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NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 NASA-TM-85924 /185"0007141 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore January 1985 LANGLEY RESE:ARCH CENTER LIBRARY. NASA HAMPTON. VIRGINIA NI\S/\ National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Page 1: The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames ......NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore Ames Research

NASA Technical Memorandum 85924NASA-TM-85924


The Western Aeronautical Test Rangeof NASA Ames Research CenterArchie L. Moore

January 1985



NI\S/\National Aeronautics andSpace Administration

Page 2: The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames ......NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore Ames Research
Page 3: The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames ......NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore Ames Research

NASA Technical Memorandum 85924

The Western Aeronautical Test Rangeof NASA Ames Research CenterArchie L. MooreAmes Research Center, Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, California


NI\S/\National Aeronautics andSpace AdministrationAmes Research CenterDryden Flight Research FacilityEdwards, California 93523

Page 4: The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames ......NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore Ames Research
Page 5: The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames ......NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore Ames Research


Archie, L. Moore*'NASA~esResearch Center

Dryden Flight Research FacilityEdwards, California


An overview of the Western Aeronautiucal TestRange (WATR) of NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) ispresented in, this paper. The three WATR facilitiesare discussed, and three WATR elements - missioncontrol centers, communications systems, real-timeprocessing and display systems, and tracking sys­tems - are reviewed. The relationships within theNASA WATR,with respect to the NASA aeronauticsprogram, are also,discussed.

(Ames-Moffett), the Ames Research Center's DrydenFlight Research Facility'at Edwards Air Force Basein southern California (Ames-Dryden), and the CrowsLanding Facility at'CrowsLandingNaval'AuxiliaryLanding Field in California's Central valley (CrowsLanding). Additionally, other remote sites can belinked by satellite. These three facilities havedifferent types of support available, 'in accordancewith their different roles, that have evolved sincetheir initial development years ago. .

This paper presents an overview of the NASAWATR at Ames Research Center (ARC). The facilitieslocated at the three sites of the NASA WATR arediscussed and general capabilities of four specificareas of the NASA WATR are reviewed. The relation­ships within the NASA WATR, with respect to han­dling of research data in flight testenvironmerit(Fig. 4), are, also discussed.


Researchers and support personnel are monitor­ing an experimental flight of a research aircraftin the mission controi center (MeC, Fig. 1) at NASAAmes Research Center's Dryden Flight ResearchFacility at Edwards Air Force Base in southernCalifornia. one of the researchers, sitting at awork station displaying aircraft responses, noticesan apparent anomaly and suggests to the flightcontroller that the pilot not proceed to the nextflight test point until the anomaly is explained.As the engineer studies the data on a strip chart,he can hear the air-to-ground conversation betweenthe pilot and controller - the controller takesadvantage of this lull in test activity to saythe aircraft is approaching the boundary of therestricted air space and the pilot should turn tostay within the restricted area.

In his search for more information, theresearcher asks'another researcher using the inter­com system if she sees an anomaly on the real-timedisplay that she has been monitoring. While she iscalling up other pages of data to examine them, shesuggests that another researcher, monitoring theflight by Satellite link to the mission controlcenter at 'the Ames Research Center at Moffett Fieldin northern California, may have some insight intothe problem. Looking at all the data, threeresearchers determine there is no anomaly and theexperiment can continue. The flight plan iscompleted with no further interruptions and, as theaircraft lands, the three researchers and otherresearchers involved in this project discuss thefurther analysis of the data collected from thisflight. As the mission control center empties,support personnel move quickly to reconfigure it tosupport the flight of a different research,,,aircraft.

This scenario represents what is rapidly becom­ing a routine event in the operation of the NASAWestern Aeronautical Test Range (WATR)., 'l'heNASAWATR supports test flying, at three,locations(Fig. 2): the Ames Research Center at MoffettField Naval Air Station in northern California

*Manager, Western Aeronautical Test Range.Member,AlAA.

This paper is declared a work of the u.s.Government and therefore is in the public domain.






















Air Fbrce Flight Test Center

Ames Research Center



Dryden Flight Research Facility

distance measuring equipment

Eastern Test Range

frequency modulation

Goddard space Flight cEinter

high frequency

integrated flight test informationsystem

interrange instrumentation group

Johnson Space Center

Kennedy Space Center

mission control center

mate/demate deVice


l1Ii6ro~a,v~landing system

Na~iohal Ad~isory Council on Aeronautics

National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration

Page 6: The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames ......NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore Ames Research

In the time scale of history, the time sincethe first level supersonic flight on OCtober 14,1947 above the Muroc Ran~e is a fraction of a sec­ond. Aircraft performance has increased, aircraftsystem complexity has taken quantum jumps, theamount of data telemetered to the ground has grownbeyond human comprehension, and the necessity forcomputer-augmented control of fli~ht has become areality. This increase and dramatic growth ofaeronautics program requirements (Fig. 3) hasplaced, and continues to place, increasing demandson ground-based experimental facilities required to




























NASA satellite communications network

nonreturn to zero

National Space Transportation System

Public Affairs Office

pulse code modulation

remotely augmented vehicle

range control console

re~otely computed display

range control officer

radio frequency

remotely piloted research vehicle

return to zero

Spectral Analysis Facility

strip chart recorders


tactical air navigation

telemetry acquisition and processingsystem

telemetry front ends


telemetry and radio acquisition andprocessing system

ultrahigh frequency (225.000 to399.975 MHZ)

Vandenberg Air Force Base

video control center

very high frequency (116.000 to151.975 MHz)

vertical takeoff and landing

Western Aeronautical Test Range

Western Test Range



support research flight tests in its role of"pushing the edge of the envelope."

Ames-Dryden is located on a section of thehistoric Muroc Range. The facility is orientedtoward testing of high-performance aircraft, asshown by its part in the development of theX-series aircraft. 1 In just 20 years (1947 to1967), the X-series expanded the manned flight

enevelope from Mach 1. 0 to Mach 6.7 (Table 1).2The present Ames-Dryden facility is the result ofan evolutionary process that began in 1946 when theNational Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA)established the High-Speed Flight Test Station aspart of the effort toward sustained supersonicflight. As the X-plane programs grew, so did thedata-gathering and ground facility capabilities.In 1959, the facility, redesignated the FlightResearch Center (FRC), established an aerodynamictest range and terminal recovery area for theX-15 aircraft. Testing this hypersonic aircraftrequired a large geographic area and sophisticateddata acquisition capabilities. Testing of high­performance and exotic aircraft, inclUding liftingbodies (predecessors to the space shuttle) andadvanced remotely piloted aircraft, has continued.The most recent arrival is the X-29A forward-sweptwing aircraft. The Center, renamed the Hugh L.Dryden Flight Research Center in 1976, merged withthe Ames Research Center in 1981 and was designatedthe Dryden Flight Research Facility.

Ames-Moffett is oriented toward the testing ofrotary aircraft and 'the support of a variety ofspace science aircraft used in astronomical, atmos­pheric, and earth-resources research. The AmesResearch Center at Moffett Field was established in1940 by NACA as a center for wind tunnel and otheraeronautical research. In addition, a variety ofexperimental aircraft are tested at ARC. As theareas of research at the Center widened, so did thetypes of aircraft flown, including airborne astro­nomical observatories, atmospheric sampling air­craft, and high-altitude photo-reconnaissance air­craft. In 1977, NASA consolidated its helicopterresearch and located it at Ames-Moffett. Much ofthe current aircraft research is directed towardoperational concerns, including noise reduction,fuel efficiency, and improved operation in terminalcontrol areas.

Increasing congestion and urbanization in thearea around Ames-Moffett led, in 1973, to thedevelopment of Crows Landing as a test facility.The Crows Landing facility supports only flighttesting itself; no aircraft or researchers arepermanently housed at this site. Rather, the air­craft and the researchers are ferried to the sitefor experiments. When the facility was developed,a data link to Ames-Moffett was developed.

The 1981 consolidation of the Dryden FlightResearch Center and the Ames Research Center leddirectly to the consolidation of the aeronauticaltest range facilities at the three sites into theunified NASA Western Aeronautical Test Range.

The NASA Western Aeronautical Test Range (WATR)

The NASA WATR supplies tracking, data acqui­sition, and real-time processing at AmeS-Dryden(Fig. 5), Ames-Moffett (Fig. 6), and Crows Landing

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(Fig. 7). 1he elements.of the WATRare the missioncontrol centers, communications systems, real-timeprocessing and display systems, and tracking sys­tems (Fig. 8).

A user of the NASA WATR considers the missioncontrol center the most visible element of theWATR; the MCC supports the three systems. 1hemonitoring of aircraft in flight is the manifesta­tion of a complex system of real-time data acquisi­tion, processing, and display. The integration ofthe system areas (Fig. 9) in the MCCs presents theuser, client, or researcher with one of the mostcomprehensive flight research and test facilitiesin the free world.

Mission Control Centers

The mission control centers (MCCS) are wherethe results of the NASA WATR corne together. Itis here that the user judges the worth of theWATR. Because mission profiles have differed inthe past, the physical configurations and capabil­ities of the MCCs located at Ames-Dryden and Ames­Moffett differ considerably. 1hese differencesshould begin to disappear as functions of thefacilities become more similar.

The two MCCs at Ames-Dryden, a Blue Room(Fig. 10) and a Gold Room, are mirror images ofeach other. 1he researcher/analyst real-timemonitoring workstations are located around theperimeter·of the room, and three "control" consolesare in the center of the room. 1he space positiondisplays and an array of video monitors with selec­table programming are in the front of the room.When facing the front of the room the console tothe left is the range control console (RCC,Fig. 11). 1his console, the focal point for rangeoperations, is staffed by the range control officer(RCa).. 1he RCa's function is to determine how wellthe WATR is operating. 1he RCa uses selected cir­cuits of the lSD-channel range communication system(RACOMM) to be in constant communication with asmany WATR facilities as are in operation for theparticular mission, depending on the missionunderway.

During a remotely piloted research vehicle/remotely augmented vehicle (RPRV!RAV) or remotelycomputed display (RCD) mission, the RCC is linkedwith the remotely commanded vehicle facility. 1heconsole is linked with the remote sites of theWATR, such as the communications building and thetwo aeronautical tracking sites, and during aNational Space Transportation System (NSTS, orspace shuttle) operation, it is part of a world­wide communications network. The remote chan­nelization of UHF and VHF radios located in thecommunications building can be controlled throughthe RCC.

The console located to the right of the RCC.isthe project/program control console (Fig. 12). Itprovides necessary information for the user todecide if the data being collected during the mis­sion are appropriate, and it enables the user toassess the quality of data. A data engineer or anindividual responsible for the onboard data systemis usually seated at this console, as is the prin­cipal investigator, project engineer, or projectmanager. The console has an interactive displaythat allows call-up of different preprogrammed


cathode ray tube .(CRT) data displays to aid. in the.tasks. Personnel have access to several of theRACOMM circuits to assist in communications withresearchers who are monitoring the research contentof the data at the workstations around the room.

Selectable programmable video displays are alsoat the project/program control· console. These dis­plays are provided by the video switching matrixlocated in the video control center. 1he thirdindividual at this console, the flight controller,is responsible for the coordination of the researchaircraft, its safety chase, and the Edwards AFBcontrol tower. 1he controller at Ames-Dryden isconcerned with the location of the test vehiclewith respect to the many controlled areas of theAir Force Flight Te'st Center (AFFTC). flight com­plex. 1his flight controller relies heavily on thespace position displays at the front of the roomwhich display the aircraft with respect to the manycontrolled test areas. These displays, which havebeen pen-and-ink plot boards in the past, arelarge-screen CRT devices. '

The final console in the front of the room isthe flight safety and flight operation console(Fig. 13). It has the provision for an air trafficcontroller, in the event that a mission is plannedto go beyond the controlled airspace of the AFFTC.1he aircraft operations engineer, usually locatedat this console, is responsible for the vehiclesand is available during emergencies. There is aprovision for a safety officer to be at this con­sole if the mission requires that level of moni­toring and support. The safety and flight opera­tions console has selected RACOMM circuits andvideo displays with selectable programming from thevideo control center. 1here is also a selectablepreprogrammed CRT data display for flight criticalsafety parameters provided on a 19-inch colormonitor.

1he key research consoles are those locatedaround the perimeter of the room. 1hese six con­soles display real-time data to the researchers inthe MCC. They are, in general, configured alikewith only slight differences (Fig. 14). Each con­sole is constructed with a three-bay, 19-inch racksuperstructure. There are two strip chart record­ers (SCR) located in each console, and each consoleis equipped with a 19-inch color monitor for thedisplay of alphanumeric data displays, computergraphics representations of enunciator panels, orgraphics displays including cross plots and alpha­numeric information. A portion of the console canbe used in an interactive mode in real-time withthe real-time processing and display system. Allconsoles have access to preprogrammedCRT data dis~

plays, and each console has access' to ten of theRACOMM circuits. These circuits monitor air-to­ground mission audio as well as "hot-mike" down­linked from the vehicle. Some of these circuitscan be configured into localized intercom circuitsfor researchers to communicate during the mission.

A final provision in the MCCs is that of apublic Affairs Office (PAO) console (Fig. 15).This console has access., to all video inputs sup­plied from the video control center on three S-inchmonitors. Two of these monitors act as previewmonitors, and a third monitor displays informationthat is being transmitted by way of a satellite

Page 8: The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames ......NASA Technical Memorandum 85924 The Western Aeronautical Test Range of NASA Ames Research Center Archie L. Moore Ames Research

called NASA-SELECT. This information is trans­mitted to any site having a NASA satellite communi­cations network (NASCOM) terminal or access to aNASCOM terminal. A remotely controlled camera witha zoom lens is located above this console. Thisallows the PAO console operator to zoom in on anyof a number of the displays in the MCC or zoom backto see the operation of the MCC for release onNASA-SELECT.

Communications Systems

The communications systems area of the NASAWATR is subdivided into three specific system areasto support real-time research flight test at theARC: a radio frequency (RF) audio system, a groundaudio system, and a video system.

Radio Frequency Audio System. The RF audiosystem provides the user with the full spectrum ofair-to-ground frequencies in the HF, VHF, and UHFfrequency ranges. Frequencies are selected in theMCCs from a remote channelization system. At Ames­Dryden, this system tunes the transceiver in theWATR communications building, does a closed-looptransmit and receive test, and signals the MCC witha "ready" indication. Each MCC has access to fivededicated UHF transceivers, three VHF transceivers,and one HF transceiver. The VHF transceivers oper­ate at 20 W power with optional frequency ampli­fiers that will boost output power to 100 W, whenrequired. The VHF transceivers operate at 25 Woutput power. In addition to these transceivers,the WATR maintains a set of five UHF receivers andthree VHF transmitters dedicated to support ofNSTS space shuttle missions. These systems aremaintained in the WATR communications building(Fig. 16). The building also houses a missionaudio recording capability on a 7-channel reel-to­reel recorder or on a standard cassette recorder.

The RF audio system at Crows Landing is a six­channel system that is pretuned to the frequenciesdesignated for a given mission. Three VHF, oneUHF channel, and an intercom system provide audiosupport.

The Ames-Moffett RF audio system has the capa­bility to simulcast one UHF and three VHF channels.

Ground Audio System. The ground audio systemat Ames-Dryden is centered around the RACOMM systemand consists of a 150-circuit ground communicationsnetwork that ties all the necessary facilities ofthe NASA WATR together to support agency aeronau­tics and space program missions. The network isconnected to the NSTS network for shuttle missionsby way of NASCOM.

Video System. The video system, used to sup­port all missions conducted in any of the NASA WATRMCCs, is capable of supplying the user with any of20 video sources. At selected locations in theMCCs (Fig. 17) and throughout the WATR, the usercan select these video sources by way of a channelselector. At other locations throughout the com­plex, the user receives the selection provided fromthe NASA WATR video control center (VCC). The VCCis the routing center for all video sources anddestination within the Ames-Dryden facility. TheVCC also provides, to selected locations, an audioprogram to complement the video program. This


audio can be a mix of any or all of 15 audiosources ranging from air-to-ground mission aUdioto audio provided by way of the NASA-SELECTsatellite.

Real-Time Processing and Display Systems

The real-time processing and display systemsarea is centered around an architectural concept ofa cluster of super minicomputers supplying high­speed data processing to fill a current valuestable. This table then supplies engineering unitsdata to the WATR mission control centers by way ofa high-speed data bus (Fig. 18). Real-time user/client workstations in the MCCs "listen" to thatdata bus and supply real-time information and dis­plays for mission decisions.

This area includes the following functions:telemetry acquisition processing, telemetry proc­essing, radar processing, high-frequency dataprocessing, real-time display generation, and post­mission processing.

Telemetry acquisition processing includes bothFM/FM and PCM/FM data streams. The FM/FM systemsinstalled at Ames-Dryden consist of two 18-channelproportional bandwidth stations and twelve 6­channel constant bandwidth stations. The propor­tional bandwidth sUbsystem uses three referenceoscillators with frequencies of 22 kHz, 25 kHz, and100 kHz. The stations also use the standard inter­range instrumentation group (IRIG) narrow-bandstandard. The constant bandwidth systems use128 kHz reference discriminators and tape speedcompensation electronics.

The PCM formats supported by the WATR include:nonreturn to zero (NRZ), return to zero (RZ), andbiphase and delayed modulation (Miller code).Downlink PCM streams are routed to telemetry frontends (TFE) with the necessary bit synchronizers,main frame synchronizers, and subframe synchroniz­ers to handle 200,000 words per sec. The TFEs areequipped with simulators for aid in premissionsetup. The PCM streams are merged, compressed, andconverted to engineering units by a telemetryacquisition processor. The engineering units arethen placed in a shared memory where they areaccessible for use in real-time computations thatare displayed in the MCCs. These computationsrange from the very simple such as summing two sur­face positions to get total surface effect to verysophisticated functions such as complete enginedecks that emulate (with computer code) the opera­tion of state-of-the-art fanjet engines. The com­putation set for most vehicles includes computa­tions for air data (such as Mach number, dynamicpressure, and geopotential altitude), gross weightand center of gravity, and safety of flight param­eters. Processed radar information is also placedin the current values table for processing and dis­play in real-time. Currently, high-frequency dataanalysis is performed on a separate processor. Inthe near future, this process will be integratedinto the new architectural concept called tele­metry and radar acquisition and processing system(TRAPS). The current and subsequent versions ofthe TRAPS concept have the capability to capturedata to be used in post-mission processing and inreal-time. This capability greatly enhances theturn-around time for a given project and, ingeneral, any mix of several projects.

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Detailed descriptions o£actualdisplays werediscussed in the Mission Control Centers section.The displ~ys now appearing in the MCCs are gener­ated in the super minicomputers in the T~APS

cluster. It is planned' that in the future thisdisplay generation can be accomplished in the real­time user/client workl:ltations in the MCts.

Tracking systems

The tracking systems of the NASA WATR providethe basic antenna systems for range operations •

.' Included 1'n this systems area are toe' timing sys­tems necessary to time-correlate data acquiredduring real-time missions. The antenna systemslocated at the different sites of the NASAWATRhave differed in type primarily because of dif~

ferences in missions of the three sites.

At Ames-Dryden, the primary vehicle acquisitionsystem is an FPS-16C-band precision tracking radar(Fig. 19). The FPS-16 radar is a high-accuracy,long-range amplitUde-comparison, monopulse radarcapable of manual or automatic target acquisitionof either aerodynamic or orbital targets. A selec­tion is provided for the use of single-pulse out­puts for skin tracking or code-pulse-group outputsfor beacon tracking. The transmitter provides1 MW of peak power output over a range of 5~50 to5815 MHz (C-band). During remotely pilotedresearch vehicle (RPRV) testing, the prime fre­quency is assigned to the drop vehicle and anotherfreq~ency to the launch vehicle. Output powercompensation is provided in the microw~ve sectionto reduce transmitter output power as the targetrange decreases to increase the dynamic range ofthe receiver during skin tracking and to preventsaturation during beacon tracking. The FPS-16system is capable of tracking targets from 457 m to32,767 n. mi. During the operation of the FPS-16system, reflected signals or beacon returns arereceived by the antenna comparator which derivesthree outputs: a reference signal, an azimutherror signal, and an elevation error signal. Areceiver range gate, generated by the range timingsection, eliminates interference resulting fromtransmitter pulse leakage, ground clutter, andother external signals by enabling the error andreference detectors in the receiver only during thetime the target is received. Aduplexer is used toprevent high-level transmitter energy from enteringthe receiver during transmitter "on" time ,and per­mits the reference signal to enter the r~ceiverduring the transmitter "off" time. The FPS-16 isequipped with boresight optics for manual trackingand system calibration.

One of the principal telemetry tracking systemsat Ames-Dryden is a 20~ft-diameter parabolic tri­plexed antenna system (Fig. 20). The triplexsystem is on a 2680-ft microwave landiQg system(MLS) ridge overlooking the takeoff and landingarea. It provides the simultaneous reception ofdownlinks in the S-, L- and C-band frequencyranges. It can, at the same time, transmit commanduplink in the L-band range. Four sets of tworeceivers and a combiner allow for the receptionof the PCM/FM downlinks. Two receivers allow forC-band video downlink. Downlink telemetry andvideo is received on frequencies between 4530 MHzand 4830 MHz. Command uplink is transmitted on1804.5 MHz. The normal operating radius for thesystem is 200 n. mi.


The pa~r~ng of receivers allows for the recep­tibriof two "separate frequencies of telemetry down­link data with each channel's polarization beingremotely controlled. The pairs of receivers .areused in conjunction with diversity combiners thatallow reception of four diversity combined tele­metry frequencies or up to eight separate telemetryfrequencies with'circular polarization. Downlinkvideo uses the same concept of reGeiver pairs inconjunction with combiners. The·command uplinksignals are transmitted at 100 W continuous wavewith the modulation provided by the remotelycommanded vehicle facility or the previously men-

'tibned real-time processing and display system.The triplex antenna system is positioned by auto­tracking the telemetry downlink carrier, allowingstand-alone operation, ,and slaving to the FPS-16radar or a MK-51 optical tracker. When the systemis operated in the manual mode, boresight opticsaid in target acquisition.

A second telemetry tracking system wasinstalled on the main ,Ames-Dryden building(Fig. 21). It is a 12-foot parabolic antennacarried on anelevation-over-azimuth pedestal, andit is used to receive and autotrack in the fre­quency band from 1435 MHz to 2400 MHz. Frequencyuse within these limits is 1435 MHz to 1540 MHz forL-band telemetry, 2200 MHz to 2400 MHz for S-bandtelemetry, and 1727 MHz for. downlink video. Thesystem .uses a conically scanning RF feed assemblytoautotrack on all received frequencies. Verti­cally and horizontallY polarized receiving elementsfeed dual receiver channels that culminate in anoptimal combiner similar to the triplex antennasystem. Four sets of vertical and horizontalreceivers and their combiners are presently avail­able for vehicles while simultaneously receivingvideo downlink on a fifth receiver/combiner set.The capacity exists for future expansion to eightchannels. The boresight optics included in thesystem can be used to aid in manual tracking.

The final tracking antenna system at Ames­Dryden is on the WATR communications building. Itis a high-gain log periodic with a 12-foot dish.The antenna is used for long-range UHF communica­tions and as a backup for the uplink of commandinformation. This antenna system is equipped withboresight optics.

At Crows Landing, highly accurate space posi­tion information is supplied for terminal areaand vertical .takeoff and landing (VTOL) work.Two Nike Hercules, X-band monopulse radars areused to skin or beacon track aircraft (Fig. 22).The range of the track is 250 yd to 200,000 yd.Because this facility is primarily used for ter­minal area research programs, the problem ofmultipath has been circumvented by the use ofa laser tracker mounted on one of the radar sys­tems. The laser provides tracking accuracy atclose range, 250 yd to 20,000 yd. Video boresightcameras augment the tracking system and providevisual contact with the aircraft to enhance per­formance. The improved Nike Hercules radar oper­rates at X-band frequencies, 8500 MHz to 9600 MHZ,with a pulse repetition frequency of 500 pulses persec and a peak power output of 250 kW. In thebeacon mode, the radar transmits at 9000 MHz andreceives at 9400 MHz. The configuration alsoincludes digital range and optical angle digitalreadout.

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The laser tracker is mounted on the targettrack radar. The optical transmit/receive axis ofthe laser is offset from the radar RFaxis byapproximately 5 ft and is on the elevation axis.The NiYag laser is invisible to the human eye. Itspeak power output of 1 MW is hazardous to the humaneye and appropriate safety procedures have beenimplemented to ensure safe operation in the airportarea. The tracker is a monopulse system similar tothe radar and provides servo tracking signals and arange word. The laser operates at a pulse rate of100 pulses per sec. In a typical operation, thetest vehicle is acquired by the radar, and a tran­sition to the laser tracker occurs when a positivesignal is received.

The other unique space position device locatedat Crows Landing is a microwave landirig system(MLS). The MLS is a C-Band ground-based air­derived system providing distance and angular posi­tion information relative to antennas located inthe vicinity of the Crows Landing runway. It con­sists of three basic elements: the azimuth anglesystem, the elevation angle system, and the pre­cision distance measuring equipment (OME). Theazimuth angle system provides azimuth angle infor­mation through an 82° arc, centered on the runwaycenterline. The elevation angle system provideselevation angle information over the 1.2° to 13.6°range throughout a 90° arc centered on the runwaycenterline. The precision OME provides rangeinformation throughout the azimuth coverage area.Azimuth, elevation, and five MLS data words aretransmitted on the same frequency of 6.0601 GHz(channel 97). The precision OME is compatible withconventional L-band OMEs, but has a precision capa­bility to permit overall accuracies of well under100 ft within 7 n. mi. of the ground station. TheOME operates on channel 49X (1073 MHz a/g, 1010 MHzg/a).

The space position information acquired fromthe systems is transferred to the real-time proces­sing and display system at 20 samples per sec.These data are then available for local display inthe NCC located at Crows Landing or shipped byway of land lines and a telemetry repeater systemto Ames-Moffett for display in the NCC located


Concluding Remarks

The NASA Western Aeronautical Test Range offersa unique integration of all the equipment and sys­tems necessary to perform research flight test.These capabilities are realized in the mission con­trol centers of the WATR. The systems continue toevolve to meet the future needs of the Agency'saeronautics and space programs. The primary goalof the WATR and its staff is to provide the userwith more computed answers and less raw data inreal time. Given the type of aircraft and theintegration of systems onboard, this goal isimperative and can be realized through evolution.The WATR will continue to supply the user/clientwith information in real-time while building newsystems to supply even more of the same in thefuture. This goal and its associated approach willcontinue to maintain the NASA WATR as the premierfacility of its type in the inventory.


1Szalai, Kenneth J., "Role of Research Air­craft in Technology Development," NASA TM-8S913,1984.

2spearman, M. L., "Historical Development ofWorld Wide Supersonic Aircraft," AIM Paper79-1815, AIAA Aircraft Systems and Technology Mtg.,New York, N.Y., Aug. 20-22, 1979.

Table 1• Expansion of the manned flight envelope

Aircraft Event Date Pilot

X-1 Mach 1.06 OCtober 14, 1947 YeagerX-1 Mach 1.45 March 26, 1948 Yeager0558-11 Mach 1.87 August 7, 1951 Bridgeman0558-II Mach 2.005 November 20, 1953 CrossfieldX-1A Mach 2.435, December 12, 1953 Yeager

74,200 ftX-1A 90,443 ft August 26, 1954 MurrayX-2 Mach 2.87 July 23, 1956 EverestX-2 126,200 ft September 7, 1956 KincheloeX-2 Mach 3.2 September 27, 1956 AptX-15 354,200 ft August 22, 1963 WalkerX-15 Mach 6.7 OCtober 3, 1967 Knight


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I -

ECN 20640

Fig. 1 WATR Blue Room mission control center.


Fig. 2 Western Aeronautical Test Range.


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Missions Number ofper year· parameters


• For vehicle depicted

DataReal timesupport



.,,,.:~n n:

Fig. 3 Evolution of aeronautics program requirements.

DFRC 80-522

Fig. 4 Handling research data in the flight test environment.


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Fig. 5 Hugh L. Dryden Flight Research Facility.

ECN 25681

Fig. 6 Ames Research Center.


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,-- -------


Fig. 7 Western Aeronautical Test Range NALF Crows Landing.


Fig. 8 Major functional areas of the test range.


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, .








Fig. 9 WATR systems and their interfaces.

IECN 20643


ECN 31791

I .

Fig. 10 Mission control center Blue Room.


Fig. 11 Blue Room WATR control console.

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ECN 31785

Fig. 12 Blue Room mission control console.

ECN 12967

Fig. 13 Blue Room flight operations console.

ECN 31789

Fig. 14 Blue Room analyst console #4.


ECN 12971

Fig. 15 Blue Room PAO console.

ECN 18704

Fig. 16 Ames-Dryden communicationsbuilding and antenna farm.

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ECN 31783

Fig. 17 Blue Room overhead video monitors.
















Fig. 18 Overall configuration of telemetry acquisitionand processing system.


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ECN 11120

Fig. 19 Ames-Dryden FPS-16 precision trackingradar.

ECN 11124

Fig. 20 Ames-Dryden triplex antenna.


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ECN 24379

Fig. 21 Ames-Dryden S/L bandtelemetry tracking antenna.

Fig. 22 NALF Crows Landing.



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1. Report No.NASA TM-85924

2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle

The Western Aeronautical Test Range ofNASA Ames Research Center

7. Author(s)

Archie L. Moore

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

NASA Ames Research CenterDryden Flight Research FacilityP.O. Box 273Edwards, California 93523

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWashington, D.C. 20546

5. Report DateJanuary 1985

6. Performing Organization Code

8. Performing Organization Report No.H-1280

10. Work Unit No.

11. Contract or Grant No.

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Technical Memorandum

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

WAD 314-50, 314-60

15. Supplementary Notes

This report was prepared as AlAA Paper 85-0316 for AlAA 23rd Aerospace SciencesMeeting, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 14-17, 1985.

16. Abstract

An overview of the,Western Aeronautiucal Test Range (WATR) of NASAAmes Research Center (ARC) is presented in this paper. The three WATRfacilities are discussed, and three WATR elements - mission controlcenterns, communications systems, real-time processing 'and display systems,and tracking systems - are reviewed. The relationships within the NASAWATR, with respect to the NASA aeronautics program, are also discussed.

17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s))

Western Aeronautical Test RangeReal-time processing and displayTelemetry dataMission control center

18. Distribution Statement

unclassified-Unlimi ted

STAR category 09

19. Security Classif. (of this report)

Unclassified20. Security Classif. (of this page)

Unclassified21. No. of Pages


22. Price"


*For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

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