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The White Eagle Lodge STAR CENTRE FOR CANADA Vol. 34 December 2018
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The White Eagle Lodge

STAR CENTRE FOR CANADA Vol. 34 December 2018

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Sue’s Letter

Christmas Greetings to our White Eagle Family & Friends,

The time has come again to usher in the birth of the Light; the sacred trinity of the Father-Mother-Son. It warms our hearts to know and to feel this spiritual truth even though this happens during our winter season, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. We know this time as a celebra-tion of the light. The Star of Bethlehem, a six-pointed star, was the guidance the three Wise-Men sought to make their journey to the babe.

We may long for the silence of the season. When there is little wind, when it is cold, possibly snowing, a walk through the trees encourages us to capture the moment of the season. What is it we are longing for? It is the re-assurance of the light, of the family and we know this is cradled within

our hearts and it is called love.

As White Eagle says, “In the depth of winter at the winter solstice, comes the promise of the rebirth of life and of the Sun. The rebirth of the Sun is a demonstration to humanity of the continuation of life, and that life comes again into full power after the rest and sleep of winter. The ceremony of the rebirth of the light is as old as creation, as old as life itself on this earth, and the ancient broth-erhood is still there, still enacting a grand cosmic ceremony year by year.”

As a fundraiser, we like to hold a “Lunch and a Movie” a few times each year. We watched our first movie in September called, “Indian Horse.” It delves into the life of a survivor of the residential schools in Canada. This movie was thought provoking and powerful as it gives one a clear insight into the history regarding Canada’s Indigenous people.

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As we think upon this time of Christmas, we know that on the physical plane our lives will be even busier. Our day-to-day lives are already filled with the challenges of this new age. It is our human nature to give of our time in service to others. But what about taking time for ourselves? Though it may come in fleeting moments, if we recognize the Christ within, then we may find the balance of our outer and inner lives. White Eagle says it is just a thought away from entering the silence where there is peace and goodwill.

As one of the Christmas hymns says,

“For, lo! the days are hastening on,

By prophet – bards foretold,

When, with the ever-circling years,

Comes round the age of gold;

When peace shall over all earth

Its ancient splendours fling,

And the whole world give back the song

Which now the angels sing.”

From all White Eagle’s Family across Canada,

Happy Christ-mass to you and yours and may the Blessings of the season be with you in the Year.

With Love, Sue

Leader, Star Centre for Canada

NB: Part 2 of “The Moon and the Seven Rays” will be included in the Easter issue

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Truth will be demanded of the people.

You know the very well known quotation,

‘To thine own self be true’,


eloved brethren, we come with great joy in our hearts to night. We bring you love and the power of the spirit, the light of the heaven worlds. Oh, we bring it to you with great joy. We would fill your hearts with joy. We would uplift you all from the clamour and con-fusion and rush of the material world and the earthly conditions, into that state of consciousness in which you can be ‘en rapport’ with the truth of the Christ message, the Christ spirit.

You know, our dear brethren, that Christmas is a time of great rejoicing and happiness for many, but for many others it is a time of sorrow and weariness of body and spirit. We want to impress upon you tonight that at this time of the year there is a spiritual outpouring upon the earth. You may all feel this and can be a channel to distribute this Christ consciousness, this love, this spirit of brotherhood.

First of all, we want to bring you a message of good cheer. You like to have nice messages at Christmas. You are very busy distributing messages of happiness at this time. We want to tell you that you may be confident that the power of the light, the Christ spirit, is working in a most definite way in the hearts of mankind. You may look into the year that is coming with confidence because we can see that there is a great change coming after what we have spoken of on a former occasion, that is, after there is a call for effort on the part of everyone.... Truth will be demanded of the people. You know the very well known quotation,

‘To thine own self be true’, and this is going to have a very important bearing on your race in the immediate future. There is going to be a great

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call, a clarion note from the heavens which will affect the people of different lands in different ways, but everyone will feel the call, the strong urge towards truth. Each man and woman you will find will make an exceptional effort to be true to this and true to the right and true to justice. ‘To thine own self be true’.

Now this brings us to say that all the happiness and the progress of the future depends upon individual effort. No-one can sit back and take no part. If you want the world to be better, mankind must be better itself. All people must change their hearts, must look towards the light of the Christ.

We could go into a lot of interesting instances of the meaning of Christmas. It has, as you know, very deep astro-logical significance. The ancients rec-ognised the physical birth of Jesus as a great astrological outworking on the earth plane, the earthly influence which affected the earthly part of man. Some of the ancient sages and the Wise Men that you hear of in your Christmas story knew a deeper truth than that of the influence of the planets upon the earth at that particular time. They knew that from the physical sun was coming forth great spiritual light and that this was concentrated upon each individual, each human soul. The story that you are told about the birth of the child in the stable with the animals has, of course, an astrological interpretation. We want to emphasise the spiritual interpretation of this story, the outpouring of this great spiritual sun through the physical sun (not just the warmth and light that you understand), the spiritual life which came down to earth and shone in the human heart. The human heart is the stable or cave. The sages teach that the Christ-child was born in the cave, in the stable of the human heart. This is where the light shines.

In the heavens at this time is to be heard the angelic choir continually singing, a song of joy as the light is poured down upon the earth. The embodiment of this is worshipped by Christians as Jesus Christ, but there is an embodiment behind this human individual. There is an embodiment of the Universal Christ and from the heart of the universal Christ pours

continued on page 6

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A Christmas Message from White Eagle continued . . .

forth a great light. To every human heart, according to the degree of spiritual development in the human soul, that light manifests at this season of the year…

Will you now endeavour to meditate upon the heavens and see on the inner planes, as your con-sciousness is raised, the embodiment of the universal Christ and the angels of the Sun, out-pouring glorious light. This light and power can and will, if you so will, remain with you in your life. It will be your comfort, your strength; it be your illumination so that in everything you do you feel this power of the Christ, the universal Christ-life. It is the great solvent of all problems.

Oh, my dear, beloved brethren, may you reach that level of universal consciousness where you become aware of this power, this divine presence, this light, this spirit, this love.

Oh, my dear ones, may you be blessed by the opening of the Christ

consciousness in your heart this Christ-Mass time.......

December 12, 1949

The bearer of the Christ Light is the being known as Christ,

accompanied by countless angels who work his will in the heart of humanity. It is impossible to portray such a being in the semblance of a man, for he is as far removed from physical man as the speck of sand

on the seashore is from the mountain. This glorious radiant being passes your comprehension, a being of Light whose aura permeates more than the Earth, whose vibrations reach to the innermost of everyone, and who is the Light in all.

The White Eagle Calendar 2017.

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THE SMALLEST TREE ~ By Kitty Lee Ruskin is the pen name of Kate Boxall – Sister Angela

The small tree stood forlorn and unhappy between his two handsome brothers. Their full bushy branch brushed against his in the wind. His head drooped sadly, who would want to buy him to help celebrate this special season, when they could buy one of his brothers? The sky became dark; the stars twinkled in the cold air. Now there were only two of them. The smallest tree sent out a silent prayer.

Jessie followed the farmer along the frozen cart track and into the field that held the last two Christmas trees. The quarter she had saved for this special purpose held tightly in her hand. She could not afford to lose it, after promising her family a surprise for this Christmas.

“How much do you have to spend?” growled the farmer. “Ju..Ju..just a quar-ter,” stammered Jessie, through teeth that chattered. The farmer stopped in front of the two trees. “You can have this one for a quarter.” He pointed to the smallest tree. Jessie’s heart sank. “How much is the bigger one?” “That one is a dollar,” was the reply.

Jessie thought of the other seventy-five cents tied tightly in the corner of her handkerchief. Money that she was saving for her mother’s present. She was about to say that she would have the bigger tree when the farmer mumbled “On the scrap heap for the little scrawny one then! Didn’t think anyone’d want him!”

Jessie’s heart was touched at the thought of the small tree being flung uncar-ingly into the trash, and left to die. “I’ll take the small one” she said, as she handed the farmer her quarter.

Cries of delight greeted Jessie as she entered the kitch-en of her home, crowded now with the rest of her fam-ily. This was the first Christmas tree that they had ever had! Mrs. Johnson sent the oldest boy to fetch a buck-et of earth, while the rest of the children searched their treasures for bits and bobs to decorate the small tree. Emily found coloured darning wool in her work-basket. All done, they stepped back to admire their handiwork. The little tree’s heart swelled with love.

Continued on page 8

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THE SMALLEST TREE continued from page 7

It was decided they would sing carols around the tree before putting it in the front parlour for the night. This they did with a great deal of enthusiasm. Then taking the tree carefully in to the front parlour, leaving cookies and milk for their night visitor six happy children went merrily to bed.

It was still dark when Jessie crept out of bed on Christmas morning. Moving quietly, not to wake her sisters, she quickly dressed and crept downstairs to the kitchen. She had promised her mother that she would get breakfast for the family, and she wanted to surprise her mother by taking her an early cup of tea, along with the present she had bought her.

Table set, and tea made, Jessie went along hallway to the front parlour to fetch her mother’s present. As she approached the door, she thought she heard some whispering inside the room. Expecting to see her brother’s there, she flung open the door and was about to say “Surprise!” when she stopped and stared in amazement, unable to believe her eyes. Hanging from the branches of the tree were eight gaily wrapped packages. There was no one in sight! Not knowing what to make of the mystery, Jessie ran back up the stairs, calling as she went “Mom, Dad, come quickly!”

Awakened by their daughter’s call Mr. and Mrs. Jordon tumbled out of bed. Without bothering to don dressing gowns, they, and the rest of the family followed Jessie down the stairs. Sleepy-eyed and slipperless, they all hurried to the front parlour, not knowing what to expect. They too stared in amazement! It was Emily, the youngest, who broke the silence. She shook her mother’s arm, saying, “Presents Mom, are they for us?” Mrs. Jordon patted Emily on the head, absently wondering if her husband knew anything about the packages. Mr. Jordon rubbed his chin, as was his habit when puzzled, and said, “Maybe we should have breakfast first Rose, lass, and see if we can find an answer to the mystery.”

It was a happy, if somewhat noisy gathering as the family sat around the break-fast table discussing their good fortune. No one had any idea how the packages had got there as no one had entered the room after they had placed the tree in it.

As soon as breakfast was over they returned to the parlour. It was decided that Jessie should hand out the presents as she had bought the tree. Now the mystery deepened. Written on each package was the name of the family member for whom it was intended. Many were the oohs and aahs, as the contents were revealed. . For Mr. Jordon, a new pipe. For Mrs. Jordon, a long wished for book on gardening. Each child had something to treasure. Many a happy hour was spent that Christmas, while the small tree looked on with great contentment.

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Christian Festivals

The Christian festivals as kept in the modern world are outwardly unconnected with those that arose from living close to nature, but it is one of the beauties of White Eagle’s teaching in this book that in simple and illuminat-ing ways he shows that there is a harmony between them. It is beyond coincidence, for instance, that the traditional time of the major Christian festival, Christmas, almost coincides with the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. Christmas, of course, celebrates the birth of Jesus; but as we worship at the birthplace of Christ we are also worshipping before the Christ light that lies deep within our own being: the light of the Son of God, the spiritual Sun, the spirit of love that has to be born into the earthly personality of every man. Even the very recent institution of the day of Remembrance, which falls close to the older commemoration of All Souls, comes at a significant season. Autumn is the period when the life of nature withdraws from the outer manifestation; it remains hidden, awaiting the next out-breathing in the spring. But this withdrawal of life in nature from the outer form can subtly help us become aware of the closeness of the unseen world, the world of spirit. At All Souls and at Remembrance, when the lives of those who have passed into the world of spirit are commemorated, the rhythm of the year itself helps bring a close communion with those who have left the physical body and passed on to freedom and further work. Excerpt taken from: The Way of the Sun, introduction, page 3-4

Twelfth night and time to put the small tree in the garden. Mr. Jordon and the boys prepared and dug a trench for it. Once again the family gathered in the parlour, as each had his or her part to play in the planting ceremony. The boys carried the tree out and put it in the trench. The girls threw the soil over its roots and helped firm the soil around it. When the small tree was firmly set in the earth, Emily placed a small wooden tree, taken from her farmyard set, beneath its branches. Tied to it was a label upon which she had written, in her best hand, THIS PRESENT IS FOR YOU.

Above them, in the darkened sky, one bright star looked down, and smiled.

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From a New Year Address by White Eagle

Beloved brethren, we greet you with all love from the world of light, and as we come into the physical conditions we become aware of the confusion in the brain and mortal mind of all peoples. We want to convey to you in our New Year message love and hope and trust in the heavenly Father, We know that we are speaking truth when we guide you to look upward into the light and to follow the Star, which is the heavenly symbol of the light and the truth and the New Age into which humanity is now advancing.

But before we speak of the future let us consider the present. Let us endeavour to become aware within ourselves. On this earthly level, let us all open our hearts through love, through the Great Spirit in whom we all live and have our being. God is with you, and even whilst you are in the physical body you can be filled with the divine light and life.

Think what this means at the beginning of a New Year, in which so many fresh opportunities are presented for humanity and for you individually. Let us pray that we may become ever more conscious of the truth of God within us and that we are within God, the eternal, infinite and glorious spirit. This is life. God is life and life is eternal. This is the message that we want you all to understand, because when this idea is fixed in your hearts you will find a miraculous change in your happiness in yourselves, in your life. As each one of you endeavours to find and express that God life, the whole earth will be raised and the whole earth will become light.

Now we are speaking to you of a fact. May we remind you that what your astronauts view your planet from afar, if becomes for them a planet of light and beauty? This planet is, we assure you, a world in which the light is alive, is living, and according to the people on this planet this light will increase and increase until the whole planet will become so full of light and so beautiful that to other younger planets coming

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along the path of evolution, this earth planet will be invisible. There are invisible worlds in space, but as you develop your spiritual propensities – your spiritual gifts and spiritual life – you will be able to see these wonders.

You all have your particular part to play in bringing to this world a greater light. As you yourself manifest and express God in everyday life, as you think God in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, so you are radiating God so you are communicating God to the community in which you serve. As the responsibilities are increased, so the wisdom to deal with these responsibilities is also increased. God is with you, and you are the instruments of that divine and infinite spirit.

You know, my dear ones, that life in the physical body can be very wearying. We know the frustrations and disappointments that can bring darkness into your life, and it is very hard for some of you to endure these and the fears which come to the human mind as a result of the pull of earthly life. We do not want you to think that it is all very well for old White Eagle, who has wings with which he can fly away right into the Sun! But so can you, you know it is a matter of continually living within the God life. Instantly, when you are tempted, put on your wings and fly away into the heavens – and try not to be bound down by the miseries and the darkness.

Before all of you is a passage of light. If you follow the light, it cannot fail to take you right into the world of light, into the golden world. This awareness, this consciousness, brings you strength. Your whole being becomes strong in the light. Don’t think that heaven is up there; heaven is here. Heaven is every-where around you, but you have to learn to recognize it, and to create it as well in yourself. We do not wish to lecture you, only to give you a message to open the blinkers a little bit and so help you to see into that golden world which is your life.

Beloved brethren, have no fear for the future, for it is bright and promising! To our young people, particularly, we say: hold fast to the vision of beauty, purity, natural things, natural goodness. Hold fast to God’s sweet life, which is pure and intended to become ever more beautiful, and to give to the children of earth deeper and truer and more beautiful happiness.

God be with you. Have a very happy New Year, for whatever comes will be leading you onward into the golden world.

Stella Polaris December 2010 – January 2011.

God is with you, and you are the instruments of that

divine and infinite spirit.

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Submitted by: Zane Maser, pages 12 & 13 Zane is a graduate of White Eagle School of Astrology & a qualified horary


Seventeen years young, God spoke to and “called” Florence

to selfless service.

Doubting and frightened, she grew, step by step, to strength,

undaunted resolve.

Personal life left. She let Spirit have Its way,

make Its choice for her.

A purpose she came. Gentle, courageous, and fierce.

Dignity of life.

Extreme compassion, she challenged the male system,

tradition, beliefs.

A mission she had. Minds were broadened, hearts opened.

Female nurses came.

Sacrifice, anguish, she underwent it gladly.

World axis shifts.

Hers a big, bold scope. Page of history written. Humankind advanced.

One person’s efforts can make life better for all

because she answered.


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“God spoke to me and

called me to His Service.

What form this service was to

take the voice did not say”.

By: Florence Nightingale, known as the

“Lady with the Lamp”

“So never lose an opportunity of

urging a practical beginning,

however small, for it is wonderful

how often in such matters the

mustard-seed germinates and

roots itself”.

By: Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing

“If I could give you information of my

life, it would be to show how a woman of

very ordinary ability has been led by

God in strange and unaccus-

tomed paths to do in His service what

He has done in her. And if I could tell

you all, you would see how God has

done all, and I nothing”

By: Florence Nightingale, global health care and social reformer

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It seems incredible that we are writing the Christmas article for the Christmas Drumbeat already; how time flies. However, as I write this it is still September so we need to catch up on the Summer and Fall.

The energy worldwide seems to be spinning in time with the hurricanes that are whirling around the planet. In B.C., 2018 has been like living on a chess board. From the beginning of the year, all of us have been moved around by circumstances due to life issues and health concerns. We realise that these challenges are lessons and growth opportuni-ties. It isn’t what happens but how we handle it that matters. The important thing is that throughout it all, the White Eagle work is central to our lives. It isn’t what we do it is what we are.

Our hearts go out to all the people affected by the Summer fires and the hurricanes and floods happening in the Carolina’s. It is obvious that the energies around the world are being affected by humanities’ activities in the environment and

mass thought energies that are in so much turmoil everywhere. We join in the great chain of peaceful calming thoughts going out from many people around the world. Brotherhood works through many channels in many ways to numerous to mention but it all comes together in the higher worlds and comes back to create balance. It is so important that we keep our minds and hearts focused in love.

Christmas, the season of peace and love and the return of light to the earth is approaching. Its energies are felt well in advance of the actual festival so we are given the opportunity to use these increased waves of love to raise the consciousness and be more effective in our work. We feel closer to the inner planes and higher beings; at this time the veil seems to become thinner and the light so much brighter.

A great deal of this energy at this time is sent out through music and colour: it always is of course but at Christmas it seems to be so much more intense. People gather together in song and praise and the

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higher energies are felt in many ways. It is a season of joy and hope and a rebirth of the light. The birth of the Christ-Child not only represents the birth of Jesus but also the rebirth of the Christ Light in all our hearts. All of the activity and excite-ment of the material world has become more and more centre stage at Christmas but we keep our eyes on the Star and focus on the true meaning of the Festival of Christmas. Whilst we enjoy the family events and festive gatherings we must remember that these are Holy days not just holidays.

In B.C. we will be doing our Christmas Candlelight Service as usual followed by a pot luck fellowship lunch. We wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Christmas. Join with us in spirit on Christmas Eve and at noon on Christmas Day and light a candle for peace and Love.

White Eagle says: “You cannot truly say that you find such an enjoyment in life today … but you will, you will! All this conflict and ugliness will pass as you, my children, prepare yourselves to become a parent to the Christ Child – that child who was born, not in the inn where there was much noise, rioting and selfishness, but in the stable surrounded by the brotherhood of animals, the child which came to birth in lowliness and humility.

The Christ Child can only be born where these exist, where gentleness and sweetness have come to endow life. When that child is born the angels from heaven will descend and the words will be heard as of yore. Peace on Earth. Goodwill towards men. This angelic song – not merely of angelic beings such as devas or guardians of the nature kingdom, but of great cosmic forces assembled before the throne of God in charge of the supreme powers which rule all life. They will pour upon mankind the oil of peace and blessing.”

With love and blessings from all of us in the B.C. Daughter Lodge/Star Centre.

AnnForce NB: the BC 2018—19 Meeting Schedule in on page 25

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“ Fear Not...I Bring Tidings of Great Joy” ~Luke 2:10

~Lesley Tarrant Belcourt

At Christmas, time of Winter solstice, we welcome the return of the Light to earth. It is a time of rebirth and renewal. We also become more aware of angels. In secular society interest in angels is disappearing, yet as Christmas approaches we notice their

occasional re-appearance on tree ornaments and greeting cards. At places of worship they appear in carols and readings around the birth of Jesus. Reflecting and re-reading some of White Eagle’s words on the role of the angelic kingdom in the world as we move further into the age of Aquarius I find myself drawn into his teachings about catastrophes.

The words Catastrophe and Christmas may not seem to fit comfortably together in this season of good will and cheer. Yet, in many respects catastrophe is a positive word because its original Greek meaning was to overturn, to reverse what is expected. White Eagle wisdom takes us back to this meaning explaining “catastrophe is really a rebirth, the breaking forth of new life” (Stella Polaris Feb-Mar 1955 p86) and the angelic kingdom has an essential role to play, as it did at Jesus’ birth. “These messengers from other and more advanced planets come with special power to help forward the spiritual evolution of earth’s humanity” (Spiritual Unfoldment 1V 1988)

Language can limit our perception of this angelic kingdom because when we read of Angels of Good and Angels of Evil in Wisdom teach-ings we tend to cheer the “good” side. White Eagle gives us a better sense of how important both angelic roles are: “let us restate—saying angels in the light (or good) stand for the forces of construction; angels

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In the shadows represent the necessary forces of destruction ever at work pruning away those aspects of individual and national life and thought which have outgrown their usefulness.” (Spiritual Unfoldment 11, p44). The word usefulness resonates with me.

In society we see subtle and influential changes wiping away many that have lost their purpose. People from different walks of life are rising up in large numbers to protest injustice, racial intolerance and gender inequalities. No doubt this is because Aquarius is moving us into the energy of the feminine, as well as that of brotherhood/sisterhood. Changes are opening up opportunities to pay karmic debts as more people are made accountable for past decisions.

We are witnessing rapid numbers of earthquakes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods, fires, sink holes, collapsing buildings, toppling bridges, upheavals, famines, increased violence and divisive intolerance. Nothing new in world history, but they seem more startling because of modern media’s immediate access to the world. These dramatic changes clearly seem to be part of the overturning work of the angels of destruction as they continue to cleanse in prepara-tion for new birth, new creation. “Hold fast to the wisdom of the Divine and know that however bad things appear, there is always a reason be-hind them; that eventually good will always come out of so-called evil—good out of the unevolved.” (Stella Polaris Oct-Nov 1956 pp245-252)

White Eagle reminds us often that change hap-pens throughout nature. Yet change is not easy for most people. Creatures of habit, we are more comfortable with the familiar and cling to it even when it is no longer useful. We see this particularly now in the areas of language that in the past may have had acceptable usage but today is revealing underlying racist or sexist undertones that we are challenged to change or at least view from a new perspective. We also see this in behaviours once tolerated as a norm now rejected as unacceptable, even grounds for

Continued on page 18

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Angels Hevenly Messages continued from page 17

legal prosecution. As we observe these changes it is important to remember the message given to John:

“Behold I Make All Things New”

Revelations 21:5). As we see a breaking down we are aware of awakening and rebuilding in an attempt to celebrate differences and restore compassion.

It would be easy to sit back and let the angels get on with things but we also have an important role to play as the angels mould and use our thoughts. So change begins with us.

“You are co-creators with the Source of All-That-Is. Whatever you think will be. Thought by thought, day by day, the world can be changed for the better and the golden age will be ushered in.” (Hand In Hand With Angels by Kathleen Pepper pp169-170 Polair Publishing 2010)

White Eagle has much to say on this. “Your thoughts are helping the world to enlightenment, or are holding back the progress of humanity...the power of thought must be guided by two cosmic principles—Lov and Wisdom” (Angelus December 1941 p184). “We said once that the positive God-thought of one individual had greater power than the negative nebulous thoughts of 10,000 people...thought can do anything in this world” (Angelus, July1943 pp13 &23-24).

Ancient Wisdom teachings inform us that once we know “this truth” we have a “responsibility...to give to the White Light, by the right thought, the right emotion, the right feeling, towards life and all your brethren.” (Angelus, Sept 1938 pp223). This Light, as we know, is “the first-born of the Father-Mother God, which is Love..is the secret of magic...of all miracles” (Stella Polaris Dec 1973 pp26). In light of

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changes we observe in society, and as Christmas approaches this year and as we move further into the age of Aquarius, I find myself drawn to White Eagle’s words about The Christ who manifested through Jesus.

“For centuries Christ has been thought of as wearing the form and appearance of a man, but this we would like you to think about—the male-element in life by himself is incomplete. When we speak of Father-Mother God, we should also think of the Son-Daughter of God, for Christ is dual in nature...we do not always say this or that is true. We like you to think things out for yourself, and find truth within yourself. We may give you pointers to truth; then you must use your reason and also your intuition. Think of the need for balance, for perfect harmony, for unification, for this wonderful blending of the two forces of male and female in the Perfect One...from this will come equilibrium, balance, harmony” (Angelus July 1945 pp167-168).

So as Christmas approaches we welcome the angels’ Joyful News of Glad Tidings realising, like the shepherds, there is nothing to fear.

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Among the oxen (like an ox I’m slow)

I see a glory in the stable grow

Which, with the ox’s dullness might at length

Give me an ox’s strength.

Among the asses (stubborn I as they)

I see my Saviour where I looked for hay;

So may my beastlike folly learn at least

The patience of a beast.

Among the sheep (I like a sheep have strayed)

I watch the manger where my Lord is laid;

Oh that my baa-ing nature would win thence

Some woolly innocence.

C.S. Lewis


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The passage that follows is from a Brotherhood meeting in the first White Eagle Lodge (Pembroke Hall, in Kensington, London) two years after it opened. On the Christmas tree there was an ornament in the form of a spider, and beneath it a large collection of toys given for children in need. It gives such a touching message about our human interconnectedness that it is irresistible to include it in this compilation [the book ‘Group Consciousness’]. Although it offers a very local reference, the

little scene and the image of the spider have a much wider implication...

The gifts of the heart: do not deny your brother and sister the joy of knowing that you have given them a gift of love. You know as well as we can tell you that it is not the gift of the material world alone: it is the gift of the love from the heart which is important. How does anything in life matter more, if you can feel the throb and love of your brother’s or your sister’s heart as it mingles with your own?

And there on the tree is the spider, weaving its web. Yes, the web of life; all the little threads of life being woven into an exquisite pattern. All good – everything in life being used. Patiently the spider works; patiently must the souls of men and women work, using every fragment of material, every experience, to weave the whole, to build the whole in the heaven world.

We bless the tree; we bless the children who will receive the silver threads of light from this Brotherhood; we bless the givers and the gifts.

White Eagle

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In the Garden

While the poinsettia remains the most pop-

ular of the Christmas holiday plants, a

Christmas cactus in full bloom is a great

gift idea for that special someone. They

are easy to care for and can be grown in-

doors throughout the year. The flowers

range in color from yellow, salmon, pink,

fuchsia and white or combinations of those

colors. It also called crab cactus, Thanksgiving and holiday cactus.

LEGEND has it the Christmas Cactus dates back many years to the

land now known as Bolivia in South America. A Jesuit missionary,

Father Jose, worked endlessly to convert the indigenous people there to

Christianity. He had come across the Andes Mountains from the city of

Lim nearly a year before. But he felt the people of this village on the

edge of the great jungle were still suspicious. He had cared for the sick

and shown them how to improve their simple dwellings, which leaked

dismally in the rainy season. Most important, he had attempted to teach

them the story of the Bible, especially the life of Jesus, though much

seemed to be beyond their comprehension. He had told them about

the beautifully decorated altars in cities during holidays, yet here it was

Christmas Eve and he was on his knees alone in front of his rude altar.

Then he heard voices singing a familiar hymn he had taught his

flock. He turned to see a procession of the village children carrying

armfuls of blooming green branches (which we now know as the

Christmas Cactus) that they had gathered in the jungle for the Christ

Child. Father Jose joyfully gave thanks for this hopeful budding of

Christianity. Today the Christmas cactus still blooms each winter with

its message of faith and hope.

There are 6—9 species which are native to Brazil, and it grows in the

mountainous rainforest areas on the eastern side. Most Christmas cacti

now are grown in cultivation.

Fortunately, the Christmas Cactus plant is not toxic to dogs or cats in

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Christmas Breakfast/Brunch Casserole


1 lb (4 medium) potatoes (suggested: yukon gold potatoes) 1/2 medium onion, finely diced 1 medium bell pepper, seeded and diced (red or orange) 1-2 Tbsp olive oil to sauté 2 Tbsp butter 6 large eggs 1/4 cup sour cream 1/2 tsp salt 1/8 tsp black pepper 1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese*, divided Optional garnish: diced tomatoes, chives, avocado, etc. * Or substitute a 3 cheese mixture of cheddar, mozzarella & provolone Instructions: Peel and grate potatoes then squeeze dry with several paper towels. Set aside.

In an oven useable skillet, over med/high heat 2-3 min sautee diced onion and bell pepper in butter. Sautee 7-10 min, stirring occasionally or until golden brown. Remove from pan.

Heat 1-2 tbsp oil over medium heat in the same pan. Once oil is hot, add grated potatoes and sauté total 7 min, flipping a few times. Do not season. Spread potatoes evenly over the bottom and remove pan from heat. Or transfer to a casserole dish for baking.

In a medium bowl, whisk together 6 large eggs, 1/4 cup sour cream, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/8 tsp pepper. Stir in sautéed onion, bell pepper and bacon, along with 3/4 cup cheese.

Pour egg mixture evenly over potatoes. Sprinkle 3/4 cup mozzarella cheese over the top. Cover loosely with foil and bake at 350˚F for 25 min. Remove foil and broil 3-4 min or until top is golden. Slice and serve with garnish if desired.

either its leaves or flowers. However, the fibrous plant material can

cause irritation to the stomach and intestine, leading to vomiting or

diarrhea. Its lack of thorns also make it an ideal house plant..

Submitted by: Janice Gumbley

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St. John’s Retreat Center ~ Retreat Schedule 2018 - 2019

Blessing of Mother Earth Jan 4 – 6

Presented by Jane Sorbi and Staff

Retreat + Accommodations & Meals $250.00

Ceremony only: Free ***

Spiritual Science Part 4: Energy -The invisible side of life touching

what we cannot see. February 7 – 9

Presented by Davina Cox Retreat $3000.00 includes Accommodations & Meals

Commuter Rate: $170.00 includes lunch ***

Thunder Gourd Workshop Thunder Gourds are made from large dried gourds which have been

cleaned, decorated and have sound-producing pieces added. Each Thunder Gourd is unique. Once complete, when shaken, they make the

sound of thunder. Presented by Janice Gumbley

April 11 – 13, 2019 Retreat Cost: $300.00 + $ 10.00 supplies includes meals

& accommodations Commuter Rate: $ 170.00 + $ 10.00 supplies – includes lunch


Walking in Balance Practical tools to help bring balance between the material

and spiritual dimensions. April 26 – May 1, 2019

Presented by Jane Sorbi Retreat $ 300.00 Accommodations & Meals $425.00 = $ 725.00

Inquire regarding a Commuter Rate which includes lunch


Retreats continued on page 25 . . .

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Spiritual Science Part 1 May 9 – 11, 2019

What on earth am I doing here? How is my spiritual energy connected to the universal? The Lost Continents: from Mu to Atlantis The Purpose of Life: the Light and the Dark.

The next in the series will explore the make-up of man – body, soul and spirit – and how it relates to the soul’s evolution.

Retreat Cost – $290 (includes Accommodations & Meals) Commuter Rate – $150 (includes lunch)

Come early and/or stay a few days after the retreat at $85 per night ***

All Retreats are subject to change. A $ 200.00 deposit is required.

For the most current Retreat listings and more Information &

Reservations go to: [email protected]

British Columbia 2018-19 Meeting Schedule

We meet September through to the end of June

First Sunday: Sunday Service & Noon Healing Service. Langley, B.C.

Third Sunday: Brotherhood Service, Noon Service & Earth Healing. Langley, B.C.

Fourth Sunday: Brotherhood Service, Noon Service, Earth Healing & Absent Healing. Langley, B.C.

For more information contact Ann Force

Leader for the B.C. Daughter Lodge

(604) 532-1303

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Live only for God.


Live only for God. God created you all and God sees that you are good. You are the sons and daughters of good, of God. You are love. You are meek and mild in your thought and in your life. This is the truth which the Son of God expressed in his life on the physical plane to all peoples, to all nations and at all times. The Son of God is the Christ light in you, in your heart. Pray that you may be strengthened in this light. It is the salvation of all humanity.

When Jesus said ‘I AM . . . I am the light of the world’, he spoke to you in your heart; so let the light shine in your heart, in your counte-nance, in your thoughts, words and deeds. This is the work of a brother/sister. We are together. There is no separation. Time and distance can-not separate us. Think constantly on this truth and it will overcome all weakness, all sickness, all in harmony.

Seek ye first the kingdom of the heart, the kingdom of heaven, which is harmony, love, tolerance, gentleness and peace. You are all together one in the star. You breathe as one; you live as one and in your unity is the strength to command, to master all conditions – to heal. To be healthy is to be whole, and to be whole means to be wholly with God. The Christ man or woman is one made perfect as God holds you in His heart, just as the Christian man or woman holds God in his or her heart. You in God – God in you.

We are with every group, every gathering. We are with every lone healer. We are with every Lodge. A thought from you and we are with you. Know this is truth. We are one. The blessing of God is upon you all. The peace of heaven lies upon your hearts.

Pray that you may be strengthened in this light. It is We are with every group, every gathering. We are with every lone healer. We are with every Lodge. A thought from you and we are with you. Know this is

truth. We are one. The blessing of God is upon you all. The peace of heaven lies upon your hearts.

White Eagle

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Star Centre for Canada

2018 - 19 Meeting Schedule

We meet September through to the end of June

Second Sunday: Brotherhood Meeting . . . 10:30 am at Star Centre

Third Sunday: Study Group ~ a review & discussion of a White

Eagle book; Group Consciousness . . . Time & Location at 10:30 am

Fourth Sunday: Regular Service & Inner Teachings . .10:30 am at

Star Centre

Every Thursday: New Members Group ~ Meetings are held at a

member’s home. . . Time: 6:30 p.m.

NB: Dates & times are subject to change.

For more information contact Sue Lawrence,

Leader for the Star Centre for Canada at:

289 - 286 - 0565.

Everyone Welcome

There are two days in the week that I never worry about.

Two carefree days, kept sacredly free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is YESTERDAY ……

And the other day I do not worry about is TOMORROW ……

Robert Jones Burdette

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Star Centre for Canada

Sue and John Lawrence

Tel: (289) 286 - 0565

P.O. Box 262

Binbrook, Ontario, L0R 1C0

email: [email protected]

Daphne Boxall

Oshawa, Ontario.

Tel: (905) 721 – 8713

Helen Millar

Stoney Creek, Ontario

(905) 664 — 9463

Langley B.C. Daughter Lodge

Ann Force

Tel: (604) – 532— 1303

email [email protected]

Anne and Harry Doubleday

Langley, B.C.

Tel: (604) 532 3983

Janet Vincent

Surrey, B.C.

Tel: (604) 930 – 1503

Lesley Tarrant Belcourt

Contact person for Alberta.

email [email protected]


St. John’s Retreat Center

2615 St. Beulah Chapel Rd.,

Montgomery, Texas, 77316,


Tel: (936) 597 – 5757

www. whiteaglelodge.org

email: [email protected]


White Eagle Lodge

New Lands, Brewells Lane,

Liss, Hampshire

GU33 7HY England.


International Website


White Eagle Lodge, Canada


Charitable Status Number

86228 8917 RR0001






