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THE USE OF WORD CLAP GAME AND REALIA TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING MASTERY (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 3 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2017/2018) GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga By: INDY LUTFIATUN NASHIHAH 11313137 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA 2017



(A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of

SMP N 3 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English

Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga












(A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of

SMP N 3 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English

Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga















“Prepare the Best from the Hereafter”

-Hamdani Bakran Adz Dzaky-

“Man Jadda Wajadda”

(Where there is a will there is a way)

-Qur’an Surah. Ar-Ra’d: Ayah 13-



This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My beloved father (Sutar), mother (Umi Rotul Munifah), little brother

(Fiandra An Hari), grandfather (Sawab Darsono), grandmother (Kasimah) and

All of my beloved family.

2. All my friends in English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty (FTIK) of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of

Salatiga 2013.

3. My big family in PPTQ Jombor, Tuntang. (My father KH.Zaenuri Ahmad

AH., My mother Musdalifah Arsyad, Kak Fina, Kak Robiah, Mas Rohman,

My beloved sisters Ernawati, Iis, Farah, Farih, Nur, Isma, Ana, Ajeng, Aini,

Firoh, Indah, Nafis, Nia, Sila, Bita, Hafis and Amel).

4. My big family in LPM DinamikA (My beloved brothers Maftukhin, Nazil

Enwi, Nur Kholis, Dewangga, and my beloved sisters Farrah Zakiyah, Endang

Dwijayanti, Ozy, Mukminatul Afifah, Farida, Murniyati, Anisa Septiana,

Azizka Nabilatul, Mila Hanifah, Ulfa Ana, Khamidah, Etc).

5. My Counselor partner (Hasan Rabbani and Joko Kriyanto)

6. My beloved family (Mahendra Kaylana, Oemar Bakrie, Fatkur Fanni, Rosi

Dewi, Novia Fajar, Neng Davis).

7. My groups discussion (Afif Nor Fiqqi, Imam Mustofa, Wahyudi)

8. My big family in PPPA Darul Ilmi Jangkungan, Salatiga (My beloved sisters

Alifatul Lalifah, Siti Nur Aini, Siti Zuliyanah, Nurun Nafisa, Maryam Fatchy,

Atina Vina Muna).

9. My big family in KKN Posko 45 IAIN Salatiga 2017 (My beloved brothers

Muhammad Toha, Joko Kriyanto, Abu Yazid, and my beloved sisters Betik,

Tri Endah, Hurun’in, Fitri Afgani and Umi Harisah) and Rifqi Munif as


10. My little family in Pulutan (Isma, Icha, Anis).





TITLE ............................................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE OF COUNCELOR ............................................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................................ iv

MOTTO........................................................................................................................ v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................................... xv

LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................... xvii


A. Background of the Research .......................................................................... 1

B. Limitation of the Research ............................................................................. 3

C. Problem Statement ......................................................................................... 3

D. Objective of the Research .............................................................................. 3

E. Benefit in the Research .................................................................................. 4


F. Definition of the Key Terms .......................................................................... 5

G. Research Paper Organization ......................................................................... 6


UNDERLYING THEORIES ....................................................................................... 7

A. Review of Related Literature .......................................................................... 7

B. Review of Speaking ........................................................................................ 8

1. Definition of Speaking ................................................................................ 8

2. Element of Speaking ................................................................................... 9

3. Concept of Speaking ................................................................................. 10

4. Teaching Speaking ..................................................................................... 11

5. Goal of the Teaching Speaking .................................................................. 11

6. Roles of the Teacher During Speaking Activities ...................................... 13

C. Word Clap Game ............................................................................................ 13

1. Definition of Word Clap Game .................................................................. 13

2. Advantages and Disadvantages .................................................................. 13

3. Procedures of Teach ................................................................................... 14

D. Realia .............................................................................................................. 14

1. Definition of Realia .................................................................................... 14

2. Use of Realia .............................................................................................. 15

3. Realia in Teaching Speaking ...................................................................... 15

E. Evaluation Rubric ........................................................................................... 17

F. Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) ....................................................... 20



Research Methodology............................................................................................... 21

A. Research Setting .............................................................................................. 21

1. General Situation SMP N 3 Salatiga ........................................................... 21

2. Vissions and Missions of SMP N 3 Salatiga ............................................... 22

3. The Situation and Conditions ...................................................................... 22

4. The Situation of Teacher and Staff of SMP N 3 Salatiga ........................... 23

5. The Setting of Time .................................................................................... 26

B. Method of the Research ................................................................................... 28

C. Research Subject ............................................................................................. 29

D. Research Procedure ......................................................................................... 30

E. Method of Data Collection .............................................................................. 35

F. Evaluation Criteria ........................................................................................... 37

G. Criteria of the Action Success ......................................................................... 38

H. Methods of Analysis Data ............................................................................... 38


A. Description of SMPN 3 Saalatiga ................................................................... 41

B. Description of VIII E ....................................................................................... 42

C. Data Analysis................................................................................................... 42

D. Discussion ....................................................................................................... 60


Closure ....................................................................................................................... 66

A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 66


B. Suggestion ....................................................................................................... 67






TABLE 2.1 Rubric of Evaluation ...................................................................18

TABLE 3.1 The List of Teachers .....................................................................24

TABLE 3.2 Time Setting of The Research......................................................26

TABLE 3.3 The List of The Students ..............................................................29

TABLE 3.4 Students’ Score Sheet ...................................................................37

TABLE 3.5 Score Criteria ................................................................................36

TABLE 4.1 Score of The Pre-Test I ................................................................42

TABLE 4.2 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Pre-Test I .......................44

TABLE 4.3 Score of The Post-Test I ..............................................................45

TABLE 4.4 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Post-Test I ......................47

TABLE 4.5 Result of Pre-Test and Ppost-Test I ............................................48

TABLE 4.6 Score of the Students’ Pre-Test II ...............................................52

TABLE 4.7 Criteria of The Students’ Achievement of Pre-Test II ..............53

TABLE 4.8 Score of The Students Post-Test II .............................................54

TABLE 4.9 Criteria of The Students’ Achievement of Post-Test II ............56

TABLE 4.10 TheResult of Pre-Test and Post-Test II ....................................57



FIGURE 3.1 Research Procedure ........................................................................ 35



Nashihah, Indy L.2017. The Use of Word Clap Game and Realia to Improve Students’

Speaking Mastery (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade

Students of SMPN 3 SALATIGA in the Academic Year of 2017/2018).

Graduating Paper. English Education Departement Teacher Training and

Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

This research aims at improving students’ speaking mastery using word

clap game and realia of the eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Salatiga in the

academic year 2017/2018. The objectives of this research are to improve

students’ speaking mastery using word clap game and realia. Based on the

observation of the researcher during teaching learning process, the students

were difficult to speak English. The methodology of the research was

classroom action research which consist of two cycle. The number of the

students in this research was 26 students. In completing the research, the

researcher used observation sheet, interview and documentation. By

conducting classroom action research, it was found that the implementation of

the use word clap game and realia improved students’ speaking mastery. The

result of this research showed that the findings in cycle II was higher that the

KKM (Minimun Mastery Criteria) of SMP N 3 Salatiga on score 70 in the

academic year of 2017/2018. The mean of score of post-test in cycle II was

75.84. Based on the result of this research, it could be concluded that the

implementation of word clap game and realia improved student’s speaking

mastery of the eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Salatiga in the academic year

of 2017/2018

Key Words : Speaking, Word Clap Game, Realia




A. Background of the Research

In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language and sets it as a

compulsory subject at junior high school, senior high school, and also at

university as a local content. All students from their very early education

will be introduced to English. All students would be required to pass the

English course before they can be promoted to the next grade. We know

that international language is English, so very important to study English

language well. For study English language need four skill, there are :

speaking, writing, listening and reading. In study about English language

hope students can combine and use four skill to improve their ability,

especially in speaking mastery, because many problems about speaking

e.g.: students less of confidence, difficult to express about their idea, etc. it

is caused by the method that the teacher use is not interesting so students

can not be participants in class and bored.

Speaking means a lot in communication because through speaking,

people can communication directly and other can grasp and give response

in short time. Based on the writers’ experience when the writer practice

become a teacher on Teaching Practice Program (PPL) on July to August


2016 in SMP N 3 Salatiga, there were many students still have difficulty to

speak English well.

When the resercher conducted observation in SMP N 3 Salatiga,

the researcher did interview with Mrs. Zum (English teacher). From the

interview she know that Mrs. Zum teach five class, there are: VIII E, VIII

F, VIII G, VIII H, and VIII I. between the other class, just VIII E who get

low value in English teaching. And the result of observation is students in

VIII E feel bored with the learning English, one of those speaking problem

above is caused by unsuitable method and technique. So the researcher try

to use game as a methode of learning.

Games are considered as the effective way in teaching speaking.

Game will make the learners fun and enjoy to study. Games also help the

students to improve their motivation in learning English, so students will

be more serious to learn. Not just game but realia also can help the

students’ interest in order that they will not be bored. The teacher can

encourage the learner and provide occasion for acquisition. Classroom and

schools become effective when quality people are requited to teaching, the

workplace is organize to energize teachers and reward accomplished

(Fullan, 2001: 115)

Based on the above, the writer interested in conducting a classroom

action research entitled THE USE OF WORD CLAP GAME AND



Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 3 SALATIGA

in Academic Year 2017/2018).

B. Limitation of the Research

In this research the researcher limits her research on improving

speaking mastery

C. Problem Statements

The problems of the research can be stated as follows

1. How can Word Clap Game and Realia be used in teaching speaking at

the eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Salatiga in the Academic Year of


2. How far is the students’ improvement of speaking mastery after being

taught with Word Clap Game and Realia at the eighth grade students

of SMP N 3 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2017/2018 ?

D. Objective of the Research

Based on the statement of the problem above, the objective of the

research is as follow:

1. To find out whether “Word Clap Game and Realia” can be used in

process teaching speaking at the eighth grade students of SMPN 3

Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2017/2018 .

2. To find out the improvement of speaking masteryafter being taught

with “Word Clap Game and Realia” at the eight grade of SMP N 3

Salatiga in the Academic Year 2017/208.

E. Benefit of the Research


The researcher hopefully provides more information about the use of

word clap game and realia. Beside that, the writer can provide information

about effectiveness of the game to improve speaking mastery and will be

useful for students, teacher and researcher.

1. For students

With the research hopefully improves their speaking mastery. In the

speaking class by using word clap game and realia will make students

relax, enjoy and fun, because the methods do not make students feel

bored. The writer usually calls “play while study”.

2. For teacher

The result of the research can give addition information to teach

English especially speaking mastery to improve the quality of teaching

learning process.

3. For researchers

It is hoped that the result of the study will be useful for the researchers

to improve the knowledge about speaking teaching.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Game

Game is one of activities which can help to create dynamic,

motivating classes. Gamebased learning has been proven an effective

method to engage students in the class. However, it is very challenging


to balance playability and learnability when only developing digital

games (Chen Lin, 2013:2). Many researcher use the game to increase

student interest in English learning.

2. Realia

Harmer (2001:140) state that Realia or real items are useful for

teaching and learning in the classroom. This study uses some realia

such as the real (original thing) that are part of human body (head,

nose, eyes, and ears), things that already in the classroom (book,

pencil, ruler, table) etc.in this research, the researcher mixed word clap

game and realia to improve students’ speaking mastery. Where the

students describe favorite thing throught word clap game.

3. Speaking

Speaking is a skill which deserves attention every bit as much as

literary skills, in both first and second language. It is the skill which

the students are frequently judged. It is also the vehicle par excellent of

social solidarity, of social ranking, of professional advancement and of

business (Bygate, 1997: p.viii)

G. Research Paper Organization

This graduating paper consists of five chapters. Each chapter has

different elements as follows:

Chapter I tells about introduction. The writerexplains about

background of the research, problem statement, limitation of the research,


objective of the research, definition of the key terms, and research paper


Chapter II is Literature Review, in this chapter, the researcher

presents about review of related literature and review of framework.

Therefore, this chapterexplain more about the word clap game, realia and

speaking mastery.

Chapter III discusses about the research method. It covers research

method, data and source, sample and technique sampling, method of data

collection, research procedure and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV presents research findings and discussion. In this

chapter, the researcher present the data and data analysis.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion.




In this chapter, the researcher presents about review of related literature and

theoretical framework that discuss about definition of word clap game, advantages

and disadvantages of using word clap game, procedures to teach by using word

clap game. Beside that, this chapter also explains about realia and speaking


A. Review of Related Literature

The researcher takes two researchto help this research. The first

research from Puspitasari (2012), in this research analyzed the

improvement of students’ speaking ability through “Communicative

Language Teaching” method. To find out the improvement of students’

speaking ability, the researcher used pre test and post test and t-test to

know the significance of hypothesis. She used three cycle, in each cycle

comprised of one meeting and each meeting consist of planning, action,

observation, and reflection. The researcher showed that the students

involve actively in teaching learning process, they more encourages and

confident to speak English than before. The result of this research is that

there is an improvement of students; speaking ability by using

Communicative Language Teaching. It isillustrated from the mean score

of pre test and post test. In cycle 1 post test is higher than pre test; 62.03>

13.40, t-test: 52.8. In cycle 2: 68.25> 20.5, t-test: 28.78. In cycle 3: 69 >

35, t-test: 27.03. Then the result of t-test calculation in cycle 1, 2, and 3 is

greater than t-table with N = 31 is 2.042. This indicate that by applying

Communicative Language Teaching method has improved.


The second research from Setyaningsih (2015) about use word clap

game to improve vocabulary mastery. There were two cycles in this study.

Each cycle was carried out through four steps. They were planning, acting,

observing and reflecting. The researcher got the data from observation, test

and questionnaire. According to the analyses, the pre-test mean is 64.4,

while the post-test mean is 77.1. Between pre-test and post-test, they were

given one assessment at the end of cycle one with the mean of 69.7. Thus,

the students’ vocabulary mastery is improved by 12.7 (19.7%). The

students’ activity during the treatment shows that they appreciated the

Word Clap game in the teaching and learning process. This result

indicated that Word Clap game can be used as a strategy to improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

Based on the researched above that strategy are interesting, so the

researcher do their research on teaching media and different strategy.

B. Review of Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing and receiving and processing information (Brown,


Speaking is such a fundamental human behaviour that we don’t stop

to analyze it unless there is something noticeable about it (Bailey,

K.M. 2005:2)

2. Elements of Speaking


Speaking is a complex skill reqiuring the simultaneous use of a

number of different abilities, which often develop at the different

rates. Either four or five components are generally recognize in

analyzing the speech process (Heaton, 1990: 70-71)

1) Pronunciation (including the segmental feature – vowels

and consonants and the stress and intonation patterns).As

stated by harmer, if students want to be able to speak

fluently in English, they need to be able pronounce

phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation

patterns and speak in connected speech (Harmer, 2007:


2) Grammar

It is obvious that in order be able to speak foreign language,

it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and

vocabulary (Bygate, 1997: 3)

3) Vocabulary

As we know, vocabulary is a basic element in

language. Vocabulary is single words, set phrases, variable

phrases, phrasal verbs, and idioms (Folse, 2004: 2). It is

clear that limited vocabulary mastery makes conversation

virtually impossible.

4) Fluency


In simple terms, fluency is the ability to talk freely

without too much stopping or hesitating (Riddel, 2001:

118). When speaking fluently students should be able to get

the message across with whatever resources and abilities

they have got, regardless of grammatical and other


5) Comprehension

The last speaking elements is comprehension.

Comprehension is discussed by both speakers because

comprehension can make people getting the information

they want. Comprehension is defined as the ability to

understand something by a reasonable comprehension of the

subject or as the knowledge of what a situation is really


3. Concept of speaking

Somjai and Jansem (2015:29) say that :

1) Speaking has been defined as making use of words in

an ordinary voice

2) We can assert that speaking is fundamental to human


3) Speaking is an interactive processnin which an

individual alternately takes the roles of speaker and


listener, and which includes both verbal and nonverbal


4) Speaking is interaction between speakers with a listener

5) Speaking means negotiating intended meanings and

adjusting one’s speech to produce the desired effect on

the listener.

4. Teaching speaking

Teaching (Brown, 2007:7) is guiding and facilitating learning,

enabling leaer to learn, setting the conditions for learning. It means

that teaching speaking is guiding and facilitating learners to speak,

enabling lerner to learn speaking, and setting the condiions for

learning speaking.

5. Goal of Teaching Speaking

The goal of teaching speaking skills is communicative efficiency.

It means learners should be able to make themselves understood,

using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to

avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation,

grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social and cultural

rules that apply in each communication situation.

6. Roles of the Teacher during Speaking Activities


During speaking activities, teachers need to play number of

different roles. They can be prompter, participant, even feedback

provider as viewed by Harmer (2007: 275) as follow:

1) Prompter

When students sometimes get lost in speaking, teacher

can leave them to struggle out of situations on their

own, and indeed sometimes, this may best option.

However, teacher may be able to help students and the

activity to progress by offering discrete suggestions.

2) Participant

Teachers should be good animators when asking

students to produce language. This can be achieved by

setting up an activity clearly and with enthusiasm. At

other times, teachers may want to participate in

discussions or role play themselves.

3) Feedback provider

When students are in the middle of speaking task, over-

correction may inhibit them and take the

communicativeness out of the activity. On the other

hand, helpful and gentle correction may get students out

of difficult misunderstanding and hesitations (Harmer,

2007: 347-348).


From the statement above can concluded that teachers

must careful, they do not force students, do not

participate too much, and do over correction.

C. Word Clap Game

There are many strategies to teach English easily, especially in

speaking English.

1. Definition of Word Clap Game

Word clap game is a game that using claps and collaboration with

other students

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Word Clap Game

a.) Advantages of Word Clap Game

(1) This game is simple because students just clapping their


(2) This game gives us enjoyment and pleasure

(3) This game gives motivation to learn English language

(4) This game notmake students bored

(5) This game can be applied for all learning

b.) Disadvantages of Word Clap Game

(1.) When this games applied, the class will be crowded

because sound of the claps is rather hard.

(2.) The game cannot be successfully when the teacher and

students did not comprehend with the rhythm.

3. Procedures to Teach by Using Word Clap Game


To teach using Word Clap Game, the teacher and students have to

knowthe role of this game and the way how to use this game.

According to Thornburry (2002:102), there are several steps of the

game, the steps are:

a.) Teacher prepares the theme

b.) Teacher leads the game

c.) Teacher explains the rule of playing this game

d.) Students stand or sit in a circle and follow teachers’ lead,

maintain a four-beat rhythm, clapping their hands on their thighs

three times (one-two-three…) and then both hands together


e.) Students have to mention a word from a pre-selected lexical set

(for example, fruit and vegetable) or every fourth beat.

f.) Students who either repeat the word already mentioned, or break

the rhythm or say nothing are out.

g.) The game ends when the there is only one student left as the


D. Realia

1. Definition of Realia

Harmer (2001: 140) states that realia or real items are useful for

teaching and learning in the classroom. Object that are intrinsically

interesting provide a good starting point for a variety of language


work and communication activities. With realia students also feel

enjoyable in the classroom.

2. Use of Realia

Hubbard (1993: 114) states there are several uses of real object, as


a.) Uses for presenting new structure

b.) To help students get into character when acting out a

dialogue or doing role play

c.) As props for dialogue or role play

d.) Aids for various games.

3. Realia in Teaching Speaking

The success or failure of teaching learning process depends on

several factors, one of them is media that used by teacher. Media is

a means of communication to help transferring the message and

give power to the material presentation so it will be understood

easier and staying longer in memory retention (Sumardiyani,2007:

47). If the teacher uses a good media and students give good

response, teaching learning processrun well. Therefore, the teacher

should choose appropriate media. There are many kinds of media

(Arsyad, 2003: 33-34).

a.) Audio media : radio, tape recorder, telephone.

b.) Visual media : picture, magazine, newspaper, illustration,

film strip, poster, etc.


c.) Audio visual media : television, movie, CD, slide and


d.) Diverse media : realia, diorama, display, sample,


According to Wright (1989: 24), there are 5 criteria to make realia

in activity, there are:

a.) Easy to prepare

When teachers want to use a media their activities, they have to

decide whether it is difficult to prepare or not. Realia is a simple

media that can be brought in the classroom and easy in preparing.

b.) Easy to organize

The teacher has to decide whether the organizing a more

complicated activity worthwhile. The teachers can use realia

because it is easy organizing.

c.) Interesting

Before applying realia in the activity, the teacher has to justify the

students’ interest toward it. Bringing realia (authentic object from

culture), or manipulating to the classroom help teacher in providing

comprehensible input in a second language.

d.) Meaning and authentic


Students are going to gain more if the language use is vital to the

situation or if they use the language appropriately.

e.) Sufficient amount of language

The activity should give rise to a sufficient amount of language in

order to justify its conclusion in the language lesson.

According to explanation above, realia is one of media that

can use in teaching learning process. Realiaincludes in media

diverse. The use of realia in common in the ESL/EFL classroom

and is widely considered to have great value in fostering an active

teaching learning environment.

E. Evaluation Rubric

The writeruses 1-5 point scale to measure the students’oral speech using

oral rubic. In giving score, the writer looked at the aspects of speaking that

stated by Brown (2000: 406-407).

Table 2.1 Rubric of Evaluation of Scoring Students’ Speaking



Name :___________________________ / Score :________/

Content 5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

1 points

Fluency Quick,



with no


and clear











for words


not good









, not






on is


like native


Errors in


on are

quite rare


guessing at


accent may





ion has



Errors in


ion are


but can be


by native



Vocabulary Very good;



and new









rarely have

to look for

a word

No enough





Very little





Grammar Excellent;



al errors

Good; two

or fewer


al errors








like in

verb forms

errors in



Errors in






can be


by native





ing the


very good


ing the




ing the




No enough


ing the





ing the



A. Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM)

The Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is a set of minimum

that must be achieved by the subject teachers. It determined before a

school is started. To determined the students achievement, teacher have to

find any criterias by itself.

Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is done based on national

Educational department (Depdiknas) criteria. There are material

complexity, Capacities, and intake or students comprehension.

According to Asmani( 2010: 197), Minimum Completeness

Criteria (KKM) every subject are based on the following criteria, There

are explained as follow:

a. Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) should be set in the first

academic years.

b. A Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) is determined by MGMP

(Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) depend on school institution.

a. It showed in scoring number form about 0-100.

b. School institution determine a Minimum Completeness Criteria

(KKM) under completeness study maximum.





In this chapter discovers the place, time and research method.

This research is conducted in SMP N 3 Salatiga, which is located at Jl.

Stadium No. 4

A. Research Setting

1. General Situation SMP N 3 Salatiga

SMP N 3 Salatiga, located on Jl. Stadiums No. 4, SMP N 3

Salatiga was established on August 1, 1954 with the first

school principal Mr. Soedjas (Alm).

The headmaster of SMP N 3 Salatiga:

- Soedjas (1960-969)

- D Soetjipto, BA (1969-1974)

- R Soehardi, BA (1974-1989)

- Ani Sri Suratni (1989-1991)

- Ward (1991-1994)

- Siswanto, BA (1994-2000)

- Sri Maryati (2000-2003)

- PurwadiAntoro, S.Pd (2003-2007)

- AriefHaryanto, S.Pd (2007-2009)

- Drs. BambangSubiyakto, M Ed (2009-2015)

- Suyudi, M Ed (2015 s.d now)

2. Vission and Mission


Pursue achievement, a pioneer in the science and


technology that is based IMTAQ, exemplary in attitude and

action, for the realization of junior high school 3 Salatiga

SEGAR (SantunEnergikGembiraArif Re-evaluasi)


a. Intensified interest in learning

b. Realize the quality of graduation

c. Make a generation of intelligent, skilled and dedicated

creative and love of the homelan

d. Embodies the spirit and work performance based on the

kinship and exemplary

e. Creating harmony, emotional balance, intellectual in

creating a situation conducive to the realization of national

education goals

3. The Situation and Condition of Educational Facilities

The environment is very influential in the learning

process. With a conducive environment, the activities of both

students and teachers to run smoothly.

Based on the observation that we have done, SMP N 3

Salatiga is located in a position that is conducive to learning

activities and strategic. It lies in Jl.Stadion 4 Salatiga, roughly

within about 5 minutes of Jalan Raya Solo-Semarang and can be

easily accessed from a variety of majors. The security system is


also quite good school with their school gate guard who had

done their job well.

In addition, there are some very helpful janitor so that the

level of cleanliness is quite good. The setting is also good

sanitation. In this school had been able to found a climate of

discipline will discipline to be supported by good interaction

between the individual so it is thick with the principle of


4. The Situation of the Teachers and Staffs

Teacher is someone who learns knowledge for the

students. Teachers teach materials and skills during the

learning teaching process. They facilitate the students to get

their talent. They have challenge to bring students in positive

side not only in knowledge but also in moral values.

Therefore, the teacher is important in teaching learning

process. The situation of teacher in SMP N 3 Salatiga as


Table 3.1 The List of Teachers

1. Suyudi, M.Pd

2. Anita WindiAstuti, S.Pd


3. RestuNursusantiYustina, S.Pd

4. NurChoiriyah

5. AdityaIbnuNugroho, S.Pd

6. Anastasia Tri Astuti, S.Pd

7. AnikPrihati, S. Pd

8. ArySungkono, S.Pd

9. Budiarto, S.Pd, M.Si

10. ChatarinaTitikSetiyaRini, S.Si

11. Danny Pranindyo, S.Pd

12. H. Darodji, S.Ag

13. DewiPrawasti, S.Pd

14. DewiWardah, S.Pd

15. DwiEstuningdyas, S.Pd

16. DwiPujiMuhayatun, S.Kom

17. DwiRetno Budi Winarni, S.Pd

18. EleanoreHarini, S.Pd


19. Elly Maharani Shakti, S.Pd

20. Dra.EndangPratiwi Tri Palupi

21. Endang Sri NawaDukutsih, S.Pd

22. Drs. Giyono

23. Hariyati, M.Pd

24. Ismanto, A.Md. Pd

25. Johan AnantoTrilaksono, S. Pd

26. Jusmaniar, S.Pd

27. KristantoAdiNugroho, S.Pd

28. LenySeptiyani, S.Pd

29. Monica DyahPramudita, S.Sn

30. Hj. NurulHastuti, S.Pd

31. Patricia RahayuKusminarsih, S.Pd

32. RetnoSetyowati, S.Pd

33. RetnoWigati, S.Pd

34. SitiAminah, S.Pd


35. SlametRiyadi, S.Pd

36. Sri AndewiDyahAngesti, S.Pd

37. Sri Haryanto, S.PdI

38. Hj. Sri Mulyani, S.Pd

39. TeguhSugiyarto, S.Pd

40. TitikAnggraini, S.Pd

41. Triyono, S.Pd

42. Yulia Tri Wahyuni, S.Pd

43. Dra. W ST Nurhayati

44. Widodo, S.S

45. YohanaRini Tri Puspohardini, S.Pd

46. ZumrotunMahmudah, S.Pd

5. The Setting of Time

The research was carried out at SMP N 3 Salatiga in

academic year 2017/2018. This research has been done at

25 August 2017. The research acted as observer and Mrs.

Zum, S.Pd. as teacher.


The researcher arranged in two cycles, each cycle of

planning, observation, and reflecting. The classroom action

research was applied in VIII E class of SMP N 3 Salatiga.

Table 3.2 Time Setting of the Research

No Date and Time Activities Place

1. 27 February 2017 Observation: Pre-

interview to the teacher

(Mrs. Zum) and

observation in the class



2. 28 February 2017 Make some agreement

with Mrs. Zum about the

teaching learning

process. She agree play

as a teacher and the

writer as observer



3. 12 April 2017 Permit Aplication SMP N 3


4. 19 May 2017 Consultation of the

research schedule



5. 20 July 2017 Permit Validator SMA N 3


Application Salatiga

6. 24 July 2017 Consultation of the

research instruments



7. 7 August 2017 Cycle 1 : First meeting

Pre-test 1



8. 14 August 2017 Cycle 1 : second meeting

giving post-test 1



9. 18 August 2017 Cycle 2: first meeting

pre-test 2



10. 21 August 2017 Validating the




11. 25 August 2017 Cycle 2 : second meeting

post-test 2



B. The Method of Research

The type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR)

method which is derived from the root an action research.

Because it occurs in the classroom frame, it is called CAR.

Kemmis in Hammersley defined “action research is a form of

self- reflective enquiry undertake by participants a social

(including educational) situations in order to improve the


rationality and justice of (a) their own social oreducational

practices, (b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the

situations in which the practices are carried out”.

Philips and Car (2010: 32) state that “action research is often

categorized as a qualitative methodology, even though

quantitative data may be included. In this case, action research

often mixes method”.

C. Research Subjects

The researcher conducted this research in SMP N 3 Salatiga,

especially concern in the second grade VIII E. This class

consist of 26 students, they are 10 male and 16 female. The

data could be seen in the table bellow:

Table 3.3 The List of Students

No Name

1. Ananda Suci Tatala Salbila

2. Aqil Amri Al Aziz

3. Aqisna Elsafira

4. Arsinta Dewi Setyawati


5. Bintang Naina Aditama

6. Chavella Teyza Putri Vedhayana

7. Danang Samudro Jati

8. Davka Iyar Ardhi Hariyanto

9. Dewi Nur Faizah

10. Dian Praseno

11. Divano Alif Ristiyan

12. Ellianto Dwiki Sakti Oktareza

13. Ershella Fibria Kurniawati

14. Istikhomah

15. Jihan Tsabitah Farah Aqilah

16. Muhammad Ghuffron Febriyan

17. Muhammad Rafly Ramadhani

18. Nadine Nur Oktaviana

19. Najla Nafi’a

20. Novita Puspa Arum


21. Pratiwi Adisty Ayuning Tyas

22. Radika Artanti

23. Retno Ayu Ardiyati

24. Via Riski Putri Windiasty

25. Wahyu Tri Atmojo

26. Wanda Putri Salsabila

D. Research Procedure

The researcher used the procedure of action research

proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) in Burn (2010). This

classroom action research was arranged into two cycle. They were

cycle I and cycle II. The activities of two cycle were as follow:

1. Cycle 1

Planning 1. The researcher identified the

teacher learning design, such as

arranging lesson plan which has

according to the teaching


learning process which was

through guided question

2. Developed learning activities

3. Prepare learning sources and


4. Prepare the research instrument

and documentation.

Acting 1. Teacher explained the material

about descriptive text

2. Teacher shown the sample of

descriptive text

3. Giving pre-test to the students

4. Teaching the material and should

be done by the students from the


5. Giving explanation about

students problem

6. Students were guided to

implement word clap and realia

7. Giving post-test

8. The students, the teacher and the

researcher discussed the work



Observing The researcher observed

student’s activities during

teaching learning process, the

researcher and the teacher helped

the students who found

difficulties in using word clap

game and realia

Reflecting The researcher and the teacher

tried to find out the solution to

fix the problem that faced by the

students. To make the students

more understood sbout the

material and method

2. Cycle II

Planning 1. Identified the problem and the

alternative to solve the problem

2. Arrange the lesson plan based on

the teaching material

3. Improve the teaching strategy

4. Prepare the teaching aids


Acting 1. Teacher asked to the students

about their problem and review

the material in previous lesson

2. Students and the teacher

identified the problem that had

been faced by the students in

previous cycle

3. Students are guided to learn

about descriptive text

4. The teacher gave sample of

descriptive text with word clap

game and realia

5. The teacher asked students ti try

implement guided word clap

game and realia

6. The students, the teacher and the

researcher discussed the work


Observing The researcher observer student’s

activities during teaching learning

process, the researcher and the teacher

helped the students who found


difficulties in using method

Reflecting Evaluated and conclude the result in the

second cycle. The researcher discussed

with the teacher of English subject.

Four activities in each cycle can be described as follow:


Picture 3.1 Research Procedure (Kemmis and Mc

Taggart, 1998 in Burn 1999)

E. Method of Data Collection

The researcher used some method to collect data. They are three

method to collecting data in this study. The explanation:

1. Test

The test implement in the research consist of pre-test and

post-test. In this research pre-test will be given in the first

time, done before implementing word clap game and realia.

Then the post-test is given the last session in the last

teaching implemented after using word clap game and

realia in order to know the result of this study before and


after using word clap game and realia.To get the speaking

score, the writer uses the table of scoring speaking .

Table 3.4 Student’s Score Sheet

From the score above, the researcher conclude a score

criteria as a table bellow:

Table 3.5 Score Criteria

Points Score Criteria

1 below 36 Very Poor

2 37-52 Poor

No Name Aspects

Fluency Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar Comprehension







3 53-68 Fair

4 69-84 Good

5 85-100 Exellent

2. Observation

Observationused to monitor the students’ activity during

English teaching and learning process.To lead the

researcher in doing the observation, the researcher make

observation checlist. The researcherobserves all the

phenomena that happen in teaching and learning process

such as: the topic, the technique, and the teaching learning


3. Documentation

the last documentation, documentation is searching the

data. It is about note, book, photo, etc. Documentation in

this research used to know some information of the data

such as material of the study, students worked, etc.

F. Evaluation Criteria

The teacher will give some grade based on some aspect.

Those aspect are: fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,

and comprehension. The teacher gives point in each aspect based

on the students’ ability.


G. The Criteria of the Action Success

Based on the school agreement between the researcher and

the teacher, classroom action research can be called succcessful if it

can exceed the criteria that have been determined, that is when

there is 75% of students could achieve the target score. It means

that during CAR students have to achieve the target score of KKM

70 of speaking test started from the pre-test until the second post-

test in cycle two. Morever, CAR is able to be called fail if it is

cannot axceed the criteris that have been detained. Then, the

alternative action would be done in the next cycle.

H. Method of Analyzing Data

Burns (2010: 104) also mentions that in fact, reflecting on a

researcher data in combination (qualitative and quantitative) with

doing the action research is essential in action research.

From the statement above, the writer decided to use two

kinds of data in this research: qualitative and quantitative data.

Both type of data were used in this research and produce a

trustworthy result. They were designed to meet the research’s


1) Qualitative data

Qualitative data are those that are analyzed without

using numbers (Burns, 2010: 106). The qualitative data


in this research were done by having an observation

then would be analyzed and interpreted.

2) Quantitative data

Quantitative data are data relate to number which

can be measure. Burns (2010: 118) states that

“qualitative data analysis means presenting your data in

numerical form”.

Quantitative data can have a very important place in

the way discover things and present our findings. The

quantitative data of this research were the results of

doing some tests which were try-out, pre-test, and post-


To know the result of this research he researcher

uses formula by comparing the mean score result of

pre-test and post-test. In scoring the test, the researcher

calculates the student’s score by using the formula:

(a) Mean Calculation



M : Mean

: The total score

N : Number of student

(b) Standard Deviation Calculation


SD =


SD = Deviation standard for one sample t-


D = Different between pre-test and post-


N = Number of observation in sample

(c) test


t0 = T-test for the differences of pre-test and


SD = Deviation Standart for one sample t-test

D = Different between pre-test and post-test

N = Number of observation in sample.

Finally, by analyzing data from observation,

interview, and test the researcher is able to draw

conclusion whether word clap game and realia can

improve the student speaking mastery or not.




In this chapter, the writer presents the data which have been collected from four

sorce, there areobservation, test, document, and interview. The main point of this

chapter is to describe implementation and the research of teaching speaking by

using word clap game and realia at the second year of SMP N 3 Salatiga (before

the implementation the Classroom Action Research, and after implementing the

Classroom Action Research) and the interpretation of the data.

A. Description of SMP N 3 Salatiga

SMP N 3 SalatigaSMP N 3 Salatiga, located on Jl. Stadiums No. 4,

SMP N 3 Salatiga was established on August 1, 1954 with the first school

principal Mr. Soedjas (Alm). The environment is very influential in the

learning process. With a conducive environment, the activities of both

students and teachers to run smoothly.

Based on the observation that we have done, SMP N 3 Salatiga is

located in a position that is conducive to learning activities and strategic. It

lies in Jl.Stadion 4 Salatiga, roughly within about 5 minutes of Jalan Raya

Solo-Semarang and can be easily accessed from a variety of majors. The

security system is also quite good school with their school gate guard who

had done their job well.


The setting is also good sanitation. In this school had been able to

found a climate of discipline will discipline to be supported by good

interaction between the individual so it is thick with the principle of


In Eight grade divided into nine class; there are VIII A, VIII B,


researcher using VIII E as an object of the research.

B. Description of VIII E

The researcher conducted this research in SMP N 3 Salatiga and

especially concern in the second grade VIII E. This class consists of 26

students, they are 10 male and 16 female. Mostly the students in the VIII E

do not have good basic in English.

C. Data Analysis

Moreover, the researcher would like to analyze the improvement of

students by using t-Test calculation from the result of pre-test and post-


1. Post-test and pre-test cycle 1

Table 4.1The Score of Students’ Pre-test I

No Name Aspects

F P V G C Total

1 S1 2 3 3 2 2 48


2 S2 3 3 2 2 2 48

3 S3 2 3 2 2 2 44

4 S4 1 3 2 1 3 40

5 S5 2 2 3 2 2 44

6 S6 1 3 2 1 3 40

7 S7 1 2 3 2 2 40

8 S8 2 3 2 2 2 44

9 S9 1 4 2 1 2 40

10 S10 2 2 2 2 2 40

11 S11 3 2 3 2 3 52

12 S12 2 3 3 3 2 52

13 S13 1 4 3 2 2 48

14 S14 2 2 3 1 2 40

15 S15 2 2 3 3 3 52

16 S16 2 3 2 2 2 44

17 S17 2 2 2 2 2 40


18 S18 2 2 2 2 2 40

19 S19 1 3 1 2 3 40

20 S20 2 2 3 2 2 44

21 S21 2 2 3 2 3 48

22 S22 2 3 2 2 2 44

23 S23 2 2 1 3 2 40

24 S24 2 3 3 2 2 48

25 S25 2 2 2 2 3 44

26 S26 2 2 2 2 2 40


Note : *) students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criteria–

KriteriaKetuntasan Minimal (KKM) 70

Explanation :

F : Fluency

P : Pronunciation

V : Vocabulary

G : Grammar

C : Comprehension


Table 4.2 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Pre-Test I

No Total Score Grade Number of


1. 85-100 Excellent -

2. 69-84 Good -

3. 53-68 Fair -

4. 37-52 Poor 26

5. Bellow 36 Very Poor -

Total 26

The mean of pre-test I

M =

M =

M = 44

44 is the result of pre-test mean. 1144 is total of pre-test

and 26 is total students.

From the table pre-test above, it indicate that there are no

students that passed the minimum required standard 70. Almost

students failed. There are 6 students got poor, and there are 20


students got very poor level. From the result above, it shows that

the mean of pre-test was 44. It was not passed the minimum

passing score, there are many students was still got low score.

Table 4.3 Score of the students’Post-Test I

No Name Aspects

F P V G C Total

1 S1 3 2 3 3 3 56

2 S2 2 3 3 2 3 52

3 S3 3 2 3 2 3 52

4 S4 4 3 4 3 3 68

5 S5 3 2 3 2 2 48

6 S6 2 3 2 2 3 48

7 S7 3 2 3 2 3 52

8 S8 3 2 4 2 3 56

9 S9 2 4 2 3 3 56

10 S10 2 2 3 2 2 44

11 S11 3 3 3 2 3 56


12 S12 3 3 3 3 3 60

13 S13 4 4 3 2 3 64

14 S14 3 2 4 2 2 52

15 S15 3 3 3 2 3 56

16 S16 2 3 3 2 2 48

17 S17 3 3 3 2 3 56

18 S18 3 3 3 2 2 52

19 S19 3 3 3 2 3 56

20 S20 3 2 3 2 3 52

21 S21 2 2 3 3 3 52

22 S22 3 3 3 2 2 52

23 S23 3 2 3 3 2 52

24 S24 3 3 4 2 2 56

25 S25 3 2 3 2 3 52

26 S26 3 2 3 2 3 52



Table 4.4 Criteria of Students’ the Achievement of Post-Test I

No Total Score Grade Number of


1. 85-100 Excellent -

2. 69-84 Good -

3. 53-68 Fair 8

4. 37-52 Poor 18

5. Bellow 36 Very Poor -

Total 26

The mean of post-test I

M =

M =

M = 53.8

53.8 is the result of post-test mean. 1400 is total of post-test

and total 26 is total students.

- Mean of pre-test = 44

- Mean of post-test = 53.8

- Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test


There is improvement of students speaking mastery using word

clap game and realia between pre-test I (before the action) and

post-test (after the action). From the result above, it shows that

the mean of post-test was 53,8there is improvement but is was

not passed the minimun passing score. So, the writer to apply

guided questions once again.

2. Standard Deviation of Cycle I

Table 4.5 Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test I

No Name of








D D2

1. S1 48 56 8 64

2. S2 48 52 4 16

3. S3 44 52 8 64

4. S4 40 68 28 784

5. S5 44 48 4 16

6 S6 40 48 8 64

7. S7 40 52 12 144


8. S8 44 56 12 144

9. S9 40 56 16 256

10. S10 40 44 4 16

11. S11 52 56 4 16

12. S12 52 60 8 64

13. S13 48 64 16 256

14. S14 40 52 12 144

15. S15 52 56 4 16

16. S16 44 48 2 4

17. S17 40 56 16 256

18. S18 40 52 12 144

19. S19 40 56 16 256

20. S20 44 52 8 64

21. S21 48 52 4 16


S22 44 52 8 64

23. S23 40 52 12 144


24. S24 48 56 8 64

25. S25 44 52 8 64

26. S26 40 52 12 144

1144 1400 254 3284

SD = 2

SD = 2

SD = 2

SD =

SD =

SD = 5.67

3. Calculate of T-test Values

After calculating deviations standard , then the researcher counted t-

test (t0) calculation using the formula below:

to =


t0 =


t0 =

to = 8.43

(a) Calculate of df

df = n-1

df = 26-1

df =25

(b) Consult with t-table

With df = 25, the value of t-table with level of significant 0,05% is


(c) Comparing t-test with table

From the result data above, ascertainable that the cycle 1 t-test

value is 8.43 and t-table value is 2.06. because of the result of t-test

t-table = 8.43 2.06 it means that there is a significant

difference between pre-test and post-test.


4. Pre-Test and Post-Test cycle II

Table 4.6 Score of the Students’ Pre-Test II

No Name Aspects

F P V G C Total

1 S1 3 3 3 3 3 60

2 S2 3 4 3 3 4 68

3 S3 3 3 4 3 3 64

4 S4 4 3 3 3 4 68

5 S5 3 3 3 3 3 60

6 S6 3 3 4 3 3 64

7 S7 3 3 3 3 3 60

8 S8 3 3 4 3 4 68

9 S9 5 4 3 3 3 72

10 S10 3 3 3 2 3 56

11 S11 4 4 3 3 3 68

12 S12 3 3 3 3 3 60


13 S13 4 4 4 3 3 72

14 S14 3 3 4 3 4 68

15 S15 3 3 3 3 3 60

16 S16 3 3 3 3 3 60

17 S17 3 3 3 3 4 64

18 S18 3 4 4 3 3 68

19 S19 4 3 4 3 5 76

20 S20 3 4 4 3 3 68

21 S21 4 3 3 3 4 68

22 S22 3 3 3 2 3 56

23 S23 3 4 3 3 3 64

24 S24 3 3 4 3 4 68

25 S25 3 2 3 3 3 56

26 S26 3 3 3 3 3 60


Table 4.7 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Pre-Test 2


No Total Score Grade Number of


1. 85-100 Excellent -

2. 69-84 Good 3

3. 53-68 Fair 23

4. 37-52 Poor -

5. Bellow 36 Very Poor -

Total 26

The mean of Pre-Test II

M =

M =

M = 64.46

64.46 is the result of pre-test mean. 1676 is total of pre-test and 26

is total students.

The result of the students score in this cycle II was still bad. 3 good and 23

fair. From the result above it shows that mean of pre-test was 64.46. It was

not passed the minimum passing score.


Table 4.8 Score of the Students’Post-Test II

No Name Aspects

F P V G C Total

1 S1 4 4 4 3 4 76

2 S2 4 3 4 3 4 72

3 S3 3 4 4 4 3 72

4 S4 4 4 4 4 4 80

5 S5 4 4 4 3 3 72

6 S6 5 5 4 4 4 88

7 S7 4 4 4 4 3 76

8 S8 4 3 4 3 4 72

9 S9 5 4 4 4 4 84

10 S10 4 3 4 4 3 72

11 S11 4 4 4 4 3 76

12 S12 4 3 4 3 4 72

13 S13 4 4 4 4 4 80

14 S14 4 3 4 3 4 72


15 S15 4 4 4 3 3 72

16 S16 3 3 4 4 4 72

17 S17 3 4 4 4 4 76

18 S18 4 4 4 4 3 76

19 S19 4 4 4 4 5 84

20 S20 4 4 4 3 3 72

21 S21 4 4 4 4 4 80

22 S22 4 4 3 4 3 72

23 S23 3 4 4 4 4 76

24 S24 4 4 4 4 4 80

25 S25 4 4 3 4 3 72

26 S26 4 4 4 4 3 76


Table 4.9 Criteria of Students’ Achievement of Post-Test II

No Total Score Grade Number of



1. 85-100 Excellent 1

2. 69-84 Good 25

3. 53-68 Fair -

4. 37-52 Poor -

5. Bellow 36 Very Poor -

Total 26

The mean of Post-Test II

M =

M =

M = 75.84

75.84 is the result of post-test mean 1972 is total of post-test and 26 is

total students.

- Mean of pre-test = 64.46

- Mean of post-test = 75.84

- Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

There is improvement of students’ speaking mastery using

word clap game and realia between pre-test II (before the


action) and post-test II (after the action). The average was

75.84. It can be concluded that the post-test was successful.

From the table above there are 25 students who get good score

level. 1 student got excellent level, there is no students who got

fair, poor, and very poor level.

5. Standard Deviation of Cycle II

Table 4.10The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test II

No Name of






II (Y)

D D2

1. S1 60 76 16 256

2. S2 68 72 4 16

3. S3 64 72 8 64

4. S4 68 80 12 144

5. S5 60 72 12 144

6 S6 64 88 24 576

7. S7 60 76 16 256

8. S8 68 72 4 16

9. S9 72 84 12 144


10. S10 56 72 16 256

11. S11 68 76 8 64

12. S12 60 72 12 144

13. S13 72 80 8 64

14. S14 68 72 4 16

15. S15 60 72 12 144

16. S16 60 72 12 144

17. S17 64 76 12 144

18. S18 68 76 8 64

19. S19 76 84 8 64

20. S20 68 72 4 16

21. S21 68 80 12 144


S22 56 72 16 256

23. S23 64 76 12 144

24. S24 68 80 12 144

25. S25 56 72 16 256


26. S26 60 76 16 256

1676 1972 296 3936

SD = 2

SD = 2

SD = 2

SD =

SD =

SD = 4.86

6. Calculate T-Test Value

to =

t0 =

t0 =


t0 =

t0 =11.70

(a) Calculate of df

df = n-1

df = 26-1

df =25

(b) Consult with t-table

With df = 25, the value of t-table with level of significant 0,05% is


(c) Comparing t-test with table

From the result data above, ascertainable that the cycle II t-test

value is 11.70 and t-table value is 2.06. because of the result of t-

test t-table = 11.70 2.06 it means that there is a significant

difference between pre-test and post-test.

D. Discussion

In this research, the writer act as observer while to see and observe the

learning process was taught by her partner, Mrs. Zumas English teacher in

SMP N 3 Salatiga and the instrument validated by Drs. Supriyanto, M.pd.

the researcher using two cycle while each cycle consist of planning,

action, observation, and reflection. The whole steps of this research were

explained in the description below:


1. Cycle I

Cyle 1 was conducted Monday, August 7th

2017. It was followed by 26

students as the participant. Teaching learning process during the

treatment was presented in many steps. In this activity, the teaching

learning process was conducted by the teacher and the researcher as

the observer during the teaching learning process.

a. Planning

In the planning procedure, the researcher share with the teacher in

every activity, arranging lesson plan, developed learning activities,

prepared learning source, and instrument, research instrument and


b. Acting

The action of cycle I was done on Monday, August 7th

2017. The teacher implemented the teaching learning process

based on the lesson plan which has been made. Teacher began the

lesson with greeted the students and then checked the students’

attendence. After that the teacher aimed the students to the material

that will be learned (descriptive text).

To began the lesson on the Monday, the teacher asked to

the students to did the test. The test is pre-test about speak about

describe something. And the teacher said that time to do this 15

minutes to prepare in front of the class. After the students finished

the pre-test, she collected the students’ result and began to teach.


The second meeting was conducted on Monday, August


2017. The teacher and the researcher enter the class. The

teacher opened the lesson and asked about the last material that

they have learned. The teacher give example about descriptive text

and explained about word clap game and realia, and did not forget

the teacher usually let the students asked if they did not understand.

It has purpose to depend their understanding about descriptive text

and word clap game and also realia.

Next, the students made circle and apply word clap game. If

any students false, the students must describe about favorite things

in the class.

In closing, the teacher gave opportunity to the students to

share their opinion related to the lesson that day. after finishing the

individual task, each students had to submit their result of speaking

descriptive text.

c. Observing

The observation was done by researcher during teaching

learning process. At the observing step, students’ attitudes during

the teaching and learning process were observed by giving the

check mark ( in the prepared observation sheet.

d. Reflecting


After analyzing the result of cycle I, the researcher

conducted that the teacher had to more creative to make students

more interested and more active in the class. In this cycle there

were many students faced the problem such as the students still did

not understand about the game.Another problem is there were

students who still unfocused on the lesson. KKM score is 70 and

from the post-test, no one passed the KKM. So the researcher and

the teacher decide to continue the next treatment to fix the


2. Cycle II

Cycle II was conducted on Friday, August 18th

2017. This cycle

was followed by 26 students. Teaching learning process during

treatment was presented in many steps. As in previous cycle that the

researcher as the observer and the teacher who conducted teaching and

learning process.

a. Planning

The researcher with the teacher begin by identified the

problem and the alternative to solve the problem, the researcher

arranged and improve the lesson plan based on the teaching

material, the researcher improved the teaching strategy, the

researcher prepare the teaching aids, and the researcher prepared

the research instument.

b. Acting


The action was done at Friday, August 18th

2017. The steps

of this phase were same as before. There were pre activities, main

activities, and post activities. To began the lesson, the teacher

asked to did the test. This pre-test II describe about anything. After

the students finished the pre-test, the teacher began to teach.

Next, the teacher explain more about example of

descriptive text and generic structure. The activity was done after

the students understood about it. Before closed meeting, the

teacher gave an assignment that next meeting the students borrow

favorite things (realia). The last the teacher closed the meeeting.

The second meeeting was conducted on Friday, August 25th


The teacher and the researcher enter the class. She opened the

lesson and asked about the last material that they had learned.

The teacher explained about word clap game and realia can

make it easier to describe something, because the students can

study while play. Next, the students made circle and apply word

clap game. If any students false, the students must describe about

favorite things who brought.

In closing, the teacher gave opportunity to the students to

share their opinion related to the lesson that day. after finishing the

individual task, each students had to submit their result of speaking

descriptive text.

c. Observing


The observation was done by researcher during teaching

learning process. At the observing step, students’ attitudes during

the teaching and learning process were observed by giving the

check mark ( in the prepared observation sheet.

d. Reflecting

The reflecting that was done by the researcher and the teacher

about the activity during the teaching learning process in cycle II.

In this cycle the teaching was done by teacher maximum. The

students were enthusiastic and focused on listening to the teacher’s

explanation without making noise. And the result of this cycle is so

good 100% students passed the KKM from the total target 75% of

all the students.Because the students passed the KKM, so the

researcher closed the cycle.

From the result of statistic calculation indicates that the

result can improve students’ speaking mastery at SMP N 3

Salatiga. The result in cycle 1 Post-test M = 44, Pre-test I M =

53.8, SD = 5.67, T-test = 8.43 and the result of cycle II Post-test I

M = 64.46, Pre-test II M = 75.84, SD = 4.86, T-test = 11.70. from

the result above can get conclusion that cycle 1 cycle II . so, The

classroom action research of improving students speaking mastery

was successful.




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the researcher, which aims to develop the students’

speaking using word clap game and realia, the researcher made conclusion

related to the research questions which state in chapter 1.

The researcher made conclusion as follows:

1. The Word Clap Game and Realia can be used for teaching speaking in

the eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Salatiga. During the activities,

they looked active and enthuastics to learn speaking. In the

observation sheet, it stats that they enjoyed the game. The word clap

game and realia also improves the students’ speaking mastery. With

the game, it is helpful, fun and interesting.

2. The students speaking skills after being taught with word clap game

and relia is successful to improve students’ speaking mastery. From

the table, based on the comparison calculating among cycle 1 and

cycle 2. It can be seen there was improvement students’ mean score

from pre-test, post-test 1 and pre-test, post-test 2. The mean score for

speaking cycle 1 pre-test was 44 and post-test was 53.8. and the cycle

2 pre-test was 64.46, and post-test 75.84. it means there’s significant

score after applying word clap game and realia in teaching speaking.

B. Suggestions

From the explanation above, there are some suggestions that are proposed

by the researcher:


1. To the teacher

The teacher should be more actively and creative by using medium or

techniques such as game and realia to maximize teaching learning

process and make students not bored.

2. To the students

The students need pay attention in learning English that is why the

teacher should be more creative and active in teaching. Beside that,

students should study English through practice and experiences.

3. To the researcher

The result of this study can be used an additional reference or futher

research with different discussion.

4. For English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga

The researcher does hope that the findings of the research will be used

as starting point of the next research on similar problems. There are

many other instructional media that can be used in teaching English to

make te lesson more interesting and enjoyable.



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(doing interview with English teacher)

R : Good morning Mrs. Zum , how are you? (selamat pagi bu zum,

bagaimana kabarnya?)

T : morning too, I’m fine miss indy. And you? Long time not see (pagi juga

mba indy, saya baik. mba indy gimana? lama tidak ketemu)

R : I’m fine Mrs. Zum, yeah long time not see Mrs. Zum, thanks for give

opportunity to interview with you Mrs. Zum (saya baik bu zum, iya lama tidak

ketemu yah. Terimakasih sudah dikasih kesempatan interview dengan ibuk)

T : yes of course (iya tentu)

R : how is the condition in the class when Mrs. Zum teaches? (bagaimana

keadaan di kelas ketika ibuk mengajar?

T : actually the condition in the class not condusive, although every class is

less than 30 students (sebenarnya ondisi di dalam kelas tidak kondusif, meskipun

setiap kelasnya kurang dari 30 siswa.

R : does Mrs. Zum use a methode in learning? If yes, what is the methode

that you use? (apakah Mrs. Zum menggunakan metode pembelajaran? Jika iya,

metode apa yang ibu gunakan?

T : of course, I use a methode in learning, usually I use jigsaw methode.

(tentu, saya menggunakan metode pembelajaran, biasanya saya menggunakan

metode jigsaw

R : How about the students’ responses toward the methode? (bagaimana

respon siswa dengan metode tersebut?

T : they seem less interested, many students play around, and are not serious

in learning. (mereka sepertinya kurang tertarik, banyak siswa bercanda dan tidak

serius dalam belajar)

R : what are the problems that Mrs. Zum often faces in the class? (masalah

apa yang sering ibu jumpai di kelas?)

T : the students are not active, they feel less confident with their skill,

actually they have a good skill in English. They are also shy to ask if there is

something that they do not understand. (siswa kurang aktif, mereka kurang

percaya diri dengan kemampuan mereka. Sebenarnya mereka memiliki

kemampuan yang bagus dalam bahasa inggris. Mereka juga malu bertanya jika

ada yang tidak paham).

R : what about the students skill in English language learning ? (bagaimana

kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris?

T : actually they have a good skill, but they feel less interested in English

language learning. I think this is your job for make the students interestd in

Engllish language learning (sebenarnya mereka memiliki kemampuan yang bagus,

tetapi mereka kurang tertarik dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris. menurut saya ini

tugaas mbak indy agar mereka tertarik dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris). and if

you doing research I give suggestion if doing research in VIII E (dan jika kamu

melakukan penelitian saya menyarankan untuk melakukannya di kelas VIII E)

R : why Mrs. Zum?

T : because in this class have lower grade than other classes. (karena kelas

ini memiliki nilai rendah dibandingkan kelas lain.

R : oke Mrs. Zum thanks for your information (iya terimakasih atas

informasinya bu)

T : You’re welcome (sama-sama)

Conclusion : many students less confident and shy, students are not active in the

class. So the researcher must make students interested in English language

learning, specially in speaking.

(doing interview with students)

R : hi, good morning ershella, sakti and dewi how are you? Long

time not see (hai, selamat pagi ershella, sakti dan dewi bagaimana kabar you?

E, S, D : morning too miss, I am fine miss (pagi juga miss, saya baik miss)

E : We miss you miss indy (kita semua kangen miss indy)

D : yes, I miss you too (iya, miss indy kangen juga) How about your

English language learning? (bagaimana dengan pembelajaran bahasa inggrisnya?)

S : it’s boring miss, not interesting. (bosen miss, enggak seru)

E : that’s right miss (iya miss)

D : just listening to the lecture, we feel sleepy (cuma dengerin,


R : why? What’s wrong with English language learning in your

class? (kenapa? Ada yang salah pembelajaran di kelasmu?)

D : yes miss, it is not interesting so we get sleepy (iya miss, enggak

seru jadi kita ngantuk

R : how about your friends in class? (bagaimana teman-teman lain di


S : they are the same miss, they were busy with themselve (sama mis,

banyak yang ribut sendiri)

Conclusion : the students are bored, because of the unsuitable method and

technique. So the researcher must use other technique and method in order to

make the students feel interested in English language learning.


Name : Indy Lutfiatun Nashihah

Student Number : 11313137

Place and Date of Birth : Tegal, November 30th


Phone Number : 085 702 610 802

Education :

2002-2007 : SDN Rancawiru 01

2007-2010 : MTs NU 01 Hasyim Asy’ari

2010-2013 : MA NUDIA Semarang

2013-2017 : State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of

