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The wisdom of the warriors The ultimate reference resource for online and Offline internet marketers Edited by: Peter Phillips (peter_act in the WF) “the greatest IM-book of all time!” 1

The wisdom of the warriors

The ultimate reference resource for online and Offline internet marketers

Edited by:

Peter Phillips (peter_act in the WF)

“the greatest IM-book of all time!”



“The greatest IM book of all time!”

O.K., so maybe that’s a little bit over the top, but not entirely. I firmly believe that this book should become essential reading matter for anyone who is seriously contemplating life as a full time internet marketer.

The Warrior Forum is the premier meeting place on the net for internet entrepreneurs and internet wannabes to meet, ask questions, tender advice, sell products and generally post on any subject to do with internet marketing.

It has been said many times in the Forum that if someone would only take the time to look, there is the answer to every possible internet marketing question available in the posts. This book will save you looking through all those posts

I was going to entitle this book “The best posts from the Warrior Forum, but “best” is too subjective a word, so I’ll just designate the posts as being my personal selection from posts I have collected over the years – many of them are now unavailable.

I must at this point admit a certain bias, as I do have my favourite Warriors, the ones who always give the very soundest advice, and who I respect deeply, such as Steve Wagenheim, Andrew Cavanagh, Eric Louviere, Dennis Gaskill and Dan Molano, all of whom feature strongly in this selection, and I make no apology for their inclusion, as they always have something pertinent to say. Much of the advice in these posts could have been sold as a product in its own right, but the posters are genuinely trying to help their fellow marketers.

Having said that, during my research I came across some new names, and I am happy to have included them in here too. When I sought their permission to include their posts in this book, I invited them to give a link back to their own sites, and I encourage you to have a look at what they have to offer commercially – I know you won’t be disappointed.

I have edited the posts, mainly to make them more readable, correct grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, but the essence of the posts remain intact.

Please note that each post is copyrighted to the post’s original author. All rights reservedUnauthorized reproduction is prohibited. I have received permission from the posters to reprint their posts.

In conclusion, may I state the raison d’être for this book – it is to save the reader from ever buying another e-book, or enrolling in yet another course on how to make money online.

Pick any chapter, settle on one which appeals to you, follow the advice, and you are almost certain to make money. There is no need to go anywhere else to find out what to do.

The answers are all here, in the wisdom of the Warriors.

Peter Phillips www.money-makingopportunities.com



Foreword Steve Wagenheim 5Do you realise what the hell you have here? Charles E. White 6Make $9,000 in one month Steve Wagenheim 7I met a guy in a pub who isn’t going to make it Roy Carter 10From zero to an income I will not disclose Jeremy Kelsall 1 2 Is buying PLR a waste of money? Roger Davis 15I’m sorry but I’m murdering niches with …… Daniel E. Taylor 17Read Only If You Are *NOT* Making ANY Money Online Eric Louviere 20I’m not lucky I just worked my ……off Roy Cortez 23How to make $100,000 in one year with IM George Wright 25How I Made Over $1,800 in 12 Hours Dennis Gaskill 27How to get at least 2,000 hits per day in a matter of minutes Chris Byrns 3 0 Handling information overload Willie Crawford 31Amazon affiliate marketing Daniel Brock 32An easy $300 offline profit David McAnulty 37It starts with the cornflakes Peter Phillips 39Article marketing tips Daniel Molano 50Article submission tips Jeffrey Louis 53A quick $2000 by the weekend Roy Carter 55IM suicide or how to get more done by working less Andrew Cavanagh 57Don’t wait for perfection – get that e-book out now! George Wright 61Are you in a concentration camp? Peter Phillips 65How I got a #1 best seller in Clickbank Dylan Loh 67How do you make $1,000 in a day? Ross Goldberg 69You do have something other people want Steve Wagenheim 71My step by step to $3K in two weeks Richelo Killian 73Eric’s newbie tips to $$$$$$$$$ Eric Louviere 75How I took a group of beginners to $100 a day in 20 days Nicholas Breen 80I’ve had enough of crappy $7 products Adeel Chowhury 82How to make money online (without any money) Kunle Olomofe 85Why can’t 100% succeed? Willie Crawford 90Hey newbie, here’s the first thing you have to do Dennis Gaskill 979 things I’ve learned in 5 years Steve Wagenheim 102How to get the #1 position across all search engines Daniel Molano 104Article marketers, lend me your ears – my steps to success Jeremy Kelsall 107How to make $100,000 now! Daniel E. Taylor 110I’m in love with SEO Daniel Molano 116You are good enough – just do it! Steve Wagenheim 119Your e-book will never go viral John Thornhill 121


Discover how to earn $5,000 a month in the next 30 days Tommy Bussey 124How to make JV partners notice you Abdul Ahmed 127A dead simple way to make cash Jeremy Kelsall 129$1,500 in 48 hours – how did they do it? George Wright 130Are you a “but” person? Andy Henry 132One of the best posts ever that changed my life Charles E. White 135The rent a site model Jamie Garside 138What’s the best domain extension? George Wright 147Offline – just do it! Mark E. Thurston 151Step by step guide on how to make $3,500 fast! Roshan Chabria 153How do you get offline clients? Ken Perry 158Do just this one thing and you’ll make some nice cash Roy Carter 166Stop being a newbie! Eric Louviere 185Offline marketing is powerful Imran Naseem 168How to be successful without JVs Daniel E. Taylor 173Another offline marketing income stream Ken Perry 175Here is why you’re not successful in IM Dennis Gaskill 178Keyword research and implementation Daniel Molano 1 80 Step by step guide on how to make $2000 per month Roshan Chabria 184Stop being a newbie! Eric Louviere 18 7 The #1 reason people don’t make money online Andrew Cavanagh 19 3 Who wants to make money now? Steve Wagenheim 19 4 The #1 newbie frustration Various contributors 19 6 The advantages of PLR (with a twist) John Thornhill 20 2 The last word Peter Phillips 204



Peter asked me to write a foreword for his book. While I was honoured, I was also a bit at a loss for what to say. Seven years of Internet marketing leaves you with a lot of crap inside your head...make no mistake about it. I wanted to say something profound and, hopefully, helpful. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the inescapable reality of this business. There are no absolutes. There is no real truth. So many people have their own ideas for what should and shouldn't work, but how many times have you been told that such and such a method is "knock 'em out of the ball park" and didn't get you squat, while conversely, something you were told to stay away from like the plague netted you a nice chunk of change? The problem with absolutes and truths is that they don't address an issue that is fundamental to life itself. We are ALL individuals. God didn't make us all with the same capabilities, as much as many of us would like to think otherwise. Just take a look at the mentally handicapped child who will never go beyond the age of 12 emotionally or intellectually. Ask that child to run an Internet business. That doesn't necessarily mean that a genius is going to be a successful businessman. Many geniuses died broke because they couldn't balance a checkbook. The point is, there is a variable involved with Internet marketing, running a home business, making money online or whatever you want to call it, that goes beyond the X's and O's of a "marketing plan." Sure, some plans are better than others just by the nature of them. But I have seen very few, if any at all, that don't require some degree of skill, intelligence, effort, or a combination of all three. For example, I earn a nice living from article marketing. But have somebody try to do this who has a third grade education, can't string two sentences together, and doesn't have the money to outsource the writing, and what do you have? What you have is a disaster in the making. Ultimately, what I'm saying is this. In the book you are about to read, you're going to find some excellent plans for making money online. These have all been tested by at least the person who is presenting them and found to bring results. Will that necessarily mean that YOU will get results with them? No, it doesn't. You need to craft the plan to your own skills. Not everything here is going to be for everybody. That doesn't mean that the plan isn't good -it's just not for you. Probably not what you expected for a foreword, but I always was a straight shooter and didn't want to give you a pep talk when I knew in my heart that some down to earth reality was in order. Use the info in this book in good health. But remember...it's what YOU make of it.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim



Do You Really Realize What The Hell You Have Here?

Charles e. white

Have you ever paid $1,000.00 for a seminar? How about $10-97.00 for an e-book? If you answered yes to either of those questions then you owe Allen Says millions!

What am I talking about? This forum! You see you might go to a seminar for a weekend or you might read an e-book that takes an hour or two to read but the information you get in this forum is worth many times that.

I don't care what phase of internet marketing you are in there is a Warrior here that is a true authority on it. You have Paul Myers, John Reese, Willie Crawford, George Wright plus thousands of others all an authority in their field. Want to know about testing? Then listen to Paul Hancox, the person who I consider the father of split testing. We have Harvey Segal, an expert on Clickbank, and hundreds of more subjects and you get all this information for free just by being a member of this forum.

These Warriors don't ask you to send them money for this valuable information they share with you and we all get to read and use it for free, you get to use it because they offer to help. If you put all the information you get from this forum in a seminar or e-book the thing would probably cost $100,000 to a million because you couldn't absorb it in a year if you read 24 hours a day.

What a privilege we have in being able to get help on any phase of IM we need to make money and we get it for free. Allen couldn't have even dreamed about all the people here that are successful in their field contributing to this forum when he first started it...again, for free!

So, all I have to say is "Thank You" to each and every Warrior here who posts on this forum, who contributes to the knowledge of us all and shares their knowledge with us.


P.S. (and now you have it all in this book! – Ed.)


Make $9000 in one month

Steve Wagenheim

This is not going to be your typical how to thread.

Actually, it may be one of the more unusual how to threads that you have read here. For one thing, it is going to be very personal in nature, revealing data that some people would feel uncomfortable with revealing.

I don't have that problem because quite honestly, my life is an open book. I was never a secretive person. If somebody asked me a question, I answered it. In this cut throat business, that can be bad, and I know it. I choose not to worry about it.

Many new people are under the impression that you can join one program, promote one affiliate product or create one product of your own and make a lot of money doing it.

Those here who are making 6 and 7 figure incomes each month know that this isn't true, unless of course you're running a company like Aweber or Get Response where you have so many members because you have such a great product that you can probably retire off that alone. And at that, I am guessing. Nobody really knows what the income of these sites is. At least I don't.

The point is, if you want to make a large income online, and again large is relative, you need more than one product. As I said, this is going to be an unusual how to. What I will be revealing is how a lot of little amounts of money and some not so little, added up to the figure you saw in my subject.

Naturally, this took a lot of work to create all these income streams, but as you can see, the results were worth it.

So, let's begin.

MLM Programs - Yes, I admit it. I dabble in some MLMs. I only join programs that have a real product.

Almost all the MLM programs that I am a member of are traffic generation or lead generation programs. Let's face it, without traffic and leads you're pretty much dead. But the nice thing about these programs is that they have memberships that pay you for bringing in other members. Some are single level and some are multi level. I’ve been doing this for 4 years. I don't make a lot from these programs because the retention rate is horrible. Most people are gone in 90 days. That's the industry average and nothing will change that. I stay in for the traffic. Others don't get it and when they don't make money, they leave. That’s the wrong mind set but what can you do about it?

Anyway, my total income this month from these programs...

• MLM Programs Total - $1,684.68 This was actually a terrible month. Most months are around $2,000 to $2,500 and sometimes as much as $3,000. The dropout rate in April was staggering. This is why you have to work like a dog to make a large income with MLM. I have yet to figure out how to do it. Oh, and a lot of this is also from the backend of my products. You MUST have backend in the products you sell. That's where the money comes from.


• Affiliate Sales – These are sales of products other than my own which I got through Clickbank. I don't use any other affiliate network. The only methods of promotion I use to sell these products are the traffic generation sites and some Adwords, though very little on the Adwords front.

My total income this month was as follows:

Affiliate Sales Total - $271.40.

As you can see, I don't really do a lot of affiliate sales as I concentrate mostly on my own products. But still, I won't complain at $271.40 when I spent very little to actually make it. This was also a very bad month for me. Usually I am around $500 plus. April was just a bad month for stuff that wasn't my own.

• Article Writing - I still freelance a little but not as much as I used to. This month I almost did no writing at all but still made something.

Article Writing Total - $100.00

Now we get to the main stuff. The rest are all my own products and membership sites. My membership sites just started this month so the income will be small to start but will grow over time.

Membership Site Total - $49

Chump change but that’s just the beginning.

Okay, next is the money I made from my first product which is now over a year old, so sales are dropping. This product used to sell about 200 copies a month. In April, I only sold 42 so as you can see, its life span is coming to an end.

Product 1 Total - $1,053.25

This was indeed a very bad month and pretty hard to swallow, but such is life. We move on and do something else. That's why I said you can't live and die with one product. If you do, you will die before you ever see a significant income unless you have something that is very unusual and is desperately needed.

Next is the money I made from my newest product. It was, quite honestly, the main reason I had the month that I had.

Product 2 Total - $6,614.33

Now this was a combination of a number of promotions including special offers, mailings to previous buyers, new opt ins, etc. The avenues I used to make this were numerous to say the least. This wasn't simply from putting up a sales page and posting a few ads on the Internet. This was 14 hours of work a day in addition to everything else I was doing. Also, some of this money came from product 2 after I broke it up and sold it in smaller pieces. In other words, I got very creative this month and worked my tail off. You can't even begin to imagine what this month was like. The writing was non stop in the 2 months prior and the advertising I did this month, between articles, forums, message boards, social bookmarking sites, and other avenues was off the charts.

But... My total advertising expense for the month of April was...$300. That's it. And most of that went to the traffic generation programs which cost me $200 monthly. There you have it. I made almost $10,000 on an ad budget of $300.


I spent almost nothing on Adwords, very little on solo ads and for the most part, everything I did outside of the traffic generation programs was free advertising. Just very time consuming.

There is a point to all this and I am now getting to it. Many people who are new, and some not so new, come here and make posts that they can't make any money no matter what they do. Quite honestly, I could make more if I did a lot more paid advertising. I'm just too cheap.

Oh, and all this was without the benefit of having a JV with anyone. I hope that day will come eventually, but I can't depend on it. The truth is, you can only REALLY depend on yourself.

You alone are responsible for making yourself successful. You may get others to help you, but they won't do the work for you.

It isn't hard to make money online, even if you don't have your own product. I made about $2,000 this month on stuff that wasn't even mine and spent next to nothing to make it. So you CAN make money just with affiliate marketing.

Know why I make money doing it? I don't sell the flavor of the day. I haven't sold ONE copy of any of the top products at Clickbank. Not one DJK or SAW or anything like that. The products I sell, you probably don't even know they exist because they're not popular, but they're good.

That's the first mistake new people make is to try to sell the "big" thing. With all the competition, you're killing your chances before you even start, unless you've got a really big list. And even then, these people have probably all got the same emails about the next "big" thing.

Okay, before I leave, let me show you something. If I had JUST sold my latest product, thinking it was going to make me rich and done NOTHING else, my income for the month would have been...$6,614.33

It would have still been my best month but not much better than my usual, which was around $6,000. It was because I did more than one thing that I almost made $10,000 this month.

So do yourself a favor. Don't rely on just one thing. Yes, start off with one product, but after it's completed and selling, move on.

Do something else. Heck, it doesn't even have to be in the same niche. I'm currently hitting 3 niches. Internet Marketing Health Gambling. Now, gambling is tough because Google won't allow you to use Adwords to promote gambling products. So I use mostly article marketing.

The point is, there is more to life than IM products and even there, you have to have products that are good, that nobody has heard of and WILL sell if you know how to promote them.

All this can be simply summed up in one quote. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." I hope this post has been an inspiration to at least some of you, because 4 years ago, I made $28 in my first 5 months of marketing online. If I can do this, anybody can.

Steve Wagenheim



I met a man in a pub who wasn’t going to make it

Roy Carter

I don't mean he's going to die or anything, but he say's he has tried making money online and it doesn't work.

I asked him what he'd tried and what effort he had put in. I won't bore you with the conversation. I'll spare you that. Basically he was whining about the fact that he had to work a 9-5 job and he just didn't have the time to make any money online. He'd love to quit his job etc etc blah blah...

Just think about this for a second. He didn't have time...

I met him in the PUB for goodness sake!

Any newbies reading this who think they don't have time, please take note!

The thing is this. Many people get started in internet marketing for the same reasons as you. Because they want to be able to eventually quit their jobs and make money online instead.

Let's face it, it's a much more enjoyable way of earning a very nice living.

Some of those people succeed and some don't. Here's why...

Having a nine to five job means that you have worked those hours. That's 40 hours a week.Or you may work 50 or 60 hours a week. That makes you tired and all you want to do when you get home is to eat your meal and then relax in front of the TV, then go to bed and getup for work again the next day.

The people who fail to ever make any money online are the people who do the above and maybe fit in an hour or two a week working on their online business, or they do nothing.

The people who succeed in making money online and eventually replace their jobs are the people who want to quit their jobs badly enough. They want the lifestyle that they see somany other online marketers enjoy. So what they do is this....

They work their 9-5 jobs AND they work on building their online income. They don't come home and watch TV. They come home, grab a coffee, and start doing something they enjoy i.e. working on building their online business. They can see the future. Their future.

They do something every day. Instead of watching TV they are working on their online project.

Building and building until they start to see some income and then building on that until they start to see more income coming in, then building on that until they are seeing a regularincome coming in and then building on that until they have much more than their job income coming in.

Then they quit their jobs and start really making some serious money by working at home full time an building their online business.

Honestly, how many hours of TV do you watch a week? Add those hours up and tell me whatyou get. 5 hours a day is about the norm (and some people watch TV before they go to work).


So 5 hours a day equals 35 hours a week.

What if you watched just 5 hours of TV a week? Only watching the things you really wantedto watch? That leaves you with 30 hours a week to work on escaping your day job, workingtowards your goal to escape the rat race.

Do that and you will succeed. But it takes commitment. If you want something badly enough,if you can see how different your life could be, then you'll make the sacrifice. But really, is it a sacrifice? No. It's enjoyable and can pay off BIG time IF you want it badly enough.

Those that don't succeed and will always have to work for the man for a lousy monthly pay check are those exact same people who whine about the fact that they have no time to change their lives because they are too busy with their jobs.

BULLS***T !!!

MAKE the time. Commit to learning the methods that will allow you to truly change your life ina way that you can hardly imagine. Then work diligently at putting those methods into action.

Is it worth it?

Damn right it is!!





From zero to an income I will not disclose – my one year warrior forum anniversary

Jeremy kelsall

First of all, I would like to thank the spammers.

The only way that I ever got involved in Internet Marketing in the first place was the persistence of spammers sending "make money online" emails to me. One night curiosity got the better of me and I started doing some research and was hooked from that point on.

That’s enough of that though. For my one year anniversary I want to lay out something here - a map of my progression in the hopes that people that are starting at Ground Zero right now can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me, if I can do this, so can you.

Actually, up until about 6 months ago I had a 9AM - 8PM job working at a mobile home lot. So, most of my Internet Marketing was done extremely early in the morning or late at night

after my kids went off to bed Trying to keep the money coming in from your "real job" and trying to successfully start a business of your own on the side can really beat you down sometimes.

As far as would the technical skills have made me more money? I'm not sure...Like I said, I still don't have those skills only some very basic skills. I am slowly starting to pick up some of the technical stuff now...hell, I almost have FTP mastered!

When I first started, just like most of you probably, I started promoting Clickbank products. I had and still have no technical skill, so everything I did was set up on sites like Squidoo and Blogger and it worked great for me. Within about 45 days I think, I had made my first $2,000 promoting the following niches:

- Video Games- Yeast Infection Cures- Hypnosis Product

I am still somewhat involved in these niches to this day and am still earning income from them even though I have not touched them for the most part in 6 months or more.

All I did was set up as many of these free sites as I possibly could and link them all to a Squidoo page and the money started rolling in. Now, many of you might say that you have tried that and it hasn't worked, right? Here are some keys to why I think this worked for me.

1. I wrote my ass off. Seriously, I was determined for this to work and I was a writing fool. I was putting out a minimum of 3 articles per day per niche consistently day after day. If you get enough content out there, you have no choice but to make money. In the beginning I was just going nuts, literally. I was pounding on my keyboard until my fingers hurt.

But, when you actually take a step back and look at how things work...it makes a big difference.

2. I did good keyword research. You have to understand that if you are not paying for traffic, that the keywords that you pick can either make or break you.


Good keyword research alone makes a ton of difference. This is especially true in the more competitive niches that I like to get into. With putting smart work in upfront I was able to reduce the number of articles I had to write dramatically which in turn let me focus on things like building back links etc., which then allowed me to get enough traffic to those niches to move to other niches and set up different streams of income.

3. I didn't jump on every new fad that passed through. I had my plan laid out and I was going to work it until it panned out.

4. I paid attention. After the first sale came in, I was able to look back and kind of trace the process. Once you are able to do this you can sit back and realize just how simple the process is.

5. I learned from my mistakes. I made mistakes along the way. Things like not writing good titles and resource boxes - thinking that as long as I wrote an article the rest didn't matter.

Skip ahead a little bit and things make a change for the better. I soon realized after a beat down from Chris Rempel that I needed to start reinvesting my profits back into my business. I was basically doing everything myself and was stuck at an income ceiling of about $4,000 a month. The things he said to me made a lot of sense. So, I started purchasing products and services that would make a difference to my business. And what a difference they made.

To this day, I still can not make my own webpage, but I can certainly afford to pay someone else to do it when I have to and I do sometimes.

As I gained more knowledge and "perfected" my system, I then started creating products. So far I think I have released 1 product on my own and 2 with my partner (zerofill) and the combined total of products sold is pushing the 3,000 mark which has been great.

But, what makes it even better is along the way, I have set up several streams of income that just don't seem to let up. I think it is important that anyone doing this for a living diversifies. So far, these are the income streams that are being maintained.

1. Affiliate products2. Recurring affiliate products3. Membership site (owned)4. Product creation5. Adsense6. Coaching/consulting.

In the New Year, I plan on adding at least 3 more streams to that list.

Now, here is where I need to thank Allen Says and the Warrior Forum. I firmly believe that if it was not for this place I would not have been able to get to anywhere near the level of success that I have over the past year. Chances are good that I would have got myself caught up in the cycle of failure that seems to happen in the IM niche.

I have asked some extremely newbie questions, but the great thing was, no matter how silly they were, I was always able to get an answer that pointed me in the right direction. Here are a couple of the questions that I asked that make me shake my head now....

How do I make anchor text?

Do I have to use FTP to connect to Squidoo?


Seriously, that is where I started. With that being said, I don't think that there is anyone that has a desire to succeed that can't. The important thing to remember is to push through the days of no sales and picture yourself getting that first sale and more importantly, that first check

In the time that I’ve been here it has been a ton of fun to progress from a know nothing to someone that is actually able to contribute to the community. More importantly, I write as someone who has been responsible for a number of people actually making their first sales and receiving their first checks.

So, again I thank everyone in this forum that has helped me along the way. You have no idea what a difference it has made in my life.


Comment from Editor – this is the kind of post which I read about all the time in the forum. It proves time and again that the successful Warriors are not extraordinary people – they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

As Jeremy himself says:

“Trust me when I tell you that if I can do it, anyone can.”

Peter Phillips


is buying plr a waste of money?

roger Davis


PLR has many uses - not least as a 'template' for building your own products, if it's a subject in which you are not an expert. Another excellent use is to find a generic subject (e.g. - accounting for small business) and tailoring it to fit various niches -

a) accounting for small solo entrepreneurs

b) accounting for a small internet business

c) accounting for an eBay business etc.

The one aspect that doesn't often get mentioned is this -

Typical life cycle of a PLR product -

a) A ghost-writer researches and creates product - usually this is done by finding information that has already been published and it is re-written in different words.

b) The ghost-writer sells the PLR product.

c) (Some) buyers research the subject further and (some) buyers re-word the product in order to make it unique.

You can see from this that in fact it could be possible by a strange quirk of fate for the buyer to unknowingly turn their product back into the original product from which the PLR was originally written.

You can also see that it is easy (with possibly the same amount of work minus the cost of buying the PLR) to create your own products by using the same methods as the PLR creator.

In some cases (e.g. where there are 500 buyers of the PLR) buying PLR is the worst possible way of creating original content because unlike other methods, it will be guaranteed that there will be 500 other information peddlers with the exact same starting template with the exact same wording.

So in my opinion, depending on your skill, buying PLR can either be the best thing that you can do or the very worst. Using it quickly is vital.

I bought a PLR e-book a couple of years ago which unfortunately I never used and it sat on my hard drive. It was kind of like a 'complete guide to internet marketing' and was written by a well known info marketer (let's call him marketer A).

About three months after I bought the PLR, another well known marketer (with strong connections to another part of this forum - let's call him marketer B) released it as a free e-book, didn't change the wording at all but just changed the cover and gave it an excellent memorable title.

He has a very large membership mainly consisting of newbies and most of them follow him like a bit of a cult leader. I still laugh when I see these people mentioning this e-book (which he gave away upon entry to his membership as his 'flagship' introduction to IM) and they say things like, "that e-book that marketer B wrote changed the face of internet marketing..."


The problem now is that if I were to try and release this e-book myself (and I paid good money for it) in the same format, no doubt one of these newbies would read it and say, "Hey, you've stolen marketer B's e-book and released it under a different name!"

PLR is excellent if you know what to do with it and move fast. But personally, I've always enjoyed cutting out the middle-man because traditionally middle-men are lazy sods who just put buyers and sellers together. Therefore, before buying PLR I would suggest you ask yourself how you think the PLR seller created it in the first place, and if it would not be wiser to do the same for yourself.

Ironically, you are less likely to be called a fraud for 'ripping off' someone else’s work, than you are for making a legitimate purchase from someone else who is doing the ripping.

Roger (Ex Rat)


Reply from Andy Henry:

I think you already know the answer, with the responses you've had but here's my take on it.

I've been asking the same question for about a year and what I've seen is this: most people don't do much with the PLR stuff they get.

Most PLR providers never made any money with what they're selling (they just did some keyword research and got some content written in the hope people will buy it).

Most people buy what's available rather than decide what they need and then buy what fits.

Those things in themselves are the cause for the symptom (that most people don't make money from PLR).

The sellers are selling on the basis of "saving you $xxxx getting it done for you", whereas in reality, what they're creating to sell is not what you would created yourself in order to make good sales.

You can easily make money with PLR and there are tons of opportunities to do it, but most people are buying into the sales pitches and not using their own brain. This results in poor content being poorly used and getting poor results.

Nothing new....


http://www.turntoandy.com/blog /



Daniel e. taylor


One simple word.

I've been keeping quiet in all the video debate that's been going on here.

It's time I come clean.

My business has been EXPLODING thanks to video. And no I don't mean Camtasia videos (although they work well).

I've been using my $200 digital camera making ghetto videos in my kitchen.

And guess what.. It's been working like crazy.

People are eating videos up. A low budget video of me playing the piano in my studio and endorsing a piano product (a good one by the way) on Clickbank.

*HINT* I just gave you a killer technique

And none of this is in the IM niche. I don't do the IM niche.

I actually made money from a video I made as a joke showing people how to make a ghettosalami sandwich.


For you marketers saying video is boring, and overused, and all that other stuff, you may want to rethink that.

Like I said none of my videos are professional. In fact I use Windows Movie Maker to edit the videos.


People would much rather see you tell them something than them read your text and see some weak picture

Don't get it confused, I don't mean JUST placing video on a sales page. I'm talking much larger than that.

I've been using video for promotion, sales pages, affiliate marketing, blogging... All that.

In some of the niches I'm in the forums actually allow you to watch Youtube videos directly from the thread.

Instead of typing out threads of content, I just started recording 8-10 minute videos of me talking to them.

Every thread has got 50-200 replies. People love video.


I know some of you are scared about showing yourself on camera, but get over it. You're a marketer.

Go get your digital camera, find some products on Clickbank, and instead of typing boring endorsements and all that crap,

Just make a video and endorse it, and watch the sales start rolling in.

That's if you're looking to make money RIGHT NOW!

*Hint another money making tip*

Here is a note about all my videos:

1. 100% of them are ghetto low budget done on a cannon digital camera

2. I never go over 10 minutes. That way I can upload to Youtube. And it’s not too long.

3. I stay the hell out of the IM niche with the videos

4. I give valuable CONTENT in MOST of my videos.

5. Every niche I'm in is profitable

So after reading this you say "I'll hate video and I refuse to use it".

GREAT! Keep hating it and not using it. Better for me.

Question:My concern in using yourself in videos would be that in wanting to expand to more than one niche market you would appear less legitimate as people caught on that you're an expert in so many fields. Is this something you consider?

Not at all.

The way you find videos on Youtube is by searching. Well most people do.

So if they are searching for "how to play the piano" they enter that phrase and I come up.

Someone else searches for “losing weight” and a video of me comes up.

Those are 2 very different niches and the chances of one person finding both videos are rare.

The same basic internet marketing principles apply.

I don’t cross promote different niches. I build my list in that niche, and they watch all the videos pertaining to that one niche.

In the event some miracle happens and they find another video of me giving content in a different niche, so be it.

All of my niches use PEN NAMES. so it's not like they can search Daniel Taylor and see me doing 100's of videos across 100's of niches.

I hope that answered your question.


I have so many different methods. I have Youtube videos where I point to a pagewith video and another video, and when they opt in it goes to a sales page.

I have also been using video directly on my sales pages. Also I have been driving traffic directly to my sales page which has a popover opt -in.

I've been doing IM for a while, and one thing I learned is that no matter what you're doing, the most important thing is to get that email address :)

I use a digital photo camera that has video capabilities. I added a 1gb card though. The funny part is I bought an EXPENSIVE video camera to do online video, but it's TAPE, and I didn't feel like figuring out how to get it on the computer.

Everyone else, just give video a try. It's only common sense that it's a heaven send to online marketers. Use it.

Think about it, reaching right through your prospects screen and talking right to them. Video demands attention, text doesn't. Not saying text isn't effective, but it's just being real.

Video >>> than text


What type of information do you give? Also, how are you promoting the product in your video?

I'm not understanding what you’re not understanding.

How do you promote anything? The only difference between promoting on video than with text is you are talking instead of typing.

How do I personally give valuable content in video? The same way you do it any other way. Just give away all your best stuff.

If you're in the weight loss niche you give them tips on losing weight in your video. Then plug in the product throughout the video. In Youtube there is a description box on the right. Just place your URL there and no other text.

At the end of the video I like to point to the left and tell them to click the link right there.Then I point down and say or right there.

I do that because they could be watching for a website and the link would then beunder the video.

Do I have a sample video? I don't know what that is. Are you really asking can I show you one of my videos I use to make money so everyone can copy it 1000 times? No!

Daniel E. Taylor


Read Only If You Are *NOT* Making ANY Money Online

Eric louviere

Ok, like many other Warriors, I've had a lot of messages and emails from people who ask me for help. I often felt the best way I could help folks would be to just glance over their sales copy and give a few copywriting pointers.

I'd respond like this: "Sure, I can take a quick glance at your sales letter or site, what's the link?"

After a while, I realized a trend...

I bet you already know what the trend is.

The reply back to me would be:

"I don’t have a site or sales letter"

I used to think that they were just BRAND NEW and had not had a chance to find a niche, blah blah

After tons and tons of this same kind of situation, I came to a very different conclusion than them just being BRAND NEW.

You see, some replied by giving excuses saying they have a few sites but they need a new one... or they need to finish it... etc

Then, I noticed folks asking for help who have even been in this game long before I came around. And, yet, they too did not have an active and functional site or sales letter either.

So, although my post here may seem quite elementary and common sense, you would be flat-shocked at how often I run into this. I'm sure the big dogs get absolutely hammered with this.

Sure, there are tons of ways to make money without a site, or a sales letter. There are affiliate programs, blogs, etc.

But - to be "in this game" wouldn’t you think you'd need to have your own site? squeeze page? ... even if it's for an affiliate program?

So, you need a hungry niche, a sales letter that converts, targeted traffic, keep testing and tweaking all that..... and monetize your operation with some kind of affiliate program, or your own product.

I know, there are lots of other ways to make money online without your own sales letter..... but something tells me those types of methods are not the problem here.

Look, even if you created your own site, etc and it failed miserably, you'd still be miles ahead of most people out there not making any money in this business. I'm serious. I mean, you'd be dangerously close to making good money if you did that, EVEN IF IT FAILED... in my opinion.

But - even if it failed, it could probably still earn you cash if you just tested, tracked and tweaked. AND, AND... if you went that far, to test, track and tweak..... hell, that would put you miles ahead of 97% of ALL IMERS.


All of them!

See what I'm getting at? It's not really the methods or the magic buttons, but the actual "implementation" that really matters at all.

How can you make $10,000? Well, there's a million different ways to go to get to 10k.

Anyway - if you are making money as an affiliate, that means you are making commissions (50%, 75%, etc) for selling other people's stuff.

If you sold your own product, you could not only make a higher percentage............ you could also have OTHER AFFILIATE MARKETERS market YOUR stuff.

So, instead of making money of each sale you produce, you'll make money off each sale your *affiliates* produce.

Basically - just create your own product and then create affiliate capabilities (paydotcom, Clickbank, etc)

Your own product could be enough to push you over 10k, since you sound close to that mark already.

So – suppose you are trying to sell a "how to make money with eBay" product? And, affiliates are not promoting your program.

You see, normally, if I decided to help, I'd ask for a link to see your letter. This is a perfect example of what I was talking about already.

If your sales letter sucks big-time, that would:

A) give me a reason to hammer you by picking apart your letter and B) probably really help.

Anyway I would not rely purely on an affiliate directory to get me affiliates. Sure, it can definitely provide them for you, but I would not rely 100% on it.

If your sales letter is professional, then marketers can usually tell. If it is a piece of crap, they can usually tell too. If it does not make sense, or is not very compelling, then who would want to market it??

Also - building relationships with others who can be affiliates for you is much more effective. With relationships, you just say, "Hey - I've got this new eBay thingy... can you send out for it?"


Reply from Steven Wagenheim:

Eric, I had to read this post just to make sure that I had all the basescovered as I was expecting a rather elaborate in depth tutorial. Imaginemy shock when I read some basic, and yet much needed steps, to making aliving online.

I guess I too am surprised at the people who don't get this.

Thanks for pointing out what I thought was quite obvious.



Besides, "failure is just another chance to do it again, but more intelligently the next time around" – Maxwell

IMO, you need to sell something in order to make money... so start selling something.




I'm Not Lucky! I Just Worked My *** Off!

Rod Cortez

I was having lunch with a friend of mine the other day and somehow we got on the topic of me working from home. They told me how "lucky" I was and how much they wished they could also have that life style.

I love the holidays and this past Thanksgiving was a great time with the family. Yet I heard again how "lucky" I was from a couple folks. I hear this every now and then. I usually reply with a grin and say "luck had very little to do with it, just good old-fashioned hard work." And that's usually where it stops.

Here's what's really going on inside my head. I'm not lucky. I created my own luck by working my ass off. I sacrificed spending time with friends and family to focus on market research, product development, competitive analysis, hiring help, studying and implementing sales copy, placing my ads, tracking my ads, building websites, writing content, answering e-mails, creating audio recordings, etc.

I would wake up at 5 am to go to work (when I used to have a j.o.b.), get home and take care of my duties, then log onto the computer and work for 4 to 6 hours. On weekends 12 hour days were the norm. I sacrificed hobbies. I sacrificed dates. I sacrificed my favorite TV shows (eventually I put the TV in my closet). I sacrificed sleep. I worked harder than I ever had before. Over time I began working smarter, but I continued to work hard.

My family thought I was crazy. My friends thought I was obsessed. My girlfriend at the time thought all I cared about was money, despite the fact that I would take her on nice trips and give her my whole attention during that time.

The people that understood me the most were other entrepreneurs. I met them at The Warrior Forum. I met them at other forums that dealt with small business / marketing / or entrepreneurial endeavours. I began making new friends. I began spending more time with like-minded people and it made it easier to focus on my goals. I only dated women who were supportive of me; otherwise there was no sense in dating them.

I'm sure there were a few things along the road where "luck" played a factor, but I made my own luck by working harder and smarter than the person who "wished" they could quit their job. This isn't a rant per se, nor do I really have a point in mind. But I did want to point out a few of things since I started this journey around the New Millennium:

#1)) People who do not share your goals or your passions will rarely, if ever, understand you.

#2)) Frustration, discouragement, and getting distracted are always around the corner. The key is to stay focused on your goals and review them every day. Tony Robbins taught me to get excited whenever I felt frustrated because that meant I was about to have a break through. It took me a couple of months to get my mind on that page but once I did, I became less and less frustrated.

#3)) If you want success as you define it you have to be willing to pay the price. It doesn't matter if you want to be the best parent, the best athlete, the best investor, the best marketer you can be, etc. you have to be willing to pay the price. I paid it in terms of time, money, and people whom I thought were my friends.


#4)) You don't have to eliminate friends and family that are not supportive of you (sometimes you have to though), but you can choose to spend less time with them; finding a new circle of friends who share your entrepreneurial dreams will increase your chances of success by ten fold.

#5)) When something doesn't work, be honest with yourself. Did you really follow the suggestions? Did you see it through to the end? I'll never forget a few years ago when I invested in an Adwords guide. I lost hundreds of dollars my first couple of months. I was ready to give up on PPC. But I was honest with myself and realized that I was not following the author's advice the way it was meant to be following. I began tracking all my keywords like he suggested and by my 3rd month I made a profit.

#6)) The path to financial security is hard. It is a road that is difficult and full of obstacles. It is far easier to quit, especially if you haven't seen results in a year or two, than to keep on going. Focus on what you can change. Can your copy be better? Are you constantly promoting your business? If not, why? What are your areas where you need improvement?

So I'm not lucky. I created my own luck by working harder than I ever have before in my life and by never quitting. So don't rely on luck. Don't wish for things to happen.....make them happen and there will be very little in this world that you cannot do.

Hopefully this has been an inspirational rant.



How to Make $100,000 in one year with IM

George Wright

1. Write an e-Book or get Resell Rights to one.

2. Charge $17 for it.

3. Sell 17 copies a day for one year.

Now was that hard?

O.K. It is hard work. And if one was really willing to work very hard he/she could guarantee themselves $100,000 in one year just selling e-books. That's the problem it's hard work. But then that's the great thing for those who are doing it. The hard work part keeps the competition down.

Think out of the box and the work is simple. Not easy, simple.

Example; Digging ditches is simple, find some land where there is no ditch, get a shovel and dig a ditch. Not easy but simple and doable.

The fact is you can sell 17 e-books for $17 with a WSO, leaving only 364 more days to reach 100k

Anyone who has read any of my e-Books knows how I could guarantee success. My way takes more work than most. It's simply selling your VIRAL e-Books to people off line. "George how do you make money on the Internet." Me, "Here is a great e-Book that tells you everything." Write down the URL or have it pre-printed on a Business Card.


Collect the $17 and hand them the download link,

Sell them the e-book on a CD or DVD

Leave page one on a flier at every business on a big street and put The URL at the bottom of the page telling them where they can finish reading the e-Book

I have a man at a private post office box who puts my fliers in each mail box..

Make a pet shop owner an affiliate to an e-Book on dog food recipes and leave fliers in the pet shop.

Make a chiropractor an affiliate to an e-book on acupressure points and leave fliers in his office.

Make a small tax preparation business owner an affiliate to How to make money online... etc. etc.

If I get off my computer chair and start in the morning and work 5 or six hours in any business area in all of southern California I will sell 17 e-books for $17. They will all have links to other e-books and so those 17 e-books will get me more sales.


If I do this every day soon there will be so many viral e-books out there making me more sales I'll retire.

If I make everyone I sell to an affiliate I'll have an affiliate sales force out there that I've personally shook hands with, had a cup of coffee or even lunch with them (Did you know you can trade a $17 e-book for a $17 lunch I know you can because I've done it). They will have my cell phone number and know my first name and like me.

Why don't I do that? Well to an extent I have and that is why I know it works. And if little old me, a former Janitor/carpet cleaner/Insurance salesman/etc. can do it so can you.

You can mix this plan with offline marketing, too. If you have a desire to succeed in Internet Marketing there is nothing wrong with taking the product offline to boost sales.

I've had people tell me "I just can't face people in a selling situation."

Look at it this way; Most of us face people in a selling situation all the time. It's just that we are being sold to instead of doing the selling. Observe how the sales clerk or waitress (would you like fries with that?) sells. Not all sales people are slick talking master persuaders. Most people who make their living selling are just everyday people like most of us.

Remember there is more than one way to promote offline. A sign placed in a brick and mortar business with high foot traffic gets seen 100s if not 1000s of times a day. Each view is a "hit" and out of 1000 "hits" if your sales copy is compelling enough people will write down your URL (keep it either short and easy to remember or at least just easy to remember. Long and easy to remember is better than short and easy to forget.)

Why would a business owner of a high foot traffic business let you place a BIG sign in his business? Make him an affiliate. The first month or two if there are few or no sales if you can afford it take him $50 or $100 anyway. It might take time for his regular customers to see your big sign to feel the urge to go to your web site.

Some will not be able to resist; Want to make money from the comfort of your home with nothing but a PC and an Internet Connection. Learn how and receive $5,000 worth of products for a price so low I can't state it here." Go To www.irresistibleoffer.com

You can get 1,000 black and white business cards for around $10. Leave them everywhere you go. Hand them to people, put them in the envelope when you pay your bills, a live person will read that card.

Don't forget fliers. I just got permission from a very well known Internet Marketer to use his compelling sales letter on a flier with my URL to a page where I'll receive a nice commission every time someone buys the program.

Do not forget you are doing this because you need or at least want to earn some money with Internet Marketing. There are literally millions of people out there just like you who need or want to earn some more money. They are not at home surfing the net. They are out in public spending what little money they do have trying to forget that they need more money to pay bills.

George Wright


How I Made Over $1,800 in 12 Hours...and the Money is Still Pouring In

Dennis gaskill

You tell me if I'm crazy.

Late last night I sent out "thank you for being a subscriber" email to my list, and offered them a free gift in appreciation. This is something I do now and then, because I really do appreciate them and I want them to know that.

On the download page for the gift I included a very hard to refuse offer: ten products for ten bucks. The ten products are ten e-books I wrote. They averaged 20 pages each and covered a variety of topics. There are a few affiliate links in a couple of them, but all the e-books promote one or two of my own products. I've already started receiving sales from them

With one e-book I included resale rights, and with another I included private label rights. Three were for personal use only and the other five had giveaway rights.

When I got up this morning I had over $1,800.00 in fresh money in my Paypal account. At just ten dollars a sale, that's 180 sales, and the orders are still pouring in. I'm expecting to double or triple that before it's done because I know there will be another flood of orders tonight when people get off work and check their email.

You might think I’m crazy selling 10 products for 10 bucks, but I get more than money for doing it, and also:

1. I build up a LOT of good will.

2. The resale rights product has a back end sale built into it, so I'll get sales from the sales my customers make.

3. All of the products have back end sales built into them, so I'll get more sales from my customers.

4. Five of the e-books have give away rights, so a lot of people are going to be helping spread my site around, and of course I'll get back end sales from these as well.

5. Many of the buyers are first time buyers from me. When they see the quality, they'll be more likely to buy in the future. I can't emphasize enough how important getting that "ice breaker" sale from a new customers is.

6. My reputation is only enhanced as someone who gives a lot of value, and the generosity of the offer really sets me apart from the crowd.

7. It builds trust, even with people that don't buy.

Now, I don't usually talk about my income because it's not your business, and I'm not trying to brag now because it really isn't all that much. I wanted to illustrate one thing...it's all about giving first, and then giving real value when you make your sales offers.

What do you think I am, crazy?


Several people have wanted to see the email I sent out. Rather than keep sending it via email or PM, I've posted it below for you.

The only thing different is that I replaced the actual link with (link was here). Sorry, but as I told my subscribers, it's was an appreciation gift for them.

As you can see, I somewhat mimicked the style of Frank Kern's emails. It was pretty successful. Feel free to "steal" my copy if you can adapt it to a project of your own. Here's the email...

Hi Dennis,

I have a gift for you just for being a subscriber to Almost a Newsletter. You can grab your gift right here:

(link was here)

Actually, I have two things for you.

First, the last three Tips Jar columns have been a series on keyword and content research. It's hard to absorb a three-part tutorial, so I've put it all together for you in a PDF file. Grab it here:

(link was here)

I'm offering this free to all my newsletter subscribers for the next couple of days, then it will go on sale to the public as a special report.


The Second Thing Will Make You LOVE Me


Well, maybe not LOVE love, but I think you'll like it a lot. I've beenplanning a special Thank You sale for some time. Here's the scoop...

* You get 10 of my products...* For just 10 bucks...* No kidding, just a buck each...* Half of the products are brand new...* One comes with resale rights...* One comes with private label rights* Four have giveaway rights

All are useful.

(link was here)

Wonder what they are? There's a description of each one on the ten for ten thank you page.

There are 200 pages of content . . . for just ten bucks.

Go there right now and claim your awesome package before the next newsletter goes out, because the offer comes down then - and I'm starting the next issue tonight, right after a cookout.


(link was here)

Talk to you soon,


(link was here)

That was it. It was pretty simple but simple works.

I had one guy call and tell me he'd been a subscriber for years and this was the first time he'd bought anything. He actually called for another reason, but that was part of the conversation.

I see so many posts here at the Warrior Forum that ask about technique or how-to info, I thought it might be instructive to know sales and success do not have to be based in the best copywriting, or slick packaging, or anything except value, accountability, and relationships.

Treating people right goes a long way toward building the kind of relationships that lead to success, online or offline. The way I treat my subscribers is more a result of my approach to life than it is because I'm a smart marketer.

Years ago I read something by Zig Ziglar that I'll paraphrase here, "You can get anything you want in life if you'll help enough others get what they want."

That struck me as a truism when I read it, and I try to remember that every day. That's one of the reasons I post a lot here.

Create your own success story now!




How to get at least 2k hits per day in a matter of minutes

Chris byrnS


Go from 0 to 2000+ hits per day in 10 minutes. 99.9% Automated.

I just had another personal meltdown and I thought I’d give away a little secret of mine:

How to get at least 2k hits per day in a matter of minutes. “Can’t be done”, I hear you say.. Well, check this out!

• Create a twitter account, set up a Wordpress (2.5.1 works best) blog on a generic domain.

• Install “wp autoblog” or “wp-o-matic”.

• Install twitter poster ( WordPress Twitter Poster WordPress Plugins )

Now, (do this each day, takes about 10 minutes) have a look at search.twitter.com and note down the hot trends.

Head over to Google’s hot trends and note down their hot trends. Now, go to the Google blog search and perform a search for those trending topics and get the RSS feed of the search results. Copy the rss feed’s url and insert it into your blogs wp-autoblog feature.


• your blog will aggregate the hottest trends • your blog will auto twitter the aggregated headlines with a link to your • blog • people search on Twitter in real time, find your tweet and click through to • your blog • you get mad traffic

I started this as an experiment three weeks ago and I get a constant 5k unique hits per day, according to awstats.

Why am I sharing this?! Dunno, perhaps I’m just stupid (Not really, I have other sources of income - I just thought it was time to share some stuff).

You can also niche it down a little - like do some keyword research, grab the keyword rss feeds and aggregate only those. This will get you heavily targeted traffic on autopilot. (this would probably be the best option)

I made $300 in the first week $150 in the second - but I won’t share my sponsor.

This really started just as a traffic experiment. (but think along these lines: “what does everybody need/want?”)


CHRIS! "Custom LOGOS for $49"


Handling Information Overload

Willy Crawford

A hot topic lately among clients and friends is informationoverload!

Even seasoned marketers suffer from information overload, soI can only imagine how it must be for beginners.

There IS a secret though.

That secret is that since information grows exponentially,simply don't try to keep up with it all.

You CAN'T!

Most of the "news" sent to your email box every day, will notadversely impact your life if you DON'T know about it. In-fact,not knowing about it will make life more manageable.

The challenge then becomes knowing what you DO need to payattention to. The solution there is to do what I do... use a few trusted filters. I keep up with what's going on byreading just a FEW newsletters, talking regularly with afew people in my niche, and monitoring a few blogs/forums.

I've learned, and ACCEPTED the FACT long ago, that the worldwill not stop spinning if I don't keep up with everything.

If you've already planned out your business, have methodsthat are working for you, and are on a path that's working,why would you worrying about what the rest of the worldis doing, when you don't even know if what they indicateto you that they're doing works any better than (or even aswell as) what you're doing?

Did you actually follow that last sentence?




Amazon affiliate marketing

Daniel brock

Hello Warriors!

I have a video compiling so I figured I would take a break and write a nice little blueprint for Amazon affiliate marketing for you. I noticed that a lot of people on this board are not really sure how to make money with Amazon marketing, so I figured I would help out.

So let’s get started shall we?

The problem a lot of newbies have with making money online is that they undoubtedly start out with Clickbank, as so many gurus suggest. I was there myself.

The problem is that Clickbank has hundreds of newbie affiliates joining up every day. It takes some real skill to be able to be successful with CB nowadays, so if you are new, I would highly recommend you resist the temptation to join that all of the Gurus out there have put in front of you.

Instead, I like to go for the easier jobs...and that is Amazon affiliate marketing selling physical products.

Let Me Explain to You Why Amazon Is So Awesome...

Simply put, Amazon IS the easiest way to make money online There are literally tens of thousands of products on Amazon. I spend over 40 hours niche researching all of Amazon products and I still find new products to promote all the time.

• People do not have as much suspicion about buying a physical product as they do for a digital e-book - therefore there is no need to go through the long pre-selling process.

• Amazon is unsaturated (99% of the niches are still low competition)

• People are addicted to Amazon’s sales process and end up spending more than they originally plan to. A $10 purchase can turn into a $100 purchase in a blink of an eye.

All you have to do is send traffic to Amazon to make a sale. For example, the other day I sold a $1500 play set and I don’t have a single website that sells play sets. Someone just browsed through my link and decided they want to buy a play set at the time.

But Dan...I can make more money from my digital product commissions!! Yes, you can make more money selling higher commission goods like e-e-books and what not. But the difference here is the amount of work you need to put in on those digital goods sites.

On all of my Amazon sites, I haven’t touched them in over 6 months now and they still earn for me like they did from the beginning. In fact, last month was my highest earning month ever at $1,200 in commissions.

With digital product sites, you have to continually work on rankings, add content, add links, etc. just to keep the same level of income.

They are not as set and forget as Amazon sites can be. And the reason for this is because there is virtually no competition in most of the Amazon niches.

The First Thing You Need to Do Is Find a Product to Promote.

There are two types of products you should promote in a 90/10% fashion. 90% of your promotion should be on high ticket items above $100. That gives you around $5 of commission per sale. A $300 item sale gives you about $20 in commission.

10% of your promotion should be on low end products to inflate your commission percent. At the beginning of the month they drop you down to 4.00% commission, so it’s important to sell


20 items ASAP to get it up to 6.5% So all you have to do is to go through each category in Amazon until you find products that fit the following criteria (for high ticket items);

• a cost of $100 or more, plus; over 10 reviews(This is a really good indicator whether or not the product is popular and selling)

• A star rating above 3 (no sense in promoting a crappy product) • Has 5 or more similar products to promote (this way we can create a whole website around one type of product)

Let Me Give You a List of Products NOT to Promote

One of the most common mistakes people make when starting out with Amazon is picking the wrong niches. EVERYBODY tries the following niches when they get into Amazon affiliate marketing:

• LCD TVs • Digital Cameras/camcorders • Luxury Watches • Laptops • Computers • Cell phones like i-phone, blackberrys, palms, etc. • Any product that is easily purchasable at stores like Walmart, Target, etc. A niche

like that is a vacuum cleaner. Every store around has a vacuum cleaner department, so most of people buy at stores for this type of product than they do online.

The problem with these niches is everyone and their mother has a website on these items. These are the first things they think of that are high ticket items they can get a lot of commission.

What that means for you is MASSIVE competition...which is bad.

So try to find more obscure niches like:

• Grills • Lawnmowers • Women’s Boots

1. Confirm The Products Are Actually Getting Searched All you do is run the root product name through the Google Adwords keyword tool.

So if we have a grill called the Coleman x50 gas grill (I’m making this name up), run the keyword ‘Coleman x50’ and ‘Coleman x50 gas grill’ through the keyword tool to see the search results.

If a product has about 4000+ searches each month, I will consider writing an article on it.

Once you find 1 product that fits, go back to Amazon and try and find at least 4 more related products that also have 4000+ searches. So for our gas grill example, we would go back and make sure there are 4 other popular gas grills.

Now Create Some Articles About These 5 Products

The easiest way to do this is to summarize what is already provided to you by Amazon. They give you practically all the info you need in 99% of their products. I myself outsource all of my articles to www.textbroker.com.

They are perfect for this application.


I generally like have my articles in the 300 word range. Whether you write the articles yourself or have someone else do it, you want to include the following information:

• The Who - Who the item is for. For example, your gas grill would be for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a quick way to grill up meat patties for parties. When someone is searching for a product review, they want to make sure it’s for them. So by addressing their situation, it helps confirm it for them(which means they are ready to buy and click your affiliate link) The What - Basically this is the outstanding features of the product.

• The Why -You are answering why they should buy the particular product compared to something similar. You would say something like ‘this gas grill is one of the easiest to start because of its auto-start feature. Stop wasting half the day trying to get those other gas grills started’

Post the first article, and add the rest on drip feed (Wordpress) so that they get posted automatically over a period of 2 months or more. This helps keep your site active over periods of time which is great for search rankings.

A quick note about auto-generated blogs.

For this method to really be effective, you need to use unique content for each article that you post. I’m sure you could make some money with this method by auto-blogging, but it won’t be anywhere as near as successful.

A note on how to drive traffic to Amazon.com

I have found that a simple text link within the body of your article converts the highest. I haven’t had much luck with image ads to be quite honest with you.

For a text link, I would do something like:

“If you want to buy this grill, I highly recommend you purchase online through Amazon at this link. It’s currently on sale for 21% off only through Amazon.

Let Me Give You An Example Product Review

Here is a quick mock write up of an acceptable review. Whether you are looking for a gift for that special grilling enthusiast, or just want it to for yourself to fulfil your own primal grilling urges, the Coleman x50 Gas Grill [affiliate link] is the perfect solution to the problem.

One of the best features of this grill is not the actual grill itself, but in the flavors of the meat it grills. Because it is an all gas grill, you never have to worry about your meat tasting like burnt charcoal. Instead, the only thing you will taste is the pure juiciness of perfectly grilled meat.

Let’s take a look at some of the features:

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature 5 Feature 6

If you are interested in buying the Coleman x50, you can get it cheaply online through Amazon at this link here. They usually have it on sale there. Compared to other gas grills in this price range, I really don’t think you will find a better piece of grilling equipment. Considering that it comes with a set of grilling utensils with purchase, the deal is even sweeter!


Another outstanding trait this grill has over others is its one of the easiest to start because of its auto-start feature. Stop wasting half the day trying to get those other gas grills started!

Let me show you some reviews from current owners:

Jim Bob, I bought this grill and it really rocks. I will never buy another gas grill again........View the full review here: (insert link to persons review page on Amazon Sam J, This grill is absolutely amazing. Nothing comes close.....View the full review here:

(insert link to persons review page on Amazon) Now Social Bookmark Your Main Domain Once your first article is posted, you will want to go post it on some social bookmarking sites to help get your site indexed.

I like to use Onlywire to speed up the process.

Next SLOWLY Build Links To Your Website and Internal Pages

A lot of people will tell you to build a ton of links all at once. I don’t like this idea because I like to be extremely paranoid when it comes to search engines. I BELIEVE that they can flag your site if it just starts and gets hundreds of links within the first month.

I like to build NO MORE than 1 to 2 links per week to my main domain and internal pages. It’s also important to rotate your anchor text as much as possible.

Here are the various linking sources I use:

• Profile Packets • Social Bookmarks • Blog commenting • RSS feed submission • RSS feed to Ping.fm <- a nice way to get some back links automatically as each of

your articles drip feed • Web 2.0 Articles <- just one unique article linked to an article on your site holds

some really high ranking power(just remember to bookmark your web 2.0 property to increase its ranking power and help get it indexed)


Duplicate and Work On Products That Sell Well I have learned that you are better off just focusing on one niche that you find profitable.

For a while there I was making sites to ‘explore’ niches. I left a lot of money on the table at first because I wasn’t improving the sites that were working, nor was I duplicating those sites.

When you find a winner, STICK WITH IT AND DUPLICATE WHAT YOU DID. Create another site on the exact same niche using unique articles and just repeat the entire process.

The same goes with individual products. You will find on your niche sites that 1 or 2 products sell better than the rest of them. It makes sense to work on these ones. Focus your link building on them and work on conversion rates for those products.

It’s about working smarter.


Most Importantly....

Like all other affiliate marketing, the key is to stick with it. I can tell you right now that not all of your Amazon niche sites are going to work out for you. I can also tell you that it’s going to get REALLY boring making these Amazon sites after you build a couple. It’s not fun...but it definitely works well, so stick with it and push through the boring times. Those are the basics behind Amazon.com affiliate marketing. There are a lot of other clever tricks you can do to boost your conversions and traffic, but I’ll save those for another post.

I hope you all enjoyed my free little guide here.


Daniel Brock



An easy $300 offline profit

David McAnulty

Here is something I started noticing not too long ago. If you go through your yellow pages, Google, and/or Craigslist and look for lawn mowing companies there are dozens of them and 75% of the companies do not have a website.

What do you do with this information? Simply call their contact number, introduce yourself and explain that you can have them a professional looking website up and running in less than a week for under $500. If they accept, list the project on Warriors for Hire, Elance, or Rent a Coder, whichever you prefer. Have them create a basic but professional website for no more than $200 and pocket the rest. If you are at all proficient in Dreamweaver you can handle this yourself and pocket the full $500..

I also found this works well for TV installers, handymen, and a few other businesses where individuals have low start up cost.

To take it even a step further keep all the contact information for the individuals for whom you do business. In a few months time follow up with them and offer your services to put an auto responder in place for a small fee of $150 so that they can capture leads and make more sales.

This seriously is a little cash cow ready for the milking. It is something that you can pick up tomorrow with zero dollars, find your target audience and have a few clients by the end of the day.

If you are just starting out and need some money for your new product idea or even just to pay the bill, give it whirl - you will not be disappointed. With a little knowledge and some direction I believe almost anyone can create a steady income or at least supplement their ultimate goal until it is achieved.

When you have something unique, then regardless of the time and effort it takes to create, you have the ability to charge whatever you like because there is only one place to get that particular product or service.

This offer specifically targets low start up business with limited budgets and no websites. When you say not to compare apples to apples with another provider, that is a great sales technique when approaching a client, but applying it to the specific opportunity I laid out, I would have to disagree. While your services may be 100% better then the competition, as it applies to this target demographic, you will price yourself beyond the range of their capabilities. Expenses have to be justified.

To demand a higher price, you have target professionals, such as doctors. Unfortunately, that demographic of individuals is far less abundant, considering most in that market already have a website.

The idea and demographic I am referring to take a lot less time to find targeted customers and start generating revenue immediately.

This is a simple cash generating method that even the newest of newbies can implement. I see an opportunity to grow and expand.


Everyone must start somewhere.


David McAnulty

Comment from Ed:

I would also look at preparing a generic demonstration web page so you can show them what it looks like on your laptop. Let them suggest any minor changes, quickly implement them and take the finished product back to the prospective client. I would suggest that a sale is virtually guaranteed.

Peter Phillips


It Starts With The Cornflakes

Peter Phillips (Yes, I’m in here too!)

I guess the first thing I should do is explain the title, which is a quote I read in my local paper. The journalist was interviewing one of the few independent supermarket owner/operators left in Canberra, Australia, where I live. He was asked “How can you compete, when you are shut out of all the premium supermarket sites and outbid on all grocery takeover bids by the two supermarket giants who dominate the industry here?”

He answered that he would always be behind them because they could afford to be a loss leader, and could outbid him on every deal by knowing they could pay exorbitant amounts for a site and sustain the subsequent losses a lot longer than he could because of their huge financial backing. He then said that to compete with them in sale, he always starts with the cornflakes.

Cornflakes are a generic product, pretty much the same wherever you buy them, so there’s not much point in trying to be top dog in the cornflakes market. He therefore offers top discounts on quality items and advertises them heavily. As he says “That gets the customer in the door, and once they are in my supermarket they will buy the cornflakes anyway”.

The lesson for you as an internet marketer is do not try to compete with the big guns on “me too” products, especially in the “Make money on the internet” niche. They have lists of thousands, and just by playing the numbers game they can just about sell anything whenever they want. If you have a list at all, it’s probably a small one, and you would welcome a $10 sale every month. I can assure you that the vast majority of internet entrepreneurs make less than that.

Therefore you must have your own product, and it must be a premium one, and this is where most people stop dead and say “I haven’t got a product” and leave it at that without sitting down and seriously thinking about what kind of product you could create.

Why you need your own product.

Many new people just starting out in internet marketing think that they will make their fortune by putting up a few Adsense web pages and by joining an affiliate program. After a while they begin to realise that they are not making much money at all, if any.

The web pages have to get traffic, which is a big marketing exercise in itself, and even when you get lots of visitors you may not get a large click through rate, which defines how much money you will make with the Adsense program. I know from browsing different forums that some webmasters are getting thousands of visitors a month, yet are making only single figure dollars per day. Clearly you can’t rely on that to be able to chuck in your full time job and live the life that every other internet marketer but you is living.

The other bright hope is with affiliate programs. Early in their internet career, many people join every affiliate program they can, and why not, it’s free. Again they quickly realise that the expected riches do not eventuate, and that real affiliate marketing is hard work. You still have to run email campaigns to a large list of opt in subscribers which you probably don’t have, advertise on pay per click, which costs money you haven’t earned yet, or spend hours writing articles which no-one will ever read. Another avenue for promoting your affiliate program is to post to lots of forums, but you will have to find something interesting or helpful to say in every post you make, or the forum moderators will be quickly on to you for blatant marketing, and will at the very least delete your post, and perhaps even ban you from the forum.


Another problem with affiliate marketing is that for some reason people don’t want to see a fellow affiliate making money, so they will delete your affiliate reference and go straight to the main program website. You should always disguise your affiliate url so that others cannot see that it is an affiliate link, or even what the name of the program is. Other affiliates get into a bonus war with other affiliates, each one offering more and more to get you to sign up through their link. Therefore, if you are an affiliate of a popular program you will have to compete with these heavy hitters, and the truth is you can’t.

The other thing to note is that even if you are successful beyond your wildest dreams and get lots of signups, who’s making all the money? You’ve done all the work, advertising, writing, posting, offering lots of bonuses to get your signups, and what has the program owner done to earn his money from all those sales? Nothing! He will have to pay out a commission check of course, but that still leaves him with a lucrative income for doing nothing.

Now you can see that the boot should be on the other foot. To make real money, you need to be the product owner, and have lots of affiliates working their butts off for you.

Unfortunately, this is where most people come to a screaming halt – they don’t have a product, and don’t know how to get one. First you have to realise that a product is not necessarily a physical product, in the common sense of the word. It can be something as simple as a 7-page e-Book, to a large software program.

If you can’t write or code, you can still get a product by purchasing the master resale rights to a product. Make sure the rights allow you to put your name as the author, and that there are not too many other people with those rights.

For your own e-Book, you could get a number of PLR articles, completely rewrite all of them and put them into a coherent sequence. Get a good-looking cover, give it a snappy title and there’s your product! You would of course have done your market research beforehand, to see if there is a demand for your topic.

For software, get a lite version of a piece of software you think would be useful, and do the same thing. The chances are that you are not a programmer, so you would have to get one to do the job for you. Do a search for “rent a coder” and you will find one of these services.

There are some other aids for creating your own product, and you will find one in my link at the bottom. The main thing is to get your own product on the market, in a popular niche, and get your own band of affiliates promoting your product for you. You could get a super affiliate marketer to do a joint venture with you, but your product had better be good. These guys make so much money they will only bother with the top-flight products. Another way is to get your product into one of the many giveaway promotions, and this has the added bonus of getting more opt in customers for your list.

To summarise, get away from being an affiliate yourself, which when you think of it, is just like a normal job – you are still working for someone else, and that’s what you are trying to get away from. Get your own product, and be the boss yourself, with an army of workers working for you!

Excuse after excuse crops up, anything to put off actually doing something.


Are these some of your excuses?

1. I haven’t got enough clues to make it in the internet business.

This would have to be one of the dumbest excuses you can have – dumb because it probably isn’t true. If it were true, you wouldn’t be smart enough to be reading this article.

I’d be willing to bet that if you could have a one on one talk with any of the so-called internet gurus, they will tell you that they have no more innate intelligence than anyone. I wouldn’t expect them to be paid up members of Mensa (the club for the top 2% of the population in intelligence). I have some claim to that statement, because I am a member, and I know of only one other marketer who is on our membership list, and he’s mainly into mainstream marketing, not primarily internet marketing.

All you need to succeed is an average intelligence, and a real desire to learn. All the information you need is already available to you, there are innumerable articles on how to make money on the internet, if you are willing to learn, and have the desire to put into practice all you have learned.

The key ingredients are perseverance and concentration on one thing at a time. Let’s discuss them in turn:

• Perseverance

Again ask any internet guru, and again I’ll bet they will tell you that success did not happen overnight. It did come much sooner than it would have done in most other businesses, but it didn’t happen right away. They had to start somewhere, make their first dollar, realise how they made that dollar, and duplicated what they had done. They did not give up after three or more months of earning a trickle of a few dollars from Adsense, or whatever income stream they chose to target.

Remember Amway? Some of you made have tried it, many did, but few succeeded. They gave up when they kept getting “Noes” from their prospects. The really successful Amway people (those diamond levels you met at the seminars) got where they did because they kept going, even when nothing seemed to be happening for them.

So remember Winston Churchill’s advice from a famous school day speech he made (Google “never give up” + Churchill). As you have guessed, the message was “Never give up”. It was a message that inspired the British people, when all seemed lost. Read it yourself, and become inspired too. You can also read a précis in “the Last Word” on Page 209.

• Concentration

You may have bought “Butterfly Marketing” (and probably did nothing with it!), but don’t have a butterfly mind. Don’t flit from the next big thing to the next big thing, filling up your hard drive with stuff which seemed good at the time, but now lies gathering e-dust on your hard drive.

There is no “magic bullet” which works better than all the other strategies. Article marketing is inherently no better than pay per click advertising, or SEO. All those strategies work well for those who work them well.

There is a novel in the book “One minute millionaire”, which tells the story of how a single mother had to raise a large sum of money to keep her children. Of course she succeeded, just as you would, if you were placed under that kind of pressure.


One last piece of advice – just start! I started this post not 20 minutes ago, by finding some points in a long lost book I had, and by then writing the first sentence. Then, once I had started, I just kept going!

2. I just don’t have the time

Another favourite excuse of people who say they want to earn a living online, is that they do not have the time that it takes to do all the work necessary to achieve what they want.

It’s rubbish of course – if you waited for the right time to do something, chances are it will never get done.

There’s an old saying – if you want to get something done, ask a busy person: someone who isn’t busy won’t have the time. And the reason the busy person is busy is because they are actually doing something, rather than just thinking about doing something.

I work in a government department, where it is an acknowledged truth that if you want to stall a good idea, you propose a “task force” or “focus group” to look into the matter. That’s code to the chairman of the proposed task force to delay making a decision for as long as possible. I have known simple decisions to take over six months to finally get dead and buried, to even the sponsor’s relief.

Don’t come up with the same old excuses:

I’m so busy at work; I’m too tired when I get home

This is a classic. The reason you are looking at making a real income online is to get away from that pressure job. A drastic measure would be to give up your job, and take a part time one to give you more time to put into your online business.

3. I can’t afford to leave my job

I can’t pack in my job because I need the money (to pay the mortgage, whatever) Probably true, so get a smaller house, move out of town to a cheaper area, and consolidate your loans. I’ll bet that if you’re intelligent enough to be reading this, you’re earning more than the average wage – so how do people below the average wage get on?

Now I’m not telling you must do all this, as I said it is a drastic step – you need to preserve your marriage and family, if this idea will jeopardise either. I just want to put the question into your head “What am I prepared to give up in order to give me more time to put into my internet business?”

It may be something as simple as giving up watching TV. I know when I was studying for my accounting qualification; I had a full time job, and had to go to night school four nights a week. Then I had to do my assignments on the weekend, turning down invitations from my friends to go to the football, or pub etc., but I knew this was the sacrifice I had to make if I wanted to get qualified.

Remember a lot of people work two full time jobs. That’s 80 hours, less than half the hours available in a week. Your internet enterprise shouldn’t take anywhere near 40 hours a week, so you can easily accommodate it alongside your primary job.

How much time do you spend commuting to work? Get yourself an mp3 player, record stuff you’ve downloaded from the net. In other words download mp3s and pod casts, rather than e-e-books, which you will convince yourself you don’t have time to read. Then listen to your mp3 in the car, or train, and learn what you need to that way.

If you want something badly enough, you’ll find the time to do it all right.42

Follow the Nike slogan – Just do it!

4. I haven’t got much money – how can I start a business?

I seriously doubt that that statement is true. While it may cost some hundreds of dollars to join the big boys, and that’s mainly in the costs of advertising, such as Google Adwords, you can get started for a lot less than that, just like I did.

I originally joined a few HYIP (that’s high yield investment programs to the uninitiated). Some reckon they should be called HRIP, for high-risk investment program. This is because they seldom last long, because they cannot possibly be self-sustaining. They are normally ‘cash doubler’ programs, or some other program which promises high rates of return in a very short time period. What actually happens is that they pay out your high return from the funds of new people entering the program, but of course the payouts have to depend on ever-increasing rates of new entrants. Eventually, of course, the supply of new money dries up, and the whole thing falls over.

The trick is to do what I did, and get out the money you put in (seed money) before the program crashes, as it inevitably will. Don’t get greedy and keep re-investing – you will lose everything.

Anyway, the point of all this is that I started with only $10, and eventually got back about $100.

That’s how I got started in the internet business with only $10, and so can you.

All you need is a domain, (less than $10 a year), hosting (less than $10 a month) and a website design (under $50 to get one designed, otherwise there are hundreds of free templates on the net). I would also recommend getting a blog, which is free from Google, at http://www.blogger.com. A blog is just a living website, but you do have to update it frequently to keep it interesting, and to keep visitors coming back.

Actually, you don’t even need a website, just become an affiliate of a successful product, and direct traffic from an FFA email campaign (although I wouldn’t recommend this, as it does really constitute spam, but if desperately short of cash you could try it) or your blog to your affiliate link.

The beauty of being an affiliate is that the program owner takes all the responsibility, deals with product delivery, and making refunds to dissatisfied customers etc. All you have to do is deliver him/her the lead, so that a sale may be made. Then you get paid your commission – don’t settle for less than 50%.

If you go to the Click bank marketplace, http://www.clickbank.com, you will find hundreds, if not thousands of affiliate products you can promote.

If all this sounds too easy, it’s not as easy as that! You will need to get traffic to your site or blog in order to refer your affiliate link. You can’t just sign up as an affiliate, do no marketing, and just expect money to roll into your Paypal account.

You have to promote – the surest way to get traffic is by buying Google Adwords, but I wouldn’t leap into this until you are fully conversant with the way Adwords works – you could end up blowing a lot of money!

A free method of promotion is article marketing or e-book marketing which is precisely whatI do. I write articles, submit them to article directories, and hope people read them.

Then when they read my resource box at the bottom, they will think “That looks interesting”, click on the link, and end up on my site.


Unfortunately, article marketing is a whole new subject, which is covered elsewhere in this book.

I hope this has erased any thoughts you might have had about not having enough money to get started in the business of making money online.

5. There’s just too much competition

Another well worn excuse for you to procrastinate about trying to make money online is that there is far too much competition out there. The big boys have got the market sewn up, and there is no room for a small player like you. This is of course true, for a phrase like “used cars” you would not have a hope of getting noticed.

You think that you may have missed the boat on every niche; that you should have been in right at the start, like all those other bigwigs. What you are forgetting is that they are facing the same competition as you.

For example, in the field of giving out information on how to make money on the internet, there are thousands of products, information and sales pitches out there, like young saplings in the jungle, all vying for their place in the sun. Unlike the jungle though, there is always enough room for one more, since the internet audience is so vast and growing exponentially every day. Having said that, I wouldn’t choose internet marketing as a niche.

Even if you enter a tiny niche market, you will find plenty of competing markets. Just type in your niche market keyword into Google, and see how many sites come up. Take a look around your local newsagents and look at the number of magazines about dogs, for instance. You’ll find plenty, with titles like “Bark”, or “Woof” giving out information on dogs in general, never mind the smaller markets of specific breeds of dogs. These magazines are all competing for the same market, yet they must be succeeding, or they wouldn’t be there. The market might even consist of the same readers, who buy both magazines.

The internet is the same. I’d be willing to bet that you have signed up for every freebie under the sun in the past; you might still be doing it. I know my hard drive is cluttered up with e-e-books, more than enough for me to ever read, and I expect yours is too.

So provided you can get people to view your message (and that’s a whole new subject of internet marketing), you will get lots of interest in what you have to offer.

Get them to double opt-in to your list, by giving them something to sign up for, a newsletter, or fifteen “must have” bonuses. Don’t worry too much about writing a newsletter, there are plenty of other newsletters around that will give you rights to use them as your own newsletter, provided of course that you leave the attributions of author and source intact.

Then email them regularly, but not every day, and make sure you don’t try to sell them something with each email. I know I have my favourite emails to open, because I know I will not get blasted with a sales message every time – sure I’ll get one occasionally, but I realise that the person is not wishing me a good day for nothing.

Sometimes these emails will give me a free gift, which I may not use, but it’s still nice to get. Most of the time the emails are quite chatty, telling me what’s happening in their world, and the success or problems that they re experiencing Again I’m not really that interested, but at least it’s better than reading interminable sales letters which start with “My good friend ……blah blah”

The reason I mention these emails is too show you that these people have got something which makes them stand out from the crowd, something which appeals to me. It may not


appeal to you, but that’s not he point. The point is that they are doing something to stand out from their competition, and that’s what you have to do too.

Stop worrying about the competition; that will always be there. Instead, start thinking about what you are going to do about that.

6. I don’t have the knowledge

Another excuse that people come up with to avoid actually taking action is to say that they do not have the skills, business or otherwise, to succeed in the online marketing field, or indeed any field.

This is rubbish – anyone can become an expert in anything, and even if you are not, you can have people think that you are.

If I recall correctly, it was Albert Einstein who said something like: “If you are willing to spend 15 minutes each day learning about something, within in a year you will be a world authority on that subject”.

Now you don’t have to become a world authority on your topic, you just have to know more than 99% of the population. Although this may sound a bit daunting, the reality is that it is pretty easy to do.

The internet has more information than you will ever need, and it’s all free. All you have to do is read all you can, grab articles, read magazines, and within in a week you will know a lot more than most people. Then you distil all this information into a summary, a report, or an e-Book, and advertise it for sale or for a viral giveaway.

Go to Yahoo Answers, and answer some questions on your subject, and soon your name will become familiar to readers, and you will be perceived as being an expert. You can also use the same technique in forums on your topic. Post sensibly (don’t just write “Great Post!), offer some help or advice, and you will gain the reputation as an expert poster.

For all its vastness, the internet is still a relatively small community. After you have been hanging round a bit, you begin to notice the same names cropping up again and again – this is where you want to be in your chosen field.

If you want a topic to become an expert on, the main criterion is your motivation for doing so. This will pretty much come down to a choice of two, namely to make money, or to indulge yourself in thing that you like.

Of course it’s really great if those two motivations coincide, but that will not always be the case.

Most internet coaches will advise you to write about your passion, because that is where you feel most comfortable, and it will make thing a lot easier for you, which is perfectly true, and if that’s all you want to do, then that’s fine.

However, if you want to make money, you will have to become an expert in a market where people are buying.

As an example, through my research on what people are spending money on, I have recently come across the wonderful world on online gaming, something which I knew nothing about, and which does not interest me in the slightest, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is the fact that, although I may not be interested in online gaming, there are a lot of people who are.


As a result, I have read up on the subject, and now know enough to write something coherent on the subject. Then I use this writing to guide people to my online gaming blog, and thence to my affiliate link.

So there you go, I hope this gets rid of the “I’m not an expert excuse”. If I can become just a little bit knowledgeable about a subject I previously knew nothing about, so can you.

7. I’ve failed at everything!

I want to talk about one of the most common excuses, which is the excuse that you are no good at business. Everything you have ever tried has failed, so why should this one be any different? What is normally the case with this excuse is that people don’t look at the real reason for the failure, which is probably a lack of commitment, and a determination to succeed.

You don’t need a big budget to make it in the field of internet marketing, but you will have to work a lot harder to succeed if you don’t spend any money. Having said that, the internet is a place where one can succeed wildly without spending a lot of cash. When you consider the start-up and continuing costs of a normal bricks and mortar business, you will realise how ridiculously cheap it is to set up shop on the internet and succeed. In fact your biggest expense will be in time and effort, not money.

There is the whole field of affiliate marketing, for instance. Here you have a complete inventory of e-books and software, without any of the usual storage, manufacturing and acquisition costs of a normal business. Your only expenses in affiliate marketing will be in promoting the product. Typically the method used by super affiliates is to email their large list of opt in clients by way of an auto responder, and hope that enough of the recipients will buy the package. This percentage conversion rate will depend on the level of trust which has been built up, usually over some time.

Once you have been on a few lists yourself, you will notice that you are being bombarded with emails from different people, all promoting the next big thing. Each one will be offering bonus after bonus to get you to sign up through their affiliate link, and sometimes the bonus is a better product than the product they are promoting so furiously.

This form of promotion costs the big affiliates virtually nothing. The auto responder does all the work involved in sending out the emails, so it really doesn’t matter if there are 1000 or 10,000 recipients. From there, the promoter’s website takes over, providing the product download page, and perhaps even up selling another product. Paypal takes care of the money collection, so all the affiliate has to do then is check his Paypal statement every morning to see how much money he’s made overnight. All nice work if you can get it.

Of course these people didn’t get to this happy position without having spent some money in the past in order to get people to sign up for their list, and if you want to get there you will have to fork out some cash too.

You will need some cash or time to get incentives for people to sign up, and people are getting much more selective about getting on someone’s list. They know that they will be adding another few emails every day to their already crowded inbox, and so the incentive will have to be something reasonably valuable to them, and of course you would have had to acquire the rights to that incentive on the first place.

If you haven’t had enough time to do it, or any success in building up a large list of your own, and you want some action, you will have to either spend money on advertising or go for the free advertising like forum and article marketing.


The difference is that forum and article marketing do not cost any money, just a fair bit of time, while advertising via Adwords, or www.usfreeads.com will cost cash, but will produce results almost immediately

Usfreeads are, as the name suggests, free, but the upmarket version is only $9 a month at the time of writing, and this gives you an unlimited number of ads plus the ability to present your ads in HTML format, so you can have colour and images instead of just plain text.

So if you find the prospect of going into Adwords daunting (and you can get burnt if you don’t know what you’re doing), you can run an effective advertising campaign on www.usfreeads.com for only $9 a month. If you can’t afford that, then this business is not for you.

I hope you can now see that with an unlimited supply of products, by way of becoming an affiliate, and an advertising budget of $9 a month, you will have the tools you need to at least get on the road to the goal of getting rid of that job. As we say in Aussieland, it’s cheap as chips!

If you have been around the internet scene for a while, you will have heard that the real money is in having your own product to sell. While affiliate marketing costs you virtually nothing, even if you succeed (and some people are doing very well out of affiliate marketing), the owner of the product is still making more money than you.

In essence he is giving away a slice of his profits to get a free army of affiliates working for him, giving him a lot bigger audience for his product than he could ever reach on his own. His affiliate does all the advertising and marketing, plus other means of promotion, like article marketing, sending letters out to lists, while he can sit back and do nothing. That’s why it’s free to become an affiliate – you are working for them, and it costs them nothing.

So, unless you have an extraordinary large list of contacts, or pay for Adwords to promote your affiliate product, you won’t do that well in affiliate marketing. That is not to say that you can’t do well in it, it’s merely saying that you will have to work really hard to make a decent living, like getting together a list of thousands of names, and that’s not easy. Virtually all the successful affiliates have been in the game a long time, and have built up their contacts and reputations over the years.

Also as an affiliate, you will have lots of competition – we have all seen the endless emails from people all promoting the same product, all with even bigger and better bonuses. They can give out these bonuses because they own the product, probably having bought the resale or giveaway rights to it. It doesn’t cost them any more to give away 50 bonuses tan it does to give away a few. So if you want to promote a successful product, you will be in competition with these big guns, and the truth is you probably cannot compete with them – their lists are bigger, their bonuses are better, they hire copywriters to do their sales page, in short they are much more professional in their approach.

So if you want to make real money, you want these people working for you – you want them to be your affiliates, or make a deal with them for a joint venture. However, even if you do have a product, it had better be an exceptional one, otherwise these high rollers won’t even read your emailed offer; they get bombarded with those every day, and have employed a screener to go through the applications for joint ventures. Your email will probably not even get past him/her.

So, the best idea, unless you can come up with something great on your own, is to take a product that you think is good (and is a good seller), and tweak it to make it different from the original. It doesn’t necessarily have to be better, just different. It probably helps to have a catchy or provocative name (Remember the “Adsense is dead” report? The author of that made a fortune, just on the name).


Get someone to write the software for you, if you can’t do it. You can get excellent coders on www.rentacoder.com. Just remember to give the coder precise specifications of what you require.

As an example, there are plenty of variations on the Wordtracker theme, i.e. finding the number of keyword searches. I use one myself, and it is an invaluable tool, but I could easily copy the idea (just like the author of my program probably did), call it a different name like Wordfinder, or Keyword Katcher, and sell it to newcomers to the net, who are just finding out about keyword research.

So there’s an example of how to get your very own product, one that is uniquely yours, unlike resale rights products. I’m sure that with a little thought, and most importantly with the will to see it through, you can have your slice of the internet pie.

I’ve been doing a series of articles on the various excuses people make for not really trying to get into the internet marketing scene. Usually, of course, these excuses are only perceived justification for not getting off one’s backside and taking action.

Of course this is true in life in general, not just internet marketing. Doing nothing is normally the easiest option to take. I know I stayed in a job for far too long because I was comfortable in it, and didn’t want the stress of having to try something new. The old “what ifs” took hold – “What if I can’t do the job?”, “What if the new company goes broke?” It was only when I got made redundant that I was actually forced into taking action, and there are plenty of internet success stories of people who were forced to take action because of some event outside their control.

Like most other things, internet marketing is a numbers game. There are so many customers out there, that even the most successful marketers are only getting a success rate of under 5%, sometimes as low as 1%. However even this low rate of conversion is enough to make them successful.

That is why you must do the same. Provided your interest and market is not absolutely off the wall, there will be plenty of people who will be interested in what you have to offer, and if you can get a big enough audience, the law of numbers will kick in, and you will become successful.

Using this strategy, your only real problem is to tap into that vast audience, and this is where the different forms of marketing come into play, but marketing is a whole new subject on its own, so you will have to do some more research on that.

The one thing you must not do is chase after every opportunity that comes along. This is the biggest common denominator in the stories of failure. If you do not believe me, take a reality check on the contents of your hard drive. If it’s anything like mine, it will be cluttered up with gigabytes of information and products, most of which I will never look at. The tragedy is that there are probably some gems in there that I could make profitable if I put my mind to it.

Therefore, my advice to you is simple. Get your product, which could be an elaborate software product or just a simple five page report, make sure there is a market for it, and get a website or blog. Then get a professional auto responder and set up an opt-in form. Give people heaps of incentives to sign up. It doesn’t really matter what you give them, as long as it is free. People will gobble up free stuff, even if they don’t want it.

Then grow your opt in list further by posting in forums, by writing articles, or if you have the money, by buying an Adwords campaign. (the quickest and most sure fire method of getting visitors to you website/blog)

Once you have a reasonably substantial opt in list, email them regularly, but don’t try to sell anything with the first few. After that, the law of numbers should kick in, and you will be away.


If all this sounds simple, that is because it really is, but I repeat, the key to it all is taking action. You can have the best looking site, the best product, and the best advertising campaign, but if you don’t take action nothing will happen.

Now go and have a bowl of cornflakes!




Article marketing tips

Daniel Molano

Hello my friends and fellow Warriors,

I reached 500 posts yesterday so I wanted to post something worthwhile and give back to the community.

Article Marketing is now more popular than ever, the problem is most people don’t understand the whole science behind it.

This method requires an entire systematic procedure (for which there are many variations); it’s not just about submitting quality articles (although that’s a big part of it).

People come here to complain about AM when they never did it ‘right’ in the first place. So I will show you ‘right’.

After this thread, there is NO excuse to start asking the daily 100 questions about Article Marketing, because everything will be here.

Article Marketing 101

This is a step by step procedure, follow it and I guarantee results.

Step 1 - Keyword Research And Implementation

A lot of people, especially IM beginners or newbies don’t get the entire concept behind the ‘keyword(s)’. There are many types of keywords, for this method we will be using one known as long tail keywords or keyword phrases. To illustrate the process, I’m going to grab a random niche; a highly competitive one to show you that competition can only be good (because there is higher demand). It’s the dating niche.

Now, head to your favourite keyword research tool (I use the Seo Book Keyword Suggestion Tool myself).

Here is where you will be doing all the research.

Your goal is to look for any long tail keyword related to the niche that has at least 10 daily search results (the more the better obviously) and LESS than 10,000 Google competition (the less the better). Allow me to elaborate. I typed the search term pick up in the keyword tool and a long list of all types of keywords displays, since we are looking for long tails it should be a phrase containing 2 or more words.

Here is one – “sweet talk pick up lines” (yes that is ONE keyword). It has over 650 overall daily search results (an average between the top 3 search engines) and a whopping Google competition of 131 websites (note sarcasm). Hint: There are many more profitable keywords in that list alone.

Some people are going to kill me for revealing that keyword; it has the potential of driving 650+ visitors to your website per DAY with ONE article. How did I measure competition you may wonder? I went to Google and did a search for the keyword under quotation marks: “sweet talk pick up lines”

Step 2 - Source Research For Your Article Naturally, to write an article around that keyword you need to know some sweet talk pick up lines, so you will want to do some research on it unless you are some sort of Casanova or Vegas Vince.


This is the simplest process - go to Google and type in “sweet talk pick up lines” (without quotations this time), check about 5 sources, grab your favourite pick up lines and you are good to go.

Hint: A source can be anything from an encyclopaedia to an article. Note that in this case, that was very easy research; sometimes you will need to do a more in depth investigation in order to pull out a great article.

Step 3 - Writing The Article

You don’t have to be a professional writer to pull off an amazing article, simply write the article as if you were speaking to a client verbally. Don’t forget to make the article short (350-650 Words is my criterion), you don’t want the reader bored to death and leaving half way through (that accomplishes nothing) by making them read a college thesis.

The basic structure of an article is composed of 6 parts. In order:

1. Title or Headline

The keyword MUST go here, for example: Top 10 Sweet Talk Pick Up Lines To Capture Her Attention. Headlines are used to capture the reader’s attention, in this case it is also used to optimize the article for the search engines.

2. Summary

The keyword doesn’t necessarily have to go in this one, it’s all about writing an appealing summary of your article. The summary is what will most likely show in the search engines under the title/headline of the article.

3. First Paragraph

Again, the keyword MUST go here once (don’t flood it). Make it interesting and appealing or the visitor/reader will leave.

4. Body

Add the keyword in this part once again and insert the sweet talk pick up lines you chose during your research.

5. Last Paragraph or Conclusion

This is where you close the reader. Add the keyword one last time and present a subtle lead to the resource box (where you promote your website).

6. Resource Box

The best article directories will only allow you to promote or advertise something in this space, it has to be appealing and it MUST have a clear call to action. This is where you add the link to your website (ideally in anchor text for a keyword you have your website optimized around for SEO purposes (mainly back linking)).

Just as an example: “If you truly want to get the girl, go to this website now:

[Insert Link in Anchor Text] It is the top resource on dating advice and tips courtesy of the leading dating guru.”

Step 4 - Submitting The Article

Great! Now you have created a very powerful article, it’s time to submit it. You can submit to as many article directories as you wish without any penalties (duplicate content does not apply unless you submit the same article under the same domain).


The leading article directory is Ezine Articles. Their customer support may not be the best, but no matter what people say it gives the best ROTI (Return Over Time Invested - It’s Free) and each day they become more strict on what articles to accept, so you won’t get away with crap articles (which is good, crap articles are useless).

After submitting to EZA and getting it approved, feel free to submit to as many article directories as you want.

Step 5 - Securing The Article’s Position in the Search Engines

Securing an article in #1 position for a specific keyword using the criteria stated above is VERY easy due to the low level of competition; you just need a few back links.

There is software out there (and services) that submits back links to over 100 social bookmarking websites, providing you with enough back links to secure the article in #1 position. The key to using these programs is: DON’T SPAM, just submit 1-3 back links per day at most.

I don’t want to mention the back link automation software I use because that would be promoting a product.

When you do a back link make sure it is linking to your article IN anchor text with the keyword used in the article.

That pretty much guarantees your search engine rankings because the competition for the search term(s) is low. Add a killer quality article to the mix and you will be getting back links from people you don’t even know for free.

Final Step - The Numbers Game

After all the steps above are met, it becomes a numbers game. Submit 100 articles using this method. Don’t panic just yet, let me show you why.

Let’s say all your articles average 100 views per day and you have a decent average CTR of 20% (these numbers are very common). 100 Views X 20% = 20 Unique Visitors Per Article X 100 Articles = 2,000 DAILY Laser Targeted Visitors (AKA Potential Buyers) to your website.

That is just an example using a below average scenario, the numbers may vary and if you stop submitting articles the traffic may go down (unless the keywords used continue to get the same number of daily hits).

Well that’s about it my friends. This works for every single niche out there. And not only are you getting highly targeted traffic to your websites but you are also branding yourself as an expert in the niche(s) you chose. Enjoy!

Best of luck,

Daniel Molano



Article submission tips

Jeffrey Louis

I am constantly reading the posts on here and every day (sometimes multiple times a day) from people who have article marketing questions. There is no problem with asking questions. Questions are how you learn.

What I’m about to share with everyone is a step by step method how article marketing has worked for me, and I hope it can benefit everyone. If you don t implement it, maybe it can give you some new ideas of your own.

This is my opinion on how to get the most traffic from an article. Okay - this method is assuming you submit all of your articles to EZA, with a good title, good article content, and a good resource box.

************************************************** 1st Step: Open up Word Pad - or whatever you like to use. The program you use must be easy to copy and paste - that is really the only requirement.

Type out the keywords you are going to target in your article and separate them with commas.—press enter a few times Create your title --- then press enter a few times.

Create your article summary --- press enter a few times

TYPE THE ARTICLE ---- and press enter a few more times.

Then of course type up your resource box.

Each part of writing an article is equally important; do not neglect anything. Once you are done SAVE YOUR ARTICLE.

************************************************** 2nd Step: Submit your article to EZA. (ezinearticles.com).This should be easy because you just saved it to your computer. (The reason for pressing enter a few times between the different parts of the article was to help you stay organized.)

************************************************* 3rd Step: Wait one week - my favorite step for my method to market an article

**** ********************************************** 4th Step: After that week has passed you are going to do some more with that article. Go back to your original article which you saved on your computer and copy your resource box. Then, yes you guessed, it press enter a few more times and paste it below the original one.

You are going to make some slight changes - on this resource box make one of the links point to your approved EZA article, and let the other still point to your webpage. Once you have completed this...

************************************************** * 5th Step: Submit your article with your new resource box (the one with one link pointing to your EZA article and the other pointed to the site that you are trying to promote) to the following 10 sites:

1. Go Articles (goarticles.com)

2. Articles Base (articlesbase.com)

3. Search Warp (searchwarp.com)

4. Article Dashboard (articledashboard.com)


5. Buzzle (buzzle.com)

6. Article Alley (articlealley.com)

7. Amazines (amazines.com)

8. Isnare (isnare.com)

9. Article City (articlecity.com)

10. Hot Article Directory (pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/index.html)

************************************************* Wrap up: OK, I know what you are thinking - submitting your article to all these sites is going to be time consuming... Really it is not too bad once you have your username and password to all of these sites.

You have everything at your fingertips because your article is saved to your computer!

The traffic that ends up going to your EZA article and ultimately the website you are trying to promote grows exponentially and it is definitely going to be worth your time.

I wish good fortune to everyone marketing online and I hope everyone has success.

Jeffrey Louis



A Quick $2,000 by the Weekend...

Roy carter


I saw another thread here about a friend in need of earning some fast cash. And we've all seen threads on this forum where someone needs to make some cash real fast.

It made me recall a time when I needed the same. Sometimes all it needs is to think outside the box a little.

I was 19 years old (a long time ago now) and needed some cash to buy a second hand car I had my eye on. Here's what I did...

I went to the local car auction and having been there before I saw that the auctioneer was standing up there on his dais while all these guys stood in front of him. I got to thinking that the wall behind this guy was just a blank wall with paint peeling off etc. really scruffy.

I approached the owner of the car auction place and offered to put up an advertising board behind the dais. It would advertise local businesses and in the centre of the board would be a shiny brass clock, with the name of the auction, phone number etc underneath as one of the ad spaces on the board. “OK, how much will this clock cost me?", says the guy.

I was a bit dumbstruck because I was prepared to cut him in on a percentage of the ads, but I just told him I would do it all for free for him and he'd have a much more professional and presentable backdrop for his wall. He agreed.

Next step was that I went to the local tyre shop and told the owner that an ad board was going up at the local car auction in a couple of weeks and only ONE local tyre depot would be allowed to advertise on it. $25.00 a spot or $40 for a double spot. He snatched my hand off (most car auction cars need new tyres right?).

Next stop was a florist (it happened to be the next shop I came to in the block). "Why would I want to advertise on a board in a car auction?" asks the woman. "Well, the place is full to bursting with guys twice a week", says I. "All these guys have wives or girlfriends, who have birthdays, or they get a bunch of flowers 'cos the guy was late home etc". She took an ad spot.

By the time I covered two blocks I had the spots sold. I also had cash and checks in my hand... in advance!

Then it was just a case of buying a couple of plywood sheets, painting them white, buying the stick on letters and dividing up the board into the separate ad blocks. I paid a friend, (who was a bit more nimble fingered than me) to put the lettering on the board. I bought the clock from a second hand store and installed it at the auction a week later.

The auction owner is happy with his freshened up backdrop, the local business owners are happy and feeling a bit smug that they are the only business of their type on the board. I'm happy because I’ve got my dosh! And quickly. And I was paid in advance. Bada Bing!

I could have driven to the next town (in my 'new' second hand car) and done exactly the same again, but I kind of moved on to other things.

That’s how you make a quick $2,000 bucks by the weekend. Easy if you just think outside the square a bit!


And, of course you can go back a year later and see if the advertisers want to keep their spot on the board for the next 12 months or lose it to one of their competitors....So, another $2,000 in your sweaty little hands!

Anyone else got a story like this they'd like to share?




IM Suicide Or How To Get More Done by Working Less

Andrew Cavanagh

Most online marketers are committing Internet Marketing Suicide...trying to do everything themselves and becoming less and less effective as they do.

The biggest secret to doing less in ANY business online or offline is to focus your efforts on improving what I call the "pointy end" of business...wherever the sales and profits are actually being made.

Let me give you an example of how to think.

Let us pretend you're selling a product online.

You can:

1. Mess around for weeks, months or even years trying to get to number 1 on Google for a lucrative, hotly contested search term related to your product. Or...

2. You can go straight to the top 10 listings on Google and contact the website owners.

Find out what they're like, what kind of products they might be willing to promote, what they definitely won't promote and what it would take to put together a joint venture with each person.

Number 1 takes a lot of repetitive work which, if you were a serious business person, you would hire someone else to do.

Number 2 is fast...although you may have to invest a few weeks or months getting to know these potential joint venture partners slowly.

But you don't have to be too bright that strategy number 2 is a far more effective use of your time and is likely to make you a whole lot more money.

It's the same in every area of your business.

Start asking yourself "Should I really be doing this or should I be hiring someone to do it freeing up my time to do the things that will make more sales and increase profits?"

There's also another step beyond that and it's vital to the long term survival of your business.

My friend and client Harvey Zemmel teaches business owners how to get the maximum price when they sell their business.

One of the first things Harvey will tell you is the time to think about building real selling value into your business is before you even buy or build it.

And the real key is understanding the way your role in a business should change as you build it.


You may start as:

1. An entrepreneur doing everything. Then move to being

2. A hands on manager where you're supervising your own staff and actively working your business.

3. A CEO where you control the strategy of your business but the majority of day to day management is handled by someone else.

Now most of the online marketers you'll be taught by are in one of those 3 stages so it's highly unlikely you'll be taught much about...

4. Treating your business as if you were an investor and analysing it based on its asset value and its returns.

When you start getting more objective and realize that for any business to survive beyond you need to move into stages 3 or 4 then you can also look at how vital it is to start...

a. Doing the things in your business that ONLY you can do and

b. Farming out everything else to employees and contractors and automating as many tasks as possible.

I know it's a technology that seems to be beyond most newbie internet marketers but there's this amazing new device called a TEL-E-PHONE.

It was just an example.

Everyone seems to rush around these forums looking for some "trick" that will make them rich.

There is no trick.

It's all about people, how they behave and finding a way to give them real value.

You want to focus on the principles behind what you learn here and adapt and apply those for your unique situation.

Just getting on the phone won't get you joint ventures with top website owners.

You have to remember they're people, think about their background, their problems and what is likely to influence their behaviour and their opinion of you.

Think principles and you can come up with more marketing breakthroughsthan you could ever use.

I have to agree that I'm very cautious about buying a product from someone who teaches you to "hire a writer from elance to write your e-books".

There are some things that really shouldn't be outsourced and specific teaching of information unique to you is one of them.

There is a way around this of course.

Hire someone into your company who has exceptional expertise or JV with someone who has exceptional expertise and have them create the product.


But if you're wasting time answering emails or installing scripts which you can easily outsource then you really are losing the huge potential of what you could make sticking to things that increase sales and profits.

Reply from me:


Excellent post as always.

Just a word of encouragement for you - you are one of the few posters I read regardless of the subject as you always have good advice.

I'm following up on another post of yours regarding using our online experience to sell to offline businesses, an idea I probably wouldn't have thought of by myself.

Incidentally I stated a thread in the Personal Development forum on positive thinking, and ever since then opportunities like your suggestion keep turning up.

Maybe there's something in this positive thinking stuff!


Positive thinking does have tremendous value but positive ACTION is far more important.

And even more important if you want to make money you need to follow a course of action that can conceivably get you to your income goal.

In other words something people will pay you a significant amount of money for.

That's why helping local business owners with their online marketing is so powerful.

You can help them make a fortune and they'll be happy to pay you a small fortune in return.

One of the reasons that movie "The Secret" annoyed the hell out of me is the way some people just turned into blithering idiots after watching it.

I'll put a picture of this million dollar yacht or Ferrari on my fridge and it will be "drawn to me"...while I go out and work my $40,000 a year 9 to 5 job.

The only way that yacht is going to be drawn to you is if it runs you over while you're putting about in your little tin dinghy.

And you're biggest chance of drawing that Ferarri to you is while it runs over you on a pedestrian crossing.

The first step is right.

You need a definite goal.

But then you need to take some action that has some logical chance of getting you to that goal.

That's the difference between fantasy and reality...solid logical action.

In hindsight I should have been much more careful about how I worded my post.

The people who've read my "business profits on autopilot" report know that I'm a huge 60

proponent of going into tremendous details about creating policies and procedure guides for your employees and contractors.

AND getting everyone who works with you involved in helping improve on current procedures which is something that's rarely done in any sized business.

Ultimately you're trying to create systems in your business that guarantee your procedures will keep improving even when you're not around.

Here it is...

Stop dreaming.

Stop searching for the next best thing.

You learn from the feedback you get when you take action on what you know already.

Get up off your arse and do something...NOW!

I especially like it when people say: "not all of my ideas worked".

Isn't that the truth!

I remember early on in our relationship with my fiancee I was trying to make a certain amount of money and pretty much everything I did bombed...despite showing some fantastic promise.

She said to me "I'm amazed at how you get smashed down and 10 minutes later you've moved on to the next plan."

I said to her "I've done this a hundred times before. You can waste your time crying and feeling sorry for yourself because things aren't working for you or you can just get right back in the game."

"If you get right back in the game you make money a whole lot faster."

Ironically I actually failed on that goal at the time.

I didn't make the money in the time frame I set (and making it really would have made a difference in my life at the time).

But over the next 2 1/2 years some of the things that I'd done started paying me and kept paying me over and over without any more real work on my part.

Most people are so hung up about doing things the "right" way and making their ideas succeed.

But what they don't realize is the guy who has an amazing home run with a product launch or a marketing idea probably went through a whole string of losers or lukewarm launches.

The only way to make it is to get yourself in the game and stay there till you win.

Kindest regards,

Andrew Cavanagh


don’t wait for perfection – get that e-book out now!

George wright

Hi All,

I just got another wake up call this time it came in the form of a terrific sales letter and the subsequent purchase of an e-Book.

I got an email and it introduced a sales page on a subject that I and I'm sure hundreds of other IMers are thinking about.

I bought the e-Book.

It was a PDF it obviously was not done with Adobe to me it seemed to smack of OpenOffice (free pdf creator)

The table of contents was not live links to the pages. The e-Book was 1 1/2 spaces to give it more pages, also large fonts for the same reason.

It wasn't exactly an ugly e-Book but it probably would have not been up for sale had the author been a perfectionist or suffering from analysis paralysis.

One thing about this e-Book it had GOOD INFORMATION. It was concise, it taught me a couple of points I hadn't thought of for my project. It wasn't pretty but it was information rich.

The wake up call? "George get those e-Books out and don't wait for them to be perfect!"

If your information is great and something others need right now...

Warriors you do the same - just my humble opinion.


Reply from Kevin Riley:


Exactly! I've had an idea for a 30-40 page report and put it on sale a week later. I am a perfectionist, but I also know there's a time to say "Enough already. All the Is are dotted, all the Ts are crossed"

I do try to make my products as perfect as possible, but even more important is the info being conveyed.

quote :

Originally posted by Josh Spaulding

I'm offended George, I use OpenOffice and I never link the table of contents (don't even know how)

Very good point though. How do you do that?


WOW Josh,

I know what my next e-Book will be about.

Really, first create your e-book in Word, If you don't have Word then I think you can do the same thing in Open Office although I’ve not tried.

After the e-Book is all done go to each bolded sub heading or chapter heading whatever you want to be the targets of your table of contents and set it as heading 1. Up in the upper left site of word it says normal - click that drop down window and change it to heading 1. Do this for each heading or chapter in that will be in your index.

Now go to "insert" and click "index and tables" select "Table of contents" change the format to whatever style you want. Change the "show level" to 1 (I say this because it works best for me this way but you might want to experiment.)

Be sure to set your tab leader to xxxxx or what ever you want to lead from the titles to the page number. Now click OK and your table of contents with live links will appear wherever you left your cursor, usually at the top of the e-Book under the picture, but really where ever you want it.

If after creating your table of contents you make changes to the e-Book you need to delete the table of contents and do it over as page numbers change.

Now save the e-Book, open it with Open Office click pdf and when the PDF is created the table of contents will be "live" and each line will jump to the proper page.

EDIT: I just figured out that heading 1,2,3, makes the jump to 1,2 or 3, respectively depending on the level you set your table of contents at so if you set it at 3 you'll get the main headings with the sub headings under it.

Note from Ed:

Thanks George – I was trying to do that with this book, but didn’t know how, which is why I selected this post – there must be heaps of others who don’t know how either!


George Wright P.S. Now if someone could tell me how to create those "back to the top" links.

Reply from James Dyson:

Great post George! Regarding your question about inserting a "Back to Top" link, Here's how you do it in MS Word:

- Click Insert Hyperlink (or use the button on the toolbar- From the sidebar in the Insert Hyperlink window, select "Place In This Document"- You can now select "Top of Document" or any other location bookmarked in your doc

You should now have a back to top link, and I'm guessing if you put it in the header of your page it would appear on every page giving your readers an easy link back to the top of the document, or better still, to your Table of Contents.




Here is a case study. Now this case study did not produce thousands but it did produce the desired results.

My Daughter Tammy needed $200 to fix her car. I'm not sure that this case study has any of the elements we always talk about, like a hungry market willing to spend. Maybe it has one or more but the driving force for Tammy was that she needed her car running ("driving force, needed car," pun intended.)

I knew that she had a lot of knowledge on how to help students because that is her job, helping students. I told her to write down everything she knew about helping students. She did. I compiled this into an e-book using Open Office.

I did a JV with an extremely talented graphic artist and he created a sales page for us.

Tammy ran a WSO which made her $360 and 5 e-Books sold for $20 which brought her total to $460.

She has friends who are translating the e-Book to Spanish and French, these will be given to the WSO resellers when they are completed but I suspect another WSO including the French and Spanish versions will make here at least another $100, here and another $100 from the public.

So $460 made when the goal was $200 with another $200 sure to come.

To some I probably sound like the Adsense users who shout, "I made 27 cents today!" (that includes me) But to those who need $200 this should sound like a nugget of gold.

Take a look at what this little success inspired.

1. Tammy wrote a song and wanted to show it to the forum because it expressed how she felt about the help she got from the forum in general and certain individuals who directly helped her.

We tried to record the song with my laptop but it just sounded too crummy. She called up an old family friend who is in the music business and asked him to record it on his studio equipment. He let us come over and with one mike and a professional mixer he recorded the song for her. We put that up for the Warriors to hear.

In the meantime our friend liked the song so much he asked her if she had any others and as a matter of fact she does. He likes them so much he is producing a CD for Tammy.

That led to us talking about Internet Marketing. I could get even more verbose here by explaining in detail but I'll just bottom line it. He has agreed to write hundreds of songs for BG music use and let Tammy sell the songs in a membership site doing a JV with her.

If Tammy doesn't end up making several thousand off of this I'll eat my control key and wash it down with a big gulp of alt delete.

All of this came about because she needed $200 to fix her car.

Yes! Look for a need/hungry market. Find people who are willing to spend money. But in the mean time like I said in the OP of this thread... "The wake up call? "George get those e-Books out and don't wait for them to be perfect!"

If your information is great and something others need right now...


Warriors you do the same - just my humble opinion."

You can't sell anything to anyone if you first don't have something to sell.


Note from Ed. – While compiling this e-Book it seemed to take forever to make it perfect, and I felt there were more and more great posts I should include. But I realized that if I kept on trying to perfect it, I'd never finish it, so I capped it at 200 pages and maybe do a “Volume 2" later on.



Are you in a concentration camp?

Peter Phillips

Why do so many affiliate marketers fail?

Ask any program owner who uses affiliates to sell his product and they will tell you the same thing over and over - 20% of their affiliates make 80% of their sales.

Actually the ratio is probably much worse than that, more like 10% make 90%.

So again, why do so many fail?

It's because they don't know the secret of making money as an affiliate. Actually that's not fight at all, because there isn't any secret at all, it's just common sense, and it just needs someone like me writing this article to remind you of the obvious.

The main cause of affiliate failure is that it is free to become an affiliate.

Thus there is no incentive to put in the time, effort and money required to make it work because it hasn't cost you anything.

In my experience that most people situation (including me!) thought all they had to do was join several affiliate programs (the more the better) and wait for the cash to roll in.

When that doesn't happen, they get frustrated, and disillusionment sets in.

Let me tell you a story from my own experience. I was looking at making money on the net, and joined every free thing going. I was then so overwhelmed with emails welcoming me to this or that that I didn't do anything. I actually found myself joining programs I'd forgotten I joined a few days previously!

It wasn't till I bit the bullet, and paid out $80 to buy a ready made website that I started to get it. My wife wasn't too happy that I'd spent $80, but it was too late - the credit card had been debited.

I was therefore forced to justify my investment to my wife, and to be fair, to myself as well.

That meant I had to concentrate on that one program to make it work. I spent many days bringing it up to speed, and a few dollars on promotion. Within two months I had recovered my $80, and I was happy - I'd done it!

It was only then that I realised what I had done - I had blocked out all the internet flak and had concentrated on one thing. It reminds me of the quote from a man on Death Row due to be executed within the next week. He said "It does tend to concentrate the mind wonderfully"

And that is what you must do. Go to an affiliate website, and you will see just heaps of affiliate links cluttering up the page. People have just stuck them there and expected others to just click on them. You're probably like me - you run a mile when you see websites like that. No effort has been put into them, and the visitor just shrugs his shoulders and moves on.


So what do you do, if you haven't got the message already?

O.K. get yourself one or two affiliates, certainly no more than three.

• Choose quality products - don't waste your time promoting junk, or anyone that does buy will never buy from you again.

• Choose products with a high commission rate - this sounds pretty obvious, but it still needs to be spelled out.

• Buy and use the products yourself - you will always put more effort into something if it has cost you money. Remember that is what got me started.

• Put the links on your website, with a little promo beside each one, saying that you use the product yourself, state what it has done for you, and that you thoroughly recommend it (as long as you do!)

• Start promoting the product, by advertising your site, writing articles like this, write a review of the product, i.e. an expanded version of the promo you wrote above.

• Delete every incoming internet marketing email without reading them - do this for at least a week.

• Take the time to actually learn about Internet marketing, affiliate programs, pay per click, advertising campaigns, safe lists - there's more than enough information to help you out there.

• Go to forums, read and absorb, don't post unless it's a question, and take the collective advise of others on that forum or any other.

It's one thing to sign up with a bunch of affiliate programs. It is another thing entirely to know what you should do after you sign up. I hope the above bullet points will help you in your affiliate career.

Here's to your wealth!

Peter Phillips



How I Got A #1 Instant Bestseller In Clickbank

Dylan loh

Dear all,

Thought I'd share what little I know about getting a product launched on Clickbank and getting it to rise quickly in the categories that your e-book/product is in.

.Why am I doing this?

You might or might not have heard of 'Secret Article Profits'. It was launched on May 25th (Singapore time) and in just its 2nd day it got to #1 Position in Money & Employment - Management

It still is #1 in that category(as of posting date) and is also #5 in the Business to Business - Education category.

For the sake of people new to Clickbank and to Warrior Forum, perhaps a little crash course on why you want to rank high in Clickbank's market place.

1. There are buyers browsing through Clickbank's market place and there are people buying your products through that. So the higher your product is ranked, the more visible it is and the more likely for you to get a sale off Clickbank.

2. There are tons of affiliates (100,000+) of them looking to promote products and if you can get in front of them at the category you're in. You can get a huge viral effect kicking in.

3. You can leverage on your position and can much more easier create a JV with someone in a complimentary niche or your own niche.

How high your rank in Clickbank is determined by your gravity score. That is, the number of unique recent affiliates that referred sales to you.

So the key here is to get as many affiliates to promote your product as quickly as possible. A few 'rules' you'll first have to have in place.

#1. A market where there is proven sellers and buyers

#2. Ready and 'willing to promote' affiliates.

#3. Backend system in place.

Many publishers are still not doing OTOs, cross sell, downsells, up sells of their own products. Do this and you'll offer a even better commission structure and earning potential to your affiliates. The key is to make it as simple and as attractive to promote to your affiliates.

#4. A converting (you must test it first!) sales page.

So how do you test? You can offer a WSOs, sell it to your own list, let 2-3 close partners in on it earlier then most, Do PPC or get a solo ad...(5 ways you can test already!)


#5. Write a killer affiliate description. Focus more on getting affiliates and not to get the sales because gravity is what you're really looking for. Always, always spy on what the people in front of you are putting...

Here's what I call 'the first effect' or what really makes affiliates want to promote your product (which will make you rank high in Clickbank)

You've got to get JVs in on your launch and get them to participate actively in your launch!

I got 200+ (of course, not everyone followed up) JV partners in on this through JV brokers, existing relationships and a few other tactics...but that's another story for another time.

So its crucial that you try to get as many different JV partners on board because they will be the ones that propel your product FIRST before they stop their mailings and the 'normal' affiliates take over.

Remember never to sell your own product through its 'naked main domain' in your follow-ups or your mailings. What I did was in my follow-ups I sent them to an affiliate link to my product: secretarticleprofits.com/golive. Again this is something that will go towards building your gravity.

OR an even better way would be to send your follow ups to 2nd sales page/rotating link where you have your JV's affiliate IDs rotated for random sales.

The 'second effect' is when your product reaches its peak. Most product launches are an inverted parabola or an arch. What you want to do is to stretch the peak as hard as possible and keep it as flat as you can.

This is when you sense that you're peaking and you want to keep the momentum going. You can ask your partners to send out another mailing. You could increase commission rates. Meet people offline. Recruit NEW JV partners and affiliates.

If you've got the first and second right, you'll probably be enjoying a good position by now :)

And we're at the 'final effect' where it will go down and it will get overtaken by new and better product launches. What you can do to sustain it is to add it to your own auto responder in other lists and get other partners to do the same.

Be aggressive! I whisk my customers to promoting SAP almost immediately after purchasing it. (In download page) I know I'm doing them a 'favour' too because its converting and they can make some money of it.

I also add a follow up message to them and to the people who've opted in for the free e-course.

Alright boys and girls, that about sums up what I've done to reach where I've reached with the product and hopefully it can give you some inspiration to start doing something...


P.S. If you like what you read and would like to re-print it asan article or something, do let me know :)


How do you make $1000 in a day?

Ross goldberg


If you take a look at the threads from successful people, you’ll see the same things repeated every time a question like this arrives.

How do I do it?

I fail.

What do I mean?

I take massive action and sometimes I fail. I then analyse why I failed and ensure that it never happens again. This leads to more knowledge than any E-book or info product could ever give me. Take what you’ve done wrong and figure out how you could have made it succeed. Apply what you’ve learned to your next project.

What else? I always have more than one thing in planning and production. Ben Mack says to think 2 products ahead. Right now I have 5. I focus on one main project at a time and spend a small amount of time on the others throughout my day. I personally spend at least 10 hours a day in front of my computer. The only limitation you have with this is yourself and your mind. Multi-tasking is one of the most important things you can learn for your business.

Are you a shovel seller?

You can be out mining gold, or you can sell the shovels. With thousands of new internet marketers per day, are you selling;

• Internet marketing products? • How to E-e-books? • Instructional Videos?

If you aren’t having any $1,000 days, why would you? The proof is in your actions and your products. If you are in here asking how to make $1,000 in a day you aren’t ready to sell internet marketing products to internet marketers. Prove yourself in this field and you will make money. Make a fool out of yourself by selling unproven information and you can kiss your reputation goodbye before you even start...

W hat methods really work when attempting to make money online?

They all do!!!!!! It depends on you, your staff, your systems, and your capabilities. Try them all and see what fits:.

Adsense, Affiliate sales, Product Sales, Membership Sites, Coaching, Seminars, and whatever else you can think of.

I know what works for me and don’t bother with what doesn’t. If you throw a bunch of crap at the wall, something is bound to stick. Throw your crap and watch to see what sticks. Then, run with it and put 200% into making it work.

Next, go back to whatever else stuck and work on that.

The money is in the list!?

It is if you do it right. I posted a while back that I was ruining my list. Guess what, I truly did. Then I launched a product and had 4 figures in sales on the first day. Why? How? I began


writing to my list members and not to myself. I became much more personal and gave a ton of good information. In a period of a week, I saw huge changes in my conversion rate with my list.

How do I create a product that will sell?

I saw a need for something and provided the answer to that specific need. All I had was a simple idea; I didn’t even produce the final software. I found someone that could and went back to what I do best, WORK. There are tons of answers to that question in this very forum and many others. Find something someone is griping about and provide a solution. If one person is having that problem, how many others do you think are having the same one?

How do I get affiliates to promote my product?

You have two options. Create something so amazing that everyone simply has to have it or make friends with the right affiliates. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not telling you to invite yourself over to Willie Crawford’s house and bang on his door. What I am telling you is to go where your potential super affiliate will be. If you are a marketer selling to marketers, go to IM seminars. My business literally exploded after my first seminar, now I go to one every 1 or 2 months. Talk to people, introduce yourself and truly try to be their friend. If you are in a niche market, find a trade show you can attend and network with the attendees. All I have to do now is pick up the phone and my friends will be happy to help me, promote for me, and do anything they can to make sure I succeed. I’m not going to name drop here, but most of you have some ideas of the “friends” I’m referring to.

Create a sales funnel, or borrow products from others to make it happen. Do you think it is easier to find a brand new customer and sell them, or to sell to someone that has already paid you for something? That’s right! The correct answer is number 2! If you have a $27 product, your next step should be a $97 product, then a $297 course, next a $1000 coaching program, and a $5000 workshop. If you don’t have that capability, become an affiliate for someone with a related product. It shouldn’t be hard to find in literally any industry. Work with your customers, including the new ones, the old ones and the potential ones.

My Skype is going off all day long. I’m always being asked questions by people that have bought from me and need a little help. What does this do? It builds trust. I’m an expert in my field and my customers know it. They ask me questions because they respect me and trust that the answers will solve their latest issue. I answer their questions and they buy my products, knowing that they will answer questions that the customer didn’t even know they had. I respond to emails almost immediately.

I normally respond within 5 minutes of getting an email and even my close friends are amazed with the speed of my responses. I even tackle tough customer service issues immediately. Why? People want answers. Outside of posting my office phone number all over the internet, the only way people have to contact me is through email. They would like instant answers and I do my best to provide it. Again, it builds trust and respect in a customer/seller relationship.

I could have easily sold this information, but it’s important that you understand one simple fact: You already have what it takes to have $1,000 days. Look through your hard drive at the information you already have. Watch the threads in this forum from the true money makers. Build relationships with successful people, what’s the worst thing that can happen? They might just rub off on you.

Ross Goldberg



you do have something other people want

steven wagenheim

This is something that just hit me and I thought I would share it with the forum.

This post is prompted by a question I saw about using WordPress for a sales page, and then the whole issue came up about static blogging and how to modify your WordPress to be able to do this and so on.

I just realized that even though I personally don't have an interest in static blogging, and certainly not in using WordPress to make sales pages since I make my own, there are certainly people out there who are interested.

Now, if I were heavily into this and really knew it well, I might be inclined to think that it wasn't such a big deal, that nobody would pay to learn this stuff.

Clearly, I'd be wrong.

Sometimes we look at what we know and what we do as being so basic and so simple, that we can't possibly imagine anyone else having a problem with it or wanting any kind of information about it. But we need to distance ourselves from what it is we know and do, especially our products, and see if there just may be a market for it.

Ask people what they think of it.

You may be surprised how many people say, "Oh I wish I could do that" or "I wish I could get my hands on something like that."

Don't assume that just because YOU know something like the back of your hand and think that it's so simple that anybody should be able to figure out how to do it that this is true.

I am always surprised at the number of people who can't make a simple PHP script to track clicks and sales. I've been doing it for myself for 4 years and never thought of turning it into a full blown product because I figured, "who'd care?"

Big mistake!

Every talent and asset you have is potentially something that somebody else DOESN'T have and may want.

You DO have something others want...

You just don't know it yet.

Or maybe you do.



Reply from VegasVince

I have about as much interest in static blogging (what ever the hell that is???) as getting a dose of the clap.

But Steve's message is compelling in the big picture because-- he's right, of course.

Talent is often taken for granted...especially when the talent is our own.

And I'm still reminded of this homeless woman I met in Miami last year.....she was hustling pencil sketches on the street....getting a few bucks her and there from tourists.

If this old lady knew how good she was..how talented she was...she wouldn't have had to worry about her next meal, beer, or whatever vices where controlling her life.

Sad but true.

Very good post, Steve. And hopefully one that will prompt Warriors to dig another one feet down and find something of value within themselves.

xxxVegas Vince


My Step By Step To $3K in 2 weeks

Richelo Killian

Hi fellow Warriors,

I was going to write a mini report on this, and sell it as a WSO, but, decided to rather give it back to this community. You see, I have been a member of this great community since 1997. I know my post count does not directly reflect that, but, I generally like to fly under the radar.

My strategy I am about to share, is not fool proof, and is not guaranteed to work in any way. I do it, and it works GREAT for me. I make a ton of cash from it, and hopefully you will too!

So, here goes.

1. I sift through all the tons of offers coming in on WSO. I look for PLR products that include a sales page. I take my time to read every offer carefully, and also read the sales page in detail.

2. I pick and buy a product, or sometimes, multiple products.

3. I grab a domain name that works for the main product I intend selling.

4. I FIRST edit the sales page. I change names, graphics, grammar, and spelling, add some more of my own copy, and add some bonuses.

5. I create the one time offer, which in most cases is MORE PLR material.

6. Now I edit the actual PLR material. I take my time, and read every single word again, replacing names, links, emails, etc, Pay special attention to headers and footers in documents. I change the properties of the document to indicate I am the author, etc.VERY important! I change the name of the product! SO many people don't even bother to do this!

MOST PLR products INSIST you change the name! That's why it is called Private Label Rights. They don't want 1000 people all selling a book with the same name, but 1000 different author names. That just does not make sense. If any PLR product I look at says I can’t change the name, I pass! I have never come across a PLR product which said I am not allowed to change the name.

I do the whole re-write, etc in 5 to 7 days, sometimes less. That is why I only get PLR that includes sales pages. It’s much easier and quicker. Graphics I normally outsource, as I suck at graphics. ;-) You will be amazed at what you can do when you focus, and work without distractions! ;-) Is it consistent? If I focus, and don't get distracted by everything trying to grab my attention, then yes, it is very consistent.

How many hours? Well, that depends on the size of the PLR. I have done some in less than 8 hours, and I have had some taking MANY days.

7. I create, or outsource graphics for all the products, as well as the site.

8. I upload everything to the site, setup payment and download pages, etc.

9. I setup an Auto responder, and some messages.


10. I get a friend to do a test buy of both the main product, as well as the OTO. I make sure payment works, user gets added to the AR, AND, that they can download everything they paid for.

11. I mail my small, but very targeted list, and offer them the product, AT A DISCOUNT! Not much, normally around 10% to 20%. I do this to get testimonials, and to get conversion rates.

12. I take the data I now have on conversion rates, and approach other marketers to see if they will promote the product to their list.

13. I start posting quality content on relevant forums, with a link to the product in my sig file.

14. I write articles and submit to article sites. Again, author bio box has link back.

15. I search for relevant blogs, and post quality comments on posts, with a link to my site.

16. I take 2 days off, and start the whole process over again!

This is NOT only for PLR books, but, ANYTHING PLR, including software and videos!

I only do this for 2 very wide niches - Internet Marketing and Health and Fitness. Those are my 2 niches, and they are VERY wide. I have built my list in both of them, but, they are very carefully segmented. No untargeted email goes out to them.

It is a fair amount of work, but think about it this way. I put in around a week's worth of work, and average around $3K for that work. How many people earn $12k a month in their day job? Also remember, sales don't stop on those site, I just stop working on them!

Lazy people DON'T become wealthy! You HAVE to do the work to start. Eventually, you'll make enough to pay people to do the work. Even when you are paying people to do the work, if you want to continue to grow your business, you have to continue to learn and work hard! Do you think Bill Gates, or Warren Buffet, or Richard Branson are lazy?! ;-)

People see obstacles. That's all they see, and take NO action! Biggest apparent one on here.... I have no list. Well, I had no list when I started, nor did any of the big names in IM. We did not use that as an excuse not to start. We built the sites, added the products, used some free promotion, and later some paid promotion, and we built our list.

I also don't have one of these 100K plus lists. I have a very small, but, very responsive list. I get a click through rate with my list of over 50%. FANTASTIC for any list! Depending on the product, and the copy, I have seen conversion rates as high as 40% on the front end.

The main purpose of the post was/is to get people to take action. Don't look at what you DON'T have! Look at what you DO have, and work with that! Complaining about not having something, and letting that stop you from taking action, is why so many people fail, and leave this industry. Take action NOW! One step at a time. You WILL make it!






eric’s newbie tips for $$$$$$$$

eric louviere

Nothing extraordinary here in this post, but I do remember when I was getting started and these tips would have been greatly appreciated by me back then. (damn, it seems like a decade ago)

Ok, here we go...

Tip Numero Uno

Get started even if you are not ready. Too many newbies wait and wait and wait to sell something online feeling they have to be some expert before they are worthy of selling stuff. Not true. Sell now and sell always. Always be selling. Sell, sell, sell!

Your niche does not need to be the best niche in the world and don’t take too long to pick one and get rolling. If the IM market is your passion and you're dead set on selling IM stuff to other IMers, then fine, but don’t wait. Start selling now.

You don’t need to be an expert or guru either to start now. You can leverage other people's expertise. Interview others, gain valuable insights/knowledge/techniques and sell it. Or give it away free to build a list. Over deliver too. As long as you provide much more value than what the price tag is asking for, you're fine. And, just make sure when you pick a niche market that it's one where people are buying stuff. Sell what people are already buying. In other words, don’t sell crap people are not already buying.

But, don’t wait. get going now. Most out there wait and never pull the trigger. The faster you start selling something --- anything --- the faster you'll get to where you want to be.

Also, I’ve come across PLENTY of marketers who have been at this game for many years and still don’t make squat. So, it's not the knowledge.... not the insights... not the secrets... not the techniques... not the tricks... NONE of that is what truly makes you the real money... it's selling stuff -- that makes you money.

And, most don’t make money because they have no site.... and they are not selling anything right now. They have nothing to sell. They are not constantly driving traffic or working on conversions. They never get any good at traffic or conversions because they never have anything for sale. Sell, sell, and sell!

...even if you are not ready.

Tip Two

Focus on traffic and conversions. Most spend all their time and effort focusing on everything else except what truly matters most --- traffic and conversions.

Tip Three

Trade time for money if you can. Most never do and forbid to because they see it as work. And, most are in this to escape work. They want automated riches and passive income overnight. And although passive income that produces riches is very possible, most never reach it because they give up too soon.


In other words, what most out there do, is focus on "get rich quick" passive income. But, after 3 weeks of crappy results, they move on to something new. And, they never get very good at anything. So, the passive income takes forever to achieve --- even many, many years.

But, those who trade time for money, while building passive income, or "how to drive traffic" and "how to convert" traffic always make a good living while building wealth. Of course, you don’t have to trade time for money and most out there will frown on it, call it stupid and continue working month after month without any income. (Remember, I'm talking about newbies here)

Tip Four

Mindset. Most out there ignore mindset and really just don’t want to "hear it". They say, "Don’t give me mindset stuff; give me the meat and potatoes... the real secrets!"

Well, guess what. It's 90% mindset... not techniques or secrets. The secret is........ It's YOU! Yes, it's you. Your self belief... your self confidence... your ability to focus on one thing and not get constantly distracted... your determination... your dedication and commitment... your burning/obsessed desire... your positive thinking... your ability to take bold action... your aggressiveness

not secrets.

So, don’t ignore you.

Tip Five

Relationships. Most millionaires did not do it alone. They built relationships with others. Almost all businesses are really just "people businesses". Business minded people understand that they need others. They need people. Without people, it's hard. It's limited and it's slow, real slow, too slow for most to make it through the long haul of going solo.

Spend some of your time building relationships. It'll change everything, including your bank account.

Tip six

Think big and have HUGE, BIG goals. Most want to grow just a tiny bit, then a tiny bit more, then a tiny bit more than that and so on. So, maybe they want to go from $100 to $200 to $500 and so on.

No sir. Go from $200 to 6k per month, then 20k, then 80k. Get big fast. That's how it really works. I know nobody who grew slowly like that. They usually go from zero to a good income, hang around that income for a while and then make a big change and quadruple it practically overnight.

Go big and go now, don’t wait.

Reply from Steven Wagenheim:

I will back up what Eric said about going big fast. I went from 12K to 45K to100K. Those were my leaps. It took me 4 years to do it though because Ijust hung around the lower incomes too long. I got lazy and didn't move on tothe next step.

I am now working on going to 200K by doing what Eric said, building relationships.

Eric's post is dead on...Listen to it.


Reply from SusanUSA:

Hi Eric,

I love this post! I still consider myself a newbie even though I was blessed with great success out of the shoots! Part of the reason was that I HAD to succeed. I was out of money and the bottom fell out of my field (investment real estate). Fear of not being able to pay bills has a way of making one have laser focus on success. I didn't have the option to learn several strategies or bounce around and not take action.

Now that I'm not so much against the wall, I play tricks on my psyche to keep up the focus. I think two things work best for me so I will add these are my points of advice: 1) I carve out big chunks of time to stay focused on one project -- like a week to complete a big project or a couple days to complete an e-Book. I dig into it and stay on it until it's done.

2) I try to write a daily list of the six things I want to accomplish. This is not my idea, but rather one used by many hugely successful business people. I list no more than six tasks and then try to get them all done. I become a slave to my list and don't do anything else (no Warrior Forum :-) ) until my list of six tasks is completed. When these six items are complete, I have a choice to either do more work, study the business, or whatever . . .

These two strategies help me get my work done and then reap the rewards of the focused efforts.

Eric, thanks for starting this thread. I am eager to use your tips.Susan

Believe me! If I can do it, so can you!

Very good Susan. I surely know where you are coming from with your post and experiences. I tend to make a list of things to do and try to keep it to a minimum. Sometimes, I only have one major thing on my list to complete -- and no matter what, that's the main thing to do.

I think for many out there, even if it was just ONE main thing they needed to complete for the day, or week, then much more would be completed and therefore, results would appear.

The ability to laser focus is quite important to success and results and far too many people struggle with that.

One other quick tip is this... most people out there hate the thought of failure, so they refrain from doing many of the things that could bring upon any kind of failure. However, failure is quite critical to success as well. Failing is another opportunity to do it again and again, but better each time around.

We've all heard about "being a friend of failure" before, but most still let the fear of failure defeat them and prevent them from taking bold action. Instead, people should fail fast, get the results fast and know how to adjust and get better and better results. It's a stepping stone and it's a prerequisite to success.


Reply from SusanUSA:

One thing I discovered about reading too many how-to e-books and studying too much -- is that it's actually another form of fear-of-failure. We can trick ourselves into thinking we are "working" when we are really avoiding getting into the game.

When I first got into IM, it wasn't because I wanted to make a little extra money on the side. Instead, I was up against the wall and scared spitless (that's becasue tears had taken up all my available fluids) about how I was going to pay my bills. I couldn't take the time to study or read multiple how-to e-books our programs. Fear forced me to take action.

I bought two eE-books and then did everything the authors told me to do . . . I worked from dawn to late into the night. Like Eric mentioned, I tweaked . . .

The great news is that I had a great micro-niche so my results were outstanding! But even with a less hungry audience, I know I would have had good success.

So, what am I trying to say? Get started! Just do it! Cook or get out of the kitchen. That's what I had to do! And it paid off. I am now a fulltime internet marketer. I haven't yet reached my number in the sky goal, but my business pays my bills and keeps the bill monsters from keeping me up nights! :-)


Eric: In fact, to elaborate on this a bit more... I have told people before that when you find yourself tweaking, tweaking and tweaking stuff all the time --- you know you're "in the game" and doing the right things.

I mean, before I made great money, I never tweaked anything. But, once I found myself on a daily basis firing up my computer and tweaking stuff, I was in the money. So, if you find yourself tweaking your stuff all the time, you're on the right track and money should be on it's way. Tweak your ads, your sites, your AR emails, your headlines, your offers, your up-sells and so on... (test and track and tweak constantly). It's a game. And, to win that game, you need to be aggressive and have that killer instinct to win.

I believe that MOST folks out there are looking for the quick, FREE, easy, simple, effortless way of striking it rich via some scheme or trick (which if found is usually temporary anyway) and that because of that, they keep jumping around from one thing to the next, never getting very good at one... specific... thing. They are 10% good at a bunch of things, and never 90% good at any ONE thing.

However, on the flip side, a small minority of people out there get very good at ONE thing, such as copywriting... or PPC... or graphic art... or programming... or ghost-writing... or affiliate management... or virtual customer service.... or web design... and so on!

Most out there never get good at one thing, or build up a foundation. If one person focuses strictly on being the best at press releases, that person will surely make money. Or, if one person focuses on copywriting, that person will surely make good money.

So, if you look at MOST people out there, they want it quick and easy (without work). AND, if 99% of the folks out there are of the mindset to refrain from "work", then guess what? That means if you are of the 1% -- willing to "work" and "trade time for money" and do the things most don’t want to do... because they are caught up in the "quick and easy treasure hunting lottery mindset", then of course, you should have a huge advantage of building up a service or something that'll provide a solid income foundation.

that solid income foundation can allow you to work from home, quit your job, earn more than you ever have before, but MOST importantly... focus more on building a business -- than chasing pie-in-the-sky pipe-dreams. that's an advanatage, and a real one at that.


building a real business will get you the business skills most marketers will never have.


There are 11 things I’ve learned about making HUGE money online. These 11 things are the true gold; the all time best ways of making big money... you'll never hear secrets like this ever again... I should charge 18k for these secrets... and here they are:

number one: Generate targeted traffic

number two: Convert that traffic into buyers

number three: I forgot the other 9

If you want it bad enough, you'll get it. So, maybe upgrade your "want it bad enough" mindset.

Hope that helps some more...

Alright, there's my contribution to the newbie cause. Now, someone go make us proud... fast!

Eric Louviere

Million Dollar Marketer, copywriter, andall around kick ass dude!



How I Took a Group Of Complete Beginners to $100 a Day In 20 Days

Nicholas bReenHere is how I increased my sales and traffic instantly with video and how you can too.

When I first started online I was only able to get started thanks to ezinearticles and squidoo.

As the internet evolves so should your methods.

Here is a method I taught to a few close friends and some family members that took them from an absolute marketing newbie to making all over 100 dollars a day, with just a few hours a week.

1. Find a niche using clickbank.com (nothing revolutionary yet)

2. Go to https://ads.youtube.com/keyword_tool to find out what keywords people are typing in youtube

3. Find related videos in the niche with high views counts

4. Paste the video url into the video url section in the keyword tool

You will come up with a huge list of tags related to the video, use all of those for tags in your video.

5. Pull some powerful benefits from the sales page you are promoting, and turn those into your video titles.

6. Go to stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site to get some free stock photos,

You want to find pictures that clearly represent the end result that the market is trying to achieve, if they want to date successfully show a picture of a couple kissing, if they want to satisfy a women in bed show a picture of a happy woman laying in bed smoking a cigarette..

IMPORTANT show the end result the market wants to achieve IMPORTANT

7. Watermark the video with url and also with a call to action. For example "Bring Home a Woman Tonight at www.TakerHome.com. It is OK to use the word free and it is encouraged because on youtube people are not in the buying frame of mind.

8. Set up a lead capture page with weebly.com A plain white will do, but be 100% sure you use video. Since they came from a video site you do not want to interrupt the flow from video to text.

After they opt in direct them right to the sales page, also create a minimum of 7 follow up emails talking about the product you are promoting.

9. Clearly state in the video what you are giving them and why.

10. Make 5 videos a day, short 1-2 minute videos, that's it.

Be sure to actually give away some valuable tip in each video.


I would say do 5 videos a day until you are up to 100 in about 20 days so it doesn’t become a daunting task. You can set these up in your free time anytime you have around an hour to spare each day. Doing 5 videos a day gives you a good achievable goal each day and something to build and focus on each day

If you really want to get hardcore try the Google search "traffic Geyser free 30 day trial" where you can find a free 30 day trial.

I have taught this method only to a close group of family and friends and all with similar results. After 20 days they were all making between $60-120 a day consistently ever since.

I will research a niche very extensively, usually a day or two, just so I can provide unique and valuable content that will actually educate the viewer in some way.

If you wanted to you could even pay a writer. You want to always make sure you are educating the viewer in some way. If they feel they have learned something from your video your responses will be much higher.


Nicholas Breen


I’ve had enough of crappy $7 products!

Adeel chowdhri

Yes, I've damn well had enough!

Every where I look is a crappy $7 product here and a $17 product there.

People who sell you this stuff really don't have your interest at heart. They don't care if you don't make any money.

Truth is, they're just in it for a quick buck.

I would only charge $7 if my product was rubbish. Heck, I would never sell a rubbish product.

It was great when it all started and yeah people made some big money (especially the one who started it all), but the $7 buzz is over now. There are no waves left to ride.

The effectiveness has died and everyone is more or less immune to it now. So don't be a sheep and follow the rest of the dummies and bring out another wishy washy $7 product that you've put together in 7 1/2 days.

People tend to associate a higher quality of product with a higher price tag, so if you really have a great product, then *DEMAND* a higher price for it.

YOU will *NOT* get rich selling cheap info products.

Unless it's part of your *FUNNEL SYSTEM*, whereby you sell them a low end product to bring in quality niche specific leads, and then work them through to a higher priced product, and then a higher one and so on.


STEP ONE: Sell low priced 'How To Make Money On eBay' *EBOOK* - $49----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEP TWO: Sell 'How To Make Money on eBay ADVANCED' *EBOOK* - $197----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEP THREE: Free *TELESEMINAR* that gives the caller excellent info - then pitching a 'How To Make Money On eBay PRO' offer within it - $249----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEP FOUR: Free *WEBINAR* giving *great* info to viewer - then pitch a higher priced eBay course - $495----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEP FIVE: *INTERNET BASED COACHING* - again, on the 'How To Make Real Money' ADVANCED - on eBay theme - $997----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEP SIX: *LIVE SEMINAR* - eBay ADVANCED 2 - How To Run A 7 figure eBay Business - $2995

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEP SEVEN: *PERSONAL COACHING* - $10,000----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The smart people are already using a system like that. You can clearly see the way they are growing their businesses so all you need to do is *COPY* the model for yourself. *Imitating* the successful will give you the ultimate learning shortcut and get you into the fast lane even before you can drive.

I'm going to share another secret with you. You sure are getting value for this post.

Selling the 'dream', 'an opportunity', 'the shovel', will make you wealthy, really wealthy.


Why go out and dig for gold when you can make *more* selling the shovels to people.

See the guy who created the $7 script. Well, that's his shovel.

Be the one at the top of the pyramid, not one of the little guys at the bottom running around digging in the dirt all day *HOPING* to find a nugget.

So please, stop wasting your time earning gas money and build a proper business.

P.S. What kind of buyers do YOU want to *ATTRACT*?

1 - The ones who will keep spending $7 with you? (= not so serious).2 - or the ones who will spend hundreds, thousands with you? (= serious people).

P.P.S. What's your 'shovel'?

I should have said that the product being sold doesn't have to be an e-Book. Software is working well for me for example.

Also, if you do sell a high priced item, then you have to have to come up with the goods.

I know that people these days will not accept simple strategies for a $97 price tag - I sure don't.

You've really got to be a bit creative and smart. Real success will come from delivering what you promise and MORE. It's a sure way for your customers to trust you and for the relationship to grow.

That's a point I wanted to get across T0 THE NEWBIES.

They don't know about these *funnel* type strategies.

They just keep selling one $7 e-book after another, with NO STRATEGY!

It all boils down to your business plan.

Another technique is to give away a product at the front end at a non profit or loss, just to get them into your system. I'm sure you are well informed about this too.

Just look offline at your local shopping stores for example.



The stores sometimes offer “buy one get one free” items and these stores make a loss. But they know that once your inside, you will buy more stuff. Heck, I go into stores only with one thing in mind and I usually come out with two trolleys full of shopping.


Reply from Andy Henry:

Adeel, I can completely understand why you started this thread, I've seen a few people asking - what would be a good subject to make a $7 product on?

Initially my first thoughts were the same as yours "are you crazy, why would you waste your time selling a product worth $40 for $7 just so that you can use that script?"The answers were usually along the lines of "I just want to test the concept/script" or "It's just to build a list" etc.

And again I just thought they were crazy to just jump on this band wagon when they were already capable of being more effective than such a low-end tactic. But, although I've seen some crap sold like this, I have also seen some good products which were worth much more than the price, and for the people I know who've done this, they've found it worked OK for them. I should probably say that they already had products/websites in the niches and so were also funnelling this list into their business, rather than just going for a one-off list building exercise in a niche they had nothing in.

I think your assumption about people not knowing about using a funnel is a little misguided though, it's Internet Marketing 101 and there's no reason anyone shouldn't be aware of such basic information - I think the problem is more to do with many newcomers to IM having a lack of focus or a lack of confidence. Many newbies honestly don't believe that they could even create something worth $1997.

Remember, a lot of people coming into IM have never earned decent money offline, and no money at all online, so they have no evidence to suggest that this is anything more than 'something that happens to other people', and hence the reason they are only focused on making 'something', 'anything' to keep the idea that it's possible alive.

It's unfortunate that many people maintain this mindset of low-pricing and jumping from one thing to another for several years before they finally do a JV or make something that sells enough to burst the ceiling of their previous earnings.


http://www.turntoandy.com/blog /


How To Make Money Online (Without Money)

Kunle Olomofe

Hi all,

This is mostly for the newbies and those who end up broke every now and again (it happens, ain't no biggie), if you find yourself in a tight spot... there's ways to earn money online without actually needing money, hope this article shows you how.

BTW, I’m sure other warriors can give you even more resources but these are just to get you started.

1. Need Free Web Hosting? Try http://www.50webs.com -- I have used this at least twice and they’re very reliable. There are tons of other free hosts; this is the one I recommend. They don’t put any ads on your site and many of your customers won’t know (or care) that you don’t have a site yet… contrary to what you might think.

2. Need a trustworthy easy to set up (and use) payment processor?

Try http://www.paypal.com (It's free if you don't sign up for a business or premiere account -- you only need a few sales to come in and then you can upgrade to business or premiere on Paypal, no need to bother until then -- but check the Paypal TOS to be sure this is not against the rules.. pretty sure it's not.. but check! :)

3. Need an email account to sign up for Paypal and receive your Paypal earnings? You've got loads to choose from... I'd go with http://www.yahoo.com

4. Need some fast promotion to people with money? This one is easy... you've got an audience right here in the warrior forum... Just post up a good WSO, if one fails, go back to the drawing board and try again... the WSO forum is a good place to get you started making a few bucks, it can be very encouraging when you start getting beer kegs sent your way... and it's free to post up there.

5. Product research? Again, this is very easy... You can do research right here in the forum (or in this book! – Ed.). People do it everyday. In fact someone asked a question the other day about a product I was considering creating myself... the feedback she got could easily have been targeted at me... very useful info is shared here. You can ask questions and are almost sure to get good advice. Or you can look through past posts and create a product out of something you find in there.

You can do this with most forums too (but this forum is a sure fire option for you).

If you need to research online via the engines and need an easy one stop research tool, again, you don't have to be stuck with just Google or Yahoo. A fellow warrior sells a solid piece of research software over at http://www.searchautomator.com – You can get a 14 day free trial of it at http://www.download.com – just type in “search automator” without the quotes. When you have some cash, you can go over and grab the full version.

Again the usual portals for research are free… http://www.overture.com etc. Loads of choice when it comes to free research tools… those are just a few of the best.


6. Do you need feedback on your product idea(s)? Again, I recommend THIS forum ;-) – Free quality feedback is available here (you may get the odd unnecessary negative remarks, but that comes with using this type of medium – if you have a tough skin, go for it ;-)

7. Need an HTML editor? Loads of these are free… I use Netscape (from the old school), if you know your HTML, you can use a reliable editor like Araneae over at http://www.ornj.net/araneae/ -- it’s 100% free… Again there are loads of options you can choose from, these are a couple of the ones I personally use.

8. Need a powerful text editor? There’s a solid one I use, it’s 100% free and called Notetab Light… I use this in place of the windows notepad as the former comes with some very useful tools that allow you to get more editing done faster for example...

Read the block of text below...

"If I wanted to turn this whole block of text into all caps after typing all I have to do is hit a couple of buttons and like magic it’s done…"



Pretty cool huh? That took me about 2 seconds… you can get the software at: http://fookes.com/notetab/index.php

9. Need a mailing list processor? Sign up for a free one at http://www.ezezine.com – and you don’t have to bother with php script installation or anything. It’s free up to the first 1,000 subscribers you get, then when you have some cash, you can move over to the more powerful list processors like aweber.com and emailaces.com (both owned by warriors).

10. Need product creation tools? Let’s see…

* You have MS word already on your PC (if you’re not a Mac user;-)

* PDF creator software:

a. Free PDF creators are a dime a dozen, but the best one in my book is Primo PDF at http://www.primopdf.com – It’s 100% free and very easy to use.

b. Adobe PDF creator + free reader = If you want to go Pro before you have money, you can download Adobe free for 30 days (the reader is always free). Go to: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobatpro/tryout.html

* Need to record screen capture for a product you’re thinking of? I suggest Camtasia studio, it’s free for 30 days so you have enough time to get accustomed to it and make some good screen capture products with it, make some cash, buy the full version.

Get your free 30-day Camtasia at: http://techsmith.com/download/camtasiatrial.asp

• Need to record video? There are loads of options for this as well. You can use Camtasia or any of the other free trial video creation and editing tools out there or you can just fire up Windows media maker already installed on your PC if you have Windows XP. It’s free and doesn’t expire and it works just as well as the other pay-to-use software if you have basic video recording and editing needs. When you have cash, you can choose to upgrade to the other software available for this, if you so desire.

11. Site graphics like covers, headers, order buttons etc…


I’d recommend a barter trade with someone who can create good site graphics for you. There are good graphic designers here in the warrior forum. If you’re strapped for cash, you’ll have to be creative and come up with something to barter for their services.

And it would be worth it, a really good graphics designer can have images up for you within minutes (saving you lots of time doing it yourself especially if you’re new or graphically challenged like little old me :-)

If you’re creating a product, usually free access to that product is ample payment for a lot of people, most of my graphics have been done free this way for years, in fact I never paid for an e-cover or header for 8 years and I have some of the best ones out there.

You can offer whatever you think is generous non-cash payment or squeeze a little money together if the worst comes to the worst and you can’t barter anything for this.

With a little arm twisting you can get great graphics done for around 20 bucks.

If you’d rather do the graphics yourself, you can get a free copy of Photoshop at: http://www.adobe.com/products/tryadobe/main.jsp#p39 – free for 30 days. There’s a learning curve as with most advanced software but worth it to get your cool graphics.

12. Signature maker:

If you want to add those signature type images to your site, try http://www.vletter.com -- I found the link to this myself right here in the forum.

13. Adtracker

The only Adtracker I’ve used for many years is Adminder. It does most all the tracking you’ll need. It’s not dirt cheap at $20 a month but you can get a free 2 week trial at their site if you need to track some of your sales attempts before plunking down some cash.

For your free 2 week trial go to: http://adminder.com/tryitfree.shtml

14. Email formatter

This is very useful if you plan to send out an ezine or email offer to a list you’ve built or are in the process of building. It can be very difficult to get the formatting of your emails quite right and I’ve used several email formatting programs in the past but for a free handy tool I’d suggest you try: http://www.fwointl.com/FWOFormatter.html -- I have it bookmarked myself. It’s pretty much “cut and paste” simple, within seconds and your text is ready to send out crisply formatted.

15. Image thumbnail maker

There is an excellent thumbnail maker at: http://fookes.com/ezthumbs/index.php -- This is handy if you want to have smaller images of your own photo or any other image on your site. Rather than resize the image yourself, browse and select it through this free and very easy to use software and within a couple of seconds you’ll have a professional looking thumbnail ready to use. Very cool tool I have used for half a decade at least.

16. Affiliate program manager

Now we’re getting to the interesting cash generating part of these tools. You know as well as anyone (I’m sure) that a good affiliate following can get you more sales, faster than you can yourself – it’s not always necessary but when you need the boost, the leg up from your resellers can do you a world of good… it’s sweet to see the orders coming in without you


actually going out to generate any traffic or pay for any advertising.

Well, there are very few programs that you can use to track and pay affiliates that offer you free usage or even a free trial except for www.paydotcom.com (which is free bar the $1 charge on every product you sell – which if you’re selling a $10 product can seriously eat into your profits.).

I found this one just a few days ago: http://www.EasyWebAutomation.com/default.asp it’s not free but cheap to try at $4 for 30 days. I hasten to add that I have not used it myself, but I’m planning to give it a spin just for research purposes.

They only allow you to build a 50 man affiliate program during your 30 day trial but think of it this way… you only ever need a few affiliates to generate real cash anyway :-)

If you snag a big fish top affiliate, you actually only need one ;-)

17. Forum software

There are loads to choose from. I personally favour “phpBB” even though it looks a little err… tacky… for want of a better word. It’s easy to set up and use and most web hosts have this ready for you via Cpanel, just ask your web host if you need help with this.

18. Blog software

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this one is free almost everywhere you look. There’s Blogger.com and Xanga.com software you use free. Or you can set up Wordpress which I believe is also available via most Cpanels (ask your web host if you get stuck).

19. Membership site script

If you need to set up a membership site, you’ll be hard pressed to find a good free script that’s easy to install and pretty much offers you a hands-free, easy to use admin experience. I’ve recently installed the free one at: http://www.locked-area.com/html

You can use it free for a lifetime. The only requirement from the developers is that you leave an unobtrusive link back to them at the bottom of your member site pages. If you’d rather remove the link and get a few more features thrown in, you pay only $65 for that.

With both versions, your customers (prospects) sign up and get to choose their own username and password which is all automatically entered into a database and the script lets them into your site and even shows you usage statistics like how often a member is checking in and using your products etc. Very cool tool. It does not integrate into Paypal etc but that’s not necessary since you can collect payment and then redirect to the member sign up page where your members can set up their membership quick and easy.

20. Images:

As luck would have it another warrior asked this question just hours after I made this post, and he got a generous helping of links to royalty-free images, see the post at:http://www.warriorforum.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=90936

Or you can try Google images: http://www.google.co.uk/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi – Just type in the search term for an image you need and you’ll get loads to pick from. Some of them may belong to other sites and may not be royalty-free to copy and use, just check to be sure before you use them.

21. Sound/Music samples for music intros etc on your recordings…


A good one I use is at: http://www.freeplaymusic.com – check their terms of use first.

22. Need to record audio?

No need to buy audio recording software. Just download Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ -- it’s pretty (very easy for me) to use.

Best of luck and when you make some money, give some back to the community from whence it came (on and offline)… Don’t let the circulation flow stop with you -- ;-)

I've always believed in something I heard years ago from Dan Kennedy... "If you can't make money without money, you can't make money with money" -- With a list of freebies/or almost freebies like this, that statement is never truer than when you start/own an online biz ;-)





Why Can't 100% Succeed?

Willie Crawford

On my flights between Florida and California over the past several days, one of the books that I read was “Be Unreasonable” by Paul Lemberg. It was a review copy sent to me by a publicist friend.

One of the premises in the book is that great things happen because “unreasonable” people DO rock the boat, and do attempt things that most people consider impossible.

It’s a great book that you should be hearing a lot about soon, if you haven’t already!

While out in Hollywood, I spent time chatting with several friends who are extremely successful online.

One of them caused me to chuckle when he mentioned a 1.xx million dollar tax bill that he’d recently paid. He actually enjoyed paying this bill and as we talkedI fully understood where he was coming from.

The weekend was very invigorating for me... reminding me that I’d settled into a routine of accepting too much of the status quo.

One of the unreasonable questions that I asked myself is “Why is the statistic that 95% of online businesses fail - probably true?” Some answers that made me feel ”OK” with that fact came to mind, yet another part of me questioned, “Why can’t 100% Succeed?”

I realize that is an unreasonable question, but certainly many, many more people seeking to start home based businesses should be succeeding than are succeeding.

I think that it would be a lot of fun to actually unravel the how this can become a reality. If we know why so many aren’t doing that great... something everyone seems to be able to explain to you... then why can’t we figure out how more CAN succeed.

A lot of the answers to that question did come to me.

Many people aren't cut out to be their own bosses.

The way I deal with the problem that you outline is by making myself accountable to others. You can be accountable to a mentor, coach, or accountability partners.

When you know that in not following through on an agreed plan of action, you are not just letting yourself down, but hurting others who are also depending upon you to do your part so that they can do theirs, that motivates a lot of people.

I also introduce an accountability factor by telling others my plans or projects. Knowing that the world... or a family member who can't wait to say "I told you so!" are watching, keeps some of us going (This is my strategy, exactly! – Ed.)

I think what makes the difference for that small percentage of people that either find a map and follow it - or figure out the path on their own - is that they have a consuming desire or an overwhelming NEED TO SUCCEED.


By the time I left home, I was tired of rats, roaches, tattered clothing, government subsistence, the cycle of poverty, and that feeling of total hopelessness.

Books and television gave me a glimpse of what was possible and ignited the refusal to give up in me. Now, I'd think the internet makes that ignition even more vivid, althoughthe hype conceals the landmines.

Reply from Simon Wyholm:

I've been online since 1995 but I've only done business online since 2003 and I'm slowly learning by reading newsletters and buying some marketing related product every month.

I think I'm slowly getting the picture here. To succeed you have to

1. Work hard (nothing happens until something moves)2. Know what to do3. Stay focused (don't try too many things at once)

I think tome people never get started, they just learn more and more but never get going.

Others work day and night but do not learn, either because they don't want to or they think they already know.

Some learn, but from the wrong source. They bought some get rich quick pack from a self proclaimed guru and now they are learning the wrong thing.

Some both learn and work but get distracted by new ideas and new projects all the time never finishing one project to the point where it starts to bring in serious money.

I'm the person that learns more than I work, and I get easily distracted, but I'm learning, and I hit the delete button quickly now when the latest greatest offer comes along.

I think what people are missing with online business is that it's exactly the same as offline business. At least from a distance.

* Do market research* Create or acquire a product or service* Make a well converting sales process for that product* Get customers (traffic)* Increase revenue with backend and advanced marketing methods

This is exactly the same offline and online. Here another way of telling it:

* Find a market or niche* Learn exactly what these people want and need* Sell them exactly what they want* Learn more about what they want* Sell them more of what they want

I think why so many newbies online fail is because the majority of marketing products out there, especially the sales pages, paint the picture that business online should be easy.

If you're not on a sunny beach in the Caribbean letting your business push dollars into your bank account on autopilot you're doing something wrong.

In reality every guru I know works hard on their business, most work more than 40 hours a week and is having fun doing it. But it's hard work, and it's even harder when starting.


An online business will run on autopilot, but it's up to you to build the business and that's hard work.

The most important fundamental aspect of any business is this one from the list above


Without market research the rest will fail miserably as you will be selling stuff to people that THEY DON'T WANT TO HAVE!

If on the other hand you have done proper market research and you know exactly what your target market want and you sell that to them, THEY WILL BUY YOUR STUFF ON THE SPOT, GLADLY GIVING YOU THEIR MONEY.

Competition plays a role of course, and you need traffic and conversion for everything to roll, but without market research it's a 95% chance that your business will fail.

I think why so many fail online is because so few make-money-courses teaches market research.

(In the military we had 5 P's.Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance - Willie)

Some e-books will say that it's important, but I have yet to find one that will guide you step by step through the market research process.

I suspect many marketers holds back on this piece of the puzzle as it's the key to success, and they could easily create competition for themselves if they showed how they found the niches they make money in.

Another aspect is that this is a lot of work if done properly. You have to gather data through tests and forms that you have people fill out, then analyse the data and actually ask questions of people in order to find out what they want.

It can cost a lot and take a long time without you selling anything yet.

The result will be that you will know if it's profitable to enter this market without making a product and a sales process. If it looks profitable you can go ahead with the product and sales process creation. If not you can abandon this market and try the next until you find the goldmine. It will be a lot easier and a lot more fun selling stuff that people want.

Thanks for reading this far. I hope this has been useful to someone and if I'm totally off track I hope one of the gurus around will step in and point me in the right direction.



Reply from Steven Wagenheim:

I don't know. Maybe I'm just oversimplifying this, but I think the biggest reason that 95% of marketers fail is that they just don't know what to do.

When I first started to try to make money online, I certainly had the desire, drive and motivation - maybe even more so than I have now because at the time I was broke. I was out of work and desperate.

But I didn't know what I was doing. I had no clue. I had no direction. I didn't even know where to begin. As a result, I spent 5 months not making any money at all.

It wasn't until I got the knowledge I needed and some direction from people who were willing to help me that I finally started to make some money online.

Yes, I had to still put in the work. I had to be committed. But if I didn't have the knowledge that I had gained, I would have been in the same boat that I was in at the start, 4 plus years later.

You MUST have motivation, but I had all the motivation in the world when I first started.Hell, I was DESPERATE. I was out of work and broke. And yet, it wasn't enough to give me success until I got the education that I needed.

Motivation without knowing what you're doing is not going to cut it.

At least it didn't for me.

Knowledge is the key.

Without it, you don't stand a chance.

Steve Wagenheim


Reply from Michelle Brouse:

Well, here we go again; hopefully this third time will work like a charm. The second huge post I wrote about 3 hours ago was closed by my two year old. This time I'm writing the thing in notepad.

Anyhow, this comes from someone who has been working on the PC for about 10 years now. I have always been able to make money, even from day one. I've been through eBay, I worked in Cleveland for other people, and I've been doing website work on my own since 2000. I started getting into Internet Marketing about 2 years ago. Various reasons, but mostly because I KNEW I would make a whole lot more money.


When I first started my own website, it was interesting to say the least. I already had basic graphic skills, Photoshop etc. - I knew how to build websites through front page, plus a host of other software skills. Software wasn't the problem.

Things I had never done, like... creating a worthy digital product, building an e-book cover, creating a sales page, even down to finding out how to get my own domain name and get it hosted needed to be learned. I took one step at a time, and I still do that a lot. I won't put too much effort into learning something I'm not ready for - found out the hard way, that by the time I get to that point - I need to go look it back up. Forgot everything I learned unless I actually put it to use, immediately.

So, I'm not making a bundle, yet I'm always able to make enough to get by. Since I'm at the point to where something has to change so that I can make that 40 grand a month, I'll be revamping my system in a hurry. I'd like to share here, what it is that I think I have done wrong... and what I think I have done right so far. What I have done WRONG, is what's stopping me from the success I'm looking for. I'm sure there are a few people that can relate in some way.

Here is what I have done WRONG in the last two years:


This one is a biggie. Mrs. Sidetrack Queen over here, can get one PM, one email, one IM - or see one forum post and be sidetracked for over an hour. This kind of "flitting around" has to stop. Part of the problem that causes this "lack of focus" is:


It's not that I DON'T have a plan, because I do have various plans for web sites, and other little plans for this and that. The main plan is: "I will make a million dollars per year within 5 years by creating digital products to sell on the internet." Some plan.

The problem with this, is that my main plan should be broke down into what has to be accomplished each year. Each year needs broke down into what needs done each month, which needs broke down into what needs done each week, into what needs done each day. With no daily plan that leads through to the big 5 year plan - I lack focus, and end up spinning my wheels doing busy work.


Yes, it's nice to help others. I love to pay things forward, help people who are newer than me, and help my friends. Problem is, this is time consuming. I also don't get paid for it.


Since most of my time has been spent in service oriented tasks, like creating graphics for hire... I have not been able to use leverage. I know better than to keep trading time for money, but it becomes a vicious circle. You need the money to pay your bills, so you trade your time to get the money to get those bills.

You are left with very little time to do your own work so that you CAN use leverage. I end up losing lots of sleep due to trading time for money, having no specific plan, and having a lack of focus. I just stay up all night trying to get more time. Not good for the health.


UNDERPRICING PRODUCTS AND SERVICE, GIVING FREEBIES.Another thing I just love to do for some reason. Took me forever to raise my cover fees, and they have needed raised again for the last YEAR and I haven't got around to changing them yet. How stupid is that. I don't do any kind of testing to figure out how to price my other products. There is no great thought given to the pricing, usually it's "hmmm - $9.97 ought to work" - and out it goes at that price. Usually it stays there forever, with no testing etc. Bad move. Not to mention giving out way too many free graphics over the last two years. All of this ends up hurting me and my business. I'm sure it's great for my customers, but it isn't great for me.

STUCK IN THE PRODUCT CREATION PHASE.I could sit and create things all day long. I love to create products and graphics. It's one of those "built in" things I was born with. I received MANY ribbons and awards for Art while in school, including a gold key. I played in bands and wrote some original tunes. So I'm no stranger to creating things, but I've been stuck in that rut. Instead of getting out and marketing what I HAVE created, I just go out and create something else. This was also not a real bright move on my part.

LACK OF ORGANIZATION.There is no true organization to ANYTHING that I do. I don't care if it's cleaning house, or working on the PC. That's all about to change in a big way though. Not only will home schooling require organization and time management, I seriously need it on my business. Most of the big changes will get applied when we finally move into that beast house... but for now I'll be starting with organizing THIS house, and the home schooling first. While I'm at it, I'll carry this over to my work on the PC. Now THAT is going to take a lot of effort, but it will be so worth it. Add some good planning, and FOCUS... and I should be all set.

Here is what I think I've done right.

EDUCATION.I have taken the time to learn most all of the skills I need to run an internet business. From software skills,

programs I need, how to handle taxes, and way too many other things to list. I have invested money and time in my education, and have studied pretty hard at each point where I had to learn something new. I learn it, use it, and go on to the next thing. Let me tell you, it's been a whole lot cheaper to learn IM than it was to go to a one year tech college!

BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS.I didn't do a whole lot of this at first. I kind of muddled through on my own until I met Russell Brunson in the Lost Files Forum. His coaching class helped me a lot. He told me about the WF, which almost scared me when I started reading! I learned how to use IM to work with others from a man that ended up being very bad news, but I was thankful for some of the things he taught me. From this man I learned not to be afraid to approach other people online. I also learned quite a bit on how to tell a bad apple from a good one, and that I needed to check up on anyone that I would be working with. Building great relationships has been the key thing in many areas where I needed to exchange help, or learn things quickly.

TAKING ACTION.When I have a good idea for a product, or run across some market that looks promising - the first thing I do is buy a domain name. I don't wait on the domain name for one reason. By the time I actually get to the site, that domain name could be long gone. I get it when the gettin's good. It also serves as a reminder of what my original idea was. Especially when the renewal fees come due. :-)


But, I usually start on the idea as soon as I have it, and think it's good enough. This isn't always possible due to the number of ideas, but on the really good ones... I try to move. I learned the hard way that the universe likes speed. You may be working on something that 5 other people already started. So you don't want to "dilly-dally" around, just do it.

PERSISTENCE.My boys are probably the most persistent kids I know when they want something. (Gee, I wouldn't have any idea where they get THAT from!) I do NOT give up. I may want to, I may feel like it, but I have NEVER given up on anything that I have truly wanted in my life. This business is no different. And let me tell you, when you get hit really bad by a con, or you have a really bad day online, you'll WANT to give up. It's then time to step back, and think of a different approach. What has NOT been working? WHY has it NOT been working?Figure it out, change what you need to change, and get right back at it.

DRIVE.I'm also a very "driven" person. I have no idea how you develop something like that, it just seems to have been built right into me. I think if a person has no drive, they won't get too far on much of anything, and will be satisfied with the "status quo" or whatever they think they are "worthy" of. Having no DRIVE, will hinder your success at darn near everything.

So as you see... it seems that I'm doing a bit more things wrong than I'm doing right - but I'm still making money. It's not incredibly easy, but it's not incredibly HARD either. You're going to fail. Get that done and over with as quick as possible, and don't look back. You might fail at 50 things, but it only takes ONE GOOD SUCCESS to get the snowball rolling.

One more thing I thing is needed to help propel you to success, and that is mentoring. A coach or mentor that can stop you when they see you going the wrong way, and direct you back on track. This can be expensive, but from my own experience, and by watching others... a good mentor can do wonders for you. One 1/2 hour phone call with Russell about 2 years or so ago had me making money within 24 hours. I was so dang new, that my biggest goal was to just get a few orders.

Nowadays things have changed, and I need a whole different "kick in the ass." Richard would like to give it to me, so I'm going to take him up on his offer. :-) First things first, I'll be doing what he already TOLD me to do. That means shutting it down for a week or so, get that plan together, get organized, get focused - and get my crap together. Shut down prep is going on right now... incredible how many things need done just to be able to shut down for a while.

Hope my list above helps a few others... I wrote this post three times now! Living proof of about 3 things I do wrong listed above! LOL!



Michelle, you just wrote an e-book

Share how you worked through the fairly common problems that you listed, and you'll guide a lot of others along the path.

Great post!

It can be a difficult balance between allowing yourself to believe in the possibilities and healthy caution.

Strangely, talent and a willingness to work sometimes have little to do with the degree of success one achieves.

When I first came online, I often bounced emails off of about a dozen friends. We were all learning just the basics, and often proudly sent each other links to some new graphic or webpage after spending all night tinkering with them. Sadly, MOST of those old friendsare nowhere to be found online. I considered them all as talented... usually more talented than I was (am).

The factors that separated us are covered in this thread already... except that I don't recall reading a lot about unreasonable stubbornness. That's probably one of my biggest secrets.

Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts. I think that you've helped others who are in the same predicament.

I will encourage you to consider the lesson that I learned from Marlon Sanders the very first time that I met him. He spoke at a Master Listbuilder Seminar sponsored by Joel Christopher,and he said, "Whatever they're buying, I'm selling." He also said, "Dead ducksdon't quack!"

I took away from that "interesting" presentation (Marlon has a unique style) that you need to make sure that you are selling what you customers are already activelylooking for and buying. Also, if you're marking something that isn't selling, you need to STOP.

I spent a lot of time in my early days trying to convince people that they wanted something that I was selling...something that they were convinced that they didn't want.When I actually adopted Marlon's philosophy, it became extremely easy

I'm also not knocking the 9-5. I spent a full career in the military. That gave me an income (miniscule pension) for the rest of my life... even if I never work another day. I'm just one of those people who enjoy the reward AND RISKS that come with working for yourself.

O.K., There is enough material here to give someone several good products. A lot of needs and wants and FRUSTRATIONS are being pointed out here.




Hey Newbie, Here's the First Thing You Need to Do

Dennis gaskill

We know it's coming, we've seen it hundreds of times before. Someone new joins the forum. They start reading. There's so much information, so many details, so many opinions. So many people seem to know what they're talking about, but one says THIS and another says THAT and you don't know who, or what, to believe.

Then it happens; information overload knocks another newbie to the ground in a fog of confusion.

Then the pleas for help begin. What do I do first? What is the best method? Who should I believe?

Believe ME, if only for the next minute...

You're asking the wrong questions. You're asking people who don't know you to make decisions for you that aren't really ours to make. Look at all these things that we don't know about you...

• your strengths• your weaknesses• your likes• your dislikes• your work ethic• how quickly you learn• how well you focus• what excites you• what bores you• your motives• your goals• your finances

Enough? I could add a lot more to that list, but I think I've made the point...we don't know you, so how can we tell you what you should do with your life?

Here's where you have to help yourself, then we can help you. This is the first thing you need to do. You have to make a choice. There are lots of ways to make money online. Try to get a feel for the big concepts, rather than the details of the methods. Ignore the off-topic posts if you're in a hurry.

You can learn all you need right here for now. When you get a good feel for what's available, pick the one that interests you the most, one that feels right to you. We can't pick what suits you, only you can.

Then start learning all you can about that marketing method. Devour everything you can get your hands on about it. If you have specific questions, ask. We can help you with specific questions.

Then, depending on how much time you dedicate to learning, in a few weeks or a few months, take flight little bird. By that I mean take action. Put what you've learned to use. You may fail greatly, or you may succeed. Failure will teach you more, but succeeding is more fun.


Whether you fail or succeed right out of the gate really isn't that important in the bigger scheme of things. Just taking action is the most important thing you can do. The failure to take action is the one thing, the ONLY thing, guaranteed to hold you back, and it will hold you back forever until you force yourself to do something.

Now listen, we've heard this before too...because you lack experience you may lack confidence. Is that important? Not really, it's normal. Do you think those of us that have found success at this didn't have our doubts, too? We did. Congratulations, you're not alone.

Truth be told, sometimes we still have doubts when we head into new territory. I have doubts every time I start a thread here. The thing is, we don't let doubt, or fear, hold us back.

Let me tell you something about yourself. You were born an original. You are far, far more rare than a mere one-in-a-million. You are a singularly unique and ever-evolving individual in the cosmic ocean of eternity! Think about that. I mean really think about that—you are the only you in an infinity of time and space! Good golly in a row boat—mind shift—rejoice in yourself!

As the only you in existence, you are entitled to make mistakes as you blaze your own trail. You are entitled to experiment, in marketing and in life, in order to build the kind of life you want to have. You only have to give yourself permission.

Do you?


Dennis - I've been thinking along the same lines today based on some of the "help me" threads popping up. While I agree that one should pick a model and stick with it, that answer doesn't help someone find the best model suited to their particular skills and resources.

Seems like there's a need for a guide that either lists the skills required for the different types of IM models, or a questionnaire that lets someone new answer a list of focused, survey questions and then scores it to help them choose the best model to start following (would that be an ebook, a WSO - lately everything I think of leads back to how I could make money from it!) If I was more experienced, I'd give it a shot. All I know is there seems to be a need....anyone willing to run with it?

Maybe something like that is already out there, but I haven't come across one.

It could be helpful. It could be a great idea. I'm not sure any one person would be qualified to write it. To create a guide like a person should be intimately knowledgeable and successful in each area of marketing; otherwise they're just kind of taking their best guess, aren't they? Is there anyone so qualified? There could be, but I don't know any. It certainly wouldn't be me. The marketers I know have specific areas of expertise, but none I know have expertise in all areas of marketing.

If you organized enough experts and had each one write up a guide for their area of expertise, you'd probably have yourself a product you could sell or give away to build a list, or donate to the forum in a thread. The individual guidance is probably already here though; it's just not organized in one place. Maybe you could use the search and find it, then start a thread linking to all the resources. It could be one of your greatest contributions to the forum!

A person has to be responsible for their own decisions and their own life. Everyone that is successful at this has faced their own moments of decision. When it comes down to it, would we really want a test that made our decisions for us? If so, maybe college is the closest thing to that with it's exams, skills tests, and trained counsellors; or our parents, who probably would recommend college or the family business. Either way, you end up with a . . . JOB.


Once we are in business for ourselves we have to make important decisions with regularity; decisions that affect our livelihood, our families, and other people's lives. There isn't a book or test that can do all that for us, so maybe making a decision for yourself on which aspect of IM to get into is just beginner training for bigger tests that come later.

To be honest, I think people wanting the answers handed to them without working their way through them is in itself a problem. Being given the answers takes responsibility away from the individual and places it in tests, books, and methods. There's always someone or something to blame for failure that way. Fear and doubt is what is holding some people back. Giving them the answers via a test won't remove their fear and doubt, it only changes which decision they will have fear and doubt about, but they still have to learn how to make decisions in the midst of fear and doubt if they are going to be successful.

Making your own decisions is a necessary function of being in business. If you can't do that, how will you succeed? People want to over think things. Make a choice and see how it goes. You can always make a different choice later. Entrepreneurship is for decision makers, risk takers, and people that aren't afraid to fail. It isn't for everyone. If you can't decide which direction to take on your own, maybe you should think about college?

Puzzling things out is part of the learning process, and going through the process trains you to "puzzle things out" when other problems arise in your business. I actually think it's an important part of the process.


Say I'd come to the forum and asked "Where should I start?"

"Pick a model and just stick with it". Sounds good. I learn PPC can get a lot of targeted traffic very quickly and I head down that road and lose a bunch of money before I ever make a dime (get frustrated, quit, take up golf).

If you just picked, without doing the research on the models, then did you make a good choice? If you did, you got lucky. If you didn't, you were lazy and created a learning experience for yourself. For me, it all comes back to responsibility. An entrepreneur has to responsible for every single aspect of their business, including all decisions made. If you make a poor decision you need to learn from it, not go take up golf. This isn't a business that is sympathetic to those who give up easily.

There is good advice in this forum; there is bad advice here as well. One could say learning to sort out the good advice from the bad is part of the process, but it is regrettable that the bad advice is out there. To me though, the two most important factors in success in this business is having the ability to find answers on your own and being able to make decisions on your own. If a person doesn't possess those skills, and doesn't learn them at the outset, perhaps the problems they run into once they get started would be more costly.

I'd just say the information is here, it just isn't organized. If a person searches, they can find it. Seek and ye shall find. If a person only starts a thread to ask which way to go, and does no research on their own, perhaps that laziness is the trait that will prevent them from succeeding, and so, they spin their wheels, going nowhere until they stop looking for the magic button and start learning to puzzle it out for themselves.

Having said all that, there's nothing wrong with asking for help. But an awful lot of people ask others to make decisions for them so they don't have to be responsible for the outcome. Perhaps the old proverb, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." applies here. If you give a person the answers you help


them today, but if you teach them to find the answers for themselves you help them become an independent business person.

What it comes down to for me is this...too many newbies want the magic button and don't do enough to help themselves. I've tried to help them see they need to help themselves. You could create the guide you're talking about and I would not find fault with you for doing so. It could help someone as easily as my words. Maybe it would help some people more. Different people have different needs. So I try to help where I see needs, and now it's your turn.



Note from Editor


I’d just say the information is here, it just isn’t organized.

Dennis, that’s precisely why I wrote this book!


9 things I’ve learned in 5 years

Steven wagenheim

In my 5 years plus of marketing online, I have learned a lot. These are the 9 things I've learned that I feel are the most important. They are in no special order.

1. Communication Is Critical

Communication is absolutely critical if you're going to be successful with your business. Think about everything that you do to make a sale. Almost all of it has to do with some form of communication, from your first squeeze page to the prospect emails that you get delivered to you in your in box. Do you not think the person who can effectively communicate with his prospects is going to have a better chance of success than somebody who can't communicate well? I know there have been many sales I've made because of replies to prospect inquiries. Even your sales pages are a form of communication. They have to be well written if you're going to make any significant number of sales. This is why I work on my communication skills every day. They are the one thing that I know I can count on when all else around me falls apart.

2. There's More Than One Way To Skin A Cat

Don't let anybody tell you that there is only one right way to run your business, advertise, make sales, make a sales page or whatever. I have gone against the norm in so many areas it's not even funny. I've done things that people have told me were crap and I still succeededwith them. My first sales page was the worst looking thing you ever saw. It still made me over 200 sales monthly for almost a whole year. The blasted thing started off with a STOP sign right at the top of the page. I mean talk about corny. But it worked. So try out your crazyideas. If they don't work, fine. But you never know what will turn out to be a winner for you.

3. Don't Piss Off 7 Men When All You're Packing Is A 6 Gun

Learn to pick your battles, especially in forums. You can't win some of them so don't try. If you constantly go out looking for a fight or get defensive at everything somebody says to you, guess what? It only makes YOU look bad. So turn the other cheek. Be the bigger man.I know it's hard. It was hard for me. And trust me, I failed at it one too many times. But those days are long gone. Sure, if you strongly believe in something, stick to your guns, but do it professionally and without getting into name calling and hostility. It does nobody any good.

4. Don't Try To Do It All Yourself

Pride is a terrible thing. I felt I had to be successful all on my own. Boy was THAT a mistake. I should have tried to cultivate friendships a long time ago. A member at this forum, when I talked to him on Skype, called me a loner. He was so right. Well, those days are long gone too. I have made many friends and am in the process of putting together some JVsthat are going to be very profitable for both parties. To those of you who had enough faith in me to want to work with me, thank you. I appreciate it more than you know.

5. Don't Rely On Your Memory

I'm getting old and it's not fun. Aside from the aches and pains, my memory isn't what it used to be. So I am having a very hard time keeping track of things. So as a result, I have to write everything down. Don't let pride get in your way of doing this. Nobody is going to call you names because you keep a cheat sheet or whatever. If you end up forgetting a crucial part of your day when it comes to your business, you can end up losing money. I know. I've done it.


6. Find At Least One Person You Can Trust

This is so important because things are going to happen online that will require you to go to somebody you can trust. I am not going to go into detail but I am sure you can guess what I'm talking about. There will be people out there who will screw you just as soon as look at you. Having somebody you can turn to and say, "Hey, what do you know about so and so" is one of the most comforting things in this business. I have a few people I can go to and it's the greatest feeling. So find somebody who you can trust and is also knowledgeable about the not so nice parts of this business.

7. Never Think You Know It All

Boy, was I a know it all. Ask Andy Henry and John Taylor. They'll tell you. I've learned, quite recently actually, that I don't know it all. As a matter of fact, I've learned that in the grand scheme of things when it comes to Internet marketing, I know very little. I've been wrapped up in my own little world for so long that I didn't notice that there are things out there that I didn't even know existed...things that are actually useful to my business. I am finally using them. So always keep an open mind. That is one of my biggest flaws that I have recently corrected.

8. Money Isn't Everything

Now that I've achieved a level of success, I realize that money isn't everything. That I wake up in the morning pain free, cancer free, or whatever other horrible disease I could easily be stricken with, is the most important thing of all. That, and the knowledge that my wife and daughter are also in good health. Without those things, all the money in the world doesn't mean crap.

9. There Are Good People In This World

IM has a terrible reputation. All you hear about are the scammers and the crooks. And heaven knows we've had our share of them. Anybody remember Joe Kumar? LOL. Point is, even though there are bad people in this business, I have come to know many good people, most of them here at this forum.

Paul Myers - Saved me from losing thousands of dollars.Andrew Cavanagh - For teaching me so much about copywritingJohn Rhodes - Gave me my first JV.Willie Crawford - Gave me my first radio interview.Andy Henry - Made me realize that there's a better way.John Taylor - DittoBig Mike - For saying the nicest thing anybody ever said to me here.Bev Clement - For watching out for all of us.Judy Kettenhofen - For hooking me up with George Sepich.George Sepich - For making me such a generous offer.Allen Says - For making all this possible. I owe you a debt of gratitudethat can never be repaid.

I would add Steven to that list – Ed.




How To Get The #1 Position Across All Search Engines

Dan Molano

I just sent this e-mail to one of my lists - it tells you how to rank for the #1 position in Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask for a specific long tail keyword. Enjoy!

Would you like your very own sites to rank at #1 position in Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other search engines?

If the answer is YES (as I am sure it is), keep reading, it is actually quite simple to do. The information I am about to give you here could quite easily sell for a few hundred bucks, but I am going to give it to you FREE for being such a loyal client.

Introducing: Daniel Molano's Foolproof Ranking Method

Step 1

First, you need to pick a keyword phrase that you would like to rank for. A keyword phrase is composed of 3 words or more. Keyword/niche research is the most essential part of internet marketing hands down, yet most people skip it, which is a common reason for their failure.

Seriously, the pillar of my entire business model is practically keyword research, take that out of the equation and I would probably be making 'nada'.

I have "business consulting" #3 on Google, #13 on Bing and page 11 on Yahoo.

I hate Yahoo, I haven't been able to crack them. Although for low competition keywords, Yahoo seems to be the easiest.

Nevertheless that's pretty much irrelevant, all you need is top 5 in Google to bring in massive traffic.

That keyword has over 40,000,000 competing sites, over 5,000,000 under quotes and over 300,000 monthly searches according to the Google Keyword Tool.

That keyword alone made me over $120,000 net profit in May 2009.

Rankings for such "impossible" keywords is where the money is, and yes of course my business consulting is in large part about how to achieve that.

Step 2

You must optimize your site around that keyword phrase. Spread it around in the text/body of your site a few times without overdoing it. If you overdo it, that's called keyword stuffing and it won't work. (The keyword density should be about 2%). Keyword density is the % of a keyword being used in an article/post/page.

For example, if you write an article that has 500 words and your chosen long tail keyword is make money online and you use the keyword 5 times in the article, that means it has a keyword density of 1%.

I suggest your chosen keyword (the one you will be optimizing an article with) to be implemented once in the title, once in the first paragraph, once in the body and once in the last paragraph/conclusion.


Step 3

Add the meta tags in the html code of your site. Here is a fantastic free tool that generates the meta code for you and you just have to copy paste: META Builder

Step 4

Submit the sitemap of your site to the search engines.To create the sitemap use this free tool: Sitemap Generator

Here are the places where you submit the sitemap to each respective search engine.

Google: Webmaster Tools Yahoo: Submit Your Site MSN: API Moreover (Not MSN but it works)Ask: Sitemap Submission

For the last two, just add your sitemap to the end of the URL. For example: http://yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml

(Yes, you need to upload the sitemap to that location, in the case of blogs it usually looks likehttp://yourdomain.com/atom.xml)

Step 5

Now you want the search engines to notice you, so you need to do some massive back linking.

First, use this free tool: Free Web Submission

Second, go grab Social Bot and submit to your site.

Social Bot allows you to get over 120 instant back links with1 click.

Won’t getting 120 back links all at once raise alarm bells at Google? Google won't pick up on 120 back links in 1 day, more like 10-20 of those back links will get indexed in 1 day.

Building back links gradually is a MUST to obtain and sustain your rankings. But doing a Social Bot submission once won't do you any harm whatsoever; it will actually get you indexed faster.

After testing high PR back links across several niches and different sites I can assure you that high PR back links work regardless of their relevance.

In fact, a PR9 irrelevant back link is more powerful than a PR6 100% relevant back link. at least when it comes to ranking more highly.

A Page Rank 8 back link coming from a site talking about stamp collecting, pointing towards your weight loss site is by far more powerful than a Page Rank 5 back link coming from another weight loss site.


Step 6

Ok, so most likely your site is now indexed by all the search engines or at least it will be in a day or two.

Chances are you are not ranking in #1 position just yet. To do so you need some powerful manual back linking. This means linking to your site from high Page Rank authority websites or blogs.

Now, where do you find such sites that allow you to back link and are DO FOLLOW? (meaning the link counts, NO FOLLOW links are useless in this scenario)

Well, I personally recommend Angela V. Edwards back linking tutorials. Every month she creates a list of 30 high Page Rank authority websites you can back link from and sends you a step by step tutorial on how you can do it site by site.

Angela's package: Easy Backlink Builde r


Some keyword phrases have more competition than others and therefore results may vary. But FACT is that Angela managed to rank #1 for a keyword phrase that has over 11 MILLION competition using this method, so it works.

I hope you enjoyed it, now go dominate the search engines!

Best of luck,

Daniel Molano http://www.danielmolano.com/


Article marketers, lend me your ears – my steps to success

Jeremy kelsall

There are a ton of people on this forum that write articles as a way to promote their business. However, I don't see or hear nearly enough successful stories, so I thought I would share a little bit of what seems to work well for me.

I’ve been writing away for just about the last year and have found a lot of joy in watching the fruits of my labor bear cold hard cash Hopefully, some of my experiences that I share with you today, might help you get to where you want or need to be.

Niche Research - To me, this is the simplest part of the process. I really don't care what it is. As long as it is a legitimate product and not a blatant scam and offers some positive benefits to the end user, I will promote, sell, and profit from it. Some people will say that there is something wrong with that. I say, to each his own, but not over thinking the process has helped me to be both productive and profitable in the last 10.5 months.

Go to any affiliate network and just start writing product niche Ideas down in notepad or a piece of scrap paper that you think might sell well. Often times, they show some type of information which will help you determine this. For example, Clickbank has gravity, others have a different standard, but either way, you should be able to gauge whether or not the product has been successfully sold. If other people can do it, so can you.

Keyword Research - Now, many people will run right to Google or WordTracker and start randomly typing words in. That's great if it works for you, but let me share with you what I do. Give it a try; you could be surprised by the results.

Head on over to any article directory, whether it be Ezinearticles, Goarticles, Ideamarketers, or website-articles.net and start looking at the articles in the niche you are interested in. When you are looking at the articles, simply right click to view the source of the page and you should be able to see exactly what keywords are being used in the tags. Copy all of the keywords into notepad. Continue going through articles until you have a fairly sizeable list. Now take that list and head on over to the Google Keyword Tool and Copy that whole list of keywords into the box, making sure you have the "use synonyms" option checked and run the search. You should get a ton of keyword ideas in the results. What you have to do next takes quite a bit of time sometimes, but good preparation is well worth it in the long run. Take the keywords and then check them in Google to see what the competition looks like. I usually keep any keyword with fewer than 40,000 competing pages in quotation marks as long as the keyword meets a couple of criteria:

• They have Google Ads Running for the keyword• The first page is not loaded with authority sites• There is at least one article directory result on the first page

There are many reasons why those are my criteria, but to get into them all specifically would make this post into a book instead of a post. Hopefully, you can look at them and know the reasoning behind them.


Once I have repeated this process until I have 10 or more keywords, I'm ready to get to work.

Brainstorming - Yahoo answers and sites like it are great for this. If you type in a popular keyword for your niche you will find a wealth of ideas to write about and questions to answer in not only your articles, but your website as well. I have yet to find a niche that Yahoo Answers didn't have a ton of information on. From church to gambling, they really run the gambit. Article directories are also great for this. Check out what your competition is writing about and focusing on. Make note of good article titles and angles that different authors approach the niche with. This will give you a ton of different directions to go and help keep writers block away

Analyze Your Competition - Pay close attention to what the authors with a ton of articles in the niche are doing. They could be doing any number of things, but try to pay close attention to exactly where they are driving their traffic.

• Is it going to an opt-in page?• Are they monetizing traffic with Adsense• What affiliate products are they pimping?• Are they redirecting to a sales page?

While it might seem goofy to do, looking at the situation from all aspects and different ways of monetizing traffic could give you some great ideas. For example, if you see that nobody is collecting email addresses, ask yourself, why not? Is it because they just don't know any better or is it because chances are good that it's not a good niche for email marketing? If you see that several of them are monetizing their traffic through Adsense, ask yourself, why? Is it because there are no affiliate products, in which case you could have a great opportunity to create one or is it because there is so much free information available that it is more realistic to make money from people clicking ads than to sell an affiliate product.

Getting down to business - Once you have done everything above, it's time to put the serious work in You now have to put all of your efforts into creating content and driving traffic with it. The best way I have found to do this is to go the slow and steady route. I try to get 2 or 3 articles out per day to places like EzineArticles. I only do 2 or 3 because I don't want to compete with my own articles on the front page or recently submitted categories. If you blast 10 articles through, you are going to bump yourself from those places and your traffic is going to suffer because of it. It is very important that you look at the directories that you submit to and know exactly how they work. This will allow you to get the most benefit from the work that you do. Work smart, not hard

Getting the most from your articles - Try a couple of different methods with keywords. I usually just drop a keyword in the beginning, middle, and end. However, I recently found out that by slamming a keyword a couple times in the same paragraph has given some really solid results. I found that out from a post by another Warrior, I think IM Reporter is the one that posted about it. I tested it and it worked for a couple of my niches, so testing really does make a difference.

Multi Purpose your articles - While many people think that the only use for an article is an article. You couldn't be more wrong. There are a ton of ways to re-purpose your content to make you more money and help you stand out in your niche. You could just post your articles or you could do one or a number of the following things:

1. MP your articles to your own site2. Make audios of your content3. Create free hosted sites with your content4. Use your content to answer questions places like yahoo answers


There are a ton of other things you can do as well, just use your imagination.

At the end of the day, most of the time our success comes from our process. What I’ve outlined above is my general process and the strategy that I use. Things get easier when you start making some money and can outsource a couple of things like having a couple articles written or giving someone your steps for keyword research and have them collect all of the data for you.

I still don't outsource a whole lot of my content. As far as outsourcing goes, I have a partner now who can take care of all of the technical things. However, I do outsource tedious things like link building and some of my larger content sites, but 75% of articles that I submit to this day are still mine.

Writing is an aspect of this business that i genuinely take pleasure it, so I imagine I will continue to do most of my own writing for a while.

On the old forum when I was discussing this, I was at the couple thousand dollar a month mark, now that the bar has been raised to several thousand, I feel like I can outsource anything I want. So, that isn't the issue anymore.

It is a very simple process and it works

The thing that people have to remember is all of the processes are simple, it is people that make the process complicated.

If you approach this as a business and run it as a business then there is no doubt that you can be successful.

Take a look around, you will see that there are people that have gone from bankrupt broke to millionaires, people that have gone from minimum wages to not having to worry about what they spend their money on. The opportunity that you have really is only limited by where you set the limits.

To Your Success,



How To Make $100,000 now

DanIEL E. Taylor

Just a quick tip to get your business to 6-7 figures really FAST.

What I’m about to tell you may go against what you’ve been taught thus far to think in Internet Marketing. I’m not an anti-guru (In fact my mentor is considered a “Guru”). I’m not a conspiracy theorist.

I’m just a real dude who been in this internet marketing game for some years now, with quite a few wins under my belt, including the #1 music production site on the internet (Endorsed by various Celebrities)

Also I’m well versed in e-commerce with a custom clothing line that’s been sold in stores, in music videos, I’ve performed at major concerts, featured in huge media (interviews, feature stories, etc...)

Not to brag, but just to let you know I’ve been at this for a while and know my stuff. I’ve bought everything, from $2,000 guru marketing internet courses to $47 Clickbank affiliate marketing e-e-books to $100 per month internet marketing membership programs.

When it comes to IM, it’s safe to say I’ve seen it all, or at least most of it. Internet Marketing is now the California Gold Rush.

Internet Marketing is now the California Gold Rush.

And for most people they're buying shovels (E-e-books, courses, etc) digging for gold.

But the problem is they never learn HOW to dig for gold.

They don't know anything about gold mining, just basic stuff.

Then you can't figure why you see other people hitting the MOTHER LOAD, while you keep digging, and digging, and can't even find a nugget.

It's no different in Internet Marketing. If you're not making 6-7 figures per year there only ONE reason.

There are many small reasons, but they all lead back to this main one.

It's not entirely your fault because you've been taught wrong by a lot of these marketers who just don't know.

So here it is...

The quick way to 6 or 7 figures only.

Well the secret is to treat your website like a REAL BUSINESS.

Because that's what it is.

"But, Daniel don't give me that real business crap tell me how to make stupid cash"

Well my friend you are about to find out why they are one and the SAME.


The Cold Hard Truth About Making Cold Hard Cash

The money is in the marketing. but that doesn't mean marketing is your WHOLE business.

Marketing is just a part of your business, just like customer support, content writing, financial, secretary, among others.

The problem you are having is you are trying to do all of them instead of focusing on the one you are most talented at and love to do.

For most internet business owners are passionate about their niche. Whether it be piano, bird watching, cars, etc.

The surefire way to lose your money fast is to try to be jack of all trades and handle all parts of your business by-yourself.

The reason is you can only focus on 1 at a time and there are only so many hours in a day.

So naturally while you pay attention to 1 the others are getting screwed up.

So instead of BUILDING your business, you spend all your time putting out fires...


You spend all your time stuck in paralysis not knowing what you need to do next.

But this post is about increasing your cash flow NOW, so we are going to focus on the MARKETING side of your business.

The Will Change The WayYou Look At Internet Marketing Forever

I want you to think of your internet business as your CAR.

That's right.

Your job is to keep your car running as smooth as possible.

So when your engine needs fixing, where do you go? To a mechanic.Running low on fuel, shoot to a Gas station... Wheels wore down, Goto a tire shop.

It's no different than your business. IF YOUR MONEY AINT FLOWING RIGHT,THEN YOU GO TO A MARKETER.

The money is made in the marketing. But listen...


In case you didn't get it I'll say it again.



"But Daniel, that goes against everything I’ve been taught".

Well you've been taught wrong my friend.

For your website to make lots of money, and actually sell ****, it has to have a killer marketing plan.

From follow up emails, to salesletters, to free content. All of it has to be persuasive and top of the line.

Half ass marketing strategies get you half ass money.

You need to let people passionate about marketing and are actually GOOD at it do their job.

It's funny because people tell me, "Daniel, I'm passionate about internet marketing".

And I tell you, "No your not... You want to make a lot of money and live your dreams, and you THINK learning how to internet market will get you there.

So the million dollar question is, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?

A very good question.

Well if you haven't excelled at marketing and you've been at it for overa year, you're probably NOT passionate about internet marketing.

A person who is truly passionate about internet marketing isn'tlearning it for the money. They are doing it for the put joyand intrigue of it.

You look at guys like Eban Pagan, John Reese, Or Frank Kern, and you think you want to be like them.

But you don't. YOU WANT THAT TYPE OF MONEY. There is a difference.

Those guys love MARKETING. Learning pyschology, persuasion, selling, etc... That's why they've been studying/devouring it for years. And continue to do so.

When they bought a marketing course, book, etc... do you think they let it sit on their desk collecting dust?

Why not? Because they are passionate about learning marketing.

But heres the kicker. If you give them guitar e-books,courses, etc.. it would end up collecting dust.

Because they are not passionate about it.

So you are trying to force yourself to learn something that you really don't want to because you think YOU HAVE TO make money online.

"But Daniel, All the sales letters say I have to learn all this stuff".

I'm sure they do. But all you need to do is hire an experienced marketer to come up with a MONEY MAKING MARKETING PLAN for your business.

And that's the true secreting to exploding your business now.


Money is the lifeline of your business... And if the money ain’t right... then you need a new marketing strategy.

It doesn't matter how good your product is, if you don't market it effectively, you won't sell anything.

So let me break it down into simple terms.

1. You want to earn 6-7 figures RIGHT NOW.

2. In order to make 6 -7 figures you must have a superb marketing strategy.

So let me ask you which one makes more sense.

Should you

A. Spend THOUSANDS of dollars and YEARS learning the marketing, selling psychology, etc... Or

B. Let someone who already knows all that stuff give you a first classmarketing plan?

That's a powerful question. Remember you are ready to make moneyNOW. Learning psychology, going through courses, and trial and errorall take time.

It's no different than when you need a new engine for your car. You don't go buy a bunch of mechanic courses, e-books, etc.... You go to a mechanic.

So if your marketing ain’t working, you go to a marketer.

"But Daniel, What if I really am passionate about learning marketing".

No one says you still can't learn marketing. What I'm telling you is if the money is made in the marketing, and you want to make more money NOW, then you're going to need a better marketing strategy NOW.

So if you want to continue to struggle, then be my guest.

But I'll let you in on a little secret.

When Frank Kern wants to make money in the guitar niche he doesn't go buy a bunch of e-books, courses, etc.on playing the guitar.

And he may REALLY want to learn how to play guitar.

But if he wants to make the money now. He goes and finds a guy who ALREADY an expert at the guitar and pays him to do the guitar work.

It's called circulation. And when you get a deeper understanding you realize that's not only how business works, but the whole world.

The guitar expert wants to make money online NOW in the guitar niche, he hires the marketing expert.

The marketing expert wants to make money online NOW in the guitar niche. He hires the guitar expert.


When you can truly understand the concept of this whole thread then you have unlocked the secret to making 6-7 figures NOW.

So I'll leave you with this.

To make money it's not WHAT YOU KNOW, but WHAT GETS DONE


Comment from Nicholas Breen

“If more so called marketers just understood this they would be much better off.”

Comment from Andrew Cavanagh

“Yes, the number 1 reason people don't make money online is they don't get enough tasks done that can conceivably help to make them the income they want.

Whether you do it yourself, hire someone to do it or joint venture with someone to do it doesn't really matter.

What matters...as you say...is getting things done.

Learning about internet marketing is great but you're not going to find a whole lot of millionaire businessmen who know everything about how to repair a cash register.

They may own dozens of them but they don't care about how they work.

They're focused on building real profits in real businesses.

That's where your head needs to be too...taking action that gets you results.”

Comment from Kenster:

“Yes I realized this a few months back. I was talking to a big name guru and what you said is exactly what he told me. He said, do you think I'm an expert in……and then he listed 20 niches?

The truth is that there are talented people all around you. I have a friend that is a great fly fisherman, another that is a great skateboarder, and another that is a video game geek. I have done exactly what you said and leveraged there skill with my marketing knowledge base.

I think everybody reading this powerful thread should take 10 minutes and write down 5 friends/neighbours/family members that are really good at something. Then figure out a way


to monetize that on the net using your IM knowledge. Split the profit with the person you are working with and everybody wins.

There’s so much opportunity around every single person reading this thread it’s ridiculous.”



I‘m In Love With SEO!

Dan Molano

Ok guys, let me tell you something that happened this week. It's probably the fastest possible way to make money online.

This sort of happened by accident.

I was doing some keyword research for one of my clients and stumbled upon a long tail keyword phrase (5 words) that has 4,000 daily search results and at that time (one week ago) it had less than 3,000 competition. There are hundreds if not thousands of those keywords. I have articles that get 500-1,000 views per day based on such keywords. My best one is optimized around a 6 word long tail keyword.

As an example, I'll give you 3 long tail keywords I found in 30 seconds. None of which I use.

top 10 banks in the us

top 10 party collegesc (typo)

top 100 baby boy namesFor doing keyword research I personally like Wordtracker and the SEO Book Tool - I'm not saying the Google External Keyword Suggest tool is absolutely useless, I still use it sometimes in cross reference.

Like Magic Mel pointed out, not one tool is entirely accurate (actually all are based on estimates) but the Google External is for PPC research, not for SEO.

In fact, my best article's keywords say in the Google tool "Not enough data" and here's why (Google's very own definition):

"Approximate Search Volume [Previous Month]This column shows the approximate number of search queries matching your keywords that were performed on Google and the search network in the previous calendar month. This number is specific to your targeted country and language as well as your selection from the Match Type drop-down menu."

A tool that gathers data like that can be incredibly useful for PPC, but useless for SEO. A tool that depends on an ENTIRE PREVIOUS calendar month and on REGIONAL search results is definitely something I wouldn't depend on.

Whoever is using it for SEO alone is leaving money on the table. The keywords that drive the MOST traffic for me don't even have "...enough data" in the Google tool.

You would usually do keyword research for specific niches you have previously chosen. For example, for the weight loss niche you would go and type in related broad terms such as fat ; weight ; exercise etc...

Under those broad terms (usually 1-2 words), long tail keywords that people search for daily stand out, and those are the ones you grab. The beauty of long tails is that they usually have low competition, especially those with 3+ words. Another great thing about really long tail keywords is that 1 can have many smaller keywords within it.

Anyway, I was able to grab the hyphenated .com domain for the long tail keyword I discovered.


Being way too lazy that day I couldn't bother myself to build a website, so I went to Blogger, opened a blog, made 10 blog posts optimized with the keyword, transferred the domain to that blog and submitted the site map to the search engines. The thing about hosting the blog with Blogger is that you also get to leverage on their page rank (PR9 I believe). Blogger belongs to Google which is why the SERPs (especially Google) love it so much.

Blogger automatically generates a sitemap type file, it can be found in www .yourbloggerblog.com/atom.xml

(To add your own domain to the blog go to: Dashboard>Settings>Publishing and click on advanced.)

First you need to point the DNS settings from GoDaddy (or wherever you register domains) to ghs.google.com I believe OR you could always pay $10 and set it up immediately through Blogger in that same Publishing page.

Then I used a social book marking submission automated software (BIG Mike's SocialBot) to get back links to all the pages of my blog (every blog post is considered a page and so are the comments for each post).

Take into account that the keyword is completely informative, it doesn't really have commercial value, but I thought what the heck ANYTHING can be monetized. So I went to Clickbank grabbed a related product and spread my affiliate link all over the blog.

Today I just did a Google search for the keyword and I'm in position #1. I logged to my Clickbank account and I already made 7 sales in ONE day.

Myths Dispelled:

1. Hyphenated domains are crap for SEO.2. Keywords need to have commercial value (This proves ANYTHING can be monetized).3. Making fast cash is not possible.4. Out ranking authority sites is hard (My 1 week old PR0 blog is out ranking PR8 websites for that keyword).5. Mass instant back links don't work.

In trying to get more traffic, I see PPC as short term traffic, which you have to repeat and be aware of constantly. (Plus it can send you broke very quickly! - Ed.)

SEO after the proper implementation and enough back link building can be a set and forget, long term traffic approach. Plus it's organic and therefore even more targeted.

PPC in my eyes is only good for testing niches and markets, imagine investing all that money you would spend into a viable PPC campaign into an SEO campaign instead. It’s a much better ROI in my opinion.


My Site/Blog Hybrid:www.danielmolano.com


Comment from Dana_W

Wow, Daniel, I did not know you could add your own domain to a blog. So you get to have your own domain name, airline tickets cell phone deals at whatever.com, and all the SEO power and the templates of Blogger.com?

Dan: That would be correct Dana, you basically get to leverage Blogger.

Comment from Andrew Cavanagh

Keep in mind you may not maintain the #1 position because the web 2.0 type back links you have lose quality as they get older (they go down the listings and off the pages on the sites that have higher Google page rank).

Having said that, using a .com domain name that exactly matches a keyword phrase is one of the biggest SEO secrets I’ve seen.

There's a good chance you'll maintain a good ranking simply by doing that.

You're also likely to pick up other longer tail keyword phrase traffic by having the 10 articles on your blog at that domain.

So even if your Google ranking drops you'll probably still be picking up good traffic.

Now if you take some of the money you made and hire an article writer and start adding 2-14 new blog posts a week to your blog (and also submit them to ezinearticles and other article sites linking back to other pages on your blog) then you should end up with some really exciting traffic within the next 30-90 days.

Kindest regards,

Andrew Cavanagh


You ARE Good Enough...Just DO It!

Steven Wagenheim

Confession time.

There have been things that I have wanted to do online that I have put off for many years.


Not because I didn't think I was good enough to do it, but because I knew there were those out there who were better than me.

I then I got to thinking.

How many of us here at this forum can TRULY say that they are the absolute very best at what they do...nobody better?

I doubt many.

And yet you still do what you do and are successful at it.

You don't have to be the very best at what you do. All you have to be is competent at it.

I'm not suggesting you accept "just okay". Naturally you always want to improve yourself. But if you wait until you think there is nobody out there better, you're NEVER going to take the chance.

So in 2008, I am taking my chances...quite a few of them actually. Some of you know what they are. Some of you don't have a clue.

If I wait until I think I'm better than John Doe or Sally Smith or whoever, I will be dead and in my grave before I ever do those things I should have been doing a long time ago.

Now I know there are going to be those who will say that if you don't think you're the very best that you have no right to be out there doing whatever it is you're doing, that the customer deserves ONLY the very best. Well, since there are those out there who ARE the very best, the customer is certainly entitled to go search him or her out.

Expect to pay for it.

When you're brand new at something, naturally, you're not going to charge what the top names will charge as they have a long reputation behind them. That would be suicide. But if you go out there and charge a fair, or maybe even low rate for your service, whatever it is, until you develop that reputation yourself, there are going to be people out there who WILLtake the chance on you either because they don't want to spend top dollar on a service or they just have faith in you because of the way you present yourself. Sure, if youcome off as a hack, don't expect much business. You still have to be professional...whatever you do.

Point is, if you sit on your arse and wait until you think you can compete with the big boys, you'll never do anything.

Believe in yourself!


Believe that you can do whatever it is you WANT to do!

And most of all, don't let ANYBODY tell you you're not good enough!

Now get out there and take that chance...TODAY!

Reply from Charles E White:


Good post!

I read a book about 40 years ago that said you don't have to be the best at something to teach it but you just have to know more about the subject than the general public does, the majority.

If we all waited to be the very best at something then most people would not do anything and never get started. There is always going to be someone who knows more than you about the subject.

Of course, you always want to keep learning and if you can learn from the best then you will learn faster and usually end up better at it than most.

When I was young I decided I wanted to learn to shoot pool, there were many people I could play but I wanted to learn from the best. This old guy named Mike Murphy was the best I have seen, I seen him run 100 balls in straight pool and that is who I wanted to learn from about shooting pool. I played Mike and watched and learned and over the years got so I could beat him regularly. I went on to win several tournaments, played from city to city and very rarely got beaten. Then this guy named Chaucey came along and could beat me on a regular basis; this was when I actually thought I was one of the best. My point again is, there is always someone better than you at what you do. You might just have not met them yet.

Same goes in your online business or anything else you do.


You may fall flat on your face, but if you don't try, you'll never know.

Many private messages I have received were the inspiration for this post and my own decisions to take some chances as well.


Comment from Editor:

I think this is one of the best posts in the whole book – it encouraged me to produce this book. I hope you can see why Steven is one of my favourite authors.


Your e-Book Will Never go Viral...

John Thornhill

As an eBay e-Book seller I regularly check the free e-Book section of this forum looking for new resale rights material to distribute via eBay, my newsletter and my membership websites.

And time after time I see the same mistakes being made over and over again and I'm afraid most of the e-Books I see in the free e-Book section will never go viral.

Here are a few tips that can help your e-Book go viral.

1. Include a sales page. This is the biggest mistake I see made. Most of us simply don't have the time to create a sales page for your e-Book. You know your product better than anyone else so include a well written sales page. Without a sales page it probably wont end up on eBay and this is the most viral place you e-Book can appear.

2. Include graphics. A good viral e-Book will have good quality graphics including at least one e-Book cover. Try to include many different variations if possible.

3. Don't have a minimum sales price. Some will disagree with this but if you have a minimum selling price this will prevent others selling your e-Book. Plus this usually wont stop it ending up on eBay for 1 cent anyway.

4. Don't put any restrictions on distribution. Some people say their e-Books cannot be sold on auction sites???? I know that does not happen much here and is to keep the value of the e-Book up but what's the point of creating something with resale rights that can earn you a backend income if you are going to restrict distribution? Allow it to be given away, added to membership sites, added to compilations, etc, etc.

5. Create a quality product others will want to sell/distribute. If your e-Book is good quality it will go viral all on it's own, if your e-Book is poor no one will sell it so take your time on your e-Book and make it the best you can.

6. If possible allow some links to be branded. If you gave me a good quality e-Book that could earn me money AFTER I have sold it do you think you will have more chance of me adding it you my eBay inventory? Of course you would so if possible try to create e-Books that can be branded. As long as some links still benefit you it will still make you money.

I hope this helps.



Note from Editor: I even found an old post of mine in this thread!

Thanks John,

I hadn't thought about a sales page, but since a respected name such as you think it's needed, I'll take it on board.

Thanks again - your views are much appreciated.


Extra note from Editor:

Since this post was written, you can no longer sell e-Books in an electronic format on eBay. They have to be a physical product, such as a CD. John explains in his blog:

“So as of 31st March 2008 anyone selling digital items will be in violation of eBay’s policies.

Now this does not only affect e-Book sellers. This affects anyone selling items delivered digitally.

This can include:

• E-Books• Audio/mp3• Digital Videos• Websites• Domain Names• Graphic Design Services• Photo Services• And any other service delivered electronically.

Now you may have noticed I have never ever bad mouthed eBay and I have no intentions of starting now.

There is just no point, I would much rather look for the positives that can be taken from this new policy.

And let me tell you the positives actually outweigh the negatives.

There is only one negative issue I can find so far and that is your e-Book business can no longer be automated. You will need to make your items physical. And the best way to do this is to burn your e-Books to CD Rom and send it via regular mail. This is not as hard as it sounds once you set up a system to burn and ship CD’s. This task can even be outsourced if you wish.

John… You’re joking. I can’t do that…

Oh yes you can, and let me tell you it’s not as bad as it sounds. Let me explain.

By selling physical items you are no longer restricted by eBay’s digital item policy.

For starters you are no longer restricted to the ‘buy now’ option. This means you can list auctions.

You also may be able to list in other categories other than Everything Else > Information Products (I am waiting for a reply from eBay and will confirm this soon)


The up-sell opportunities are truly massive. Remember, you are mailing a physical item to your customers so you have a lot more chance of your further ‘offers’ being viewed. And this is what selling e-Books on eBay is all about.

UK users can list on eBay.co.uk again, no more having to list on eBay.com to avoid the digital item policy.

The chance of selling multiple items will increase dramatically. By offering extra items for no extra shipping means you will sell more. All you have to do is add all purchases to the same CD.

Higher perceived value. Because your customer is getting something in the mail you can put your prices up. Just look at the price of any home study course delivered via regular mail.

These are just ideas off the top of my head. I will have more but I felt I needed to get this post ‘out there’ before doom and gloom sets in.

Remember! People who want to succeed will not look at the negatives, they will look for the positives and at the moment I feel the positives far outweigh the negatives.

This is a massive policy change for you and I but we can make this work in our favour.




Discover How To Add $5,000+ Per Month To Your Bottom Line In The Next 30 Days

Tommy Bussey

I’m fairly new to the WF; but not so new to marketing, and specifically online marketing.

Recently, I began implementing a new strategy in my marketing that has actually turned into a whole new business. Since I’m a big believer in providing value and actually helping people, I would like to share with you some of the details.

Anyway, what I’m referring to here is local marketing. You may have heard some of the buzz that has been going around about this term, and some very pricey “home study courses” that are being launched.

However, I would like to provide you, my fellow Warriors, with an outline that could help you get started right away.

One of the big things I love about this type of marketing business is that it incorporates getting to use the Internet AND getting to meet new people and have social interaction.

**WARNING: I’m not talking about marketing digital products using localized keywords(phrase).

What I AM talking about is using your online marketing experience to provide a service to the small/medium sized businesses in your local area.

For example, let’s say you have a friend who owns his own plumbing business in West Palm Beach, FL. You can offer him a package to market his business online (for him) and charge him monthly for that package. I know it sounds simple, but remember that most local business owners are too focussed on running their business to actually do effective online marketing for it.

As the great Erasmus of Rotterdam once said, “In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.” So, don’t worry if you’re not an “expert-guru-mastermind-internet-marketing-legend” because you can still provide a valuable service to local business owners and make great money and relationships while doing so. I guess I’ll just try to outline this in a step-by-step format so I don’t write a novel here

1. Determine an effective online marketing services package that you can offer to potential clients. For example:

Keyword research

Website optimization for search

Blog creation

Article and Press Release marketing

Back link creation for their website

Integrate video/audio marketing for their website

Run PPC campaigns for them on geo-targeted keywords (Adwords, Yahoo Search, Microsoft Ad Center, etc.)

Cost of step 1 to you ($0)


2. Determine a company name, get 100 business cards (to start out), develop a simple website that explains what you do, and come up with a pricing plan for the service packages you will offer.

Cost of step 2 to you ($50-$300: depends on how well your website creation and tech skills are) Obviously a domain and hosting will cost about $20 upfront, and you can get 100 high quality business cards for $30 (max). If you have to pay someone to develop your site, you can outsource it for as little as $100.

3. Get clients. There are a variety of ways to do this. I would suggest offering a free consultation. This is where you meet with a business owner and tell them exactly what they would have to do to get more exposure for their business online. Most of the time, the business owner will see you as an “online marketing genius” and hire you to do everything you just explained to them. (That’s where your service package comes into play)

Here are a few ways to get clients:

Personal referrals - people you know, people you know who know other people (these are the best to start out with)

Give presentations at local business networking groups and your local chamber of commerce functions.

Look in the yellow pages for people who are paying for the ¼ page, ½ page or full page ads. These people are spending a lot of money on those placements. You can call them and schedule a consultation and prove that online marketing is a more cost-effective solution.

Be creative, always have your biz cards and always be ready for every opportunity

Cost of step 3 to you ($0)

4. Once you have clients who are ready to go, make sure that they sign an agreement. That way you can legally invoice them each month for how ever many months you have agreed upon.

5. Collect your first month’s payment upfront from each new client. Depending on your marketing skills you can charge anywhere from $500-$1,500+ for a month of your services.

Once you have collected your first check, reinvest it into some marketing tools that will help you do your job better. For example:

Market Samurai (Keyword, SEO, PPC research)

Traffic Bug and/or Traffic Geyser (Content Distribution)

Microsoft Office (to help with administrative side of business)

Whatever you feel will help you do the best job and will help you cut down on actual time spent at the computer

**NOTE: For anything you purchase for a client whether it be domains, hosting, PPC campaigns, etc. You can include those charges on the following invoices from which the charge was incurred to you.

Cost of step 5 to you ($0 upfront)

6. Once you have received payment make sure you deliver everything you promised to deliver in your service packages. The best way to do this is to develop a system in which you follow everyday to accomplish the specific tasks.


For example;

1) Write an article

2) Submit article to 15 different directories

3) Turn article into blog post,

4) Publish blog post,

5) etc. etc.

Cost of step 6 to you ($0...obviously there are going to be man hours at first, but it will be well worth once you get about 5+ clients and begin outsourcing the tedious tasks)

7. Rinse and repeat. Don’t stop getting clients. Once you’ve got your first client, be sure to take care of their daily services before spending time trying to get more clients.

Ok, so that’s a basic outline. Obviously, there are some holes to fill, but I know

you Warriors are quite intelligent so I think this outline could definitely benefit you and your business As you can see, it won’t be hard to add $5,000+/month to your bottom line in the next 30 days if you take action on this.

I would also like to point out that you need to be sure to keep good, organized records of everything you do, whether it be invoicing, client info, people you’ve contacted, meetings you’ve scheduled, daily work logs for individual clients, etc.

Stay organized from the beginning to avoid any headaches down the road.

I hope at least a few of you will benefit from this post! Thanks for your time.

Tommy Bussey



how to make JV partners notice you!

Abdul ahmed

So, you've done your research, found a hungry market with a desperate need and you've produced an excellent e-book to fill that need. The problem is this: none of the websites you've approached are interested in a JV. Some of them haven't even answered your emails. What next?

1) Make a list of big websites related to your niche which have a free ezine/newsletter or similar for their subscribers. They usually have an opt-in form somewhere on the homepage, or you'll get a pop-up as you enter/leave. The more subscribers they have, the better.

2) Get some copies of your e-book printed as a physical book by using lulu.com or a similar Print-on-Demand service. You could have just one copy printed if you liked but it gets cheaper with quantity. Don't go crazy though. You shouldn't need too many, unless you want to give copies to friends, family etc.

3) Find the snail-mail address of your potential JV partner. Use a service such as WHOIS to do this. If you can't find an address, email them to ask for it. If you still can't get it, move on to the next JV partner.

4) Write your JV proposal inside the front cover of the book. Use this advice from copywriting legend Ted Nicholas:

“The best ink colour to use for signature, margin notes and arrows, etc., is reflex blue. When you mark up the letter and sign the original, use a felt tip pen.”

i.e. write it in reflex blue using a felt tip pen. Personalise your message. Tell them how you love their site and that you feel the book they are holding would be great for their subscribers. Ask them if they would like to do a JV with an e-book version. Include all your contact details, including phone number. Make it as easy as possible for them to contact you.

5) In your proposal, offer the potential JV partner at least 60% commission on each sale, even more if possible. This is to increase your chances of getting in. Of course, tell them your proposed selling price.

6) Send your physical book out to them using a courier company such as FedEx, DHL, UPS etc. This will ensure that it gets looked at. Who doesn't love to open a parcel?

Now let's look at some numbers.

If you send your proposal to someone with 10,000 subscribers, assuming they sell to just 5% of their subscribers, with a $37 e-book and 60% commission to them, you would get $7,400 from that JV.

5% is very low for someone emailing their own list, and you could find someone with a list of 100,000 or bigger. Play with the numbers, it gets interesting!

If you have your own e-book which you know is top quality and you're struggling to market it, this might just be the way to make it pay.

Quote:Abdul, do you know if you can get Lulu or an equivalent to ship express directly from their print factory instead of coming via yourself?


As I understand it, Lulu doesn’t do any printing. They use print-on-demand partners, so in effect they are drop shipping.

You could always find a POD service close to your JV prospect and if they offer drop shipping, get them to print and post the book. e.g. look for 'print on demand New York'.

You could have your JV proposal printed in the book itself, personalised to the recipient but this would have far less impact.

Personally I feel the investment in the books is negligible when compared to the potential returns. Even a $19.95 e-book selling 1000 copies, with you getting 40% would return you $7,980.

BTW, Lulu do have a POD partner in Australia. If you find a JV partner in Australia, your costs would come right down.

Reply from Andy Henry:

Hi Abdul,

Good timing - I've just been doing exactly this. I took the physical proof copy of my latest book to our London Lunch (UK marketers meetings many UK Warriors go to) last week and people there also liked this idea.

It's a nice feeling to have your physical book in your hands.

I used Createspace and paid for the extended distribution option which gets the book into lots of Amazons extended publishing and distribution partners. Of course I also made an e-book version which I can sell in many other ways and have some JV's lined up for that, but for the physical version I just point people to Amazon to get it now and it's available anywhere in the world without me needing to do anything.

I ordered 50 initial copies so that I could attach a silver bar to them for friends and initial JV partners. It's about investing in silver, so I figured that would make sure they paid attention when it arrived



A dead simple way to make cash!

Jeremy Kelsall

No, this is not a step by step method, but more of a one step to success – just focus!

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been speaking to a couple of people through email and Skype. I’ve listened to them tell me how they for whatever reason just can't start bringing the cash in. But, when I check out the scenario, they are all almost identical.

They have this site and put it up, but decided that maybe this other niche would be better, so they bought a domain name and put up another site...but wait, this other niche looks good, so they put a site up on that too.

OK great, you have a ton of sites up, at this pace you will have 50 of them before the end of the month, but without a little bit of focus and care, none of them will be making you any cash. Which forces you to panic and buy the latest and greatest e-book or newest marketing material, because surely that will be the answer, right?

Marketing products online is one of the simplest things I have ever done...EVER. Honestly, it doesn't get a whole lot easier once you get the focus and drive to tell yourself that you are going to be successful.

Recently, I started a new campaign and documented it on video for a group of people. It started on Tuesday, but Thursday I had my simple site up and by Friday morning I was already getting sales. Through the weekend I made about $120 I think with one of the ugliest/simple sites you have ever seen.

The only reason I bring this up is to just try to put some perspective on just how easy it IS not CAN BE when you just follow through with the actions you already know that you are supposed to take.

If nothing else, take one of the sites that you have had sitting dormant and just dedicate the week to driving traffic to it and see what happens. Chances are good you are going to make some money.

Take a look at the threads here on the forum that are titled " I MADE MY FIRST SALE" Most of the time they include a story about how they just went nuts working on their niche and started making money.

Be one of those people - one of the ones that "gets it" and as Eric would say..."just sell stuff"I didn't mean to get all Wagenheim on this post, but hopefully it will inspire someone to do something TODAY.



$1,500 in 48 hours how did they do it?

George wright

Hi All,

This is another post inspired by the "I need money fast" posts.

A close friend of mine does estate sales. He doesn't to the millionaire type sales I guess you could call them sales for the "well to do."

He goes in and sets up tables and installs special shelving in the house to best show off the dishes, silver and other nice things.

He enlists the help of mostly young couples to handle the sales he can't personally do.

Some children of a deceased called him last month to do an estate sale for them. When he got to the location it was a disaster. In his eyes it really wasn't worth doing and he told the clients that he couldn't do it.

They asked him how they were going to clean up the mess that their mom left behind so that they could sell the house and be done with the unpleasant situation.

He said he just couldn't help them.

The young couple that he brought with him asked if they could do the sale anyway. Of course he had no objection as he wasn't going to take it anyway. They told the owners that they would clean up everything for $450 if they could have everything they wanted.

The owners were happy to do the deal.

Here is what the young couple did. They immediately called a refuse company to bring in a huge dump bin. Cost around $450.

They ran an ad on Craig's List "house contents for sale" "no reasonable offer refused." They stuck a sign in the front yard announcing the sale.

People came and bought things to the tune of over $1,500. The rest of the junk was thrown on the bin and the truck came and hauled it away.

Even if you don't have the contacts with estate sale company, I know for a fact that Real Estate agents are always looking for someone to clean up properties.

Sad but true, with the foreclosure rates at an all time high the need for this lower end type "estate sale" will probably increase and Craig's List is a natural for this. Run the ad and they will come. You know "One man trash is ... "

Summary. Find a house that needs all the contents removed. Contract with the owner to clean it up for a small fee with the provision that you keep all contents. Rent a bin from your local refuse company. Run an ad on Craig's List. Sell everything cheap for a quick sale and load the rest on the bin. This can all be done in one or two days. At worst you only make a couple of hundred and at best you might hit it big time.The "fix it up" idea is a great one too.


Selling the stuff at an "estate sale" is a great place to start.

I just mentioned the foreclosure aspect because there will be a lot of them soon, however, usually this type of sale is mostly being done now by families of people who have died, especially when the family lives miles away, and by landlords who have renters who have skipped on them.

I did have a sad experience about 3 years ago. A man in his late 80s died and left a house full of things that not even his family wanted. Some of it was very nice. It was sad to see baby shoes and blankets and pictures being trashed. On the other hand if the family had turned the stuff over to someone who did these type of trash to treasure estate sales someone could have benefited.

George Wright


Are you a “but…..” person?

Andy henry

I don't mean 'butt' but 'but'.

There was a thread today where someone asked is "....." really possible?

Now, the method isn't what I want to talk about - the real thing that stood out was the amount of negative comments.

Not negative necessarily is a nasty or aggressive way - but just listing reasons why it isn't or couldn't be true.

Now, I know there are a lot of scammers around and plenty of people who are lining up to sell you regurgitated crap just to make a buck - I'm not going to pretend that's not true.

However, in a place like this where people come for inspiration and to revel in the success of others and get motivated to create their own - there are a LOT of people who get their Buts out whenever an example is given.

They come along the lines of:

"But, I bet they're paying people to do the work"

"But, that's ok if you have the money to do it"

"But, it probably doesn't work any more"

But, but, but, but, but.

These are all just excuses for why they think THEY couldn't get the results being suggested.

It's a FACT that people are making money all over the Internet in thousands of different ways - every minute of every day.

If YOU are not - that has nothing to do with what's possible.

I know a LOT of people that make significant money online - When someone says "is it possible to make $10k a month" of course I'm not going to argue - I KNOW that it's a realistic possibility for almost anyone.

If they is $100k possible - Yeah, it's possible - of course, but the list of people doing it is much smaller, but sure it's possible.

So what?

In the thread I was reading, it consisted pretty much entirely of people who hadn't bought the product/method and had already decided it was impossible.

That really surprises me.

So - most of the comments were that it wasn't possible - or a list of buts.


How did we get to this point?

Surely - the default answer is - Yes, of course it's POSSIBLE - but the devil's in the details, so you need to do due diligence on any product or person trying to sell you the solution.

But the default position seems to be - It's impossible and don't trust anyone who says it is.

Surely most people here want to make that sort of money and are actively looking for ways to do it?

Have we really reached the point now where so many people are failing that every mention of success is viewed with scepticism?

You do realise that there are many people making a very nice living online - don't you?

I'm beginning to think that some people just aren't happy - and if you can't be happy with a few dollars, you'll never be happy with a lot.

Just getting to the point where you're happy with what you have is WAY more important than having more.

Making money is easy - you can fill envelopes, fill out forms, take surveys, write articles, write code, create, graphics, convert text to speech, convert speech to text, etc. etc...

Making money isn't the problem - being happy with how you do it is where the issue is.

Most people can't be bothered to work hard for little money and don't want to work hard for a lot of money.

If you don't believe you can make a lot of money (whatever a lot means to you) - how do you expect it to happen?

Whatever you believe about yourself has NOTHING to do with what's possible for other people.

There are people making millions of dollars selling socks online.....

There are people making millions of dollars selling phones online......

There are people making millions of dollars selling ring tones, mobile phone apps, exercise equipment, computers, clothes, shoes.... look around.

Making money is easy and is happening all the time.

Why would anyone think that they can't do it to a level they consider good?

There are many things which limit beliefs in the IM niche.

It's not surprising when you consider how many people get in to the IM niche - trying to get away from poor paying jobs, debts etc...

If you've never experienced being paid $100k a year - why would you expect that the Internet can suddenly make it happen? It's not a surprise.


The thing is.....

A belief isn't a 'thing' - it's a process.

You have to keep it alive and maintain it, and you can choose to believe something different.

Someone mentioned the law of attraction and “The Secret” and that works in the same way - if you don't believe you are worthy of the success you want, you won't attract it to you and you'll be looking for evidence to support why you can't have it.

This very situation is the reason why some self help Gurus will have you walk on fire - to break your generalisations about things which are/are not possible. If you don't believe you can walk on fire and then you do - the idea is that you'll generalise this to - what else did I think I couldn't do but perhaps could...

The easiest way to break this thinking is by starting small and making your first dollar - then aiming a little higher and making your first 10, then 100, then 1000. Pretty soon you'll stop thinking about the amount and understand that the amount is just a matter of scale and leverage - the system that makes any amount is the thing to focus on.

If you can make 100 bucks - why wouldn't you think you can do that again - and again - and again?

Any artificial limit your place on your potential is something you will believe limits you.

Look at the first 4 minute mile - once people believed it possible - it got smashed time and time again.

People used to think your body would explode if it went at 50 miles an hour.

Just stop believing there are limits and get focused on moving forward from your current position. As long as you don't stop and you find a way to make more than you're spending - you should start to feel good about this.

I think if this continues I'm going to have to start running – “You can believe” workshops!


http://www.turntoandy.com/blog /


One of the best posts ever that changed my life

Charles e. white

I keep talking about this post and many Warriors have asked me to share it with them, so here it is as Allen Williams posted it.

I have been a member of the Warriors for several years and in that time a post came along that was life changing for me, this post I am talking about was by Allen Williams and as far as I concerned has been the best post on the forum ever. If you take action on this post, it can change your life, as it has mine.

This is Allen's post that made a big difference in my life:

”Hello All,

Just something I wanted to share.

For all those that still think internet marketing is rocket science, it isn't.

Back in the middle of October in 2004, I decided to do these 3 things. (I've always 'done' them, but not as consciously or on as regular a basis.) I had big plans that were stalling, sites that had levelled off, and was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm sure lots of people can relate to that. eh?

I'm also not sure exactly what or who made these things come to me. I read a lot, so I'm sure it's not an original idea, just one that finally hit home with me and I implemented.

(Note: These are things outside of the “add content”, “test headlines”, etc types of things, that well, frankly, you just have to be doing on a regular basis.)

Here they are:

1. Do something every day that will make you more money or grow your traffic and business.

Just a few examples:

- add incoming links- add a few more words to your PPC- buy an ezine ad- do a thank you exchange- raise your daily limits for a campaign that's successful- add a new source of revenue to a content site- from whatever the last resource you purchased, read/listen and implement one strategy.

2. Do something every day that will save you time or money.

A few of my own examples:- automate something- add a new FAQ and answer to your site- turn off your email software during your 'working hours' or at least for a while- same for IC software- set aside a limited time for your general email reading/answering- unsubscribe from a newsletter that you're no longer reading or finding helpful- cancel recurring payments on a program you've been promoting unsuccessfully, or that you keep saying "I'm going to have to cancel that.."


- get software to do the stuff you're spending too much time doing, i.e. link exchanges, AR, formatting etc- make some 'template' emails for answers to your most generally asked questions- make a notepad or text document containing linking information for your sites so you can quickly cut and paste from that when exchanging or requesting link exchanges with someone not using a script or not using the same script as you.- before you buy something, look at the folder full of e-books you already have and see if you might not already have something similar, or maybe even the same one that came as a bonus with something else you bought- pause or delete a PPC campaign that isn't working

Ok, this could be a book by itself, but maybe you get the picture.

3. Help some one, any one, when there's nothing in it for you but good karma. (This doesn't have to be internet related.)

- give a thoughtful reply to a post asking for suggestions or help (leave out your affiliate links, cloaked and uncloaked/redirect whatever)- answer (kindly) one of many emails you get asking for information that's clearly posted on your site, or that anyone with half a brain should know the answer to. Thank them for asking. (limit one for sanity's sake)- help your neighbor fix his garage door.- email a webmaster with a piece of patched script or html code that you found broken on their site or a dead link.

The key here is to do at least one from each of the three, trying to do them all will just put you right back where you were, overwhelmed, stalled, or even worse hiding behind the excuse that you're busy, you're working all the time, but your business just isn't growing.

I start the day with 1 and 2 and ask myself "What can I do today that will/should/could make me more money, increase my traffic, or helps my business?"--and --"What can I do today that will save me time or money?"

I like to do these first since it makes the rest of my day gravy.

Do number 3 whenever the opportunity arises. It makes you feel good, trust me, and how you feel is directly related to how successful you are, especially in the eyes of the most important person you are dealing with, "you."

I still have days, sometimes,, where I don't hit all three. But more often than not, I get them all, and the results have been great.

If my examples don't fit your situation, maybe some other Warriors could chime in with a few of their ideas on how to take action on them.

Be well, live well, die last.”




PS I printed this post out when Allen first posted it the forum and have written it here from that paper, so any spelling mistakes are mine but if you get the idea of this post and take action on it, that is all that matters. If you want to know the truth I thought the post was from Allen Says but Allen Says said he thinks it is Allen Williams. So, my thanks to Allen!



The rent-a-site model

Jamie Garside (aka gogetta)

Hope you are all well on this fine Monday! I thought I would throw one out there for FREE which would give you an insight into another little money maker I have been carrying out for the past few months that creates easy money, residuals to be precise in the offline niche! ; )

I call this the RENT A SITE MODEL!

The name really probably speaks for itself but what I have tested over the past few months is a business model to actually rent out ready made websites that already sit nicely on the search engines! Some of you may have already thought of doing this and maybe doing this, but for the ones that aren’t, this is an easy sell with minimal work!

Ok so how does this work,

Well, its quite simple. Rather than trying to sell a potential website to a business owner, what I have been doing is setting up a simple HTML search engine friendly site, optimizing it and renting it out!

The site in question I actually set up with Xsitepro but you can use Wordpress. I pick a niche, so for example Hypnotherapists, and pick an area, whether it be your local area or another area of the country. I then register a keyword rich domain name so if I was going to target hypnotherapists I would get hypnotherapistyourarea.com or hypnotherapyyourarea.com. Something along those lines! I would then set the site up around 5 profitable searched for keywords and with generic keyword rich content.

I don't use PLR, I write original content for each site I set up. By "Generic" I mean that I would type out the usual long tail keywords to get the top page positions.

I would add relevant graphics and upload the site. I would then optimize it and wait until it has hit top page for a few keywords and then market it. I would also add the site to the local Google listings as well, to add more exposure and selling points. But sometimes this can take a while to go live so I don’t wait!

When I market it, I would call local hypnotherapists, show them the ready made site, and post classifieds showing it off as a ready made optimized solution on Craigslist or other free classified sites. As far as showing traffic, I have never needed to do this at all! All I do is show them the keywords that I have top page for and the amount of searches these keywords receive via Google’s Keyword Tool!

This is always enough!

Now for the best part!

I have been selling 2 packages for the ready made site:

1. Content Change and Contact Details Change - Around $100-$150 a month! No setup fees! Great selling point!

2. Content and Image Changes - Around $100 - $150 a month but with an added setup fee. I have flexibility with this, depending on the amount of graphical changes I need to make but usually nothing lower than $500! This is the most popular package because every business wants to put their own stamp on the site and this is the one package I sell more heavily! But for businesses strapped for cash, the first package is ample.

The beauty of this though, is that the site remains mine, including the domain name and I just pick up easy RENTAL residuals. If you bring in 12 or 24 month contracts the money only becomes better. I haven’t done this yet but intend to! Business owners can see what they are buying in to and also have the added bonus of being live on the web the very same day!


If a business owner doesn’t want the site any more, all you do is rent it to someone else! SIMPLE, EASY RESIDUAL CASH! But if the site is in prime position for targeted searched for keywords, who would want to give it up? I have tried and tested this in 3 different niches now, and have rented all sites out very quickly, as it is an easy sell. It’s there and in full view! If one business owner doesn’t take it, his or her competitor will. I just cold call businesses and post classifieds, show my site off and collect the check! Simple and easy!

The only costs I have are the domain registration, hosting and the phone bill for contacting clients! ; NOTHING REALLY!

You see, the offline niche is bursting with many ways you can do this, so give it a go and you just may get a few clients! ; )

Reply from Michael Hiles

It gives a lot more accessibility to small businesses who can’t fork out $2K - $3K up front. “Renting” the site to them keeps the actual asset under your control, which is important if they stop paying you. You can shut off the service under a rental agreement - but if they are buying it on terms, they have a legal claim to the property. This means that in most US states, even if they stop paying you for the site on terms, you cannot arbitrarily seize the asset, and could even be held criminally liable if you do so. Yes, you have a financial interest in the securitized asset, which is used as collateral, but UCC laws are very specific. So renting is a better route. No pay, no play. Too bad you’ve printed your website and email address on 10,000 business cards. Not my problem.

Reply from Thriftgirl 62

Send some teenagers out to upscale business centers or industrial offices and have them take a quick survey and get their business card, brochure and email address. Calling on the phone rarely works and forget about getting an email address over the phone...people think you might do something to their computer that way!!

They can take that survey in person or the kids can show them how to log in and take a quick survey online. Have something free to leave with each even if it's only a balloon -- leave something to remember you by. Blinky lights work the best. People love those!! They run about $1-$1.50 each.

Now you know who's interested in what, what their budget is, etc.. so you can target offers that interest each one instead of wasting time. You can't SELL to them, they have to BUY what they WANT from you

Your follow up email should educate them so they WANT what you have to offer and then they will buy it. Always explain WHY, what's the reason behind your offer? If they don't know WHY, they won't buy. Explain the reason why and you'll have buyers every day of the week and twice on Sundays!

Companies that already have websites -- try not to insult them when you see what their "website" looks like. Some will swear the local yellow page listing is theirs and it comes up on "the" first page all the time!! ----Repeat, educate with reasons why!! (LOL) and have fun!! Kids need work too.

This system and model works with all niches. The thing many overlook is that if you open your Yellow Pages and look at every category, you will see big ads! Companies are paying big money in every category.

You don’t need to target lawyers or realtors solely because they deal with big numbers. Every niche can be targeted. I have sold sites to many different types of businesses and they all spend!

It’s all down to how you sell your service and how much value you can build up!


In most cases the businesses that deal with smaller amounts of money, are more receptive and interested in more advertising routes! And it is much easier to get hold of the owner of a plumbing firm than trying to nail down a busy lawyer! You hit gatekeeper after gatekeeper so my advice would be to hit different types of businesses. This model works for all!!!

It’s awesome to see that many already doing this, it is quite an obvious model that as internet marketers we can do with ease! Take action people, and just see what happens! ; )

Craigslist! is a method I use to rent some sites off. I also post in the section. For example if I was targeting plumbers in London, I would visit classified sites serving London Plumbers and post an ad in the plumbing section showing the site and the benefits! You can almost guarantee that plumbers posting ads will check out the rival ads first and BANG You’re there!

This almost always gets bites and sells sites! That combined with emailing plumbers and also calling them up gets your sites selling in quick time. Another thing is that most plumbers advertising on Craigslist and other classified sites don’t even have a website. They are a prime target and they almost always leave their email address!

As far as the ad I place, I wouldn’t put out the fact I am renting a site in the title, I usually put something like:

In need of a website for your business?


Struggling with the internet and not generating new business from it?

And then I would simply explain what it is about and how much it costs making sure I put all details of rankings down etc.!

A definite follow up is recommended. I always follow up on everything, emails, phone calls etc. I follow up until I am told NO! As business owners are busy and they get prospected to a lot, following up allows you to build rapport over time and also by using the phone or walking in and talking face to face means they will have to listen.

An email can be discarded, but as long as you are polite and pleasant, your voice can’t! I’ve learned this from Experience! In reality you’re actually selling TRUST!

With regard to my costing of the service, I have been costing in 2 ways, a setup fee for making changes to content and/or design, this cost is dependent on what needs changing. Then I charge a monthly fee to keep it maintained (Building Links) I believe that all business owners will spend big if they believe and trust in the value in what you are offering!

You can build up an army of rental sites quickly and if you’re renting them all out, you will be making some nice money. It’s uncapped, the more you do the more you earn. What’s more you can always choose to impose contracts of 12 months etc. This way your sites have a guaranteed 12 month income. If they are in the right niche and optimized for the right keywords though, what business owner out there wouldn’t want to keep this forever. Further down the line you can offer to sell the site to them for good for huge $$$$$$$!

A little off subject but here’s one way I have for:

Getting past the gatekeeper,

Pick a niche, get the site up, and type up a short PDF detailing the benefits of your offering, no prices, no BS, just the benefits and put at the end that you will be calling back to run through it in more detail. I am talking 2 pages at most! You don’t want to give too much away and you don’t want to bore anyone.

Next up get a list of businesses and call them. Ask to speak with the owner or the person who deals with the company promotion. You will most likely get a “Sorry they are busy!” etc.

Then just ask for the name of who you intend to speak to and say you want to send them something so can you have their business or personal email. 9 out of 10 times you will get this.


Then in the subject, type in: “For the attention of (Their Name)”. Within the email, explain that you called earlier, and as they were busy you attached a copy of a report they could be interested in taking a look at if they are interested in generating more leads from the internet.

Give a little spiel about yourself and make sure you keep this mighty personal, so you don’t come across like an agent in the email, you come across like a fellow business owner. Then at the end explain that you intend to call back, but if they want to run through it sooner, they should call you on xxx-xxx-xxx.

Then all you do is call back 2-3 days later and ask to speak to the “Name” you got. If they ask who it is, just say its “Your Name” and you sent an email a few days ago and they will know who you are.

This way the gatekeeper will ask her boss if they can put you through. 9 out of 10 times you will get through and have the opportunity to pitch your offering. You see, gatekeepers are paid to keep you out and even if their boss is in and not busy they will say he or she is, so this technique will actually get them to at least ask! Some will tell you they aren’t interested as expected but you will find the interested ones and you have a footing to open the call.

“Hi Mr Business owner, did you receive my email?”

Bam! You are now talking with the business owner!

The good thing about this is that the majority won’t have even looked at the email and will then be thinking, “S*** I should have looked at that”. You can then arrange to send it again etc. This way over time and over a few calls you can build enough rapport and trust to close the sale!

There are benefits to having bosses guarded by gatekeepers! They don’t get pitched on internet and advertising as much as bosses that do answer the phone! ; )

I have ranked sites for keywords that showed no searches but in turn generated enquiries and traffic for those terms. So I also put myself in the customer’s shoes and think like him.

What would someone likely type in if they needed a ......... in ................? Common sense will uncover some gems that show no searches in the Google Keyword Tool. I don’t think the GKT is accurate at all, but when there are searches there it does add to the sales process when speaking to a potential client for sure, so I use it when I can.

Ever since I started my offline biz I have used common sense with a lot of clients when it comes to searches and it has proved great on every occasion! You can also search for certain keywords and if there are PPC ads in volume, you can pretty much say that keyword is worth ranking for!

If I change images, for example the header image, then I would charge accordingly as a setup fee, and if the client cancels, the images revert back to the original. I would then forward the images to the client as they have paid for them.

I will design images how they want. If they want a branded header I do this, if they have images to put within the content, again I will design them and implement them. I charge depending on the job. If they want to change all the images and add some more then the cost will go up accordingly. Depending on the competition, I would continue to build links if needed, for most keywords I have found this isn’t needed too much. But if they are paying a monthly fee that is on the proviso I am delivering results, so again I am getting paid to do this! The more work needed the more I charge per site!

I never guarantee the site will stay on the top page and work hard to keep it up there. At the moment I have no contracts so if the business owner isn't happy they give a months notice and move on!

I have yet to lose a customer though and all are extremely happy, I am also yet to lose rankings. But nothing is guaranteed!


This is certainly a model anyone can do and it is an easier sale once you got a site there!



Reply from SusanneUK:

Yep, great twist on that. It was one of the reasons to do all the add-on services, to make it easier to keep them LOL - also it is a way to handle updating of these sites.

Nice idea on offering some of them for free here and there as well. I just had a small success half an hour ago with a hairdresser’s site that has been live now for about two to three weeks. Someone locally found it, sent in an enquiry on the contact form (which at the moment I have that set to come to me) so I contacted the salon, got the answer to the question, emailed the prospective client back with the price and was able then to remind her to go back to the website and print out the 10% discount coupon for her appointment AND asked her to let her friends know about the website as that is the ONLY way to get the coupon.

For me that was wonderful just seeing that it works, I (hopefully) have got a new

client for the hairdresser who is new in town and that she can see that websites

work and why... totally chuffed LOL


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Suzanne - Great point with the leaflets idea. To put a twist on that, this is all about Residuals. So once a business owner is renting the site, you want to keep them there. Up selling leaflets and business cards with the domain printed on them is a sure fire way to keep clients from ever wanting to leave your site! ; ) In some cases I have offered small print jobs free because of the longer term benefits! WIN WIN situation!

Reply from Micheal Perkins:


Great thread!

Reading this made me think of the “apartments in my area” listings. That term is searched for, according to Google, an average of 8,000 times a month (84K people in this city). So I thought about another possible way to use this. Instead of renting it to just 1, unless they want to pay several thousand for exclusive use, I could rent spots on my site for a few hundred for each apartment complex wanting a spot. Now instead of maybe $250 for 1 listing, I could get $2,500 for 10. I could tell anyone interested in being exclusive they would have to invest at least $3,000 a month to keep their listing.

These numbers are just examples, I know I could get more. There is a free throw away that runs $500/month minimum here for these companies to run a listing. I checked for the domain name www.apartmentsinlocalarea.com and it’s available. I’m going to grab it and start working on this.

Here is another idea I thought of - all the businesses that run ads promoting their discounts. www.discountslocalarea.com is available for me, so I’m going to grab that one also. Charge local merchants a fee to place their discount ads on my website. The visitors can come to the site and print off the coupon for the discounts. The local throw away charges a minimum of $25 for a listing on theirs. Now throw in email marketing to this. Get customers to pay a small fee to sign up for an auto responder to receive “special” discounts only available to “VIP” members. Segment the list into groups of interest, restaurant discounts, clothing discounts, automotive service discounts, etc.

The business owners can submit a request to send a special to that list, and pay extra for it.

Just some ideas I’ve had from reading this thread.

It’s late here so I’m off the bed now. But tomorrow I’ll be registering at least the 2 domains I listed above, if not more, to build sites around these ideas. Hi. I have completed a website for a market that I want to target, apartment rentals. I have the site complete, and it is on the first page of Google for one of the search terms I am targeting. It’s the second most searched term for apartments in my city. I am still working on getting a first page listing for the most searched term; I’m currently on page 11.

Anyway, I am going to send a sales letter to at least 30 apartment managers in my area. I am no copywriter, but I don’t figure I need to be great to target a local company with this offer. I am putting my sales letter below. I’d like to get critiques on it and see what you think. Anyone who likes it and wants to take it and change it around to suit them should feel free to do so.


************************************************** *********

What would 1 new rental contract each

month mean to your business profits?

What about 2 contracts, or even 5?

Hello, I know your time is valuable, so I’ll get straight to the point. My name is Micheal Perkins and I own a website (SiteName.com) that provides listings for apartments in CityName. My website is designed to attract people looking for apartments in CityName.


My website is on the first page of Google!

Since getting my website to the first page of Google, I am now accepting advertisers for the website.

Why advertise on my website?

People searching for apartments on the Internet are actively seeking information!

You get an immediate return on your investment! (No waiting months like with print advertising)

100% money-back Guarantee! Cancel anytime and get a refund of all unused fees.

Fast Action Discount!

For the first 10 apartment complexes to register an account, I am offering a 50% lifetime discount off the already low monthly price.

The normal price of $500 per month is already a great bargain. But for the first 10 accounts registered the price will only be $250 per month, for as long as you choose to keep your account.

This letter is being mailed to over 30 different apartment managers. So call today to get your discounted listing before they are all gone. This is one time offer and once all 10 spots are gone, this discount will not be offered again. Call me now at (number), or send an email with your information to (email address).

Yours in business,

Micheal Perkins

Owner SiteName.com


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Reply from John McCabe

Mike, the idea behind the letter is sound. Busy property managers are always looking for new leads to fill vacancies. If you can offer them a way to generate those leads at value, they’d be fools not to try it. The trick is getting them to believe and recognize that value.

Here’s how I would change things up...

Give them a peek behind the curtain.

Instead of “my site is now on the first page of Google,” which is a ‘so-what’, tell them why that first-page listing is valuable.

My site is on the first page of Google for [keyword]. According to Google itself, xx,xxx people searched on that term just last month. That’s xx,xxx people looking for exactly what you offer. Statistically, x,xxx of these people will visit my site. And your business could be there waiting


for them. If xxx of those people contacted you, how many new contracts do you think you could close? How much would that be worth to you?

Instead of telling them it’s a bargain, create a comparison that will satisfy the logical side of their minds.

You’re probably aware of the [free guide name]. This guide charges several hundred dollars for a one-time ad in their book, which they distribute by leaving them at selected locations. What has to happen for that $xxx ad to be seen? Someone actually hunting for an apartment has to go into one of those locations, pick up the free guide, read through it, pick your ad out of all the others, choose to call you based on the tiny message space available, and make the call. All before they lose or throw away the guide...

With an ad on my site, the only people likely to see your ad are people actively hunting for an apartment in your area. When they check out your ad, they see your whole message (taking as much space as it needs) without your competitors vying for their attention. And to contact you, all they have to do is fill out a simple form and send it in - before life distracts them.

At $500 a month, that’s a great value. If you’re one of the first ten to stake out your spot, it’s an even better value...

Things that are intuitive and obvious to you may not be to your prospects. Spell things out for them. Tell them why what you’re offering is such a great deal, and why they should believe what you say.

Something to think on, anyway...

Thanks for the idea GoGetta.

John McCabe

Reply from Sharpee:

Great thread that has helped me decide where to focus. One of the biggest problems with supplying websites to local businesses seems to be the ‘yes we are interested and we will get back to you when we are ready to proceed and have got our content prepared’. I currently have about 4 clients that say they want a website from me but are not progressing yet!

This method puts you in control of time-scales! ‘Here is a well ranked website available for you to rent’ - They just have to say yes or no. I like the 30 days free trial option.

Regarding updating their content - Why not just make the site from Wordpress and give the Renter, the ‘Administrator, Editor, or Author’ roles, while you remain as Blog Owner/Administrator? Removes that entire hassle factor for you & empowers them. You can even charge for training them. It may be tempting to offer a 2nd or 3rd website in the same locality and same nice but you can demand a higher price by using rarity factor, by only doing one website in this area in this niche. If you were to offer more, then you make it harder for yourself to rate well on Google as you have to get 2 or 3 website all competing for high rankings. I think there is also an ethical issue of working with 2 or 3 competitors in the same locality.

One other slight twist to the idea is to offer the opportunity to several competitors to be featured on the website and then display the adverts using a rotating banner/ alternate page


system. You could include a Google Adwords campaign to increase traffic. It might be a way to get a higher rent from the website.

Keep the ideas coming & take action!

Hi Sharpee,

Yes, you touch on a great point and a further benefit of the rent a site model, to give them content control of their site! The beauty is, once the client has control of the site he is renting, you can bet your bottom dollar they will never give it up! ;) Money month after month after month!

Having only one site helps to add urgency to the sale! If a business owner is interested, the fact he may lose it to a competitor is enough to push the same through. Also, the fact you can then add extra benefits such as exclusivity etc. always helps!




what’s the best domain extension?

George wright, roger davis, Doug Barger

Hi all,

We are taught that .info is not a good extension to have for us; it should be dot com or nothing.

We are taught that hyphens are no good and we should have only one word URLs.

We are taught that free hosting is not good; we should have our own host.

Do a search either with or without quotes on "make money" and you will find that the first few sites are either dot info or a free blog or a hyphened URL.

The total set up costs for some of those first few sites could be $0 for the blogspot, one or $5 if they used the dot info, and $3 a month hosting.

Am I just missing some major points or don't most discussions say no hyphens, no free hosting, no dot info??

I have hyphens in some URLs and I have some dot infos I'm thinking of buying a bunch more of them. It just shocked me to see what the top sites were when I Googled "make money" - this wasn't the case a year or so ago at least from the .info standpoint. Now I see it doesn't matter.

One of the main reasons on .com is if you just enter the word and then press ctrl+enter the default is .com but who cares? Who does ctrl+enter anyway?

My main point is that when you search Google for "make money" some of the first few sites break all the rules. And I'm not talking about the ********ADVERTIZED SITES******** (I've secretly wanted to do the *****s for over 5 years or so.)

Anyway, just search "make money" and see what the millions of people who are searching to "make money" are being shown.

Here are the first two, and they are not sponsored sites.

Make Money OnlineResources of how to make money online. Find money making opportunities. Update of latest free Internet marketing e-books, reports and tools released by ...moneymakerinfo.blogspot.com/ - 44k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Ways To Make Money - A look at various ways the average person can make money. A list of the top business ideas and instructions on how to start them.make-money-explained.info/ - 17k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

I agree that dot com is better for perception. I cringe every time I buy a dot info settling for that instead of getting the .com I want.

George Wright


Reply from Roger (Ex Rat):

George, I don't know where you are getting your main reasons from but here are two more -

Many people who search for 'cheap socks' will type 'cheapsocks.com' into Google. This is why domain parkers make millions even though their click through rate is diabolical. Not many people will type 'cheapsocks.info'.

Resale value of the domain - it's a long complicated explanation, but I'm suggesting that there is validity to it. Put it this way - domain names are a solid investment from many perspectives. A quick example - it may not (or may) have that much 'life' left in it but many people who built content sites a good few years ago and didn't sell them after finding that they didn't earn much, have now turned a tidy profit by selling textlinks/their rank.

Here are some reasons why I am such a dot com fan - people don't realise how easy it is to brainstorm and come up with slight variations of the exact search phrase. They automatically go for hyphens or other extensions when they find that their ideal .com is taken.

The usual human negativity kicks in and they trumpet 'all the best dot coms are already taken.'

Are they taken forever? Could you add 2 or 3 letters to the domain and actually catch traffic for two phrases instead of one?

Also, as well as seeing what type of domains are currently ranking (in the middle of a dance) for 'make money' have a look what domains are ranking well across the board - away from internet marketing domains that -

a) have a large majority of trigger happy buyers – i.e. less good domains left unregistered

b) are more likely to have off-site SEO applied to them that will skew the results even more

'Make money' or 'make money online' in themselves are particularly unusual key phrases because the majority of people don't use those specific terms to search. But if the keyword tool you use returns broad results then those two phrases return high search results BUT most people are actually searching for longer, more targetted phrases with other phrases attached to them such as -

make money with ebooksmake money online from homemake money selling real estate

What I'm saying is that to come to conclusions about which domains extensions perform best you need to look at the big picture, because IM domains/phrases return skewed results.

I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion because I am happy to invest in unhyphenated dot coms while the majority look elsewhere. I just wish to add a contrasting opinion to the thread in order to help.

I would add that search engines reward longevity of domain ownership - so it makes sense to choose wisely and 'hold'.



Reply from Doug:

Hi George,

I really enjoy your posts man.

Now, to the topic at hand:

I believe that online, perception is key.

Yes, for years the general rule or "follow the masses" type school of thought taught that you should avoid using blogspot if you could afford a dot com simply because of the people who would not take it seriously because they knew that you got the blogspot from the free Blogger blog.

After all, (their way of thinking) if you are making enough money to teach me how to do the same, then why couldn't you afford to use a .com in your domain name for your website?

I'm not saying that there is or is not any validity to that line of reasoning, just that is what my take is on why people said that.

It's not that you couldn't provide really profitable content from that platform, just that the general mass consensus would be don't go cheap when choosing your domain when the difference between the blogspot and the .com is only around $10 or $20 depending on who you get to host it for you and how much you register the domain for.

Now, again, a lot of the profitable keywords for domain names have already been used by dot com-owning domains and some aren't even actively using those but have just parked them.

So, what I believe it really all boils down to are two major points.

Make the best of both of them and you will have one-up on your competition.


Now, George, I'm not disagreeing that you can get some really profitable keywords for your domains by using the dot info or even blogspot, as your examples have already clearly demonstrated that it makes no difference to Google if you know how to use it.However, why not use the dot com if you can, and take advantage of what is perceived to be more professional. It may not be actually perceived that way anymore, but that is how it used to be perceived, even if it was not a big deal consciously.

2. Action

Of course, we've already been inundated with the "take action" being preached daily and for good reason. These guys with the blogspot and dot info are going to beat the dot com every time if the owner of the dot com just sits on their site and only has a parked domain or doesn't actively pursue niche market research to lock up those top spots for the niche’s first spots on Google page 1.

I believe the best combination would be to make use of the dot com for perception and then take action with those with proper niche research and the ensuing promotion to make use of it.


Of course, there is nothing wrong with snatching up the great keywords for domain use if blogspot and .info are all that are left, because ultimately it's what you do with what you've got that will make the difference.

Just my 2 cents,




Offline – just do it!

Mark e. thurston

Any one that has been hanging around IM for over 6 months has the knowledge to blow away most local business owners. Most of them may be very good at what they do but they know nothing (generally) about marketing... either on-line of off.

With a well thought out presentation, and allowing the local client to tell you what each piece of his marketing that you have pointed out is lacking is worth if fixed and you only charge usually 10-20% of that; you will make a mint.

The nice part is most of the ‘work’ is done in the 1st 60-90 days, after that it is maintenance and takes no time at all, yet the local business owner pays a monthly maintenance fee. That starts as a (Year )contract and then goes month to month. Usually they don’t ever want it to end because with what you have learned in the last 6 months or 6 years, you are light years ahead of not just him/her but most ‘SEO’ companies out there.

Most got some sort of ‘marketing degree’ 2-20 years ago and have done little continuing education IF any!

You can make a difference to the point that with-in 90 days the business is making more than they were before the recession (and when they wouldn’t give you the time of day).Just don’t do what the ‘competition’ does...

-stay informed, keep coming to forums like this, keep you fingers on the ‘pulse of the net’-continue educating yourself this way.-when changes happen, and they do every week, you will adjust and keep the ball you started rolling and know how to start a few more.-don’t go it alone, hook up with a group to run stuff by and learn from them -over-deliver...give them the wow factor on top of the money increases.

Run a search on the biz, do 1000 back-links and 6 months later run another. That’s a wow factor for you! That is also the kind of thing that even if it doesn’t put a lot of money in his pocket, he can see, and since the money IS coming, must have been you. You won’t ever lose that business’s business, even after the recession.

I actually saw a contract that listed as part of their ‘package’ optimizing the meta keywords and description. Not a word about off site optimization, no back links, no social media, nothing that the people here KNOW how to do. The worst part, call their plumbing office, it rings 5 times before someone picks it up and says, “Hello.” By 5 rings 80% have already hung up. After “Hello.” half of them say they got the wrong number.

Imagine if they just serviced the clients they already had? If you taught them how to answer the phone and how to up/down and cross sell, you’ll add 20-40% in 30 days. And that doesn’t count doing anything on-line yet! (or the other 4 things they are not doing or not doing right)

Get the in the Google 7 pac (Mario has a kick butt WSO on it) and a few other things you do everyday for a tenth the price anyway.

Secret? Plan the work, work the plan. Take action and even if you screw the 1st couple of interviews up (most don’t) each time you’ll get better.

You’ll soon have 10 clients at 1500/mo after 5k upfront. You do the maths. After the recession is over, you’ll probably keep the monthlies as long as you live for a small amount of time by keeping your fingers in the game, but once Joe the plumber is flush(pun intended),


he will go back to not giving some hot shot IM boy the time of day. (You’ll still get a few, but the game will get harder)

You’ve got a couple years at least. Make the most of it and develop a ‘following that will never leave.’ Do it right, over deliver, stay current with the net, monitor their off line marketing. Selling a $97 e-book is a bunch of fun, but going out to an interview and coming home with a 5k check is a whole lot more fun...and easier too. Just don’t screw the guy over, do the right thing and give him value for his money.

Don’t get greedy and you will be unstoppable.




Step By Step Guide On How To Make $3,500 Fast Roshan chabria

Hi Warriors, I have learnt a lot from this forum since I joined some months back, and it is time to give back to the forum.

I know many Warriors like Paul Meyers, Kim Standerline, Andrew Cavanagh, Professor of article marketing - Big Steven Wagenheim, Anon - ExRat ( I am a fan of them anyway and I am only guessing. I don’t have access to their bank accounts), and many others are already making as much as 10k per month ( maybe more or slightly less) but I am very sure there are those who would like to make just $3,500 per month and I will teach them in this post how to make their first $3,500 online.

Here is how to make $3,500 Let’s go...

This involves article marketing, bum marketing, making a established blog, product creation, affiliate marketing too, and then flipping it on Sitepoint. I’ll explain everything in detail.

Before we start I have to say you should be ready to spend as much as $150 for outsource some things or do the dirty job by yourself. It all depends on you. Think of a niche you can get into. There are so many profitable niches out there; look for one that best suits you. It could be acne, weight loss, forex trading, dating, credit scores and there are many more.

We will use the weight loss niche for the purpose of this post. It is one of my favorite niches anyway. Yes, there is competition, but I bet you will never find a niche where there is no competition. Besides, weight loss is PROFITABLE!!!

Now we have a niche, it is time to do our keyword research. There are many posts on the Warrior Forum on how to do keyword research. I want to make this as short as possible therefore I will not try to reinvent the wheel. You know the saying, don’t fix it if it ain’t broke, right?

With that in mind, I will suggest you take some time off and read this post:

Keyword Research & Implementation 101 Editor’s note: this is the chapter by Dan Molano, featured earlier in this book. It’s a powerful post right? I totally agree with you. I have made a lot of money with that post and I am sure you will too. Daniel used the dating niche but we are using the weight loss niche so instead of “pick up” “flirting” and similar terms you type “easy ways to lose weight” or “fastest weight to lose weight or “how can I lose weight fast” or whatever.

The most important thing is to get 10 good keyword phrases on which you can write articles. Get 10 keywords with at least 20 daily searches and with competition of somewhere between 20k-50k in Google (it must not exceed 50k). Now it is time to write the articles. Write 10-20 (10 is good but 15-20 is better) on the keywords following exactly what Daniel taught in his post. Ok now we have the niche, the keywords and the articles, but you need where to put them right?

OK let’s get a domain name.


This is easy, but it is not as easy as you think. You may be lucky to get a domain name that has your keyword in it, but PLEASE MAKE SURE the domain name is not longer than 25 characters. This is very important.

Now let’s assume we are able to get the domain name weightlossmadeeasy.com (it should be either dot com or dot net, but not dot info). OK, we have a domain name, articles, keywords and the niche. Now create a Wordpress blog with a very beautiful theme, header and design. You will also need to create a squeeze page to build your list. (I’m not going to explain this part because I believe YOU know it already.)

You also need a big ping list. I don’t have a big ping but half is better than nothing. Here is my ping.

http://bblog.com/ping.phphttp://bitacoras.net/ping/http://blog.goo.ne.jp/XMLRPChttp://blogdb.jp/xmlrpchttp://bulkfeeds.net/rpchttp://coreblog.org/ping/http://ping.blo.gs/http://ping.cocolog-nifty.com/xmlrpchttp://ping.rootblog.com/rpc.phphttp://ping.syndic8.com/xmlrpc.phpDatashed.net - data management Resources and Information. This website is for sale!http://rpc.blogrolling.com/pinger/http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/pinghttp://topicexchange.com/RPC2http://www.a2b.cc/setloc/bp.a2bhttp://www.bitacoles.net/ping.phphttp://www.blogpeople.net/servlet/weblogUpdateshttp://www.weblogues.com/RPC/http://xmlrpc.blogg.de/http://api.moreover.com/RPC2http://www.blogdigger.com/RPC2http://www.blogpeople.net/servlet/weblogUpdateshttp://www.blogroots.com/tb_populi.blog?id=1http://www.blogshares.com/rpc.phphttp://www.blogsnow.com/pinghttp://www.blogstreet.com/xrbin/xmlrpc.cgihttp://ping.weblogalot.com/rpc.phphttp://www.weblogues.com/RPChttp://ping.bloggers.jp/rpc/http://thingamablog.sourceforge.net/ping.phphttp://ping.feedburner.comhttp://www.snipsnap.org/RPC2http://api.feedster.com/pinghttp://rpc.icerocket.com:10080/

OKAY we are set, we have everything we need, a squeeze page, a blog, some articles, keywords and the money making niche. Now it is time to submit the articles. Submit 3 articles to your blog and schedule the rest at 3-4 day intervals.

OKAY all articles have been submitted to your blog, but only 3 are live. Now create accounts with ezinearticles, goarticles and buzzle or any other article directory. You don’t have to use your present account for any of those; I will tell you why later.


Submit the articles to ezinearticles (all the articles). Point them to your squeeze page. Remember money is in the list. You need to set up your follow up messages before the articles are live. I guess you should buy Rosie Cottis' Packs of 52 PLR Newsletters to use as follow up message. You can get it here - Weight Loss - 52 PLR Newsletter Pack ( not affiliate link).

Load the messages into your autoresponder but make sure you remove the affiliate link for the first 15 messages (Choose 2 day’s interval for your messages). We don't need the affiliate links for now because we need to build our relationship first.

while you wait for the articles to be approved, submit your blog to about 100 rss feed sites ( you can outsource for 20 dollars here on the forum) and bookmark 3 urls. 2 should be the articles submitted to the blog the 3rd url should be the url of your squeeze page. ( make sure you are keyword(s) you used on the squeeze page has been 20k-50k competition in Google. you can outsource this to James for just 10 dollars ( here is the link - Social Bookmarking With Upto 2000+ Bookmarks - Bookmark Your 3 Website Url's - Only $26.62 )

Open an account with Free Traffic System - Increase Targeted Website Traffic with Free Unlimited One Way Links and learn how to use it to build link to your squeeze page and blog. It is very easy to use and I don't need to explain it again since they have tutorial over there. This system is free and easy to use, will get you lots of links.

OKAY I expect your articles to have been approved by now. If yes, submit the articles to

(rewrite them slightly if you can) goarticles and buzzle ( or whichever). See another link that will help you Step By Step - How to get the MOST out of an Ezine Article!

You can also use Free Traffic System - Increase Targeted Website Traffic with Free Unlimited One Way Links to build link to your articles and blog. Traffic................

Sign up with 5 weight loss forums and make at least 4 meaningful posts per day on all the 5 forums you have joined with a link to your squeeze in the signature box.

Answer at least 10 questions on weight loss on yahoo answers. You can use some of your articles to answer the questions or get related articles from ezinearticles and use it to answer questions on yahoo answer ( but make sure you put the writer's link in the "source" box and your own link at the end of the article, where they can easy notice your link before the link of the author).

Make comments on at least 10 weight loss blog with a link to your squeeze page. Be careful with the blogs you comment on, they must be big blogs with activity. Create a Squidoo lens, and make a page on Hubpages and Zimbio with links to your squeeze page. All accounts should be created with one email address and same password as the Ezinearticles. Will tell you why

Assuming you get.......

20 visits per day from EZA40 visits per day from blog comments30 visits per day from yahoo answers5 visits per day from your squido lens5 visits per day from your hubpage5 visits per day from zimbio20 visits per day from google (This is very possible especially if you use James' bookmarking service and I also recommend Angela's link building WSO)

TOTAL : 125 per day. Assuming your squeeze page converts at 20% and your comfirmation rate is 70% ( I have done 40% conversion and 90% confirmation before, so it is possible) you


will have around 525 active subscribers

The next step is to ask you list some questions. Like ...

1. Since when have you been trying to lose weight?2. How many pounds do you want to lose?3. How fast do you want to lose the above? (above is referring to their answer in 2).4. What do you think can stop you from losing weight?7. How much do are you willing to spend in order to achieve your weight loss goal?

The above should be your 16th follow up message.

You don't have to your the above questions if you can get something better.

The question should be at least 7 and the last part should be " how much they are willing to spend to lose weight"

Most of them will reply back to you with answers because they believe you are sincere and interested in helping them to lose weight (remember you have not told them to buy any affiliate product, only helping them).

Now you have the answers, it is time to work on them. Do researches online using their answers as a guide to write a 15-25 page e-book and create a sale page to sell the e-book.(You can price it at $17).

Now let’s do the maths.

You have 525 subscribers, assuming 10% (52 of them) bought your $17 report you will have $884. That is still not $3,500 right?

OK go to Sitepoint and list the site for sale at 4.5-6 times what you have earned. Make sure you mention the ezinearticles account, squidoo lens, huppages, zimbio and your account with free traffic system. Tell the potential buy you are going to give them access to them all and that they are free to change the password(s). You should also mention the 15-25 pages e-book you have created and how the can use it to make money. I can assure you lots of people will be ready to buy the site at a very nice price for that matter. Let your minimum bid be $150, your reserve price should be x3.5 you bin now should be x6 of what you have earned.

What is hard there? You can work for just 3 hours per day with what I have explained. And you can outsource the article writing (that’s the only work) for as little as 5 dollars per article. Also, for many of you, I would suggest you try outsourcing the articles, you can easily get good quality writers at GetAFreelancer.com, This will save your time, and you can move on doing other tasks.

We need to work smart here, not hard Everything can be outsourced, from Articles, Designs, Product Creation

But for your first website, try to do it yourself.This will save you the money you’re going to invest and also it'll build your confidence, and from next time you can build such sites over and over and keep profiting.


Another point I would like to tell you all, is that always use a professional and a high-quality design -Wordpress theme' while flipping a blog, trust me it can highly "increase" the value of your blog(s) I would suggest - WooThemes or StudioPress Theme, they are Premium one's.

Now try it, I bet it will work. It is not going to be easy but you will get there with consistent and hard work. TAKE ACTION!

Roshan Chhabria.

Reply from Ofthemix

I think this is the best step by step 'how to' thread that I’ve read so far.

Yeah, it IS a lot of work. But it's a lot of work that you do for your own benefit. People go to work everyday and put in 8 hour days doing 'a lot' of work for someone else and never reaping the full benefits. If you think about your 8 hour day working for someone else in comparison to how long it would take to complete all of the steps in this thread, it really wouldn't take that long. Plus, you'd be reaping all of the benefit, not your employer.

I'll admit that I'm a noob. But I realize that to make it in any type of business it does take work. There is no get rich quick scheme. If you don't realize that making money takes work, especially in the beginning, then you'll most likely never be successful at any business you try to go into.

Thanks Roshan for a highly informative post. I'll be applying your steps to my business in the near future. When life gives you lemons, you need to squeeze the crap out of them until you feel better. Either you'll end up making lemonade or you'll end up with a mess that you have to clean up.


how do you get offline clients? Ken perry, mark, Jamie Garside & Andrew cavanagh


Do a search in your area for any meetings (meetup.com). Sign up for some of the business networking groups. It’s a good way to get in front of a group of 10-25 at a time.

Also, check into your local Chamber of Commerce; most are having "networking breakfasts, lunches, speed networking sessions”, etc. There is usually a large turnout to these, so it’s another good lead generation method...

Do a targeted search in Google for what ever niche you want (chiropractors, dentists, lawyers, hair salons, etc.), and look at the Google 10-box or 7-box results. Look particularly at the ones that have maps.google.com. This is a good indication that they do not have a website. Contact them in person or by direct mailing....

Or...if you know of specific businesses in your area that, they do not showup at all in the Google 10 / 7-box when you do a simple keyword search, contact them about getting listed on page 1 with Google local business center.....also offer Yahoo local & bing local listings.

Just a few...good luck,




It’s not too hard. Call a few local companies until the phone call isn't being answered correctly. Then do a keyword search for that business, see if he is missing a few COMMERCIAL keywords with a decent search volume. See if he is listed in Google Biz, Yahoo Biz and Bing Biz listings as well as maybe 50 or so other local biz listings.

Sooner or later, (probably sooner if the phone is answered incorrectly), call and ask to speak to the person in charge (whose name you already know). When he is on the line, introduce yourself, but not what you do. Ask a few client type questions. Mention you are sure he has received emails and/or calls about his website and having it placed higher in the rankings for a number of keywords.

This is where it gets tricky because if he wasn't aware it was a sales call, he sure is now. Assure him that is NOT why you are calling him, but as an aside mention you do do that, but that you are pretty sure that unless he is not experiencing the recession most of us are he is missing out on some business you could help him retain.

At this point you should have his curiosity aroused. Assure him that you don't need any money and would like to meet with him for 90 minutes or so uninterrupted and talk with him about it.


If you get a negative response, let him know that if he changes his mind he can have your number if he wants it, and leave him your business card. If he wants it, give it, if not wish him a great day and move on.

Eventually you will procure a meeting. Before the meeting be sure to call several times as a potential client and make a note of every faux pas. The meeting is nothing but having him fill out a questionnaire. Actually you ask him the questions and write them down. Then schedule a 2nd meeting. Do NOT ask for money.

At the second meeting you point out all the mistakes you have identified through your calls and the questionnaire. Go through them point by point. At about halfway through, some of the problems will be on-line problems. There will be a lack of page ranking, a lack of social media, back links, email campaigns, etc. (always let on you are a big fan of 'free'). Basically take a good 30- 45 minutes and hurt him bad.

Then go on to part two; solutions. Offer phone training and fixing any other profit leaks you have identified. About halfway through the meeting though, you should start moving onto the on-line stuff.

When talking about keyword ranking be sure to say you could have him rank for 100 keywords tomorrow, but unfortunately, no one entering those keywords is buying anything. 99% of the searches are being done by students researching a paper, and that is why it is so easy to rank for them.

Then propose that he hires you to: A. Fix his current problems (even if it means spending 4 hours teaching the desk person

how to answer a phone and to do so with-in 2 rings.), as well as instituting other procedures that will plug the profit leaks in the business he already has. Teach the sales staff how to up-sell/down-sell and cross sell, whatever will make an immediate difference.

B. To increase his online presence. At this point feel free to ask for a check. As you go through each solution to a problem (vaguely) ask him what percent he feels fixing that problem will net him. Before you have even hit the online stuff you should be up to 20-40%. In a 1 million dollar company (Very small) that adds up to a 200-400k saving that HE has given you as the amount he thinks will be saved by fixing those problems. You are NOT telling him, he's telling you!

If you want ask him what it would be worth for him to hire you to fix those problems AND wave your hand up the sheet and mention we are only halfway into our (notice 'our') solutions, his answer may very well be larger than you would have charged him. If so ask him to have a check drawn up while you draw up a contract "and oh... BTW... there is a $1,497 (or whatever) monthly fee in addition, but I am sure you can see the value in that." (As if he is astute enough to realize it is obvious)

Charge 10-30%what you save him in a year. If he thinks you will save him 200k the 1st year, $1,497 x 12 = $17,964; charge 13k upfront if you can-that is 15%

At 10%, charge $997 x 12 =$11964 and get 8k upfront

Be flexible, especially the first go around. As you keep doing this your confidence will grow and grow.

If it is a little mom & pop and you get 1k up front and $500 a month, it is training for you and they can afford it. Many will be sceptical, even after they are the ones giving you the numbers.

Also the ones that need it the most really can't afford the big upfront fees. Be kind, be gracious, be helpful but feed your family and make the car payment.


If it is a tiny business and operating on a shoe string budget, and after a second meeting your gut says he is a man of his word, take a chance on him. I do a client for a monthly fee only, no upfront payment. I did a month of different things before he gave me the first payment. The worst case scenario is that I spend a few hours for free, best case is I have a client for life. 10 clients for life at 1k each is $120,000 year for maybe 10-15 hours of work a month.

Just close one customer. Referrals will be all you will ever have time for after one.

(Forget the one time $500 deals, you may as well get a job)

If you ask the client to say what you would be worth and his answer is too high, back it down a bit. If not high enough, tell him he is close. Decide whether the amount he says the service is worth is worth your time. If so, concede you will do him a favor on this deal.

Stay in control throughout the process. YOU are the expert. First start plugging the profit leaks. You should be able to make instant increases in his net if you found the right company, know how to answer a phone and sell.

Meanwhile work on the online stuff at your leisure. Out source as much as you can.

If the business doesn't have a Twitter and/or a Facebook page, there are two tangible and easy things the person hiring you can see.

When you make a fan page, you end up having to make a personal page for him. Make his birth-date wrong but close, as much as possible private and email him a link and the user name and password.

You can usually take most of the info for the fan page right off his website.

Do a press release or two, some article marketing, back-linking, etc. each month to earn your $1,497 do a little more each month.

Go for a one year contract, or 6 months if you have to, but if he is chopping you, he may understand that the majority of the work is done the first 60-90 days.




I thought I would chime in with my experience.

If you have just been laid off, I think you need to do everything possible to gain clients. I did something similar when I got into this, I didn't get laid off, I just quit. I then did everything I could to gain clients as I didn't have any other choice, except going back to the 9-5!

Cold Calling - I don't mind it, most hate it, and everyone is different. But, if you think logically, it’s probably the quickest way you can set up a few meetings with potentially interested business owners.

You can pick up the phone right now, today, and potentially setup a few meetings. Not everyone gets it right first time, but, as with anything, persistence pays off!


Sure, you will get NOs, so what, it’s another NO that leads to a YES, just keep going!

Meetups/Chamber Meetings - These work and are great for networking, but can take a little to get your foot in the door. The chances are, there is almost always at least another few "Web Guys" already with their foot in the door. This business is actually more competitive than many think.

There is plenty of biz to go around, but local meetups and chamber meetings can take a while to get your foot in the door, they do work though. While youproactively go out and call clients, setup a few meetings as well!

**So, far 2 ways to get clients in the motions**

Classified Sites - Post ads daily on Craigslist or if your in the UK, Gumtree. This will generate enquiries, but like anything, you can't expect to see diamonds from one ad, you need to keep posting. Do this in the background of your cold calling and meeting setups!

**3 Client Gaining Ways in Motion**

Ask Friends & Family - Find out if any of your close friends or family have a business, or know anyone that has a business. This can be a quick way to gain a portfolio, some testimonials and of course, some moolah! ; )

**4 Ways In Motion**

Ok, I am sure you get the picture. If you really want this and want clients, you can get them, anyone is capable. You just need to do everything possible to get them. Depending on how quickly you need to get them, maybe you will have to do some things you don't necessarily like doing, but they pay off, that's business!

I hate article marketing, but it generates online sales, so I have to do it! When you gain clients, you can get other people to do the jobs you hate for you!

Do whatever it takes to succeed!

I say all this from experience, doing all of the above and doing whatever it took to get my offers in front of business owners allowed me to quit my day job in 7 days!

It's eminently possible, you just need to DO IT!




If you're serious about making money you need to stop trying to gather more information and start taking action immediately.

Here's why...

Every person in every area is in a different situation, has a different set of skills and will get different results with exactly the same actions.

Anything that puts you in contact with business owners in any way gives you a chance of getting hired.

Your highest chance of getting hired is if you've been recommended by another business owner.

So that leads to:

1) Ask everyone you talk to who they know who might benefit from your knowledge. Referrals are the easiest to convert to paying clients. The easiest way to get started from zero is to talk to people and business owners you already know.

2) Talk to the business owners you already know.3) Talk to the owners of businesses where you're spending money (as was mentioned

above...if you're a customer spending money they're far more likely to want to talk to you and you can lead into a business conversation more naturally when you're already talking about a product or service you're buying).

4) Ask all your friends who they might know.

OfflineBiz.com members use the Offline Gold Client Flood system to do this but the bottom line is that you systematically ask for referrals from every living breathing person you know when you're starting out.

Also remember that the advice you give when you first talk to a prospect is free so when you're asking for referrals you can offer to give the business owners people know a valuable gift consultation on their behalf.

5) Go to business networking meetings and any meetings and groups where business owners congregate.

Getting involved with a charity or two that has a lot of business owners can make these owners more interested in trying to help you in your business.

At business networking meetings learn to ask questions and listen.

6) Speak at as many business group events as you can.

Being the speaker for a business networking group gives you great posture. You're immediately seen as an expert and business owners will usually come up and talk to you after you've spoken.

7) Use direct mail. At OfflineBiz.com members use the Amazing 4 Line Letter which gets around 20%+ of business owners calling you.


Direct mail used effectively can get a lot of business owners contacting you which also gives you great posture.

8) Use email.

Dropping an email to a business owner that gets his curiosity up or opens ANY kind of communication can work.

Your response rate is likely to be lower but then it's very easy to send an email.

9) Use your phone.

All this carry on about "I don't want to cold call" etc etc etc.

For God's sake get over yourself. Business owners call other business owners all the time when they have something valuable to share.

Just remember these words: "I have my own business..." They work like magic when you want to talk to a business owner.

Stop being a wimp and pick up the phone.

One secret - you can call some business owners after hours and leave a message that forces them to call you back out of curiosity.

Also if you've opened communication through email or direct mail the sooner that conversation moves to a higher level (phone conversation or face to face) the higher your chances of getting hired.

If someone emails me back and I have their phone number I'll be calling them on the phone immediately.

That will convert a huge number of prospects into paying clients.

It's also not cold calling (if you're still want to be wimpy about that.) Someone who's already contacted you has expressed their interest.

10) Walk into businesses and talk to the owner. If you walk through areas that have businesses you can simply smile and say hi to every business owner you see.

You don't have to try to talk to them.

If you walk on the same route repeatedly those business owners will feel like they know you after you've smiled and said hi half a dozen times.

Then you can stop and talk to them anytime you want and start asking questions.

Last time I checked there's nothing scary about smiling and saying “Hi” to people.


11) Learn to ask questions and listen.

If you're talking to business owners and trying to tell them about social networking, SEO, or any other service YOU WANT TO SELL then you deserve to crash and burn.

Stop thinking about yourself and get interested in them and THEIR business.

Ask questions, listen and gather information.

Then when you've built some rapport and trust you can use that information to create customized suggestions.

When the business owner gets excited about one of your suggestions you can establish the value of that idea to the owner, ask for 50% in advance to get started and run with it.

That's the easiest ways I know to get hired.

One final tip:

12) Stop talking about what you WON'T do.

In many cases the thing you have so much resistance to doing may be the EASIEST way for you to get paying clients.

You're creating mental barriers in your mind...making that task seem a whole lot harder than it really is.

"I won't walk into businesses and talk to business owners" for example.

What do you have against walking past, smiling and saying hi to business owners you see?

That's not scary. And then talking to them after you've said hi half a dozen times and they feel like they know you.

In some cases they'll start a conversation with you when their business is quiet.

Also not scary. But if you keep telling yourself over and over you won't do something you're making it seem scary.

It's the same with calling a business owner of the phone. You call your friends all the time on the phone.

Stop making mental barriers for yourself by saying you won't do something.

Think of the business owner you want to call as a friend and just do it.

Sometimes things might not go as well as you'd like but who cares?

If they do go well you get some money and the business owner gets a service that makes him some real money. Everybody wins.


I would give you one suggestion that will change your outlook on life and business forever.

Today DO the thing you're most afraid of doing.

Don't think about it or analyse it - just do it.

Even if you take action almost certain you're going to fail it's better than not taking any action at all because you'll get some real live feedback and you'll see that that the things you fear really aren't such a big deal.

There's an old saying:

"It's hard to steer a car that's not moving."

All the information in the world is not going to help you get hired if you're not taking any action.

We can't help you adjust what you're doing to be more effective if you're doing nothing.

There's a big long list here of things you can do.

If you want to get hired and make some money it's up to you to take some action NOW.

Kindest regards,

Andrew Cavanagh


Do Just This ONE Thing & You'll Make Some Nice Cash - Guaranteed!

Roy Carter

Hi Guys,

If you read this post and just simply focus in and do what I suggest, then you will make some nice cash. How's that?

Step 1) Stop thinking about making money and start thinking about helping people.

I think it was Zig Ziglar that said that. And you know what? He's exactly right. As soon as I stopped thinking about how I could make an income online and started to think about what problems people were having and how I could help them, well, the cash just started rolling in all by itself, as regular as clockwork.

You see, as online marketers your job is simply to help people who have problems. And it's a nice feeling when you know that the products you promote are truly helping people. It feels good and gives you a lift. And it can make you rich at the same time.

Step 2) Find a hungry market with a burning need or desire to solve a problem. (I'll give you an example you can use right away in just a moment).

Step 3) Find (or create) a product that can help these people solve their problem and show them where they can get it.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do steps 1 - 3 above with enough focus and consistency and you won't be able to stop the cash flooding into your bank account.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Let me give you an example you can use right away and show you how you can help people who have a huge problem and at the same time get very nicely paid for your efforts.

**Hot Niche Alert!**

Right now in the USA the credit crunch is having a massive affect on people's lives. Home foreclosures have gone through the roof. There's almost nobody that isn't either affected themselves or knows someone in their circle of friends who is facing having their home repossessed.

People facing a home foreclosure have a massive problem that they need good advice about as soon as possible. These people need help and quickly. And anyone who can provide them with really useful advice that will truly help them avoid having their home taken away, well, that person is going to be listened to.

And that person should be you.

Just do a quick search on Clickbank and you will find a good product or two about home foreclosures that you can point people to (using your affiliate link of course) that will give them the answers they need to possibly avoid having their home taken away. (There'll be some rubbish in there too, so just make sure that what you are promoting offers solid and genuine help - You can either buy a couple or ask for a review copy).

Exact instructions on how to promote these products are there on the affiliate pages for you. All laid out. At least they will be if the product owner has bothered to create a decent affiliate



Just follow the instructions on that page, forget about doing anything else for a while and just do that. If you do you will not only be helping people, you'll be increasing your income quite nicely as well.

And you'll have done that simply by helping people to solve a burning problem.

The sad thing is that a lot of you won't do anything with the information I've just given you. Those of you that make an effort will see that it works.

So stop thinking about making money and start thinking about helping other people to solve their problems. Do that and you'll help yourself as well.

Hope that helps move you forward.





Offline Marketing Is Powerful - $2000+ Deal Pending

Imran Naseem

Hi guys.

After the success of recent Offline "gold" reports I decided to have a crack with Off line marketing...

Rather than visiting Local businesses in person I had 200 free cellphone minutes to "kill" so I decided what better way then to use it and try something?

Anyway, here is what I did.

I went over to Google and typed in "Dentists In London"

(Note I have worked in a previous sales job before for a local business directory and this is the exact technique we used to get "leads")

Here is a screenshot of what I did.

As you can see Google shows all the "Dentists In London".

However, at this stage we do not want to focus on the natural search listings, we want to focus on the PAID listings (i.e. the companies who are using Google Adwords).

As you can see the "circled" ad is using Google Adwords for the keyword "Dentists In London".

To get a fair idea on how much these guys I paying I head over to a useful tool called SpyFu


Here is a screenshot of the keywords..

As you can see roughly this guy is paying anywhere from $1.00 to $7.38..

Anyway, what I did was simply "Contact" this company via my cell phone. I know cold callingis associated with "people getting nervous or not trusting" but its not that difficult.

Rejections are part of it but if you gain at least just ONE client a day that’s enough money in your pocket to last you for the month..

And free minutes on your cell phone can help.

Here is how the conversation went..

"Hi, My name is Imran Naseem. Is it possible to speak to someone who deals with your online marketing please?"

I was quite lucky at this stage because the receptionist who answered the telephone was very sweet and I explained to her who I was and the purpose of the call.

She then directed my call to someone who was in charge of the online marketing...

Here is how the conversation went..

"Hi, My name is Imran Naseem, I understand you deal with your online marketing of your website. How are you today?"

The woman who spoke was really sweet and I explained the reason for the call as she had no clue who I was...

"Nice to meet you, Lynn, my name is Imran Naseem and I am an online marketing expert. I have a good reputation on the Internet and have had several successful products. The reason I am calling today is that I noticed you are advertising on Google adwords, am I correct in saying this?"

She explained that she was using Google Adwords and I told her that she had a really cool website.


"Do you mind if I ask you what kind of Advertising do you do, and how is that working for you?"

She told me she was using magazines, newspapers, Google Adwords and word of mouth. She also said that it was not really effective as she had no clue on "Online marketing"...

(This was the "hook" for me so I decided to note this down on my paper)

She then told me she was spending too much money with Google Adwords...

Here is my response..

"Ahhhh Im really sorry to hear that as I noticed that you are paying a lot of money for the main keyword "Dentists In London" and you are not getting the best results at the moment, am I correct in saying this?"

She agreed with me..

I then went on to explain how she was spending too much money on Advertising and not getting any results. I then explained to her who I was..

"I am an online marketing expert and what I do is work with companies like yourself and help them be one step ahead of their competition. I have several years of experience of online marketing and I feel that you can increase your business and stay one step ahead of your competition..."

"What I do is simply use the power of branding on Youtube and help you get the exposure you want. I also write Articles that can help you get unlimited FREE traffic for many many months...Video Marketing is the main marketing right now and I feel that your company can use the power of Video to increase your business...."

So then I asked her whether she Advertised locally or nationally..

She told me it was a bit of both..

"Okay Lynn, well what I recommend is we can create a short 30 second video with your message on and use any picture you want or audio. Your message will be seen by potentially hundreds and hundreds of people and give your business a lot of branding and exposure. Youtube Marketing is being used by all the main companies such as Sony, Coca Cola, Virgin and all the other brands such as Nike. It is always best to be creative and be one step ahead of your competition. Your video can also be embedded on the homepage and watermarked so your message will always be seen on the video".

After I told her this she became very eager to talk to me but was not sure about certain things she asked me "why does it have to be 30 seconds, can I have my message longer than 30 seconds"?

I became quite excited here because she was interested and she became more willing to respond and talk to me since I told her I was "an online marketing expert with several products”. I told her that she can have the message longer than 30 seconds and asked her if she was not sure about anything..


I also recommended another strategy to her.

"Lynn, I also noticed that your homepage does not have an "opt in page". This is a special form that captures customer's details each time they visit your website. So for example, if people land on your website and are interested in visiting your dentist again then you can keep in touch with them on a daily basis via an opt in form which can help spread word of mouth and build relationships."

She became quite fascinated and became eager to ask me more "details"

She then asked me the price and how long it would take and if I could email her the proposal since she wanted to do a bit of research on this..

I gave her a quote of $1997 including my expertise and told her it would not take long.

She then told me she would consider it and asked me to send her all the information via "email"

So not only did I gain hre trust and interest but I obtained her "email address".

And this $2000 deal is pending now.

One thing I was not sure about - The price. It was my first call and it went so well, it gave me confidence.

Obviously you will get rejections from other companies but once you get your first client then it’s a great feeling.

Offline Marketing is powerful guys, you can become Internet Marketing consultants today...because every single Warrior here is an expert in something...and why not help local businesses?

I emailed her a proposal on what I have to offer, with screenshots and I might do a follow up call. I think its best to take a consultative approach and "sell yourself" before you try to sell anything to them.

Ideally, you should close the deal on the phone, get them interested as much as possible and then say something like..

"Okay, what I will do now is I will email you all the details and then give you a call in the next hour so we can go through this and see what kind of keywords you would like on your video, is that okay?" (Notice I am closing the deal here without even being rude or too "excited")

Calling people is powerful, trust me. I used to close $40k deals for a local directory company I worked for who just sold advertising space on their portal.

For $1997 I will do a video for her and write 20+ articles for her so giving her branding through video and article marketing and also use an opt-in form for her website and recommend keywords for her Adwords Ad. I offered her other things with the package, i.e. a free consultation on Google Adwords and how to write effective ads and also I am going to give her FREE bonuses which will help. In other words, give her a package deal.

I sent her the proposal through email, I sent her a PDF file and might do a Camtasia video for her too to make things clearer.


Okay guys.


I CLOSED THE DEAL!!!!!!!!!!Yippee!!

Yep, after 5 phone calls to her, and 2 emails she has finally said "yes” over the phone.

She was not sure firstly regarding the price - she wanted to know if it was a one time fee - meaning does she pay monthly or one time. I told her it was a one off fee and for my package I offered her my expertise and support.

Here is what I am going to offer her and set up.

- Youtube Channel - give her branding and a 1 minute video that I will create for her- 10-15 Articles that will link to her website- Opt-In page for her website- My expertise!

She is going to send a cheque!




How To Be Successful Without JV's...

Daniel e. taylor

It seems like the JV bug has bitten this summer. Every where I turn thereis something about getting "Guru's" to JV with you. This has been in the formof products, emails, blog posts, forum posts, etc.

Also my email has been getting more and more JV requests by the week. I'm seeing moreand more newer marketers focusing and crying about not getting JV's with big name gurus.

As I was thinking (Which I do often) it dawned on me. Many newer marketers are basing theirsuccess on OTHER PEOPLE. Basically if you don't get JV's you can't make the big timemoney.

"Daniel its a known fact JV's = more money"

Not saying it isn't. But why not focus on building a successful business based onthe founding principles of business.

Treat JV's like having your cake and eating it too. They are extras. But first you needto build your business.

"But Daniel Jv's provide great traffic and without them you will fail"

True they provide great traffic. But here is a secret, that's not so secret. Wanna know what that is? Good old fashioned ADVERTISING.

Something that has been a lost art in IM. From my observation ever since this "Bum Marketing" boom, I've noticed marketers are becoming more reluctant to have a real advertising budget. By real I mean a few thousand per month, and I don't mean Google Adwords.

Seriously how many sales can you make getting one click at a time on Adwordsand article marketing? I'm not saying those aren't effective advertising methods, but if you are trying to make it big time, and you don't have anyJV's... That's just not going to cut it.

"Daniel that sounds good, but who the hell are you"

I knew that was coming. I'm a business man, but not only that I'm a thinker. And mightI say a good one. I know many people read my posts and go "He's another fake it tillyou make it kind of guy".

Well that couldn't be far from the truth. 2 years I partnered with a guy to start awebsite I had thought of back in 2001. It was ingenious. It is a hiphop/rnb musicproduction membership site. My idea had never been thought of before.

I didn't have all the funds needed so I had to take a smaller percentage of the company,but it was a decent percentage, but I also had to be a "Silent Partner". That site todayhas over 20,000 members. Yea you read that right, 20,000 members.

"Daniel thats good but why are you telling us"

I'm going to tell you how we got there. It was through an effective advertising campaign. Wehad no big guru emailing there list of 100,000 plussubscribers. In fact we didn't have one JV.


We took it back to the good old fashioned advertising. We bought ads in magazines. One magazine in particular which was geared towards our target market. It doesn't get any more targeted. So I had an idea. it was 5k for 1 full page ad. So I talked to the advertisingdepartment and talked our way into a deal. 3 pages for 10k.

So what we did was put 3 ads in each issue. Yes 3 ads. It was an idea I had. I don'tknow if it had been done before, but I know it was highly effective. I was surprisedthe magazine actually let us do it. I'm guessing they needed the money becausethey were in the process of changing management and all that.

Next we did our banner advertising campaign. We knew we needed to find websites with high targeted traffic. Our most effective banner ads came from (yes I'm going to reveal it)soundclick.com.

Then we had cash prize contests. That was the main focal point of our advertising."Win XXX amount of dollars". That worked like a charm

After the first few months the viral part started kicking in from word of mouth. Next thing you know the growth was just phenomenal.

"So whats the over point Daniel"

My point is forget JV's. When I say that I mean don't make that the focal point of your business. Build a business that will be successful with or without JV's.

You already know JV requests are increasing by the second. The guys with the big listprobably won't even open your emails or requests. Most likely because they are sobusy, and partly because they don't know you.

I've never asked one IM for a JV in the IM niche. I contacted a few of the people you call "gurus" just to say hey. Of course I get no reply. Not even a courtesy reply for what ever reason. Doesn't matter though. It's probably because they don't know who I am.

Does it matter to me? Not at all... why? Because I know I'm going to be just as successful if they are my friends or if they aren't.

Do you get it?

Do you get the point of this thread?

I wish everyone success.

Daniel Taylor


Another Offline Marketing Income Stream...

Ken Perry

I started doing this a few months ago....figured I'd let it ride a little to see what came of it after time. It's not a main source of income idea, but it's an additional stream to put in the mix.....

There is a lot of focus on "landing the big fish" lately in offline marketing, but someone's got to look after the small businesses too.

A little background history is in order to understand how I fell into this...

We were selling our house. It came time to look for a new home....in our searches we noticed a ton of "for sale by owner" (FSBO) homes. Some of these we looked into. In doing so we talked to a lot of these homeowners. We discussed some selling points that helped us sell our home fast (many of these FSBO homes were on the market for well over a year). The main thing that helped us was a well managed MLS listing...in addition to a website I created on my own, with solid SEO. Talking to these FSBO home owners one thing kept standing out....none had a good listing or any kind of "online presence".....most are relying on a sign out front, some "take one" flyers & word of mouth... No wonder it was taking so long to sell these homes when we sold ours in just less than 60 days...

I got to thinking.....why can't I make some simple one-two page real estate type websites & offer them to all these FSBO home owners who are in desperate need to get their homes seen....would be simple enough to do. WordPress has some good free real estate themes that have easy photo galleries & home listing info....& it's easy enough to build HTML sites....SO, I began putting some together.

Each site was a sub-domain off my domain. I did not charge for that. It saves them $10.00 and from having basically a worthless domain when the house sold. All they needed to do set-up hosting, which over 90% did through my Hostgator resellers account...

Next step was to get some interest in these templates. I put together a website & got a good keyword filled domain name for the FSBO niche....gave it some solid SEO (wasn't hard since most other sites in that niche had crappy SEO...lol) It took 3 days to put together 10 1-2 page HTML template sites & 5 WordPress theme sites. I priced them low, at $100 for a 1 page, $150 for 2 pages + hosting cost, knowing that most of these home owners had a budget of $0..

I called some of the FSBO home owners I spoke with and offered them a site. Most took the offer. I contacted a lot of home owner associations who posted my info at their offices & websites. I posted in many real estate forums & blogs. I also made good use of craigslist. The websites were a big hit and the money I was making from hosting accounts was beginning to pile up. Orders also started coming in from regular home owners who wanted to do what I did, have my MSL listing plus a website on the side....even some orders from real estate agents who wanted to use my templates for easy posting on craigslist...

All in all it took me a just over a week (8 days) to put together these sites, my site & get them marketed. To date I have sold over 210 one page templates & 118 2 page templates (since late October 2009), pocketing me in excess of $38,000 in 5 months plus another $6000+ in hosting fees; not bad for a long weeks work. Plus, it's basically on autopilot now (except for setting up the hosting accounts, which takes me maybe 10 minutes each?) This is in addition to my already thriving offline business is making for a very profitable year...

Just another simple idea that was easy to implement & set on autopilot. In time I will create more templates and add them to the mix....I also will implement a "rental plan". When I first started this I noticed other websites offering some FSBO templates; most were very lame,


way over priced and all were not marketed very well....

For an upsell....I'm actually working on a site now that will offer virtual tours for the FSBO crowd....also I will try to attract some smaller realtors who may need a low cost service like this...this should be ready to go with-in 2 weeks.

I also offer them slideshow videos on Youtube for another $100. I could probably get more for this but I want to service a crowd that’s most likely low budget already so I don't want to break their bank. As you can see from the totals of the websites, it all adds up kind of fast.

Originally Posted by billionareHuman Nice work. What's the difference between what you are doing and the regular real estate listing websites? There are many FSBO websites already. You said they are over priced and not marketed well, but when you are trying to sell your service to people they don't know who's better.

I'm not knocking this just that I'm looking at the long term viability eventually it makes more sense for you to build 1 big real estate FSBO website like MLS for management purposes and branding etc.

Is each website you build targeted at 1 hour or 1 suburb?

I learned from the last house I sold a few years back....having just a MLS listing sometimes is not enough...realtors for the most part rely on their websites for traffic. One thing I found out is that most realtors are lousy at marketing & SEO....

This time around I worked with the realtor to better the site in searches...also I went & made my own site...I marketed the house in all the northern snow belt / high unemployment states where people would be willing to re-locate....or retirees looking for year round nice weather & golf ( I live in Tucson, AZ)...I used craigslist a lot. My website also was SEO'd properly...it showed well in my area for southwestern style homes in my price range when searched....

How does it differ from the other FSBO sites? There are a bunch of them, but most get lost in basic searches, and most are way over priced for the average do it yourself homeowner. Most think that just submitting their websites to a couple of directories will get their websites some publicity; for the most part that’s not the case. My site was optimized, I marketed it to the right crowds, I kept my pricing low - that made a world of difference. I also started out by focusing locally....most of my sales were local. I just made it stand out more than the others, it wasn't hard to do.

When I first started talking to FSBO homeowners most knew little about the internet & where to go to get listed if they were not using a realtor...I started by talking to individual home owners....then some smaller local realtors, then started posting on craigslist locally, then I put it out there in other major area's...it's still growing, heck... I just started this a few months ago and I’ll be adding rental sites & up sells....I see no other FSBO sites that are doing that.

Originally Posted by BayAreaSteve Fantastic ... how did you charge for hosting , several months up front ?


Yes, maybe not several, but a few; I charged 3 months up front then monthly after. I couldn't go to far ahead in case they sold their homes. When they did sell, they just emailed me & I


took down the site.

Good luck,




Here is Why You're Not Successful in IM

Dennis GaskillIf you want to learn marketing, if you want to make money online, why aren't you focusing on that?

If your focus is on finding fault with how other marketers conduct their business, what will that result in? We get that all the time here, and all that leads to is finding more things to find fault with. Creating your own little black clouds of self-pity aren't going to take you where you want to go.

What you focus on expands.

Those aren't my words. Self-made millionaire T Harv Eker wrote that in “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”.

If your focus is on how Ezinearticles, or Facebook, or Squidoo is doing you wrong, guess what you get? More things to complain about because more things will go wrong, or you'll perceive things that way, which makes it your reality just the same.

What you focus on expands.

If you compare yourself to someone else in IM, disparaging over how far ahead of you they are, guess what you get? A continuing gap between you and them. If you believe others are just lucky and you're not, you'll keep having a lack of luck.

What you focus on expands.

If you focus on what you lack, what do you get? More of what you focus on...more lack! If you're not making money and that's your goal, why are you focusing on things that aren't going to help you reach your goal?

We also get a lot of what I'd call "socializing" type questions here. Those are questions designed to start a discussion but which are not likely to evoke responses that are useful to doing business. When you learn to ask better questions, you'll get back better information.

What you focus on expands - but it goes deeper than what our conscious mind envisions. What we really look for is often determined by what lies deep in our subconscious. It lies in our long-term attitudes and patterns of behaviour.

I'm not going deep into psychology here, but I will say that any significant change we want in our external world often means making a change in our attitudes and ways of habitual thinking.

If we keep thinking like we've always thought, and keep doing what we've always done, we'll get the same results over and over. It's foolish to walk the down the same path every day and expect to come out in a different place. If you want different results than your getting, you have to do something different.

I like how Jim Rohn put it, "If you want more than you have, become more than you are."

One more psychological point: If you see rich people or successful people as bad, then you will self-sabotage your efforts at becoming rich and successful.



Because deep down most of us want to be a good person and believe that we are, but by equating rich with being bad, your subconscious desire to be good will win out and overrule your conscious desire to be rich in order to eliminate the internal conflict. Guru bashing is a dangerous game, not to them, but to your own wealth.

Not making it? Take note of what you've been focusing on and you'll likely discover why you're not making it, because what you focus on expands.

Next, look at what distracts you from keeping your focus on your goal and you'll discover where you need to make changes. Here are some common things that go wrong:

- too much television- too much random surfing on the net- too much game playing- too much partying- too much negative thinking (you ever met a rich, happy pessimist?)- lack of self-discipline- lack of clearly defined goals- lack of self-motivation- lack of self-worth/self-esteem/self-respect- laziness in thought and action- anything that veers you off course

When you learn to better focus your thinking and actions toward a worthwhile goal, you'll start to realize the results you want. Be grateful for any positive results no matter how meagre they may be, for what you focus on expands.

What are you focusing on?




Keyword Research & Implementation

Daniel Molano

Since I started doing information marketing about 12 months ago I came to notice that there is a big problem within the community.

There are many great marketers (including gurus) who are willing to help and provide valuable information to beginners, intermediates etc...

Nevertheless I also saw a common pattern, they go straight into the methods, regardless of the level of understanding of their audience. So hundreds of doubts and questions always come about (especially from beginners).

The reason is quite simple; they give for granted that their audience already understands the basics and what the hell they are talking about. But in several situations that is not the case, in fact, in most situations that is not the case.

Now that my insight has been covered, I'll go straight to the point. One of the most frequently asked questions regarding internet marketing is "What the hell is keyword research, how does it work?" and other variations of the same question.

I'm here to explain it thoroughly.

Keyword Research & Implementation 101

The Theory

We as internet marketers have some very valuable tools at our disposal.

One of which allows us to figure out exactly what terms or phrases are being used by people from all over the world to find information about specific subjects in the search engines and also how many people are using those specific terms everyday.

With the power of keyword research tools we can find that out and with almost precise numbers.

From my understanding there are two types of keyword research tools.

1. The ones that pull the information directly from the databases of the search engines (Such as Google External Keyword Tool and Yahoo Overture).These are usually quite accurate (at least in respect of the search engine database they pulled the data from) but are usually based on a previous month or previous data, so they are somewhat out of date.

2. The ones that pull the information from the metacrawlers and are not as accurate, but they are up to date. Such as Wordtracker and SEO Book Tool.

As you can see, not 1 tool is entirely accurate, so I suggest you use them in cross reference.

There are also powerful software programs out there that leverage these tools. Good examples are Micro Niche Finder and Market Samurai.


All these tools and software allow us to do several things such as measuring demand, market research, but most importantly allow us to use them so that we can intercept that traffic in the search engines.

Anyway, that was a brief description and definition of keyword research and the tools. Now it’s time for their practical use.

The Practice

Keyword research is a lot easier than some people might think. Basically what I do is research a subject or niche I wish to work on, once I get a hold of the terms that are being used within the niche, I start doing the keyword research.

For example, let's say I'm researching the dating niche. I find out there are several niche terms, such as:

dating ; pick up ; seduction ; flirting ; rapport ; kissing ; attraction (and many more)

I grab those terms and insert them into the keyword tools, then a long list of keywords related to the term are displayed. You want to go for the long tail keywords/phrases (3 words or more). Why? Because those phrases have way less competition than the other ones.

I find that 90% of people who begin with internet marketing find the area of long tail keywords troublesome or misunderstand it altogether, which is precisely the reason I started this thread.

In regards to your concern, you got half of it. It's not about grouping different keywords together, it's about using LTKs already provided by the keyword tool.

To be more precise, for example: Go to the Google Keyword Tool, select the all countries option, and type the term dating in the search box, a long list of words is then deployed.

One of them for example is free online dating THAT is a long tail keyword. And there are several others within that list.

You don't have to make them up; the tool already gives them to you. All you have to do is dig for them. After you are done picking keywords from the list that was deployed with that first term, then move on to another niche term, for example: seduction and proceed to get more LTKs there.

Rinse and repeat until you have your desired number of LTKs.

Now you should fully understand it.It is also well known that a long tail keyword domain also allows you to rank higher for that specific long tail keyword, so go ahead and try one. There are several long tail keywords for each niche that are not yet taken as a domain.

If you can't find one of those you can also try a domain name that is niche related.

Keep in mind that hyphens can be used for domains as well, for example getyourex.com might be taken but not get-your-ex.com and that also works.

The keyword tool will also tell you how many daily or monthly searches are being done for the specific terms on the list. Those numbers mean how many people are using the keyword to do a search in the respective search engine.


Now, that can be used as one measurement of demand in a niche. But most importantly you want them so that you get your work to be displayed in the search engines for those specific keywords! Be it your blog, article, site, bookmark, magazine, whatever.

The next step is measuring the competition, usually that is done by doing a search for the long tail keyword/phrase in the search engines (like Google) under quotation marks. For example: "how to seduce women"

A number of search results will be displayed in the search engine and that number is the true competition for that keyword.

Why are the results extremely different (and higher) for the keyword when it's not used in quotation marks?

Simple, because when it is not used in quotation marks, the sites that use related terms, synonyms etc... also display (that is the fake competition).

However, the number of competition is not all there is to it. There is also something called the "strength of competition" which is actually MUCH more important than the number of competition.

The SoC includes several variables, mainly: Page rank (not site rank), page reputation, authority, incoming links, page rank of incoming links, relevance of content and many others.

If the SoC is low, even if there is a lot of competing sites, the keyword will be easy to rank for. There are tools like Micro Niche Finder which measure the SoC to an extent.

You can also use this free tool to detect if a keyword has commercial value or not:

Detecting Online Commercial Intention: Audience Intelligence: adCenter Labs

The Criteria

Now, the personal criteria I use to pick keywords is if they have at least 300 monthly search results, less than 300,000 competing sites and less than 30 incoming links. That works fine for me.

With these criteria and 100 keywords (there are thousands of thousands for every niche I can assure you) that's a potential of 1,000 daily unique visitors.

But by all means don't consider my criteria as the only ones, other people use different parameters. Use what works for you.

There are literally hundreds of variables to measure the competition, but I don't want you to complicate yourself for now, so the ones provided will suffice for now.

The Implementation

Well, now you know what keyword research is all about and now you know how to do it, once you have selected a niche and you have digged several useful long tail keywords/phrases you can move on to actually putting them to good use.

There are several ways to do this, you can implement them in article marketing, search engine optimization, pay per click or even sell them in bulk (although that is by far the least profitable use they have in the long run).


For more information about implementing keywords in different areas of internet marketing you can visit some of my other threads:

Implementation in Article Marketing:

Article Marketing 101 - Everything You Need To Know About Article Marketing In One Place!

Implementation in Search Engine Optimization using sites:

This Is How You Rank #1 Position Across All Search Engines

Implementation in Search Engine Optimization using blogs:

I'm In Love With SEO

And as a bonus (also related to keyword research and implementation), one of the reasons why original and unique content is so powerful:

Autobloggers I love you!

There you go, keyword research + implementation clearly explained and 3 threads with methods you can start taking action on in order to start generating some money right away.


Best of luck,

Dan Molano

My Site/Blog Hybrid: www.danielmolano.com


Step by Step Guide On How To Make $2,000 Or More Per Month

Roshan chabria

In this post, I am going to show you simple ways of making at least $2,000 every month using the power of blogs. As straight forward as it sounds, many newbies make the mistake of believing they have to sell make money online products or teach what they themselves don't even use in order to make it as an internet marketer.

Making money online is simply about selling your product(s) or selling other people's products in order to make some commission and you don't have to focus on the make money online niche as though your life depended on it.

It is always good to teach people how to make money online but you need to have done it before teaching another person how to do it. Also, there are so many experts who have been there and seen it all, who have proof and are ready to crush your effort without even trying.

You need to understand that there are so many other ways one can make money from the internet with far less than half of the effort you put into promoting make money online products.

There are many products to promote; the problem lies in knowing which products sell. Many people have asked me, if I don't promote make money online products what do I promote?

Let me explain this, someone whose dog barks almost everyday and causing him/her trouble in the neighbourhood will definitely be happy if you can show him a website or blog that can help deal with dog barking problems.

Another good example is someone who has toothache and can’t sleep or eat will definitely be desperate to buy any product that offers a solution to their problem. Think about a man who has chronic backache, what do you think will happen if such a man finds a solution on your website?

How To Pick Topics To Blog About.

Method 1 : Look at an online e-bookstore and find what have been the bestsellers in the last 30 days. You can also go to Clickbank.com, Amazon.com and Paydotcom.com, eBay.com and the like and sniff out what people are buying. All you need to do is to look for the bestsellers and start blogging on them. Another great way to find out what to blog about is to visit online forums. You can join online forums to get ideas on what people are already buying and on what they are ready to buy. Another good source is newspapers.

Method 2 : Start blogging on what I call evergreen problems. These are problems that will never go away, for instance, health problems, financial problems, marital problems, computer viruses, dealing with kids. You can pick topics on these which will definitely always be in vogue and blog about them.

Method 3 : Now this is my secret strategy. I just sit down and let people the research and send me new topics everyday that I can blog on. Just go straight to Niche Finder and check your email every single day and new topics that you can blog on will be sent to you.


Now Let's Get Started .....

You have two options. You can use a free blog or a paid version. I advise you go for the paid blogs because they will give you lots of control over the blog. Register a simple 10 dollar domain name and sign up for an account with Hostgator and install a Wordpress blog through Fantastico.

The next step is to start creating content for your blog. This is not difficult if you understand how to go about it. If you blog is about toothache, then you should start writing articles about how to solve toothache problems. This can be in the form of interviews, e-e-books, audios etc.

One thing about blogs is that you must try to post new content every day. Let people come and meet something new and targeted on your blog. You can outsource this part to other people. You can hire writers at elance.com freelancer.com rentacoder.com guru.com etc.

New step : This step should have come before the last step. You should look for ways of making money from your blog. There are lots and lots of ways of doing this; you can sign up for an account with Google.com/adsense, Adbrite.com, Kontera.com, Bidvertiser.com etc. and then mix it with affiliate earnings which I strongly recommend you use to enhance your daily income. Always make sure that the product you are promoting matches the topic of your blog.

Another very good way to make money with a blog is to sign up with pay per post programs such as the one at Payperpost.com. You can also take donations for you blog. This sounds like begging but it is not, people who enjoy what you have written will not mind sending you a 10 dollar donation for coffee. In fact my first $40 dollars was from a donation, so don't underestimate it.

Once you are sure your readers have something to read and something to buy from you, then it is time to get people to know your blog exists.

The key to the success of your blog is TRAFFIC. The amount and quality of traffic you get will determine the amount of money you make from that blog of yours.

Below are some tips on How I generate traffic to my blogs (The key is in using a combination of 2-3 of them)

Traffic method 1

Pinging : Ping your blog every time you post. It is a simple way of getting free traffic. Pinging is a simple term that announces your new post to sites such as technorati. You are simply telling sites such as technorati that you have new content and you would like them to check it out.Wordpress blog dashboard. You can update your ping list and Wordpress will automatically ping your site as soon as you make new post.

Looking for a ping list? Read the list in the previous article.

Traffic method 2

Article marketing works, sure it does and I am a living proof. You can write 20 articles and send it out to article directories. Out of the so many articles directories online, I am in love with ezinearticles.com and isnare.com. The latter is also a distribution service that takes your article and sends it out to hundreds of article directories for just $2. For me, this is worth it considering the amount of time and energy I would have put in doing it by myself.


Traffic method 3

Very simple but not many people are doing this. Just go straight over to scribd.com and create an account. You can now start uploading articles in e-book, audio etc. in a format to be read by millions of people who are likely to see your link and visit your site ( don't forget to include your link).

Traffic method 4

This works, you bet it works. Forums are a very good way of getting free traffic. Register on forums and be active on them. If all you can do is to welcome new comers to the forum, then do it. Just be active posting useful, not bogus posts.

Next step

You need to take stock and see which blog(s) are bringing in the cash. It is important not to get discouraged because you may see little figures while starting. Realise that you are not John Chow, who makes $20,000 per month from his blog, or Jeremy Schoemaker who makes $140,000 from his network of blogs.

So, you need to take stock and build it into a good income source using a simple strategy that goes thus:

If your target is $100 per day and one of your blogs is making $20 dollars per day, just build and grow 5 of those blogs. This is the secret method used by Yun Ye, who by 2004 had over 100,000 ( yeah that is 100k) domain names and was making $100,000 per ( 100k per day, an average of $1 per domain name) and then sold his domain portfolio for a whopping $164 million in the same year.

Some bonus Niches for you

weight loss toothache acneadoption bankruptcy forex tradingdog training yeast infection home gymteeth whitening cancer diabetestax tax attorney car insuranceairfare gardening digital photographyvirus and antivirus dating marriage repaircatch the cheat mortgage data recoveryspyware surveillance cat training

Roshan Chhabria.


Stop being a newbie!

Eric louviere

If you’ve been a newbie for over a year, then you might be a redneck.

No seriously, if you are a newbie right now, then you need to stop being a newbie and start selling stuff. In fact, just get a squeeze page up and send traffic to it. If you do that, then you’ll be further along than 95% of all newbies right away.

Send traffic to a squeeze page, and you’re in business. That’s it. Want to make six figures per year? Send enough traffic to a squeeze page that you can build a list of 5,000 subscribers or more.

I’m now fully convinced that people don’t make money because of the BARRIERS they put up that prevent them from making money.

BARRIERS = mindset, making things harder than they are, self sabotage, fears, overwhelmed, buying too much, lost, analysis paralysis or whatever the heck it is, etc.

If you’d only put up a squeeze page and then sent traffic to it, you’d be in the game... instead of on the sidelines wondering what to do and how to do it. You don’t know where to start?

Get traffic to a squeeze page. That’s it. Start there.

Focus 98% of your time on that, and nothing else and just watch what happens. Look, the best way to learn anything is to do it. The best way to learn this business is to do this business.

Once you are sending traffic to a squeeze page, the rest is easy...just promote stuff via emails. Don’t overcomplicate things and if someone posts below in this thread complicating this, ignore them.

It really is that easy. (You make it sound so easy Eric) IT IS! If you are not making any money, it is because you are not selling anything. (But Eric, I have a squeeze page)

Are you sending traffic to it constantly? (But Eric, I am using articles and Twitter)

Neither of these has ever made me a dime. I’m not saying they don’t work, but I can’t speak for those methods. But, if you’ve been at that method for more than a few weeks, then that’s a lot of time to spend for nothing. I would never put my income on the line where it all depends on Twitter or articles. That’s just me. Feel free to disagree. I don’t care.

Paid traffic and Affiliates Those are what have worked for me. Again, Twitter may be great for traffic; I just would not focus all my effort there. SEO works too, I’m just not good at it. So, if you wonder why so many never make any money in this business, it’s because they can’t get traffic... they never get started anyway... they are never selling anything... they offer no services... they sell nothing... they buy everything... they never treat this like a business... they just read, post, buy, read, post, buy, disappear for a while, come back, buy, post, read... etc...for years and yet are still newbies.

Sell something!


If this business is going to put food on your table, pay your bills and be your full time (long term) income, I think it needs to build assets. The business should build a database of prospects and customers (to whom you can sell over and over again forever). If you have a database of customers/prospects then you have assets. You have a business that can last for a long time.

And, for the future of marketing online, I’d look into taking your prospects/customers and taking them offline—out of email auto-responders. I mean, I hate depending on emails for my marketing. So, we’re looking into mastering post cards, newsletters, phone calls and other avenues for reaching our prospects/marketplace and customers.

I’d hate to get a Gmail slap, or Aweber slap, or something like that.... you know?

Anyway, just send traffic to a squeeze page, that’s it.

From there, you’re in the game and can focus more on building a relationship with your list, warming them up to you, promoting other things, etc. I don’t really think anyone can state a magic number (like 5000) for a list and say that number of subscribers equals X amount of money. I mean a list of 1000 could do as much as a list of 5000, or 20,000.

Reply from Steven Wagenheim:

I find it fascinating that you put up that number, 5,000, because that wasthe magic number for me Eric. Once I hit 5,000 subscribers, that's when Ihit 6 figures a year.

So I have to ask, is this a basic standard in the business? Get 5,000 subscribers and make 6 figures, more or less?

The reason I'm asking is I’ve heard the "theory" that you'll make $1 persubscriber per month, but that only translates into $60,000 a year. I'm doing about $2 per subscriber so I am just wondering what the averagefigures really are or is the real truth...nobody knows?

Just curious. Anyway, great post.


Reply from Eric:

I don’t really think anyone can state a magic number (like 5000) for a list and say that number of subscribers equals X amount of money. I mean a list of 1000 could do as much as a list of 5000, or 20,000.

I mean, what niche market is it? What did they get when they opted in? How did you get them to your page in the first place? What do you give them? What do you sell them? How do you brand yourself to them and create "believability" or credibility factors? and so on...

I'd say if you have a list of 5k and it's making you six figures, then you do a good job of managing your list - and that the market you are in is a passionate one indeed.

I think one of the best things you can do with your list is interact with them. I mean, have a tele-seminar or webinar, offer them videos, let them see you and hear you. for some that's


scary, but if you can do that right, you can boost response.

People buy because they like you, trust you and believe you. The more credibility you have with your list, the more proof factors you tap into, the more they will buy and they will come after you... asking you to sell them more stuff.

I'm not the greatest at managing lists actually. Others here could probably give you much better advice for managing a list. It's just my opinion that "warming up" prospects and staying "top of mind awareness" can boost response ---- ultimately turning that 5k list into a six figure income.

Anyway, Steve, I hope that helps a bit. Good question though, I wonder myself what the industry standard is. but, there are so many variables, I'd say it's pretty hard to state as a fact.

I think one of the best things you can do with your list is interact with them. I mean, have a tele-seminar or webinar, offer them videos, let them see you and hear you. For some that’s scary, but if you can do that right, you can boost response.

People buy because they like you, trust you and believe you. The more credibility you have with your list, the more proof factors you tap into, the more they will buy and the more they will come after you... asking you to sell them more stuff. I’m not the greatest at managing lists actually. Others here could probably give you much better advice for managing a list. It’s just my opinion that “warming up” prospects and staying “top of mind awareness” can boost response ---- ultimately turning that 5k list into a six figure income. And, most go after articles, social marketing and other FREE ways of generating traffic. Someone in this thread said that 95% here in the forum go after articles. Others disagreed with me about articles.

I can’t really say that articles don’t work. I can say that they have never worked well for me. I mean, all I can really say is what has worked well for me or my close partners.

I know maybe a couple people who make big money with articles or social marketing. That’s just me. I only know a few.

But, I know a ton of people (A TON OF PEOPLE)... Repeat:

AN ABSOLUTE TON OF PEOPLE!! who make big money with:

Paid Traffic Affiliates / JV’s


So, disagree all you want. Throw rocks at me, complicate things... screw it all up. post your intelligent replies... go all psychological on me and prove all you want with your well thought out debates and points, and opinions. Go for it. I don’t care.

My simple point is:

If 95% make no money... and 95% here are focused on articles, or Face-Book, then maybe there is something there?

And, if I can count on one hand how many people I know who make big bucks with articles, but can’t even keep track (or count that high) of people I know who make bigger money with paid traffic and JV’s, then hmmm. Let’s see... you can spend the next three years building up your submitted article portfolio and maybe make $2400 per month... or you can create a product, and sales process, strike a bunch of JV’s to promote your launch, and make $100k in a week?

I don’t know, it sells itself.



What if?

What if you spend that 3 years building up your article portfolio, only to find out later that your site or offer does not even convert??

Damn. That blows. Ouch!

Screw articles. It’s a temporary way to satisfy your “emotion” for making big money. It’s a slow ass process, that’ll have 99% quit before the articles kick in making them any kind of money. But, I do know some who make it work.

I just know more, including myself, who make much more the other ways. But, I know a lot of people here sell “how to make money with articles” and I’m sure they are about ready to kill me for this thread.


Articles suck for most who want to make money. Yes, they work. But, I would not recommend it to anyone who paid me a bunch of money to teach them how to make money in this business.

If my best friend asked me, I’d say, stay away from articles. They suck. This is a business.

Not some hobby where you say, “Oh look, I got 15 visitors to my site this month. Wow. Can you believe that? Hey honey, look, I actually got some people to come check out my site. Finally. It’s only been 16 months since I started this article marketing thingy. I’m going to write five more articles tonight after American Idol or tomorrow after my 12 hour shift at work.”

If you want this business to put food on your table and pay the bills, so you can live the internet lifestyle, then STOP BEING A NEWBIE.

The problem is most people won’t stick with it long enough to see any results

PS - articles suck!




Reply from Jeremy Kelsall:

I was talking to a guy earlier and he said he just couldn’t do it or something along those lines...

I told him - “No, your head is telling you that you can’t do it—Tell your head to F&*K off and get on with it” - There was a moment of silence and he said “You are right!”


Reply from Steven (again!)

I'm glad the subject of barriers has been brought up, because this may be one of the mostimportant things to being successful, truly successful, that there is.

I was going to start a thread on this subject, in a roundabout way, but instead, since it so applies to this whole problem, I am going to lay my cards on the table right here and now.

This may be quite an eye opener to a lot of people who know me.

Or think that they know me.

I have never kept it a secret that the ONLY reason I got into IM was because I lost my job and needed the money. Make no mistake about it,had I still been employed, I'd probably still be employed today.

I had zero desire to do this. Heck, I didn't even know this existed.

As I got into IM, I did grow to love it...for a while. For a long while actually. Almost 6 whole years of loving it.

But around year 5, when measurable success hit, I started to notice thatthe "love" was not quite what it was. Maybe it's kind of like what happensafter you get married. After all, the honeymoon doesn't last forever.

Suddenly, the more success I had, the more work it became.

I didn't like that feeling.

Finally, one day, when I realized that I was making enough to simplycoast along (took me years to get there) I decided that I didn't want towork 14 hour days anymore. My workday is now about an hour or two tops.

I am now enjoying my day in the recording studio, watching TV, going tomovies with my kid and still BSing a little at this forum because I still doenjoy interacting with you lunatics.

But work?

I do as little of it as possible.

Now, imagine me feeling that way, with my success.

How is a person going to feel who is doing something that...


1. They don't really love doing.2. Isn't bringing them the kind of income they want.

Will they stick with it long?

Let's be honest, you big guns who are making tons more than I am.

You worked to get to where you are so that you too don't have to put in long days. You're happy working your one or two hours a day, if that.

After all, that's what everybody's been telling me I should shoot for all this time that I’ve been working round the clock.

My point is this...unless you're desperate, there is little chance that you're going to be able to put in the effort, day in and day out, on something that you don't enjoy doing and isn't bringing you a decent return.

Hell, look at me. I'm sick of doing this stuff and I can do it in my sleep now.

I do just the bare minimum to pay the bills now, which, thank goodness, with the mortgage and credit cards paid off, is very little.

Do I still have the smarts to double my income? Sure I do. Do I care?

No, not really...not anymore. I have finally realized that there are way more important things than money...things no amount of money can buy, like my mother's health back. I may very well lose her any day now.

When life looks you square in the face, that's when you realize what'sreally important.

So yeah, you can go through the motions, like Eric says (the X's and O's are not hard to follow) and make a living online.

But if you don't really have a passion for it...you won't last long.

After 6 1/2 years...I’ve had enough. 30 hours work a month is now all I'm willing to put into my business. As far as I'm concerned...it's 30 hours too much. Not when there are so many other things that are so much more important.

Anyway, Eric gives good advice. If you can distance your emotions fromthe process, yeah, that's all there is to it.

If not...you better search deep down inside for that one thing that's goingto make this, what can be a miserable business, tolerable.

Steve Wagenheim



The number 1 reason people don’t make money online Andrew Cavanagh

The number 1 reason people don’t make money online is they don’t get enough tasks done that can conceivably help to make them the income they want. Whether you do it yourself, hire someone to do it or joint venture with someone to do it doesn’t really matter.

What matters...as you say...is getting things done.

Learning about internet marketing is great but you’re not going to find a whole lot of millionaire businessmen who know everything about how to repair a cash register.

They may own dozens of them but they don’t care about how they work. They’re focused on building real profits in real businesses. That’s where your head needs to be too...taking action that gets you results.

The secret of offline success is - always provide value for money

You must provide value for the money you’re charging the lawn mower service or for the professionals or for any other business you work with. Guys, web designers who put up sites for $500 are a dime a dozen. You can make a living doing it but the real money is in genuinely helping businesses make real sales and profits.

So you need to think beyond just putting up a website for them. A website is just a means of communication.

You need to think through how to use your marketing skills to help the businesses you work with make more sales and profits (if you’ve been on this forum for a while you should have an abundance of marketing strategies you can use). Put it another way...if you just put up website for businesses and charge them $500 for it and they don’t make an extra cent in sales...you’ve just ripped them off for $500.

On the positive side if you create a website that’s part of a well thought out marketing strategy and you charge $5,000 for it plus $500 a month for ongoing help...

And that strategy brings in an extra $50,000 in extra profits in the first 2 years... That is a stunning bargain for the business owner (he’s putting out $17,000 to get back $50,000).

The good news is you get to keep the $17,000 and a clear conscience. Will you make every business you work with a profit out of the help you give them?

Well, maybe not...although it’s really not that hard.

But that really should be your goal in any business enterprise...to give more value than you get paid back to your clients.

The most important thing is being genuinely committed to making sure that when you work with a client you bring him in more profits than he pays you.

Andrew Cavanagh


Who wants to make money right now?

Steve Wagenheim

Okay, if you’re bored, have nothing else to do and want to make some quick cash without a ton of work, and WITHOUT having to wait for EZA to approve your article...give this a shot. And the beauty of this little money maker is that there are so many niches to choose from that nobody will get in another person’s way...not really.

Here it is...step by step. It shouldn’t take you longer than an hour...tops.

Step 1 - Go to Google Hot Trends.

Here is the URL:

Google Trends: Oct 12, 2008

You will notice a TON of hot trends there, so there is plenty to choose from. These are keywords, things and people that are getting mass searches RIGHT NOW. It will tell you the last time it was updated. Right now, as I am writing this, it was updated about 50 minutes ago.

Step 2 - This is the part that takes a little research and most of your hour. Look for items that you can monetize, either through selling a related affiliate product (preferably Clickbank as it’s easy to sign up) or through Adsense. You have to use a little imagination for the monetization part. For example, right now, one of the hot trends is the NASCAR results. Now, a lot of people into NASCAR are into stuff like hats and shirts and other memorabilia. You can monetize this either through Adsense ads that sell this stuff, or, if you can find an affiliate program that sells this stuff (won’t be Clickbank) you can sell a few items yourself. Take your time on this part of it because if you don’t monetize this carefully, the next steps are going to be for nothing.

You also want to do a little keyword research for this to make sure you’re not going up against a million sites. The newest hot trends, especially if they’ve never been hot before, will have very few competing sites.

These are the ones you can cash in on quickly.

Step 3 - Get a Blogger blog and name it something that fits the niche. It isn’t the best choice but waiting for your own domain and hosting will not get you up and running quickly. So start with a Blogger blog and if you see it’s taking off, you can always move everything to your own domain later.

Step 4 - Write an article on the subject matter and put it on your blog. If you are selling an affiliate product, make sure you have a link to it at the end of the article.

Step 5 - Go to sites like Digg and dig your article. Do this with as many sites as you can.

That’s it.

Total time for this whole thing is one hour, more or less. They don’t all come up winners, but I have hit on some big money makers when I picked JUST the right hot trend.

It’s kind of like playing hit and run at the stock market. Yes, it’s risky, but it’s the quickest way I’ve ever seen of making money when it works, which for me is about 40% of the time.

Like I said, if you’ve got nothing to do (and that’s the key) and you can blow an hour in your day, or just want to take an hour to have some fun (yes, this can be a real thrill ride looking to see if your site takes off) then I don’t see the harm. Are there better ways to make money for your business? Of course there are, but as I said, this is for when you want to kill some time and still make a few bucks besides.

My best blog earned me over $500 in one day for a hot trend that lasted for almost 24 hours. It was a very big news story from about a year ago. Anyway, thought I’d throw this out there


for a Sunday afternoon for those of you who aren’t into football and are tired of BSing with their Aunt Matilda. It’s crazy and it’s a lot of fun.

I do it expecting nothing but when it takes off, it’s wild to see the money start coming in on stuff that, quite honestly, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about.

I don’t even know what half the stuff that these people are searching for is, and can’t for the life of me figure out why they even give a rat’s ass. But the point is, they do, so why not capitalize on it?

Not everything has to be about building a REAL business and it doesn’t have to be done every second of every day. Sometimes people just want to do something for fun.

Fun...remember that?

Steve Wagenheim



The number 1 newbie frustration

Various contributors What would you say is the number 1 newbie frustration? The one thing that always frustrates newcomers to IM.

Without a doubt, it’s ‘information overload - too much information coming from every direction’

#1 Newbie Frustration : How to get started.

I just had this strong feeling tonight to share this simple thought-reversal technique with you

I have read about this many times... how you need to think like your customers in order to write a proper sales page, or come up with proper pricing structures that will be well received by your particular customer base. On a particular project of mine, I was debating whether or not to offer a monthly membership fee, or a one time lifetime membership fee... Here’s where I ‘Reversed my thinking’ when I put myself in my customer’s shoes (which I have also worn a few times myself, purchasing different products/memberships/etc... as I am sure you have worn yourself...) I took a step back and thought... I really like this product, but I don’t want to be locked into a monthly fee... If this product that I am very tempted to buy right now was a one time ‘lifetime membership fee’ I would purchase immediately... Now, I’m in no way saying that one time offers are better than monthly membership fees... no way, no how... in the bigger ‘business’ picture, surely a monthly residual membership fee is the best way to go for your business... but it depends on the product.

In this particular product’s case, once I took a step back and thought about it as though I was a customer, it was clear that I needed to go the ‘Lifetime one fee only’ route, simply based on the product/offer itself, and more importantly, based upon my true emotions that came out of nowhere when I was thinking like a customer.

My point is, take a huge step outside yourself, don’t think about the best thing for you, or your business... but try to focus on what the best things for your customers are... because without them, you have no business!

Now... what are your thoughts on this simple yet powerful technique, and how do you put yourself in YOUR customers’ shoes?

Jared Alberghini

Reply from Corwinxx: I say that information overload is the symptom, not the cause. Telling a newbie, IMHO, to ‘choose a path and stick to it’ is the equivalent of telling said newbie to find the needle in the haystack.

The number one problem I see with ‘newbies’ is a desire to earn an income from their own business where they get to be the boss, usually with no formal education or business training.

I’m not preaching that anyone need run out and get an MBA for IM. Not at all. But my business education teaches me that this “Internet Marketing Thing” is an entire industry, not just ‘a’ business.

I believe that the lack of direction is caused by that lack of business knowledge. The first thing most newbies lack is a plan, a plan that incorporates several factors into what their ‘direction’ is going to be, but to even make that plan, they need some knowledge first.


For instance, what we call a ‘freebie’ or a ‘giveaway’ is known in business as a ‘loss leader’. It’s where the business owner takes a financial hit on a front end product to gain the customer, in the hopes that eventually the customer will purchase more, and more expensive products, thereby making up for the ‘freebie’ they got in the first place.

Additional sources of revenue need to be incorporated into each and every business plan. In our ‘industry’ we know that we can make money as affiliates for other people’s products, but we also know that having our own products is by and far the most profitable and the most stable model to control, as ‘affiliate marketing’ is often shaky ground. Imagine writing 100 articles promoting a product of someone else all over the web, only to have the vendor suddenly close up shop. This does not make a stable business model. BUT, affiliate products that ‘complement’ our own products are far more easily controlled and will be ‘additional sources of revenue’ for our business.

CPA - again, not a stable business model in and of itself. But incentivized traffic can and should be an additional source of income incorporated into all business plans. I personally find it a good exit strategy for the viewer leaving my page. If said viewer elects not to buy my product, I can offer it to that viewer for free in exchange for his participation in a CPA program, thus saving my sale, even if it’s only at a fraction of what I would have made had the viewer bought my book.

This could go on and on, and I don’t usually ramble. But this is the basic thing I find the newbies having the hard time over coming. They see all these myriad opportunities and they are all often promised as the next best thing to “MAKE A FORTUNE ONLINE IN 30 DAYS OR LESS” and no one is explaining to them how “ALL OF THESE THINGS” should be incorporated into their business plan and model.

And many of the ‘make money with this method e-books, portray the ‘tactic’ as a ‘business model’ when in fact its best use is as an ‘additional source of revenue’ for a different business model (Adsense is a perfect example of this.) Couple that with no real education in this field and that’s the problem with newbies. E-e-books are great for general ideas, but when the newbie is stuck and has a question, that e-book doesn’t talk back. Seminars are a joke. Nothing but product dumps, sell-a-thons and infomercials. There is no “class”, no “school” nothing but “buy my next e-book and it will magically put $100,000 in your Paypal account in 7 days.”

What newbies need is mentorship and coaching. Hands on, real live TRAINING. And I am not talking about a 4 or 5 day ‘seminar.’ I mean 6 months of twice weekly ‘classes’. There are far too many facets of this ‘industry’ to learn it all in less time than that.

I often blog about this particular topic because it is near and dear to me. So thanks for the opportunity to get up on my soapbox and preach about this topic that I’m so passionate about. I’m a business man first and foremost, and I tell people ‘if you want to make money on the web, sell stuff on eBay. If you want to start a business, you better learn about ‘BUSINESS” first.

• Marcus

Reply from TommyP

I think the reason for jumping from thing to next thing is not always that people don’t want to do the work, it’s not being certain that their effort will pay off. So they get doubts and see the next thing and get into that. Then they hear about another way of doing things and begin to doubt again and move on, and over and over. It could be that it’s overload and too many options, but getting enticed by all the options is because of doubt about what they thought would work, and not that they lose focus because of options. No one likes to invest time in an unproven and uncertain thing, but after making an educated choice some risk needs to be taken.

It also takes a long time for things to click for most people. It’s one thing to understand something on a superficial level, having a mental ascent to it, but that doesn’t necessarily


mean that they ‘get it’ and take it to heart. That’s why proven blueprints or paint by numbers type stuff are popular. They want the tablature and not have to learn how to read music.

Reply from Ken Preuss:

All good points made so far. However....

Virtually everything people have listed as newbie frustrations are symptoms rather than the disease itself.

I contend that the reasons like information overload, lack of focus, lack of taking any action, lack of sticking to one thing, etc......the reason all these things happen is because:

The real first step is being SKIPPED 99.99% of the time. What is the "real" first step? It's this:

Figuring out WHO you want to serve with such unwavering commitment that it doesn't just inspire you to think about it, it literally consumes you. Forget all the self-help e-books. When you uncover this for yourself, all seeming deficiencies such as lack of motivation, lack of action, and lack of results...all of these things immediately and completely disappear.

Ken Reply from M.Brown: I don’t believe there is a #1 cause for frustration although I would tend to believe that they get most frustrated when they don’t make money while do absolutely no work. Not to get deep into cultural or social debates but as a whole society struggles with one main problem - taking action. While many take action they fold up and quit at the first sign of struggle. Instead of fighting through the learning process and taking the time to learn the things they are not doing correctly - they fold.

There are actually several problems that tie together to cause frustration on a mass scale leading to the high fail rate in internet marketing. Here are a few of the big causes that frustration sets in....

Their own mindset.

Many newbies come in thinking you will never spend a dollar and you’ll make a fortune, when in reality it’s entirely possible to make money online without spending much but not likely as a newbie. People expect to become rich by doing nothing and spending no money. Good luck finding that in anything you do- anywhere. Think about what people invest to get an offline business off the ground. One way they could alleviate some woes is to get a good product teaching them step by step how to build an online business and of course they must actually taking action or get into a good coaching or mentoring program where they must likewise take action.

Speaking of business that’s my next point. Most people come online looking to score FAST EASY money instead of making a business out of what they do. When sales don’t start rolling in, that’s when more frustration comes in eventually they give up. Treat your online work as a business and land more success.

Some refuse to learn the technical aspect and basic skills of using online functions to make money. For instance if you want to open a membership site there is a slight learning curve w/o taking the action to learn or if you want to write an e-

book you need to know how to format and use a PDF file etc. Going back to their own minds one thing I always noticed from running offline businesses is that the majority of people want


to be lead and told what to do. Without direction from someone else they struggle... that type of person needs hands on mentoring - there is nothing wrong with that mindset it’s a habit of life for many. But that’s the point - most people don’t understand exactly who they are or what they want or where they want to go.

2 types of goals always come to mind - measurable and un-measurable. Measurable means that you can track and achieve the goal. i.e. I will quit my job within 3 years by marketing (insert field) online. Then of course you’d have to take the needed steps to get there - but there is a path. Un-measurable is an open ended goal with no means of tracking. I.E. I want to quit my job. Or I want to make money online. A well thought out goal has a plan and course of action and that is up to that person to take it. Does it mean success is guaranteed? No. It’s never possible to guarantee success or for us to guarantee someone else. That must come from the individual. Ultimately it comes down to the person wanting to make money online what is their mindset and are they going to take action?

Can’t get traffic? Learn how - overcome and adapt. Get an e-book on it, take a course...

Can’t make your own product? Learn how. But, if one is unwilling to learn or, even if they do learn but don’t take action, success will not happen.

That’s just what I’ve learned in business over the last 12 years. Reply from MJBmedia: Ok this is my second input but I also think the newbies ‘inability’ to let go of some of their business and outsource the parts they don’t know enough about or that are too time consuming. i.e. their attempts to be jack of all trades instead of sticking to what they’re great at and outsourcing the other stuff.

Now I know why that is, until you’ve made $10k profits you don’t want to splash out $6k on services, but unless you look at that $6k as invest rather than spend and until you invest it, you’re not going to make the $10k profit.

Catch 22. you know what you want, you know how you want the site to work, how it all links together, the upsells, the OTOs etc. but setting it all up yourself is beyond you or it would take ages and major frustrations, by which time maybe the opportunity (in your mind) to make profit has gone as the marketplace has moved on in those 10 months it took you to figure out everything.

Just imagine - you invest the $6k and everything is set up for you just as you want it or better in 2 weeks and you’re starting to reap the rewards. So now you have $9k profit (it over performed due to being set up better than you’d ever have managed to do it) to invest into your next project and also you already have some reliable help to make use of again and a client list of some size and the experience of the previous campaign. Or of course you could still be trying to work it all out yourself with major stress, no income and still 9 months of hard graft ahead before you decide you’re too late anyway.

It’s a business you’re looking for isn’t it? If it’s just get rich quick then bye bye,


Reply from Paul Myers:

Information overload: Bzzzzt!

Take action, take action, take action: Bzzzzt!

Not knowing the tools: Bzzzzt!

Focus: Bzzzzt!

Positive mental attitude: Bzzzzt!

Lack of step-by-step instruction: Bzzzzt!

Do you have any idea how many people will read this and find themselves still confused and frustrated? Maybe more than before, because they find whole new problems added to the original?

Those are all real problems, but they don’t get at the root of the thing. There are different parts of the answer, but nobody’s got the real core:

These people have no organizational framework from which to devise a plan and a strategy, and then to figure out what they need to know to make it happen. Once you know what you need to know, there’s a ton of information on it, no matter what “it” is.

When you have a clear vision of what you want to do, information overload ceases to be a problem and becomes an opportunity. When you have a plan that you understand and believe in, focus and action are as natural as breathing.

Not only do they not know what they don’t know, they don’t know how to figure it out.


Reply from Trendsurfer:

Gee’s... Only in so called ‘Get Rich Quick’ arenas would someone expect a guarantee of success by someone else and a step-by-step program to make it easy to boot! Ease of entry has never been a guarantee of success, just a door opener with your permission for someone else to take your money and your time. This is my first post here at this forum, but I have multiple successes in multiple industries for close to 30 years. Not one of them did I expect a program to be laid out for me step-by-step. You have to be willing to work that puzzle yourself to find the truth of it.

My first business on the corner in the early 1980’s resulted from searching out a solution to a need I had at that time. In the process I saw a developing new, trending and exciting industry. The buyers of this new specialized consumer product line were telling everyone around them about it and how they loved it, that’s how I heard about it. So I became open to replacing my current solution (everyone has one already) and thus became a customer of the product and still use it till this day (wear it out and buy another every few years).

I moved quickly to become educated and became an employee of the most successful store of these products located in my area leaving the very secure job I had at the time. That worked into becoming the store manager within a few months.

In just over a year I had the knowledge, the inside scoop to open a similar business of my own. Interestingly, in DIRECT competition of the business I had worked for. Yep, I walked out on a big salary plus overriding commission on total store sales to start my own store down the street. Crazy, maybe, maybe not!


Well, to cut a long story short. That move became a small chain of several stores that I eventually sold off as individual assets 6 years later. Why did I sell? Well, I rode the trend and sold at the crest and found another and began again. I continue to do this over and over to this day.

My post here is to say this... Stop looking for someone else to hold your hand, find an exciting industry experiencing growth and success and emulate it. Re-work your OWN program and do it better than your competitors (who are all around you by the way).

If you are finding you are distracted, then someone is simply selling to your greed and that is your weakness. Correct this now...

Newbies, find a trend and stake out your future competition, develop your systems, commit to do it better and ACT. Or be lead around by the nose until you run out of time, money and patience. In this case you better hold onto that job if you have one...

And some advice for those Cash Cow wannabes... You’d better wise up, because if you sell it, you better be willing to back it up with expertise and results. Or get the wake up call of your lifetime from seasoned real business owners who deal with REAL HARD EARNED MONEY.

Just a thought here guys and gals.

Good luck and thanks...


The Advantages Of PLR Material (With a Twist)

John thornhill

I am guessing by now we all know what Private Label Rights (PLR) products are but a lot of people are not really sure how you can use them to their full advantage?

There are a whole host of things you can do with PLR to make the most out of it, but you have to remember content can become used over and over again if taken from the wrong places. You can’t simply download PLR product, leave it as it is and expect it to be fresh and earn you a ton of money! What annoys me the most is all of these free PLR websites and $1 entry websites claiming to give you 1000’s and 1000’s of dollars worth of ‘TOP Quality’ PLR, which will make you a fortune upon resale. That’s absolute bull…

You have to remember that providing fresh, never seen before PLR each and every month costs a lot of money to be created. The costs are usually well over $1000 for a couple of e-Books and top quality graphics! So how can these sites possibly provide up to date fresh content and graphics? I know for a fact that any cheap site offering ‘TOP Quality’ PLR is simply getting the material from another PLR site or has purchased a bundle with ‘unrestricted PLR rights’.

To make this a little clearer and put things in prospective. Only yesterday I was looking for PLR competition to rival what I believe is the best PLR site out there www.PLRMonthly.com I came across a PLR website and thought I’d take a look and see what was on offer.

I was promised the earth upon entry to this free PLR and resale rights website, the freshest PLR and most up to date content. How shocked I was when I found a fresh e-Book called ‘How to become a Mystery Shopper’ packaged into the bundle and being sold for $197 as a gold package upsell. This e-Book is over 5 years old, if fact I was selling it on eBay in 2004. The rest of the e-Books for sale in the bundle were also very old. Now don’t get me wrong, done right you could probably do something with this ‘old’ material but the point I am trying to put across is this was being sold as ‘TOP Quality’ PLR.

After almost ten years in the Internet Marketing business and around five years working with PLR material, I do find it hard to understand how you can provide a good product and service to your customers selling such poor quality material? This is why when you choose PLR you must choose wisely to provide the best fresh content and graphics to use as your own.

How can you use PLR to your advantage?

• Place the material on your blog. However I would advise editing the material just a little to add your own style of writing, but the bones of the PLR is there for you to use.

• Take the full PLR package including graphics and sell it as a mini site. You can tweak the PLR e-Book to have your own links inside i.e. affiliate links and back links to your blog. Be sure to link back to relevant products or blogs of your own. I have been guilty in the past of placing non related back links in any content I could get my hands on. I recall my younger days placing my blog link on a health and fitness e-Book?? My blog is about marketing, as you know! It makes you wonder but in my defence I was very inexperienced in my younger days

• Freebies. What a lot of people fail to see here is also the potential for freebies to your list or for ad swaps. Say you get your PLR e-Book and graphical sales page. Why not put an op-in on the page and give the e-Book away as a freebie? All they need to do is sign up for it by giving you their email addy and it’s theirs. Ask another marketer in the same niche if they want to give a freebie away and send them to your opt-in. This


technique can be done for every niche, just because you are not in that niche doesn’t mean you can’t setup a list of auto responders behind the opt-in and start a small affiliate marketing campaign.

• Create a Home Study Course. You can create and sell home study courses with the help of PLR. Package your PLR onto a CD, box it up with check lists and help manuals and you can create a home study course which you can sell for a lot more than a digital item.

• Create a Mini Course and Distribute Them to Your Mailing Lists – Convert your PLR to a mini email course and send it to your subscribers. This really makes PLR work for you. This comes into the freebie category again and will provide a lot more value in the form of a course. Again you can tweak and add your own links and comments every week, day or month depending on the frequency of delivery.

• Create a Video Series From Your PLR Content – If you have a good informational PLR e-Book why not use the information to create a video series? This will have a much higher perceived value than a regular e-Book.

What I want you to take away most from this is the fact that with a little work PLR material can be extremely useful. In fact to prove it I am going to reveal that I didn’t write most of this blog post. My good friend Daniel Sumner wrote it, you can see the original blog post on Daniel’s blog here.

Daniel originally asked me if I’d let him use his post as a guest post on my blog to promote PLR Monthly, however, I thought I’d prove just how useful PLR material is for creating blog content and this blog post is the proof. If I never told you would you have guessed someone else wrote most of this post? You see all I had to do was read the post and add my ‘spin’ to it. The result is a high quality blog post that gives the reader value.

So if this blog post doesn’t show you what you can do with PLR material nothing will. Imagine if this was a quality e-Book I had PLR rights to? I could have enough blog posts written for the next 12 months.

BTW, PLR Monthly is by far the best PLR site out there and I fully endorse it. If you’re interested in joining you can get a huge discount via this link.

Thanks for reading and as always your comments are welcome.

John Thornhill



The last word Peter Phillips

I hope that by the time you have got to this page you will have read and absorbed some of the absolute mountain of superb information, advice and encouragement contained in the preceding chapters.

It has been an absolute pleasure for me to re-read my favourite posts and to compile them into a one stop reference book for you.

To summarise all these posts would be impossible, but for me, these things stand out as being essential steps to take if you want to succeed.

• Choose a strategy and really believe that you can do it. • Find out what the market wants right now your niche product. • Don’t limit yourself to online products – offline marketing is much easier• Focus on your product unsubscribe from email lists to avoid distraction. • Market your product in a professional way if you can’t do it, hire someone who can. • Don’t ever think this is going to be easy success has a price, usually hard work

And, most importantly of all:.

• TAKE ACTION!Also, take the time to fully absorb what Steven is saying in his excellent foreword – some of the stuff in this book may not be for you, so don’t try to do everything, at least not all at once.

Remember the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness? Translate the situation from stockbroking to internet marketing - look at what these successful people have done and copy what they do. This book is full of what successful people have done – just follow them.

You should choose someone whose style of writing you like and they will be easier to follow and see what they do.

In this book there is bound to be at least one strategy where you think “I could do that!” Take hold of that strategy, run with it to the exclusion of all else, until you feel it has run its course.

What else can I say? If something isn’t working, don’t opt out and give up – change direction and do another strategy. You can’t fail unless you quit.

I’ve previously mentioned some words from a famous speech given by Winston Churchill after the British evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940.

For those of you of a younger generation who have not studied history, search for the speech on the net, and read the last paragraph slowly. Even today, one cannot fail to be moved to action by the stirring words.

Though the words were written 70 years ago, they still have relevance to us would-be internet marketers today, even though our problems are miniscule when compared to Churchill’s.

You see, when the going got really tough, he didn’t say “OK Adolf, you win, I give up” – he just got more determined, and instilled this determination in his people.

When asked to give a speech at Harrow School in 1941, it was during the darkest days of the war. A myth has developed that Churchill stood before the students and said, "Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give in. Never give in. Never give in. Never give in." Then he sat down. The truth is that he actually gave a full speech, in which the famous quotation is in the body of the speech, not even at the end. Never mind, it’s still a good story, and for your purposes you only need to remember the quotation.


Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give in. Never give in. Never give in. Never give in. I would recommend that you print off this book and put it in a folder, with index tabs don’t just have an electronic copy sitting on your hard drives amongst all the other stuff you’ve forgotten about. I certainly intend to print off a copy for my own reference volume.

This book is very much like a packet of cake mix – if you buy a packet of cake mix and put it on your pantry shelf, you will not get a cake! You have all the ingredients, but unless you open the packet and start following the instructions, the packet of cake mix is useless. In the same way, this book has all the ingredients you need to make money, you just have to pick what flavour of cake you want and start following the instructions.

I am hoping to produce this book in a hard cover, so you can put it in your bookshelf and refer to it time and again.

It may indeed not be the greatest IM book of all time, but I suspect it will be the best IM book you will ever read.

Finally, this book is dedicated to you, the reader – may this book encourage and inspire you to have renewed energy and enthusiasm in your journey with internet marketing, and may I wish you every success in whichever market you choose.

Thank you for buying this book. If you have any comment, or if you would like to be notified of Volume 2, or any other book I may bring out – my personal email is:

[email protected].

That’s not an auto responder, so I will see any messages you may send.

Peter Phillips



Judging by the reaction so far, “Wisdom” Volume 1 looks like being a success. Volume 2 is already in production. If you would like to contribute to this volume, send me your contribution at [email protected].

Your contribution must be written by you personally – it does not necessarily have to be a post to the Warrior Forum, it could be a blog, or an article, or any piece that you have written.

The main criterion for selection is that it will be helpful and/or entertaining to readers, especially to those starting out on their IM journey. In short it needs to continue the tenor of this book.

Please submit your contributions in MS Word or Open Office (.odt) format, the heading and your name in Trajan Pro, 14 point, bold, and the rest in Body text, Arial, 11 point.

Each contributor will get a complimentary electronic version of the book, also a discounted rate on the printed version.


About the editor

Peter Phillips is a semi-retired accountant living for the present, in Canberra, the capital of Australia. He lives with his wife, but has three twenty-something daughters scattered around New South Wales and Victoria.

Relaxing in the garden with daughter Aimee

Since leaving the accounting world, he has turned his mind to the new exciting world of internet marketing.

He has written several published articles and blog posts, and two other e-books apart from this one, but this is his first venture into the realm of online sales.

