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The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

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The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover! Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com
Page 1: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 2: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

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dated and signed permission from the author. Published by:Derrick deLay & Kirsten [email protected]

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 3: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

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The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 4: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

About the Authors:Kirsten Nissen & Derrick deLay

We have been vegans for 16 years. We are passionate weight loss and fitness experts who are totally dedicated to helping you become Vibrantly, Radiantly, Beautifully Healthy through vegan nutrition and fitness.

Kirsten Nissen

• Over 10 years as a health and wellness professional • Master of Science in Oriental Medicine, Southwest Acupuncture College • Wellcoaches Wellness Coach Training Program • Personal Chef -- Specializing in delicious, healthy plant-based meals and scrumptious vegan Desserts)

Derrick deLay

• Over 11 years as a health and fitness professional • Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science, University of Utah • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer • American Council on Exercise Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant • Wellcoaches Wellness Coach Training Program • Massage Diploma, Universal Therapeutic Massage Institute

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 5: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Table of Contents

Introduction 6

Two Reasons you will be successful with this program 7

Clean 8

What Is A “Clean” Diet? 8

Why No Animal Products? 8

What Can I Eat? 9

Lean 10

Density Rules! 11

Losing The Fat 12

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself? 15

The Clean & Lean Program 18

Cleanse & Prime 18

Burn & Build 18

Sustain & Maintain 20

The Clean & Lean UltraHydration Program 21

The Clean & Lean Eating Plan 23

Calorie Guidelines 24

Shopping List 28

Clean & Lean 29

Filling, Fat Loss Recipes 29

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 6: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

The Vibrant VeganClean & Lean

8-week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

IntroductionWelcome to the Clean & Lean 8-week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

On this program YOU are going to:

Release fat

Detoxify your body

Lose all the weight you want

Tighten and tone your legs

Boost your metabolism

Eat a high-nutrient diet

Get hydrated

Feel great

Look phenomenal

Re-shape your shoulders and arms

Flatten your stomach.

Create a fit, healthy, vibrant body!

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 7: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Two Reasons you will be successful with this program1) We provide you with a critically important element for successful weight loss &

wellness—Knowledge. When you understand how your body works you will be

empowered to control your weight and health.

2) We give you an exact program for success. This program is a proven system

for achieving amazing weight-loss results and vibrant health. You will learn how to

eat, drink and exercise for real results.

Congratulations for choosing the Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean weight loss and health program!

This is a comprehensive system for losing fat fast, revving up your metabolism and making yourself and the world healthier!

You are going to be so thrilled with the fat loss results you get from following this program. But what you will be even more excited about is how healthy and vibrant you feel. In addition to getting rid of belly, butt and thigh fat, improving your energy levels, and boosting your health, you will also be making our planet a healthier place to live. Since we are all completely dependent on our planet for survival, the healthier we can make the planet the better for all of us.

By following this program, in addition to losing all the weight you want, you will:

• Get healthier• Clean the air we all breath• Clean the water we all drink • Preserve and protect the soil we all depend upon for food • Reduce your carbon footprint

For example, following the Clean & Lean program for 8 weeks reduces your impact on the environment as much as taking your car off the road for 1160 miles!1 That is the equivalent of not driving for a little over a month!

You get to free your self from fat while doing something good for everyone and everything else on the planet.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

1 Christopher L. Weber, H. Scott Matthews Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 3508–3513

Page 8: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Clean What Is A “Clean” Diet?

A clean diet is :

• Low-fat• High-raw(65% or more raw foods)• Unprocessed• Organic• Disease preventing• Health enhancing• Cleansing• 100% Plant-based(vegan)

Eat a clean vegan diet and nourish your body, reach your weight loss goals, and save the planet!

Why No Animal Products?

First and foremost, since the human body has absolutely no nutritional requirements for the flesh or mammary secretions of animals, eating them represents unnecessary killing. In addition, meat and mammary secretions are associated with these diseases:

• Heart Disease• Diabetes• some cancers• Obesity• Rheumatoid arthritis• Osteoporosis• Stroke• Hypertension

Since eating animals is linked to so many diseases, animals products are definitely not part of a clean diet. Some of the things implicated as disease producing agents in animal products are:

• Cholesterol• Saturated Fat• Hormones• Concentrated Toxic Chemicals• Excessive Protein

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 9: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Some might argue that we need cholesterol and saturated fat because they make up part of our own cells. These people are only half right. Cholesterol and saturated fat are part of our cell, but our body makes all it needs from the whole, vegan foods we eat. Since we can synthesize all the cholesterol and saturated fat we need from other dietary components they are non-essential nutrients.

Every animal makes and secretes hormones. The animals people eat are no exception. When people eat animalʼs muscles or drink their mammary secretions they also consume the biologically active hormones present therein. Hormones affect every system in your body. You donʼt want the hormones from other animals, like cows, pigs, chickens, and fish influencing your health, and how you look and feel.

The toxins(heavy metals and chemicals) humans have released into the environment bioaccumulate. That is, as animals(cows, pigs, fish, fowl and humans) eat, the environmental toxins in that food accumulate in their tissues. Bioaccumulation of toxins in animal tissues means eating animals exposes you to much higher levels of toxins than eating a plant-based diet.

So the Clean & Lean diet cuts out all the bad stuff:Meat-chicken, cow, pig, fish etc.MilkCheeseYogurtAnd processed food

What Can I Eat?A plant-based “clean” diet is not a deprivation diet. Just the opposite, it is a truly nourishing diet. You get to eat a whole new world of tastes, textures, and colors that nourish your health.You get to eat: Fruits Veggies Beans Greens Whole Grains

Clean is GreenNot only will a low-calorie, high-nutrient vegan diet keep you clean, it is also the greenest(most ecologically friendly) diet around. Why should you care about a eating a “Green” diet? Since we are made entirely of non-us things from the environment, it makes good sense to live our lives in a way that keeps the planet healthy. Healthy planet=Healthy people. Unhealthy planet=dead people. What we eat and drink has a major impact on the health of our planet.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 10: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

You may see yourself as a distinct entity, completely separate from everything else. The reality is quite different. You are made up of a bunch of non-you things. You are made of all you ingest. All the non-you stuff you eat and drink becomes you. Remember the saying, “You are what you eat”? Itʼs true.

-----What follows is a very important piece of information.---- Here is a critical fact you must know. YOU can only be as healthy as the food you eat and the water you drink. Said another way, YOU canʼt be any healthier than what you eat. If you are eating low-quality, low-nutrient foods you will never achieve optimal health and perfect weight. The analogy: It is impossible to build a high-quality house with low-quality lumber. In order to build the best house, start with the best materials.

It seems like such an elementary concept: Healthy food will make you healthy. Unhealthy food will make you unhealthy. Yet so many people eat unhealthy foods and wonder why they are sick. We live in an orderly universe governed by laws. One of those laws is the law of cause and effect. Absolutely nothing happens without a cause. If you are healthy, the “cause” is your diet and lifestyle. The same is true if you are unhealthy. If you have heart disease there is a cause. It is the high-fat, cholesterol, animal protein diet you consume. Get rid of the cause and get rid of the disease.(Check out: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn)

So, you are what you eat and you can never be any healthier than the food you eat. All that you are comes from “out there,” “the environment.” Since we are made entirely of non-us things from the environment, it makes good sense to live our lives in a way that keeps the planet healthy. Healthy planet=Healthy people. Unhealthy planet=dead people. What we eat and drink has a major impact on the health of our planet.

LeanWhen you eat Clean you get Lean! You canʼt help but lose unwanted fat and become radiantly healthy when you eat the high-nutrient, low-calorie, whole-food in this program.

There is one, and only one, way to lose weight.

It is even a law of the universe! A law you canʼt break. Even if you wanted to break this law of the universe you couldnʼt. Just as you are subject to the law of gravity, you are subject to the most important law governing how much you weigh.

The law is called The First Law of Thermodynamics, and is also known as The Law of Conservation of Energy.

This law states: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 11: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Calories are a measure of the energy stored in food.

This means the calories(energy) you get from eating can only be transformed. You can either transform those calories into movement or fat. If you donʼt use the energy, you store it on your hips, thighs, butt and belly.

This means if your calorie intake is greater than your calorie expenditure, you will gain weight. If your calorie intake and expenditure are equal, your weight will stay the same. If your calorie intake is less than your expenditure, you will lose weight. Here is the equation:

Calories In – Calories Our = Your Weight

Here are some extreme examples used only to demonstrate this point. These examples are definitely not recommendations.

If you ate just ice cream, and you ate fewer calories than you needed you would lose weight.

If you ate just green beans, and consumed more calories than you needed you would gain weight.

Weight loss is all about calories.

Weight loss is all about calories.

We said that twice because it is so important. When you get this, really get this, you will understand why you are, or arenʼt losing weight.

Finally, you will be able to completely control your weight by harnessing the power of physics. The laws of physics describe how our universe works. When your weight loss plan follows the laws of the universe, like this one does, you can be absolutely certain your plan is going to work. You will succeed!

Density Rules!Two questions we asked when designing the perfect weight loss and health program were: Wouldnʼt it be great if there were a tool that made losing weight super easy?

Wouldnʼt it be great if there were a simple tool that made maintaining your weight loss a cinch?

Calorie Density was the single answer to both of those questions.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 12: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

What is Calorie density? Calorie Density is the measure of calories per weight of food. We use calories per pound. Here is a breakdown of the average calories per pound for various foods:

Food Calories per Pound

Fresh Veggies 100

Fresh Fruit 250-300

Starchy Veggies 350-450

Whole Grains 500

Beans & Legumes 550-600

Chicken, Cow, Pig, Fish 750-1000

Processed Grains/Starches 1200-1500

Refined Sugar 1700

Nuts/Seeds 2400-2800

Oils(olive, canola, butter, etc.) About 4000

The Clean & Lean Weight Loss Diet is based on veggies, fruit, starchy veggies, whole grains and beans. All the foods in green. The high water and fiber content in these foods adds volume and bulk. That means for any given number of calories you get to eat a much larger portion of the green foods. When you eat a diet of foods with a calorie density of around 500 calories per pound, you can eat until you are full and still lose weight.

Over 75% of U.S. Citizens are overweight. The Standard American Diet of meat, processed grains, sugar and oil/fat(all the foods in red) produce that result. If you donʼt want to be fat and sick, shift your diet from red to green. If you want to lose weight without feeling like you are starving yourself, shift your diet from red to green.

Losing The Fat

Did you know there are enough calories in a pound of fat to run a marathon? It is true! The average person burns about 100 calories per mile. There are 26.2 miles in a marathon and 3500 calories in a pound of fat.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 13: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Donʼt worry, we arenʼt going to ask you to run a marathon(you can if you want though), to lose weight. We are just giving you information for your fat loss success.

So, if you want to lose 1 pound of fat, you will need to burn 3500 more calories than you consume. If you want to lose one pound of fat in one week, you will need to create a caloric deficit of 500 calories per day.

When you eat fewer calories than you need, your body uses stored energy (fat) to make up the difference. This is good. It is how we get rid of excess fat.

The best way to achieve such a deficit is through a combination of diet and exercise. The best way to do that is by following the Clean & Lean program!

Change Your Life, Change Your Life!

To change your life, change your lifestyle.

Lifestyle management is the recognition we are the products of our behaviors. Your current weight and level of wellness are the result of, and are supported by your lifestyle.

Changing the habits that have shaped your body will take time, energy, and a commitment. But...YOU can do it! We will help.

If you want to be healthy, lean and fit, act like someone who is fit, healthy and lean. Fit, healthy, lean people behave differently than people who are fat, unfit and unhealthy.

If you want to be fit, healthy and lean, change your behavior.

-----This Is Important---- It is impossible to lose fat, get fit and be vibrantly healthy while maintaining your current lifestyle. The way you look and feel right now is a direct result of and is supported by your lifestyle. If you want to look and feel different you have to be different. You must change your lifestyle. You must change your eating and exercise habits. This program is going help you do just that!

Most weight loss programs say you donʼt have to change a thing to get great results. This is true if you are satisfied with short term weight loss. You can eat what youʼve always eaten(less of it though) and not work out and lose weight. BUT...: Is your goal to

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 14: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

lose weight, gain it back, lose it again and repeat, or, to lose weight once and maintain it forever?

If you want to lose weight once, get fit, achieve amazing health and maintain it forever, you are holding the answer in your hands.

Changing the habits that have shaped your body will take time, energy, and commitment. While making these changes we recommend that you be patient and go easy on yourself while at the same time remaining committed to the process of change. We are 100% confident that by following the Clean & Lean Program you will be successful.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

Recognize that your behaviors are the products of your mindset. Your current behaviors around weight loss and wellness are the result of, and are supported by your mindset.

To be successful at being fit, healthy and vibrant, to be successful at changing long standing behaviors your program needs to be based on:

1) Self love

2) Positive intention

We believe self love is the place to start because it provides the motivation to continue choosing healthy behaviors long term. When you love your self you naturally want to take care of yourself.

Contrast loving yourself with the popular idea of “busting your butt”, “killing yourself in the gym”, or dieting and exercising because you hate your body. Why would anyone want to focus and sustain such efforts for the long term?

Shifting to a self love perspective creates metaphors of change such as “nourishing my body”, “taking care of myself”, “creating health and vitality for myself because I want to be the most vibrant, energetic, best me possible.”

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 15: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

These notions motivate and sustain change efforts for the long term. People enjoy doing the things that make them feel good.

We want you to feel amazing!

Starting from a place of positive intention is also important. This is the notion of framing your intentions or goals in positive language, what you want as opposed to what you donʼt want.

“I want to be strong, healthy and fit.” Vs. “I donʼt want to be fat anymore.”

We tend to get what we focus on. If we are focused on what we donʼt want we get

more of what we donʼt want. If you focus on what you do want, you will get more of

what you want. You will transform your life by using the power of positive intention.

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

You step on the scale, oh no, your weight is up. Immediately you start berating yourself. “I am so pathetic. Why canʼt I control my weight? I just keep getting fatter. I am so depressed.”

You just weighed your self-worth and that isnʼt what scales are for.

Scales are a feedback tool. Feedback is essential to monitor your gap, where you are versus where you want to be. A tool is something we use to make our life easier. A scale is a feedback tool. Wise use of the scale will make your life easier and allow you to reach your goal more quickly.

Wise Scale UseWhat is “wise” use of the scale? How often should you weigh yourself?We recommend weighing yourself 2 to 3 times a day. Yes, you read correctly, weigh yourself 2-3 times a day. You have most likely been told over and over again to weigh yourself at the same time and same day once a week or at most once a day first thing in the morning. That was bad advice.

What is a scale? That is right. A feedback tool. It tells you how effective (or ineffective) your program is. The more often you get feedback the more often you can modify your program to consistently deliver the results you want. Remember, you are coming from a place of self love. You are making a life change because of the love and respect you have for yourself. Weigh yourself for feedback, not self-esteem.

Letʼs go on vacation!

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 16: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

You have decided to take a trip. You took the time to plot out your course. You have decided on a realistic time frame for completing your trip. You get in the car and start driving. How often do you want feedback on your progress? Would you just go to sleep and check in to make sure you are on the road every ten minutes or so? No, it would be disastrous, you would be setting yourself up for a major failure.

You are on a trip, you have a weight loss goal. You absolutely must generate feedback on how your program is going several times a day or you are sleeping at the wheel. You will have no clue and a will be setting yourself up for a goal busting disaster.

The scale is not a place to stand to remind yourself to start playing that self talk tape about what a horrible person you are.

The scale definitely is a device used to give you regular feedback and help you stay on plan. Love yourself by giving yourself appropriate feedback. I know, you still have some trepidation about weighing yourself 2-3 times a day. You are worried you will just beat yourself up every time you stand on the scale. You wonʼt. You are moving beyond negative self talk.

Moving ForwardYou are moving forward with positive intention and positive self talk. The scale doesnʼt measure your worth, only you do. Weighing yourself 2-3 times/day will help you overcome your fear of the scale. The more often you do something you fear without negative results, the less youʼll fear it!

When Should I Weigh Myself?You will want to weigh yourself in the morning before you eat breakfast. This will give you the low end of your personal weight fluctuation.

If you have access to a scale, we recommend weighing yourself right before lunch.

Finally, weigh yourself right before you eat dinner. This measurement does two things. It gives you another data point for measuring your weight over time and it reminds you not to overeat at dinner.

FluctuationsYour weight may fluctuate 2-8 pounds throughout the day. Weighing yourself often (2-3 times) will teach you how your bodyʼs weight changes throughout the day. Do you remember how many calories there are in a pound of fat? Thatʼs right,3,500 calories.

So, when you stand on the scale and see your weight has gone up 2 pounds since the last time you weighed yourself, 4 hours ago; ask, have I eaten 7,000 extra calories in

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 17: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

the last four hours. Most likely you havenʼt (especially if you are sticking to the plan). If you havenʼt eaten an extra 7,000 calories how did you gain 2 pounds?

You have had some food and water. Food and water weigh something. A quart of water weighs about 2 pounds. If you weighed yourself then had a gallon of water and hopped right back on the scale, your weight would be almost 9 pounds heavier. But it was just water. Who cares about water weight? We care about fat--losing it!

Clean & Lean is all about maximizing fat loss while maintaining your lean, sexy muscles. Knowing how your weight changes when you eat and drink allows you to fearlessly stand on the scale and receive feedback. Exactly what kind of feedback do we get from a scale? That depends on what kind of scale you have.

What Kind of Scale?There are essentially two different types of scales available. The basic bathroom scale. It just tells you how much you weigh.

Then there is our favorite type--like the Tanita BF680W Duo Scale Plus Body Fat Monitor with Athletic Mode and Body Water. An electronic scale that tells you how much you weigh, and, more importantly, what your body fat percentage and your hydration level are.

We love this type of scale because it measures more. It gives you more data to track the effectiveness of your program. Should you care about your body fat percentage and hydration level? Absolutely! They are essential pieces of feedback for your success.

What if you lose 20 pounds and half of what you have lost, 10 pounds, is muscle? You have effectively lowered your metabolism by almost 500 calories! That is a huge step backwards in your quest to lose fat.

Monitor Your Body Fat PercentageMonitoring your body fat percentage allows you to modify your diet and exercise regimen for maximum fat loss while keeping your beautiful, calorie burning muscle.

Why should you care about your hydration level? Remember, your body can only metabolize fat optimally when you are properly hydrated and an appropriate hydration level will give you a more accurate body fat percentage reading.

The scale is your friend. It allows you to measure your progress on a daily basis. Set yourself up for success by expecting small, consistent change.

How often should you weigh yourself after you reach your weight loss goal?

After you reach your weight loss goal we recommend weighing yourself once a week. This once a week check in will help you maintain your results.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 18: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

The Clean & Lean ProgramThe Clean & Lean(CL) Program is Broken down into 3 phases. This is a progressive plan where each phase builds on the previous phase. The 3 phases are designed to maximize your weight loss results.

The 3 phases are:

Phase 1, Week 1 Cleanse & Prime

Phase 2, Weeks 2-6 Burn & Build

Phase 3, Weeks 7-8 Sustain & Maintain

Cleanse & PrimeThe purpose of this phase is to cleanse your body of accumulated waste and prime your body to burn massive amounts of fat.

Why start with a cleanse?Unless you eat nothing but organic raw foods and live a low-stress life in a totally pristine environment your body has accumulated toxins like, herbicides, pesticides and fugicides, environmental toxins like car exhaust and the off-gasses of plastics and vinyls, and the metabolic waste products your body creates digesting food and dealing with stress.

Your liver is the main organ of detoxification and fat metabolism. It is more important for your liver to deal with all these toxins from food, polluted air, water, unhealthy indoor spaces and metabolic waste products than to burn fat. So, we start with a cleanse to get rid of all the “junk” and prime your body release and metabolize massive amounts of fat.

During phase 1 you will likely lose 5-10 pounds while giving your body the foods it needs to cleanse and prepare to burn fat.

In addition to the proper foods, proper hydration is essential for cleansing. In phase 1 you will begin the UltraHydration Program.

Burn & BuildNow that your body is clean & primed to burn fat, that is exactly what you will be doing.

BurnDuring this phase you will be consistently losing fat. Because your body is clean and well hydrated your liver can focus on incinerating fat. Most people lose anywhere from 10 all the way up to 20 pounds during this phase.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 19: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

BuildA critical component, left out by most weight loss programs, is building your metabolism.

The biggest part of your metabolism you can control is your muscular system. Muscles need lots of calories. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be and the leaner you will get. The way you will be building your metabolism is through strength training.

Strength training, also known as weight training or resistance training, is the best kept secret for firing up your fat burning furnace. Well, it's not really a secret, but most people don't think of strength training when they want to lose weight.

We are about to let you in on why resistance training is such a critical component for long term weight management. Are you ready?

Dieting destroys your metabolism by destroying muscle!Here is why: (This may be a little wordy, but stay with us. This information is very important as it will totally change the way you approach weight loss.)

Each pound of fat on your body uses an average of 5 calories a day.

Each pound of muscle on your body uses an average of 50 calories a day.

So, here is the deal, our bodies are amazingly brilliant and they are always calculating the difference between the number of calories you need and what you eat. Your body knows it requires more calories to keep muscle than to keep fat, approximately ten times as many!

Therefore, when you are eating fewer calories than you need (dieting), your body reduces the amount of muscle you have in order to lower your caloric requirements. Thus, balancing your caloric needs with your caloric intake.This makes good economic sense for your body. Fat is cheaper to keep. The problem is: If you lose muscle, you burn fewer calories. If you burn fewer calories, it becomes harder and harder to lose fat. (And easier and easier to get fat.) This is the main reason people who lose weight through diet alone gain it all back. Since on this program you will be following the Vibrant Vegan Tone, Burn & Tighten Body Sculpting Workout System you will keep your metabolism high, keep your muscle and free yourself of fat.

“I donʼt want to bulk up.” This is a common worry many women have with regards to lifting weights. The great thing is, it is impossible to bulk up and lose weight at the same time. Lifting weights tells your body that muscle is more important than fat; and that to

Definintion- Metabolism is the general term applied to all the chemical reactions which occur in our bodies. These chemical reactions provide all we need to allow our cells to

grow and reproduce, and carry out all the functions necessary to keep us alive.

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Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 20: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

make up the difference in calories between what you need and what you are eating, your body must burn fat.

Make losing weight easy. Build muscle and burn more fat.

Here are some of the many benefits of doing resistance training:Increases your metabolism-you burn more fat!

Tones your legs, shoulders, arms and back

Strengthens and defines your core

Makes your body look long, lean and sexy

Makes your bones stronger

Makes you less prone to back pain

Makes you feel vibrant, energetic, and healthy

Makes you feel wonderful and happy

And, of course, makes your stronger

Muscles are practically the only element of your metabolism over which you have any control. Since your goal is to be Clean, Green and Lean you absolutely must do strength training!

Sustain & MaintainCongratulations! You have made it to the final phase of the Clean & Lean Program. For some of you this is it, you have reached your weight loss goal and are moving into maintenance(more on that in a moment). For those of you who would like to lose more weight, this phase is an important transition phase. During this phase your caloric intake increases which increases your metabolism. This is important to set you up for success when you repeat this program. As long as you go through the entire program, you can repeat it until you reach your weight loss goal. Once you have freed yourself from all that excess fat, improved your health and increased your energy and vitality, you need to maintain it. In order to sustain and maintain all the wonderful results you achieved through dedication and persistence you must know:

The Secret of Sustainable Weight LossShh, this is a secret. In order to sustain and maintain your weight loss you need to keep doing what you have been doing. You need to eat healthy food and exercise. If you go back to the lifestyle that made you fat and unhealthy, you will again become fat and unhealthy. People who sustain and maintain their weight loss have a lifestyle that supports it.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 21: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

The Clean & Lean UltraHydration ProgramWhat is in your cup?

From water to wine, what and how much you drink can have a major impact on your weight loss and wellness.

Did You Know?

Did you know if you are dehydrated you will metabolize fat more slowly?

Did you know one glass of wine or one beer slows down fat metabolism for up to 2


Did you know your hydration level effects your energy level?

Did you know your hydration level has a profound effect on your health?

Essential H2O

After air, water is our most essential nutrient. Our bodies are more than 70% water.


Helps regulate body temperature

Helps metabolize body fat

Helps transport nutrients in and out of your cells

Cushions your joints

Protects your organs and tissues

Helps your food digest

Helps rid body of waste

Relieves constipation

Is totally and absolutely essential for weight loss, weight maintenance and a longer


Are You Parched?

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 22: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

According to Steve Meyerowitz, author of, Water: The Ultimate Cure, a 2% drop in hydration can result in decreased energy levels and a 10% drop can cause significant health problems. Health problems such as:



Joint pain






As you can see, water is truly vital for your health and wellbeing.

Pure, Clean Water

For vibrant health and wellness make sure the water you drink doesnʼt undermine your health.

"Each day, millions of Americans turn on their taps and get water that exceeds the legal limits for dangerous contaminants."USA Today, Special Report "How Safe Is Your Water?"

"Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine."U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality

"U.S. drinking water contains more than 2100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer."Ralph Nader Research Group"Residues of 39 pesticides and their degradation products have been detected in the groundwater of thirty four states."National Academy of Sciences

Most municipal tap water contains a few things you could do with out. Such as:


Trihalomethanes- Cancer causing organic/chlorine

Harmful Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 23: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Flouride- Causes dental and skeletal flourosis

Toxic Heavy Metals- Like: Lead, Cadmium, Organic Arsenic, and Mercury


Micro-organisms (protozoa and cysts) such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia

To ensure you and your family are drinking the healthiest water possible, we recommend using a water filter. The two most common types of water filters are carbon filters and reverse osmosis filters. Of the two, carbon filters are less expensive. Carbon filters work great for most places. If you are concerned about fluoride, we recommend using a reverse osmosis filter.

How Much H2O?You need to drink an absolute minimum of 64 ounces of refreshing, delicious, thirst-quenching, life-giving, clean, pure aqua each and every day. 64 ounces really is the bare minimum. If you aren't drinking this amount, you are most likely dehydrated. If you want to feel super healthy and be UltraHydrated, drink 90-130 ounces of water a day.

Water Weight Loss TipsMany people mistake thirst for hunger. Next time you are feeling hungry, grab a tall cool glass of water instead of a bite to eat. Not only will this curb your hunger and help you eat less, it will keep you healthy and hydrated.

Clean & Lean UltraHydration Over the next 8 weeks focus on drinking 90-120 ounces of pure water per day. (Approximately 3-4 quarts per day.

(Important note: If you have been diagnosed with a kidney disorder, check with your physician before beginning this UltraHyrdation Program. You would probably be fine but you had better check.)

The Clean & Lean Eating PlanThis eating plan is designed to achieve maximum fat loss results. For best results follow this plan exactly as it is. If you decide not to follow this plan as it is written(not recommended) you must count the calories you consume in order to ensure you are at least within the calorie guidelines. Whether you follow this plan exactly or do your own thing, the best way to make sure you are eating the correct amount of calories throughout the day is to weigh and measure your food. If you arenʼt weighing and measuring your food, you are guessing! Guessing doesnʼt produce the best results.

This is a progressively declining calorie eating plan. Meaning, every two weeks the number of calories goes down. This prevents a weight loss plateau and delivers better

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 24: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

results than you would achieve on a steady state calorie eating plan. Calories go down until week 7, when they begin to go back up. Bringing the calories up takes your body out of weight loss mode and into maintenance mode.

Calorie Guidelines

WomenWeek 1-This first week you donʼt have to worry about calories. Eat all the fruits, veggies and beans you want! For the ultimate cleanse and weight loss jump start, skip the beans and eat as much of your food raw this week as possible. Begin logging your food intake this week.Week 2- 1200 Calories/day. Weeks 3-4- Daily calories = 1100. Week 5-6- Daily calories = 1000.Week 7- Daily calories increase to 1200.Week 8- Daily calories increase to 1400.

Men Week 1-This first week you donʼt have to worry about calories. Eat all the fruits, veggies and beans you want! For the ultimate cleanse and weight loss jump start, skip the beans and eat as much of your food raw this week as possible. Begin logging your food intake this week.Week 2- 1500 Calories/day. Weeks 3-4- Daily calories = 1400. Week 5-6- Daily calories = 1300.Week 7- Daily calories increase to 1500.Week 8- Daily calories increase to 1700.

Week 1For breakfast, lunch and dinner eat all the fruits and veggies you want! (With the exception of “Starchy Veggies” like potatoes and fatty fruit like avocados.)

This week eat 80-100% of your food raw for the ultimate cleanse.

If you decide to eat any cooked food this week we recommend eating veggie soup made with lots of greens, celery, tomatoes, broccoli, and bell peppers.

Begin logging your food intake this week(You can either use the Clean & Lean Food & Fitness Log or you could use a web-based food log).

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 25: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Weeks 2-8Breakfast Options (300 Calories for Women, 400 Calories for Men)

Fresh Fruit (2 small apples=100 calories, 1 medium banana=100 calories, 1 cup of grapes=100 calories, 1 large orange=90 Calories, 2 cups of strawberries=100 calories, 1 cup of mango, 1 heaping cup of blueberries=100 calories)


Fruit Smoothie Strawberry Banana Smoothie- 2 medium bananas, 2 cups whole strawberries, 1 quart of water. Blend until smooth. Men add 1 more banana or 2 more cups of strawberries.

Pineapple Orange Mango Sunrise Smoothie- 2 cups pineapple, 2 oranges, 1 cup mango, 1 quart of water. Blend until smooth. Men add 1 more cup of pineapple or 2 more oranges or 1 more cup of mango.

Super Smoothie-See Recipe eBook “The 12 Most Delicious Vegan SuperSmoothie Recipes Ever!”


Oatmeal & Fresh Berries- 1/2 cup dry rolled oats(160 calories), 1.5 cups of blueberries(150 calories)

Snack Options(Week 2-100 Calories for men and women, Weeks 3-4 50 Calories for men and women, Weeks 5-6 No Snacks, Week 7 -100 Calories for men and women, Week 8 -200 Calories for men and women)

Fresh Fruit (2 small apples=100 calories, 1 medium banana=100 calories, 1 cup of grapes=100 calories, 1 large orange=90 Calories, 2 cups of strawberries=100 calories, 1 cup of mango, 1 heaping cup of blueberries=100 calories)


Fresh Veggies (3 large carrots=100 calories, 10 large stalks of celery=100 calories, 2 large cucumbers=100 calories, 2 large red bell peppers=100 calories, 3 cups or snow peas=100 calories)

Lunch Options(300 Calories for Women, 400 Calories for Men)

Fruit Smoothie

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

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Strawberry Banana Smoothie- 2 medium bananas, 2 cups whole strawberries, 1 quart of water. Blend until smooth. Men add 1 more banana or 2 more cups of strawberries.

Pineapple Orange Mango Sunrise Smoothie- 2 cups pineapple, 2 oranges, 1 cup mango, 1 quart of water. Blend until smooth. Men add 1 more cup of pineapple or 2 more oranges or 1 more cup of mango.

Super Smoothie-See Recipe eBook “The 12 Most Delicious Vegan SuperSmoothie Recipes Ever!”


Brown Rice & Broccoli (or any other veggie or combo of veggies totaling 100 calories)- 1 cup of cooked brown rice(200 calories), 3 cups of broccoli(100 calories), calorie free seasoning like salt & pepper. Men add 1/2 cup more rice or 100 more calories of veggies.


Sweet Potato & Beans- 1 medium sweet potato steamed(115 calories), 1 cup of pinto beans(200 calories), calorie free seasoning like salt & pepper.. Men add 1 more sweet potato or 1/2 cup of beans.

Snack Options(Week 2-100 Calories for men and women, Weeks 3-4 50 Calories for men and women, Weeks 5-6 No Snacks, Week 7 -100 Calories for men and women, Week 8 -200 Calories for men and women)

Fresh Fruit (2 small apples=100 calories, 1 medium banana=100 calories, 1 cup of grapes=100 calories, 1 large orange=90 Calories, 2 cups of strawberries=100 calories, 1 cup of mango, 1 heaping cup of blueberries=100 calories)


Fresh Veggies (3 large carrots=100 calories, 10 large stalks of celery=100 calories, 2 large cucumbers=100 calories, 2 large red bell peppers=100 calories, 3 cups or snow peas=100 calories)

Dinner Options(400 Calories for Women, 500 Calories for Men)

Hearty Black Bean Soup-See recipe section. Men add 1/2 cup more black beans.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

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Brown Rice & Veggie Stir Fry-See recipe section. Men double the veggies or add 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice.


Baked Potato, Broccoli, and a Spinach Salad- 1 large baked potato(280 calories), 1 cup of steamed Broccoli (or asparagus or zucchini or cauliflower)(40 calories) and Spinach Salad-See recipe section. Men add 1 small potato or 3 cups of veggies.


Very Veggie Lentil Soup- See recipe section. Men add 1/2 cup more lentils or double the veggies.


Garbanzo & Brown Rice Tabbouleh- 3/4 cup garbanzo beans(215 calories), 1/2 cup brown rice(100 calories), 1 large cucumber(50 calories), 1 cup chopped tomato(30 calories), 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar(20 calories), salt & pepper to taste. Men add 1/2 cup more garbanzos or 1/2 cup more rice or double veggies.


Huge Green & Bean Salad- 1 large head romaine or other lettuce(100 calories), 1/2 cup of your favorite beans( 140 calories), 1 large carrot(30 calories), 1 large cucumber(50 calories), 1 red bell pepper(40 calories), 1 cup chopped tomato(30 calories), 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar(20 calories), salt & pepper to taste. Men add 1/2 cup more beans or double veggies(except lettuce.


Fruit Smoothie Strawberry Banana Smoothie- 2 medium bananas, 2 cups whole strawberries, 1 quart of water. Blend until smooth. Men add 1 more banana or 2 more cups of strawberries.

Pineapple Orange Mango Sunrise Smoothie- 2 cups pineapple, 2 oranges, 1 cup mango, 1 quart of water. Blend until smooth. Men add 1 more cup of pineapple or 2 more oranges or 1 more cup of mango.

Super Smoothie-See Recipe eBook “The 12 Most Delicious Vegan SuperSmoothie Recipes Ever!”

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 28: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Shopping List

Fruit-Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Berries, Cherries, Grapes, Mangos, Nectarines, Oranges, Peaches, Pineapple, Melons(1 cup approximately 100 calories)

Veggies-Asparagus(10 large spears=40 calories)dfBell Peppers(biggest you can find=50 calories)Broccoli(1 cup chopped=30 calories)Cabbage(1 cup chopped=20 calories)Cauliflower(1 cup chopped=30 calories)Celery(1 large stalk about 10 calories)Cucumbers(1 large=50 calories)Peas(1 cup=30 calories)Tomatoes(1 cup chopped=30 caloriesZucchini(1 large=50 calories)

Leafy Greens-Lettuce(Romaine, Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Butter), Spinach, Kale, Collards, Chard(1 pound is approximately 100 calories)

Starchy Veggies-Carrots(1 large carrot=30 calories)Potatoes(large, 3-4 inch diameter=278 calories, medium, 2.5-3 inch diameter=160 calories, small, 1.5-2.5 inch diameter=128 calories)Sweet Potatoes(medium, 5 oz=115 calories)

Beans/Legumes-Black Beans, Chickpeas(Garbanzos), Lentils, Pinto Beans We recommend Eden brand canned beans because they donʼt use cans lined with BPA( Bisphenol-A, a potential carcinogen)(1/2 cup beans=140 calories)

Whole Grains- Brown Rice(1cup=200 calories) Rolled Oats(1/2 cup dry=160 calories)

Other Stuff-Tomato paste, Balsamic vinegar,

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 29: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Clean & Lean Filling, Fat Loss Recipes

Hearty Black Bean Soup

This is one of the simplest, most delicious soups youʼll ever make! Itʼs quick (it will take less than 30 minutes), has a just a few ingredients.

Black beans contain one of the highest antioxidant amounts of all beans. The tomato paste is a wonderful source of another magnificent antioxidant, lycopene. In addition to the high antioxidant content, this soup is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You will be pleasantly satisfied after eating a bowl or two of this low fat, nutritious soup.


1 can tomato paste½ cup hot water2 cups vegetable broth (canned is much faster, unless you happen to have homemade stock at home)1 onion, chopped2 cups cooked black beans (canned are just fine)2 cloves garlic, minced1 teaspoon cumin½ cup fresh cilantro

Place all of the ingredients in a large pot and cook on medium heat for approximately 10 minutes (the onions should be tender). After the 10 minutes, remove ½ of the soup from the pot and put into a blender or food processor.

Blend until almost smooth (youʼll want it to be a little chunky). Return the blended half to the pot and gently stir until well combined with the un-blended soup. If youʼd like, add more veggies to the soup to make it even healthier—a chopped carrot, maybe a green or red bell pepper. 400 calories, Men at 1/2 cup more black beans.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

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Brown Rice & Veggie Stir Fry

A simple, loaded with nutrients, meal to help your reach your “ideal you.”This stir-fry can be eaten alone, or with brown rice, quinoa, or your favorite cooked whole grain. You could also serve this with whole grain/sprouted tortillas or pita bread. Eat this for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and youʼll thank yourself for giving you such a magnificent meal!


1 cup cooked brown rice2 cups broccoli florets2 cups cauliflower florets2 cups of snow peas2 tablespoons soy sauce, or Braggʼs Liquid Aminos1 teaspoon fresh ginger, or ½ teaspoon dried ginger powder3-4 cloves garlic, minced

In a medium-sized saucepan, water sauté broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas, ginger and garlic over medium heat until veggies are tender and water is gone. Add the rice and soy sauce or braggʼs and cook for just about 3 minutes. Mix everything well before serving. 400 calories, Men double the veggies or add 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice

Scrumptious Spinach Salad

This is a filling, nutrient-loaded crunchy, crispy, satisfying salad.Enjoy this salad and be certain that with every bite you are making yourself more vibrant, more alive!


2 cups Spinach chopped½ cup Cabbage shredded1 medium Carrot shredded½ a Bell Pepper½ cup Tomato chopped1 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

Add some salt, pepper and your favorite herbs and spices to taste and enjoy.

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com

Page 31: The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body

Very Veggie Lentil Soup

This soup contains oodles of veggies, therefore it gives you an abundance of beta carotene, vitamins A and C, fiber, protein, and some amazing phytonutrients. Itʼs wonderful for you, easy to prepare, and, like all our recipes, it tastes extraordinary!


1 cup cooked lentils2 cups water1 bunch kale, chard, or spinach, chopped2 carrots, chopped1-2 zucchini, chopped2 cups cauliflower, chopped½ small head of cabbage, chopped2 red/green bell peppers, chopped1 yellow onion, chopped or minced3 cloves garlic, minced1 teaspoon ground cuminSalt and pepper to taste

Bring water to a boil in a large stock pot. Add the onions, garlic, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, bell pepper, zucchini and lentils to the water. When the veggies are soft, remove the pot from the heat, stir in the kale, chard or spinach, and let the soup cool for 10 minutes or so. Enjoy!

Good For You!

Congratulations, you made it! You are one of the few people who finishes what they start. Remember to inspire others with your success. Please send us your Clean & Lean weight-loss success story along with before and after photos. Send your story and photos to [email protected]. There is a place in your food and fitness log to keep your before and after photos and to log your measurements. Once again, congratulations!

The Vibrant Vegan Clean & Lean 8-Week Fat Loss and Total Body Fitness Makeover!

Copyright 2011 Derrick deLay & Kirsten Nissen www.vibrantvegan.com
