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The Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

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The Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau 1777 Botelho Drive, Suite 103, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Telephone (925) 934-2007 www.walnut-creek.com

The Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau

W a l n u t C r e e k C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e & V i s i t o r s B u r e a u 1 7 7 7 B o t e l h o D r i v e , S u i t e 1 03 , W a l n u t C r e e k , C A 9 4 5 9 6

Telephone (925) 934-2007 www.walnut-creek.com

On June 4 and June 5 the Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau will continue

a tradition begun in 1982 by celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Walnut Creek Art & Wine

Festival. To mark this very special year, the Chamber will bring the spirit of Mardi Gras

to Walnut Creek and the more than 100,000 visitors it draws to Heather Farm Park over the

two days.

Voted „East BayÊs Best Outdoor Event‰ by Contra Costa Newspapers, the Chamber brings

together an extensive network of sponsors in support of this prestigious community event. As the

„kick off‰ event of the summer, the Festival offers lots of fun for the entire family. In addition to

pouring award winning wines, beers and microbrews, the Festival will come alive with two

entertainment stages, serve ethnic and traditional foods, showcase a premium wine tent and

spectacular childrenÊs area all with the added flavor of New Orleans Mardi Gras!

A huge marketing campaign is planned to promote the event which includes television, newspa-

pers, radio, and magazines. Visibility for sponsors is offered through festival advertising, print

media, television and radio coverage, pre-festival signage, Chamber website, social media and

festival day promotions. Corporate sponsors are encouraged to take advantage of the

various opportunities for exposure.

We invite you to join the numerous businesses that have benefited from their participation in the

Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce & VisitorÊs Bureau Art & Wine Festival as we celebrate our

30th anniversary. Thank you for your support.

Voted “East Bay’s Best Outdoor Event” by Contra Costa Newspapers

Event Sponsor - $5,000

• Company l o g o d i s p layed on f e s t i va l banner on ma in s tage

• Company l o go on p r e - ev en t p romot i ona l mate r ia l s

• Ver ba l a cknow l edg ement of s p onso rsh i p th roughou t th e f e s t i va l

• Company name & l o g o w i th l i nk on th e Chamber Webs i te

• Acknowledgement in press releases

• Twelve wine or beer glasses

Stage Sponsor -$10 ,000

• Company banner prominently displayed on two entertainment stages

• Company logo prominently displayed on festival banner

• Company logo on all promotional materials

• Verbal acknowledgement throughout the festival

• Company name & logo with link on the Chamber Website

• Acknowledgement in press releases

• Booth to display your products and services • Twelve wine or beer glasses

A d d $ 1 , 0 0 0 t o Y o u r E v e n t S p o n s o r s h i p A b o v e a n d R e c e i v e E x c l u s i v e N a m i n g R i g h t s t o O n e o f t h e F o l l o w i n g F e s t i v a l F a v o r i t e s :

• Premium Wine Tent*

• Children’s Area & Live Theater Stage*

• Exclusive Festival Wine Glass

• Exclusive Festival Beer Glass

*Naming right benefits include company provided banner branding your exclusive Festival sponsored area.

• Shuttle Busses *(Shadelands Business Park to Heather Farm)
