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The Wilmington daily Republican (Wilmington, Del.), 1893 ... · i v, ppp V ."-"H —..... = * •Sm...

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ppp i v, V ."-"H ... ... = * Sm TJ. ipnT7. ~ttTTT-i Y REPUBLICAN. = Two mu ago at the laat city Uon held In the Eleventh ward White, a «nr repuUbl. D.mooret.'eww ». H. a.»« ud l.tm R.JÏ1 eleotod to City CounoU by only 1»; k»u rmy hr Gw*« im to «•!£?, majority. As Mr. White Is not a can- Ac«* V 8ÜIT Ut BKPUtmt How Stock« Boaght. A greet many person have no Idea >w stocks are purchased. or said to for their account by have seats In the ex- EXPERTS IN TRIALS. liiere Is a nutritive element in ale and beer but it is smallthere is the intoxicating effect too. That is a strong objection. Yet ale and beer are uaed and benefit health at times. There is another liquid, the active principle of malt Johann Hoffs Malt Extract One dozen bot- tles of it has the same nutritive effects as a large cask of ale or beer. That's rui advantage— another, it has not the intoxi- cating effect of either. It helps digest and assimilate food, creates appetite, makes the weak strong and healthy; Be sure to obtain the genuine. s«e that signature -JOHANN HOFF' la -- neok label of bottle. El.ner A Handelnoii Oo, Bote Agente, lte and 154 Franklin .treat NewTork. MUk ana Crania. Par» milk and Cream constantly d, put up In glana jaxa when 0, and d&rared to all parte«! 1. B. Porten 7th and kind Smterea at the Doatomoe at winningtea l*eL an aaeon.l-nlnaaniull uiattea tüBJÆBM) JJAJLX CKlonte Btimtni) Their contradictions arouse a WI8H TOR A CHANGE. an called teantm«te dilate this coming eleotlon that small! As noon as oourt convened yeeter. ,nll'that 1,1 they buy etooke out* majority should beeuUroly wiped out, day afternoon e Jury was drawn and f!*.1- •SJ5«,'ÏL?1ily and with two dozen mor. on top turn- ,J»a«BeTbofd' m n"^heW£ïjiri* ed the other way. The Republican« taken up for trial, with Phillip a ty °tbrok818 to buy you have a most excellent candidate In Churchman for the plaintiff and Aus-?u°°k^?na * •rAlu. that la you pay Thomss S. liter, and It tbs otd.r-Un Harrlugtoo tor tb. dsf.no. JÄ'ÄtXv.* ÄÄ'Ä loving citizens ot the wsrd want s ra-termt* « th. owiVsblo »nd moot« '«enos trom other broke« or from s epeetable representative In Connell for 40 yarde ot carpet aild car a or 1,1 Obeyed Inelltututlon. Now, Wall from that ward they wlU elect him. (lining, valued at «40, dellversd at theîÜJîL^JL80*„y. t0 Î*------------------------- Academy ot Music. Mr. Chnrahmsni001!^ss la. Urn whtet that .makes 'made a brief opening to the jury andiouT J* la the life blood of the Connctl and ludlcatod that h. willA^Th.VhJia'ellg^dtete.ul make an efllclent presiding officer. land carpet buslnéîeïn this city Om11?1 oa by *l,y °' our merchants. August 12th, 1801, he sold tony yards r.X1'tLt"?».?«";rally1 makes lte.lt llcrrni-U iNB look out tor your reg- pr oernat and thirty-eight yards of tin- o, *°.0UIilÜS* ..tret,on to-morrow. If you have* ' ÄÄÄf oT «£» °te moved or In any manner become die They were ,uold under ^ mrreementlMunU101 America. You can qualttled since last registration. land when partly paid for, the witness Eîlïïr?!!? * "koarlty of the différant ------- ».-I learned that ihe place had been taken:™1?1* Bd »»re » certificate by Hwadaohe. neuralgia, dizziness by E. D. R. Sutton. He called upon,?ai .iLi «** tbe aame. 88 u druukennees, epasnis, eleepleeaneeA button. be admitted havingd®,or *'houM waao you duUnoes, blues, eplumhablhare cured t,f,lsedtelrreîidértheg^dîor'pay|t.A.mott*«* on 11 woul<1 «Present by the Nervine discovered by the emlTor them. The witness then took out ^JI'.yuL°u*;.margin. You nent Indiana Specialist in nervous die- * »fit of replevin. ?y Jff,L01Sî'Jïir?o?<thi,talîü^! oases. Dr Mlles. Fine books and trial I C1“r0rica Uollia testified that he la gS! * >«*•«• »r the balanoe, eases, Dr.Mllee, une books and ttla l «„ployed as a olerk by Geo. H. bottles free at Z. James Belt, or by He took the goods described to the K_K,„ mall 10 cts., Mllrs Medical Co., Elk-' Acudemy of Music. !#£?Sîiï„» mh.« » , ------- »>■*»------ Mr. Churchman presented an agree-î,u^®^nlwor^1,e''luÇ î*00^* pu. rMnsirsie ut mi. Paul's. J ruent between Hollis and Shoeui&ker, if? , *ort bb1em,1 the following is Sunshine Circle King's Daughters. |wl,lcb »bowed that the goods hod been:***0 °* order iMued by brokers: will give a musicale in St. Pauls Shoemaker att5 per week.) Wilmington, Del., E. Church next Wednesday evenlng.il^lob^®,^?8to p8y un^11 be *18tI paldj Ploaso buy for acoouut «nd risk of The admissl n will be 10 cents. Fol-|*tw.'a.wb®n t0 rent was to cease. Ithe undersigned: lowing will be the program: cK-«!La,?reeJn?in^ . ° If .This order to remain In force until----- - _ bhoemuker failed to make tho i»ay-i lou may, ut public sale, or at the t>i t\ .. .v , intents promptly the vendor had the Philadelphia or Now York Stock Ex- Plano Duet^V^jio^BrimanU.^Sehulhoir right to enter the premises and re- change, sell without notico, and may Qaaitutto, Whero Wavelets HtppUxi Gaily. }°vo tL6 ®ood8 without process of buy, at any public or stocUboard sale P.nauillu^;, ... ... , I8» stock purchased for us when all Miss Thicitnun. L After this paper had been read to the your liability for, and all Indebtedness Mr. Bo .«on. jury the witness resumed his testi- to you of, the underslgued shall not Bagatelle>o. i- Heethovcn mony and siud that when the pay-bo satisfactorily secured;and you may to* lhoÄrt ?en. cea!eilr hf .waB ,8ent 10 tbe determine stock not to be satisfactory Ml s Deputy*............. UoUara;Aeadomy of Music to get the goods, security when Its value, at market ....Selected , 8a.Tr ^ir- Üöybold and he refusod to rates, shall not equal tho smouut of Mi«« Jones. give them up. After the writ of re-such liabilty and indebtedness, and Uuiiar......................Selected Plavln was issued the witness again two dollars per share In excess tlmroof. r* Muhlhausen. demanded the goods, when Mr.Suttoni ------- w Seleoted offered him $15, which ho declined to #h«v Are zNot Mati«He<i accept. At the time the curtain was! <8Sra- r.m(U,rQ(, ___ _„aK from ,oic.,„'îa^,rsl*mnL^-^ruîrtVîS = ...MosBkowski for tlio amount of the bill, so the per- ai?«i*'i 118 tüe oandld8te wuuW ot ^ the last wltueas called for .„aw airiMn tbr«Ä5/ that venus had Jiot been nrnvnn^ «le.tho »mayoralty by Austin Harrington, ____ ,v. ,Ä L:^;-ss,Ta, -rs a-'i-.fîies- Ur hlm ' whh a bi-ase baud,and lot him said ho had asked whether It was '?ust veconsUlor Ida not in this city,' Put the slcnogra - become a candidate. Mb. Eoitob: Several articles have phere notes did not show that. Duo ir nr.îuf^ tlÜj'L^nia ,at« apnonrod in tho papers concerning tho Ihe jurors agreed with Alt. church.iboutïîm.i.îh -ja m-i.°rydaiÄtU?o citere^'raea h.v. mcHsSiÄ thon opened for the ft™.0ÄdClty Äil*l^uhliaiu boen censured. It ßoems strange all defense und called Recorder ot Dbo<Ih uajo-r jna Llt> Council. I lie reporta have varlod so far from James T. Hhullcross to show that tho the truth. Academy had beon purchased by Jules What would Induce men who aro lteybold, but this wae ruled out by the llnnucluUy well fixed to 06k two color Court. ,«xi ed men for cigarettes conceding It was Jules Ueybold was sworn, and test! ° 47 a- ni right that they should n.sk any one ll«d that he had olYered to pay part of over the wnom they thought would accomino- the money due, which Clarouce lloliia ^ C., passing through tho cities of dato thorn, and when refused why refused to accept. Youngstown, Warren und Akron, O., snould they attempt an assault? These 'This closed the testimony on both orrlvlng at Chicago at 11.55 the next colored man are quiet, peaceable men, sides, when tho jury wore charged by morning, and woro attoiidlug to their own at-Chief Justice Lore. The express train heretofore lenving fuira. Ho Buid that this was not a condi- Uniiugton ut 4.40 p. m., will leave if men. because colored, are not al- tlonal sale but a conditional renting.2.05 p. m., and arrlvo at Chicago at the lowed 10 walk the streets, whoreis a,d if the conditions were not lived up uext night their olt/.cnship. to Air. Hollis liud an undoubted right An additional Chicago train has It surely would be to tho credit of to take tho property. baeu added to the schedule which will the newspapers to tell the truth, lot The jury wore out but ten minutes ,eave Wllmiugtou at 9.16 p. tue coJors of the participants bo black when they returned with a vordiot of arr,vo ute oclock the second morning, or white. $W.54 In favor of George II. Hollis. Through sleeping cars to Chicago In the first place, the colored men Charles G. RumTord was appointed uli tl'uiu3* e assaulted, und fought to the comtuisslouer to take testimony lu the forced to defend them- divorce case of Hubert A. Caldwell vs. place, no ruzorsBusan II. Caldwell. Thee honed; Rutter vs. Cyr . be referred Phone «4L Dr. ffirama' White Pulmoute the famous popular lung and medicine end consumption pi •old by druggie*» everywhere. jpjfe THE REPUBLICAN BUILDING, II fhe Present Method of Accepting Expert Testimony In Mnrdor Trial« Dom Not Differ Trom That of Taking Evidence. Two Plana Suggested. The question of a new method of taking lxpert medical testimony is being actively fgitated In the Academy of Medicine and In the Society of Medical Jurisprudence. Supreme Court Justice Willard Bartlett Professor Landon Carter Gray are the leaders in the movement. la a reform needed. In your opinion, In the present method of taking expert medic- al and chemical testimony?Dr. Gray was asked yesterday; "The very fact that experts are so much derided by lawyers and regarded with sus- picion by the laity,he «aid, is evidence of the need of «reform. Besides, those who are thoroughly acquainted with t he matters which experts are called to testify know well that it is tho exception to the rule for the juries to obtain the real truth about the matter. And the jurors me the judges. In addition, the best medical men are very re- luctant to go Upon the witness stand, as they feel that their reputation, laboriously obtained through long years, ts likely to bo jeopardized by the contradiction of some utterly incompetent person.Is not expert testimony often rendered practically valueless the contradictions of experts assuming to equal knowledge, and between whom the jury la unable to discriminate intelligently?Undoubtedly. That, is the I think a reform Is needed. The law ought to put experts above suspicion, and it ought to provide for some means of discriminating between the competency of experts. The present system is a failure because the experts are employed as partisans, aro expected to go Into court to fight for their side and against the other side, and if they maintain, as they should do, a perfect- ly impartial and judicial attitude and ad- mit something that is damaging to their side, they are considered to be disloyal. The theory of the law Is that tho quali- ties of an expert can be determined by examination, but this is a fallacy, for there few lawyersnot one out of * thousand who will coach themselves for the task, and there are even fewer lawyers who capable of mastering the subject in such a short space of time."What new plan would you suggest?Dr. Gray was asked. I have two plans,he replied, "which 1 believe would go far to remedy the evils of the present method of taking expert testi- mony. "1 would suggest, in the first place, that the experts in jury and examine the plaintiff, either before during the triul. Second, I would suggest that in cases tried by a judge alone, the judge select two medical men of reputation in the branch of medicine under discussion his medical advisers and to sit with him on the bench for that purpose, to be paid by the The first plan or system of conferences has been for many years the custom in Leeds, England, and is spoken of by Sir James Fitzstephen in his history of the English criminal law as having been cessful that the medical i. B. COB. THIRD AND RING bTS EASY CREDITS. THE REPUBLICAN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING (XX Five tons 01 metallic root Dainty both in oil and dry. Mondai-*« paint factory, No. 300 East 4th atraet ù- ? FRIDAY, MAY 18.I8BS. READY FOR Vba Delaware BalMMna mad Dickey. The manner In which the Delaware Building at the Chicago World's Fair baa been conducted is a burning •hame to the Bute. It cannot help but be very humiliating to every true Delawarean who vleiU the fair to the public buildings of every other State In the Union open full of exhi- bits and In successful operation, while Delawares building is virtually closed and deserted. The workmen, mauy of them who worked upon It, have not been paid in full for their labor and have entered lions against it. The building la in the Sheriff's hands and Will be sold by that official it the pa- triotic citizens of Wilmington do not come to Its relief. The action of the late legislature in refusing to make •mall appropriation to finish the build- ing and keep it open, cannot be too Strongly condemned. But then what could be expected from such a pusll- anlmous body. It full of partisan purposes to attend to the honor and integrity or the .State. It wae much more important that par- tisan legislation should be carried through to keep the corrupt and dis- honest Democratic party in power than that the honor of the Bute should be saved. What did it matter to the legislature that the Delaware building at the Worlds Fair should become a laughing stock to all nations of the world congregated thore? It was of much more importance that John T. Dickey should have a thousand dollars additional salary than that the poor mechunics and workmen on the Dolaware building should be paid. It mport that the police department should be seized, removed from any interference by the people, placed un- der Democratic control for all time to come, and packed with Democratic rounders and heelers, some of them jail-birds, wife-boaters,saloon-keepers. bar-tenders and drunkurds, than that Delaware, the greatoat fruit growing State In the Union according to her size, should have fruit industry at the Worlds Fair. Yes, tho Industries of Doluware, her houor. her integrity, her fame, all nothing In the eyes of lators, compared with the vast im- portance of making it easier tor John T. Dickey to cheat Republicans out of their votes and the county.of New Castle out of taxes, that tho Demo- cratic party, reeking with filth and corruption, should be kept lu power. When will the people of Delaware come to the rescue of tho fair fame and character of their State; We boast of Delawaro l>eing the first State in the Union to adopt the Con- stitution of the United States tlnctlon to be proud of. Tho 1 document slgnod by hangs framed against the bleak walls of the Delaware building ut Chicago, •»building under the sheriff's hummer, for bills due unpaid workmen, a sol- farce, Delawurcau, a sad commentary upon the Imbecility ot when competed with the patriotism, the courage and the exalted love of their State that contiollod the actions $40 worth, $2 cash, $2 weekly. $20 worth, $1 cash, $1 weekly. $10 worth, $1 cash, 50c weekly. -ïo: il. c Our terms are as fixed as our prices. Any reader of this advertisement may purchase from us on the above terms. The payments are small, but theyre all youare asked or expected to pay. Selection of a superb stock. Every- thing in latest designs of modern styles Farsihro for parlor, bed-room, library, boudoir, etc. Refrigerators,all sizes. Baby coaches, beautifully upholstered. Mattings, newl«, importation, plain and novelties atl . , varying low prices. Carpets and rugs, !a2iaE ljaPä all weaves; some special patterns of-^lsaI*1®?* ferèd at reduced figures to close them out before summer. A EAST For the benefit of our readers who never saw a broker's order •xtra, With a Big Lina of Goods Thai Will Moot tho Requiromonts of Housekeepers. In the house, and in need of a pretty dresa to wear this May weather. We are showing a large variety of short and long dresses, ranging in price form 25c to $7. We have a well made, stylish Lawn Cap, at 25c. We have finer quality Caps, at 60c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2. We have Childrens Lawn Hats, from 60c to $6. You will find our styles the latest and prices the lowest We have Coats and Long Cloaks in all the desirable styles, at reasonable prices. Wo have all tho little fix- ings that go to make the baby comfortable as well as beautiful, most complete stock of In- fantsGoods in the city. too rankling reason why Clocks Mrs. lienson, Mr. Todd. Plano Sob dining-room, Carpets Mirrors I* iteci taticn Mandolin Solo Mr. Fov Baby Carriages Miss Tli ielinan. Flano Duett, selectio parts............................. Miss Deputy, Mias Due Vt •r.fi My Hark. , Miss Title m\ 9. Hr Hoiected .. This Maud.din und Guitar tho . Fowler, Mr. eolo, Al y Lady's Mower.. Mr. lie NOTE THESE TRICES. Heading. of vastly t Parlor Suita.................................. Solid Oak Chamber SultB, it pieces .......................................... Solid Oak Chamber Suits, 8 pieces .......................................... Solid Oak Extouston Tables, per ft............................................ Solid Oak Sideboards............ * Solid Oak Refrigerators.... Solid Oak Cane Seat Chaire, X doz............................................... Couches......................................... Lounges......................................... Rocking Chairs.......................... Kitchen Tables............................ Bed Springs.................................. Baby Carriages.......................... Brussels Carpet, per yd.......... Ingrain Carpet per yd......... . Window Shades.......................... Miss Jones. •35.00 U) 15.00 U| 20.00 «I I Mrs. Hens Mr. Todd. an. ,tUe Academy of Music is 'Tatnull streets, höre.Miss ThielII Mr B ;n ' .78 Truth Ho Told. 10.00 U 10.00 U hold a conference FRANK J. MURPHY'S 6.00 u We have the 7.00 4.00 U 1.00 exhibit of her : l.oo ui 1.96 u| 6.00 ui to i . TrniiiM tu ( lilens*. Commencing May 14th. the B. A O. truln leaving Wilmington at i., daily will 11. A city. RELIABLE CREDIT HOUSE, Nos. 117 MARKET and 116 SHIPLEY STS. -5SL THOS. GRIIMSELL; S. E. Cor. Second and Orange, * Ciudi( Weekly and monthly Payment« »jf Open 'i tiesdRy and Haturday Evenings Other evenings close at G o'clock. ^ via Pittsburgh Chicago route of the 11. Legis- £1 :o scarcely examined, although itBhouldbo, I think, tho privilege of counsel to do this, if they so choo.su. In such a conference the medical almost certain to agree on the facts, experience 1ms shown in England and in Brooklyn since it was suggested there first by Judge Uurtlett several yeurs ago. Judge Bartlett has tried the plan with uuvurying success."Would the first plan proposed by you make it easier to get ut un expert examination?Manifestly it is much easier to amine a witness as to tho validity of his conclusions when tho facts are agreed upon than it is when the facts are in doubt, be- cause the conclusions are matters that be tested by statistics and by textbooks. In the cases that but only a judge, the addition of two medical advisers makes J BETWEEN I RONT AND SECOND STREETS. 228 KING ST. STOKE CLOSES 6 P. M.j TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS 0.3O P. U. Spring and Summer Underwear. PUBLIC SALE OF-a dis- -igiual forefathers street und soI v wore used and Chant Valuable Dwellings In the of Wro. } « ('«oil« u (' I, «.m, Lr. John H. Simms has removed .Jt«rra. e' K' k* wl11 from No. 4£J Market street to No. 606 leierets. King street, and has fitted up tho store Tor the sale of druirs ami medi- cines which he Mill dispense to luva i Salt oysters at Carpenter's, 625 Madi- iV/8H,ld othera seeking inudioal aid. ... ««..street. His remedies aro widely known, and David A. EowelE connected will, bl»1P0tOt''ap'"'' m ilÄKewT^Ttten^ ^ 8<1° brother. Arthur Powell, in the fish Marköt 8tlööt* business in Third and King street marUot, has put. Ida ingenuity to and h«s invented a box for preserving lieh that Is pie in its < wonder auch thought of betöre. » razors part of tho affair grooa In the fault. Let justice be done though tho lieuvenu tali.A is a mou be he whito in e the rifty-two bulld'ng ami lot«. HATURDAY, MAY an, raenolng Rudders i'fiU'turini 1800; coni oclock, sharp, at Of t Dluck. G. H. L.; M Exchange. 208 Monroe street 3-story brick, lot R 4x03. Well situated Tor renting, close rge manufacturing establishments. West street. 8-styry brick, lot £7-lp* 'ill be sold at a bsrgain to erne estate. Well located. 816 King street, 8-story brick, lot ot 33 CxlOU. Good business property. Worthi your attention. 104 West Twelfth street, 1-story brick ordor. Muet be appreciated. Hlxid street. 8-story brick, lot *t Bixth street. 8-«tori These two propertied business on a leaülnj 1 a chance offered for purchus- 4 Ing a good proporty cheap. 010 West Twe.fth street, 3-story brick. «► lot 14xG0. Desirable property, exatalnt before sale. 86 K F,ast Twenty-second located to amino all theso propert *> We have this season the fin- est selected stock of Spring and Summer Undorwear that have insult to every tr la *4 tried by a jury, the court changes in the law in any essent ial particular, be- cause the judge himself is not subject to d there is xi oo. •la week buys « line gold watch. «nnr.iA-aw.-t n,,,.,,,, U Ad,Ire.«, Conlideutlol. 1'. O. llox aid. T, . ?" Watch«, clock« on,I jewelry .e-Ler coraei te ïu«Xcainït c!,„l„ra situ- pulled at moderato prices, at Wrights, diarrhoea InS id Summer mlmlïntM ('rangements that it is a 220 King street. iï™Ba»f„la, J11u,Iîî.Ui®l: U™P|Ä| invention wm never ,, Alayets Magnetic Diops for choltifu ihe bcHasonifl Gents who are seeking the newest, aud dlarrhœa have no equal as a quick foet long throe feel wide nnd P.i,:e6t Hn<1 la,ö8t furnishings cau find and safe cure. A bottle should about eight inches deep, divided Into J lJ{® !^.8tore of A' 'v- ^d. kept In every house. Our agents will six apartments. The top has throe 408 Mnrket bliwl. bupply >ou. For sale by N. B. Dun- hinges. j James Bradford is preparing the rLlil -nd and Market streets. I he apartments contain different va-'foundation foi a new house at the •iotlos of fish, shad, herring, trout'Boul'llwe8t owner of FifthaudBroome d nil are covered streets, with crushed ico, and the lids being, of line wire, tho fish can ;bo plainly without handling ling clouds of dust. ithoust c iato Legislature offered to The white, blue and earners* hair summer merinos,silky fibre, combed Egyptian yarn, tinted and colored balbnggans are sell- ing at 05 cents a suit. > i ade. _ A iKSÉÂ* effective aud y !> cross examination, hardship in associating with him peteut S' possible lot 16x01. All In first-d be examined £01 West 16.3x69; S03 ck. lot 10x07. well located of fathers in the earlier history of EM 11 advise him, they are free from liabilityio inatiou. Moreover, the custom will bar the plaiutiff or the defendant from in- troducing other expert witnesses, ptrid by themselves, if they choose, who can bo sul> ject to the usual cross examination. By this double system medical the highest standing will feel that they cau go into court with dignity without thedan- ger of haying their expert knowledge sub- jected to ignorant, flippant or malicious criticism."Suppose the experts not agree There be though exam- Wo regret that Del: to Chicago to jecled to ffolug tho fair will bo sub- m u< I »»avoidable feeling or shame and confusion when they look at the almost WYATT &C0„ John F. McLaughlin, Front and Shipley ntreets. for high grade Frederick R. Clerk advertises for «f fertilizer«, le tile office, furniture, a two-seated „F1wheelbarrow», laud •exposure to carriage, doctors buggy, «fee., belong-lül 018* crou,u«Ges ami repairs. Mr. Powell s to tho esti of tho 1 tho 1 pty Delaware build- ing virtually aiioudy in 'the hands of Ihe eherIff. But It hud to bo done. Dickey had to have his extra thousand dollars hadnt enough Co go all uround. I Twenty-second street, 14x81; ct, 14x81. W«* a bargain. Kx +■ before day oj 1 irIPS m old Mens Furnishers, of tlie lute John C. Clark. stand Is ut murkst house on King crowd constantly stand is plea«-) arc appreciated. (ion kihb A Hods 603 MARKET STREET. * f iary, ami the Legislature John <3. lllgglns, who Is . . progressive far •nu.orara »I ,r h. 8 died, visited ddence that ills efforts of Red Lion Hun- Thursduy. Fast Eighth street, 8-story briok, ft rooms and basement, lot. Clxttu. Kent well On line Electric hallway. K before - air, Lunte a with four pot cut-off Pennsylvania railroad. Weil* built wharf on Brandywine creek. Th« building engine, boiler Dr. J. HI dieine, the old central depot moved to GOli King street, where y ommodute tho public Miss Pugh, Miss Dennison, Miss Colt can buy the famous White Pulmonic d Miss Steele, touchers of public Bal8.ni), vegetable liver pills, blood school No. 8. were In Philadelphia yes- purifier and the famous ey terday visiting the schools of that city. family 1 : city ttfM a Jury trial could symptoms?: ifactory, 8-story bulldins or land, on Lue of shell- tr WE LAUNDRY COLLARS FOR ONE CENT. To-momu» i tho only day register. The regia of facts been a failure to agree. I have been a member of several confer- ences of this sort, and there was no trouble I___ about agreeing."How would the judge select his advis- | AMERICAN CATARRH CURE. villeh Republics (ration polls will open between 11 12 oclock and close in tho c Ifi m id constructed, d shafting, purchase a bargain. See large posters for plots. Now ii the time to invest.. Nothing RiO.-a contnlnlni ing al who registered last As two of the horses the p brokei VANAVI AI cd to haul pletely ill bo sold and )d in their place e, that is offer this morning, and if the committees A Washington despatch says that Himllv a Lvrvl-o.i report is satisfactory it will bo pur- James T. Whelan, of this city, ox aor- -LUUUiy a DrOK.CH lot 111 clmsed by the commission. It is also géant or polio, has applied for the the loiUT lines of Drnqq the intention ol tho commission to appointment of assistant inpector cf/-» ■» purchase a now patrol wagon, us the hulls. LjOOUS IOr JliVemil" H ear. aXSS Of the "daintiest those used in that city. Acrun sue its, Chester. HintutSOI Miss Mattie E. Keys, or 232 West! Fourth street.. Chester, is visiting friends in our city. A strawberry festival and entertain- eut will ho given In the West End ...^«. a Reading Boom this evening and con •us tried tmulng until Jsuturday evening, omraittees A Washington despatch says that' :ues T. Whelan, of tills city, ox- 7 oclock. Tht agon down, they % fall, voted, have not and whose t= •j Pm t. Friday. May 19k 1898. *s purch safe as real estate. 4m* sale positive hand tbesMth for bargain« in a large city like New York, unless the judge knew potent in the brunch of medicine under dis- cussion, he could addr preside could give him a list of the best that li receipts romuin g >•1 ho <• and thoroughly stamped •'registeredd V )t go to get registered to- Ail who h: HEALD & CO, letter to the of the Academy of Medicine, who jn in the academy elects cry three years, there removed fre dis nH «9 v S PRING has come anti we have opened for your„ inspection the most complete line ot trlot to another, or •noth« r In the sa registered last ye: or whose young and voted last year and since have got « tax receipt und not tered,will all have registration polls to- registered. no huu to UUIBTERS LEGISTEIt-8 OFFICE, New CabtlkCo., Dki^, , . May 10, ins. Upon the application of lrvl Flinn, Executor or Alice A late of Chrlsllaua hundred, county, deoeased, It is ordered ed by tbeltegister that the K said give notice of granting of letten ,of Tc-'tumeutary upon tlio estate of »the deceased, with tho date or granting thereof, by causing advertluemeiiis to bJ posted within forty days from the date of J such Letters In six of (he most publl« places of tho county of New Castle, re- quiring all persons having demand! j against the estate to present the samet ol .abideby an net of Assembly in such cos« made and provided; and also cause th< ■? same to be Inserted within (he same per- iod In the Dally Kepublloan.a nowspupei published hi Wilmington. Del., and to bo »continued thorcln H //-•> Liven under the hand and seal TT l®-s*f of office of the Register aforesaid \ Have not bought your Spring Suit or vour Rovs 81 Wilmington, in New cm*u oult or your -ooy S iuit county oioresaid. the day and year Hbovs yet, don t until you see what we are offering in Mens iwritten. Young Men's, Boysand Children's Ready-Made Cloth-1 »o-ndis "SyS COOCa ing. All the newest and most attractive goods for the u,«tera.,n«» season. We have io lots of Fine Trousers of our own, ay of 4VH-v* A- p- a make at ^6.50, which usually cost $lof in which you get'**1® of fhe deceased more than value for your money. Its the same with ouÄÄ SSKtL u»t. dsv of May. own make Black Worsted Suit in Sack or Cutaway Coat^5^m«S5lÄdiTrovw!d.AemblJ ln 8ao,, Suit The materials are good, make-up is good, and the m. flinn, Execu fif îc rr.N/-vrl TU» Ac 1 s~ Addrosa Wilmington. Del. nt is good. I he prices are good for you. Come see. ii. old « 3 district, and did Inasmuch ij a new preside could uot be much cliqueism iu the names suggested. In the smaller communities the reputa- tion of physicians is so well known that the judge would have uo difficulty iu mak- ing a proper choice.“Could the conclusions of experts from agreed vote, elpts have expired, or Pi » m "'wj; » SPRING CLOTHING •ed on age ; cream light blue nilo gray shrimp lavender maize MM pink helltrope in. r, direct- The will of tli« lute Nathaniel Wll- If vuu ,-«n iret i-eallv »»»,1 in . Yes, here they are in. re, without1raÄÜÖn!“ {wo-aiu!; 3,BI"1',uI,t 8trat- ' Laustlownc, Penelope, Sura-1 Ï wii: biâ taSfîw ëîitou«,,rot/SSÿ. !ai«e Iliisbello at «1.25;!™»^^«,, o thousand dollars nach aro nuxod paints winch ho Is selling at the 111 ChlllllS and AlbatrOSS at Thomas Davis und Nathaniel »°west cash prices. r () tTftnil; .. rr naluder of the estute Ur. SimmsWhite Pulmonic Balsam 111 IlCiilietia at uuC, to be divided among his other relu-quick to act, prompt to cure coughs, 75c, 85c. $1: ill Cashmera nt tues- Borethrout, croup, etc., and to pro-'.»-, i vent consulnpiion. 50 cents and «1. o i § ailll OUCI 111 Wool CrC- No «06 King street. Hold by all drug- ,.nn cm tho dinner or tho Church eBt* everywhere. ;1)0at ^1 night, u business meeting Dr. Simms & Hon. dealers In drugs.! Latest and loveliest ill held. It was decided to turn over medicines, pure family medicines. ^ about $1400 as he nucleus of u fund, preparers of the famous White Pul-.^Gry Wily, the income of which is to maintain moniu Balsam, vegetable liver pills, ! the Blshopstead. Five persons wore pain searcher, &c„ No. 000 King street, elected to membership. E. T. Warner, formerly of 4th aud King streets. A. Maher and George A. Elliott --------. - appointed a committee ped iegis- To be found in the State. Ik tho nppoar and get Boston One-Price Clothing House i lio.ooo. of facts symptoms differ goes I tax collector John A. Mitchell is at his old tricks. A Repub- lican went to pay his tax yesterday, when he was told that tho department baa stopped accepting poll taxes. The question arises, when to pay their taxes? Tho legislature at Dickey's request, pasapd a law exempting him from sit ting at night to receive taxes and paid him a thousand dollars more salary for not sitting at night, and delinquent collector tolls ltepublicuiis that he lias stopped accepting poll tuxes. When can they pay? IIow boautl- :dor the guld- of Senator Pyle and Representa- tive Spruance who misrepresented Wilmington,Is working. Deux I In the conference .. 213 Markst Streat, competent not a lawyer,«nid Dr. Gray In couclusion, and therefore I petent with ly believe that the best method this evil of contradictory Id be Wilmington, Deiawarj. let l I Davis und tli TESTIMONIALS. a judge of w hat is in accordance code of legal procedure, but I real- remedy pert testimony create a medical judge, with tho rank and salary of a supreme judge. He would go on circuit with the other judges and would sit os a side judge involving medical matters. He Should be elected by tho people. "I have been told by my legal friends, however, that this is impracticable, aud 1 fear myself that the selection of such a medical judge would have in it oh to put ical doctors. IF YOU I bud Cota \i bad Republicans U- weeks, ci. o. d. rch dub T;.o Amerle: Catarrh C c roller bottle, yet 1 feel that l JAMES «KURIL!., Jeweler and Optic»in. 1806Riiut.U Ninth« root, Philadelphia. Du. VV. 11. JONES, thediseov- American Catahkii Cuhk. has devoted iu study and treat- ill mid gives the putdlo healing For sale by J. 402 Market mailed any. . I h Club •f' ol f iven that letters Of ii d ue rorm of law the U that ! s against the prosent the the said in ity- th J Sail Cloth Dresses for out- [ing. Paris and London say The station of the i\, W. & B. rail-if AYifi, „„„t, r ^ road at ( layniont is receiving a gen-, BllCil ll rig 110 ICffr Very III. ©jal overhauling. Tho principal of busllPR nnd hvnmhloa aged and well changes relate to the removal of the « UUÖIltana UiaOlUleS. lying seriously III at ice water tank, which has beon ar- öllOWV white, full skirted find his home, No. 210 West Ninth street, rouged with en automatic connection' ji i, ^ . Mr. Fullmer is well advanced in years, with a perennial spring that furnishes Kllti Wltll Ilfitiy llitOll LOfftS being about 88 years of age. He wae pure water the year around. An au- Ht.tlft riiflarmit fmm o«« seized with a very heavy chill Wednes- towatlc appliance measures off the al-, Ginereilb II0III ftliy JOU day night and lias since been confined lotmeot to each pussenger and pro-llftVÖ SG6D. to his bed, while Dr. Draper entertains vents a waste of supply. I ,, * . . but slight hopes of his recovery. Joe. ------ ------------------ öOHie Ol til6 Suita for Fullmer is a son of the sick man. Remov«>d. . î b«Bremovearr«m20eW011?eilm0re re 1 West .Second 111 S1ZCS for MisSCS Ot 1() to curry a full line re indow shades or -1-0 jCulS. the front room sho itlppod und fell, Ihe latest designs at the lowest prlcos, breaking the coal oil lump into pieces, where he will bo pleased to see all his>ec Luckily the oil did not luke lire and old customers ow escape of wliut might have been a serious accident. at! Ans the b -neflt of remedy. Free, ft.00. FLETCHER MoLAU-. bership. HUN, ft Wii rhere for li per bottle. 4 much politics the bench only the polit- * John Fullmer, known citizen, is fully the luw, puBsod FOR SALE. ! The idea of medical advisers to a judge suggested to me by the fact that in the admiralty courts in England tho judge is allowed to suggest two retired , who are called the nautical assessors, and who sit on the bench with the judge in advisory capacity, so ns to keep him properly informed iu all nautical details.New York Times. A substantial three-story brick dwelling, No. 211 East Fourteenth street, and building lot udjoining, now uied ns side yard. The house m mmm n---------------------------- contains 10 rooms and has ali } I lAf I M ET modem Improvements; cellar un- > ■■ ff ^J| I Ifi Cw der whole house; good woll water i f in yard. Will bo sold cheap ~ very easy terms. Apply on premises, or to Geo. R Townsend & Co., 804 MARKET STRICTLY PURE 5 , al offl- H1UH FIRE TEST $5. Ocn old friend, Juraes Murray, will have to hustle to Tenth ward, it he expects popular young Frank McNulty in the race for the nomination for City Coun- cil. As long be represented in Council by a Demo- there than .Mr. Murray. His views paneive and ho is a real friend of the people mid the tax- payers. Mr. McNulty may mako a very efficient Councilman if nomina- ted, but ho Is untried yet. Mr. Murray has long boen tried and has always BURNING OIL ow iu tho beat the Geo. W. E West Second street As the wife of Lewis Egner last street, where ho will evening TAILORCLOTHIER, AND - A :Uy Accident. STOVE GASOLINE EIGHTH AND MARKET STS. to of wall papers the Tenth waul Is to So Much For Fame. "About a «Tek ago.” «aiil Count Boznntl Cbalpruskl, Modjeskas husband, " tn Wisconsin. I went down and told the agent there that I had trunks I wanted him passing ft- Deliver«* ' all parts of the city; also ml >r, Chest» Lawn Momr and Sewing Machine OS » bettor Democrat c bo sont apbi ell : . O K LEINS CLOTHING the station site had u very (Mens Spring Cloth os. A great store full all good h0"bsorts. Suits, Ton Dollars. broad *1 PHONE 205. z check for Modjes- ka. He said, All right,and took down a f reut big chart and commenced to Btudy It. waited a fow minutes, and then becom- ing impatient I asked him why he did uot check those trunks. The train would be along, and I was iu n hurry. The fellow said he would check them in a moment and started to study the chart again. Finally putting it down, he said: *1 station. Its a it?What station?I plied, Modjeska. It isnt and I Aud yet GEO. M. FISHER. J. T. CHANDLER. < GEORGE M. FISHER & CO., UNDERTAKERS, contractor for hauling by day Safes and pianos ï Colonel Talk«. “Our Country's Bill of Fois ttuo . . . .. _ . ÄÄ,S1™Ä Äon,! ifouuÄ'ÄShuTSffiÄ Aon Doll«« is powerful iu Baptist Church last night. The lecture 1^Al°nch Street. I Men 8 bpring »Suits. How "S.ifÄ?fnua°'ähter!'ttu' nearly imperial you will Gonoinl Monde'« war borsa. For a lvllOW when YOU 806 tile A mighty big change has come over history of Old Baldy call on J. I,.' rw L n , this business. We are doing it better French, 5 Fast Third street. iVUriOllB CllCVlOtS 111 Sack and doing more of it. Making better ----- ------------------- ilnni Suita nt tlmt clothes und soli them for loss money. Wlien Traveling iL»Uttu 011118 ill 111 clt pilCG. Now \ork Clothing House, 316 Market Whether on pleasure bent.or business. There ai*C Suita at Twelve StwTtaitePm«t0pESs?Dtf/InS'P0**ars- 1appearance youd Of; •>• JJ- Slmiu. formorly of bowel^prevoiiUnKrevor«.thei»8 made to order 4th nnd Kin»» etroets, and lately or 4^-nud other ïoim« ol sickiies«. For «»le'tlt ^25. If YOU buv ftlld M.rkot »troot. ho. romovw to im in M ee.it« ai.a »1 bottles by all loudC o •. r ^ ' Kmg stroot. » doors abovo tttb etreel. too diuuol.ta. iWear a huit of them VOUr Klogant Coneultatlon offioe. __ | . - surprise will bo that it was not $25. Trousers nt $3, beautiful. Tasteful men wear them and quite properly think themselves well dressed. Market street. I QC PfL ALL PREVIOUS EFFORTS OUTDONE NEW STOCK NEW 8HAFEN NEW STYLEN Office and Residence, 714 King Bt. Geo. M. Fisher, practical embalraer a funeral Mitchell. Teleph « S With Thomas P . ui-eod-tf J 8 proved true to the best Interests of tho city. If the Democrats of the Tenth vrurd would be * Buying fi and SAVE all bat f UN you bay fron» the MAKER ONE N.MALI. PROFIT. S o of making -morrow they will noml- 't find the Where is asked. Why,he , this chart, t find out Anything about it.' wonder why trains wrecked.St. Louis Globe-Democrat. " Best $10 Suit Beet $12 Suit Best $16 Suit J. B. MA.KTHS, Furnishing Undertaker and Em 1 y baltner, NO. 607 SHIPLEY STREET. Calls attended promptly mistake nuto Mr. Murray. U) and RFNTNuH« at aH price« far MEN, YOUTHS fAY RAILROAD FARE AT EXCUR- SION HATES on all piirvUuoeo of 81A or and proportionately for le«« amount*. DIAMOND STATE OIL GO., . y street. The best way for tho voters of the Cocond ward to settle the factional Democratic quurrol In tho ward will bo to re-elect Thomas W. McVay, tho Re publican candidate, to Council. Mr. McVay has beon In Council two years •nd has proved himself to be a faith- foi representative, true to tho best in ••rests of the city. Ho is a life-long ••aident of the ward and did not : t«to it to get an office. Car. Front and Mnrke$ St*., Wilmington 1 t * NoticeIt euiovi LOOK! LOOK!! LOOKIU D, KLEIN & BRO.« PHILADELPHIA. WAYSIDE LUNCH PALACE Correctly Described. A schoolmaster In a board school was en- deavoring to make clear to his young pu- pilsminds the meaning of the word slow- ly.He walked across tho room in the manner tho word indicates. Now, chil dren, tell One little fellow who sat of the ARCHITECT Steam Expert and Consulting AU 918-920 MAPKET STREET, a Cup The Onset Plap* In the olty to get of Prepoh Dfttf Coffee, Cocoa, chocolat« Pte*. SapdwlcnM, Fish Cffita« Hot 8onps . and oyÄers. No lodz waitlûg. M apJ »ext to posr-ovricz. Fine mlxeu GLÜlola«. koo, bulb. 'u i or Q,uJ Hodges having tho best and most J hmllhs. iourth and bhlplov streets, reliable machinery, he is tlio one thut 0 should do It. F. G. Hodges, caroet J. 13. Mongar. manufacturer of high cleaning works und office, 822 Tutuall grade ready-mixed paints, varnishes, street. Toleph etc., 203 East Fourth streut, Wilmiug- <1odorsbills, ton, Del. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, «O. 3 EAST FOURTH STREET. O R. HOLT* Proprietor. »9-iy-eol J. A. Cay THE RELIABLE HARNESS, TRUNK AND BAG MANUFACTURER, GEORGE N. COMLY, how I walked.ft the front almost paralyzed him by blurt- ing out, Bowlegged.Tit-Bits. ATLANTIC HOUBE, 004 Adams St., Wilmington, Del. 541. Ocra» QaqYE. N. J. OFEN ALL THE YEAR, Vorltern« address ; CHARLES J. H. BECKETT, Itelte^-tm YaOMIETOll. Y Herdman Building, No. 4 E. Fourth Street, Next to William U, Sharp A (Jos. Dry Good Store. full line ot HmrneML BUaketa, ltobes, Whips. Also the largest and fin«« Un* of Trunks, Travellag »age, Columbia Trunks, Pocket-books. offer at price* to suit tho times. Business bale. Beecham's Pii.i Robert Hyman of Versailler, Ky., is the oldest miller in the United States and is operating a mill built 100 years ago the primitive machinery. Of Xo. 313 Market street when ln want ol goou likeness photographs. Fin- ished iu the best stylo and delivered promptly. Beecher's Gallery. Go to lank & Co. for the best steak: two pounds for 25 cents. All kinds of tuest. 10th and Clayton streets. IfAGOSS that wear well at a fair prie* L HAMMOND. Second as« Froash streets, Wilmington. Del. n-6iut m at to st John Wasamaker. Tn and still (upping aud ing, WJ K. B •to,, whloh JlJ-a-tu m ï m
Page 1: The Wilmington daily Republican (Wilmington, Del.), 1893 ... · i v, ppp V ."-"H —..... = * •Sm Y REPUBLICAN..T J. ipnT7 ~ tTTT-i = Two mu ago at the laat city Uon Aheld In the

pppi v, V ."-"H......— = * •Sm T J. ipnT 7. ~ ttTTT-i

Y REPUBLICAN. =Two mu ago at the laat city Uon held In the Eleventh ward White, a «nr repuUbl. D.mooret.'eww ». H. a.»« ud l.tm R.JÏ1 ™ eleotod to City CounoU by only 1»; k»u M« rmy hr Gw*« im to «•!£?, majority. As Mr. White Is not a can- Ac«*

V 8ÜIT Ut BKPUtmt How Stock« Boaght.A greet many person have no Idea >w stocks are purchased. or said to

for their account by have seats In the ex-

EXPERTS IN TRIALS. liiere Is a nutritive element in ale and beer but it is small— there is the intoxicating effect too. That is a strong objection. Yet ale and beer are uaed and benefit health at times. There is another liquid, the active principle of malt Johann Hoff’s Malt Extract One dozen bot­tles of it has the same nutritive effects as a large cask of ale or beer. That's rui advantage— another, it has not the intoxi­cating effect of either. It helps digest and assimilate food, creates appetite, makes the weak strong and healthy; Be sure to obtain the genuine.

s«e that signature -JOHANN HOFF' la -- neok label of bottle.

El.ner A Handelnoii Oo, Bote Agente, lte and 154 Franklin .treat New Tork.

MUk ana Crania.Par» milk and Cream constantly —d, put up In glana jaxa when 0, and d&rared to all parte«!

■ 1. B. Porten 7th and kind

Smterea at the Doatomoe at winning teal*eL an aaeon.l-nlnaaniull uiattea

tüBJÆBM) JJAJLX C Klonte Btimtni) Their contradictions arouse a

WI8H TOR A CHANGE.an called teantm«tedilate this coming eleotlon that small! As noon as oourt convened yeeter. ,nll'that 1,1 they buy etooke out* majority should beeuUroly wiped out, day afternoon e Jury was drawn and f!*“.1- •SJ‘5«,'““ ÏL“?1‘ily and with two dozen mor. on top turn- ,J»a«BeTbofd“' ™ m n"^heW£ïjiri*

ed the other way. The Republican« taken up for trial, with Phillip a ty °tbrok818 to buy youhave a most excellent candidate In Churchman for the plaintiff and Aus-?u°°k^?na * “•rAlu. that la you pay Thomss S. “liter, and It tbs otd.r-Un Harrlugtoo tor tb. dsf.no. JÄ'ÄtXv.* ÄÄ'Ä

loving citizens ot the wsrd want s ra-termt* « th. owiVsblo »nd moot« '«enos trom other broke« or from s epeetable representative In Connell for 40 yarde ot carpet aild 5« car a or 1,1 Obeyed Inelltututlon. Now, Wall from that ward they wlU elect him. (lining, valued at «40, dellversd at theîÜJîL^JL80*„“?£y. t0 Î*“

------------------------- Academy ot Music. Mr. Chnrahmsni00“1!^ss la. Urn whtet that .makes'made a brief opening to the jury andiouT J* la the life blood of the

Connctl and ludlcatod that h. will A^Th.VhJia'ellg^dtete .‘ulmake an efllclent presiding officer. land carpet buslnéîeïn this city Om11?1 oa by *l,y °' our merchants.

August 12th, 1801, he sold tony yards r.X‘1'tLt"?».?«";rally1 makes lte.lt llcrrni-U iNB look out tor your reg- pr oernat and thirty-eight yards of tin- o, *°.0UIilÜS*..tret,on to-morrow. If you have* ' ÄÄÄf oT ™«£» ‘°te

moved or In any manner become die They were ,uold under ^ mrreementlMuni® U“1“ 01 America. You can

qualttled since last registration. land when partly paid for, the witness Eîlïïr?!!? * "koarlty of the différant-------».-I learned that ihe place had been taken:™“1?“1* ‘Bd »»“re » certificate by

Hwadaohe. neuralgia, dizziness by E. D. R. Sutton. He called upon,?ai .iLi «** tbe aame. 88 y°udruukennees, epasnis, eleepleeaneeA button. be admitted havingd®“ ,or *'houM waao youduUnoes, blues, eplumhablhare cured t,f,lsedtel“rreîidértheg^dîor'pay|t.A.mott*“«* on 11 woul<1 «Present

by the Nervine discovered by the emlTor them. The witness then took out „“^JI“'.yu“‘ L°u*;.margin. You nent Indiana Specialist in nervous die- * »fit of replevin. ?“y Jf“ f‘,L01Sî'Jïir?o?<thi,‘ talîü^!oases. Dr Mlles. Fine books and trial I C1“r0rica Uollia testified that he la gS! * ““>«*•«• ‘»r the balanoe, eases, Dr.Mllee, une books and ttla l «„ployed as a olerk by Geo. H.bottles free at Z. James Belt, or by He took the goods described to the K_K,„mall 10 cts., Mllrs Medical Co., Elk-' Acudemy of Music. !#£?Sîiï„» mh.« • » ,

-------»>■*»------ Mr. Churchman presented an agree-î,u^®^nlP® w^®“or^1,e''luÇ “î*00^* pu.r‘Mnsirsie ut mi. Paul's. J ruent between Hollis and Shoeui&ker, if? , *ort bb1em,1 the following is

Sunshine Circle King's Daughters. |wl,lcb »bowed that the goods hod been:***0 °* order iMued by brokers:will give a musicale in St. Paul’s Shoemaker att5 per week.) Wilmington, Del.,E. Church next Wednesday evenlng.il^lob^®,^?8to p8y un^11 be *18tI paldj Ploaso buy for acoouut «nd risk of The admissl n will be 10 cents. Fol-|*tw.'a.wb®n t“0 rent was to cease. Ithe undersigned:lowing will be the program: cK-«!La,?reeJn?in^ . ° If .This order to remain In force until----- -

_ bhoemuker failed to make tho i»ay-i lou may, ut public sale, or at thet>i t\ .. .v , intents promptly the vendor had the Philadelphia or Now York Stock Ex-Plano Duet^V^jio^BrimanU.^Sehulhoir right to enter the premises and re- change, sell without notico, and may Qaaitutto, Whero Wavelets HtppUxi Gaily. }“°vo tL6 ®ood8 without process of buy, at any public or stocUboard sale

P.nauillu^;, ... ... , I8» stock purchased for us when allMiss Thicitnun. L After this paper had been read to the your liability for, and all IndebtednessMr. Bo .«on. jury the witness resumed his testi- to you of, the underslgued shall not

• Bagatelle>o. i- Heethovcn mony and siud that when the pay-bo satisfactorily secured;and you may to* lhoÄrt ?en. cea!eilr hf .waB ,8ent 10 tbe determine stock not to be satisfactoryMl s Deputy*.............UoUara;Aeadomy of Music to get the goods, security when Its value, at market

....Selected , 8a.Tr ^ir- Üöybold and he refusod to rates, shall not equal tho smouut of Mi«« Jones. give them up. After the writ of re-such liabilty and indebtedness, andUuiiar......................Selected Plavln was issued the witness again two dollars per share In excess tlmroof.

r* Muhlhausen. demanded the goods, when Mr.Suttoni -------wSeleoted offered him $15, which ho declined to #h«v Are zNot Mati«He<i

accept. At the time the curtain was! <8Sra- r.m(U,rQ(, ___ _„aKfrom ,oic.,„'îa^,rsl*mnL^-^ruîrtVîS =

...MosBkowski for tlio amount of the bill, so the per- !»ai?«i*'i 118 tüe oandld8tewuuW “ot ^

the last wltueas called for.„aw airiMn tb‘r«Ä5“ “ /

that venus had Jiot been nrnvnn^ «le.tho »mayoralty by Austin Harrington,

____,v. ,Ä L:^;-ss,Ta, -rs a-'i-.fîies-Â

Ur hlm ' whh a bi-ase baud,” and lot himsaid ho had asked whether It was '?ust veconsUlor Ida

not “in this city,’' Put the slcnogra - become a candidate.Mb. Eoitob: —Several articles have pher’e notes did not show that. Duo ir nr.îuf^ tlÜj'L^nia ,at«

apnonrod in tho papers concerning tho Ihe jurors agreed with Alt. church.ibout’ïîm.i.îh “-ja

m-i.°rydaiÄtU?o citere^'raea “h.v“. “mcHsSiÄ thon opened for the ft™. 0ÄdClty Äil*’ l^uhliaiu

boen censured. It ßoems strange all defense und called Recorder ot Dbo<Ih ‘uajo-r jna Llt> Council.I lie reporta have varlod so far from James T. Hhullcross to show that tho the truth. Academy had beon purchased by Jules

What would Induce men who aro lteybold, but this wae ruled out by the llnnucluUy well fixed to 06k two color Court. ,«xied men for cigarettes conceding It was Jules Ueybold was sworn, and test! ° 47 a- ni right that they should n.sk any one ll«d that he had olYered to pay part of over the wnom they thought would accomino- the money due, which Clarouce lloliia ^ C., passing through tho cities of dato thorn, and when refused why ref used to accept. Youngstown, Warren und Akron, O.,snould they attempt an assault? These 'This closed the testimony on both orrlvlng at Chicago at 11.55 the next colored man are quiet, peaceable men, sides, when tho jury wore charged by morning, and woro attoiidlug to their own at-Chief Justice Lore. The express train heretofore lenvingfuira. Ho Buid that this was not a condi- ’Uniiugton ut 4.40 p. m., will leave

if men. because colored, are not al- tlonal sale but a conditional renting. 2.05 p. m., and arrlvo at Chicago at thelowed 10 walk the streets, whore is a,‘d if the conditions were not lived up uext nighttheir olt/.cnship. to Air. Hollis liud an undoubted right An additional Chicago train has

It surely would be to tho credit of to take tho property. baeu added to the schedule which willthe newspapers to tell the truth, lot The jury wore out but ten minutes ,eave Wllmiugtou at 9.16 p. tue coJors of the participants bo black when they returned with a vordiot of arr,vo ute o’clock the second morning, or white. $‘W.54 In favor of George II. Hollis. Through sleeping cars to Chicago

In the first place, the colored men Charles G. Rum Tord was appointed uli tl'uiu3* e assaulted, und fought to the comtuisslouer to take testimony lu the

forced to defend them- divorce case of Hubert A. Caldwell vs. place, no ruzorsBusan II. Caldwell. Thee

honed; Rutter vs. Cyr . be referred

Phone «4L

Dr. ffirama' White Pulmoute the famous popular lung and medicine end consumption pi •old by druggie*» every where.

jpjfeTHE REPUBLICAN BUILDING, IIfhe Present Method of Accepting Expert

Testimony In Mnrdor Trial« Dom NotDiffer Trom That of Taking Evidence.Two Plana Suggested.

The question of a new method of taking lx pert medical testimony is being actively fgitated In the Academy of Medicine and In the Society of Medical Jurisprudence. Supreme Court Justice Willard Bartlett

Professor Landon Carter Gray are the leaders in the movement.

“la a reform needed. In your opinion, In the present method of taking expert medic­al and chemical testimony?” Dr. Gray was asked yesterday;

"The very fact that experts are so much derided by lawyers and regarded with sus­picion by the laity,” he «aid, “is evidence of the need of «reform. Besides, those who are thoroughly acquainted with t he matters which experts are called to testify know well that it is tho exception to the rule for the juries to obtain the real truth about the matter. And the jurors me the judges. In addition, the best medical men are very re­luctant to go Upon the witness stand, as they feel that their reputation, laboriously obtained through long years, ts likely to bo jeopardized by the contradiction of some utterly incompetent person.”

“Is not expert testimony often rendered practically valueless the contradictions of experts assuming to equal knowledge, and between whom the jury la unable to discriminate intelligently?”

“Undoubtedly. That, is the I think a reform Is needed. The law ought to put experts above suspicion, and it ought to provide for some means of discriminating between the competency of experts.

“The present system is a failure because the experts are employed as partisans, aro expected to go Into court to fight for their

side and against the other side, and if they maintain, as they should do, a perfect­ly impartial and judicial attitude and ad­mit something that is damaging to their side, they are considered to be disloyal.

“The theory of the law Is that tho quali­ties of an expert can be determined by examination, but this is a fallacy, for there

few lawyers—not one out of * thousand —who will coach themselves for the task, and there are even fewer lawyers who capable of mastering the subject in such a short space of time.”

"What new plan would you suggest?” Dr. Gray was asked.

“I have two plans,” he replied, "which 1 believe would go far to remedy the evils of the present method of taking expert testi­mony.

"1 would suggest, in the first place, that the experts in jury and examine the plaintiff, either before during the triul. Second, I would suggest that in cases tried by a judge alone, the judge select two medical men of reputation in the branch of medicine under discussion

his medical advisers and to sit with him on the bench for that purpose, to be paid by the

“The first plan or system of conferences has been for many years the custom in Leeds, England, and is spoken of by Sir James Fitzstephen in his history of the English criminal law as having been cessful that the medical



PUBLISHING (XX Five tons 01 metallic root Dainty both in oil and dry. Mondai-*« paint factory, No. 300 East 4th atraet

ù- ?


READY FORVba Delaware BalMMna mad Dickey.The manner In which the Delaware

Building at the Chicago World's Fair baa been conducted is a burning •hame to the Bute. It cannot help but be very humiliating to every true Delawarean who vleiU the fair to the public buildings of every other State In the Union open full of exhi­bits and In successful operation, while Delaware’s building is virtually closed and deserted. The workmen, mauy of them who worked upon It, have not been paid in full for their labor and have entered lions against it. The building la in the Sheriff's hands and Will be sold by that official it the pa­triotic citizens of Wilmington do not

come to Its relief.The action of the late legislature in

refusing to make •mall appropriation to finish the build­ing and keep it open, cannot be too Strongly condemned. But then what could be expected from such a pusll- anlmous body. It full of partisan purposes to attend to the honor and integrity or the .State. It wae much more important that par­tisan legislation should be carried through to keep the corrupt and dis­honest Democratic party in power than that the honor of the Bute should be saved. What did it matter to the legislature that the Delaware building at the World’s Fair should become a laughing stock to all nations of the world congregated thore?

It was of much more importance that John T. Dickey should have a thousand dollars additional salary than that the poor mechunics and workmen on the Dolaware building should be paid. It mport that the police department should be seized, removed from any interference by the people, placed un­der Democratic control for all time to come, and packed with Democratic rounders and heelers, some of them jail-birds, wife-boaters,saloon-keepers. bar-tenders and drunkurds, than that Delaware, the greatoat fruit growing State In the Union according to her size, should have fruit industry at the World’s Fair.

Yes, tho Industries of Doluware, her houor. her integrity, her fame, all nothing In the eyes of lators, compared with the vast im­portance of making it easier tor John T. Dickey to cheat Republicans out of their votes and the county.of New Castle out of taxes, that tho Demo­cratic party, reeking with filth and corruption, should be kept lu power. When will the people of Delaware come to the rescue of tho fair fame and character of their State’;

We boast of Delawaro l>eing the first State in the Union to adopt the Con­stitution of the United States tlnctlon to be proud of. Tho 1 document slgnod by hangs framed against the bleak walls of the Delaware building ut Chicago, •»building under the sheriff's hummer, for bills due unpaid workmen, a sol-

farce,Delawurcau, a sad commentary upon the Imbecility ot when competed with the patriotism, the courage and the exalted love of their State that contiollod the actions

$40 worth, $2 cash, $2 weekly.

$20 worth, $1 cash, $1 weekly.

$10 worth, $1 cash, ‘50c weekly.

-ïo:il. c

Our terms are as fixed as our prices.Any reader of this advertisement may purchase from us on the above terms.The payments are small, but they’re all youare asked or expected to pay.

Selection of a superb stock. Every­thing in latest designs of modern styles Farsihro for parlor, bed-room, library, boudoir, etc.

Refrigerators,all sizes. Baby coaches, beautifully upholstered. Mattings, newl«, “ importation, plain and novelties atl . , varying low prices. Carpets and rugs, !“a2iaE “ljaPä all weaves; some special patterns of-^lsa*£ I*1®?* ferèd at reduced figures to close them out before summer.

A EASTFor the benefit of our readers who

never saw a broker's order

•xtra,With a Big Lina of Goods Thai

Will Moot tho Requiromonts of Housekeepers.

In the house, and in need of a pretty dresa to wear this May weather.

We are showing a large variety of short and long dresses, ranging in price form 25c to $7.

We have a well made, stylish Lawn Cap, at 25c.

We have finer quality Caps, at 60c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2.

We have Children’s Lawn Hats, from 60c to $6. You will find our styles the latest and prices the lowest

We have Coats and Long Cloaks in all the desirable styles, at reasonable prices.

Wo have all tho little fix­ings that go to make the baby comfortable as well as beautiful, most complete stock of In­fants’ Goods in the city.

too rankling reason why

ClocksMrs. lien son, Mr. Todd.

Plano Sob

dining-room, Carpets Mirrors I*

iteci taticn


SoloMr. Fov

Baby CarriagesMiss Tli ielinan.

Flano Duett, selectio parts.............................

Miss Deputy, Mias DueVt •r.fi My Hark.

, Miss Titlem\

9. Hr Hoiected .. ThisMaud.din und Guitartho. Fowler, Mr.

e’olo, Al y Lady's Mower..Mr. lie NOTE THESE TRICES.

Heading.of vastly tParlor Suita..................................Solid Oak Chamber SultB, it

pieces ..........................................Solid Oak Chamber Suits, 8

pieces ..........................................Solid Oak Extouston Tables,

per ft............................................Solid Oak Sideboards............ *Solid Oak Refrigerators.... Solid Oak Cane Seat Chaire, X

doz...............................................Couches.........................................Lounges.........................................Rocking Chairs..........................Kitchen Tables............................Bed Springs..................................Baby Carriages..........................Brussels Carpet, per yd..........Ingrain Carpet per yd......... .Window Shades..........................

Miss Jones. •35.00 U)

15.00 U|

20.00 «I


Mrs. Hens Mr. Todd.

an. ,tUe Academy of Music is 'Tatnull streets, “höre.”

Miss ThielII Mr B ;n

'.78Truth Ho Told.

10.00 U 10.00 U

hold a conference


6.00 uWe have the 7.00

4.00 U1.00exhibit of her : l.oo ui1.96 u| 6.00 ui

toi . TrniiiM tu ( lilens*.Commencing May 14th. the B. A O.

truln leaving Wilmington at i., daily will


Nos. 117 MARKET and 116 SHIPLEY STS.-5SL

THOS. GRIIMSELL;S. E. Cor. Second and Orange, *

Ciudi( Weekly and monthly Payment« »jf •

Open 'i tiesdRy and Haturday Evenings ■ Other evenings close at G o'clock. ^

via Pittsburgh Chicago route of the 11.



:o scarcelyexamined, although itBhouldbo,

I think, tho privilege of counsel to do this, if they so choo.su.

“In such a conference the medical almost certain to agree on the facts,

experience 1ms shown in England and in Brooklyn since it was suggested there first by Judge Uurtlett several yeurs ago. Judge Bartlett has tried the plan with uuvurying success.”

"Would the first plan proposed by you make it easier to get ut un expert examination?”

“Manifestly it is much easier to amine a witness as to tho validity of his conclusions when tho facts are agreed upon than it is when the facts are in doubt, be­cause the conclusions are matters that be tested by statistics and by textbooks.

“In the cases that but only a judge, the addition of two medical advisers makes



Spring and Summer Underwear.


-a dis- -igiual

■ forefathers

street und so I v wore used and


Valuable DwellingsIn the of Wro. }« ('«oil« u (' I, «.m, Lr. John H. Simms has removed .Jt«rra. e' K' k* wl11 from No. 4£J Market street to No. 606 leierets. King street, and has fitted up tho

store Tor the sale of druirs ami medi­cines which he Mill dispense to luva

i Salt oysters at Carpenter's, 625 Madi- iV/8H,ld othera seeking inudioal aid.... ««..street. His remedies aro widely known, and

David A. EowelE connected will, bl»1““ P“0tO‘t''ap'"”'' m ilÄKewT^Ttten^ ^ “ 8<1°

brother. Arthur Powell, in the fish Marköt 8tlööt* business in Third and King street marUot, has put. Ida ingenuity to and h«s invented a box for preserving lieh that Is pie in its < wonder auch thought of betöre.

»razors part of tho affair

grooa In the fault. “Let justice be done though tho lieu venu tali.” A is a mou be he whito

in e therifty-two bulld'ng ami

lot«. HATURDAY, MAY an, raenolng Rudders

i'fiU'turini1800; coni

o’clock, sharp, at Of tDluck. G. H. L.; M Exchange.208 Monroe street 3-story brick, lot R

4x03. Well situated Tor renting, close • rge manufacturing establishments.

West street. 8-styry brick, lot £7-lp*'ill be sold at a bsrgain to erne

estate. Well located.816 King street, 8-story brick, lot ot 33 ‘

CxlOU. Good business property. Worthi your attention. •

104 West Twelfth street, 1-story brick ordor. Muet

be appreciated.Hlxid street. 8-story brick, lot

*t Bixth street. 8-«tori These two propertied business on a leaülnj

1 a chance offered for pur chus- 4 Ing a good proporty cheap.

010 West Twe.fth street, 3-story brick. «► lot 14xG0. Desirable property, exatalnt before sale.

86 KF,ast Twenty-second located toamino all theso propert


We have this season the fin­est selected stock of Spring and Summer Undorwear that have

insult to every tr la*4tried by a jury, the court

changesin the law in any essent ial particular, be­cause the judge himself is not subject to

d there is

xi oo.•la week buys « line gold watch. «nnr.iA-aw.-t n,,,.,,,,U Ad,Ire.«, Conlideutlol. 1'. O. llox aid. T, . ?" ■

Watch«, clock« on,I jewelry .e-Ler coraei te ïu«Xcainït c!,„l„ra situ- pulled at moderato prices, at Wright’s, diarrhoea InS id Summer mlmlïntM

('rangements that it is a 220 King street. iï™Ba»f„la“, “J1,®1u,Iîî.Ui®l: U™P|Ä|invention wm never ,, Alayets Magnetic Diops for choltifu

ihe bcHasonifl Gents who are seeking the newest, aud dlarrhœa have no equal as a quick foet long throe feel wide nnd P.i,:e6t Hn<1 la,ö8t furnishings cau find and safe cure. A bottle should

about eight inches deep, divided Into J lJ{® !‘^.8tore of A' 'v- ^d. kept In every house. Our agents willsix apartments. The top has throe 408 Mnrket bliwl. bupply >ou. For sale by N. B. Dun-

hinges. j James Bradford is preparing the f°rLlil -nd and Market streets.I he apartments contain different va-'foundation foi a new house at the

•iotlos of fish, shad, herring, trout'Boul'llwe8t owner of FifthaudBroome d nil are covered streets,

with crushed ico, and the lids being, of line wire, tho fish can ;bo plainly

without handling ■ ling clouds of dust.

ithoust c

• iato Legislatureoffered to

The white, blue and earners* hair summer merinos,silky fibre, combed Egyptian yarn, tinted and colored balbnggans are sell­ing at 05 cents a suit.

> i ade. _ AiKSÉÂ*effective aud y

!>cross examination, hardship in associating with him peteut

S'possible lot 16x01. All In first-d be examined

£01 West 16.3x69; S03

ck. lot 10x07. well located

of fathers in the earlier history ofEM 11 advise him,

they are free from liabilityio inatiou. Moreover, the custom will bar the plaiutiff or the defendant from in­troducing other expert witnesses, ptrid by themselves, if they choose, who can bo sul> ject to the usual cross examination.

“By this double system medical the highest standing will feel that they cau go into court with dignity without thedan- ger of haying their expert knowledge sub­jected to ignorant, flippant or malicious criticism.’’

"Suppose the experts not agree


be thoughexam-Wo regret that Del:

to Chicago to jecled to

ffolug tho fair will bo sub- mu<

I»»avoidable feeling or shame and confusion when they look at the almost WYATT &C0„John F. McLaughlin, Front

and Shipley ntreets. for high grade Frederick R. Clerk advertises for “«f fertilizer«,le tile office, furniture, a two-seated „F““1“’ wheelbarrow», laud

•exposure to carriage, doctor’s buggy, «fee., belong-lül 018* crou,u«Ges ami repairs.Mr. Powell s to tho esti

• of tho 1 tho

1pty Delaware build­ing virtually aiioudy in 'the hands of Ihe eher Iff. But It hud to bo done. Dickey had to have his extra thousanddollarshadn’t enough Co go all uround.

I Twenty-second street, 14x81; • ct, 14x81. W«*a bargain. Kx +■

before day oj

1 ir”IPS m ■ oldMen’s Furnishers,

of tlie lute John C. Clark.stand Is ut murkst house on King crowd constantly stand isplea«-)arc appreciated.

(ion kihb A Hod’s 603 MARKET STREET. * fiary, ami the Legislature John <3. lllgglns, who Is

. . progressive far•nu.orara »I ,r h. 8 died, visitedddence that ills efforts

of Red Lion Hun- Thursduy.

Fast Eighth street, 8-story briok, ft rooms and basement, lot. Clxttu. Kent well • On line Electric hallway. K before - air,

Lunte a with fourpot cut-off Pennsylvania railroad. Weil* built wharf on Brandywine creek. Th« building engine, boiler

Dr. J. HIdieine, the old central depot

moved to GOli King street, where yommodute tho public Miss Pugh, Miss Dennison, Miss Colt can buy the famous White Pulmonic

d Miss Steele, touchers of public Bal8.ni), vegetable liver pills, blood school No. 8. were In Philadelphia yes- purifier and the famous ey terday visiting the schools of that —— city.

family1: city ttfMa Jury trial could

symptoms?”: ifactory, 8-story bulldins or land, on Lue of shell-


To-momu» i tho only dayregister. The regia

of factsbeen a failure to agree.

I have been a member of several confer­ences of this sort, and there was no trouble I___about agreeing.”

"How would the judge select his advis- | AMERICAN CATARRH CURE.

ville hRepublics (ration polls will open between 11 12 o’clock and close in tho c


mid constructed, d shafting,

purchase a bargain. See large posters for plots.Now ii the time to invest.. Nothing RiO.-a

contnlnlniing al

who registered lastAs two of the horses

the p brokei

VAN AVI AIcd to haul pletely

ill bo sold and )d in their place

e, that is offerthis morning, and if the committee’s A Washington despatch says that Himllv a Lvrvl-o.i report is satisfactory it will bo pur- James T. Whelan, of this city, ox aor- -LUUUiy a DrOK.CH lot 111 clmsed by the commission. It is also géant or polio, has applied for the the loiUT lines of Drnqqthe intention ol tho commission to appointment of assistant inpector cf/-» ■»purchase a now patrol wagon, us the hulls. LjOOUS IOr JliVemil" H ear.

aX’SS Of the "daintiestthose used in that city. Acrun sue its, Chester. HintutSOI

Miss Mattie E. Keys, or 232 West!Fourth street.. Chester, is visiting friends in our city.

A strawberry festival and entertain- eut will ho given In the West End

...^«. a Reading Boom this evening and con •us tried tmulng until Jsuturday evening,

omra it tee’s A Washington despatch says that' :ues T. Whelan, of tills city, ox-

7 o’clock. Tht agon down, they %

fall, voted, have not and whose t=

•j Pm t. Friday. May 19k 1898.*s pu rch safe as real estate.4m* sale positive

hand tbesMth for bargain«“in a large city like New York, unless

the judge knew potent in the brunch of medicine under dis­cussion, he could addr presidecould give him a list of the best that li

receipts romuin g >•1 ho<•and thoroughlystamped •'registered” d V

)t go to get registered to- Ail who h: HEALD & CO,letter to the

of the Academy of Medicine, who jn in

the academy elects cry three years, there

removed fre dis nH «9 v

SPRING has come anti we have opened for your„

inspection the most complete line ot

trlot to another, or •noth« r In the sa registered last ye: or whose youngand voted last year and since have got « tax receipt und not tered,” will all have registration polls to- registered.

no huu toUUIBTER’S

LEGISTE It-8 OFFICE,New CabtlkCo., Dki^, ,

„ . May 10, ins.Upon the application of lrvl

Flinn, Executor or Alice A late of Chrlsllaua hundred, county, deoeased, It is ordered ed by tbeltegister that the K said give notice of granting of letten ,of Tc-'tumeutary upon tlio estate of » the deceased, with tho date or granting thereof, by causing advertluemeiiis to bJ posted within forty days from the date of

Jsuch Letters In six of (he most publl« places of tho county of New Castle, re­quiring all persons having demand!

j against the estate to present the samet ol .abideby an net of Assembly in such cos« made and provided; and also cause th<

■? same to be Inserted within (he same per­iod In the Dally Kepublloan.a nowspupei published hi Wilmington. Del., and to bo »continued thorcln H

//-•—> Liven under the hand and sealTT l®-s*f of office of the Register aforesaid \Have not bought your Spring Suit or vour Rov’s 81 Wilmington, in New cm*uoult or your -ooy S iuit county oioresaid. the day and year Hbovsyet, don t until you see what we are offering in Men’s iwritten.Young Men's, Boys’ and Children's Ready-Made Cloth-1 »o-ndis "SyS COOCa ing. All the newest and most attractive goods for the u,«tera.,n«»season. We have io lots of Fine Trousers of our own, ay of 4VH-v* A- p- amake at ^6.50, which usually cost $lof in which you get'**1® of fhe deceased more than value for your money. It’s the same with ouÄÄ SSKtL u»t. dsv of May.

own make Black Worsted Suit in Sack or Cutaway Coat^5^m«S5lÄdiTrovw!d.A“emblJ ln 8ao,, Suit The materials are good, make-up is good, and the m. flinn, Execufif îc rr.N/-vrl TU» Ac 1 s~ Addrosa W ilmington. Del.nt is good. I he prices are good for you. Come see.

ii.old «3 district, and did

Inasmuchija new preside

could uot be much cliqueism iu the names suggested.

“In the smaller communities the reputa­tion of physicians is so well known that the judge would have uo difficulty iu mak­ing a proper choice.”

“Could the conclusions of experts from agreed

vote,elpts have expired, or


»m "'wj; »SPRING CLOTHING•ed on age;

cream light blue nilo gray shrimp lavender maize


in. r, direct-The will of tli« lute Nathaniel Wll- If vuu ,-«n iret i-eallv »»»,1 in .

Yes, here they are in.re, without1raÄÜÖ’n!“ {wo-aiu!; 3,BI“"1',uI,t 8tra“t- ' Laustlownc, Penelope, Sura-1

“Ï wii: biâ taSfîw ëîitou«,,rot/‘ SSÿ. !ai«e I’liisbello at «1.25;!™»^^«,,o thousand dollars nach aro nuxod paints winch ho Is selling at the 111 ChlllllS and AlbatrOSS at

Thomas Davis und Nathaniel »°west cash prices. r () • tTftnil; .. rrnaluder of the estute Ur. Simms’ White Pulmonic Balsam ’ 111 IlCiilietia at uuC,

to be divided among his other relu-quick to act, prompt to cure coughs, 75c, 85c. $1: ill Cashmera nt tues- Borethrout, croup, etc., and to pro-'.»-, i

vent consulnpiion. 50 cents and «1. o i § ailll OUCI 111 Wool CrC- No «06 King street. Hold by all drug- ,.nn cm

tho dinner or tho Church e‘Bt* everywhere. ;1)0“ at ^1 •

night, u business meeting Dr. Simms & Hon. dealers In drugs.! Latest and loveliest ill held. It was decided to turn over medicines, pure family medicines. ^

about $1400 as he nucleus of u fund, preparers of the famous White Pul-.^’Gry Wily, the income of which is to maintain moniu Balsam, vegetable liver pills, ! the Blshopstead. Five persons wore pain searcher, &c„ No. 000 King street, elected to membership. E. T. Warner, formerly of 4th aud King streets.

A. Maher and George A. Elliott --------. -appointed a committee

ped “iegis- To be found in the State.Ikthonppoarand get

Boston One-Price Clothing Housei lio.ooo.of facts symptoms differ

goes Itax collector John A. Mitchell is at his old tricks. A Repub­lican went to pay his tax yesterday, when he was told that tho department baa stopped accepting poll taxes. The question arises, when to pay their taxes?

Tho legislature at Dickey's request, pasapd a law exempting him from sit ting at night to receive taxes and paid him a thousand dollars more salary for not sitting at night, and delinquent collector tolls ltepublicuiis that he lias stopped accepting poll tuxes.

When can they pay? IIow boautl- :dor the guld-

of Senator Pyle and Representa­tive Spruance who misrepresented Wilmington,Is working.

Deux I In the conference.. 213 Markst Streat,competent

not a lawyer,” «nid Dr. Gray In couclusion, “and therefore I petent withly believe that the best method this evil of contradictory

Id be

Wilmington, Deiawarj.let l “IDavis und tliTESTIMONIALS. ajudge of w hat is in accordance

code of legal procedure, but I real- remedy

pert testimony create a medical judge, with

tho rank and salary of a supreme judge. He would go on circuit with the other judges and would sit os a side judge

involving medical matters. He Should be elected by tho people.

"I have been told by my legal friends, however, that this is impracticable, aud 1 fear myself that the selection of such a medical judge would have in it oh to put ical doctors.

IF YOUI bud Cota \ibadRepublicans U- weeks, ci. o. d.rch dub T;.o A merle: Catarrh C

c rollerbottle, yet 1 feel that l

JAMES «KURIL!., Jeweler and Optic»in.

1806Riiut.U Ninth« root, Philadelphia. Du. VV. 11. JONES, thediseov-

American Catahkii Cuhk. has devoted iu study and treat-

ill mid gives the putdlo healing

For sale by J. 402 Market

mailed any.

. I h■Club


fiven that letters Of ii d ue rorm of law

the U that !

s against theprosent the

the said

in ity-th J Sail Cloth Dresses for out- [ing. Paris and London say

The station of the i\, W. & B. rail-if AYifi, „„„t, • r ^road at ( layniont is receiving a gen-, BllCil ll rig 110 ICffr

Very III. ©jal overhauling. Tho principal of busllPR nnd hvnmhloaaged and well changes relate to the removal of the « UUÖIlt“ ana UiaOlUleS.

lying seriously III at ice water tank, which has beon ar- öllOWV white, full skirted find his home, No. 210 West Ninth street, rouged with en automatic connection ' „ji '»i, ^ .Mr. Fullmer is well advanced in years, with a perennial spring that furnishes Kllti Wltll Ilfitiy llitOll LOfftS being about 88 years of age. He wae pure water the year around. An au- Ht.tlft riiflarmit fmm o«« seized with a very heavy chill Wednes- towatlc appliance measures off the al-, Ginereilb II0 III ftliy JOU day night and lias since been confined lotmeot to each pussenger and pro-llftVÖ SG6D. to his bed, while Dr. Draper entertains vents a waste of supply. I ,, * . .but slight hopes of his recovery. Joe. ------ ------------------ öOHie Ol til6 Suita forFullmer is a son of the sick man. Remov«>d. . î

b«Bremovearr«m20eW011?eil—m0re -»re

1 West .Second 111 S1ZCS for MisSCS Ot 1() to curry a full line re indow shades or -1-0 jCulS.

the front room sho itlppod und fell, Ihe latest designs at the lowest prlcos, breaking the coal oil lump into pieces, where he will bo pleased to see all his>ec Luckily the oil did not luke lire and old customers

ow escape of wliut might have been a serious accident.

at!Ans the b -neflt ofremedy. Free, ft.00. FLETCHER MoLAU-.bership. • HUN, ftWiirhere for li per bottle. 4much politics

the bench only the polit- *John Fullmer, known citizen, is

fully the luw, puBsod FOR SALE.! “The idea of medical advisers to a judge

suggested to me by the fact that in the admiralty courts in England tho judge is allowed to suggest two retired

, who are called the nautical assessors, and who sit on the bench with the judge in

advisory capacity, so ns to keep him properly informed iu all nautical details.” —New York Times.

A substantial three-story brick dwelling, No. 211 East Fourteenth street, and building lot udjoining,now uied ns side yard. The house m mmm n----------------------------contains 10 rooms and has ali } I lAf I M ETmodem Improvements; cellar un- > ■■ ff ■ ^J| I Ifi Cw ■ ■der whole house; good woll water i fin yard. Will bo sold cheap ~ very easy terms.

Apply on premises, or to

Geo. R Townsend & Co.,804 MARKET

STRICTLY PURE5,’al offl- H1UH FIRE TEST$5.Ocn old friend, Juraes Murray, will

have to hustle to Tenth ward, it he expects popular young Frank McNulty in the race for the nomination for City Coun­cil. As long be represented in Council by a Demo-

there than .Mr. Murray. His views paneive and ho is a

real friend of the people mid the tax­payers. Mr. McNulty may mako a very efficient Councilman if nomina­ted, but ho Is untried yet. Mr. Murray has long boen tried and has always

BURNING OILow iu thobeat the

Geo. W. E West Second street

As the wife of Lewis Egner last street, where ho will evening


STOVE GASOLINEEIGHTH AND MARKET STS.• to of wall papersthe Tenth waul Is to So Much For Fame."About a «Tek ago.” «aiil Count Boznntl

Cbalpruskl, Modjeska’s husband, " tn Wisconsin. I went down and told the agent there that I had trunks I wanted him

passing ft-Deliver«* ' all parts of the city; also

ml >r, Chest» Lawn Momr and Sewing Machine OS »bettor Democrat c bo sont apbiell: . O KLEIN’S


the stationsite had u very (Men’s Spring Cloth os.A great store full all good

h0"bsorts. Suits, Ton Dollars.

broad *1 PHONE 205.zcheck for Modjes- ka. He said, ‘All right,’ and took down a

freut big chart and commenced to Btudy It.waited a fow minutes, and then becom­

ing impatient I asked him why he did uot check those trunks. The train would be along, and I was iu n hurry. The fellow said he would check them in a moment and started to study the chart again. Finally putting it down, he said: *1 station. It’s a it?’ ‘What station?’ I plied, ‘Modjeska. It isn’t and I Aud yet



contractor for hauling by day Safes and pianos ï

Colonel Talk«.“Our Country's Bill of Fois ttuo . . . .. _ .Ä‘Ä,S1™Ä Äon,! ifouuÄ'ÄShuTSffiÄ Aon Doll«« is powerful iu Baptist Church last night. The lecture 1^Al°nch Street. I Men 8 bpring »Suits. How"S.ifÄ?fnua°'ähter!“‘'‘“ttu' nearly imperial you will

Gonoinl Monde'« war borsa. For a lvllOW when YOU 806 tile A mighty big change has come over history of Old Bald y call on J. I,.' • rw ■ L • n ,

this business. We are doing it better French, 5 Fast Third street. iVUriOllB CllCVlOtS 111 Sackand doing more of it. Making better ------------------------ ilnni Suita nt tlmtclothes und soli them for loss money. Wlien Traveling iL»Uttu 011118 ill 111 cl t pilCG.Now \ork Clothing House, 316 Market Whether on pleasure bent.or business. There ai*C Suita at Twelve

St“*« wTtaitePm“«t0pESs?Dtf/InS'P0**ars- 1“ appearance you’d Of; •>• JJ- Slmiu. formorly of bowel^prevoiiUnK’revor«.’ thei“ »8 made to order

4th nnd Kin»» etroets, and lately or 4^-nud other ïoim« ol sickiies«. For «»le'tlt ^25. If YOU buv ftlld M.rkot »troot. ho. romovw to im in M ee.it« ai.a »1 bottles by all loudC o •. r ^ '

Kmg stroot. » doors abovo tttb etreel. too diuuol.ta. iWear a huit of them VOUrKlogant Coneultatlon offioe. __ | . -

surprise will bo that it was not $25.

Trousers nt $3, beautiful. Tasteful men wear them and quite properly think themselves well dressed.Market street.




Office and Residence, 714 King Bt. Geo. M. Fisher, practical embalraer a

funeralMitchell. Teleph

« SWith Thomas P . ui-eod-tf J 8proved true to the best Interests of tho

city. If the Democrats of the Tenth vrurd would be

* Buying fiand SAVE all bat fUN you bay fron» the MAKER

ONE N.’MALI. PROFIT.So of making -morrow they will noml-

't find the Where is

asked. ‘Why,’ he , this chart,t find out Anything about it.'

wonder why trains wrecked.”—St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

" Best $10 Suit Beet $12 Suit Best $16 SuitJ. B. MA.KTHS,Furnishing Undertaker and Em 1 y

baltner,NO. 607 SHIPLEY STREET.

Calls attended promptly

mistake nuto Mr. Murray.

U)and RFNTNuH« at aH price« far MEN, YOUTHS

fAY RAILROAD FARE AT EXCUR­SION HATES on all piirvUuoeo of 81A or and proportionately for le«« amount*.

DIAMOND STATE OIL GO.,. ystreet.The best way for tho voters of the

Cocond ward to settle the factional Democratic quurrol In tho ward will bo to re-elect Thomas W. McVay, tho Re publican candidate, to Council. Mr. McVay has beon In Council two years •nd has proved himself to be a faith- foi representative, true to tho best in ••rests of the city. Ho is a life-long ••aident of the ward and did not : t«to it to get an office.

Car. Front and Mnrke$ St*., W ilmington

1 t

*Notice—It euiovi LOOK! LOOK!! LOOKIU


WAYSIDE LUNCH PALACECorrectly Described.A schoolmaster In a board school was en­

deavoring to make clear to his young pu­pils’ minds the meaning of the word “slow­ly.” He walked across tho room in the manner tho word indicates. “Now, chil dren, tell

One little fellow who sat of the

ARCHITECT Steam Expert and Consulting

AU918-920 MAPKET STREET, a CupThe Onset Plap* In the olty to get of Prep oh Dfttf Coffee, Cocoa, chocolat«Pte*. SapdwlcnM, Fish Cffita« Hot 8onps . and oyÄers. No lodz waitlûg. M

apJ»ext to posr-ovricz.

Fine mlxeu GLÜlola«. koo, bulb.'u i or Q,uJ Hodges having tho best and most

J hmllhs. iourth and bhlplov streets, reliable machinery, he is tlio one thut 0 — should do It. F. G. Hodges, caroet

J. 13. Mongar. manufacturer of high cleaning works und office, 822 Tutuall grade ready-mixed paints, varnishes, street. Toleph etc., 203 East Fourth streut, Wilmiug-

<1 odors bills, ton, Del.



the frontalmost paralyzed him by blurt­

ing out, “Bowlegged.”—Tit-Bits.ATLANTIC HOU BE,

004 Adams St., Wilmington, Del.541. Ocra» QaqYE. N. J.


Vorltern« address; CHARLES J. H. BECKETT,Itelte^-tm YaOMIETOll.

Y Herdman Building, No. 4 E. Fourth Street,

Next to William U, Sharp A (Jo’s. Dry Good Store.

▲ full line ot HmrneML BUaketa, ltobes, Whips. Also the largest and fin«« Un* of Trunks, Travellag »age, Columbia Trunks, Pocket-books.

offer at price* to suit tho times.

Business bale.Beech am's Pii.iRobert Hyman of Versailler, Ky., is the

oldest miller in the United States and is operating a mill built 100 years ago

the primitive machinery.

Of Xo. 313 Market street when ln want ol goou likeness photographs. Fin­ished iu the best stylo and delivered promptly. Beecher's Gallery.

Go to lank & Co. for the best steak: two pounds for 25 cents. All kinds of tuest. 10th and Clayton streets.

If A GOSS that wear well at a fair prie* „ L • HAMMOND. Second as« Fro ash streets, Wilmington. Del. n-6iut

m atto st John Wasamaker. Tnand still(’upping aud ing, WJ K. B

•to,, whloh JlJ-a-tu

m ï m
