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The voice of teens 2014 d

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The Voice of Teens - European School Magazine _______________________________ The magazine is also available at http://www.itismt.it/voice_of_teens/index.htm Page 1 of 23 Site: http://thevoiceofteens.blogspot.it/ Oscar deserving suggestions pag. 15 European School Magazine In This Number - Italy is back at the Oscars pag. 2 - Pro or against the nuclear energy pag. 11 - Reading pag. 4 - Opera pag. 12 - E-book or paper book? Pag. 5/6 - Cake Design pag. 13 - Exam stress pag. 7 - Football, my love pag. 14 - Chocolate pag 8 - Oscar deserving suggestions pag. 15 - How I celebrate Christmas pag. 9 - Spring pag. 19 - My great- grandfather pag. 10 - Don’t ring the bell pag. 20/21 Issue 9 May 2014
Page 1: The voice of teens 2014 d

The Voice of Teens - European School Magazine _______________________________

The magazine is also available at http://www.itismt.it/voice_of_teens/index.htm Page 1 of 23

Site: http://thevoiceofteens.blogspot.it/

Oscar – deserving suggestions pag. 15

European School Magazine

In This Number

- Italy is back at the Oscars pag. 2 - Pro or against the nuclear energy pag. 11

- Reading pag. 4 - Opera pag. 12

- E-book or paper book? Pag. 5/6 - Cake Design pag. 13

- Exam stress pag. 7 - Football, my love pag. 14

- Chocolate pag 8 - Oscar – deserving suggestions pag. 15

- How I celebrate Christmas pag. 9 - Spring pag. 19

- My great- grandfather pag. 10 - Don’t ring the bell pag. 20/21

Issue 9

May 2014

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The Voice of Teens - European School Magazine _______________________________

The magazine is also available at http://www.itismt.it/voice_of_teens/index.htm Page 2 of 23

L’Italia torna agli τscar

Dopo una lunga assenza che durava da quando Roberto Benigni riuscì nell’impresa di trionfare con

“La Vita è Bella”, finalmente l’Italia si ripropone con prepotenza nel panorama cinematografico

mondiale con “La Grande Bellezza”, lungometraggio fresco di Oscar che ha ottenuto durante la notte tra il 2 e il 3 Marzo 2014. Il film di Paolo Sorrentino è stato particolarmente apprezzato

oltralpe, ma ironicamente è stato criticato in patria. D’altro canto si sa che l’Italia non è un paese particolarmente ricco dal punto di vista cinematografico: oltre a pochi film di spicco troviamo solo

commedie scadenti. Il cinema italiano può essere molto più di questo e “La Grande Bellezza” è la dimostrazione che qualcuno lo sa.

Il film può essere interpretato in

due diversi modi. Innanzitutto è

una critica all’Italia che segue la

scia de “La Dolce Vita” di Fellini, ma stavolta il modo di vivere dei

ricchi romani viene mostrato nella

sua decadenza e nei suoi sfarzi

eccessivi. Il protagonista, Jep

Gambardella, è il re delle feste

romane in un periodo

contemporaneo al nostro. Egli si

rende conto di aver passato la sua

intera esistenza, giunta ormai quasi

al termine, alla ricerca della grande bellezza senza averla mai trovata nelle persone che frequenta, i

ricchi. La critica all’Italia nasce nel momento in cui ci si rende conto che essi, che dovrebbero fare

il bene del nostro Paese, si divertono alle spalle della gente comune, senza fare niente per migliorare

la situazione.

Il secondo modo di interpretare il film riguarda la sfera individuale del protagonista, che riflette

quella dell’uomo comune, e il raggiungimento di un obiettivo, quello di essere il più importante

organizzatore di feste a Roma, che una volta raggiunto lo lascia vuoto e senza desideri. A quel

punto, quando si gode la sua conquista, si rende conto di quanto sia ripetitiva e scopre come la vera

“grande bellezza” sia stato il viaggio che l’ha portato fin lì, e che non può più riavere tutto ciò che ha abbandonato lungo la sua strada.

“La Grande Bellezza” è un film artistico, pieno di riprese entusiasmanti e sorprendenti, che illustrano la bellezza di Roma e quindi di tutta l’Italia. Questo è un film che farà emozionare e incuriosire moltissimi, poiché l’intera opera riguarda elementi della vita quotidiana. Nonostante le

critiche controverse, il nuovo film di Sorrentino vincitore di Oscar è un’introspezione nell’animo, un’allegoria della vita e perciò vale la pena vederlo.

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Italy is back at the Oscars

After a long absence, from when Roberto Benigni managed to triumph with “Life is Beautiful” (La vita è Bella), finally Italy is back in the cinema spotlight with “The Great Beauty”(La Grande Bellezza), winner of the Best Movie Not in the English Language that was won on the night

between the 2nd and the 3rd March 2014. This film by Paolo Sorrentino has been largely

appreciated outside of Italy, but ironically it has been criticized in the country of origin. On the

other hand, it’s well known that Italy isn’t very strong when talking about movies: except for a few particularly good films, there are only silly comedies. Italian films can be much more than that and

“The Great Beauty” shows that someone knows it. The movie can be interpreted in two ways. First of all it criticizes Italy, following Fellini’s “La Dolce vita”, but this time the way of life of the rich citizens of Rome is shown in its decay and in its

excessive vanities. The main character, Jep Gambardella, is the king of roman parties in a

contemporary time and he realizes he has spent his whole life, finally at its end, searching for the

great beauty without ever finding it in the people he spends his time with, the rich. The criticism to

Italy appears when one realizes that they, who should be working for improving the country, live

happily behind the back of honest workers, without doing anything to make the conditions better.

The second way of interpreting the film is seeing it as a mirror of the life of the main character and

of a common man: the achievement of an objective, for the character it is being the most important

party organizer in Rome, once achieved, leaves him empty and dreamless. At this point, when he

enjoys his conquest, he realizes how repetitive it is and he discovers that the true “great beauty” is the travel he has made to arrive to that point, and everything he has left behind will never come


“The Great Beauty” is an artistic film, full of amazing and surprising shots, which describe Rome’s beauty, meaning the whole of Italy. This film will inspire and excite many people, because the

whole work of art is about elements of everyday life. Even though the criticisms are controversial,

the new Oscar-winning Sorrentino movie is a self-analysis, an allegory of life and so it is worth


Alex Maffei and Simone Martone

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Kitap okumak sakin bir aktivite gibi görülse de aslında en coşkulu ve içgüdüleri harekete geçirebilen bir hadisedir. Kitabın kokusu sizi ele geçirir, karakterler sizi heyecanlandırır ve karmaşık durumlara sokar. Bilinmedik kapılarda geçirir ve sizi düşündürmeye zorlar. O anda hayal gücünüzde karakterler can bulur, mekânlar birbiri ardından değişir, film gibi gözünüzün önünden akar gider. Kitap duyguların ve düşüncelerin en cesurca anlatıldığı yerdir bence. Bambaşka bir olaydır, bir an kendiniz olmaktan çıkıp yeni bir kahraman olarak sonunu bilmediğiniz bir yolculuğa çıkarsınız. Farklı kişiler tanır, farklı hayatlar görürsünüz. Kitabın kapağına dokunursunuz, rastgele bir sayfa

açarsınız, okumadan önce burnunuza yaklaştırır kokusunu içine çekersiniz,

sonra bir paragrafa ilişir gözünüz. Okumaya başlar ve hayallere dalarsınız. Kitap okumanın amacı kitabı bitirmek olmasa da bir kitabı bitirince aldığınız haz hiçbir şeyle karşılaştırılamaz.


Even though reading looks like a calm

activity, in reality it is a very stirring

activity and it awakens the instincts. The

smell of the book captures you, characters

stirs you up and puts you into complicated situations. It passes you from the unknown doors and

forces you to think. At that moment characters come to life, places change, and come to your eyes

like a movie. I think, a book is a place in which emotions and ideas are expressed most bravely. For

a moment, you become someone else, turn to a book character and start to a journey that you don’t know the end. You meet new lifes and new people. You touch to the cover, open a random page,

you approach it to your nose and smell the scent. Then you notice a paragraph. You start to read and

and daydream. Although the purpose of reading is not finishing the book, the pleasure that you feel

when you finish a book cannot be compared with anything else.


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E-books are much better then paper books and

will eventually replace them

There you can find e-books

everywhere. These have been

specifically disagreed to read.

Firstly, e-books are eco-friendly

because they are electrical

equipment so people don’t have to cut down trees to write a

books. Besides that the e-book is

easier access to the selected

book. You can find easy and fast

every book what you want.

On the other hand e-books are

much expensive so if you want buy this, you must save some money. What’s more e-

books are harmful to eyes so you can’t transplant with read on e-book.

Personally I think the e-books are better than paper books. They are good solutions

for people who need find lot of books and they take care of the environment and this

is very important.

Zuzanna Królak, Class 3b Gimnazjum no. 37, Ul. Niska 5 00-179, Warsaw - Poland

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E-books are much better than paper books and

will eventually replace them. Do you agree?

E-books are much better then paper books. I think the e-books will replace paper


Personally I think that e-books are much better and become more and more popular.

Firstly, in e-books we have quick and easy access to information. We don’t buy many books because we can download them from the internet. Morover, e-books are eco-

friendly, do not consume paper. Besides that e-books are lighter than paper books,

students do not have to wear many paper books because they had to e-books. On the

other hand e-books are

much more expensive that

paper boos, not all can

afford such things. What

more e-books can be easily

corrupted and repair can

cost a lot.

After all, I think that e-

books are better than paper

books. I believe that e-

books will soon replace

paper books.

Weronika Bojarska

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Sınav stresiyle boğuşan bireyleriz hepimiz.. O gizemli sorularla dolu masanın önünde oturma düşüncesi kalbimizi çok kötü çarptırıyor ve vücudumuzu terletmeye başlatıyor. Gevşeyelim! O korkularımızı ve sınav stresimizi basit stres azaltma stratejilerini kullanarak alt edebiliriz. Nefes

almanın basit sanatını hatırlayalım. Birkaç ağır nefes alalım ve zihnimizin verdiği nefesle birlikte gevşemesine izin verelim. Basit bir taktiktir fakat sınav paniği ortaya çıktığında kolaylıkla unutabiliyoruz. Olumlu şeyler düşünelim. Sınavdan iyi sonuç almamızı engelleyecek en kötü şey

olumsuz düşünerek kendimizi panik etmemizdir. Olumlu şeylere odaklanmalıyız. Bunu yapabileceğimize kendimizi ikna etmeliyiz. Ayrıca sınavdan 100 üzerinden 100 alamazsak bunun

dünyanın sonu olmayacağını kendimize hatırlatmalıyız. Egzersiz için zaman ayırmalıyız. Beyin fonksiyonlarının geliştirmenin en iyi yoludur. Aşırı çalışmamalıyız. Sınav stresi yaşarken bir de bulduğumuz her boş dakikada derse gömülmemeliyiz. Bütün konuyu tam

anlamıyla öğrenmek istiyoruz. Fakat sorun şu ki eğer beynimize mola vermezsek bilgilerimizi çok kısa bir zamanda unuturuz. Eğer beynimiz yorulursa fonksiyonlarımız

zayıflayacaktır. Zamanımız varken plan yaparsak çalışmamız için gerekli süremiz olur. Sınav stresiyle baş edebilmek normal hayatımızda da başarılı olmamıza yardımcı olur. Zihin sağlığımızı olumlu bir yerde tutmak için kendimize ihtiyacımız olan molaları ihmal etmemeliyiz. Patlarcasına çalışmak bize sınavda istediğimiz başarıyı sunmayacaktır.


We are the people who fight with exam stress. The idea of sitting in front of the table which

contains those mysterious questions makes our hearts to beat faster. Let’s relax! We can compate with that stress by using some simple tecniques. We should remember the simple skill of breathing.

Let’s take a few deep breath and let our brain to relax with these breaths. It is a very simple technique but we can forget to do it during the exam panic. Think positively. The worst thing that

can prevent to get a good mark from the exam is to think negatively. We should focus on the

positive ideas. Moreover, we should remember that it is not the end of the world if we cannot get

100 over 100. We should take time for doing exercise. This is the best way to improve the brain

functions. We shouldn’t study too much. While having exam stress, we shouldn’t spend every minute that we find to study. We want to learn everything about the subject but, the problem is, if

we don’t take a break we could forget everything that we have learned. If our brain gets tired, its

functions will be slow down. If we make a plan while we stil have time, we can have enough time

to study until the exam.To cope with the exam stress will be helpful to our normal life. To keep our

mind healthy, we should give ourselves the breaks that we need. Overstudying would not give us

the success that we want.


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Quando siamo giù di morale cosa c’è di meglio di uno spuntino? Ci sentiamo subito sollevati e attivi. Un


C’è uno stretto legame tra cibo e benessere poiché gli alimenti che ci piacciono ci regalano immediatamente un senso di felicità.

Alcuni cibi in particolare hanno un riscontro benefico sul nostro umore, uno di questi è il cioccolato.

Questo è stato al centro di molti libri e film di successo, e spesso capita di usarlo come regalo durante le

festività. E’ parte, insomma, della nostra vita nonostante non riceva tutte le attenzioni che meriterebbe. Sono sempre state note le sue proprietà benefiche ma, precisamente, in che cosa consistono?

In primo luogo, uno studio del 2003 promosso dell'Istituto Nazionale Ricerca per gli Alimenti e la

Nutrizione (Inran) di Roma sostiene che il cioccolato faccia bene al cuore. Dai risultati si nota che il fondente

aumenta del 20% le concentrazioni di antiossidanti nel sangue.

Per non parlare degli effetti benefici che questo prodotto ha sul bambino che nascerà se la mamma in attesa

lo consuma! Ricercatori dell’università di Helsinki affermano che i figli di mamme golose hanno meno paura

di fare nuove esperienze e risultano più reattivi.

Ma a cosa è dovuto il buon umore dopo un pezzetto di

questa prelibatezza?

Il cioccolato contiene il triptofano , un amminoacido

essenziale (che l’organismo non produce ma di cui ha bisogno) e la serotonina che sono le “sostanze della felicità” nonché le dirette interessate del miglioramento dell’umore. Proprio la serotonina, talvolta, può causare una dipendenza

poco conosciuta che, per analogia con le altre dipendenze, è

stata chiamata cioccolismo.

Sembrerà impossibile ma il cioccolato ha un ulteriore asso

nella manica: è una potenziale fonte di energia rinnovabile!

Il biodisel che se ne ricava sarebbe un’ottima risposta contro l’inquinamento. E anche se in Italia è vietato l’utilizzo del solo olio vegetale come carburante, di sicuro il cioccolato potrebbe essere una fonte inesauribile di energia.


When we are down in the dumps is there anything

better than a break? We immediately feel relieved

and active - is it just by chance?

There is a strict bond between food and welfare

since the food we like give us immediately a

feeling of happiness.

Some foods in particular are good for our mood,

one of these is chocolate.

It is protagonist of lots of books and famous films

and we often use it like a present in feasts.

It is part of our life although it doesn’t get all the attention that it deserves.

His beneficial properties have always been well-

known, but, what do these properties consist of?

First of all, a study by Inran (Italian National

Research Institute for Food and Nutrition) in 2003

says that chocolate is good for our heart. The

results remark that fondant increases the

concentration of antioxidants in our blood by

20%. Not to speak of the benefits this product has

on the newborn baby if the pregnant mum eats it!

Some researchers at Helsinki University say that

greedy mums’ sons are less fearful of having new experiences and they are more active.

But what is the good mood due to after a little

piece of this deliciousness ?

Chocolate contains tryptophan (an essential

amino-acid which our body needs but can’t produce) and serotonin, which are the “ substances of happiness “, that is the responsible for our mood improvement .

Serotonin sometimes may bring about an

addiction called chocoholism.

It may appear impossible, but chocolate has

another trump card: it is a potential renewable

energy source! The derived biodiesel may be a

very good answer against pollution.

And, even if in Italy the use of vegetal oils as a

fuel is forbidden, chocolate may be an

inexhaustible source of energy. Alessia Perniola

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How I celebrate Christmas

Christmas for me is a celebration of the newborn baby

Jesus and what is more and the most important, it

means spending time with my loving family. Christmas

has always been my favourite holiday of the year.

As a child I couldn’t wait for Santa Claus and presents from him. I also left a handmade present for him under

the Christmass tree. I wish I could go back to those

time when I was a little girl.

Now, when I am older I help my mum to prepare all

tasty food. The month before Christmas we start

buying presents for my family, cleaning each room in

the house. I and my sister always buy unusual presents

for our parents.

On Christmas Eve my dad buys Christmas tree and

while my mum is cooking dumplings, I decorate it with

beautiful glass balls, chains and lamps.

After that, I and my sister Ola set the table. Our

grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins come to us. They

also bring with them delicious dishes: cakes, fish,

kutya.At 6 o’clock we sit at the table. We share the wafer and wish each other the best. When

we finish dinner we start opening presents. It is

amazing feeling if you don’t know what you will get. We sing carols and play games like “Monopoly”, “Guess who?”. At night we usually go to church for the shepards’ mass to pray.

I really love Christmas time.

Monika Wiśniewska, Class 3d Gimnazjum no. 37 Ul. Niska 5 00-179, Warsaw Poland

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My name is Patryk. I’m 13 years old.

I admire most my great-grandfather Henry. My grandfather is 90

years old.

At the age of 23 years he took part in the Warsaw Uprising in

August – October 1944. Then he was sent to Camp righits in

Germany. His work is recorded in the Warsaw Uprising Museum. His hobbies

include doing gardening and picking up mushrooms in a forest. Although he is 90 my

grandfather remembers the old days very well.

Patryk Prokopowicz Class 1c, Gimnazjum no. 37, Ul. Niska 5, 00-179, Warsaw, Poland

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Nucleare sì, nucleare no, nucleare forse, nucleare mai.

Queste sono le possibili risposte ad una delle tante

domande che più fanno discutere in Italia, una domanda

ferma sull’orlo di un precipizio e nessuno sa se essa troverà mai una soluzione definitiva. Gli italiani hanno

detto no al nucleare ghiacciando qualsiasi forma di

investimenti in questa direzione. L’Italia, però, importa dalla Francia e dalla Svizzera energia elettrica prodotta da

centrali simili a quelle che nel nostro Paese sono ferme.

Quindi nucleare sì ma non in Italia. Le centrali porterebbero ad un gran dispendio economico, per l’ edificazione ed anche per i costanti lavori di messa in sicurezza e ciò non sarebbe proficuo data la

situazione di crisi presente in Italia. C’è l’aumento, inoltre, dei rifiuti radioattivi (circa 55 mila metri

cubi) e dei problemi legati al loro difficile smaltimento. L’istituzione del nucleare, però, eviterebbe

l’emissione di CO2 portando anche l’aumento di nuovi posti di lavoro riducendo, anche se in parte, il numero di disoccupati. Alcuni, forse, non risultano molto informati su cosa comporterebbe, come

potrebbe fornire energia, sugli svantaggi e i vantaggi, ma una sola parola è in grado di creare, nel

vortice confuso di informazioni, silenzio ed ostilità, la parola è Chernobyl. Dal 26 aprile del 1986

Chernobyl non indica più una località ucraina, ma il luogo in cui si è verificato il maggiore disastro

provocato da un incidente nucleare con la fuoriuscita di radiazioni.

L’episodio si è verificato in una realtà distante della nostra, ma gran parte dell’ Europa ne ha subito le conseguenze. Il nostro paese non è risultato neutrale. E se con la costruzione di una centrale si

verificasse un incidente in Italia? Se costruissero una centrale nella nostra regione o ancora

nell’arco di pochi chilometri dalla nostra abitazione, cosa pensereste? Sareste d’accordo?

PRO OR AGAINST THE NUCLEAR ENERGY ? Yes nuke, no nuke, perhaps nuke, never nuke. These are just options

to answer one of the many questions which are discussed in Italy , a

question still at the edge of a precipice and nobody knows if it will

ever find a final solution. The Italians said “ no” to nuclear energy so

freezing any form of investment in this direction. Italy , however ,

imports from France and Switzerland electricity produced by power

plants similar to the ones that in our country are stopped with the

four hazard lights on. So yes nuke, but not in Italy . The power

plants would lead to a large financial expenditure, both for the construction and for the constant

work for making them safe. This would not be profitable because of the present crisis in Italy , the

increase of radioactive waste (about 55 thousand cubic meters) in our peninsula and of the problems

associated with their disposal. Nuclear power, however , would avoid the CO2 emissions and bring

about the creation of new jobs thus reducing, even if partially, the number of unemployed people.

Some Italians, perhaps, are not very well informed about what this would mean, about how it could

provide energy as well as about the disadvantages and advantages it would bring , but one word can

create silence and hostility in the confused vortex of information: the word is Chernobyl. Since

April 26th

1986, Chernobyl hasn’t indicated a Ukrainian town any more, but the place where there was the greatest disaster caused by a nuclear accident that resulted in the release of radiation.

Despite theincident has occurred in a place far from our own, a large part of Europe has suffered the

consequences. Our country was not neutral. And what would we do if with the construction of a

power plant we had accident in Italy ? If they built a plant in our region or even a few miles from

our house , what would you think? Would you agree?

Giada Rizzi

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Müzik ruhun gıdasıdır ve müziğin içinde olan insanlar bu ziyafete hep doyumsuz kalır. Sanat insanın içindeki dünyayı görsel bi şekilde yansıtmasıdır bana göre ve nerede kimle nasıl olursa olsun o dünyayı bir şekilde ortaya çıkarır. . Bu arada operayı tanımlamak gerekirse opera genellikle konusunu tarihden, mitolojiden,

efsanelerden veya güncel olaylardan alan, sözlerinin tümü veya bir çoğu müzikle bestelenmiş, içinde görsel sanatların tümünü barındırabilen ,teatral formda bir sahne eseridir.Çok disiplinli çalışarak opera sanatının hakkını verebilirsiniz. Her kulağa her zevke hoş gelmeyebilir ama görüş açısını oldukça zenginleştiren bir sanat olduğundan eminim.

Benim operayla tanışmam tam 11 sene öncesine dayanıyor. 7 yaşımda opera çocuk korosunun sınavlarına girip burslu olarak

kazanmıştım.Elbette 7 yaşında opera sanatçısı olarak çıkmıyorsun ama çocuk korosunda temelini sağlam bir şekilde alıyorsun ne zaman ses tellerin oturuyor bedensel gelişimini tamamlıyorsun işte ozaman aldığın ses eğitimi sayesinde kaliteli bir opera

sanatçısı oluyorsun. Tüm dünyanın ortak ritmi olan müzik operayla başka bir boyut taşır. Music is the nourishment of the soul and the people who are

dealing with music never can feel satisfied. For me, art is the reflection of the the world inside a

person. In any situation, doesn’t matter how, where and when, founds out the world inside. Opera is one of the most important kinds of the music. Mostly uses the topics of history, mithology,

legends or up-to-date things. Almost all of the lyrics inside are melodised with the music and can

contain all of the visual arts.

My meeting with opera goes back to 11 years ago. I entered to the selections of Opera’s children choir and I was selected and received a schoolarship. Of course you don’t be an opera singer when

you are 7 years old but you get a good training in children choir, learn to use your voice and also

complate the development of your body. After that thanks to this training, you can be a opera singer

in the future.

Music, which is the common ritm of the world, is carried to another dimension with opera.


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Cake Design

Sono presenti ai compleanni, ai matrimoni e ad ogni avvenimento degno di essere ricordato: le

torte. Da alcuni anni si è diffusa l'arte del “cake design”, ovvero il nuovo modo di concepire la pasticceria, non solo come prelibatezza per il palato ma anche per la vista. Capolavori lavorati con

pasta di zucchero, che assumono forme impensabili e arrivano al punto di sembrare reali. Come lo

stile barocco, lo scopo di queste delizie è quello di stupire attraverso un legame tra decorazioni e

gusto. Inizialmente praticata per diletto, oggi è uno dei mestieri più creativi per chi è in grado di

dare forma alla propria fantasia. Le creazioni si possono osservare prima di tutto attraverso i media

che propongono diversi programmi televisivi a proposito di questa tendenza. E’ organizzato, inoltre, il Cake Design Italian Festival, di cui la prima edizione si è svolta nel 2011.

Cake Design

They are present at birthday parties, at weddings, and at every kind of event that deserves to be

remembered: cakes. Cake design art has spread for some years, like a new way to conceive pastry-

making, that is making delicacies not only for the palate but also for the sight. They are

masterpieces made of sugar icing that may take unbelievable forms and seem real. As in the

baroque style, the purpose of these delicacies is to impress through a connection between taste and

decoration. Initially carried out just for pleasure, today it is one of the most creative crafts, for all

the people that are able to let their immagination run wild. The creations can be seen first of all

through the media, which offer different kinds of TV shows about this trendy art, or during one of

the Cake Design Italian Festivals (first edition held in 2011).

Chiara Canterino

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Football, my love Adrian Suwiński is 13 years old and he from Polandέ

He is a student at Niska school, because he is good at playing football. He

wants to be a famous player in Borusia Dortmund club when he is older.

Adrian admires Marco Reus, because he is a very good football player.

Adrian starts school at eight in the morning. He gets up at seven o'clock

every day. He watches matches BVB on TV.

Adrian Suwiński, Class 1c, Gimnazjum no. 37, Ul. Niska 5, 00-179 Warsaw Poland

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Consigli da Oscar

Sono passate tre settimane dalla serata degli Oscar, ma il più grande evento cinematografico

dell’anno è ancora fresco nella nostra memoria. Perciò abbiamo deciso di parlare di alcuni dei film

migliori di questa edizione.

In ordine alfabetico, iniziamo con 12 anni schiavo (12 Years a Slave), vincitore della statuetta più

importante, quella per il miglior film. Questo commovente lungometraggio descrive la situazione

sconvolgente dei neri d’America nel XIX secolo attraverso gli occhi di un borghese di colore rapito e ridotto in schiavitù. Il protagonista, realmente esistito, Solomon Northup, scrisse un libro dopo

dodici anni dal suo rapimento intitolandolo, appunto, 12 anni schiavo. Le fantastiche interpretazioni

dei tre protagonisti, Solomon (Chiwetel Ejiofor), Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender) e Patsey

(Lupita Nyong’o), le riprese crude del regista Steve McQueen e la colonna sonora di uno dei più grandi compositori viventi, Hans Zimmer, contribuiscono a lasciare un segno nella memoria e nel

cuore dello spettatore, la cui commozione è assicurata nella scena finale.

American Hustle – L’apparenza inganna (American Hustle) è stato un fenomeno molto

particolare quest’anno. Il lungometraggio candidato a dieci statuette è tornato a casa senza neanche ottenerne una. Il film non va però ignorato: la coppia vincente Lawrence-Cooper, già vista nel film

Il lato positivo (Silver Linings Playbook), per cui la Lawrence ha vinto il premio Oscar come

migliore attrice protagonista, colpisce ancora. Questa pellicola narra di una coppia di furfanti

(Christian Bale/Amy Adams) che, acciuffati da un poliziotto (Bradley Cooper), sono costretti a

collaborare con lui per “depurare” la scena politica americana incastrando alcuni importanti politici,

tra cui Carmine Polito (Jeremy Renner). Questa avvincente storia di polizia, narrata con sottile

ironia da parte del regista David O. Russell, tra gangster (Robert de Niro) e mogli scriteriate

(Jennifer Lawrence), costituisce un’opera cinematografica particolare e curiosa, che lascia nello spettatore una voglia di parlarne con gli amici.

Simile sorte è toccata a I segreti di Osage County (August: Osage County).

Questo film, pur essendo stato candidato a soli due Oscar, poteva essere

incluso nelle nomination per miglior film. Le attrici Meryl Streep e Julia

Roberts sono oramai ampiamente riconosciute nel mondo cinematografico

perciò la Academy ha preferito premiare nuove stelle, come Lupita Nyong’o (12 anni schiavo) e Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club). Tuttavia

questa pellicola è un’affascinante storia sulle vicissitudini di una famiglia disgregata, i Weston, che si riunisce in occasione della morte del padre di

famiglia, il marito di Violet Weston (Meryl Streep). Sin da subito antiche

lotte riemergono e che evidenziano i punti deboli di tutti i personaggi, in

perenne conflitto tra di loro.

Parliamo ora di Gravity, uno dei film più elogiati degli ultimi anni, probabilmente il migliore del

2013. La pellicola è interamente ambientata nello spazio e ha solo due personaggi interpretati

magnificamente da Sandra Bullock e George Clooney. L’intero film è un vero e proprio inno alla vita che ripercorre le orme lasciate dall’insuperabile “2001 – Odissea nello Spazio” e rappresenta il tentativo della protagonista, un’astronauta rimasta unica superstite della sua navicella, di ritornare a casa. La particolarità del film è la quasi assenza di dialoghi, compensata dall’onnipresente ansia nello spettatore grazie non solo alla maestria nella regia di Alfonso Cuaròn, ma anche ad una

colonna sonora martellante e quanto mai efficace di Steven Price. Il film è tornato a casa con ben

sette Oscar, quindi cosa aspettate a guardarlo?

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Lei (Her) è invece tornato a casa con la statuetta per la migliore sceneggiatura non originale. Anche

questo è un film che vale la pena vedere, perché esprime la bellezza dell’amore senza confini, in questo caso tra un uomo, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) ed una macchina, Samantha (Scarlett

Johansson), in una Los Angeles di un futuro non molto lontano. Come ogni storia d’amore è imperfetta e con alti e bassi, ma non meno intensa di quella che può avvenire tra due esseri umani.

Questo pellicola altamente poetica è diretta da Spike Jonze, ed è uno dei suoi primi lavori. Va visto

anche per l’attualità dei suoi temi che rispecchiano una società completamente schiava della tecnologia.

Chi di noi non ha visto Mary Poppins? Il capolavoro di Walt Disney

viene rispolverato e analizzato in un’ottica del tutto nuova in Saving

Mr. Banks. John Lee Hancock confeziona un vero e proprio gioiello

che sarà capace di far ridere e piangere chiunque lo guardi, facendo

riflettere sul reale senso di Mary Poppins. Con un Tom Hanks nei

panni di Walt Disney semplicemente perfetto ed una Emma Thompson

in piena forma nel ruolo di P.L. Travers, autrice del libro “Mary Poppins”. Il divertimento è assolutamente garantito. Alla fine del film, lo spettatore si rende conto di come la tata più famosa di sempre non

sia il vero fulcro della storia, e che dietro ad essa si cela il tentativo

dell’autrice di seppellire una dolorosa infanzia. Perché vederlo? Perché permette di ritornare bambini per un paio d’ore ed è capace di far commuovere anche i meno sensibili. La colonna sonora di Thomas

Newman è la ciliegina sulla torta.

Ultimo, ma non ultimo, The Wolf of Wall Street di Martin Scorsese, che sembra essere incapace di

fare film brutti. Vederlo è come salire sulle montagne russe, e il divertimento e le risate

schiaffeggiano la moralità. Non esiste una parola per descrivere un film così adrenalinica che,

nonostante le tre ore, una durata eccessiva e non casuale, ottenuta dal regista litigando con la

produzione, fa venire voglia di essere visto e rivisto. Non è un film per tutti, questo sì: chi si lascia

scandalizzare facilmente dagli eccessi dei paperoni di Wall Street dovrebbe evitare di guardarlo.

Nonostante ciò, le sole performance di Leonardo DiCaprio (che interpreta il protagonista Jordan

Belfort) e Jonah Hill valgono il prezzo del biglietto. La pellicola è tratta dalla vera storia di Jordan

Belfort che, partendo dal basso, è riuscito a farsi strada come broker a Wall Street fino a diventare

uno degli uomini più ricchi del mondo per poi finire in prigione a causa delle sue azioni illegali.

Oscar-deserving suggestions

Three weeks have passed since the night of the Oscars, but the biggest cinematographic event of the

year is still fresh in our memory. Therefore, we’ve decided to talk about some of the best movies of this edition.

In alphabetical order, let’s start with 12 Years a Slave, the winner of the most important Oscar, the

one for the best picture. This touching movie describes the disturbing condition of the black

Americans in the 19th

century through the eyes of a middle-class black man kidnapped and forced to

slavery. The main character, actually existed, Solomon Northup, wrote a book twelve years after his

abduction entitling it “12 Years a Slave”. The fantastic performances of the three main characters, Solomon (Chiwetel Ejiofor), Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender) and Patsey (Lupita Nyong’o), the raw shots of the director Steve McQueen and the score of one of the greatest living composers,

Hans Zimmer, contribute to leave a mark in the memories and in the hearts of the viewers: they’ll certainly be moved by the final scene.

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American Hustle has been a very interesting phenomenon this year.

The picture, nominated for ten Oscars, went home without winning

anything. Nevertheless, the movie is not to be ignored: the winning

couple Lawrence-Cooper, already seen in “Silver Linings Playbook”, with which Jennifer Lawrence won the Oscar for the best actress in a

leading role, is back. This film is about a couple of thieves (Christian

Bale/Amy Adams) who, caught by a policeman (Bradley Cooper), are

forced to collaborate with him to “clean” the American politic scene arresting some important politicians, like Carmine Polito (Jeremy

Renner). This amazing story, narrated with small irony by David O.

Russell, with gangsters (Robert de Niro) and crazy wives (Jennifer

Lawrence) makes it a curious movie, which leaves the viewer with the

urge to talk about it with his friends.

Similar fate was reached by August Osage County. This film, even though it was nominated for

only two Oscars, could have been included in the nominations for best picture. The actresses Meryl

Streep and Julia Roberts are nowadays largely recognised in the film industry; therefore, the

Academy preferred to reward new movie stars, like Lupita Nyong’o (“12 Years a Save”) and Matthew McConaughey (“Dallas Buyers Club”). Having said this, this is a fascinating story about the events of a broken up family, the Westons, who reunite in the occasion of the death of the

family’s father, Violet Weston’s (Meryl Streep) husband. Early on, old fights remerge, which

underline all the characters’ weaknesses, in eternal conflict between each other. New personalities appear, discovered by the characters and the spectator at the same time, whose defects are revealed

only at the end.

Now let’s talk about Gravity, one of the most praised movies of the last few

years, probably the best of 2013. The film is entirely set in space, and contains

only two characters performed magnificently by Sandra Bullock and George

Clooney. The entire picture is a real hymn to life which follows the steps of the

unforgettable “2001 – A Space Odyssey” and represents the attempt of the main character, the last survivor of a group of astronauts of a space shuttle, to

go back home. The particularity of the movie is that there isn’t almost any dialogue in it, but anxiety is always present in the spectator, thanks both to the

skill of the director Alfonso Cuaròn and to the powerful and effective

soundtrack by Steven Price. The film went home with seven Oscars, so what

are you waiting for to watch it?

Her, instead, went home with the Oscar for best adapted screenplay. This too is a film that is worth

watching, because it talks about infinite love, this time between a man, Theodore (Joaqin Phoenix)

and a machine, Samantha (Scarlett Johansson) in the city of Los Angeles, which is not really that

far away in time. Like every love story it’s imperfect, with high and low points, but not less intense than the one that may happen between two humans. This highly poetic movie is directed by Spike

Jonze, and is one of his first works. It should also be watched because of the modernity of its

themes, which reflect the ones of a totally technology-enslaved society.

Who of us hasn’t watched Mary Poppins? One of Walt Disney’s masterpieces is seen and analised

with a completely different view in Saving Mr. Banks. John Lee Hancock deliveres a true beauty

that will be able to make you laugh and cry, helping you to think about the real meaning of the story

behind “Mary Poppins”. With Tom Hanks’s perfect Walt Disney character and Emma Thompson in the role of P.L.Travers, the author of the book “Mary Poppins”, fun is guaranteed. At the end of the

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film, the viewer realizes that the most famous nanny ever ins’t the true centrepoint of the story, and

that behind her there is the author’s attempt to hide a hurtful childood. Why watch it? Because it lets you go back to being a child for a couple of hours and is able to touch even the less sensitive.

The soundtrack by Thomas Newman is just perfect.

Last but not least, The Wolf of Wall Street by Martin Scorsese,

that seems unable to make bad movies. To watch this one is like

going on a rollercoaster, and the amusement and the laughter come

close to being immoral. There isn’t a word to describe a film so

adrenalinic, which, even though it’s three hours long, a very long time for a modern picture, obtained by the director fighting with

the production, makes you want to see it over and over again. It’s not a story for everyone: the ones that are easily impressed by the

excesses of the rich people of Wall Street shouldn’t watch it. Nevertheless, the performances by Leonardo DiCaprio, who

interpets the main character, Jordan Belfort, and Jonah Hill are

worth the price of the ticket. The movie is based on Jordan

Belfort’s true story, who starting from the bottom managed to get to the top as a Wall Street broker, up to becoming one of the

richest men on the planet and then going to prison because of his

illegal operations.

Alex Maffei e Simone Martone

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Spring is season which comes after cold and cruel winter. It's season that everything wake

up after long hibernation.

Flowers start colour their

blossoms and they come alive.

They start abloom. Also trees

start abloom too. Some of them

bring us sweet and delicious

fruit and another give us

presurable shadow during hot


Animals wake up and they

come out of their hides and

burrows. They search some

food because they sleep all

winter and they are hungry.

Sometimes you can see cubs.

After several months full of frost we can see green grass.

And what about people? People start plant seedlings for example vegetable . And we can

plant carrot, potatoes, onion, corn, tomato, cucumber etc. There are people who don't like

planting. So, they can enjoy warm sunbeams of spring sun and they can breathe fresh, wet

and warm air.

And weather? Weather is quite strange and unpredictable. It can rain all days or it can be

sunny without rain for week. It's typical for spring. Even though I think that people are

happier when the sun is shinning and it's warm weather.

Every season have some magic. Because of this magic they are irreplaceable. And every

season have some positives and negatives. Spring have a lot of positives. Unfortunately, it

have one, I think big negative for quite lot of people. A lot of people don't like these season

because they are allergic. And for many people this is the biggest problem and they have to

solve it with a lot of medicines.

But after all spring is important season. Without spring it couldn't work well!

Patrícia Solčanská

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The Don’t Ring The Bell is an eTwinning project mainly among a Greek and a Turkish school,

developed during the school year 2013-14.

Self-regulation as well as self-evaluation skills are proportional to the level of success and

happiness students will experience in their lifetime. Self-discipline and self-control is not about

punishment or even about an abstinent

lifestyle. It is the ability of the

individual to set priorities and

consciously decide on actions, thoughts

and behaviors that result in personal

development instead of instant


What does the “ringing of the bell” mean?

In fact, bells are alarms that go off

before and/or after a period. They are

time signals that signify a start, a stop,

an obligation, a transition, an order that

must be obeyed or a warning. At school

the bell usually defines learning time to

achieve some goals.

Do students need bells?

Do we need bells at school?

Do bell ringers play an important role in our everyday life?

How far is the school bell to blame for our students’ lack of responsibility, self-confidence, self-

discipline, self-control and readiness for decision-making and initiative-taking?

Doing this project we would like to “ring a bell” for our students! This aims at our students’ improving their sense of responsibility, self-control, self-discipline, self-confidence, behavior and

time management capacity and as well as at developing their learning skills. We would like to Build

Educated Leaders for Life (BELL). Also, we hope to limit truancy, distractions and bullying at

school. Therefore, the general aim of the project is to encourage students from different countries to

work together, exchange views and of the level of responsibility required in order to survive in the

adult world, to learn how to organize an opinion poll, to cultivate the sense of world citizenship as

well as values such as respect.

First of all, the participating students introduced themselves by means of uploading their self-

portraits on a common blog. Afterwards, they reflected and brainstormed on the meaning of the

“bell’ in their lives and created mind maps on the different functions of the bell. The schools stopped to ring the bell for a period. Then, the students prepared an on-line questionnaire in order to

survey the other students’ views and attitudes. The survey data were displayed in the form of diagrams and a report will be written. Next, they came up with good practices of becoming more

responsible by cultivating self regulation and self evaluation skills. Last, the whole project was

presented on the blog http://dont-ring-the-bell.blogspot.com.

By Stavriana S.

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To “Μ υπ υ » ί α α eTwinning, υ ί α μ α α α ’ α υ ί , π υ α απ α α υ υ 2013-14 .

Η αυ μ , α α αυ α ί α α υ π π υ π υ ία π υ μα μα α υ υ . Η Αυ π α ία α αυ ί α μ ία α π . Εί α α α υ α μ υ α π α α α απ φα ί υ , α φ α υμπ φ , π υ π π

α π υ α ί μ αία α π ί .

μαί " π μα υ υ υ »; π α μα α , υ ί α α μα π υ ί π / α μ απ μ α

π ί . α α α μα α υ υ π υ μα μ α α , α , μ α υπ , μ α μ α μ α π π ί . ί υ υ α ί

υ μα μα .

μα α υ ; Χ α μα υ ί ; υ α αμα ί υ μα α μ μα ; Φ αί υ α

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Κ α αυ project αμ α " υπ υμ α αμπα " α υ μα μα ! Απ π αμ μα μα α υ αί μα υ υ , αυ υ ,

αυ π α ία, αυ π π ί α α α α ί υ υ α α α α π υ μ υ .

Θ αμ α μ υμ μ φ μ υ α . Επί , πί αμ α π ί α α ί , π ί π πα μ ί α φ μ ί . Ω υ,

υ υ α α α υμ υ μα απ αφ α υ α , α α α υ απ α πίπ υ π υ απα ί α α α π υ μ

ί , α μ υ π α α υ μ α φυ μ μ μ , α α υ αί πα μ α α α , α α α ί π α μ .

Α π υ α αυ υ α α α αυ π π αφί υ α blog. υ α μ α μ φ υ ί υ

υ υ . α ία μα αμ α α υπ υ α α μ μα Ε α α μ α υ ία. υ α, α πα π ίμα α α on- line

μα π μ υ α υ υ απ α υμμα υ .

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Ε ό α 1μ Γ αφ α α η α α ευ α – Some results of the survey

α ία υ α πα υ α μ μ φ α αμμ α υ . υ α, υ α α π α α αυ μ α

αυ α . , υ υ πα υ α http://dont-ring-the-


Επι ειαμ Σταυρι α Σέ

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Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Gέ Bέ Pentasuglia”, Matera, Italy

Izmir Konak Mersinli Ve Endustri Meslek Lisesi, Izmir, Turkey

Gimnazjum Nr 37 Z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi Im. K. K. Baczynskiego,

Warsawa, Poland

τbchodna' akadémiaTopol’čany ,Topol’čany, Slovakia

Upper Secondary School “Miltos Kountouras”, σea Filadelfeia, Athens, Greece

Sites: http://thevoiceofteens.blogspot.com/ - http://www.itismt.it/voice_of_teens/index.htm
