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THE WEEI(LY EXPONENT. - Montana State University · to the people of the state, espccial1y in...

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THE WEEI(LY EXPONENT. IYOLL":\!E V THE WEEKLY EXI'O::>EXT, l'HID.\ Y, U('TOBEH 3. 1913. NllMBER 4. '.FINE SHOWING WORK STAATS lOWER GlASS IN H. H. HIBBARD IS GOLlEGE BANO AT STATE FAIR ON ANNUAl fR OG PONO CONTEST NEW PRESIDENT SHOWS GROWTH College Exhibit Attracts Large Crowds 1915 Annual S taff Sta r ts Work on Boole For Second Time Clas11 ' 14 Are Taken Through Waters of Frog Pond---Vigc ro us Fight Over Pennants Fol- lows At Flag P ole and Main Building Popula r Sophomore L eads Booster Musical Organization will be Best in at Helena During Fair Week. Col- lege has two Ex.hjbits on Grounds, Prizes Offered for Best Pictures and Witty Sayings. The exhibit of the college at the \\-ork on the Hll5 ):[ontanan was be- sta.te fair last. week anraet'ed nnd ia- ,gun iu earnest <luring the past week After the shortest pull yet wif!Je$SC1l follow: Captain Fox, Bullock, Potter. tere!'ted many spectators. The ,and nearly all of the preliminary work at the college, the freshmen won )f iller, Jackson, Kncale, Crittenden, of the exhibit was twofold: instructiv:1 .has l>een completed on the junior pro- annual tug of war last Friday b,y drag- KeJly, Strand, Papke, and Ronne (au- to the people of the state, espccial1y in ,duetion. "- itbin the next two or three ging the sophomores through the frog chor). 'l'bc total weight of the fresli- tbe particular work with which the , weeks class and the society pictures me.n was l,664 pounds . college anJ experiment station are eon- will be taken at the different stuJios pond. The weat h er '""':ls ideal1 and The sophomores who engaged in the cerued. and the calling of attention to in the city anJ it is the intention or roHtest wr1s witnessed by a large crowd contest are : Captain Seamans, ::\liller, the eourses of 5-tudy, particularly en- ,those in charge to complete this part of students and spectators frotti th f' Dehnert, Leschcr, 0 'Conner, Jl ihl.mrd, gineering in aU its branches, offered at ,of the work before the holidays. eity. Steel, Hudson, Clarkson, Goff, anJ the college. A. large tent was used for, The art tlcpartment wil1 aid with alt Ea('h tC'am was composed of eleveu Nordquist (anchor). 'fhe total weight the agricultural, biological und home art work in the book and this work men, the ha,·ing au .1dvan- was 11 605 pounds. science departments, and one of the will also be started immediately. .-\') tage of fifty-nine pounds in weig h t. "\V. B. Yestal acted as umpire, all'l permanent educational wa-J has beeu the custom for se\'eral year$C The ::;utcess of the 1·lass of 'l'i. bow- S. H. Solberg and 1 ' )fa.rt 1 Kelly :.ii:; utilized to the exhibit of the the 1·lass will gi,·e a book to the best en!r 1 was due to its steady heave-hea ve referees . engineering department. )!any mem- set of about student'i :tud rather than to anything else. 'J'his th 0 y As !:l-O<.lll as the contest was over a bers of the faculty and also a book for the best set of aequire1l by preYious practiee unller bod,v of freshmeu made a dash for the were in attendanee at the \of co11ege life. E1litor Geoqre the Uirection of C.:aptain Fox and Coach flag pole and there raised a. large '17 fair all or a part of the time. vclt stated that the work was progress- Rice. The class of '16 was game f'' banner, after whie b they took thei1 The <lomestie science ilepartment e.s:- ing nice]_,- and eYt>ry indication pointed the lao:t, each man putting hi.s la.'\t $land at the base of the pole and pre- hil>ition was one of rhe most popular to one of the best nnnuals e,·er pub- ounce of strength on the rope. 11ared to protect thei r pennant. The exhibits of the college. This ilepart- lished by a junior clas.::.. The two teams were weighed in al sophomores. Jell by "Chief" Carr, ment was located in 3 tenr. anJ the, For the benefit of the new the drill ball at l o"eloek by "\V. B. an attempt to tear down the baun<"r . of the exhibition was to it might be well to sa,· a few \Vonls Ye tal, Captain Seamans of the sopho· but wero OYerpowcred by superior nu m- struct the of the state ln 'regarrliug the character. of the mores aml Captain J....,ox of the freshmen bers. and although they fought gamely. the art of better anil C'asier methods of ' tanan. This hook is published annually witnes::;ing the process. The mt>mber<= were eornpelled to retire. At this point liou!'ekeeiiing. The snbjert of prop•.'? by rnemher'I of the junior <'lass and '.s of the were then callerl into th;- a sophomore pennant was obsen·ed foo'1 was gi,·en cou!i.iderable spa<'e. .\. ,a eomplete recoril. both serious antl main room of the ball. where the bang i ng from the neria.l, wit h number of comparatiYe food:- all eon· fri,·ilous, of the student activities dnr- and regulatious were rend, after which ·•;o:;hort:·'' SutherlanJ and Avery taining 3 high per eeat of μroteiu were ing the school The editor nn-J they made their way to the pond, where Dehnert perched on the riJge pole of meat substitutes. A shelf I membcrs of his !=taff nre eho-.;eu from the onlookers bacl already congregated. the main hall to protect it. 'fhe fresh- was deYoted to foods placed in nmonnt.., ,the class and. upon him falls the A coin w:ls tos..,etl :ind the men 1lcsperate altemplr: equal in nutritiYe value to one pint of _of gathering writing: stories, ;iok<''-' won the rig-ht to take their tboice a-. to secure the co,·etecl banner, but were and ]llanning the hook in genrral. 1'he to whi1•h si.!c of the pond the.'· :o;houlrl I unab le to reac-h it. At this point milk. A Yery in:.-truc.th·e !'lhowing wa-. matle by exhibiting .iclly maile frOill publicatio11 reqtlirec;;. a great denl of tim(' pull from. The side waili fncult:-· took a. in the ma.tter, a_111l four ilifferent ,-arieties of nab and eareful atte1ttion and e\"l"U then e11. .\.fter the first few sec•o1u.ls of after se,·C'rnl nnnutes of argume>nt f1.i- ciety for Coming Year. Other Offi cers are also El ect.ed. At a meeting of the Booster club held Friday during the assembly peri{)(l 1 of- ficers were chosen for the coming year. Harrell llibbard of the sophomore claM was elected president; Fred Bullock of the freshman ela$s, was chosen for vice-president; Alouzo Truitt of the junior class was re-elected to the tion of secretary-treasurer. )lyro!l Oarr was the unanimous choice for cheer leader. Owing to the fact :Mr. Carr is a member of the football squacl , Uay Jones and Floyd Crittenden were chosen to act in a similar capacity until the football season is over. was a more enthusiastic meeting l1ela, and eYe1·y candidate was elected with- out opposition, a unanimous ballot be- ing cast in each case. The meeting openctl with a report of the treasurer as to the financial condi- tion of the society. .A small amount of money is in the treasury at the present time, and the piano wl)il'h the Boo::.ter! eontral•tetl for two years ngo is about paid for. A committee eonsisting of Thomas Buckley, Alonzo Truitt, Hibbard, Emmet Riordan and Lester Cole, which had been appointed to cul· lect dues, also nrn(le a. report, the gen- eral character of which ten1led to !;hOtv H istory of I nstitution. Director Howard is Well Pleased. The be!':.t hanll in the of the college is what the at present poi u t toward. The amount of new ma- terial avai\:1ble ma.keq it almost a tainty that the bands wb i eb in former years merited and received tbe applause of the audiences o( the stnte will this year be A ban'l iJIHnprisE:,cl of tbirty-fh·e pieces ici now ha.rd at prnctice and will soon be :i nnYeical or- ganization without equal in the north- western eollege world. Director Ilow- ard i!li delighted with tlle prospects antl is looking forward to the \)est year tha.t popular organization ha!; ever hn.d. :Uany new students at tl 1E' colJt>ge ar P stri\" i ng har<l to bt>come mf'mbersl ana geyeral stn<lents wl10 ba.vc neveJ" before tried for a place a.re worKing bard to secure membership. Some of the nel> students who are trying for places are Eugene Repatz, Carl rrimmons, Don Langohr, Worth On·is ani.l E. Ronne . Rome of the students wlto ha,·e tried bPfore but are at prest'nt working towartl that end are IT. Dahl, A. D. Burkf't antl \V. Finley. The band is planning m:lny nctiYitics for the coming school y('ar. The cus- tomary two will be giYet:1. 'T'l1e fi rst of to he g:i,·eu th!) that the majority of the students ·wer" last Friclay io Deccmher a.nil the other rather reluctant in paying their dues. will be gi,·en the la<:.t Fri(fay in )foy. Fi,-e pouuds of eal'h ,·ariety were taken an1l the jelly which eaeh species yielde1l ·wa-... kt"pt Baile.Y Crimo:on, Transcendent. Florence an1l Hyslop were the Yarieties selected. Bailey Crimson yielded the most jelly. This Ynriety 1 whieh for seven years has yielded more than an:- other, protlneerl twenty·two glasses, while the others yieldeJ about nineteen eaeh. A. case of tbe book !'elilom merts the (•heri:o.ht''1 pulling, the result was not for an i'I aUy persuaclrrl Sntherlllu<l alHl Debuer:- tlre3m:;; of the editor when the work be- stant in doubt. The teamwork of tb"' to Profegsor T<neale. a..:- gan. fre!'hmen was perfe<'I, wbile 1hc -.;opho· by rrofessors ('ha111ll('r, Deat- mores at no time worked : 11 born, Brewer, Kately and Gilruth, thc.-11 unison. The class of 'JG was i;:.teadUv -.urf'eeded in removing the objec.t of of ::-tock ('Onsistecl of fifteen head of dragged toward itg slimy bath 1 and it disturbance from its lofty position. Tin? cattle, the progeny of a singl"" was only ·wh('n "Hod" Seamans, penn:i.nt, which w':ts last seen .in tbro c·ow for fi,·e ye:-i.ri.i four head of hi.::<'" first man on the rope 1 was on the edge hands of Gilruth, was plaec·l l·attle and eJe,·cn head of hogi.. The of the water that the sophomores hehl in the safe, where it will probably r" - cattlo were not entered for prizeg, bnt lhe ir own for au instant against th"' pose for many n. Jay. exciteU mueh fayorahle comment from huskY fres hmen. 'l1hen eaeh sophornor fll . This is the second time t he ebss of the judges and spectators. The boot h tugging to the Inst, was hatiled into t lic '16 hn.:; experieneea :lU ·1cy batl1, being contained a number of charts showing cold water of the pond . The Yictorious pulled in la!=.t :·ca r by the present rope splices, knots and the different freshmen were borne to the gym on jun iors. Professor Tallman next addressed the The successful rarni\"al 'helil in the assemblr. reminding those prese11t that drill !mil last year will he re1w:tte'1 thi:i it wa!:> their duty, as well as that c•f year. It \\ill he hclil on the first Fri.- eYery member of the student bo1lyi to day after the ('hristmas ltolidays. It buy a sca<;on titket whirh admits th•" i!i planne1l to give con('erts iu Helenn. , rr,rthac;er to al\ athletic contests held Great Falls. Townsend ancl !=evernl othE"!" in Bozeman. Profes.sor rrallman !'Oaiil towns, hut thi!i will clt"pentl npon later th:1t it required a. amoun rJf money to carry the football 3e1.SO!'.I successfully through nud the largPr part of this amount bad to come from thC' sale of these tickets. Ile said that 111 the Jon{! run money would be save1l by t he purclrnse of a season tickf't. A ll footoa ll ga nws will :t least cost seY- 0ntv-fi...-e centi:., antl with three game,., pl a;'c·d on the local f;clcl over half th" purch:u.<: price of the Ueket wou. I he or . Fi·.·1.1 or six basketball ganll'"" will be played . averagi ng fifty cents. The 'i i nglc admissions duriug theo:e two :.ioue wil l more than pay for tbe !irkets. In elosin-? the spe'lk1•.- e-m- 1•h:n:ized :he fact that if atl\' sc:1s:·n was to be ·arriecl thrQl:g-11 it must the o;,u1·port of thl' student cle,·elopments. The band hall eontrihutions are. still coming in, and it is hoped to begin actual constrnetion next spring. An appeal lrn!li been made to members of the n.lumni, anll the respo.nse1 slow, has been steady. flax products was shown, and a very interesting collection of fabrics show- ing the adulteration of wool and cotton cloth was exhibited. This colleetion "t\"as the work of :lliss Oli,·e Clark c• f grades of wool. Jn the booth wRs the shou l ders of t heir cheering clas"- The freshmen celebrated their Yie· locateJ a Babcock milk tester1 and the mates. tory by halt.ling an informal dance in the class of 1913 and was of great in - inet liod of oiierntiou an<l the :-uh·an- t I ' ] ·11 I II F · 1 · terest to the visitors. A number of Je- tages obtainetl by using this tester we re 'l'be members of the winning eam t 1e t r1 lll n< ay eveurng . signs of a liYing room, pr epared by explained. The bull. Beau G:i.llntin TT, )iisscs Pearl Heigh ton 1 Georgia Cullom, .,..·as pur ch a sed by this department from Ella Harmon and )fildred Eckels of Lester Thompson of Bozeman. This :i.ni- the senior class, and colored in water mal is a Herfonl and won tb ir1l priz#\ colors under the tlircction of ). [iss in the <'lass in which it was cnter<'11. win, formed an attractiYe as well a! Profess-:.ors ).fi11er, Flint an<l Jones were an i nstructi,·e exhibit. A unique ex- in eharge of this department. hibit wns the one showing the compara· The hortieulturnl department exl1ihit BOlEMAN THEATRE WILL SUPPORT toOTBALL TEAM f IRST MEETING Of REORGONllED SENATE tiYe costs of breakfast foods. The ad- w:i.s confined to the proper method of. M a nager Boedeck er of the Lyric T hea - Student Governing Body Holds First Yantages of the modern methods of growing potatoes. Jn a row whirh ha 1 tre D onates Proceeds to Benefit cleaning were made apparent b? heen thinned, 204 bm::;hels of marke-.- ' eontrasting the Yaeuum rleaner, able potatoes were grown, with , of College F ootball Team. carpet sweeper and a. number of <lust- bus-:hels of cul1s. ]n a row of P.fJlldl less mops with onlinary brooms, mope; length which haU not been thinnetl, in an<l Without endea\'oring to which all the stal ks were allowed '.o Next Tues1.lay e,·ening a benefit will ad,·ertise the work of the domestic mature. l /;) hushels of porn toes weil? 'Le give1t for the football tt>am by th\! department, this exhibit calle d ohtained with !'>ixty-11 iuc bushels {Jf management of the Lyric th('ater. rrwo attention to the fact that this 1lepart- culls . from land rnnlC'hed with 'performanl'es will be gi,·cn anU the ment 1rns a great Yalue not only to thP !';traw were contrai;;ted with from proceeils abo,·e will go towar· l school but to the state at large. :.\Ii.-." tbe same land eulti,·ated in the thr support of the football team. Ilarkin!'i had charge of the exhibit, and manner. Ou the land culti\'atell in th.:- The Roosters ha\'c taken charge of at Yarious times was assisted by :\fi c:s. oril innrY manner IF: hushC'ls were rai!':.e1l. the arrangements on the hiJl an1l uudl!r Ba11inger. :\fiss Geor i ga Cullom an,l while the mu l e.lied J ana 'jJie direction of Darrell ll ibbanl prcsi- ). l isi:. Inez E\·e r ett. were grown. By means oi cases dent of the society, ti('kets are bein5 The biological exhibit was eoufincd processes we r shown, a rul statistic>:-i .::.old by different students. huu· to four points. The worst weecls of the were used to upon the min1ls of ilrcd tickets ha,·e been subscribed fo!' state were shown, bow to contr<>l the farmers the financial advautagc<; by the Boosters and it is their inten- ground squirrels and poeket gophers of th ese methods . Professors \V·hip1ilc tion to sell the grenter part of the!-1,' was taught. How to control eut worm'> aild . 'che r mcrhorn en.eh hall charge or to the st udent bolly. .1 t goes without and cabbage worms and li ce was ilJuc,;- the cxhihit for part of the wePk. 5a.ying that e,•eryooe should atteu<l trate<l. Specimens of the worst The engineering department was rep· this benefit as the of the foot- weerls of the state were mounted on resented by an exhibition wh ir h hail ball season <lep<'nd!':. largely upon thP paper, and se,·eral act\lal for its purpose th<' attracting of ntlC'•l- fiuances more t han an)•thing .. .\ h- ·were at hancl . C'ireulars dealing with lion to engineering eourst>s offncd at sol ute ly no excu.,es will he acccpted !'o r the method of curtni1ment ·were distdb- the C'ollege. Dean Ri('hter was in not attcntling, and e,·cryone who pro- nteil. Squirrels poisont'.''l with grain (·harge of this rin<l hC' wA.s act - ('!a ims to I.le a Uoo::;ter will be on hnml formec1 part of the- exhibit, and the r-;istecl bY Hamilton :r uesda.y e\'ening. Meeting Under New Plan. Bus iness Under Way. At a meeting of the presi<lcnts < r tl1c different classeR and societies hel d )!onday 1 the report of the \'ommittN" recommending the r eorganization of the stm1eut senate was adopted nn·l officers for the coming year were el ect- ed. ·wi ll iam B. Yestal was electcr l president; Seiner 11. Solberg, presi1knt of the senior tla::..;, ex officio, vit.'e- pres iclent. A cl erk will be from the s t ud<'nt body. A better selection t ha n 1'.fr. Ves tal for president coul1l not baYe bee n made , as he has sened In numero us student organizations ana is thoroughly fittetl for this sort of work. A ucw constitut ion a new mettl· od of rcprescnt:1tio11 was adopted, as explained iu the lai:.t issue of the Ex· I ouPnt. '!'he president of n.:-·ll'I.'· c,·ery and so('iCI)' iu the qchoc..l will he a. 111embcr of the senate, :tnd it 1!11 thought that by thii:. of repre- sentation more intC'rcst will taken rrg:lrtling tho:;;c problems afrc1•t the:'<' different or so 1 •i('ticg. t\ stmlC'nt scuato or some for111 of proper methoU of rtappiug noel poi'iou- Plew nnil Snow attende1l 1 luring n. po!'· The managl'mcnt of the theatcr is ing pestfll was shown. <'abbagc tion of the weel"' a.ml ai:- 5 i..,tell in c·:nin{! '('crtainly doing its towarll insu:-- pln.nh hadJ_,. clamngell worms an· l for an•l explaining the 'l'lrn ing a ::>lH'eessful "e:isou and it is 1icc the clamage wrought hy wireless station wa-. in opC'ratio11 n11.l intention of Bot'.'llerl•cr to g1,··• thc:-:C' a1111 a ('a!=e gJiowing th:i- .. was alwavs the ('entf'r ol' : 111 a. bcuefit about once e,·ery mouth. Thi-; goYC'rnlllcnt 1rnt1onhtC'•I!:: tt lifo history of the <·ut worm :rnil ihl? 'fhe tran!\former :ia 1 j-. c.dainly boosting with :t ,·im an l plac:e in tlw t'Oliegc, nuil the 11 <'''. or- proper mfltl1ods of extermin:tt.ion w::t\; hnilt hv- the stnrlents of the collcgl' ai:->11 shoulil ht: r<'paid hy the united !'<UJIJ10rt ganization !ihonlli meet tlie use<l to instruct illtCrf''tcil in <'onsitlc>rahlc att\'nlion. \ r 1 I ti l l se ntC' that l1rnnd1 of agrit-ulture. 'rhc t':rt- 1111111h1'r of ilesigns n.ncl drawings of the stuclent ho4ly. co11 rontc1 '·'· . IC o i . n< . ldUit of this •lrpartmt>nt was parrieu):lt"· from l)oth the c•iYil :ind mechani1•al 1•!1- 1y well patronizC'tl. Profc:-:!-1.ors P:trk<'r giu cring d,•parttn<'nts a111l :i 1·onsider- antl )for:-c Wt"re in charge. a.hie amount of npparatns helonl'.(ing to Tho hureau of animal imlu'<fry t11c civil dcpartm<'nt attraded n shipped a carloacl of to the fair. her of intPrestea peor.Je anti 1 1 rO!':.pcc- nud it al-.o occ·upied :i booth in lhc ten t ti,·e .. tuclents .. \ c>ase of patterns mad·' with the other exhibits. The carlo:hl (Continued on Page Four) gra 1 lu:11ing of has hl!C'll ... <.•11 10 thl' position of in!'trudor in :-<t'W- ing at th<' Home of thC" Ciootl Sheph1•rl, locnte<l nt Helena. in :-c>wiug-, )\ i!'!:l-t's Grorgia ('111lom ae•l Prarl l.l ('ighton of the '-'Cnior t•\a..;s a.-t• atting' :ls .stnllent in thrit brnnc11 of thC' hollll' srience depnrtment. beard from t11e bleae hers n.nd siJe- "). fr. Yest3.1 nlso nrncle a few l'i'rnark-= along t11c !''l.me line, st:lting th.c en•ry one 111 thr H·'"lr.ol wPn!ei.l to oc, luwwn as a BooRt C'r, hnt in order to r th:-.'; rauH' tlwv get heh: .. t propositions n.nd boost. He Mid th:i.t it might be a gootl plan to pub li sh thl'.' name:.. of those who have uot purcb:1setl tickets. but lf a. man tlitl not ban' spirit enough to bu)' a tiC'kct. he wonl·l not haYe pri1fo enough to keep his off su>.!h a list. :\fartin Kell,,-, manrqz·cr of the fm)t. - Jwll tt'am. mat.le a plea for uwre financia l support, stating that it cost a great deal of money to bri11g tenms irom other s-:chools here. a ntl if the stntlents want games and want to sup- port the team pr operly, they mnst. }1elo the'11 financially. The election of officers was: the next or·ler of business, with the results al- :-ca.lv mentio ned. The ncwl)· clede 1 l president is by 110 mcans n. new Booster, as he hag beC'n aeti,·e in the rank aml file of the sol'iety for the He has been found to be a. t.'het:>rful. tireless, arclcnt worker in nll position!'- w·Hh which be has been intrnstC'<L au.1 the Boosters are fort11natc io :.e1•uring- such o. per"on for :Mr. Bul- The meeting closed ·with t hree rnus - ing ch eers for the new and old presi- dents, for tl1e football team and Cap- tain Xobl e. SENIOR OFFICERS SELL SEATS IN ASSEMllLY A brief meeting of thP sC'nior class was hehl Tuesday afternoon for th"'.' purpose of appointing committees on diff('ret1t affairs. The following were appointetl: Caps and gowns, Ella Harn1on, F. \V. Sdiumnchrr and Freil Rit.'hterj mC'morial. "\V. B. )[ax: Keu<'k a1Hl Gt:orgia Cul- lom; ring!':.. R:tusie Roeeher. Peal:l l1C'igllton and Hill. Sf'ats 111 werp assignetl by )fr. Bollwrg. pre,.,id('nt of the class, aud berC'after r-neh mt>mh<'r of th<' da · will occupy a numbered 'l.'wo of th" offil•ers of the elnss Jet•i\led that :t might be a. good itlea to get. into the seat hnsiness right ::uul pro<'C'eded, to se ll seats to unsui;;pccting members. It is repo1·te<l tliat a well known membN of the track team who 11:\!' taken sev- eral points in the high nnd low hurdl 0 s co 11 trihnte1l to the "ent fun, and inci- dentally to several tignrs for the vro- of the idC'a . PRESIDENT HAMILTON CELE· BRATES HIS 52 BffiTHDAY. lock is a member of the frcshmnn rcturnN1 autl while the : 1 ffairs of thC' soriet:· \\"hen Pre:-<itlcnt Hnmiltoo r:1th('r new to him, he to hl' homC' \\ .. ednl':-<Uay n surprise 3 offiecr . )[r. ']'mitt R£'1'\·c11 LawaiteU him in thc of,_a hirthd:.tY . in thl' of sN're-:·dinner ct>ldHaling l1ft_v-'>N'o111l ln:-t year that he w!l"' " hirthday. 'l'lH' jlinnl'r "·:is !!i,·1•n a.t th·• nga.in elcctcil to that posititH1. home of ).Jr..; . Thorpl' on fitting tribute alone for the nn'1 t'OYN"' wt>1'e lni1l for -.;1'.\tt•rn houe:-:t,· antl integrit;...- of the man. Th.:.. TlH' 1i11w houon•1l birth1h.,v eal>e "'.1p· spirit · which :i. l'row1l or ponin).{ fift:· a .. tudcnts lli--pla,- at any athlcti(' f('afur<' of party. Ha'.1111- ;e!-.t ilC'pcnds I::trgt.'i.'· on tlH' ton nc•eiYell :l hoqud of i·nrunt10ll" "·ho lends tht'ir :\fr. Curr pcic- made up of fifty-two A ·very e,·c.>r,r reciui!-iitc for n go1Hl Yl'll _pleasant time w:1s en.ioyc1l h)' those leader, arnl it will not bt' throuJ!h iti" prc-:ent aucl thr h0110red guest rel'eh-etl ln.<'k of effort ii the i1:1 not thC' bl"'t wi .. hcs ot all.
Page 1: THE WEEI(LY EXPONENT. - Montana State University · to the people of the state, espccial1y in ,duetion. " -itbin the next two or three ging the sophomores through the frog chor).



College Exhibit Attracts Large Crowds 1915 Annual Staff Star ts W ork on Boole For Second Time Clas11 '14 Are Taken Through Waters of Frog Pond---Vigcrous Fight Over Pennants Fol­

lows At Flag Pole and Main Building

P opular Sophomore Leads Booster S~- Musical Organization will be Best in

at Helena During Fair Week. Col­

lege has two Ex.hjbits on Grounds,

Prizes Offered for Best Pictures

and Witty Sayings.

The exhibit of the college at the \\-ork on the Hll5 ):[ontanan was be-sta.te fair last. week anraet'ed nnd ia- ,gun iu earnest <luring the past week After the shortest pull yet wif!Je$SC1l follow: Captain Fox, Bullock, Potter. tere!'ted many spectators. The purpo~e ,and nearly all of the preliminary work at the college, the freshmen won th.~ ) filler, Jackson, Kncale, Crittenden, of the exhibit was twofold: instructiv:1 .has l>een completed on the junior pro- annual tug of war last Friday b,y drag- KeJly, Strand, Papke, and Ronne (au­to the people of the state, espccial1y in ,duetion. " - itbin the next two or three ging the sophomores through the f rog chor). 'l'bc total weight of the fresli-tbe particular work with which the ,weeks class and the society pictures me.n was l,664 pounds. college anJ experiment station are eon- will be taken at the different stuJios pond. The weather '""':ls ideal1 and th.~ The sophomores who engaged in the cerued. and the calling of attention to in the city anJ it is the intention or roHtest wr1s witnessed by a large crowd contest are : Captain Seamans, ::\liller, the eourses of 5-tudy, particularly en- ,those in charge to complete this part of students and spectators frotti th f' Dehnert, Leschcr, 0 'Conner, Jl ihl.mrd, gineering in aU its branches, offered at ,of the work before the holidays. eity. Steel, Hudson, Clarkson, Goff, anJ the college. A. large tent was used for, The art tlcpartment wil1 aid with alt Ea('h tC'am was composed of eleveu Nordquist (anchor). 'fhe total weight the agricultural, biological und home art work in the book and this work men, the fre~hmen ha,·ing au .1dvan- was 11605 pounds. science departments, and one of the will also be started immediately. .-\') tage of fifty-nine pounds in weigh t. "\V. B. Yestal acted as umpire, all'l permanent educational built.ling~ wa-J has beeu the custom for se\'eral year$C The ::;utcess of the 1·lass of 'l'i. bow- S. H. Solberg and

1' )fa.rt

1• Kelly :.ii:;

utilized to hou~e the exhibit of the the 1·lass will gi,·e a book to the best en!r1 was due to its steady heave-heave referees. engineering department. )!any mem- set of joke~ about colleg~ student'i :tud rather than to anything else. 'J'his th 0

y As !:l-O<.lll as the contest was over a bers of the faculty and ~e,·eral ~tudeut also a book for the best set of pirtnre~ aequire1l by preYious practiee unller bod,v of freshmeu made a dash for the as~istants were in attendanee at the \of co11ege life. E1litor Geoqre Roo~e- the Uirection of C.:aptain Fox and Coach flag pole and there raised a. large '17

fair all or a part of the time. vclt stated that the work was progress- Rice. The class of '16 was game f'' banner, after whie b they took thei1 The <lomestie science ilepartment e.s:- ing nice]_,- and eYt>ry indication pointed the lao:t, each man putting hi.s la.'\t $land at the base of the pole and pre­

hil>ition was one of rhe most popular to one of the best nnnuals e,·er pub- ounce of strength on the rope. 11ared to protect thei r pennant. The exhibits of the college. This ilepart- lished by a junior clas.::.. The two teams were weighed in al sophomores. Jell by "Chief" Carr, mad~ ment was located in

3 tenr. anJ the, For the benefit of the new student~ the drill ball at l o"eloek by "\V. B. an attempt to tear down the baun<"r.

Jmrpo~e of the exhibition was to i~l- it might be well to sa,· a few \Vonls Ye tal, Captain Seamans of the sopho· but wero OYerpowcred by superior nu m­struct the hou~ewh-es of the state ln 'regarrliug the character. of the ~(on - mores aml Captain J....,ox of the freshmen bers. and although they fought gamely. the art of better anil C'asier methods of 'tanan. This hook is published annually witnes::;ing the process. The mt>mber<= were eornpelled to retire. At this point liou!'ekeeiiing. The snbjert of prop•.'? by rnemher'I of the junior <'lass and '.s of the tenm~ were then callerl into th;- a sophomore pennant was obsen·ed foo'1 was gi,·en cou!i.iderable spa<'e. .\. ,a eomplete recoril. both serious antl main room of the ball. where the ml..=~ banging from the wirelc~s neria.l, with number of comparatiYe food:- all eon· fri,·ilous, of the student activities dnr- and regulatious were rend, after which ·•;o:;hort:·'' SutherlanJ and Avery taining

3 high per eeat of µroteiu were ing the school ~-ear. The editor nn-J they made their way to the pond, where Dehnert perched on the riJge pole of

~11 0..,. 0 a~ meat substitutes. A shelf I membcrs of his !=taff nre eho-.;eu from the onlookers bacl already congregated. the main hall to protect it. 'fhe fresh­was deYoted to foods placed in nmonnt.., ,the class and. upon him falls the tlut~· A coin w:ls tos..,etl :ind the fre~hmen men madl~ ~evern l 1lcsperate altemplr: equal in nutritiYe value to one pint of _of gathering rut~. writing: stories, ;iok<''-' won the rig-ht to take their tboice a-. to secure the co,·etecl banner, but were

and ]llanning the hook in genrral. 1'he to whi1•h si.!c of the pond the.'· :o;houlrl I unable to reac-h it. At this point th~ milk. A Yery in:.-truc.th·e !'lhowing wa-. matle by exhibiting .iclly maile frOill publicatio11 reqtlirec;;. a great denl of tim(' pull from. The ~onth s ide waili ~elect- fncult:-· took a. ~nnd in the ma.tter, a_111l four ilifferent ,-arieties of nab apple~. and eareful atte1ttion and e\"l"U then e11. .\.fter the first few sec•o1u.ls of after se,·C'rnl nnnutes of argume>nt f1.i­

ciety for Coming Year. Other

Officers a re also Elect.ed.

At a meeting of the Booster club held Friday during the assembly peri{)(l 1 of­ficers were chosen for the coming year. Harrell llibbard of the sophomore claM was elected president; Fred Bullock of the freshman ela$s, was chosen for vice-president; Alouzo Truitt of the junior class was re-elected to the po~i­tion of secretary-treasurer. )lyro!l Oarr was the unanimous choice for cheer leader. Owing to the fact thi::~

:Mr. Carr is a member of the football squacl , Uay Jones and Floyd Crittenden were chosen to act in a similar capacity until the football season is over. ~eve:?" was a more enthusiastic meeting l1ela, and eYe1·y candidate was elected with­out opposition, a unanimous ballot be­

ing cast in each case. The meeting openctl with a report of

the treasurer as to the financial condi­tion of the society. .A small amount of

money is in the treasury at the present time, and the piano wl)il'h the Boo::.ter! eontral•tetl for two years ngo is about paid for. A committee eonsisting of Thomas Buckley, Alonzo Truitt, Ilarr~t1 Hibbard, Emmet Riordan and Lester Cole, which had been appointed to cul· lect dues, also nrn(le a. report, the gen­eral character of which ten1led to !;hOtv

H istory of I nstitution. Director

H owar d is Well Pleased.

The be!':.t hanll in the hh~tory of the college is what the prospect~ at present poi u t toward. The amount of new ma­terial avai\:1ble ma.keq it almost a eer~

tainty that the bands wbieb in former years merited and received tbe applause of the audiences o( the stnte will this year be outcla~sed . A ban'l iJIHnprisE:,cl of tbirty-fh·e pieces ici now ha.rd at prnctice and will soon be :i nnYeical or­ganization without equal in the north­western eollege world. Director Ilow­ard i!li delighted with tlle prospects antl is looking forward to the \)est year tha.t thi~ popular organization ha!; ever hn.d.

:Uany new students at t l1E' colJt>ge arP stri\" ing har<l to bt>come mf'mbersl ana geyeral stn<lents wl10 ba.vc neveJ" before tried for a place a.re worKing bard to secure membership. Some of the nel> students who are trying for places are Eugene Repatz, Carl rrimmons, Don Langohr, Worth On·is ani.l E . Ronne. Rome of the students wlto ha,·e no~

tried bPfore but are at prest'nt working towartl that end are IT. Dahl, A. D. Burkf't antl \V. Finley.

The band is planning m:lny nctiYitics for the coming school y('ar. The cus­tomary two a!=~cmblies will be giYet:1. 'T'l1e f irst of the~<> i~ to he g:i,·eu th!)

that the majority of the students ·wer" last Friclay io Deccmher a.nil the other rather reluctant in paying their dues. will be gi,·en the la<:.t Fri(fay in )foy.

Fi,-e pouuds of eal'h ,·ariety were taken an1l the jelly which eaeh species yielde1l ·wa-... kt"pt '-t'par~te. Baile.Y Crimo:on, Transcendent. Florence an1l Hyslop were the Yarieties selected. Bailey Crimson yielded the most jelly. This Ynriety

1 whieh for seven years has

yielded more than an:- other, protlneerl twenty·two glasses, while the others yieldeJ about nineteen eaeh. A. case of

tbe book !'elilom merts the (•heri:o.ht''1 pulling, the result was not for an i'I aUy persuaclrrl Sntherlllu<l alHl Debuer:­tlre3m:;; of the editor when the work be- stant in doubt. The teamwork of tb"' to cle~ccnd. Profegsor T<neale. abl~· a..:­gan. fre!'hmen was perfe<'I, wbile 1hc -.;opho· ~isted by rrofessors ('ha111ll('r, Deat­

mores at no time worked entire!~· : 11 born, Brewer, Kately and Gilruth, thc.-11 unison. The class of 'JG was i;:.teadUv -.urf'eeded in removing the objec.t of

of ::-tock ('Onsistecl of fifteen head of dragged toward itg slimy bath1

and it disturbance from its lofty position. Tin? Hol~tein cattle, the progeny of a singl"" was only ·wh('n "Hod" Seamans, th~ penn:i.nt, which w':ts last seen .in tbro c·ow for fi,·e ye:-i.ri.i four head of hi.::<'" first man on the rope1 was on the edge hands of Profei:.~or Gilruth, was plaec·l l·attle and eJe,·cn head of hogi.. Th e of the water that the sophomores hehl in the safe, where it will probably r"­cattlo were not entered for prizeg, bnt lheir own for au instant against th"' pose for many n. Jay. exciteU mueh fayorahle comment from huskY fresh men. 'l1hen eaeh sophornorfll . This is the second time t he ebss of the judges and spectators. The boot h tugging to the Inst, was hatiled into t lic '16 hn.:; experieneea :lU ·1cy batl1, being contained a number of charts showing cold water of the pond . The Yictorious pulled in la!=.t :·car by the present rope splices, knots and the different freshmen were borne to the gym on jun iors.

Professor Tallman next addressed the The successful rarni\"al 'helil in the assemblr. reminding those prese11t that drill !mil last year will he re1w:tte'1 thi:i it wa!:> their duty, as well as that c•f year. It \\ill he hclil on the first Fri. ­eYery member of the student bo1lyi to day after the ('hristmas ltolidays. It buy a sca<;on titket whirh admits th•" i!i planne1l to give con('erts iu Helenn. , rr,rthac;er to al\ athletic contests held Great Falls. Townsend ancl !=evernl othE"!" in Bozeman. Profes.sor rrallman !'Oaiil towns, hut thi!i will clt"pentl npon later th:1t it required a. con~itlera.ble amount· rJf money to carry the football 3e1.SO!'.I successfully through nud the largPr part of this amount bad to come from thC' sale of these tickets. Ile said that 111 t he Jon{! run money would be save1l by the purclrnse of a season tickf't. A ll

footoa ll ga nws will :t least cost seY-0ntv-fi...-e centi:., antl with three game,., pla;'c·d on the local f;clcl over half th" purch:u.<: price of the Ueket wou. I he ;i~1 id J·or. Fi·.·1.1 or six basketball ganll'"" will be played . averagi ng fifty cents. The 'i inglc admissions duriug theo:e two ~c·a'IOH~ :.ioue wil l more than pay for tbe !irkets. In elosin-? the spe'lk1•.- e-m-1•h:n:ized :he fact that if atl\' sc:1s:·n was to be ·arriecl s.ucces!=;fuil~· thrQl:g-11 it must ha ,~e the fi!i:~ncial o;,u1·port of

thl' student hc.d~~-

cle,·elopments. The band hall eontrihutions are. still

coming in, and it is hoped to begin actual constrnetion next spring. An appeal lrn!li been made to members of the n.lumni, anll the respo.nse1 wbi1~

slow, has been steady. flax products was shown, and a very interesting collection of fabrics show­ing the adulteration of wool and cotton cloth was exhibited. This colleetion "t\"as the work of :lliss Oli ,·e Clark c• f

grades of wool. Jn the booth wRs t he shoulders of t heir cheering clas"- The freshmen celebrated their Yie· locateJ a Babcock milk tester1 and the mates. tory by halt.ling an informal dance in

the class of 1913 and was of great in - inet liod of oiierntiou an<l the :-uh·an- t I ' ] ·11 I II F · 1 · terest to the visitors. A number of Je- tages obtainetl by using this tester we re

'l' be members of the winning eam t 1e t r1 lll • n< ay eveurng.

signs of a liYing room, p repared by explained. The bull. Beau G:i.llntin TT, )iisscs Pearl Heigh ton 1 Georgia Cullom, .,..·as purchased by this department from Ella Harmon and )fildred Eckels of Lester Thompson of Bozeman. This :i.ni­the senior class, and colored in water mal is a Herfonl and won t b ir1l priz#\ colors under the tlircction of ).[iss Ba~- in the <'lass in which it was cnter<'11. win, formed an attractiYe as well a! Profess-:.ors ).fi11er, Flint an<l Jones were an instructi,·e exhibit. A unique ex- in eharge of this department. hibit wns the one showing the compara· The hortieulturnl department exl1ihit





tiYe costs of breakfast foods. The ad- w:i.s confined to the proper method of. Manager Boedeck er of the Lyric T hea- Student Governing Body Holds First

Yantages of the modern methods of growing potatoes. Jn a row whirh ha 1 tre Donates Proceeds to Benefit bou~e cleaning were made apparent b ? heen thinned, 204 bm::;hels of marke-.- ' eontrasting the Yaeuum rleaner, th-~ able potatoes were grown, with ~ 1) , of College F ootball Team.

carpet sweeper and a. number of <lust- bus-:hels of cul1s. ]n a row of P.fJlldl

less mops with onlinary brooms, mope; length which haU not been thinnetl, in an<l duster~. Without endea\'oring to which all the stalks were allowed '.o Next Tues1.lay e,·ening a benefit will ad,·ertise the work of the domestic mature. l /;) hushels of porn toes weil? 'Le give1t for the football tt>am by th\! ~eience department, this exhibit called ohtained with !'>ixty-11 iuc bushels {Jf management of the Lyric th('ater. rrwo attention to the fact that this 1lepart- culls. Yie l d~ from land rnnlC'hed with 'performanl'es will be gi,·cn anU the ment 1rns a great Yalue not only to thP !';traw were contrai;;ted with ~'ielcls from proceeils abo,·e expen~es will go towar·l school but to the state at large. :.\Ii.-." tbe same land eulti,·ated in the n~ual thr support of the football team. Ilarkin!'i had charge of the exhibit, and manner. Ou the land culti\'atell in th.:- The Roosters ha\'c taken charge of at Yarious times was assisted by :\fi c:s. oril innrY manner IF: hushC'ls were rai!':.e1l. the arrangements on the hiJl an1l uudl!r Ba11inger. :\fiss Geor iga Cullom an,l while ~n the mule.lied Jana 1~31 bu~11el~ 'jJie direction of Darrell ll ibbanl prcsi­). l isi:. Inez E\·erett. were grown. By means oi cases thC'~I" dent of the society, ti('kets are bein5

The biological exhibit was eoufincd processes were· shown, a rul statistic>:-i .::.old by different students. ]'~,·e huu· to four points. The worst weecls of the were used to impre~s upon the min1ls of ilrcd tickets ha,·e been subscribed fo!' state were shown, bow to contr<>l t he farmers the financial advautagc<; by the Boosters and it is their inten­ground squirrels and poeket gophers of t hese methods. Professors \V·hip1ilc tion to sell the grenter part of the!-1,' was taught. How to control eut worm'> aild . 'chermcrhorn en.eh hall charge o r to the student bolly. .1 t goes without and cabbage worms and lice was ilJuc,;- the cxhihit for part of the wePk. 5a.ying that e,•eryooe should atteu<l trate<l. Specimens of the worst The engineering department was rep· this benefit as the ~uccess of the foot­weerls of the state were mounted on resented by an exhibition wh ir h h ail ball season <lep<'nd!':. largely upon thP paper, and se,·eral act\lal specimen~ for its purpose th<' attracting of ntlC'•l- fiuances more t han an)•thing clc~e .. .\h­·were at hancl . C'ireulars dealing with lion to engineering eourst>s offncd at solute ly no excu.,es will he acccpted !'or the method of curtni1ment ·were distdb- the C'ollege. Dean Ri('hter was in not attcntling, and e,·cryone who pro­nteil. Squirrels poisont'.''l with grain (·harge of this di,·i~ion. rin<l hC' wA.s act- ('!a ims to I.le a Uoo::;ter will be on hnml formec1 part of the- exhibit, and the r-;istecl bY Hamilton ~lcel. ProfC'~sors : r uesda.y e\'ening.

Meeting Under New Plan.

Business Under Way.

At a meeting of the presi<lcnts < r tl1c different classeR and societies hel d )!onday1 the report of the \'ommittN" recommending the reorganization of

the stm1eut senate was adopted nn·l officers for the coming year were elect­ed. ·will iam B. Yestal was electcrl president; Seiner 11. Solberg, presi1knt of the senior tla::..;, ex officio, vit.'e­presiclent. A clerk will be ~·hogen from the s t ud<'nt body. A better selection t ha n 1'.fr. Ves t a l for president coul1l not baYe been made , as he has sened In

numerous student o rganizations befor~ ana is thoroughly fittetl for this sort

of work. A ucw constitution ~\Ud a new mettl ·

od of rcprescnt:1tio11 was adopted, as explained iu the lai:.t issue of the Ex· I ouPnt. '!'he president of n.:-·ll'I.'· c,·ery

clas~ and so('iCI)' iu the qchoc..l will he a. 111embcr of the senate, :tnd it 1!11

thought that by thii:. m~thcil of repre­sentation more intC'rcst will h~ taken rrg:lrtling tho:;;c problems w~1;1·l1 afrc1•t the:'<' different cla~sN1 or so 1•i('ticg.

t\ stmlC'nt scuato or some for111 of

proper methoU of rtappiug noel poi'iou- Plew nnil Snow attende1l 1luring n. po!'· The managl'mcnt of the theatcr is ing the~e pestfll was shown. <'abbagc tion of the weel"' a.ml ai:-5 i..,tell in c·:nin{! '('crtainly doing its ~hare towarll insu:-­pln.nh hadJ_,. clamngell h~' worms an·l for an•l explaining the l~xhihit. 'l'lrn ing a ::>lH'eessful "e:isou and it is ~he 1icc ~11owe1l the clamage wrought hy wireless station wa-. in opC'ratio11 n11.l intention of nrnuag-~r Bot'.'llerl•cr to g1,··• thc:-:C' insef't~. a1111 a ('a!=e gJiowing th:i- .. was alwavs the ('entf'r ol' :111 intere~tt-·1 a. bcuefit about once e,·ery mouth. Thi-; ~t11 1le11t goYC'rnlllcnt 1rnt1onhtC'•I!:: ha~ tt

lifo history of the <·ut worm :rnil ihl? HO~nl. 'fhe tran!\former ilC'sig11~rl :ia 1 j-. c.dainly boosting with :t ,·im an l plac:e in tlw t'Oliegc, nuil the 11 <'''. or­

proper mfltl1ods of extermin:tt.ion w::t\; hnilt hv- the stnrlents of the collcgl' ai:->11 shoulil ht: r<'paid hy the united !'<UJIJ10rt ganization !ihonlli meet tlie 1lcfiC'i1.• 11 ril·~ use<l to instruct persOll~ illtCrf''tcil in att 1., 11.t~c1 <'onsitlc>rahlc att\'nlion. \ r 1 I ti l l se ntC' that l1rnnd1 of agrit-ulture. 'rhc t':rt- 1111111h1'r of ilesigns n.ncl drawings ~ent of the stuclent ho4ly. co11 rontc1 '·'· . IC o i . n< .

ldUit of this •lrpartmt>nt was parrieu):lt"· from l)oth the c•iYil :ind mechani1•al 1•!1-

1y well patronizC'tl. Profc:-:!-1.ors P:trk<'r giu cring d,•parttn<'nts a111l :i 1·onsider­

antl )for:-c Wt"re in charge. a.hie amount of npparatns helonl'.(ing to

Tho hureau of animal imlu'<fry t11c civil dcpartm<'nt attraded n nnm~ shipped a carloacl of ~to('k to the fair. her of intPrestea peor.Je anti 11rO!':.pcc­

nud it al-.o occ·upied :i booth in lhc ten t ti,·e .. tuclents .. \ c>ase of patterns mad·'

with the other exhibits. The carlo:hl (Continued on Page Four)

gra1lu:11ing dai-~ of lHl~. has hl!C'll t>l~1· ...

<.•11 10 thl' position of in!'trudor in :-<t'W­

ing at th<' Home of thC" Ciootl Sheph1•rl,

locnte<l nt Helena.

in :-c>wiug-, ) \ i!'!:l-t's Grorgia ('111lom ae•l

Prarl l.l ('ighton of the '-'Cnior t•\a..;s a.-t•

atting' :ls .stnllent in~trudor::; in thrit

brnnc11 of thC' hollll' srience depnrtment.

beard from t11e bleae hers n.nd siJe-


"). fr. Yest3.1 nlso nrncle a few l'i'rnark-= along t11c !''l.me line, st:lting th.c en•ry one 111 thr H·'"lr.ol wPn!ei.l to oc, luwwn as a BooRt C'r, hnt in order to de;;;~n r th:-.'; rauH' tlwv -.ho~licl get heh: .. t th1'~"

propositions n.nd boost. He Mid th:i.t it might be a gootl plan to publi sh thl'.' name:.. of those who have uot purcb:1setl tickets. but lf a. man tlitl not ban' spirit enough to bu)' a tiC'kct. he wonl·l not haYe pri1fo enough to keep his na1~1\'

off su>.!h a list. :\fartin Kell,,-, manrqz·cr of the fm)t. ­

Jwll tt'am. al~o mat.le a plea for uwre financia l support, stating that it cost a great deal of money to bri11g tenms irom other s-:chools here. a ntl if the stntlents want games and want to sup­

port the team properly, they mnst. }1elo

the'11 financially. The election of officers was: the next

or·ler of business, with the results al­:-ca.lv mentio ned. The ncwl)· clede1l president is by 110 mcans n. new Booster, as he hag beC'n aeti,·e in the rank aml file of the sol'iety for the pa~t ~-ear.

He has been found to be a. t.'het:>rful. tireless, arclcnt worker in nll position!'­w·Hh wh ich be has been intrnstC'<L au.1

the Boosters are fort11natc io :.e1•uring­such o. per"on for pn·~idcnt. :Mr. Bul-

The meeting closed ·with t hree rnus­ing cheers for the new and old presi­dents, for tl1e football team and Cap­

tain Xoble.



A brief meeting of thP sC'nior class was hehl Tuesday afternoon for th"'.' purpose of appointing committees on diff('ret1t tla~s. affairs. The following eommittce~ were appointetl: Caps and gowns, Ella Harn1on, F. \V. Sdiumnchrr and Freil Rit.'hterj mC'morial. "\V. B. Ye~tal, )[ax: Keu<'k a1Hl Gt:orgia Cul­lom; ring!':.. R:tusie Roeeher. Peal:l

l1C'igllton and l~nkc Hill. Sf'ats 111 n:-~cmbl:~ werp assignetl by

)fr. Bollwrg. pre,.,id('nt of the class, aud berC'after r-neh mt>mh<'r of th<' da · will occupy a numbered ~eat. 'l.'wo of th" offil•ers of the elnss Jet•i\led that :t might be a. good itlea to get. into the seat hnsiness right ::uul pro<'C'eded, to sell seats to unsui;;pccting members. It is repo1·te<l tliat a well known membN of the track team who 11:\!' taken sev­eral points in the high nnd low hurdl 0 s co 11 trihnte1l to the "ent fun, and inci­dentally to several tignrs for the vro­

moter~ of the idC'a.



lock is a member of the frcshmnn clas~. rcturnN1 autl while the :1ffairs of thC' soriet:· ~1n• \\"hen Pre:-<itlcnt Hnmiltoo r:1th('r new to him, he promi::..t·~ to hl' homC' \\ .. ednl':-<Uay cn~uing n surprise

3 comiict~nL offiecr. )[r. ']'mitt R£'1'\·c11 LawaiteU him in thc for~n of,_a hirthd:.tY

. •ffi~·ienth· in thl' {'apaeit~· of sN're-:·dinner ct>ldHaling 111~ l1ft_v-'>N'o111l ;~r~·-t rNtsur~r ln:-t year that he w!l"' "hirthday. 'l'lH' jlinnl'r "·:is !!i,·1•n a.t th·• nga.in elcctcil to that posititH1. Thi~ home of ).Jr..; . Thorpl' on .~outh (.r~ud fitting tribute alone i:.pC";1k~ for the nn'1 t'OYN"' wt>1'e lni1l for -.;1'.\tt•rn g11r~t:... houe:-:t,· antl integrit;...- of the man. Th.:.. TlH' 1i11w houon•1l birth1h.,v eal>e "'.1p· spirit ~!Hl enthus.i::t~m ·which :i. l'row1l or ponin).{ fift:· 1~an1lks wa~ a plNt-:11.1~ .. tudcnts lli--pla,- at any athlcti(' 1•011~ f('afur<' of t111~ party. Prt·~11knt Ha'.1111-;e!-.t ilC'pcnds ,·c~~- I::trgt.'i.'· on tlH' Jll'r~on ton nc•eiYell :l hoqud of i·nrunt10ll"

"·ho lends tht'ir :·ell~. :\fr. Curr pcic- made up of fifty-two ~IOWt'r' A ·very !-iC~:-es e,·c.>r,r reciui!-iitc for n go1Hl Yl'll _pleasant time w:1s en.ioyc1l h)' those leader, arnl it will not bt' throuJ!h iti" prc-:ent aucl thr h0110red guest rel'eh-etl

ln.<'k of effort ii the collc~e i1:1 no t thC' bl"'t wi .. hcs ot all.

Page 2: THE WEEI(LY EXPONENT. - Montana State University · to the people of the state, espccial1y in ,duetion. " -itbin the next two or three ging the sophomores through the frog chor).

TllE WEEKLY EX:rO.:-.L.:\T, .FIHll.\ y 1)1 TLIRER :l. 1r113.

l'.\til::: :!

The Weel<ly Exponent } • h 1 .. 1 SI~ '•

t. u " mr .. ,.j ut r 1·r .. .-ntatl\'t'_"' .,: NI b 01 :_ Ul 3 ICILI .10 I \ 311_'" ~t't ,.:al ·o o'14''\" rh.-. .. (In ti' npre .. <>&:a· )ll ''

t.' Ju .. f Uu.~.,!'r•l" 1h (,~ '.\l .t Ex1: _,,._•nt 1 .\no~ht'r cl!:t ll!" ... 1n tl1t• ,.co pt• of t

htahh lu"li J rnuacy 1, l":i.-. , .. ,!.intzatiozi _ Th+' ot.l ... _,,nntt.' :1fh•mpti'·!

. _ _ l' fril- • ~xi•rd:-i• ,i 1 ... • plint• O\t'f thl· .. !u·lt·~1

"· Puhli.;h1•·l t'\ t'T\ t nil·iy _

01 . ~ ", J Thi" fa:li•·I. tht' ri':i.:ori }'rohably be1n.!'

An Excellent Writing Paper­

Phoenix Linen Lawn

Pound Paper ~I I

lf'.!'t' \••:1 .. hy au e<11t~rial :--talt _ch~. ',11 t il' fiH't th~t th1• ..,, h11ol j ... "mall an l !rom lht• , .. i'u1lt•n~ .. of tnl' _\[ontan.t :_,a:~ I t•on .. "•llll'Ut y tl•l'Tt" i~ mut·h pt>r,..011~ 1 I l'<lllt•l{1• of .\grir11lt in• nn·l .\It'· l.i.lllH I ft•1•linl!' lw:wt't"'ll tl:i.1• "tu11t'llb on tl1•'

Art~. Bol.1' 1nau, )l 01 11t 3 n:l. i.hill. Th" nt•w "''~n:ih• will l_lt~ ~imp! - :-;T . .\F'.f' la hoar.I of 1·onrrol. :111 1\r~nn1~:n1on t:i

Postoffice News Stand

I Eolitor-in l'hH•f '-it•lm1•r H ,...;olhen;:-, '1 ! l ,..Ul"'r\ j .. ,. all ntl11•r ori?:t111zat101" a_1• I ---------------, J ... t'• on•l pl.in.' n'i:1•in•d .. ih t·r llH'•lab an '1 Ht1'."int" .... )l:tna;.r1•r )(~)rt11nt•r .r. Lott, 'J 1 tt·th·iti1h. at tih' i"'ollt•:.H'. hut uot ' th~· O!lt' ... who ,•:1rru>tl thir•l plan• wrr~

.lJ:i1Hli!lll.i! r;.litllr ,J.,·i·lu:il""'. THE BEST TOOTH BRISTLES gi,t•n \.rond' lllP•htl"'. Cfov1•ruor ~tt•W-Hoht•rt T. Kl•llt':'·· ·1."l Jn th1• d1a11;!1' oi n11•mlwr .. bif' in the :trt prt'"'1·nt1»l t J• priz1•,.; ro tin• .;;un•t•,.-.-

Ciri.!ul.ttl•lO 'i:rn .!•'T ~en:H,• it : .. a( ... (l t1011.?ht t 1:\t ·u1 1111- coz.iIE FROM FRANCE fol tllll ... \.lut-.. iu 1hi• r." .•pt on rnOtn" .T. Eru··--t Hor•ler. lilpnnt•mt•nt h.1 .. h1•1•11.m!l.•l1'._a .. thf "l'nati'I nf thi• 1·.i('1tol.

.\ .... 1 ... • it t tr< iht tlll 'l·111:t,!Pr now h;1.:. P pn· .. t•ritat;Yl' .. 01 all org::rn1zn- "fht•,· mak1' ti(' f rmt'"t. ... tr1lll!!" T\n·nt; t1H1'1' ~11J:. \\l~Tt' ~Ult'~t'•~ .i~1 11 1111 N r.. Il;thl. ·Li tioll" oil tbt• hill. j .. a· .. n ha" n•pre"t'n· t''l, m."i"t ~t·n·in•:iloh• 11wth loru--he.. !ht• !?irl"' t'OllTl'"t anc ,1i .... huh\ l1r1~

. \ .. , 't Jfo .. ,nt·"~ 'f:i11:t;.t('r -- j ·3ti\"(•-. that ln\·1' ·ll'mo11 .. tratt'•l th('ir Thi• Hl'x:11l ,Jrn;.ti!i!'t j .... ah!.• f<l iitll of \"allt•.\- t:Ollllt.' \\Oii rht• :-;t•i·on 1 Lywl:lll P . llan.l...on. 'll 1:thil1t:'" t•i •lti thiri!!-. nl h·t\"t' :'hown ... upply y1111 \\ith tlw··l' i•('"t tooth prizt• \'..th .\Ii-- ... \nn:t <db-.on. of_ Lin-

.\ .. ~ 't nu-..inc---. \l·1uSi.!1'r. ~an int1•n• .. t in th1• tllllt•;.::t' hn1-.ht>-- .tt tht• low.· .. t prk{"s, h1•- l'Oln t'Vllllt_, .• thir·l. ''arh'T L·l·llniz1•r .\ ·11ert H .. \1ukr .. on. 'l•i I Thl' nt:'w orza~iz:i~i"u mu~t an:l wi'~ i·an"t' h1• 1111\·:"1 in t·on,iuudiou with winnC'r e1f tht• pol1ltO• pri ,. \\Oil thi--

1 II ! l'•portt•r -·- ... ai:{'1't'•L llo''t''"t•r 1 llltl"t ha'<' tht a11 th~• oth.i•r H>'xttll 1lrui:1.d~t"- :1war•l b--t Yl':tr. In th•" l'Olltt':'t t.'han-nterco t')!t:1 <" it Flort.'ll•'l' l:r:i.'-· 'l:J hth·ldul! nf +he t•ntir1..• ,tt.1•l1•nt hn·l.'" of ·he h':t•lint.r dru:.?J!i .. ts oi !hl' i·onn- 'l'l'\. Fhnn t~f Bla111t• t•ounty """" .. t•i•on•l

the t•olk:!•' iu nil it.. un•lt:'l"rnkin:.r· . tn·-auil ... 1 1,.'1lm11Huu1 .. th('I lowt•"l lan-J 1 -j:lrt~nl"l' Lin ... 1ra.111l of .)\u .... t•hhrll p;it'L's \lll thl• hl·~t !,!n.itl... iu th e thinl. .\llt'n Y:llt• of Jla"--011 ('OUn''

BOOSTING THAT COUNTS. market. n'e<'i'·l'·l .. ('•'onil prit.t• in th1..• 1'or11 con

.\~hkt1c eH1,ort1•r IL Lt•"'lil• Pl'tigrt•w. '];)

Hl•porll'r •. \ . P:rnl Thompc;on. 'lJ

H('porter Floren('e Wi)iht.

Grnl'rnl Hl'Jlllrtcr ·- ... --··· Emmet RiorJan.

TUt"'•la\· l'Y1'1tinC' ha'! hl'l'D "l'f :\ ... iii" '16 :lS thC' t~'.t.'lltll)!" wh('n )[r. Bocrlet.'k('r.

mau:urer of thl' Lyrfr thr!ltrr. will Ji'·"' I 'li 1he l'lllll'~t' n.thktil' !l'-,.oc.1:ttion .:ill t~+·

General Hl'J'Orh•r. _ . -··--··-··. -·· .. pro• et•,J .. :1ho\·1• l'XJ'l'll'-l'" I rom h1 .. mo\"-Talhot Thomp-;oo. 'ti in~ J•idurl' ~how. Th:H thi:-l will gi\·e

lht• c.ullcU:t' ;i ...... odation :1 boo"'t iu ar­!":.ub~1·ription Hate- ~Tml Dollar' per rangin;! for liu•ir f.11ith:dl "'l'he•lull' goi'-.;

,·car. fiv 1• ('1•nl:- pl'r cop:-. _\,]\·l'rtt--- without -.:1yin;!. Tht• it~am t'xpecB ro ing r:1h' .... m:1~1\' known on apphcauon. ha\-t' .. t•\·C'r:tl !.!3lllt'" wi1h in-.titntion9

Entt•n'll !l~ '."t•1•ond cla:-o:-; mail matter more .1i,.wnt than 11~ual thi- yr:lr an·l at Bo?.cman, )fo11tana, Utlll('r .\.ct of con ... t'•jlll'lltly tht•.'· will ha,·e to mak.•

Con~n·~:' of ~fan•h 3, ] l\j~ Jaq?t'r guaranfr('" than i:'I tht• 11:-;unl ra,.e. Thu.;. ){r. Bol'1ll·~·kcr ·._ oft\•r comi!lg at 1his tintt' is tlouhly wl•ll'ome.

.\n.Y to{ith hru><h YOU g't't ht:'n' tl':-t nn•l f ·1iarlr-. Dro ... l' of Ho.:;1..•hLl, I

will a-i\(• you compll•tt• .. :ubfac· eounn· w:1:-l !?in'll thir•l. tiou. Th~ t'Olll"'t:1nt" hail C'al·h won fir,;t


;, l,\·;;al'.~~:,~;;•;;,'t:~ •. ;r~l~,~~~,;;01'.:'!;~' ::~::, itt~ :~.ri~m'.·,~:~'';';,t::::trii~' '~:,' t~~ arati.1n 111a1lt'. :--"Jr! with the Rrx· fair. The l'Olllt"t wa"' in man.'· wa.'-,.

a.II .:uttr:lllt1•r. Jn han1bo111e litlw- an improvC'~_1"_0_'·_•_rtl~a~ ~f Ja-.t yl'ar

g-rapht.••l tin iiOXt'"· Tht• largt!'"I packa).!"t' of gotl•l lOtith powili•r to

Rose Drug Co. The Rexall Store


I Tb(' y('ar· ... t\'O~IH• l'ollcgc Y. ~[ C. A. W<.ts ~tartC'1l J~:-;t \\"t••lill'"'la.'· ufte r­

l The Weekly E xponent is strictly a student enterprise. Its chief purpose is to preseut to its readers each week an accur ate and complete record of the developments in college affa.irs during tha.t period a.nd it is intended that i ts influence shall be exerted for the up­buildi.ng o! M. S. C. The paper is the result of voluntary effort put forth by the students who compose the siaff.

)fornI support j-; t•he!lp but cn·n then

tht•re an• "'Ollll'. 1•vcn memhrr,;; of rh·' studt'nt ho.I\· and fal•UltY wlhl hC'gnulgt~

givin,l! tlrnt.. Howt~\"t~r \~'h('n it comes tl1 - -------------­

diggin)? .. town into a per-.on~ poel.:l't .

it i~ a tlifferent propo.;;ition. Thi:;; help~ [~ i~ a mor(' material wa.'· although the one without the otht•r j;o U!;;.t"'h'"" · ).f .. BoC'deeker':o1 offrr j:-; appre1'ia1ed an..i

wek1rn1t•d nnil thl' .;tu.:lent~ of the ""''· Jeg-1>, the member,.; of thl' faeulty and a:i interestNl iu th~• rol11.•Zt• c;houl1i .1 l !

noou by a me\•lrng of thl' l·al>iul'f. Plans

WNt! di~CU~'."C'·1 and fornrnlatC'd for .1·

a rt I\ e l'3mpnig-n r1mong the mcn ~tu­

denh wi1hin the 1n•xt few week'!. \\"ii hur !'-'t>hurn<.h'hC'r a-.. president will tli rC't't tbC' work in gent•ral. (i('Org-e A

P.c.o~(',·clt, \"iC"'·pre-;iilt•nt. h l'hairmf1 n of thr progr•:u•t eommittC'e. _\ Jreatly h~

Nelson CN> Company I

Cab and Taxicab S('nice.

For PartiC'~. '~:eJJ.ings, 'Etc. CALENDAR.

Bell Phone ~i3-IIome Phone 196::! Fnday, Od. 3-Pre:-iilent ·~ rl'~eption

to f:h'Ully. their mite to helping --wdl the proc"'~rl.; '---------------"

I.a .. plan:-; 11p hi-. "let.•,·c for "C''·era

1.m:-oin~ Illl'C'tin:{"'· How-ar•l !'-'eamans 2•

set'rernry-trea~ur<'r will a1·t as chairman of the fiuan~·e 1·ommitte~. always n

,·ery impertrint purt of ::rn.'· socie ty William Fluhr will h:i»e l·harg:l' of the

l'ampaign for ml'mber~ and from hb geriou::- miC'n at the ml'eting it i~ ::-afe Sahmfa:'·· Od. i-Sophomore danee.

Fri.lay, Ott. 10-0rchestra danrc. Drill Hall.

for the atbl+•tie a-..:-odntion. Thr r11 1 r -

tainment will ht' \\"Orth the price nskrd and at the s~tm~ time 't"('IU will bl· hC'!~1-

Oct. lti, li, 1"1-L ~LC. A. C'on,·cn· hg- along- a goorl raus::o. tion. .\ud ta~t it ~hould h~ n·mcrnhtrC'-l lw

Od. ~-l-Rouffon tlanrC'. !lll. that the hoo~t gh-C'n h:'· )fr. Boe-Od. :!~-t'i,·ie Lt•:1gul' lt•durc. ·ae\,ker i~ a boo--t thal ('nnur~ a111l hC'

::l101;J,1 not he forgottt•n ··"1h·U nnt ;;ti'· MORE ON THE SENATE.

• \ rt"'orc:.rn1 't~d ~,·n:ltl' wa,.; I t' n-

j11g a ·how for tlH• h<'1Pfit 0f th!" ~n!­

IC'~t. Tha ..:-ni.t~ thin,.r ma~· ht" ~a1°l of


I 1

to '-ay tha t he ha~ '-l''·eral good ideas


in tbe m:iltrr of 'ectiring memhrrs .. \

I Pa al Thomp ... 011 i" rhnirtnan of the ~o-

PRESSJNG cial t·ommittt'C'. Sl'\·er3l fttnt'tions of ...

.1BILL' ' and " TUBBY' ' ~ol·ial narure nn• being- planned. "<ODIC' of wliich will ht• held in l'11ujunction wit!

Suits Called for and D elivered I thl' Y. \\', t •• \ . Tht• fir .. t our wil Phone 315 Brown

prohabh· 01•1·ur ahont tht• mi1lclll" .}f _____________ _,. lktoht•r. f'rl••krit·k Jli:-;-..h- will lnne




I l



jt><·t hf'fort• lht.• "tu•h'nt ... at :i ..... ,.mhlr ro· fl:l\- :J:i<l :11lY:lllt't" in.lil':itiou .... woult

t•oint ·>it that it ".111J.l ht• cnau mon5-1.~ :J•lopll•·I .t .. tht• prt• .. iolt'llt' 1f tlu• O!

I • 1111 • 11~~ .. t'I\ I'" r::1 •'IP ·r· .1! t llf'

, •' ;::1· ..;•u I : .. tor 1 a" 1 1J11" ·" ;!:\· 11:?

1' llh'~P .lJ•1'r a JtO(o .. ; 111 l ti \\'l 11 \,p

!111111 on a ht T,. 1\\'t"·1i:,1 ti11u th: t 1 hey i:a·11 1t 011" at Llt• l'olh•..!''• th1• !ll('mht•r-; are t 11..• Olll'" t i:tt !!i\ t' \'!l1'h 111•1 t'\.t•r\" Ji t 1fl 1 oi't'l!• t:irulty an•l lt•'l•h:·:-; 1 n1!11'.!1• 1·11tPq1n .. 1• •Jw1r ,.Ul•J urt. H 10·~

--------------- ' c·han!t' ot the Bihlt- -.tudy ~vork. l'J:i,...,\ ... t l(' gamt', if not 1111 thl' iit•l·l. out on will he hel1l e\·1•r_,- Suu.lay moruiug- .i·

till' -.1olt·li11 1·-.. \\" 1r1•h rlio• boy-- l'\"t'rv It ll' Yariou .. l'irnn·Ji,• ... of th1• town uJol

e\·eniu.r .'"OU ~111 311 ,1 :;:t·t out and ~i\·e th\· \\Jll ht· l''I'' ('all_,. tor th1• me11 '."t 1-th1·m t.'Yi•ry hit of ... 11 pp rt tint YUi t'au. ·lt·nh ot tht• n1ll1'.L!t' •• \ I of !llt'"t' 1·lw '

n11•11 lrn't" a ... -.,1t•1,11t••I w~th ·hc·m mt•.1 whu :irt• i11t~·rt• .. t1••l in tht• "vrk an•I w • .11 1•11-.h it a-. "l rou.1.rl.'· :t' po~><iblt~- Tl:\} t'ir-.t 111t•1•t 11g of fht• ) • .\1. l. _\, wdl

I . .

ATHLETIC TICKETS. amon~ all till' t ,fJlt'.,!1' organiz.ation!> t'X· •!1 m:lli '' 1100--1.... H' c·olllt':!l'. prc- .... t••I tt11•1 Ill' niuu that tbt• plan w·t"

:i. goo1l OUl' Ii it JI:!""'''"' :111•! rt:l·t•in·;; GET OUT AND ROOT. Olll't>. Th:tt j.., "hat j,. ur.~t••I liJ"'H t'\"1•rv 1 Ill• hPJ.i 111•xt \\"l'dn1•..,,lft_,. t'\·t•ninl! ,11

1he endor~1'llll'Dt oi t!il• -.tu1lent..; to1Ja·, mrmht"r of lht• eol!t'~r -.ru•k11t l1o1i],-i:'\fi~ .. l"rhr' ... room at tht• ~·oilt'l!t' :1: it w.11 th n ht• up to t'\·erY --tu.Jent at 'ow t 1at th1• footh:11I "'t':1 .. on i:-o fa~~ and fal'tult.'· Th11 r~· f .. 110 n .... t' 1lt•la.Yi11g. I 7:30 o 'clo1·k, Ja,.ti11g ahou: fort~·-f" P tin• iu ... tutio11 to ,!t't iu au1l h:wk tlie, ~111pro:1d111n! !lll<l "l''···ral )!an11• .. will h-3 E\·\·r.,·onl' will want au.l Ut'.'f'•l n tkk"t rni11utt'"- 1t i:"I hopt'•l th:tt tht•rt• will L•_• o~;.::aniz:itiou _'P · to ~how tht• mt.'mltt•1~j1·hYt'il n th(' nt•ar futun· jt i" timn a ... ~oon as tht~ !>t'3'-0ll opC'n~. But lh~·ra :;:ot11l ... izt"l crowrl pn'"l'llt t.) :-;tart 01 thf or~antzat1011 that lbt''" are 0.:- .t:..r the t.'Ollt'.!t'.' :otu1l('ut-;; to a ..... emblr a, .. .,01·i3tiou tn•ed .. mouey uow . Tt mu-.t ~ th,• work ot'i in ::rood ~lHtpl'. hju.1 it" l'\ l'r.'· mo,·t\ / e' ery nl;.rht or "'0 an·l pral'til't' at <lo·


ll3.Yt• fun cl~ iu or1ll'r to mnl•1" ~t1:1rantN•Q Th1· ~tall• Y. )[. ( .. \. 1·on' t'ntiun will Tiu• --eualt1 ii,.; now J•lau·n'l -.how~ i..I! "01lh' Ort"an 7.t'•l ~-t•liu;! uu1h•r th:> iur foothall H·am .... from --o.1i.• of tl•1, bt• lwltl in Bozeman 01•t11lwr 17. I.., an~l

~e,·eral chanj.!t'" )\"er till' olrl orl!:rniz.1-1

1t>a•1t'r"'hip )f tht' IH'\\h· l'll'l'tt• 1l leaderil, mor 1li·t:lnt '."l'hooJq that th .. •·oll\'l!e 19. :u11l a larg(' numhrr ot nwn inte:· ­tion whid1 Wt•rt• l'Xplain('ol in the a<:- ).!yron 1 ·arr. Hay .Tonl'"· an•l Floy.l l1ope" to play. 1•,tt••l in tlh· .. wtt• Y. )I. ( .. \. work wi! ~emhly mt•i•tiuq. t "hirf amon:? Lh"''t' '" l'ritteu<lt'n . . )fr:. l~:trr will ih' t•n;z:Hn· l 1 Th1•rt• I" a l:irl!t" frt•..,}~m!ln l"J:l..,,. thi:< ht• prt'.;t•nt :lit.I ;?i\'t' :i•lrlrt.•,.-.;('~. .\l·ti,-, thC' 11iifl'rl'llt'l' in 1h11 -;<'opl' aurl amount on tht' fol1thall 11i"l.1 CYl'r.'" 1,.'\"('11111~ ""0 • (':.r. hut only a f•art ut tht•m ha\·t, a-. work will ht• l'Oll\1111•111•t••l at thi~ tirn· oi }•tlWl'r ;.:-i' l'll t ll' llt'W orga11iza.tion. it i:-; up to hi .. a .... j~t lllh to grt the .'''t 1•11n·Jia-.t•(l a ti1•kt'f. Hun tq1 nu.• fvr .. t•t·1iri11!! iun1b fqr a h11ilrli11l! i 11 Th(' 11t•w •lr~ani71ltiou ha.; l'outrf'l O\'f'r ,nH•n 1111 a.1111 g-1•t till' .\·\·lliu..r auil rhC'<'r- of •he mPu who ran '-llJ'l•ly .''(lll 11r 1f Btizt•mau. Thi~ t'Oll\"t'lll on will ai1l


a 1 '<lll•l1•nl :1d 1 dtil'"· 1h1 finitt>ly iu.r .. _Y .. t1•mat ·'•"1 "o a .. to ht• n•a•1;· ioi I ht• •'O!llt'' :irnun.l •Ion '1 i•llt him oft' an I nuwh in tht• work on tht• lull :in•l hP!Jl forth in thl' tun ... tit·n o1n :t11•l •· al-.o the_ final J.!llllll' tlut _i .. 011 th1· _"t'hf'•lul~>. n.:ikt• him 11o four 1lollar .. wor.1h of work till' l'Ollt•J!t' \", ;.r. l' ~\. ill siartiu;j luh tht• m1•:1ri... nf ~1•,•i11~ that :t..., or•ll'I'"' l nll'•' ... ome pral'tll'l' 111 thi:. •York 111o :c p('r:-lnnd(' .'"OU that ;·ou "honJ,1 hn:·· our l'Uthu~ia-.;til·ally. aie rarr1i"1l 0111 hy l1•n 1~ t•outrol of thr ha•1. wh1•n tlH• llllH' i·nnH' 10 H"(' thP< a ti1·kt>t. Tiii' mt•n who arf' splJ n:.r thl'liT.

j!idng- of 11Hll· .. nnn tlh' 11 .. e tlf the col· _,-plJ-. tht• ho.'·" w I I uol tl11•1•l:-0 1.1\l'" 1111 J .• n·t' :i. th:111ku'"" tn"'k :iu•l it --houl1l J,,. JUNIOR GIRLS FORM lt'.?n dr hall a1• 1

1t11 (111111 .. a11°l :1 ~.1 llil;). to makr :1 1· t•1litaldt' ~howin~ tl11· ohlPl't of 1.,.,.n·uni• to makt• it ; 1 ~ A SE\VING CLUE.

bl'r-all"t' o' tht• ft hat t "' T.!tl 1i a =-'u 1.:\·ery -.tud~•ut J" uri:1••l to J,!d hito l ~ 1t 1 .. p11.,.., 1 ii,•_ Tht.• 1 ~,_ 0,·iatinn llt'l'•l"'

1'' 1'\ ,. ''Ollt' ~110111· J•Urt:'Jia .. t• t k1·r nt tht• 1·ar i1·--t o,. .. 1hlt• up1•111 ,, Ei;:ht _.i .. uf 1h1• JU 1101 Ja .... h,n·t•

'•1r1111•1l a \'h1u \\ 1111 h will 111 t'~ t\\ 11•e

.1 month a1 I h' honH ul Ollt' t•i bc>

'!IHI t II dtt•r IUOll wall \.1· 111..•


The Man Who Really Cares


\\a .. la•!

l111m1• ,,f

.. \\ ··-· Thi• 1h-.1 lflt'I 111:: I :--:11 Ln nft1•ru111111 or rl11•

'11 .. ..., .\llJH\ lio11•l'11ll. \I ll•r .t

t lll1' "l'l'UI wi•h 111· .. dl1• a1iol thn•a.l , 1' 1 l l(J• , . . the• 111:1n tor 'l ...,t1·1-.on. L..t 11.;. It ' 11 w1111

a 11 " 1· II Stl'l, •n .. .,ft or 1ff \\", I 111• _1aol I) ht>ll'

\ 011 111 "-•·'1 ('[ ,! 1111 ltiu('k :11111 ,i, Ill

r~1n~ ~w~~~rn IN IN~LI~rn/~l ~~NTE~TJ

Beaverhead, Big Horn, and Fergus

County Representatives \Vin in

Various Contests.

, i., .i •• n .. 10 .. - .... ..i ....... "., _ .... , .. ~·, .. 1 , .... 1 I a lllt1 .. 1<a 1 11rll)!"r:1111 rt•nil1•n·l. T:lt' ue\~

m1·d1UJ.! \\ill lw ht•! I :I\ th1 1 hom1• of \! .. ,. L•·ah ll:lrtman. Th,i..,• "ho li:n f'

for i"I til1• c· uh ,p·t': \l:tt' :'\ht' .. , J-"q•-


The H ome of the Stetson



Also Spalding Athletic Goods The standard of quality-for men and

Spalding Jacket Sweaters Grey and white-Correct in style-Best of quality,

Phillips' Book Store \"\la terman's Fountain Pens

flu l+I

t' 1' ~ huol JI

11h•·'s 1 l• lo,;tl to d•'li 1 tit• .. 1·1·1· t<.\ll'-'

.. , 1\t't' \ 11•1

''~ a \,1 • I 11 I ,.,t t' L, r I· 111 lr l\t• I\ l' Ji1 ad > ll ( \ \\ s

\\3 r 11 11 • H' tu I J'I l' lur :,:r,1\\ 11 ,•1>Ull 11"' ( \ \..,,1><t 14 .. r-.uu rJf 1:1!!" 1111? l

t·ountv wn .. dt•• I 111·11 \\ltll11 r 111 tlu·

I ll\'•lal f •r t t· lo1·~t 1·nr11 tud :\l1-. ... I 11·al

r11·" l\0!11· 1 .. ut J 1·r..,11 .. 1·11uut' \\;J-. w1 I•

.H·r ol tht pri 1• nfll·1t· I tu tlh• ,!1r\ 111.11;:. Ill..! I be bl' ... t 1·ur .. t·I 1·11\ 1·r. Thl' 1·n1


lt•,.r... w1•r1• uu.J,.r tbl' r}:r1•d1u11 (1! l'ro-

i.· .. sur 1-' ~. <'uol1•y of 1ht• 1·\:1'1·rl11w1.t

"llltio11 u11.! th,• l'riz1• .. "''rl' ,\,1natt·.J

iw .\Ir Il1l\\:tr•l Elli1Ht, iornll'r Jir1•·(­

h•11l> of 1ht• :\ortl11•r 1 J•a. f • ra 11oa·'

T 1' w 11 cr lt; 1·a1·h t'\1"'•1t w1•r1• i.:i''' 1 ..::"l•l me.ta 4 tLt• .. t 1<11•0.t ... \\ho "1·1.:urr·t

1 •'!I l\.1·u111nl. 111 1•l l uft"1•1" E111m·1 T21\ lur \1111a 11011,J .. on. 1.;:at1• \\'d-.'J

!",, 1'1Ll't' !'uni, n •l Lia· llan111:1u.



Thl' \\"•·t-1-;h ' \\ . (. II 't'I 11:... \\:t­

t•I Tlrnr ... la,- 1ll•·r11u1111 1t 1 11'1 ltH't. \I .. :- llarruun, 1r.·~ 1lt· it of th1· Y. \\­l' \., pn·-.i·li·d. J!i' iu:.r !ht' :,.:irl-. a -.liort

talk uu \\ h l ! \\' 1\1h loud fnr :wol

\\ba1 th1·.\ ltnp1•1l tn :11·1·111npl1-.h 1Ji1 ..

\'1 :t". \I j .. , I !:nm 11 :tl...,11 tulol t ht• Ill

g,r\.: of t111· 1·xi ... 1i-u1·1• of th1• Y. \\"' l' \, r1• ... 1 r11111n, aJ.o\t• th1• r(•,!i .... ;rar' nfli1·p iu 1h1• 111:1111 ln1i},Ji11!!'. \II 1•111\1·...;."'

l!irl ... nn•I la.\i1•..., of th1• fa ulty \\t•rt• i11 nt1 •l lo 111;1k1~ fr1•1• 1h1' 1d th! .. room :1•

all tim('!', l'nt1l f11rth1·r 1111t1n•, 1h" \\t•i.::ld\' lll1'1'llll;! .. "ill Iii• ht•l.J :l!

o\·Joc>k 11\ Thur..il:1,·:-.




Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 E a'- t M ain Street Phone 82

Montana State College of Agriculture

and Mechanic Arts -L'ra··Lic:1I ('l)ll(('S .lU ('iu.L .Ekt'tric:tl an•l )[l•t•hao1l'Bl Engine1•rioz. M1•1·hanil' . \rt" .• \i.r ri<"ulturc. Dairy. Uortirultnn'. ll<HnC' Economi1'"• Jn.Juslrial ('hl'mh<try. Ecr)fibudt' Biology, ~[u:-lc anil .\rt

Bt•.1111iful grountlR. <'Omo•odiou~ hui111in,!I". MlllJ•h~te WlO•l an•l iro111 .... twp ... t'Xt~u~i' l' lahoratoril•s . moilel kit1·he11 a.nil "t'W

0 J~ rouru-. • mu ... ie and art stu•lio.

J M. Hamilton, President



The finest Cut Flowers in the Market

are to be had at I


'• ·.-I

The Schlechten Studio

12 South Black


Mcintyre & Kremer, Proprietors

Maisch Cotton Down Comforts

\\"ool Fini .... h ( ~.on Blankl·t..;

L:lrge .\II \Yoo! BLlnke~~

Xashua l\ool X°1.p L-O,·erlets

D. D. Smith

"Keeping m Front" You fellows know what that means l \Ve've been very successful in this regard with Fatima Cigarettes. By the way, these cigarettes were first sold in the college towns-and you agreed with us that they were good,

Then we put out for the big race, to make Fa ti mas of nation·\\~de rep­utation, and today more are sold than any other cigarette in this country,

No purer, or more carefully chosen tobacco grows than that in F atimas. \Ve purposely put them in a plain inexpen:ive wrapper- in this way \\"e can afford quality tobacco, and twenty of the smokes for 15 cents.

Now your college crew is of utmost importance to you - so is a good cigarette, and it's your aim in life to keep F atimas m the lead-right up to their good quality--right up to where you first found them, and will al ' 1vs find them,

Success fellows! You started this cigarette on its successful career­and you pull a strong oar all over this country,





Page 3: THE WEEI(LY EXPONENT. - Montana State University · to the people of the state, espccial1y in ,duetion. " -itbin the next two or three ging the sophomores through the frog chor).



If we sell you a Suit and Overcoat, it must fit you and please you ID

every way, or you won't care to buy another suit of us. That is why we always sell so many repeat orders. Our clothes sat-

Holmes J:hti:hop, ln;:tructor in \'tw1< I



Rooms l and ~ Story Block Try The Enders

isfy and please our customers. I

111n::-i1· :1t tht~ t'Ollt·~e . and W:h Wt•ll CO ·

.io.yed hy a large cro\\ I. His rt•UdNing

of -.t'\·eral tlifrit-ul{ el1•ctious wa ... all

tbnt coulJ he 1h!sired antl the quality

and tone· of bi ... voict? wa ... excellent.

) l iss ~Tuue Hartman 1u.•comp~111ied him

ou the piano.

Thl• romplt>te progrnm i::;i 1h follow"': ThC' be~t Dollar Razor on earth.

Tt ·~ a~ good as the $5.00 kinU.

Phone 46 Blk Bozeman, ~fon t.

But, say, how about a mce Overcoat for the first football game? DR. W. E . MOXLEY

H. R. HARRIS, the tailor f

Tengagliu (16 .. ~LO .. ). Quaudo "ara

quel di; ::5aiut-Saeus, Le Jla'! d '.\ rmcs

<lll Uoi J.eau: Jkgcr. W.altlcin snmkeit;

~-.ranz. ) l arie; Hr~1hms, Yerrath. Shaxing Soap, Lather Bru~he~ . llEXTIST


IHh,-; t.•onnected with the new ('Xperi-

1· ~pe:\b, .Morning; \\";.ml·Stephen'l,

ThC' Hoses Cup: l~ichanh~on, Denni~:

( ·1ta1lwick, Larry 0 "Toole; Barton

When that l was aud a Little Tin,:

Boy, clown's song iu ·•Twelfth

Xight; ·' lbdlcy. Tht• Hose awaits the

Ilone:;.. ett:.

Try the Perfe~tion £'t>rforat".'<l

none-it~ hcttf'r.

Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 97 Blk


Of fice and Residence 201 S. Gra nd Ave.

She will enjoy a box of lllL'llt :-:tatiou which is to bl' e:-;tabli~hcil '

tht.'rt'. Dt-w-drop : Rummel. Ecstasv.

\Yhelph.·~·. ~pringtime of LO\'l', 011,

for n Breath o· the ) [oorlanli'I: Lt'h­

manu, ).fy,.:l•lf when Young, from • • J::i

a Pcr~lau Uanlen ·' ( Huhoiyat of Orn,u [

Sohl by

P hone:-;-Beu 4.9'1 red- H ome 2962

Bozeman, Montana

BRAZIER'S CANDY - ·!·-Profe!':-;or Clark. until Owenhouse Hardware Co







I._., a I f w w' . ' ot o ne 011\;n for

vou to !'eh-.ct a suit from. B1.,_•­

tau.s(' I·,-(' already sol.I a lar:,ie

uumbt-.r of Fall ~uits h no rt.'.1-

!'0n that I am :-hort of good ....

In fa<'t, I ·,·eo a:-1 many uow n-.

l':l.rl_,- in rbe st•ason. hl'1•au:-e T"\·e

receiYt-.rl a lot of ta•w one" re1·ent­

ly. lt 1lon ·r matt1•r to mr whethc-r

you want to pay $::!tl or up to

$!3. I 'JJ gi,·e you a great big

Yalue for the priee you pa;·.

Bill, the Nifty Tailor Bill's H at Store

Fall Styles

J. H. Harris & Co.

Lyric Theatre


Moving Pictures



Yon wdl find

rt' d ('Olllfo t '11


'Iad1' O\ ('r ·' Xat 11ral

Sh:i111• 0

' la"'b

1 11 hl:u-k a111l tan


$3.50 and $4 .00.

Fresh- at



PresiJent Hamilton was ~' visitor at

the :-.tatc fair Friday and 8aturJay. ~·:·-

)Ji.,s Oli,·e .Seliu. ex '16, dsited with

I rri,•n,is in town the early part of tht"


- ·:--I rott~ .. ~or Rlf'hter, th•an of cngineer­

in:i. has lwt•u ,·1·dti11g friends in )tis..;·

onla ~inc1· the 1•losc of the ~tate fair.

lfoniet: na\'i~. t-.x '1-t hlft TtH:>"ilnv

for ('hi('ag"n wlwre ht• :vill entl'r th~ law ..,1·bool of the enn·ersity of Chicago.

Profe:'sor )Iili('r of the departmen t

of animal in<lustr.'~ has moYe<l into th·-.

Gie:-iker re~idt•nn• at 7::!~ Eighth A.Ye-.


- ·:--

recently hea1l I of the ~lcpartmcnt of animal inJustry

at the cOllL•g-e, h:l~ purcha"iC'rl the 1bir··

former!:-' OWDL'ti h,1· B11hart Brother;;;, and will t.'Oll!fllt'l it undf'r the mo.st impro,·e(l method., ol ::-cientific dairy-ing.

- ·:·-Profrs~or and ) [ rs. flt•org(' Dutl<l:-· arc

the proud p~\reut-. of a ~011 1 born Oil

Tu(':Hlay, OctobL'r first. Profe~sor Dud-cly is a former iustructor of Englhd1

at the college a111l his many friends ex-

tenu thc..ir hearty c:o11gr:1tnlation8 lo

the parenr~.


Kba:'-,vam); Huhn,.\ .senc.'t from Ba(?· --------------...! dtu~; H omer. l "nl'le Homt•. from '·Ban-

d:uw. Ballads · · to Ru:-:; ... ia: }'oott•, Ju

Picarllie; \\'001lma11 1 (~i,·e ) f c th1c• Hca!



National Bank f'apital Stock ..................... $L30,000 Surplo~ and Profi ts ........... 250,000


Bozem..1111 )font.

).; nhle nounld ... on. 'I~ ,·isited the col•

The tlrill hall was the Sl'enc of 1 he I fir~t. Booster dant'e . hcltl ~atnrd,ly

e,·e1ung. and about sixt~· t·ouple:; WN~ I pre~eut wheu the college orche ... tr:l

~tnu·k up the fir ... t of tweutv·two 11um·

bers on the program One of the plea~· 1

111g ft>ature!l w;i~ the large number of .-::============== lege iluring thC' we('k on Jrn .. rnes~ con· 1 frc~hmen present, and e,·cry one seemc~l ,_

nN·tt-.d "1th 111.., \\Ork at the go,ernment to enjoy tht- e\C'n111g immen~ch·. The'l<" l .,--------------1 l'xperiment .!:itatton at ). l occ1son ~J r dances will be gh·cn by the· Boo"ttcrs I DO THE BEST HEATING AND

DonaJd,on ''di IC':t\(' short ly tor \\" .tsh- regu larly from now on, anil it i'5 hope.') PLUMBING JOBS IN

ington, n. ('. wht•re he ''d i "11e1ul th(' that the,,- all "d i be a:;; well attcndc l TOWN

grl'alt•r part of th.~ '"nu1 month>1. as the fir!:lt one. It you want the best see

!•- D. H . BUDD

Those \vho \'1Q.1ted the fn1r f1om HOME ECOM:ICS CLUB Bell phone 300 red Home 1685

..,t'hool were, 'lf11lge Cline, )Jar~a Ridt•ll, ELECTS OFFICERS.

Gwen :\fill~, Inez £,·erett, licorgia ('u!·

lum. \\'m. Plubr, George ('allowa_v an I

wife. Pug Connors, Bi ll H o1lg!:!-kiss, Pro·

fessors Parker, Jone~. Harkin~. Bahl·

G. E. Smith of the experiment SLl- win, ~now, Plew, Linfiel1l, aud Riehte r.

tiou ~taff left during the wC'ek fo r -....:·-

At a meeting of the H ome Ecomics

club held \\'edue~lfoy a fternoon the

following officers were elected fe.r the

coming year : Clara Plan<lc rs1 of the

l Bozeman Cab Company l Toronto, where he will e.tudy for n

master's <legrf'e.

- ·=--­

i-:enior cla~~. prc~irleut; )fae )f_,~ers of

.Tames .\ nnin, 'll stopp('tl off at th~ the junior <"la"s. ,-ice-president: anrl

<'OllC'ge whi le on his w n.y from the stat.c :\far~a Riclell of the sophomore class

fair to his home in ('c•lumbus the earh secretar:.··treai'iurer.

Syh·er "\\""hite1 a graduate of the pn•· part of t he week. ''.Jimm,,··· wa<;; well --- ---

paratory Uepartment of th<' college reg- pleased to fiu1l everything on th~ l':lm- FORMER COLLEGE STUDENTS.

Gordon Mandeville, P rop.

Cab Ser.-ice Day and Night College Parties a. Specia lty.

Bell Phone 230 H ome P hone 132

istereJ. iu the biology eourse the la tter part of ia~t week. pus looking ~v fresh and green . ) lr. MARRIED ~..COLUMBUS. An Irish ma n passeU n. shop where a

.\nnin i .. ena"ged in ut:iwspaper work ·

- ·:-- au1l he feel ,·er.'- thnnkful for t11,, no~il'e wa3 displayed saying that e,·e ry -

.Tohn C:an·in of Helena registered in ex- :.)\t•w~ hlls been receiq~tl in Bozema n thing was sold by the yard. Tbinkirog

the course in electrical engineering thi" pe:·it'nl'C he •cteh·ed a~ a member of oC the marriag(' of Edgar \\'. Allen . Pb, to play a joke on t he shopmnn. he en·

week. Garvin ii' a strong l'andidate for th·~ Expom-.nt !"taff. 'JO, :11111 Fril•1la Fri:-:;chke, formerly .'.: te red and asked fo r a yard of milk.

the football team. - •!•- member of the das-; of 1912 at the The sbopman, not in the least takc1;

_.!•- Charlrs Draper. ·1:!, wa-. a \"i..;itor :.it ~college. The wr.hling took place ye::'l· \back, tlippell h i!'! finger in a bowl of

ll:lroM Luther, 'J4 ha~ entered the the l'ollegC' durinµ- th~ \H('k. Draper tt'rJa,v aflernoon at 3:30 o'clock at milk a nd. dr~w a li ne yartl on the cou•J-

1.rnh.ersity o~ Iowa: wht•re l~l' ''~ill ... tllll;r '.":l-.; greatly .pk•as~•1l ~Yith tht• pr·o . ..;ped..;. the hom_c nf the hrill.e\; pa~C'nh, )fr. ter.

1lent1~try. C1eo. Bl11rn, ~x 13 1.s aJ..;o :il 1for the c·om11~g ;Nlt a111~ prom1 .. c>d lo!,.anr.l ~lr'-'. Thoma>1 Fri-.:d1kt~, 111 l'olum- Pat, not wishing to be caught iu ht'

I ... u1tl~·11t at thi ... in~tirur 1 on. he 1111 h;lll1l !or .. ome of the foothall hu'-'. The t'Nemou.,- was performed h · own trap. :isketl the price.

- •!...._ gamt~s in the near future. t'harJt•.., wa ... I th(' He,· . \\".tr. I-'. )[:ir~hall. ··~ixpenrt\ ·· ~aiil tht' :-hopman .

Prtlft':-"Or Flint, hl•a·l of the :111i111al nlwa.'·~ a hoo ... tt•r whih• in eolkg-1• aid )fr .. \Jlt•n wa!-< thl~ fir..,t hu ... illl'"'" ''.\ Ii rig-ht. ~or. Ro11 it up; I'll tak·•

Who are t he Money Makers?

You will say the big rich men

;:~~1~~~· homes are known to evcry-

Xot. so. :\[any large enterpri~es nre frnanccd hy the saving~ of clerk~. work people--the masses :vho <l~posit part of their income in snxrngs bank~.

Little savings reach large ag­gregates wouderfully fast. Little extnwngan.::e multiply into large losses. Start nu account in

Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank

Bozeman, Mont. \\".A. D.\ YIDSOX

1 Cashie r.

Thelen & Hanley UP-TO-DATE LIVERY


Home Phone 2541 Bell 57 Black

E. W. Thompson BARBER SHOP

Under National Bank of Galla t in Vallev.

College Student; a Specialty

~ ~

The Ideal Waterman

L ine of Fountain Pens.

W e ba,·e the self-fillers

from $1.2.3 up. the non-leak-

able kind $:?.50 up, and

other kind$; many styles;

all guaranteed, with 14-!.rt.

go lll pens

Leslie E. Gage Jewell!'l' a111l Graduate Optometrist

Pbon(' -117 Red 10·3·13E

iuti.u:-tr.'· 1lepartmt"nt ha ... rt·ntt'1l th<' he has c•o11t1m11.•d to lit• Oil(' !-iilll't' lea,· 1 manag-t•r of tht:' \\"Pt•kly Expom·ut at it. ··-\·outh · .. t\1mpauiou.

Bnrk 1• ho1111• on ~onth Thml :l\'t'lllH.'. ing-. ) rr .. lhapt•r i"' at J:l't''t-.ut t•1litor /.the eollt•J!t'. and wa"' abo JH't•..,iih•nt of ---------------·' ---------------

:111~1 will rtl"iclt~ thNt• with hi.s famil.'-. :irnl pro1 1ril•tor of tht• tarhon lount:·,the Buuffon l'luh. TfC' grailuatC'•l from J

- ·!·- ,Journal. the prt•pnratory dt•partml'll{ of thl' .:.,:.

)fr,-. Hu~h )fill1·r of Li,·iuf.!~lon wa"' _.!•- lt•ge in l!Hlt.L )Li ...... Fri-.c·hkl~ wa,. onl' High Values-1he J!nest of }.[r .... lferrit·k :1t J l amilto 1 'J'he .\ rgoe~, the hoo:-;ter f.>oeit•ty uf

1 of thl• mo~t popular girls in tht> d;i-.~

hall )fo111la~·. ) l rs. )filh•r attentfo·l the mechanic arts deparrment nwt F'ri· ,of Htl::!, and hath ha\·l' a numher 'lf

the Yoeal rC'rital giYeu hy Profe?'i!-iO .. d!tv and kctril off.i<:er~ for till' v('a r I friends still iu this l'i1y, who join 1a But Moderately Priced-Bi-.hnp in the eH•ning-. \\": Finle.'· wa-; t•ledt•il pn•sidt-.nt.' \::I wh;hing- ).I r. n111l )Ir". Allt•n a Ion'?

- •!•- ('olc \\:l"- <'ho ... en 'lt't' prl• ... itlent, ff I n111l happy \\eildt'tl lirt:i. I )Ji~:; H:izel Coffee of the junior 1·la,;~ ~Iurr,\.· \\fl" e1C'd('d -.('netaiy a111l 4\ at The Golden Rule Store-

wus a,,·arrh•1l the fir:::t premium for t he Selson was <;!;C'lette<l to senc as t1't't\:i·I The fr::Htiou INrnt•d o,·er an,l tap~H·il

best model of butter sho"·n at thl~ ... tat• urer. Joi.;cph Hurr_,. w.1:-1 e lcctl'(l ri'pre-1 the "hole numher on tht• ~houlil(>r-:"i,iy,

fair. The winniug rno1lel \\:ls a 1ep· ~enltn-e on the athletil' eomm1tt('t' anl ~he ''hi .. peri'~l. is 01 .'· nnHH'rntor 0 '1 Young lll<'n':; rn1on ~uJts $1 ~.) to

re:"entation of .\ grieultural hall <'. D,\,. 'Hh eledt•1l seargent at arm~ . I :-;tr,l lgh_t? -. , $:.i.OO.

(';('Orj!t' ~forgau, ']:? ~topped off .lt - •:•- JTanaN.1 frt:~hmen \\hO art' c.lncl1-

his home in Bozeman on h•~ \\3.Y finm \ mona thC' former <.,[Uilenh anJ tlatl''I ~or till• dt.•hatiug- tt•am \\Inch \\JI\ Younl! nu:•n ':; :\°('gligcC' Shirts $!.::!.)

Jr I I I · J l J I I - "" ' mret '\all' null Pr111l't•ton Ill ]llJ(i art' .tt to ~:?.flt),

unt t'." w •t're 1e is emp o~·t'• 1y t le alum 111 ,,hn :11tentled the "t:Ht' fair \\('re I ,,ork •lll th<•tr ~nbii•l't uow.-l:x.

~OYC'rnnn•nt 1 lo lh•lenn \\hC'l't• hC' ade1 ,f \"I 'l'a,·lor l'''"I <lor<loii "fJ 111.r''j '. 1 ''"' • • r- Intl• \li·k \\h·u 1 ~ ·111 111t·onrri11 Young men's Ftrnnt'I Hhirt:-, militar,1·

:i.,; one of the jndges at tht• ... tate fair I Hollg ... 1 .. i....~ . Louis Poul, l'harles Dt:lpt'l» it\.~ uu~le'1 ' - ' ' ' I:'"! - 1·ollar,.;, ~J.:!:i tn ~:~.011.

- •!·- S .ithaltc S~u ket, .John \\"bnrton. J:tmls ! ·l'11t·l1.• \\"illinm-.\u incougrnily.

_.:._ .\nr11n, Lama P1edal11l', r.l-.org(' <'ool, f"lulil. 1.., a ilnorl·e b"'·rr hnmmint? a Cnllt~~n· l"wC'nlC'fs $1.~.1 to i;;:....30.

)Ii:-:-- Hazel l l11pl..;in-., ~x •t.; ,,a., :l and ,,1_fr, J.oui" F'1~dt1, .John Fanrll. \\Cdtling man·h-:..;,itir~·


l J.!Ul'"'r of :\Ii'" (:we11du:.111 .\Iii'.; at l l t•l(•n :-\hit•IJ.... Frank ;..1 1.c; 11 ire. ).feaol I Hl•al 3.11· 111l're<'rizl•1l ~ox, :ti\ color".

I !Lundton hall during tl1e pa"t \\l'ek. ('amphell, Will ('Jiapman, ~l1•ryl l•'itt·n, \\'h" ilo hJu ... ht•,- t'l'<'t'JI up girl ... · fai'\' :!:ic .

.:'111 ...... lfopkiu-.. ,,iJI nut 1Pf11r11 l 1 "' hooJ I Torn ITilli-; and .\ld1•11 ('onnurs. Hl•i·au ... t' if th1c•\· ran tht'Y "·cnllil kii·k

tin-.. \l'ar hut \\di J'IOJ thlv ,,• ... 11111~ l1t•1 •:•- i''i' lO<I 11111,·ti <111,·t.· Ex·, . Fall C';lJ""· hig a:-sortmC'ut just rc·1 1

I .. rt 111•-.. nt'Xt '.di U. HOLM ES BISHOP GIVES -- ('t•h·t'fi; j.)c tn !?l.1.1.

- •!•- HIS FIRST RECITAL., •'I 'amt' in !:1 ... 1 night an1l ft•ll :t:J:tin.·t

Prof,,..,..,ors .\lk111so11 an•l L1nf1rld Jf __ 111 1-. piann.''

W. J. Fransham Thi:' home of th!:'

Bear Creek Coal Call t1s up.

\\'c ban:? eYerything in


Wood and Kindling Both Phones :!;)


for cleaning and . .



A re open E very Sunday until

l p. m.

l t ll' dl'pflrllllt'llt of <.1gri1·11lturt•, Wl'I"•' 11 Thi' fir ... t rnu ... i1· n•1·ital ,,f tht• n•.1r ''Hurt yonr~l·lf. ·· % "'-MB[JtSffiS-AER©• 11

Ila,· 'l• 1luri11g- tht• past \H•i•k On litbl· wa-; gin•11 )lout\:1,v 1'\.l'lling hy. l'. I '' :\n; I stru1:k tht~ suft fW1l:tl. ' 1 ~ -A '_WAY S.~ELIABL&-T - !.---------------"

Bozeman Opera House Friday Evening, October 10th Daniel L. Martin 's Elaborate Production

- of the-New Musical Drama, Adapted from Gene Stratton-Porter's Story

With a Big and Brilliant Acting Company of Artists Sale of seats


Prices, boxes, $1.50; orchestra, $1.50; orchestra circle, $1.00; balcony, first row, $1.00; balance, 75c; gallery, 50c.

L.·t 11

, ,10 .i·our 'h"" n•p:iiri""· opens Wednesday, October 8th, at the Gallatin. Drug Store. J

~~~~~~~__.-l "-~------·-------:llml----------------------1---------------------------------·----_.,-Nicholson's Shoe Store

Page 4: THE WEEI(LY EXPONENT. - Montana State University · to the people of the state, espccial1y in ,duetion. " -itbin the next two or three ging the sophomores through the frog chor).



\V. B. Vestal, J r., Agent Bell . 79 Red H ome l i1

Don't Worry -


Phone Your Wants to


Caters to Fine Trade.

If you are inclined to spend a few of your

leisure hours loafing, spend them with us .

The Tuxedo Billiard Hall

We Want Your Orders for Printing

fJI We have built our business on the basis of doing good work-doing it right, and doing it promptly, and we want to increase our business among those who appreciate such service.

fJI Give your orders to Victor Cotner at

The Superior Press

the College

107 \\"e!"t 1£:11n

FINE SHOWING AT STATE FAIR j :llontana, .Bozeman .. ' This exhibition -- did mn1•h to call the a tten ti on of th<:>

(Continued from Page One) people of t he state to the action of th~ bo:-.rd of l"dueation in transfer ring an

by the student:.. of the college was itn attracrh·e part of this exhibit . T blO' booth which hou!'ed this department was one of the educational boot hs. T he booth was painted white. and in large black letters O\·er the f ron t was printPtl 1 1 College of Engineering, 'Cniversity of

The Chronicle


The Weekly Exponent

engineering to the college. The new grain laboratory oceupied a

boot h .in the tent a nd nttracte<l ma nv 'j~itors. The seed cleanser nnd germi· nator were in work ing order, ttn1l to make clear the reasi>n for te~ting grain a number of ~amples sent by the col­lege to the Rt. Lou is exposition we rt' put in to the germina tor w it h goo1l seed. The expo~it i on S..'lmples a ppeared to h t! fine seed . bu t refused to germinat". Profe5sor Whitlock was in charge of this p:irt of the exhibit, and be wa '\ pleased with the popular intere~t in it.


Tht~ g:tm(' with the high "t·hool Tn('c::·

<fa,· nftt•rnonn proYed to hi.' :1 n:-ry on"· .,hil'cl at'fair. a~ was ('XpC'l.'tCd. the 1.'0l·

·l~gt~ lntcks brt-aking through the Oj-1-ponenb lino :n will. \ \'ith the ('Xl"c:1·

tion of the first fe" · minutes of 11\a/ 1ht• college line held like a wall.

~drnteuhnr,I! ho ~how111g- markec1 nhil ­itY in ue~oti:ning the dntie;:; of gnnriL ··°sehat'' is nlmo:;t a greenhorn at tl.f'

game but under the directi1)n of co~h·l1 Bunker he promi.se~ to go a Ion£? wa:--·'i in fi1ling up a bole in the line.

'Ym. Pink ha" been C'ompeJJeJ tv

Attractive Prices in China and Glassware A merican 100-piece Set s, plnin ......... ...... ................ - ..... ... ... $9.50 -~ meriea n lOO·piet'e Set s, decorated... ............................. 16.50 English !OO·pi~ce ..:ets, <lceorated.... . ............. . l .50 Aus tri3n lOU·piece Sets. dee.o ra t ed .. ..................... .. ........ 27.50 Haviland 100-piet'e Rct~. decora.red ...................... ······-··· 37.50 Tumblers. thi n blow·n . dozen ........................ . ...... $0.65 'Tumblers, eut glass. <lozen.. . .. ........... .................. ..... ~-25 Sherbets, plnin , dozen.... . .................... .......... l.~5 Sherbet s, et ched , dozcu.... . ..... ..................... ..... 3.~.>

Thos. H. Rea & Co. Both Photh'S :?4


FALL CLOTHING We are displaying all the very latest models and

patterns at prices that will suit you . Suits and Overcoats $18.00 to $25.00


Walk-Over Shoes-Stetson Hats Whi le the ~ame wag W'ry cine-siJi'.'J .

the colle~t' l':lsil~· o\·erwhelming th~ much lighter team . ue\·erthe!esi;. it sen­ed to brin~ om ma ny of th(' weak points and Coach Bunkn ha;-; be<'u coachi ng the team the rtts t of the wee:: wi th the jdea oi remedying- theo:e Je·

fee rs.

quit football leaving Truitt to bC'ar thd brunt of the work :\l ct•ntl'r. •·Tnbbs'• l - ------------------------------

has many tricks up hi:!! slee"i'.' and is a i.:

hard man to soh·e at renter.

With eiµht of t he be:-t barkfield mf' n thnt e,·er reported on th(' college squnil

Connors is out ngain for pradit'e nu.1 out for po·dtion~ in the bark field and negotiS:teil no t a fe w long gain~ in with the running !>O elose it is no ea::n­Tue~da~· ·s ga me. AJtbough h<' bns not m:itter to l'hoo~e the men who are to entirel~· re{'O\·crell from the injury t'> :-;upport thC' hlue and gold baek of th"'

bis ~.i1lei Pug is worth t wo dead m':'n I line. Yet.

- - Howe,·er extra men who t'ao i:arry the The rooter~ were a li:o gl:ul to set• I b:i.11 ('reatC';:; keen competition for ro~i·


':.\ ra. 111lox on the gridiron onec more. Bill I rions on .the te.n.m anll io..;nres the :e~m has bef'n to the fair the past week and from berng lanl up on :lt'('onnt of lll·

hn ..; missed a lot of good practke but juries. :-ti11 be promises to giYe some of tht> new hunskiC's a run for their monf'y The entire squad are in the pink n! for the po.,.ition at half. condition at tbC' pre:-:ent time . none of

its members heing laid up with seriol1;:; .:\notht•r footba ll warrior to return injurie'. Ouly one or two (•ases 11!

for practkC' on the gridiron after hein«z ''Chn.rJe.;·hor:-e'· hn\·c pre,;ented them· bid up with au injury i:- Tiubert Ri('e. seln•.; thb ~eason, :Hlll with the effl-


Makers of Photographs of Quality.

We Guarantee Satisfaction.


in Flour and Rolled Oats-Try them Today The Bozeman Milling Company l

Rice i!i not pla;\·ing in an~· partii:ular t'ient ser,·iee.:: of thC' fre .. Jimen rubber<= l po:-;ition but ~eC'mS to be :1. geIJe .. :11 it is ]1opeJ. th:lt the .. quail t•an he kept l GREETINGS TO FACULTY AND STUDENTS

utility man. rendering efficient ser· free front thi, affliction the re>t of • ---------------------------dee:; in any po1'.itiou. thi:-: yenr. WITH BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL


tion in min1l: 1 '\\'hat UoC'!- fhC' t•ollegt' nical hook~ for the adYaneement of hi" GALLATIN LUMBER CO. woman esp('f't of the eollC'gC' man?' ' profe~~ion.-1-Iarrington . Phone 20 Opposite Court House Do('~ she exp('d him h) be · 'spen<ler ' ' I --or · • i;.an•r. ·' '· sw('ll '· or 11 nnt i·swell. · · A moun1:1in --ke1eton of au animal he-µ-entleman or 1 ·tough,'' selfi~h or eon- lieved to be about lJlo0.1100 :•cars old siderate. ''steady'' or friend, boy oi ha~ juc:t been place(l in the mu:<eum of man 1 What attitude does ::.he e:xpee: Gu)·ot hall at Prinreton un i Yer~it~-- The him to take t oward college authority. bones were eolleeted more than ten student mornJit.\·, the Christia n asso- years ag-o by C. A. Peterson, now of ciation , literary ac t h·ity, social li ft.. the Ca rnegie museum, a nd the la t e J. or spor t sman li ke conduct in ntblc ticst-1 P. H atcher in the Yolcanie tleposits of Ex. Patngouia and Sou t hern Argen t ina.

14 W'"i.:::e m<'n he5it:lte--on1~· fools are Meaning of a Kiss The Ba .:-.f'runner- To me .it is steal· eertain.' · he oh'-'en·e(l in t he course of

inj! fir:-t, then second , t hen thlnl---n ntl a eonn~rsa ti on with his tcnl1er spouse. then being coached (by fathe r) to sten' , , T don' t know about that.' ' she~aid.

" \ Yell. I nm certa in of i t !·· he ex· home.

Batter-It 's a neat bunt into a gar· den of tulips.

Fieldel'-Tt clepeuds upon a pretl:­fair catch.

elaimeil. An1l for a long: lime he was puz.zlNl to under5t:lncl why !"be burst out laughing at him.

We are going Hunting.

May Serve Chicken Monday.

Come Up and See.

"RED" and "SHORlY"

" What Does the College Woman E X· Shortstop-Tf it takes n barl boun1!. CRUBLLE- CRUBLLE! THE GLOBE

~.\nd ettn do thf' .Joh Printing for the \·nriou~ College 5-0cif'tie~ a111l at h 1 <'ti e organizations ~ith promphlt''"" an<l at a reasouablt• price.

Bring- that next job to this 'Of­f;te--rou ·11 t'Ome ngtdn.

Chronicle Publishing Co.



The fro-.ry mornings an<l e\'enings of

Ol•-tober demau<l something wa rmer than

a t hletie undenn:·:tr, if you woul.l 3Yoid


'When :·on pnreha.;e your hea\·y rn­d('rwear. in~ist on l1nY.ing a perfrd fit

t o in!"url! c:en·icC' and ('omfort.

Our !'tt}('i:ntl'n will giYe you thf' C'llT·

rect !': t' if you k.tYe it to them.

If you nrc ·o .. 1 m or ton "<tout to

l 1t:' ilttl'd wub ~tock ..;.izt''· \h' will hn\t•

ma•le to ~·our mc:.t'-'Ull• the "Pt'dal "i.i ... t'

~·ou r.t>ed.

The Willson Co.

pect of the College Man? ' 1

'' IIonC'!,t. lit lie girlie. 1 rim ~trong for you,

And when ~·ou go away, I'm goin ~


Oh. yes, R<.>ginahl, we kn1)w that you think the world of her anJ all thnt "Ort of ruhhi!'h, bur really, ho.'·· really. ''rrre you sin<'ere1' ' For iuo:tan<'e. Yon !"lip us the wor1l that you ' 1 queen·' .her out to all the gnme" and take her to t:hurl'il }__:\"8RY ~unilny night. but ~a\',

houC'...,tl:· now, if it weren't fort.be :-:;tu· 1lC'nt~. Pa"" 3Tli] that ,, rorllia l ''i"('l·

C'Oltll' ·' ~ign over th<' t•lrnreh tloor woultln 't ~-ou b(' r11nni11g with thC' '' Gotta-Girl-Rn<'k-1Tome-:ti-; · ·?

'Xother thing ; we know that \'OU ::1.nd '',jimm~· 11ipe'' are Wt'li nigh i~?iepara hle of 1•our~e. hut on that little aft('!·· noon stroll , are :"Oil gent lemau enon)!h to l~:we '· jimm.-r'' at 11om(> or <lo Yon mumhle tht' inc\·itahll' ":\fa~·-I­Xmoke! ' ' as yon pull out th(' t·ur



can, leaving thC' la1ly in the po..;ition vd1C're ~he muo:;t eitht.~r 3<'eept ~·our tC'rm ... or flatly tlrn_,. you thl' privilt'~r?

.\ gain: when You !-'l't' her hP1Hlln ~

o,·er n book in th0

t' Jihrar.'" !lo ~·ou rn~h up ;1nrl he};!in to bun: around like th~ ilrone h(le- t11at you nre, or 11'1 you fir.: t fi111l out wh(•tlh1r or not :-.hl' has :-t·ru-111t·~ a~aill'•t talking in tht' lihran-, or agaiu .. t w:1 .. tinl.! ~tudy tim<' in idle. l' 0 ,1.


Or: !'a\· thar :'-·ou ta.ke hf'r to tn, .. opNa. You 11 nll~· 1·a11 't nffort! it n11.1 ~-011 think .. b.• .1 "'"ll 'l 1':XJH'1·t it of YO 1

hut at thl' i•n1l of lla~ fir ... [ :1<·t Yon °fi .. !t out a hox of Lon IH'·'· ·..., au,] wu.h pro•E· t.r:tl W:l..,lC' fPl"'•l l1t'r am1 111~r nril.!hhor··· nri;ihhor until iiu•iil~'ntalh· \·on hn·· fr,l l'\'1'n· nnr iu vonr row ~f :<'nt:-o, a, 1 ,~ th<'n you w1in•ll•r J•t'rha11s if i1 wouMn ._ ha\'(\ l•een wi ... ..:·r to hn,·f' hro11"!ht ta1 f,· ill!'H·:i. 01, :rn•l to Jin,·~· f1••l it to "t·m ou~ oi n bnrrd.

'Yhi<'h bring .. it-- '1own to the C]ll(·"

it may g-et you squarel~· on lhe nose. Pit<'her-It is t he one thing I eou11l

nevC'r strike out. l'atcher-lt is a grauchtand play-. rmpire-J t is a game that i~ U(',·e r

t.•alled on ae1•ount of darkne!'s.-)Jag-a zine of Fun.

'fhf' t·haracter of th1• tN•huii.·nl man·,.. lnngnag-e is important in his :-:o<•inl an 1 husinC'"<i in1ercour·w; in hi:-; busine..:..~

au1l pr11f(';:;~i01in.1 ('Orre-spon1lt1 111.:e : in th(. promulgation of or1h'r", rnlC'.; :-tn1l regn· lation!-i for the guhhnre of thos1' untl t•r hi:-: dirP11 tion; in the }lrep:-trn t ion nf spet.•ificnt.ion~. rontr:u·ts and retort!i; 111

writin~ and clelh·c ri ng nddrf'sses au.1 techni1·nl papC'r~; an1l in writing tel' n·

ll l' 1:.hook her bruti...,h l ~· by the n(l('k . jammeJ her ag-a i n~t a cha ir. then flun~ her ili~<lainfnll.\· on t he floor. \Tha t ferocity on b is features as he ~lanced

piti lesi;.ly at her fragile form· ' 1 C1urst.> you , my heuty," he bissC'd. "You '11 ~ign thnt paper y<'t. Yet · I say-" ~he made no reply but h;\· mute and still. ITe muttNC'd an oath , ~pRt on his hand.:;, and l ay hold of her again. ~he bt.~camr

warm to h ii; toueh. .\b, the t.'nrYe of her neck. Woultl his better nature ns· c:('rt it..,c>lf~ .\ h. r~1ler . "·e hate to tl'll it. Tnking n pin from his coat. h e rammed it merrile~sly down her feeder. " A b, she '11 si£?:n now, .. he thong-h t with fiendi~h gh•e. Tic> ·was rig-ht-th e fountain p<'n 1lrippNl ink :-igain .

I. nl!UlE" Bl'<Jll)P Ph·a:--1· .. hn~t· l'row1l with -.inging

)londa:• e\"ening

Wm. Lloyd, Jr., Manager and Proprietor

If you take a DIME And the TIME To SEE as HOW At THE GLOBE You will FIND the DIME And the TIME well spent.


You r fi rSt. llut y in lif l~ is t own rd :·our :·ou turn on~r i o hi m n brnin dis. t orted..

afit•r.se lf . So li n~ tha t your af t er:-i:-lf- a min'1 tliseasca~ A will untrnine-d t()­

t hc mnn yon oug ht to be-nwy in hi:; at'tiou ~ .\. .!'pinnl eord grown t hrough time be i1o;;:!l.ible a nd adunl.

Far nwny in year:-> he j .. waiting hi" :1nt1 1hroug:h wit h lleYil ~rn!'s of that

rnrn. Hi'"' boJy . hi ... hrain, bl~ =-oul. \"i1l' hnrYt.•st we i.~nll wi111 on.t:-.1

:.t r(' in your hoyish lurn11!'. If(' <'l\nuot \\.ill you lN him l'Olllt.' . takin!? yt"•nr help hlt11$l'lf . pl:tl't'. g-:tiniug throui::h your C'Xp~ri('tl\'C'.

\\'hat will yon lean• for him! hallow('1l t hrough :·our joy!'.>: buihlinc. "\\.ill it hl' a l1rarn un~poile1l by ln=-t on tht.~m his owu1

or 1li:-.. ip:uion. a mind t rai ul'tl to tlliuk (,.lr will yon fling hope awny . 1leerC'£> and nt·t. n Tll'rvous :-y~teru true ns n llie in~ wanton lik<' thnt t he nH\u you might 111 11-.. tt''"'J1on:-(' to the truth nl1out ym1? h:n1' 1 <>11 .. 11~111 lll'\·('r be~ \\'ill you. hoy. 11)t him eomC' ns a. man Thi-. i--. ;·nur prohfr•m in life; thf' nmo11g 111en in l1is tinu.•f Or will you prohlt'm of mo r(' importnnee to you throw awny hi.,. iub('ritanC'l~ bt'.'fort.• ht' than nuy or nll othC'r:' . H ow will yon hn:- hail the cb ttnce t o toul.' h it~ \\"ill m('ct it, a" a man or n"' a fool~
