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The Working Cell (2)1

Date post: 16-Dec-2015
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The Working Cell
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THE WORKING CELL Presented by: Maria Hannah Katrina Lustria Richanne Fabila Allen John Urbana Nika Gracia Legaspi Cynemae Ubal
  • THE WORKING CELLPresented by:Maria Hannah Katrina LustriaRichanne FabilaAllen John UrbanaNika Gracia LegaspiCynemae Ubal

  • *CONSERVATION OF ENERGYENERGY- capacity to cause change.KINETIC ENERGY- energy of motion. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY- it is not possible to destroy or create energy.

  • Entropy Is a measure of the amount of disorder, or randomness, in a system.

    Every time energy is converted from one form to another, entropy increases.

  • Chemical Energy The molecules of food, gasoline, and other fuels have special form of potential energy called Chemical Energy.Carbohydrates, fats, and gasoline have structures that make them especially rich in chemical energy.

  • Food CaloriesCalorie ( cal ) is the amount of energy that can raise the temperature of 1 gram (g) of water by 1C .

    Calories are tiny units of energy, so using them to describe the fuel content of foods is not practical instead. Its conventional to use kilocalories ( kcal ), units of 1,000 calories in fact, the calories ( capital C ) on a food package are actually kilocalories.

  • EnzymesEnzymes have provided the basis for the field of clinical chemistry.Enzymes: The BasicsEnzymes are proteins that serve as catalysts. They speed up or slow down reactions, but remain unchanged.

  • Enzyme inhibitors are molecules that can disrupt metabolic reactions by binding to enymes, either at the active site or elsewhere

  • ATP & CELLULAR WORK ATP- acts like an energy shuttle, storing energy obtained from food and then releasing it as needed at a later time.

    ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE Consists of an organic molecule called: Adenosine plus a tail of three groups.

  • TRIPHOSPHATE TAIL- is the business end of ATP.

    ADP- Adenosine Diphosphate

    3 Main Kinds of Work:Mechanical WorkTransport WorkChemical Work


  • Membrane FunctionTransport proteins are membrane proteins that help move substances across a cell membrane.

    Passive Transport: Diffusion across MembranesDiffusion. The movement of molecules spreading out evenly into the available space. Each molecule moves randomly.Diffusion across a membrane is an example of passive transport passive because the cell does not expend any energy for it to happen.

  • OsmosisThe diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis.

    Types of solutions in which osmosis can occur

    Hypertonic Solution is the solution with higher concentration of solute.Hypotonic Solution is the solution with lower concentration of solute. Isotonic Solution is the solution with equal solute concentration.

  • HypotonicSolutionHypertonicSolutionIsotonicSolution

  • Water Balance in Animal Cells

    Osmoregulation is the control of water balance. A way to balance the uptake and loss of water.

  • Water Balance in Plant Cells

  • Active Transport: The Pumping of Molecules across Membranes

    Active transport- requires that a cell expend energy to move molecules across a membrane.-allows cells to maintain internal concentrations of small solutes that differ from environmental concentrations.

  • Cellular Energy

    Used to drive a transport protein that pumps a sulute against the sulutes concentration gradient

  • Exocytosis and Endocytosis: Traffic of Large Molecules

    Exocytosis- happens during protein production of the cell.

  • In endocytosis a cell takes material in via vesicles that but inward.

    For example, in a process called Phagocytosis (cellular eating) a cell engulfs a particle and packages it within a food vacuole

  • The Role of Membranes in Cell SignalingCommunication begins when a receptor protein in the plasma membrane receives a stimulus, such as hormone.

  • The Origin of MembranesPhospholipids, their key ingredients, were probably among the first organic compounds that formed from chemical reaction on the early Earth.

  • Thank you for listening!
