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The WARRIOR March 26, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 3 National Veterans Coalition of Indiana The Constitution of the United States The WARRIOR Comments An explanation of Article I the Constitution of the United States Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Only the Congress of the United States, in particular the Senate and the House of Representatives, are granted by this Constitution all the legislative powers of our nation, and not to be assigned or shared with any other entity. Section. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. The members of the House of Representatives shall chosen every two years by the electors of their particular state, and those electors shall be required to possess the same qualifications as those required by the electors in the largest branch of their state’s branch of State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. The qualifications of a Representative are; must be twenty five years old; must have been a citizen of the United States for seven years; must live in their particular state when elected. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons . The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Provi- dence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. The number of Representatives and the amount of Direct Taxes apportioned to each state will be based on the numbers of people in each state according to a census performed every ten years. Since all citizens of the United States are now Free Persons, the census will count each citizen as one person for these purposes. The first decennial census was to occur three years after the First Meeting of Congress. No state’s number of Representatives shall be more than one representative for every thirty thousand people but every state shall have at least one Representative. The original thirteen states were each apportioned specific numbers of Representatives until the event of the first de- cennial census. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies. When a seat of a Representative becomes vacant, The Governor of the state holding that seat shall order a special election to fill the seat of that Representative. The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. The Speaker of the House of Representatives and Officers of the House shall be chosen by the members of the House. Only the members of the House of Representatives shall have the duty and responsibility to impeach the mem- bers of the House.
Page 1: The WARRIOR The Constitution of the United States · 2020-03-12 · The Constitution of the United States ... You get a good look at the Federal Reserve and how it works from G. Edward


March 26, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 3

National Veterans Coalition of Indiana

The Constitution of the United States

The WARRIOR Comments An explanation of Article I the Constitution of the United States

Article. I.

Section. 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of


Only the Congress of the United States, in particular the Senate and the House of Representatives, are granted by this Constitution all the legislative powers of our nation, and not to be assigned or shared with any other entity.

Section. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the

Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.

The members of the House of Representatives shall chosen every two years by the electors of their particular state, and those electors shall be required to possess the same qualifications as those required by the electors in the largest branch of their state’s branch of State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the

United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

The qualifications of a Representative are; must be twenty five years old; must have been a citizen of the United States for seven years; must live in their particular state when elected. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to

their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term

of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the

first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until

such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Provi-

dence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten,

North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

The number of Representatives and the amount of Direct Taxes apportioned to each state will be based on the numbers of people in each state according to a census performed every ten years. Since all citizens of the United States are now Free Persons, the census will count each citizen as one person for these purposes. The first decennial census was to occur three years after the First Meeting of Congress. No state’s number of Representatives shall be more than one representative for every thirty thousand people but every state shall have at least one Representative. The original thirteen states were each apportioned specific numbers of Representatives until the event of the first de-cennial census. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such


When a seat of a Representative becomes vacant, The Governor of the state holding that seat shall order a special election to fill the seat of that Representative. The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives and Officers of the House shall be chosen by the members of the House. Only the members of the House of Representatives shall have the duty and responsibility to impeach the mem-bers of the House.

Page 2: The WARRIOR The Constitution of the United States · 2020-03-12 · The Constitution of the United States ... You get a good look at the Federal Reserve and how it works from G. Edward


The following article is a reprint from Darrell Castle’s “The Castle Report”

How the Republic Became a Monarchy

By Darrell Castle: Dated: 26 February, 2014

How did the United States change from the republic envisioned by the framers into a monarchy with its royal court that it has become

today? I started thinking about this when I was analyzing the State of the Union speech given by President Barack Obama recently and I de-

cided to go back and look at State of the Union speeches given in the past. What I found was that Thomas Jefferson, when he became Presi-

dent, decided not to give a State of the Union speech at all because he thought that walking out in front of a joint session of Congress reminded

him of the British monarchy that the country had gone through a war to be rid of. Instead of a speech, he wrote a letter to Congress, intention-

ally vague, so that it wouldn’t seem like a royal decree and then he had a clerk read it out loud to the Congressmen and Senators.

The Constitution doesn’t require a speech. Article II, Section 3, says only that from time to time the President is required to give Con-

gress information of the State of the Union and to recommend things for their consideration. That’s all that it requires. Jefferson’s example

became a tradition that was carried on until it was broken by Woodrow Wilson in 1913. The 20th century, in many ways, became Wilson’s cen-

tury as he brought into existence much of what we see today. In the very least he laid the groundwork of what we have become today.

Wilson was the son of a preacher, but pursued a career as an academic. He taught at several colleges along the way before eventually

taking a position at Princeton. He served as President of Princeton from 1902 to 1910. He served briefly as governor of New Jersey, 1911 into

1912, then he gained the Presidency in 1912. There was acrimony and division in the Republican Party that split the ranks and Wilson won

with only 43% of the vote.

From the statement of his friends and various writings, he believed that he was ordained by God to hold the position of President –

perhaps the early formation of a divine right philosophy. According to his biographer, this gave him an arrogance and a smugness which mas-

queraded as righteousness. Wilson was a believer in the power of the state and he led the nation into centralization and bureaucracy. In 1913, when he took of-

fice, Congress, along with the Europeans, began handing to him the tools to attain the goals that he had for the nation. To accomplish what he

wanted there had to be key changes in the power system as defined by the Constitution. The 16th Amendment giving Congress the power to tax

incomes was passed in 1909, but after years of fighting was finally ratified in February 1913, just in time for Mr. Wilson’s use. The 17th

Amendment calling for the direct election of US Senators was passed in 1912, but not ratified until April 1913, once again, just in time for Mr.


These two amendments changed the power structure of the nation and altered the relationship between citizens and the federal govern-

ment. Occurring so closely together, along with other things that happened a few months later, it was the equivalent of a second American

revolution. The direct election of Senators greatly diminished the republican form of government envisioned by the founders in which the

states had influence and even control of half of the legislative branch. Senators had previously been beholden to the state legislatures and this

insulated them from day to day popular opinion. There was no need for the multi-million dollar election campaigns that we see today. This also

focused the Senate on the interests of the states rather than being just another popular assembly. Direct election of Senators made them just

another group of populist politicians.

The 16th and 17th Amendments contributed a great deal to the fundamental changes to the constitutional system that were necessary

in order for President Wilson to complete his agenda for America. It seems that every President has his agenda and he has no shortage of peo-

ple who want to help him accomplish it.

The 16th Amendment brought about the enactment of a national income tax during Mr. Wilson’s first year in office, but it was only on the “rich.” At that time, rich people were defined as those earning over $4,000 per year. In today’s terms, thanks to the Federal Reserve, that

would be about $80,000 per year – not rich then and not rich now.

The important thing was that the dam was breached, the Rubicon crossed, or however you want to say it. The power to tax income was the

thing holding back the march of federal power and purchased influence based on spending by the federal government. It was a short jump from

that to the federal government’s being able to buy anything and anyone. Before Woodrow Wilson was President, federal government spending

never exceeded 3% of gross domestic product except during the war of 1812 and the Civil War.

At that time, revenue was still derived constitutionally, that is, from customs, levies, import duties and other excises and tariffs. Dur-

ing Mr. Wilson’s two terms in office, spending rose to more than 20% of GDP. So Woodrow Wilson had broken the interest of the several

states with the 17th Amendment and their influence was on the decline; he also had broken the dam holding back federal spending with the

power to tax income.

He still had another river to cross however before his destruction of Constitutional government was complete and that was accom-

plished with his support of the Federal Reserve Act passed December 23, 1913, in the wee hours of the morning with Washington all but de-

serted for the Christmas holidays. You get a good look at the Federal Reserve and how it works from G. Edward Griffin’s book, The Creature

From Jekyll Island and Eustace Mullins book, Secrets of the Federal Reserve. The name Jekyll Island comes from Jekyll Island, Georgia,

where all the bankers went in secret to rewrite and take control of the United States financial system.

The Federal Reserve Act stated that its purposes were, 1) Provide for the establishment of Federal Reserve banks; 2) To furnish an

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“elastic currency” (they’ve certainly done that haven’t they?); 3) To afford means of re-discounting commercial paper; 4) To establish a more

effective supervision of banking in the United States and, 5) For “other purposes.”

The Fed was composed of a board of governors in Washington DC and 12 regional Federal Reserve banks. By statute, the responsibilities of

these banks are, 1) Conduct the nation’s monetary policy by influencing the money and credit conditions in the economy; 2) Supervise and

regulate banking institutions to ensure safety and soundness of the nation ‘s banking and financial system; 3) Maintain the stability of the finan-

cial system; 4) Provide certain financial services to the U.S. government financial institutions and to public and foreign official institutions in-

cluding a major role in operating the nation’s payment system.

The Federal Reserve was created as, and has followed hard to remain, “an independent central bank.” This is a totally European con-cept reflecting the need to provide banking services to the sovereigns – so “welcome to America Mr. Monarch.” The Fed is independently run

within the government and its decisions do not have to be ratified by Congress, the President or anyone.

It is still, however, a creature of government and the creature is not greater than its creator. The Constitution gives to Congress the power to coin

money and to set its value and therefore Congress maintains oversight over it. Thanks to Mr. Wilson’s assistance in 1913, Congress delegated,

or assigned, its power to coin money and regulate its value to the Federal Reserve. It could take it back however, any time. Congress could sim-

ply repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and it would be back in control of the nation’s monetary system.

In simple terms, folks, the Federal Reserve is a European style central bank that can create on its own authority and subject only to very

weak indirect oversight by Congress, credit denominated in U.S. dollars. It is now a credit based economy – that’s the way it’s run.

The 16th Amendment, which gave the President power to tax income, broke the dam holding back federal spending. The 17th Amendment broke

the Congress’s connection to the states. The Federal Reserve gave control of the U.S. monetary system to the banks, thus President Wilson was

handed in his first year in office, a credit backed elastic fiat currency. These were the beginnings of the enlargement of federal government

power based on spending financed by taxes, borrowing and its resultant national debt.

Like President Obama now, Wilson meant to transform America, and like Obama, Congress gave him the tools to do it. As Wilson put

it, he wanted to “put government at the service of humanity.” But as Thomas Jefferson put it in the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of

government is to secure our God given rights, not to serve humanity.

Mr. Wilson, again like Mr. Obama, was an activist in pushing government expansion and in getting government-expanding legislation

through Congress. Such legislation as the Federal Trade Commission in 1914 and the Federal Farm Loan Act in 1916, brought the federal gov-ernment into the daily lives and the living rooms of Americans everywhere. You may recall that Congress recently passed a $1 trillion farm bill

now some 98 years after this organization was formed.

Mr. Wilson, like Mr. Obama, embroiled the United States in foreign wars including bringing the U.S. into the Mexican civil war and

even invading Mexico and sending U.S. troops into Russia to oppose the Bolshevik Revolution. This is the 100th anniversary of World War I

which began in Europe in 1914. The U.S. would not officially enter that war until three years later however.

Mr. Wilson was very lopsided in monitoring policy against neutral and not at war countries in World War I. He did not seek a balanced

neutrality in the early years of the war. Once it started, he forbade U.S. banks from making loans to the warring powers yet permitted the banks

to extend large “credits” to the French and British. In effect, the U.S. was bankrolling the war just as we do yet today in wars across the Middle

East. Possibly, without the United States’ elastic currency, the countries would have run out of cash and that very unnecessary war would have

ended much earlier.

Many countries were sucked into the war as it went on and on and on, ruining many lives across Europe. Much as today, U.S. credit

policies perpetuated war, thus allowing it to get worse and worse, leading directly to German submarine warfare against the supply convoys.

The U.S. population was strongly against U.S. troops’ being involved in this European war, much as they are today. The production of war ma-

terials however led to economic boom times in the U.S., all funded by credit much as it is funded today.

In 1916 Wilson ran for his second term on the slogan, “he kept us out of war”, just as President Obama ran on ending the war in Iraq which is

now worse than ever. Less than 90 days after his inauguration for a second term, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war

against Germany. Wilson sought to control opposition to his war policies with laws designed to limit free speech and political dissent. The elas-tic currency of the Federal Reserve funded the war as Wilson continued his domestic agenda at home, much as we do today. Under Woodrow

Wilson, America got its first introduction to the warfare state.

Wilson’s impact on America is hard to overestimate. He dominated the 20th century to the extent that no one alive today has ever ex-

perienced anything but a Wilsonian world. No one alive today can remember a time when the world at large worked any other way than the

Wilsonian way.

His effort to make the peace in his image has involved America in internationalist, globalist government that still exists 100 years later.

It required certain assumptions about America and about the world. Certain things about America had to change. He had the power to tax in-

come and he had the Federal Reserve and its elastic currency with which to carry out his plans. Most nations were not so fortunate. One thing is

clear though, looking back from 100 years of history, if Woodrow Wilson had not become President, the United States would have had a far

different 20th century.

In one sense, Wilson simply copied, or carried forward, the centralized debt-financed government model created by Otto von Bismarck

in Germany 40 years earlier. So we ask ourselves then, was he an innovator? Did he invent this welfare-warfare state or simply copy the dia-

grams created by others?

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House in order to bring their plan into existence and push their legislation through Congress. Without the Federal Reserve, how would the world

economy that has evolved have been financed?

Without Wilson’s influence, would the income tax and credit based economy have existed in time to feed the engines of World War I.

Without Wilson, would the war to make the world safe for democracy have lasted so long, torn apart European civilization and destroyed a

whole generation of young men? Would a corporal in the German army in 1918 named Adolf Hitler have risen in only 14 years to become chan-

cellor of Germany? Absent World War I, would an obscure lawyer named Franklin Roosevelt have become Secretary of the Navy and then ele-

vated himself into the Presidency of the United State? How would soldiers such as Douglas MacArthur, Harry Truman, George Patton and most

of the leaders of the 20th Century world have been trained and formed? Would the war have lasted so long and been so expensive that Russia descended into revolution and chaos leading to Lenin, Stalin and the deaths of 70 to 100 million people? Would the Ottoman Empire have col-

lapsed and dissolved spawning the modern Middle East and allowing Great Britain to draw the lines of nations on invisible maps – paper-

forming countries that are even today at war and threatening to break apart? Would the concept of world government a la the League of Nations,

leading later to the United Nations, have formed in the minds of men? Would the rise of Hitler and Mussolini from the ashes of Europe have

occurred? Would the Holocaust have occurred – the slaughter of World War II after the draconian peace terms forced on Germany by Wilson

and the allied powers? Would the development of nuclear weapons and their use have occurred? Would the Bretton Woods Agreement, giving

the U.S. reserve currency status, have occurred? Would the United States have embarked on a 60 year pattern of no-win wars against unknown

enemies such as communism and terror? Would we have arrived in 2014 with $17.5 trillion of debt and the Federal Reserve now printing $65

billion a month?

Darrell Castle

Darrell is a native of Tennessee. He graduated from Memphis State University Law School in 1979 and is now an attorney in private practice

with firms in Memphis, Tennessee and Kansas City, MO. He served three terms as Vice-Chairman of the Constitution Party. In 2008 he was the Vice-Presidential candidate for running mate and Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin. Darrell Castle has recorded over 200 podcasts on cur-

rent affairs. Darrell and his wife Joan live in Memphis, Tennessee and have one adult daughter.

Visit www.constitutionparty.com for details about this meeting.

Coming Next Issue

-More of the WARRIORS comments on the Constitution of the United States

-A short story by Tim Stark, My Reflections of Dependence Day, a heartfelt story of a

Vietnam Vet.

-The Warrior’s fight against the Unconstitutionality of the Indiana Election Laws

Page 5: The WARRIOR The Constitution of the United States · 2020-03-12 · The Constitution of the United States ... You get a good look at the Federal Reserve and how it works from G. Edward


Could then the U.S central bank, the Fed-

eral Reserve, have come into existence without Wil-

son? There is little room for doubt that the bankers



man in the


The WARRIOR is a monthly publication of Constitution Party of Indiana and the National Veterans Coalition of Indiana.

The editor, nicknamed “The WARRIOR” is EA1 Steven Walker U.S. Navy Retired. He is the Chairman of the CPIN and the Chairman/

Coordinator of the NVCI. The WARRIOR is currently seeking volunteer contributors for patriotic journalism. All journalistic contribu-

tions must conform to the Constitution Party Platform, both national and Indiana. Please submit all contributions by email to

[email protected], along with identification for proper recognition. The WARRIOR focuses on solutions to America's problems

through the platform of the Constitution Party. The Platform of the CPIN is available at our new website; http://www.cpin.weebly.com.

The WARRIOR’s phone number is 812-455-6406.; email: [email protected]. & [email protected]


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E A1 Steven Walker US Nav y Ret ired


E di tor: CPI N/NVCI News le tter “ The WARRI OR”

Chairm an: Co ns ti tu tio n Pa rt y o f Ind iana

Chairm an: Nat iona l Vetera ns Coa li tio n o f Ind iana

Co- Chairm an: Nat iona l Ve terans Coa li tio n

F ri end us on our national facebook pag e @

Nat iona l Vetera ns Coa li tio n o f the Co ns ti tu tio n Pa rt y

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Emai l: nvc .india na@ yahoo .com

thewar rior cp in@gmai l .com

P hone: (812 )455 -640 6 )

NVC Mission Statement

The Mission of The Constitution Party National Veterans Coalition is to contact, inform, recruit, and organize

America’s Military Veterans in support of the fact that the growing Constitution Party is a strong option at national, state and local ballot boxes vs. the failed two party sys-

tem. All Veterans have taken an oath to support and de-fend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and do-mestic. Our country faces grave national issues within

our borders and abroad that again calls for the same alle-giance. The present crisis compels Veterans to call on

family, friends, neighbors and social contacts, one and all, to join the Constitution Party to help in timely defense of our country and to insure and sustain forever the per-

sonal goals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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The Bill of Rights

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Consti-

tution of certain rights shall not

be construed to deny or disparage

others retained by the people.
