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The Witches’ Wail October 2006 VOLUME 06, ISSUE 9 SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA - WICHITA REGION RE-REPEAT – Dave Geis Man, did September turn into a busy month or what? For example, Friday was the MiDiv 2007 schedule planning conference call. Saturday was the BG Product plenum cleaning clinic, and Sunday had a Solo at WGP. Plus a few meetings, the 2 nd Annual O’Reilly Days Solo, and my favorite event of the year, Endurocross. Speaking of O’Reilly Days – if you finished 1 st place in your class, please contact me for your trophy. They had a bit of a supplier problem and they made it in yesterday. Many thanks again go out to Jason for getting the sponsorship set up! The scheduling conference call was pretty much a couple of hours of, “We don’t really know what dates we can have.” Some of the tracks haven’t agreed to final dates yet, so the schedule probably won’t be set until the MiDiv Convention in November. But with 6 tracks on line now (yes, Hastings NE is on the schedule for at least one race next year), you can be assured that 2007 will be a busy one. It does appear that AVRG has the April 14/15 and June 30/July 1 weekends locked in for Hallett, so mark those dates on your calendar. And we will most likely not be having a Driver’s School next year. (continued on page 3) Corner One Upcoming Events October 8 th : Strother Field 7:30 a.m. Solo Event. On Site Registration Closes At 10:45 AM First Car Out 11:00AM October 4 th : Sedgwick Co. Zoo Education Center 7:00 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting October 25 th : Quinceys Bar and Grill See inside for Meeting Details 2047 N West Street Membership Meeting October 29 th : Raytheon 7:30 a.m. Solo Event. On Site Registration Closes At 9:45 AM First Car Out 10:00AM (continued on page 3) Inside this Issue Re-Repeat 1 Wichita Region Contacts 2 September BOD Minutes 4 Wichita Region SCCA 2006 Schedule 5 Membership Information 6 Membership Application 7 Solo Report 8 Rally Notes, Something new 9 Plenum Cleaning Clinic 10 Greyhound Park Solo Results 8-27 / 9-10 11-16 Strother Endurocroxx Results 17 Runoff VIP volunteers 18

The Witches’ Wail October 2006



RE-REPEAT – Dave Geis Man, did September turn into a busy month or what? For example, Friday was the MiDiv 2007 schedule planning conference call. Saturday was the BG Product plenum cleaning clinic, and Sunday had a Solo at WGP. Plus a few meetings, the 2nd Annual O’Reilly Days Solo, and my favorite event of the year, Endurocross. Speaking of O’Reilly Days – if you finished 1st place in your class, please contact me for your trophy. They had a bit of a supplier problem and they made it in yesterday. Many thanks again go out to Jason for getting the sponsorship set up! The scheduling conference call was pretty much a couple of hours of, “We don’t really know what dates we can have.” Some of the tracks haven’t agreed to final dates yet, so the schedule probably won’t be set until the MiDiv Convention in November. But with 6 tracks on line now (yes, Hastings NE is on the schedule for at least one race next year), you can be assured that 2007 will be a busy one. It does appear that AVRG has the April 14/15 and June 30/July 1 weekends locked in for Hallett, so mark those dates on your calendar. And we will most likely not be having a Driver’s School next year. (continued on page 3)

Corner One Upcoming Events

October 8th: Strother Field

7:30 a.m. Solo Event. On Site Registration

Closes At 10:45 AM First Car Out 11:00AM

October 4th: Sedgwick Co. Zoo Education Center 7:00 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting October 25th: Quinceys Bar and Grill See inside for Meeting Details 2047 N West Street Membership Meeting October 29th: Raytheon

7:30 a.m. Solo Event. On Site Registration

Closes At 9:45 AM First Car Out 10:00AM

(continued on page 3)

Inside this Issue Re-Repeat 1 Wichita Region Contacts 2 September BOD Minutes 4 Wichita Region SCCA 2006 Schedule 5 Membership Information 6 Membership Application 7 Solo Report 8 Rally Notes, Something new 9 Plenum Cleaning Clinic 10 Greyhound Park Solo Results 8-27 / 9-10 11-16 Strother Endurocroxx Results 17 Runoff VIP volunteers 18

2 The Witches’ Wail

2006 Wail Advertising Rates

Per Month Per Year Small (1/4 page) $15.00 $150.00 Medium (1/3 page) $20.00 $200.00 Large (1/2 page) $25.00 $250.00 Yearly rates are for one calendar year. We typically print 11 issues per year, but not less than 10. Free text-only ads will be printed for club members on a space available basis. Picture ads or guaranteed space will be billed at one half of the above rates for club members.

Policy: The Witches’ Wail is the official publication of the Wichita Region SCCA. Contributions are requested and welcome. All manuscripts, drawings, and photographs should be identified as to event, time and place, persons involved and the name of the submitter. Material will be returned only when requested. The editor reserves the right to decline or condense material. All material published may be reprinted provided it is clearly credited to the author, the Wichita Region SCCA and the Wail. Letters to the editor should be signed. Articles and/or advertisements published in the Wail do not necessarily express the viewpoint of the Wichita Region SCCA or the editor. All articles may be submitted electronically by e-mail, CD, or diskette - contact the editor for details. Deadline for submitting articles is the 20rd day of the preceding month.

Wichita Region Contacts Club Phone (Recording) (316) 788-6023

Regional Executive Dave Geis

[email protected](316) 832-0496

Asst. Regional Executive Robert Foster

[email protected](316) 684-9351

Past Regional Executive Charlene Bettinger

[email protected](316) 788-3942

Secretary Judi Pfautz

[email protected](620) 327-2327

Treasurer John Houston

[email protected](316) 634-2966

Activities Director Lu Geis

[email protected](316) 832-0496

Asst. Activities Director Sherry Huxtable [email protected] (316) 721-0307

Board of Directors:

Brian Meyer [email protected] (316) 773-1714

Scott Bettinger (316) 554-7461

Mike Herrick

[email protected] (316) 773-2425

Paul Sherman

[email protected] (316) 733-2720

Keith Pfautz

[email protected] (620) 327-2372

Tom Urbanek

[email protected] (316) 734-0375

Membership Charlene Bettinger

[email protected](316) 788-3942

Merchandise Lu Geis

[email protected](316) 832-0496

Race Competition Chair Scott Bettinger (316) 554-7461

Rally Co-Chairs Keith Pfautz Judi Pfautz

[email protected](620) 327-2327

Solo II Co-Chairs David Guilliams

[email protected] (316) 684-9174 Tom Urbanek

[email protected](316) 734-0375

Wail Editor Paul Gutierrez

[email protected] (316) 729-0533

Webmaster Rob Foster

[email protected] (316) 684-9351

Junior Kart Steward none

Address Changes:

National Office Charlene Bettinger

[email protected](316) 788-3942

Dave Geis [email protected](316) 832-0496


(RE-Repeat continued from page 1)

On the Solo side of the call, the Divisional schedule for next year is pretty much open. Due to the low attendance at some Divisionals this last year, they are going to be re-grouping and deciding exactly what to do for the coming year. As of right now, the only one that is on the books will be the one in Topeka shortly before the Solo Nationals (which the date hasn’t been set in stone yet). Again, you’ll have to wait until after the Convention to talk to the boss about your vacation schedule for next year. Many thanks go out to Sherry Huxtable and the crew down at BG Products for the plenum cleaning clinic. What could have been a rainy, soggy mess turned into a dry, good time. 10 cars got their plenums cleaned and now have a lot more power and better gas mileage ☺. The only problems were the clouds of smoke created by a couple of very dirty Miata plenums that made seeing more than two inches impossible (Jason and Gonzalo, thanks for the show). You say you missed the BG plenum cleaning because you didn’t know about it? I, like many others, didn’t even receive my Wail until the Monday after the clinic. For that we apologize, but it’s pretty much out of our control. Paul usually has the final version of the next month’s edition at the printer around the 25th of the month. Sometimes the printer will have it to the post office the next day, sometimes not for two weeks. The only thing I can suggest is to check the website frequently and bear with us with this problem. And maybe we can talk Sherry into having another plenum cleaning party some time in the near future? I’m sure that the event chairs will be having articles about their individual Solos in this issue, but did I mention that Endurocross is my favorite event of the year ;-)? Are we havin’ fun yet?

(Upcoming Events continued from page 1) November 8th: Sedgwick Co. Zoo Education Center 7:00 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting November 21st: Note Date Change Quinceys Bar and Grill Something New! Tom Huxtable-Stories About whatever He wants. See Article inside 2047 N West Street Membership Meeting

Wichita Greyhound Park Photos Courtesy Greg Moyer - contact is Bill Dayton

Please thank them for their effort

4 The Witches’ Wail

Wichita Region SCCA Board of Directors Minutes

(unapproved) September 13, 2006

Board Members Present: Dave Geis, Rob Foster, Charlene Bettinger, Scott Bettinger, Brian Meyer, Keith Pfautz, Paul Sherman, Tom Urbanek Non-Voting Board Members Present: John Houston, Judi Pfautz Chair/Co-Chair(s): Lu Geis, David Guilliams Guest Present: Bruce Bettinger Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. at the Sedgwick County Zoo Education Building. Secretary Report: A motion was made by Charlene Bettinger to approve the August 9, 2006 Minutes with the following correction, under New Business: Dave reported that the National office had reported that D&O Insurance would be provided to board members. Second by Keith Pfautz. Motion passed. The August 23, 2006 minutes were approved as provided to the board members. Motion to approve by Tom Urbanek, second by Keith Pfautz. Motion passed. Treasurer Report: Report given by John Houston. Motion to approve was made by Brian Meyer, second by Charlene Bettinger. Motion passed. Membership Report: Charlene Bettinger reported we currently have 216 members, with 4 new members. Wail: Paul Gutierrez was not present to give a report. Web: Rob Foster reported that the number of hits on the website is up. AVRG: AVRG got the dates they requested for next year. Activities: Lu Geis reported that Plenum cleaning went well. Confirmation has been received for the banquet in January. The date will be January 20, 2007. Lu presented the budget for the September Meeting. Motion to approve the budget was made by Scott Bettinger, second by Keith Pfautz. Motion passed with one no vote from Brian Meyer because he wanted the budget be changed from “cake mix” to “chocolate cake mix with chocolate frosting”. Lu asked if the Race, Rally and Solo chairs should e-mail Driver of the Year

suggestions to the Award Committee. The Board felt that this might not be a bad idea. Solo: David Guilliams reported that there have been two Solo’s since the last meeting. The Solo the previous Sunday had 87 entries and the Solo two weeks prior had 78 entries. David reported there were some problems with getting the results out. David said the new results should be up on the web site this evening. The next event is the Enduro Cross on 9-17-06. There are 25 entries so far. Dave Geis reported the Divisional Solo will be revamped and that Wichita Region may or may not receive a date. Rally: Keith Pfautz reported the “Pfautz’s Pfolly Rally” had two entries. The Witches Ryde Rally has been written. There will be a Poker Rally prior to the September Membership meeting. This rally will start and end at Quincy’s. Old Business: There wasn’t any old business to present. New Business: Dave reported that he had received a conference call from Chuck Clark requesting $1.00 per member per region to help offset the price of a worker appreciation gift from MiDiv to the workers at the Runoffs. Discussion followed regarding the pros and cons of the donation. Motion was made by Scott Betting to donate the funds to MiDiv. Second by Keith Pfautz. Motion failed. The October Board Meeting has been rescheduled to the first Wednesday in October (10-4-06) since there will be several members of the board at the Runoffs. The Nominating Committee will be appointed in October. Dave advised the outgoing board members to be looking for their replacements. Charlene announced the death of Kelley Huxtable’s mother just before the last race at Topeka.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Scott Bettinger, second by Keith Pfautz. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judi Pfautz


The Green Flag Wichita Region SCCA

2006 Schedule

Solo Schedule Rally Schedule Oct. 8th Strother Sept. 27th Poker Rally Oct. 29th Raytheon Sept. 30th Witches Ryde All Dates and sites are subject to change. Please check www.wichitascca.org for updates.

1713 East First Street Wichita, Kansas

316-267-3001 Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-6:00










The Witches’ Wail 6

MEMBERSHIP - Charlene Bettinger, Membership Chairperson 200

No October Report Membership Directories are now available. Since it costs so much to print the directory, we are asking if you wish to have a copy you contact Dave Geis or Rob Foster and let them know you want one. They will e-mail or send you a copy. Let them know what text you want them to use.

Have You Lost Your Shirt

Because You Just Didn’t Know The


Charlene Bettinger Membership Chair

Not a problem. Just give Lu

a call and replace that shirt

with a brand new Wichita

Region T-Shirt. And while

you’re at it ask her about

the 2005 Solo rule book so it

doesn’t happen to you



ITB FIAT spyder, roll cage, Koni's, polu bushings, header, etc. with SCCA log book. Looks great with lots of spare parts. $2500. Gary Blessing - 316-641-4617

Assorted patches, decals

and stickers also available.

Call Lu at 266-8234 or 832-

0496, or e-mail at

[email protected].


SCCA Sports Car Club of America___Membership Application Dear Prospective SCCA Member: To apply for membership in the Sports Car Club of America, the world’s largest member participation automotive organization, please complete the form below in full and return with payment to Bruce Bettinger, Membership Chairman, 1519 Virginia, Derby, Ks 67037, or to the SCCA Membership Department, PO Box 299, Topeka, Ks 66601-0299 PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE Name____________________________________________________________________Birthdate_____/_____/______ Address_________________________________________________City___________________State_____Zip________ Phone (H)(_____)___________________(W)(_____)________________EMail_________________________________

Single Married Spouse’s Name____________________________________/_ ______________________ Member # If Current Member If Applying for Family Membership (Husband/Wife/Children), list names and ages of children under age 21: Name____________________________________________________________________Birthdate_____/_____/_____ Name____________________________________________________________________Birthdate_____/_____/_____ Name____________________________________________________________________Birthday_____/______/_____ Name____________________________________________________________________Birthday_____/______/_____ Have you been an SCCA Member before? Yes No Year______ Previous Member #, if Known___________ PRIMARY INTEREST(S) IN SCCA: Please indicate the area(s) of SCCA in which you plan to participate, or which interest you most. Your response will be used to allocate your national dues to the areas you indicate.

Club Racing Pro Racing Pro Rally Road Rally Solo Send Crew License Annual Dues: National Regional Total

Regular Member $60.00 Regular Member $10.00 $ 70.00

Spouse Member* $20.00 Spouse Member $ 5.00 $ 25.00

Family Membership** $95.00 Family Membership $15.00 $110.00

Military Membership*** $25.00 Military Membership $10.00 $ 35.00

First Gear**** $35.00 First Gear $10.00 $ 45.00 *Spouse must be regular member’s legal spouse. **To change from Regular Membership to Family Membership mid term must pay an additional $45.00. ***Military must be on active duty and provide a letter from commanding officer stating such. ****First Gear must be under age 21. First Gear Member cannot have competition license. Must change to Regular Membership to hold competition license.

Enclosed is my check or money order for $__________________ U.S. Do not send Cash.

Visa Master Card #_______________________________Expiration Date___________ I hereby apply for membership in the Sports Car Club of America, Inc, and its Wichita Region #90 and agree to abide by the bylaws. Applicant’s Signature ____________________________________________Date___________ Dues include payment for subscription to SportsCar ($19 Value) (Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions) Revised 2/01/06

The Witches’ Wail 8

SOLO REPORT – Dave Guilliams and Tom Urbanek

Well September has certainly been a pretty busy month in the Solo department. The August 27th event at the Wichita Greyhound Park started with some heavy early morning rain with continued light rain throughout the morning. This could mean only one thing- it must be the 2nd Annual O’Reilly’s Days! We had 78 entrants for that event chaired by Bob Cummings. The sun did manage to break out for the afternoon heats and the times fell along with it. Big thanks goes out to O’Reilly’s for providing some give aways for all those who entered. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to next year’s event- rain or shine.

After only a one weekend break, we were back out at the Wichita Greyhound Park on September 10th. This time David Guilliams was at the helm. There was so much positive feedback on the course from the O’Reilly’s Days event that David thought we’d drive it again, only this time in reverse. The lack of rain since the 1st event made laying out the course fairly easy since most of the cone boxes were still there. This time 87 entrants showed up.

September 17th saw the re-birth of a great type of event in the Wichita Region- an Endurocross. Kevin Anderson put together a fantastic event down on the Strother Field concrete. Each entrant got 2 runs out on course that consisted of 4 laps. That’s like 2 events for the price of one! This event competed with 2 other events in the region which probably contributed to the low turn out of only 25 drivers. 4 laps of this course added up to 1.7 miles which is approximately the length of one lap of Hallett. But even a 20 minute session at Hallett isn’t as intense as one run of this Endurocross course. A really big thanks goes out to Kevin for letting me take a spin (literally) in his CSP Miata. Hopefully this event turns into a yearly event!

By the time this article goes to print, the Solo Nationals will be in the record books. Good luck to all the Wichita Region drivers who are going.

Our next local event is back down at Strother Field on October 8th chaired by Greg Laws. Hope to see you there.

Dave Guilliams [email protected] Tom Urbanek [email protected]


RALLY NOTES - Keith and Judi Pfautz

See next months issue for the results of the Poker Rally and Witches Ride

Important Information Please Read!

Something New Coming Your Way

I haven’t really planned anything special for the October Membership Meeting. What I am actually hoping is that we will have some volunteers. I think everyone would like to hear about what happened to YOU at the Solo Nationals and the Run Offs. If you ran, either or both, worked either, or just went and watched and would like to tell about your experiences there, just give me a call or an Email and I will put you on the agenda. In November Tom Huxtable has volunteered to speak again about the history of club racing. Stories about Lake Afton, I believe, but that is entirely up to Tom. Anyone who volunteers get to talk about what ever they want (up to a point). I know you all think I’m crazy but I decided to talk about Christmas already. Every year we have taken up donations and gathered toys for “Toys for Tots” and even though I think this is a great organization and I have been proud to help them in their program we as the Region will be helping a different cause this year. The Wichita Children’s Home is a local organization for children who aren’t able to stay in their homes for various reasons. The Home takes care of all of their needs until more permanent arrangements can be met. They don’t get as much press as Toys for Tots but have just as big a need. So…. I’m asking that you start thinking about giving a toy, a coat, cash …the list goes on. Just bring your gift to the October or November Membership Meeting and I will make sure it reaches the Home in time for Christmas. I have also made arrangements for something you can take advantage of. At the end of this article will be a coupon for use at the Gift Shop at the Sedgwick County Zoo. The coupon is for 25% off the purchase of your gift for the Wichita Children’s home! You can actually help two non-profits at one time! If you have any questions about either the gift or coupon as always feel free to call or write to me. It is also time to start thinking about year-end awards. You may know that some awards are based on things like Activity Points or Class Finish Points. However, some are up the judgment of the awards committee. These would be awards like Best Event, Rookie Member of the Year, Member of the Year, Sportsmanship etc. If you know someone you feel should be considered for any of these or any other Awards please give myself or any member of the Board of Directors a call or email and your suggestion will be forwarded to the award committee. (w) 266-8234 [email protected]

Sedgwick County Zoo Gift Shop Coupon 25% Any Regular Priced Purchase

Purchase must be Donated to Wichita Children’s Home Through Wichita Region

SCCA Coupon Expires

November 20th, 2006

The Witches’ Wail 10

Wichita Region SCCA BG Plenum Cleaning

September 9, 2006

Many thanks to Sherry and the guys from BG Products. We really got a good deal there. After the treatment I was shocked at how much 'slop' I was really putting up with. There used to be a pretty bad hesitation at throttle tip-in while matching revs on downshifts (yes, the engine's been tuned up pretty recently) and the idle was OK but not as steady as it should have been. Now the throttle instantly responds, idle is perfect, and the engine revs up/down like new. The guys at BG also comp'd me a can of MOA oil additive to help cure the ultra-common Miata tappet noise issue (supposedly related to oil drainback). So far so good! Anyway, thanks again Sherry. I hope I can bring my other car by there sometime soon. Can we drop by the office at 352 New York and make an appointment or is there someone we can call ahead of time? Jason Rogers I agree 100%! The guys at BG were very nice and helpful. Before the cleaning I had noticed that when I let the engine decelerate the car, it was bumpy and garbled. After the cleaning, smooth as silk. And that was just the first big thing I noticed. Overall, everything just seemed to be smoother. Great job BG! Guy Roberts


Wichita SCCA Summary Results, #7 - Wichita Greyhound Park - 08-27-06

Total Entries: 78

ss as bs cs ds es fs gs hs so bsp csp dsp esp fsp cp dp ep em fm sts sts2 stx sm sm2 f125 dspl fun 'Super Stock' Total Entries: 5 Time Diff. From 1st1T 58 Green, David 2003 Chevrolet Covette 44.840 - -

2T 59 Sherman, Paul 1995 Dodge Neon 47.537 2.697 2.697

3 73 Crossett, Mac 2003 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 47.965 0.428 3.125

4 10 Gutierrez, Paul 2006 Corvette 49.213 1.248 4.373

5 74 Crossett, Mike 2003 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 49.483 0.270 4.643

'A Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 82 Gird, David 1991 Chevrolet Corvette 47.170 - -

'B Stock' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 48 Rogers, Ray 2003 Nissan 350Z 52.854 - -

2 28 Steadman, Ken 1988 Porsche 944S 55.444 2.590 2.590

'C Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 9 Guilliams, David 1999 Mazda Miata 52.833 - -

'D Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 36 Meyer, Warren 2005 Dodge SRT-4 ACR 57.741 - -

'E Stock' Total Entries: 3 Time Diff. From 1st1T 35 Bontrager, Thomas 1980 Alfa Romeo 55.875 - -

2 17 Bryant, Gary 1995 Eagle Talon 56.559 0.684 0.684

3 29 Timmons, Charles 1987 Porsche 924S 60.163 3.604 4.288

'F Stock' Total Entries: 6 Time Diff. From 1st1T 70 Taylor, Roger 1995 Pontiac Transam 52.944 - -

2T 61 McGehee, Greg 1986 Chevy Camaro 53.622 0.678 0.678

3 11 Cravens, Howard 1997 Ford Mustang Cobra 54.605 0.983 1.661

4 47 Nagel, Dan 1999 Chevy Camaro 54.743 0.138 1.799

5 21 Strahs, Phillip 1997 Ford Mustang Cobra 56.018 1.275 3.074

6 45 Lemon, Russell 1988 Ford Mustang GT 56.278 0.260 3.334

'G Stock' Total Entries: 4 Time Diff. From 1st1T 40 Dupler, Tom 2002 MINI Cooper S 47.424 - -

2T 64 Deener, Dan 2006 Mini Cooper S 47.615 0.191 0.191

3 75 Schrag, Steve 2006 Honda Civic Si 51.800 4.185 4.376

4 99 Hands, Pete 2006 Honda Civic Si 52.177 0.377 4.753

'H Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 18 Dien, Bolivar 1995 BMW 318i 53.501 - -

'Street Open' Total Entries: 7 Time Diff. From 1st1T 24 Urbanek, Tom 1992 Saturn SC 49.476 - -

2T 32 Montgomery, Rob 1998 Pontiac Firebird 49.998 0.522 0.522

3T 41 Dayton, Bill 1995 Chevrolet Corvette 50.292 0.294 0.816

4 1 Jones, Bryan 1995 Corvette 50.485 0.193 1.009

5 57 lawrie, chris 1998 Acura Integra 51.546 1.061 2.070

6 16 Lipgens, Michael 2000 Ford Focus 54.257 2.711 4.781

7 56 Goltz, Victor 2002 Dodge Neon SE 54.872 0.615 5.396

12 The Witches’ Wail

'B Street Prepared' Total Entries: 3 Time Diff. From 1st1T 72 Harrison, Jim 1972 Chevrolet Corvette 44.721 - -

2 12 Lamoureaux, Douglas 2004 Subaru STi 47.895 3.174 3.174

3 15 Roberts, Guy 1994 Corvette 51.069 3.174 6.348

'C Street Prepared' Total Entries: 5 Time Diff. From 1st1T 52 Williams, Ron 1988 Honda CRX 43.216 - -

2T 34 Meyer, Brian 1988 Honda CRX 44.434 1.218 1.218

3 30 Herrick, Mike 1985 Honda CRX 45.095 0.661 1.879

4 78 Anderson, Kevin 1991 Mazda Miata 47.380 2.285 4.164

5 6 Clair, Bobby 1991 Honda Civic 52.685 5.305 9.469

'D Street Prepared' Total Entries: 5 Time Diff. From 1st1T 71 Foster, Robert 1989 BMW 325i 49.319 - -

2T 14 Leivian, David 1990 BMW 325i 49.321 0.002 0.002

3 26 Miller, Matt 1989 Nissan POS13 51.198 1.877 1.879

4 38 Koser, Kyle 1989 BMW 325i 53.085 1.887 3.766

5 33 Leivian, Adam 1987 BMW 325is 54.191 1.106 4.872

'E Street Prepared' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 8 Dallas, Jim 1964 Chevy Corvair 52.169 - -

2 7 Eck, Kirk 1965 Chevrolet Corvair 56.090 3.921 3.921

'F Street Prepared' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 66 Preheim, Bill 1969 Austin Healy Sprite MK IV 47.680 - -

2 23 Larcher, Hal 1987 VW Golf GT 48.548 0.868 0.868

'C Prepared' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 37 Martinez, Art 1982 Pontiac MSE T/A 48.630 - -

2 43 Whitted, Jason 2000 Pontiac TA WS6 50.784 2.154 2.154

'D Prepared' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 84 Dodds, Jeff 1968 Austin Healey Sprite 45.648 - -

'E Prepared' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 69 Braun, Mark 1988 Honda CRX 52.067 - -

'E Modified' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 68 Elliot, Scott 2003 Stalker 50.314 - -

2 42 Elliot, Dale 2003 Stalker V6 51.548 1.234 1.234

'F Modified' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 25 Geis, Dave 1982 Morton FV 45.415 - -

'Street Touring (Tire)' Total Entries: 6 Time Diff. From 1st1T 81 Heckes, Travis 2000 Infiniti G20 47.386 - -

2T 53 Clapp, Robert 2001 Nissan Sentra SE 50.552 3.166 3.166

3 49 Deneault, Nicholas 1993 Nissan 240 SX 52.168 1.616 4.782

4 65 Yazdani, Azim 1993 Nissan 240 SX 54.900 2.732 7.514

5 62 Clark, Travis 1992 Nissan Sentra E 56.465 1.565 9.079

6 97 Goltz, Jamie 2006 Toyota Matrix 63.543 7.078 16.157


'Street Touring 2 (Tire)' Total Entries: 5 Time Diff. From 1st1T 13 Mendoza, GE 1991 Mazda MX-5 50.185 - -

2T 19 Wildt, Mike 1990 Mazda Miata 52.320 2.135 2.135

3 98 Pham, James 1999 Mazda Miata 52.747 0.427 2.562

4 63 Kong, Jason 1990 Honda CRX 53.760 1.013 3.575

5 4 Rogers, Bennie 1989 Honda CRX 58.288 4.528 8.103

'Street Touring X' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 5 Means, Don 2003 Ford SVT Focus 52.083 - -

2 77 Webb, David 2004 Ford Mustang 57.049 4.966 4.966

'Street Modified' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 54 Low, Boon Yan 1992 Honda Civic 52.713 - -

2 55 Seet, Terrence 1993 Toyota MR2 56.115 3.402 3.402

'Street Modified II' Total Entries: 4 Time Diff. From 1st1T 20 Prestage, Richard 1999 Corvette 48.295 - -

2T 2 Pfeiffer, Kevin 1992 Mazda Miata 51.107 2.812 2.812

3 3 Brown, Matt 1977 Datsun 280Z 52.348 1.241 4.053

4 60 Lee, Jun Yan 1990 Mazda Miata 52.700 0.352 4.405

'F125 Shifter Kart' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 79 Blume, Russell 2004 Birel CR325P 38.701 - -

2 80 Cummings, Bob 2005 Road Robin CR6 39.166 0.465 0.465

'D Street Prepared Ladies' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 31 Willis, Danika 1989 BMW 325is 56.544 - -

'Open Fun Run' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 39 Prestage, Richard 1998 Pontiac Firebird 47.934 - -

2 67 Pfeiffer, Kevin 1992 Mazda Miata 51.202 3.268 3.268

Top Times Of Day Raw time 31.637 dsp 71 Foster, Robert

Pax 26.005 dsp 71 Foster, Robert Stock 49.483 ss 74 Crossett, Mike Street Open 49.476 so 24 Urbanek, Tom Street Prepared 31.637 dsp 71 Foster, Robert Prepared 45.648 dp 76 Dodds, Jeff Modified 45.415 fm 25 Geis, Dave Touring 46.600 stx 77 Webb, David Street Modified 48.295 sm2 20 Prestage,

Richard Kart 38.701 f125 79 Blume, Russell Street Prepared Ladies 56.544 dspl 31 Willis, Danika

14 The Witches’ Wail

Wichita SCCA Summary Results, #8 - Wichita Greyhound Park - 09-10-06

Total Entries: 86

ss as bs cs ds es fs gs so bsp csp dsp esp fsp cp ep gp fm sts sts2 stx sm sm2 f125 dspl fun 'Super Stock' Total Entries: 6 Time Diff. From 1st1T 58 Green, David 2003 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 43.223 - -

2T 83 Teeter, Darin 2005 Lotus Elise 46.084 2.861 2.861

3 76 Cossett, Mike 2003 Chevrolet Corvette 47.805 1.721 4.582

4 66 Cossett, Mac 2003 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 47.956 0.151 4.733

5 10 Gutierrez, Paul 2005 Chevrolet Corvette 48.370 0.414 5.147

6 38 Gutierrez, Chris 2005 Chevrolet Corvette 50.431 2.061 7.208

'A Stock' Total Entries: 3 Time Diff. From 1st1T 78 Hill, Mark 2001 Honda S2000 43.651 - -

2 19 French, Jim 1989 Chevrolet Corvette 44.894 1.243 1.243

3 89 Gird, Dave 19991 Chevrolet Corvette 47.095 2.201 3.444

'B Stock' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 51 Rogers, Ray 2003 Nissan 350Z 52.289 - -

2 62 Seet, Terrence 1993 Toyota MR2 54.512 - -

'C Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 9 Guilliams, David 1999 Mazda Miata 51.891 - -

'D Stock' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 88 Caywood, Justin 2005 Dodge ART-4 ACR 53.894 - -

2 36 Meyer, Warren 2005 Dodge SRT-4 ACR 56.048 2.154 2.154

'E Stock' Total Entries: 4 Time Diff. From 1st1T 34 Zickuhr, Tom 1988 Porsche 924s 46.799 - -

2T 35 Bontrager, Thomas 1980 Alfa Romeo Spider 53.622 6.823 6.823

3 29 Timmons, Charles 1987 Porsche 927S 55.252 1.630 8.453

4 18 Bryant, Gary 1995 Eagle Talon 56.059 0.807 9.260

'F Stock' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 17 Pernice, Jim 1997 Chevrolet Camaro Z-28 48.953

2 11 Craven, Howard 1997 Ford Mustang 54.249 - -

'G Stock' Total Entries: 4 Time Diff. From 1st1T 40 Dupler, Tom 2002 MINI Cooper S 46.391 - -

2T 67 Schoonover, Jim 2002 Ford Focus SVT 51.995 5.604 5.604

3 99 Hanas, Peter 2006 Honda Civic Si 52.689 0.694 6.298

4 8 Dien, Bolivar 1995 BMW 318i 52.875 0.186 6.484

'Street Open' Total Entries: 5 Time Diff. From 1st1T 55 Urbanek, Tom 1992 Saturn SC 47.794 - -

2T 81 Dayton, Bill 1995 Chevy Corvette 48.928 1.134 1.134

3 1 Jones, Bryan 1995 Chevrolet Corvette 49.782 0.854 1.988

4 60 Lawrie, Chris 2005 Dodge SRT4 50.467 0.685 2.673

5 6 Lipgens, Michael 2000 Ford Focus 53.368 2.901 5.574

'B Street Prepared' Total Entries: 3 Time Diff. From 1st1T 72 Harrison, Jim 1972 Chevrolet Corvette 44.012 - -

2 7 Lamoureaux, Douglas 2004 Subaru STi 46.456 2.444 2.444

3 42 Roberts, Guy 1994 Chevrolet Corvette 49.120 2.664 5.108


'C Street Prepared' Total Entries: 5 Time Diff. From 1st1T 64 Williams, Ron 1988 Honda CRX 42.964 - -

2T 41 Meyer, Bryan 1988 Honda CRX 43.653 0.689 0.689

3 3 Herrick, Mike 1985 Honda Civic 44.713 1.060 1.749

4 61 Anderson, Kevin 1991 Mazda Miata 46.851 2.138 3.887

5 24 Rogers, Jason 1990 Mazda Miata 47.317 0.466 4.353

'D Street Prepared' Total Entries: 6 Time Diff. From 1st1T 59 Sherman, Paul 1997 Dodge Neon 45.310 - -

2T 27 Foster, Robert 1989 BMW 325i 48.512 3.202 3.202

3 23 Leivian, David 1990 BMW 325i 48.542 0.030 3.232

4 30 Sanders, James 1990 BMW 325i 49.102 0.560 3.792

5 12 Koser, Kyle 1989 BMW 325i 51.414 2.312 6.104

6 31 Leivian, Adam 1987 BMW 325i 51.547 0.133 6.237

'E Street Prepared' Total Entries: 6 Time Diff. From 1st1T 45 Herbers, Eric 1987 Chrysler Conquest 50.199 - -

2T 44 Dallas, Jim 1964 Chevrolet Corvair 50.370 0.171 0.171

3 32 Miller, Matt 1995 BMW 540i 51.420 1.050 1.221

4 56 Taylor, Roger 1995 Pontiac Trans Am 51.658 0.238 1.459

5 2 Eck, Kirk 1965 Chevrolet Corvair 53.170 1.512 2.971

6 63 Finn, Timothy 1987 Mitsubishi Starion 53.632 0.462 3.433

'F Street Prepared' Total Entries: 5 Time Diff. From 1st1T 39 Laws, Greg 1987 Renault GTA 46.961 - -

2T 85 Preheim, Bill 1969 Austin Healey Sprite MK IV 47.196 0.235 0.235

3 21 Larcher, Hal 1987 Volkswagen Golf GT 47.640 0.444 0.679

4 82 Diver, Barrett 1988 Renault GTA 51.744 4.301 4.301

5 87 Young, Derek 1975 Mini Cooper 54.298 - -

'C Prepared' Total Entries: 3 Time Diff. From 1st1T 33 Martinez, Art 1982 Pontiac MSE TA 48.063 - -

2 26 Carrasco, Amo 1982 Pontiac MSE TA 50.856 2.793 2.793

3 57 Van, Edward 1965 Ford Mustang 57.721 4.089 7.522

'E Prepared' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 69 Braun, Mark 1988 Honda CRX 56.039 - -

'G Prepared' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 54 Dodds, Jeff 1968 Austin Healey Sprite 46.386 - -

2 14 Dodds, Rick 1968 Austin Healey Sprite 49.589 3.203 3.203

'F Modified' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 25 Geis, Dave 1982 Morton FV 44.741 - -

2 46 Geis, Lu 1982 Morton FV 48.542 3.801 3.801

'Street Touring (Tire)' Total Entries: 6 Time Diff. From 1st1T 90 Harmon, Tim 1999 Ford Contour SVT 48.924 - -

2T 15 Clapp, Robert 2001 Nissan Sentra SE 50.137 1.213 1.213

3 48 Deneault, Nicholas 1993 Nissan 240SX 50.350 0.213 1.426

4 50 Clark, Travis 1992 Nissan Sentra E 53.104 2.754 4.180

5 77 Do, Frank 2003 Volkswagen GTI 53.753 2.009 2.292

6 65 Taylor, Alex 1992 Nissan Sentra E 53.914 0.161 4.990

16 The Witches’ Wail

'Street Touring 2 (Tire)' Total Entries: 4 Time Diff. From 1st1T 53 Mendoza, GE 1991 Mazda MX-5 48.998 - -

2T 43 Mendoza, JJ 1991 Mazda MX-5 52.133 3.135 3.135

3 49 Madsen, Ned 1966 Chevrloet Corvair 52.211 0.078 3.213

4 13 Wildt, Mike 1990 Mazda Miata 52.799 0.588 3.801

'Street Touring X' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 5 Means, Don 2003 Ford SVT Focus 49.237 - -

2 4 Lemon, Russell 2006 Ford Mustang STV 51.897 2.660 2.660

'Street Modified' Total Entries: 3 Time Diff. From 1st1T 47 Whitted, Jason 2000 Pontiac TA WS6 50.488 - -

2 73 Low, Kevin 1992 Honda Civic 51.413 0.925 0.925

3 68 Farenbauguh, Mathew 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback 57.756 6.343 7.268

'Street Modified II' Total Entries: 4 Time Diff. From 1st1T 20 Prestage, Richard 1999 Chevrolet Corvette 46.285

2T 22 Whipple, Gary 1992 Acura NSX 49.124 2.839 2.839

3 16 Lee, Jun Yan 1990 Mazda Miata 52.076 2.952 5.791

4 71 Ridlon, Roger 1998 Chevy Corvette 55.179 3.103 8.894

'F125 Shifter Kart' Total Entries: 3 Time Diff. From 1st1T 79 Blume, Russell 2004 Birel CR32SP 39.105 - -

2 84 Teeter, Blake 2006 CRG Road Rebel 39.405 0.300 0.300

3 80 Cummings, Bob 2005 CRG Road Rebel 39.988 0.583 0.883

'D Street Prepared Ladies' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 37 Willis, Danika 2006 MINI Cooper S 56.834 5.287 11.524

'Open Fun Run' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 52 Zickuhr, Tom 1988 Porsche 927S 46.599 - -

2 86 Dien, Bolivar Lexus SC300 56.045 - -

Top Times Of Day Raw time 39.105 f125 79 Blume, Russell

Pax 36.003 csp 64 Williams, Ron Stock 43.223 ss 58 Green, David Street Open 47.794 so 55 Urbanek, Tom Street Prepared 42.964 csp 64 Williams, Ron Prepared 46.386 gp 54 Dodds, Jeff Modified 44.741 fm 25 Geis, Dave Touring 48.924 sts 90 Harmon, Tim Street Modified 46.285 sm2 20 Prestage,

Richard Kart 39.105 f125 79 Blume, Russell Street Prepared Ladies 56.834 dspl 37 Willis, Danika Fun Run 46.599 fun 52 Zickuhr, Tom


Wichita SCCA Summary Results, Strother Endurocroxx - 09-17-06

Total Entries: 24

as bs cs ds es fs gs hs so bsp csp dsp fsp fm sts stx sm2 'A Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 61 Gird, Dave 1991 Vette 162.002 - -

'B Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 14 Reiff, John 2003 BMW Z-4 dnf - -

'C Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 9 Guilliams, David 1999 Mazda Miata 184.157 - -

'D Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 36 Meyer, Warren 2005 Dodge SRT-4 ACR 191.180 - -

'E Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 35 Bontrager, Tom 1980 Alfa Romeo Spider 185.910 - -

'F Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 4 Lemon, Russell 1988 Ford Mustang GT 193.438 - -

'G Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 31 Deener, Dan 2006 MINI Cooper S 163.501 - -

'H Stock' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 8 Dien, Bolivar 1995 BMW 318i 179.108 - -

'Street Open' Total Entries: 4 Time Diff. From 1st1T 26 Urbanek, Tom 1992 Saturn SC 179.050 - -

2T 7 Lipgens, Michael 2000 Ford Focus 180.594 1.544 1.544

3 19 Montgomery, Rob 1998 Pontiac Firebid Formula 182.620 2.026 3.570

4 32 Johnson, Mitch 1994 Nissan Sentra LE 213.064 30.444 34.014

'B Street Prepared' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 6 Roberts, Guy 1994 Chevrloet Corvette 166.984 - -

'C Street Prepared' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 27 Rogers, Jason 1990 Mazda Miata 157.117 - -

2 80 Anderson, Kevin 1991 Mazda Miata 181.634 24.517 24.517

'D Street Prepared' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 59 Sherman, Paul 1997 Dodge Neon 164.896 - -

2 23 Miller, Matt 1989 Nissan POS13 184.532 19.636 19.636

'F Street Prepared' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 39 Laws, Greg 1987 Renault GTA 163.432 - -

'F Modified' Total Entries: 1 Time Diff. From 1st1T 25 Geis, Dave 1982 Morton FV 153.878 - -

'Street Touring (Tire)' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 24 Deneault, Nick 1992 Nissan Sentra E 178.283 - -

2 16 Clark, Travis 1992 Nissan Sentra E 189.567 11.284 11.284

The Witches’ Wail 18

'Street Touring X' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 5 Means, Don 2003 Ford SVT Focus 175.882 - -

2 15 Hidegi, Marcus 2000 Volkswagen New Beetle dnf 175.882 175.882

'Street Modified II' Total Entries: 2 Time Diff. From 1st1T 20 Prestage, Richard 1999 Chevrolet Corvette 165.220 - -

2 29 Whipple, Gary 1992 Acura NSX 174.151 8.931 8.931

Top Times Of Day Raw time 153.878 fm 25 Geis, Dave

Pax 126.685 gs 61 Gird, Dave Stock 162.002 gs 61 Gird, Dave Street Open 179.050 so 26 Urbanek, Tom Street Prepared 157.117 csp 27 Rogers, Jason Modified 153.878 fm 25 Geis, Dave Touring 175.882 stx 5 Means, Don Street Modified 165.220 sm2 20 Prestage, Richard

Runoffs VIP Volunteer for a Day

To All Region Officers and Leaders

At the National Championship Runoffs this year, we are making a special effort to get more SCCA embers involved in our club. There are a few programs already in place (the Region Road Trip Challenge is one) that has generated a lot of interest and some friendly competition among regions.

From my side of the fence, the SCCA Membership regions Hub will highlight many aspects of SCCA participation. One of which is what we are calling the SCCA VIP Volunteer for a Day program. We will have a daily drawing, beginning Thursday, for two non-licensed SCCA members (Temporary Membership is included) to participate in a specialty of their choice "up close and personal." The members will select which drawing they want to be part of, so hopefully we will have two winners per specialty per day.

Now "participation" is loosely defined in that the intent is not to put a rookie on a corner, for example. The intent is to bring that person right to the hub of activity and merely be an observer in a position that won't affect operation of the specialty. However, if the local area manager (i.e. Corner Captain, feels the VIP is capable then I have no issue with allowing that person to perform rudimentary functions.

All of the specialty NAs are in support of this program, and hopefully we can gain not only new recruits to the various ClubRacing specialties, but instill the enthusiasm needed for new memberships and a more activated membership.

We will also award two SCCA renewals per day (eight total) of those that have entered the drawings.

Please pass this on to your membership should they give some thought in attending the Runoffs as spectators or fans. They can come to the SCCA Membership Hub beginning Thursday of Runoffs week for details!

Thanks for supporting this effort, and I hope to see many of you either at the Runoffs, the Solo Nationals, the USRRC, or the Rally Cross National Challenge in Hastings!

Best Regards Michael E. Dickerson Region Development Manager Sports Car Club of America, PO Box 19400


The Witches’ Wail 20

The Witches’ Wail Wichita SCCA 402 S. Prescott Ct Wichita KS 67209


Paid Wichita, KS

Permit No. 337
