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THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT ... · the weel(ly exponent. vol iv the weekly...

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THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT FRIDAY, 30, Jnl3 NUMBER 36. TRUITT HEADS TWENTY BAGHROR DEGREES rn BE GIVEN rn ·- GLASS AT GOMMENGEMENT EXERGl5[5 JUNWRS HOSTS TO GRADUATES Athletic Association Holds Final Meet· Jng-Managers Alld Officers for Coming Year Elected. One Master Science Degree and Four Pharmaceutical Chemist Degrees Will Also Be Granted by thl.! College--Class Composed of Five in Electrical Engineering, Four in Agronomy, Four in Home Science , Two in Upp er Classes E njoy Dancing Program At College Drill H all F riday-Hall Is Beautifully Decorated. At the final meting of the nthletie 3"i>oeiation held in the hall, }'rida:r offirers for thE" '·ear were elect- ('tl and the basketball men were given heir c:'Hater"'. Alonzo Truitt, of Boze- man. wa ... eleett:>d p.c .. ideut; F. ,V. Civil Engineering , Two in Mathematics Physics , One in Mechanical Engineering, One Twenty bacbelnrs · degrees are to be gheu \Yedne.s<lay, :\lay 4, at the col- h•ge a.;.:oi.embly ba11. In addition to this there will be one degree gi\·en to J. '"'· Ho<lg:-.kiss in ·ag-ronomy, four Ph. <'. degrees giYen by the pharmacy department and three will eom· plete tht:'ir work in mu!-iiC at the col- lege. in History Literature and One in Horticulture Baccalaureate Address Sund ay, June 1. each department will be ready to show the ivy oration by 1.fyrtle Alder- The class will then proceed from building to builrling and different mem- bers of the c1ass will deli\·er farewe!l arlclresses and appropriate responses will he made by some member of th'! fn<>nlty connected with the building. In the afternoon a picnie will be held The greatest c;:ocia1 success given at co11ege this year was tbe annual Jun- ior Promenade gi,·en by the class of 1914. The drill ball was exteusi vely decorat- ed in the class- colors, silver gray and fore t green. Tbe benche lining the ha1l were covered with orange and black bunting, the senior clas!-1 colors, while the sides were bung in gree.'l. Down the center of the ball bung Jap· anese which shed a soft glow o,·er alJ. The front door of the hall ma"ber 1 Dillon, \ice prc .. ident; Georgia < nllum, Helena, :-ecretar_y; Prof. Tall· ·111n, trea.,uter; HooH?Yelt, Ack· Jt:.;••. low 1, student trPa::nrer, and "biJ 1 pll' an<l Amelia Ser- Thi"' meeting wn" htc>n turne•l o\·er to (.;oat'h Doi:k.stader. who awarded the s\\eatt r .. to ua .... ketball men. Jn prc- "cnting the"e emLlerns he feel- rn.:ly on tlie work of the team an<l com- J1h11entt"d them on tliPir !'lh'Ces!"ful ea· Of the twenty <legrees, the thrt'(' liranl•hel". of engineering at the college len11 with eight, the · science eonrse!; eome secon<l with i::eYen an<l ag- rit'l11ture completes the list with fi\"e. Thi!; will be held in the Pres- the Yisitors anything that may int re!;t byterinn church and the address ·will them. be deli\'cred by Rev. CT. Ci. Bennett. ln the e,·ening the of music The Re,·. Bennett is we1l known to all will giYe its annua l recital and the gen;..- co1iege stndent:-. and his talks are aJ- era] public are -in,·iterl to atteml this interesting and p1ensing. This exer(•lse. <'ar..; will run at conYenient will undoubtf:'dly pro\·e one of and the fo11owing program the instrnetlvp lectures during the will be rendered : week. Grieg The program is H:!I follows: ......... To Rpring, op. 43, :No. Pro1•e:-c.,ional Chotiur. Hollender . ................ Guilmar1t .................. :.\larch, op. 39, Xo. Doxology. I )fr. \Torth OrYis. ln\·ocation ................ Re\·. A. L . C'hapm::tn I Poldini ...................................... Anthem-Come to Our Hearts and ............ :\Larch )Jignonne, op. 15, Xo. 2 Abi<le ................................ \\'inner-:\Iney Raff .............. La Fileu:-e, op. 15i, Xo. Scripture rending. :\Ii:::s )Jae Elliot. Prayer. \\"agner-Liszt ................... . Announcements ..... Pres. J. )f. Ilami1ton "Rong to EYening Star,'' from ................. Thannhause'' and the !o;eniors n-ill enjoy the remain- was an<l this entrance, cozily Jer of the day ainong ! arranged with and pillows, made Jn the e,·ening the .Ja<>k·o '·Lantern an ideal place for the punch bowl, at )[emorial will be presented to the col· which E\•elyn BoyJc in pretty lege. This year the gift takes the form Japanese costume sen·ed. of a concrete base for tile cnnnon situ· The grand march led by C. A . atecl nenr the flag riole. Truitt, president, and Miss Viola Following exercis£>s. the presi· Fowler, Yiee president. {lent will giYe n reception to the facul- During the C\·eninS! thrre was a junior Cotillion, in which Aririam Calla· t_, .. sutdent!; and townspeople at Ham· ilton nan . way di!;trlbutecl water liliell, the cla::;s Commencement Day, Alumni Banquet: )Iis!'I Cnloway also representeJ Wednesday, June 4t h. a .Tapnnese maid. Te Deum, Xo. i in Beetho,·en . ...................... ....................... The final exercises of the week wiil Refreshments were serYed in the Of the engineering degrees will be granted from the electrical engin· eering department. two from the ciYil engineering department and one from the ut('Ch:rnical engineering <lepnrtment. Four aegrees will be g:iYen in home scienc(>. two in mathematics-phy!-ics an rl one in history-literature. Of the agri- cultural four reeei,·e rlegrees HP reminde<l thr body th.it thC' t•ight eon!'PCUt°Ye champion· "hip ha•l been won hy the du!'· inC" thr pa"t a fC"at which few ID"tit11tio11" in the eo11ntry eould hoast. RPfort> the swpaters he s.ai.l -that every man on the te:im mnre than the token:-;, hut the in wbkh fht•y wne td\ n hv the schonl :-bf uJtl he taken into areonnt them. E Flat ................................................ BuC'k ............. $onata Pathetique, op. 13 takf' place in the assembly room of the Ile then calleil Brooke Hartman to rhe in aμ-ronomy and one in horticulture. Bae<>alaureate - ThP Wdl· Tutro'1urtion te allegro di molto c main huiltling when the> rlass of 1913 girh;' clres!o;ing room of the j?ym, which had been into a clrawing platform. He mentionetl that it was a are now t'lHnpleted a"n·l Guardrd Ilou:-;e.................................... cnn brio. will be gi\·en their The eom- room a111l furnished with rugs, pillows the remain1ler of the work at the col- ...................... Re\". G. G. Beiinett, B. D. :\[i!'s 8ophia Kammerer. meneement :i1Mress will he 1leliYererl anil ilraperies. rare pri,·iJege for one man to leatl lege will comd,.t in the Yarious pril- Anthem-Lead Kindly Light .......... )foszkowiki .... raprice Espagnol, op. 3i bv President E. A. BrYan of the \\ash- Here the eollege color!<., hlue and n ti•am to two But he grams :\tten1lant upon eomen<>ement. Benediction. R:iehmnminoff ..... ..................... C'ollege .. The suhjeet of gol<l, were m::ell aucl pillows and pen· !-aia tliat it wa:- ane t\l the Last Fritln,y the junior prom hel·J, Recessional )fareb-Rom::rnee in D Prelndr in ('Sharp ).fiuor, op. 3 1 2 his not as yet been gi,·eu nan ts atlornetl the room. El!'ie to work and the aetPrminntiou :rnd the tonight Ilamilton gi,·es a clin- Flnt ...... ..................... . .. Lamarc :\[iss Leah Hnrtman. out. Thi-; exercir-e is aho open to the Gerber antl .Angeline Tienry as fighting ..:pirit hv the captain ner in honor of the graduates. tomor- Field Day, E xhibit Day and School of Liszt ......... .-........... Danee of the puhlic. girls, !'lerYetl ref .. t>Qhments . ot th'..., year'..; aggl'e.!,!11.tion that tided •• 11 . 11 1 h l<l 0 I B 1 Rh ]' . E Fl t . 11 b )f tl'•ic furnishell h) the tram OYer niatn_· a ran:?ll plnce. row . ie ra .'" w1 le e . ' Music Reci tai Monday June , r1 11ni;;.................... np:::.01 ie rn :. a program w1 e ren- f h d ·· Snntluy the ad<lres<\ will ' ' - )[is<\ Hortense r1c>re0: -------- 0 " t e nncr 1' 1 (rontinued on Pnge Six) he deli,·ere<l. )fomlay will be field· at eight in the Sehunrnnn ............ ,Varum, op. Xo. 3 ""'nr )larch of the from I TENNIS MEET NEAAlY OVER F inal Rounds Yet to Be Played-Many Surprises Sprong in the Tournament. In "Pite of the fact that the examin- .. ations ha\·e been oceupying the grent(lr portion of the time of the students thi::: week, th<' actiYities on the tennis conlts haYe not ec·a .. ('tl. The tourna- th it w:l') inaug1.1ratea <=e\·eral Wf't•k .. has been !"tea<lil · anil renl matchr . .;; been play('d off. _.\.., is u .. ually the iu an e\·ent ;lf th i" krnil !"0111<' haYe i:-1•ru ll!.! anti dark hor"e"' haY1' sbowe.1 np. The rt>"lllt' of the fir .. t .. r ound of 11reliminarit'.., wen" very muc!1 as Wt"rt but in tlw ..:('cond ronn 1l Prof. I-hewer, thP pl:i_,·er who hl'lrl the Phnmpionship for thC' Jn ... t thrP"" year ... , was outplayed twn set.::: hv Bi11 )JaUdox, of the <'las.::. o .. enhurg of the fre:-.hman ('}ns--. pro\·- ea too for an,] t'a rnea wa:;.,. into the semi-finals h:· <lefeating tile latter in two straigl·t :-et.... .As the fi-1 an•l 6·-1 wonl•I lll\liratr. Oseuhurg took the match in ta .. ,- fashion ana .;.houltl hC' continue ln bh. present form he will proYe o worthy , . <'Onte..,tant for fJnnl Probably the elo!"est mntch was that bcrwl"en Parker nnf] Smith, but the lat· ter managed to outreach his man and took the of the three sets in eas.Y nshioll. The between thcs(' two i•.- ere 9- i. 5- i and 6-3. of thC' won bi!'! ilnatl' h with Bell in three straight he form('r !-eemcd too fast for Bell lltl th(' of 11is return !"hots. t.'llt for in winniug: the g:ime for him. Parker. )(adclox, and r will fight it out in the finals to ch"· trm ine the <'hampion. From their owings in the ront ests is !-Rfe to predict Yery interest· g \YhoeYer tht" winner is, t i" plainly evident that h; will ha,-c o beat good men before he at-- ins the of championshj p, this tournament it is plall:ne.J: \]aY when the farulb··!".enior ha.,eball morning, the annual field day wjlJ be \Yainer-I..iszt............... Atlrn.lia ............................ )!enclel<=soh'l is scheduled take place. Jn held at the eo11ege .. \s a. special at- Song" from "Flying Tlw ('o11ege Orehestra. the afternoon exh ibit s of the Yariou'i traction a tennis tournnment has been Dutchman'' In\·oention .... "ReY. Frank B. Lewis, )f. .-\.. departments will be mndc and in the platrnNl and it i:-> prohahle thnt all the )fi.:;s Florence Thorpe. ){el ocly ................................ Frinl e\ening there will be a recital by the remaining as well a!o; the fae· Raehmaminoff ............................ The <'ollege Orrhestra. school of On the sen- ulty, will take part in this tourney. The Bart?arolle in Ci )1in or. llp. 10, :Xo. 3 rommf"nre-ment ............. . ior <la,· wi11 he helil and drawings will be made on Sunday so \\"eher .................. Ronilo Brilliant, op. 62 Pre-.illent E. A. Bryan, A. )I., L-. L. D. in the eYening the Jack-o '·Lantern }.fe· that no delay will be e-xperienced at Holier. Romanza ..... ......................... Brook morial will be to the college the Leschefizky ......................... The College Orcbestra. followecl by the president's re reption The tournnment is open to faculty, ''Anclnnte Fjnale" frkom "Lucia ('onferring Degrees .............................. . STOGK DAY AT GOllEGE SOON at Hamilton Hall. On \ 1 l ecl nesday students and to towuspeoplc and tho.SC' .... di Lammers.on" (for left hand) ....... Pre<-.ident J. )[. Ilamilton, )!. S. commencement addre5s will be giYen desiring to enter wi1l Je3se their names .................. )farclie )Jilitaire ......................... Schubert June 21 Is Set As Date fo r Annual ancl the degrees c onfer r ed. In thee\-- with ::'.\fi5is Kenney before Runday morn- ............ "Fledermaus,., op. 10. 1 The rollege ening the wilJ sen·e their an· ing. The game )fiss Gladys Griffith. A list of those to receiYe harhelor cle- E vent-Good Program Is .# r Promised. nual banquet whieb wi11 elo"e com· will also he played during the Glinka-Balakinew ........... gre.:::o; will he founa elsewhere in tbi<\ mencement for the year. hours and n<\ usual the outcome ha<\ <'hopin .................... . ................... paper. Those who will reeei,·e the de· .r The program by <lays ii, as follows: causecl a great deal of spe1.•ul:ition . Bnth ........... eherzo in B Flat :'-.Iinor, op. :n gree of Ph. r., are narolrl Rolherg of Campus R ally May 31. I aggregations refuse to gi,·e out tlleir Rnth Hartmnn.. B T. t l:;«le Stieb of JTamilton, Tbio; custom was established year lineup:-> or "dark 11 nl:liough ..................... :'-.relolliC', op. Hi of Anneoniln an1l "Rohert 'J:he seeom1 annual lin'.' day will a111l to he a \·ery llelightful hoth feel confhleut of a netor_,., Liszt ..... .. Polonai'-e, :N'"1l. TT in E F 11 he helcl nt the college on the twenty- l >art of the gracluating The The game will pro,·e on<"' )fi.:;s )laud ..\lexa1uler. Lapeyrc of C1rC'at •n s. crowd about the ol<l cannon anrl of the :imnsing fi'a.tnres of the an.I Senior Class Day E xercises, Preseuta- The grnilu:ites from the 1lepartment first clay of next month. under the sup· olrl :lc<Jnaintince5. are renewed, will no en1l of fun to who tion of the Jack-o'-Lautern memo-. of lllU"'ii• of the college are Ruth of the llepartmcut of animal are sung. !'torie:-. are told an1l e,·er,\•onc attend. . rial, President's Reception, Hartman, \f:iutle :tn1l The program for the da-y- has a splt•iHlitl time . Xo spe<•ial pro- During the th.e <>ollege will Tuesday, June -!. Griffith. TlH• grarluating reritnls of will consist of two parts. l n the mom- · "t·nr11 ·,,_. J>lann"a for the r,·ening, hut it he thrown open to . '" .• and thoc;e 1 1 1 1 ] al\· l>"" 1 g'1<"n a nt1111\>•r of will lw Ni\'Cn in .-, " 1 On Tues:clay the sen i or C'lnss < ay ex- t 1esr pcop P rnYe a re, 1 '""-1 '" n " t"- is l>rubablt"' that the ilifforent <!lassl'.'s who r:irp to '.·1s1t. the. I 1 . h I r t x ereisf's will he held. Th<"' program will nnrl will reeei\·e their •liplomn .. the eollege hn I ttlll 1ll t 6 will 11a\'(' stunts for th<"' partmenh o the rnstitu ion. o sper- op•11 -·,·111 •, n•1 th1"s "Omin"'"' week. afternoon, follo\\iug a barbecue lunch the nowd. The time b eight p. m. inl preparations ha.n? heen mntl<"' but "- .. the phnting of the j,-;-;- .. " there will judging .Jemonstrif· -·- I <'<"'llent support from the £.i('ltl. Two tions on th(' SEVEN GRADUATE rROM rRESHMEN HKE GAME b:f tt 1 ;,: .f. 1 1 .. t EP RATORY SGHOOL rROM SOPHOMORE GLASS k 1llC't with Q'rrnt henco it was nunrher hnv,, sign1 1e< t "" in en ions PR A ohtn lncd pa••e< to the first '"e . of hel•orninq in the conte"it. The game began with the deeiih·d to continue the e,-ent. Tlu' following statem('nt in regard mores in the fiel<l and it w:is in the All of the farmers and others in the the eominf? tournament been made first that the gained county :incl the )';tate arr to be bY l'oach Doek:-.ta<ler: E xercises To Be H eld This E vening tn I Baseball Honors Rest With Lower the lead whieh placed them on the snfo in :ittendanrc a l?Ood progrnm Is ·The annual field clay tennis tourna· Assembly H all-Will Be Preceded Class F or This Year-Rally Ne ar- <=itle of the fenre witl 1 !'ix rnn"' to the promisC'd. The program for the day is ment will lie held this ; year on )(01Hlay by re Nephew or Uncle." ly Rever ses Result . The seem eel utrnble fl!i follow!': an1l .Tune Ist and 2nd. on the to fincl ('otner in thi<., inning1 hnt they 10 a. nl., hall, Live stock <'ollege The prelimin:i.ry rounlli;; ea me back in the second and thir l in Europe (stereopticon lecture), Presi- will he playe1l on )!onday beginning at ThC' grailuating e:xerei!'e8 of the pre· At the end of a close ancl exciting gradunlly lessening the "Jlaee between dent Hami1ton. 9 o 'cloek in the morning, and rontinuing J••rator:· d•J>,•trtment wiB be 11 eltl in as- contest Fridrt,\" afternoon it wa!ii found the scores b'.' hea,·v clouting. The The Ilog-C. TI. Good . •• "' ., B£>ef Protlndion in C'anada-F. B. until completed. The !"C'llli·finnls and sembly hall at eight 0 'elock this eYer.· that ha'-('bo.ll honors for this year rest· !l'ixth inning ga\-e the lower cl3ss an· Linfi<'ld. on Tuesd:iy afternoon beginning h h eel with the freshman cJ:is-.. Ia a other l<-:icl which the Liv{I Stock in Afontana-lT. R Bach- at 2 o'cloek. Tn preliminary iug. · e\·en students w 0 n,·e com- wondc>rful ninth inning rally the upper rC'ach of the sophomores through count- thC' hest two out of thrrP "et.:; will <le· pletell the course wiU recei\'C diplomas . nll hnt took the game n.way from rrrors on the part of tlle fielding. tt"rmi1rn the winner. nnd Before the presentation of the tliplomas the but tlle infield tightened lloweYer, the ninth heir final t•ontests wi11 b·e determined by the the class will put on the p1ay 11 Xephew np nnrl when the third man WS\'; clown hea\·y hitter" np to bat and for n few best t'l rN' out of fiye set..;. or Cnrle .. , They will he hy it wa.'i found that the sophomores minu.tes it l ooked thonj?h the This an open tuornament for stu· the eolh"'g. <' orchestra ancl )fnuil la<>kP•l two of t1Ying the required mun· man eolors woul<l be trampleil in tlw dents, f:ieulty. aml n!l ber of to take th<' gnme. du.:;t. "'ith but one ont anU two to go interested in E,·<'ryone 1 s andc..•r at tlw pi:rno. The s('Ort"', 13-11, to intli<>a.te tlie freshmen tightene1l up nnil rmt ur ge<l to enter. Hand nll entrirs or tele· Tht.• stmlrntc: to whom cliploma;,; :ire to n slow g:\me. thr- perform· two m<'n flown, tht"rehy winning thr phone the same to Kinney at thr he nwardl'il are Charles r·ook, Roum. lup; nnct• wns hl•lnw the "tan!lard of the grime. secretary's office. Entries \li.;s :\l:le .Agnes £Jljott. ('larn; )[i:-s profe..;sional organi7.a.tions, after the For the sophomore" on u rda y at 4 p. m. Floren<'•' Lind..,traull, £1 .. 11 ; \\'illinm first two Innings both tightenell the reeeh·ing end playe<l n !\trnrl.'· The drawings will be made immecl- Tl 1111 an for four inninμs put up n good Qarnr. He to!!t>ther with Xohle :lnd .1 2\lo1bOll, on·arn1o; "'"· Talbot 10mp- iately and will be pnbli!'l'bed in Rnnu 3 rxhihition of ba!'ehall ns e,·er been .]jtl the heavi(>st hitting for I I b son, Bozrmrrn: B. \Yellman, morning's pnper. ).latches wi e ... 1 ""C'n on the eollej?e 1linmund. f'otnerl their te:lm, T b \\'bite. .-\.ugu,;;rn, :"'it.'Yera " played in the order drawn . OS{' for the fr<"' .. hmen, antl RO!'", the <=\1pho· Hibbard, f'annors, f'otner and nark· l nwmhers o the t•Ja!'!; who b:nr not drawing fir!\t are expectcc to appear morl' twirlrr, pitl"heil a game c:;on brought in the mo:;;t runs for the " d . ' s11ffieient crrdit" to entitle th m to a . f promptly at 9 o' cl ock ... u on ny morlllnb thronghout anil with the l'X<'ep ion o lower clnQs, TiibbarU cloutjng out tho t th t It . h I that a. large diploma, will he 1llowe'1 to Tl•gister 3.;, a e cour . is ope< one or were aecorclerl ex- only home run in the game. number will enter this tournament. conditi on al freshm en no•t flll. elder. f'ommunity Li,·e . tock -F. , . On tbe luneh: j1ulging; judging <lrnft matched hitehe11 o wagon . F.Yeryhody who has a l.lraft matched team to llring it. It was just learned nt the tl1i" we1"k 11at \Villnnl ,.\tkins. former· ly :i membn of tlte cfa..;'I nf 1!111, wai the winner of the C'xlt·mporanPoni;; c:;p,.aking: at f'hi1•AJ!O. in the Lihcrnl . \rt" f'cillegi;. Tn th'." he won a. prize of )Jr .. .\ tkins is wPll Temembered on the hill a" a mem- ber of both of tlre winnini: college de· bate team• of ln>t year.
Page 1: THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT ... · the weel(ly exponent. vol iv the weekly expo::-.'ext friday, ~ay 30, jnl3 number 36. truitt heads twenty baghror degrees




Athletic Association Holds Final Meet·

Jng-Managers Alld Officers for

Coming Year Elected. One Master Science Degree and Four Pharmaceutical Chemist Degrees Will Also Be Granted by thl.! College--Class Composed of Five in Electrical Engineering, Four in Agronomy, Four in Home Science, Two in

Upper Classes E njoy Dancing Program

At College Drill H all F riday-Hall

Is Beautifully Decorated.

At the final meting of the nthletie 3"i>oeiation held in the a~embly hall, }'rida:r offirers for thE" '·ear were elect­('tl and the basketball men were given heir c:'Hater"'. Alonzo Truitt, of Boze­

man. wa ... eleett:>d p.c .. ideut; F. ,V. ~ehu·

Civil Engineering, Two in Mathematics Physics, One in Mechanical Engineering, One

Twenty bacbelnrs · degrees are to be gheu \Yedne.s<lay, :\lay 4, at the col­h•ge a.;.:oi.embly ba11. In addition to this there will be one ma~ter ·~ degree gi\·en to J. '"'· Ho<lg:-.kiss in ·ag-ronomy, four Ph. <'. degrees giYen by the pharmacy department and three per:-con~ will eom· plete tht:'ir work in mu!-iiC at the col­lege.

in History Literature and One in Horticulture

Baccalaureate Address Sunday, June 1. each department will be ready to show the ivy oration by ~ss 1.fyrtle Alder­~on . The class will then proceed from building to builrling and different mem­bers of the c1ass will deli\·er farewe!l arlclresses and appropriate responses will he made by some member of th'! fn<>nlty connected with the building. In the afternoon a picnie will be held

The greatest c;:ocia1 success given at co11ege this year was tbe annual Jun­ior Promenade gi,·en by the class of 1914.

The drill ball was exteusi vely decorat­ed in the class- colors, silver gray and fore t green. Tbe benche lining the ha1l were covered with orange and black bunting, the senior clas!-1 colors, while the sides were bung in gree.'l. Down the center of the ball bung Jap· anese lantern~, which shed a soft glow o,·er alJ. The front door of the hall

ma"ber1 Dillon, \ice prc .. ident; Georgia < nllum, Helena, :-ecretar_y; Prof. Tall· ·111n, trea.,uter; C~eorge HooH?Yelt, Ack· Jt:.;••. low 1, student trPa::nrer, and Cha~. "biJ1pll' an<l Amelia ~taule:;·, Ser-

Thi"' meeting wn" htc>n turne•l o\·er to (.;oat'h Doi:k.stader. who awarded the s\\eatt r .. to ua .... ketball men. Jn prc­"cnting the"e emLlerns he ~rnke feel­rn.:ly on tlie work of the team an<l com­J1h11entt"d them on tliPir !'lh'Ces!"ful ea·

Of the twenty bachelor~' <legrees, the thrt'(' liranl•hel". of engineering at the college len11 with eight, the · science eonrse!; eome secon<l with i::eYen an<l ag­rit'l11ture completes the list with fi\"e.

Thi!; addre~" will be held in the Pres- the Yisitors anything that may int re!;t byterinn church and the address ·will them. be deli\'cred by Rev. CT. Ci. Bennett. ln the e,·ening the ~chool of music The Re,· . Bennett is we1l known to all will giYe its annual recital and the gen;..­co1iege stndent:-. and his talks are aJ- era] public are -in,·iterl to atteml this way~ interesting and p1ensing. This exer(•lse. <'ar..; will run at conYenient nddre'-~ will undoubtf:'dly pro\·e one of inter\·al~ and the fo11owing program the mo~t instrnetlvp lectures during the will be rendered : week. Grieg

The program is H:!I follows: ......... To Rpring, op. 43, :No. Pro1•e:-c.,ional 1.fareh-(;1~tn<l Chotiur. Hollender .

................ Guilmar1t .................. :.\larch, op. 39, Xo. Doxology. I )fr. \Torth OrYis. ln\·ocation ................ Re\· . A. L . C'hapm::tn I Poldini .............................. ....... . Anthem-Come to Our Hearts and ............ :\Larch )Jignonne, op. 15, Xo. 2

Abi<le ................................ \\'inner-:\Iney Raff .............. La Fileu:-e, op. 15i, Xo. ~ Scripture rending. :\Ii:::s )Jae Elliot. Prayer. \\"agner-Liszt ................... . TI~·mn.

Announcements ..... Pres. J. )f. Ilami1ton "Rong to th~ EYening Star,'' from

................. Thannhause''

and the !o;eniors n-ill enjoy the remain- was clo~ed an<l this entrance, cozily Jer of the day ainong themseh-e~ . ! arranged with rug~ and pillows, made

Jn the e,·ening the .Ja<>k·o '·Lantern an ideal place for the punch bowl, at )[emorial will be presented to the col· which )fis~ E\•elyn BoyJc in pretty lege. This year the gift takes the form Japanese costume sen·ed. of a concrete base for tile cnnnon situ· The grand march wa~ led by C. A . atecl nenr the flag riole. Truitt, elas~ president, and Miss Viola

Following the~e exercis£>s. the presi· Fowler, Yiee president. {lent will giYe n reception to the facul- During the C\·eninS! thrre was a junior

Cotillion, in which :.\!i~s Aririam Calla· t_, . . sutdent!; and townspeople at Ham· ilton nan. way di!;trlbutecl water liliell, the cla::;s Commencement Day, Alumni Banquet: flo~er. )Iis!'I Cnloway also representeJ

Wednesday, June 4th. a .Tapnnese maid. .-\.nthem-D('~tival Te Deum, Xo. i in Beetho,·en . ................... ... ....................... The final exercises of the week wiil Refreshments were serYed in the

Of the engineering degrees fh~e will be granted from the electrical engin· eering department. two from the ciYil engineering department and one from the ut('Ch:rnical engineering <lepnrtment. Four aegrees will be g:iYen in home scienc(>. two in mathematics-phy!-ics an rl one in history-literature. Of the agri­cultural ~tuclents four reeei,·e rlegrees

HP reminde<l thr ~tutlent body th.it thC' t•ight eon!'PCUt°Ye champion· "hip ha•l been won hy the eolle~e du!'· inC" thr pa"t se::a~on. a fC"at which few ID"tit11tio11" in the eo11ntry eould hoast. RPfort> prt·~enting the swpaters he s.ai.l -that every man on the te:im mnre than tle~t'tn1 <1 the token:-;, hut the ~Jiirit in wbkh fht•y wne td\ n hv the schonl :-bf uJtl he taken into areonnt b~- them. E Flat ................... ...... ....................... BuC'k ............. $onata Pathetique, op. 13 takf' place in the assembly room of the Ile then calleil Brooke Hartman to rhe in aµ-ronomy and one in horticulture. Bae<>alaureate a<l<lre~~ - ThP Wdl· Tutro'1urtion te allegro di molto c main huiltling when the> rlass of 1913

girh;' clres!o;ing room of the j?ym, which had been trnn~formecl into a clrawing

platform. He mentionetl that it was a Examination~ are now t'lHnpleted a"n·l Guardrd Ilou:-;e.............. ...................... cnn brio. will be gi\·en their degree~. The eom- room a111l furnished with rugs, pillows the remain1ler of the work at the col- ................. ..... Re\". G. G. Beiinett, B . D. :\[i!'s 8ophia Kammerer. meneement :i1Mress will he 1leliYererl anil ilraperies.

rare pri,·iJege for one man to leatl lege will comd,.t in the Yarious pril- Anthem-Lead Kindly Light .......... Bu~k )foszkowiki .... raprice Espagnol, op. 3i bv President E. A. BrYan of the \\ash- Here the eollege color!<., hlue and n ti•am to two ehampinu~h.ips. But he grams :\tten1lant upon eomen<>ement. Benediction. R:iehmnminoff ..... ..................... i~g-ton ~tate C'ollege .. The suhjeet of gol<l, were m::ell aucl pillows and pen· !-aia tliat it wa:- ane t\l the wi}ljngne~s Last Fritln,y the junior prom wa~ hel·J, Recessional )fareb-Rom::rnee in D Prelndr in ('Sharp ).fiuor, op. 3

1 ~o. 2 his ncl<lre!'l~ l1n~ not as yet been gi,·eu nan ts atlornetl the room. Mi~s El!'ie

to work and the aetPrminntiou :rnd the tonight Pre~ident Ilamilton gi,·es a clin- Flnt ...... ..................... . .. Lamarc :\[iss Leah Hnrtman. out. Thi-; exercir-e is aho open to the Gerber antl :\li~s .Angeline Tienry as fighting ..:pirit cli~pJay,•<l hv the captain ner in honor of the graduates. tomor- Field Day, E xhibit Day and School of Liszt ......... .-........... Danee of the Gnome~ puhlic. .Tapanc~e girls, !'lerYetl ref .. t>Qhments. ot th'..., year'..; aggl'e.!,!11.tion that tided •• 11 .11 1 h l<l 0 I B 1 Rh ]' . E Fl t .11 b )ftl'•ic wn~ furnishell h) the tram OYer niatn_· a ran:?ll plnce. row . ie P:ll!!J>U~ ra .'" w1 le e . ' Music Recitai Monday June , r1 11ni;;.................... np:::.01 ie rn :. a Th~ f~~wi~g program w1 e ren- f h d ·· Snntluy the baccalaure:it~ ad<lres<\ will ' ' - )[is<\ Hortense Kir~chner. r1c>re0: -------- nrche~fr:l 0 " t e nncr 1' 1

(rontinued on Pnge Six) he deli,·ere<l. )fomlay will be field· Beginnin~ promptl~· at eight in the Sehunrnnn ............ ,Varum, op. l~, Xo. 3 ""'nr )larch of the Priest~" from number~.


F inal Rounds Yet to Be Played-Many

Surprises Sprong in the


In "Pite of the fact that the examin­

.. ations ha\·e been oceupying the grent(lr

portion of the time of the students thi:::

week, th<' actiYities on the tennis

conlts haYe not ec·a .. ('tl. The tourna­mt~nt th it w:l') inaug1.1ratea <=e\·eral Wf't•k .. n~o has been !"tea<lil · progressin~ anil !o\Ol1h_~ renl exeitin~ matchr . .;; han~

been play('d off. _.\.., is u .. ually the (':l~e iu an e\·ent ;lf

th i" krnil !"0111<' ~nrpri-.e.;. haYe bN~u

i:-1•ru ll!.! anti ~t•Yf'ral dark hor"e"' haY1' sbowe.1 np. The rt>"lllt' of the fir .. t

.. r ound of 11reliminarit'.., wen" very muc!1 as Wt"rt f"XJlt~de1l but in tlw ..:('cond ronn 1l Prof. I-hewer, thP pl:i_,·er who ha~ hl'lrl the Phnmpionship for thC' Jn ... t thrP"" year ... , was outplayed twn ~traig-ht set.::: hv Bi11 )JaUdox, of the ~ophomore

<'las.::. o .. enhurg of the fre:-.hman ('}ns--. pro\·­

ea a1to~ether too fa~t for ~[orris an,] t'a rnea hi~ wa:;.,. into the semi-finals h:· <lefeating tile latter in two straigl·t :-et.... .As the score~. fi-1 an•l 6·-1 wonl•I lll\liratr. Oseuhurg took the match in ta .. ,- fashion ana .;.houltl hC' continue ln bh. present form he will proYe o worthy

, . <'Onte..,tant for fJnnl honor~-.

Probably the elo!"est mntch was that bcrwl"en Parker nnf] Smith, but the lat· ter managed to outreach his man and took the 1n~t of the three sets in eas.Y nshioll. The ~!!ores between thcs(' two

i•.-ere 9- i. 5- i and 6-3. ~opcr. of thC' ~enior l'la.,.~. won bi!'!

ilnatl' h with Bell in three straight set~. he form('r !-eemcd too fast for Bell lltl th(' plaein~ of 11is return !"hots. t.'llt for in winniug: the g:ime for him. Parker. )(adclox, O~enhrug and ~o·

r will fight it out in the finals to ch"· trm ine the <'hampion. From their

owings in the pre1imiuar_\~ rontests is !-Rfe to predict ~ome Yery interest·

g ~ont('.:;t~. \YhoeYer tht" winner is, t i" plainly evident that h; will ha,-c o beat ~ome good men before he at-­ins the ~oa l of championshj p, B~~iUes this tournament i t is plall:ne.J:

\]aY when the farulb··!".enior ha.,eball morning, the annual field day wjlJ be \Yainer-I..iszt............... Atlrn.lia ........... .............. ... )!enclel<=soh'l ga~t<' is scheduled to~ take place. Jn held at the eo11ege .. \ s a. spec ial at- "~pinning Song" from "Flying Tlw ('o11ege Orehestra. the afternoon exh ibits of the Yariou'i traction a tennis tournnment has been Dutchman'' In\·oention .... "ReY. Frank B. Lewis, )f. .-\.. departments will be mndc and in the platrnNl and it i:-> prohahle thnt all the )fi.:;s Florence Thorpe. ){el ocly ................................ Frinl e\ening there will be a recital by the remaining ~tutlents as well a!o; the fae· Raehmaminoff ............................ The <'ollege Orrhestra. school of mu~ic. On Tue:-:da~· the sen- ulty, will take part in this tourney. The Bart?arolle in Ci )1in or. llp. 10, :Xo. 3 rommf"nre-ment ..\ddres~ ............. . ior <'la~;; <la,· exerei~es wi11 he helil and drawings will be made on Sunday so \\"eher .................. Ronilo Brilliant, op. 62 Pre-.illent E . A. Bryan, A. )I., L-. L. D. in the eYening the Jack-o '·Lantern }.fe· that no delay will be e-xperienced at )fi~"' Geor~ja Holier. Romanza ..... . ........................ Brook morial will be pre~euted to the college the court~. Leschefizky ........ ....... .......... The College Orcbestra. followecl by the president's rereption The tournnment is open to faculty, ''Anclnnte Fjnale" frkom "Lucia ('onferring Degrees .............. ................ .


at Hamilton Hall. On \1l ecl nesday th~ students and to towuspeoplc and tho.SC' .... di Lammers.on" (for left hand) ....... Pre<-.ident J. )[. Ilamilton, )!. S. commencement addre5s will be giYen desiring to enter wi1l Je3se their names Stranss-~ehutt...... ..... ............. )farclie )Jilitaire ......................... Schubert June 21 Is Set As Date for Annual ancl the degrees c onferred. In thee\-- with ::'.\fi5is Kenney before Runday morn- ............ "Fledermaus,., op. 10. ~o. 1 The rollege Orche~tra. ening the ~1h1mni wilJ sen·e their an· ing. The ~enior-faculty bn~eball game )fiss Gladys Griffith. A list of those to receiYe harhelor cle-

E vent-Good Program Is .# r

Promised. nual banquet whieb wi11 elo"e com· will also he played during the mornin~ Glinka-Balakinew ........... 11 L'~\louette" 1 gre.:::o; will he founa elsewhere in tbi<\ mencement exerci~es for the year. hours and n<\ usual the outcome ha<\ <'hopin .................... . ................... paper. Those who will reeei,·e the de· .r

The program by <lays ii, as follows: causecl a great deal of spe1.•ul:ition . Bnth ........... eherzo in B Flat :'-.Iinor, op. :n gree of Ph. r., are narolrl Rolherg of ~' Campus Rally May 31. I aggregations refuse to gi,·e out tlleir )[i~s Rnth Hartmnn.. B T. t l:;«le Stieb of JTamilton, ~-· ~- _:~~

Tbio; custom was established la~t year lineup:-> or "dark hor')e~, 11• nl:liough Pacler('w~ki ..................... :'-.relolliC', op. Hi E~~l ~:~:.:r;:-;e of Anneoniln an1l "Rohert 'J:he seeom1 annual lin'.' ~tock day will

a111l pron~J. to he a \·ery llelightful hoth ~ide~ feel confhleut of a netor_,., Liszt..... ..Polonai'-e, :N'"1l. TT in E F 11 he helcl nt the college on the twenty-

l>art of the gracluating exerci~es. The The game will undoubted]~- pro,·e on<"' )fi.:;s )laud ..\lexa1uler. Lapeyrc of C1rC'at •n s.

crowd ~athers about the ol<l cannon anrl of the :imnsing fi'a.tnres of the 1fa~· an.I Senior Class Day E xercises, Preseuta- The grnilu:ites from the 1lepartment first clay of next month. under the sup· olrl :lc<Jnaintince5. are renewed, song~ will suppl~· no en1l of fun to tho~e who tion of the Jack-o'-Lautern memo-. of lllU"'ii• of the college are "\[i~"eo;; Ruth erYi~ion of the llepartmcut of animal are sung. !'torie:-. are told an1l e,·er,\•onc attend. . rial, President's Reception, Hartman, \f:iutle Ah~xa11aer :tn1l Gtaay~ hnsba111lr~·· The program for the da-y-has a splt•iHlitl time. Xo spe<•ial pro- During the after~oon th.e <>ollege will Tuesday, June -!. Griffith. TlH• grarluating reritnls of will consist of two parts. l n the mom-

·"t·nr11 ·,,_. J>lann"a for the r,·ening, hut it he thrown open to .'" .• ~pectior.' and thoc;e

1 1 1 1 ] al\· l>"" 1 g'1<"n 1· n~ a nt1111\>•r of talk~ will lw Ni\'Cn in ~ .-, " 1 On Tues:clay the sen ior C'lnss < ay ex- t 1esr pcop P rnYe a re, 1 • '""-1 '" n " t"-is l>rubablt"' that the ilifforent <!lassl'.'s who r:irp to ma~· '.·1s1t. the. <ltffr~ent • C· I 1 . h

I r t x ereisf's will he held. Th<"' program will nnrl thr~· will reeei\·e their •liplomn .. the eollege as~embl;· hn I ttlll 1ll t 6

will 11a\'(' stunts for th<"' ;1mu~t.•ment ~if partmenh o the rnstitu ion. ~ o sper- op•11 -·,·111 •, n•1 th1"s "Omin"'"' week. afternoon, follo\\iug a barbecue lunch the nowd. The time b eight p. m. inl preparations ha.n? heen mntl<"' but "- .. the phnting of the j,-;-;- .. " ~ there will b~ ~toek judging .Jemonstrif· -· - I <'<"'llent support from the £.i('ltl. Two tions on th(' cnmpu~.

~~.';f.'.!~«::~;i'.::,~::: ~~~,~~;,;~:i::li~:::~,:~:: SEVEN GRADUATE rROM rRESHMEN HKE GAME ;:;:~h;:·:~hi~al~~;:e b:f tt1;,: ]o:~·r,hr~~:: co;~;;e h:\~~n~o~n::::.~101':,td::.:t ::~

.f. 1 1 .. t t· EP RATORY SGHOOL rROM SOPHOMORE GLASS k 1llC't with Q'rrnt ~nccess; henco it was nunrher hnv,, sign1 1e< t "" in en ions PR A ohtn lncd pa••e< to the first '"e . ~ of hel•orninq conte~tants in the conte"i t. The game began with the ~opl10- deeiih·d to continue the e,-ent.

Tlu' following statem('nt in regard mores in the fiel<l and it w:is in the All of the farmers and others in the the eominf? tournament ha~ been made first innin~ that the fre~hmen gained county :incl the )';tate arr a~ked to be bY l'oach Doek:-.ta<ler: E xercises T o Be H eld This E vening tn I Baseball Honors Rest With Lower the lead whieh placed them on the snfo in :ittendanrc 8 ~ a l?Ood progrnm Is ·The annual field clay tennis tourna· Assembly H all-Will B e Preceded Class F or This Year-Rally Near- <=itle of the fenre witl1 !'ix rnn"' to the promisC'd. The program for the day is

ment will lie held this ;year on )(01Hlay by re Nephew or Uncle." ly Rever ses Result. ~oorl. The sophomore~ seem eel utrnble fl!i follow!': an1l Tu('~rlnv, .Tune Ist and 2nd. on the to fincl ('otner in thi<., inning1 hnt they 10 a. nl., ~\ ssemhly hall, Live stock <'ollege cnu~ts . The prelimin:i.ry rounlli;; ea me back in the second and thir l in Europe (stereopticon lecture), Presi-will he playe1l on )!onday beginning at ThC' grailuating e:xerei!'e8 of the pre· At the end of a close ancl exciting gradunlly lessening the "Jlaee between dent Hami1ton. 9 o 'cloek in the morning, and rontinuing J••rator:· d•J>,•trtment wiB be 11eltl in as- contest Fridrt,\" afternoon it wa!ii found the scores b'.' hea,·v clouting. The The Ilog-C. TI. Good . •• "' ., B£>ef Protlndion in C'anada-F. B. until completed. The !"C'llli·finnls and sembly hall at eight 0 'elock this eYer.· that ha'-('bo.ll honors for this year rest· !l'ixth inning ga\-e the lower cl3ss an· Linfi<'ld. final~ on Tuesd:iy afternoon beginning h h eel with the freshman cJ:is-.. Ia a other l<-:icl which wa~ be~·ontl the Liv{I Stock in Afontana-lT. R Bach-at 2 o'cloek. Tn preliminary matrhP~ iug. · e\·en students w 0 n,·e com- wondc>rful ninth inning rally the upper rC'ach of the sophomores through count-thC' hest two out of thrrP "et.:; will <le· pletell the course wiU recei\'C diplomas. clas~ nll hnt took the game n.way from le~ rrrors on the part of tlle fielding. tt"rmi1rn the winner. ~t"mi-final nnd Before the presentation of the tliplomas the fre~hmen. but tlle infield tightened lloweYer, the ninth innin~ ~aw heir final t•ontests wi11 b·e determined by the the class will put on the p1ay 11 Xephew np nnrl when the third man WS\'; clown hea\·y hitter" np to bat and for n few best t'l rN' out of fiye set..;. or Cnrle .. , They will he a~si..,trtl hy it wa.'i found that the sophomores minu.tes it looked a~ thonj?h the fre~h·

This i~ an open tuornament for stu· the eolh"'g. <' orchestra ancl )fnuil ~\.lex- la<>kP•l two of t1Ying the required mun· man eolors woul<l be trampleil in tlw dents, f:ieulty. town~people aml n!l ber of run~ to take th<' gnme. du.:;t. "'ith but one ont anU two to go tho~e interested in tenni~. E,·<'ryone 1s andc..•r at tlw pi:rno. The s('Ort"', 13-11, "eem~ to intli<>a.te tlie freshmen tightene1l up nnil rmt u rge<l to enter. Hand nll entrirs or tele· Tht.• stmlrntc: to whom cliploma;,; :ire to n slow g:\me. ~\lthough thr- perform· two m<'n flown, tht"rehy winning thr phone the same to ),[is~ Kinney at thr he nwardl'il are Charles r·ook, Roum.lup; nnct• wns hl•lnw the "tan!lard of the grime. secretary's office. Entries clO"t~ ~n.t· \li.;s :\l:le .Agnes £Jljott. ('larn; )[i:-s profe..;sional organi7.a.tions, after the For the sophomore" Chime~ wa~ on u rday at 4 p. m. Floren<'•' Lind..,traull, £1 .. 11 ; \\'illinm first two Innings both si1le~ tightenell the reeeh·ing end ~nul playe<l n !\trnrl.'·

The drawings will be made immecl- Tl 1111 an for four inninµs put up n good Qarnr. He to!!t>ther with Xohle :lnd .1 2\lo1bOll, on·arn1o; "'"· Talbot 10mp- ~ ~ iately and will be pnbli!'l'bed in Rnnu 3 '· rxhihition of ba!'ehall ns hn~ e,·er been ~fa<lclox .]jtl the heavi(>st hitting for

II b son, Bozrmrrn: B. \Yellman, ~\Ul!ll"ta ; morning's pnper. ).latches wi e ... 1 ""C'n on the eollej?e 1linmund. f'otnerl their te:lm,

Tb ~yl\·auus \\'bite. .-\.ugu,;;rn, :"'it.'Yera " played in the order drawn . OS{' for the fr<"' .. hmen, antl RO!'", the <=\1pho· Hibbard, f'annors, f'otner and nark· l o~IH'r nwmhers o the t•Ja!'!; who b:nr not drawing fir!\t are expectcc to appear morl' twirlrr, pitl"heil a :-cterlin~ game c:;on brought in the mo:;;t runs for the

" d . ' s11ffieient crrdit" to entitle th m to a . f promptly at 9 o'clock ... u on ny morlllnb thronghout anil with the l'X<'ep ion o lower clnQs, Ti ibbarU cloutjng out tho t th t It . h I that a. large diploma, will he 1llowe'1 to Tl•gister 3.;, a e cour . is ope< • one or ~·o inning~ were aecorclerl ex- only home run in the game.

number will enter this tournament. condition al freshm en no•t flll.

elder. f'ommunity Li,·e . tock As:~oclation3

-F. , . <'oolc~-. On tbe rampu~-BarberuC' luneh:

~to"k j1ulging; judging <lrnft matched tenm~ hitehe11 o wagon .

F.Yeryhody who has a l.lraft matched team i~ req~te<\teil to llring it.

It was just learned nt the rolle~e tl1i" we1"k 11at \Villnnl ,.\tkins. former· ly :i membn of tlte cfa..;'I nf 1!111, wai the winner of the C'xlt·mporanPoni;; c:;p,.aking: eont<"'~t at f'hi1•AJ!O. in the Lihcrnl .\rt" f'cillegi;. Tn winniu~ th'." he won a. prize of .~12:0. )Jr .. .\ tkins is wPll Temembered on the hill a" a mem­ber of both of tlre winnini: college de· bate team• of ln>t year.

Page 2: THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT ... · the weel(ly exponent. vol iv the weekly expo::-.'ext friday, ~ay 30, jnl3 number 36. truitt heads twenty baghror degrees

n \ I '.! THE WEEK LY EXPOX E::<.'T FRID.\¥, )Lff 30. 1~13

tor', h""''" fo '' " ' •h _r, "'I The more pleasant your vaca-1

' the "011

' ' 'ha· i· """'"' ·i.,rn an;-. j-=::--:::-=-=---·-------------------==: The Weekly Exponent. fr u ~ 1• p a ma \' 1~ rLt. nt •• l 'l U'i'.tl•r lu-.•irnt )U 11\.'realioub anJ tht\t OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE

" o le \ I!' e .. houl t i.:1 .. a; .rn l .. l', e-1 tioo, the more you wilJ need .. t• 111 ... u·utitiu ,1:t ... lJcl'n ..,ti'a•lily grow- OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Established Jan. 1, 1910.

who \\II rctenc ·liploma:i ir1.,m t tt.' rn..: tr11n Jh t1u111L1·10n ... Jiowin~ tba: OUR SERVICES THE BEST

Outgro\\.tlJ of )[no·hly Exponent. c,. r q:tr.t )r\ ft•p1r'tut.·~~ a KODAK- ·he gn,•a·t .. ~ .n1 ft.':I .. (' in h .. hbton

tabh..,fn••l .r I. 1'!•.- T t~ E'.\pt>nent w ... :it .... ht> ut w m\.'rt la.~t t(\11.

Publi~lu.•J t•\·l•ry .Friday of thl' Col· I ht•r.;, of tht.• c:Ollt•..!1' alumui t>\ t·n. gn.'at(lr It mi.!hl hr a;iain m£'ntioi1t••l that

]ego :e:ir by an edit.ni.:tl 5:taff cho en ,u e'"l"" th n ·bo .. 1• t'Ja• 1rn.,·e tallen tJ Thi> rnort .. you "ill waut pidurt'' ot thl' e\·ery .;.·uiPllt who lea\e:-. tllt' iu-.;titii·

from tho ~lUlknt-. of th1.. )(ontana Ji, Lot ui ~he prt':-.1.'nt member .. "f thnt gou1l times ,vou :-tre ha\"ing-thi) inrer· tion thi .. :<pring- l'.\n tlo :rn~- amount of

State (,o-i.lt:'ge ilf .\~r culture nod orJ,tniz:\ itiu . Tile \•olh•.!'t' ha ... d<1ue n,. e"!lll!! iwt1ph• ~·on me•"-thl· unu .. ual z·10~1 ln- lrt·ing the ahoYC• fart-. :ln~l

M~buoie . .\rts, Boz••m ·1, :'.\footaoa. p.1rt au·l a" 11om· i· wdl. )Lin~ are --i~llls ,. 111 St.'" Yoti cnn Nl"-ih· m:ikt• mirn,· o~h('r ... of inu•rr"t bt:> known I tht• tutw') 1hsr the membt,r"' who "di : . ·., whrn•Yt>r ht' or '-hr j.,. during- thr thnw

bT.\FF nt':\t wet•k rt't'l'1't~ tht>ir tliploma-. h:l\t' an•l hnni:r li!H'k "Hl'h picton'~ if ~··m "'\ion mon h" until tb(I roll l c8llt.'1l

pi 1ha. '·' \\l'.it•l monlt\ntar:I.'· that th'' b:t\r t•lll' •t tic-.e idt'.d '"3 t·atioll ('ant-1

!'lza·n nex ~l·p·t•mlwr. Tr mean~ mu<'h' EditM·iuC'hit•f

~!!lwer n. ~·ilber~. '14 b ·i o· lone it .... 0 well for it ha" lllt':lli ern-.. tn thr l'r')lll'j!'t': i~ ITlC'311"' 111\ll'h t•l ('\'('r~·

A~sociato E·litor Lynd:ill P. D~l\ iJ-.on, '15

Busine. -::i ~fon:l~~r-Fred. E. Gl1rJ,m, 113

.Managing E 1i1tor ···---··-····-

vur.. r' I .:ir.I ,,·ark i >r t ht•ni. lfo\f· 1 "tu<lt•nt :.ind it mean .. much w t )io:0,'

t'' i'r, t h :,:h .. t:t111lar,J.;. of tht• 111 ... titn- LN us ~how .'·ou ho1' light and t:Onl· who m:t_,. thU!OI be induceil to tnke llJl

·-·-· ... Robert T. Kt.'lh•y,

•·ou \\lll ·)l• th(' thin~> th:tt "ill pro\ e pat't ·he"e 1:SnJt•rss nn•-how l',t:-,· to h;!!ht'r e··llll'ation. L~t en?ry 'IU1font

! mt,..,t ':t!u~ to the _ratluate-. iu ~ct> I loa1l and vpt'r:Ht'. \\"t• hnn~ en!'ry~hing "t'f' wh:tt ~111 he .}oni.". noo .... t for 1,flnO

'1.3 t.'lhl ,rn,l tht' extra time t:t1.;eu n kt'..:OJ•iu..? for photii:raph,-. l'OllC'S?f' '-iU•lt>n'"' u Jfl].1 anrl for a~

Ci.rculnt:•rn )£:rn·1~er t11e \o•k up t > :hCl:-l' "-iatl'lar.1 .... ha ... Uc ·u lt.•:h~ I.iO in n~x · year·.... ir<'-.:una 11

A>'I 13u>ine>• ;(~n>~~~<•t B.irdor, '15 ~:',~ ;:: ;1~~:: ~'.o:~: ·:·~-,;~cw1i1'.~,;11:;1<;/ TH£ ROSE DRUG COMPANY cls-..~.-Exponent. '::\Ia;- ~L 1!'11~. liarr~ll li. 11.bb:n.l. '13 \\" meu who will knYl' thl' Cl1lkgt• th" In Closing.

Ai-st, .Bu,.iuC'c;s '\[an:l'"l'r · i \11 h I 1 l · r ,_, .t-:r_ - ,,,, S • -. .Tl:-~~h ·R~·- ~opt•r. ·1:1 ~ \,.:11! O\,-C',t .. a~::,m:~~l'lltb:oo~im::,o:;l,~: The ~ ~ ... ~ tore

Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 E ast Main Street Phone 82

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

t;ac~Jc~l course in Chil, Electrical s.nd ).[echan.i~al Engrneering .i.: ec an_ic ~rts,. Agriculture, Dairy, Hort iculture, Domestic Sci.enc~', Iudustnal Cbcnust ry, E conomic Biolosz~. ~fathematics L e-.try. Pbanuacy, M usic and Art. ~. • iternture, For·

Beautiful_ grounds, commodious building~. complete wood nod iron

~;~P6~r:X:::li1~~e laboratorit?~. model kitchen and ..;ewing room~, music

J. 1'1. Hamilton, President BOZEMAN, MONTANA

)fan:l~t·r ··-· t':ld1 Olll' .IU ,]) : .... :!ll'3h''t .,!Q(Hl . ll

.. 1forllmer J, Lo!t, '].) '• <i..t 11 .: )[nnt:rn:i ~ta:t•. Tht~ yalt·l•

""ith the ln'>t j .... ..,ue of th(' F.xpone:tt the memhC'r~ of hnt

11 th11 t•ilitorinl ..,rnff

1 ., _____________________________ _)

l rl.!u ;U tlll 'la11a:t r of t .... c.: ii C.!t' 'ln•l lf :i:l coill.'.!""' i ...

H 111cr L. l1.1til, ·1~

lnterc<Jllegiate llll ~urt••l hy tlh' nark ot the ::rauda·.: ..

EditiH ··--········--········-· of tie in-:· ut m. E:1~h ont' that

.. Rh•lda Dnwc~. '13 j·n1akt·" - iol"' rai'e" tht• t."•tima·10n

.Atblotic Raportl'r ···•· ·· · 11 w uch ·he eollt'~(' i" L.eJ,1 amon.! th~ _n. Li.:>~lie Petti:!rew, ·1- pt• ple wi::u wuMn ht> or "ht.~ rome"' .n

GentJr31 Heporter •.......•. - ················--··· coutict. Tht•y pa' t' tl1t• Wily t\ir ma'l,.

Let me

make a



;~.'.;'.','i~'~'.~<h:~~~!-~0"~:~: ~-~' 01 ~::.~ I rl _C_E_R_E_T_A_N_A_M_E_A_N_S_Q_U_A_L=IT=Y=1

th:,. ,.e:tr m:ldt' 1ht' prorhic~ion of th~

Expr.uent po,<ihlc. Thi' iuclu<lc< th• IN FLOUR ANO ROLLED OATS ·, TRY THEM TOIJAY pt'r~lln::i wb.) haYt' :i .. ::.i..;re1l from time

to time to preparl' cop;- f,n thC' pttpPr THE BOZEMAN MILLING co nn.J those wh' h3\"e a"i•ted in a fi· MP ANY na.nl'ial wa:· by a1hcrti-.ing. En•n­

effnrt has bt'<'n ma•le h:· the ..,taff .. o

ket'p the paper up to a. hig-h ~tnnd~r'L

Tht> pro·iuction of the papt.'r i<;; onl:- po-.­

~ihle hy the finances deri'fed from thP

suh .. l'ription Ji.;;.t an•l the ad•rrti~er.::

31111 hO,\€'\"C'r j!001l the pttper ma.'- han~

······-·-·· ··-··-···A. Paul Tb(}tnp~on1 '13 ·o c •ue to ~·Jik!~ or to rontiuut.• in

Oener3l Ht•porter. ~yrtl1:1 Alderson, '13 "'l:Jlt' for111 i :11zhcr t' Inca i ion. Th•·:

General Hep-0rter ·-··-·-···-···-·····-····· .... . " mn .. ; l>t• ;tpp:trt>nt rh:u hl'"t . iin..!

-·······- ·- -·· ······· Florence Wight, 'lG th,. t.1e member.;. oi tllt' eh ...... of lfll3

General Reporter ·-·-··--····-········· .. ········ -·····---· .. ··-····---······-· Florence Guy. '15 C3D nnw fo for ··~tr alnn matt"r i'> · o

en!t'r tht' worl.l w th a let1•ru11n:Hiou

Subsaiption Rate--1 wo Dollars per r 1 w n iu wha.ten'r liul' o work the:· .Jn·

y£'ar, fi\"IJ cent~ per copr. _\,herti... 1 }('r~.ikP. .\ud thl'Y :-honhl not onk

ing- rate~ madi:- kntiwn oa spplic:1ti1ln.

Ent1•u1l .is :-t•con.l cl:J"' m:lil mattl'r

at Boze111~1n. ~fout:rn:i. under Act of

tn1qirt~ ..... of lfart•b 3. 1""7"ll.

The \Veekly Exponent is strictly a

1tudent enterprise. l.s to prcs .. ut to its r€:t.ders each week

an accurate and complete record of the

developments m college affairs durin0

thnt peiiod and it is i!ltended that its

ln!luence Sb.all ba exerted !"or the UP· '

buildJng of M. S. C. The paper lS the

result of volnnta!'y effort put forth by

the students who compose the staff.


Fri.-fn,V, \fa,· ::J-.T iu or ...

~mm. drill h·1ll.

fa · 3 -Di.' ir r on

for pr>·


11olid.lf' else:;.

l'rt>para.tor:· t!'.t•luat D~ t-xer·

Fri•hi:. ~fo~ 31), s:1ln p. m.-' · X1

phC'w 1r l"nclc''-Pre1.a .. ato1,- .. ,, ~r

.. Ja ... s pl.t.'·, a'"'l'lll h- hall


Boost f<h Montana Stat€


suit for you . I've been

making a lot of them this

;pring. They are exceed­

ingly popular and I haYe

some of the prettiest

goods for them you ever

saw, at prices from 20

to $35. They are great.

"BILL' the nifty tailor

ht't"tl j..; OWP•l t., them.

\\ith thl' fir-.t Frida.'" of thl' next

.... rb •Ol ye:'lr thr Exponent will n~--nn1t•

puh. 'ltion nn•l t•,·er.V" eff.1rt wil" hi'

ma 11• Hl :"PH 1 ou: all of rht' n1"W"' P:\l' 1

wee-~ tn it• "'Ill• .. <" iht"r" 1111i -tl""' t'

ma "' t W<11·tb mnrt

~u ·lium fa en•r.



F.'.'\ ' ~

1 mix

T •' - 1•ft

t • :i.1 ft 1<'

).f 11nt ia ( n It..;.

f 9 111• nbC' .. of l':St"et' Jin,:,~

Yalu:il,Jc morcH'C'O l•oun•l hooh' from t'1e-

an· T bt>P i l ~C'O\"t'ft"•l T' e't

1001\ .. ha•t "1'n· e' j,J,~ntl.'· nor .r .. :tppear­

,.,1 all ar on .. ;. 'rn· m,· .. [eriou:-ly ont' a

a rimC' an•l -.11 po"tt nnetl t in_> of di-.·

e.,.,·er:-. "\ 11t:n )[r,.. \\"iut('r, .li:er an

t."X\'C't'~lill!!l.v t~n,! l:t \". le-·trne f of .. 111~

ah~t•nce of t 1 "'t' l "t'l'ious ,-olumt>-.. her

t' •olh~:.!\' fa •·.1hy h:t e ht>•"• , -~n t1•mr1t·r h,-.r .. t r\.1rth in :dl it;.; fuT.> OYer

t'tL-!::t .:,t•i n l.':\~en .. ! •n rrurk--c.lrr;ri!!~ tht? b1'ri•l l1i 01.• inno•·ent 1)1-.eo,·tTt'.'r 1)f

:1 :.tlit:ar·,.(~ llf thf" ·work d·) 1t' at :\fonrnna tht" In ..... Jn htTn enl'h pt>r,-on in rile li­

~:a-t" 1 Iii·.!~ t h ::h ,.;hool -.tu•lc,1 - . hr.tr' wa.., ill:t•rn~tte•l in hl.'ate,J ·om''" ...

Tut' l 11Je;.rc h:ls furtbl•r l ...... n kl"pt on the lihr:i.rian .. part a .. le:l.. \;ff''!.·

Satl1rby. "\fay 31. ""O

pu .... r.ilh-Snudny .hn<' I. ..., 011 p. tn.-na. .. ra

n d mo .. • c.{ tnA fore r .t' e\'t'"' of the pe\\ple of r.t~ errniu:r h1-.. or lh•r kn lWll'•1..!e oi the

lrt e fl p r .. 71 t -.·at(' "·' 011 an.... f thl~ .. ate papi·~ wl.:t:rl'ahour.. 1f tht~ m '"':-in..! hook-. ;\11-

l:lu"<'S .. l' a1l•lrl'"'" h Rt:» 1

t t bl' Pre-.hYtt.'r" in hu

)fonda , ... l uu~ !'.!-

FiC'ld day 10 1)11 a. m

Exbihit d:1.'- 11.,j·Qil p. m..

The pl'l'· .. ~ hnrt'au ha" con~rantl:;· l1t.'t tit'!''i in ::la ring l~:ttir:;; Wt'rt:!' po-.tr•l on

.. en·l ,_ hnllt'."•in:-. ro the Pllt•t"'!."' of rhc- r"a• hnllerin J.oa [ dem:tn1linz t.L.l' rt-·

w - n .... t11t -~ n d tb1•\~ u 'e ht>en J•rintt•.l an rnrn !Jf the boo;·... The l(l:-:-- wa .. :'ltl·

11,..m, noc .. of rt".iil. _\n.l to complf't(' 1111 .. w.)rl< the- noua("1..,,·l in ll"'l'n1114.y :t.n l the prC':;id~u·

1h•' man'"° 't·le -colt'!!'' vnll baYt" ,, reprt'"l'nr:t·b·e on expre ..... t>·l hi .. 1lct>f .. •rrow of ht>in.?

RC'rital of thE' nrn .. 11• "·~hoot ..., :on p. m r' uren•iaut up1 1 1•,·t•rr ~..-or""' "' l'l't' tl.e- ro:ti1 aurinsr th~ better prrrt of the' for1•l'<I <o think th:1 :tn.""'h' in ... uth an

Tue .... ltn~, .Tune 3-t t:>"'t> : .... :'10\" Tl!'"JlllD 1lIT1·r O!" wh('~ a .... ummN p~r .. onalJ:· (':lfl\-a..,,ing- .11t' b" ..!h illu:-;trious. in-.rituti11n as)[."'· C' .. ~oulrl

fwure ilPnen.1 .... Ml TIJere L"· l.J..'w- ..... honl ::1-:1.•lu:i .. e.;;. and :'lll ot.it·T'i w!io Hoop to such :-t rn~thod of pro1 1ring

~:;~~~t:1~:~1 d3 "~/'X<'rr:-..~ .. _ 10

'..)Ii a. m. 1"H' '"- t e h1"-.t opp .. rnm:ty of all of· may he intcre"-tC-d in ~ecurirrg- bigh~r >aln:tble book~. ).fr--;. 'Yiuter r:i.ge·l

.fa,-.!{ •• l '.L:'!l"J't'rn h'r1~·l 11e .. tu·lt"'n• .. •1annir tfif'ir -.um.nT'r e<lu<':t~ion. e,·er the 10:::-; an1l r?tt"W more and more

)[t'morinl ··· ·· ... :no p. m. Yac:in~m::: to zi•e theu l'OIT~P 3 hoo-...~- Thi"' murb ha~ bN'n rlone or i"" now ii~tru,.iful ahout l~ting bll1lk~ g-o1 out

w:;::~~:1;~·~u::Cl'~Oll ........ !l:OO p. m. ft i;;: rh1;;: fnal ho•hT that may of"'nm heing ,}int' b~- th~ eollt";re. A stilT tf thl' librar_, •. ~lf' grew <.;.Uspicious of

Commencement arlrlreq~ by E. A. Rry- mean tfiP brin!?lng r{ anothi"r c;.hMt"nC ureatl'r woTk rnn hf' done hy the ..,tu· p,·er_,·one and "eeml~l to eaeb per--on to

an, pre{l.ident ~"n~h~nqton rot· to ':'.\[onrana ~t:l.tt"' or of' 1n~iriog lrm. dt'Dt"I. E\·rr:· ~tudei:rt ha~ a uumher ,•enter her 5U'ipici1tns upon him. T o

lege ·-· -· . _ .. l0:3i1 a. m. to ~onH• form of b:\l!i?r e•lm .. -a:-ion. Qf friC'nd;;; in his pan of the sr:ite antT '_iret a hook out or· the li.brar:;- was like

f'onferring deg-rl'C'"i The ?J~ yl"ar ha· ih·~n one of rh'- :Jci•ordin~fy h:l'~ an intluenre ,yf more taking the pl~ilge ._end woe be unto him

• .\Jumni Unnqnet _.6:r)fl p. m. ·1\'i•,- an·l the peo1,Je- lri rbe ;;:f3t1' hlvt .. or It'"'' wr~~ht. L.'l;;;t !«ummt>r a num· who ne~l.ee~ed 't:O return before· ~ighr-

~ '1een ma {e- 11r·ter 3.t'"f{Uaint!'<l with rm.'4 lier of ..;rnrli•nts n:ot•rl that inflUl'"ll('e 31111 t"C'lo1·k a libran· book' The <;eareh

The Graduates. C'ollt'::!t' t :ln eYeT h("ibn' The 2i·-:tn- brought ..,~,.·<'ml ::;tn,lenB h:'iek ro eol- ~n'W 1bi1.'" more prl"plexiu2 a~ the

t C t(li.l'"fi\P11 D W llC' W.l .... llll\Tilt'Yil'•''I'. w"til l~l'!ll f many {':'\"t'"' tJ e Jbrtfl('(',;. ior ft't'O\'tf"J ~('eme•l to d1Tninbh .

11 t {'

t tl •)



An improved summer undergarment affording the fast degree of comfort. Made o a to do away " ith the gaping seat and opening between legs.

20 per cent discount on trunks and suit cases.


Spaulding Base Ball Goods; Spaulding Tennis Goods

t .n1til~-. ro t11t" n1:rn hanu:! ~0·1.plf'tt.• 0 1

n rolll'l!'t' 1•011r:-1' ~ftt•r l11gh ... ch1lnl

a..... Thi• ~t:ln•lar1h of :-1•J..,~ 1r,h1p

.1 t 1 .. n .... rirtt 11111 hRl t~ h1•1•n lar,reJY r•"

j ... 1•011 .. ihh• for 1b1• L.'"'lO•l ... ho\rill-:.: th·~ ·1 .... hp1.•11 n ·I h• rh" _ra.11a•e-. of \fon

. \t 1a .. ~ it '-t•it ·left·11't' a!!ai1i...t )Jr ...... W'in·

tf'r. tht' --.-u.font u.i I.'· h:tn'1e'1 rnl.!'ether

f 1r a .. ,- .. :N1rntie .. t~ 1reh 11f t .,. huil,1·

1;.t". Pn··t c· .. of' ... ·u·le!11 .. Wl"l" .1 ....... 1gn­

f'•t r •Ii t'r'1~q·nt l.ml 1' u,:... .\ll ont' '-':tt·

11r•la ,. morn ._: ,. Wl)J t~ l W ' lOUt

• \ J .1ft1'rnOfltl

\~ t w bo

\flln:tl1f1• lnMk-. 'n th1~ lihr.H'-- w1ilt> t'\E'

C'OUlt•flt" t1~d ]Wl"ll 1lon:ttf'ti t IWUrtl keep

inJ.r till' <C:11lt-n~"' W:l .. m.

W . L . r ., '16.


:l s·ar1• uu·l tak ng- :1 !!'1:11w1• O\t' Th" w~··l·l n ... nf l'nrl f,n't"-Ch:llt·k an,1

the J>q 1n1'n" or l";J .l1.1~ue:o fur th!'." '\ff ...... F.lln T\:n •""h'' ()J .. , .. n "ii t 1k 1• phi'('

f•:l .... t tl\O \("Ir .. lt t":ln l°'• ' 1't'.'U t 18 ' -i l ll'l 11i!ton Hall tomo1·row 1~\"t'n°n.?

f"\"t'll t Ji' }11 1 "'tRll J3r1\.i, Of t11t• }I' t nrith :l'i' Wc"li !'\11•1 fat 1?"8 \\• 'kn<IWlt Ill

'll r- hf'('ll "' 1' ilih rai .. ~1 11 i1 ~ 1 •' l"Ol11•:z1 :l.'l'l ot ier Hor. na11 ··irf'lt>". '\fr


Nabobs Smoke Nabobs ; -the delightful smoke-ask "Brandy"


·- 111



- F. C. Brandeburg, Prop.




i I

On the best portraits irr the best homes you ~

will find our name.


12 South Wack


Let us show you our magnificient variety of cut flowers

fo r commencerrrent. All orders will receive prompt

attention anal delivery will be made to any

part of the city.

I\ Cangcbr's ffteenbcuses

' "GO~>D-BYE , EVERYBODY! " .. I nope you haYe a pleasant Yaca tion . Thanks for your

patronage of the 11ast school year. l "SPUD"

i I j•

The High Class Barber Shop for College Men


c. Mel n'RE Michigan Building


Stop ! Look! Listen!

For a short time we will sell the famous I "Mark Cross .. silver plated $5.00 safety

razors for 25c. II 11

THE GALLA TIN DRUG CO. 1' 1• ... f"nt ti u " n·bri:t 1>1 .. , boJar ... h p ttotr"-i J n'··k j, ~ 11 ,. 11 ),"r of thf"' rb .. .;; l .. , lll•i t 11(•!1(' a11 I ll• ro n 111,· 1 t 11 ol l'I ''· .'.l.n 1 , 111 ~ 1 1 lll }l3 >1 hi ( 11

l " m ' })()it t " '1 pr Ir'. 3 .. f'n, 1"' '"l in t

1e rl rn n •l1•p.'.l.rtmf' t ::..:============================~ l1ee11 ntt 1 1 l'.'oi

I I Nothing Better.

Jt m:. •

PHILLIPS, BOOK STORE ho.'""' n,1 C' .... , th t 1· hl1 .. w lar21• ... t l t 1:1· th·· 1•0 l('.!'.1' ofit' ·... full t"Olli'.., ~

N1nr .. 1• .. of J.u:h nrn(''J• n Y:ll111~ to

I fa<'ult'" in !h<' <ta!<' .. o totnl of I!> ho.

Spaulding Agency ing include·! in th.- roll: ·hot th,• ""! lt"gll' hns more buil~ling"l nnd equipment _ ______,

of !lJ ('O}li•~e th1• t,!r<':llt'r pnrt of tl11'

nf tl11• d:i. .... nf l'.IH nn I iluriu:.r IH•r

"Oflh!llllOrf' Trar \\:1 ... 1•mplo.' 1'11 in tht' of

fir "f Proff .... or f'nhl,~i ~h a~ :l. ...... f'nog­

raplwr. t'Ontinuiu~ l'ith _:'I part of he.r

work, howe,·rr. ~h~ resigned her po~t

We have the swellest Commencement bouquets. Get them from


t mi'. )[" ...... 01 ... 11 ·' .. ,1 ""'a n11'mh.r l tion nbout a month ago. I ----------------------------~

Page 3: THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT ... · the weel(ly exponent. vol iv the weekly expo::-.'ext friday, ~ay 30, jnl3 number 36. truitt heads twenty baghror degrees

THE WEEKLY EXPONENT. Special to Class of 1913


r.r~.r~.r..r..r_.r_..r..-o=r..o ~~.r.r.r..r.r.r-~~.r.r.r.r.r-.--..r..r..r..r..r..r..r...o-..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r~..r..r..r.r.r..r.r.r~~-....... ~~-----..---...o-..r..r..r.r~.cr.r.r..r..r..r~1 \--..r.--..r..r..r..cc=:ic;;;;; =;; ==;=

~I Class ~!.J!!,1!~!~'!..J!.!lo!!..'!!!.d_.~birt~en I~ bas called us together thJs e\ ening we § § ~f the old leanrng shanty. At one tHne •Nmet ucitiun•of a dat~and ~ere ~~rt had been a vuy respec~hle ~ok-ilj ~ometliin}{ highly significent in tbil' MYRTLE ALDERSON. cd iu makitJg au enviable record in both. follow up his training by going into During ner sophomore year she wa::1 i.ug log cabin but weahter and lack ~f fact. Uf all lll::ititution~ thut cballeng1:: History-Literature. During his first two years be was a praetical work, antl with 'his natural a. wtJwUer of the Exponent staff ani.i repairs had rendered it a. forlorn Jook-our rntere~t, of all that effect our wcl· The~is-'J'be Art of the Practical member of the college basketball team aptitude for mechanics bis success is did wuch of the work on the monthly ing little home for a seven year old fare, of all the intereMh that claim our Dramatist. autl gained the <listinction of being al:)sure<l. l:iU}J}>lement. boy. From one side and the rear .,f attention and our a.lJegianee none is Arriving from 1lary~ville by wny Jf ehosen :a.ll·l:ltate guard for both years. Last year :Miss Bole held the office the cabin the clapboards , one by one higher than the state of which we are .had been torn off and used for fire a part. ~foots.nu! Let us consider her. Helena High school, :\liss Alderson bas He abo took part in the interclass series. STANLEY E. DOUGLAS. of ~ecretary·treasurer o! her class and wood or boarding up broken window". Look with me. been one of the shining lights of and was influentinl in bringing the Electrical Engineering. in Lcr ~enior year was chosen to fill On the other 54.de they were hanging 'fhe history of Montana, ]and of moun· tlle cl~~ of 1913. In ber freshman and <.~hampiunship to his class in 1911. 'fliesis (with Joe Truman)-Hydro· tlte IJO~itilm oJ vice president. and banged back and forth and creaked tainou'i is l!omparativdy brief an<l ~ophomore years she was a member of lu track, Brabrook was al""3.J':3 a. sure r~lectric Development of Springhill. l'von graduation Miss Bole intends dismally with e\·ry gust of wind. A cowmonplace. It were but Yanity the vil'ioriotl..i 1913 debating team. ix>int winner and has twice won the in- A graduate uf the Gallatin High to go into newspaper work and using re" broken boards led from the eabin tthuu!J. we attempt, :.tt this hm~. to :-ihe a~u represented the college in the Uividuul championship in the lntercol- Sl'houl, Duugla~ eutere<l college with lt. her succeci:i on the Exponent as .a.u ex- to the street in a vain attempt at a ~levate it upon an actuul plane with debate with Wesleyan in her freshman legiate meet. La.st year he took second characteristic <lesire to be a football ample of her ability along this line, be? side walk. Over the pateh of ground that of thl· onginal states, the nu· y~ur. ~tiss Alderson ha~ always taken in the cross-country run in the inter· player which cxpres.!:led itself when he u1haneemcnt :should be rapid. facing the street and high up to the cleii of this great nation, Florida. has part iu the oratorical and extempor- 1..'las~ contest. gained a place on the second team foundation of the building grew Arni· her 1565, \'irginia her l 607, Massa.ch us- aneous spro.king contests and has be~n Tennis bas alwa.vs been a. strong which he held for his first three yean FRED E . GORDON. ca weed stinging nettles and thistles. etts her 1620, all of national if ot}t one of the most ardent boosters for that point wibh Brabrook, the tournaments of col1_ege. Agronomy. Each wall had a window space in it worldly fanw ~Iontnna cannot re- form of rtH!reation. always leaving him near the top. In basketball he was out for the class 1'hesis--.l!1arm Management; A Study but only one frame boasted glass. The member eariler than li40 and the page1i tilnce her fre!:'!hman year ~liss A.Ider· For four years Brabrook has held ~cries au<l during lhe last year played of ~l Gallatin Valley Irrigated Farm. other windows were covered with of her history were us naught until sou ha!\ bl!en u. member of the Exponent offi'.'eS in tbe Civil Eugineerin& society, a :3trong game at center for the senion. Since entering college ~r. Gordo.a boanl~ clapped

00 any way to keep the the Louis.aua Purchase 10 the memur· 1 :-;tat'f auU is one of the fe"-~ who have being secretary-treasurer for the first Prominent in other eollege organiz"'". bas held many of the mo:st prominent wind out. }'or all the light it emitted, ia.l year 1~03. Indeed there are still eheerfully and constantly gotten their two and vice-president and president tion::1. Douglas held the office of secre· positions in the student body. In his 11 many li,·ing who dwelt within these "<lope'' in on time, thus saving many the last two. tnry of the Y. ~f. C. A. during liis jun- sovhomore year he was president of bis tbe fourth window, might just as we bountlarie~ ~·hen each wa:-; a law unto

ha\"O been boarded up too, because its him1>elf. But when ~e look over our gn•y ha.irs from making their appear- As a stu<leut be has always been near lor year antl was a member of the caU- cla:-is and besides winning the state little cheeked panes were .covered with .:i.111:e ou the editor's worried pate. I the ·'A 11 line, and with the practical in et the year before. In his sophomore stuck judging cup, represented the col- h b entite hi!:ltory and revic\"r. those events muJ. of years splashed t ere Y snow siguifii•ant to uq, as eitlzens, when we In the Jack-o'Lantern club J[iss A1· cxperiem·e he has had we look for him year ht! held the position of as~istant lege on the grain judging team. Dur- and ra.in as lt hit the sticky clay sur-Jisten to the aceouut of Colonel Sand· Jerson ha~ always held a promineo.t to be a hea<l·liner before long. He left managf'r of the Engineers book store, iug his: junior year he acted as busines111 rounding the cabin. ers and his career, when we hear told place an<l much of the suooes!:I of that ~chool early to accept a responsible and the year following was elected to manager for the 1913 Jfontanan, repro· Along the public road trudged Raaty the story of Cu:iter's last battle, the organization bas been due to her ef· poi:;ition with 1 he reclamation service. the managership. seated the college at the Internationa.1 Collins registered in the public schools' narratiYe arouses in us the livliest forts. '.Phis year, besides acting a.s vice As one of the leading members of stock judging contest nud was vice- as, "Erasmus Abraham Collins, age emotions, and we who dwell herein, president, she took part in two of the THOMAS B. BROOK. the Eledric club. Douglas is in a la.r~"' I president of the debating council seven years, colored." may justly pride ourselves that the plays presented by the C'lub. Mechanical Engineering. nrnasure re-spon~ible for the success of 'Phis last year 1lr. Gordon ha.s servca lt was a bitter December night and builders of thi1i, our state, rhTal even For four years ~.fig-, AhlehOll has "Dhesis-Design of a ).{achiue Shop tht.~ Ja-.t two eledric shows and other as business manager of the Weekly Ex- e\"ery few minutes Rasty would set the Horatlos of the ancient kingdoms been an active member of the Y. W. C. Plant. eutertai11ments gotten up by that or· ponent an<l president of the Student down his little tiu dinner pail and for their heroism, persen•erance anrl A. cabinet, and has <lone much toward Brook is a product of the College ganization. Senate. blow on his numbed fingers. Then b~ loyalty to the cause they advanced. keeping the institution flourishing. Preparatory school and since bis advent After graduation Douglas expects t'l A good student and Booster, ~fr. Gar- would huddle closer in his thin little Two score and ten years ago, a small During her senior year she has held into college has made an en,Tiable re~ go lnto prin\te work along the lines of dau has gained many friends for the grey coat that he had long since grown band of ad,~enturers, possibly without the responsible office of secretan·· ord in bis chosen line of mechanics. his profession. college an<l his popularity is well out of, and stumble on. It was just definite aim an<l certainty without 11 treasurer of the -elass of 1913, acquit- As a Booster, Brook ba.s served the earue<l. growing dark when Rasty reached home. consciousness of what wou]d follow, ting herRelf creditably by the way she college faithfully and well, being one MARGARET BOLE. After graduation. Mr. Gordon will en- His little b la.ek fingers were stiff and • came to this remote, isolated, practic· bas handled the vast correspondenee of the few who religiously attendeJ Mathematics-Physics. ter the employ of the Amalgamated he shook with the cold. It took him ally uninhabited expanse; uninvited and and f inances of the class. football and baRketba11 practice during Thesi~-Representation of f (x y) <'opp('r C'ompany as assistant agrono- se\·eral minutes to turn the nail in tllo unwelcome guests of savage tribes who the last four years. At the gamM1 equals 0 for all values of x and ~·. both mbr, a position he is well fitted to oc.· bole of the door knob, where the han-roamed aimlessly over endless plains RALPH S. BRABROOK. rallys, and demonstrations you could al- real and imaginary, by means of a line cupy. die was lacking and work the door open. or ~onC'ealed themsel\'es in valleys fol· Civil Engineering. ways count of Tom as being in the complex in,...space. Inside it was as oold as out but at !ified by towering mountain ranges. ~besis-Design of Station for Cali· front rank. From the Preparatory i-lchool )IiS"\ BROOKE HARTMAN. least the \vind did not blow and Rasty f True, France, in De La Verendrye, saw Stag parties are the !Ocial function'i Bole entered C'ollege with the cla~~ of fell down by the sleeping dog in front

h h d f M . 1 brating ·water Measuring Apparati. Mathematics.Physics. t e ea waters 0 the issoun as ear Y Brobrook graduated from Rockford, in which he takes the most delight an.1 HH3. Always popular and prominent 11 1 of the cold rusty stove, and buried . a __ l i40;certain1y we cannot and wonlU (Illinois) IIigh school aud the a came many of the ingenious initiation stuntfi student a I fairs, )fi~s Bole ha'" bet-n Thesis-.\ Problem in Point Groups. his hands deep in its thick dirty hair. not lessen admiration for the heroic 1 1·1· t \l"h I t ·' 11 g f tbe th West to grow up with the country. sprung upon the unsuspecting freshnh'D c•o1rnte1l a~ Ollt' of t 1e m'\.-"t c 1 1gen t.>n 1e en ereu co e e rom In one corner or the room was e efforts of Lewis and Clark, who ma:ie Since arriving at the College he has were the products of Brooks' fertile Boosterint·~. :ittending e\"ery athleti1• Prt'}Jaratory department, Mr. Hartman semblance of a bed-a heap of straw .. possible the future flood of humanity taken an active interest in athletics brain. and oratorical <'nntest with unfailing was unanimously elected president of CO\'ered with some rurty frayed quilts • whesltlward;. but alst'lonlg at.st ~:fontlana along ","th ht"s stttdies and has succee:l- After graduation, Brook intends to r~gularity. (Continued on page four.) aud a pillow in a flour sack on whieh ! a remain a po 1 1ca en 1 y, as ong one still could read the lettering as our institutions of learning teach

, history, so long will flourish this mem­ory and admiration for those pioneers

t who came not for the precious dust

I. they might obtain, but in search of a

new place of abode. ·what Daniel Boone and bis associates meant to Ken-tucky, the vigilantes and their work mean t-0 us. That little band planted here the triumphant standards of civil· lzation and set in motion that which

4 ts now and here accomplished-)fon· tana, a territory two years after their

I arrival, a state, on cqunl footing poli· tlcalh· with the other components of our ~ation, with the present year but her twenty.fourth anniversary. A bond with unb~unded ertent, greater than the isles of Britain, grenter than a half

ore of her older sisters combined, she Us yet to convlnee other land s and multitudes of doubting people of her abundant resources and opportunities\ a land, which but a few yea~s In the pa.st meant to the nation's wisest cit· ir.ens and statesmen, either a baren waste ruled by savages or a part of that ''mysterious realm where rolls t.he Oregon a~d :,ears no sound save tts own dasb1ng.

With what emotions :rnuld not tho~t· ireat statesoten who with tbelr hen· tllll \ band, sigued the seal wMch ma~o

• her a part of that greater nation, w1t· ness :Montana now.

What was then a monotonous ex pause, a desolate desert with limitless

ounda.ries, i1 the habitation of ever ereasing multitudes of people, ~hose

ities and d~·ellings e,·en now tb1ekly ot the land, whose herds and. flock9,

. f ,· 0 0' 0"1'fl1D made hose vast fields o W'l\.\ 1 ,.. o· . tv "ble bv the presence of m1gh •

su d of winding water eourses vers, a.n \ready irected by the hand of man, a d"

t d wealth to 1'· pplv nourishmen s.n l d - wnat was tben a an

i Tealms. chains th vast mountain d

with dense forests, au

wering upward into snow capped

(Continued on page four.) SOENE ON THE WEST GALLATIN RIVER..

through the diTt. A red table cloth covered bhe plain pine table in front of the window that still had some glass in it. The table wa.s lit· tered with the breakfast dishes just &!I

Hasty had left them when he bad bur­ried off to school early in the morning. A frying pan sat on one corner with part of a cold fried egg still in it, two large granite cups still had some colq. coffee in them and a battered tin cof­fee pot, blackened half way up by long use, sat near them. In an old black pie plate a half a loaf of bread lay on ;ts side,-dry and hard with a butcher knife still sticking in it. As the shiv­ering little hand• felt the grateful warmth the shaking little frame of Ra ty shook less and he cuddled down, forgetting for a moment that his daddy would RO-On be home and the scolding he woul6 get if the c.abin was not warm and supper ready.

lt grew darker outside and the wind howled louder. After the firSt feeling of warmth from the dog's body wore off, Rs. ty was colder than ever, a ntl not only cold but very hungry. There had been no time that morning to put himself up a lunch.

The Christmas programme at school was only a week off and Mis9 Panker· ton had told him if he was late onee more he could have no part tn the exer­cises. Friday afternoon, Rasty la.y on the floor cold and empty. All day be had Jived in a. fear of excitement lest Mi s Pankerton •hould forget lo as•ign him a part in the exereises.

The morning passed off with classe! in the usual manner. Rasty went through his les ons a.s usual but watching closely Miss Pankerton '13 every action. All through the noon hour Ra!\ty found some excuse for staying in the room Miss Pankerton was made aware of bis pres­ence by the clean board.! and the dust­less erasers he dropped londly in the sills of the blackboards, but bnsy with

(Continued on page four.)

Page 4: THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT ... · the weel(ly exponent. vol iv the weekly expo::-.'ext friday, ~ay 30, jnl3 number 36. truitt heads twenty baghror degrees



__ (Continued from page three.)

f'ttakH-~ land with '•hills roek·ribbed, and anc1ent as the sun, vales stretching in flt!IJ~ive quietness betweenJ ,~enerable "oods, n \'t!t.s that mo\"e ln majesty•'­,, opµortunities for those who wouJJ but i.-. 1.1ow the source of untold weaith­weaJth not only iu tho precious min t-raJs, not only in the enormous power of water .. , but ulso in the abundance of knock." lioutaua, tho la.nd, which jf

me8.$ured by the loftines~ of her moun ta.in~, the fcrtiJJty of her rnlle.r~. tho majesty of her rirers, the splendor and utility of her roaring catar.ncb, the rjcbnes" of lier treasure, the wealth and Jensity of her forest~. and the health and vigor of her envisable climate should impre~.s upon nil those who dwell within her border~. n realization of the priYilege which is their:-. to con· tribute to her future exaltation. ·who

.au..i. .1:. H.1 iJJ.ubcr uI Utlllb Laru.u.ueu.

.LCl u.:. tucu, \\l! \\.UU WHO SU ):;;IC:.1.l

..i !J•l\lh:u0 c, \\ti \\Uu u..i.\O ::io Io.u.r ~u


Class of Nineteen Hundred Thirteen (Continued from page three.)

'-'~t•<-..:t...1~lu1..1, ;.i.r1:::c u.... uu~u~.' the 1913 cJa~~. Doring bis freshmo.n club. :lliss Dawes has taken part in two l ... hiu0 au1.1 1.111 t!d vu.r cHurt:.1 year he played a strong game of basket· vlays presented by that organization ~· 1 viib<;:l 1uUJcu1.:c1 w LLc canu:::.l c.1..1 b.dl for bis dnss and on the C-01lcge anJ du.ring her senior year bas &erv.aJ Ja• ur tu clc\ ;...tt! tbl!i _\lu1.1ta.ua Lu a qecond team. J>ersi!:l>tant training aloug: uu the aJ.vhory board. Lt.u~l <;~.&H\!l.l lJu~.iuu. \\.ILJJ ..i pow.:-' thi~ line t.>:.irneJ him a position on the .ll..iss Dawes b~ spent her junior year J1. .,. .. n c.iuuu:ut tu-:..L 1:. au l;.)..i.ill1!•1c 1v. first t~am th~ next year anJ Ju..ring bis at tiim.won 's College, Boston, but re­..1Luc1:, tu 1vUu·•-•'HD u.h:a.:. ~ u1 0 u junior an<l !<enior ~·ears Afr. Hartman turned to fioish her course at M. S. L.

..1.::0 ui.:c .::iuu\\ c.;.1.11!'..:U wuuu~..1.1u lJcau..,\ captn.fued th1.• College qu.intettes. Xot During her three yea.rs at college !)ho :-~\lU}i.LU.ui.:-. a:. 1.11.:clJ ;.i.:. u..:r call l·outeut nitb gaining honors in basket· has been a member of the Y. W. c. A.

~ uu::o ..i.mi .,~ U1uau a:. lier 1urwc ';.U. ball, .\Ir. lfartruan tried out for the and bas bad charge of getting out the a.J ~. \\ iti.. 1JJc~uuJ..::o ul h.:"""'' iuo u11 toot ball tt:lum nod made the end anJ. two cook books published by the a~so· J.'f<;:-:.iuu uuu. JuJlbtha: a:. :.n.Ll.t o.iuu tackle positions in bi~ junior null senior eiation. ::ill.JC a:. .l.icl lU:.ut.ug fJ\CI:..

.LJJ.c cuJ.q;c ·l.Ut.: c~llurtatliJU

apl'ca1 is Lu e\ t!rj ooc. l bu wullu· -

.1. ur .\1.vu ~.wa.

\\ ouJ.u '' c uul tucu, ldlU\\ 1,ali.t.1.:u:.,

u\Jj•l: t1.1at u1H .:.~u~c wi.guL .:.mud. l\JrtU

a:. .. L tj·pc ul \!uWU11,H1 \\ caJt LI \\ lliJVUL utc1111::.u, a:.:.ll1cU vl :.ta1Jll1t.) vl tbu lu)·

,11 :.1.U.t:c;•aw.:c ul uer ::.uu:., CA!'l\!:.:.CJ 111 the l;J.ll"c:.L 11ult::. ul tlH.'lr uuli~avu.::.

'l'he minor sports also had ., s.hare of bis interest as he took pnrt in the iutercl:l~s ero~s·country run, inter· cl!\~~ track and baseball and the tenms tournaments.

.Miss Da\\ es sen·ed as senior senator in the stuJ.ent seua.te this year and was a. member of the eomwittee on customs.

After gradun.tion she will teach home science in the Sweet Grass county high

During this last year :.\fr. llartmnn school has gi' en much of his time to debatti :o connection with his 0th.qr work nn1 was selectl•<l as one o! the team to go


Electrical Engineering. 'hnll say for wbnt purpo~e a myste.riou~ Jul.I. iu Proddence ma_Y not ba,·e designed w.i.JJJ..i:,i berf 0, Montana . knowest thou thy-

Luc 111a!:.t tuuug:ut ul tbctr up ngain~t :Montana ·wesleyan. He al"o seneJ as a rcprc~entatiYe of the senioi dn~~ in the Student Senate this year.

'l'hesis (with Stanley Douglas,) ..tiy· Jro-Eleetrie Development of Springhill.

).fr. •rruma.n. came to the college from the Gallatin county high school and registered in the electrieal engineering

~el!, what will be thy futuref Dreamest thou of .the exalted position thou might yet attaint


...:1 ~vuuLr.)· chu1cl..t auJ. its a:..:.cwlihug But let us pau!'le in our enthuioia~m. couctcgatiun uu a. hut suwmct ::::iuml..ij

True, it i~ well to rejoice that nature lJl"l:.t!lll:; au UJtcrc::>tiug ::.tgLt. .i. l.;.1.rg..' bas so bounteously endowed the land J"~tw.shack.fo, o!J. t\\v·:.catcJ. ouggj J.n\c:. wherein we dwel1 and granted such

OLIVE L. CLARK. Home Science.

Thesi..;-.\ Study of Textile Fabrics cour::;e. A. good booster and student, be :10011 made bis pre~ence known on the 011 the Lot!al Market~.

\uotber graduate of the Preparatory bill by a generoui1 ex-panse of these ~chunl who bas sueceeded in weathering qualities. tht' four year~ of college ~ucce ... sfully. In athletics, Truman sbowetl up weH

in the inter-class ba3ebll nthl basketball

NATHALIE F. SACKET OivU Engineering .

Thesis-A Study of Office Filing Syste.ms With Recomendat ions for E.n· gineers' Office.

::\Iiss Sacket graduated from the Gal latin county high school and registered in cinl engineering at the college. Du.r­ing her college career she bas been as­itocinted with many of the prominent orngnizations among which are the Ch·il Engineer.s' aoeiety of which she was ,·ice president d uring her junior yeer; tbe .Jack.a 1-Lauteru club, the Boo~ter· ines and the Does.

:Miss Sacket has already ~xcepted a. po:'!ition in tho office of the secretary of the state highway commi.;;sione~l, and will go to Helena soon after ~rn<l­uation.


Electrical Engineering. The~i:--De~lgu anJ lnstallatiuu of

"Rasty" (Coatinned from page three.)

~ut: !''"bJ..u.u.o.uc ~or .r.r1uu.) ..u..u.:. r111.1..1.a,.0

..111 •\ u1 n..cu 01.1 at bur -.ic:.k..

t vur u doc.Ii. cawu aud. a:. ~he Lc-...1.:Jl.'t

a1•.t t:.J ta~ Ucll t.tlti :.ewuJ t1wc, l.1...-.e

::01buu1 1ur tuc UUC::i to }'a:..:., ..1..oa:.l) ::i~vvJ

U.P· Uicu Ut::>JlJ.Lct.J, :.J.t Uu"u UJt, .... lll li.ti.11,

»UU\\C\J. lJI:. ct~:.::iwatc::i tu }JU:.:. UU L "lt:._

uut b.1w. Ml::i:. tii'Uh.~rLOll :ic1::inud 41:1

l>cen .:.u. uuou. 1:. ~eCUtcJ .1.u !Jvur tbut. Hlbt.)· :..ai. "at~LU li\

uc~ \\rite at Lllc big J~k. w trunt ut uiu1 u.ud li:.tcw.11g tu tbd big c1o~k Ui

Lllc icar 01 tb~ room tiek- uek. .l:lit :.\\ uug lu:. nz.orlc:-.::. ~ap ill h..i.:, thl.n Lt Lie l.Jaud..s anJ. \\;J.t.c.Uc\i .. \lb:, l'au.kertou, out ::i11u w::t.s 1o:.t in her work. The situu. t1un "a::. g:ctljng wore tbau Hast.y could oua.r, then be k1clieJ. slightly ut his J.esk , but uot u11tJl be had repeated ha .apl'tug se\·~ral tunt::. anJ uach tuue

\\'irel1.•::!s Telegraph Station for ~[on- utdl;l louder did .Mis~ Pank~rto 11 rake tann. State College.

Siuee graduation from th~ Gallatin t"0111lty high ~ehool, )lr. \VyJie has been one of the bu~iest persons on the bill. .-\II four yenrs of bis college cour:se he has been a leading member of the? band.

He hns taken an acti"e pnrt in inter· el:P'"~ athleties being a member of the basketball nnd track team::i of 1913 class.

ucr eyes aut.l exclalln: · · \\ hy £ra::;mu!>, 'o\ ha.t. ~ t.lrn ma.ttttj

.)VU liYc so lar you ~hould hav~ :;.Wrtdd 1or bume when l ili:iw.iS::.ed you1''

Hasty's heart sank fast aud hi::. touguc :>tuck rn his mouth but he finally maa . ..iged lo ask w eu.kly, ' · .Plen.se, :Miss PaL· Kcrrou, l wa. ::in 't late th..i:;. moruing. 11

promise for the future, but let us ba,·e a care that we become not blinded to our dutie~ nnd our indi,·idual debts to her. Certainly we are a political entity but in the true sen~e of the word are

U!J iu a cluuJ ul Ja::.l a.ud ~LUi>S .lt t.ilc 11uuL c=:-at~. ..l. .rough uld. lU:.1.U \\ ltn u gnz:tlcd Uc.uJ c11.wl.i.::i uut aJJJ. fn..H.!l tUc Oack :scal Jiu::. vut a Jargc o1J laJ.y, vro :.-uwalJJj· li.il-3 \dic, ti.ten a IJU·l'ibi..luuuJ. auJ Uc-1urLclo\\cJ. j'UUlli; l;.1Jj· of ~1gh

\ loyal :ind 1·ou~l~tent Boo~terine from tht.' first earned fo1 her tho office of ~cries, making the class tc::1111s in the During bis junior yenr, "Dutchi' vi<'(' president of that club iu her junior latter sport duriug his junior a..nd seu· \\R'l made vice president of the class yi·nr Thi~ 1a ... t yr-ar ~he was made ior years. and held a ~imilar office iu tLe Electric

••Uh, yes, Erasmus, I've orgotte11 t.., look }OU up a part for the e11tertn.inmaut !!'rid.a)'. J u~t a minute and l 'll see wbJ.t t eau find you I ''

pn·..;it!L•nt and wn.:. largeiy responsible Since entering sthool he bas been a club.

Hasty lea.nod back 1n hh seat, a smil~ oL joy .breaking O\ t;}r his fa1:e.

we a i:;tate1 And as a star~ tccu vr t\\Ollt.)·, anti theu half a Joz.cn

'' X"ot expanse with boundarie~ wide, vr .:.o uf cluJJ.rcu who laugl;) in :year.::. Not but the ~oil where ::iouls abide,

for mueh of the good work done by that live member of tbe Electrical club anrl Thi..; ~·f>:tr he ha..; ..;erve~l :t" president ,lnl'k·o'-Lantern club, being t reasurer of thl• Elertrie rlnb and Glee club and orgnniza tio11. of the ln~t organization this year and a senator from the senior class.

~i':i.s Pankerton began taking out ~ per::-. in h~r <lesk; finally she lifted up a. white pasteboard bo:.c. and took out-. bundle o papers .all neatly folded. This collection of ' 1 piece::>'· wa3 always her re~ort when ::;ome pupil not in the last r~gula.r entertainmeut had to be :.U}J

plied. She begn.u. shuffling o\·er d1e p!\pl•rs aud glancing at the metnoran­Jum:;. uu the out:>iJe,-"For a Girl,"; next, · 'Fuurth oi July Piece,., })~. oration Da.y,' ••·For a Girl,'' '' Tbank:i· giving Day," "For a Girl," "For l

u irl, ·' aml so ou half wa.y through the UuuJle u.ntil she came across ''For a Hoy.,' She slipped this out and ~N· oecupiedly handeJ. it to the exc1te1. c-hilJ. Rusty clutched the precious paper and picking up the old black oop ""d bnttereJ tin pail slipped quietly out of

the room.

\\here mountains high, where ri\'er& glidei

Xo, but rather a htate where

lfen, bigh·minded men, By justice ad\'t~rse tiJes to stem; ~fen, who duties know a.nd strive for

them." :\ state is onh.,. what \H~ make it.

Ei:thu:sia:'.IUl ii but a means, not an end, aud If we would accomplish great thiugs f~Jr ~ontana we must be up and Joing. Orent problems nnJ weigh~.Y que~tions lie before us. We nm~t pre· pare to meet nnd sohe them for the future largel:- depends on the result of present action. We mu:st have a ear~ that .,,.e for~et not the indivitlual ana social needs and re~ponsibilitie;; of 1Ion· ts.on, in vain effort to ~e('ure that ma teris.l wealth, tu "hieh the soil abound~, rather than the eultivntion of au np· prt.ieiation anJ de:sire for tho:-:e weight ier ratter~ which concern our moral a.nd intellectual exil'tenee: knowing and be lieving thnt a good name is rat.her t11 be chosen than greater riches, and a high minded people with a true desih to uplift the many·, rather than tbo~e who look only to a personal ad,-a.nce· ment. There is a. grave danger that iu our enthu~insm we become rash antl ru8h blindly into the future "'-ithout pr~· para.lion, forgetting that )[ontana i!'! still v-oung, unmindful of the fact th'lt her r~ourC'e~ are as yet hardly touched, her cities yet undeveloped, her ~nd~:>· tries and problems !"'till in their ·~ faneY . Ro it must be remembered in all ~f our enJeaxor to construct a

" t that condition mu~t greater ... u.on ana, be pre,·entell where the boundles<> op· portunities and abundant wealth about us may fall into the clutch of a few. It must be remembered that true '' ealth, which we hope to attain, lies not in the presence of the great indus· trv- in the state, nor in the mighty m~tropolis, but in the number of hap· VY n.nd prosperou~ people therein. Take heed therefore le!!t all the royal en· dowment of 'Montana, all her re~pleu J1.•nt glory, becomes the engine of op· pre:>sion rather than the means of fu. ture happiuel'::s and prosperity to all. Let us then us a peopl~ proeed<l. euut iously, btteding those teachings whh·b other!§ have attained through exper· it:>nee, rattier thau trust blinJ.ly to gooil fortune for the realization of our lh· ~ires. And how can this be donef Ltjt t•utbusia:-.111 aud a de5ire for the com· mon good combine to maintain only those leaders in her legislati \"e halls who bohl nt nll times the welfare of th~ ma~ .. "-'" nho\"a their indi\"iJual wi!I· fore. ~'.\.n<l tbt>n wa mWtt huvo EJ.ue.<i· t1on! Ignoro.nl·e of the many insur,·~

t·orru~·tion by a few. 1 •\\'e mu.:.t edu cute nud habituate, therefore, the ehi!d to ubeJienCt'. a den!lopment of hi~t1

idl'a1s, truth and ju::;tiCl', trnin him :o thiuk for him~elf, nnd respect the righ:i­of other:-,'' for when this is Joue-­an<l not till then-we ean expect a f.•ermanl•ucy of tlrnt condition it is our uope anJ. }mrpo!'e to establish.

.\ud fiunlly, Wt! must ha\"e the .inter· t!~t and support of all. As long as one­third of the people who may have ~' 'oi~e iu thl• :,ta ti:> affair~. are silent: ..\., long as other~ dl·ny the right nf

\fourn.na to ''o!Uma.nd thc-m to her ser

'iee. A:- long us the extent of :\fon·

tanan 'g territor) sen·e only to Sl!S.tt~r

t •e iulere:-.ts of her pt1ople rather tha11

tu claim s. greater ::iharo of Lh~ir thought

and care-so lung the splendar of Mou·

lrom liltcen lo tLosiJ u..I: ru~r~ rnfuut:;. ~\lca1rn hilc three or four 3Wall 9o)"s ha"~ piled out. uf the irout scat an<l joiucJ tht•m.:.ch es tu a g10up uf lu::.ty drnall l>oj::i who hay~ c::.caped from th~ re· ~traiuiug I.much of thtlir .lJliHHlt::.. 'l'hc swall girb, iu st.iffy, starched wllitd tt!::i:-c~, luudl)" ::>queaking shol.?S1 aud fult·

tcring ::>;l~bc::> whid.1 fairly ::icr\!am tht.'ir

As pre!-litlent of the Home Economic~ club during her 3euior year, )Iiss Clark ha); been influential in making that in :-ituation one of the livest on the hill.

:il:io a member of the o.d,·isory board. Af?er graduation \Ir. "'ylie will lenve After grnduntion ~Ir. Trumnn will go for Pittsburgh1 where he will be em·

to Pittsbur~h nnd enter the employ of ployed by the '\'estingbou~e people. For four yen.rs Miss Clark has been n tbe We:stinghou::ie compau: ·

member of the Y. \\. C. A. cabinet and LEROY D. WILLEY


Electrical Engineering. nn enthu:!iastic worker in the associa· tiou. Agronomy.

Upon graduation :lli8s Clark wi1l 1'he~i:3 - ){oisture Coefficient eolur at once, ha\ o edgeJ aw;,.iy irum the take up the position of tench er of Plant~. p3rcutal gruup tu gaiu thtl more. i.:ougt•u- home scit"nce in one of the high schools A graduate of BeaYerheud c0unt;·

Thesi• (with :llaeKay.) The Electn· of ficatiun of tht: Butte, Anaconda and

Pacific Hailway.

inl cuwvuny uf sma.ll girls who stauJ of tht> ~tat~. hig-h school, )fr. Willey wa-. the ,~ice· ouk.iug longingly at their sru.111 brother:;. pre"'ident of the (')ass an~ ~ec.retary of 'rht:! yoLtng laJie::;. in their ~uuJay fiuc1.', WARREN C. MAKAY. th1.• A(!"riculturnl club In hi~ fre~hman to which bitH of glaring riUUons or cheaJ.• Electrical Engineering. .n•:ir and dnriug- the past year be serY jewelry have added the final beautifying 'l'he~is (with \\alter ''lilhon)-The etl !l~ pre~illent of the latter orgnnizo.-tuueh1 smirk coyly at tbe group of b t"-h· fu.l young :3Wa.ius a fow yarru.: uw:iy, Electrification of the Butte. Anacond:\ tion\~. •. n atl•lete '[r. \Ville~· was inomin·

nnd Pacific Railway. - " ·• ·' . whj}e the latter laugh long and loudly )fr. ).[akay entered the college two ent in inter·clas!-\ basketball and track at the joke of sume brilliant wcmbcr • t ~·ears ago as an irreguJar student, but <'Oute.;;t..,. being a point winner in both their group. Between :>vas111odie sb:mb b.'· hard work he managed to get .\~ a wrestler, ~r. \Villey hc-ld the mid· of laughter thej· glanee Hurreptitiously at the group of fair ones across the \\ .1; to see if they apreeiated tho fun. 'fi.io old men, wiping their per::;pinng ioru· bear.ls with rumpled red baudi.lnas1 are ab::>orbed i.u a deep diseus::.lon of the

straightened out nod will graduate this rlle weight cha.mpionshlp for two year~. yt·ar. )Ir . .Mackay is one of the loyal This la:'it ~·ea.r he filled the ro~ition of ml'mbers of the Booster:; club and ea11 alw:-iy.s be counted on to help out with ~rnything uudertaken by that organiza·

weather, crops und the poor farmiug tion. wothods of their neighbor:i not pres- .\s a memb~r of the Electric club, enl After the women Lnve ·Ji~l'l>S:-el \fr. ).[ackay has done much to "pro· canning and prescr""es, the ndw school mntt> the gt>neral welfare 11 of that teacher or the ministtir, and the t;itest ..;ueiety. extravagance of one c.f their n1.J.111ber Though busy with school ana other who bus bought a new black ::silk <lrcss ilutii:>.:., ~fack~y tried out for the class when her old one that she bad only nine b:l-;ketba11 tC"am last winter and took ears had unly a few boles in it, they are

rnady to go into church. Then everyone DlOYes toward tho church door, the young men si<lle up to the young ladies and they go into church side by side. Soon only the sleepy, jaded·looking teams are left outside while through au open win· dow comes the buzz of the minister 'a voice or an oecasioual howl from a rest· less baby.


Dormitory Sundays may be said to conform le~s to the rule of quiet and peacefulness than to that of spa.smo· ilie baste. \Vhen the rising bell rings, 6\·eryone roll:. O\"Or comfortably in bed and takes n fre~h tinooze until the breakfa~t beU rings. 'l'heu comt'!:i a mad ::icramble iuto clothes and breakfast caps. The girls come stringing into the dining room, one or two nt u time. After breakfai>t a cro,.,.·d of girls gather 1:l

the music rO\Jlll and amuse themli;oh es by disturbing the Sabbath quiet. H1•;e they linger until ten or after, when scomeone discoYcrs that it is ttine to get r1.~ady for church. There follows a m.ul rush and eramble. About half an hou1 later eml'rgt! with a loud slamn.iug and linngiug of doors, pulling on eonts or glon·~ as they go. Once fairlv on their 'lray, the church-goers 1.Jccom~e IM'I: in­trrested in th~ swift flight of time anJ more intere::>tecl in thiug:'i ahl1ut them. But presently a church bell booms out a warning that unleS!-1 t.hC'y hurry they will be bte. Tlje glrb break into a run and <lowu tbt strl'et rncl'i; the ~tring of girls, puffing but determined. The calmness tlicy ro­Co\•er in church sta' .3 with thc1ri until they get home and idle about their rooms for au hour or so. Then they awake to the fact that it is ven~ nenrlv time for the dinner bell to ring and they ha•e not dressed for dinner and aud ~o the)' go down to dinnl'r hook· iug drc.:.ses or pinning sa~hes. Aiter dinuer they loiter about the receptlou h:dl uutil thl' realize they hav-e autdy­iul{ to do. 'fhe ~und:iy scramble ends when e\·eryou1.• scr!lmbles to get lights out before the Dean makes the nightly rounds.

A. U. 1 16

pnrt in a number of the preliminary eon test~.

)fr :.\Iackay is one of the men chosen from Jr. R. I'. by the Westinghouse company bJ holtl positions in thelr shops at Pitt:;Lurgh. Ile will leave for Pitts· burgh c;;oon after graduation.

JOSEPH R. SOPER Horticulture

Thesis (with Arthur Seawans)-For· maliu gas a::1 a fumigant for grain smut~.

Coming to ~L S. C. from the Gallatin County High School, Mr. Soper brought with him a di~posltion that at once gained him a universal friendship on the hill. Jn his freshman year he joinl'd the bnnd, and has been promi· neut in t.hat organization e\'er Slnl'e. The many function~ undertaken by the band during the last four years owe no ~mall measure of their success to the efforts of Mr. Soper.

As a booster, }.fr. Soper could always be counted upon to dellver the goods1

whether it was cheering a winning team or making a new tennis eourt.

During his senior year ~Ir. Soper h:is !wen n.~sistnnt business manager of the \Y eekJy Exponent, which position be has filled with credit.

After grn.l!uation he expects to con· tlnue with his horticultural work in l'aliforu.ia, where be has been offered a positicm.


Home Science

Theoi• (with Alda Smith)~Applica· tion of science to domestic science to seeon<lary school!'! or first year college.

Since enleriug college Mi~s Dawes has been prominent In all lines of col· lege actidtie::.. Por three years she lrns been n member of the .. Exponent staff serving in the cR.pacity of inter collegiate editor. During the pn!;t two yearo; at eo1legc she took no active part in debate and oratorical contests, serv· ing ai::i alternate to one ot the coUege debating team• and taking third place In the Arena extemporaneous speaking contest.

As a member of tbe Ja1k·o '·Lantern

in!'l;tructor in wrestling. As a member of the Jack·o '-Lantern

elub he took part in one of the plays presented b.v thnt club this winter.

During his senior year )fr. Willey hns hC"ld the po~itlon of maunager of the A~rieultural Book society.

Beginning .Tul:r 1, Mr. Willey will be employed by the state grain inspector as a deputy inspector located some· \\"hl•re iu this state.


'l'ht·~is-A C'olleetion 9f Chnrts for

FooJ Study. Besides graduating In home ~eience

this vear, 11Iiss Hartman aJ~o gradunted in ~usic. Since graduating from the preparatory school, she has been asso· cinted with many of th~ student organ izstions. During her tir ... ~ two year:1 in college she took an :.icti\"e interest In the girls' basketball t~am, playing a r:tnr game at forward. For the last two "t•;\ r~ she bas been a mem her of the ~irb · tnee club and taken part in the l'oncert:-: given by that society.

As a Boosterinu Miss Hartman has b1.ien reS1ponsible for much of the good work d-one by that club for the colleg~ .

This vear. she was elected president ol the .Does whil!h office she filled with unusua l credi t.

Wht?n she graduates )Jiss Ilartman intend:; to teach music, a vocation for which she is indeed well fitteJ.


'l'bc~is-Feoding Value of the Big IIole Basin.

Sative Hays by Chemical Analysis. Ilniling from the Butte high school,

Wharton bas gone through his colleg-3 work with characteristic Yim. A good ~tu<lent and conscientious worker, bi3 ability has been honored with many prominent offices. During the past year be ably filled the position• of president of the Stags a.nd president of the Athletic as!tocin.tion. In bis junior )'ear ~Ir. Wharton held tbe office of class repre8entath·e to the Athletic as­sociation. The ~ame year he took thirrl prizo nt the state Rtock juding con test.

As a Booster, Mr. Wharton has ha.1 few equals In the school. He is always on hand with new nnd original ideas and read_v to go a.head and carry them out.

lie expects to go into private work after graduation and bas already ac­cepted the manageri'lbip of a ranch in the Big Hole Basin . With his oxeeu· tive ability Yr. Wharton will undoubt· edly make a success ot the venture.

A graduate of the Gallatin county high school , ~r. Willson regi~tereJ in the t>lt!"ctrical eugineering cour..;e al lf. S. C. the next fall. Since eumiug to college be repre,:,ented the class 10 the inter-class country run anJ for the last two. yen.rs played on the 1913 basket· ball team.

A member of the Electric club since eutering school be was wade ''ice pres· illent during his junior year. lu the Jnck·o '·Lantern club he acquitted him· ~eli well with the plays in which be took pn.rt. He is aho a member of the Glee <"lub, Boosters and Stags. As a member of the r~eeption committee of the last named organization, :Mr. Will· ..;on is well r~merubered by the fresh· men.

~Ir. '1\'illson is another -0ne of th is yen.r's graduates that will be employed by the Westinghouse Elertric company.


Home Science.

Tbe~is (with Rhoda Dawes,) A.ppli­eation of Scieuee to Dome~tie Seienc~ in Secondary Schools, or First Year College.

Graduating from the Beaverhead t•ounty high school, Miss Smith enteraJ \·ollege at mid year. During her tb r~e and a half years at :M. S. C., :III" Smith h3.s held some of the mos~ im portant offices in the studont boriy. .-\s \"i{~e pre~ident and pre~ident of tl:t> 1. \Y. C. A., during her junior and senior year:;: respe('tively, she bas been foremost in building up the succes3 of th:lt organization.

.\~ :-in enthu!liastic Boosterlne, she wns rnaJe ~ecretnr~~ of that club h her sophomore yenr and secretar~~ of the Athletic a~Of'iation the next year. ~he has nlso ser"'ed 118 ,~ice president of the Home Economics club and ns !\.s<1.oejste 1.~llitor of the 1912 )fontnnan

.\ ft er graduati-0n \f1s~ Smith will tench Jomestie scieuce In one of t1r· high 'il'hooh.


Agronomy. The~is-(with J oe Soper.) Formalin

C·1"1'S .! Fumigant fo'!" G ra in Smuts.

Out:e out::;ide he opened up the empty diuni;,r pail and slipped the precious

paper inside. Tbeu he ran Jown the broad sto!lc

..;t~p..; and lightly Jowu the bard, fruiea

road. But the thin little b1aek boy nevtt

minder.I. the cold for at least he bad hi:! part for . 'the Entertainment.'' .He wondered. what the piece was about. He rend the outslde when be put it \D

the pail-''For a Boy.1' Ob! there were} so many nice things for a ~o~ Ra:-lY could not decide what this p1e··e might be about. ).[nybe it was about.~ bov that had au air gun or maybe h

w;s abl)ut a boy that bad skates. . lu this happy state Rasty trudged h1'

cold wav ·home. For 3- while he imagine•l his pie;e was about fire crackers. then l'and,· then whistles, and so on all the thin~; a happy piece i' For a Boy''

might contain. Rasty stretched himself closer to the

hg and lit the stub of s t.s.llow ea.ndle. ;.~en be drew the precious paper out of the p!l.il and laid it on the floor bis head hardly a half foot from the candle, as

11 to devouI it. He forgot in the anticipation of hi:s

joy of what was coming, that he w~s blnck and all the other little boys Ul

..;t"hool were white. Rasty forgot the.\ his Jatldv was cross and hard to g~t o.ll•mg wilh. lie only kne~· that he was louel" and nuloYt?J, that be had been lonL•l~· nnd unlo\"ed all bis life. T!Je ._ 1 nq1i~ littJe exercise bad trausportid him for a few brief hours into the jop­

oi other boys. lfa.~ty '.s piece beMme hi~ Jeare:;t poi·

-.l':- ... itrn. 1.'hat night be slep "~ith it un der his pillow and for the folJowing wei.'k before the entertainment .A. lit· rh• scrap of paper was his conet.aut com· puuion.

R:i::.t ,. ,.,.as slow to learn. There went many .of the ''onls that were larger thnn .. ho had ever seen before, but be pain~takingly figureU out a meaning and a pronounciation for each one.

SeYeral dnys passed and he at lut had mastered the six verses of his

complete b·~ edncntH••l. Riot:!.? re~1-.'"::\'r· ; 'piece.'' 11 J: at lt.1• institution h.~ ha~ ~ukrn a Even• night when he reached home liY-ely intcre"t in the ~·ud.:- 11 :tl.'thitie .. Hasty ~\"ould stnn1l for an hour or more ~nd ha~ -~··,..1: elPcterl ';O fill offiePs. in in tl;e middle of tlte empty cabin aod some of ·~" ~tudent nr~:-iniz:tion.;; go through his pit>t'e. Ile always bowrJ

A gnrl.u .... ~e of t'1C" W tu-wn to~.t Wi~. high ~t'"hool. ::\Ir. Seamans came west to

Dnrin:? hi~ junior vr lr hi'.' '4cn·~.1 ~~ to the assembled parents at tho beglu• hs'-neinte 1-=tl 1 1 r of th~ tm~ '-fontan;tn tug and euded with a );Wt!'epiug bow and •1unior ~-~o·nor and mau"!:!";:lll e.]1t~r of a smile to the audience. the F.. rnnf' 1t supplen1 f'n~. .\t last the da\" arrived. and Ly ttiI

The fo.~"w ng year ~~ ncte-1 iu rhi• o! o 'doek, although. still dark and cold f;rC' of vice preciident 1d the ~tinnte 9.!il\ I Rastv eo\l ld no longer st.u.y in bed. class pres.11tnt. He ~:mk pn1t in ilt~er· Dr.eakfas t o,·er and bis father. off for l!hl'.'is b 1 J!~··tba ll dur1ng th• ln-:t two hi:-. 1lnv ·~ work, Rastv began his toilet. q.1,r". An hour later a pa~hetically pictures· . After graclnntiun )fr. Seamans will be que figure struck out nt a brisk trot employed by the ~tnte entomologi<{t for down the Pnowy road. Rasty 's face a short time, when be expects to go shoue from the vigorous scrubbing it into private work along agricultnrnl had received .. His worn shoes were reno-lines. (Continued on Pai• Six)

Page 5: THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT ... · the weel(ly exponent. vol iv the weekly expo::-.'ext friday, ~ay 30, jnl3 number 36. truitt heads twenty baghror degrees






THE WEEKLY EXPONE.."\"l' FRTD-1.i·. ~fA1 •>. l'•I~

W ill . t. days and we want ell, good-bye, boys, we hope you w en1oy vaca ion 1 •

I alwtt:n:. chM1.:: m:-· f1t:n } ... o:i :-'...,l •

.\ · snon a~ J m~1· a ,. .... ll:! r l know

at ont·e w hetlwr T ,,·ill lil\.e him r nn.

and further arquaint:rnct> only "flrYe"

to deepen the iir~t impression. There

is something about his :lppt.•aran1·e ~.r

action:s that tell one whe her he "-ill be

agreeable or not. Afterwarifa I ea.n

analyze the qualities I :lilmirr a11J determine the reaMn I liked him so

well. Sometime:.; I turn nw:n- and da,·

h •t d the saint. We will to thank you for your patronage, and hope we ave men e

b . . . d h to enjoy your patron-e wa1tmg for you when college days come agam, an ope

age then as we have in the past. Drop in any say good-bye.

"I <lo not like :i;·ou, Dr. Ft.1 1l: · '

The reason wb;"· I <·annot tell: H. R. HARRIS, the tailor .. :aia;;r•m••••••••••mi But this I know and know full well, .

-------------------------$!&1WA -:===========~~~~=========~=========fl~~~~~:~:~~~~~~: I d.1 not like you, Dr. l'ell. ' ' )[is;;; Harkins was in Billing~ ii.Ion· I

Then again someone I meet set'm!"I to

Let Us Show You Our Line of

BBB Pipes


dav- where she ,·bited the Billin~" high come quietl:- into my life :inrl T feel 3$

school. She returned to Bozemn.u Tue.:i· though 1 had known him :t.lwa.'·s. Perhaps a hnnd!<lrnke hring::-o the feel·

da.'· moruin ::r. in~ a e11mrn 1le..;.hip-::i h:J.nd.-hnke that

I Pre:;;i<lent Hamil : :-:- returned Satur· thrill~ me hN·nuse I feel in it a g-enuiue·

<la_,- from Deer L·11]~e. w11ere he :!:I\ P JIC'"' and ~incerity. the fast chapel a1l11ress at the l olle,:e lJow.-•y.~r. tlll'n~ is one trst th:J.t I i_n·

of ::\Iontann.. He •il.;o Yi ... it1l1l rhe Bout· vohmtarily :q•pl.\· to :lil I 111('t'~' t11a.: 1:-.,

iler hhrh "l'hoo on thi.- tr•p :lnil ran• /the wa~- :i. pc-rson l··ok-. 'lt nlt' . It be

I . . , · "' oxoid~ looking- 1lirl'1·tJ...- at me I :l.lw:l.Y:-<

The article t""nt rle l '' ). fonrnna. lil 1 thr t•ommen{'etlll'Ut a•l•lre..;s at that · . ·

rhe rn ... er of tb.b wrek j.- rhe oratiou 1~ch 111 1. fo(>I th:n hr 1·:nrnot he trusted. I ran

gj,·t•n h.• I>and :--.oteel .in the lol·al an·l - •:•- ha,-e .1hso1ntl'.'ly D•J confi<lenl'f• in n l't'r-COLLEGE NOTES

f t !'\\;:un. a n1 mbcr of tla• ~t:lte oratorical eontest:s, recently. ).fi..,~ ).[. A. C:l.ntwell. fnrml"rly Jirin· ~on wh•) cannot mcc>t ID.\- gaze. I feel

a'l 13<; .. at the eolle•Te un ii -•:._ cipal ot the J'repur tt >r.,. ih•p.rrtment of th:lt no mattl•r wh:1t po!-<oition he hold<\

(hristmas, rr,ved n Bozemnn Tue:5day Practica.11\· all of the :-tnj1 th~ l'oi:Pie. terurnril to Bozeman froiJ or what othC'r" think of him he f, not

~o commence his :summ~r·s work wit.h / t•ollegt'. wiJl 0

h:l\ e le.ft Bozenl:l.n for their her 11 Jlllt>..,tt•a 1 near ~priugible ~hf' fir.;~ sineere-hr> rnnnot be my frien<l.

.. he biology department of the expen· "·ork m the 1f •erent parts of the of ·he .wet"'k to take eare of the wort;. But on the Jther hand he must not

.ment station, I :-t·t:tl. Examinati~lns were co J t 1 haYe a bold look. T he ~traigbt for-

- •!•- Thur~1la,·_ mp e c1 ! iurith•nt upon exnminatiun week an•l ward, frank look is the one that shows

f .. _.\unil' Bre.n~em n returned the · _.•._ g-raanat'on fNm the preparatory de- a sincere heart. the most important

h • 11artmcnt. fir"~ of till week from l_'boteuu w ere Tomorrow morning the members of -•:•- requisite for true friendship, according

sl.ie }ln~. bLcn eng-a:::-~d in the. Teton tLe g-r'lduatiiig dass of the college will Dr. "~ . F. Cog"well. sec ret:i.ry of the to my irlea.

tount' h1~b "cho,.1 a in11tru~tor m m!l.th i lrnYe an automobile ride up the We::,t state hoard of health, ,·i::-.ite•l Bozeman Another thing I notice is the smile.

emaae~. After '"Jlf'llt1ill!! the ~umm~r j Gallatin. Automobiles belonging to one has ~aid that the beauty of a face

i n llo em n w •h ll'r pnrt'nt~, -.ne wJll memb1•rf' of the cla--s will be u:;ed and the p:uJ_,. part of tLe week anrl while lies in its smile . A sunny faced per-

L • li I here in->pP1 te·l '"hep ure fooJ lalJ<Jrator~·

re~u 1;18 h er "or.1;. in t e position, to the party wlh probably go a~ far up the at the eollc~e. son nppe:.tls to all. H e seems t L> hring

w ic 1 s e was e.ectcd next year, at no Gallatin i... the Dier c::imp. jO.\' with him and scatters sunshine.

mcrcased E!llary, - •:•- ON CHOOSING FRIENDS Yet a-. the .\r:1h prOYPrh sa:v~. " All

I H. B. Buurbr.gl t of the agricultural sunshine makes a dc~ert. ''and the face

--------------- c :.:inee l g 11..·j•anu.ent, was noLfie~l that ~hi,ws 1111 st:riousne->S often he-


High Class

Moving Pictures

Take it easy while you read our advertisement. We want the patronage of those who think over a good offer before accept­ing it.




The nt<l:-t up-to-dare :l.nd

Jargest ice cream parlor in

the state. \Ve manufac­

ture all our candies, ice

cream. ices anU frozen

daintie~. Call and be con­


Good Bye! M. S. C. Students

Wishing you a good va­cation and hoping to see you a\\ back in September is the wish of

Nicholson's Shoe Store Let us do .vour shoe rep:l.iring

rec1 n :ll :--.;ttin:.! on thr- r<lilroaJ train tlte othi•r token .... a. min 1l if little e}13rneter. As

ila,,- f W:ltl'1t1..'il people l.!Yttinc: off and :111 as"Oc:'ia~(' for a :-hort time he i"

innt•rnitY 011 tb• tnin aiul s:J.w tbt•m e:rceting- l'lH't'f\', hu: the man oi W•Hth i.- often

frii•rnls or n•l.ttiYt'"'· A' r ti.id this I OHC' who->e plain l'Xterior h~·le-. t1a• trul?'

'l l l 1h il•'-r"1' in 1~111; "' Hl lt"'•l " " Ct'ltni JJP'}'le t J, 0 , 1, wnrth. Onf' ·la_,. :i man ,i;-;:h ".\. plain I e1l from his cJas.;,, l·ai·b other for !riPn<l". :J'l•l my th mg-lits f·•'e 'lrl lar_r f,•aturt>-. wa-. pa-.,Jn:.! L\·

won•h•rPil to my uld friemh trn•l how I when I w:.H .. ran,lin_ on n "trC't•t ror·

-•:•- cho .. 1• thr-m. uer in i. ~tra ·1!:!e C'it,· nnn•rtain which

John )L Fi,ke It-an?..; to•h;; for h'\ Jr t•onlil u .. t he ior any i-t_,.·Je of hair, way tn proceed. I inrp1ireil of him :rn.1

home :it HP!1~na. He will C'O a-; f:lr :>!J or t'.\"t~ ... or hnild, for one has ~rey . a ~ncile, that showeil the kiudl.'· ,.:oul

Tri1It>u~ by rad, where he will hunc n anotlit>r brown, and some ha,·e hlue l•ene:uh the -.rern exterior. lit up hi:$

the boat he ha:; huilt during the winter e~•;es. some are dnrk and other are fair. face. The plea<;ant ...-.ye'i hoked ~traizht

anil •ua':re thl' re-;~ of the tr>.p !!l it on somt' are tall and other are sh•)rt. So at me while the -.mile on hi'I face ca«:­

the ).fi.;.ouri rh-er to Ilau->er lake. wher1.~ I llid not e!Mose m;· oppo~ite . Eliza- a ra11i~rnce on•r it that remindeJ ne of

he will :-11end the 'O:ummer. He will heth I Jo,·ed for her ~piritually. the 10\·e a golden ~un-.:et on Old Balrly. I b3VI'

be accompanied on tLe trip b; R. Le ... Jie that !'he hail for eYer~·one and which ne,·er "een the man ~i nee. yet I cnll

Petti1new and J ohn 'i,\harton. :--howe.] si) plain.I~· iu her fnee. )!am~- him m,Y frie1Hi becau::ie he helpe 1 me

--:·- I Jo,·erl for her ::;trength of rharac ter so g-l::dl:v when I needed a little fl.'rer·

El. Elli;-; and wife ha,·e been <:.penll- and her wh.)!e henrtednesc;, )fari?aret rion a111l I felt ~ure that if we knPw

' 1:z t •t:' week in Bozeman and at the I \oye1l for her quiet rer·o~e and ready eaeh other I ~hould find that he lon:>d

111 p c•f )[r. Ellb · parent ne~r Boze- symr·ath~-. the <::ame thin~s I lon:d.

~ man. ).fr. Ellis graduateil from the I foll•)well no rules In ehoosing my \'\~hat i~ a frienll, an~·wa:·7 The

college in 1911 and ha.., <O;pent the l a..;~ frien1b. Ad1li ... on !<n . ...-s. ' 1 A frien<l~hip friend'."lhip of old that we read of. pi"·

n..-o years at Lynn. where he took the that m!"tk~ :-; the lea"t noi'."IC' i" oftt'n U.c> tnre friend-> c;.J de,.·ote<l thnt one woul.J

apprentiee t•our"e offert-11 in the Gen- mo!'t u.,eful. for that rea<;on I 11n"'fer n gh·e his li fe for lti!' fr iend. Such

eral Electri<" shop" at rhat place. From' pru1lent friend to n zealous one.'· But frienrl..,hip per hap' a' Da,·id. ·s anil Jon­

Bozrman he wil1 go on t o L or;:; .-\nge1es. I choose m.'· friends before I h~n-e a a than ·~ are rare iniieetl, hut thank for·

where he ha" aecepted a P 11 ~ition with chanre to a nalyze whether the,- are t une frien•l" who do lo\·e un~elfi,hly a re

the General Electri(' office. zealou'.'; or prudent. It se<>ms to he an ble~"ing-..; that come to us all. To win

_.:·-E . S. Currier of the farm mn.nago·

ruent department of the experiment sta·

tion. left yesterrla:- for ).(il e~ rity ancl

other points in t he "fe!Iow<::tone valley.

He will confer with ~I. S. Wihon, who

intenti\•e choice that feels the harm1.) 11_,. ~uch friends we muiit be friendly ac;

of taqtes and mind. not the rleliherat('

balandng of one quality with anQther Emer<::on ~ay;;;:, "The only wa: to ha\·~

a friend is to be one.'·

and calculating what ma:· he of a!h-.rn- The question. howe,-er, is: "Do we


Confuciu$ tells us to "Contract no ~~o:::a::: t~;;.n:;;0:~ ~: ~:;y ~::eo~~ is carr~·ing on farm management in,·es- friendship with an:'·one w ho is not bPt· heart recognize an ::iffinit:'· when it

tigation in that seetion in connection ter th1n thyself. 1

' But what wu.i ld come:; into our life' I think it does,

I with his work as farm demonstrator. there then be for the better man ';\"ith and those friends that in some way com·

~fr. rurrier will make an extendc,1 whom we contracted the frienrlship~ plement our nature, while their soul~

studv in the Gallatin ,·alley this sum· He rnig-ht be a new star or sun to us, ha,·e the .;;;ame exalted aim, are nlwayi:;

mer ·with the idea of deter~ining what but we shoulrl he commonplace to him. friends-" friends whom chance and

typer;:; of farming and what organiza· S1Jm<> t imes we mig-ht play starlight <.;r change can ne,·er harm., 1 Distaneeq

tion of the farm bu<::ine~~ i~ li able to sunlig-ht to ~omeone lec:r; fa,·ored or h.:~" may <::pparate. continents or seas ma.v

pro..-e mo.;;t profitahle tn ibis parheular I de' eloped than we an<t be in t he tnH•st

regton sense a friend to uplift lum. diddp trne friend-, fM :·ears. hut when the." C'ome together ag-ain thei r thought«

- •:•- ~pur-!"eon :11h ise-.; us to form i~o mo\e in thP ":-tme rhannel. "Ah->enee

Rnth )frTnto,.,l., ex· · 1~. w!ls in t he I friC'nil"lup with :1n :llH!r.v m·t•1. H..~ l t 'fl" . . . ht t ·ndrr I t·:-,. t lt" earl:· p rt of thi..: \H'('k for a i-:-i_,·s t hnt he who hark!' at ano t her ~ ~""' roy.- rri ing t~nmacie~

1 1 - -

iPW ,fay-., ::\Ii ...... ~l ·T11·0"'1 took a t•nm·:--e t houg-h Le ma:· h1· ypn· fou•l ·t '"111 I or:-ttl'" '-t rNl!? one-.: ..

in "''d~lo.ry at tb1• rni\ t'l:-l~,- of rrni1 to11ay "Will howl :it :·ou OTJI' 11:n· for I ....,, !l!f'~~lll(' ... a frit•ud <'hOO'"'t'" \1"'. I

fnllowiu;.r her 1h•i•art 1r 1ro111 )[f1Ut u1:1 111t iu':!. .\II rlih i-.. trn1• 0

111h•1• l. J..1t W'h OUf'l"' ... o tho .. rn. !lnil tln~ fri~n·l wh 1

:--.r:ite an•1w11 bl" ":th th1: \ ... ,o~in' .1


"ldJ,· '' lmir it· .. t 1t 1 "·t• t> •or 1 1 'i.' 111 ~ wa-. a~· epliPr~ ·1 11 .! t' t eame

1 harit.•'" nt Pou~likl'p-.ie. 1·\wo-:1 ur fi t->n<l-. tl1at '"a,-. (ContinueJ. vu Page ~:x)

Lone Mountain on the West Gallatin



Mosi people intend to sa ,.e l!OM:E '1'lME, R. 0 . PURDUM.

And while putting it off let a big aggregJJ.te of little sums slip through their fingers. The way to save successfu.U) is to sa"e N OW. Why not begin to save at t his auspicious moment by opening a savings account a t GALLATIN TRUST AND SAV·

INGS BANK Capital 3100,000

W. S. DAVIDSOX, Cashier .



Rooms 1 nnd Story n i ·k

Phone 4<; blk. Bozem·rn. 'Mont.



Suite 5 Gallatin Block

Automobile sa.me as hack for

city calls


Home Phone, 132 Bell, 230-2


If you are in the market for some


Bear Creek and 1Iount:.dn Home

-lump a.nd egg; wood and kind·

ling. We have the best live~ in






28 West Main 3pecial Attention P aid to Students

Wedding Suggestion

Silver in Sterling and Plate. Everything from knives, forks md spoons to the larger pieces -rich, cut glass in many pat­terns-and our big leader-25 per cent off on all CHINA through June.

Leslie E. Gage Jeweler and Graduate Optometrist

House Cleaning Time

1s now on

Try one of our 0 'CEDAR

:MOPS and see if it won't 1e:dsen

your labors for 1913. Good for

the floon, casings or any varnish


Sold by

Owenhouse Hardware Company

Pretty New V oiles

At 25c, 29c and 35c Yard

A new shipment just unpacked, show­

ing the new pattern ideas ; also in white,

cream, black and the popular colors, in

36 and 40 inch widths, at 25c. ~ and

35c a yard.

F ancy Silk Stripe Voiles, a fine

soft quality with colored stnpoo. at

35c a ya.rd.

Small floral pattern Voiles in white.

cream, malse and light blue ground, 40

wchos wide, at 35c a yard.

.'lJ;\XB:nsTISH ER ©· .._.---,,-HAY~ n t..1.. 1.-..i.; ;...:...-


Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 9 - btk.



Office and Residence ~01 S . Grand . .\xe.

Phones-Bell 494 red-Home 296~

Bozeman1 Montana.

E. W. THOMPSON Four Ohair B~rber Shop

(Successor to F. E. Davis) PLAIN AND TURKISH BATHS

Corner of ~ain and Tracy.

WILLIAM H. WATSON'S P ictures, Stories. Lectures D ramas "The consen~us of press opinion of

both continents, speaking eloquently of Dr. Watson ·s work. is that he is a ma~ter of art nn<l. literature. Highly in!'tructi n~. illuminatir!g and very won·

~~~~·s· books. Each picture a work of


2317 Michigan Ave.. Chicago, U. S. A.

Nelson Cab Co.1 Oldest and most reliable in

the City Cabs for weddings, parties

1 and funerals a specialty

Bell Phone 273 Home Phone 1962 BOZEMAN, MONTANA

Thelen & Ha nley Up-to-date Livery and Automobile

Home Phone 2.JH Bell Phone ;;; blk


Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

WE Respectfully bid for a share of

your trade, and will certainly

treat you fair. Try us.


Phone 20 Opp. Court House


Capital Stock .............. s1so.ono.oo Surplus and Profits .... ~50,000.vO


Bozema11 -)Iontana

Good Pies and Coffee a Specialty Open Day and Night

The Palm Cafe AND LUNCH


Frank E . Davis Proprietor

12 Ea"'t l\.:Iain Street Bozeman. Mont.

For Sale Power washing machine,

2 iron beds, 2 cots. See

F. E. Gordon, or call at

Triangle X House, 204 S.

Third avenue.

Page 6: THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. VOL IV THE WEEKLY EXPO::-.'EXT ... · the weel(ly exponent. vol iv the weekly expo::-.'ext friday, ~ay 30, jnl3 number 36. truitt heads twenty baghror degrees

T radition wears a snow -w h ite bea rd, and has the wisdom of experience.

The pipe is lege tradition. yours with

a col­Fill


On 'Cra(k and Diamond ----- i With l''>aminauon,;;, claiming- thL I T 1~ ba:.-kethall tea!l.1 wi11 lo:;e Bro1lke

,:rreatt.·r ian of the at•t>n:. on of the "tu· II:irnn.all and ·•Bing'' Ho.Jg!:'kis!l. The •h:n• hvdy ior ·he 1 1~ "t wel"k. little :.ir- lo .... oI bo~h :~E> ... e ~en "tnll greatly ~e tPn·ion b·t .. htl"n paid 0 .;l'hletfr ... !11- tel· but "ttb tour of. the old ~uar.1 still

(terda ..... l'.'on·,.,,.t ... do ... t.·d n:ith t'1e bn ... .; 1n tht" game. th~rc is e'er~· rea .. on to

I hall .:amt" Frhh:· ~nl 01.I, tn M<'ll""ional bt:lll'\t" th:tt anoth~r champ1onsb1p will eiiut~ I.! me "Lr\l' .... to brea~ the mon .. t· 1 b1~ a1lllexell ne.xt \\tnter

on' "f tLe exam nauon" -- I · Both the ... e men "ill al--o he m1s .. etl

YACHT CLUB SALAD DRESSING For that luncheon or delicious sandwiches for that picnic.

4 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 S 10 oz. bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. , . . . . . .30 20 oz. bott le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SO

Compare the quality with other brands THOMAS H. REA & COMP ANY

Both Phones 24. 127-129 West Main Street "'bile tht' gamC' Fdd;i~s "l':l"' n11t ex­

C'C(•tioJ1nl1~- fa~t. hoth t('!llll"' ph~Yl'tl :-!OOtl btdl • tJn:.e .. 11011 tht• con~e ... t ws .. l'io:--e and liar·l folli:;-l1t thromrhout.

from the footbal1 .;quad. Hodkskb~

wa~ undoubteOl:· one of the be5t ~ack· ~§§§§§§§~~~§=§§§§§§§§§~§~~§~~§ It•::; in the state Ja .. t iall :i.nd Brook~ i -....:: couhl be tlC"pendeJ. upon to J-ilay n eon­... i~teut. heady gnme. )laterinl to tnke their rla('t"S WiJl ha\·e tO apear in the

"' ·h Y:ll':ltion a1>prond1in1? thl" new itll·onring cla ... -:. '''"lt..!lit .. of z l'Xf ... ea ... on ·" team ..;hould '-le r r mu... 1 the m 111b of en n· -..tu· .Ieu~ Jurin!? the "ummer. One cl1am-J•ii'\n ... }11p \nin nntl tWl'l lo:-:t j-:. the rt"l'Oril ma•le bY ·h1..' c(l11et!e tl1i" :•ear in the i.lif­ferent brnnrhe., of atbletk~.

Howe,·rr, one or wo n en i!< all that i' l<i..;t to any tenm. ..An·l wit.ii tht'.' gnatE>r pnrt of e'·t·ry agg-regatwn to form a ba~i<:: the re shnul\l be no trouble in whipping a team into shape.




Ed. and Lou Howard, Props. I and you will endorse

the dictum of your predecessors.

Trnei thi<:: j~ not au exceptionally good record. but i~ mi~ht haYe been wor..;e and l'Yervone !'bonld for~et what was Jone- in the pn.;,t antl get bu~.v and boo~t for eve-r\· champion:--hip in 1~14 .

R<'member then. to keep in mind t hat I ~(. R. C. intend~ to make a sweep of ~~~~~~~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; the rhampionships in 1!114 and with a ~ ... litrle boo<..ting thi" 8ummer there h- e,-_ ·

A ... ,.-

~ ,,_ J=:e -

BIG GAME HUNTERS' FIRST Choice ~ lfig enough

for the biggest game of North


" High Power" Repeating Rifle No. 425. list Price • $20.00

.25·.30-30-.lZ and .35 calibers

Ve! \'et the choicest growths of Burley leaf is mild, rich and sat­isfying-yet withal in­expensive.

ery rea..;on to belieYe that no one will he disappointed.

The tenni!'I tournament which ~tarted ~e,·eral week~ ago i"' progre~-.;ing nice­ly. All of the preliminary rounll bas

ludi<'ation" point to :t record break­ing d:l,...., next fall. ~nd a lot of good lli~h --ehool material will be available. Thi" l'OUJ•led w:th :be 1)1d men too for a neneh>u•-. there j.., no rea~on why th<' been 11la;·ea and the final ronna will 1 collt ge l'annot turn out winning tenm~. ~oon be ~tarted soon. SeYeral surpri~e1:.

hnYe alre:ld.'· lleen ~prun~. including the I Lo~"'e' h;• g-raduation will prollahly defen of P rof. Brewer, "·ho for several

fall the h:\r(ll'"t lHl the track "quad . .\·e:ir-.. ha~ held the co1lege championship, Brahro .k will be g-reatly mi""'e•l in the lw "' lliam )Ialldox. Se'\"eral other ex-

out of breath, a welcome 5-mile frum car to e:ir spread oYer his iaCt'. ter the ~eeond Yer:--e :\Ii~s Pankerton

'The room wns ('rowiled with fond he!!'an tn wbh Erasmus would ~kip a

forwanl. Yietor Cotner was al:::o 3\\"ard­l'd a !<Wrater. hut he was not present

YC'r~e :rnll end. How l:'tUJdil of her not to ha,·C' lllok1•d nt tbe yiiecc she gaYe him that !lay. Tho tca1..·her lookt••l

at a..; .. t•mhly. Prtlf. Tallm:ln then made a fin:lueial

"tatement of tht• year wbieb :-bowed that

mother~. pNuJ father~ 311.l int<'rr ... ted aunt" awl mn·le~. ·when ~lb" P:inkcr­ton 1nnonnl•eil tha the progr:unme would he~iri with a song b:· tht• S('hool. :tr•'t111.1 nn<'asily t• 1 ~ee ii "imila: tbt• :l''odntion has a small bal:l111.•e to After the ehiMreu ·s Yoi~e~ had wander· t 1011gbt:-; were 11~: .. sin~ throu!!'h the other the good with all hills Rnd outstnndinEr cd 1; roui:-h the 1'hri-.trna~ refrain, Uld older he:ich. ~Le fiuall:- C':l::il'tl lH•r con- exp~11 .. e-: paid. S.weaH'r' for the track .quire ~mith'i' '\Yilli 0 recited ·jChrisv S('i('lll'e hy !;3ying to her,.l·lf.

1 '0h, Wt'll team will also be ortlerell nn.1 tl1ere is ma'\ nt mr Hou,.e. · · He went ~:tiling e\·er:·one is takrn up with their own chil· enou1?h fund" to meet thi" expense. The through the first ::iml secon•l Yl'Tsc~ dren. they probahly :UP not listening fal't that n large prt:'centage of the ~tu-I and was well L\111H'hed on the thir1l he- an;·l1ow and be is perfcl'tl} hapJ'Y hb- 1lent' haYC' purcbnS:ell !'('R~on tiekt•ts fort:> he marfo his first mi~tnkt:'. ~elf. ' 1

for tbe 1liffrrent game.; wa ... one- fa('t11r Tht~ ..;quirt• hail heen ~mi1in~ thNnJ,!h R::1stY was thron~h at hht nnil lie in pro<lueting a balaner 011 tlH~ r~ht


We claim that our printing is superior to any other to be obtained in Boze­man. We back our claims with the goods. Give us a trial order.


Job Printers Bozeman, Montana

A YEAR WITHOUT A KICK We wish ~l our patrons a very enjoyable and prosper­ous vacation. On your return next fall we will be ready to handle your laundry work with the same degree of excellency as we have done in the past. We again wish you a pleasant vacation.

{Fiallatin bnu:nrlx-~ Q:nmµctn£ Bell-79 Red

W. B. Vestal, College Agent Home--171

thr fir"'t Yl'r~t~ au•l witl .ng at hi.; quietly. tonk hi ... st>at nmM 1 fCt·hl(' np- ... itle of the lt~dL?'er. Prof. Tnlhnnn ex-ll('i~hor Seth <irnham who ~at 11ext to J1lau ... ('. In :l minute the room ·was in pre.;:-etl bim..,elf Wl'll plea.,e1l with thr ~"~============================~ him. as ntlll'h ns to sn" : ").fight." t!onfo!"ion and mothers Wt•r(' fill thdr 111an anll .;aid that he hoped that the i swart bt1~- of mine. 1lon ·t ,.Ht think?'· knf>e~ buckling o,·et·~hoes and strappin~ fre coultl be made t!ompul~ory b,y the But uow with the first mist:lke the up lf'~(!ing.; wbil(' fatltcrs ,,-:irmetl mit- hf'e:innillg- of thr ~ehool year. I More Time for Strolling on the Campus

if you get your lunch from CHICOPEE FAUS, MASSACHUSETTS

olil man Wt'nt throu~l1 th~ 'l;to1nv with tl'HR nt the hig- glowing- hl'att"r and ti.:-d )fana~l'r' of the YariOU"' team~ were the boy anrl his brow~ inYnluntnrily t'ln Wi)oly hooas atHl sto<'kinu: ea1':-:. One :ilc;o ('}et'te•l at thi-s meeting with the knit into a !-('owl. Romt'bow '\Yillil~ famih· after another w-:1s loaded into following ""elel'.'tion': ).Janin Rene~.- . ~tuml1le1l throu~h ann matle a triumph- famiI:· ~prinJ;r wagons and lmi;rgies anJ football. F.rnc-..t Roriler. trnck; '\Yilliam "RED" and "SHORTY" an ewl, and nnwh applau.;:;e foll,..,wetl ~·arm rn~:- ~illt'•~ 1~!l nn<l ~t<'kec\tcntler; )fotldt"IX, ba,ketbnll; Robert Kelle.'·· T FJ I '


.. f'hri~tmas at Our Hou-::-e .. ' Little .Tes· ~'~ ~;~~u::a~.y: l~f \h~ ::l::ool 3.,.:t~:~ :1:'.~:.rr~·.,. ba!".eba1l; Ro:· :\lah•or, ,girls' ba:::ketball. op oor Aggie Building , sie Tubb,;, wns th~ nt•xt on the platf·1rm " I 1 ~:~o~:t;~i'.i,~:;~1;·,.1;~r;:to,'~'~,~~.1;;,~l::'. :,~~1i.11g in all that wa> pa»ing hefnre tAGULTY MEMBER HAS ~§§§§~~§§§§§§§~~~§§~§§§~~§§§§g (Continued from Pag:e Four) ty there who nnl1erstood her for mother The Hl111 lho:S" w:i8 t'ast h•'f1m1ing: 'ated with a 1:oat of sto,·e polit,b that batl and father Tubh8 and si~ter Kate and tle~ertetl. :\.fr. ,Tohn<::on w~1S tbC' la~t one refu. cl to tRke the ~hine no mntter bow 1nC1JJ .:ll]l O! st1•as pnq un i:uny :Jnny who wa~ left unhitchin~ bi~ team. The lffTIGLE IN MAPAZINE L tr'1 he liad rul1bed it. The most eon- row while nw:i;· back in the corner .lohnson family "tood huddletl on the H lJ ~pidLIU~ and b:· far thl· most intere .. t· were . .\uut Jennie and l~nele Tom. Thus schonl hons~ step. while )lbs Pankertun jog article in his :lttire was the high the pro~ramme <'•lntinue<l. Ra~t~· 's face "·a.;; hu~:~ lot>kinj! up. white t:!ollar, many :-izcs too bi~ for ~hown with the ioy of ('Xl'itement aml Mr. John~on drove up to rht'.' ~tep~ F . C. Snow of E ngineering D epartment him that he had dug out of his father's he applaudeil each of liis ~ehool mnte" nnll one hy one )(other .lohn1:.,,n lifted Writes Article on Con crete T est s l1urletl bcl1lllgings in t11e ohl trunk in :l'i lot11l ns: an~·one 11resent. ~ow .Tnek the flYC' little onC'S np and settl<'d them F or Technical Magazine. I the c3hin. Thouf!h too l:irge the eolar Parker wa~ ... peakinl!. Ra1:.ty ·s heart into thC' wncron ht•d.. tuckinl!' in the

was held in pl:lt•e by a ~nhnon pink tie wns it1 his nrnnth. llb tur11 ('alllt" next quilt~ tightl,· around them. )Iiss Pan- ~~~~~=========================:'.. '\\ith largl' hlack iloh. for 1H.~ wn.;; tht" fa ... t on the prngrnmme kerton climl•eil in hesi<le )[~ . .Tolm~on. The ).lay number of the Cement ~ The winll blew kernly and carrh•d lit· nnd :Ui:'S Pnnkerton had tol•l him to :.\[r .. Tolrn!<nu t•lul·kr·l to tht• hor.::e~ :ind Worltl contains an article with illu:-· tle C'll"ts of :-.uow along the roall tl1at ti .. ten ior .Tn1·k •, turn. th" bst famih· 1·attlP•l off .lawn the C now of the Cidl


Makers of photographs of quality and style.

We guarantee satisfaction.

EQUAL TO ANY IN MONTANA Int sharply at R.1-...ty"·• Jt>gs. hut th1~ The afternoon wa~ wea .. ing- away anil rnu!Ih ronll an.l tht• Sl•hool yanl wa~ 1le· trations by F. · e'lilJ w i... totally ohli,iou~ to the w1..•ath- 3~ C':l4'h i·hi].] fiui .. liC>d th('ir p:ut in the Rert('•l. Engineering department of the l'Ollt"_gc, J er n .. In• wnlkC'tl happily alonl! the frouu e11t('rtainmt•nt. th(' interp .. t of th1• par .lolrnsou ·~ h:tlf !!lOWll pup l'Stnt" ""nr- ilea ling with thC' mctholh of te .... tin:z roitd. Ms linrnb "unk 1hlt.l]l in hi~ ~agg-r1l ents in thL' pr1)[.!T"amrne wam•11. .\ few r't"ing :lriuna the huihling •rnrl Liking 111' ,~ntl, cement ~ma concrete. The m:l.-1

Cleaning, pressing, repamng, altering, suits to order. \ I

poekt ts. :uul hi<:. i'h,1tkring tl't•th r<'pt'at- yawne1l an•l ftt'f lnoki11£! at t11" 1•lock, the> ~('f'llt ran liurr:in!! jlown thp rnn•l. l'hin('<.. e:xplainrtl are simple, inexpen .. i\'P ~,1 the wontlerfnl }'it'l.'1..'. _\~ ht~ rcae11r1l h1..'2an tun1llin:! up tlir chililrl'n and 1,r1• Ila..;tv gt~ll ~too 4l at _thr t'tl!I<' of thP the top of the hill :intl :-;till pt•l fur pnring t 1 h~aYt'. ~chool yartl. ~ow h(' p1L·kl•d np a 11:\llll- 1llll'" that can be built wherN•,·er the "'iu tth, ht' \'oulil alr('fltly ""l'L' ~l!\'ernl The ronm " 1,,. Y<'r'" quit·t whi:-u '\fls~ lful o:i' i-:.now nnll Sf'nt a snow hall flying work is Joeatt~d for which the materinl" t ams bitl'.'lle.l aromHl the "'L'hool hOU't' P:rnkt rtou announCl'•l '• Rl~dtation.- l fh'r tlu• disnppe~uing tli"tg. '1\\"ith that to be teo;:;;tetl arC" intended ::iml the u~e n•l ruore ,]ri\ in~ !u the ~-ard a11.J Era-nn< Coil ins. • ht' t'nrolullY tu«k<ol into bi< sl1irt a loose of these te<ts will in<ure satisfactory I Ra,.ty 'tmnblt•d up the :lbh> trying ~:: ~~~1~:t~11

1:n~·)~:~:\~;~~:~~ ;:~n~:tli~~1

1:'\~:~ <'On~trnl'tion. A KHAKI SUIT-is the ideal outfit for rough use m the field during sum-mer.

This cloth is light, soft and s trong, does not collect burrs or chaff, is not easily caught on barbed wire or thorns and gives first-class wear.

Our garments are cut very full and are thoroughly well made.

;:~t~;. 11 t to teel h "~ lh' 1 a•l ~eeu nm· pc•c·k<'t~ ht~ ~d out for home in the iii· fo~ro:~~~1;~l:e 1:~~l~e~11:s:x;e::i~n::t~~~ Ht• monntrl the platfoi•!t ~ 'hl hPCa'l r1~<'tion the Ia ... t wagon h:irl tnk\'n. mum· inn 1,.

1111 ,

0i e: hlln 2 , '•n.- 'iminy, it's .:oltl •1 t"emrnt laboratory at the college nntl , . :.\fotht•r, Oh. muth<'r, Mm<' of them :ue :i pnrt of the cour;;..e

~itlJ! low Lttle hrotb1•r, ~lPt~p For th~· moth('r beua ... o,·er :;he1• 'Pt.'' UsstY almo ... t .. houtPd this st:lnt;L 11•


(Continne•l from Page Ont'.') wa~ so exl'itea hut hv thl' time liE> h:i.1 n~.1dn·tl thl' !<l'.'Ct'Ud, }ii-: hrenth l1:id :tl· ''Biu~·· lloii:?"ki ...... n \'Pteran of two lllO"t ~i\'l'll ou· a.nil he w:i-: forl'e•l to go YN\r..; on tlh~ nn .. kE>th:tll floor, wn~ tl1e ~lower. nPxt one talle•i to 1hP platform. ('onch

in cement ana concrete ~·hich i., offered b:- the department.


(Continued from Page 5) Dnl.'k<itft•ll"r c;pok(' of the Y:lli:lnt S('TVil'.'C •·Ohl .lerry Collins' boy. l'll be whit'h ''Bing'' has rend ered thr fh·p blt~ ... s(•tl- '' rnnrmered \\"illie 's frttber to m .. elf. ~uul ~aitl that 1 was wi th rP~ret that to my ~foor one noon, T neYer knel'i A few wt>re inrlinea to i!mile a.t first he wn,. giving him the l n~t ~wentC'r hr from where. I lookel1 into the big at the lndiL'rous figure on the platform C•lul.1 TE'l'ein" a tlti'- in-.titu ion. 3 !1, it brown e:'·e:o:; that were rahNl pleadingl:' .,., 'n a fb-..h he effect of hi~ co~tume ml'nnt thE> Jo.;~ 0 af valunble pby(lr. to mine nnd sni 1, ''Yr~. I do wnnt ,·ou 'IHI ... "t'l"ll. lie l'•"ntraded !'trn111?h· '.Tith 'fax ~-il<'omh wa~ thE> nP:xt mnn up. Thank .'·on for com in~.'' I feel. m: th,~ other hero('S aml l1rroh1es who 1.a.l Tir nl~o j<::: :i ,-etn:tn on th(' tenm ancl i~ fric>nd, anU wbene\'"er I Ja\· mY band on mountl~a that illustriou!"t pl.ltform lidcr1' to raptain tllE> lflU aggregation. ITi" his bend tboi.e big brown. (ly;s look up him. wnrk ha" he1•n of ~ .::tE>rling rhararter with n 1le,·otion not ~nrpnss(la by an:' }1.S Ra.,.r:· •s hnppy inOOl'eut YOii'i" C'ltl· thTOlH?hout t11e ;·c>nr nn<l hr c;honhl prO\'P human kind.


Corner Central and Babcock

~omctime:o; we l.'11oose our friends be­l':lU~t· of their nnmC:', sometime~ be-



t•au-..p or their a~ .. ociation with u~ in Jt \\" 3.S a ~hon journey, but nlon..:: bu~ine:'~ or in ou r dail,,· pursuits, some· toward evening it grew tire~ome an l time" be('ause they slip into our hearts our oul_v amu~ement was watthiug the ''Ou the choice of friend:-.

Our good or e\"il name depend~." But if we are prudt'nt in t he choit•e

of our t!omptrny by going where desir­able frit>nds are to be found. we ~hall not be likely to Iinll as~ociates thnt will bring a bad reputation to us. Our friendships ba ,·e grrat power O\·er our liYe". They shape our thoughts a nd in · fluenee our action!'.


\\'heu wt? ~toppea at '\\·mow Creek 1t Iookell as if a pit::nie ('row<l was ~ettlllg­aboartl, lmt it was onJv a family o" li'"e h· Y\l\tnusters-!"en•n in all , with a. ur ;d ·looking mother .1.nd a worrit'.'d look· ing fn t ber. Each hnd hi" or her lJUndle, bag or basket to carry. A sturJy boy of ten or ele"en was luggin,i:r a bes,·r well worn suit ca.;,e aml i:irl a fe 'f7 ,·ears v1lunger WS!-t ('Rrrnng- a Jnn~lt basket. nml the,..,. were all so exdted.



Coats, $3.50 Trousers $2.50 Shirts $1.50

inue1l wit'tinut :1 hn•ak the ruoth('r l!Mr• :i <'apahl<' man to lc>ntl thC' five n('xt That rcmindil. me of anothrr bra.wn in the room grew strong and a ~.•w pitY ,·rar. l'\'Cd frh•nll . I chose him , brought him in~ '!!laur<" 1•n ... ,t~.1 lit•twecn tht~ wlUH'n. :.\.fail.lnx wa~ !!hen :in o\·ation n-i hi' home, cnr il for liim :lllil p('tted him .\ntl m )Tl' th~n onf' man tbtl11l!l1t to wa..;. cnlle·l •o tbt" platnrm. Rill i' onp Tir grc>w so fornl of lllC' that he would 1· rust' Ir', ··Poor lit ti(' rs:--i:-ril-'1\\"htn a ,1f llll' ne'l'i- nH~n on the ~qtrn.tl an11 hi::::: follow me in the fieM antl put his Select your outfit here-\Ve l•it<'~ for him., work i thf' C•111ft.•l;t thic; \ear ln·li(':ltC'•l bea·l on mv shoulrler. He wa~ worth\ '1i1wn n3 .... ty ht•i;::an )liss P3nkt~rton tlrnt :\f. :::. f'. i::nn hoa ... t of at lea.;t one of tlit~ lo,·e that I gn,·~ him antl r~ "t Ttle·l La<."k ·.vi th 3 ... igh of relil~t that star g-nsr1l for the fin• n('xt winter. tnrnrtl it tn full mea~11 re. With Grorg<" + w:t~ almo"t :'l\'('r. She ~ouM not rt"· Hi.;:; work throm::rhout the ~C'fl"'On wn~ eon- El ot I c:in ~a,·, o .\ n'mal.;;. are ~ueh

1t is the spiritual quali ty· of fr iend· "hip that i~ the Ynluable one. An ex­change of commotlitic~ or favors lloes not make friendship. T he t rue frirnll t~ one who belie,·e~ in our higher ~elf and uplifts us. .And wh en n nC'W frit'nt1 i~ fonntl we ha,·e thP delic:ht of hnvin:? n nrw worhl open C' tl up to us. '\\•hen nnother cou~eni:1 l -.; I tom·he;.; our' ~II lif<' ~eenh frt""ht'llt"'1l up. ''We look forward to l."Xplnrin~ a new ~oul .,, men who h:n·, foun.J a new continent''

In le""" than. ten miuuh., ... t\ t" o1'le ..... earrving a p(uccl:lin 1·np in one hau·1 and. hollling bis :-.iqer \: "'lllll•lli'.!'Y baud rn hi..; o~h('r, v.·Pnt to get a ilriuk. \i soon as they eamr hnc-k a thtr l wa'I: thir ... ty, aua then ;l fou rth got thr n l· tinn and pilo t ed a l ittle hrotber to qt1t•nt:!h his th ir~t :tntl l'.'U"rio .. ity. This I kept up until all hatl mailp U!:'e of the . '' and bv• that time the ohlP"t }JttJr C r • . Tet·

can fit you.

The Willson Co. r 11 ior momt~ut what 11iel~e .ot wn5' that .... j .. tent :rn·l !'tenily n11lt hf' pro,·e<l to h<' 3f!rt•eable friend~. Tbev a:i.k no que~· ~ 1 e l \e?1 tlt! lit k olorel hov. ~.\.f a. -..•·1ml•1inc: block or e\-C'TY oppo .. in~ tion1:., tlie.'· p ... , no rrlti~j..m..,.''

sa v~ Frn111..'t'" E. W1lla r ll. ···Friend is a «·ord of loyn.1 tont:>, Friend is a poem of all alone."

-)!. A.

wa"' tbir,ty '.! ~in. ,T~~t a..;. w~ ' " ere :n~ ting ofi' of the trnin the ta her

"13 givin g the baby a d r ink .
