjal Bait

18 Maharani Sania

19 Muh. Andika Maulana

20 Indra Jaya

21 Muh. Ismail

22 Muh. Ichsanul Yaqin


Appendix B

Pre dan Post Test

Name :

Class :

Date :

I. Read the words correctly

1. Read the words correctly.

a. bag

b. beg

2. Read the words correctly.

a. reach

b. rich

3. Read the words correctly.

a. green

b. grin

4. Read the words correctly.

a. herb

b. harp

5. Read the words correctly.

a. food

b. foot

II. Read the sentence below

1. They are both captains in

their own boat

2. How do you spell „she is

swimming in the sea‟?

3. I buy a new bat at the boot


4. The story was about a thin

soldier holding a tin.

5. I work in the park and she

walk in the park.

6. Read the words correctly.

a. Luke

b. Look

7. Read the words correctly.

a. fast

b. fest

8. Read the words correctly.

a. man

b. men

9. Read the words correctly.

a. mantle

b. mental

10. Read the words correctly.

a. beach

b. bitch

6. Did You Send A Box Of

Sand To Me?

7. Did You At Least Get The


8. The Soup Smell Delicious

and the Soap Smell fragnant

9. Fill the box whit ice and feel


10. don't pull your friends in the





Sekolah : SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil

Materi Pokok : Menyatakan Pendapat dan Pikiran serta responnya

Alokasi Waktu : 2JP (2x45 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang

dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan

perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan

lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan


KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan

prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah

secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu

menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi

transaksional lisan dan tulis

yang melibatkan tindakan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pendapat

dan pikiran, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan

I think, I suppose, in my


Mengidentifikasi situasi yang

memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan


Menyebutkan situasi yang memunculkan

pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran

Memahami struktur teks dari pernyataan

pendapat dan pikiran

Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari dari

pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi

transaksional, lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana, yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi

dan meminta informasi terkait

pendapat dan pikiran, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

Menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya

yang sesuai secara tertulis kemudian

dibacakan ke kelas

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:

• Mengidentifikasi situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan


• Menyebutkan situasi yang memunculkan pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran

• Memahami struktur teks dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran

• Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari dari pernyataan pendapat dan pikiran

• Menyatakan pendapat dan pikirannya yang sesuai secara tertulis

kemudian dibacakan ke kelas

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi Sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.

Struktur Teks

- Memulai

- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

Unsur Kebahasaan

- Ungkapan menyatakan pendapat I think, I suppose, in my opinion

- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their,


- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan


Situasi yang memungkinkan munculnya pernyataan tentang pendapat dan

pikiran yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1) Pendekatan : Scientific approach

2) Model Pembelajaran : Group Disscussion and Presentation

3) Treatment Tambahan : Minimal Pair (30 menit sebelum atau sesudah


F. Media Pembelajaran

a. Media

- Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)

- Lembar penilaian, Pictures, text

b. Alat/Bahan

- Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis

- Laptop

G. Sumber Belajar

- Buku K2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI (guru dan


- Kamus Bahasa Inggris

- Internet

H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

1. Membuka proses pembelajaran dengan memberikan salam dan meminta salah seorang

siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum pembelajaran dimulai.

2. Siswa menjawab salam dari guru. Dan salah seorang siswa memimpin doa .

3. Siswa mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti biasa.

4. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

5. Siswa diberikan pertanyaan yang dapat membangkitkan dan mengaitkan pengetahuan

awal yang dimiliki siswa terhadap materi yang akan dipelajari.

6. Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran, kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai, cakupan

materi, dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

7. Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan dipelajari

dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

8. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu.

9. Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indicator

10. Pembagian kelompok belajar

Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )

Kegiatan awal

1. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menanyakan kembali (refresing) tentang materi

yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya.

2. Guru menanyakan pendapat siswa tentang apa yang dimaksud opini/pendapat

3. Siswa yang menjawab kemudian diberi point tambah untuk nilai keaktifannya.

4. Setelah siswa dirasa telah memahami, guru kemudian membagi siswa dalam

beberapa kelompok.

Kegiatan Kelompok 5. Guru membentuk siswa secara berkelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri dari 4-5

orang siswa yang dipilih secara acak oleh guru.

6. Guru menberikan tugas kepada setiap kelompok siswa dalam bentuk

pictures/gambar tentang suatu keadaan tertentu.

7. Peserta didik mengamati gambar yang diberikan dan Bersama-sama


8. Setiap kelompok siswa diberikan tugas untuk menuliskan opini atau pendapat

mereka masing-masing pada lembar kerja yang telah di sediakan.

9. Setiap member dalam group siswa harus berpartisipasi dalam memberi

opini/pendapat terhadap gambar yang telah diamati.

10. Setiap kelompok siswa, di depan kelas memperlihatkan gambar kelompok masing

kemudian mengungkapkan pendapat yang telah ditulis dalam lembar kerja.

Minimal Pair (Treatment speaking)

1. Guru memberikan kata-kata minimalm pair pada siswa dalam bentik tabel dalam

sebuah lembar

2. Masing-masing siswa diminta agar membaca tabel minimal pairs tersebut

3. Guru membaca dengan lantang kata dalam tabel minimal pair tersebut yang

kemudian diikuti oleh siswa

4. beberapa siswa diminta untuk tampil di depan kelas untuk membacakan tabel

minimal pairs kemudian diikuti oleh siswa yang lain

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

1. Siswam membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting

yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi

2. Guru memeriksa pekerjaan tiap kelompok siswa

3. Guru memberikan penghargaan kepada kelompok yang memiliki kinerja dan

kerjasama yang baik.

2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

1. Membuka proses pembelajaran dengan memberikan salam dan meminta salah

seorang siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum pembelajaran dimulai.

2. Siswa menjawab salam dari guru, dan salah seorang siswa memimpin doa .

3. Siswa mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti biasa.

4. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

5. Siswa diberikan pertanyaan yang dapat membangkitkan dan mengaitkan pengetahuan

awal yang dimiliki siswa terhadap materi yang akan dipelajari.

6. Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran, kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai, cakupan

materi, dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

7. Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan dipelajari

dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

8. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu.

9. Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indicator

10. Pembagian kelompok belajar

Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )

Kegiatan awal

1. Guru menanyakan dan meminta beberapa siswa untuk menjelaskan dengan singkat

materi yang diingatnya tentang Opinion.

2. Siswa yang dapat menjawab dengan baik akan mendapatkan reward berupa makanan

ringan dari guru.

3. Guru kemudian menjelaskan kembali garis besar tentang Opini kepada para siswa.

Mengamati 4. Guru menunjukan text tentang Bullying yang ada pada buku siswa, yang kemudian

menanyakan pendapat siswa mengenai pendapatnya tentang Bullying.

5. Siswa kemudian memberi pendapat prinbadinya tentang bullying.

6. Guru membentuk siswa secara berkelompok sebanyak 5-6 orang siswa.

7. Guru menberikan lebaran yang telah disisapkan kepada masing-masing group.

8. Group siswa diminta untuk mendiskusikan Text Bullying tersebut.

9. Peserta didik (setiap group) mendiskuiskan tentang text tersebut

10. Guru meminta setiap group siswa menyimpulkan pendapat mereka tentang text

bullying yang telah di diskusiakan ditulis pada lembar yang telah disiapkan


11. Setelah selesai, setiap group mengumpulkan hasil diskusinya, kemudia guru

mengacak hasil diskusi tersebut dan dibagiakan kembali kepada masing-masing

group siswa (secara acak)

12. Setiap group siswa kemudian bertugas untuk mengomentari hasil diskusi kelompok

lain (ditulis pada lembar hasil diskusi yang telah diacah)

13. Setelah selesai guru mengumpulkan kembali, untuk dinilai hasil kerja dan komentar

yang telah dikerjakan.

Minimal Pair (Treatment listening)

1. Siswa diminta kembali ke tempat duduk masing-masing

2. Guru kemudian menyiapkan media treatment (kertas, speaker, leptop)

3. Guru membagikan kertas kepada setiap siswa, kemudian meminta setiap siswa untuk

menuliskan nama, kelas, dan tanggal.

4. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan yang kan dilakukan

5. Setelah semua siswa paham, guru kemudian memutar audio Minimal Pair yang

kemudian harus disimak oleh siswa dan ditulis apa yang mereka dengarkan (minimal

pair) pada lembar kertas yang telah diberikan sebelumnya.

6. Kegiatan dilakukan 2-3 kali agar siswa dapat mendengar dengan baik.

7. Diakhir kegiatan guru menuliskan jawaban yang benar (minimal pair pada audio)

dinpapan tulis, kemudian siswa dapat mengkoreksi kesalahan masing-masing.

8. Siswa diminta untuk membaca kembali dirumah.

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

1. Siswam membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting yang

muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi

2. Guru memeriksa pekerjaan tiap kelompok siswa

3. Guru memberikan penghargaan kepada kelompok yang memiliki kinerja dan

kerjasama yang baik.

Gowa, 23 september



Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

………………………… …………………………


Penilaian Hasil Sikap dan Keterampilan

1. Sikap

No Nama Siswa

Aspek Perilaku yang

Dinilai Jumlah









• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggun Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

100 = Sangat Baik

75 = Baik

50 = Cukup

25 = Kurang

2. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00= Sangat Baik (SB)

50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)

00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

2. Penilaian Keterampilan

Nama peserta didik: ________ Kelas: _____

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Baik Kurang

1. Organisasi presentasi (pengantar, isi, kesimpulan)

2. Isi presentasi (kedalaman, logika)

3. Koherensi dan kelancaran berbahasa

4. Bahasa:


Tata bahasa

Perbendaharaan kata

5. Penyajian (tatapan, ekspresi wajah, bahasa tubuh)

Skor yang dicapai

Skor maksimum 10


Baik mendapat skor 2

Kurang mendapat skor 1

*Pictures Opinion pada Pertemuan pertama (dicetak besar pada pertemuan)

*Teks Bullying Pada Pertemuan Kedua


A cancer that must be eradicated

A tragic end to an education that had barely begun - 13-year-old Kiki

stopped schooling because her classmates used to make fun of her relentlessly.

They had accidentally discovered her humble background, her father being a

street vendor. In another case, 15 year old Dinda could not take it anymore. She

became depressed, left school and stayed at home because she was constantly

teased by her classmates for failing in junior high school.

And in yet another, more recent case, some senior students of a junior

high school took seven junior students, and subjected them to violent beatings.

Sherry, one of the junior students, was rushed to hospital with bruises on his

abdomen. He is extremely scared to go to school. Julie, a 10 year old, fifth grade

student, states that her first two years of elementary school were a traumatic

experience. She sadly remembers being cruelly bullied by her male classmates

because she was overweight. They used to call her Sumatran elephant, baboon,

gentong and many other names.

These are few cases out of hundreds of similar cases and the number is

increasing over the time. In Indonesia bullying exists in every form, from teasing

to extreme abuse. Even though incidents of bullying are common, unfortunately it

is not seen as a major problem. A recent survey conducted by National Child

Protection Commission has shown that more than half of bullying incidents go

unreported due to the fact that it is considered normal in some parts of the society.

Also the people who get bullied are either unwilling to report it because they feel

it will “make a big deal”. Or worse, they are so scared that they don't trust anyone

and do not want to share their plight with anyone

(http://www.asianewsnet.net/news-34263.html). The issue of bullying has been a

problem for years but recently it got limelight from news media when few cases

were reported.

Bullying affects the children both psychologically and physically. It is

estimated that hundreds of children miss school every day due to the fear of being

mistreated by other students and in some extreme cases they choose to home

school, or in severe circumstances they stop studying altogether


Children should not be living in constant fear. They shouldn't be afraid. On

the contrary, they should look forward to every day of school and enjoy school

life. According to a research bullying has always existed in Indonesian society,

but it has come to surface due to the recent proliferation of media technologies

(Craig, 2009). Since bullying is prevalent in our society it is important that

everyone should be made aware of this social evil. There should be campaigns to

increase awareness. Everyone should be working together, against it, to stop it. It

is distressing to see our children being isolated from society because they are

treated badly. I am of opinion that no one has any right to harass or make people

feel inferior. No one should have that kind of power. These children are our future

and we should make every possible effort to stop bullying.

I would like to point out that bullying is everyone's problem and

responsibility. If you condone bullying in any way, shape or form it means you

are taking part in it whether it is directly or indirectly by being silent. Majority of

people agree that we have to work together towards eliminating this problem.

Some people may consider taunting someone as funny, even though it is

anything but funny to the person who is at the receiving end. Minor taunts can

create a lot of pain and suffering. While it may seem innocent but the cumulative

effect could be highly damaging. In addition to that, as the pain increases, each

instance cuts a little deeper which eventually becomes a sore.

It is highly possible that bullying might happen in your school so it is the

liability of every student to protect their classmates and try to stop bullying. If it

doesn't work then you should inform your teachers or parents.

Not many of us think of stopping it. As long as it doesn't happen to us why

should we get involved, why should we bother? But the time has come for us to

be actively involved in eradicating bullying (Farrington, 1993).

So next time if you see someone getting bullied, would you try to stop it or

let it happen? Remember, bullying is everyone's problem; therefore everyone has

to be the part of the solution.



Sekolah : SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil

Materi Pokok : Hopes and Dreams, menyatakan harapan

Alokasi Waktu : 2JP (2x45 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang

dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan

perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan

lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan


KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan

prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan

minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah

secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu

menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.3 Menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan pada ungkapan

harapan dan doa bersayap

(extended), serta responnya,

sesuai dengan konteks.

Siswa dapat memahami,

mengidentifikasi, dan menerapkan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan ungkapan harapan atau

cita-cita dan ungkapan how to



4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis

untuk mengucapkan dan

respon ungkapan harapan dan

doa bersayap (extented)

dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

Siswa dapat menulis teks tentang harapan dan doa dengan benar

dan unsur kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa terampil menggunakan ungkapan harapan dan cita-cita serta

ungkapan how to congratulate dalam teks lisan dan tulis sesuai konteks

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,

yang benar dan menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

“Teks lisan dan tulis pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang hopes and dreams

1. Fungsi Sosial :

Menyatakan harapan dan impian

2. Structure teks

- I want to become a doctor - I want to get my homework done.

- I hope I will realize all my dreams - I hope that I will always be honest.

- I hope that I will never lie. - I hope that I will never smoke.

3. Unsur kebahasaan

- Kata kerja (verb) di dalam ungkapan :

I am hoping for some good weather tomorrow. (S+V-ing+Complement)

I hope to study in America next year. (S+V+to/That+ Complement)

I hope Rahmat found the place. (S+V+complement/object)

- Tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca dan tulisan

tangan/cetak yang rapi dari kosa kata yang ada dalam teks, seperti;

Desert bloom, scientific skill, colonialism, racialism, economic control,

intelectual control, etc.

Materi How to Congratulate



Very well done. Congratulation

Thank you

good job ! no one deserves it more than

you do

Thank you . your saying this means

a lot to me

fantastic ! congratulation on gettion the

first prize

Thanks ! I still can not believe it

marvelous ! I am so proud of you

Happened . I have been dreaming

about it for a long time

Great ! you did it . your hard work paid

at last

Thanks ! I am happy to meet you


It was nothing special . thank you

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1) Pendekatan : Scientific approach

2) Model : Project Based Learning

3) Teknik : Group Disscusion and Presentation

4) Treatment Tambahan : Minimal Pair (30 menit sebelum atau sesudah


F. Media Pembelajaran

c. Media

- Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)

- Lembar penilaian

- Pictures

- text

d. Alat/Bahan

- Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis

- Laptop

G. Sumber Belajar

- Buku K2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI (guru dan


- Kamus Bahasa Inggris

- Internet

H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 45 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

Membuka proses pembelajaran dengan memberikan salam dan meminta salah

seorang siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum pembelajaran dimulai.

Siswa menjawab salam dari guru. Dan salah seorang siswa memimpin doa .

Siswa mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti biasa.

Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

Siswa diberikan pertanyaan yang dapat membangkitkan dan mengaitkan

pengetahuan awal yang dimiliki siswa terhadap materi yang akan dipelajari.

Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran, kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai,

cakupan materi, dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan

dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu.

Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indicator

Pembagian kelompok belajar.

Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )

Kegiatan awal

Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menanyakan kembali (refresing) tentang materi

yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya.

Guru menanyakan kepada siswa apa itu Hope, dan apa itu Dreams

Siswa yang menjawab kemudian diberi point tambah untuk nilai keaktifannya.

Guru kemudian menjelaskan jawaban, Setelah siswa dirasa telah memahami, guru

kemudian membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok.

Kegiatan Kelompok

Guru membentuk siswa secara berkelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri dari 4-5

orang siswa yang dipilih secara acak oleh guru.

Guru menberikan tugas kepada setiap kelompok siswa dalam bentuk

pictures/gambar tentang suatu Pekerjaan/profesi tertentu.

Peserta didik mengamati gambar yang diberikan dan Bersama-sama


Setiap kelompok siswa diberikan tugas untuk menuliskan harapan dan atau mimpi

mereka masing-masing pada lembar kerja yang telah di sediakan.

Setiap member dalam group siswa harus berpartisipasi dalam mencurahkan

harapan dan atau mimpi terhadap gambar yang telah diamati.

Setiap kelompok siswa, di depan kelas memperlihatkan gambar kelompok masing

kemudian mengungkapkan harapan dan atau mimpi yang telah ditulis dalam

lembar kerja.

Minimal Pair (Treatment Whisper Games)

Guru membagi siswa dalam 2 kelompok

Masing-masing kelompok siswa diminta agar berbaris membentuk 2 baris

Guru menyiapkan kata-kata minimal pair untuk setiap kelompok

Wisper games dimula;

Hanya siswa pada posisi pertama yang dapat melihat minimal pairs yang telah

disiapkan guru, kemudian mulai membisikan ke siswa dibelakangnya dan


Siswa pada posisi terakhir maju kedepan dan menuliskan pada papan tulis kata

minimal pairs yang didengar, kemudian kembali menempati posisi pertama. Terus

diulangi sampai 10 poin minimal pairs yang disiapkan guru habis dibisikan

Guru dan siswa mengoreksi bersama hasil games

Group yang menang mendapat reward dari guru berupa bingkisan hadiah

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

Siswam membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting

yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi

Guru memeriksa pekerjaan tiap kelompok siswa

Guru memberikan penghargaan kepada kelompok yang memiliki kinerja dan

kerjasama yang baik.

2 . Pertemuan Kedua ( 2 x 45 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

Membuka proses pembelajaran dengan memberikan salam dan meminta salah

seorang siswa untuk memimpin doa sebelum pembelajaran dimulai.

Siswa menjawab salam dari guru, dan salah seorang siswa memimpin doa .

Siswa mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran seperti biasa.

Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

Siswa diberikan pertanyaan yang dapat membangkitkan dan mengaitkan

pengetahuan awal yang dimiliki siswa terhadap materi yang akan dipelajari.

Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran, kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai,

cakupan materi, dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan

dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu.

Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indicator

Pembagian kelompok belajar

Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )

Minimal Pair (Treatment Card Play)

Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok beranggotakan 5 orang

Guru menjelaskan tentang kegiatan yang ingin dilakukan

Guru telah menyediakan kartu yang masing-masing bertuliskan kata-kata minimal

pairs yang telah diacak pasa sebuah meja

Setiap siswa berurutan mengambil satu kartu yang ada di meja guru, dan

membacakannya di depan teman sekelompoknya.

Teman sekelompok yang lain kemudian maju dan mencari pasangan minimal

pairs dari kartu yang pertama.

Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mengkoreksi. Kelompok yang menang mendapat

reward dari guru.

Kegiatan awal

Siswa kembali ke posisi masing-masing

Guru menanyakan dan meminta beberapa siswa untuk menjelaskan dengan

singkat materi yang diingat pada pertemuan sebelumnya.

Siswa yang dapat menjawab dengan baik akan mendapatkan reward berupa

makanan ringan dari guru.


Guru menunjukan text tentang menjelaskan materi seperti biasa,

Setelah materi diberikan siswa diminta mencatat materi yang ada

Guru menunjuk siswa secara acak untuk mengunkapkan harapan dan mimpinya di

depan kelas menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah dijelaskan pada materi.

Semua siswa diusahakan mendapatkan kesempatan.

Saat siswa menjelaskan harapan dan mimpinya, siswa yang lai n diminta untuk

menulis komentar pribadinya tentang harapan dan mimpi siswa yang sedang

menjelaskan tersebut. Dilakukan dan ditulis masing-masing siswa hingga semua

siswa mendapatkan giliran.

Hasil komentar siswa terhadap harapan dan mimpi siswa lainnya tersebut

dikumpulkan untuk kemudian dinilai oleh guru.

Setelah selesai guru mengumpulkan kembali, untuk dinilai hasil kerja dan

komentar yang telah dikerjakan.

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

Siswam membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting

yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi

Guru memeriksa pekerjaan tiap kelompok siswa

Guru memberikan penghargaan kepada kelompok yang memiliki kinerja yang


Gowa, 23 september 2019


Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

………………………… …………………………


Penilaian Hasil Sikap dan Keterampilan

3. Sikap

No Nama Siswa

Aspek Perilaku yang

Dinilai Jumlah









• BS : Bekerja Sama

• JJ : Jujur

• TJ : Tanggun Jawab

• DS : Disiplin


1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:

100 = Sangat Baik

75 = Baik

50 = Cukup

26 = Kurang

4. Kode nilai / predikat :

75,01 – 100,00= Sangat Baik (SB)

50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)

25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)

00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

3. Penilaian Keterampilan

Nama peserta didik: ________ Kelas: _____

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Baik Kurang

1. Organisasi presentasi (pengantar, isi, kesimpulan)

2. Isi presentasi (kedalaman, logika)

3. Koherensi dan kelancaran berbahasa

4. Bahasa:


Tata bahasa

Perbendaharaan kata

5. Penyajian (tatapan, ekspresi wajah, bahasa tubuh)

Skor yang dicapai

Skor maksimum 10


Baik mendapat skor 2

Kurang mendapat skor 1

*Pictures Hopes and Dreams pada Pertemuan pertama (dicetak besar pada


Appendix D

Recapitulasi Hasil Nilai Tes Siswa







Students Experimental Class Control Class


Test Category


Test Category


Test Category


Test Category

S1 35 P 65 A 40 P 50 A

S2 30 P 60 A 55 A 70 G

S3 45 P 70 G 45 P 55 A

S4 50 A 80 G 35 P 45 P

S5 35 P 60 A 40 P 50 A

S6 50 A 85 G 30 P 45 P

S7 65 A 90 Vg 45 P 55 A

S8 30 P 55 A 50 A 65 A

S9 25 Vp 60 A 45 P 60 A

S10 25 Vp 55 A 30 P 50 A

S11 35 P 65 A 30 P 55 A

S12 45 P 70 G 40 P 55 A

S13 50 A 80 G 35 P 55 A

S14 50 A 85 G 25 Vp 45 P

S15 45 P 80 G 40 P 65 A

S16 30 P 65 A 50 A 70 G

S17 35 P 70 G 30 P 45 P

S18 55 A 90 G 25 Vp 40 P

S19 40 P 75 G 40 P 60 A

S20 25 Vp 55 A 35 P 50 A

S21 25 Vp 55 A 25 Vp 45 A

S22 40 P 65 A 35 P 50 A


Output Descriptive Statistics using IBM SPSS 25

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation


Experiment 22 25 65 39.32 11.159


Experiment 22 55 90 69.77 11.698

Pre-Test Control 22 25 55 37.50 8.557

Post-Test Control 22 40 70 53.64 8.477

Valid N (listwise) 22


Output Normality Test using IBM SPSS 25

Case Processing Summary



Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Hasil Belajar


Pre Ex 22 100.0% 0 0.0% 22 100.0%

Pos Ex 22 100.0% 0 0.0% 22 100.0%

Pre Con 22 100.0% 0 0.0% 22 100.0%

Pos Con 22 100.0% 0 0.0% 22 100.0%


Kelas Statistic



Hasil Belajar


Pre Ex Mean 39.32 2.379

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 34.37

Upper Bound 44.27

5% Trimmed Mean 38.74

Median 37.50

Variance 124.513

Std. Deviation 11.159

Minimum 25

Maximum 65

Range 40

Interquartile Range 20

Skewness .442 .491

Kurtosis -.443 .953

Pos Ex Mean 69.77 2.494

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 64.59

Upper Bound 74.96

5% Trimmed Mean 69.47

Median 67.50

Variance 136.851

Std. Deviation 11.698

Minimum 55

Maximum 90

Range 35

Interquartile Range 20

Skewness .355 .491

Kurtosis -1.126 .953

Pre Con Mean 37.50 1.824

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 33.71

Upper Bound 41.29

5% Trimmed Mean 37.25

Median 37.50

Variance 73.214

Std. Deviation 8.557

Minimum 25

Maximum 55

Range 30

Interquartile Range 15

Skewness .251 .491

Kurtosis -.662 .953



Mean 53.64 1.807

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 49.88

Mean Upper Bound 57.39

5% Trimmed Mean 53.46

Median 52.50

Variance 71.861

Std. Deviation 8.477

Minimum 40

Maximum 70

Range 30

Interquartile Range 15

Skewness .536 .491

Kurtosis -.494 .953

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.




Pre Ex .151 22 .200* .935 22 .156

Pos Ex .158 22 .159 .917 22 .066

Pre Con .128 22 .200* .950 22 .321

Pos Con .166 22 .118 .929 22 .114


Output Homogenitas Test using IBM SPSS 25

Case Processing Summary



Valid Missing

N Percent N Percent

Hasil Belajar


Post-Test Experiment 22 100.0% 0 0.0%

Post-Test Control 22 100.0% 0 0.0%

Case Processing Summary




N Percent

Hasil Belajar Siswa Post-Test Experiment 22 100.0%

Post-Test Control 22 100.0%


Kelas Statistic Std. Error






Mean 69.77 2.494

95% Confidence Interval

for Mean

Lower Bound 64.59

Upper Bound 74.96

5% Trimmed Mean 69.47

Median 67.50

Variance 136.851

Std. Deviation 11.698

Minimum 55

Maximum 90

Range 35

Interquartile Range 20

Skewness .355 .491

Kurtosis -1.126 .953



Mean 53.64 1.807

95% Confidence Interval

for Mean

Lower Bound 49.88

Upper Bound 57.39

5% Trimmed Mean 53.46

Median 52.50

Variance 71.861

Std. Deviation 8.477

Minimum 40

Maximum 70

Range 30

Interquartile Range 15

Skewness .536 .491

Kurtosis -.494 .953

Test of Homogeneity of Variance


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Hasil Belajar


Based on Mean 3.203 1 42 .081

Based on Median 2.878 1 42 .097

Based on Median and

with adjusted df 2.878 1 39.240 .098

Based on trimmed

mean 3.196 1 42 .081


Output Paired Sample t-Test using IBM SPSS 25

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1

Pre-Test Experiment 39.32 22 11.159 2.379

Post-Test Experiment 69.77 22 11.698 2.494

Pair 2

Pre-Test Control 37.50 22 8.557 1.824

Post-Test Control 53.64 22 8.477 1.807

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Pre-Test Experiment & Post-Test

Experiment 22 .938 .000

Pair 2 Pre-Test Control & Post-Test

Control 22 .853 .000


Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error


95% Confidence Interval

of the Difference

Lower Upper



Pre-Test Experiment -

Post-Test Experiment -30.455 4.056 .865 -32.253 -28.656 -35.219 21 .000



Pre-Test Control - Post-

Test Control -16.136 4.612 .983 -18.181 -14.092 -16.412 21 .000


Output Independent Sample t-Test using IBM SPSS 25

Group Statistics

Kelas N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Hasil Belajar


Post-Test Experiment 22 69.77 11.698 2.494

Post-Test Control 22 53.64 8.477 1.807

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of


t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-




Std. Error


95% Confidence Interval

of the Difference

Lower Upper




Equal variances

assumed 3.203 .081 5.239 42 .000 16.136 3.080 9.921 22.352

Equal variances

not assumed 5.239 38.288 .000 16.136 3.080 9.903 22.370



Input Data N-Gain Score Using IBM SPSS 25

Group Pre Post Post_Kurang_Pre seratus_Kurang_Pre NGain_Score NGain_Percentage

1 35 65 30,00 65,00 0,46 46,15

1 30 60 30,00 70,00 0,43 42,86

1 45 70 25,00 55,00 0,45 45,45

1 50 80 30,00 50,00 0,60 60,00

1 35 60 25,00 65,00 0,38 38,46

1 50 85 35,00 50,00 0,70 70,00

1 65 90 25,00 35,00 0,71 71,43

1 30 55 25,00 70,00 0,36 35,71

1 25 60 35,00 75,00 0,47 46,67

1 25 55 30,00 75,00 0,40 40,00

1 35 65 30,00 65,00 0,46 46,15

1 45 70 25,00 55,00 0,45 45,45

1 50 80 30,00 50,00 0,60 60,00

1 50 85 35,00 50,00 0,70 70,00

1 45 80 35,00 55,00 0,64 63,64

1 30 65 35,00 70,00 0,50 50,00

1 35 70 35,00 65,00 0,54 53,85

1 55 90 35,00 45,00 0,78 77,78

1 40 75 35,00 60,00 0,58 58,33

1 25 55 30,00 75,00 0,40 40,00

1 25 55 30,00 75,00 0,40 40,00

1 40 65 25,00 60,00 0,42 41,67

2 40 50 10,00 60,00 0,17 16,67

2 55 70 15,00 45,00 0,33 33,33

2 45 55 10,00 55,00 0,18 18,18

2 35 45 10,00 65,00 0,15 15,38

2 40 50 10,00 60,00 0,17 16,67

2 30 45 15,00 70,00 0,21 21,43

2 45 55 10,00 55,00 0,18 18,18

2 50 65 15,00 50,00 0,30 30,00

2 45 60 15,00 55,00 0,27 27,27

2 30 50 20,00 70,00 0,29 28,57

2 30 55 25,00 70,00 0,36 35,71

2 40 55 15,00 60,00 0,25 25,00

2 35 55 20,00 65,00 0,31 30,77

2 25 45 20,00 75,00 0,27 26,67

2 40 65 25,00 60,00 0,42 41,67

2 50 70 20,00 50,00 0,40 40,00

2 30 45 15,00 70,00 0,21 21,43

2 25 40 15,00 75,00 0,20 20,00

2 40 60 20,00 60,00 0,33 33,33

2 35 50 15,00 65,00 0,23 23,08

2 25 45 20,00 75,00 0,27 26,67

2 35 50 15,00 65,00 0,23 23,08


Output N-Gain Test using IBM SPSS 25

Case Processing Summary



Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N

NGain_Percentage Experiment 22 100.0% 0 0.0% 22

Control 22 100.0% 0 0.0% 22


Classes Statistic Std.




Experiment Mean 51.9821 2.65402

95% Confidence Interval

for Mean

Lower Bound 46.4627

Upper Bound 57.5014

5% Trimmed Mean 51.4709

Median 46.4103

Variance 154.964

Std. Deviation 12.44847

Minimum 35.71

Maximum 77.78

Range 42.06

Interquartile Range 19.66

Skewness .657 .491

Kurtosis -.801 .953

Control Mean 26.0494 1.60911

95% Confidence Interval

for Mean

Lower Bound 22.7031

Upper Bound 29.3957

5% Trimmed Mean 25.7762

Median 25.8333

Variance 56.963

Std. Deviation 7.54738

Minimum 15.38

Maximum 41.67

Range 26.28

Interquartile Range 11.86

Skewness .496 .491

Kurtosis -.531 .953


Classes Statistic Std.




Experiment Mean .5198 .02654

95% Confidence Interval for








5% Trimmed Mean .5147

Median .4641

Variance .015

Std. Deviation .12448

Minimum .36

Maximum .78

Range .42

Interquartile Range .20

Skewness .657 .491

Kurtosis -.801 .953

Control Mean .2605 .01609

95% Confidence Interval for








5% Trimmed Mean .2578

Median .2583

Variance .006

Std. Deviation .07547

Minimum .15

Maximum .42

Range .26

Interquartile Range .12

Skewness .496 .491

Kurtosis -.531 .953


Students Learning activity


Arifudin S.DM. is the fourth child of four siblings, was born

in the Reo manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) on

December 11, 1996. the writer was born from very

extraordinary parents, namely my beloved father Syukur

Sulaiman and mother Zulaihah Ismail. The writer began his elementary school

education in 2002 in SD Inpres Jati Manggarai and graduated in 2008; then

continued completing junior high school education in MTs Negeri Reo manggarai

in 2011, completing high school education in MA Negeri Reo Manggarai in 2014.

Higher education was continued by the author in 2015 on the English education

program of the teacher treaning and education faculty, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar.
