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chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1906-11-13/ed...12 THE...

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12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY NOVEMBER 13 190L TIHES WANTS AND OTHER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WORD roB SITUATIONS WANTED HELP WANTED ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD WANTED Two cents a wonl for all other cla elnda- dvertlMjnenUi for lew than thraa Insertions If inserted for three or more consecutive days tine cut a word for each insertion do not apply to 1ersonaU Advertise tht folluwinc branch omcen at regular dIce rates It it is Inconvenient to leave ad rtise- uteilS at Itukiness Omee they may be telephoned direct to The Times Main 3M and a messenger will call to collect without additional charge tu the advertiser BRANCH OFMCES NORTHWEST GOIJ3ENBBRG8 7th and K els nw- B KANN SONS CO sth and Market apaae- KIIVIN8 CIGAR STORE 14th and Fla aYe KUVlNS CIGAR STORE S 1J 14th at nw V K McNULTY Cigar 14th and PEW 1UIOUK ISLAND PHARMACY Union Nelson Proprietors corner Rhode Island av lat aad T ELi nw ROBERT T PBTZOLD The Harvard Phar- macy 11th and Harvard nw- W A 1 ARLING cor 14th and T Ms nw L FRENCH SIMPSON cor 7th Bt Rhode Island ave and R M aw- H T BUTTS PHARMACY 4th at and Mass CHAtfc ilORNUNG Chrtotlanl tarmaeyS- M cur 7th and M sts nw DUNN SANFORD New York ave aM North Capitol at R A VElTCHJHh ant M ts w QflULKYS PHARMACY net and 0 aw nw iiirLETTE A CO 14th and L U nw- K M WAGNER A CO 1st and U ats nw L T TAYIjOR cot th and P at nw- KftlENE It NICHOLS M01 Pa aye sw BLKNTZ PHARMACY North Capitol and Florida ave NORTHEAST FORSTONS BOTANICAL rHARXACY oo- rlilh at and Florida Aye ne CHAR H BLUMBR N Cap and R ts- McCHESNEY A JOACHIM cor M and K S4f- lSOUTHBAST A K POWELL 4th and East Capitol sts- O PON NELL DRUG CO sth and G S FEALY aw cor llth and Fa av SOUTHWEST T HUGO BI8BNBBfs8 7th and B streets ANACOSTIA- BURYS PHARMACY oamor Monroe and Jefferson at- BROOKI AND D C ARTHUR U F LUERSSBK Drug Store ALEXANDRIA VA R L CARNB A CO Nt Kmg at Kelp WANTED Colored wonran tot general hous- ik 11M3 Q at nw It WANTED Colored girl about eighteen Vars old for general houaework in fam- ily three Apply 11117 A Euclid trt It WANTED A reliable experienced woman a k and general hooseworker for small family With or without washing as pre J Flat 7 LINCOLN Ill l th t sv nols2t- MANTED Bxprtenced alteration hands on inlis abd suits Apply at MATER BUOS CO 9R F at nw no3K- VANTED Young gina an bundle wrappers Tuu t i fourteen years or over Apply at MAVER BROS A CO 91 F at aw noU t W XTED A near reliable girl M housemaid ixl iiurae must have reference awl stay nights 420 Clifton at nw three block a ie Florida between 1Kb and 15th- V TKD Tomr col fnl for light housework Call after y in Iw K at nw nol2t WANTED Settled colored woman to enok laundry In amall family oomfortaMe provided A ly nw lat floor eodfc no waahing wa re month white preferrwl lid Uth st nw round the house Apply at 1US 17th nw- n lIlt TED German ftuuiy li no wa hin 1M I nw noU7t WANTED Otrl for cook awl general house rk go homo night brine reference 3 00 F nw nolSSt- W ANTED dirt for housework stay nights wages 8 a month 1W8 U at noilit ExperienceJ white waits ei r ins furnished and laundered Apply 1688 Pennsylvania nolSst VNTEDGood whtt eook o laundry Must stay night wages 9M KB1 Newark at Cleveland Park It TV ANTED Young lady waItress and aaaiat dnlng room work CRBSCBNT DAIRY ItNtH 2d and C ats aw It WANTED Ladies to learn millinery man urtng face and scalp treatment a good hairdresser wanted J X LUKE Jfc CO 1S llth t nw It XSANTED Girl to help draaemaher must lutvo experience Address BOX 4 Times tffre aoiatV- ANTED Reunble woman to do good plain and help with laundry in binaJl tam iiv no children Apply loll 7th at w It WANTED Woman for housework InjuHe second floor nil PenneylvanU ave r noUt WANTED A girl tot general housework or I ts ut bring reference 100S 0 st nw It WANTED A settled colored woman to cook ana tin general housework no washing And t home nighU Apply 13S T at aw It V NTED YounK lady aoHoltor of good nir ntnce character and addreea a aaUrr r ir per week guaranteed Address BOX 31 Xinas omee It WANrEI Ten white chambermalda J15 for Pennaylvanfai way paid FISt riij AGENCY 41 lath nw noUK- WAXTEI Girl for light housework go horn niKln reference Call at once tt U nt- iiv flat It to on ooats Ap M at nw white vANTKnWhlte cook i col red cookchambermaid general v ikr girl for Bristol R I 19M 10th at It W NTEDYoune hdy for clerk In insu- jani tn must openue typewriter one firl in Insurance preferred Call ut PROVIDBNT RBLIBF A SOCIA- TI X orner New Jamey ave and G t nw W XTKDWomen g4rhi paW W or more daily taking orders for visiting aside HAYS K nw WANTED Expert Mad embroMerer to give lBsnim in art store Saturdays only 13 th- AXTKDOaahler eaterinc department JA FJCTRAS experience and city reference l sire l It ANTEDGUJ M flnhmer on mens etothi- iiK no4 pay fourth Soar lit 14th at w- li12St WANTED White waltreee M- fhai l n 4 M ttf house girl tt private faiuil 1 S llth nw It WANTED Young lady in Ice to take care books aui 7th aw nollSt- VANTBDA girl Sec general housework in family of two 712 6th st nw noUSt WANTED Experienced hullea tailors at IMOO 1ASTERNAK 1 Uth at nw Ml32t WAN FED Women to try our Bvchu Oln for nil ki in y and bladder trouble prescription ut the late Dr Warner of Sold nls by THE JOlN WBDDBRBURN COM 3ANV 6i6 F st nw auutf- Tiiii WORTH of a thing is but known by the uait jf it1 und thus many a want ad OKCS iis incn to some bard knOCk wo Kay have received in dally life I I I Tb will M at aiy or sitbr a brAch omc or TIftM A MIl s lit sU- M WantedFemale t THE < oJ ave It light gIrl 1 f ui It 1 13t- VXTIIGood dirt to ran and Mip servant tor Garmall W TED aye king aubur 1 1 IIi thir1 WyrEDA taUOIeM lt t preferred t nI13t ROll I t nlIat- W t W cook f rates eosptM Tbs store are nw ne 5 coat t It- w tTEDA rraaa WAN at I I Ill LI need nt n 3 at ¬ ¬ > > > > < < Help WANTBD Woman for general housework Cull IMS Bast Capitol at nol l13- WANTBD Bright neat gins 14 yrs of age for Soar service good pay and rapid promo Won Apply to H W SCHAUB with GOLD 7th and K sts nwllJt- WANTED A number of glrw and women who have lied experience In soiling any lines of merchandise Wa need salespeople In every department and will pay the best of salaries Apply before am to SUPERINTBNr BNT KANN SONS ft CO nollJt ANY Intelligent person may earn 49 to monthly at home In spare time eerregpondlnt for newspapers no canvaaslHg experience unH ceseary send for parttculare PRESS SYNDICATR Lockport N Y s t forbuehelinK work Ap- ply alter 9 a m at list 7th at nw BOlJ7t HIT HW for baby Apply ROTH R0ll3t- WANTBD A tin for general housework at 231 M at nw It At once thoroughly experienced coat and skirt heads on woman garments nw oc27tf Help Wanted Male WANTED Bxirarienced furnUhlnir sales- man wood and permanent poattton to right man OROSNBRS Pennsylvania ave nolSSt- WANTBD A man or boy do 3eral work on a small farm n r Bowie on Pennsylvania railroad from dty can be at 1211 eelock Wednesday Thursday and Friday at F QERACI HIS 0 nw BOUIt- WANTBD Young men or youths with blcy ales may had very profitable employment aa m sen angers those attending school will be employed after school hours MUTUAL DIS- TRICT MBSSBNQBR CO 14M F at noUtuwAthtf WANTED Good sober and reliable barber at once Pennsylvania ave It Ten and drivers at onee- BcKlagtoa place and Qnincy at two squares above B A O freight depot It WANTBD Young man to work in WEST END LAUNDRY ITS Pennsylvania ave nw It Meatcutter and grocery clerk at Apply 2225 L at nw WANTED Two flntemw esatawkeni t work inside by the week or piecework Call at ones tttt th at aw It WANTBDColored man aa driver for de- livery wagon Call after i p W FREUNDSS- lA Mth at nw It WANTBD A walter and a useful boy lUll Sath st aw it WANTED Young Italian barber must be good shaver good guarantee given la flU t aw It WANTBD Wafer at onee with good Apply at 211 Pennsylvania eve nw I WANTBD A driver who to handle furniture Sth and B ats aw It I WANTED Two barbers at once In per week guaranteed WILLIAM TURNER UM Sth at It WANTBD WhMe man far couple days work on fence JtW eight Hours work Inquire at once VBRO DENTISTS Ills Pennsylvania ave It WANTBD Colored man to lake horse and drive wagon must know the city HCHROT BROS 111 Louisiana ave It WANTED House boy private family man- or boy wash dishes elevatcr conductor 1 S llth at aw It WANTED Cigar salesman for city of Wash- ington state experience good position and salary to right party Address BOX 1 Time omee It- WANTBD Boy who baa ao home naiL woejd a good one in a doetors mmlly cloth ln and board MM 7th at aw It L at aw nolln- WANTBD Younjj clerk In d ar cad news- stand give g and Mia expected Ad- dress BOX 8 Times offlce noUSt- WANTBD Whit pastry chef SSO colored WANTED Recammendail butler bar porter boy mak flrea also waltresM chamber maid and send cook 10U New York ave nw EUREKA It WANTED Two Mrtteltora of good address Apply to Circulation Maaagor The Times nol3l- WANTBD A white boy Apply HUYLERS corner F and l th nolSSt JEWELRY 8ALB3MAN Only hustler need apply capable of giving bond and able to control good trade man able to make J4s to ISO a week la the kind we want Apply Manager CVSTBLBERGrS SS are mMltulhsatf- WANTBD Young whit man to drive milk wagon AddrmMi ill S st nw no2tW- ANTBD A good barber THOMAS MS G st nw CIIA8 noi3t- WANTBD Two experienced colored waiter at S48 PennsylvanIa ave nw nolSIt WANTED Hotel baker for the South transportation paid FISHBRS AC7BNCY l th at aw ix 122t- WANTBD Wagon boys must be 1C years of age or over thin work gives boya outdoor excrete salary to start 4 a week Apply Immediatelr to S KANN SONS A nolltt WANTED Special boys with wheels must be 14 years of age or over to start S4 a week Apply immediately to S SONS CO aoK t- WAXTBD Three experienced ladles taller ROTH 147 L at aw nolllt- WANTBD Two drivers for milk wagons eofrd wages Call 135 U nw nollJt- WANTBD Bxperloneed salesmen for slo department only those who have some knowledge of music boxes phonographs and musical instruments beet of sal- ary to capable men Apply before 10 am to SUPERINTENDENT S ICANN SONS CO noll3t Al PROPOSITION to right having small amount of capital and being well In Washington AUdreee BOX B76 otftee nollSt- WANTBD Painters Cleveland Park It F SIMPSON noll3t WANTBD Twentynve good drivers for brick wagons men who will take good care of their teams and make a days work will be paid per day with steady em pluymont also wanted teams to haul brick NEW WASHINGTON BRICK CO Ablngton Alexandria county Va no47t WANTED Experienced driver Apply sw B t aw oesstf ANY Intelligent person may earn 140 to 90 monthly at home In spare time corresponding for newspapers no exponent unnecessary send for particulars PRB88 SVNDICATB Lockport N Y sell9 t WANTED Bricklayers Apply KENNEDY DAVIS CO 17th and st aw no t WANTED BOYS WITH BICYCLES IS AND 16 YEARS OT AGB ALSO BRIGHT DELIVERY WAGONS BUNDLE WRAP PING ETC ALSO PACKISRS AND AD- AGE APPLY BETWEBN W A M TO P C J TRBANOR WITH WOOD WARD LOTHROP oe27tl WANTED Girls to help on custom coats E GILBERT SIS F at nw no2St- WANTKD Man to try our Buchu Gin fer all ktntldey and bladder trouble prescription tho late Dr Warner of Soid WantedFemale 141 IiL WANTED WANTJlDYrIHI Lilt I WA JULIUS GARFNKLE CO lOLl t Aft sees lit 1 W A W not It ref- erences It boa M or like boy Ia good pay WANTDCoioret boy to yeelS u porter wrp trnr Uth and 1I nw It hef helpers FISIEKWI AGENCY US Jet nW it t A 4111 ry KAN at reed I ac- quainted twent t DOYS FROM U TO 17 YEARS OF AOl FOR FLOOR SERVICIII STOCK ROOMS DREJSKRti FUOM IS TO YEARS OF SAND T o i only by TIlE JOHN WEDDERUURN COM 616t1S ll at ow auitt X c a c Ill girl Ills F nt Apply mil tease ube care WANTKlCol3red 1T Sties eight Apply CL1IfDIIT nit 150 bakett 3 5 curio hiS ii 4 PANY1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = Help Wanted Male WANTED Flrstclasa talloreas tail ary and long SCHWARTZ 9M- 14th lit nw WANTED Kxperienced woltreea at onee 9M Pennsylvania ave nw noi3t Help Wcnted Male anu Female WANTED You to know we teach all stana ard systems of and typewriting and can prepare pupils for positions In 30- A H days special afternoon eoeslons for G v- ernment employ STENOGRAPHIC ACAD KMY Colorado building no436t- WANTBD Freah for the Ph har- monlc Choir Call Friday 1 to S p m Mrs TIIBIBLYS STUDIO 1214 F st nw nolSSt WANTED White Kitchen girl also counter boy experienced no night or Sunday work RITTERS CAFE 10th and Louisiana ave BoiJt rtments In bo AGENCY Help for all t U today WANTBD 12 husillHg schoolboys or girls CAr make a few italians before Christmas taking names state age Address BOX Ml Times olflee nolfJt Situations Wanted Female WANTED By colored woman work out by the day 1S90 Id at nw It WANTBD Some small washes to bring home Call at 4W Richardson at aw between R and S 4th and New Jersey eve It WANTED By settled colored woman flratclaas plain cook plain washing and Ironing if necessary city reference Address BOX 2 TIme cities it General housework in small fam- ily IT L at nw It WANTED By two colored place us general housework one aa waitress or- nur Call or T tth et M It WANTED By flratchuw laundrem work to do at home Call 10 Slat st nw it Wahln aad IroMaK t at home by respectable colored woman 40 Pierce aw it WANTED Washing and JrowlHp at ar out by day city reference IS Fenton place aw it By mlddleag d woman situa- tion as cook can stay night UK D e By reap e table eoloreil woman washing or cleaning out by day sm N WANTEDBy colored girl place as eook or general honeework SM between let and tad B aad F It WANTBD By colored girl place as general houeaworker or eook Can or writ 1S11 Mth- WANTBD By good laundress washing to take home or day work MM 4th at aw it WANTED By a respectable colored girt to work In mornings or omee M ac aw ROUt WANTBDBy respectable colored place as chambermaid or nurse in Stat class tam liT 4vt4 nw no2St WANTED Sewing in family by the day week or month Address BOX S7 omee noil at Situations WANTED By young Irishman place as foot- man or general man best of references Address BOX 1 Times ofltee it WANTED By reliable colored man position as houseman or care fur horse 60 Pierce WANTBD A position by a fully competes hotel baker broad cad poetry andaJl around man city or country acceptable Addr Mi sox 7 Times omee n BASS VIOLINIST at liberty wishes perma- nent city position ao objection to amateur orchestra havIng the business Call after 490 or address 1147 Georgia ave ae w wld Join union nollSt WANTED Highest rash prices paid for worn garments ladies or gentlemens Also shoes and hats Address postal and I will call any hour B TAK3HKH UOS 7th at aw Phone North 4M HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID FOR LADIES and gentlemens hats shoes etc phone 2SSS drop postal will call X KESSLER 124 7th nw- aouaot WANTED Diamonds one tw four carata IWO carat up Highest rash for old geld silver dentifit gold platinum old e 4ns an- tique Jewelry and city pawn tickets etc Money to loan also LOUIS ABRAHAMS Bonded Broker 4SS frth sU nw Phone M UT- Ssefcsmos BIG MONET PAID for desirable furniture carpets will per toil value for stoves In good condition omee furniture and goods of all kinds contests especially D NOTES S Louisiana ave M S- 8noiSH WANTED To l rg store or building In good business location Address BOX 1 Times omee nolSSt- WANTBD Two tents camera antI lena J H PARRITT Takoma Park D C nolSSt WE PAY the highest prices for old gold silver cameos Jewelry silk shawl and real laces Sth at nw aolMt LADIES AND GBNTLBMBN Dont put away your old clothing shoos hats and shirts before seeing me as I pay highest cash prices ton them Drop postal will call H OEWIRZ IMS 7th st aw sollit WANTED To purchase some worn gowns elaborate ones CHAS R FRACE Hotel Baltimorti Md nol4t WANTBD Furniture for cash Sell your goods to the man who gives you the most money SM HOPWOOD Sth and K noll3t WANTED A cheap secondhand bicycle 43 B at HW noll3t WANTKD Hlsbest cash prices paid for worn garments ladles or gentlemens Also a and haUl Address postal and I will con any hour 8 KEBESKY 1366 7th at nw Phone North 33W M oc236t WANTED Women and men to our Buchu Gin for eli kidney and bladder trouble pre eeriptlon of the late DI Warner of Sold oiily by TUB JOHN WTSDDER BURN COMPANY 616C1S F st nw selStf SPOT CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE car pets stovei and ai kinds of household goods BAUMS FLRNITURB SHOP llth und U sts nw Phone North 1313 Formerly Sth and U 1638t AND FLATS WANTED AND FOR RBNT Furnished with and without board and furnished housekeeping In all localities and at all prices Some extreme bargains NO CHARGES for those seeking rooms LIST ROOMS NOW aa we have a constant demand THE CENTRAL REAL ESTATE AND LOAN COMPANY Phone Main 10M Room 2 1427 F at nw WANTBD On or two rooms by two young men strangers la the city must be strictly nrstckws Address BOX 3 Times nolS2t DentistryD- R OTIS W ELZEY DENTIST S W Con 18th and F Six N W Gold Crown and Bridgework Specialist Satisfaction guaranteed or money positively refunded moderate prices Phone 426- 3el7tf TEETH WITHOUT extracting no pain look feel act and last than natural tooth shrunken faces made normal painless Suing DR J L WILSON 1203 F at nw oe2 30t FIRSTCLASS WORK LOW PRICESSet of teeth 3 up gold crowns J3 up gold fillings SI up silver fillings lOc work guaranteed no pain DR UEO L ED MONDS 810 F uw Cc2530t season no1 IIhort and voIces W HOTEL lei lOth st nolt W girls writ W fie W lIt It W nw it Job court at ftw It p Ridge lilt WantedMale lit ftw It WantedMiscellaneous lit LexIngton Balti- more WantedFurniture WantedRoomsRO- OMS notit PLATESNo lit a a place- s hem t icee dais lIt S Tim C house- hold lease I eliot 5 f- light ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = J The Sure Road to Advertising does not in crease the value of things but it finds the best market for them A particular sort of a horse is not worth any more be cause he is offered for sale through an advertisement BUT HE IS SOLD TO BETTER ADVANTAGE and for more monty The advertisement aids in finding the one person to whom the special thing ad- vertised would be of most value and no matter what the article is a want ad will usually find the logical buyer though it means a search of a whole city full For Rent Furnished IloomI- sH M ST Attractive single or en suite 2d floor noWJt FOR RENT Thre large rooms furmehed Hght housekeeping Sd floor bath beat trio M near 17 Columbia road MM rul- ler at aw aoU8t FOR RENT Nicely furnished large front room southern exposure steam heat ckwet 15 GraM ao8s FOR RENT Nicely famished cheerful front and rear nooses good location aoutlirn ex- posure private family ts and Ill month 117 New eve aw now FOR RENT One nicely furnished room gentlemen K 47S Maryland ave noU t FUn hunre fumhmed U troom with don- or smoking room comnuM loatin on par- lor floor ateo other flee rooma aa7 K at- aw J aolSlt TWO rooms for light housekeeping 9 4th t aw noX3t NICE rooma wM heated for bedrootw or housekeeping eft 12th M aw It 134 11TH ST newly furnished bath every floor furnace beat also one targe unfurnished room noUSt NICELY fMnMhed weU aeated rooms home table private family pbaoe suet Capitol and Library ill 4th at ne aoMtt FOR RENT Thro beautiful rooma hand- somely and comfortably furnished for light housekeeping pal porcelain sink and bath no children sW Sth at ne It FRONT ROOK aw beak room SLH 4t2 Sd aotaat- am TH NW Tw moan ai ly rumlsbtH for househeeplns 17 month heat and gnu nolln NEWLY furnished second tery room hot water heat gas elojraat bath Uiephone- aervlce very reasonable 176S T aw FOR RENT Two or throe furnished rooms light housekeeping 2t F at nw aoU3t aunny room fumhmed complete for housekeeping 10 nolSn FOR RENTAt TOT kit at nw furnished Sd floor frost room ahw buck porter term rea aonable aolSSt- Stt ID ST NW goeood and third story tnt rooms neatly furnished ftoc gentlemen at reasonable roles noi22t list NEW YORK AVE NW Nicely fur- nished rooms with board nol2st- S 7 17TH ST Two pleasant aecond story ecmmunlcatins rooms onehalf block from Connecticut aye ear FOR RENT Two furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping SU 4th st ae- aolSSt ill F ST NW ROOKS steam Mat hot water bath aol2St FOR RENT Furnished halt room 714 st aw noUSt FOR RBNT Furnished rTme e front room delightful location JSTt Harvard at aw near 14th at private family nol24t- FOF RBNT Three furnished rooms 2 COB n lnj with or without board for gen- tlemen only MS I at aw Mea ST KW Furnished room light housekeeping nottSt FOR RBNT Three furnished rooms double or single white family of three poi 222S st aw noltSt FOR KENT One steely furnished front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen ISM Pennsyl- vania ave ae noUSt FOR RENTNJerty furnished front rooms 314 lth aC aw central noJSSt1- 2OT Q ST warm pleasant rooms furnished complete toe housekeeping terms moderate nou3t FOR RBNT Twe furnished rooms for light housekeeping 2S K at ne noll3t FOR RBNT Furnished rooma with or without board 4 par and upward early breakfast transients accommodated 4SS nw nollSt FURNISHED ROOMS light housekeeping adults 330 3d st se nollSt 426 Q ST NW For rent nicely furnished back room with or without board nollJt FURNISHED ROOMS welt heated X up gentlemen 494 1st st aw nolXJt FOR nBNT Entire aecond Soar with ov without board opportunity for crowd university boys to together private family 1119 17O nw Bollat FOR RENT One newly papered room VS 4th at nw nollSt FOR RENT Niealy furnished hell room S per month also large bay window room furnace heat all conveniences Apply SW nw COMFORTABLY furnished second floor front room in small adult family references 4 t H nw aoieSt 417 G ST NW Two furnished south front rooms first second Soot rent reasonable noie8t- IP YOU ARE LOOKING for furnlshe1 rooms go to OERSON DENT i CO 6U 7th at aw no charges n2 et Birds Dogs Etc JUST RECEIVED 1W homeraised canaries will sell them Just as run at H each Also Japanese Spaniels Cocker Spaniels Yorkshire Skye Black and Tan Poodles Fox Terriers Collies Bull Terriers Boston Terriers Angoio Parrots Goldfishes etc SCHMIDS BIRD STORK 712 12th at nw nolltf TRY LEES BIRD STORE 1801 5th Bt nw Parrots 43 up guaranteed talkers canaries monkeys goldfish pedigreed pointers Mark and Won and fox terriers posu 1 t I i Market I t 1 f- I 8 I II I 11 I I J6dtt to au JNI week Mat an Ida M JIIOdorat rental soilIt heat Lt NWTwo light week C- st lit Oats t C 1 e 4 t 01 C t 00 a f I i pine Iii pt Ic se 111 4 XWltlO SI nailIt LARGE ae e lIt lb Meg lOT ITt L- et selF I ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ + + + For Rent UsfunUshed lieoms- FOR IIIJNT Three unrurnlshed c mmtml eating rooms two front light housekeeping rent reaeoBablc iW 0 nw nonitT- HRBB lealrable rooms for light houc keeping reasonable 1M V at nw tW D ST NW Unfurnished rooms Z on and S on id Sleet for light housekeeping U water gas and heat it FOR RENT One nnfurntohes room Mat gas 171 North Carolina no noUZt FOR RBNT Two or three suitable for light houeekeeping gee and heat 1217 B ae noUK 716 TH ST XKTWO unfurnished rooms heat KM and bath noiSX FOR RENT Three bright reonw light and cooking gas st HW it FOR RBNT Throe unfurnlsned rooms I 4 r l and painted Knit gas 1S 25 FOR RBNT Ch erf t Jd floor flat room heat a and bath reasonable I n noUst FOR RENT Five rooms bath and yard In- quire iLl East Capitol at nolltt FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms light housekeeping heat gas and bath 31 at nw It TWO rooms second hear heat use of bath 217 K at HW It Til R BE rooms unfurnished for light house keeping ua North Capitol nollSt RBNT Destrable rooms all canvas lenoes t nm moderate at ne noMt FOR RBXTTbree rooms housekeeptnK 3d story 9U 6th at aw- noUSt FOR RENT Five roasts for or 4 roots ftf Apply after 7 v m Randolph at nolSSt- FCR RENT Two rooms hco eke pin with Mat and gas m L st w nol2 t FOR RBNT Unfurnished rooms sear cars term reasonable IK D at nw nol24t4- 7X 0 ST NW Thr or four light housekeeping if desired to aloha reasonable or will rent separately a lSSt FOR RBNT Thro second Moor MKim for rent lit Uth ne nota7t- IFOR RENT Three unfurniehed seams and heat SM Iftth at ne noUlt FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms gar bath all new paper HI B at so nolzSt RENT Three unfurniehed rooms houeekeepinir M Q L nw nolltt- I FOR RENT UnfMmtohed rooms beat gas aw 3d st nw noltIt L ST NB Two or three very large for light hOMOkeepteg large closets 14 IU noUSt FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms with heat bath reasonable F sC- THRBB large unfurnished rooms for light housahonUng bath sea tf L ST NW Three Jarse unfumianed rooms convenient to bath and In perfect or der for housffkeeplng nollSt THREE OR FOUR untarnished rooms house keeping steams heat nw noii3t Four unfurnished rooms Jtrst floor yard H7ee 14 Mh at ne no7n Rooms and Board ST G St NW Large heated frost I suitable for two noUil- PLEAXNT rooms good tAttle refln 4 home I central M K t nw noUSt- GBORCX WASHINCxON I1OTBL Mh at and New York heir block teem Whit Jlouee Beautiful view doubts and MngiA rooms from s to Its up with good board I MM ITH ST NW Rooms and board 713 K north side Carnegie Llbrar Large sunny warm secondfloor front rooms lult able for two or three Transient noilIt SUNNY ROOMS home oooktng hot i Mt r heat fie to Jtt per sheath for two iwi nw ROOMS with board items cooking p r week at osUa D C noU t- AT 1M EAST CAPITOL ST Good rooms home cooking no children prices reasonable oppoelte Ubmry It For Rent Furnished or Uafanilslied Jlooraa FOR RENT Large front room furnished or unfurnished 7W 7th ct nw seer G- nol23t FOR RENT Well heated furnished or slatted rooms with or without board table tKiard reasonable ISM Sth st nw noUit FOR RBNT Rooms at aw HOUSBK8BPING beautiful rooms Capitol Hill seer Library partly furnished furnace lIt quiet home of young couple Adults 313 5th st se nollSt IN PRIVATE UPTODATE HOMES AND APARTMENTS WITH BATHS 17th and K eta nw The Apt Uth and Irving su Brunswick Apt 14th and Hopkins ate The Melrose Apt aad R I ave The Oneonta Apt COLUMBIA RENTING 006 13th St N W ec2TS t Personal MADAM THEO palmist card reader and German spoken Ill II st aw- WORKINGMBN when you Jigger on your expenses bear us in mind w can furnish you with a good serviceable suit of clothes or overcoat tailor made slightly used far su parlor to ready made new clothing JUSTHS OLD 11 D noltTt COUNTESS MACHENDE LONG CONSULTING CLAIRVOYANT SPECLVLIST Her honesty teet of time twelve years continuous practice In Washington have proven beyond all doubt her pee dictions are authentic and her advice Fell- able pertaiaia to love business contracts wills estates lawsuits buying or selling property speculations epelM In Hn ncee courtship marriage family culti tf divorce etc Is unequalled Without asking a single question she tells your name names of friends and enemias whom and when you will marry She will udl of any trouble or dlmculty you may have or that may be in store for you she reveals the cause and explains how to remove said cause Her Information and advice la clear concise to the point giving name locations dates and facts Counteae De Long r lda as sacred affairs of secret and confidential na- ture that may be revealed In course of her readings which are in private and wluiout danger of meeting strangers Office hours 9 a m to 8 p m 731 NINTH ST N W 721 BRADFORDS DBTBCTIVB AGENCY Suite Ill BUILDING 14th and G Phone Main SMS Expert specialists in dell cate and intricate Investigations any cause all absolute secrecy guaranteed For night service phone residence North 4HS- noll t- OUR BLACK THIBET Sun to at is guaranteed all wool and the beat suit fur the mousy In Washington MORTON C STOUT CO SM IF YOU ARE GIVING UP housekeeping and wish to soil part or all of your furniture send for the maR who has the reputation of 2W ears fair dealing MARCUS NOTES 434 Sth nw phone Main 5171 nolOtf MME ZENITA stands alone in her power of reading the future 1216 7th st no87t Housefurnishings t2 S FOR SANITARY COUCH heating and cooking stoves parlor and suites II per week gocarts J150 lowest prices each and credit REDMONDS 313 7th at ow noltf ODD PIECES of furniture can be had hera at veri low prices 0 and cooking trves at SNITZER LA PORTE 112331 7th st nw oc31t terms It i at t nw It lilt lit FOR PIT turn Site ullturat lit POR uat Mat lit ft4t soilK New Jersey cv JUt lit aGO J VII sotlIt at Iro The DOli 1c 16 H1I awl I nolltt COLORADO sections order Pet lit S U S an eve lent neal i tvhi at I references 10 rooms p pd 1161 at 41 roes gee IlO so 521 iiik 5 ar soil It lIt Jesaeom room It soil 41 unfit r SlID nail I lick sodium STANDS and investment d1 lit lull 4 ret 1 > ¬ < ¬ ¬ = I Business Opportunities LIVERY bueiiMws sHMMHdiy equipped stylish turnouts IK horse S torias is runabout I carrIes 4 broughams 9 sleighs wagone buagles barnes lap robes whips aide furniture etc cost WOM IS years l a best location In city opportunity of UM Mad ever otfered- Prlce on application THJC SOULS CO Inc OO ave nol33t FOR SALE Cheap HIM corner grocery Northwest rent OTM daily sales Ad- ore BOX MA Time onVw mrift A FIRsrrCLA barber shop business fie chairs some Address BOX Times office nolAt WILL BUY eiga store excellent boa tion chOMp rent seer Union Depot come Mlek NEW YORK BU8INE88 BROKER ill V IttUSt LARGE light front haH suitable for oyster depot 2M C at ae aplISt CONFECTIONERY stationery lag room rent Stf price CENTRAL UU8INB8S Room X MS 7 BOlSX GROCERY Splendid location loW rent good trade price MO CENTRAL BU8I NESS EXCHANGE Room Zi F aoUSt INCORPORATE In outh Dakota cheapest cost most liberal laws quickest service blanks and laws free 8 DAK CORPORA TJON CHARTER CO 3H Dakota ave Item 8 D MolvU1721 FOR LBA8B The large twostory brick building l B t aw suitable for man- ufacturing or general business purposes Apply to RHBKM HENBEY CO W F st or HENRY WBLL8 1414 G- W ec2 aodJs ROOMING and boarding house It void week will fur half value centrally lo GROCERY northwest sales SO liv ing roots only KW bargain NEW YORK BUSINESS BKOKJSH8 CU 7 aolSSt CORNER grocery northwest daily sales WO owing to other business owner must soS this Is rare chance invoice more than price asked NEW YORK BlKINBrS BROKERS II F aoUSt CAPE and Dairy Lunch Pennsylvania ave location monthly business tt0 s price 3sM half cash baianc easy NEW YORK BUS INESS BROKERS U F DAIRY LUNCH daily sales 4 rent only MM NEW YORK BUSINESS BROK ERS 11 F noUM FOR SALE Cheap graeory good paylnc business sic clean stock good location lining rooms roust sell InTaotlnaia AdOres BOX Me Tim a oUKA noUW email CAPITAL NESS KXCHANOB AUantte Bolldla- nol2St DAIRY LUNCH and dining room no loca- tion clearing UM monthly CAPITAL BUSINESS Atlantic Buildtn- cnoilIt SALOON Mo y maker Balttmor av ra- proUt 3M IMT week DOGAN n- ave noUSt LUNCH ROOM wood section M per w eh DUGAN Louisiana ave nal2M SALOON Corner 7th MW anme proprtotor 1 years DCOAN 17 Louisiana ave noUK SALOON and bowling allays best MeUon city DUGAN 17 era noUit BARBER SHOP with cigar store attacked mon y maker DUGAN O7 LouIsiana aye nolStt LIQUOR lid grocery lint lace Udfc owner leaving dip DtJGAXCU Louis lana ave noUU LIQUOR and grocery bnriaen Alexandria ame family 40 years DUGAN O7 Loutaiana- I WANTED Two hundred dollars will pay i per month bK of references Addict BOX Sfl Times omctt nolllt FOR SALE Foal room cad et ar stein chance of a lifetime tile best stand in the cHy etabll d years doing hiM WILKiNS WALKER K Walker Manager fttt H K ne aoUSt 2000 wlU purchase half Interest in steam laundry doing business U monthly soap Address OPPORTUNITY aoll2t CHANCE for good investsaeat to right perIl small amount cask rod and services part of day or evening Address BOX 675 Times aoMSt TIlE FRENCH say that Nothing Is a foot IBM stocking without a lKi and that to about UM only thing you cannot buy er sell through advertising WANTED Men aad women to try our OlD for all Kjan y and bladder trubl pre tcrlption of the late Dr Warner of Balti- more Sold tidy by TUX JOHN WEDDER BURN COMPANY S166UVF st HW selStf hALF A DOZEN of type may be I link YOU and something you want Horses and Vehicles HARNESS AND TRUNK REPAIRING SHOP ISth and H eta nw we are ordered to sell different wagons and harness regardless of cost lioUSt FOR cheap dark bay mare elegant condition line driver weighs 1100 work any- where Phone E HM nolSSt FOR SALE Cheap 12 horses and mares salt farmer or any business must be sold Apply rear of 47f Pennsylvania ave nw nolSK FOR SALE Cheap wagon haraeae license SOI Lucite at aw aolSSt A HORSE top buggy and con dillon S1SO Address BOX GSC Times oflfce- aolSSt HORSES a for country use WASHINGTON FERTILIZER CO Stable New Jersey ave and K st se aolSSt PROF YALE OF NEW YORK- A HORSE top buggy and In good con suited on the propriety of having horses teeth attended at Speedway Stables 1non con section he aloe of valuable Speed way mare lot sale trotter record 217 halves IM sound city broken nolS1617 FOR SALE One matched pair of iron grays very stylish 4 years old weight 2SSS MS H- at ae aoi3t FOR good work horse cheap 121S O at ae noUSt Large Double Plush Robee fLM Large Square Blankets M Rubbertire Panel Coupe Rockaway pole and shafts 7SM Steeltire Panel Coups Rockaway M Curtain Roekaway 3C04 14paa6 nger Light Wagons 6064 Wagon aN Dept Wagon S J up Four StandinKtop Burgle M up Grocery and anltvoty wagons up Secondband iarness J8 up I Four fine Shetland Ponies and Traps ocZ4tf 2S 11th St N W HORSES STABLED and pastured grain ted groomed called for and returned at S per month references Main 2S3 North SS- Locl63t NEW DELIVERY WAGONS We are offering scene special values In new wagons We are showing more wagons than all Washington combined PROBBY CARRIAGE CO CCl3tf 12S9 KM at nw OANTZS SELLING OUT S6 bike runabout 145 J1S5 cutunder surrey 385 J12S lads and business phaeton J76 JSS full platfonn- panelside grocery wagons J Ml and 124K D st nw auS4tf GREAT STOCKREDUCING SALE W Top Buggies i SS7Se 66 Rubbertire Runabouts 4500 Cutunder Runabouts cushion tire 8JM 7 Surreys canopy top KM S D WATERS SON 31 Pa Ave JeSStf among his millions that will buy more WANT ADV PUBLICITY than your among your thousands or hundreds or dozens will buy In this newspaper WANTED 25 to haul brick Apply at W T WALKER BRICK CO end bridge or oilice Corcoran building steady work aolO7t- VANTEDTKAMS ran Rive twenty atAdy work for a long period of time good paid and aloft hauls Apply at once WKST BROS BRICK CO south end Long bridge Ant vIe Lou a nice I I 81 ItT M MIl KWART rLL It tit sell eat NEW YORK BUSINEdS HROKJCR8 III F sellIl noD cheap I corner cheep rent loa Mutt cash Jliiil I x liT 10 classIng tilT fit Louisiana claim ave cent It tiC office between SALEA in IJOOd table ham knows SALEA Dept Sorrier tit Iii ROCKEFELLER iIASNT GOT A DOLLAR WantedTeams wag il c sat terms 111 I SALOON63iW Sn over boss pollIt IL I a duo sees t om ac Back lines tim a harness FIVE a 5 II 82 I toasts flvlliit ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ < = For Sale Miscellaneous Two Big Sewing Machine Specials For This f Week- I f Singer DropHead S19 O 4 n I B and WJlson No 9 DropHead 2aeo OPPENHEIMERS 514 9th St N W A GOOD PIAJfO FREE A npiondtd chaise to the cMMta In tsrsautd In music We anon the as of a good square steno absolutely free six months if youll par the small os t of may ing Apply at onca F G SMITH PIANO CO 1225 Pennsylvania aye Phone X 14- 1aotttf and tier mistMke TOO LATJS Moral The CHEAPEST is DEAREST in the BNL MAGNIK1CKX1 HIGH UKADB 8126 A27D 6 Months 2riancTooal Pree GEO liAW2KWCE 924 9th 2f W 1ftoNK a i7 Vuning Hauling aoutf A Smith Piano Company oertlfl cate of 7 fur Ui MJ ItS st nollit ENTIRE furniture fur 4roem Sat ahaos new ao desist ss T st nw aoUM FOR SALE BeMfttfuI sloeboard noMsa oak good as new halt price Apply at hot au A so aWS3t FOR aALBCartlneaio of Ms good for credit on any piano at Smith Piano tore W s South Washington st Al andria Va aoUXn- OOOO EXCELLENT BRICK elevator flooring and joist doors blinds etc ail second hand but good as aw Apply at t anti it pta sw or to T CLARK Builders1 itowltes and Headquarters for Hecondband Mateclal New jersey are aw Phone N 2W aoiam SALE PmcUceJIy new a No 4 Smith ITemier In perfect condition with table and 176 14H 2 th at nw BOIl t- RARB BARGAIN In a vory an aighgmde upright pease beautiful ease la jtntelass condition east SIM WIN ike J1I5 cash Wl Kb at aw aollst FOR SALE Quartered oak dintng table 44 la and 4 eMirs good condition Us Uni versity pme ao23t FOR 8ALB Rattan g oatt redtnlug coat ls in good condition cheap 11th st aw- nol22t FOR 8ALBOae bull terrier 4U K et aolSSt FOR 8ALB Cah register 0 National also three other e HOPWOOD SU and K- aollSt FOR BALE40 staves all heap also good organ H2 See HOPWOOD Sth cad K nsillSt FOR SALE atove pips M coot per Jelat all siaes See HOPWOOD Ilk and K FOR SALBos eook stoves some good sow aba sfoot mage with hotter cost Ills Se Sth aDd K FOR SALE Large lee ebeet sttttaMe for hotel or grocery des HOPWOOD- sth and K BOll3t FOR SALB Ice for s iery wsA aot the kind that is made by a tinker See HOP WOOD Ilk and K noil good as sow UH Other bargains at y t w aotlJt FOR SALB K roHUH leak hIM also Woodruff ale eae ales IOIM cost Ibrt perfect aUfc FOR SALK IH lED Hruass never auust- FOR ALBDoubwoiae boosrhaepera stand lag desk good as sew cost SX Other nolln FOR 8ALEV46S genuine leather SpiejM 11 brary set mahogany for f2 weed two weeks 804 F at aw a U you SALE Celebrated Steinway square 91 ano and stool cwt two for KSSO taaed and delivered Other bargains xt f st aw nollSt OAK OFFICE PARTITION nrat Mss eras dillon cost will be sold to an immediate purchaser for fS Inquire OB Loaletaas ave BOUJt LARGE quartered oak cost S three weeks ago Call end ee 2J0 this week K eve otlX MAGNIFICENT CHINA CLO8BT mirror back to go at fit east H iavestlgate Ui Louisiana ave notlSt- LARGB walnut mantel mirror met tO sold for want of use 0 2S Lotrtstaaa eve nollSt- UM CERTIFiCATE fur Bradbury piano Ad dres B M Times omee aoUSt FOR SALB Marine gasolene engine Address BOX Times ome noUSt FOR SALE Hardmaa piano la condition at low price tech place nw FOR SAi E 71 Beswn B eoraet exeellent fli quick Address J G P 1112 East Capitol et aotl4t FOR SALB tlW Bradbury certificate for K A F KNQUI T lit B at s FOR SALB SaerlAce departure bedroom suites machine 6 owing bed 8 oambinatton bookcases secretaries deska vases silver carpets rugs tables electra rockers new heir maltreat S trots beds J2 springs 1 set encyclopedia 5 odd pieces antiques NOBLE 428 llth nw aollH PICTURES of football game fur sale by FLYNN PHOTO CO 489 and tSt Pennsylvania ave nollSt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 7 Bradbury certificate SS lit Florida ave ae aollSt HO FOR a large building lot one ear fare no interest no took into this quick only a few left Address BOX 2Z3S Station G ao5tt FOR SALB If youre looking for a bargain in a sllghtlr irfano youll Sod what you want here SS90 living 175 fStt HalkH Davis Heanlag J17 M a Vuee St Sons UO and a number of other attractive specials Easy payments O J DeMOLL CO 122 1221 13S6 and 1237 G at noltf FOR SALE Second band uptight pianos nrstclae unusual bargains all fully guaranteed square pianos as low as 15 CHAS M STIEFF 2l 11th at aw J C CONLIFF Manager aoStf BUY A DAVIS Vertical Fend sewing ma chits and embroider all your Christmas pres- ent drophead Wheeler A Wilson 15 DAVIS AGBNCT 13 9th SC BW M 3 aoltfJ- CKTfS We call and make keys anywhere In the city for S prompt service electric bells burglar alarms and electric gas our specialty drop postal or phone North 3S70 PERCY S ANGLE i CO 1982 Uth st nw ocl53et FOR SALB Good quality opaque shades flt ted to your windows only lie hung free will call with samples KLBBULATTS 11th and H etc ne Pbone East 2R ja2 tf Storage Win PAY MORE We store for lie a loadT UNITED STATES STORAGE CO 4IS 4 t22 10th nw Phone Main 4229 cot Mt- PIDEHITTT STORAGE CO 1420 You Street INDE TRirCTIBLB- LM rooms sliver vaults mothproof rooms money advanced at 6 per cent per annum on goods stored In this building Let our esti mator call PACSTNQ CBATXXTG AND SHTPPUrQ Moving Packing anti Shlnplse LARGE AND HANDSOME PADDED VANS 1 LOAD TWOHORSE WAGON S3 LOAD COIOTMHIA TBAJTSrSB COMPANY TU aiih st w u I t Whc nullti get y TEEflIIILE lady bought a PtAO of a certatn tIoaIer 1u XnnUC ION I LeSi OWl wilt FOR SA L at IrLall 1IUk lit FOR typewriter WIt JIll 1 lie hissing ved so1141 am J JiG X IOU FOR SALE oak bedroom Bet lot bargains at sa P lit sw 1f5O bargains at t 81 bar at JIM 7 ram lOt book f itt f seat laM very Ime Wal soilIt J soilIt wing at ylrgJ tax tIe Ui I Phone at I lJ < 5 See WEBO1- A sty I Ill sisal air box qaantered 41 licr spa need Other lot l aw V ii sw HIS cask 1 100 sq jyiTtI- 111ti ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ > = ¼





Two cents a wonl for all other cla elnda-dvertlMjnenUi for lew than thraa Insertions

If inserted for three or more consecutivedays tine cut a word for each insertion

do not apply to 1ersonaU

Advertisetht folluwinc branch omcen at regular dIcerates It it is Inconvenient to leave ad rtise-uteilS atItukiness Omee they may be telephoned directto The Times Main 3M and a messengerwill call to collect without additional chargetu the advertiser


GOIJ3ENBBRG8 7th and K els nw-B KANN SONS CO sth and Market apaae-KIIVIN8 CIGAR STORE 14th and Fla aYeKUVlNS CIGAR STORE S 1J 14th at nw


Nelson Proprietors corner Rhode Islandav lat aad T ELi nw

ROBERT T PBTZOLD The Harvard Phar-macy 11th and Harvard nw-

W A 1 ARLING cor 14th and T Ms nwL FRENCH SIMPSON cor 7th Bt Rhode

Island ave and R M aw-H T BUTTS PHARMACY 4th at and Mass

CHAtfc ilORNUNG Chrtotlanl tarmaeyS-M cur 7th and M sts nw

DUNN SANFORD New York ave aMNorth Capitol at

R A VElTCHJHh ant M ts wQflULKYS PHARMACY net and 0 aw nwiiirLETTE A CO 14th and L U nw-K M WAGNER A CO 1st and U ats nwL T TAYIjOR cot th and P at nw-KftlENE It NICHOLS M01 Pa aye sw

BLKNTZ PHARMACY North Capitoland Florida ave


rlilh at and Florida Aye neCHAR H BLUMBR N Cap and R ts-McCHESNEY A JOACHIM cor M and K S4f-

lSOUTHBASTA K POWELL 4th and East Capitol sts-O PON NELL DRUG CO sth and G

S FEALY aw cor llth and Fa av

SOUTHWESTT HUGO BI8BNBBfs8 7th and B streets


Jefferson at-



KelpWANTED Colored wonran tot general hous-

ik 11M3 Q at nw ItWANTED Colored girl about eighteenVars old for general houaework in fam-ily three Apply 11117 A Euclid trt ItWANTED A reliable experienced woman a

k and general hooseworker for smallfamily With or without washing as preJ Flat 7 LINCOLN Ill l th

t sv nols2t-

MANTED Bxprtenced alteration hands oninlis abd suits Apply at MATERBUOS CO 9R F at nw no3K-VANTED Young gina an bundle wrappers

Tuu t i fourteen years or over Apply atMAVER BROS A CO 91 F at aw noU tW XTED A near reliable girl M housemaid

ixl iiurae must have reference awl staynights 420 Clifton at nw three blocka ie Florida between 1Kb and 15th-

V TKD Tomr colfnl for light housework Call aftery in Iw K at nw nol2tWANTED Settled colored woman to enok

laundry In amall family oomfortaMeprovided A ly nw lat floor

eodfc no waahing wa remonth white preferrwl lid Uth st nw

round the house Apply at 1US 17th nw-n lIlt

TED Germanftuuiy li no wa hin 1M I nw noU7tWANTED Otrl for cook awl general house

rk go homo night brine reference3 00 F nw nolSSt-

W ANTED dirt for housework stay nightswages 8 a month 1W8 U at noilit

ExperienceJ white waitsei r ins furnished and laundered Apply 1688Pennsylvania nolSstVNTEDGood whtt eook o laundryMust stay night wages 9M KB1 Newarkat Cleveland Park ItTV ANTED Young lady waItress and aaaiatdnlng room work CRBSCBNT DAIRYItNtH 2d and C ats aw ItWANTED Ladies to learn millinery manurtng face and scalp treatment a goodhairdresser wanted J X LUKE Jfc CO

1S llth t nw ItXSANTED Girl to help draaemaher mustlutvo experience Address BOX 4 Timestffre aoiatV-

ANTED Reunble woman to do good plainand help with laundry in binaJl tam

iiv no children Apply loll 7th at w ItWANTED Woman for houseworkInjuHe second floor nil PenneylvanU aver noUtWANTED A girl tot general housework or I

ts ut bring reference 100S 0 st nw ItWANTED A settled colored woman to cookana tin general housework no washing Andt home nighU Apply 13S T at aw It

V NTED YounK lady aoHoltor of goodnir ntnce character and addreea a aaUrr

r ir per week guaranteed Address BOX31 Xinas omee ItWANrEI Ten white chambermalda J15

for Pennaylvanfai way paid FIStriij AGENCY 41 lath nw noUK-WAXTEI Girl for light housework go hornniKln reference Call at once tt U nt-iiv flat It

to on ooats ApM at nw white

vANTKnWhlte cooki col red cookchambermaid general

v ikr girl for Bristol R I 19M 10th atItW NTEDYoune hdy for clerk In insu-jani tn must openue typewriter onefirl in Insurance preferredCall ut PROVIDBNT RBLIBF A SOCIA-TI X orner New Jamey ave and G t nw

W XTKDWomen g4rhi paW W or moredaily taking orders for visiting aside HAYS

K nw

WANTED Expert Mad embroMerer to givelBsnim in art store Saturdays only 13 th-

AXTKDOaahler eaterinc departmentJA FJCTRAS experience and city referencel sire l It

ANTEDGUJ M flnhmer on mens etothi-iiK no4 pay fourth Soar lit 14th at w-

li12StWANTED White waltreee M-

fhai l n 4 M ttf house girl tt privatefaiuil 1 S llth nw ItWANTED Young lady in Ice to take carebooks aui 7th aw nollSt-VANTBDA girl Sec general housework infamily of two 712 6th st nw noUSt

WANTED Experienced hullea tailors atIMOO 1ASTERNAK 1 Uth at nw

Ml32tWAN FED Women to try our Bvchu Oln fornil ki in y and bladder trouble prescriptionut the late Dr Warner of Soldnls by THE JOlN WBDDBRBURN COM3ANV 6i6 F st nw auutf-Tiiii WORTH of a thing is but known bythe uait jf it1 und thus many a want ad

OKCS iis incn to some bard knOCk woKay have received in dally life





will M at aiy or

sitbr a brAch omc or TIftM











lightgIrl 1


ui It1 13t-


dirt to ran and Mip

servant tor Garmall

W TEDaye




1 IIi

thir1WyrEDA taUOIeM lt tpreferred




I t nlIat-W t








are nw






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HelpWANTBD Woman for general houseworkCull IMS Bast Capitol at nol l13-WANTBD Bright neat gins 14 yrs of agefor Soar service good pay and rapid promoWon Apply to H W SCHAUB with GOLD

7th and K sts nwllJt-

WANTED A number of glrw and women whohave lied experience In soiling any lines ofmerchandise Wa need salespeople In everydepartment and will pay the best of salariesApply before am to SUPERINTBNr BNT

KANN SONS ft CO nollJtANY Intelligent person may earn 49 tomonthly at home In spare time eerregpondlntfor newspapers no canvaaslHg experienceunH ceseary send for parttculare PRESSSYNDICATR Lockport N Y s t

forbuehelinK work Ap-ply alter 9 a m at list 7th at nw


HIT HWfor baby Apply ROTH


WANTBD A tin for general housework at231 M at nw It

At once thoroughly experiencedcoat and skirt heads on woman garments


Help Wanted MaleWANTED Bxirarienced furnUhlnir sales-man wood and permanent poatttonto right man OROSNBRSPennsylvania ave nolSSt-

WANTBD A man or boy do 3eralwork on a small farm n r Bowie onPennsylvania railroad fromdty can be at 1211 eelockWednesday Thursday and Friday at FQERACI HIS 0 nw BOUIt-

WANTBD Young men or youths with blcyales may had very profitable employment aam sen angers those attending school will beemployed after school hours MUTUAL DIS-TRICT MBSSBNQBR CO 14M F at

noUtuwAthtfWANTED Good sober and reliable barberat once Pennsylvania ave It

Ten and drivers at onee-BcKlagtoa place and Qnincy at two squaresabove B A O freight depot ItWANTBD Young man to work inWEST END LAUNDRY ITS Pennsylvaniaave nw It

Meatcutter and grocery clerk atApply 2225 L at nw

WANTED Two flntemw esatawkeni twork inside by the week or piecework Callat ones tttt th at aw ItWANTBDColored man aa driver for de-livery wagon Call after i p W FREUNDSS-lA Mth at nw ItWANTBD A walter and a useful boy lUllSath st aw itWANTED Young Italian barber must begood shaver good guarantee given la flUt aw It

WANTBD Wafer at onee with goodApply at 211 Pennsylvania eve


I WANTBD A driver whoto handle furniture Sth and B ats aw It

IWANTED Two barbers at once In perweek guaranteed WILLIAM TURNERUM Sth at ItWANTBD WhMe man far couple days workon fence JtW eight Hours work Inquireat once VBRO DENTISTS Ills Pennsylvaniaave ItWANTBD Colored man to lakehorse and drive wagon must know thecity HCHROT BROS 111 Louisiana ave

ItWANTED House boy private family man-or boy wash dishes elevatcr conductor1 S llth at aw ItWANTED Cigar salesman for city of Wash-ington state experience good position andsalary to right party Address BOX 1

Time omee It-

WANTBD Boy who baa ao home naiL woejda good one in a doetors mmlly cloth

ln and board MM 7th at aw ItL at aw

nolln-WANTBD Younjj clerk In d ar cad news-stand give g and Mia expected Ad-dress BOX 8 Times offlce noUSt-

WANTBD Whit pastry chef SSO colored

WANTED Recammendail butler bar porterboy mak flrea also waltresM chambermaid and send cook 10U New York avenw EUREKA ItWANTED Two Mrtteltora of good addressApply to Circulation Maaagor The Times

nol3l-WANTBD A white boy Apply HUYLERScorner F and l th nolSSt

JEWELRY 8ALB3MAN Only hustler needapply capable of giving bond and able tocontrol good trade man able to make J4s toISO a week la the kind we want ApplyManager CVSTBLBERGrS SSare mMltulhsatf-WANTBD Young whit man to drive milkwagon AddrmMi ill S st nw no2tW-

ANTBD A good barberTHOMAS MS G st nw


WANTBD Two experienced colored waiterat S48 PennsylvanIa ave nw nolSItWANTED Hotel baker for the Southtransportation paid FISHBRS AC7BNCY

l th at aw ix 122t-

WANTBD Wagon boys must be 1C yearsof age or over thin work gives boya outdoorexcrete salary to start 4 a week ApplyImmediatelr to S KANN SONS A

nollttWANTED Special boys with wheels mustbe 14 years of age or over to startS4 a week Apply immediately to SSONS CO aoK t-

WAXTBD Three experienced ladles tallerROTH 147 L at aw nolllt-WANTBD Two drivers for milk wagonseofrd wages Call 135 U nw nollJt-WANTBD Bxperloneed salesmen forslo department only those who have someknowledge of music boxes phonographs andmusical instruments beet of sal-ary to capable men Apply before 10 am toSUPERINTENDENT S ICANN SONSCO noll3tAl PROPOSITION to right havingsmall amount of capital and being well

In Washington AUdreee BOX B76otftee nollSt-

WANTBD Painters Cleveland Park It FSIMPSON noll3tWANTBD Twentynve good drivers forbrick wagons men who will take good careof their teams and make a days workwill be paid per day with steady empluymont also wanted teams to haulbrick NEW WASHINGTON BRICK COAblngton Alexandria county Va no47tWANTED Experienced driver Apply sw Bt aw oesstfANY Intelligent person may earn 140 to 90monthly at home In spare time correspondingfor newspapers no exponentunnecessary send for particulars PRB88SVNDICATB Lockport N Y sell9 tWANTED Bricklayers Apply KENNEDY

DAVIS CO 17th and st awno t




WANTED Girls to help on custom coatsE GILBERT SIS F at nw no2St-WANTKD Man to try our Buchu Gin ferall ktntldey and bladder trouble prescription

tho late Dr Warner of Soid




















boy Iagood pay

WANTDCoioret boy toyeelS u porter wrp

trnr Uth and 1I nw It

hef helpers FISIEKWIAGENCY US Jet nW it














616t1S ll at ow auitt







Ills F nt






WANTKlCol3red 1T

Sties eightApply CL1IfDIITnit

150 bakett 3























Help Wanted MaleWANTED Flrstclasa talloreas tailary and long SCHWARTZ 9M-14th lit nw

WANTED Kxperienced woltreea at onee9M Pennsylvania ave nw noi3t

Help WcntedMale anu Female

WANTED You to know we teach all stanaard systems of and typewritingand can prepare pupils for positions In 30-A H days special afternoon eoeslons for G v-

ernment employ STENOGRAPHIC ACADKMY Colorado building no436t-

WANTBD Freah for the Ph har-monlc Choir Call Friday 1 to S p m MrsTIIBIBLYS STUDIO 1214 F st nw nolSStWANTED White Kitchen girl also counterboy experienced no night or Sunday workRITTERS CAFE 10th and Louisiana ave

BoiJtrtments In bo

AGENCYHelp for all

t U today

WANTBD 12 husillHg schoolboys or girlsCAr make a few italians before Christmastaking names state age Address BOX MlTimes olflee nolfJt

Situations WantedFemale

WANTED By colored woman work out bythe day 1S90 Id at nw ItWANTBD Some small washes to bring homeCall at 4W Richardson at aw between R andS 4th and New Jersey eve ItWANTED By settled colored woman

flratclaas plain cook plain washing andIroning if necessary city reference AddressBOX 2 TIme cities it

General housework in small fam-ily IT L at nw ItWANTED By two colored place usgeneral housework one aa waitress or-nur Call or T tth et M ItWANTED By flratchuw laundrem work todo at home Call 10 Slat st nw it

Wahln aad IroMaK t athome by respectable colored woman 40Pierce aw itWANTED Washing and JrowlHp at arout by day city reference IS Fenton placeaw it

By mlddleag d woman situa-tion as cook can stay night UK D e

By reap e table eoloreil womanwashing or cleaning out by day sm N

WANTEDBy colored girl place as eookor general honeework SMbetween let and tad B aad F ItWANTBD By colored girl place as generalhoueaworker or eook Can or writ 1S11 Mth-

WANTBD By good laundress washing totake home or day work MM 4th at aw itWANTED By a respectable colored girt

to work In mornings or omeeM ac aw ROUtWANTBDBy respectable colored placeas chambermaid or nurse in Stat class tamliT 4vt4 nw no2StWANTED Sewing in family by the dayweek or month Address BOX S7omee noil at

SituationsWANTED By young Irishman place as foot-man or general man best of referencesAddress BOX 1 Times ofltee itWANTED By reliable colored man positionas houseman or care fur horse 60 Pierce

WANTBD A position by a fully competeshotel baker broad cad poetry andaJl aroundman city or country acceptable AddrMisox 7 Times omee nBASS VIOLINIST at liberty wishes perma-nent city position ao objection to amateurorchestra havIng the business Call after490 or address 1147 Georgia ave ae w wldJoin union nollSt

WANTED Highest rash prices paid for worngarments ladies or gentlemens Also shoesand hats Address postal and I will call anyhour B TAK3HKH UOS 7th at aw PhoneNorth 4M

HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID FORLADIES and gentlemens hatsshoes etc phone 2SSS drop postal willcall X KESSLER 124 7th nw-

aouaotWANTED Diamonds one tw four carata IWOcarat up Highest rash for old geldsilver dentifit gold platinum old e 4ns an-tique Jewelry and city pawn tickets etcMoney to loan also LOUIS ABRAHAMSBonded Broker 4SS frth sU nw Phone M UT-


BIG MONET PAID for desirable furniturecarpets will per toil value for stoves Ingood condition omee furniture and

goods of all kinds contests especiallyD NOTES S Louisiana ave M S-


WANTED To l rg store or buildingIn good business location Address BOX 1

Times omee nolSSt-WANTBD Two tents camera antI lenaJ H PARRITT Takoma Park D C

nolSStWE PAY the highest prices for old goldsilver cameos Jewelry silk shawl and reallaces Sth at nw aolMtLADIES AND GBNTLBMBN Dont putaway your old clothing shoos hats andshirts before seeing me as I pay highestcash prices ton them Drop postal will callH OEWIRZ IMS 7th st aw sollitWANTED To purchase some worngowns elaborate ones CHAS R FRACEHotel Baltimorti Md nol4tWANTBD Furniture for cash Sell yourgoods to the man who gives you the mostmoney SM HOPWOOD Sth and K noll3tWANTED A cheap secondhand bicycle 43B at HW noll3tWANTKD Hlsbest cash prices paid for worngarments ladles or gentlemens Also aand haUl Address postal and I will con anyhour 8 KEBESKY 1366 7th at nw PhoneNorth 33W M oc236tWANTED Women and men to our BuchuGin for eli kidney and bladder trouble preeeriptlon of the late DI Warner of

Sold oiily by TUB JOHN WTSDDERBURN COMPANY 616C1S F st nw selStf

SPOT CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE carpets stovei and ai kinds ofhousehold goods BAUMS FLRNITURBSHOP llth und U sts nw Phone North 1313Formerly Sth and U 1638t


with and without board and furnishedhousekeeping In all localities and at all

prices Some extreme bargains NO CHARGESfor those seeking rooms LIST ROOMSNOW aa we have a constant demand


Phone Main 10M Room 2 1427 F at nw

WANTBD On or two rooms by two youngmen strangers la the city must be strictlynrstckws Address BOX 3 Times




Gold Crown and Bridgework SpecialistSatisfaction guaranteed or money positively

refunded moderate prices Phone 426-3el7tf

TEETH WITHOUT extractingno pain look feel act and last thannatural tooth shrunken faces made normalpainless Suing DR J L WILSON 1203 Fat nw oe2 30tFIRSTCLASS WORK LOW PRICESSetof teeth 3 up gold crowns J3 up goldfillings SI up silver fillings lOc workguaranteed no pain DR UEO L EDMONDS 810 F uw Cc2530t


IIhort and



lei lOth st nolt




W fie



nw it

Job court

at ftw It


Ridge lilt


litftw It















icee dais lItS

Tim C



















The Sure Road to

Advertising does not in

crease the value of things butit finds the best market forthem

A particular sort of a horse

is not worth any more be

cause he is offered for sale

through an advertisementBUT HE IS SOLD TOBETTER ADVANTAGE

and for more montyThe advertisement aids in

finding the one person towhom the special thing ad-

vertised would be of most

value and no matter what

the article is a want ad will

usually find the logicalbuyer though it means a

search of a whole city full

For RentFurnished IloomI-

sH M ST Attractive single or en suite 2dfloor noWJt

FOR RENT Thre large rooms furmehedHght housekeeping Sd floor bath beattrio M near 17 Columbia road MM rul-ler at aw aoU8tFOR RENT Nicely furnished large frontroom southern exposure steam heat ckwet15 GraM ao8sFOR RENT Nicely famished cheerful frontand rear nooses good location aoutlirn ex-posure private family ts and Illmonth 117 New eve aw now

FOR RENT One nicely furnished roomgentlemen K 47S Maryland ave

noU tFUn hunre fumhmed U troom with don-or smoking room comnuM loatin on par-lor floor ateo other flee rooma aa7 K at-aw J aolSltTWO rooms for light housekeeping 94th t aw noX3t

NICE rooma wM heated for bedrootw orhousekeeping eft 12th M aw It134 11TH STnewly furnished bath every floor furnacebeat also one targe unfurnished room

noUStNICELY fMnMhed weU aeated rooms hometable private family pbaoe suet Capitoland Library ill 4th at ne aoMttFOR RENT Thro beautiful rooma hand-somely and comfortably furnished for lighthousekeeping pal porcelain sink andbath no children sW Sth at ne ItFRONT ROOKaw

beak room SLH 4t2 Sdaotaat-

am TH NW Tw moan ai ly rumlsbtHfor househeeplns 17 month heat and gnu

nollnNEWLY furnished second tery room hotwater heat gas elojraat bath Uiephone-aervlce very reasonable 176S T aw

FOR RENT Two or throe furnished roomslight housekeeping 2t F at nw aoU3t

aunny room fumhmed complete forhousekeeping 10 nolSnFOR RENTAt TOT kit at nw furnished Sdfloor frost room ahw buck porter term reaaonable aolSSt-Stt ID ST NW goeood and third storytnt rooms neatly furnished ftoc gentlemenat reasonable roles noi22t

list NEW YORK AVE NW Nicely fur-nished rooms with board nol2st-

S 7 17TH ST Two pleasant aecond storyecmmunlcatins rooms onehalf block from

Connecticut aye ear

FOR RENT Two furnished rooms completefor light housekeeping SU 4th st ae-


ill F ST NW ROOKS steam Mat hotwater bath aol2StFOR RENT Furnished halt room 714st aw noUStFOR RBNT Furnished rTme e frontroom delightful location JSTt Harvardat aw near 14th at private family


FOF RBNT Three furnished rooms 2 COBn lnj with or without board for gen-tlemen only MS I at aw Mea

ST KW Furnished room lighthousekeeping nottStFOR RBNT Three furnished rooms doubleor single white family of three poi222S st aw noltStFOR KENT One steely furnished frontroom for 1 or 2 gentlemen ISM Pennsyl-vania ave ae noUStFOR RENTNJerty furnished front rooms314 lth aC aw central noJSSt1-

2OT Q ST warm pleasant roomsfurnished complete toe housekeepingterms moderate nou3tFOR RBNT Twe furnished rooms for lighthousekeeping 2S K at ne noll3tFOR RBNT Furnished rooma with orwithout board 4 par and upward earlybreakfast transients accommodated 4SS

nw nollStFURNISHED ROOMS light housekeepingadults 330 3d st se nollSt426 Q ST NW For rent nicely furnishedback room with or without board nollJtFURNISHED ROOMS welt heated X upgentlemen 494 1st st aw nolXJtFOR nBNT Entire aecond Soar with ovwithout board opportunity for crowduniversity boys to together private family1119 17O nw BollatFOR RENT One newly papered room VS4th at nw nollStFOR RENT Niealy furnished hell room Sper month also large bay window roomfurnace heat all conveniences Apply SW


COMFORTABLY furnished second floor frontroom in small adult family references 4 tH nw aoieSt417 G ST NW Two furnished south frontrooms first second Soot rent reasonable


IP YOU ARE LOOKING for furnlshe1 roomsgo to OERSON DENT i CO 6U 7th at awno charges n2 et

Birds Dogs EtcJUST RECEIVED 1W homeraised canarieswill sell them Just as run at H eachAlso Japanese Spaniels Cocker SpanielsYorkshire Skye Black and Tan PoodlesFox Terriers Collies Bull Terriers BostonTerriers Angoio Parrots Goldfishesetc SCHMIDS BIRD STORK 712 12th atnw nolltfTRY LEES BIRD STORE 1801 5th Bt nwParrots 43 up guaranteed talkers canariesmonkeys goldfish pedigreed pointers Markand Won and fox terriers posu

1 t







I 8 I I I I 11 I I


to au JNI week


an Ida M

JIIOdorat rentalsoilIt

heat Lt









4 t 0 1 C t 00




Iii pt


111 4






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L-et selF I








+ For RentUsfunUshed lieoms-

FOR IIIJNT Three unrurnlshed c mmtmleating rooms two front light housekeepingrent reaeoBablc iW 0 nw nonitT-HRBB lealrable rooms for light houckeeping reasonable 1M V at nw

tW D ST NW Unfurnished rooms Z onand S on id Sleet for light housekeeping Uwater gas and heat itFOR RENT One nnfurntohes room Matgas 171 North Carolina no noUZtFOR RBNT Two or threesuitable for light houeekeeping gee and heat1217 B ae noUK716 TH ST XKTWO unfurnished roomsheat KM and bath noiSXFOR RENT Three bright reonw lightand cooking gas st HW itFOR RBNT Throe unfurnlsned roomsI 4 r l and painted Knit gas 1S 25

FOR RBNT Ch erf t Jd floor flatroom heat a and bath reasonableI n noUstFOR RENT Five rooms bath and yard In-quire iLl East Capitol at nollttFOR RENT Two large unfurnished roomslight housekeeping heat gas and bath31 at nw ItTWO rooms second hear heat use of bath

217 K at HW ItTil R BE rooms unfurnished for light housekeeping ua North Capitol nollSt

RBNT Destrable rooms all canvaslenoes t nm moderateat ne noMtFOR RBXTTbree roomshousekeeptnK 3d story 9U 6th at aw-

noUStFOR RENT Five roasts foror 4 roots ftf Apply after 7 v mRandolph at nolSSt-

FCR RENT Two roomshco eke pin with Mat and gas m L stw nol2 tFOR RBNT Unfurnished rooms sear carsterm reasonable IK D at nw nol24t4-

7X 0 ST NW Thr or fourlight housekeeping if desired to alohareasonable or will rent separately a lSStFOR RBNT Thro second MoorMKim for rent lit Uth ne nota7t-

IFOR RENT Three unfurniehed seamsand heat SM Iftth at ne noUltFOR RENT Unfurnished rooms gar bathall new paper HI B at so nolzSt

RENT Three unfurniehed roomshoueekeepinir M Q L nw nolltt-

I FOR RENT UnfMmtohed rooms beatgas aw 3d st nw noltItL ST NB Two or three very large

for light hOMOkeepteg large closets 14IU noUStFOR RENT Two nice unfurnished roomswith heat bath reasonable F sC-

THRBB large unfurnished rooms for lighthousahonUng bath sea tf

L ST NW Three Jarse unfumianedrooms convenient to bath and In perfect order for housffkeeplng nollStTHREE OR FOUR untarnished rooms housekeeping steams heatnw noii3tFour unfurnished rooms Jtrst flooryard H7ee 14 Mh at ne no7n

Rooms and Board

ST G St NW Large heated frostI suitable for two noUil-

PLEAXNT rooms good tAttle refln 4 homeI central M K t nw noUSt-

GBORCX WASHINCxON I1OTBL Mh atand New York heir block teem WhitJlouee Beautiful view doubts and MngiArooms from s to Its up with good board

I MM ITH ST NW Rooms and board

713 K north side Carnegie Llbrar Largesunny warm secondfloor front rooms lultable for two or three Transient noilItSUNNY ROOMS home oooktng hot i Mt rheat fie to Jtt per sheath for two iwinw

ROOMS with board items cooking p rweek at osUa D CnoU t-

AT 1M EAST CAPITOL ST Good roomshome cooking no children prices reasonableoppoelte Ubmry It

For RentFurnished or Uafanilslied JlooraaFOR RENT Large front room furnished orunfurnished 7W 7th ct nw seer G-

nol23tFOR RENT Well heated furnished orslatted rooms with or without board tabletKiard reasonable ISM Sth st nw noUitFOR RBNT Rooms at aw

HOUSBK8BPING beautiful rooms CapitolHill seer Library partly furnished furnacelIt quiet home of young couple Adults313 5th st se nollStIN PRIVATE UPTODATE HOMES AND

APARTMENTS WITH BATHS17th and K eta nw The AptUth and Irving su Brunswick Apt14th and Hopkins ate The Melrose Apt

aad R I ave The Oneonta AptCOLUMBIA RENTING

006 13th St N W ec2TS t

PersonalMADAM THEO palmist card reader andGerman spoken Ill II st aw-

WORKINGMBN when you Jigger on yourexpenses bear us in mind w can furnishyou with a good serviceable suit of clothes orovercoat tailor made slightly used far suparlor to ready made new clothing JUSTHSOLD 11 D noltTt


Her honesty teet of time twelveyears continuous practice In Washingtonhave proven beyond all doubt her peedictions are authentic and her advice Fell-able pertaiaia to love business contractswills estates lawsuits buying or sellingproperty speculations epelM InHn ncee courtship marriage familyculti tf divorce etc Is unequalled Withoutasking a single question she tells your namenames of friends and enemias whom andwhen you will marry She will udl of anytrouble or dlmculty you may have or thatmay be in store for you she reveals thecause and explains how to remove said causeHer Information and advice la clear concise

to the point giving name locationsdates and facts Counteae De Long r lda assacred affairs of secret and confidential na-ture that may be revealed In course of herreadings which are in private and wluioutdanger of meeting strangers Office hours 9 am to 8 p m

731 NINTH ST N W 721

BRADFORDS DBTBCTIVB AGENCY SuiteIll BUILDING 14th and GPhone Main SMS Expert specialists in dellcate and intricate Investigations any causeall absolute secrecy guaranteed Fornight service phone residence North 4HS-

noll t-

OUR BLACK THIBET Sun to atis guaranteed all wool and the beat

suit fur the mousy In WashingtonMORTON C STOUT CO


IF YOU ARE GIVING UP housekeepingand wish to soil part or all of your furnituresend for the maR who has the reputation of2W ears fair dealing MARCUS NOTES 434Sth nw phone Main 5171 nolOtfMME ZENITA stands alone in her powerof reading the future 1216 7th st no87t

Housefurnishingst2 S FOR SANITARY COUCH heating andcooking stoves parlor and suitesII per week gocarts J150 lowest priceseach and credit REDMONDS 313 7th atow noltfODD PIECES of furniture can be had heraat veri low prices 0 and cookingtrves at SNITZER LA PORTE112331 7th st nw oc31t



t nw Itlilt








lit ft4t soilK

New Jersey cv







DOli 1c 16 H1I



















rooms p




41 roes

gee IlOso

521 iiik



soil It

lIt Jesaeom

room It

soil 41

unfit r

SlID nail I





investmentd1 lit










Business OpportunitiesLIVERY bueiiMws sHMMHdiyequipped stylish turnouts IK horse Storias is runabout I carrIes 4 broughams9 sleighs wagone buagles barnes laprobes whips aide furniture etc costWOM IS years l a best location In city

opportunity of UM Mad ever otfered-Prlce on application THJCSOULS CO Inc OO ave

nol33tFOR SALE Cheap HIM corner groceryNorthwest rent OTM daily sales Ad-ore BOX MA Time onVw mriftA FIRsrrCLA barber shop businessfie chairs some Address BOX Timesoffice nolAt

WILL BUY eiga store excellent boation chOMp rent seer Union Depot come

Mlek NEW YORK BU8INE88 BROKERill V IttUStLARGE light front haH suitable foroyster depot 2M C at ae aplIStCONFECTIONERY stationerylag room rent Stf price CENTRALUU8INB8S Room X MS 7

BOlSXGROCERY Splendid location loW rentgood trade price MO CENTRAL BU8INESS EXCHANGE Room Zi FaoUStINCORPORATE In outh Dakota cheapestcost most liberal laws quickest serviceblanks and laws free 8 DAK CORPORATJON CHARTER CO 3H Dakota aveItem 8 D MolvU1721FOR LBA8B The large twostory brickbuilding l B t aw suitable for man-ufacturing or general business purposesApply to RHBKM HENBEYCO W F st or HENRY WBLL8 1414 G-

W ec2 aodJsROOMING and boarding house It voidweek will fur half value centrally lo

GROCERY northwest sales SO living roots only KW bargain NEW YORKBUSINESS BKOKJSH8 CU 7 aolSStCORNER grocery northwest daily sales WOowing to other business owner must soS thisIs rare chance invoice more than priceasked NEW YORK BlKINBrS BROKERSII F aoUSt

CAPE and Dairy Lunch Pennsylvania avelocation monthly business tt0 s price 3sMhalf cash baianc easy NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS U FDAIRY LUNCH daily sales 4 rentonly MM NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS 11 F noUMFOR SALE Cheap graeory good paylncbusiness sic clean stock good locationlining rooms roust sell InTaotlnaia AdOresBOX Me Tim a oUKA noUW


nol2StDAIRY LUNCH and dining room no loca-tion clearing UM monthly CAPITALBUSINESS Atlantic Buildtn-

cnoilItSALOON Mo y maker Balttmor av ra-proUt 3M IMT week DOGAN n-

ave noUStLUNCH ROOM wood section M perw eh DUGAN Louisiana ave nal2MSALOON Corner 7th MW anme proprtotor1 years DCOAN 17 Louisiana ave

noUKSALOON and bowling allays best MeUoncity DUGAN 17 era noUitBARBER SHOP with cigar store attackedmon y maker DUGAN O7 LouIsiana aye

nolSttLIQUOR lid grocery lint laceUdfc owner leaving dip DtJGAXCU Louislana ave noUULIQUOR and grocery bnriaen Alexandriaame family 40 years DUGAN O7 Loutaiana-

IWANTED Two hundred dollars will pay iper month bK of references AddictBOX Sfl Times omctt nollltFOR SALE Foal room cad et ar steinchance of a lifetime tile best stand in thecHy etabll d years doing hiM

WILKiNS WALKER K WalkerManager fttt H K ne aoUSt2000 wlU purchase half Interest in steam

laundry doing business U monthly soapAddress OPPORTUNITY

aoll2tCHANCE for good investsaeat to right perIlsmall amount cask rod and services partof day or evening Address BOX 675 Times


TIlE FRENCH say that Nothing Is a footIBM stocking without a lKi and that toabout UM only thing you cannot buy ersell through advertisingWANTED Men aad women to try ourOlD for all Kjan y and bladder trubl pretcrlption of the late Dr Warner of Balti-more Sold tidy by TUX JOHN WEDDERBURN COMPANY S166UVF st HW selStfhALF A DOZEN of type may be

I link YOU and something you want

Horses and VehiclesHARNESS AND TRUNK REPAIRING SHOPISth and H eta nw we are ordered to selldifferent wagons and harness regardless ofcost lioUStFOR cheap dark bay mare elegantcondition line driver weighs 1100 work any-where Phone E HM nolSStFOR SALE Cheap 12 horses and mares saltfarmer or any business must be sold Applyrear of 47f Pennsylvania ave nw nolSKFOR SALE Cheap wagon haraeae licenseSOI Lucite at aw aolSStA HORSE top buggy and condillon S1SO Address BOX GSC Times oflfce-

aolSStHORSES a for country use

WASHINGTON FERTILIZER CO StableNew Jersey ave and K st se aolSSt

PROF YALE OF NEW YORK-A HORSE top buggy and In good consuited on the propriety of having horses teethattended at Speedway Stables 1non consection he aloe of valuable Speedway mare lot sale trotter record 217halves IM sound city broken nolS1617

FOR SALE One matched pair of iron graysvery stylish 4 years old weight 2SSS MS H-at ae aoi3tFOR good work horse cheap 121SO at ae noUStLarge Double Plush Robee fLMLarge Square Blankets MRubbertire Panel Coupe Rockaway pole

and shafts 7SMSteeltire Panel Coups Rockaway MCurtain Roekaway 3C0414paa6 nger Light Wagons 6064

Wagon aNDept Wagon SJ up

Four StandinKtop Burgle M upGrocery and anltvoty wagons upSecondband iarness J8 up

I Four fine Shetland Ponies and TrapsocZ4tf 2 S 11th St N W

HORSES STABLED and pastured grain tedgroomed called for and returned at S permonth references Main 2S3 North SS-


We are offering scenespecial values In new wagonsWe are showing more wagons

than all Washington combinedPROBBY CARRIAGE CO

CCl3tf 12S9 KM at nwOANTZS SELLING OUT S6 bike runabout145 J1S5 cutunder surrey 385 J12S ladsand business phaeton J76 JSS full platfonn-panelside grocery wagons J Ml and 124K


W Top Buggies i SS7Se66 Rubbertire Runabouts 4500

Cutunder Runabouts cushion tire 8JM7 Surreys canopy top KM


among his millions that will buy more WANTADV PUBLICITY than your amongyour thousands or hundreds or dozens willbuy In this newspaper

WANTED 25 to haul brick Applyat W T WALKER BRICK CO end

bridge or oilice Corcoran buildingsteady work aolO7t-

VANTEDTKAMS ran Rive twenty atAdywork for a long period of time goodpaid and aloft hauls Apply at once WKSTBROS BRICK CO south end Long bridge














corner cheep rent loaMutt cash Jliiil

I x

liT 10







It tiC




in IJOOd






















I a duosees t



lines tima






















For Sale Miscellaneous

Two Big Sewing MachineSpecials For Thisf

Week-I f Singer DropHead S19 O

4 n I B and WJlson No9 DropHead 2aeo


A GOOD PIAJfO FREEA npiondtd chaise to the cMMta Intsrsautd In music We anon the as of agood square steno absolutely free sixmonths if youll par the small os t of may

ing Apply at oncaF G SMITH PIANO CO

1225 Pennsylvania aye Phone X 14-1aotttf


6 Months 2riancTooal PreeGEO liAW2KWCE 924 9th 2f W1ftoNK a i7 Vuning HaulingaoutfA Smith Piano Company oertlflcate of 7 fur Ui MJ ItS st nollit

ENTIRE furniture fur 4roem Sat ahaosnew ao desist ss T st nw aoUMFOR SALE BeMfttfuI sloeboard noMsa oakgood as new halt price Apply at hot auA so aWS3tFOR aALBCartlneaio of Ms good forcredit on any piano at Smith Piano toreW s South Washington st Alandria Va aoUXn-

OOOO EXCELLENT BRICKelevator flooring and joist doorsblinds etc ail second hand but good asaw Apply at t anti it pta swor to T CLARK Builders1 itowltesand Headquarters for Hecondband MateclalNew jersey are aw Phone N 2W

aoiamSALE PmcUceJIy new a No 4 SmithITemier In perfect condition withtable and 176 14H 2 th at nw BOIl t-

RARB BARGAIN In a vory an aighgmdeupright pease beautiful ease la jtntelasscondition east SIM WIN ike J1I5 cash WlKb at aw aollstFOR SALE Quartered oak dintng table 44 laand 4 eMirs good condition Us University pme ao23tFOR 8ALB Rattan g oatt redtnlug coatls in good condition cheap 11th st aw-

nol22tFOR 8ALBOae bull terrier 4U K et

aolSStFOR 8ALB Cah register 0 National alsothree other e HOPWOOD SU and K-

aollStFOR BALE40 staves allheap also good organ H2 See HOPWOODSth cad K nsillStFOR SALE atove pips M coot per Jelatall siaes See HOPWOOD Ilk and K

FOR SALBos eook stoves some goodsow aba sfoot mage with hottercost Ills S e Sth aDd K

FOR SALE Large lee ebeet sttttaMe forhotel or grocery des HOPWOOD-sth and K BOll3tFOR SALB Ice for s iery wsA aotthe kind that is made by a tinker See HOPWOOD Ilk and K noil

good as sow UH Other bargains aty t w aotlJtFOR SALB K roHUH leak hIM alsoWoodruff ale eae ales IOIM cost Ibrtperfect

aUfcFOR SALK IH lED Hruassnever

auust-FOR ALBDoubwoiae boosrhaepera standlag desk good as sew cost SX Other

nollnFOR 8ALEV46S genuine leather SpiejM 11

brary set mahogany for f2 weed twoweeks 804 F at aw a U

you SALE Celebrated Steinway square 91ano and stool cwt two for KSSO taaed anddelivered Other bargains xt f st awnollSt

OAK OFFICE PARTITION nrat Mss erasdillon cost will be sold to an immediatepurchaser for fS Inquire OB Loaletaas ave


LARGE quartered oak cost Sthree weeks ago Call end ee 2J0 thisweek K eve otlXMAGNIFICENT CHINA CLO8BT mirrorback to go at fit east H iavestlgate UiLouisiana ave notlSt-LARGB walnut mantel mirror met tO soldfor want of use 0 2S Lotrtstaaa eve


UM CERTIFiCATE fur Bradbury piano Addres B M Times omee aoUStFOR SALB Marine gasolene engine AddressBOX Times ome noUStFOR SALE Hardmaa piano lacondition at low pricetech place nw

FOR SAi E 71 Beswn B eoraet exeellentfli quick Address J G P 1112 East Capitolet aotl4tFOR SALB tlW Bradbury certificate for KA F KNQUI T lit B at s

FOR SALB SaerlAce departure bedroomsuites machine 6 owing bed

8 oambinatton bookcases secretaries deskavases silver carpets rugs tables electrarockers new heir maltreat S trots beds J2springs 1 set encyclopedia 5 odd piecesantiques NOBLE 428 llthnw aollHPICTURES of footballgame fur sale by FLYNN PHOTO CO 489and tSt Pennsylvania ave nollStFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 7 Bradburycertificate SS lit Florida ave ae aollStHO FOR a large building lot one earfare no interest no took into thisquick only a few left Address BOX 2Z3SStation G ao5ttFOR SALB If youre looking for abargain in a sllghtlr irfano youll Sodwhat you want here SS90 living 175 fSttHalkH Davis Heanlag J17 M aVuee St Sons UO and a number of otherattractive specials Easy payments O JDeMOLL CO 122 1221 13S6 and 1237 Gat noltfFOR SALE Second band uptight pianosnrstclae unusual bargains allfully guaranteed square pianos as low as15 CHAS M STIEFF 2l 11th at awJ C CONLIFF Manager aoStfBUY A DAVIS Vertical Fend sewing machits and embroider all your Christmas pres-ent drophead Wheeler A Wilson 15DAVIS AGBNCT 13 9th SC BWM 3 aoltfJ-CKTfS We call and make keys anywhere Inthe city for S prompt service electric bellsburglar alarms and electric gas ourspecialty drop postal or phone North 3S70PERCY S ANGLE i CO 1982 Uth st nw

ocl53etFOR SALB Good quality opaque shades fltted to your windows only lie hung free willcall with samples KLBBULATTS 11th andH etc ne Pbone East 2R ja2 tf

StorageWin PAY MORE We store for lie a loadTUNITED STATES STORAGE CO 4IS 4 t2210th nw Phone Main 4229 cot Mt-


INDE TRirCTIBLB-LM rooms sliver vaults mothproof roomsmoney advanced at 6 per cent per annum ongoods stored In this building Let our estimator call


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