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The Weekly Iberian (New Iberia, La.) 1920-08-28 [p ]...Now Iberia, I.a., August 23, 1920. The Board...

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J P H 1 jiMf The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whkh has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of - _______^ and has been made under bis per- xtjK sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Chüdren—Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Comfort—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought : crNTAim company , m r w vowk c » yv . OFFICIAL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL Now Iberia, I.a., August 23, 1920. The Board of Trustees of the City of Now Iberia convened this day in regular session with Mayor H. S. •Scaly presiding, Messrs. Girard and Villermin, present. The minutes of the previous meet- injs were read and the minutes show- ing the presentation of the resigna- | tion of Mr. L. F. Villermin as Trus- tee of Public Property and the ac- cent per annum from date until paid and being to close account against the City $138.50 chargeable to the City Bridge and $178.10 to Sewer Maintainanee Account. The following Franchise Ordinance No. 234 was ordered published 30 days by Mr. Scaly. A Franchise given to the New Iberia & Northern Railroad Company the right to inter- sect Main Street al a point between the property of the Iberia Cypress Co.,Ltd., and the property of the ( has. Bolt Paper Mill Co., for a period of twenty five years. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the ;City of New Iberia, comformably to JUNIOR RED CROSS WORKING AT HOME Production of Sound American Citizenship the First Aim, Says Dr. Farrand. lermin as were incorporated in the I ,roas an,( intersect Main Street with minutes of the meeting of July 26th,|a Raj|road MURRAY & LABIT m SURARGC ÄGGRGY Office— Western Union Bldg. File, Tornado, Workmen's Compensation, Health, Surety Bonds, Plate Glass. Full Protection. Strong Comnanies. PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF LOSSES. “INSURANCE THAT INSURES." YOU CAN LIVE Without the Iberian BUT WHY SHOULDYOU? IIIM N N H M N N IM M N M i INSURANCE Marine, Tornado, Casualty, Liability,V » dass, Bonds and Steam B o i l e r . / ^ SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc., ROOfl No. a, HASONIC TBflPLK NPW IBERIA. LA. JOS. COUKRBQE B. M. BOUTTB BOUTTE & COURREGE . Well Selected Stocks of L T J X Æ S E R AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERI AL Brick, Lime, Cement, Sand, Oravel. All kinds of ROOFING MATERIALS. Oet Our Price© B efore Y ou Buy. PHONE NO. A3. OFFICE and YARDS: Chestnut and Washington Streets. and August 2nd. At this meeting tc day Trustee of Finance Girard states that a motion accepting Mr. Viller- min’s resignation as read in the min- utes of July 2fith was not made by him, that he never offered a motion to accept the said resignation and re- quests then and there the correction, f and the erasing of that said por- tion of these minutes before signing. On motion of Mr. Girard, seconded by Mr, Villermin, the minutes as cor- rected were ordered signed. Mr. E. Vuillemot. as attorney for Mr. John Angers appeared before the Board to ascertain whether or not the election called for Sept. 2nd to elect a Commissioner of Trustee of Public Property shall be held, and to ascertain «whether or not if the re- signation of Trustee Villermin had been accepted, and to ascertain the authority if the resignation of L. F. Villermin had been accepted has the said L. F. Villermin been acting as a Commissioner of Public Property. The following opinion by City At- torney L. O. Hacker was ordered spread on the minutes by Mr. Viller- min : To the Honorable the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the City of New Iberia, La. Gentlemen:— In reply to yours of the 17th in- stant soliciting an opinion on the legality of the proceedings had by your Board, concerning the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. L. F. Villermin, as Commissioner of Public Property, I beg leave to sub- mit to you the following opinion. The provisions of your Charter which is Act 187 of 1910, Article (48") provides that if a vacancy should occur in the office of any such Trustee, save by recall, , the Board shall appoint an eligible person to fill such vacancy pending an election to fill such vacancy for the unexpir- ed term. Said election shall be held in not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty days from the date of snid vacancy. A vacancy shall exist when an elected officer failed to qualify for thirty days after notice of his elec- tion dies, resigns, removes from the City, absents himself continuously therefrom for two months, is con- victed of a felony, judiciously de- clared a lunatic or fails to furnish bond as herein provided. Article 48 provides the manner of filling that vacancy, that is by ap- pointment of an eligible person to fill the office until an election might be held, and that said election cannot be held before the lapse of thirty days, and not later than sixty days from the date of said vacancy, in the present case the election is order- ed for Sept. 2nd, 1920, which would be less than the thirty clear days, and is therefore a nullity. Article 10 of your Charter, which controls all elections of members of this Board, prescribes the manner of holding said election and says: "The Board of Trustees shall Issue a call for election of said members, ami publish said call in the Official Jour- nal of the City fixing the date on which persons desiring to become candidates shall file their applications (which date herein shall not be less than thirty days prior nor more than forty days to the election) and the location of the polling places. I find that none of the provisions of this article have been complied with in your resolutions, and an election held under said call would be illegal, null and void. The delays prescribed In this Arti- cle and those in the previously quot- ed are positive and sacramental, it can be neither more nor less, it is not left to the discretion of the gov- erning authorities. Respectfully submitted, L. O. Hacker, City Attorney. On motion of Mr. Villermin, sec- onded by Mr. Girard, and adopted unanimously: Be it resolved, that Mayor H. S. Sealy be authorized to compel the connection of all premises to the Sewer System of the City in confor- mity with requirements of the Louis- iana State Board of Health, and to take the following streets first due to pavement and improvements, Main Street, Duperier Ave., Iberia Street, Center Street Railroad Ave., and St Peter St. Resolution No. 233. The following resolution was offer- ed by Mr. Girard, seconded by Mr. Villermin, and adopte«! unanimously: Be it resolved by the Board of Trustee« of the City of New Iberia, that a note be signed by Mayor Sea- ly to the New Iberia Foundry and Machine Shop in the amount of $316. 65 for a period of four months bear- ing interest at the rate of eight per spur or track at a point between th«* property of the Iberia Cypress Co., Ltd., and the property of the Chns. Bolt Paper Milling Co., with spur track as designated, more especially to serve an industry or in- dustries that might be located on con- tiguous property or properties. Section 2. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance take effect from the date of its passage, thirty days publication hereof having been given conformably to Section 10 of the Charter of the City of New Iberia, Thus, done passed and signed, with the seal of the City of New Iberia af- fixed thereto on this day of Sept. 1920. Signed H. S. S«“aly, Mayor. On motion of Mr. Sealy, seconded by Mr. Girard, and adopted unani- mously, the sum of $5.00 was order- I refunded to Mr. Joe Gibson for Sewer connection from Main to Curb as the said connection was installed at his own expense. On motion of Mr. Sealy, seconded by Mr. Villermin, and adopted unani- mously, the six inch Water Main was ordered extended on East Main street from th«> present terminus to a point about 900 feet east thereof, placing a fire Hydrant at the end, and a six inch T. at the Chas. Bolt Paper Mill Co. site. On motion of Mr. Villermin, sec- onded by Mr. Sealy, and adopted un- animously, the Trustee of Finance was authorized to pay for Lead Wat- er Connections made for property holders on Iberin and Cent«*r Street, and credit the accounts when paid to the Finance Department, hark to the funds from which the funds were taken. On motion of Mr. Villermin, sec- onded by Mr. Girard, the meeting ad- journed. L. F. Villermin, H. S. Sealy, Clerk. Mayor. PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN 7TÔ o v ? ? ? O fe ’. p .R 0/ a ? '! atzzo 1 Ï DRINK THE FAMOUS 4-X Ï EXTRA FINE OLD STOCK /OO PER CENT PURE ____ S BEVERAGE ■ NewOrleans BrewingCompany New Iberia Ice Et Bottling Works DISTRIBUTORS. This Poor Burdock Is alt Worked Up, for there’s a Stronger In town and he doesn’t Know her Nome, nor Where she’s From, nor Why she Came, nor How Long she’s Going to Stay, and the Suspense Is Killing Him. The Only Explanation for the Volunteer Detec* tlve Is that he Must have been dropped on his Bean when a Babe. TRESPASS NOTICE. Trespassing and banting on the property of the undersigned in the 5tb and fllh wards of Iberia Parieh strictly nrohibited, and will'be prosecuted to full extent of the law. Mrs. Gab Landry. 9 25 On the badge of every member of the Junior Red Cross are the words “I Serve.’’ That tells the story of the school children’s branch of the Ameri- can Red Cross and Its efforts to bring hupplness to children throughout the world Realizing that the time never was so propitious as right now for tea«:h- Ing the highest Ideals of citizenship, the entire present program of the Jun lor Red Cross has been framed under the very Inclusive phrase, "Training for Citizenship Through Service’’ for others. Since the Junior Red Cross Is the agency through which the Amerl can Red Cross reaches the schoolboys and the schoolgirls, all Its activities are designed to come within the regu lar school program, and without creat- ing new courses or Increasing the num- ber of studies to lend Its aid In vttaliz Ing the work of the schools. "The thing that is needed," says Dr. Livingston Farrand, Chairman °f American Red Cross Central Commit- tee, “Is not a perpetuation of the Jun lor Red Cross, but the training and breeding of sound American citizenship Inspired by the true, fundamental Ideals of sound democracy. One of the great conceptions In making the Red Cross a contributor to better citizen ship In our American democracy is the realization that after all the sole hope of any nation Is with the children of the country.” The plan of organization of the Jon lor Red Cross makes the school—pub lie, parochial and private—the unit, not the Individual pupils. Mutual serv- ice, helpful community work such as clean-up campaigns, care of the sick, promotion of health regulations, par tlclpatlon In civic and patriotic move ment»—all these creative agencies de slgaed to translate Into life and action the regular school program are parts of the machinery which the Junior Red Cross places at the disposal of the school authorities. Graded study courses giving prac- tical methods of civic training, supple- mented by pamphlets and helpful sug gestions, are supplied to the local schools by the Junior Red Cross. An elaborate plan for promoting i - Inter change of correspondence between chll dren tn different sections of the United States as well as with «Children In for- eign lands Is being devised and will take a prominent place In the estab- lished classroom program. In promoting the general cause of child welfare, Red Cross courses In home hygiene and care of the sick, first aid, and dieting may be estab- lished in all Juulor Red Cross Aux- iliaries. The Ideals and the objective of the Junior Red Cross are embodied in the pledge of service which the pupil takes when he signs the membership roll and pins on bis coat the Junior’s badge The pledge which binds together serv ice and dtlxenshlp reads : “We will seek in all ways te Rye np to the Ideals of the Junior Red Cross and devote ourselves to Its service. "We will strive never to bring dis- credit to this, our country, by any un worthy act "We will revere and obey our cwun try’s laws and do our best to Inspire a tike reverence and obedience in those «beat us. “We will endeavor In all these ways, as good citizens, to transmit America greater, better and more beautiful than she was transmitted to us." At the foundation of this school pro- gram of the Junior Red Cross la a great love for America’s children RED CROSS ACTIVE IN DISASTER RELIEF we Bin -for business on a basis of fair treatment, honest work by competent workmen, best material, paper stock and ink the depreciated American dollar can buy. We want to keep up our reputa- tion for honesty and do business on a basis of mutual confidence. We sell our Work at as small a margain as possible. We make a fair profit, but are not profiteering. Iberian I’rint Shop. Phone 241. 232 West Main St. SUM . ntn m The following bid for Ve trifleO Brick Monolithic Construction 4 Base was offered by Ritchie Bros. Bridge Street from Main Street to City Bridge. Kind of Pavement—Brick Pavement 4” Base Monolithic Construction. .To- tal Cost $4,476.20. Cost per foot to Property owner $10.30. CASTORIA For Infants an 1 Children In Use For Over 3 0 Years Always hears the Signature Printing Safeguards Your Money RUB-MY-T1SM Antiseptic Relieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. SarST Protect your cash not only with bolts and bars and banks but with businesslike printed forms and records for every transaction you undertake. We can show you a paper — *&* Hvt Paper—that betrays erasure and prevents fraudulent al- teration of your «hecks, notes, drafts ami receipts. For letterheads and general printed forms we use and recommend a standard paper that we know will give you satisfaction. Read happy. the New Orleans It W. A. Nicholson, I mi and be hone 241, IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SUPPING? Interesting Experience of a Texas Lady Who Declares That if More Women Knew About Cardui They Would Be Spared Much Sickness and Worry. Navasota, Texas.—Mrs. W. M. 1’cden, of this place, relates the following interest- ing account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feci that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what I did some time ago when I found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at all. "I was just no account for work. I would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before* I felt like I could lift it to the shelf. In this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost im- possible to accomplish. "I was . . • nervous and easily upset. I couldn’t rest well at night and was . . , just lifeless. "I heard of Cardui and after reading I decided 1 had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it. . . "In a very short while after I began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an im- provement and it wasn’t long until 1 was all right—good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did my house work. "Later 1 took a bottle of Cardui as l tonic, lean recommend Cardui and glad- ly do so, for if more women knew, H would save a great deal of worry and sickness." The enthusiastic praise ot thousands o! other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it il worth trying. All druggists sell it Is ™ TAKEN UP. Red Calf with white »pot» on left side. About 6 mo old. Taken ap on July 2nd. The’owner can hav» same by prov ing ownership and paying expense» and costa. Otberwiae calf will be «old on August 28th at my property in the 2nd ward of Iberia Parish. Gustave Broussard. 8-28 666 cures Headaches, Billiousnesa, Loss of Appetite, or that tired aching feeling, due to Malaria or Colds. Fine Tonic. TRESPASSING OR HUNTING PROHIBITED. AH persons found tres- passing or hunting on our lands in the Fourth ward of this, Iberia, par- ish, will be prosecuted to the full ex- tent of the law. KLING A WALET. NOTICE The public is hereby warned that no bunting or trespassing will oe allowed on my farm la the Second Ward of Iberia Parish, bounded by ßaynn Teche, Public Road, Pburr and Gajan MRS. R. F. BROUSSARD NOTICE Tha public is hereby warned that no hunting or trespassing will be allowed on my Stock Farm in Iberia Parish, near Murphy, La. E. t . BROUSSARD HUNTING AND TRESSPASSING OR CATTLE Strictly prohibited on Morbihan Plantation. Signed: J. ROBISCHAUX. Mgr. No. Six-Sixty-Six TU* Is a prescription prepared especially be MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. rill break any case, and bt Fever will M l I Ever betteAghaa Irbear sickea. 31a Five or six doses will K taken the It When disaster hits a community— fire, flood, earthquake, exploslen, bad wreck or tornado—the American Red Gross can be depended upon to follow right at Ita heels with help for the stricken people. Red Cross relief ts almost Immediately forthcoming—food, clothing, shelter and fonds; doctors, nurses and special workers with long experience In handling similar troubla elsewhere. Daring the last ytar, ending Jnas 80, there was an average of four disasters I month tn the United States. One hundred and fifty communities in twenty-seven states suffered. The largest and most destructive of thus# were the tidal wave at Corpus Christi, Texas, and tornadoes In Mississippi, Louislnna. Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. In these events ef horror 800 per- sons were killed, 1,500 wert Injured, 18,000 were made homeless, about 30,- 000 families needed help, the property los» was nearly $100,000,000 and al- most $1,000,000 In relief funds, not In- cluding emergency supplies was ex- pended. To the sufferers from all disasters during the year, the American Red Cross sent $120,000 worth of sup plies, 110 Red Cross nurses and seven special relief trains. To meat the needs of the stricken, the organisation set np ten relief stations, operated thirty food canteens and as many emergency hospitals. Ont hundred and twenty-five Red Cross chapters gave disaster relief service. If disaster wer strikes this town ot county, the ettisens can be absolutely sure the Red Cross will b# right on hand to help them in every way. The bid of Mr P. W. Broughton was read as follows: EAST MAIN—WEEKS TO BANK AV. Kind Total Per Foot 6" Concrete $18,000 $8.78 Two Things Necessary. Every merchant that hopes to succeed in his business has two things to do: FIRST —Carry a stock of goods your custom- ers want. • SECOND —Let your customers know that you have the goods. EVERY MERCHANT IN TOWN trys to do this. Some Merchants trust to luck for their cus- tomers to find out what they have. Some depend on their show window display and reach only the ones who pass and look in. THE WISE MERCHANT ADVERTISES IN THE WEEKLY IBERIAN and reaches hundreds of buyers every week. I I Malaria or.Cliifts & Fever icrtptioa No. tM ii pfipift4 MptciflOy MALARIA« CHILL* A FEVER, e «r six dosas «rill break nap case, end V taken Am ae a tonie Ibe Fever will not f i t acts on the Bear 666 cures by removing the cause. HERBINE For the Bowels A Cura for Chronie Constipation, Torpid Llvsr and Irregular Bowel Movements. Ceanttpation is the most common disorder of the beweist I* TW*—* both sexes and all ages but 1» mor. prevalent amons woman because their duties In the household require !«•« exercise than tjie occupations of men; therefore women suao» most from its baneful effect. A constipated person 1" an easy victim when exposed t serions disease—Pneumtmla. Typhoid Fever, Malaria. Rh.nmaUs«; Snail Pox. Tellow FevoÄmd Bright’s Disease gather tbvlr“ fSt harvest of death among those who are habitually oooeupai . Sana though they escape these diseases, such parsons are always •fling mors or less They have headaches, bad digestion, d:Uzj aw vlrUgo (blind stagers), sallow complexion. Aatoleoc* of strength; and no energy at all. Hsrblue has a asoot admtratue •■fiu ; a mi no eneigj mi rh . *»•» whu ® tt asset IB the bowels; it is cooling, purifying and re a a ” 111* * guts n prompt ohsck on biliousness, wind In tha. bow#}». new heartburn, bad breath, low spirits, fiw and nervous wakefulness at nig fght. in tae w w drowsiness in (ha *«7- ir.i er Sere Eyes. •te wagp—— s w y s —1 B L'1* ' " "" 1, 11 |Sowp * np cohh | ni ESTORGE DRUG CO. t __ _
  • J PH 1jiM f

    The K ind You Have Always Bought, and w h k h has been in use for over th ir ty years, has borne the s ignatu re of

    - _______^ and has been made under bis per-xtjK sonal supervision since its infancy.

    Allow no one to deceive you in th is.All Counterfeits, Im itations and “ Just-as-good ” a re bu t Experiments that trifle w ith and endanger the health of Infants and Chüdren—Experience against Experim ent.

    N ever at tempt to r e l i e v e your baby wi th a remedy that you woul d use for yourse l f .

    What is CASTORIACastoria is a harm less substitu te for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is p leasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more th an th ir ty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, F la tu lency , W ind Colic and Diarrhoea ; a llay ing Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assim ilation of Food; giving healthy and n a tu ra l sleep. The Children’s Com fort— The M other’s Friend.

    GENUINE C A STO R IA ALWAYS) Bears the Signature of

    In Use For Over 3 0 YearsThe Kind You H ave A lw ays B ought

    : c r N T A i m c o m p a n y , m r w v o w k c »y v .


    CITY COUNCILNow Iberia, I.a., August 23, 1920. The Board of Trustees of the City

    of Now Iberia convened this day in regular session with Mayor H. S. •Scaly presiding, Messrs. Girard and Villermin, present.

    The minutes of the previous meet- injs were read a n d the minutes showing the presentation of the resigna-

    | tion of Mr. L. F. Villermin as Trustee of Public Property and the ac

    cent per annum from date until paid and being to close account against the City $138.50 chargeable to the City Bridge and $178.10 to Sewer Maintainanee Account.

    The following Franchise Ordinance No. 234 was ordered published 30 days by Mr. Scaly. A Franchise given to the New Iberia & Northern Railroad Company the right to intersect Main Street al a point between the property of the Iberia Cypress Co.,Ltd., and the property of the ( has. Bolt Paper Mill Co., for a period of twenty five years.

    Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the

    ; City of New Iberia, comformably to


    P r o d u c t i o n o f S o u n d A m e r i c a n

    C i t i z e n s h i p t h e F i r s t A i m ,

    S a y s D r . F a r r a n d .

    lermin as were incorporated in the I ,roas an,( intersect Main Street with minutes of the meeting of July 26th,|a Raj|road

    M URRAY & L A B ITm S U R A R G C Ä G G R G Y

    O ff ic e — Western Union B ld g .

    F ile , T o r n a d o , W o r k m e n 's C o m p e n s a t i o n , H e a lt h , S u r e ty B o n d s , P la t e G l a s s .

    F ull P r o t e c t io n . S t r o n g C o m n a n ie s .P R O M PT S E T T L E M E N T OF L O S S E S .

    “ I N S U R A N C E T H A T I N S U R E S . "

    YOU CAN L IV EW ith o u t th e I b e r ia n


    IN S U R A N C E

    Marine, Tornado, Casualty, Liability,V » d a s s , Bonds and Steam B o i l e r . / ^



    BOUTTE & COURREGE .W e ll S e le c te d S to c k s o f

    L T J X Æ S E RA N D A L L K IN D S O F

    B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A LBrick, Lime, Cement, Sand, Oravel. All kinds

    of ROOFING MATERIALS.O e t O u r P r i c e © B e f o r e Y o u B u y .

    P H O N E N O . A 3 .

    OFFICE and YARDS:Chestnut and Washington Streets.

    and August 2nd. At this meeting tc day Trustee of Finance Girard states that a motion accepting Mr. Viller- min’s resignation as read in the minutes of July 2fith was not made by him, that he never offered a motion to accept the said resignation and re- quests then and there the correction, f and the erasing of that said por

    tion of these minutes before signing.On motion of Mr. Girard, seconded

    by Mr, Villermin, the minutes as corrected were ordered signed.

    Mr. E. Vuillemot. as attorney for Mr. John Angers appeared before the Board to ascertain whether or not the election called for Sept. 2nd to elect a Commissioner of Trustee of Public Property shall be held, and to ascertain «whether or not if the resignation of Trustee Villermin had been accepted, and to ascertain the authority if the resignation of L. F. Villermin had been accepted has the said L. F. Villermin been acting as a Commissioner of Public Property.

    The following opinion by City Attorney L. O. Hacker was ordered spread on the minutes by Mr. Villermin :To the Honorable the Mayor and

    Board of Trustees of the City of New Iberia, La.

    Gentlemen:—In reply to yours of the 17th in

    stant soliciting an opinion on the legality of the proceedings had by your Board, concerning the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. L. F. Villermin, as Commissioner of Public Property, I beg leave to submit to you the following opinion.

    The provisions of your Charter which is Act 187 of 1910, Article (48") provides that if a vacancy should occur in the office of any such Trustee, save by recall, , the Board shall appoint an eligible person to fill such vacancy pending an election to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term.

    Said election shall be held in not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty days from the date of snid vacancy.

    A vacancy shall exist when an elected officer failed to qualify for thirty days after notice of his election dies, resigns, removes from the City, absents himself continuously therefrom for two months, is convicted of a felony, judiciously declared a lunatic or fails to furnish bond as herein provided.

    Article 48 provides the manner of filling that vacancy, that is by appointment of an eligible person to fill the office until an election might be held, and that said election cannot be held before the lapse of thirty days, and not later than sixty days from the date of said vacancy, in the present case the election is ordered for Sept. 2nd, 1920, which would be less than the thirty clear days, and is therefore a nullity.

    Article 10 of your Charter, which controls all elections of members of this Board, prescribes the manner of holding said election and says: "The Board of Trustees shall Issue a call for election of said members, ami publish said call in the Official Journal of the City fixing the date on which persons desiring to become candidates shall file their applications (which date herein shall not be less than thirty days prior nor more than forty days to the election) and the location of the polling places. I find that none of the provisions of this article have been complied with in your resolutions, and an election held under said call would be illegal, null and void.

    The delays prescribed In this Article and those in the previously quoted are positive and sacramental, it can be neither more nor less, it is not left to the discretion of the governing authorities.

    Respectfully submitted,L. O. Hacker,

    City Attorney. On motion of Mr. Villermin, sec

    onded by Mr. Girard, and adopted unanimously:

    Be it resolved, that Mayor H. S. Sealy be authorized to compel the connection of all premises to the Sewer System of the City in conformity with requirements of the Louisiana State Board of Health, and to take the following streets first due to pavement and improvements, Main Street, Duperier Ave., Iberia Street, Center Street Railroad Ave., and St Peter St.

    Resolution No. 233.The following resolution was offer

    ed by Mr. Girard, seconded by Mr. Villermin, and adopte«! unanimously:

    Be it resolved by the Board of Trustee« of the City of New Iberia, that a note be signed by Mayor Sealy to the New Iberia Foundry and Machine Shop in the amount of $316. 65 for a period of four months bearing interest at the rate of eight per

    spur or track at a point between th«* property of the Iberia Cypress Co., Ltd., and the property of the Chns. Bolt Paper Milling Co., with spur track as designated, more especially to serve an industry or industries that might be located on contiguous property or properties.

    Section 2. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance take effect from the date of its passage, thirty days publication hereof having been given conformably to Section 10 of the Charter of the City of New Iberia, Thus, done passed and signed, with the seal of the City of New Iberia affixed thereto on this — dayof Sept. 1920.

    Signed H. S. S«“aly, Mayor. On motion of Mr. Sealy, seconded

    by Mr. Girard, and adopted unanimously, the sum of $5.00 was order-

    I refunded to Mr. Joe Gibson for Sewer connection from Main to Curb as the said connection was installed at his own expense.

    On motion of Mr. Sealy, seconded by Mr. Villermin, and adopted unanimously, the six inch Water Main was ordered extended on East Main street from th«> present terminus to a point about 900 feet east thereof, placing a fire Hydrant at the end, and a six inch T. at the Chas. Bolt Paper Mill Co. site.

    On motion of Mr. Villermin, seconded by Mr. Sealy, and adopted unanimously, the Trustee of Finance was authorized to pay for Lead Water Connections made for property holders on Iberin and Cent«*r Street, and credit the accounts when paid to the Finance Department, hark to the funds from which the funds were taken.

    On motion of Mr. Villermin, seconded by Mr. Girard, the meeting adjourned.L. F. Villermin, H. S. Sealy,

    Clerk. Mayor.


    7 T Ô o v ? ? ? O

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    Ï D R IN K T H E F A M O U S

    4-XÏ E X T R A F IN E O LD S T O C K■ /OO P E R C E N T P U R E ____

    S BEVERAGE■ NewOrleans BrewingCompany■ New Iberia Ice Et Bottling Works■ D IS T R IB U T O R S .

    This Poor Burdock Is alt Worked Up, for there’s a Stronger In town and he doesn’t Know her Nome, nor Where she’s From, nor Why she Came, nor How Long she’s Going to Stay, and the Suspense Is Killing Him. The Only Explanation for the Volunteer Detec* tlve Is that he Must have been dropped on his Bean when a Babe.


    Trespassing and banting on the property of the undersigned in the 5tb and fllh wards of Iberia Parieh strictly nrohibited, and will'be prosecuted to full extent of the law.

    Mrs. Gab Landry.9 25

    On the badge of every member of the Junior Red Cross are the words “I Serve.’’ That tells the story of the school children’s branch of the American Red Cross and Its efforts to bring hupplness to children throughout the world

    Realizing that the time never was so propitious as right now for tea«:h- Ing the highest Ideals of citizenship, the entire present program of the Jun lor Red Cross has been framed under the very Inclusive phrase, "Training for Citizenship Through Service’’ for others. Since the Junior Red Cross Is the agency through which the Amerl can Red Cross reaches the schoolboys and the schoolgirls, all Its activities are designed to come within the regu lar school program, and without creating new courses or Increasing the number of studies to lend Its aid In vttaliz Ing the work of the schools.

    "The thing that is needed," says Dr. Livingston Farrand, Chairman °f American Red Cross Central Committee, “Is not a perpetuation of the Jun lor Red Cross, but the training and breeding of sound American citizenship Inspired by the true, fundamental Ideals of sound democracy. One of the great conceptions In making the Red Cross a contributor to better citizen ship In our American democracy is the realization that after all the sole hope of any nation Is with the children of the country.”

    The plan of organization of the Jon lor Red Cross makes the school—pub lie, parochial and private—the unit, not the Individual pupils. Mutual service, helpful community work such as clean-up campaigns, care of the sick, promotion of health regulations, par tlclpatlon In civic and patriotic move ment»—all these creative agencies de slgaed to translate Into life and action the regular school program are parts of the machinery which the Junior Red Cross places at the disposal of the school authorities.

    Graded study courses giving practical methods of civic training, supplemented by pamphlets and helpful sug gestions, are supplied to the local schools by the Junior Red Cross. An elaborate plan for promoting i - Inter change of correspondence between chll dren tn different sections of the United States as well as with «Children In foreign lands Is being devised and will take a prominent place In the established classroom program.

    In promoting the general cause of child welfare, Red Cross courses In home hygiene and care of the sick, first aid, and dieting may be established in all Juulor Red Cross Auxiliaries.

    The Ideals and the objective of the Junior Red Cross are embodied in the pledge of service which the pupil takes when he signs the membership roll and pins on bis coat the Junior’s badge The pledge which binds together serv ice and dtlxenshlp reads :

    “We will seek in all ways te Rye np to the Ideals of the Junior Red Cross and devote ourselves to Its service.

    "We will strive never to bring discredit to this, our country, by any un worthy act

    "We will revere and obey our cwun try’s laws and do our best to Inspire a tike reverence and obedience in those «beat us.

    “We will endeavor In all these ways, as good citizens, to transmit America greater, better and more beautiful than she was transmitted to us."

    At the foundation of this school program of the Junior Red Cross la a great love for America’s children


    w e Bin-for business on a basis of fair

    treatment, honest work by competent workmen, best material, paper stock and ink the depreciated American dollar can buy.

    We want to keep up our reputation for honesty and do business on a basis of mutual confidence. We sell our Work at as small a margain as possible.

    We make a fair profit, but are not profiteering.

    Iberian I’rint Shop.Phone 241. 232 West Main St.

    SUM.n tn


    The following bid for Ve trifle O Brick Monolithic Construction 4 Base was offered by Ritchie Bros.Bridge Street from Main Street to

    City Bridge.Kind of Pavement—Brick Pavement

    4” Base Monolithic Construction. .Total Cost $4,476.20.Cost per foot to Property owner$10.30.

    C A S T O R I AFor In fan ts an 1 Children

    In Use F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r sA lw a y s hears

    th eS ig n a tu re

    P r in t in g S a fe g u a rd s

    Y o u r M o n e y

    RUB-MY-T1SM — Antiseptic Relieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc.


    Protect your cash not only with bolts and bars and banks but with businesslike printed forms and records for every transaction you undertake.We can show you a paper —

    *&*H vt

    Paper—that betrays erasure and prevents fraudulent alteration of your « hecks, notes, drafts ami receipts.For letterheads and general printed forms we use and recommend a standard paper

    that we know will give you satisfaction.


    the New Orleans It W. A. Nicholson, I

    mi and be hone 241,


    Interesting Experience of a Texas Lady Who Declares That if More

    Women Knew About Cardui They Would Be Spared

    Much Sickness and Worry.

    Navasota, Texas.—Mrs. W. M. 1’cden,of this place, relates the following interesting account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health:

    "Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feci that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what I did some time ago when I found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at all.

    "I was just no account for work. I would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before* I felt like I could lift it to the shelf. In this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost impossible to accomplish.

    " I was . . • nervous and easily upset.

    I couldn’t rest well at night and was . . , just lifeless.

    "I heard of Cardui and after reading I decided 1 had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it. . .

    "In a very short while after I began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an improvement and it wasn’t long until 1 was all right—good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did my house work.

    "Later 1 took a bottle of Cardui as l tonic, lean recommend Cardui and gladly do so, for if more women knew, H would save a great deal of worry and sickness."

    The enthusiastic praise ot thousands o! other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it il worth trying. All druggists sell i t

    Is ™

    TAKEN UP.Red Calf with white »pot» on left

    side. About 6 mo old.Taken ap on July 2nd.The’owner can hav» same by prov

    ing ownership and paying expense» and costa. Otberwiae calf will be «old on August 28th at my property in the 2nd ward of Iberia Parish.

    Gustave Broussard.8-28

    666 cures Headaches, Billiousnesa, Loss of Appetite, or that tired aching feeling, due to Malaria or Colds. Fine Tonic.

    TRESPASSING OR HUNTING PROHIBITED. AH persons found trespassing or hunting on our lands in the Fourth ward of this, Iberia, parish, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


    NOTICEThe public is hereby warned that no

    bunting or trespassing will oe allowed on my farm la the Second Ward of Iberia Parish, bounded by ßaynn Teche, Public Road, Pburr and Gajan


    NOTICETha public is hereby warned that no

    hunting or trespassing will be allowed on my Stock Farm in Iberia Parish, near Murphy, La.

    E. t . BROUSSARD


    Strictly prohibited on Morbihan Plantation.Signed: J. ROBISCHAUX. Mgr.

    No. Six-Sixty-SixTU* Is a prescription prepared especially

    be MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER.rill break any case, and

    b t Fever will Ml I Ever betteAghaa Irbear sickea. 31a

    Five or six doses will K taken the


    When disaster hits a community— fire, flood, earthquake, exploslen, bad wreck or tornado—the American Red Gross can be depended upon to follow right at Ita heels with help for the stricken people. Red Cross relief ts almost Immediately forthcoming—food, clothing, shelter and fonds; doctors, nurses and special workers with long experience In handling similar troubla elsewhere.

    Daring the last ytar, ending Jnas 80, there was an average of four disasters I month tn the United States. One hundred and fifty communities in twenty-seven states suffered. The largest and most destructive of thus# were the tidal wave at Corpus Christi, Texas, and tornadoes In Mississippi, Louislnna. A labam a, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

    In these events ef horror 800 persons were killed, 1,500 wert Injured, 18,000 were made homeless, about 30,- 000 families needed help, the property los» was nearly $100,000,000 and almost $1,000,000 In relief funds, not Including emergency supplies was expended.

    To the sufferers from all disasters during the year, the American Red Cross sent $120,000 worth of sup plies, 110 Red Cross nurses and seven special relief trains. To meat the needs of the stricken, the organisation set np ten relief stations, operated thirty food canteens and as many emergency hospitals. Ont hundred and twenty-five Red Cross chapters gave disaster relief service.

    If disaster wer strikes this town ot county, the ettisens can be absolutely sure the Red Cross will b# right on hand to help them in every way.

    The bid of Mr P. W. Broughton was read as follows:EAST MAIN—WEEKS TO BANK AV. Kind Total Per Foot6" Concrete $18,000 $8.78

    Two Things Necessary.

    Every merchant that hopes to succeed in his business has two things to do:

    FIRST—Carry a stock of goods your customers want. •

    SECOND —Let your customers know that you have the goods.

    EVERY MERCHANT IN TOWNtrys to do this.

    Some Merchants trust to luck for their customers to find out what they have.

    Some depend on their show window display and reach only the ones who pass and look in.


    THE WEEKLY IBERIANand reaches hundreds of buyers every week.



    Malaria or.Cliifts & Fevericrtptioa No. tM ii pfipift4 MptciflOy MALARIA« CHILL* A FEVER, e «r six dosas «rill break nap case, end

    V taken Am ae a tonie Ibe Fever will not f i t acts on the Bear

    666 cures by removing the cause.

    H E R B IN EFor the Bowels

    A Cura for Chronie Constipation, Torpid Llvsr and Irregular Bowel Movements.

    Ceanttpation is th e m ost com m on d iso rd e r o f th e bew eist I* TW*—* both sexes a n d a ll a g e s b u t 1» m o r . p rev a len t am ons woman b ecau se th e ir d u tie s In th e househo ld re q u ire !«•« exercise than tjie o ccupa tions of men; th e re fo re w om en suao» most from its b a n efu l effect.

    A constipated person 1" a n easy v ic tim w hen exposed t serions disease—Pneum tm la. T yphoid F ever, Malaria. R h.nm aU s« ; Snail Pox. T ellow F e v o Ä m d B rig h t’s D isease g a th e r t b v l r “ f S t harvest of d e a th am o n g th o se w ho a re h a b itu a lly o o o eu p a i. Sana th o u g h th e y escap e th e se d iseases, such parsons a re always •fling mors or less T hey h av e headaches, bad d igestion , d:Uzj a w vlrU go (b lind s t a g e r s ) , sa llo w com plexion. A atoleoc* o f strength; and no en erg y a t all. H srblue has a asoot adm tratue• ■ f i u ; a m i no e n e i g j mi r h . *»•» w h u ® t ta s se t IB th e bow els; i t is cooling , p u rify in g and re a a ” 111* *guts n prompt ohsck on b iliousness, w ind In tha . bow#}». n e w heartburn, bad b rea th , low sp irits , f i w and nervous w ak efu ln ess a t n igfght.

    in ta e w w drow siness in (ha *«7-

    ir .i

    er Sere Eyes. •te

    wagp—— s w y s —1 B L '1* ' " " " 1, 11|Sowp *n p R«c o h h | niESTORGE DRUG CO.


    __ _
