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The Voice Issue 1

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The Voice of Business in Dumfries & Galloway, published by Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce
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Cheapest fuel in Scotland? Putting on a Show D&G Business Awards ...of business in Dumfries & Galloway Issue 1 Spring 2012
Page 1: The Voice Issue 1

Cheapest fuelin Scotland?

Putting ona Show

D&G Business Awards

...of business in Dumfries & GallowayIssu


g 2012

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t: 01387 270866e: [email protected] www.dgchamber.co.uk

You’ve probably noticed a fresh new lookto Chamber communications as we rollout our new brand.

Your Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce is theregion’s fastest growing local business organisation, offering

our members exceptional services and a growing portfolio ofevents and activities to support Dumfries & Galloway’s businesscommunity. We thought it was time that our logo illustrated our more

dynamic, more inclusive, more optimistic outlook. The new Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce brand

reflects the community aspect of membership of the Chamber.As a region we’re stronger when we’re working together, sharingideas and opportunities and creating a confident future forbusiness in Dumfries & Galloway. We are continually developing your Chamber to make sure

it’s an organisation that you’ll be proud to be a member of. Anorganisation that you know is working hard for you and yourbusiness, with a range of services that give you support whensupport is needed, and an organisation that providesopportunities for you and your business to connect, to developand to play your part in our region’s future success.

Welcome to this first issue of The Voice,the new magazine of Dumfries & GallowayChamber of Commerce.

Designed, edited and printed by businesses in Dumfries & Galloway for the business community of Dumfries

& Galloway, we want The Voice to become a focal point forbusiness news, discussion, commentary and debate in ourregion. Extensive business News and Appointments & Achievements

sections will provide opportunities for members of the Chamberto highlight their successes, thematic features will examinebusiness topics (Issue 2: Renewables for Business), members areinvited to share their expertise in Knowledge Exchange andeach issue will profile a Chamber member selected by a randomnumber generator. With an increased print run, greatly improved distribution

and fresh new design, The Voice is an exciting new publicationfor Dumfries & Galloway and one that will give business in ourregion the platform it deserves.


New Magazine

New Look

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4 NewsDumfries & Galloway’s business news digest.

10 Appointments & Achievements Who’s moving on and moving up.

14 NetworkingConnecting and communicating.

15 Celebrating Success“And the winners are...” Full coverageof the Dumfries & Galloway BusinessAwards.

22 Putting On A ShowA preview of Dumfries & Galloway’sPresidency of the Royal HighlandShow.

25 Knowledge ExchangeMembers share their expertise and specialist advice.

28 Not Even SmallEarthquakesEconomic Commentary from Professor Hervey Gibson.

29 In FocusAdvertorial profiles of three Chamber members.

30 Learning. Networking. Growing.Your guide to D&G business events and opportunities during the next 3 months.

32 WelcomeNew members of D&G Chamber ofCommerce, with advertorial enhancedlistings.

34 Meet The MemberOur random number generator selectsGrierson & Graham.


Partners for Business

South of Scotland Business Solutions: A partnership between Barony College, Borders College, Dumfries & Galloway College, Scottish Agricultural College, Heriot-Watt University, University of Glasgow & University of the West of Scotland






Publisher: Dumfries & GallowayChamber of Commerce T: 01387 270866 E: [email protected]

Editor: Lorna Young T: 01387 263886 E: [email protected]

Design: Ian Findlay Design T: 01387 252599 E: [email protected]

Advertising: Helen Holt T: 07966 162654 E: [email protected]

Photography: Reproduced by kind permission from Allan Devlin, Ian Findlay, Martin McNae, Gordon Rae and contributing businesses.Additional images fromshutterstock.com

The views expressed in thispublication are not necessarilythose of the publishers. Everyeffort is made to ensure theveracity and integrity of thecompanies, persons, products and services mentioned in thispublication and details given arebelieved to be accurate at thetime of going to press. Howeverno responsibility or liabilitywhatsoever can be accepted forany consequence or repercussionof responding to any informationor advice given or inferred.

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4 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce


Destination Dumfries &Galloway (DD&G) has

released the first of a seriesof new images of the regionthat will be available tobusinesses free of charge forindividual and collaborativemarketing.The new images,

commissioned by DD&Gfrom Dumfries photographerColin Tennant, will formpart of a marketing toolkitfor the region’s tourismbusinesses. The toolkit willinclude still and movingimages, as well as therecently unveiled Dumfries& Galloway Tourism Brand.Wilma Finlay, Managing

Director of Cream o’Galloway and Chair ofDD&G said:“The library will provide

businesses with top qualityimages to use duringindividual and collaborativepromotion. Through thetoolkit and the Dumfries &Galloway Tourism brand,the region’s tourism

industry can create acollective and consistentvoice to market the region tovisitors, ultimately attractingnew visitors and buildingthe profile of the region as arural tourism destination.”

Tourism businesses canaccess the current imagelibrary, and be kept informedof when the new imagerywill be available, byregistering for free onDD&G’s tourism industrywebsite www.dgtourism4business.co.uk

Marketing tools fortourism businesses

Business Gateway inDumfries & Galloway

has introduced a newworkshop to helpbusinesses get the most outof one of the internet’s mostinfluential review sites –TripAdvisor. With more than 50

million unique visitors tothe site each monthTripAdvisor invitesmembers of the public toshare their reviews of

accommodation providers,restaurants, attractions andtours with the world.Business Gateway has

responded to the increasingimpact of the siteby developing afree workshop to helpbusinesses makethe site work for them. Thehalf day workshop is an in-depth look at how to takeownership of a listing, how

to enhance the businesspresence and how to postmanagement responses toreviews. Linda Dodd of Hunters

Lodge Hotel took part in thenew workshop whichlaunched in March. She said:

“The workshop reallyopened my eyes to the valueof TripAdvisor. We are nowgoing to take control of our

own listing and encourageguests to write reviews.”The new TripAdvisor

workshop complements theSocial Networking forBusiness workshop thatexplains how businessescan harness the power ofsocial networking. The nextMarketing Your Business onTripAdvisor workshop takesplace on 28th June inDumfries and full details ofall Business Gateway andother business events in theregion can be found on page 30-31.

Dumfries & Galloway’s business news digest Email your news to [email protected]

TripAdvisor advice

The unseasonably warmweather at the end of

March sparked drama in AeForest when CompanyTraining Solutions (CTS)seized the opportunity tocreate an immersive roleplaying training scenario forForestry CommissionScotland. CTS, the business

training team at Dumfries &Galloway College, adaptedthe delivery of the ‘Health &Safety Executive: First Aidat Work Programme’ to thespecific requirements of theforestry team, covering aseries of forestry specificchallenges that theworkforce could encounter. Twelve members of staff

took part in the training andCTS’s innovative approachto delivery has resulted inthem being championed byForestry CommissionTraining as the recognisedtraining organisation forFirst Aid at Work. David Denholm, the CTS

First Aid Trainer, relishedthe opportunity to delivertraining in such a targetedway: “The event was both

exciting and interesting forme and allowed me to letthe imagination flow. Thecustomers taking part in theday were all trainingprofessionals themselves, soto now be championed bythem as their recognisedtraining provider is greatnews.” CTS credits the success

of the training day to theirmethod of customisingdelivery of industrystandard courses toindividual businessrequirements, an approachthat has already workedwell in schools andindustrial settings acrossDumfries & Galloway.

ForestryFirst Aid

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Barend Holiday Villagehas created a new

incentive offering its visitingholiday makers up to 70pence off each litre of petrolor diesel when they fill upat the Esso Maxwell FillingStation in Dalbeattie.The Barend Booking

Bonus gives visitors adiscount card entitling themto a minimum of 5p off fuelwhen they arrive at BarendHoliday Village. To get alarger discount visitors cancollect discount stampsprovided by a wide range oflocal retailers, touristattractions, bars andrestaurants in Dumfries &Galloway. Gordon Colquhoun, a

partner in Barend HolidayVillage, hopes that the newscheme will encouragevisitors to explore what theregion has to offer. He said:“We know how expensive

it is for people to buy fuel,but we wanted our visitorsto not have to worry somuch about the cost oftouring the area and itsattractions, which is one ofthe great joys of visitingDumfries & Galloway.“A number of local

businesses already see animpact from the scheme andhave secured business from

it. Our visitors are of coursevery pleased with the fueldiscount and we’re expectingthe discounts redeemed torise significantly as thewarmer weather arrives. “Esso have been very

supportive of the idea andhave worked closely with uson developing it. There isso much to see and do inDumfries & Galloway, theidea behind the scheme is toencourage our visitors tofully explore what theregion has to offer.” Other businesses

participating in theincentive scheme includeCream o’ Galloway,Dalbeattie Golf Club, Jean’sShop, Colvend, Barend Barand Restaurant, GallowayActivity Centre, NeilsonBros, Butchers, The WillowTree in Palnackie, TheGallery at Laurieston, TheDevil’s Porridge Exhibitionand Esso Maxwell Garage.All of the participants areoffering various amounts ofdiscount relating to visitorspend.

The incentive is set torun till autumn. Businessesinterested in becominginvolved should contactGordon Colquhoun on 01387 780 525.

Two Chamber membersat opposite ends of the

business spectrum havejoined forces to launch anew training project calledTeam Tuesdays. Developedby Insight TrainingCoaching & Consultancyand delivered at Loch KenGallery Conference Suitenear Castle Douglas, TeamTuesdays will provide afresh approach to teamtraining in inspiringsurroundings. Kath from Insight said:“I’ve been training mostly

in the North East recently

and I felt I needed a local,different venue, to deliverfresh, new bespoke teamdays for businesses inDumfries & Galloway andbeyond! After visiting theLoch Ken Gallery, with itsbeautiful location andoutstanding local food, Iknew this was the place.”A Team Tuesday open

evening with refreshmentswill take place on Tuesday29th May from 6pm-8pm atLoch Ken Gallery forbusinesses who want to findout more.

Team Tuesdays

Galloway Activity Centrehas launched a new

series of events inspired bythe 2012 Olympics. TheOlympic Activity Days aredesigned to give children ataste of some new sports aswell as encouraging them toengage with the LondonOlympics.

Activities on offer willinclude sailing, kayaking,mountain biking andarchery, with some friendlycompetition encouraged andawards presented at the endof each day. More than 500children from across Dumfries& Galloway are alreadysigned up to take part.

Olympic Activity Days

The cheapest fuel inScotland?

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6 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

News Dumfries & Galloway’s business news digest. Email your news to [email protected]

HSBC have confirmed aJuly opening for their

new Dumfries branch,creating 14 new bankingroles in the town. HSBC recently

announced their lending inScotland had passed the£1bn mark for the first time,with lending to SMEcustomers up 38%.John Rendall,

CEO for HSBC inScotland said:“We’ve made

considerable progress inencouraging businesses tomove their banking toHSBC, largely through thelending facilities we’vemade available to SMEs tosupport their businessgrowth. Our strong supportfor businesses which tradeinternationally has also beenkey to customer attraction,with 75% of our newcustomers in 2011 havingan international element totheir business. “We’re investing heavily

in our infrastructure toprovide the servicestandards we know are vitalto retaining and attractingcustomers, and believe thenew branch will bring a

new banking dimension toDumfries.”Sales and Service

Manager Katriona Baileybrings 20 years of Dumfriesbanking experience with herto her new post in HSBCand she is looking forwardto creating a branch thatmeets the specific needs of

Dumfries & Gallowaycustomers. She said:“Banking in Dumfries is

where my experience liesand I’ll use my knowledgeof Dumfries people andrural businesses to create abranch that deliversexceptional service. I wanteveryone who comesthrough the door to enjoyvisiting the branch andknow that customer servicealways comes before a sale. “I’m delighted to be

joining an internationalcompany with such adistinctly local outlook, andI’m looking forward toplaying my part in buildingan exciting new branchfrom scratch.”

HSBC to open in July

ScottishPowerRenewables (SPR) is

inviting local businesses to“Meet the Contractor” aftertheir recent appointment ofFarrans to deliver theinfrastructure works forHarestanes Windfarm. The Meet the Contractor

days will let localbusinesses and local peopleexplore businessopportunities relating to theconstruction of thewindfarm.SPR and Farrans are eager

to meet local contractors,plant hire companies,accommodation providersand other businesses orsuppliers who could provideservices and support to thedevelopment.Located between Moffat

and Dumfries in the Forestof Ae, the 68 turbines ofHarestanes will be capableof producing enoughcleaner, greener energy topower the equivalent of over78,000 homes. Work is due to get

underway in early June andwill continue until thesummer of 2014.

ScottishPowerRenewables, SeniorConstruction ProjectManager, Stephen Wardsaid:“Working with local

companies is a key aim ofall our developments andwe know that there aremany companies inDumfries & Galloway whocan bring invaluable localservices, knowledge andexperience to this projectand we want to try andutilise what is right on ourdoorstep.”

Meet the Contractor dayswill be held from 3pm to8pm on 15th May at theBuccleuch Arms Hotel inMoffat and from 3pm to8pm on 16th May atEasterbrook Hall inDumfries.

Businesses that areunable to attend the eventsare invited to submit theirbusiness details for inclusionwithin ScottishPowerRenewables’ dossier of skillsand services by [email protected]

Businesses invited toMeet the Contractor

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CompanyTrainingSolutionsWhatever business you’re in, CTS cansupport the development of you and yourteam. From short courses to openlearning, vocational training to customisedtraining solutions, our team can delivertraining that suits the needs of your staff,around the demands of your business.

4 Care

4 Catering & Hospitality

4 Childcare

4 Computing

4 Construction

4 Electrical Engineering

4 First Aid

4 Gas Training & Assessment

4 Health & Safety

4 Management & Accounting

Tel: 01387 734198/9Email: [email protected] www.dumgal.ac.ukDumfries & Galloway College, Bankend Rd, Dumfries DG1 4FD Scottish Charity Number: SCO21189

FREE Short Courses!Over 60 courses to learn at home or at work, including:Word 2007 / Excel 2007 / Photoshop CS / Web Design &Graphics / Stress Management / Negotiating Skills /Dealing with Difficult People (in the Workplace) / FinancialAccounting. Call 01387 734188 or [email protected]

Individual Learning AccountIf you earn £22,000 or less you may be entitled toIndividual Learning Account (ILA) funding which can beused towards the cost of some CTS courses. Call 0808 100 1090 or go to www.ilascotland.org.uk

Flexible Training OpportunitiesLess than 50 employees? Apply for up to £5,000 towardsemployee training costs from Skills Development Scotland.For advice on how to apply, call free on 0800 783 6000

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8 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

News Dumfries & Galloway’s business news digest. Email your news to [email protected]

Chamber member Eskdale Solutions

were recently appointed to deliver marketing andcommunications support for the Beyond Chapelcrossproject, with the aim ofraising the profile of theproject and the servicesavailable to Chapelcrossstaff, local businesses andthe local community. Beyond Chapelcross is

a strategic project forDumfries & GallowayCouncil, the NuclearDecommissioning Authorityand Magnox Ltd, providingresources to strengthen andhelp diversify the localbusiness base in the Gretna-Lockerbie-Annan corridor,as well as the widerAnnandale & Eskdale area.The project will supportpersonal developmentplanning to Magnox staff,encourage business start-upsand help facilitate the

Working Links inDumfries is

encouraging Dumfries &Galloway employers to findout more about a newprogramme in whichbusinesses could benefitfrom a £2,275 wageincentive by taking on 18-24-year-olds. Worth almost £1billion

the Youth Contract is apackage of support aimed athelping employers recruitnearly half a million youngunemployed people. Thescheme was launched on1st April 2012 and isexpected to run for threeyears.

The employer wageincentive payments areavailable on a first come,first served basis as follows: • Full time employment, of30 hours or more perweek: £2,275 per person.

• Part time employment, of16-19 hours per week:£1,137.50 per person.

• For organisations withover 50 employees, thewage incentive paymentsare made at the end of 26weeks.

• For organisations with 50employees or less a £700interim payment can beclaimed after eightweeks.

Sharon Doyle,Performance Manager atWorking Links in Dumfries,said: “Youth unemployment is

too high but the YouthContract gives employers afantastic incentive to hireyoung people and givesomebody a chance. We areworking with many youngpeople who have beenunemployed for aconsiderable period of timeand who have a lot to givethe local economy.”Working Links is a

contracted facilitator of theYouth Contract, and hasplaced around 200 people

an important local economicinvestment is somethingthat is personally andprofessionally close to ourhearts.”Ewan McDonald,

Transition Manager, atMagnox said: “The £1.2M funding

awarded by the NuclearDecommissioning Authority(NDA) for the BeyondChapelcross Project is tomitigate the impact ofdecommissioning atChapelcross within the localeconomy. Under the NDASocio-Economic Policy oneof the four main criteria is tosupport the local supplychain, so it is fantasticnews, and whollyappropriate, that EskdaleSolutions, a local companyfrom Annandale andEskdale, has been successfulin securing the contract tomarket and communicatethe project.”

Beyond Chapelcross thinks local

Youth Contract wage incentives

Left to right: Bev Bamford of Dumfries & Galloway Council, Ewan McDonaldof Magnox Ltd, Steve Shields of Eskdale Solutions, Don Taylor of Dumfries &Galloway Council.

growth of existingbusinesses, supported by a£300,000 grants programme. Eskdale Solutions based

in Langholm were chosenfollowing a competitivetender process and SteveShields, Business &Marketing Consultant, ofEskdale Solutions said:“We are very excited to be

involved in the Beyond

Chapelcross project. We areproud to be working closelywith Dumfries & GallowayCouncil to help support aproject which will havesuch a positive impact onour local communities andthe local economy. As alocal business staffed bylocal people, working in thelocal business community,getting involved with such

back to work in Dumfries &Galloway over the last threeyears.

Dumfries & Gallowaybusinesses who want to findout more about the YouthContract can call 01387 243 700.

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BDS wins major contract

Chamber member BDShas successfully

retained a contract to supplydata for the British Library’sCataloguing in Publication(CIP) Programme after alengthy and rigoroustendering process.BDS, based on the

Crichton Business Park, hasgrown steadily since itsfoundation in 1995 and thecompany now employs 60people, of which 52 arebased in Dumfries &Galloway. This contract award

maintains BDS’s role ofproviding data to the BritishNational Bibliography(BNB), the list of UK

publications maintained bythe British Library whichsafeguards the literaryheritage of the UnitedKingdom and Ireland. “This is excellent news

for our region,” said LesleyWhyte, Managing Directorof BDS and leader in thebidding process. “BDS is a significant

employer locally and thisaward reaffirms ourreputation as a centre ofexcellence on a world-widescale and supports thegrowth of our company. Italso enables us to maintainour investment in newproduct development and inlocal cultural initiatives

which we believe benefitsDumfries and Galloway andits residents.”Neil Wilson, Head of

Metadata Services,Collection Acquisitions andDescription at the BritishLibrary, said:“We are delighted to be

working with BDS to ensurethat the British Library’s CIPprogramme remains as

timely, comprehensive andrelevant as possible to thelibrary and publishingcommunities.”BDS has held the CIP

Programme contract since1995 and the new contractruns for two years, withyearly options for the BritishLibrary to renew for threeyears thereafter, before re-tendering has to take place.


h Li



The Financial Assistancefor Small Business

(FASB) grant scheme is stillaccepting applications forgrant funding to supportbusiness development andsustainability among newstart and established microand small businesses inDumfries & Galloway. Re-launched last year the

popular supportprogramme, accessiblethrough Business Gateway,awards grants of up to£5,000 and a recent seriesof roadshows acrossDumfries & Galloway hasencouraged businesses froma diverse range of sectors tofind out more about it. Open to businesses with

less than 50 employees inthe tourism, food and drink,manufacturing and businessto business services sectors,FASB operates on a matchfunding basis with thepublic sector contributionbeing a maximum of 50% oftotal project costs. Allapplicants to the

programme will be expectedto demonstrate aspirationsto develop their business tocreate or increase employedpositions and to provide aproduction or service which

enhances the regionaloffering. More than twenty

Chamber members have sofar taken advantage of thegrants and BlackaddieCountry House Hotel inSanquhar has recently beenawarded a grant to supportimprovements in the guest

£5,000 grants still available bedrooms at the hotel. IanMcAndrew of Blackaddiesaid: “In these difficult trading

times it is never easyspending money but we

firmly believe that to goforward we have tocontinue to invest andimprove everything we do.Some of the hotel rooms didnot match the service andthe quality of the food weoffer so it was essential tobring them up to thestandards that we are

becoming known for.”A recent Dumfries &

Galloway Business Awardswinner Galloway ActivityCentre, is another recipientof FASB support. RichardHermon said:“Business Gateway has

been really helpful andhelped us secure aFinancial Assistance forSmall Business grant. Notonly will the funding allowus to create a new ‘waterwipeout’ zone and overflowcar park but our adviser hasalso advised us on a varietyof other business issues.”Business Adviser,

Heather Richardson said:“Richard has built a

fantastic business and wewere delighted to be able tohelp him get some newservices in place for thecoming season.”

Members of Dumfries &Galloway Chamber ofCommerce who have not yettaken advantage of an FASBgrant are encouraged tocontact Business Gatewayon 0844 875 0161 to findout more.

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10 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Appointments & Achievements


Left to right: Shelley Bell, Chris Churms, Eric Brown, Juliette Cooke, Mark Geddes

Five new posts have beencreated as part of the

South of Scotland BusinessCompetitiveness Project, anew project funded by theEuropean RegionalDevelopment Fund andDumfries & GallowayCouncil, that supports localbusinesses and promoteseconomic growth. Shelley Bell and Chris

Churms join the EconomicDevelopment team atDumfries & Galloway

Council as EconomicDevelopment Officers andJuliette Cooke joins asProject Support Officer. EricBrown and Mark Geddesmove to their EconomicDevelopment Officer rolesfrom other positions. The South of Scotland

Business CompetitivenessProject runs until December2013 and provides adviceand specialist support torural businesses across theSouth of Scotland.

Elaine Carruthers hasjoined Easterbrook Hall

as Sales Manager. Formerlyof the Aston Hotel Group,Elaine brings a wealth ofexperience withinhospitality sales andbusiness development. Shesaid: “I am very much looking

ABC RecruitmentServices has appointed

Ronnie Bradford to thenewly created role ofBusiness DevelopmentManager. ManagingDirector Clive Rumboldsaid:“We are delighted to have

secured the services ofsomeone with theconsiderable business andmarketing skills andexperience that Ronniedisplays and I am confidentthat he will be a huge assetto the business as we moveforward with ourdevelopment plans.”

forward to a successfuljourney with Easterbrookand am excited about theopportunity of growthdevelopment within thisfirst class venue. I amlooking forward toenhancing Easterbrook’sprofile within the corporatemarket.”

8020 Ltd has created twonew posts to support the

continued growth of thecompany. Barry Strathearn,previously Regional BranchManager with CumberlandBuilding Society, has beenappointed OperationsManager and Erin Carter hasjoined as IT SupportManager.

Andrew Edgar, ManagingDirector said: “We are delighted to have

attracted such high calibrecandidates and to becreating new roles andcareer opportunities whenthere are such high levels ofunemployment in so manyparts of the country.”

Sandi Shields of Colledge& Vaughan LLP, Family

Law Practice, has beenadmitted by the Law Societyof Scotland as a Solicitor.Originally fromKirkcudbright, Sandistudied at GlasgowUniversity and has returnedto the area to complete herlegal qualifications, joiningColledge & Vaughan inMarch 2011. “Sandi is an absolute

asset to our firm” saidPartner Lynda Vaughan.“We are very fortunate tohave found a rising star inthe profession locally.”Sandi said: “I am generally involved

in family law and civil courtcases. I am able to representclients in court if necessaryand I have a particularinterest in children’s cases.The first year of my traininghas flown in and I amenjoying every minute of it.I am glad there has beenthis opportunity for me towork locally with aspecialist firm. I think that Ihave had much bettertraining than I would everhave had in the city becauseI have been so hands on.”

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UK Shopping Attraction of the Year

Scottish Thistle Awards finalists

Armstrong Watson hasappointed Andrew

Kilby as Managing Directorof its Financial Planning andWealth Management arm,taking over the responsibilityfrom Managing Partner PaulDickson. The company’stax expert Graham Poles,who works across Dumfries& Galloway and in Carlisle,has been promoted toPartner. Andrew, who joined the

company in 2009, will beresponsible for the day today strategic direction andmanagement of the financialservices businesses. He said:“Financial planning and

wealth management is a keypart of Armstrong Watson’sservice proposition andunder Paul’s guidance hasgrown to be a significantfinancial services businesswith over £550m ofinvestment funds underadvice for clients, and 40specialist staff. I am lookingforward to furtherdeveloping our servicesthroughout the ArmstrongWatson group.”Graham Poles joined

Armstrong Watson in 2002to focus on delivering taxsolutions to businesses, hesaid:“I am delighted to receive

recognition for my work inpromotion to Partner. OurCarlisle and Dumfriesoffices continue to grow inpart because of the wealthof specialists we have, andbespoke tax planning playsa very significant part inthat growth.”

The World FamousBlacksmiths Shop, Gretna

Green has been named UKShopping Attraction of theYear at the recent UK CoachAwards, the ‘Oscars’ of thegroup tourism industry. The award follows an

investment of more than £2 million in the centre overthe past two years to createan experiential shoppingenvironment designed todelight the 750,000 visitorswho come to Gretna Greeneach year. Around 30% ofvisitors to the centre comefrom overseas locationsincluding China, Russia,Mexico and Brazil.

Seven tourism businessesand organisations from

Dumfries & Galloway havebeen selected as regionalfinalists for the tourismindustry’s Scottish ThistleAwards, the tourismindustry’s annualcelebration of businessachievement. Chamber members

Galloway Activity Centreare finalists in Best VisitorAttraction Award andTraining and Skills

Development Award, whileSolway View are finalists inBest Self ServiceAccommodation. Richard Hermon of

Galloway Activity Centresaid: “We are delighted tohave been shortlisted asregional finalists. Thecompetition is tough and wewait with baited breath forthe announcement of theregional winners in lateMay.” Other regional finalists

include Cream o’ Gallowaywho are finalists in 3categories, Abbey CottageTearoom, Spring Fling,Thistle ‘B’ Scrumptiousand Big Burns SupperFestival. The regional final will

take place on 23rd Maywith winners going on tocompete at the ScottishThistle Awards 2012 finalsto be held on 8thNovember.

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12 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

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#media2012award forUWS project

Grierson & Graham Ltdhas been named one of

the UK’s best 100 garages byMotor Codes, the providerof OFT-approved codes ofpractice for car service andrepair and new car sales. The list of the nation’s

100 most trusted garageswas compiled following sixweeks of voting bythousands of motorists.Edward Graham of Grierson& Graham is proud to benamed as one of thecountry’s most trustedgarages. He said:

AUniversity of the Westof Scotland project has

won a prestigious awardfrom Podium, the Furtherand Higher Education Unitfor the London 2012 games,for creating the world’s firstOlympic and Paralympiccitizen newswire.#media2012 is

aiming to change theway the Games areexperienced bydeveloping citizen-led media channelsto create a socialmedia legacy forLondon 2012. Byparticipating in#media2012,students and thegeneral public willbecome Gamesreporters, amplifyingstories that wouldotherwise go unheardand promoting free-to-share mediacontent.Professor Andy

Miah of University of theWest of Scotland’s School ofCreative & CulturalIndustries is Chair andEditor of #media2012. Hesaid:“We are delighted to have

won this award and have#media2012 recognised inthis way. Regions all overthe UK have signed up tothe initiative and arecreating original mediacontent that is helping toconnect communitiesaround the Games. Thisproject will give members ofthe public the uniqueopportunity to report on theworld’s biggest globalsporting and cultural event.”

For more information or totake part in #media2012visit www.media2012.org.uk

“This is fantastic news forus because it’s recognitionby the people that mattermost – our customers.”Motor Codes invited

customers to nominate theirlocal garage through theirannual Garage of the Yearcontest. Thousands of

people voted in thecampaign and the fullshortlist can be foundonline at www.garageoftheyear.co.uk. Customers of Grierson & Graham cancontinue voting to helpselect the regional and thenoverall winner.

Top green tourism business Chamber member Solway

View Holidays nearBorgue has been named oneof the most green tourismbusinesses in the UK afterbeing shortlisted for theGreen Tourism BusinessScheme GoldStar Awards2012. The shortlisted 53businesses, which alsoincludes Cream o’ Galloway,comprise the greenest 2% ofthe total 2,400 GTBSmembership across the UKand Ireland. A total of eightGoldStar Awards will bepresented to the companieswho have demonstrated thehighest levels of green

ambassadorship, innovationand cost savings over thelast year.Neil Picken of Solway

View Holidays said: “Farming this land meant

we were concerned with theimpact a tourism businesswould have on it. Withthoughtful sourcing andplanning we feel our holidaybusiness has provided asustainable diversificationbusiness that enhances andcomplements our farm.” The top 2% grading is a

result of green activitiesincluding ‘Tina the Turner’ a15kw turbine that supplies

all the electricity for theholiday business, solarpanels to help heat theshower block water, asheiling dryer, low energylight bulbs and PIR sensorson lighting, a weathercompensator on heatingcontrols in the shower blockand the use of eco-friendlyproducts. Solway View Holidays is

holding an open day on 17thJune when members of thepublic can find out moreabout their green approachto business development, aswell as taking part in a widerange of fun activities.

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14 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Businesses from threeChambers of Commerce

gathered at Gilsland Spa inBrampton last month for amulti-region networking andmini-exhibition event.Seventeen businesses fromDumfries & Galloway joinedten from North EastChamber and 71 fromCumbria Chamber to enjoya buffet lunch, speednetworking and one minutepresentation session. Euan Macleod of Paterson

Engineering in Dalbeattiewas the first business card

drawn for the presentationsession. He said:“The event was, I think,

very successful anddemonstrated the benefits ofcollaborative working toincrease businessdevelopment opportunities.Paterson Engineering werepleased to be “first up” forthe 1minute presentationand the speed networkingsession proved useful andprovided someopportunities for furtherbusiness.”Chamber Board Member

and Business DevelopmentManager for ABCRecruitment Services,Ronnie Bradford also foundthe day valuable. “Many elements

combined to make the eventstand out; from the excellentvenue to the variety of thebusinesses represented tothe friendly style of thepresenters. The result was arelaxed, fun atmospherewhich was conducive toquality networking. “The speed networking

element immediately brokedown barriers as peoplelaunched into their ‘elevatorpitch’ in an effort to makethe most of eachopportunity afforded withinthe allotted 3 minutes. Ifound it an excellent way ofmaking new businessconnections and judging bythe buzz in the room, I amsure most of the attendeeswould say the same.”


The impact of latepayments, competition

with the public sector,finance for businessexpansion, the modernapprentice scheme andrenewable energy were allhot topics discussed at ameeting between Ministerfor Energy, Enterprise andTourism, Fergus Ewing, andten Chamber members

The first of the Network530 events took place

last month, a new after-workbusiness event organised byDumfries & GallowayChamber of Commercethat’s been designed to takethe formality out ofnetworking. Instead acoffee, a cake and a chatwas the offering at KingsCoffee Shop in Dumfrieswhere Jennefer Tobin gavean inspirational talk onSouthwest Scotland RnRand around 25 businesspeople swapped cards andmade contacts. More Network 530 events

will be scheduled in thecoming months andsuggestions for interestingvenues for meeting andchatting over coffee areinvited. [email protected]

representing a broadspectrum of Dumfries &Galloway business sectors. Following the meeting,

Mr Ewing, said: “The Scottish

Government is committed topromoting prosperity inScotland and much of thisdepends on the performanceof our businesses – bothlarge and small. We are working with our enterprise

agencies to secure new jobsand investment to Scotland,and to retain Scotland’sposition as the mostcompetitive environment forbusiness in the UK.”Stuart Callander

President of the Chamberadded:“It is important that we

raise the profile of Dumfries& Galloway and ensure thatwe are heard in thecorridors of power and I amkeen that during my term ofoffice that the Chamberworks hard to achieve this.This meeting was a greatexample of local businessesengaging with the Ministerin a very constructive way.”

Business voices from D&G heard

Network 530 Crossing borders

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Celebratingsuccessin Dumfries & Galloway

Over 200 guests attended theglittering final of the inauguralDumfries & Galloway BusinessAwards. Held at Easterbrook Halland hosted by BBC Scotland newspresenter Catriona Shearer theevent celebrated the achievementsof Dumfries & Galloway businessesacross multiple sectors.


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16 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

The quality of the entriesacross the 11 awardcategories was extremelyhigh and the short listednominees reflect an

impressive breadth of businesssuccess throughout the region – fromstart-ups and individualentrepreneurs to long-establishedbusinesses.Ewan Green, Head of Economic

Development at Dumfries &Galloway Council said:“Dumfries & Galloway Council is

pleased to be the principal sponsorof the Business Awards and tosponsor two awards for RuralBusiness and for the Most PromisingNew Business through our BusinessGateway contract.

“The Council remains committedto the current and ongoing supportfor the region’s small and mediumenterprises who make up the majorityof the business base in Dumfries &Galloway. It is important to recognisethe success and achievements ofthese businesses, particularly in thecurrent economic climate, and we aredelighted to recognise their success inpartnership with the Chamber ofCommerce.”Chief Executive of Dumfries &

Galloway Chamber Gordon Mannsaid:“The event was a great celebration

of the very best of business inDumfries & Galloway and we werevery impressed by the support andthe high quality of applications.”

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Outstanding PerformingBusiness AwardSponsored by Gates Power Transmission

Winner: Sparklers Private Nurseries LtdSparklers owns five nurseries

across Dumfries & Gallowaydelivering high quality holisticchildcare to over 500 families,offering the highest number of pre-school education places in theprivate sector and employing 53 staff. Linda Shields, Human Resources

Manager of Gates PowerTransmission Ltd said: “Sparklers Nurseries are taking

childcare to a completely new level!Their refreshing approach isaddressing a whole spectrum ofneeds across a range of ages bydelivering a creative and structuredlearning environment carefullydesigned to meet the specific needsof the age groups concerned. Theirstaff also benefit from the individualpersonal and professionaldevelopment programmes availableand this combination provides aninnovative and highly progressiveorganisation destined for continuingsuccess.”Ros White of Sparklers Private

Nurseries said: “Sparklers Group were delighted to

be recognised with this award for thehigh quality of the pre-schooleducation and childcare they deliver

in Castle Douglas, Gretna and Annan.Sparklers works closely with the localauthority and with local communitiesto deliver a wide variety of playsessions and educational training forchildren and adults. We listen to ourparents and put in place flexibleservices that meet their individualneeds. Sparklers’ success is all aboutits team of staff who passionatelybelieve in the Sparklers Ethos andVision delivering the highest qualitychildcare and education across theregion.”

Finalist: Positive ResponseCommunications LtdProviding unique safety and security

monitoring systems, supported by asophisticated 24 hour monitoringservice. Theirmain productStaffsafe™ hassaved lives,reduced physicaland psychologicaltrauma and hashelped convictcriminals acrossthe UK andIreland.

Finalist: Galloway Activity CentreOne of the largest outdoor activity

providers in Scotland employing 5 fulltime and 25 part time members of staff.The focus of Galloway Activity Centre isproviding fun, safe, informative andexciting outdoor activities across a widespectrum and customer base.

Business Man of the Year AwardSponsored by Easterbrook Hall

Winner: Ian Hobson of PositiveResponse Communications LtdTechnical Director Ian Hobson

has continued to evolve PositiveResponse’s Staffsafe™ product,improving its technical performanceand dovetailing with 3rd partytechnology to provide a seamlessservice to clients. Angela McIntyre of Easterbrook

Hall said:‘’Easterbrook Hall was delighted

to present the award for BusinessMan of the Year to Ian Hobson of

Positive ResponseCommunications.Ian’s dedicatedapproach tobusiness andforward thinkingmade him a welldeserved winner’’Ian Hobson,

Technical Directorof Positive

Response said:“I am very pleased that my

contribution to the growth ofPositive Response and thecontinuing success of Staffsafe™ hasbeen recognised, however thisaward says just as much about thesuccess of our company and ourteam as it does about my role.

“Sparklers’success is all aboutits team of staff...”

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18 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

“We have had a very exciting fewyears at Positive Response and aredelighted to have secured the biggestnames on the UK high street asclients over the past 3 years. I’mthrilled that our product Staffsafe™is at the forefront of tackling crimeand anti-social behaviour in Britain’sworkplaces and to hear thetechnology and our monitoringcentre working seamlessly togetherto protect hard working peopleconfronted with abuse or threat isenormously rewarding. We are nowlooking forward to a period ofconfirmed, sustained growth andincreased employment over the next3 years. This award recognises thesuccess of our approach and I’mdelighted to accept it on behalf ofthe Positive Response team.”

Business Woman of theYear AwardSponsored by Minerva People

Winner: Claire Beck of The Cocoa Bean CompanyClaire Beck has been the driving

force behind the success of theCocoa Bean Company. She hasgrown the business from her kitchento a chocolate factory supplyingmajor clients and, more recently, apopular visitor attraction. Tricia Hunter of Minerva People

said: “Claire Beck, owner of The Cocoa

Bean Company, made a bigimpression in what she hadachieved. Claire started a handmade

chocolatebusinessin herkitchen

selling to local markets andfairs then in a short period oftime has grown the business tocreate a purpose built factory in2010, manufacturing withcontracts from John Lewis,Harrods, Waitrose, Boots etc.Claire further diversified bycreating a visitor attraction bothindoor and outdoor, a café and byrunning workshops. “In this economic climate Claire

is to be congratulated. She ismanufacturing as well as providing aquality visitor attraction in Dumfries& Galloway that employs many localpeople. This is a company who I’msure will win many more awards inthe future.”Claire Beck of The Cocoa Bean

Company said: ‘I am very pleased to receive this

award and am thrilled that the hardwork invested has been recognised,particularly as I am completely selffunded and this shows other businessowners that they can achieve a greatdeal on their own in an industry thatis largely funded.’

Young Entrepreneur AwardSponsored by University of the West of Scotland

Winner: Carol-Ann Brown of F5 KartingIn 2009 Carol-Ann Brown

recognised that the beaches ofDumfries & Galloway were perfectlysuited to a brand new sport –land-yachting – and sheprovides coaching and land-yachting experiences toindividuals, groups andcorporate bookings. Professor Heather Tarbert,

Head of Business School,University of the West ofScotland said: “University of the West of

Scotland was delighted to sponsor theDumfries & Galloway Business Awardsin 2012. We are always keen toencourage a new generation ofentrepreneurs and to support localbusiness. Carol-Ann Brown of F5

Karting is a very deserving winner ofthe Young Entrepreneur award.Carol-Ann has done exceptionallywell, not only is she a greatambassador for young entrepreneurs,she is a fantastic business womanand with her skills and enthusiasmI’m sure she will continue to be verysuccessful.”Carol-Ann Brown said: “It’s so lovely to receive this

award. As a young person in businessI feel very well supported by theregion and its people and long maythat continue for me and other youngpeople starting up. Thank you tothose who nominated me.”

Most Promising NewBusiness AwardSponsored by Business Gateway

Winner: Brodies of Moffat LtdBrodies was opened in May last

year by husband and wife teamRussell and Danyella Pearce. Theconcept behind Brodies is Wine, Dine& Relax, creating a calm and informalenvironment.

David McLean of BusinessGateway said:“Brodies of Moffat is a highly

ambitious new business andevidenced an entrepreneurialapproach throughout the start-up

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process which made them worthywinners of the award. BusinessGateway was delighted to beassociated with the 2012 Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of CommerceBusiness Awards. It was a superbnight that demonstrated theexcellence of our local businessesand it was great to see so manyBusiness Gateway clients as finalists.”Danyella and Russell Pearce, joint

owners of Brodies of Moffat said:“This has been a fantastic first

year for both us and Brodies. We areextremely proud to receive this MostPromising New Business Award as ithighlights the hard work andcommitment of all our staff. Allthose years of planning have nowborne fruit and we are continuallystriving to surprise and delight newand returning customers.”

Finalist: Happy Feet (UK) Distributing LtdHappy Feet is a high quality fluid

filled insole which is clinicallyproven to provide pain relief fromplantar fasciitis, sore back and legs,heel spurs, diabetic foot ulcers andcorns. The insoles are imported fromFlorida and sold throughout the UKvia internet sales and telephoneorders.

Finalist: Thistle ‘B’ Scrumptious LtdA delicatessen specialising in

local and Scottish produce Thistle ‘B’Scrumptious work closely with localproducers and Scottish producers.They also supply quality takeawaylunches using local produce as thekey ingredients throughout themenu.

Family Business Award Sponsored by Armstrong Watson

Winner: Roucan Loch CrematoriumCompanyRoucan Loch is a crematorium and

woodland site providing people with aserenely peaceful and natural restingplace at the end of their life. Douglas Russell of Armstrong

Watson said:“Armstrong Watson was delighted to

be involved in sponsoring the FamilyBusiness Award, and presenting this toa very worthy winner in Roucan LochCrematorium. It is a fantastic exampleof how well-run family businessesremain a cornerstone of the localeconomy, providing an importantservice to the area within inspiringsurroundings.”Mark Jardine of Roucan Loch said:“It was a privilege and an honour to

be acknowledged as the top familybusiness in Dumfries & Galloway.Roucan Loch is unique in many ways,and for it to succeed it required acompletely novel business model. Ourmotto has always been our familycaring for your family and from theoutset at Roucan Loch we have wantedour wider family of funeral directors tofeel that Roucan Loch was theircrematorium for their families.”

Finalist: Laggan Outdoor LtdLaggan Outdoor offer indoor and

outdoor adventure activities includingclay shooting, archery, grass sledging,mountain boarding, zorbing andSegway adventure tours for

individuals, groups, injured servicepersonnel, corporate team buildingand educational groups.

Excellence in Customer Service Sponsored by HSBC

Winner: Prana Hair and Beauty LtdPrana Hair and Beauty is an

exclusive Aveda Salon based inCastle Douglas with an ethos ofproviding excellent technical skills inhair and beauty whilst making eachvisit to the salon unique and special. John Rendall, CEO for HSBC in

Scotland said:“HSBC was delighted to support

the Dumfries & Galloway BusinessAwards, which recognised the strongbusiness talent present in Dumfries &Galloway today. I would like tocongratulate Prana Hair and Beauty

on their win. We place a hugeemphasis on the quality of serviceour staff provide and the satisfactionof our customers, and the high qualityof entrants in this category indicatesthat businesses throughout Dumfries& Galloway are doing the same.” Carolyn Kennedy of Prana said: “It was a proud moment to receive

the award. At Prana the guest’s salonexperience is of the utmostimportance. People’s me time isprecious and must be the bestexperience it can be every time. It is wonderful to have our servicerecognised as being the best in theregion. Thanks to all my fantasticteam, my family and guests who havemade this award possible.”

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20 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Finalist: Boots UK LtdA retail business focusing mainly

on health and beauty products, Bootsare also a pharmacy and dispenseNHS prescriptions. They alsoprovide all NHS funded pharmacyservices including smoking cessationsupport and the minor ailmentsscheme.

Finalist: Sparklers Private Nurseries LtdSparklers owns five nurseries

across Dumfries and Gallowaydelivering high quality holisticchildcare to over 500 families. Theybelieve that excellent customerexperience is the backbone of theircontinued success.

Rural Enterprise Award Sponsored by Dumfries & Galloway Council

Winner: The Cocoa Bean CompanyThe Cocoa Bean Company is a

visitor attraction based in Twynholmoffering interactive children’s

chocolateworkshops tovisitors andmanufacturinghigh qualityhandmadechocolateproducts forretail customersincluding John

Lewis, Waitrose, Harrods and Boots. Ewan Green Head of Economic

Development at Dumfries & GallowayCouncil said: “Throughout the judging process

we were particularly impressed athow The Cocoa Bean Company hasgrown and diversified. The companyhas become not just a high qualitychocolate manufacturer with majorUK customers but a first class visitorattraction which contributessignificantly to the region’s tourismoffer. The company’s commitment totheir staff is excellent and they havebecome a year round employer of asignificant number of people, whichis hard to achieve in a rural locationThe Cocoa Bean Company are verydeserving winners of the award.”

Avive Asbridge of The Cocoa BeanCompany said:“This is a great testament to the hard

work and dedication of Claire and allthe staff over the years and thecommitment they have made tomaking the company what it is today.”

Finalist: A Taste of GallowayA Taste of Galloway are farmers,

butchers and event caterers who retailtraditional Galloway beef, Blackfacelamb and mutton, saddleback pork andbacon, free range Galloway goose and3 bird roasts, with all the meatproduced on the farm.

Finalist: Eco-Genics LtdEco-Genics provide onsite dry ice

blast cleaning services to heavyindustry and production facilitieswhich can help reduce running costsand maintain and increase the life ofequipment. The process is kind to theenvironment and is completely non-toxic.

Destination Dumfries &Galloway Tourism Award Sponsored by Exchange Communications Limited

Winner: Galloway Activity CentreGalloway Activity Centre offer a

wide range of fun, safe, informativeand exciting outdoor activities across awide spectrum and customer base. Anew waterfront café enjoys stunningviews overlooking Loch Ken.Michael

McMillan ofExchangeCommunicationssaid: “Galloway

Activity Centre isa great example ofa business that hasthe confidence toinvest in its ownfuture success, developing newproducts and services and workingwith others to encourage people tovisit the area. Dumfries & Gallowayhas a lot to offer to visitors and I’mdelighted to be able to support theseimportant awards which celebrate and

showcase our region’s businesssuccesses.”Richard Hermon of Galloway

Activity Centre said: “We are very proud and flattered

to have won this award. There areso many businesses in the regioneach contributing to help makeDumfries & Galloway a very specialdestination for our tourists.Collectively we are having animpact. We have a fantastic andunique product within the region,namely our stunning countryside,wonderful beaches and uniqueenvironment. These are supportedby a range of growing opportunitieswithin the accommodation, cateringand activity sectors. We are veryoptimistic about the future.”

Finalist: 7stanes Mountain BikingCommunity Interest CompanyA not-for-profit organisation

whose role is to market and promotethe 7stanes mountain biking trailcentres, 5 of which are in Dumfries & Galloway. This is achieved via awide range of information portalsand direct support for potentialvisitors.

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DGSEN SocialEnterprise/Charity of the Year Award Sponsored by E-on Climate & Renewables

Winner: Dumfries & GallowayCitizens Advice ServiceD&G CAS provides advice ranging

from straightforward enquiriesthrough to representing people incourt and at tribunals. Quality istheir mission and is at the heart oftheir work. Sophie Moeng of E.ON Climate

& Renewables said:“Dumfries & Galloway Citizens

Advice Service play a criticallyimportant role in the community by supporting people to dealsuccessfully with a wide range ofissues. The judging panel wereimpressed with the breadth ofsupport available and the clear andtangible impact they have had inbenefitting local people. E.ON isdelighted to have supported thisimportant category and wecongratulate the organisation on a very well deserved win.”Sue Irving, Chief Executive of

Dumfries & Galloway Citizens AdviceService said:“We are absolutely delighted to

have won this award and to have ourwork recognised by the business

community. D&G CAS is here foreveryone in the region regardless of thetype of advice they need, ranging fromsimple consumer queries to complexissues such as debt and homerepossessions, and as a result wecontributed £12 million to the localeconomy last year. We can only dothis because of our amazing staff andvolunteers so we would like to thankthe Chamber of Commerce very muchfor recognising our individual andcollective achievements.”

Finalist: Dumfries & Galloway Canine Rescue CentreAs well as re-homing stray,

unwanted and mistreated dogs thecentre runs four charity shops in localtowns and have a small army of localvolunteers who act as directors, dogwalkers, home visitors, fund raisers,DIY workers and more.

Finalist: MoffatCAN LtdMoffatCAN puts worth into waste.

They operate a doorstep recyclingservice for households in UpperAnnandale, have a market gardenselling vegetables, flowers, herbs andfish to local hotels and operate theregion’s only segregated domestic foodwaste collection service.

Savour the Flavours (Local Food Hero)Award Sponsored by Process Plant & Machinery

Winner: Thistle ‘B’ Scrumptious LtdThistle ‘B’ Scrumptious is a

delicatessen specialising in only localand Scottish produce. They workclosely with local producers and alsosource stock from other producersthroughout Scotland.

Anne Clark, CustomerServices Manager at ProcessPlant and Machinery Ltd said:“I would like to

congratulate Helen Cronieand Clint Burgess of Thistle B’Scrumptious. The judgingprocess clearly demonstratedwhat an exciting region we

live in with regards to the food anddrink industry and it was veryencouraging to see how committedour local businesses are in sourcing,manufacturing and supplying topquality local products. It certainlybodes well for the future of the foodand drink sector in our region.”Clint Burgess and Helen Cronie

said: “We are thoroughly delighted to

receive the Savour the Flavours LocalFood Hero Award. This award isparticularly special as our aim is towork with as many local producersas possible and the award is verymuch a credit to them too. Withoutthem, their outstanding produce andtheir commitment, we wouldn’t beable to achieve what we do on a dayto day basis.”

Finalist: Border TabletFounded in 1998 Border Tablet

produces hand-made traditionaltablet. The company sell worldwidevia their website, have a longestablished loyal customer base andshowcase Border Tablet at theprestigious Edinburgh Farmers’Market and other events.

Finalist: Brodies of Moffat LtdA café/restaurant/wine bar which

opened last year in Moffat, Brodiesworks closely with suppliers tosource quality local food and drinkand showcases local, seasonalproduce across their menus.

Finalist: Waulkmill CiderWaulkmilk Cider is a cider and

perry maker and apple juice andapple syrup producer. They produceand retail quality apple productssourced from within Dumfries &Galloway and trade with directretailers such as delis, farm shopsand at farmers’ markets.

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22 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Putting on a Show

If the Royal Highland Showstill toured Scotland then2012 would have seen it heldin Dumfries & Galloway.Instead our region holds theShow Presidency this yearand thousands of visitors tothe Royal Highland Show willbe encouraged to explore thenaturally inspiring sights,flavours and experiences ofDumfries & Galloway.

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For President Alex Fergusson the2012 Royal Highland Show offers a unique opportunity to showcaseand promote the region’s ruralindustries.

“This is the biggest rural shop window in Scotland,” he said. “Right from the start I recognised the value in inviting a broadspectrum of Dumfries & Gallowayorganisations and rural businesses to play a role in promoting our region at the Show. “Most people in Scotland already know

that Dumfries & Galloway is a beautifullyscenic area, but we wanted to highlight themany interesting, adventurous, delicious,exciting and enjoyable experiences that canbe had here.”

Experiencing Dumfries & Galloway Close to 200,000 people attend the Royal

Highland Show each year, all of whom havean interest in ruralactivities and so havea natural affinity withthe tourism offering ofDumfries & Galloway.Showcasing ourregion as a tourismdestination was anopportunity that wastoo good to miss andChamber of

Commerce Chief Executive Gordon Mannhas supported a collaborative tourism area atthe Show. He said:“We’re creating a Dumfries & Galloway

Village in the Countryside Area that pullstogether some of the key tourism sellingpoints of our region in a way that’saccessible and fun for visitors to the Show.Activity, adventure and culture are the mainthemes and we’ll be encouraging people to

explore different ways ofinteracting with the variedlandscape of our region.“We had a trial run of a

collaborative tourism stand at theScottish Outdoor Pursuits Showrecently where over 3,000 visitorshad a taste of Dumfries & Gallowayand it was fantastic to see so manybusinesses and organisationsworking together to promote ourregion.”Kayaking and Segways will get

people thinking about differentways of interacting with thevaried landscape of Dumfries &Galloway and countrysiderangers will meet with childrenand their families to explain thenatural tourism experiencesavailable with a host of handson, practical activities tohighlight the region’s spectacularwildlife and countryside. Children will be encouraged to

connect with Dumfries &Galloway’s cultural heritage in aStorytelling Tipi. The themetowns, Wigtown, Castle Douglasand Kirkcudbright will berepresented, performance artists willprovide entertainment and DrumlanrigCastle will illustrate the area’s cyclingheritage and highlight the GallowayCountry Fair. The stunning gardendisplays made possible in the region bythe warming influence of the GulfStream will be explained and a newregional event catering group,Deliciously Good Food, will invitevisitors to sample a taste of the region’sfinest produce.

“This is the biggestrural shopwindow inScotland.”

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24 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Wilma Finlay who chairs DestinationDumfries & Galloway commented:“With more and more people opting for a

staycation we’ll be encouraging visitors tothe Royal Highland Show to come down toDumfries & Galloway to experience thebeauty and the richness of this inspirationalpart of Scotland.”

Tasting Dumfries & GallowayAs the biggest agricultural show in

Scotland food and drink is high on theagenda of Royal Highland Show visitors andDumfries & Galloway is taking its foodpresence at the Show very seriously indeed. Recognising that Dumfries & Galloway is

an important centre of food production inScotland the President’s Initiative hasencouraged Show caterers to source theirmain product from Dumfries & Galloway.Their ambitious goal of encouraging 70% ofcaterers to use Dumfries & Galloway producelooks set to be achieved and Alex Fergussonhas received a warm reception to thisinnovative approach. He said:

“With so much quality food produced inDumfries & Galloway, and so much qualityproduce served at the Royal Highland Showwe thought working with the Show catererswas a perfect match. We’ll be highlightingall the caterers who are using D&G produceto Feed the Show so that visitors can seewhich catering options are offering a realtaste of Dumfries & Galloway.”A Dumfries & Galloway stand in the Food

Hall will invite visitors to buy specialityproduce direct from the producer, to hear thestories behind the products and to discoverexactly what makes artisan food and drink

so special. The stand, organised by theSouth of Scotland Business CompetitiveProject, will provide practical support tohelp small local food producers attend. Itwill also include a collaborative area hostedby the region’s farmers’ and communitymarkets which will be full of deliciousproduce from some of our region’s microfood and drink businesses.Meanwhile regional food group Savour

the Flavours is title sponsor of the ScotlandFood & Drink Cookery Theatre, putting localchefs and local produce in the spotlight aswell as launching the programme for the2012 Flavour Fortnight food festival. LizRamsay of Savour the Flavours said:“The Royal Highland Show is a perfect

platform upon which to showcase Dumfries& Galloway’s exceptional food and drink.From catering to producers to chefdemonstrations to food festivals, the joinedup approach taken to organising this regionalpresence will mean that visitors to the RoyalHighland Show will be in absolutely nodoubt that Dumfries & Galloway provides adelicious and naturally inspiring holidayexperience.”

Plans are wellunderway but there

are still opportunities forbusinesses andorganisations to take partin the Dumfries &Galloway Village. Thispart of the regionalpresence at the RoyalHighland Show is beingco-ordinated by yourDumfries & GallowayChamber of Commerce.

Contact Gordon on 01387 270 866 or [email protected] details of literaturedisplay and otheropportunities.

Play yourpart!

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Graham Poles,Partner at

Armstrong Watsonexplains why higherrate tax payers can beat risk of underpayingtax.During the year ahead

many people will befinding out the hard waythat they should have completed a tax return and arenow about to be penalised for not doing so.The basic rules are quite simple. If HM Revenue &

Customs (HMRC) sends you a return then you have to fill itin and send it back before the deadline. However, even if you do not receive a tax return you are

still required to ask for one if you owe tax for the year, andit’s up to you as the taxpayer to know when this might bethe case. If HMRC finds out about the missing tax later you will be

fined – even if you were not aware of it – and you’ll be

Harnessing the knowledge and expertiseof Chamber members, KnowledgeExchange shares advice, ideas andsuggestions to help you do businessbetter in Dumfries & Galloway.


Should you makea Tax Return?

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26 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

charged interest in addition to the fine!HMRC already send regular tax returns topeople they think will have tax to pay, butthose who have liabilities for the first timecan escape their notice. HMRC is nowtargeting this group and, in particular, those

who pay higher rate tax. The normal PAYE system applied to wages,

salaries and pensions will generally collect theright amount of tax on that income. Rents orself-employment mean you should already besubmitting tax returns but if there isanother source of income, such as dividendincome, only the basic rate liability is

satisfied when you receive it, so a higher ratetaxpayer will have more to pay. This isusually where the missing tax arises for

those who fail to pay accidentally.This is likely to be an increasing problem over the next

few years as the higher rate tax threshold is not beingincreased in line with inflation, remaining at £42,475 formost people, which means many more will pay 40% tax.Careful planning can often remove or reduce these tax

issues but if you think you may be affected it’s a good ideato have your position checked.

Angus Robertson of Dumfries & Galloway Business

Gateway takes a look at simpleways you can help your businessflourish.As any business advisor

knows, words like business planor cashflow forecast are oftengreeted with sighs ordisinterested expressions. Rather

than thinking of them as necessary evils I encourage people tothink of them as the foundations for future business success.A business built on solid foundations with regular checks ofits structural integrity is much more likely to weathereconomic storms and to seize opportunities for growth.

CashflowKeeping on top of your cashflow is vitally important for

every business, now more than ever. A cashflow forecast projects the income you expect to

receive from sales and any expenditure you are likely tomake each month for at least a twelve month period. Think about your expenditure first – how much will you

spend on materials, travel, utilities, insurance, advertising,rent, office expenses and, most importantly, how much youneed to take out of the business as your own wage.When you update your cashflow regularly it can help

identify potential problem areas in plenty of time to rectifythem.

Business PlanningCreating a realistic, working business plan when you’re

starting or growing a business can pay dividends. There are hundreds of business plan templates available

but writing your own needn’t be complicated or timeconsuming. Focus your business plan around the followingareas:• An executive summary: an overview of the business • A short description of the business opportunity: detailson the business and the products / services available.

• Your marketing and sales strategy: who your customersare and how you plan to attract them

• Your personnel: who will be employed within thebusiness?

• Your operations: premises, production facilities, themanagement information systems and IT.

• Financial forecasts: everything contained within theprevious sections turned into numbers. And the final most important business planning tip

“keep it short” – after all it’s much more likely to be read ifit’s a manageable length.

Alistair Tait of Tait EnterpriseDevelopment asks is your

business working for you, or areyou working for your business?A quick way to see whether

you are getting what youdeserve out of your business isto answer the following threequestions:1. Do you pay yourself enough

for the effort you put in to your business?2. Do you get enough time to do the things you want to do?3. Are you relaxed when you are away from the business?When someone answers NO to any of these questions

they are usually working for the business rather thanhaving their business working for them.

There is a better way! Instead of working hard to make today better than

yesterday and tomorrow better than today, make a plan.The plan should start with a simple question.‘What do you want?’ Make some time to think about what you

want right now, what you want later andwhat you want eventually. To begin with just think about one thing

that you could change that would moveyou closer to a YES answer to the questionsabove. It could be something small liketaking a half day away from the businessonce a month or something bigger likedoubling how much you pay yourself. Youdecide.

Your Gateway forbusiness advice

Getting what youwant from business

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your local magazine for business & enterprise 27

Then write down the clear steps you need to take tochange it and make it happen.By changing one thing, and then another and another,

you will start to believe that things can be changed and youcan do it. Before too long there’s a good chance you’ll beanswering YES to all three questions, and there will be nostopping you when you get on to the bigger questions!

Andrew Edgar ofcommunications and IT

specialists 8020 Ltd in Dumfrieshelps you get the most from yourtelecommunications. 118 calling…. Can we have

your money please?It’s amazing how much some

businesses spend on DirectoryEnquiry Services. Costs have

continued to creep up and up, and, as all the TV showdisclaimers say, “calls from a mobile may be considerablyhigher”.The spiralling costs of directory enquiries began in 2003

when the government opened up the market, ironically toincrease competition and reduce costs to businesses andconsumers, but the Directory market now is very confusingwith offers and charges varying across the board. We have three key tips for business mobile users:

1. If you have a smartphone forget phoning any 118numbers, simply hop on the internet at www.192.comand search for the number for free (assuming you have adata bundle of course).

2. If you do use a Directory Enquiry Service, never get putthrough when they politely ask you if you’d like them toconnect you to your requested number. This can cost astaggering amount per minute for the entire duration ofthe call. Instead ask them to text you the number thensimply redial using your call plan minutes.

3. Get to know your own network’s preferred number. Thisis the cheapest service to use whilst on your mobile. O2– 118402, Vodafone – 118881, Orange 118000.Is free public Wifi really on the horizon?O2 are building a hotspot network called O2 Wifi. It’s

free and you don’t even have to be an O2 customer to use it.Even if your mobile’s with another network or you get yourhome broadband from someone else, everyone will be ableto use it. This means we’ll be able to use O2 Wifi in shops,cafes and bars, then train stations, airports, shoppingcentres, libraries, parks and stadiums. O2 Wifi will give you speeds up to ten times faster than a

normal mobile connection and when you’re browsing on Wifiyou’re not eating up your monthly mobile data allowance. By the end of the year O2 will have set up thousands of

hotspots, and by 2013, they aim to have 14,000 hotspotsacross the UK – double the number anyone offers now. It’swell worth keeping an eye out for the hotspots on yourtravels to help you stay connected without making a dent inyour data.

Talking point

get more from your businesscommunications & IT

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28 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Not even smallearthquakes

Economic commentaryby Professor Hervey Gibson

In the first months of 2012 the UK found itself slippinginto the second dip of recession, and many businessesin Dumfries & Galloway continued to bump along onour bottoms. The earth isn’t moving for us yet, noteven a little.

UK Gross Domestic Product was dragged down by a lackof large construction projects, as the big build for theOlympics drew to a close, and government spending cutsdrove down both concrete plans and confidence.

Close to homeIn our region, house

sales have been rollingslightly downhill sinceSeptember – hinting at athird dip for our recession.Monthly completions inDumfries & Galloway arestill around the 150 mark,where they have been forthree and a half years now,compared with 285 permonth in 2007. Low demand means a

big overhang of unsoldproperties, keeping theprices agreed betweenseller and buyer low. Theoverhang is growing, report local estate agents, solicitors,and property valuers. Local prices are as erratic as ever,partly because of the great variety of different propertytypes found in a rural area, and the widely varyingcircumstances of individual sales. The Dumfries &Galloway price trend has been slipping downwards for twoyears now, while the Scottish trend has remained steadier. In the past, the Dumfries & Galloway housing market has

picked up when prices are low enough to attract in-

migrants, especially from the cities and from North WestEngland. Traditionally many of those welcome in-comershave been entering or approaching retirement. Pensionsand retirement dates are now in flux, as the country comesto terms with its demography. They and the granny taxincreases will hit us more than anywhere in Scotland.Here, where we have the longest-lived population of anycouncil area, we must watch out for different patterns oflater-life moves, and how they may affect us.

Jobs reinforce the messageWhen it comes to jobs,

reflecting conditions for all agegroups and right across theeconomy, the development ofrecent economic trends is verysimilar. The really bad period ranfrom spring 2008 to summer2009. Since then things havebeen much the same, or gettingslightly worse as we wait forgrowth to appear or policy toease.

Creating a brighter outlook The overall economic climate

is still heavily overcast, by developments in Europe even

if North America is brightening a little, and we can’t rely onimprovements from national level. So we need to make ourown weather. Many local firms have completed their retrenchment and

cost cutting and need to keep up the pressure for efficiency.For many of us growth must now depend on developingnew ways of doing business, reaching new customers withnew products. Businesses who can adapt so that theyflourish even in uncertain weather will reap the rewards.












April 20





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April 20





r 200



y 200


April 20





r 200



y 201


April 20





r 201



y 201


April 20





r 201



y 201


April 20





Dumfries & Galloway claimant unemployed 2007–2011 Monthly claimants Underlying trend (seasonally adjusted)

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your local magazine for business & enterprise 29your local magazine for business & enterprise 29

In focus

Acouple relationship can be adeeply satisfying experience and

fun. Running a business as a couplecan be a deeply rewardingexperience and fun.But… When things go wrong,

when the cracks start to appear, itcan be a lonely and scary place to beand definitely not fun.Relationships Scotland may be

able to help you put some of the funback.We offer a safe, impartial space in

which to explore what is going onand why. We can help you tounderstand what changes may beneeded. We can help you to helpyourselves to whatever course ofaction is right for you both.Relationships Scotland offers a

confidential, non judgementalprofessional service at variouslocations in Dumfries & Galloway.As well as support for couples andrelationship counselling, we alsooffer mediation services and childcontact centres.Please contact us for further

information or to make a donation.

Mount St Michael, Craigs Road,Dumfries, DG1 4UTt: 01387 251 245 e: [email protected] charity number SCO38795


Rennie & MacNeillie combinelocal expertise with the security

of partnership with one of theworld’s most discerning financialmanagement companies. Brian Rennie and Ronnie

MacNeillie help individuals andbusinesses plan for a secure future,providing appropriate advice andguidance on savings andinvestments, retirement andinheritance tax planning, as well asfinancial safeguarding. Both Brianand Ronnie bring over 20 yearsprofessional banking experiencewithin Dumfries & Galloway,supporting individuals andbusinesses in realising a prosperousfuture. As a partner of St James’s Place

Wealth Management RonnieMacNeillie can help you access awide and growing range of financialservices of outstanding quality froma company that manages fundsamounting to £28.5 billion. Chambermembers are invited to undertake acomplimentary financial review,with no obligation.

25 Buccleuch Street, Dumfries, DG1 2ATt: 01387 247 757 e: [email protected]

Future-proofyour finances

After retiring from my job withthe NHS last year I was keen to

start my own business and when afriend introduced me to ArbonneInternational I jumped at theopportunity. With their wonderfulproducts and their genius businessplan, this was a winningcombination, allowing me theflexibility to work hours that suitedme and to control the amount ofincome I wanted to earn.Arbonne International is a 34 year

old Swiss-based company started bya Norwegian entrepreneur PetterMorcke who wanted to makeproducts for his family that weremade from only natural ingredients,such as plants and flowers, makingthem pure, safe and free fromharmful chemicals.The products are sold on line and

delivered directly to the customer’sdoor so no need to keep stock andhandle cash.Contact Hania Proudfoot,

Arbonne Independent Consultant, tofind out more about getting involvedin this business opportunity.

Hania Proudfoot, Arbonne Internationalt: 0742 745 4252 e: [email protected]

The beauty ofnetwork marketing


tin M


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30 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber and South ofScotland Business Solutions

(SoSBUS) have developed a newprogramme of Linking Entrepreneurswhich will run throughout this year.Bringing together entrepreneurs fromdifferent business sectors to discusscommon problems these sessionsstart off with a short presentationfrom an expert followed by an openfacilitated discussion. Powerpoint isbanned and the emphasis is onsharing knowledge and experience tolearn from each other. All Linking Entrepreneurs events

cost £10 per head plus VAT andplaces are limited to one person from each business. For moreinformation and to book visitwww.dgchamber.co.uk

15th May – Energy, Is it Costing the Earth? Station Hotel, Dumfries; 5:30pm for 6pm start – 7pm Join a representative from bothEnergy Saving Scotland and theCrichton Carbon Centre to share goodpractice and learn how to take controlof and to reduce your energy costs.

24th May – Service Quality Selkirk Arms Hotel, Kirkcudbright; 5:30pm for 6pm start – 7pmDavid Moyes from the Business Schooland Enterprise and Economics at UWSwill lead a discussion on servicequality and how to use this to keepand generate customers/clients for yourorganisation.

28th May – Business PlanningQueensberry Arms Hotel, Annan; 5:30pm for 6pm start – 7pmJoan Scott and Anne Hill, lecturersfrom the Business School at UWS, willlead a discussion on the relevance ofplanning for small businessesincluding how to set sensibleobjectives, targets and milestones and monitor performance.

31st May – Protect Your Ideas!New Cample Farm, Closeburn,Thornhill; 5:30pm for 6pm start – 7pmAlastair Cameron, Adviser from ICASSwill help you think about how toprotect your idea, product or service.

14th June – Recruitment Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries; 5:30pm for 6pm start – 7pmRecruiting the right person can make

the difference between businesssuccess and failure. This sessionwill look at good practice and somepitfalls in recruitment.

19th June – Financing Projects inDifficult Economic TimesDouglas Arms Hotel, Castle Douglas; 5:30pm for 6pm start – 7pmAlison Watts and Tom Riddet ofArmstrong Watson will share theirknowledge and expertise on raisingfinance from a large business andmicro economic point of view.

3rd July – Keeping it in the FamilyAston Hotel, The Crichton, Dumfries; 6pm for 6:30pm start – 7:30pmGeorge Stevenson, Chairman ofScottish Family Business Associationwill focus on the practical issues ofrunning a family business and howto plan for an orderly succession.


Linking Entrepreneurs

Business events inDumfries & Galloway

Business GatewayWorkshops

All workshops are free of charge. To book your place call Business

Gateway on 0844 8750161. Dumfries workshops are held atBusiness Gateway, 39 Castle Street,Dumfries. Stranraer workshops areheld at WRDC Business Centre,Castle Street, Stranraer.

16th May – Business Start Up –Finance Dumfries and Stranraer;9.30am – 12.30pmLearn how to manage a profit andloss account, produce a cashflowstatement, understand workingcapital and the different legalstructures of a business.

22nd May – Google AdwordsDumfries; 9.30am – 4.30pm How to plan, launch and manageyour Google AdWords campaign,covering the Google keyword researchtool, campaign management, budgetcontrol, market targeting, ad servingand click fraud.

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23rd May – BookkeepingDumfries and Stranraer; 9.30am – 12.30pmAn introduction to bookkeepingprinciples, including the implicationsof VAT registration and why keepingaccurate financial information is soimportant.

29th May – Customer Care SkillsDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmHighlights the benefits of goodcustomer service and how this canaffect the business as a whole.

30th May – Marketing Your BusinessDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmCreate a realistic marketing plan toimprove your marketing efforts andlead to more sales.

6th June – Business Start Up –Business PlanningDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmThis workshop shows you how tocreate a robust business plan.

7th June – Improve Your SearchEngine RankingDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmFind out how search engineoptimisation techniques can help youimprove your search engine ranking,attract more visitors and improve yourwebsite’s performance.

7th June – Business Start Up –Business PlanningDumfries; 5.30pm – 8.30pmThis workshop shows you how tocreate a robust business plan.

8th June – Website Builder Part 1Dumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmExamine your website requirementsand explain your website buildingoptions. No programming or advancedIT skills are required.

13th June – Business Start Up –Marketing Dumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmUnderstand your competitors, identifyyour customers and what to considerin formulating effective marketing foryour start up business.

14th June – Website Builder Part 2Dumfries; 9.30am – 4.30pmThis workshop follows Website BuilderPart 1. You’ll learn about domainnames and how to connect them toyour website project.

14th June – Business Start Up –MarketingDumfries; 5.30pm – 8.30pmUnderstand your competitors, identifyyour customers and what to considerin formulating effective marketing foryour start up business.

19th June – Google AdwordsDumfries; 9.30am – 4.30pm How to plan, launch and manage yourGoogle AdWords campaign, coveringthe Google keyword research tool,campaign management, budget control,market targeting, ad serving and clickfraud.

20th June – Business Start Up –FinanceDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmLearn how to manage a profit and lossaccount, produce a cashflow statement,understand working capital and thedifferent legal structures of a business.

21st June – Business Start Up –Finance Dumfries; 5.30pm – 8.30pmLearn how to manage a profit and lossaccount, produce a cashflow statement,understand working capital and thedifferent legal structures of a business.

26th June – Social Networking forBusinessDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmAn overview of how social networkingopportunities and how you can usesocial networking to help your business.

27th June – BookkeepingDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmAn introduction to bookkeepingprinciples, including the implicationsof VAT registration and why keepingaccurate financial information is soimportant.

28th June – Marketing Your Businesson TripAdvisorDumfries; 9.30am – 12.30pmHow to market and manage yourbusiness on TripAdvisor, of value toany tourism related business.

28th June – BookkeepingDumfries; 5.30pm – 8.30pmAn introduction to bookkeepingprinciples, including the implicationsof VAT registration and why keepingaccurate financial information is soimportant.

17th May – Building a Future forYour Tourism Business – Planningfor Continuous Improvement –Preparation is Everything!North West Castle, Stranraer; 10am – 2.30pmAn interactive workshop to help youstay ahead of the competition andexploit future market opportunities.Hosted by the University of the Westof Scotland and supported byDumfries & Galloway College andSouth of Scotland BusinessSolutions. Cost: Free. Spaces are limited, toconfirm attendance, email GraemeRobison at [email protected]

23rd May – UWS Inspiring PeopleLecture ‘Promoting Concordance inMental Health’ Browne House, Crichton Campus,Dumfries; 5.30pmDiscussing a contemporary approachto Mental Health Nursing,specifically relating to dementia,psychosis and depression and theimplications for carers. Cost: Free. Seats can be reserved inadvance 01387 702075 [email protected].

12th June – Women in BusinessNetworking EveningEmpire Suite, Cairndale Hotel,Dumfries; 5:30pm for 6pm start – 8pmA networking evening for womenbased in the region or with businessinterests in Dumfries and Galloway.Hear from Fiona King, founder anddirector of Totsbots, and take part insome speed networking. Cost: £10 per head plus VAT forChamber members (for a stand add£10 plus VAT); £15 per head plus VATfor non-members (for a stand add £15plus VAT). www.dgchamber.co.uk

Other Events

Page 32: The Voice Issue 1

Insight Training Coaching &ConsultancyDalbeattieContact: Kath Lord GreenTel: 07921 072792www.insighttcc.co.uk

Insight providesone to one lifecoaching forindividuals andbusiness coaching,diagnostics andbespoke training for smallbusinesses and voluntaryorganisations.

You: Life coaching supports youto achieve your goals in work, lifeand relationships. Insight aremembers of the Association forCoaching UK and offerindividualised life coachingsupport.

Your Business: Take advantage ofbusiness diagnostics services andsector specific training solutions,such as Salon Sense, business andmarketing training designed forowners of hair and/or beauty salons.

Your Team: Enjoy Insight’sflexible, focused and fun training,such as Team Tuesdays at Loch KenGallery, team building designed toharness the knowledge andinspiration of your team to create astronger business.

Contact Kath for a no obligationchat about you, your business oryour team, email [email protected] or follow onTwitter @KATHInsight.

Tait Enterprise Development LtdBeattockContact: Alistair TaitTel: 01683 300118www.tedl.co.uk

Aqualified chartered accountantwith particular expertise in

supporting owner managedbusinesses, Alistair Tait can helpyou build the business you need toget the life you want. Tait Enterprise Development

brings objectivity, clarity of thoughtand a solution seeking approach tobusiness development, along with

32 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Arbonne InternationalBeattockContact: Hania ProudfootTel: 07427 454252 www.hania.myarbonne.co.uk

Border TabletLangholmContact: Vi and Charlie GrahamTel: 013873 81224www.sweets-online.co.uk

Lowland Training ServicesNewton StewartContact: Anne ClarkTel: 07908 852990www.lowlandtraining.co.uk

Santander Business BankingDumfriesContact: Fiona BlackTel: 07545 699215

Scallops Direct Alba LtdAnnanContact: Geoff TunstallTel: 01461 206511www.scallopsdirectalba.co.uk

SolaraeHeathhallContact: Vanessa SalthouseTel: 01387 252423www.solarae.co.uk

Solway View HolidaysBorgueContact: Patricia and Neil PickenTel: 01557 870206www.solwayviewholidays.com

Equip4WorkHeathhallContact: Derek HutchinsonTel: 08444 999 222www.equip4work.co.uk

Equip4Work is a family ownedmail order and online retailer

based in Dumfries, supplyingbusiness equipment from officefurniture, warehouse and workshopproducts, to health and safety andcleaning equipment. Over the last seven years we have

forged successful partnerships inhealthcare, education, public sectorand commercial business sectors,supplying quality products atcompetitive prices, with friendlyand efficient service.Our recently launched sister

website www.officefurnitureonline.co.uk specialises in a widerrange of office furniture, seating,education furniture, reception andhome office furniture solutions. Whether you’re making a single

purchase, planning a full officerefurbishment or fitting out a newwarehouse, Equip4work and OfficeFurniture Online can help. We offerfree delivery and can even helpplan your space and install yourfurniture for a hassle free solution. Our expert team are available to

assist either by phone or by usingour live chat system.

Grierson & Graham LtdDumfriesContact: Mark HarrisTel: 01387 257800www.griersonandgraham.com

Welcome A warm welcome to new members of Dumfries & GallowayChamber of Commerce. Our full membership directory is

available on www.dgchamber.co.uk

Johnston CarmichaelAberdeenContact: Sarah RobertsonTel: 01224 212222www.jcca.co.uk

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your local magazine for business & enterprise 33

25 years professional experience ofsupporting businesses acrossmultiple sectors. Working too many hours for too

little reward is a stage of businessgrowth that’s all too common.Alistair can help you understandwhy you want to develop yourbusiness, what needs to be done tomake it successful and the stepsrequired to make that happen. When your business is busy it

can be difficult to decide whatcritical issues need dealt with first.Alistair can provide strategicdirection, business planning,financial management and businesscoaching services, at all timestailored to your individual needs.

Workplace Relations ConsultancyCastle DouglasContact: Deborah SolleyTel: 01556 660336www.workplacerelations.co.uk

Wherever there are two or moreemployees in a business

there is the potential for friction.Deborah Solley of WorkplaceRelations Consultancy providesconsultation and guidance onemployee relations to small andmedium sized businesses across allsectors. Clients across Dumfries &

Galloway and further afield benefitfrom straight talking, practicalsolutions to a myriad of workforceissues including disciplinary andgrievance procedures, performancemanagement, long term sickabsence, redundancies, dismissals,TUPE transfers, re-structuring,litigation issues, policies andprocedures, research, training andrepresentation. Deborah’s expertise is informed

by over 8 years practice inemployment law and she hasexperience in advising public andprivate sector organisations, andbusinesses in construction, forestry,retail, agriculture, motor trade andchild care. Deborah ensures that shehas a sound understanding of yourbusiness needs in order to deliver aresourceful and cost effective ‘fix’ toyour employment situations.

Affiliate Members:Association of Dumfries & GallowayAccommodation ProvidersContact: Gordon ColquhounTel: 01387 780525www.adgap.org.uk

Nithsdale Furniture ProjectDumfriesContact: Alan McLauchlanTel: 01387 720961www.nithsdalefurnitureproject.com

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34 The Voice of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce

Meet Franchise Manager DavidGraham and Business DevelopmentManager Mark Harris, of Grierson &Graham.

How has your business changed overthe past century.

Mark: Well, there certainly weren’tas many cars on the roads in 1911! We were actually looking through oldphotographs last year to pull togetherfor a centenary display and we weresurprised at just how diversified thebusiness has been over the years.From bicycles, motorcycles andmotorcars to televisions, prams andgramophones!

What steps do you take to remaindynamic and competitive?

David: By constantly reviewing whatwe do. Providing an excellent serviceand exceeding our customers’expectations is something thatdefinitely hasn’t changed over the past100 years. We still see a real value inkeeping the family run feel of thebusiness and we like to make sure allour staff feel part of it.

Mark: Teamwork helps give a senseof responsibility to all our staff andallows everyone to communicate theirown ideas. There have been manyeffective business decisions taken by

us in the past based on the collectiveinput of the team.

How has your location shaped yourbusiness?

David: Our success over the yearshas been down to the support of localpeople and their businesses. With theever-increasing impact of the interneton customers’ purchasing decisions weare focussing even more firmly onsupporting and engaging with our localcommunity.

Who inspires you? Mark: A man called Jack Taylor. He

started a very small independent carleasing company in St. Louis, Americain the 1950’s and by never losing focuson his customers, grew this businessinto one of the US’s biggest privately-owned companies. They currentlyemploy over 50,000 people.

What’s your favourite part of day /week / year and why?

David: The build-up to, and thelaunch of, the new car registrations onthe 1st March and 1st September eachyear are always exciting and hectictimes for us.

Why does membership of D&GChamber of Commerce matter to you?

David: There are the obvious

benefits of the many resourcesavailable to us as a member, but wefeel that being able to meet andnetwork with other members, alongwith sharing ideas and advice isinvaluable to us.

Tell us about a recent businesshighlight.

David: We’ve just been shortlisted asone of the 100 best garages in the UK,as part of the Motor Codes Garage ofthe Year competition. This really doesmean a lot to us as it is voted for byour customers, who are after all thepeople best placed to judge us.

Tell us something surprising orunexpected about your business.

Mark: Grierson & Graham were oneof the first businesses in Dumfries tohave a telephone! Dumfries ‘40’ wasour number.

What does the future hold forGrierson & Graham?

Mark: There’s no doubt that thefuture will be challenging. Theautomotive industry is constantlymoving and nobody can becomplacent, but we are in a greatposition to develop and grow ourbusiness in the years ahead.

Meet the Member

Grierson & Graham are a Honda dealerbased in Dumfries.

Founded in 1911 when thecompany began servicingbicycles in Dumfries towncentre, Grierson & Grahamare now one of the largestindependent cardealerships in the regionand the company iscommitted to buildingstrong relationships withits customers by offeringconsistent, excellentcustomer service.

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