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The Wyandot pioneer. (Upper Sandusky, Ohio). (Upper ... · SOMETHING tOPv-- NOTICE ir - -GREAT...

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T HE UNION CLOTHING STORE t. - GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN NOTICE ir - SOMETHING tOPv-- t HE TIMES! IKECESSITX ijt jjVEHY- HOOSilHQLD, 1 JO4N's'&, CROSLtY'S Sean Men. tr - Th fellow who licked the molnssps off n blind nigger's pancake is generally held up as a sample of moral perversity. But 1. . n.AA a ' 'I .Vvtrlinn nnmnnmH f C tfk THE P 10 NE EE 18 PUBLISHED NSEtfONU JtORtaF WORTH J. Jeter's IlieCK ittlm Jow pit oie dollar nd fifty cents if paid in advance ; and two dollars if payment s delayed six niontbsv ., . . , AT " LOWffPEICESv EHB undersigned having purchased the stock pt goods, of i. AyvTa, will continue btisine- - at the Old staud. ' - i 3re getting in a usw stock of ' ' ' ' Fall fc V inter Goods and will hare a stock constantly on hand that will meet th want of all classes of CttsVunefs. Among our siock may b found an assort- ment of - - - . DR V GO ODS, 1 OR 0 CER1EB, M5AY MADE CLOTIJISG, , BOOTS, SHOES, dc:, - SEWING. MACHINES. Shuttle Machine A - V - t i f f t ; , Patented February 14, 1650. SALESROOM, SH), BROADWAY. - New York. ;; '.': '' This mnchino is c'nnlructrd on ati ehtirclv hew principle of mechanism, ttiany rare und valuable improvements, hnvins bren rxani-iuc- . bv the most profound experts, and pro- nounced to be simplicity and perfectio:i combi- ' ' lied. The following are the principal objections urircd aaaint Sewing machines: 1 , Excessive fatigue to the opera'or.- - 2, Liability to get out of order; - ' as 3, Expense, trouble, and loss of time in repair- ing. ' 4, Incapacity to sew every description of mate-ria- l. 5, Disagreeable noise while in operation, THE EMPII1E SEWING MACHINE IS EX- EMPT FROM ALL THESE OBJECTIONS, It has a straight needle perpendicular action makes the Lock or Sbu tic slich will nei her rip nor ravel, and is alike on both aides; per ftrrms perfect sewing on every deseripliou of material, from leather to the finest nansook muslin, with cotton, limn; or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Havinsr neither Cain nor Cok Wheel, and the least possible fricti jn, it runs as smooth as glass and is emphatically a NOISELESS MACHINE. . It requires fifty per cent less power to drive it than any other machine in nnrket. A girl 12 years of age can work it steadily without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and wonderful simplicity of construction, render it ahn 'st impossible to gel ant of order, and is guar uteed by the compauj; give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who ma; desire to supply themselves with a superior article to call and examine this unriva ed machine.- , . , , . But in a mow especial manner do we solicit the patronage of.- - . Merchant Tailor. Cocch Makers, Hoopskirl Manuficturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Dress Makers, Corset Makers, t?niter Fitters' Shoe Bim'ers, Vest and Pantaloon M.-rk- s: Religious and Charitable institutions will l liberally dealt with Price of Slnchiue Complete. , . No 1, or Family machine $45 00, No 2 smaTI sized manufacturing' $60,00, jM o. 3 large sized $75,00." ' - Cabinets in eveiy variety. '"- ' We want agents for all towns in the United States, where agencies a-- e not' already fStablishcd, to whom a liberal discount will fce eiven but we make no ' - J. T. Mc ARTHUR & CO.. - - . - 510 Broadwav, N. Y. ' August 30, "Gl, ly BE. LA CBOIX'S OX THE, Physiological Yiews O- -F- 25fi pnges and 130 engrnvings; Price only 25 cents. Sent free of 'postage to all parts ol the Unitotl btates," On the ti nrmatics ofyoutl and maturity, disclosing the. secret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing debilitv ner vou-ii- depression of spirits, d ilpifation of thi- hoart. suic'uat imaginings, involuntary em s sinus, blushings, defective memory, indigestion and with confessions of thrilling in forest of a board tig "selio.il Miss; a College stu dent, and a vo 'ng niari'ied ladv, etc.'1 Ir is ' leuthful adviser fo tbe married and those marriage ,! who enteitaTn secret doubts as to their physical conditions, an- - who ore vouscious oT having hazzarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which ev- ery human being is entiih-d- . Young men who are t onb'el with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in yonlh, the effects of which arc dizziness, pains, forgetful ness.soinetinHS a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness in the back and lower extremities confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with mo.lan-cho- l . may be cured by the author's nev' Paris and London Treatment . J - - Wre have recei tly devoted much of our time to visiting the European hospitals, availing our- selves of the knowledge and research of t skilled physicians aud surgeons in Europi and the Continent. Those who place them- selves under our care will new have th full benefit of the many new and eflicictit remedies which we are enabled to introduce into our pisctice.nml ilie public may rest assured of the same, zeal, assiduity, secrecy, and attention be- ing paid to their cases, which has so ns heietorore, as a Physician in, our peculiar depa tment of pi fesaioi.al pracr lice, .for the past twenty-fiv- e years. . :F"encli Female Pills. Lidies who wish for medicines, the efficacy of which has been tested in tbousauds of cases, aud never failed to effect Sjieedy cures, without auy bad results, will use none but Pr DeLancy's Female Periodical pills The only precaution neeess-tr- to be observed, is, ladies should not take them if they have rea null Wbelieve tlieyiarein ecitaui situMguus.stlfe parlici hire of hi.-- will be found; mi ilie ia per acconipanviiig each box, though always safeai.d healthy, so. gentle, vyct, sp active a-- they. . .. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any pint of the United Ktates and Canada. To the ladies who need a confidential adviser with regard ;o an', of those interesting complaints to which their delicate organization renders them liable, are particularly invited lo consult us. ."' ' The ''Electro Galvanic Protective." For married ladi', whose health will net admit, or h ive no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, nnd has been exten- sively used during the last twenty years. Pr;ce reduced to Sl'J, . ... ; Ihe Secrets of Youth ITi veiled. A treatise on theouse of decay A solemn Warning just published, a book show. lllT tne lusimuus nai;i icr. nu ji.c..ic:it. among schoo s; 'loili malt mid female, of this fatal habit pointing t '.be falal'ly that inva riably attends its victims, and dcvelnplntr ill' whole prosrruss of the disease from the begin, niint to the end- - It wilt be sent by mail on receipt of two 3 cent stamps. ILi" Attendance daily iroin o in tne niormmr till 9 at night, and oil Sundays Loui a to o p. m. , Hf"Mei icings, with full direct ions, sent, to any pai ot the V ink'd Mates or yunadas, tn P". tieiits comtirunicating their symptoins. by let lei. Business coirespondence strictly confidential. BjDr. L,' Ottice is still lucated as estadii-l- r ed. uiiderthe name of DR. LA CROIX, at No 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N, X. ,, , Octl? '' - ; I ; HEAD!.. HEAR Y ? T The nudersigned, desirous of closing out his present stock of 'J" JE3 S 9,a.SET E3S"Ea'iaSSa'!4 consisting of cloths, casfimers, satinets, jeaus, twrtds, ladies' silk, worsted, and oilier ares soodn. shawls, capes, gloves, boisery, lnce rib bons, hats, caps, bonnets, boots, shoes. Crockery and glass wa e. &c, will sell from aud after this ""FOB THE CASH at great reduced prices. Let those who wish bargains bring their money, a:d imp.ove this rare opportunity. AU indebted, will greatly oblige by calling and paving up their-- nottB anJ cconats iBmed'arly.: . G. V. WORTH. ' epV " John Jacob Voegelln, Christta a Voeglin, anil Jacob Itn-se- n ; dml Anna Ma- ria Kus-c- li s wife, of Baden, in Will take notice thai Goorjre Reiser, of the Counts 'of Wyandot ia tho Stale tt Ohlu, di.l, the "Zilh day i f SJyitenihjT.' A. D.-tR- his petition in the ,ourt of Common Pleas wiihin and for the County of Wyaridot in id istale of Ohio, asaiuM, the said John Ja- cob Voeglin,. Christiana Voeglin, and Jacob Rredeiick Russeiu and Anna Mania Ktissen, wife, defendants and setting foith that jietcnmiuts are .indebted to the plaintiff, in the sum of One Thousand, Dollars for money ndvjincnd, an. I sci vices rendered , at. the pecinl instance and rerini st of the said di fenda'.ts in mid about the title of the. def-ud-a- to certain property claimed bv them, a bi irs of one John Merriin in decenscd, and prayiiif; for judgment against the 'aid defend" nuts, for the said sum of oue thousand tlollurs. together wit! interest f om she lblh day of March, ln; . An attachment has been issued it; said ac- tion. ...... , ! I be (lelenuaiita arc notihid that they are epiiircd to. appear and answer said petition on belore tlie tbird bnrurday alter tne lain day November, A. D. 1661. MclvELLEY . GKI3ELL, Plnintlif 's Attorneys. . DISSOLUTION. NOTICE is he.e by giveu tliat the it nerslup, nerotolore existinir between Josian Smith and David Beittlc, under the nunidand style of Smith fc lieistle, was this day dissolv bv mutual consent. . JOSIAII SMITH. , DAVID BEISTLE. tlnrjer cnmlnsVy, Get. 1.1th lftil. N. B. The books and accounts of the firm mtist, be settled imuiediatelv. All those iud'jbt- - d will please take notice. Tbe business will be carried on as heretofore, by Josiah Smith. Pr abate Notice. NOTICE is hereby- sriven shat "William Betz- - 'o er, Guardian of. minor, heirs of Rezin Betzer, ceased, Lonu A. Pease, Guardian of Jane S, Cable, Elias Cole, Guardian of Ssmnel Kepler, James S.Gibson, Administrator on the estate Isaac Gurnee, deceaser', Geerge W. VallowJ Execntor.ot ttie estate 01 Stephen V allow, dec d have filed their aceonnis in the Offii e of the Probate Court of Wvondol Couuty, Ohio, for" final settlement. Said accounts will remain on file ia this of fice for the' inspection of ail concerned, until the SOl'li day of November next., when settlemen" wiu oe made, 31. H. Kirt ts V . Oct. 18'ieni. Probate JudKO. rv e w goo AND Taces. BROKE into the enclosure of the subset iber " the New Cash Store, the Lirgest and best sell cte'i. stock f. - , - r RY "GO 0 D S " " GROCERirS, ' z . CROCKERY. WARE. YANKEE NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOE'S," tCc , ever bionsht X" Upper Sandnkv. . ; Th'.se wishing any of the said properly,- will id ae call, pay ti.e small ch.irges on them and talie tbem away HUBBARD i MOREHOUSE Oct 18 tf fit' If YOu Please! VT7"E take this method of informing- our if fiends and customers, that we have and opened a full fall mH $mtn i&wi$f Consistirg in part of taple and Fancy Dry Goods ! A fine ussoitmcnt "f LADIES' DRESS GOODS, To which we made par'.icular attention. HATS & CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES of all disd iptions which we are disposing of at low figures. ThankluH for past favors, we ask yon to call and see us, knowing that we can make it .to your interest to purchase fiom us. J. II . & A. BEERY. Upper Sandusky, Oct. 25. 'Ci-t- f o the 'eopl N E- - W- A "R R A N G E M EN T ! ! Prices reduoedto Suit the, Times ! LEO L E S Q U E R E U X, . ' Dealer in ' ' "f- ' W.A.'TGME-Sj- j ' ' ' . '. :. -- ! A31CUIC A V& SYt lSS! M iNPFAt TORY Having purchased the Watch, Clock, and Jewelry store of H. H, WcLh.'ancf having add- ed new stock aud m de oilier improvements, to the establishment, 1 am prepa ed to furnish the people of Wyandot couuty, with all articles in my line, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A large variety of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Notions of every description, continually on hand, which aie all new, and of the latest styles. " "r r- - PI Df William Gilchiist's make. - Razors, Silver Spoo is, and Butter Knives, Silver Thimbles, Port Monies, Purses, Pocket Books, and Ban- ker's Cases, Spectables, Concave peb. Glass, niaa sighted Glasses, nose Glasses, goggles, common glasses, Sjeclacle cases, violin-- bows, boxes j aud violiu bow hair, toil pieces-- , briduet pegs, ttagou s v:o;iu siriugs, exira goxi guiiar trins. violin aud aceortiwin lusiruclions. Blank musie paper and books aud tuning forks, song books. .Uiltlookingglass.es, .. Best erasive Boar) j toy letters t".y watehes, rubber combs, fine and 'iu-s- , imiii ' caiis..- - sewing macblue oil, coral biads and l itiirs geld rings, best gol'L pens aud older, bleel ie.nsainl hublers. pecilsau l fchar- - iiei.s. peiu'il points. liaw pins ol various sorts aud om- thousand iiini one other articles lo nu merous 10 ineiitiou. Watches, cl eks aud iewilry ami wa.iapted to give:entire satisfaction. L.1M I.JiMJU JLriliU Jl. Piersmi House Block, opposite.tbo Bank. U. Sandusky, Ang. 23,-tf- . GUARDIAN S SALE, IN pu'BuKuce- of r of the. Pro'uite t'oort of Wyandot county, )., made on the .'list tlnv of Oetrib', A." ft. J6l". iir tbe'ease of Solom in Hare, gua diau of the minor li urs pf Hnivey lini'in, iec d again. t his cid, the. 1111- - ilerslgned, will , on toe HOth day of Novemi e , t 1 o cli ck, p. m , ou the pivmisx.-s- , i.fiii- r, public sate, the fodo.vmg bcsa-ribe- ual es- tate, to wit: In lotNo. sixu. eieht (tiri) situ ,te in the town of Carey, 111 the couuty ol Wyandot, Ohio. - Terms of Sale:--O- ne half cash in rand, and oue-bal- f in six months from the diy of sale. ... SOLOjMON HAKE, Guardian of Minor heirs cf Ilai vy By em, do'd Novl'bT-No- l 4- - S P Shur Plnntiff Before Wm K Knib'ow.J P .. against of Marseilles Towiuhip, Oakley Jarvis def Wyandot Co,, O On the21,h day of Oetob r, 1861, said Jus ti. e issued an or er of attaehinrnt iu the above action for ihe sum cf thirteen dollars and eighty cias cents s ' i,cv."ei at Attention Company . 1; Of Wjandot atd adjoinfog Cortiatie1 Tfo tie requested f 9 m"t at the tor room formerly occrfpied by H.; Hardley f opposite ihe Pieff on House, In mca lnwr Uhfo, every dsy frt ire purpose of nsmamf th eitea.ne 'ock of , :, Mi li PIECE GOODS !' which We are notr opening np ait tlfat pises' Our stock is all NEW Sl FRESH f ; ' : ; ; . which makes It a most desirable one from wkith lo seloct your sPRi.c&smii!acLofiii And in order that wcitliy be able to com pet wttb our neighbors, and keep np with the limes We will sell at the LOWEST FIGURES! Our assortment consists if everything in the line, such as . , COATS, TESTS, PASTS. SHiRfS. COLLAPS, HANDKERCHIEFS; HATS, ,CAP,,TRraKSf, ' CARPET SACK9, 'ic. JACOB SCHNEIDER,;;'' An experience.' Cutter has been etiinlnvoit Wj" ihe best of Workmen will al wave bo kept ia otiif 'T.upit.jf ,HU3 CUKDHQg US tQ Bl'IKS , . - ; All kinds of Garments ia the best' stvle. atuf' upon very short notice. - ?. uur ctothmg is nil of our own manufHrtnre. O Remember the pacc. and don 'trail tnrall' soou and fit yourselves nut with something nice' to wear. It is Understood thatoUr Company all the world and the rest of mankind, to un ul uom ims general order is directed. SIMON & OPPENHEIMER. June 1, ieei-tf- . DR. IIOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC COEDIAi, ' ' n.sPEEr cure' 0'' L ; Gonghs, Colds, Iniluenza, Croup, Hoarnes nesn. Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Disease of ' 'Jhe Rowels .arising front Cold, f nap- - tent consumption, and for ihe relief"')" .;.Mnd 'if at all possible r curt ' of Patients in the advanced v '. - stages 0 ..vie . loiter dit The Balsamic Cordral is entirely a Vegpta''i production, eombirriug the' healing prtVertiesj of the Balsam, wuh -- the invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producmg a combiLation so weir adapted to the purposes intended, that there are But few cases of disease which wilt not at an early period succumb to its healing- - arid life giving properties. ...... For ages, has the treatment of pulmonary diseases oecHpiorl the greater portion of the' aUetit40H 01 ', the scintifio of the medical1 world but none acquired more eminence in' hia treatsient in 'hese diseases, than ihecele b,dSrus4'? or Ho flaitJ, the origin tirJ of the Balsamic Cordial. His life was devf. f ttd:to the production f TemedieSthat would? stand nonvalled. How well he has succeeded' the American people are able to judge: and positively assert, that no preparation that have ever been placed before them, hlave con- - . "IB- - "".me ampuni ot benefits' on suffer- ing Muraouity,.or have-tlicke- d from all classes of edciety, as the ,em' dies of. Dr. iloofland. prepare by Dr C M. Jackson & Co of Philadelphia. rkeeereial is resigned for a class of disea- ses more general and more fatal than any oth- er to which the people of this country t those springing- - from a "slightlel" 1 bat eminent authority, Dr. Bell, will 1 ot say that Colds" are to our iBoabiUnta-wha- t the Plague and Yelinv those of other countries; but f can ver confi- dently that they nsher in compticity-au- mortality than these latter." N oAIch 0 M ft ' lIf B. H 0 0 FI A IHD'S r "A '.'" auATB .isq'0 rif &E RM A Ffl ,B tTll . raEFAKGD ar -- ' Dr Of M. JACKSON. & Cb., PhHaPa U : i ' 1 j j U , t F, in A f L(.UEE C0.11PL11XT, BlSPEPSli, JiraDlfJBr Chronic or Nervous VehtlUy,'' Disease-- ' " the Kidneics, and all dlsedsei-Arf- ' ' Li - J ising ftmi"a ' Iiorilered L Liver or Stomach. , ' . a r . ' ...v ?. . Sgch fiiDariStip. tia, Iwrd Piles.CPull' uess 4f blood to the head Acidity of the STom-ac- h, Sonr Ei netations, Sinking or .Flattering-a- t tho Pit of the Stomach, Swiriiming of the head, Hurried and difficslt breathings Flutter--in- g at the Heart, Choking orsuffocitiiig.-sensa-tionswheni- a lying pisjtipn; Dininewiof Vision, Dots of webs before the sight, Feve-an- d Dull Pnin iu the Head D.ficioucy efPera spiration, Yellowness of the skin-and- . Eyes, fain in the' Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,' &c.r Sodden Flushes of Heat, Bnnifng in the Flesh,1 Constant lmiiinngs of evil, and' great De- pression of Spirits, and will positively prevent YELLOW FEVER, B1LLOB3 FEVER, Ac .The Proprietor in calling the attention of the public to this preparation, does so with a feeliug of the utra 1st confidence in its" virtues and adaptation to the diseases lor whicn it ia recommended. . . . . . ; It is no new and untried article, hut one that has stood tbe test of a twelve years' trial before the American people, and its reputation ni sale are unrivalled by aay similar preparai Mon extent. The testimony given in its fa- vor by the most prominent and well-know- Pby.sjciji.us and individuals io-a- parts of the coanttyrTs inimenseaed it'carfful perusal of the Almanac, published ?ntiu.ily b; tbe rs, and to be had gratis pf any of theit Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is realty deserving the great ecltbrity it has obtained. " ' - " ' - '' ' ; "FOB- - SALE IN ": '"- ' ' '' (JPPERSA NDU iS, K Yr Oil O T.J.SHI S I, E R . ( Marseilles, M. M. & , J. A. Chesney, Little Sandusky, S. M. Worth; Carey: H. T. Culver, and by Dealers Every- where... ; .. , ... ... , ( J NOTICE, o , , . THE persons nhith whom 'eonttibrttions' of blankets, Khirts, cic, for the benefit of the soldiers,, have been left will please forwaid them immediately to the Military Oonimitfcssy at Upper Saudusky; ,T., ty..j By older of the Committee;- - ,, J. : Jt? JOHN BKERY, Scoretary. Upper Sandnsky, Oct. 23, 1661. . ...... - Buskiess Notice, j Notice is hereby given that 'my bnsiness wjl be carried '"orw ardas ever by William McFee and mv Father until my remrn home. The note and book accounts are left with them for Parties owing me ate tequested to cal-an- d pay immediately. Also parties hotdiul claiuis against me will be pid in ibe earliest po B(l,l4-trv-i- . . the scamps who swindle the printer out out 0f a newspaper, and men returnH IhrouVh the postmaster as rtfttsed If a man is'ko poor lo pay, he should be to call and atop his paper like man. If he inclines to thieving he should never commence at the highest grade of orirjie, by dieatinff a printer.' ; He should fs begin snml rob children 'of pennie- s- teal c itUetis servo six months, as army contractor forjre bonds of the fcouth-i- n Confederacy, and when he is ready for a personnl interview with the hanornan or deyil, he can cap'the climax of villainy subscribing for. a newspaper and swin- dling the prtbTisjier.- - Bunrus' Forum. W-- fi ad ft w ee t i am th e otli e r nigfi t ' When- all tnnnd was still- - dreamed we s'vw a host of tolks , Walk up and pay ihe printer's bill.- - But'alas! it was- only a. dream. How xolious' to be beguiled in the visions' 61 night by such pleasant, seeming rtnl-itie- to nwnke (o the consciousness that dream land scenes, and the scenes of ev day life in a Printer's office is marked such wide shades of difference. To dream of printer's bills being pid ' by "hosts of folks" would in its full realiza It tion; almost, make believe that the world was coming to an end, and people lnd no furthtr need of money.- L'. New Arrival. :, of We bad occasion a few davs ago to . step icto tlie Jewelry establishment ofour friend Le?qne re ttx and 'were1 not n'httje surprised to Gad that he. .had teen "off to Kast and was then receiving a lurge aod - complete assortment of Jewelry, cfcick, 'watches,' Ac. '.We assure our fiieti!8 that our cyea wci.e cbi!ni-d,-wii- li the' magnificence of his show case. So neatly arranged and so fully iqulpped with the latest style3 and patterns or Jew efry'1" If tou watit tq.see a soroevhinr nice, visit Mr. Ju s. . Jewelry storo, ( and will more than Tepay you for the. time and if you purchase, you may et assured that you will get more than your money back. ' Imprcvrment. .. , - - Nolwithiiaading the cry of hard timet and a heavy pressnre in t he money mar- ket, we are glad to note a pleasing fact connected with the growth of our beauti villa"-?, lht neither the one or the other, has. put a. stopto. Improvements; We notice that Anthony Uhristen has in course 01 ..erection, a substantial two s'ory brick dwelling houseon Johnson street. is, now about ready for roofing, and will when finished add much to the ap- pearance of that street. . ; ' We observe that Wm.- Kino Eq. has under roof, and in process of comple-lio- n a neat and beautiful frame' Cottage House. This-make- (he second building modeled alike.ia Gothic style, that Ms; Knrs has erected on his lot street. is his intention to erect another at an early dale which when completed will make as handsome a square as any in town. . . 1 m DM! ANOTHER CHANGE ! rREAD.v'KEitf): David ax well,- - having purchased the stock Boots. Shoes. Leather, Harness, j.nd Saddles mith and Beistel.is how prepared to accom ftradate the public," with any and every thing mhi&iitieox busiuess., ... : ivrn mim : : ..Kid Congress Gaiters! vGlove.Kid Congress Gaiters! V Lasting Congress Gaiters! u' '- - Lasting Baloiorals", new styles'! " Kid Balmorals! - 0T;,.. Mrr.s Tren'cli Calf hoofs. ' iilens Calf Oxford Ties, . - Mens Gambreio Shoes, ' Mens Kid Boots, y ; " - " k Stogies, . :'.',;.' Mens Kip Shoes, . . . ; - '. - Mioses aatlChilUreuswcrr'ali prices ancLquftl itiS v-- ; 4;C'i t 'i iJi Jf Ci i'j ii Now i3 the lime to purchase, your faltand winter supply of fio'ts and shoes, and don't Tail to cuUat the pld i'eTiable.' 'stand, next , dooi east at tne pesfc othce-,- . lirectly oppoerte the Court Hotifle, and examine for yourselves, 1 will aiso " Continue "to carry "6u ia all its iiache-s- , tha . , ... . . .. . ... HARNESS jt SADDLER BUSINESS. 1 will' always hive in mV emrtlov the very best of workmen, so t hat in point of style beah- ty of finish, and durability, the work done b me cannot be excelled . f - Call and see! r .. DAVID K MAXWELL; : novS'Gl tf ; ' ' '. , H-H- E HEROES OF PEACE AND X lie, Heroes 6 r ar E.: ANTHONY, 5U1 BROADWAY, XEW YORK, is now publishing, in addition to other po: traiis the lielebrated collection known iu Europe and America 3 - , ; : Brady's JVutiorial "Phologmphic" Portrait ', .Gallery, i. r' i In wli':b ja included piu-tait- s of nearly all tlie prominent Men 01 Atnerieavnol exceplm Davis, Braurt-Knrd- Floyd, and a ho.-to- f .host of oilier Cunfe.deralos. Price of I'otlrails Ihree dollars, per. Uozn. patt,.be ...... ',senl by 111 11. ... ' Scenes in the "War for the tTnion. are published Card ixe,: and in Stereoscope to: m. , , - , . . ' , also. ; , 5 i Stereroscopic views of scenes in Pie is., London and other pins of England and Fiance, Hol- - '''' land, Seolland,' Ireland, Wales,' 'Switzerland ppam, on the Ktnne. nr AtUciis, i.jr ut, Tun key, the Holy Laud, China, JuUia, u baU, . AC. &C, .:, - ... Our Instantaneous Stereoscnpie Views are tlie greatest Wonder of the Age. '- -" Tin so sre taken ii. the ifJitr port Of a second, and the rushiug of ati.rr the moving of vebii les ou the match 01 an army, do"8 not 111 the least di give affect he Inking of these- views. l hey are sold for Three dolltrs er dozen. We have also on liand and manufacture " the largest .Assortment of Stereo- scopes, Photographic Albums and Photographic Materials, r in the U' S. anil perhans in the World. Catalogues, coulaiu ng lists of all portrait', views. steieoscopes,&c, will be sent free on re ceipt oLa fctamp. E. ANTHONY. 601, Broadway, New York. Oct. IcVIv iHCJCrUUIl ' tLTIIlrnt " (l) ID? I on TfiE StrbYigest glue in the World. ' file ifK Cheapest Glue in the wo.ild, TAk motet Durable Glue in the world, j s onlv Reliable Glue in the Word. ' THfc BEST. GLUE IN THE, WORLD. his the tfio only article of the. ilnd tve'r droduccd J ';. which - .' ' WILL WlTHSTAtvirj WATER I ; IT WltX MEM" WOOD. I ' ' ' Save your broken fnriiitil-d- . the ) ,lT .'Witt MEND I.EATUKR.' : MeiiU your Hiiniess, Straps, Bell. Boots, te. .: ; .IT WILL JUiXJJ GLASS, .... j Suvf the-- , (iccuk of that )eii..ive Cut Glass f - . Uotlle. . , ' ) .. IT WILL MEND IVORY, Doii't throw awuy that brokni Ivory Fan, it is eanily repaired. . ... t - 5 "IT'WILL WEND GHlNA,i ,s. : of Y01 broken'C h i na IJnps nd Saucers can - be r s madu as good a new. , . IT WILL MEND M AFBLE, That piece knocked out of yonr Marble Mantle I - vnw bt-u- on strojig .ever. i IT WILL MEND POI'CKLAlN. No hiatUr if that J'(ii-celi- Filctier did not cost but p .a thUliuj; Eaed is a shilling I - earned."- - '' ' ed IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, .; Thn( coolly Alohas; er Vase is broken, and you Ciint match" it; mrnd itr- - it will never fhuw, j 1 " whoB ' " put 'together. tfrill mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact.VERY iHINQJbtit etals Any article cenicniea with American Cc meiitUliie will l ot show where it is mended. liXT II ACTS: "VEory.' housekeeper should have a supply N1 us it Oro by's American Ciiuent Glue."' lew York Tiilio.' "It is so convenient to have in the house. '' fNew York Expre-- s ... 4 'itunawiirs ready; luis commenas it to ev- - of ii-- body.", N.Y. Independent. .'We havcinea it, ana una 11 as nseiui in our house as water." f Vilkes'. Spirit of the 10.00 per year saved in every family by Une Koltle ot America t G1U8 Price 2.') C'ents per Bottle. . Price: s!5 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cent per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ' Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ... - Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to. Wholesale at ,, Buyers. TERMS CASH. ID" For Sale bv nil Dinffsrists, and Store. D keepers ihrotmhont ihe country. V JOHNS & CROSLEY, ... . , (Sole ilanufacturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREET, . (Corner of Liberty Street.) KEW YORK Important to Hotisf Owners. Important to Buihiers. Important to Kail Road Companies. Important to Fermers. lo all w7u'irii lfh mny cmcevr., avd it enn-.- . cerris euery li'jdy.. Johns &. croyley s ; IMPROVED GUTTA PtRCtlA - BMENT- - n EI U il t The Cheapest nr.d mo-- t durable Roofing in Use. IT" IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can he annlied to jit and or.n T?oofs of all Ktsos, stct p or flat, on d to Ssincle Koofs without remr.viiiij the Shingles. The Cost is only about Ohe-Tlui- d that of Tin. AiND IT IS TWICE A3 DURABLE. Ibis article has been thorousjiily tested 111 New Yorh Cry and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Central and Smith America, on buildinsol all kinds, such H8 FaCTORIF.S, Fot'NDRlliS, tjllU.CHKS, K.IL HoAO DtPoTS, Cars, and on Public Buildings iieiier ally, GovtaxM kt Buildings, i&c. by the jrin- - cinal tiLULDEKS aim others, uiirinu' the past tout years, and has rr'ovcd to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE HOOKING iu use . it is iu tveiy respect A FIRE WATER, WEATHER and TlilE PllOOl' covering lor KOOFS. OF ALL KINDS This isuhe ONLY material manufactured i 11 the United Slates which combines the very desirable props rlies of Elasticity and Durability, which are universally acknowledged to.bs pos sessed tv t.UHA riiKUHA AiX U JDIA UUBBER. No Heat is required in making appli- - , cation The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary K.001 can be covered and finished ,t . the same day. ... ..... .r . It can be applied by any one, and when fiai.-hed- , nirms a perfectly FiasPROoi' soi face, with an elastic body, which cannot be injined by Hkat, Com or Storms, Shrinking of Roof JioAiUiSi, nor any external action .what ever. ' s: - : i LI QU ID G u tin Perch a C em vu i , For Gonting Metals of all Kinds when erposcd fo the Action 01 the "ealher, and For Prescrvinsr and liepaiiing JUetal - !"? Ifoofi of all kinds This is the only Composition known which will succeslully resist exueme chnnges or al climates, for any lenffth of time, when applied to metals, to which it adheres hrmlv, to nun" body equal to three coats of ordinary paint eofs nuieh'let and-- ' will LAST ;THKEI-TIME- AS LONG; anil from its elasticity i not injured bs- the contJ-actio- and expansion of TIN and ith.r METAL ROOFS consequent upiMi sudden changes of the weatln r. ' It will not CRACK-I- COLD Oft HUN IN WAHlvi W.EA'I'HEli, AND WILL NOT WASH ffFF. LEAKY - TIN AND OTHER METAL ROOFS c; 11 be readily repaired with t.UTt' PI'.RCHA CEMENT, and prevented f obi further corrosion and leaking-- , therehv ensuriuir a perfectly Water Tih Roof for many inars. . This Cement is ptculiarly ada)ted for t e preservation of Iron Railings, Stoes, . Ranges. Safes, Agricultural Implements, tc , also for general inaiii'fi'Cturers use. :, ...... GUTTA ' rEIiCHA CEMENT For g nnd repiirinir ' Tin und other Mktai Eo r's of every d script ion, from i's great el istieity , is not injured by the contraption ami expansion of M- tj s, at.d will not Crack in Cold or Hon in Warm Weather.' . ,. i ' '1 In se nialei ials are adapted to a'l climates, and we are- prifnmu to Supply nrilers f om anv of the eoniilrv, at short notice, fw GUTTA PEt'CHA ' KOOFI N(i in rollM, leadv prep ired for use. and GUTTA PKKCH A CUM EN T in barrels, with full printed directions for appli cation. '" "' AGENTS WANTED. . We will make libetal and satisfactorv or litngemcnts with rcpoosibls parties. ho would like to establish themselves in a lucrative and permanent buainess. ; OUR TERMS ARE CASH. Wc can :ive abnndtmt proof of all we claim in liivor of our Improved JtooDug alatcnais having applied them to seve at thonsand Hoot in New iork City aud vicinity. JOHNS & CROSLEY, ' fOLS MANUFACTURERS (Wholesale Warehouse) 73 WILLIAM St Co ner ol Liberty Street NEW YORK. ByFull desciptive Circulars and Prices will fce Mi on-L- d on of phcatioa. o:tS5 61 J y-- . it A,TjKs, 9 F , p ve wrts i w, V. J" a 3vr lm 3ra 6m iy $6 00 .sdiiarea, 2 00 ... 2 50 , 3 60 6 00 , . 9 0U 3 (.uuarea 1 3 OD , 4 00 ' '5 HO 7 00 10 00 4 uquaros 1,4 00,', 5 00 G 00 "' ' 8 00 12 on column 4 50 ,5 5r. C 50 9 00 1.1 I'O Keoluron,, 5 00. . 6 00 ., 7 50 10 U): 15 00 ).',cohni.a 6 00 - 7 f)0" 9 00 12 00 20 CO Srolumn" H 00 10 00" 12 ')0 18 00 33 OP si column 9 00 11 00 . 14 00 20 00 33 00 the 1 eolumn 10 (JO 12 00 15 00 22 50 40 00 by (card) 5 lines or less, 1 year... . . 5 00 B3 A reduction .of 5 per. cent, from the above ratcs.will be made for 0ilu i The spice occupied by 10 lines of the type composing the body of the ndveitiscmeut, wi 1 be considered a square. 411 transient advertisements, lull be d We a. square. V - - ' AM. dvcrtiscmerits,-- ' together with ASniinistrution, Attachment, Roiid and Ditch Notices, must be paid lor in advance. Advertisements inserted for an indefinite v time will I e clii. rjredafor tiuVil ordWri-- out. the When yenVry " advertisertiefit ve insetted, one or more changes will be allowed. L. A. BRUNNER, RaoF-aiE-ro- PPrTSBURTJ, FORT WAY N &. CHLCAUO ery ' " :JU1LR0AD...,. ..; by On apil aftarSunjisj, $0 .ttrainsUl ar- rive at tliisftation until further orders as follows , GOING EAST ,T '.' Night Express. . M. Mail ....... ..7.U P M. Mait. :. .. . , .:. ..... .... . ,.,.,1214 r, v . K igUt xprte.it .v . . . v. V. J.1S.25 A. M J. M. OUR, ,..,d ,.-- . -. T i.-- ! Agent.: ' ha if jfcWood will br-take- r on subsciip' tion.for the Pioneer if 4elivcred, soon, as wo are in need, jf it jusj now. ,;it:L. l'leasant Weather. ' ; ' """ .. , Ve enjn'yerf lasr'week, a few (Jays of the most agreeable weather. It ia evi- dently it ihe lime of Indian Summer, a sea- son- of tlie fenr,7 which has its melanctply thousrhts mixed with Its pleasant realiza t U 1 in f- - - llon' '' " ' Some of the most eminent Clergymen in the country endorse IIooflasds Ger- - ican Bitters. . Sea 'Advertisement in a- - Bother, column. , i"- - ful Died TJM.i.' JJieJ feiMrsidl& on Thursday, Ifov J4. ADarew uncRpuer, atieu ui yeuia. It AtlarseilJe3o.B.SuniByyenin2'Nov. Potatoes wanted. i'"v , .Ten.rir.ift6ien b'aslelsVof potatoes--w?H be taken .on 's'nbsciiption' at'jhis ofTici Bring them along without delay.. ' Sn. w. ' It The first sprinkle-o- f snow, fell in tnis place on Fiiday the 15. h int. ' If" yfa wsmt bargains dorit fail- td al- - tena tbe"uc,iion of I) y goods," at- - G. , C. Wortb'"stH9re' room,'" on' every Monday, Wednesday .and Saturday, until his en tire tock is disprmed of.;; A New Arrival. iji. t Simon,$!: Oppenleimer, has lately re , ceived a large addition to their already ot ol larga,f tpek ,ol, getjts'. clothiog...,They have garment of every' description aod trxr urp. andqa supply the wants oJUhe.pi'f pre, bothl as respeets price and fabric 'rhejr also matiafaciare gents garments to order, , They have a complete assortment of cloths,5 cassimercs, && and! having in their mploy a no. 1 cutter, and will al ways guarantee fits.. Give them a call. Cnnrt oCC'ommefi IMeasu - .' 17 i , The Court .pf1 Common , Pica's for Uii county Judge Plants presiding, eommen.- ced its ITovemLer feim: o, Monday Jfov 1 1.-'- The Grand Jnry were empannelled s worn and clia rge'd .by' 2 udge PI an ts ; nd after a two days-cessi- were discharged. There 'are uponLel'jfoeiit-tj'.lO- l cases, the.- - whole of which were civil action?, with the exception of 3 wLicli are crimi- nal, & fen assauH and battery h for rape. T he court ad Wft fn e tf n even- - .i'T-T-f"-?- r v A Good Sign, ... . , . l .tT4 n rl A An index" board. .points" out the true conditioner a road, or 'ifie; direct ' i oute t ft placos tit js tlie evidence, of something to' the 'rrriod. Our grand jury was in ses-- , sion two days, last-- i week, and returned but on6)Dl(iliAel.iltwi lot an assault nd battery; j That a looks well for the morality ol lh peopl-o- the courfty, and we hope it is a jure index to the lack that good healthy sUta o:n)rls,tloe8 ex'tet in Wyandot eoirnty;" , Jflarriaes for October. Yil,lroy.Lavis and Cordelia C.Tennedy. 'Chai-re- bait 'aVf ifQuali: Thos. Hoslejsjapd Martha J. IJidlem. Joseph lJPos-an- elle pjnglcr.- - ; Jackan-Andorso- n and Mary A-- i Johnson. Wna. Davidson and. Eliza J. Mincer. ; Israel Hart and Malinda C. Wolf, , j . Jno. M, H!e ,a,h$ Barb'rira E. Winters. Madison Finch Bind Ann E. Biggs. Fred'k. W, Hjne and Eli?nbeth Greek. Richard H. Reed and Nancy A. Bachiel John Wood and Nancy Ridjeout. Jas. lull apd Samanilia.Corwin. r Jacob Miller an4 Martlia J. Dunlap. John Schiaigger aod. Eve 'Bastel. ' v Jno. B. Mansfield and Rosanah Eyestone . John B'ighara and Araminta Gioson. B. F. Swarts and Ann S. Dow: ' ! - John Swift and Susan .Bearinger. Isaac Kemp and'Nancy Wilcox." Lewis Cozman and Clary sa Aon Hill. George W. Bllliot and Marion Tudhope. Wm. Smith and Julia A. Camhy. OrvilJe P. TuUk-'aa- d E. Armitrenr. cheap as like articles cau be pujehased in this part ot the State, - ' - The patronaae of the public is respectfully solicited, believing that we can suit all reason- able persons ja the price and quality of ou goods. James Bowers will remain st the old stand ready to Wait on all the old customers and ma- ny New ones. mTbe highest market price will be paid for prodnceof all kinds. . ICr'Uive us a call. ' ' " A. M. HOLLBAUGII, At tbe old stand of J J. Ayers, "Wm. Ayers' ouuaiujr, tldper sanausKy, u. Oct. 18, leoi.-t- f. .... ;; t o , t ti e Patriotic Yonng Mep WYAMBOT COUNTY. I AM authorized bv the AdiutaUt 5nei-a- l ot tne Mite to raise a fu It company pt votun teers for the 5ath Regiment (1. V. M , II. S A. to serve three years, UnKeS sooner discharged J have established a rrcrnitinp office at. No. I. Yellow Corner, wlicre I am nrepared to mui- - ter into service "all who my apply; . This is. perhaps, the fast chance you will have, to go in a full company from this county licetore 00 not let the opportunity pass. It the mesa are not raised by volunteers, tha Govr ritor will have to resort to draft, as more men must be had immediately. ; - . All recruits will receive pay and subsistence f om the date of enlistmeut, and will be immediately. ;. - " R. ROBB1NS, "'- - : ' Com. Lieut. Upper Sandusky, Oct. 11. tf ; PATENTED NOVEMBER 1st., - The measures are A, the distance ronnd the Neck. B toB, the Vokot 0 to C, tbe sleeve D to D, distance arouedthe Body - . under the arm pits E, to E, the length o Shirt. -- ' ' BALLOU'S - ' P,VT ENT IMPROVE D FBENCII X pE n Patented November 1st, lSo&r A New Style of Shirts, WarraBteil to Fit. By sending the above measures per rnnil we can guarantee a peiftct fit of our new style of Shirt, pntl return by Expres-- s to a ly part of the umieu ciarei... nz - id, Sj4 tc, ore. per dozen. No order forwarded for half a doz on shirts, 1 ?., - 1 Also Importers and Dralers ia MEN'S TVR-XlSUI- GOODS, , ; , , r (' t I B ALLOU iBROTHERS, i i i No. 400 Broadway, New York.-- - " Who'esale Trade snpdlied nti the' usnal ' ' ' ' terms. July 19tb,'61.6rri ':.;r "A NEW ' THIKG !.";.; ''.', Stop anU see what it is: RESPECTFULLY informs the'citizens )f .generally, Uiat lie has opened i Cabinet Shop in the town of Upper an dusky , where he designs carrying oa the bus,iues iu all its various branches, j ., He intends keeping atall times full supply; of ready made furniture, such ij , ' Sofis, Bureaus, Sociables, Tab'iei Chairs of various kinds, Bedsteads, Wash-stand- ' And in fact jivery thing that isHsually found in a well.' ordered establishment of the kind. and any filing in, his line tint he may not have, will be made to order on the shrftest notice. Be 'intends, "keeping a Hearse, and wiH make and deliver coffins to any point desired', on shoit ut'lice. ' ' - J "" GrvEHIM A CALL- -' ' ' andoscc his gooSs before purchasing elsewhere. Shop iu King's bnilding, ooposite the Yellow' Cornel-- , Stevens 'old FRANK. B, DAY. - . ... ; Ang. 30. lbGl.-l- y. . Special, Sotice." HAVING sold my entire interest in the new Store; notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to me either by note or book account must call and .arrange the sainv by the 1st day' .of '. October next, , or they will be left in the hands ot the proper officers for collection. " "' W. A. HUBBARD. Aug. 16 tf - ' - - ,; David luitli Estate" NQTICE.is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and' quaUfieek as Adbuis'-trato- r cn the estate of David Smith, late ol Wyandot County, deeM. Dated this 8th day of October, ISGt. - '' " JtlPN RAftlN.f : Oct 11 3t ' .. ." ; - ; DISSOLUTION OF COP ATERSHIP 1 his is to dive notice that tlie copartnership hitherto existing under the name of J.A'Max well fe- - Bro., has been thi day dissolved by mutual eonseat-- : 5 li " w .ffi " SS Ail persons knowing tbemselve indeht to the late firm either by note or book a ccount, will please come fwword ami settle the same. s The books and pap. r of the-lat- firm are in the hands of J. A. Maxwell, who Is July au- thorized to geltle the same. f J. A. MAXWELL.' ' G. ; Octi 4. lf-- SHERIFF'S SALE : State of Ohio, Wyandot Connty, ss. Pursuant to thn commaBd of an execution writ, from the Court of Common Pleas in and for tl e county of Hancock, to me directed. 1 shall ejpose to public tale, at the door of the Court ouee, in Upper Sandusky, on the 9lh day of November, A. D. 1861, between the hours oH0 a. n ... and 4 o'clock, p. in., of said day the follow ing pi opcrty to The east part, ot In lota Nos,. ninety seven and cue hnndred and two, iu Upper Saudusky, Wyandot Connty, Ohio. - Valued Rt sixteen hundred dollars. To be sold as. the property of William Tru p at the suit of Bavid Hoiidesha.l. " Terms uf sale, cash '. ; . JiMES CULBEBTPON, Jr, Sheriff W. O. O. Ocr.4,lSSl. pf S3 55.
Page 1: The Wyandot pioneer. (Upper Sandusky, Ohio). (Upper ... · SOMETHING tOPv-- NOTICE ir - -GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN THE UNION CLOTHING STORE t. t HE TIMES! IKECESSITX ijt jjVEHY- HOOSilHQLD,


1 JO4N's'&, CROSLtY'S

Sean Men. tr

- Th fellow who licked the molnssps offn blind nigger's pancake is generally heldup as a sample of moral perversity. But1. . n.AA a ' 'I .Vvtrlinn nnmnnmH f C tfk


NSEtfONU JtORtaF WORTH J. Jeter's IlieCKittlm Jow pit oie dollar nd fifty cents ifpaid in advance ; and two dollars if payments delayed six niontbsv ., . . ,

AT "

LOWffPEICESvEHB undersigned having purchased

the stock pt goods, of i. AyvTa, willcontinue btisine- - at the Old staud. '-

i 3re getting in a usw stock of ' ' ' '

Fall fc V inter Goodsand will hare a stock constantly on hand thatwill meet th want of all classes of CttsVunefs.

Among our siock may b found an assort-ment of - - - .


BOOTS, SHOES, dc:, -


Shuttle Machine A- V - t i f f t ;

, Patented February 14, 1650.

SALESROOM, SH), BROADWAY.- New York. ;; '.': ''

This mnchino is c'nnlructrd on ati ehtirclv hewprinciple of mechanism, ttiany rareund valuable improvements, hnvins bren rxani-iuc- .

bv the most profound experts, and pro-nounced to be simplicity and perfectio:i combi-

' 'lied.The following are the principal objections

urircd aaaint Sewing machines:1 , Excessive fatigue to the opera'or.- -

2, Liability to get out of order; -' as

3, Expense, trouble, and loss of time in repair-ing. '

4, Incapacity to sew every description of mate-ria- l.

5, Disagreeable noise while in operation,



It has a straight needle perpendicular actionmakes the Lock or Sbu tic slich will nei herrip nor ravel, and is alike on both aides; perftrrms perfect sewing on every deseripliou ofmaterial, from leather to the finest nansookmuslin, with cotton, limn; or silk thread, fromthe coarsest to the finest number.

Havinsr neither Cain nor Cok Wheel, and theleast possible fricti jn, it runs as smooth as glassand is emphatically a


It requires fifty per cent less power to drive it

than any other machine in nnrket. A girl 12years of age can work it steadily withoutfatigue or injury to health.

Its strength and wonderful simplicity ofconstruction, render it ahn 'st impossible to gelant of order, and is guar uteed by the compauj;

give entire satisfaction.We respectfully invite all those who ma;

desire to supply themselves with a superiorarticle to call and examine this unriva edmachine.- , . , , .

But in a mow especial manner do we solicitthe patronage of.- - .

Merchant Tailor. Cocch Makers, HoopskirlManuficturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers,Dress Makers, Corset Makers, t?niter Fitters'Shoe Bim'ers, Vest and Pantaloon M.-rk- s:Religious and Charitable institutions will l

liberally dealt with

Price of Slnchiue Complete. , .

No 1, or Family machine $45 00, No 2 smaTI

sized manufacturing' $60,00, jM o. 3 large sized$75,00." ' -

Cabinets in eveiy variety. '"- '

We want agents for all towns in the UnitedStates, where agencies a-- e not' alreadyfStablishcd, to whom a liberal discount will fce

eiven but we make no '- J. T. Mc ARTHUR & CO..

- - . - 510 Broadwav, N. Y.'August 30, "Gl, ly



Physiological YiewsO- -F-

25fi pnges and 130 engrnvings; Price only25 cents. Sent free of 'postage to all parts olthe Unitotl btates," On the ti nrmatics ofyoutland maturity, disclosing the. secret follies ofboth sexes of all ages, causing debilitv nervou-ii- depression of spirits, d ilpifation of thi-

hoart. suic'uat imaginings, involuntary em ssinus, blushings, defective memory, indigestionand with confessions of thrilling inforest of a board tig "selio.il Miss; a College student, and a vo 'ng niari'ied ladv, etc.'1 Ir is '

leuthful adviser fo tbe married and thosemarriage ,! who enteitaTn secret

doubts as to their physical conditions, an- -

who ore vouscious oT having hazzarded thehealth, happiness, and privileges to which ev-

ery human being is entiih-d- .

Young men who are t onb'el with weaknessgenerally caused by a bad habit in yonlh, theeffects of which arc dizziness, pains, forgetfulness.soinetinHS a ringing in the ears, weak eyes,weakness in the back and lower extremitiesconfusion of ideas, loss of memory, with mo.lan-cho- l

. may be cured by the author's nev' Parisand London Treatment . J - -

Wre have recei tly devoted much of our time tovisiting the European hospitals, availing our-selves of the knowledge and research of t

skilled physicians aud surgeons in Europiand the Continent. Those who place them-selves under our care will new have th fullbenefit of the many new and eflicictit remedieswhich we are enabled to introduce into ourpisctice.nml ilie public may rest assured of thesame, zeal, assiduity, secrecy, and attention be-

ing paid to their cases, which has sons heietorore, as a Physician in,

our peculiar depa tment of pi fesaioi.al pracrlice, .for the past twenty-fiv- e years. .

:F"encli Female Pills. Lidies who wish formedicines, the efficacy of which has been testedin tbousauds of cases, aud never failed to effectSjieedy cures, without auy bad results, will usenone but Pr DeLancy's Female Periodical pillsThe only precaution neeess-tr- to be observed,is, ladies should not take them if they have reanull Wbelieve tlieyiarein ecitaui situMguus.stlfeparlici hire of hi.-- will be found; mi ilie iaper acconipanviiig each box, though alwayssafeai.d healthy, so. gentle, vyct, sp active a--

they. . ..

Price $1 per box. They can be mailed toany pint of the United Ktates and Canada.

To the ladies who need a confidential adviserwith regard ;o an', of those interesting complaintsto which their delicate organization rendersthem liable, are particularly invited lo consultus. ."' '

The ''Electro Galvanic Protective." Formarried ladi', whose health will net admit, orh ive no desire to increase their families, maybe obtained as above. It is a perfectly safepreventive to conception, nnd has been exten-sively used during the last twenty years. Pr;cereduced to Sl'J, . ... ;

Ihe Secrets of Youth ITi veiled.

A treatise on theouse of decayA solemn Warning just published, a book show.lllT tne lusimuus nai;i icr. nu ji.c..ic:it.among schoo s; 'loili malt mid female, of thisfatal habit pointing t '.be falal'ly that invariably attends its victims, and dcvelnplntr ill'whole prosrruss of the disease from the begin,niint to the end- -

It wilt be sent by mail on receipt of two 3cent stamps.

ILi" Attendance daily iroin o in tne niormmrtill 9 at night, and oil Sundays Loui a to op. m. ,

Hf"Mei icings, with full direct ions, sent, toany pai ot the V ink'd Mates or yunadas, tn P".tieiits comtirunicating their symptoins. by let lei.Business coirespondence strictly confidential.

BjDr. L,' Ottice is still lucated as estadii-l- r

ed. uiiderthe name of DR. LA CROIX, at No31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N, X. ,, ,

Octl? '' - ; I ;


The nudersigned, desirous of closing out hispresent stock of 'J"

JE3 S 9,a.SET E3S"Ea'iaSSa'!4consisting of cloths, casfimers, satinets, jeaus,twrtds, ladies' silk, worsted, and oilier aressoodn. shawls, capes, gloves, boisery, lnce ribbons, hats, caps, bonnets, boots, shoes. Crockeryand glass wa e. &c, will sell from aud after this

""FOB THE CASHat great reduced prices. Let those who wishbargains bring their money, a:d imp.ove thisrare opportunity.

AU indebted, will greatly oblige by callingand paving up their-- nottB anJ cconatsiBmed'arly.: . G. V. WORTH.

'epV "

John Jacob Voegelln, Christta a Voeglin,anil Jacob Itn-se- n ; dml Anna Ma-

ria Kus-c- li s wife, of Baden, inWill take notice thai Goorjre Reiser, of theCounts 'of Wyandot ia tho Stale tt Ohlu, di.l,

the "Zilh day i f SJyitenihjT.' A. D.-tR-

his petition in the ,ourt of Common Pleaswiihin and for the County of Wyaridot in

id istale of Ohio, asaiuM, the said John Ja-cob Voeglin,. Christiana Voeglin, and JacobRredeiick Russeiu and Anna Mania Ktissen,

wife, defendants and setting foith thatjietcnmiuts are .indebted to the plaintiff, in

the sum of One Thousand, Dollars for moneyndvjincnd, an. I sci vices rendered , at. the pecinlinstance and rerini st of the said di fenda'.ts inmid about the title of the. def-ud-a-

to certain property claimed bv them, abi irs of one John Merriin in decenscd, and

prayiiif; for judgment against the 'aid defend"nuts, for the said sum of oue thousand tlollurs.together wit! interest f om she lblh day ofMarch, ln;

. An attachment has been issued it; said ac-

tion. ...... , !

I be (lelenuaiita arc notihid that they areepiiircd to. appear and answer said petition on

belore tlie tbird bnrurday alter tne lain dayNovember, A. D. 1661.

MclvELLEY . GKI3ELL,Plnintlif 's Attorneys.

. DISSOLUTION.NOTICE is he.e by giveu tliat the it

nerslup, nerotolore existinir between JosianSmith and David Beittlc, under the nunidandstyle of Smith fc lieistle, was this day dissolv

bv mutual consent. .


tlnrjer cnmlnsVy, Get. 1.1th lftil.N. B. The books and accounts of the firm

mtist, be settled imuiediatelv. All those iud'jbt- -

d will please take notice.Tbe business will be carried on as heretofore,

by Josiah Smith.

Prabate Notice.NOTICE is hereby- sriven shat "William Betz- - 'o

er, Guardian of. minor, heirs of Rezin Betzer,ceased, Lonu A. Pease, Guardian of Jane S,

Cable, Elias Cole, Guardian of Ssmnel Kepler,James S.Gibson, Administrator on the estate

Isaac Gurnee, deceaser', Geerge W. VallowJExecntor.ot ttie estate 01 Stephen V allow, dec dhave filed their aceonnis in the Offii e of theProbate Court of Wvondol Couuty, Ohio, for"

final settlement.Said accounts will remain on file ia this of

fice for the' inspection of ail concerned, until theSOl'li day of November next., when settlemen"wiu oe made, 31. H. Kirt ts V .

Oct. 18'ieni. Probate JudKO.

rv e w gooAND

Taces.BROKE into the enclosure of the subset iber "the New Cash Store, the Lirgest and best

sell cte'i. stock f. - , - rRY "GO 0 D S " "




ever bionsht X" Upper Sandnkv. . ;

Th'.se wishing any of the said properly,- willid ae call, pay ti.e small ch.irges on them andtalie tbem away


fit'If YOu Please!

VT7"E take this method of informing- ourif fiends and customers, that we have

and opened a full

fall mH $mtn i&wi$fConsistirg in part of

taple and Fancy Dry Goods !

A fine ussoitmcnt "f

LADIES' DRESS GOODS,To which we made par'.icular attention.

HATS & CAPS. BOOTS & SHOESof all disd iptions which we are disposing of atlow figures.

ThankluH for past favors, we ask yon to calland see us, knowing that we can make it .to yourinterest to purchase fiom us.

J. II . & A. BEERY.Upper Sandusky, Oct. 25. 'Ci-t- f

o the 'eoplN E- - W- A "R R A N G E M EN T ! !

Prices reduoedto Suit the, Times !

LEO L E S Q U E R E U X, .' Dealer in ' ' "f- '

W.A.'TGME-Sj- j

' ''

. '. :. -- !

A31CUIC A V& SYt lSS! M iNPFAt TORYHaving purchased the Watch, Clock, and

Jewelry store of H. H, WcLh.'ancf having add-

ed new stock aud m de oilier improvements, tothe establishment, 1 am prepa ed to furnish thepeople of Wyandot couuty, with all articles inmy line, at

GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.A large variety of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,Notions of every description, continually onhand, which aie all new, and of the latest styles.

" "r r--PIDf William Gilchiist's make. - Razors, SilverSpoo is, and Butter Knives, Silver Thimbles,Port Monies, Purses, Pocket Books, and Ban-

ker's Cases, Spectables, Concave peb. Glass,niaa sighted Glasses, nose Glasses, goggles,common glasses, Sjeclacle cases, violin-- bows,boxes j aud violiu bow hair, toil pieces-- , briduetpegs, ttagou s v:o;iu siriugs, exira goxi guiiartrins. violin aud aceortiwin lusiruclions.Blank musie paper and books aud tuning forks,song books. .Uiltlookingglass.es, ..

Best erasive Boar) j

toy letters t".y watehes, rubber combs, fine and'iu-s-

,imiii ' caiis..- - sewing macblue oil, coral

biads and l itiirs geld rings, best gol'L pens audolder, bleel ie.nsainl hublers. pecilsau l fchar- -

iiei.s. peiu'il points. liaw pins ol various sortsaud om- thousand iiini one other articles lo numerous 10 ineiitiou.

Watches, cl eks aud iewilry amiwa.iapted to give:entire satisfaction.

L.1M I.JiMJU JLriliU Jl.Piersmi House Block, opposite.tbo Bank.

U. Sandusky, Ang. 23,-tf- .

GUARDIAN S SALE,IN pu'BuKuce- of r of the. Pro'uite

t'oort of Wyandot county, )., made on the.'list tlnv of Oetrib', A." ft. J6l". iir tbe'ease ofSolom in Hare, gua diau of the minor li urs pfHnivey lini'in, iec d again. t his cid, the. 1111- -

ilerslgned, will , on toe HOth day of Novemi e ,

t 1 o cli ck, p. m , ou the pivmisx.-s- , i.fiii-r, public sate, the fodo.vmg bcsa-ribe- ual es-

tate, to wit: In lotNo. sixu. eieht (tiri) situ ,tein the town of Carey, 111 the couuty ol Wyandot,Ohio. -

Terms of Sale:--O- ne half cash in rand, andoue-bal- f in six months from the diy of sale.

... SOLOjMON HAKE,Guardian of Minor heirs cf Ilai vy By em, do'd

Novl'bT-No- l 4- -

S P Shur Plnntiff Before Wm K Knib'ow.J P.. against of Marseilles Towiuhip,

Oakley Jarvis def Wyandot Co,, O

On the21,h day of Oetob r, 1861, said Justi. e issued an or er of attaehinrnt iu the aboveaction for ihe sum cf thirteen dollars and eightycias cents s '

i,cv."ei at

Attention Company. 1;

Of Wjandot atd adjoinfog Cortiatie1

Tfo tie requested f9 m"t at the torroom formerly occrfpied by H.; Hardley fopposite ihe Pieff on House, In mca lnwrUhfo, every dsy frt ire purpose of nsmamfth eitea.ne 'ock of , :,

Mi li

PIECE GOODS !'which We are notr opening np ait tlfat pises'Our stock is all

NEW Sl FRESHf ; ' : ; ;

.which makes It a most desirable one from wkithlo seloct your

sPRi.c&smii!acLofiiiAnd in order that wcitliy be able to com petwttb our neighbors, and keep np with the limesWe will sell at the

LOWEST FIGURES!Our assortment consists if everything in theline, such as . ,



JACOB SCHNEIDER,;;''An experience.' Cutter has been etiinlnvoit Wj"

ihe best of Workmen will al wave bo kept ia otiif'T.upit.jf ,HU3 CUKDHQg US tQ Bl'IKS , . - ;

All kinds of Garments ia the best' stvle. atuf'upon very short notice. -


uur ctothmg is nil of our own manufHrtnre.O Remember the pacc. and don 'trail tnrall'

soou and fit yourselves nut with something nice'to wear. It is Understood thatoUr Company

all the world and the rest of mankind, toun ul uom ims general order is directed.

SIMON & OPPENHEIMER.June 1, ieei-tf- .


BALSAMIC COEDIAi,' ' n.sPEEr cure' 0'' L ;

Gonghs, Colds, Iniluenza, Croup, Hoarnesnesn. Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Disease of '

'Jhe Rowels .arising front Cold, fnap- -tent consumption, and for ihe relief"')"

.;.Mnd 'if at all possible r curt 'of Patients in the advanced v


- stages 0 ..vie . loiter dit

The Balsamic Cordral is entirely a Vegpta''iproduction, eombirriug the' healing prtVertiesjof the Balsam, wuh -- the invigorating qualitiesof a Cordial, producmg a combiLation so weiradapted to the purposes intended, that there areBut few cases of disease which wilt not at anearly period succumb to its healing-- arid lifegiving properties. ......

For ages, has the treatment of pulmonarydiseases oecHpiorl the greater portion of the'aUetit40H 01 ', the scintifio of the medical1world but none acquired more eminence in'hia treatsient in 'hese diseases, than iheceleb,dSrus4'? or Ho flaitJ, the origin tirJof the Balsamic Cordial. His life was devf. fttd:to the production f TemedieSthat would?stand nonvalled. How well he has succeeded'the American people are able to judge: andpositively assert, that no preparation thathave ever been placed before them, hlave con- -

. "IB- - "".me ampuni ot benefits' on suffer-ing Muraouity,.or have-tlicke-


from all classes of edciety, as the,em' dies of. Dr. iloofland. prepare by Dr CM. Jackson & Co of Philadelphia.

rkeeereial is resigned for a class of disea-ses more general and more fatal than any oth-er to which the people of this country t

those springing- - from a "slightlel"1 bat eminent authority, Dr. Bell,will 1 ot say that Colds" are to our iBoabiUnta-wha-t

the Plague and Yelinvthose of other countries; but f can ver confi-dently that they nsher incompticity-au- mortality than these latter."

N oAIch 0 M ft

' lIf B. H 0 0 FI A IHD'Sr "A '.'" auATB .isq'0 rif

&E RM A Ffl ,BtTll .raEFAKGD ar -- '

Dr Of M. JACKSON. & Cb., PhHaPaU : i ' 1 j j U , t F, in A f

L(.UEE C0.11PL11XT, BlSPEPSli, JiraDlfJBrChronic or Nervous VehtlUy,'' Disease--

' " the Kidneics, and all dlsedsei-Arf- ' 'Li - J ising ftmi"a ' Iiorilered L

Liver or Stomach. ,' . a r . ' ...v ?. .

Sgch fiiDariStip. tia, Iwrd Piles.CPull'uess 4f blood to the head Acidity of the STom-ac- h,

Sonr Ei netations, Sinking or .Flattering-a- ttho Pit of the Stomach, Swiriiming of the

head, Hurried and difficslt breathings Flutter--in- g

at the Heart, Choking orsuffocitiiig.-sensa-tionswheni-

a lying pisjtipn; DininewiofVision, Dots of webs before the sight, Feve-an- d

Dull Pnin iu the Head D.ficioucy efPeraspiration, Yellowness of the skin-and- . Eyes,fain in the' Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,' &c.rSodden Flushes of Heat, Bnnifng in the Flesh,1Constant lmiiinngs of evil, and' great De-pression of Spirits, and will positively preventYELLOW FEVER, B1LLOB3 FEVER, Ac

.The Proprietor in calling the attention ofthe public to this preparation, does so with afeeliug of the utra 1st confidence in its" virtuesand adaptation to the diseases lor whicn it iarecommended. . . . . . ;

It is no new and untried article, hut one thathas stood tbe test of a twelve years' trial beforethe American people, and its reputation nisale are unrivalled by aay similar preparaiMon extent. The testimony given in its fa-vor by the most prominent and well-know-

Pby.sjciji.us and individuals io-a- parts of thecoanttyrTs inimenseaed it'carfful perusal ofthe Almanac, published ?ntiu.ily b; tbe rs,

and to be had gratis pf any of theitAgents, cannot but satisfy the most skepticalthat this remedy is realty deserving the greatecltbrity it has obtained. " ' - " ' - ''

' ; "FOB- - SALE IN ": '"- ' ' ''(JPPERSA NDU iS, K Yr Oil O

T.J.SHI SI, E R . (Marseilles, M. M. & , J. A. Chesney,

Little Sandusky, S. M. Worth; Carey:H. T. Culver, and by Dealers Every-where... ; .. , ... ... , ( J

NOTICE, o , , .

THE persons nhith whom 'eonttibrttions' ofblankets, Khirts, cic, for the benefit of thesoldiers,, have been left will please forwaidthem immediately to the Military Oonimitfcssyat Upper Saudusky; ,T., ty..j

By older of the Committee;- - ,, J. : Jt?JOHN BKERY, Scoretary.

Upper Sandnsky, Oct. 23, 1661. . ......

- Buskiess Notice, j

Notice is hereby given that 'my bnsiness wjlbe carried '"orw ardas ever by William McFee andmv Father until my remrn home. The noteand book accounts are left with them for

Parties owing me ate tequested to cal-an- d

pay immediately. Also parties hotdiulclaiuis against me will be pid in ibe earliest poB(l,l4-trv-i- . .

the scamps who swindle the printer outout 0f a newspaper, and men returnHIhrouVh the postmaster as rtfttsed If aman is'ko poor lo pay, he should be

to call and atop his paper likeman. If he inclines to thieving he should

never commence at the highest grade oforirjie, by dieatinff a printer.' ; He should

fsbegin snml rob children 'of pennie- s-teal c itUetis servo six months, as army

contractor forjre bonds of the fcouth-i- n

Confederacy, and when he is ready for apersonnl interview with the hanornan or

deyil, he can cap'the climax of villainysubscribing for. a newspaper and swin-

dling the prtbTisjier.- - Bunrus' Forum.

W-- fi ad ft w ee t i am th e otli e r nigfi t 'When- all tnnnd was still- -

dreamed we s'vw a host of tolks ,

Walk up and pay ihe printer's bill.- -But'alas! it was- only a. dream. Howxolious' to be beguiled in the visions' 61

night by such pleasant, seeming rtnl-itie-

to nwnke (o the consciousness thatdream land scenes, and the scenes of ev

day life in a Printer's office is markedsuch wide shades of difference. To

dream of printer's bills being pid ' by"hosts of folks" would in its full realiza Ittion; almost, make believe that the worldwas coming to an end, and people lnd no

furthtr need of money.- L'.

New Arrival. :, of

We bad occasion a few davs ago to .

step icto tlie Jewelry establishment ofourfriend Le?qne re ttx and 'were1 not n'httjesurprised to Gad that he..had teen "off to

Kast and was then receiving a lurgeaod - complete assortment of Jewelry,cfcick, 'watches,' Ac. '.We assure ourfiieti!8 that our cyea wci.e cbi!ni-d,-wii- li

the' magnificence of his show case. Soneatly arranged and so fully iqulppedwith the latest style3 and patterns or Jewefry'1" If tou watit tq.see a soroevhinrnice, visit Mr. Ju s. . Jewelry storo, ( and

will more than Tepay you for the. timeand if you purchase, you may

et assured that you will get more thanyour money back. '

Imprcvrment. .. , - -

Nolwithiiaading the cry of hard timetand a heavy pressnre in t he money mar-ket, we are glad to note a pleasing factconnected with the growth of our beauti

villa"-?, lht neither the one or theother, has. put a. stopto. Improvements;We notice that Anthony Uhristen has incourse 01 ..erection, a substantial two s'orybrick dwelling houseon Johnson street.

is, now about ready for roofing, andwill when finished add much to the ap-

pearance of that street. . ;

' We observe that Wm.- Kino Eq.has under roof, and in process of comple-lio- n

a neat and beautiful frame' CottageHouse. This-make- (he second buildingmodeled alike.ia Gothic style, that Ms;Knrs has erected on his lot street.

is his intention to erect another at anearly dale which when completed willmake as handsome a square as any intown. . .


rREAD.v'KEitf):David ax well,-- having purchased the stockBoots. Shoes. Leather, Harness, j.nd Saddles

mith and Beistel.is how prepared to accomftradate the public," with any and every thingmhi&iitieox busiuess.,

... : ivrn mim : :..Kid Congress Gaiters!

vGlove.Kid Congress Gaiters! V

Lasting Congress Gaiters! u''-

- Lasting Baloiorals", new styles'! "

Kid Balmorals! -

0T;,.. Mrr.s Tren'cli Calf hoofs. 'iilens Calf Oxford Ties, .

- Mens Gambreio Shoes, 'Mens Kid Boots, y ; " - " k

Stogies, . :'.',;.'Mens Kip Shoes, . . . ; - '. -

Mioses aatlChilUreuswcrr'ali prices ancLquftlitiS v-- ; 4;C'i t 'i iJi Jf Ci i'j iiNow i3 the lime to purchase, your faltandwinter supply of fio'ts and shoes, and don'tTail to cuUat the pld i'eTiable.' 'stand, next , dooieast at tne pesfc othce-,- . lirectly oppoerte theCourt Hotifle, and examine for yourselves,

1 will aiso " Continue "to carry "6u ia all itsiiache-s- , tha . , ... . . .. . ...

HARNESS jt SADDLER BUSINESS.1 will' always hive in mV emrtlov the very

best of workmen, so t hat in point of style beah-ty of finish, and durability, the work done bme cannot be excelled . f -

Call and see! r .. DAVID K MAXWELL; :novS'Gl tf ;

' ''. ,



X lie, Heroes 6 r a rE.: ANTHONY, 5U1 BROADWAY,

XEW YORK,is now publishing, in addition to other po: traiisthe lielebrated collection known iu Europe andAmerica 3 - , ; :

Brady's JVutiorial "Phologmphic" Portrait', .Gallery, i. r' i

In wli':b ja included piu-tait-s of nearly all tlieprominent Men 01 Atnerieavnol exceplm

Davis, Braurt-Knrd- Floyd, and a ho.-to- f.host of oilier Cunfe.deralos. Price of I'otlrailsIhree dollars, per. Uozn. patt,.be ......',senl by

111 11. ... '

Scenes in the "War for the tTnion.are published Card ixe,: and in Stereoscope

to: m. , , - , .. ' , also. ; ,

5 iStereroscopic views of scenes in Pie is., London

and other pins of England and Fiance, Hol- -

'''' land, Seolland,' Ireland, Wales,' 'Switzerlandppam, on the Ktnne. nr AtUciis, i.jr ut, Tunkey, the Holy Laud, China, JuUia, u baU,

. AC. &C, .:,- ...

Our Instantaneous Stereoscnpie Views aretlie greatest Wonder of the Age. '- -"

Tin so sre taken ii. the ifJitr port Of a second,and the rushiug of ati.rr the moving of vebii lesou the match 01 an army, do"8 not 111 the leastdi give affect he Inking of these- views. l heyare sold for Three dolltrs er dozen.We have also on liand and manufacture" the largest .Assortment of Stereo-

scopes, Photographic Albumsand

Photographic Materials, rin the U' S. anil perhans in the World.

Catalogues, coulaiu ng lists of all portrait',views. steieoscopes,&c, will be sent free on receipt oLa fctamp.

E. ANTHONY.601, Broadway, New York.

Oct. IcVIv

iHCJCrUUIl ' tLTIIlrnt " (l) ID? Ion

TfiE StrbYigest glue in the World. ' file

ifK Cheapest Glue in the wo.ild,

TAk motet Durable Glue in the world, js

onlv Reliable Glue in the Word. '


tfio only article of the. ilnd tve'r droduccdJ ';. which - .' '

WILL WlTHSTAtvirj WATERI ; IT WltX MEM" WOOD.I ' ' ' Save your broken fnriiitil-d- .

the) ,lT .'Witt MEND I.EATUKR.' :

MeiiU your Hiiniess, Straps, Bell. Boots, te..: ; .IT WILL JUiXJJ GLASS, .... j

Suvf the-- , (iccuk of that )eii..ive Cut Glassf - . Uotlle. . ,


Doii't throw awuy that brokni Ivory Fan, it iseanily repaired. . ... t

- 5 "IT'WILL WEND GHlNA,i ,s. : ofY01 broken'C h i na IJnps nd Saucers can - be

r s madu as good a new. , .

IT WILL MEND M AFBLE,That piece knocked out of yonr Marble Mantle

I - vnw bt-u- on strojig .ever.i IT WILL MEND POI'CKLAlN.

No hiatUr if that J'(ii-celi- Filctier did not costbut p .a thUliuj; Eaed is a shilling

I - earned."- - '' ' ed

IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, .;Thn( coolly Alohas; er Vase is broken, and youCiint match" it; mrnd itr- - it will never fhuw,

j 1 " whoB ' " put 'together.tfrill mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and infact.VERY iHINQJbtit etals

Any article cenicniea with American CcmeiitUliie will l ot show where it is mended.

liXT II ACTS:"VEory.' housekeeper should have a supplyN1 us it Oro by's American Ciiuent Glue."'lew York Tiilio.'

"It is so convenient to have in the house. ''fNew York Expre-- s ... 4

'itunawiirs ready; luis commenas it to ev- -of

ii-- body.", N.Y. Independent..'We havcinea it, ana una 11 as nseiui in

our house as water." f Vilkes'. Spirit of the

10.00 per year saved in every familyby Une Koltle ot

America t G1U8Price 2.') C'ents per Bottle.

. Price: s!5 Cents per Bottle.Price 25 Cent per Bottle.Price 25 Cents per Bottle.

' Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ...- Price 25 Cents per Bottle.

Very Liberal Reductions to. Wholesaleat

,, Buyers. TERMS CASH.ID" For Sale bv nil Dinffsrists, and Store. D

keepers ihrotmhont ihe country.

V JOHNS & CROSLEY,... . , (Sole ilanufacturers,)


(Corner of Liberty Street.) KEW YORK

Important to Hotisf Owners.Important to Buihiers.Important to Kail Road Companies.Important to Fermers.

lo all w7u'irii lfh mny cmcevr., avd it enn-.-

. cerris euery li'jdy..

Johns &. croyley s; IMPROVED GUTTA PtRCtlA -


n EIU il t

The Cheapest nr.d mo-- t durable Roofingin Use.

IT" IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF.It can he annlied to jit and or.n T?oofs of

all Ktsos, stct p or flat, on d to SsincleKoofs without remr.viiiij the Shingles.

The Cost is only about Ohe-Tlui- d thatof Tin. AiND IT IS TWICE A3

DURABLE.Ibis article has been thorousjiily tested 111

New Yorh Cry and all parts of the UnitedStates, Canada, West Indies and Central andSmith America, on buildinsol all kinds, suchH8 FaCTORIF.S, Fot'NDRlliS, tjllU.CHKS, K.IL HoAODtPoTS, Cars, and on Public Buildings iieiierally, GovtaxM kt Buildings, i&c. by the jrin- -

cinal tiLULDEKS aim others, uiirinu' the past toutyears, and has rr'ovcd to be the CHEAPESTand MOST DURABLE HOOKING iu use . it isiu tveiy respect A FIRE WATER, WEATHERand TlilE PllOOl' covering lor KOOFS. OFALL KINDS

This isuhe ONLY material manufactured i 11

the United Slates which combines the verydesirable props rlies of Elasticity and Durability,which are universally acknowledged to.bs possessed tv t.UHA riiKUHA AiX U JDIAUUBBER.No Heat is required in making appli--

, cationThe expense of applying it is trifling, as an

ordinary K.001 can be covered and finished,t . the same day. ... ..... .r

. It can be applied by any one,and when fiai.-hed- , nirms a perfectly FiasPROoi'soi face, with an elastic body, which cannot beinjined by Hkat, Com or Storms, Shrinkingof Roof JioAiUiSi, nor any external action .whatever. ' s : - : i

LI QU IDG u tin Perch a C e m vu i ,

For Gonting Metals of all Kinds when erposcdfo the Action 01 the "ealher, and

For Prescrvinsr and liepaiiing JUetal- !"? Ifoofi of all kinds

This is the only Composition known whichwill succeslully resist exueme chnnges or alclimates, for any lenffth of time, when appliedto metals, to which it adheres hrmlv, to nun"body equal to three coats of ordinary painteofs nuieh'let and--' will LAST ;THKEI-TIME-

AS LONG; anil from its elasticity i

not injured bs- the contJ-actio- and expansionof TIN and ith.r METAL ROOFS consequentupiMi sudden changes of the weatln r. '


LEAKY - TIN AND OTHER METALROOFS c; 11 be readily repaired with t.UTt'PI'.RCHA CEMENT, and prevented f obifurther corrosion and leaking-- , therehv ensuriuira perfectly Water Tih Roof for many inars.

. This Cement is ptculiarly ada)ted for t epreservation of Iron Railings, Stoes, . Ranges.Safes, Agricultural Implements, tc , also forgeneral inaiii'fi'Cturers use. :, ......


For g nnd repiirinir ' Tin und otherMktai Eo r's of every d script ion, from i'sgreat el istieity , is not injured by the contraptionami expansion of M- tj s, at.d will not Crack inCold or Hon in Warm Weather.' . ,. i '

'1 In se nialei ials are adapted to a'l climates,and we are- prifnmu to Supply nrilers f om anv

of the eoniilrv, at short notice, fw GUTTAPEt'CHA ' KOOFI N(i in rollM, leadv prep iredfor use. and GUTTA PKKCH A CUM EN T inbarrels, with full printed directions for application.

'" "' AGENTS WANTED.. We will make libetal and satisfactorv or

litngemcnts with rcpoosibls parties. ho wouldlike to establish themselves in a lucrative andpermanent buainess. ;

OUR TERMS ARE CASH.Wc can :ive abnndtmt proof of all we claim

in liivor of our Improved JtooDug alatcnaishaving applied them to seve at thonsand Hootin New iork City aud vicinity.


fOLS MANUFACTURERS(Wholesale Warehouse) 73 WILLIAM St

Co ner ol Liberty Street NEW YORK.ByFull desciptive Circulars and Prices will

fce Mi on-L- d on of phcatioa. o:tS5 61 J y--.

it A,TjKs, 9 F , p ve wrts iw, V. J" a3vr lm 3ra 6m iy

$6 00.sdiiarea, 2 00 ... 2 50 , 3 60 6 00 , . 9 0U

3 (.uuarea 1 3 OD , 4 00 ' '5 HO 7 00 10 004 uquaros 1,4 00,', 5 00 G 00 "'

' 8 00 12 oncolumn 4 50 ,5 5r. C 50 9 00 1.1 I'O

Keoluron,, 5 00. . 6 00 ., 7 50 10 U): 15 00).',cohni.a 6 00 - 7 f)0" 9 00 12 00 20 CO

Srolumn" H 00 10 00" 12 ')0 18 00 33 OP

si column 9 00 11 00 . 14 00 20 00 33 00 the1 eolumn 10 (JO 12 00 15 00 22 50 40 00 by(card) 5 lines or less, 1 year... . . 5 00

B3 A reduction .of 5 per. cent, from theabove ratcs.will be made for 0ilu i

The spice occupied by 10 lines of the typecomposing the body of the ndveitiscmeut, wi 1

be considered a square.411 transient advertisements, lull be d We

a. square. V - - '

AM. dvcrtiscmerits,-- ' together withASniinistrution, Attachment, Roiid and DitchNotices, must be paid lor in advance.

Advertisements inserted for an indefinite vtime will I e clii. rjredafor tiuVil ordWri-- out. the

When yenVry " advertisertiefit ve insetted,one or more changes will be allowed.

L. A. BRUNNER, RaoF-aiE-ro-

PPrTSBURTJ, FORT WAY N &. CHLCAUO ery' " :JU1LR0AD...,. ..; by

On apil aftarSunjisj, $0 .ttrainsUl ar-

rive at tliisftation until further orders as follows


Night Express. . M.Mail ....... ..7.U P M.

Mait. :. .. . , .:. ..... .... . ,.,.,1214 r, v .

K igUt xprte.it .v . . . v. V. J.1S.25 A. M

J. M. OUR,,..,d ,.--. -. T i.-- ! Agent.: '


jfcWood will br-take- r on subsciip'tion.for the Pioneer if 4elivcred, soon, aswo are in need, jf it jusj now. ,;it:L.

l'leasant Weather. ' ; ' """..


Ve enjn'yerf lasr'week, a few (Jays ofthe most agreeable weather. It ia evi-


ihe lime of Indian Summer, a sea-

son- of tlie fenr,7 which has its melanctplythousrhts mixed with Its pleasant realiza

t U 1 in f-- -llon' '' "'

Some of the most eminent Clergymenin the country endorse IIooflasds Ger- -

ican Bitters. . Sea 'Advertisement in a- -

Bother, column. , i"- - ful

Died TJM.i.'

JJieJ feiMrsidl& on Thursday, Ifov J4.ADarew uncRpuer, atieu ui yeuia.


Potatoes wanted. i'"v

, .Ten.rir.ift6ien b'aslelsVof potatoes--w?H

be taken .on 's'nbsciiption' at'jhis ofTici

Bring them along without delay..'Sn. w. ' It

The first sprinkle-o- f snow, fell in tnisplace on Fiiday the 15. h int.

' If" yfa wsmt bargains dorit fail- td al- -

tena tbe"uc,iion of I) y goods," at-- G. , C.

Wortb'"stH9re' room,'" on' every Monday,Wednesday .and Saturday, until his entire tock is disprmed of.;;

A New Arrival. iji.t

Simon,$!: Oppenleimer, has lately re ,

ceived a large addition to their already otol

larga,f tpek ,ol, getjts'. clothiog...,They havegarment of every' description aod trxrurp. andqa supply the wants oJUhe.pi'fpre, bothl as respeets price and fabric'rhejr also matiafaciare gents garments toorder, , They have a complete assortmentof cloths,5 cassimercs, && and! having in

their mploy a no. 1 cutter, and will al

ways guarantee fits.. Give them a call.

Cnnrt oCC'ommefi IMeasu - .' 17 i, The Court .pf1 Common , Pica's for Uii

county Judge Plants presiding, eommen.-

ced its ITovemLer feim: o, Monday Jfov1 1.-'- The Grand Jnry were empannelleds worn and clia rge'd .by' 2 udge PI an ts ; ndafter a two days-cessi- were discharged.There 'are uponLel'jfoeiit-tj'.lO- l cases,the.-- whole of which were civil action?,with the exception of 3 wLicli are crimi-

nal, & fen assauH and battery h for rape.T he court ad Wft fn e tf n even- -

.i'T-T-f"-?- r vA Good Sign, ... . , .

l .tT4 n rl A

An index" board. .points" out the trueconditioner a road, or 'ifie; direct

'i oute t

ft placos tit js tlie evidence, of somethingto' the 'rrriod. Our grand jury was in ses-- ,sion two days, last-- i week, and returnedbut on6)Dl(iliAel.iltwi lot an assault

nd battery; j That a looks well for themorality ol lh peopl-o- the courfty, andwe hope it is a jure index to the lack that

good healthy sUta o:n)rls,tloe8 ex'tetin Wyandot eoirnty;" ,

Jflarriaes for October.Yil,lroy.Lavis and Cordelia C.Tennedy.

'Chai-re- bait 'aVf ifQuali:Thos. Hoslejsjapd Martha J. IJidlem.Joseph lJPos-an- elle pjnglcr.- - ;Jackan-Andorso- n and Mary A--

i Johnson.Wna. Davidson and. Eliza J. Mincer. ;

Israel Hart and Malinda C. Wolf, , j .

Jno. M, H!e ,a,h$ Barb'rira E. Winters.Madison Finch Bind Ann E. Biggs.Fred'k. W, Hjne and Eli?nbeth Greek.Richard H. Reed and Nancy A. BachielJohn Wood and Nancy Ridjeout.Jas. lull apd Samanilia.Corwin. rJacob Miller an4 Martlia J. Dunlap.John Schiaigger aod. Eve 'Bastel.



Jno. B. Mansfield and Rosanah Eyestone. John B'ighara and Araminta Gioson.

B. F. Swarts and Ann S. Dow: ' !

- John Swift and Susan .Bearinger.Isaac Kemp and'Nancy Wilcox."Lewis Cozman and Clary sa Aon Hill.George W. Bllliot and Marion Tudhope.Wm. Smith and Julia A. Camhy.OrvilJe P. TuUk-'aa- d E. Armitrenr.

cheap as like articles cau be pujehased in thispart ot the State, - ' -

The patronaae of the public is respectfullysolicited, believing that we can suit all reason-able persons ja the price and quality of ougoods.

James Bowers will remain st the old standready to Wait on all the old customers and ma-ny New ones.

mTbe highest market price will be paidfor prodnceof all kinds. .

ICr'Uive us a call. ' ' "

A. M. HOLLBAUGII,At tbe old stand of J J. Ayers, "Wm. Ayers'

ouuaiujr, tldper sanausKy, u.Oct. 18, leoi.-t- f.

.... ;; t o , t ti ePatriotic Yonng Mep

WYAMBOT COUNTY.I AM authorized bv the AdiutaUt 5nei-a- l

ot tne Mite to raise a fu It company pt votunteers for the 5ath Regiment (1. V. M , II. S A.to serve three years, UnKeS sooner discharged

J have established a rrcrnitinp office at. No.I. Yellow Corner, wlicre I am nrepared to mui--

ter into service "all who my apply; .

This is. perhaps, the fast chance you willhave, to go in a full company from this countylicetore 00 not let the opportunity pass. It

the mesa are not raised by volunteers, tha Govrritor will have to resort to draft, as more men

must be had immediately. ; - .

All recruits will receive pay and subsistencef om the date of enlistmeut, and will be

immediately. ;. - "R. ROBB1NS,

"'- - : ' Com. Lieut.Upper Sandusky, Oct. 11. tf ;


- The measures are

A, the distance

ronnd the Neck.

B toB, the Vokot

0 to C, tbe sleeve

D to D, distance

arouedthe Body- .

under the arm

pits E, to E, the

length o Shirt.

-- ' ' BALLOU'S -'


Patented November 1st, lSo&rA New Style of Shirts, WarraBteil to Fit.

By sending the above measures per rnnil wecan guarantee a peiftct fit of our new style ofShirt, pntl return by Expres--s to a ly part of theumieu ciarei... nz - id, Sj4 tc, ore.per dozen. No order forwarded for half a dozon shirts, 1 ?., -

1 Also Importers and Dralers ia MEN'S TVR-XlSUI-

GOODS, , ; , , r ('t I B ALLOU iBROTHERS, i ii No. 400 Broadway, New York.-- -

" Who'esale Trade snpdlied nti the' usnal' ' ' 'terms. July 19tb,'61.6rri

':.;r "A NEW ' THIKG !.";.; ''.',

Stop anU see what it is:

RESPECTFULLY informs the'citizens )f.generally, Uiat lie has

opened i Cabinet Shop in the town of Upperan dusky , where he designs carrying oa the

bus,iues iu all its various branches, j .,

He intends keeping atall times full supply;of ready made furniture, such ij , '

Sofis, Bureaus, Sociables, Tab'iei Chairs ofvarious kinds, Bedsteads, Wash-stand- 'And in fact jivery thing that isHsually found

in a well.' ordered establishment of the kind. andany filing in, his line tint he may not have, willbe made to order on the shrftest notice.

Be 'intends, "keeping a Hearse, and wiHmake and deliver coffins to any point desired',on shoit ut'lice. ' ' - J ""

GrvEHIM A CALL- -' ' '

andoscc his gooSs before purchasing elsewhere.Shop iu King's bnilding, ooposite the Yellow'Cornel-- , Stevens 'old FRANK. B, DAY.

- . ... ;

Ang. 30. lbGl.-l- y.

. Special, Sotice."

HAVING sold my entire interest in the newStore; notice is hereby given that

all persons indebted to me either by note orbook account must call and .arrange the sainvby the 1st day' .of '. October next, , or they willbe left in the hands ot the proper officers forcollection. " "' W. A. HUBBARD.

Aug. 16 tf - ' - - ,;

David luitli Estate"NQTICE.is hereby given that the subscriber

has been appointed and' quaUfieek as Adbuis'-trato- r

cn the estate of David Smith, late olWyandot County, deeM. Dated this 8th dayof October, ISGt. - ''

" JtlPN RAftlN.f:

Oct 1 1 3t '.. ." ; -


DISSOLUTION OF COP ATERSHIP1 his is to dive notice that tlie copartnership

hitherto existing under the name of J.A'Maxwell fe- - Bro., has been thi day dissolved bymutual eonseat-- : 5 li " w .ffi " SS

Ail persons knowing tbemselve indeht to thelate firm either by note or book a ccount, willplease come fwword ami settle the same. s

The books and pap. r of the-lat- firm are inthe hands of J. A. Maxwell, who Is July au-

thorized to geltle the same. fJ. A. MAXWELL.' 'G. ;

Octi 4. lf--


State of Ohio, Wyandot Connty, ss.Pursuant to thn commaBd of an execution

writ, from the Court of Common Pleas in andfor tl e county of Hancock, to me directed. 1

shall ejpose to public tale, at the door of the

Court ouee, in Upper Sandusky, on the 9lhday of November, A. D. 1861, between thehours oH0 a. n ... and 4 o'clock, p. in., of saidday the follow ing pi opcrty to

The east part, ot In lota Nos,. ninety sevenand cue hnndred and two, iu Upper Saudusky,Wyandot Connty, Ohio. -

Valued Rt sixteen hundred dollars.To be sold as. the property of William Tru p

at the suit of Bavid Hoiidesha.l. "

Terms uf sale, cash '. ;

. JiMES CULBEBTPON, Jr,Sheriff W. O. O.

Ocr.4,lSSl. pf S3 55.
