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The Wichita city eagle. (Wichita, KS) 1875-04-08 [p ].87 Main Street, Wichita, Kansas, Where I will...

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B- - 9 MIBnKINMKGIQKKGMHM - vprxmehijmiMmmrrf10ht'M1f at4MWPiWTxm&am " r ra'-""- -' "!?" TT T.'T'a? :r. i - - ' 'J".- -, - s&.TO .;&..; v,i.e., 'siW n v - ":.(, . " 5. . " - .3 rw vJ?,ijBiiV-- T -- 7.ft.f SB-!- tZX't'V ? V- -' ' "L ' ,ji r, y i5 . nr ifV .'f- - fc ' . - . j " -- . j' ' - a &&& w&" - m . ;.. ' ' A.y J . B aiABMHMHHalifllHMHKIiB. , r M -- :,-, : Av'fe.';w.ati , WY a .mr a- w- Ar ..r. - M I ff' '.W M. taw )iB.B':l . B X.sasaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa9saaBY r.i, sam -h . sal .. .aaaaBlaBBr. aal ' i, .. sa1 i i'fc ,r. . s-i. - II I lr 1 III I 111 111 vk. ' Hill 1 1 II II I 111 r saaaaaaaw sWkw rr SaW w fW " V s , r r HBfc ' ., I t. rr ' t - a - V- - r r.s w r " , VOLUME IV. WICHITA, SEDGWICK COJTNTY, KANSAS,, TETOR8D AY. APRIL 8, 1875. NUMBER 1 r .1 mT. JIt'llbOCK. U. HCRPOCK. MUJIUOCK dc UUOTHElt, I'UIIUHIir.HS AND I'JtOI'RIKTOltS. TWO l7oi.I.AK9 l'Klt VKAU, JfAUJ- - :ranss sins kasi ckto o ATfueitay. T'lIB KATK9 wo have rstolillebnl for In Tlicy are n low o clmrswl by nmnjonly r the imiNT in l!if Went, aii.l as low a ny tiirnWiiHl on o llrm uwl Utlmg IimI". Willi n ItiKc clrcultli), will 1 Las nc. He think Ii iflnc.s mrii rau (frt y olue rrevircil by u. Veaekiioonctopalronlreuoiitof rliurlty, nml lo not want noil' inom;y unlet riwUnl. coulil tolly e sv IiIiii oluc B'l our culumu Willi forclpi odtertlM-roi-nU- , litimliiiiT, iialcnt nuiilclnc, etc., ot 1pm than our rut4. Hut liope tliat wr never will be s jiiiiwIIi .1 to do to. Nothing K'nk to well for o Vjwn unci tli tiiterprlne of it eltireii lu itrotli iul lircwiM rlty a Hie column of tlie local iimt Jiill nil.'l Willi lioron wlvertlemi i)U of liomc lo.lron.l lMiin. Wr tlmll rliarge all alike, ori-ic- aii-- local, ami tliall not ileviate from our i.lulillnlie.1 rulet. No illily t.M'C larKir than Ira w ill be iim'U in lh'-e- riluinm, anil In no caao alllrutx, or black ami uuwenly llluatratlon bu milillK-.- l inio mi yayrr. MAILS. I(ern JIall (li Wichita A Southwest! ni K. i.;-M- all and Hpre Vi,SdrijrlitI.0 A. .. 4 depart ilii ly at 3.9) r u. Mall Aiixpret' No. I amus dally at : A M., 3arrmiIlljr'l8"'' i'n,..L i i.u.rniifi uml Auiruiita Arrive alon- - jIuvm. Ut.,In.liiuid rrliUia. KK.-'lK- f- firu Thuiaday and batunlay at ArkanatJlly(vla Wlnlkld, Ijounla. and fcr. . DepurU daily at Wrlfliyrion Arrhc daily nt C r, M. DtarU Ufitty ttt 4 A M Arkantan Clly Mia I.lltlnown, Nrnncltcali, Ox- ford and I.I I'aw; Arrle lurdaj, Iliiir.day and Maliirilay at I) r. . Dipart Momla;, WrilnrodBiaandKridaylatnA M. CaldwillOiaUiliintka. V llliifrlon mid llellc I'lalne) Arrli TiimIa. 1 liiir.laVH Mid M. Kepjrt Jloiida), W tdm da ami i rldajaUA M. ........ tlina (la Haliirdayulll.l'i r. l. llepurt Halurday at 3.H5 A. hiii'niierClt ArriviTuMiila,niiirwIapiiiI tturilaal I r. M. inpariajio Wtdiiit- - da 1....M A I 1 V. If. reunion anil W lllnirtoii Arrive Turailay and I i'mUli" llarta nliieiMluuiid Natunluju. I l(ry Crii-k- . Clarion and Uear WnUr Ann Illl'l liritllH HlilHrmj.l.i iftltrw ni'. 1 .... 'l .... .Int.. .!. ........ II.... III l.n .nu.n fnV I III all' I Hill r iii" ill" I mvj Mi- - ii ' "c Idi di linrv oflelti r iiii'l tne Mile ofttanip iroin fcj; a H.ti7)j r. M. Ilerrulli rid olUc will be upon on Bunday from ""'!'' "i ., , , Alan KoinK cul uuii piiuiii iiiiw iiuuiik .11. ii iLJlLIIUIMK, 1'. M. CIIlTltCIIKS. rirttrrrlilenanCliiirrb .1. I. IIniicx, pa-- r. rhrtinain Kaeli- - Hull mry Hablialli lit II 'eloik a m Kd 7Jj r. HI i: Cluirrh I T Manna, imttor fcrllcu iry Caliliulh at luij o'c',i,ik a h. iuid7l'. i. rni r mi 'iiik '" urn .uuy .' i"ni t ...tl.f f'l.t... I. u. wi. .. ll.an.u rlntrell fill Jim l.i t tin it iw rj Habbaifi at 10,'j o'clock A. M. and7r. i W. Aliil u.luollrCliiireli l!rcrriid.I.A. Scill'li, panlor. hrrvice on the Slid and fill biindnj nfMiry jiioiiIIi) high mamat lu A. ., ritpertui Ht v. u. j.it.Riipul (.liu nil llev A.T IrVTMli'-l- ; nc-to- r. WertleMriery Mindav at old court lioiie biiil'llne, on Main lnl, at 1(11. o'clock a. m. and7:3ooLlrk u, m, huitufric. couvrv orricnus. Judge TlnrtMiilh Judicial Dirlrict W. 1', ?.. ..... . TUuardol County (fliiinilstlonir J.T. CAiirfN- - Kit, W. 1.. Iloiisw, . H. iiiuk. Oiunty'lreaturir I,. .N Wi;nci;K. Oiiuity Cltrk .Ioiin 'I l- - m ii. hliirltt I'. II.Mafhikv Clerk Dlttrli't Court f. W. llLKVKt. I'rubate JuiIkp Wu. C. I.ittlk. hiiiirrluteniUut I'ubllc Iiiilructloii I. Ii. V.m-- h ami an Itiicittirof Died Milo II. Kullikki. Uouniy ASiornrj w. i. btahi.kv. County hiine)or II. is. JAiKnuif and A W. Hwamitz. crrv orriciciis. Major I. J. lliirc. city Attorney I. M. IlAi.nr.iiirow I'olir .liuli.-- i' I;. II. Jeuictt. City 1 ri axon r It. Coum.I.L. Martliul Wh. Umitii. city Clerk 1'iixu. Ui'iuttmeii. Hureor J.tiuuurK. cw"Jntte-offlial'rc- c 1. AriliTnixtx, K. II. JeTT.-- . Contablii-jr- . W, McCaiiinkv and William fiwnii. Conncil FimtWard J. M. titLLLK, M becond Ward C.M Oaiiiiikoi, A.IIkk. 'Jhlrd Want 1 C. Milli, C. W. II11.1.. l'ouith Wunl J. hnot re, r. A. bonuua. Hoard of KduruliohFlrat Ward K. h. W'xkt, W. A. ltEKK . hccwiwl Ward .1. K. rttnwin.!.. J.W. Iliittw.'f 1 hint. Ward U N Cauiukll, C I. (jAiimiiox. r'uurlli Wunl C. A. Wai.ki.ii, II. . I HILL. lnaiiurirbcliijol llo.il'il llev. J 1' JIaiie I,ll!)i;iW, T O.O K, Wichita l.oilcf, No. ill, meet 1 ry batunlay iiiKlit, ut 7 o'lIoi k, at tlnir flail, mi r I In' Klrnt .Sullumil bank. All brother in cood kldiuliiis are inUtid toaltiml. ll.tW. Ke.mii.k, N. U. It Cor.ni.!., It. 8. I- A A. M Mid 1111 the tlrnt nml third A. ililll'l.'ljl Ol t'licll lllnlltll. MuiiuAi Coi. W. M. SAIIIIATII feCIIOOI.S. lliwM i: babliith Kchool, W. II Mauler, itii'tt at thethurcli nl :'.' oVIocL p. m. The I'rcidijUrlun Saliliatlitfi'houl, II. C. Ward, superintend ut, ynita at Kale halt at So'cloi k p. 111. '1 lie ISaiitiiit Sabbath achool, A. II. Annii)t inn lnl Hie new church rtrrybun-iln- y iineniO'iu at i't o'elock. V. . KAMI OlTICi:. oti;i..i am:, (0MMi:itciAH ni.oric D' b .iLNMNh, Ki .1 C ItKiirlELn, Ij.cinir, oiure Iiouu I10111 V to -' a. h. mil Iniinl to,t r . C)L'NTY hUUVi:Y)US. 11 I. JACKSON 4 A. W SWAMTZ, CIOIIM'Y hl'UVinolW I.iarjiiuriinlentat clirk'aolliru, orejill at the Wt V iehila I'luIiilUcc. A'rrOIt.NKYH. J. M. IlALDKIIbTON, ATTOUNKY-AT-LA- AVlclntu, FedKH ly Ick u a. AiiAu. ru 11. 1 c.liii ADAMS 4 CNGUISH, a ii7.Nrii.oi at i.aw, Aaitoui:y8 .Main Mint, Corner brcopil. ii'lnta, Kansai! l'- - 1.10 PAU-iiau- a. v. xccuv. SAU1SDUHY & MeCOY. A nOKNKYb-Al-I.A- Wlrhlta, Kana. S. f W JlrOi) UaNutar 1'iilic, I pn'iarrl to iliu etuieauie8, lake avliinuleilfcimnts, .il I. m, iiiiddoauy th.rbuine ierlaiuiiir to theoCire II. c. f LVllB. JA. L. UYCIi. m.uss yi:k, A T'MIYs-AT-IA- Wlclnta, Kanna. 7tf J. K. I.AUCIC, firtl door Mnth of U. ATTOUNr.Y-AT-I.A- Main utrect, Wlrhlta, Ka. spicial attention rImii to all kindiof butdiicts coiuiecteil with the 11. b. Land OiUce. if W. i:. blANLKY, AT I.AW, Wleliila, Kamut. A!" Ill nrarllee in all the courts of the utatc United Mate I.tud Oftlce. S-- ll ij:umj. wuim, . ATTOIINKY AT l.AW, WlnBe'.d, Kantat. Main otrett. li-t- f W 11. KIKKl'AlliICK, ATTOIINIIY AT LAW, Wichita, SeilKwlck Ivanta. ti-- tf HAUKIS. KO. 1IAUKIS. llAltUIsAllAKltl, AT Ian Wcliita, Kawa. ATTOItNins ol CenterIIle, Iowa, lloom No. iwonuucrcial lilock, upttair PHYSICIANS. DR. C. C. FUm-C- (U. S. Kiainliilng Surgeon) IIYSIC1AN AND SL'KOLOX. Office, Main I :reet, two door north of Hnl National bank. u-i- r J II GODDAliD, T3HY-ICIA- S ASWIHJMIX. aectlonjt, townhii j "ii, range 2 wi t, 4 mile w rot of bedW ick Citr. -- S DH. W. L. DOYLE. ENTIST Office onoltc Woodman' Hank. D 1 W M.ORAY.M. D, COXSULTINtt I'HYMCIAN A SUIlfSKOS SO Graduate of New ork I'ai- - erlfj. tlse removal of all kind of deformities, tucunt Club-foo- t, llalrlip, Croeyr, etc. ,io Mrs. L. M CRAY, and illmin of omen and Obstetrician, Kaot lde of Main btrret, Iwtw. l.t and Snd, Wichita, Kanta 37tf Broom Corn Wanted. 1 will rxehansc realy made II room for broom cam d- - lUered at my place Uiieeni Wichita. JJ-- II. II MILI.KU. .Per ly at home. Term tree. - aaunii o. otoa a ii., Vo: .e. u-j-y ?!- - - HEAL KSTATE. O. W nEEVES, (Clerk of Uie Ulatrict Court) EAL l:STATK, IXSUUANXE anil Collectlnir Arent, U Icblta, Kama, uollcctlon mauc Uxe iiaid. All lintlncai entruttci to my care will receive prompt attcntlou. 4I-- tr JNO, EDWIN MAnTW, KOKKU anil ilealrr In Ileal Kitatr, Xolary 1'nulic ana uonveyancer, AEeni niaie .ii- - kt..JU IL.tHiift ITiimliliiiil 1 axes llfllll OIC04IUI1III J'tf lMilwm .Ki...i - Ixan NoKolUteil. omrc at me Jieo Oral hi en vv, ?u.,nki IifL- - llnt:M. Wichita, SeilK. wick county Kanta. IC11EY 1I0USE. Ko transtcr, no bu fare at theileiiat. Ilavo rslllteil. re fUrnlihf il ami reifucril fare to 1.M per day. Good atable ac- commodation in consicU n with the hotuc. M.tr KICIIKV llllO.S. liUICK. DniCK! BRICK t "R1 KICK In any quantity for aalo at my yard, on theUuleArkantaaltirer, north of WlcliiU. AUklnd of brick work done on the hortet no- - tlcr I1S-- ' " rniL,i.irn MISCELLANEOUS. IDOSSPT HHA.3D THIS CADDLZG ANS HAENESE CHEAPER THAN EVEH! C. M. GARRISON . - Manufacturer of md Dalern- HARNESS, SADDLERY, 06LLARE, PLASTERING HAIR, HIDES, FUitSrWOOL AND TALLOW, &c, 87 Main Street, Wichita, Kansas, Where I will kern ennatantlvon hand a rood in- - ortriiciitriadiltf. Dratl undCiiriliiKe llainia. (Millar. Whip, and rwry arllrle beloiiKinK to ilieiraue, wuieii 1 will ten uune wry ioei.-iir- . lor rah, or exehaiiKe for greeiili.irk, tnamiry note or Iriirtlonal eurrrncy. I am nlmi prepared to do all kind of rarriaife trimming In nlmrt or-- il r. Itepalr promptly utteiided to for half ciudi Ih hand, tliubiilanceiiituintyjiar' time, with- out Interest, S. II. Hear in mind I will not be undersold. All work niirrantidlonulttha punluurr. I'Iium' call and uAainlnii my isoodii. C. M. (JAItltlSON, k7 Main Uriel. Wichita, Kam-n- S. F. Craig's Drive Well Tube, J'altnttJJuin.. lbCT. INTUIKttKMKM NOTICK. To nil vhom I mail ennrrrn: Notice It hen by Klicii lliatnll Drlw Will 'lulu that limn u wire ncrtrn or KBiin placed und i urely lanlened iner Ihu perforated hole In ald tube, lor the prrpo or ktiplng the mind, ilo .ouloftald tiibnnnd from beiuK drawn up Ihroiiitli Hi" tube to the pump when In lite, nru InfrinKiiueiittuiHin pilmt lettir No. ,(.( mid iinin inyexdiuUe rlirht undir Huid patent, nml the public are lureby warned and cautioned not to purehate or use any llrlve Wi 11 'I ul eiimtriieted a above i!encrlhti without my ciiiim nt, a the ue or tald well tubi It an Inrrluiieiiieiitou my imtint, and the liter it liable and will be pro ruli.l for infringement, it I am drleriiilued to atop iinluvrlul piracy of my Inlerett. wm. cTiJi-xa- - lithe ONLY AirrilOKIKKll pemonfor the talc of my patent Will 'lubi at WICHITA, from whom all purchase limit be made In order to ob- tain title. Wichita, Kama, July 23, 1873, SAMUEL V. CltAIO, Inttntor, IS-- tf North Topeka, Kansaa. TRY THE NEW ROUTE KAN AS MIDLAND RAILROAD I now open between Topeka and lCmna City; bt. Iiouln and (thicago lOxpren leavet Tetieaa 12:10 P.M., arriving nt Hn Clly Ma l. Making direct coniiectloii for all point l.ntt, North and South. Fair :i low and lime a fait a Via. any olhir route. Trains Start From A., T. & S. Fo. Depot Low rate and (julck lime guaranteed to freight or Muck Milpper. block ITiilnsofUn or more Car will be mined bttneeii Topeka und Kunna City by bpeelall ruin. For further Information call on, or addrita T. .1. ASIII'ilSIIV, ficneial Ft A T Agent Topeka, KantiM W. W. FAOAN, hupt. 25 REESE & SAWYER Carpenters, Designers and .Builders So. IS Main Strut, ntar corntr Dovglat A v. All work executed in the moil durable and mod- ern it)lc, and warranted to give aatinfaclioii. I'liiiiHiind hpeellleiitlont lurnlnhed. Jobbing of all Molindone toordii, in).1l-l- y MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING! MSS L. ARKHA, On Main St, two doors north of Now York Store.' A Ini'iionnil well selected fctocU ofSpring Summer mid Cood a just opened. O-Ml- m Jennie fSoultha charge of the and will guaranty atlf.ic-tlu- ll ill nil eiiMen IMf IS1. STJLOICILA.lSr, MERCHANT TAILOR No. 54 Main Street. S3" A full assortment of thebest I'iciieli and nnzllMi Cloths, CaMimere aud Vesting ou baud and uu'r In the latest utrlet 49-l- y CONOVER BROS, 559 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo. General Aeots"for the ttitc of Konsj- - ' the Celtbrated Decker Bros. &. New Scale Haines Pianos, -- and the MATCHLESS BURDETT ORGANS. Mutlc I'ublUher and Importers of Musical Mrrchaiidlae c are now telling the largest slie7SOetaei:owod l'lano Willi all the warranted for 3W) eah. oficited wlien price trill be given. J. T. MCMII.LKN. e. c hussui.l. J. T. MCMILLEN Sc CO. Dealer In all kind ol FTXIR, IsTI T XT Tb IE Carpets, "Window Shades, Muttrassca, etc, HO. 31 Mill STilEI; WIOUTi, IASSJLS. m'irmmafmm FURNITURE. EL'. BOLTS Manufacturer of and dtalcr in all kind of Parlor, Chamber, Dwelling asd KiUktn FURNITURE. A Full Line of Undertaker's Goods.. Undertaking don on abort notice and In tb reorl approved ttyle. f MATTBESSES, CAUPET6, CI7BTAINS, Ele. 64 Iwr-A.- Ir 8TEBET, I WICJIITA, KANSAS. apM-l- y JURISRIKl. :f:rutt, sila-id- h .' AXB - - -- - - ,"" ORNAMENTAL TREES Taylor's Commercial Nurseries C. H. TAYLOll, Proprietor, I not cloalna- - out a nrnancrnui hutlnrt. but I offering at limekt rate to the iiprliiR trade oi lbT.1 the larffett peneral nurtery Mock cter offered in thlaatate. i oueraiK'Ciai iniiucrmeni on annic. pear, cherry, peach, plum, quince, araiie vine, email Irults uml ctcrKnen. My etock I all home grown, of the bett wettern varieties, and cannot lull to give entire tatUfactlon. I do not aell by ample, but cbeerlblly riler to my numerou cutiomer inrniiuiio'ii mo niuie n nc re growing or chard and fruit ground furnlidi a lair epri'n- - tatlonoimy iiurMry. I shall adhere to my foitner practice or aindlng out lintlilng but Unit class stock, and guaranty reasonabla satisfaction on eery order illled fimn my nursirle when fur- nished by a duly aullmritiil agent. Cflrrrsiond ence tollcitid and ratalogui tiirnlshed, C. II. TAYLOR, m Ixick llox K, Lawrence, Kan. WICHITA NURSERY, Xtvoiind.hair.'nilcaaoiitlii'natofXQtvti ON THE WINFIELD ROAD. J. H. 5TURNS, Propriotor. My Stock was all grown at Ottawa, Kansas, at my own Nursery, Which I will mote il.mn thl coming spring and establish A First Class Nursery, At thl plae mid expect lo lie engaged lu that but- - lutes. I want ei ery Farmer lo give men call thl spring for I will not lie undersold. Apple and Peach, two and three year olds. I'ear, Cherry, I'lum, Quince, Gooseberry, Cur- rant, lllackberry. ltaspberry, Ornamental bhrtib and hoses. Iledga Plants. Iha 10,000 Apple Tree two )cira old Hand three to lour feet high, which 1 will fcellon time. Send for Pticc I.iat, J. H. STURNS, Wichita, - Kansas. ii- - Osage Hedge and Grape Vines. -- AT- MURY & SCHWEITEE'S, On Chishelm creek. Hedge Plants $2 00 per Thousand, We hatn 400 MX) Ino yetr old Hedge Plant and 3,uxi(iniie Vine Cutting which weofftr lor alc or will change .part fur Pirst Class Hard-Wee- d Fence Posts. Ihecc Plant if will sit will scarcely require any replanting We iiIki lake contracts fur act- ing out Iledce Plants, tirnK) Cutting and Insure the fame, l'ur further information imjuire at SCHWEITER & DAVIDSON'S LUMBER YARD, WICHITA, 3CA.3STSjA-S- . - CONTRACTORS. M1LLIS & STEM, CONTBACTOBS AND BUILDES3! Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BUILDING MATERIAL WICHITA, KAKSAS. 10-- tl 3D. Ivlc irrTTjVAY, (Sncceaser to Ceo. Ilarri,) jwrEiecELA-nsra- : taixok. A full line of CJlmerc, OoUu and Vettlnff constantly on tuud. North (Me Douglas Avecue, between Main and Water StreeU U AU WoAirarraaskd. d MSraeasaawsaal Mr mam's yiDKLinr. Out upon it ! 1 bare loved. Three whole day together; And am like to lore three more, If it prove lair weather. Time ahall molt away lili wing Ere be hll ditcover In the whole wide world ajjln Such a lover. lint the tplte on't Is no praire liiie at all to wo ; Lote Willi tne bad made no ty, Had it any been but hc. Had it any been but the, And that very lace. There bad been at lcat cro thla A dozen dozen labor place. Sir Juki Smiling. EDITORIAL NOTES. A St. Louis directory man BcUdown her population nt 400,000. Hon. Sidney Clarke is going to tho Sen Juan mining country. John L. Koutt was sworn in as gov- ernor of Colorado on Monday last. Tlio lato rain was general over Hio state and did tiu "crops a power or ' good." " "Thff'PniMlan' Baud' will visit Law- rence and Topckn. All the papers are blowing. Tnylor'a paper mill, near Toronto, wns burned on Tucsilaj . Losk $CO,000 N't! iiiinraiicc. Tlio Ilopublicnus of Bridgeport, Conn., on Tuesday, nominated V. T. Baruiitn for mayor. Tho United States already pays twice as much in pensions in any oth- er nation in the world. Tlio cast) of A. C. Itticll litis bei-- af-- ilrmed by tho U. S. circuit court, and ho has been discharod. Internal rovci.uu receipts for the monlh of March, S8,'.',C5!; receipts for March, 1874, $7,781,000. It is estimated that ovor 10,000 poo-pi- e attended tlio funeral of John Mitch-e- l, nt Nowry, on tho2lth tilt. Onoof tho Texas prisoners, who re- cently murdered their guard, has been killed, in uu attempt to him. Win. Bookoy and James Parker, two persons being conveyed to the Ohio penitentiary, jumped tiic train and es- caped. Night before last an Atchison man was knocked down aud robbed of $23. Tho patriot makes thu most of tho item. Mr. A. M. Johnson, of Watorvillo, who was b'.irncd by a prairlo firo lait week, has (iic from tho cfTects of tho burning. Six email ImhIiicm houses in EitH St. Louis were burned on tho21th ult., involving a loss of $25,000. Insured for $10,000. Tho Central Land company's build- ing, at Huntington, W. Va., wan burn- ed on Monday. Tup-los- s is $200,000. Uninsured. The whole of the business portion of the village of Ticonderogn, Now York, was destroyed on tho 21th ult. Loss estimated at $200,T)00. Omaha dispatches stato that five bridges havo been swept nway by ico and high water on the Elkhorn river. Further damngo is apprehended. A colored boy In Leavenworth had 'lis head split open, receiving fatal in- juries, from an ax slipping oft" the han- dle while nnsatrcd in cutting wood. Nat Hardigaii, of Davis county, fell down a well and was pulled up dead. Cause whisky. Tlio first instance of a drunken man being killed by a fall. James W. Brainier, for several years past, general western agent for the Cquitablc Life Insurance company, of Now York, died on Monday in St. Louis. The president lias appointed A. C. Iirtrstow. of Tthoiln IMaud, to be a member of tip ' nard of Indian peace commissioners, under act approved April 10th. A very severe snow storm prevailed at Omaha ou the 23d nil. Considera- ble snow fell, and travel was generally suspended. The Union Pacific was seven hours late in consequence. Mexican Greasers aro still depreda- ting, murdering and pillaging, on the Rio ('. ramie. Gen. Augur's attention has been attracted to thcuiatid doubt- less something will "drop" before long. On the 29th ultimo Shields' woolen mills, at Davenport, Iowa, Ignited and were almost wholly destroyed, togeth- er with a large amount of material and machinery. Loss $20,000; insurance $20,000. Ex-sta- tc senator Kobert McKcnna, a leading Tennessee politician, lias been sentenced lo the penitentiary for five years for marrying lag former wife's grand-daught- c, in violation of the state law. A Washington dispatch says that it seems to be generally believed that Mr. Douglas will soon retire from his position as internal revenue commis- sioner, though he will not retire from public life. Advices from Sotiora report numer- ous bands of Apaches, supposed to be from Arizoua. A fight occurred eu Indians and a party of state guards. One of the latter killed; Apache loss unknown. A special dispatch says, officers of tho United States secret service made a raid into the counties of Scott, Wise, Russell, Buchsnau and Montgomery, Virginia, and arrested nine manufac- turers of counterfeit rooncv. The Emperor ot Brazil proposes to abdicate in favor of his eldest daugh- ter. The emperor, upon his abdica- tion, will make a tour of Eoropc, after which' he will proceed to the United States where he will make his home. The son of a widow woman living near Emporia, by the name of Napole on Haup. was killed by a runaway team, last week, near the above towu. The wheel of a heavy wagon passed over iiis ucatl smashing tne skull in a shocking manner. -- .i1'. TliellgblnliigoriWiueMayaweefc struck a stabltfianke rear of J. D. Fox Co.'s book-ere- t at Emporia, killing a valuable fcfwa inside, a cew standtng in tho allMrTeIos ijbr, audi- - naiiy burning aotTBPjwoie. m. A decreo has mSmi eel lu France, prohibiting tho im; lion of Ameri- - can potatoes Ju HV'- - or barrels, In which they had ked. This is dotio to provide agi tho iutroiluc- - (ion of tho Colorado tie. A tiro at Morti 'Henry .county. Missouri, tho St Km inio, destroyed twclvo busincsai s, leaving but two standing in tncM wn. The peo- - plo have cuougli t. t. The loss to estimated at $10,00p,lo $45,000. It originated in a salH occupied by Carr t Harrison. fc-- Tho LcavonworthJfTpne learns that tuolittlo city of Sallnagbas been great- ly agitated slnec'Friilpy morning on account ot the discovery of gold In the town and vicinity. Ssjie miners dig ging tliero'-feuu- pici of,ore, and seiidlug.Itto j: GeM Run, Colorado, it was found to yield, aftor being assayed, $20 of gold, coin value, and $8.70 silver, per ton. The Michigan Central, tho Michigan Southern, and Pittsburg, Fort Way no & Chicago railroads havo issued circu- lars announcing tho following reduc- tions for passenger tickets, to take ef- fect from Friday April 2d: $20 to Bos- ton, sjilfi to N'nw York, $15 to Philadel- phia, aud $9 to Washington and Balti- more. Tickets to Boston and Now York will ho good for three days, ami to the other points for two days. Tho coal miners of Pennsylvania arc still on tho war path. They spend their time in mob making, instead, of IioiichI work, lu tho meantime their wives and children siiHtir for the nec- essaries of life. Ouo third of tho timo they looso every year, in bull headed tenacity to rules as arragaiil as thoy aro tyrauical, would put beyond them any necessity for a strike. They would bo comfortable and happy, and accum- ulate soiiiu property at least on loU time alone. Speaking of tho Mcuuoultcs, tho Commonwealth says: "As It nppcum now, the colonists aro an Invaluable accession to Kansas. Tliey havo como to stay; they take unlimited stock in tho country whoi-- c natural features re mind them of their native steppes; and there Is no calamity conceivable that will impel them to emigrate from their new homes, around which will ultimately bo gathered the larger por- tion of (lie thirty thousand Mcuuoiiitcs in tho Ciiitien. A dispatch from Washington says: A telegram from Key West announces that tho yellow fever has greatly in- creased within a few days, aud that till tho naval vessels havo been quaran- tined. Tho holdicrs garrisoning in tho fortswill leave immediately for colder I quarters Tho cpldomQc is spreading. Deaths nro occurring wi Koy Westi " Instructions havo bicu sent to sur- geons at Puuoacola, Mobile, New Or- leans and Galveston, to bo on the look- out, for Yellow Jack, aud promptly report his appearance. Isaac Baxter, tho coitiedcrato of Georgo Van Vclser, who robbed tho Now York Central railroad company of $32,000 not long since, was iirrcsted in Denison, Texas, a few days ago by High Kobiuson, a Denver detective, and a member of tho Itocky Mountain Detective association, formerly city marshal of Leavenworth. After Van Vclscr's arrest ho "peached" ou Bax- ter, telling the dctertivc whero lie thought he could be found, and aUo giving ii full description of him. It seems that Baxter is n hard case, hav- ing spent some timo in different juils, which was unknown to Van VcUer at thu time he took him into his confi- dence. Mr. Bobinsou at once started to New York With his prisoner. It is not known what amount of inouoy was found in his possession at (ho time of his arrest. A number of farmers 'n this vicini- ty bave formed a club, anil intend to send cast for a car load of plaster, with which io cover each hill of corn, and thereby keep oil tho chinch bugs. If the experiment is successful, it will no doubt bu the means of forcing the util- ization of tho cxlenshcsupplyof gyp- sum, which wo arc informed abounds west of here. Luxcrcncc Journal. Millions of tons of gypsum underlie this region of Kansas. Sedgwick comi- ty could supply half thu United Slates with plaster. Suppose now somo en- terprising genius would procure the necessary grinding apparatus, to make it, this would obviate the necessity of citizens, of our own 6tatc at least, sending cast for what they have at home, aud would be the means of add- ing one more institution to the went, looking towards ourtultimutc disen-thrallmc- nt from tho high protectionists of the east. Somebody start up this manufactory. Tho Miners Must Leave tho Blacle Hills. An order was issued from Gen. Sher- idan's headquarters on thc31st'ultimo, inclosing a communication from the interior department, in relation to the Black Hills country. After referring lo the appointment of a geologist to explore that region and to the desire of the government to extinguish tho Indian title if gold ex-itt- s, then the secretary says that the department o( the interior has recent ly obtained information leading to the belief that the miners now in the country will endanger ihc success of any negotiations. H-- J therefore re- quests the military department to no- tify these interlopers to leave immedi- ately, and to inform them that a re- fusal to do so will lead to their expul- sion bv force. A Laundry Secret. The following re-i- pe for doing up shirts will be found of use to many t housewives: Take two ounces of fine white gum arable powder; put it into a pitcher and pour on it pint or more of water, and then havinc cov ered It let it stand all night. In the A dispatch from Eureka, Nevada, dsUctl April 1st, reports, lieTy;shock of earthquake,, this evening, with some damaie Jo buildings, "but no one Th- - Jfcred. , CORRESPONDENCE. For the Baulk. BeisMdy for Oataohbuga. Richland, March 29, 1875. Mb. Editor: There aro various opinions throughout tho conntry about the little pests consmonly called chinch-bug- s, which, beyond a doubt, damaged southwestern- - Kansas to a' considerable extent tho past season, and seeing nothing In yohr'coluinns concerning them this spring, I thougnt it best to call tho attention of every farmer to the great necessity of burning the pratrio Immediately, that by so doing wo may destroy tho greater portion of tne old bugs that havo already made their appearance lu the past few dayi. Beyond a doubt they have not vet gained vitality enough to escape tho destruction of our praino Area, if coni- - mrneet ,jm wme. -- n eertataly wenW bo of more importance, at this timo. to do all within oar power to save our crops frenr tho ravages of these Iusccts lr possible, than to save tho old grass to enrich our soil. I havo tried tho experiment until I am satisfied that tiro will destroy all that are In tho grass. I hopo that you will urge ou farmers tho iiecccslty of fire. II. II. Stafford, for the Kaule. a Wintering Oattlo, Mil. EoiTOit: I am bilious to-da- and must blow ofT or "bust," and will commence ou you, as you aro used to being "bluwed up." In tho Kadi,: of tho 18th or March you say: "What do farmers aud stock growers of Sedg- wick county and of this valley think of tho profitableness of wintering stock on hay nlono?" Wo think that a few hundred dollars mado in taking caro of cnttlo, during tho winter, wliilu wo would have little clso to do, is far better than doing nothing. The far- mer that has an incomo of one thous and dollars from grain, if he Is a gootl financier, can bear his necessary ex- penses, school his children nt the dis- trict school, mako his ends meet, if his crops never fall; hut the fanner who soils ouo thousand dollars worth of grain, and has nu iueoino of $1,000 more from his stock, can lay by a little utrr u rainy day. Yes, sir: if all the grass of Sedgwick county was con- verted into beef, mutton and wool, there would he destitution. We have some grass land that lias paid three times as much ns thu samo amount of plowed laud. Again you say, "That wintering neat cattlo on hay alone, is a failure Especially is this the case with Texas and common, native stock." Wo would answer by saying that somo men do not make money nt anything, especial- ly at what thoy dd not understand. We have mado moro money by wlntcr- - tjig cattlo than wo havo ut anything ouo we linyc; tried. By referring to Mr. Mead ond Mcdi-cin- o Lodge, do you niqau that wo should pull up Htnkcs aud moyo our traps and stock to that region ? Or do you intend to tell the immigrant that If ho wishes to stock it proflfably, not to stop in this valley? In 1870-7- 1, we wintered over 400 head of cattlo for Mr. Pope, and ho was as proud a man ns we ever saw when ho found tlio loss was as small as it was, while those who wintered ou tho range lost fear- fully. Now, como Mr. Editor, we had bettor encourage tho farmers to stock as heavily as their homesteads will car- ry, or all thu grass and rough feed is a dead loss. Now for Farmer K. You are often talking of your fifteen cent com. Now come and tell us tho process of culti- vation, then wo will have something practical, and can go aud do likewise. Wo are aware that somo men's corn costs more than other men's com. As- sertions do not amount to anything let us liae all the details. Wm. Lock aud. Kur the KiCL : Obituary Resolutions!. At a meeting of Fairview Grange, No. 851, on thu 18th of February, the following proceedings were had : Whereas, It has pleased our Divine Master to take from our midst our be- loved and respected sister; aud where- as, in the death of sitter S. Lane, Our brother, It. C. Lane, lias suffered the loss of au estimable companion, her children havo lost an exemplary and christian mot her, and Fairview Grange u useful member; therefore be it JUtolced, That the grange tender to the ailliclcd family its warmest ym-pathi- es in this their hour of bereave- ment. Raolced, That a copy of these reso- lutions be furnished Brother Lane, aud that the same be furnished the Wichita papers for publication. Geo. I. ext, Secretary. for tne Kaolc. Union TownabJp, March 27th, 1875, Mr. Editor. H became the pain- ful duty of our grange, (Pleasant View) to bury one of its members, brother Henry Pate. last Thursday. Brother Palo was one of the first scttlcra of Unlott township he came here a poor man and has endured all the hardships and vlcissttndes of a! frontier life, and now when he begau to sec the dawn of a brightcrday.be is called away. Brother Pate's remains were follow- ed to their final resting place, near ge P. O., by a gacdly number of friends and the members of Pleasant View grange, who did all In their power to show the repect due their honored brother who though not a pretentious, was nevertheless an hoii-t- st man, aud a true patron, on who aatwith tbcm in their council and who has taken the obligation of their order, aud ha - . followed - it out to tbe.ed, zui letter. And their nru were one m. ; hoping that the soul that left tiii - -. - Is. world of sin ana muuisuoo, i no " . .- I..,t n. M.t t r if ftlf arepeacefuUnaiuppyrandallU coo- - BMdar-rTl- M OUL Maa'a (Mory-l- Ua Kfnttty BUMiBHad aayoa Doubt, Aa the public have been informed by previous dispatches to tb Union from Arlzona,a man supposed to be ok! John Bender was nrresicd In Arizona by twt ollcera wha had traeed Mm through New Mexico. Escaping from hla captora-ne- ar the crossing of' the San Pedro river, he wandered about in the mountains until driven bysiarv-a- l ten to como Into tbr town of Flor- ence, where ho wa and whero he is now confined awaiting the arrival of the requisition of Governor usDom. ar Kansas, wo presume taat the reading public will need but- - little information aa to the crimes which hal-- n llnroaaluir mirault nt Ron. der and hi family for nearly two years. John Bonder, his wife, and a grown up ion aud daughter lived al a small settlement called Cherryvale. In Southern Kansas, where thev kept a road side house Many travelers were known to have stopped there, but were never tracod furthor. Among these was a Dr. York, a brother of that Senator York In the Kansaa legis- lature who exposed Pometwy'a at- tempt at bribery. Suddenly- - the Ben- ders led, none knew whither. An ex- amination of the deserted premise re- - vatul si tanat harvlbJ abrkt - Acellar was 'foaml'inaliTtirnS bodies of murdered men travelers who had been robbed and butcherd by this family of Mends. The relatives of Dr. lork offered a large reward for tho apprcnouslou or tho munlerors; other sums wcro added by prlvato in- dividual and by tho state aud local authorities, Tho search by detectives has been unceasing; several time par-ti- c have been arretted aud as ollen discharged, being ablo to prove Ihu mistake of tho otllcer. On ouo occa- sion it was declared with absolute certainty that tlio real John Bunder had been arrested, but ou bringing him to Kansas ho was pronounced "not tho man." At last tho caso began to cease to bo talked about, aud it has until very lutvly been believed that the starch for thu Benders was aband- oned as hopeless. But tliero is no doubt about tho arrest that has now been made. Our correspondent at Florcnco, who is a German by birth, some time ago interviewed thu prison- er in Ills own language, aud at thu tlmu telegraphed us his belief that the right limn had been found. Ou Monday an- other and prolracted interview was held with thu old man. Tho result of this important Interview establishes tho identity of the prisoner beyond a doubt, nml thu Union.' t corrcupeudout telegraphs a follows, tho confession ot old John Bender. Florence, Arizona, March 10. Yes- terday your correspondent ludd anoth- er interview with old John Bender, tho Kansas murderer, who is soon to bo tukcu to that statu under a requi- sition from Governor Osboru. Tho result is now of sufficient importance to Justify tho transmission of my re- port iu full to the Union, Tho old man wm apparently lu good health and spirits, notwithstanding the try- ing ordeal that await him. Tho object of our visit wns not made known to him, ns wo were well Informed that ho would not leply to direct questions. Wo trusted by a chance conversation with him ou gener- al topics, lo touch, as circumstances would permit, upon tho prisoner's case, Our conversation was lu thu German language, and wo translate tho notes taken at tho time, omitting prelimiuaary conversation. Itcportcr. Mr. Bonder, should you consider it a proper question; what is your name and age ? Answer. My uamo is Henry Dcutchmillcr; t was horn lu Saxony, Germany, 4fti lhe year 1820, and am now tiny-fou- r years of ago. It. How loiitf havo you beau a resi dent of thu United States ? A. I ruino to this country and land- ed in Now Yorkcitv in 1S9. 11. How loug did you ics'.do in Now York? A. About llireo years, and then re- moved to York, Pennsylvania. s K. After leaving Kansas City what portion of Kansas did you move to? A. llv dear sir, I never livid in Kansas ;'l only journeyed thro.igh It. It. In journeying through Kiiumis can jou uamo any of the town you passed through ? A. No, sir, I do not now remember nuv. K. Did you pass through Leaven- worth, Lawrence, Topeka or Fort Scott? A. Yos, I bought a team at Kansas City, and stopped one night at Fort Scott. It. What might bn tho distance be- tween Fort Scott and Kansas City.? A. About sevcnty-llv- o miles. It. What direction did you lake after leaving Fort Scott. A. I don't know; I think I went west ; at night 1 stopped at farmers' houses ; you see I wai a poor man aud could not all'urd to step In town. It. Don't you remember the names of any of tho towns you pasucd after lciviug Fort Seott ? A. No, I do not; I never lived in Kansas. It. Did you go toward Baxter Spiiug. Chetopa or Oswego? A. Hesitatingly. I don't remem- ber; I can't tell wh'lclt way I went, for 1 did not stop in Kansas. It. Mr. Bender, what in tho'namc of humanity possessed you to carry on the butchery buines in the style it was performed in Kausa ? A. Well the fact is tho boy and girl never joined the church, nor would they work or alt to till the oil. but would lie in idleness constant- ly, studying dcvilUli works; It was thev who first suggested ihc Idea ot taking life, ond they were Iho instiga- tors ot all the crime. It. Were yon present when Dr.i ork wa murdered? o answer cme to this question. Bender sat on a mattros, Ills head waving to and fro, overcome with hl emotions. He at last muttered, "You know it all!" and then fell over back- ward mi the bed, apparently in an ex- hausted or swooning condition. Caimiderinz that rest was needed, Bender wa left few hours to medi- tate over what ho had said. Afujr a laps of three hour we paid lihn anoth- er visit, ami was somewhat surprised lo see hi refreshed appearance, and hit willingness lo continue tne couver-satiq- n. which he began himself a fol- lows" .- - . . Bender. When I arnvo lu naua do ) on think the authorities willlin-mcdiate- ly hang use? Reporter. No sir, I do not; I think they will jfle you a fair trial. Bender. I expect Mr. Harris, toy keeper, who has treated me kindly, will start with tne in a day or two; if you potVibly can do inuthefavor, I wish you would ask him to lake me lo Topeka; I do uot want to go to Inde- pendence; 1 hare certain reason; you ee the people there would imt deal fairlv with me, and I weald bave a poor show for my life; I want trial, and I want a Methodist preaclW ami a lawver, ami. I wilt prove to the world il,.tl hire nrerdone auvthlnz wrong In t life. He nctl greatly ayilat- - shedding tear frely.1 a .ktHv kT i tra aiTm at in ir aa.aria a i'- "- "W Z, r, rtv ""'""tr'7-r.- " a,i giTloghlm -- ' - Mtne oranfCf and a few pontAJ oi i- - !- -. I. .every ; repcct a, ' - AteMtKH. Topaka k sum Tm. Tho mauaircr of the road ami a number of Boston capitalists, have to the fol- lowing effect. The; PiseWo and Ar- kansas Vallev railroad company to U-at- ie Mrst mortgage. per cent, gold bonds far $14,000 per wile, $2,0 lo bo reserved for improvements, It said issue it approved by' three-fourt- hs of the trustees. Tho stock Is sued by thl eempany shall never ex- - cecil aji3,uu per mile, except ucu a may be issued to can n tie and town in exchange for bond and to the AtchlsoB, Tojxk Santa F for bond purchased by said, road. Theav bonds and stocks shall be issued only a the road l completed In sections of not more than tweuty-nv- e miles; bond to bo dated as near tho completion of the road to Pueblo a possible, and to be secured by a rebate fo bo paid by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe ou all business delivered to that road at Sar gent for tho term of thirty years which rebato shall bo, at first, dficen per cent, of the gross earning on said bus- iness, aud (hall be reduced to twelve per cent, when the total ol cancelled bond and slnkinr fund amount to one-Hfln- of tbeorlglual ltue; also lo nine nor cent, when the total of can- - AAjIIbSlI bjAa sas&fl staJtf CUMttjL MMA)Ul$A w'1tatV TBesW ttWPi WtV to two-twws- or the original issue, and so on until tho bond are cancelled or secured by a sinking fund of equal amount, when iho rebate shall ccats entirely, 1 ho rebate Is lo bo applied to pay any Intension said bond, not to provided for by tho earning ol the road; to tho purchase ami cancellation of bonds and their conversion Into stock for thu benefit of tho Atchison, Topeka ,fc Santa Fe, "and when the trustee aro not nblo to buy the bond at or under 110, they shall Invest tho surplus In their bond lu securities which in their oiilnlon aro perfectly safe, mid hold said socurltlcs a a sink- ing fund to provhlu for thu bonds ut their maturity." It i further provid- ed that for each $000 added to the to inking fu.ul thu Atchitou, Topeka & is Santa Ft; hall bo entitled to .000 ol stock lu lluu of receiving said stock later upon cancellation of tho bond au iiaid by iald sinking fund. Mcor. F. II. Pcabody and Joseph Nlckcrsou, bo acting us trusters, aro to ho given au- thority toell the whole or any part of tho bond at uol under eighty for tho benefit of tho subscriber to thu plan. to Subscription will bu closed ou April 1, 1875, each subscriber to bo allotted pro rata with all others to tho extent of hi subscription, no assessment to exceed twenty pur runt, monthly. "Kach iurou who shall subscribe for $800 ot capital stork at par, anil pay for tho same, will recelvu in addition thereto $.1,000 of tho first inurigage bond of the company." A Topeka, Kansas, dispatch of the the 18lb hv that thu Alclu-ioii- . Topeka it Saudi Fe rallrontl I to bo extruded westward from Grenada, Kmnis, to Pueblo, Colorado, during tho coming summer. Connection Is to be mado with thu Itockv Mountain anil Pacillu hct coast syiluiu. Bent count-.'- , Colorado, has voted $150,000 lu aid of tho pi oject, aud It f reported that enough addi tional assistance iir noon voted lo warrant thu company in iimUrtuUng If thti work. It Is also rumored thai the Atchitou coinnnnv Is about to absorb tho Kansas Midland: thus extending tho lino eastward rrom lopcKa lo Kansas City. S, V, Financier. Prom the HprliiKftel'l lieimbllcau, Kelt, I Onribaldla at Romo. Few man after a career of such vicis- situdes havo such a triumph lit their old ago 'I Garibaldi ha hail at Home, elected to tho national parlfamuut, III arrivals! tho. i"rlql rlty has. been a matter of oomlv nhlo, anxiety It the In Italian government aud to his own friends. No preparations were mado at to receive him, either by tho city of Rome, or by tho government, except lo concentrate troop, but tho com- mon people knew their guost, and as- sembled iu immense number at the lu railway station. Tho crush was over- whelming, lo aud Iho pcoplu were wild at tho sight of thu thin ami crippled ohl man, still wearing tho rod shirt and blue cap. Garibaldia begged in lliens to pi cscrve order, "If thoy loved him," and they did a well as thoy could. Tliey followed him lo hi ho- tel, and now crowds demanded hi ap- pearance at tho balconv again and again. There was little disorder, however, except that incident to a press of people. Tlio next day ho look hi seat In tho assembly. Tho galleries of the. legisla- tive hali, holding 2,000 people, were on crowded with thu cliiool Rome, and ladles wcro admitted to tlio iloor. When the general limped through iho door, tho Liberals Set up deafening by cheers, in sjdtc of tho effort of the presiding olilccr. It hud been sodtil-ousl- v a rcportetl by thu priest that Gar- ibaldia v would not taka the oath of al- legiance, so that thcro.was ln(cuo as ho took his eat- - A soon us tho man who was Mtcakiiig at the moment had finished, tho tpcukcrad- - dreated Gai Ibaldi.t , he rose, and Hart ly supported by luw fellow-member- s, lifted his withered baud and said In a firm voice, "I wenr." Both tho Con- servative and tlio Liberal sides of the lioiuu then applauded vociferously Tho simplicity and spontaneity of the demonstration added greatly to St significance. Within a week Garibaldi had au In- terview with Victor Emanuel, and lie turned thecouvertatloii uot ou the vie torles and province he had won for a that ungrateful monarch, but ou hi own plan for reclaiming thf barren campagu around Rome, Garibaldi I all absorbed iu thl project, aud for the time taboos politics ami religion. 1 11 idea is to organize a company with a capital of $A).W.000, ou wltlth ihc government ahull gtiarauiie fire per cent., and by luriiiug.therourseof Hi 'fiber, he hope to produu climatic ehaiiget, and irrigate the plain morn perfectly, audio recover from Hie riv- er' bcd'lhe treasuie lost oiiilcoucralcd there In twcnl)-IJr- o :cnturle( aiuiwig which, we hcllnvc, i supposed to b-t- ho golden candlestick wbleb Tlu carried olf from Jerusalem. Garfhal-di'- t anxiety is to meet engineer and capitalist, not politician. He Is much pleased with hi retention, Rsl.l-iicarU- 'it In mauuer, and still re.ry ac- tive, being up early iu lli'i morning lo late, lornr drive around Rota v Ill- - Ids son Mcuotli, In rcmlnlscncp of the siege of 181V, and in of a vilU for hi own rcsidcuce The equanimity and good llb which the old man takes hi honors, will confirm the world's opinion of him a one of ihe mtt remariable rte ol hi time. Born at NJre, the "UU-- r city to GcwrtS, a t"jvr sea-farin- g youth, !) Columbus, hi fl for liberty made bim an exile almost as io a manhood. From lilt to 1SIH ho fought for the-Lati-n republic of .South America; in ! ii was mjj- - leg to fotitid tho Itoman republic, and conducted th dfi of thst dly against ll-- e Pop. Freisch awl tnw Austrian. Kr.i2 xi th ll ot the orrder, he wm oon driven from Italy to America, where Jicrtniaotui-dal- u to BiannCtettfre op5 Stslea Utaad- - Returning after a iterrby way of Ktiflaod. whTP h was Vi.in,h liesn-- i iiad.hn - st t tin! .... down . to ftrmSac . . .. t tb estate wfiicn tie isu txrazHt os iae I island of Caprrrs- - The fcfdlbm revolt I drew him Innn thl rlrft lit 120, and taking ctiaatA in Hicily, Jv oe 1 tl fclft of &,. wMlt. Ms) ntsd. Hist wsssequoHt eMsfeavwr't frco Bos?, wltaoRt Urn MmeUM of tho kfctf, vt!fttlx' Ms twreot, hr ser-T- ie Im too Austria eampal awsthrs UMtssaJanalt eamaalgn for Franee aro ww hapnilv sHppbwted in tho ottWie, Mind bv the soeciaela of hi ardor and aetlvltv in tko trult of t trinmnh of peace. Tho loroektya IiUoto. RV S'ARMRK KEYNOl.rV. If the Jurv-l- n tho ssandal trial dl-gr- to in an) thing cle,'hy ought tab unanimous' Ih a verdict thaualf tho leading character In thl groat "feul a pack el downright fool, Ky,raro (a a tool tar taking a fancy lo tho Utile, weaxfltttd, hoitow-rhoste- d Elisabeth In the Mrst idace. How any healthy, well-balanc- masculine could become enamored with inch a charm- less creature, that U. if the reporters don't Ilo and the photograph are right is an! inscrutable mystery! Then Heecher't letters show him lo be an Idiot, Any ordinary schoolboy that would write sueh a mass of I mBy and twaddle would either be exptlled as hopolosi, or mado to aland wt the toor with a split stick on his no. TlltON Is a fool, and worm lftN a iwcrAW:wrMmsyr MsiiSstiisi'- - i stusloK to Elisabeth idsow It. No body but a, fool and a groat fool at that would voluntarily advertise hi wife as a courtesan and himself a euck old. It I only the moro contemptible be done in self-defeus- o or self.pro-tectio- u. A higher order of gallantry than that can lie obtained In tho do. me lie relations ot thebiute. Who ever heard of even a dog turning ugalusl hi fumaln mato ? The Hon and tho wild hoar will Interpose, their bott- le and defy death iu iho protection of tho hrutn mulhor and her young. Til-lo- u is a fool becauto ha hat put this natty matter lu tho imper and in tho courts. Any man who will figure up with tho aliened seducer uf hit wife a tho doubtful parentage of her child an abominable foot. And hu I an arrant coward and au nbcet pupy-besldes- . Instead of a hero ho must in Irredeemable. n an unmitigated, puslllitnimoiu jaekas, II any ono lnnv pardoned for tho usq of such luuf-fettsl- terms. Klltaucih Is n foot. If guilty, iho was a foot to own It. Shu was a fool let Rnrrltcr fool with hor, anyhow. Tlltoii's idea lhatshedou't know when the Is Insulted mako her a most in- sipid fool Why, any thlrd-ral- u ser- vant girl lu a fourth-clas- s holrl know holier than that. Thl Idea that a roll grown emalu don't Luow when shu Is seduced, ami Is so Innocent as to mis- take sexual intercourse for a religion Is childish and ruuteiuptl-bio- . Thcio Isn't u ten-ye- old glri In United State (unless lic's a fool) that ran Im tooled like that. Beshlrs, Mrs. I Ilion's letter show her lo ho a downright gusher nud Idiot, Mr. Beeilier I a foot for not sculp- ing Usury Ward; inuocniil orgulliy, ought to bn scalped. Ills lutler show enough for that. Betides, Mr. Tlltou allowed mora than What was found lu lit letters. , Of couro Frank Moultuii I a foot. ho hadn't hern onn ho never would have acted as new currier lu this dirlv mutter, (In wouldn't havo lied foref-th- ir or both of iho parties. Ho would have promptly kicked Ueechur and scut Tllluii to a luuntio aaylum. Bessln Turner is a fool. She Is a fool toiuiiposn that anybody will believe that Tlltou could havo taken her from her own 'bed and curried bur to hi without waking her up and hu a blushing, full. blown girl both. And tlio counsel nti both side aro fool', They aro tool to drag out the testimony as toey have. ftiy sw foots- - w not gutting nil the mrmoyin tho ijase, and then telling their, client (and least two-thir- d of the- - wltnesse) to take lirtuuli! or to go lo Kufope, Than the Brooklyn trial ibcru never was a dirtier lob conceived of. It I a disgrace to tlio nation. It I a shame religion. It Is a disgrace aud ruin tho contestant. It I legal and moral liiiiauy. Thora l not an atom of gond In It. It was conceived In Idiocy anil rollciiuuts, aud will probably cud hoirow and death. Aud tho publi- cation of thu trial lu the newspaper ought to bu discontinued. At least, tlicno are our sentiment. sstsssMswsoaMissssi.Mssss..ssssi A MyHtorlouu arnveynrd. The-7'sm- e, of (.'hatlauotign, Teutiti-sc- e, a): Thi high water c! thcrsceiit Hood washed about four feet Of earth Iroiu (en or fifteen are 61 hint lying tho Tenneiseo rircr, on the bum of Mr, James Prater, near Louisville, In Itlouut county. About two feel of oil was removed from Ihe sumo ground the. high tides of IK". When tho w'stcr subsided, after tho present Hood ttraiige spcctclwas presented. Tiie hole of tlio denuded area wtcoercd with akt'lclnus. Soini' were straight, tome reclining, somo doubled up, and somo lu a sitting poluro. Thorn wero lie osteon tortus of Infant, oi chil- dren and of full-grow- n people, Mr. Prater ha counted over a thousand forms. The steamer CHr of K.tnxvlllr, mi her lat trip, brought ama of lhcf bone lu Chattanooga, and Mr. Craw- ford, the clerk of tbn Kiioatlflr, pre- sented u with n skull. Per' .us who have lived in ihe sicluily of thl us cemetery fur sttly-fiv- e cr never iieard of any hiMiiau bone (tug ditcovcrcd there b fore. Tho skele- tons, w understand, are not found In inotiud, nor iu what appear lo be au artificial ("Muitiou of the. earth. On or moro mounds were parity washed W!y iu Mejg county, iiJcllg ser. eraUkrIetotis,Hoiiohafrhetudplpe, 4tid linpleuient rvmicsH auioru lb Indliu. Tho skeletons in Blount cunnty probablv occupy a burying .'round, which. perhp,rer.turle H, - rovercd uji by 'the sauie nr.nij wlileh ha now exposed It woenjisiri to view. How la Your Pronunctntton- - Tho following fxtraet I U2getpl for nw by teaetW ami puj.lt Jt ciiOi! ami as an cxeroitet ist of nrouunciailon. It most be rd oir immeiltaielr, without re lo consid- er which Is th-- r propr way Ut pro- nounce l' wVrl : 1. A esnrSr from Si. Louis, n tsU ian wllh ifalle, hrgin an Jdre r rseltallt-- e as li the mis!derou ita-liuc- al fllialie, 2. Ili d'lnu tiror was f detnoiitiratlon, ad the; prefee lo UU c;rtlwtl profit gato hi oppooeol an lrrrb! and Undatable wgnnd. 3. He "leaj si.it itoUlvi, snd.llt-encr'- pti Ihe runtttirs at lhedfp't wa a covert fur'Wsur aad Ihe rrli-re- nt from th first graj i the Ipgl-lsta- re of Frante, 4. Tho dilnljoo of tl tbaaa, ut iron-fit- , oale th rll tyr ami! vlril" optimist vhflhtJy poegvfJ the Ifjilesl God. i. Hr w aspirant tlr,r h . garie of t lis ttof til. and au iaexora-b'- e coadjutor of th lrreiastJ-'- t ft rxqulsUe Frrya, o the tibsidrsK of the drtdesbli tlisale awf tfe reco-aitlo- n of tbf rtcognlzaaee. 3wboUo Aeld tor ton PUa'tu Several of tor nlcrgfmblam toga's to UfOk'tf and tipou rx smla4l 1 feaed little worm at tl root. I a tolntloii of weak eartxttle a erlli, aoO. fasitst pttsit s slth o . ..... .-- A in, im trhfr an.t r"-- r -- r ....:. . . a-- "..-...- - wr.s- - v..u.Mt.r. tin.:' wv v leuimLU. ttuu v.v, - .i.n.riwi,,), mm mv lite fwaeibz sxircvv tm ihibiw, .- -. .a-g- v . ,. . - r e. .f.t .... mon.l:if pour UcarernHy from the wbetbtr trosa oradlf Uiatdoeth the JoriUeV. Ills rekabty ..all do.6ad prated intU rr Ii n llJZn, SlUMtSiSi will of the Divine Maker above .ball peenHar oblect, JJ; IrstW tu tLfGu. iSKlff stirred la pTti ( gather around.be alur. and shall SW?Ssi'n ZPltP"' MH'" starch made in the nsnal manner, will tbat welcome plaudit "well done; "rdVt? Interview, Jeare'no longrr' which h h. W derived l.is taalB-- i' giveto s eJwMteor print-- 1 , " gdacd faithful scnfM enter JedM htt , reriUble John Iko-5teate- v, TM wa the praleat wrk . FtvlaKp- -T; nTiTir.'r K-j- '. ed, a look of newness, nothing .. "", UMVe, 1 Use liigdm r( Italy Is Lsitosiwo tb u i hts arm it rf by into the joy of the lru brasuWre Iteyhave 3.Z)VhManV. Jstew to aiK,wWde li senls wHit tstoiststaUld.oasasvl $niOs .'- - ildfl kt i,K ,4 atfiaa vj, .jsf
Page 1: The Wichita city eagle. (Wichita, KS) 1875-04-08 [p ].87 Main Street, Wichita, Kansas, Where I will kern ennatantlvon hand a rood in--ortriiciitriadiltf. Dratl undCiiriliiKe llainia.

B- -


MIBnKINMKGIQKKGMHM-vprxmehijmiMmmrrf10ht'M1f at4MWPiWTxm&am " r ra'-""- -' "!?" TT T.'T'a? :r. i - - ' 'J".- -, - s&.TO .;&..; v,i.e., 'siW n v - ":.(, . "

5. ." - .3 rw vJ?,ijBiiV-- T --7.ft.f SB-!- tZX't'V ? V--' ' "L ' ,ji r, y i5 . nr ifV .'f- - fc ' . - . j " -- . j' ' -



- m . ;.. ' ' A.y J . B aiABMHMHHalifllHMHKIiB. , r M --:,-, : Av'fe.';w.ati , WY a .mr a- w- Ar ..r. - M

Iff' '.W M. taw )iB.B':l . B X.sasaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa9saaBY r.i, sam -h . sal .. .aaaaBlaBBr. aal ' i, .. sa1 i i'fc ,r. . s-i.

- II I lr 1 III I 111 111 vk. ' Hill 1 1 II II I 111 rsaaaaaaaw sWkw rr SaW w fW " V s , r r HBfc ' ., I t. rr ' t - a - V- - r r.s w r " ,




TWO l7oi.I.AK9 l'Klt VKAU, JfAUJ- -

:ranss sins kasi ckto o ATfueitay.

T'lIB KATK9 wo have rstolillebnl forIn

Tlicy are n low o clmrswl by nmnjonlyr the imiNT in l!if Went, aii.l as low a ny

tiirnWiiHl on o llrm uwl Utlmg IimI". Willi nItiKc clrcultli), will 1 Las nc. He thinkIi iflnc.s mrii rau (frt y olue rrevircil by u.

Veaekiioonctopalronlreuoiitofrliurlty, nml lo not want noil' inom;y unlet

riwUnl. coulil tollye sv IiIiii olucB'l our culumu Willi forclpi odtertlM-roi-nU- ,

litimliiiiT, iialcnt nuiilclnc, etc., ot 1pm than ourrut4. Hut liope tliat wr never will be

s jiiiiwIIi .1 to do to. Nothing K'nk to well for oVjwn unci tli tiiterprlne of it eltireii lu itrotliiul lircwiM rlty a Hie column of tlie local iimtJiill nil.'l Willi lioron wlvertlemi i)U of liomclo.lron.l lMiin. Wr tlmll rliarge all alike,ori-ic- aii-- local, ami tliall not ileviate from ouri.lulillnlie.1 rulet. No illily t.M'C larKir thanIra w ill be iim'U in lh'-e- riluinm, anil In no caao

alllrutx, or black ami uuwenly llluatratlon bumilillK-.- l inio mi yayrr.


I(ern JIall (li Wichita A Southwest! ni K.i.;-M- all and Hpre Vi,SdrijrlitI.0 A. ..

4 depart ilii ly at 3.9) r u. MallAiixpret' No. I amus dally at : A M.,

3arrmiIlljr'l8"''i'n,..L i i.u.rniifi uml Auiruiita Arrive alon- -

jIuvm. Ut.,In.liiuid rrliUia. KK.-'lK- f-

firu Thuiaday and batunlay at

ArkanatJlly(vla Wlnlkld, Ijounla. andfcr. . DepurU daily at

Wrlfliyrion Arrhc daily nt C r, M. DtarUUfitty ttt 4 A M

Arkantan Clly Mia I.lltlnown, Nrnncltcali, Ox-

ford and I.I I'aw; Arrle lurdaj, Iliiir.dayand Maliirilay at I) r. . Dipart Momla;,WrilnrodBiaandKridaylatnA M.

CaldwillOiaUiliintka. V llliifrlon mid llellcI'lalne) Arrli TiimIa. 1 liiir.laVH Mid

M. Kepjrt Jloiida), W tdm daami i rldajaUA M. ........

tlina (laHaliirdayulll.l'i r. l. llepurt Halurday at 3.H5

A.hiii'niierClt ArriviTuMiila,niiirwIapiiiItturilaal I r. M. inpariajio Wtdiiit- -

da1....M A I 1 V. If.reunion anil W lllnirtoii Arrive Turailay and

I i'mUli" llarta nliieiMluuiid Natunluju.I l(ry Crii-k- . Clarion and Uear WnUr Ann

Illl'l liritllH HlilHrmj.l.i iftltrw ni'.1 .... 'l .... .Int.. .!. ........ II.... III l.n .nu.n fnVI III all' I Hill r iii" ill" I mvj Mi- - ii ' "c

Idi di linrv oflelti r iiii'l tne Mile ofttanip iroinfcj; a H.ti7)j r. M.

Ilerrulli rid olUc will be upon on Bunday from

""'!'' "i ., ,,Alan KoinK cul uuii piiuiii iiiiw iiuuiik.11. ii iLJlLIIUIMK, 1'. M.


rirttrrrlilenanCliiirrb .1. I. IIniicx, pa-- r.

rhrtinain Kaeli- - Hull mry Hablialli lit II'eloik a m Kd 7Jj r.HI i: Cluirrh I T Manna, imttor fcrllcuiry Caliliulh at luij o'c',i,ik a h. iuid7l'. i.rni r mi 'iiik '" urn .uuy .' i"ni

t ...tl.f f'l.t... I. u. wi. .. ll.an.u rlntrell fillJim l.i t tin it iw rj Habbaifi at 10,'j o'clock A. M.and7r. i

W. Aliil u.luollrCliiireli l!rcrriid.I.A.Scill'li, panlor. hrrvice on the Slid and fillbiindnj nfMiry jiioiiIIi) high mamat lu A. .,ritpertui Ht v. u.

j.it.Riipul (.liu nil llev A.T IrVTMli'-l- ; nc-to- r.

WertleMriery Mindav at old court lioiiebiiil'llne, on Main lnl, at 1(11. o'clock a. m.and7:3ooLlrk u, m, huitufric.

couvrv orricnus.Judge TlnrtMiilh Judicial Dirlrict W. 1',

?.. ..... .

TUuardol County (fliiinilstlonir J.T. CAiirfN- -

Kit, W. 1.. Iloiisw, . H. iiiuk.Oiunty'lreaturir I,. .N Wi;nci;K.Oiiuity Cltrk .Ioiin 'I l-

- m ii.hliirltt I'. II.MafhikvClerk Dlttrli't Court f. W. llLKVKt.I'rubate JuiIkp Wu. C. I.ittlk.hiiiirrluteniUut I'ubllc Iiiilructloii I. Ii. V.m-- h

ami anItiicittirof Died Milo II. Kullikki.Uouniy ASiornrj w. i. btahi.kv.County hiine)or II. is. JAiKnuif and A W.


crrv orriciciis.Major I. J. lliirc.city Attorney I. M. IlAi.nr.iiirowI'olir .liuli.--i' I;. II. Jeuictt.City 1 ri axon r It. Coum.I.L.Martliul Wh. Umitii.city Clerk 1'iixu. Ui'iuttmeii.Hureor J.tiuuurK.

cw"Jntte-offlial'rc- c 1. AriliTnixtx, K. II.JeTT.-- .

Contablii-jr- . W, McCaiiinkv and Williamfiwnii.

Conncil FimtWard J. M. titLLLK, Mbecond Ward C.M Oaiiiiikoi, A.IIkk.

'Jhlrd Want 1 C. Milli, C. W. II11.1.. l'ouithWunl J. hnot re, r. A. bonuua.

Hoard of KduruliohFlrat Ward K. h. W'xkt,W. A. ltEKK . hccwiwl Ward .1. K. rttnwin.!..J.W. Iliittw.'f 1 hint. Ward U N Cauiukll,C I. (jAiimiiox. r'uurlli Wunl C. A. Wai.ki.ii,II. .I HILL.

lnaiiurirbcliijol llo.il'il llev. J 1' JIaiie


T O.O K, Wichita l.oilcf, No. ill, meet 1ry batunlay iiiKlit, ut 7 o'lIoi k, at tlnir

flail, mi r I In' Klrnt .Sullumil bank. All brotherin cood kldiuliiis are inUtid toaltiml.

ll.tW. Ke.mii.k, N. U.It Cor.ni.!., It. 8.

I- A A. M Mid 1111 the tlrnt nml thirdA. ililll'l.'ljl Ol t'licll lllnlltll.MuiiuAi Coi. W. M.


lliwM i: babliith Kchool, W. II Mauler,itii'tt at thethurcli nl :'.' oVIocL

p. m.The I'rcidijUrlun Saliliatlitfi'houl, II. C. Ward,

superintend ut, ynita at Kale halt at So'cloi kp. 111.

'1 lie ISaiitiiit Sabbath achool, A. II. Annii)tinn lnl Hie new church rtrrybun-iln- y

iineniO'iu at i't o'elock.

V. . KAMI OlTICi:.oti;i..i am:, (0MMi:itciAH ni.oricD' b .iLNMNh, Ki .1 C ItKiirlELn,

Ij.cinir, oiure Iiouu I10111 V to -' a. h. milIniinl to,t r .



CIOIIM'Y hl'UVinolW I.iarjiiuriinlentatclirk'aolliru, orejill at the Wt

V iehila I'luIiilUcc.






u a. AiiAu. ru 11. 1 c.liiiADAMS 4 CNGUISH,

a ii7.Nrii.oi at i.aw,Aaitoui:y8 .Main Mint, Corner brcopil.ii'lnta, Kansai! l'- -

1.10 PAU-iiau- a. v. xccuv.SAU1SDUHY & MeCOY.

A nOKNKYb-Al-I.A- Wlrhlta, Kana. S.f W JlrOi) UaNutar 1'iilic, I pn'iarrl toiliu etuieauie8, lake avliinuleilfcimnts, .il

I. m, iiiiddoauy th.rbuine ierlaiuiiir totheoCire

II. c. f LVllB. JA. L. UYCIi.m.uss yi:k,

A T'MIYs-AT-IA- Wlclnta, Kanna.7tf

J. K. I.AUCIC,firtl door Mnth of U.

ATTOUNr.Y-AT-I.A- Main utrect, Wlrhlta, Ka.spicial attention rImii to all kindiof butdiictscoiuiecteil with the 11. b. Land OiUce. if

W. i:. blANLKY,AT I.AW, Wleliila, Kamut.A!" Ill nrarllee in all the courts of the utatc

United Mate I.tud Oftlce. S-- ll

ij:umj. wuim, .

ATTOIINKY AT l.AW, WlnBe'.d, Kantat.Main otrett. li-t- f

W 11. KIKKl'AlliICK,ATTOIINIIY AT LAW, Wichita, SeilKwlck

Ivanta. ti-- tf


AT Ian Wcliita, Kawa.ATTOItNins ol CenterIIle, Iowa, lloom No.iwonuucrcial lilock, upttair


DR. C. C. FUm-C-(U. S. Kiainliilng Surgeon)

IIYSIC1AN AND SL'KOLOX. Office, MainI :reet, two door north of Hnl Nationalbank. u-i- r

J II GODDAliD,T3HY-ICIA- S ASWIHJMIX. aectlonjt, townhiij "ii, range 2 wi t, 4 mile w rot of bedW ickCitr. -- S

DH. W. L. DOYLE.ENTIST Office onoltc Woodman' Hank.D 1



Graduate of New ork I'ai- -erlfj. tlse removal of all kind of

deformities, tucunt Club-foo- t, llalrlip, Croeyr,etc. ,io

Mrs. L. M CRAY,and illmin of omen andObstetrician, Kaot lde of Main btrret, Iwtw.

l.t and Snd, Wichita, Kanta 37tf

Broom Corn Wanted.1 will rxehansc realy made II room for broom

cam d- - lUered at my place Uiieeni Wichita.JJ-- II. II MILI.KU.

.Per ly at home. Term tree.- aaunii o. otoa a ii.,

Vo: .e. u-j-y

?!- -



O. W nEEVES,(Clerk of Uie Ulatrict Court)

EAL l:STATK, IXSUUANXE anil CollectlnirArent, U Icblta, Kama, uollcctlon maucUxe iiaid. All lintlncai entruttci to my

care will receive prompt attcntlou. 4I-- tr

JNO, EDWIN MAnTW,KOKKU anil ilealrr In Ileal Kitatr, Xolary

1'nulic ana uonveyancer, AEeni niaie .ii- -

kt..JU IL.tHiift ITiimliliiiil 1 axes llfllllOIC04IUI1III J'tf lMilwm .Ki...i -Ixan NoKolUteil. omrc at me Jieo Oral hi envv, ?u.,nki IifL- - llnt:M. Wichita, SeilK.wick county Kanta.

IC11EY 1I0USE. Ko transtcr, no bu fare attheileiiat. Ilavo rslllteil. re fUrnlihf il ami

reifucril fare to 1.M per day. Good atable ac-

commodation in consicU n with the hotuc.M.tr KICIIKV llllO.S.



"R1KICK In any quantity for aalo at my yard, ontheUuleArkantaaltirer, north of WlcliiU.

AUklnd of brick work done on the hortet no- -tlcr I1S-- ' " rniL,i.irn




C. M. GARRISON. - Manufacturer of md Dalern-



87 Main Street, Wichita, Kansas,

Where I will kern ennatantlvon hand a rood in- -ortriiciitriadiltf. Dratl undCiiriliiKe llainia.

(Millar. Whip, and rwry arllrle beloiiKinK toilieiraue, wuieii 1 will ten uune wry ioei.-iir- .lor rah, or exehaiiKe for greeiili.irk, tnamirynote or Iriirtlonal eurrrncy. I am nlmi preparedto do all kind of rarriaife trimming In nlmrt or-- il

r. Itepalr promptly utteiided to for half ciudiIh hand, tliubiilanceiiituintyjiar' time, with-out Interest,

S. II. Hear in mind I will not be undersold.All work niirrantidlonulttha punluurr. I'Iium'call and uAainlnii my isoodii.

C. M. (JAItltlSON,k7 Main Uriel. Wichita, Kam-n-

S. F. Craig's Drive Well Tube,

J'altnttJJuin.. lbCT.


To nil vhom I mail ennrrrn: Notice It hen byKlicii lliatnll Drlw Will 'lulu that limn u wirencrtrn or KBiin placed und i urely lanlened inerIhu perforated hole In ald tube, lor the prrpoor ktiplng the mind, ilo .ouloftald tiibnnndfrom beiuK drawn up Ihroiiitli Hi" tube to thepump when In lite, nru InfrinKiiueiittuiHin pilmtlettir No. ,(.( mid iinin inyexdiuUe rlirhtundir Huid patent, nml the public are lurebywarned and cautioned not to purehate or use anyllrlve Wi 11 'I ul eiimtriieted a above i!encrlhtiwithout my ciiiim nt, a the ue or tald well tubiIt an Inrrluiieiiieiitou my imtint, and the liter itliable and will be pro ruli.l for infringement, itI am drleriiilued to atop iinluvrlul piracy of myInlerett.

wm. cTiJi-xa- -

lithe ONLY AirrilOKIKKll pemonfor the talcof my patent Will 'lubi at WICHITA, fromwhom all purchase limit be made In order to ob-

tain title.Wichita, Kama, July 23, 1873,

SAMUEL V. CltAIO, Inttntor,

IS-- tf North Topeka, Kansaa.



I now open between Topeka and lCmna City;bt. Iiouln and (thicago lOxpren leavet Tetieaa12:10 P.M., arriving nt Hn Clly Ma l.Making direct coniiectloii for all point l.ntt,North and South. Fair :i low and lime a fait aVia. any olhir route.

Trains Start From A., T. & S. Fo. Depot

Low rate and (julck lime guaranteed to freightor Muck Milpper. block ITiilnsofUn or moreCar will be mined bttneeii Topeka und KunnaCity by bpeelall ruin. For further Informationcall on, or addrita

T. .1. ASIII'ilSIIV, ficneial Ft A T AgentTopeka, KantiM W. W. FAOAN, hupt. 25


Carpenters, Designers and .Builders

So. IS Main Strut, ntar corntr Dovglat A v.

All work executed in the moil durable and mod-ern it)lc, and warranted to give aatinfaclioii.

I'liiiiHiind hpeellleiitlont lurnlnhed. Jobbing ofall Molindone toordii, in).1l-l- y


MSS L. ARKHA,On Main St, two doors north of Now York Store.'

A Ini'iionnil well selected fctocU ofSpringSummer mid Cood a just opened.

O-Ml- m Jennie fSoultha charge of theand will guaranty atlf.ic-tlu- ll

ill nil eiiMen IMf



No. 54 Main Street.

S3" A full assortment of thebest I'iciieli andnnzllMi Cloths, CaMimere aud Vesting ou baudand uu'r In the latest utrlet 49-l- y


559 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo.

General Aeots"for the ttitc of Konsj- - ' theCeltbrated

Decker Bros. &. New Scale Haines Pianos,

-- and the


Mutlc I'ublUher and Importers of MusicalMrrchaiidlae c are now telling the largestslie7SOetaei:owod l'lano Willi all the

warranted for 3W) eah.oficited wlien price trill be given.

J. T. MCMII.LKN. e. c hussui.l.


Dealer In all kind ol


Carpets, "Window Shades,

Muttrassca, etc,




EL'. BOLTSManufacturer of and dtalcr in all kind of

Parlor, Chamber, Dwelling asd KiUktn

FURNITURE.A Full Line of Undertaker's Goods..

Undertaking don on abort notice and In tb reorlapproved ttyle.



64 Iwr-A.- Ir 8TEBET,I



:f:rutt, sila-id-h

.' AXB - - -- - - ,""


Taylor's Commercial NurseriesC. H. TAYLOll, Proprietor,

I not cloalna- - out a nrnancrnui hutlnrt. but I

offering at limekt rate to the iiprliiR trade oi lbT.1the larffett peneral nurtery Mock cter offered inthlaatate. i oueraiK'Ciai iniiucrmeni on annic.pear, cherry, peach, plum, quince, araiie vine,email Irults uml ctcrKnen. My etock I all homegrown, of the bett wettern varieties, and cannotlull to give entire tatUfactlon. I do not aell byample, but cbeerlblly riler to my numerou

cutiomer inrniiuiio'ii mo niuie n ncre growing orchard and fruit ground furnlidi a lair epri'n- -tatlonoimy iiurMry. I shall adhere to my foitnerpractice or aindlng out lintlilng but Unit classstock, and guaranty reasonabla satisfaction oneery order illled fimn my nursirle when fur-nished by a duly aullmritiil agent. Cflrrrsiondence tollcitid and ratalogui tiirnlshed,

C. II. TAYLOR,m Ixick llox K, Lawrence, Kan.




J. H. 5TURNS, Propriotor.

My Stock was all grown at Ottawa, Kansas,

at my own Nursery,

Which I will mote il.mn thl coming springand establish

A First Class Nursery,

At thl plae mid expect lo lie engaged lu that but- -

lutes. I want ei ery Farmer lo give mencall thl spring for I will not lie


Apple and Peach, two and three year olds.

I'ear, Cherry, I'lum, Quince, Gooseberry, Cur-rant, lllackberry. ltaspberry, Ornamental

bhrtib and hoses. Iledga Plants.

Iha 10,000 Apple Tree two )cira old Handthree to lour feet high, which 1 will

fcellon time.

Send for Pticc I.iat,


Wichita, - Kansas.ii- -

Osage Hedge and Grape Vines.

-- AT-


On Chishelm creek.

Hedge Plants $2 00 per Thousand,

We hatn 400 MX) Ino yetr old Hedge Plant and3,uxi(iniie Vine Cutting which weofftr lor alcor will change .part fur

Pirst Class Hard-Wee- d Fence Posts.

Ihecc Plant if will sit will scarcely requireany replanting We iiIki lake contracts fur act-ing out Iledce Plants, tirnK) Cutting and Insurethe fame, l'ur further information imjuire at







Wholesale and Retail Dealer in



3D. Ivlc irrTTjVAY,(Sncceaser to Ceo. Ilarri,)

jwrEiecELA-nsra- : taixok.

A full line of CJlmerc, OoUu and Vettlnff

constantly on tuud.

North (Me Douglas Avecue, between Main and

Water StreeU

U AU WoAirarraaskd. d



mam's yiDKLinr.Out upon it ! 1 bare loved.

Three whole day together;And am like to lore three more,

If it prove lair weather.

Time ahall molt away lili wingEre be hll ditcover

In the whole wide world ajjlnSuch a lover.

lint the tplte on't Is no praireliiie at all to wo ;

Lote Willi tne bad made no ty,Had it any been but hc.

Had it any been but the,And that very lace.

There bad been at lcat cro thlaA dozen dozen labor place.

Sir Juki Smiling.

EDITORIAL NOTES.A St. Louis directory man BcUdown

her population nt 400,000.

Hon. Sidney Clarke is going to thoSen Juan mining country.

John L. Koutt was sworn in as gov-

ernor of Colorado on Monday last.

Tlio lato rain was general over Hio

state and did tiu "crops a power or'good." "

"Thff'PniMlan' Baud' will visit Law-

rence and Topckn. All the papers areblowing.

Tnylor'a paper mill, near Toronto,wns burned on Tucsilaj . Losk $CO,000N't! iiiinraiicc.

Tlio Ilopublicnus of Bridgeport,Conn., on Tuesday, nominated V. T.Baruiitn for mayor.

Tho United States already paystwice as much in pensions in any oth-

er nation in the world.

Tlio cast) of A. C. Itticll litis bei-- af--

ilrmed by tho U. S. circuit court, andho has been discharod.

Internal rovci.uu receipts for themonlh of March, S8,'.',C5!; receiptsfor March, 1874, $7,781,000.

It is estimated that ovor 10,000 poo-pi- e

attended tlio funeral of John Mitch-e- l,

nt Nowry, on tho2lth tilt.

Onoof tho Texas prisoners, who re-

cently murdered their guard, has beenkilled, in uu attempt tohim.

Win. Bookoy and James Parker, twopersons being conveyed to the Ohiopenitentiary, jumped tiic train and es-


Night before last an Atchison manwas knocked down aud robbed of $23.

Tho patriot makes thu most of thoitem.

Mr. A. M. Johnson, of Watorvillo,who was b'.irncd by a prairlo firo laitweek, has (iic from tho cfTects of thoburning.

Six email ImhIiicm houses in EitHSt. Louis were burned on tho21th ult.,involving a loss of $25,000. Insuredfor $10,000.

Tho Central Land company's build-

ing, at Huntington, W. Va., wan burn-ed on Monday. Tup-los-

s is $200,000.Uninsured.

The whole of the business portion ofthe village of Ticonderogn, Now York,was destroyed on tho 21th ult. Lossestimated at $200,T)00.

Omaha dispatches stato that five

bridges havo been swept nway by ico

and high water on the Elkhorn river.Further damngo is apprehended.

A colored boy In Leavenworth had'lis head split open, receiving fatal in-

juries, from an ax slipping oft" the han-

dle while nnsatrcd in cutting wood.

Nat Hardigaii, of Davis county, fell

down a well and was pulled up dead.Cause whisky. Tlio first instance ofa drunken man being killed by a fall.

James W. Brainier, for several yearspast, general western agent for theCquitablc Life Insurance company, ofNow York, died on Monday in St.Louis.

The president lias appointed A. C.Iirtrstow. of Tthoiln IMaud, to be amember of tip ' nard of Indian peacecommissioners, under act approvedApril 10th.

A very severe snow storm prevailedat Omaha ou the 23d nil. Considera-ble snow fell, and travel was generallysuspended. The Union Pacific wasseven hours late in consequence.

Mexican Greasers aro still depreda-ting, murdering and pillaging, on theRio ('. ramie. Gen. Augur's attentionhas been attracted to thcuiatid doubt-less something will "drop" beforelong.

On the 29th ultimo Shields' woolenmills, at Davenport, Iowa, Ignited andwere almost wholly destroyed, togeth-er with a large amount of material andmachinery. Loss $20,000; insurance$20,000.

Ex-sta- tc senator Kobert McKcnna, aleading Tennessee politician, lias beensentenced lo the penitentiary for fiveyears for marrying lag former wife'sgrand-daught- c, in violation of thestate law.

A Washington dispatch says that itseems to be generally believed thatMr. Douglas will soon retire from hisposition as internal revenue commis-sioner, though he will not retire frompublic life.

Advices from Sotiora report numer-ous bands of Apaches, supposed to befrom Arizoua. A fight occurred eu

Indians and a party of stateguards. One of the latter killed;Apache loss unknown.

A special dispatch says, officers oftho United States secret service madea raid into the counties of Scott, Wise,Russell, Buchsnau and Montgomery,Virginia, and arrested nine manufac-

turers of counterfeit rooncv.

The Emperor ot Brazil proposes toabdicate in favor of his eldest daugh-

ter. The emperor, upon his abdica-tion, will make a tour of Eoropc, afterwhich' he will proceed to the UnitedStates where he will make his home.

The son of a widow woman livingnear Emporia, by the name of Napoleon Haup. was killed by a runawayteam, last week, near the above towu.The wheel of a heavy wagon passedover iiis ucatl smashing tne skull in ashocking manner.

-- .i1'.TliellgblnliigoriWiueMayaweefc

struck a stabltfianke rear of J. D.Fox Co.'s book-ere- t at Emporia,killing a valuable fcfwa inside, a cewstandtng in tho allMrTeIos ijbr, audi- -

naiiy burning aotTBPjwoie.m. A decreo has mSmi eel lu France,prohibiting tho im; lion of Ameri- -

can potatoes Ju HV'- -or barrels, In

which they had ked. This isdotio to provide agi tho iutroiluc- -

(ion of tho Colorado tie.

A tiro at Morti 'Henry .county.Missouri, tho StKm inio, destroyedtwclvo busincsai s, leaving buttwo standing in tncM wn. The peo- -

plo have cuougli t. t. The loss to

estimated at $10,00p,lo $45,000. Itoriginated in a salH occupied byCarr t Harrison. fc--

Tho LcavonworthJfTpne learns thattuolittlo city of Sallnagbas been great-

ly agitated slnec'Friilpy morning onaccount ot the discovery of gold In thetown and vicinity. Ssjie miners digging tliero'-feuu- pici of,ore, andseiidlug.Itto j: GeMRun, Colorado, it was found to yield,aftor being assayed, $20 of gold, coinvalue, and $8.70 silver, per ton.

The Michigan Central, tho MichiganSouthern, and Pittsburg, Fort Way no& Chicago railroads havo issued circu-

lars announcing tho following reduc-

tions for passenger tickets, to take ef-

fect from Friday April 2d: $20 to Bos-

ton, sjilfi to N'nw York, $15 to Philadel-

phia, aud $9 to Washington and Balti-

more. Tickets to Boston and NowYork will ho good for three days, amito the other points for two days.

Tho coal miners of Pennsylvania arcstill on tho war path. They spendtheir time in mob making, instead, ofIioiichI work, lu tho meantime theirwives and children siiHtir for the nec-

essaries of life. Ouo third of tho timothey looso every year, in bull headedtenacity to rules as arragaiil as thoyaro tyrauical, would put beyond themany necessity for a strike. They wouldbo comfortable and happy, and accum-

ulate soiiiu property at least on loUtime alone.

Speaking of tho Mcuuoultcs, thoCommonwealth says: "As It nppcumnow, the colonists aro an Invaluableaccession to Kansas. Tliey havo como

to stay; they take unlimited stock intho country whoi-- c natural features remind them of their native steppes;and there Is no calamity conceivablethat will impel them to emigrate fromtheir new homes, around which willultimately bo gathered the larger por-

tion of (lie thirty thousand Mcuuoiiitcsin tho Ciiitien.

A dispatch from Washington says:A telegram from Key West announcesthat tho yellow fever has greatly in-

creased within a few days, aud thattill tho naval vessels havo been quaran-tined. Tho holdicrs garrisoning in thofortswill leave immediately for colder


quarters Tho cpldomQc is spreading.Deaths nro occurring wi Koy Westi "

Instructions havo bicu sent to sur-geons at Puuoacola, Mobile, New Or-

leans and Galveston, to bo on the look-

out, for Yellow Jack, aud promptlyreport his appearance.

Isaac Baxter, tho coitiedcrato ofGeorgo Van Vclser, who robbed thoNow York Central railroad companyof $32,000 not long since, was iirrcstedin Denison, Texas, a few days ago byHigh Kobiuson, a Denver detective,and a member of tho Itocky MountainDetective association, formerly citymarshal of Leavenworth. After VanVclscr's arrest ho "peached" ou Bax-

ter, telling the dctertivc whero lie

thought he could be found, and aUo

giving ii full description of him. Itseems that Baxter is n hard case, hav-

ing spent some timo in different juils,which was unknown to Van VcUer atthu time he took him into his confi-

dence. Mr. Bobinsou at once startedto New York With his prisoner. It isnot known what amount of inouoywas found in his possession at (ho

time of his arrest.

A number of farmers 'n this vicini-ty bave formed a club, anil intend tosend cast for a car load of plaster, withwhich io cover each hill of corn, andthereby keep oil tho chinch bugs. Ifthe experiment is successful, it will nodoubt bu the means of forcing the util-

ization of tho cxlenshcsupplyof gyp-sum, which wo arc informed aboundswest of here. Luxcrcncc Journal.

Millions of tons of gypsum underliethis region of Kansas. Sedgwick comi-

ty could supply half thu United Slateswith plaster. Suppose now somo en-

terprising genius would procure thenecessary grinding apparatus, to makeit, this would obviate the necessity ofcitizens, of our own 6tatc at least,sending cast for what they have athome, aud would be the means of add-

ing one more institution to the went,looking towards ourtultimutc disen-thrallmc- nt

from tho high protectionistsof the east. Somebody start up thismanufactory.

Tho Miners Must Leave tho BlacleHills.

An order was issued from Gen. Sher-

idan's headquarters on thc31st'ultimo,inclosing a communication from theinterior department, in relation to theBlack Hills country.

After referring lo the appointmentof a geologist to explore that regionand to the desire of the government toextinguish tho Indian title if gold ex-itt- s,

then the secretary says that thedepartment o( the interior has recently obtained information leading to thebelief that the miners now in thecountry will endanger ihc success ofany negotiations. H-- J therefore re-

quests the military department to no-

tify these interlopers to leave immedi-

ately, and to inform them that a re-

fusal to do so will lead to their expul-

sion bv force.

A Laundry Secret.

The following re-i- pe for doing upshirts will be found of use to many

t housewives: Take two ounces of finewhite gum arable powder; put it intoa pitcher and pour on it pint ormore of water, and then havinc covered It let it stand all night. In the

A dispatch from Eureka, Nevada,dsUctl April 1st, reports, lieTy;shockof earthquake,, this evening, with somedamaie Jo buildings, "but no one Th--Jfcred. ,


BeisMdy for Oataohbuga.

Richland, March 29, 1875.Mb. Editor: There aro various

opinions throughout tho conntry aboutthe little pests consmonly called chinch-bug- s,

which, beyond a doubt, damagedsouthwestern- - Kansas to a' considerableextent tho past season, and seeingnothing In yohr'coluinns concerningthem this spring, I thougnt it best tocall tho attention of every farmer tothe great necessity of burning thepratrio Immediately, that by so doingwo may destroy tho greater portion oftne old bugs that havo already madetheir appearance lu the past few dayi.Beyond a doubt they have not vetgained vitality enough to escape thodestruction of our praino Area, if coni- -mrneet ,jm wme. --n eertataly wenW

bo of more importance, at this timo. todo all within oar power to save ourcrops frenr tho ravages of these Iuscctslr possible, than to save tho old grassto enrich our soil. I havo tried thoexperiment until I am satisfied thattiro will destroy all that are In thograss. I hopo that you will urge oufarmers tho iiecccslty of fire.

II. II. Stafford,

for the Kaule.a Wintering Oattlo,

Mil. EoiTOit: I am bilious to-da-

and must blow ofT or "bust," and willcommence ou you, as you aro used tobeing "bluwed up." In tho Kadi,: oftho 18th or March you say: "What dofarmers aud stock growers of Sedg-wick county and of this valley thinkof tho profitableness of winteringstock on hay nlono?" Wo think thata few hundred dollars mado in takingcaro of cnttlo, during tho winter, wliiluwo would have little clso to do, is farbetter than doing nothing. The far-

mer that has an incomo of one thousand dollars from grain, if he Is a gootlfinancier, can bear his necessary ex-

penses, school his children nt the dis-

trict school, mako his ends meet, if hiscrops never fall; hut the fanner whosoils ouo thousand dollars worth ofgrain, and has nu iueoino of $1,000more from his stock, can lay by a little

utrr u rainy day. Yes, sir: if all thegrass of Sedgwick county was con-

verted into beef, mutton and wool,there would he destitution. We havesome grass land that lias paid threetimes as much ns thu samo amount ofplowed laud.

Again you say, "That winteringneat cattlo on hay alone, is a failureEspecially is this the case with Texasand common, native stock." Wo wouldanswer by saying that somo men donot make money nt anything, especial-ly at what thoy dd not understand.We have mado moro money by wlntcr--

tjig cattlo than wo havo ut anythingouo we linyc; tried.

By referring to Mr. Mead ond Mcdi-cin- o

Lodge, do you niqau that woshould pull up Htnkcs aud moyo ourtraps and stock to that region ? Or doyou intend to tell the immigrant thatIf ho wishes to stock it proflfably, notto stop in this valley? In 1870-7- 1, wewintered over 400 head of cattlo forMr. Pope, and ho was as proud a manns we ever saw when ho found tlio losswas as small as it was, while thosewho wintered ou tho range lost fear-fully. Now, como Mr. Editor, we hadbettor encourage tho farmers to stockas heavily as their homesteads will car-ry, or all thu grass and rough feed is adead loss.

Now for Farmer K. You are oftentalking of your fifteen cent com. Nowcome and tell us tho process of culti-vation, then wo will have somethingpractical, and can go aud do likewise.Wo are aware that somo men's corncosts more than other men's com. As-

sertions do not amount to anythinglet us liae all the details.

Wm. Lock aud.Kur the KiCL :

Obituary Resolutions!.At a meeting of Fairview Grange,

No. 851, on thu 18th of February, thefollowing proceedings were had :

Whereas, It has pleased our DivineMaster to take from our midst our be-

loved and respected sister; aud where-as, in the death of sitter S. Lane, Ourbrother, It. C. Lane, lias suffered theloss of au estimable companion, herchildren havo lost an exemplary andchristian mot her, and Fairview Grangeu useful member; therefore be it

JUtolced, That the grange tender tothe ailliclcd family its warmest ym-pathi- es

in this their hour of bereave-ment.

Raolced, That a copy of these reso-lutions be furnished Brother Lane, audthat the same be furnished the Wichitapapers for publication.

Geo. I.ext, Secretary.

for tne Kaolc.Union TownabJp,

March 27th, 1875,

Mr. Editor. H became the pain-

ful duty of our grange, (PleasantView) to bury one of its members,brother Henry Pate. last Thursday.Brother Palo was one of the firstscttlcra of Unlott township he camehere a poor man and has endured allthe hardships and vlcissttndes of a!

frontier life, and now when he begauto sec the dawn of a brightcrday.beis called away.

Brother Pate's remains were follow-

ed to their final resting place, near ge

P. O., by a gacdly number offriends and the members of PleasantView grange, who did all In theirpower to show the repect due theirhonored brother who though not a

pretentious, was nevertheless an hoii-t- st

man, aud a true patron, on who

aatwith tbcm in their council andwho has taken the obligation of theirorder, aud ha

- .followed

-it out to tbe.ed,

zuiletter. And their nru were one m. ;

hoping that the soul that left tiii- -. - Is.

world of sin ana muuisuoo, i no ". .- I..,t n. M.t t r if ftlf

arepeacefuUnaiuppyrandallU coo- -

BMdar-rTl- M OUL Maa'a (Mory-l- Ua

Kfnttty BUMiBHad aayoaDoubt,

Aa the public have been informed byprevious dispatches to tb Unionfrom Arlzona,a man supposed to be ok!John Bender was nrresicd In Arizonaby twt ollcera wha had traeed Mmthrough New Mexico. Escaping fromhla captora-ne- ar the crossing of' theSan Pedro river, he wandered aboutin the mountains until driven bysiarv-a- l

ten to como Into tbr town of Flor-ence, where ho wa andwhero he is now confined awaiting thearrival of the requisition of GovernorusDom. ar Kansas, wo presume taatthe reading public will need but- - littleinformation aa to the crimes whichhal-- n llnroaaluir mirault nt Ron.der and hi family for nearly twoyears. John Bonder, his wife, and agrown up ion aud daughter lived al asmall settlement called Cherryvale. InSouthern Kansas, where thev kept aroad side house Many travelers wereknown to have stopped there, butwere never tracod furthor. Amongthese was a Dr. York, a brother ofthat Senator York In the Kansaa legis-lature who exposed Pometwy'a at-tempt at bribery. Suddenly- - the Ben-ders led, none knew whither. An ex-amination of the deserted premise re--vatul si tanat harvlbJ abrkt- Acellar was 'foaml'inaliTtirnSbodies of murdered men travelerswho had been robbed and butcherd bythis family of Mends. The relatives ofDr. lork offered a large reward fortho apprcnouslou or tho munlerors;other sums wcro added by prlvato in-

dividual and by tho state aud localauthorities, Tho search by detectiveshas been unceasing; several time par-ti-c

have been arretted aud as ollendischarged, being ablo to prove Ihumistake of tho otllcer. On ouo occa-sion it was declared with absolutecertainty that tlio real John Bunderhad been arrested, but ou bringinghim to Kansas ho was pronounced"not tho man." At last tho caso beganto cease to bo talked about, aud it hasuntil very lutvly been believed thatthe starch for thu Benders was aband-oned as hopeless. But tliero is nodoubt about tho arrest that has nowbeen made. Our correspondent atFlorcnco, who is a German by birth,some time ago interviewed thu prison-er in Ills own language, aud at thu tlmutelegraphed us his belief that the rightlimn had been found. Ou Monday an-

other and prolracted interview washeld with thu old man. Tho result ofthis important Interview establishestho identity of the prisoner beyond adoubt, nml thu Union.' t corrcupeudouttelegraphs a follows, tho confessionot old John Bender.

Florence, Arizona, March 10. Yes-terday your correspondent ludd anoth-er interview with old John Bender,tho Kansas murderer, who is soon tobo tukcu to that statu under a requi-sition from Governor Osboru. Thoresult is now of sufficient importanceto Justify tho transmission of my re-

port iu full to the Union, Tho oldman wm apparently lu good healthand spirits, notwithstanding the try-

ing ordeal that await him.Tho object of our visit wns not

made known to him, ns wo were wellInformed that ho would not leply todirect questions. Wo trusted by achance conversation with him ou gener-al topics, lo touch, as circumstanceswould permit, upon tho prisoner'scase, Our conversation was lu thuGerman language, and wo translatetho notes taken at tho time, omittingprelimiuaary conversation.

Itcportcr. Mr. Bonder, should youconsider it a proper question; what isyour name and age ?

Answer. My uamo is HenryDcutchmillcr; t was horn lu Saxony,Germany, 4fti lhe year 1820, and amnow tiny-fou- r years of ago.

It. How loiitf havo you beau a resident of thu United States ?

A. I ruino to this country and land-

ed in Now Yorkcitv in 1S9.11. How loug did you ics'.do in

Now York?A. About llireo years, and then re-

moved to York, Pennsylvania.s

K. After leaving Kansas City whatportion of Kansas did you move to?

A. llv dear sir, I never livid inKansas ;'l only journeyed thro.igh It.

It. In journeying through Kiiumiscan jou uamo any of the town youpassed through ?

A. No, sir, I do not now remembernuv.

K. Did you pass through Leaven-worth, Lawrence, Topeka or FortScott?

A. Yos, I bought a team at KansasCity, and stopped one night at FortScott.

It. What might bn tho distance be-

tween Fort Scott and Kansas City.?A. About sevcnty-llv- o miles.It. What direction did you lake

after leaving Fort Scott.A. I don't know; I think I went

west ; at night 1 stopped at farmers'houses ; you see I wai a poor man audcould not all'urd to step In town.

It. Don't you remember the namesof any of tho towns you pasucd afterlciviug Fort Seott ?

A. No, I do not; I never lived inKansas.

It. Did you go toward BaxterSpiiug. Chetopa or Oswego?

A. Hesitatingly. I don't remem-ber; I can't tell wh'lclt way I went, for1 did not stop in Kansas.

It. Mr. Bender, what in tho'namcof humanity possessed you to carry onthe butchery buines in the style itwas performed in Kausa ?

A. Well the fact is tho boy andgirl never joined the church, norwould they work or alt to till theoil. but would lie in idleness constant-

ly, studying dcvilUli works; It wasthev who first suggested ihc Idea ottaking life, ond they were Iho instiga-tors ot all the crime.

It. Were yon present when Dr.i orkwa murdered?

o answer cme to this question.Bender sat on a mattros, Ills headwaving to and fro, overcome with hlemotions. He at last muttered, "Youknow it all!" and then fell over back-

ward mi the bed, apparently in an ex-

hausted or swooning condition.Caimiderinz that rest was needed,

Bender wa left few hours to medi-tate over what ho had said. Afujr alaps of three hour we paid lihn anoth-er visit, ami was somewhat surprisedlo see hi refreshed appearance, andhit willingness lo continue tne couver-satiq- n.

which he began himself a fol-

lows" .-- . .

Bender. When I arnvo lu nauado ) on think the authorities willlin-mcdiate- ly

hang use?Reporter. No sir, I do not; I think

they will jfle you a fair trial.Bender. I expect Mr. Harris, toy

keeper, who has treated me kindly,will start with tne in a day or two;if you potVibly can do inuthefavor, I

wish you would ask him to lake me loTopeka; I do uot want to go to Inde-pendence; 1 hare certain reason; youee the people there would imt deal

fairlv with me, and I weald bave apoor show for my life; I want trial,and I want a Methodist preaclW ami alawver, ami. I wilt prove to the worldil,.tl hire nrerdone auvthlnz wrongIn t life. He nctl greatly ayilat- -

shedding tear frely.1a .ktHv kT i tra aiTm at in i r aa.aria ai'- "- "W Z, r, rtv""'""tr'7-r.-" a,i giTloghlm-- ' -

Mtne oranfCf and a few pontAJ oi i- -!- -.

I..every; repcct a, ' -

AteMtKH. Topaka k sum Tm.

Tho mauaircr of the road ami anumber of Boston capitalists, have

to the fol-

lowing effect. The; PiseWo and Ar-kansas Vallev railroad company to U-at- ie

Mrst mortgage. per cent,gold bonds far $14,000 per wile, $2,0lo bo reserved for improvements, Itsaid issue it approved by' three-fourt- hs

of the trustees. Tho stock Issued by thl eempany shall never ex- -cecil aji3,uu per mile, except ucu amay be issued to can n tie and townin exchange for bond and to theAtchlsoB, Tojxk Santa F forbond purchased by said, road. Theavbonds and stocks shall be issued onlya the road l completed In sections ofnot more than tweuty-nv- e miles; bondto bo dated as near tho completion ofthe road to Pueblo a possible, and tobe secured by a rebate fo bo paid by theAtchison, Topeka & Santa Fe ou allbusiness delivered to that road at Sargent for tho term of thirty years whichrebato shall bo, at first, dficen percent, of the gross earning on said bus-iness, aud (hall be reduced to twelveper cent, when the total ol cancelledbond and slnkinr fund amount toone-Hfln- of tbeorlglual ltue; also lonine nor cent, when the total of can- -AAjIIbSlI bjAa sas&fl staJtf CUMttjL MMA)Ul$Aw'1tatV TBesW ttWPi WtVto two-twws- or the original issue, andso on until tho bond are cancelled orsecured by a sinking fund of equalamount, when iho rebate shall ccatsentirely, 1 ho rebate Is lo bo appliedto pay any Intension said bond, not toprovided for by tho earning ol theroad; to tho purchase ami cancellationof bonds and their conversion Intostock for thu benefit of tho Atchison,Topeka ,fc Santa Fe, "and when thetrustee aro not nblo to buy the bondat or under 110, they shall Invest thosurplus In their bond lu securitieswhich in their oiilnlon aro perfectlysafe, mid hold said socurltlcs a a sink-ing fund to provhlu for thu bonds uttheir maturity." It i further provid-ed that for each $000 added to the toinking fu.ul thu Atchitou, Topeka & is

Santa Ft; hall bo entitled to .000 olstock lu lluu of receiving said stocklater upon cancellation of tho bond auiiaid by iald sinking fund. Mcor. F.II. Pcabody and Joseph Nlckcrsou, boacting us trusters, aro to ho given au-

thority toell the whole or any part oftho bond at uol under eighty for thobenefit of tho subscriber to thu plan. toSubscription will bu closed ou April1, 1875, each subscriber to bo allottedpro rata with all others to tho extentof hi subscription, no assessment toexceed twenty pur runt, monthly."Kach iurou who shall subscribe for$800 ot capital stork at par, anil payfor tho same, will recelvu in additionthereto $.1,000 of tho first inurigagebond of the company."

A Topeka, Kansas, dispatch of the the18lb hv that thu Alclu-ioii- . Topeka itSaudi Fe rallrontl I to bo extrudedwestward from Grenada, Kmnis, toPueblo, Colorado, during tho comingsummer. Connection Is to be madowith thu Itockv Mountain anil Pacillu hctcoast syiluiu. Bent count-.'- , Colorado,has voted $150,000 lu aid of tho pi oject,aud It f reported that enough additional assistance iir noon voted lowarrant thu company in iimUrtuUng Ifthti work. It Is also rumored thai theAtchitou coinnnnv Is about to absorbtho Kansas Midland: thus extendingtho lino eastward rrom lopcKa loKansas City. S, V, Financier.

Prom the HprliiKftel'l lieimbllcau, Kelt, I

Onribaldla at Romo.

Few man after a career of such vicis-situdes havo such a triumph lit theirold ago 'I Garibaldi ha hail at Home,elected to tho national parlfamuut, III

arrivals! tho. i"rlql rlty has. been amatter of oomlv nhlo, anxiety It the InItalian government aud to his ownfriends. No preparations were mado atto receive him, either by tho city ofRome, or by tho government, exceptlo concentrate troop, but tho com-mon people knew their guost, and as-

sembled iu immense number at the lurailway station. Tho crush was over-whelming, loaud Iho pcoplu were wildat tho sight of thu thin ami crippledohl man, still wearing tho rod shirtand blue cap. Garibaldia begged inlliens to pi cscrve order, "If thoy lovedhim," and they did a well as thoycould. Tliey followed him lo hi ho-

tel, and now crowds demanded hi ap-pearance at tho balconv again andagain. There was little disorder,however, except that incident to apress of people.

Tlio next day ho look hi seat In thoassembly. Tho galleries of the. legisla-tive hali, holding 2,000 people, were oncrowded with thu cliiool Rome, andladles wcro admitted to tlio iloor.When the general limped through ihodoor, tho Liberals Set up deafening bycheers, in sjdtc of tho effort of thepresiding olilccr. It hud been sodtil-ousl- v a

rcportetl by thu priest that Gar-ibaldia

vwould not taka the oath of al-

legiance, so that thcro.was ln(cuoas ho took his eat- - A soon

us tho man who was Mtcakiiig at themoment had finished, tho tpcukcrad- -

dreated Gai Ibaldi.t , he rose, and Hartly supported by luw fellow-member- s,

lifted his withered baud and said In afirm voice, "I wenr." Both tho Con-servative and tlio Liberal sides of thelioiuu then applauded vociferouslyTho simplicity and spontaneity of thedemonstration added greatly to St

significance.Within a week Garibaldi had au In-

terview with Victor Emanuel, and lieturned thecouvertatloii uot ou the vietorles and province he had won for athat ungrateful monarch, but ou hiown plan for reclaiming thf barrencampagu around Rome, Garibaldi I

all absorbed iu thl project, aud for thetime taboos politics ami religion. 1 1 1

idea is to organize a company with acapital of $A).W.000, ou wltlth ihcgovernment ahull gtiarauiie fire percent., and by luriiiug.therourseof Hi

'fiber, he hope to produu climaticehaiiget, and irrigate the plain mornperfectly, audio recover from Hie riv-

er' bcd'lhe treasuie lost oiiilcoucralcdthere In twcnl)-IJr- o :cnturle( aiuiwigwhich, we hcllnvc, i supposed to b-t- ho

golden candlestick wbleb Tlucarried olf from Jerusalem. Garfhal-di'- t

anxiety is to meet engineer andcapitalist, not politician. He Ismuch pleased with hi retention, Rsl.l-iicarU- 'it

In mauuer, and still re.ry ac-

tive, being up early iu lli'i morning lolate, lornr drive around Rota v Ill- -

Ids son Mcuotli, In rcmlnlscncp of thesiege of 181V, and in of a vilUfor hi own rcsidcuce

The equanimity and good llbwhich the old man takes hi honors,will confirm the world's opinion of hima one of ihe mtt remariable rte olhi time. Born at NJre, the "UU-- r cityto GcwrtS, a t"jvr sea-farin-g youth, !)

Columbus, hi fl for liberty madebim an exile almost as io a

manhood. From lilt to 1SIH

ho fought for the-Lati-n republic of.South America; in ! ii was mjj--leg to fotitid tho Itoman republic, andconducted th dfi of thst dlyagainst ll-- e Pop. Freisch awl tnwAustrian. Kr.i2 xi th ll otthe orrder, he wm oon driven fromItaly to America, where Jicrtniaotui-dal- u

to BiannCtettfre op5 StsleaUtaad- - Returning after a iterrby wayof Ktiflaod. whTP h was Vi.in,h liesn--

i iiad.hn-

st t tin!....down. to ftrmSac. . . . ttb estate wfiicn tie isu txrazHt os iaeI island of Caprrrs- - The fcfdlbm revoltI drew him Innn thl rlrft lit 120,and taking ctiaatA in Hicily, Jv oe


tl fclft of &,. wMlt. Ms)

ntsd. Hist wsssequoHt eMsfeavwr'tfrco Bos?, wltaoRt Urn MmeUM of thokfctf, vt!fttlx' Ms twreot, hr ser-T- ie

Im too Austria eampal awsthrsUMtssaJanalt eamaalgn for Franee aroww hapnilv sHppbwted in tho ottWie,

Mind bv the soeciaela of hi ardor andaetlvltv in tko trult of t trinmnhof peace.

Tho loroektya IiUoto.


If the Jurv-l-n tho ssandal trial dl-gr- to

in an) thing cle,'hy ought tabunanimous' Ih a verdict thaualf tholeading character In thl groat "feul

a pack el downright fool,Ky,raro(a a tool tar taking a fancy lotho Utile, weaxfltttd, hoitow-rhoste- d

Elisabeth In the Mrst idace. How anyhealthy, well-balanc- masculine couldbecome enamored with inch a charm-less creature, that U. if the reportersdon't Ilo and the photograph are rightis an! inscrutable mystery! ThenHeecher't letters show him lo be anIdiot, Any ordinary schoolboy thatwould write sueh a mass of I mByand twaddle would either be exptlledas hopolosi, or mado to aland wt thetoor with a split stick on his no.

TlltON Is a fool, and worm lftN aiwcrAW:wrMmsyr MsiiSstiisi'- - i

stusloK to Elisabeth idsow It. Nobody but a, fool and a groat fool atthat would voluntarily advertise hiwife as a courtesan and himself a euckold. It I only the moro contemptible

be done in self-defeus-o or self.pro-tectio-u.

A higher order of gallantrythan that can lie obtained In tho do.me lie relations ot thebiute. Whoever heard of even a dog turningugalusl hi fumaln mato ? The Hon andtho wild hoar will Interpose, their bott-le and defy death iu iho protection oftho hrutn mulhor and her young. Til-lo- u

is a fool becauto ha hat put thisnatty matter lu tho imper and in thocourts. Any man who will figure upwith tho aliened seducer uf hit wife a

tho doubtful parentage of her childan abominable foot. And hu I an

arrant coward and au nbcet pupy-besldes-.

Instead of a hero ho must inIrredeemable. n an unmitigated,

puslllitnimoiu jaekas, II any ono lnnvpardoned for tho usq of such luuf-fettsl-

terms.Klltaucih Is n foot. If guilty, iho

was a foot to own It. Shu was a foollet Rnrrltcr fool with hor, anyhow.

Tlltoii's idea lhatshedou't know whenthe Is Insulted mako her a most in-

sipid fool Why, any thlrd-ral- u ser-vant girl lu a fourth-clas- s holrl knowholier than that. Thl Idea that a rollgrown emalu don't Luow when shu Isseduced, ami Is so Innocent as to mis-take sexual intercourse for a religion

Is childish and ruuteiuptl-bio- .Thcio Isn't u ten-ye- old glri In

United State (unless lic's a fool)that ran Im tooled like that. Beshlrs,Mrs. I Ilion's letter show her lo ho adownright gusher nud Idiot,

Mr. Beeilier I a foot for not sculp-ing Usury Ward; inuocniil orgulliy,

ought to bn scalped. Ills lutlershow enough for that. Betides, Mr.Tlltou allowed mora than What wasfound lu lit letters. ,

Of couro Frank Moultuii I a foot.ho hadn't hern onn ho never would

have acted as new currier lu this dirlvmutter, (In wouldn't havo lied foref-th- ir

or both of iho parties. Ho wouldhave promptly kicked Ueechur and scutTllluii to a luuntio aaylum.

Bessln Turner is a fool. She Is a fooltoiuiiposn that anybody will believethat Tlltou could havo taken her fromher own 'bed and curried bur to hiwithout waking her up and hu ablushing, full. blown girl both.

And tlio counsel nti both side arofool', They aro tool to drag out thetestimony as toey have. ftiy sw foots- - w

not gutting nil the mrmoyin thoijase, and then telling their, client (and

least two-thir- d of the- - wltnesse) totake lirtuuli! or to go lo Kufope,

Than the Brooklyn trial ibcru neverwas a dirtier lob conceived of. It I adisgrace to tlio nation. It I a shame

religion. It Is a disgrace aud ruintho contestant. It I legal and

moral liiiiauy. Thora l not an atom ofgond In It. It was conceived In Idiocyanil rollciiuuts, aud will probably cud

hoirow and death. Aud tho publi-cation of thu trial lu the newspaperought to bu discontinued. At least,tlicno are our sentiment.


A MyHtorlouu arnveynrd.The-7'sm- e, of (.'hatlauotign, Teutiti-sc- e,

a): Thi high water c! thcrsceiitHood washed about four feet Of earthIroiu (en or fifteen are 61 hint lying

tho Tenneiseo rircr, on the bum ofMr, James Prater, near Louisville, InItlouut county. About two feel ofoil was removed from Ihe sumo ground

the. high tides of IK". When thow'stcr subsided, after tho present Hood

ttraiige spcctclwas presented. Tiiehole of tlio denuded area wtcoercd

with akt'lclnus. Soini' were straight,tome reclining, somo doubled up, andsomo lu a sitting poluro. Thorn werolie osteon tortus of Infant, oi chil-

dren and of full-grow- n people, Mr.Prater ha counted over a thousandforms.

The steamer CHr of K.tnxvlllr, miher lat trip, brought ama of lhcfbone lu Chattanooga, and Mr. Craw-ford, the clerk of tbn Kiioatlflr, pre-sented u with n skull. Per' .us whohave lived in ihe sicluily of thl us

cemetery fur sttly-fiv- e crnever iieard of any hiMiiau bone (tugditcovcrcd there b fore. Tho skele-tons, w understand, are not found In

inotiud, nor iu what appear lo be auartificial ("Muitiou of the. earth. Onor moro mounds were parity washed

W!y iu Mejg county, iiJcllg ser.eraUkrIetotis,Hoiiohafrhetudplpe,4tid linpleuient rvmicsH auioru lbIndliu. Tho skeletons in Blountcunnty probablv occupy a burying.'round, which. perhp,rer.turle H,

- rovercd uji by 'the sauie nr.nijwlileh ha now exposed It woenjisirito view.

How la Your Pronunctntton- -

Tho following fxtraet I U2getplfor nw by teaetW ami puj.lt Jt

ciiOi! ami as an cxeroitet ist ofnrouunciailon. It most be rd oirimmeiltaielr, without re lo consid-er which Is th--r propr way Ut pro-nounce l' wVrl :

1. A esnrSr from Si. Louis, n tsUian wllh ifalle, hrgin an Jdre rrseltallt-- e as li the mis!derou ita-liuc- al

fllialie,2. Ili d'lnu tiror was

f detnoiitiratlon, adthe; prefee lo UU c;rtlwtl profitgato hi oppooeol an lrrrb! andUndatable wgnnd.

3. He "leaj si.it itoUlvi, snd.llt-encr'- pti

Ihe runtttirs at lhedfp'twa a covert fur'Wsur aad Ihe rrli-re- nt

from th first graj i the Ipgl-lsta- re

of Frante,4. Tho dilnljoo of tl tbaaa, ut

iron-fit- , oale th rll tyr ami!vlril" optimist vhflhtJy poegvfJthe Ifjilesl God.

i. Hr w aspirant tlr,r h .garie of t lis ttof til. and au iaexora-b'-e

coadjutor of th lrreiastJ-'- t ftrxqulsUe Frrya, o the tibsidrsKof the drtdesbli tlisale awf tfe reco-aitlo- n

of tbf rtcognlzaaee.

3wboUo Aeld tor ton PUa'tuSeveral of tor nlcrgfmblam toga's

to UfOk'tf and tipou rx smla4l 1

feaed little worm at tl root. Ia tolntloii of weak eartxttle a

erlli, aoO. fasitstpttsit s slth o. ..... .-- A in, im trhfr an.t r"-- r -- r ....:. . . a-- "..-...- - wr.s- - v..u.Mt.r. tin.:' wv v

leuimLU. ttuu v.v, - .i.n.riwi,,), mm mv lite fwaeibz sxircvv tm ihibiw, .- -. .a-g- v . ,. . - r e. .f.t ....mon.l:if pour UcarernHy from the wbetbtr trosa oradlf Uiatdoeth the JoriUeV. Ills rekabty ..all do.6ad prated intU rr Ii n llJZn,SlUMtSiSi will of the Divine Maker above .ball peenHar oblect, JJ; IrstW tu tLfGu.

iSKlff stirred la pTti ( gather around.be alur. and shall SW?Ssi'n ZPltP"' MH'"starch made in the nsnal manner, will tbat welcome plaudit "well done; "rdVt? Interview, Jeare'no longrr' which h h. W derived l.is taalB-- i'giveto s eJwMteor print-- 1 , " gdacd faithful scnfM enter JedM htt , reriUble John Iko-5teate- v, TM wa the praleat wrk . FtvlaKp- -T; nTiTir.'r K-j- '.

ed, a look of newness, nothing .. "", UMVe, 1 Use liigdm r( Italy Is Lsitosiwo tb u i hts arm it rf byinto the joy of the lrubrasuWre Iteyhave 3.Z)VhManV. Jstew to aiK,wWde li senls wHit tstoiststaUld.oasasvl $niOs.'- -


kt i,K ,4atfiaa vj,

