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The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, …...C. G. Cook, of Beach, having a pre monition...

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'' •"•••'••••-• •/ ' ' i&w* ffe': LOCAL NEWS Red McQuill was arrested today charged with pigging back of the Mi- BOt Steam Laundry. The Home Hotel was raided Wed- nesday night and the woman in charge taken in tow charged with fracturing the liquor law. Forest Rice, the Blaisdell rancher, was in Minot yesterday enroute to Minneapolis, to get rid of some of his lucre. Judge Fisk has been named Chief Justice of the supieme court in place of Justice Spalding, whose term has expired. Argalus Hardesty, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kurth, submit- ted to an operation today for the re- STATE NEWS Portal has a curling rink. A farmers' institute will be held at Ryder Jan. 23 to 25. C. E. Magner is the new G. N. sta tion agent at Berthold. Former Sheriff Wilcox of Renville county sold six hogs for $173.89 Berthold defeated Donnybrook at i asketball, 52 to 1 H. T. Sands of Norma is said to be the youngest bank president in the state. There are $30,160 worth of unpaid wolf bounty certificates at the office of the state auditor, waiting to be paid, N. C. Abbott, superintendent of schools of Havre, Mont., spent his va- moval of his tonsils. The little man cation with his parents at Deering. stood the ordeal well. J The non-partisan bill for county of- Wm. Johnson, of Douglas, who has ( ficers will create quite a stir when it is been reading the Independent for introduced at the legislature this win- years and likes it, was in the city to- ter, day. The Sherwood Tribune, Mohall Trib- FOR SALE—Four head of milch une-New® and Glenburn Advance are cows. Inquire at 109 Fifth St. N. the now official papers of Renville W., Minot, N. D. 1-14-tl* county. WANTED—Place to work on farm by j F. B. Haines, formerly editor of the man and wife, who understand work i Towner News-Tribune, is a deputy in thoroly. Address Jacob Hovorka, the office of Sheriff Wik of McHenry 305 1st St., S. E., Minot, N. D. county. Among those attending the press) The superintendent of schools of meeting at Fargo from Northwestern i McHenry county has been authorized North Dakota were Editor and Mrs. j by the commissioners to issue a bulle- McLaughlin of Kenmare; Editor , tin quarterly. Drake of Westhope, Geo. Farries of | The Ross Valley News, Mountrail Williston, J. H. McGarry of Alexan- county Independent and the Mountrail der, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis of county Herald were named the official Velva, J. W. R. H. DeLa of Balfour, E. B. McCutcheon and Mr. and Mrs. Coleord of Minot. Prof. Wise Sayk papers of Mountrail county. The Globe hotel at Donnybrook caught fire from over heated pipes in the kitchen. Landlord McVeety put it out with a fire extinguisher. Conductor Wynn's Sherwood Flyer One of the ](,aveg Sherwood each morning at very best things 11;15 instead of 7:30 and win retum that boy of mine j at g.30 jn tj,e evening as usual. ever did to his; Gilbert 0. Gilbertson of Douglas farm, was to (presented the M. E. church a 1200 fence it with 1 ^ The three months' old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorn of Berthold died of pneumonia. The Berthold Drug Co. has taken over the drug store run by H. W. Nel- steel fence posts and woven wire. I have been ask- ed to express in my. talks the importance of steel fencing. For ages people have fenced with son ^ or several years. wooden posts. For ages people sail- Granville people are rejoicing be- ed the ocean with sailing vessels and cause the Sherwood train will tie up then Robert Fulton invented the there and not run to Minot. steamboat. The steamboat was soj. County Superintendent Rockne of much better than the sail boat that Renville county has selected for his steam has now supplanted the sail, j assistant Miss Lola Moon, daughter Wooden posts last about seven 0f Commissioner Moon of Glenburn. years; they rot, they break off andj The Granvine Herald, Anamoose need constant repair and replacing. A pr0g,.ess and Towner News-Tribune fence stretched so tight that it sings are the officjal papers of McHenry a diapason of rigidity and proper | county building, will give and sag when the j Horace Bagley, who served six ' years as judge of McHenry county, is wooden posts begin to shrink. With steel posts a fence is an irres-. . . .. , - . _ is table band of metal. The steel post; . now * ember of the laW firm ° f Bef? springs at the ground when anything! ey orpe. strikes it, then instantly snaps back Frank Hunter, a Granville rural into place. One can burn the weeds, niail carrier, was presented a driving along the fence line without danger of destroying the posts. It takes away the worry of broken posts, sag- ging wires, and shrinkage. It is the Robert Fulton of fencing and it will last not ten years, but fifty, and it will be straight when your chil- dren grow to manhood. It will make your land worth more per acre and is the hall-mark of the modern, profit- able farm. Let the Rogers Lumber Company show you how a Steel fence costs less than tiie old. PROFESSOR WISE. No. 670 REPORT of the CONDITION of the FIRST STATE BANK at Burlington, In the State of North Dakota, at the close of business December 31st. 1914. RESOURCES Loans and discounts 113,199.82 OTenlrafts, secured and unsecured..? 290.85 Warrants stucks. tax certificates. claims, etc 8,715.69 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4,650.00 Other real estate 4,999.91 Due from other banks $11,047.91 Checks and other cash ' V items ( 354.94 Cash 2.813.92 14,216.77 Total 176.073.04 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Surplus fund 3.500.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 3,035.00 Individual deposits sub] ect to check 126.406.99 Timn certificates of de- posit 33.132.C5 59,583.04 Total .r. 178,073.04 State of North Dakota, County of Ward l I, H. A. Klover, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. A. Klcvkb, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of January. isi5. [ ssal I WE. T OOUT, Notary Public. . Wart County, N. V. My commission expires March SO, 1910. Correct. Attest:- D. W. Bowkbk, James Johnson. C. A. Bcgoi, B. E- Bimoii, Director* HIDESandFURS Far* are Low, fcut Cm HMm are Vary High We are payln* thaw prlna: 17% cents for N«.f Inn Sailed MMm 1S% " " " " FreiM " $4.78 tor Ne. 1 Lar«e Hera* HMea Othar kinds and mta la propertioa Burnt tor Mo* List, Trap Book aaa Oa<alse»a ther are tree Misyesr Hides MM-Fente the tMReHeMe N.W. HIDE * FUR CO. 20*204 No. First SL •INNEAPOLt* outfit, overcoat, cap, mittens and robe, by his patrons. According to the Observer, Mat Ri- ley's booze plant at Des Lacs was raided by the "boys" and the town is as dry as a desert. Clerk of Court Taylor of Renville county, has made final proof on his land, believed to be the last final proof in Renville county. Miss Mamie Potter of Cumberland, Ark., and O. A. Solvik, a Douglas grain dealer, were married at Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 28. William J. Stammen, a prominent young Grano farmer, has married Miss Mamie Ahmann, a charming young woman from Foxholm. Christ Solemnaas of Mohall, who has been receiving medical treatment in Minot and Northwood, has gone to Rochester, Minn., for an operation. A car load of mail order catalogs is shipped out of Fargo every four days and it is estimated that 80 car loads of them will go out during the winter. Chas. Fuller, a prosperous Des Lacs farmer, shipped a car load of hogs east last week. He will visit his old home at LaGrange, Ind., before his return. Sawyer will hold a corn show Sat- urday, Jan. 16, prizes being offered. W. A. Peck will be present to judge the corn and the best of it will be exhibited at the Mid-winaer fair at Minot, Jan. 25 to 30. T. M. Brasset leged to have furnished Indians with! booze, lost no time in getting out of town when it became rumored that they might be arrested. ! James Hanley, a prominent Mandan attorney, was named by Governor Hanna as judge of the 12th district, to succeed Judge S. L. Nuchols, who resigned. j C. G. Cook, of Beach, having a pre- monition Qf death, took out a $2,000 life insurance policy which was paid within a few days. He met death when his coal mine caved in. j James Headmark, a local character, at Bismarck, committed suicide by! shooting himself thru the head. Ill j health and the fact that he faced trial j for pigging are said to have been the causes for his act. Kenmare Journal: The report of a debate on the subject of prohibition; held at Burlington recently and pub-; lished in the Minot Independent would lead one to the belief that Walt Mason was somewhere in the vicinity. j Editor and Mrs. W. H. Francis of, Velva, after attending the press meet-1 ing at Fargo, left for points in Wis- j consin for a two weeks' visit with rel-; atives. The Methodist minister at, Velva has charge of the Journal dur- 1 ing their absence. j Mohall Tribune: In the civil action' of Geo. A. Scofield vs. S. A. Wilcox as j Sheriff of Renville county, to recover mileage while deputy sheriff, judg- ment has been entered against Wilcox, in the amount of $617.90. Judge Fisk, ] sitting for Judge Leighton, rendered judgment. | Two good foot ball games for the North Dakota University boys are scheduled to take .place in the state: next fall, one with the Minnesota Uni-! versity eleven and the other with the. Indiana State University team. North Dakota is becoming recognized in more ways than one. j Miss Lenora Moorehead, who hadj charge of a dancing school in Minot, has opened a school in Bismarck which could be used to advantage by some of the legislators. A golden oppor- tunity for Senators Albrecht, Gnglund and others to get the kinks out of their lower extremities. Brevity may or may not be the "soul of wit," but there is no question in re- gard to brevity being the soul of con- versation nowadays. The aim of .the up-to-the-second conversationalist is to cut all the corners and get there in the shortest possible time. In days of yore a man was polite under all cir- cumstances, no matter how much time it consumed. Then he would say, "My desire that you understand thoroughly 1 thai. I comprehend fully and in all de tail the information you are endeavor- ing to impart to me." Now he says "Gotcha!" Seven million, eight hundred and eighty thousand dollars from corri alone in this state this year, and yet some old knockers maintain that this is not a corn country. Judge Leighton has named Judge Percy Crewe referee to re-count the votes for sheriff in Renville county. Martin Haugen defeated Adolph Sor enson by ten votes in the recent elec- tion. Linius Boat, a young Burleigh coun- ty farmer, was fatally injured by an explosion in a coal mine. Two charges of dynamite were placed and one went off. As he was investigating regard- ing the other, it exploded, fracturing his skull. W. C. Gilbreath, commissioner of agriculture for many years, was given a fine gold watch by his old employes, as he stepped out of office. The pre- sentation speech was made by Well- ington Irysh, to which Mr. 'Gilbreath responded feelingly. Des Lacs Observer: Mrs. L. Chap- pell and Mrs. Geo. Waterman arrived from Kirksville, Mo., where they have been taking treatment at the Osteo- pathic Institute. Mrs. Waterman is in much better health but Mrs. Chap- pell did not obtain much relief. Members of the Sawyer Woodman lodge gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson and spent an en- joyable evening, leaving a fine rocking chair and a box of choice cigars. Mr. Wilson was injured some time ago and is still confined to his home. During the past year a local stock buyer at Mohall shipped from that place eleven carloads of stock, as com- Announcement The Scofield Implement Go. takes pleasure in an- anouncing that George A. .State, well known in this city and vicinity, has taken an interest in this concern and has been employed as manager. Mr. State will be pleased to meet his many old time friends and meet new faces as well. Louis Vollmer. representative of the well known Lindsay Bros, concern, is interested in the company as well. The Scofield Implement Co. has closed its thirteenth year's business in this city and is proud of the friends it has made. Preparations are being made to go after the business in a more aggressive manner than ever. Future customers will find that they will be accorded the same considerate treatment that has characterized this house in the past. SCOFIELD IMPLEMENT CO. MINOT, N. D. Dr. J. S. Davies, formerly of Gran- ville, has returned to the United States from a year spent in Vienna, Berlin and London, where he took special work. GIVE "SYRUP OF PIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver . and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at oncc. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad; b?- sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup o f Figs," and In a few hours all the foul constipated waste, undigested fo<>< and sour bile gently moves out of it- little boweis without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask youi' Iruggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con tains full directions for babies, chil- dren of all ages and for growu-nps neon •mason. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Ward. In Justice Court, Before J. E. Burke, Justice. The Union National Bank of Minot, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. Ivy Miiotte, Defendant. SUMMONS. filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ward County, North Dakota, on the 4th day of October, 1913, and which mortgage, together with the debt secured thereby, was heretofore duly sold, assigned and delivered to the Scan- dinavian-American Bank of Minot, and Whereas, default has been made In the terms of said mortgage by reason of the mortgagor failing to pay such indebted- ness so secured by such mortgage, and the amount claimed to be due at this date is the sum of Eighty-eight and 42- 100 Dollars ($88.42), and the assignee of mortgagee having elected to' foreclose said mortgage and the said mortgagor and the assignee of the mortgagee hav- ing agreed in writing that the sale of said property under said foreclosure should be held at the barn on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (5), Town- ship One Hundred Fifty-seven (167) North, Range Eighty-three (83) West, in Ward County, State of North Dakota, at the hour of one o'clock F. M. on the 22nd dav January, A. D. 1915. M. R. PORTER, Agent of the Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot, Assignee of Mortgagee, Residence and Postofflce Address: Minot, North Dakota. BOSARD & TWIFORD, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, Minot, North Dakota. Dated at Minot, North Dakota, this 14th day of January, A. D. 1915. The State°Jf North Dakota to the Above t^ReKis'ter^f Deed's" o"f Ward County'. Kotic* of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Whereas, Henry McLain, mortgagor, made, executed and delivered to Fox- holm State Bank, his certain mortgage, dated May 2nd, 1914, wherein and where- by said mortgagor mortgaged to said mortgagee the .following described per- sonal property, to-wit: One bay mare named "Doll," 11 years old, weight 1200 lbs.; One bay mare named "Fly," 12 years old, weight 1200 lbs., together with all the increase of the above described property, to secure the payment of the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-five and 32-100 Dollars (1275.32) which mortgage was filed in the office of Named Defendant: By this second summons herein you North Dakota, on the 5 th day of May, A. D. 1914, and which mortgage, to gether with the debt secured thereby, inwas heretofore duly sold, assigned and Jhtwi Sill?,.™' ioik tn transferred to the Scandinavian-Amer- «p»?o TT»Hn5 ican Bank of Minot, and answer the complaint of The Union Nat- whereas, default has been made In the ional Bank of Minot, a - - - One red cow two years old; One red and white cow 2 yrs. old; One wagon, 3 1-2 in. with tripple box; one Rock Island running gear. including all the increase of said ani- mals above described, which increase consists of two colts, three one year old colts, two heifers and two calves, to se- cure the payment of Seven Hundred Fif- ty Dollars ($750.00), which mortgage was filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ward County, North Dakota on the 16th day of April, A. D. 1913, ana which mortgage, together with the debt secured thereby, was heretofore duly sold, assigned and transferred to the Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot. and Whereas, default has been made in the terms of said mortgage by reason of the said Henry McLain failing to pay said indebtedness so secured by sucb mortgage, and the amount claimed to be due thereon at this date is Eight Hun- dred Eighteen and 57-100 Dollars ($818.57); and the assignee of mortgagee having elected to foreclose said mort- gage and the said mortgagor and as- signee of mortgagee having agreed in writing that the place of sale of said property to be foreclosed should be on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (!;>. Township One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) North, Range Eighty-three (83). Ward County, at the buildings thereon now occupied by Henry McLain, Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that, by virtue of said mortgage and by order of the said Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot, the present owner there- of, I will sell the above described chat- tels, at the barn situate on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (5). Town- ship One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) North, of Range Eighty-three (83) West, in Ward County, North Dakota, at the hour of one o'clock P. M.. on the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1915. M. R. PORTER. Agent for Scandinavian- American Bank of Minot. Residence and Post Office Address: Minot, North Dakota. BOSARD & TWIFORD, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, Minot, North. Dakota. Dated at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, this 14th day of January, A. D. 1915. lottet of Chattel Hortfifi Ma Whereas Henry McLain, mortgagor, made, executed and delivered to the pnmorntinn . " 1101 ® ao > t>ao ~ 6V " **• "•*' maae, execuiea ana delivered 10 aeainst you alleain* that you are in- tern l s °f said mortgage by reasonofthe | Union National Bank of Minot his eer- dfbted to It In the sum of Ninety-two ITes^^secure^iy au P ch mortgage alfd"' "SUMP 1 iftV* 'H® *? th da 7 °f. N °' Dniiftr« and TCifrtitv-thrAA rents fi<)2 82U P„ ess 80 securea oy sucn ana vember A. D. 1912, wherein and where- the 9th day of September 1914 to the °, f 0'e S^d moftgage and the ®aid mort-1 yelrs old- Holste,n cows - about * terest at ?2 M? n cent together with the P r . and the assignee of the mortgagee one grade Holsteln heifer calf, about lerest at it per ceni, wgeiner wun ine having agreed in writing that the sale six weeks old* -ww* CO j a disbursenrients of this action; of sa),j property under said foreclosure one white cow about five vears old* and demanding that the following de- should heia in the barn on the West one Ted and white cow IhS.t flv«. scribed personal property, which has Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (5), Town- years old- been levied upon by the Sheriff of Ward ship one Hundred Fifty-seven (157) one red and white cow, about Ave North, of Range Eighty-three (88) i years old. West, | together with all the increase from the Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, animals hereinbefore described, which by virtue of said mortgage and by order - ' ,v " of the Scandinavian-American Rank of Minot, the present owner thereof, I will sell the above described chattels, at the barn on the West Half (W 1-2) of Sec- tion Five (5), Township One Hundred and R. H. Bowman are members of the Sawyer local committee. Sam Peterson, aged between 35 and 40 years, living on a farm live miles from Ryder, appeared before the board of insanity at Minot recently on the charge of insanity. He was un- able to talk or give any account of himself and the hearing was adjourn- ed until the arrival of the man's broth- er. Ex-Governor Frank White of Valley City called attention to the fact that only in one instance have father and son been members of the North Dako- ta senate. He stated that while he was a member of the senate during the term of 1895, D. F. Davis was a mem- ber with him, and that at the present j pared to one car the year before. There is still a chance for a big gain, but the record is a good one as the indicator is pointing in the right direc- tion. Mrs. Johnson, wife of County Com- missioner R. D. Johnson of Mohall, died following a long illness, which was augmented by a runaway in 1913. Mr. Johnson himself was seriously in- jured in the runaway and only recent- ly suffered a fractured arm at his grain elevator. E. G. Patterson, twice elected coun- ty commissioner from Burleigh coun- ty, has been selected as chairman of the board. Mr. Patterson deserves the honor. He is one of Bismarck's very best citizens, and a successful busi- nessman who has invested his money time J. ,E* Davis, his son, is serving. Two Van Hook citizens who are al- ! right where he has made it. County, North Dakota, by virtue of a Warrant of Attachment herein, to-wit: 1 Mason & Hamlin Piano, number 5920, and 1 Piano Stool, be applied to the sat- isfaction of the above stated claim; and you are hereby notified that unless you so appear and answer the plaintiff will take judgment aganist you accordingly. Dated this 8th day of January, 1916. J. E. BURKE, Justice of the Peace, Ward Co., N. D. I hereby direct that the above sum- mons shall be served by publishing the same in The Ward County Independent, a weekly newspaper published in the city of Minot, Ward County, once a week for three successive weeks. J. E. BURKE, Justice of the Peace, Ward Co., N. D. V. E. Stenersen, Attorney for Plaintiff, Minot, N. D. l-14-t3 ITotloe of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Whereas, Henry McLain, mortgagor, made executed and delivered to the Mi- not Implement Company, his certain mortgage, dated the 10th day of Septem- ber, 1913, wherein and whereby said mortgagor mortgaged to the said mort- gagee the following described personal property, to-wlt: One No. NA 214 John Deere horse lift riding triple gang, complete, with extra shares and 7-horse evener; One No. 4 Sharpless Cream Separator; One Bradley make of gang with 14- inch bottoms, all complete, with extra shares and eveners; One Monitor double disc drill, 12 feet wide, all complete, with polea and even- ers; One complete set blacksmith tools, such as anvil, hammers, tongs, blower, forge, and all other tools used in regu- lar blacksmith shop, and now owned by me but not enumerated above; One No. 7 Janesvllle corn planter, all complete; . ^. , One Deering make of com binder, all ••fi «-r Fifty-seven (157) North, Range Eighty- three (83) West, in Ward County, State of North Dakota, at the hour of one o' clock P. M„ on the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1915. M. R. PORTER, Agent of the Scandinavian- American Bank of Minot, Assignee of Mortgagee, Residence and Post Office Address: Minot North Dakota. B08ARD ft TWIFORD, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, Minot, North Dakota. Dated at Minot. - North Dakota, this 14th day of January, A. D. 1915. complete, with S-horse evener and neck ¥o k secure the payment of the sum of .Two. -Hundred Seventy-two and 11-100 Dollars (9172.11), which mortgage was Wottee of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Whereas, Henry McLain, mortgagor, made, executed and delivered to the Union National Bank of Minot, mortga- gee, a certain chattel mortgage, dated the 15th day of April, A. D. 1913, where In and whereby said mortgagor mort- gaged to said mortgagee the following described personal property, to-wlt: One iron gray mare, 4 yrs. old, wt. 1300 lbs., named "Bess;" One iron gray gelding, 4 yrs. old, wt 1400 lbs., named "Pride;" One iron gray mare with foal, 6 years old, wt 1350 lbs., named "Queen;'" gelding, " **Coly;" 5 yrs. old, wt. 1600 old, wt. <5ne black lbs., named . One iron gray mare, 8 yrs. 1460 lbs., named "Poly;" One iron gray gelding, 3 yrs. old, wt 1050 lbs., named "Bill One gray mare, 9 yrs. old, wt 1300 >ed "Fah;" 1360 lbs., named "nth;" One black mare, 6 yrs. old, wt. lbs., - named "Dollr One iron gray tnare Colt; three weeks old; . One registered Holsteln Bull, 2 yrs. old; , ' - m increase consists of two heifers, two years old, eight yearlings and Ave calves, to secure the payment of the sum or Two Hundred Nlnety-flve and 75-100 Dollars ($295.75), which -mortgage was filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ward County, North Dakota, on the 14th day of November, A. D. 1912, and which mortgage, together with the debt secured thereby, was heretofore sold, assigned and transferred to the Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot. and. Whereas, default has been made in the terms of said mortgage by reason of the mortgagor failing to pay such in- debtedness so secured by such mortgageu and the amount claimed to be due at this date is Three Hundred Twelve and II- 100 Dollars ($312.96), and the a—lgri^. of martgagee having elected to foreclose- said mortgage and the said mortgagor and the assignee of the mortgagee hav- ing agreed in writing that the sale or said property under said foreclosure- should be held at the barn on the West (W 1-2) of Section Five (5), Township One Hundred Fifty-seven (157), Range Eighty-three (83) West, Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that, by virtue of said mortgage and by #°£n th .Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot the present owner there- of, I will sell the above described chat- at the barn on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (6), Township One Hundred Fifty-seven (157), North, of Range Eighty-three (88) West, in Ward County, State of North Dakota, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., on the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1916. M. R. PORTER, Agent of Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot, Assignee of SlortJFacee. Residence and Post Office Address: . T.^ M l n 2. t v.. North Dakota. BOSARD A TWIFORD, Attorneys for Assignee of Mojrt- ^ ^ garee, Minot. North Dakota. Minot, North Dakota, thia- 14th day of January, A. D. 1916. m mmm 9* ./ 1 '> •UdrLi-f'i'ii -I
Page 1: The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, …...C. G. Cook, of Beach, having a pre monition Qf death, took out a $2,000 life insurance policy which was paid within a few days.

'' •"•••'••••-• •/ ' '


• ffe':

LOCAL NEWS Red McQuill was arrested today

charged with pigging back of the Mi-BOt Steam Laundry.

The Home Hotel was raided Wed­nesday night and the woman in charge taken in tow charged with fracturing the liquor law.

Forest Rice, the Blaisdell rancher, was in Minot yesterday enroute to Minneapolis, to get rid of some of his lucre.

Judge Fisk has been named Chief Justice of the supieme court in place of Justice Spalding, whose term has expired.

Argalus Hardesty, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kurth, submit­ted to an operation today for the re-

STATE NEWS Portal has a curling rink.

A farmers' institute will be held at Ryder Jan. 23 to 25.

C. E. Magner is the new G. N. sta tion agent at Berthold.

Former Sheriff Wilcox of Renville county sold six hogs for $173.89

Berthold defeated Donnybrook at i asketball, 52 to 1

H. T. Sands of Norma is said to be the youngest bank president in the state.

There are $30,160 worth of unpaid wolf bounty certificates at the office of the state auditor, waiting to be paid,

N. C. Abbott, superintendent of schools of Havre, Mont., spent his va-

moval of his tonsils. The little man cation with his parents at Deering. stood the ordeal well. J The non-partisan bill for county of-

Wm. Johnson, of Douglas, who has ( ficers will create quite a stir when it is been reading the Independent for introduced at the legislature this win-years and likes it, was in the city to- ter, day. The Sherwood Tribune, Mohall Trib-FOR SALE—Four head of milch une-New® and Glenburn Advance are

cows. Inquire at 109 Fifth St. N. the now official papers of Renville W., Minot, N. D. 1-14-tl* county.

WANTED—Place to work on farm by j F. B. Haines, formerly editor of the man and wife, who understand work i Towner News-Tribune, is a deputy in thoroly. Address Jacob Hovorka, the office of Sheriff Wik of McHenry 305 1st St., S. E., Minot, N. D. county. Among those attending the press) The superintendent of schools of

meeting at Fargo from Northwestern i McHenry county has been authorized North Dakota were Editor and Mrs. j by the commissioners to issue a bulle-McLaughlin of Kenmare; Editor , tin quarterly. Drake of Westhope, Geo. Farries of | The Ross Valley News, Mountrail Williston, J. H. McGarry of Alexan- county Independent and the Mountrail der, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis of county Herald were named the official Velva, J. W. R. H. DeLa of Balfour, E. B. McCutcheon and Mr. and Mrs. Coleord of Minot.

Prof. Wise Sayk

papers of Mountrail county. The Globe hotel at Donnybrook

caught fire from over heated pipes in the kitchen. Landlord McVeety put it out with a fire extinguisher.

Conductor Wynn's Sherwood Flyer One of the ](,aveg Sherwood each morning at

very best things 11;15 instead of 7:30 and win retum that boy of mine j at g.30 jn tj,e evening as usual. ever did to his; Gilbert 0. Gilbertson of Douglas farm, was to (presented the M. E. church a 1200 fence it with 1 ^

The three months' old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorn of Berthold died of pneumonia.

The Berthold Drug Co. has taken over the drug store run by H. W. Nel-

steel fence posts and woven wire. I have been ask­ed to express in my. talks the

importance of steel fencing. For ages people have fenced with son ^or several years.

wooden posts. For ages people sail- Granville people are rejoicing be-ed the ocean with sailing vessels and cause the Sherwood train will tie up then Robert Fulton invented the there and not run to Minot. steamboat. The steamboat was soj. County Superintendent Rockne of much better than the sail boat that Renville county has selected for his steam has now supplanted the sail, j assistant Miss Lola Moon, daughter

Wooden posts last about seven 0f Commissioner Moon of Glenburn. years; they rot, they break off andj The Granvine Herald, Anamoose need constant repair and replacing. A pr0g,.ess and Towner News-Tribune fence stretched so tight that it sings are the officjal papers of McHenry a diapason of rigidity and proper | county

building, will give and sag when the j Horace Bagley, who served six ' years as judge of McHenry county, is wooden posts begin to shrink.

With steel posts a fence is an irres-. . . .. , - . _ is table band of metal. The steel post; .now * ™ember of the laW firm °f Bef?

springs at the ground when anything! ey orpe. strikes it, then instantly snaps back Frank Hunter, a Granville rural into place. One can burn the weeds, niail carrier, was presented a driving along the fence line without danger of destroying the posts. It takes away the worry of broken posts, sag­ging wires, and shrinkage.

It is the Robert Fulton of fencing and it will last not ten years, but fifty, and it will be straight when your chil­dren grow to manhood. It will make your land worth more per acre and is the hall-mark of the modern, profit­able farm.

Let the Rogers Lumber Company show you how a Steel fence costs less than tiie old.


No. 670 REPORT of the CONDITION of the

FIRST STATE BANK at Burlington, In the State of North Dakota,

at the close of business December 31st. 1914. RESOURCES

Loans and discounts 113,199.82 OTenlrafts, secured and unsecured..? 290.85 Warrants stucks. tax certificates.

claims, etc 8,715.69 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4,650.00 Other real estate 4,999.91 Due from other banks $11,047.91 C h e c k s a n d o t h e r c a s h ' V

items ( 354.94 Cash 2.813.92 14,216.77

Total 176.073.04 LIABILITIES

Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Surplus fund 3.500.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and

taxes paid 3,035.00 Individual deposits sub] ect

to check 126.406.99 Timn certificates of de­

posit 33.132.C5 59,583.04

Total .r. 178,073.04 State of North Dakota,

County of Ward l I, H. A. Klover, Cashier of the above-

named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.

H. A. Klcvkb, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th

day of January. isi5. [ ssalI W E . T OOUT,

„ Notary Public. „ . War t County , N . V. My commission expires March SO, 1910.

Correct. Attest:-D. W. Bowkbk, James Johnson. C. A. Bcgoi, B. E- Bimoii,


HIDESandFURS Far* are Low, fcut Cm HMm are Vary High

We are payln* thaw prlna: 17% cents for N«.f Inn Sailed MMm 1S% " " " " FreiM " $4.78 tor Ne. 1 Lar«e Hera* HMea

Othar kinds and mta la propertioa Burnt tor Mo* List, Trap Book aaa Oa<alse»a

ther are tree Misyesr Hides MM-Fente the tMReHeMe

N.W. HIDE * FUR CO. 20*204 No. First SL •INNEAPOLt*

• outfit, overcoat, cap, mittens and robe, by his patrons.

According to the Observer, Mat Ri­ley's booze plant at Des Lacs was raided by the "boys" and the town is as dry as a desert.

Clerk of Court Taylor of Renville county, has made final proof on his land, believed to be the last final proof in Renville county.

Miss Mamie Potter of Cumberland, Ark., and O. A. Solvik, a Douglas grain dealer, were married at Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 28.

William J. Stammen, a prominent young Grano farmer, has married Miss Mamie Ahmann, a charming young woman from Foxholm.

Christ Solemnaas of Mohall, who has been receiving medical treatment in Minot and Northwood, has gone to Rochester, Minn., for an operation.

A car load of mail order catalogs is shipped out of Fargo every four days and it is estimated that 80 car loads of them will go out during the winter.

Chas. Fuller, a prosperous Des Lacs farmer, shipped a car load of hogs east last week. He will visit his old home at LaGrange, Ind., before his return.

Sawyer will hold a corn show Sat­urday, Jan. 16, prizes being offered. W. A. Peck will be present to judge the corn and the best of it will be exhibited at the Mid-winaer fair at Minot, Jan. 25 to 30. T. M. Brasset

leged to have furnished Indians with! booze, lost no time in getting out of town when it became rumored that they might be arrested. !

James Hanley, a prominent Mandan attorney, was named by Governor Hanna as judge of the 12th district, to succeed Judge S. L. Nuchols, who resigned. j

C. G. Cook, of Beach, having a pre­monition Qf death, took out a $2,000 life insurance policy which was paid within a few days. He met death when his coal mine caved in. j

James Headmark, a local character, at Bismarck, committed suicide by! shooting himself thru the head. Ill j health and the fact that he faced trial j for pigging are said to have been the causes for his act.

Kenmare Journal: The report of a debate on the subject of prohibition; held at Burlington recently and pub-; lished in the Minot Independent would lead one to the belief that Walt Mason was somewhere in the vicinity. j

Editor and Mrs. W. H. Francis of, Velva, after attending the press meet-1 ing at Fargo, left for points in Wis- j consin for a two weeks' visit with rel-; atives. The Methodist minister at, Velva has charge of the Journal dur-1

ing their absence. j Mohall Tribune: In the civil action'

of Geo. A. Scofield vs. S. A. Wilcox as j Sheriff of Renville county, to recover mileage while deputy sheriff, judg­ment has been entered against Wilcox, in the amount of $617.90. Judge Fisk, ] sitting for Judge Leighton, rendered judgment. |

Two good foot ball games for the North Dakota University boys are scheduled to take .place in the state:

next fall, one with the Minnesota Uni-! versity eleven and the other with the. Indiana State University team. North Dakota is becoming recognized in more ways than one. j

Miss Lenora Moorehead, who hadj charge of a dancing school in Minot, has opened a school in Bismarck which could be used to advantage by some of the legislators. A golden oppor­tunity for Senators Albrecht, Gnglund and others to get the kinks out of their lower extremities.

Brevity may or may not be the "soul of wit," but there is no question in re­gard to brevity being the soul of con­versation nowadays. The aim of .the up-to-the-second conversationalist is to cut all the corners and get there in the shortest possible time. In days of yore a man was polite under all cir­cumstances, no matter how much time it consumed. Then he would say, "My desire that you understand thoroughly1

thai. I comprehend fully and in all de tail the information you are endeavor­ing to impart to me." Now he says "Gotcha!"

Seven million, eight hundred and eighty thousand dollars from corri alone in this state this year, and yet some old knockers maintain that this is not a corn country.

Judge Leighton has named Judge Percy Crewe referee to re-count the votes for sheriff in Renville county. Martin Haugen defeated Adolph Sor enson by ten votes in the recent elec­tion.

Linius Boat, a young Burleigh coun­ty farmer, was fatally injured by an explosion in a coal mine. Two charges of dynamite were placed and one went off. As he was investigating regard­ing the other, it exploded, fracturing his skull.

W. C. Gilbreath, commissioner of agriculture for many years, was given a fine gold watch by his old employes, as he stepped out of office. The pre­sentation speech was made by Well­ington Irysh, to which Mr. 'Gilbreath responded feelingly.

Des Lacs Observer: Mrs. L. Chap-pell and Mrs. Geo. Waterman arrived from Kirksville, Mo., where they have been taking treatment at the Osteo­pathic Institute. Mrs. Waterman is in much better health but Mrs. Chap-pell did not obtain much relief.

Members of the Sawyer Woodman lodge gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson and spent an en­joyable evening, leaving a fine rocking chair and a box of choice cigars. Mr. Wilson was injured some time ago and is still confined to his home.

During the past year a local stock buyer at Mohall shipped from that place eleven carloads of stock, as com-


The Scofield Implement Go. takes pleasure in an-anouncing that George A. .State, well known in this city and vicinity, has taken an interest in this concern and has been employed as manager. Mr. State will be pleased to meet his many old time friends and meet new faces as well.

Louis Vollmer. representative of the well known Lindsay Bros, concern, is interested in the company as well.

The Scofield Implement Co. has closed its thirteenth year's business in this city and is proud of the friends it has made. Preparations are being made to go after the business in a more aggressive manner than ever. Future customers will find that they will be accorded the same considerate treatment that has characterized this house in the past.


Dr. J. S. Davies, formerly of Gran­ville, has returned to the United States from a year spent in Vienna, Berlin and London, where he took special work.


Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver .

and bowels.

Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at oncc. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad; b?-sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of

Figs," and In a few hours all the foul constipated waste, undigested fo<>< and sour bile gently moves out of it-little boweis without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask youi' Iruggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con tains full directions for babies, chil­dren of all ages and for growu-nps

neon •mason. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County

of Ward. In Justice Court, Before J. E. Burke, Justice.

The Union National Bank of Minot, a corporation, Plaintiff,

vs. Mrs. Ivy Miiotte, Defendant.


filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ward County, North Dakota, on the 4th day of October, 1913, and which mortgage, together with the debt secured thereby, was heretofore duly sold, assigned and delivered to the Scan­dinavian-American Bank of Minot, and

Whereas, default has been made In the terms of said mortgage by reason of the mortgagor failing to pay such indebted­ness so secured by such mortgage, and the amount claimed to be due at this date is the sum of Eighty-eight and 42-100 Dollars ($88.42), and the assignee of mortgagee having elected to' foreclose said mortgage and the said mortgagor and the assignee of the mortgagee hav­ing agreed in writing that the sale of said property under said foreclosure should be held at the barn on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (5), Town­ship One Hundred Fifty-seven (167) North, Range Eighty-three (83) West, in Ward County, State of North Dakota, at the hour of one o'clock F. M. on the 22nd dav o£ January, A. D. 1915.

M. R. PORTER, Agent of the Scandinavian-American

Bank of Minot, Assignee of Mortgagee,

Residence and Postofflce Address: Minot, North Dakota.

BOSARD & TWIFORD, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, Minot, North Dakota.

Dated at Minot, North Dakota, this 14th day of January, A. D. 1915.

The State°Jf North Dakota to the Above t^ReKis'ter^f Deed's" o"f Ward County'.

Kotic* of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Whereas, Henry McLain, mortgagor,

made, executed and delivered to Fox-holm State Bank, his certain mortgage, dated May 2nd, 1914, wherein and where­by said mortgagor mortgaged to said mortgagee the .following described per­sonal property, to-wit:

One bay mare named "Doll," 11 years old, weight 1200 lbs.;

One bay mare named "Fly," 12 years old, weight 1200 lbs., together with all the increase of the above described property, to secure the payment of the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-five and 32-100 Dollars (1275.32) which mortgage was filed in the office of

Named Defendant: By this second summons herein you North Dakota, on the 5 th day of May,

A. D. 1914, and which mortgage, to gether with the debt secured thereby,

inwas heretofore duly sold, assigned and Jhtwi Sill?,.™' ioik tn transferred to the Scandinavian-Amer-

«p»?o TT»Hn5 ican Bank of Minot, and answer the complaint of The Union Nat- whereas, default has been made In the ional Bank of Minot, a - - -

One red cow two years old; One red and white cow 2 yrs. old; One wagon, 3 1-2 in. with tripple box;

one Rock Island running gear. including all the increase of said ani­mals above described, which increase consists of two colts, three one year old colts, two heifers and two calves, to se­cure the payment of Seven Hundred Fif­ty Dollars ($750.00), which mortgage was filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ward County, North Dakota on the 16th day of April, A. D. 1913, ana which mortgage, together with the debt secured thereby, was heretofore duly sold, assigned and transferred to the Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot. and

Whereas, default has been made in the terms of said mortgage by reason of the said Henry McLain failing to pay said indebtedness so secured by sucb mortgage, and the amount claimed to be due thereon at this date is Eight Hun­dred Eighteen and 57-100 Dollars ($818.57); and the assignee of mortgagee having elected to foreclose said mort­gage and the said mortgagor and as­signee of mortgagee having agreed in writing that the place of sale of said property to be foreclosed should be on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (!;>. Township One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) North, Range Eighty-three (83). Ward County, at the buildings thereon now occupied by Henry McLain,

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that, by virtue of said mortgage and by order of the said Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot, the present owner there­of, I will sell the above described chat­tels, at the barn situate on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (5). Town­ship One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) North, of Range Eighty-three (83) West, in Ward County, North Dakota, at the hour of one o'clock P. M.. on the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1915.

M. R. PORTER. Agent for Scandinavian-

American Bank of Minot. Residence and Post Office Address:

Minot, North Dakota. BOSARD & TWIFORD,

Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, Minot, North. Dakota.

Dated at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, this 14th day of January, A. D. 1915.

lottet of Chattel Hortfifi Ma Whereas Henry McLain, mortgagor,

made, executed and delivered to the pnmorntinn . "1101 ®ao> t>ao ~6V" **• "•*' maae, execuiea ana delivered 10 aeainst you alleain* that you are in- ternls °f said mortgage by reasonofthe | Union National Bank of Minot his eer-dfbted to It In the sum of Ninety-two ITes^^secure^iy auPch mortgage alfd"' "SUMP1 iftV* 'H® *?th da7 °f.N°' Dniiftr« and TCifrtitv-thrAA rents fi<)2 82U P„ess 80 securea oy sucn ana vember A. D. 1912, wherein and where-

the 9th day of September 1914 to the °,f0'e S^d moftgage and the ®aid mort-1 yelrs old- Holste,n cows- about * terest at ?2 M?ncent together with the Pr.and the assignee of the mortgagee one grade Holsteln heifer calf, about lerest at it per ceni, wgeiner wun ine having agreed in writing that the sale six weeks old* -ww* COj ,»a disbursenrients of this action; of sa),j property under said foreclosure one white cow about five vears old* and demanding that the following de- should heia in the barn on the West one Ted and white cow IhS.t flv«. scribed personal property, which has Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (5), Town- years old-been levied upon by the Sheriff of Ward ship one Hundred Fifty-seven (157) one red and white cow, about Ave

North, of Range Eighty-three (88) i years old. West, | together with all the increase from the

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, animals hereinbefore described, which by virtue of said mortgage and by order - — ' ,v" of the Scandinavian-American Rank of Minot, the present owner thereof, I will sell the above described chattels, at the barn on the West Half (W 1-2) of Sec­tion Five (5), Township One Hundred

and R. H. Bowman are members of the Sawyer local committee.

Sam Peterson, aged between 35 and 40 years, living on a farm live miles from Ryder, appeared before the board of insanity at Minot recently on the charge of insanity. He was un­able to talk or give any account of himself and the hearing was adjourn­ed until the arrival of the man's broth­er.

Ex-Governor Frank White of Valley City called attention to the fact that only in one instance have father and son been members of the North Dako­ta senate. He stated that while he was a member of the senate during the term of 1895, D. F. Davis was a mem­ber with him, and that at the present

j pared to one car the year before. There is still a chance for a big gain, but the record is a good one as the indicator is pointing in the right direc­tion.

Mrs. Johnson, wife of County Com­missioner R. D. Johnson of Mohall, died following a long illness, which was augmented by a runaway in 1913. Mr. Johnson himself was seriously in­jured in the runaway and only recent­ly suffered a fractured arm at his grain elevator.

E. G. Patterson, twice elected coun­ty commissioner from Burleigh coun­ty, has been selected as chairman of the board. Mr. Patterson deserves the honor. He is one of Bismarck's very best citizens, and a successful busi­nessman who has invested his money time J. ,E* Davis, his son, is serving.

Two Van Hook citizens who are al-! right where he has made it.

County, North Dakota, by virtue of a Warrant of Attachment herein, to-wit: 1 Mason & Hamlin Piano, number 5920, and 1 Piano Stool, be applied to the sat­isfaction of the above stated claim; and you are hereby notified that unless you so appear and answer the plaintiff will take judgment aganist you accordingly.

Dated this 8th day of January, 1916. J. E. BURKE,

Justice of the Peace, Ward Co., N. D. I hereby direct that the above sum­

mons shall be served by publishing the same in The Ward County Independent, a weekly newspaper published in the city of Minot, Ward County, once a week for three successive weeks.

J. E. BURKE, Justice of the Peace, Ward Co., N. D.

V. E. Stenersen, Attorney for Plaintiff,

Minot, N. D. l-14-t3

ITotloe of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Whereas, Henry McLain, mortgagor,

made executed and delivered to the Mi­not Implement Company, his certain mortgage, dated the 10th day of Septem­ber, 1913, wherein and whereby said mortgagor mortgaged to the said mort­gagee the following described personal property, to-wlt:

One No. NA 214 John Deere horse lift riding triple gang, complete, with extra shares and 7-horse evener;

One No. 4 Sharpless Cream Separator; One Bradley make of gang with 14-

inch bottoms, all complete, with extra shares and eveners;

One Monitor double disc drill, 12 feet wide, all complete, with polea and even­ers;

One complete set blacksmith tools, such as anvil, hammers, tongs, blower, forge, and all other tools used in regu­lar blacksmith shop, and now owned by me but not enumerated above;

One No. 7 Janesvllle corn planter, all complete; • . ^. ,

One Deering make of com binder, all ••fi «-r

Fifty-seven (157) North, Range Eighty-three (83) West, in Ward County, State of North Dakota, at the hour of one o' clock P. M„ on the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1915.

M. R. PORTER, Agent of the Scandinavian-

American Bank of Minot, Assignee of Mortgagee,

Residence and Post Office Address: Minot North Dakota.

B08ARD ft TWIFORD, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee,

Minot, North Dakota. Dated at Minot. - North Dakota, this

14th day of January, A. D. 1915.

complete, with S-horse evener and neck

¥ok secure the payment of the sum of .Two. -Hundred Seventy-two and 11-100 Dollars (9172.11), which mortgage was

Wottee of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Whereas, Henry McLain, mortgagor,

made, executed and delivered to the Union National Bank of Minot, mortga­gee, a certain chattel mortgage, dated the 15th day of April, A. D. 1913, where In and whereby said mortgagor mort­gaged to said mortgagee the following described personal property, to-wlt:

One iron gray mare, 4 yrs. old, wt. 1300 lbs., named "Bess;"

One iron gray gelding, 4 yrs. old, wt 1400 lbs., named "Pride;"

One iron gray mare with foal, 6 years old, wt 1350 lbs., named "Queen;'"

gelding, " **Coly;"

5 yrs. old, wt. 1600

old, wt.

<5ne black lbs., named . One iron gray mare, 8 yrs. 1460 lbs., named "Poly;"

One iron gray gelding, 3 yrs. old, wt 1050 lbs., named "Bill

One gray mare, 9 yrs. old, wt 1300 >ed "Fah;"

1360 lbs., named "nth;"

One black mare, 6 yrs. old, wt. lbs., - named "Dollr

One iron gray tnare Colt; three weeks old; .

One registered Holsteln Bull, 2 yrs. old; , ' - m

increase consists of two heifers, two years old, eight yearlings and Ave calves, to secure the payment of the sum or Two Hundred Nlnety-flve and 75-100 Dollars ($295.75), which -mortgage was filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ward County, North Dakota, on the 14th day of November, A. D. 1912, and which mortgage, together with the debt secured thereby, was heretofore sold, assigned and transferred to the Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot. and.

Whereas, default has been made in the terms of said mortgage by reason of the mortgagor failing to pay such in­debtedness so secured by such mortgageu and the amount claimed to be due at this date is Three Hundred Twelve and II-100 Dollars ($312.96), and the a—lgri^. of martgagee having elected to foreclose-said mortgage and the said mortgagor and the assignee of the mortgagee hav­ing agreed in writing that the sale or said property under said foreclosure-should be held at the barn on the West (W 1-2) of Section Five (5), Township One Hundred Fifty-seven (157), Range Eighty-three (83) West,

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that, by virtue of said mortgage and by

#°£n th.® .Scandinavian-American Bank of Minot the present owner there-of, I will sell the above described chat-

at the barn on the West Half (W 1-2) of Section Five (6), Township One Hundred Fifty-seven (157), North, of Range Eighty-three (88) West, in Ward County, State of North Dakota, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., on the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1916.

M. R. PORTER, Agent of Scandinavian-American

Bank of Minot, Assignee of SlortJFacee.

Residence and Post Office Address: . T.^Mln2.tv..North Dakota.

BOSARD A TWIFORD, Attorneys for Assignee of Mojrt-

^ ^ garee, Minot. North Dakota. Minot, North Dakota, thia-

14th day of January, A. D. 1916.

m mmm


./ 1 '>


- I
