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The Whays Family Legacy Prolouge

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The Whays Family Legacy Prolouge
Page 1: The Whays Family Legacy Prolouge
Page 2: The Whays Family Legacy Prolouge

December 14th 1898 The Daily Gazette

A fortnight after Mr. Thomas Nichols’ proposal to Miss. Elinyor Whays, both parties have been seen up and down 109th

Avenues luxury shopping district. Miss Whays was last seen trying on many white gowns in Lenard’s Dress maker. The

city anxiously awaits for the ceremony in the coming spring.

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“Miss Elinyor,” Emily, the family maid, timidly opened the door to Elinyor‟s room, where she sat at her desk, pretending

to study French when she was really reading Pride and Prejudice

“Miss Elinyor, your mother would like to see you in the lobby, immediately.”

Elinyor put her book down and sighed, following Emily into the hall.

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Elinyor stepped down gingerly on the steps, lifting the layers of skirts and petticoats to avoid trotting on them.

When Elinyor landed in the large front hall of the Whay‟s house the first thing that she noticed was the smell.

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Her senses were assaulted with the pungent perfume of hundreds of flowers.

She noticed her mother stands in the thick of it, her eyes flickering from arrangement to arrangement.

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“Which do you prefer for the wedding? I know it‟s a lot to choose from but I‟d thought you would help in narrowing it

down.” She asked Elinyor as soon as she noticed her.

Elinyor‟s heart sank when she thought of the wedding. Before she could respond, the bell for the door rang through the

entrance hall.

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Elinyor examined a bouquet near her whilst Harry the butler answered the door.

“Can we forgo roses all together? They remind me of a funeral.” Elinyor‟s statement bit and her mother flinched. With

her father‟s death not long gone, it was an awful thing to say. Elinyor left the arrangement alone and flung herself into a

nearby chair.

“Elin, sit properly.” Her mother told her off with her childhood pet name. Before Elinyor could retort, Henry appeared in

the room and announced,

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“Mr. William Thane, business associate of Mr. Charles Whays, has come calling for Mr. Charles.”

“Charles is out, but will be home soon. Tell him he could wait for him in the living room.” Elinyor was just about to sneak

back up the stairs when her mother called, “And Elinyor, you will keep him company. Emily can act as escort.”

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Five minutes later Elinyor sat in the living room with a darkly handsome young man, whose eyes were too mischievous

for her liking.

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“So how long have you been in business with my brother?” Elinyor asked, as Emily lit the fire to fight the December


“Not very long, but have known of each other for awhile.” Elinyor hadn‟t heard of a dark-haired man with piercing blue

eyes before, but rarely did she look into the business of her brother.

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Elinyor nodded and they went silent. Elinyor looked at the window, and out of the corner of her eye studied William.

His profile was strong, with the exception of his nose, which was smaller than average for a man. His

eyebrows, although hard to tell from this angle, were creased and furrowed into the middle.

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Emily excused herself to get some more tea and the silence grew until a huge crash shook the house, throwing Elinyor

to the ground, the couch she was sitting in before, sitting on top of her.

Elinyor wasn‟t sure what happened next, but the bits and pieces that came together made little sense. She remembered

William swearing loudly, someone grabbing her arm, and her vision going blank.

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Elinyor came to in a small bed with scratchy sheets. She flipped the covers back and walked to the window. The sun

was shining outside, which confused her since only yesterday she had gone ice skating with her cousins.

Maybe it was the confusion or the feeling that someone had dropped her on her head, but as soon as William walked

through the door she passed out cold on the floor.

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“Oh, shit, come on Ellie, wake on up.” He said desperation clear. William sat her upright on the bed and shook her


Ellie didn‟t say a word as she focused on William.

“You‟ve had quite the little spin, and before I explain, would you like to-”

“Sir, would you please get away from me!” Ellie pushed back on his chest with all her might and flung her limbs around.

William had a hard time getting her in to calm down.

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“Ellie, you remember the crash? Ellie! You remember it, right?”

Ellie was having a hard time thinking of anything, her head spun like a spin top.

“Yes, I recall that arm chair falling on top of me...”

“Ellie, what happened was a Masked Traveler, Temore-Dae or Time Demon crashing into the house...”

“A Time Demon...”

“Just be quite for a minute, okay?” Will looked exhausted as he sat down across the small room in the chair, and Ellie

wasn‟t doing much better, the way Will talked was almost a different language completely...

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““Time Demon‟s have been around a long time. Abridged; they kill you and then eat your Time Space up. Your

father, before he died fooled around with Time theory and in short, killed off many of the Time Demons. They‟ve

targeted you as revenge, since your father‟s death wasn‟t enough for them...”

“My Father‟s death wasn‟t an accident?” Ellie had always believed her Father‟s death was a tragic carriage

accident, and this news was startling. Will looked at her a little sadly and then continued.

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“I‟m a member of the Alliance, which works against these types of things. I‟ve sent you forward in time, mostly to

confuse them, but most likely this year is safe for you with all the technology.”

Elinyor was an intelligent girl. She spoke French close to fluent and knew much of history, so she was catching on, if

nothing else.


“Will, you‟re going to have to get used to calling everyone by their first names.”

Ellie ignored that confusing statement and went on.

“What year is this?”

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“2010. Year of the Tiger, if that interests you. Women wear pants nearly all the time and have a huge amount of power.

The year you are going to begin your freshman year of university.

“You‟ll probably want to change. There are clothes in the dresser, clean up. We have some work to do.”


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“Stop pulling at your clothes, Ellie.” Will told Elinyor as they reached the edge of SSU Campus.

“My name is not Ellie. And these are the most promiscuous clothing!” Ellie protested to the nickname Will had come up with for her that

would stick for many years.

“No one is going to believe you go by Elinyor, your name will stick out. And get used to it; you‟ll see much worse on slutty college girls

believe me.”

Ellie looked at Will in complete shock before looking at the window at her new home. Will had explain that she couldn‟t go back, and that

was sad, but the feeling wasn‟t too different from how she felt about what 1899 would hold for her.

Soon she would be married off to Thomas, and soon would be with child and have the rest of her life dedicated to her husband and his

heir. She would see even less of her brother and mother now. Will had explained college was a higher school, so she was going to get a

very good education, and then a very good job. To think! A job for a woman! Even if it was sad she would never see her family‟s

townhouse again, it was hard to pass up such an opportunity for knowledge.

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“You‟ll be living in a dorm until you earn enough money for your own place or join a Greek House. For all the forged

documents, we weren‟t able to get you a scholarship.”

“„We‟ being the Alliance?” Ellie studied the building, which was starting to fill up with students.

“You‟re catching on.”

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Ellie turned to Will one more time before venturing in the building.

“Does everyone speak as you here?”

“Yep, and you better start to talk like this as well, because your speech is way too 100 years ago.”

Ellie hesitated for a second before walking into the building, she wasn‟t sure why she was accepting this so quickly, but

it was too hard not to. She was 100 years after her time, and unsure of what to do.

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Ellie made it up the steps before turning around to see Will still standing at the mail box.

“You are not joining me inside?”

He shook his head and waved his goodbye.

“Things to do, people to see, demons to kill. Hey, you better get inside and chose a good room before they‟re all gone!”

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Ellie waved back, the lack of gloves on her hands making her nervous and pulled her shoulders back in attempts at

perfect posture without a corset and steeled herself for this new adventure that was nothing like what she had read in

any daring book.


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Here‟s our lovely founder!

Ellie is a Knowledge Sim, if you didn‟t catch that. She‟s an Aries with the personality of 4/8/5/2/6, meaning she‟s a very

Outgoing, Serious, and Nice person. Her LTW is to be top of the Medical Career track and her Turn On‟s are Fitness

and Facial Hair, and her Turn Off is Stink.

Also, this legacy is very plot based and is not really being played by the rules because for that I would have to get rid of

many, so lovely hacks that I can‟t live without (*cough, cough* ACR), I might score at the end of it, all depending on how

I feel, but also I may not end at 10 generations, so we‟ll see.

If you‟ve gotten this far I‟m assuming you‟ve read it, so thanks for reading! And Happy Simming!

