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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · THEDAILYNEWS.-o-ft 1,0 RDAN I DAW80H * 00« PROPRIETORS....

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THE DAILY NEWS. -o- ft 1,0 R D A N I DAW80H * 0 PROPRIETORS. OFFICE No. 149 EAST BAT. o T z 8MB .Daily News, one yeaif.96 00 Dajxi Nkv.'b, six months . 3 00 jjAu.sc News, three months....3 00 Tbi-Weeexy News, one year. 3 00 Tbi-Weebxy News, six months.3 00 Paymebt invariably In advar.ce. No paper sent unless the csTsh accompanies the order, or for a long- er Urne than paid for. Tee Data's N»rwB win served to subscribers in he city at 16 cents a week. Abvebtimmeitts..First Insertion, 15 cents a Une; eubsocjnout Insertions, 10 cents a Une. Baslness Hotlees. 20 centn a Une. Marriage and Funeral No- tires. One Dollar each. N JE w s a Ü M MA It r. .Gold closed quiet yesterday at New York at 31*. .Tito New York cotton market closed firm. Sales 23J0 bales at 33Jc. .At Liverpool cotton was unchanged. Sales 10,000 biles. .Au illustrated daily paper is to be started in San Francisco. .ThoD« mocrat s olcot three and the Badi- oals three members of Congress in Alabama. .It is proposed to found a fellowship in Trinity College, Dublin, which will be open to the competition of Catholics. .The ceremony of breaking ground for the building of the new postofflce was duly per- formed in New York on Monday morning. .The first business to come before the Span- ish Cortes, which reassembles in October, a Madrid dispatch announces, will be the elec- tion of a King. .The Londou Pall Mall Gazette estimates the amount of United States bonds held abroad to be about $1 200 000 000, which, if the. esti- mate be correct, would cause a drain of $80,000,- 003 a year Irom this country to pay the interest on them. .A young blood in New York sold smoked bits of glass on Broadway, on Saturday, for a wager. He netted flty dollars besides the stakes, which were one thousand dollars. His groom and horses took him from bis stand at the expiration of the time agreed upon to de- cide the wager. .And now, Cleveland, Ohio, and Quincy, 111., demand the national capital, while Akron, Ohio, cries for the naval acadomy. The for- mer citios found their claim «on location, and the latter on the possession of a fine canal, on which tho middies could be taught navigation without getting seasick. .Dr. Osgood gives his impressions of Rpur- geon m this language : "Ho does a large and good business in souls. His gifts areas much of tbe bowels as of the brains, and he seems to be full of sympathetic juices, in which his great audiences float like a great navy in an ample harbor." No wonder Mr. Osgood's New York congregation accepted his resigna» tion. .Hungarian journals relate a singular case of suicide. A shopkeeper at Pesth, shot him- self With a pistol, having previously written to a friend that "life is insupportable. I adore my wife, but she has grown so stout.she that was of so ravishing a figure when I married her." Ho added that he preterred to die rath- er than be unfaithful to his wife on this ac- count, or te uso legal means to be separated from her. .A mechanic in Memphis has produced a plan lor a low pressure steamboat, which he claims will have double the speed ot any now in use, while it will cost little more than boats on tho old plan. It can also be run at half tbo expense for lab >r and fuel. It is divided into compartments, water and air tight, and cannot be snatrgod bo as to sink. Fire in the hold can be confined to a single compartment, and will be roadily extinguished by steam, for which suitable apparatus is provided. .Farmers starting ramie culture would do well to devote the first year entrely to propa- gating the roots, and setting them out in the field intended tor permanent culture after the first year. Three harvests can be made an- nually, each giving a very handsome return for a very little labor and capital. The growth ot stems become more dense after each cutting, and produce fibre of finoi texture as the growth becomes closer. A machine has been invent- ed capable of preparing the product of one acre per diem. .Tbo Spanish army in Cuba,, il is estimated, amounts to about 70,000 well equipped soldiers. Of this number 38,000 are native volunteers. Tbe number of troops landed from Spain since November, 1868, amounts to 20 557 ; to these must be added mobilized militia. 8500; Spanish volunteers at tho front. 6000 ; Spanish volun- teers iu garrison, 7000--making a total of 42 077. But from this number must be deduct- ed about 10 000 carried off by disease ami wounds, leaving 82,077. Cespedes, the revo- lutionist, it is reported, has under him 50 ( 00 men 25 000 well and 25,000 poorly armed .James fl. Day, formerly private secretary to General By an, arrived et tho clifton Ho.'";, Niagara Falls, last Friday, with letters pur- porting to come from tho Cuban Junta in New York: asking the General to come to New York immediately with Day. Byan. sus- pecting the letter was a forgery, accused Day of treachery, which the latter was Anal- ly compelled to adroit, whereupon Byan gave him a severe and unmerciful horsewhipping. Day, on his kuees, begged for mercy, but none was sbono him until tbe guests rushed in and tcok tho whip from tbo General. The affair créai od considerable excitement. .According to a correspondent of the New York Tiibuuo, every one in Canada is anxious tor a Ouange in tho plan of the Government of the Dominion. Tho newspapers of the Domin- ion tell a very different--story, most of them opposing independence as likely to weaken the government and givo up tho material aid which bo mother country bas Iii t her to afford- ed, bot U in a military and in a financial way, whilo they are equally unanimous in declaring that annexation is not to bo thought of for a moment, and that there is not even an insig- nificant party in favor of soon a change. Tho discrepancy between the two accounts is not easily explained. .Tbe Cuban Junta in New York City, on Monday, received a mail from Pr, eidont Ces» pedes. which contained what purpoits to be important news. Puerto Principe it to be attacked On the 15th instant ; the attacking force are only ^waiting tbe arrival of artillery, which batifceeu recently landed. The whok number of vessels so far landed in Cuba witib men and supplies for the revolutionists is nine. The whole number of filibuster* landed is 2600. mostly Americans. General Quesad* bash his command 7000 men, well armed and sup plied, besides 800Ö men enrolled who have at amis except the machete. The army is it good health and has » superibnndanco of pro- visions. :.( ,.t .,, .The Washington co^içMpondents say thai . the indications are by no meaos few of a Uijrnl £ed row in tha Radie d party before the inau » »v» Mit.,> < :... )»i*'n.-:-! .<i*t.Y,r "4o fcv.r«i';!*':««o,! i \Tj;if v: Kuration or the new year. Disaffected Repot- licans in the camp proolaim Tfithont hesitation their intention to bave certain slights suffered by them since the present administration oame into offioe remedied, and promise no end ot tbe war when Congress meets unless ample satis- faction be obtained for their grievances. The Bontwell faction, composed or the ultra Radi- cals, who favor oontinual proscription of tbe Southern people, aud tbe election of Bcutwell to the next Presidency will, undoubtedly, pre- sent a strong front, and rely upon thoir leader to rule the President in Cabinet deliberations if possible. .Notwithstanding the heat, says the Pall Ma'l Gazotte. tbe eroa.tc.st activity is shown in pushing forward the structure erecting in St. Petor's for the QSourmnical Counoil. The ar- chitect, Signor Yospignani, is daily in atten- dance and he is kept at high pressure by the Pope. A circular bas been addroBsed to the bishops, enjoining them to choose coadjutors to disobarge the.r duties during their presence at the counoil. It was to give facilities foe sueh arrangements that the Pope nominated so many bishops in partibus in the last Consis- tory. The counoil will suppress several rohfc- ons orders and useless congregations, and many communities ot women. It will also for- bid reliqieux to accept tho functions of parish priests, requiring tho last to bo secular schol- ars. Cardinal Tuai lei, dean of the Sitcred Col- lege, is dangerously ill. He lately made his will, bequeathing his immense fortune to his near relations. He loa vos a milUon of francs in gold, and a half million m notes. CHARLESTON. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1869. A Thief, For^- and Murderer in . Congress. It is a notorious fact that the Radical Republicans of South Carolina are led by men of doubtful character, whose integrity in nearly every case is in the inverse ratio of their smartness and party skill. As there are but a handful of decent Republi- cans in the State, this was to be expected, and the bickering of rival demagogues would possess no public interest only thai, when rogues fall out, damning facta corne to light which would otherwise be covered forever by the broad blade mande of Radi- cal party charity. In this way publio at - tention has been directed to the wordy duel between United States Senator Sawyer and Congressman Bowen on one side, and the Mackey family on the other. The Maokeys denounced Sawyer and Bowen as traitors. Sawyer and Bowen denounced the Maokeys as wholly unworthy of trust. Very little was said by either party of the personal antecedents of their foes, and it was matter for surprise that Sawyer, Bowen and tbe Maokeys ehould have foregone so brave an opportunity of using with effeot the deadly Bp ear of truth. Expediency and a desire to save the par- ty from the scorn aud contempt of even the luckless oolored people, who are its stay and strength, caused the disputants for h time to hold their hands. But, apparently, even Radical endurance has its limita, and Alderman T. J Mackey, in his reply to Congressman Bowen, throws modesty to the dogs, and proposes "to show from the reoord that C. G Bowen is not a credible witness upon a questionsof faot." The let- tor is, in truth, an arraignment of Coût gressman Bowen upon charges as serions as have ever been brought against a publio officer in this or any other country. Con- gressman Bowen is branded by Alderman Mackey, the president of the Union League of this oity, as a thief, forger and mur- derer, and we print these charges that the Republicans: of the North may read and judge for themselves. As a member of the United States House of Representatives* Congressman Bowen has a voice in making laws for Illinois, and Ohio, and Massachu- setts, and Pennsylvania, as well as for the States of the South. It is proper that the whole country should know the oharaoter of the men who oontrol the destinies of the nation, and it is proper that every honest citizen, whether Republican or Democrat, should know who and what are the men who, while "representing" the South, hold, the bala&8& of power between the East and West. The charges brought against Congress- man Bowen by Alderman Maokey ar* as follows: 1. ThatC. C Bowen stole a valuable set of faro checks from a gambler in this oity, which oheoks were sold by Bowen in New York, where they were identified and ulti- mately recovered by the owner. 2 That 0. C. Bowen was imprisoned in Castle Pinckney in 1867 by Governor Scott, then Assistant Commissioner of the Freedmen'e Bureau, on the charge of mis- appropriating the funds of the Union League. 3. That C. C. Bowen, then Captain of the 21st Battalion Georgia Cavalry, was tried by court-martial, found guilty, and cashier ed for forging pay folia, the result being announced in general orders from General Beanregard's headqu*r»«*-8. 4 That 0C Bowen, was arrested upon the oharge of having planned the' murder of Colonel White, at Georgetown, S C., in November, 1864. that he escaped punish- ment by the flight of his accomplice, and was released from jail when the Federal troops took possession of Charleston in 1865 ' Some of these oharges against C C. Bowen have already been published; others are altogether new. What we now desire is to show the people the oharaoter of one of the leaders of the South Carolina Radi oat Republicans; pno of tn_e trusted chief lainu of the parly; one of the men sent by negro Radical voteB to represent South Car olina in the Congress of the United States. '«lue interest en th« btatc Ue»t. We-are informed by the State Treasurei that the'intereat On the publio debt is nearlj all paid, and that the reoeipts at the trea sury are largely in excess of the payments1, | Thé interest now unpaid cannot, we are In- formed,'be called, for until the principal ( a d interest unpaid previous to July 1, Ï' 1867, is funded under the act of 1860 Whee the provisions of that not are comp tied ! holders maj preient7 their ojaima. 1 Which will be promptly paid. We are informed that eome five hundred t thousand, «altera of Slate stock have beat . converted id bonds under the act to provïdi . for the conversion ©f State a*curii«». 1 «l.'.v. iifci- W «i/o-ra : m ,1«! M tili' c IfcTSn >AH j j)ïn'.',.,,' toi ebo' f '.'-ii.iviria.t* .r ,ti» - < -: le i, .aetOï< ><. « «isW - . 4-. The Chinese. A Boston clergyman, Mr. >bott, who has been studying the Chinese in San Francisco, is strongly in favor of their emigration to this country He says they are all bound to go hack to China, and will do it as soon as they have a little money. He remarks tbat the Chinese character is a perfect incarna- tion of non-resistance. It answers to the ethics of the gospel in many ways. It never renders evil for evlL Its obier" glory .8 meekness of spirit. At first men abuse acd make a mook of this disposition, but by-and-by it commanda respect, and the re- mark is made that the Chinaman is harm- less, therefore, leave < him alone. The writer observes tbat a hundred different branches of labor are already dependent upon the Chinese. They are faithful to their employers. They are ant imitators, and can do anything that is shown them. The writer regards them as an open mis- sionary field, andptsays that hundreds of them arc in the Ban Francisco Sunday schools. j& This is the intelligent, frugal, cheap in- dustry that we requira/or the low country of South Carolina. If the pigtails are not wanted in 'Virginia and Georgia, so much the better for us. We want them, and will have them despite the dog-in-the-manger polioy of some of our contemporaries. JtauttTiM t. -1 E O K « I A MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or MaCON, GEORGIA. Authorized Capital..'.. .$500.000 FIRE AND LIFE DEP*RTMttfîTS SEPARATE and distinct by charter. $10 ',000 paid into the In- surance Department of Georgia accoruiog to law for the benefit of the assured iu this Company. Stockholders wealthy aud responsible gentlemen of Georgia. A purely Southern Company, allowing only six per cent ot its earnings to. the -Stockholder.-* ; the rest o f the profits dividad among the Policy holders on the cLutribution plan. tire Department, has been In successful opera- tion tor six months, aud has already accumulated bandtome sssets. Life Department in full and successful operation, and vicing with old companies m its success. All of its Policies nonforfeitable, and of every description of Life and Endowment, together with an annuity table and return premium plan. No r'-Glrictious upon travel, place Of residence or occupation. Women Insured on same terms as men. Loans half of ils premiums. No notes taken, omexns: W. J. LAWTON. President. J. C. MCBURNEY, Vice-President R. J. LTDHTFOOr, cccrotar-y. O. F. MoO AY, Constituting Actuary.. P. H. WRiGET, Examining Physician. Tbis Company Is now prepared to take risks either in the Fire or Life Departments, and solicits a share ot the patronage of the city and State. J. G. HOI*MB8, Jr., General Agent for South Carolina. Local aui Travelling agents wanted in all parts of the >ta'o. Liberal commissions allowed, or a sal- ary if preferred. Applications to be made to J. G. HOLMES. .Jr.. General Agont, No. 80 Broad .street, Charleston,JLO. July'.! _TDtc_wfm fti t' (iKDl.ll «I fj T I) A h LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or & E.W YORK. Organised In 1859. ALL POLICE 1 NON-FORFEI TABLE... HALF LOA .V TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST CASH DIVIDEND 50 (FIFTY) PER CENT. BTATEMEHT. Polices in force..935,000,000 Assets. 1,500.000 Annual Income.... 800.000 Losses Paid. . 500,000 omocBs, W, H. PECKHAM, President, Wh. T. BOOKER, Vico-Bresldent L. Mo ADAM. Secretary and Actuary.' ' G. A. FUDIOKAR, Superintendent. nrsBcxoas. Hen. Joan A. Dix, New York. * Hon James Hasps*, Firm of Harper A Bros., ex- Mayor New York. John J. Chane, President Bank Republic. Wm M. Vebjctltk, Banker (Vermilye A Co.) ChabG. Rcoxwood. Cashier Newark Banking Com. pany. Hon. Geoboe Opdyke, ex-Mayor of New York. Mnror c. Moboan, Banker. Thomas Biosst.Firm Thorns/ aigney A-Co. i Bsn?. B. hhbxah, Treasurer ,ew York Stevn Su- gar Refining Company. aauon abhold, Firm of Arnold, Constable & Co. RiCHASp H. Bowhb, Wetmore A Howne, Lawyers. IV Y. Hauohwout, Firm e. v. Banghwoat & Co. Wm Wilsens, firm of W. Wilkaus At Co. Jouus B. Paarr. Merchant. Wm. W Wiuoht, Merchant. chas J. -taub, Merchant WnutxAK uleh, Merchant' Gxo. V%, Ccylkk, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. '< OSO. T. Horn, President Continental Fire Iusur- ànéè Company. /' J Join* O. hhe*wood. Park Place. Waltos H. Pxcxkam, Cotaac Pith Avenue- and Twonty-third-street EnwAnn H. Wbiqiit, Newark, n. S. Gxo. W Fabixe, (Muuseilor. W. L. CoosWEr.L, M orelia:i t. Gtt.OrtUJfi K KCl 31, i GENERAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. " i ' " . .. Dr. T. REEN.STJfiRNA, Examining Physician. ! tt. laSEKTï'.L, GENERAL AGENT FOB, CHARLESTON.; office No. »65 Kinu-strcct, CHARLESTON, S. O. January 10 dao lyr JjltOUKLTH f LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.......91.300,OOC ISHÜES ALL KIN:>fl OF LIFE AND ENDOW MENT POLICIES Dividends snnn»lly la cash Qnlv Company having the Deficite Guaranteed Sur render-Value Plan Policies, worid-wide. second h no Company in the United Sîetes ior stability, iibé rality and economy. iijäjb* HC 141 Broedjtay, Few York. CHBlbTIaVJ W. BOUCK, President. Wm. M, CdûÉ; ^eeretary.. ', [ Bt«te Agency No. »5 Broad-street, Scoond Floor. Local and1, Canvas/sing Agents wanted througuou ths bteto. :': <*app!y in person or br letter to JAMK» «. ElObMKB. Jr., I General Attest for South Carolina. July 12 mwf «mes riiTBATK Oïf:> a'oÖOD OOOLIKG SUMMWaV MEDt^INÉ. MAD1 . fresh eve-y day. by I u < d*. b. BARB, \ MaysB No. 181 M«etiOg-*rr*et «MSltlU» -.-vi 'Wal*? 1t» .YT'-y X .jW . t term* I .. 1- SUttt*. WANTBD. A. SITUATION BT A KK- SPBOTABLBVWHirEQlRL. to inlnd child- ren or do honaowori. Apply At Wo. 5 ST. PHILIP- BTBEBf._2*_August 13 WASITH), AN IDXHRRIBNCLEPtNURSB to mind a jouug infant. None n«ed apply without go d recoiumendatious. Apply to the COR- NER UF UAYNJt AND MUE UNO STBEfcTS. Augnet 13_ _2* WANTBD, bvkrybudi tu know that PiiE><OBlP1TOf« No. 19,716 gives mme- diate relief, and is a permanent ehr«- for Neuraleia. August 18_ljj_ WAliTBP to RBKT, a SCHOOU HOUSE and RE-IDENlE. Addroxs, stating terms, P. O. ThxNo. 169. wfm2î Augvut 11 Wantrd. A «»fU^tion BY A com- PETENT Bookkeeper, but who is willing to take tne place o au Arsietant. Wtll net as Sales- man and make bunseif generally useful. Las no objection to travel. Salary not i>o much an object as perm nent employment Boi-tof references given. Address " OB ABLES1 ON IAN," care ol "News Or- ncE." August 11 WANTED, PART OP a RESIDE ncr, say THBKt OB FOUR ROOM*, on or tear W. t.*w(,rtii.titr«r.t or i/,itu*ii(,(, Avenue. Rent nnl to exceed $350. Address X. O. Z., at this office. July 37_. _ WaNTBD, bv a MAKRIKD man, a situation in «orne Cotton Mill -oath or South- west; is acquainted with all branches, having work- ed in them all, but should select WEAVING as a choice, laities wishing to engage tacha person will please address a note, stat-.ng terms, to JOHN j. "TELLY, Bo. 148 Mate-street, boston. May M WANTED, KVMtttlOUl TO SUB. SCRIBE to the CIU<)U"LATING LIBRARÏ _ CHARLES O. RIGHTER'B Belect Library of New Rooks contains all of the latest publications. April 21_No. 161 K1 NO-STREET. CHINES K LABOHERS.PAItTmS wishing to employ large or Brual! numbers, of CHINESE LABORERS, xruy make the necessary arrangement» for procuring gang- of alif- required delivered in vby part of the country, by application to KUOPMaN&CBAAP, ban Francisco, California July 20_ WANTED, KV EM y body to KNOW that JOB PRINTING of «»11 kinds, plain and ornamental, is executed promptly in the neatest styie and at tho lowest New York prices, a' t hs mvs Job Office, No. 149 EAST BAY ( all and ex- amine the scale of prices before giving your orders elsewhere. WANTED. AGEMPs KOR TUE AMERI- GAN FARMERS' HORSE BOOK, in both Eng- lish and German, by Robert -tewart, V b., ol Miss, the wora covers the whole ground of the breeding and raiding, and the treatment of hones and mules, bo'.h In sickness and health. It ban won its way to popular favor, and is tvday the most popular and bent Helling Hone Book out. Address O. F. YEN Punhrthor, Cincinnati. O. 6mo* March 19 Co torni. TO KENT, THB T11 RHU l'PPKR STORIES of the ADOEB BUILDING, each floor forming a fine hall, being 85 feet doep and 54 feet wide with a bold entrance on King-stre-t; will be fitted up to suit any purpose for which they mav be desired. Apply to J. L.. M'SES, Collector and Beat Estate Agent, Fi. 34 Broad-Btreet. July 14 ' _wlm 13 TO KENT ON SVLUVAN'H IS LAND, A neat COTTAGE-BUI LT HOUSE, with ciBtern and some Furniture, situated on Middle street, about five minutes' walk from the steamboat landing. Terms liberal if auplied forthis week to W. HUNT, No, 42 Market-street, no th side. August 12 . ......_ To rr NT, T ' » SQ PLKASilNTLY «ITU- A'j.ED TWO AND A VALF BjgORY RESI- DENCE, No. K Gadsden-street, oppodttrWeutworth. Apply at CHARLESTON BTBaMSaW MILL. June 14 _ ^ ER1L « STATE AOKVTS, AND Ol HESS having houses to rent, can have their Placards, Ac, printed at the lowest rates and in the newest and neatest stvies of typo, nt IHR NEWS JOB OF- FICE, No. 140 East Hay Jn Salt. FOR 8ALK Tfl-DAÏ, A V\T MI'.t'H < OW, ORNER OHARLOTTE AND ELIZ>- BETH STREB l\s._1« August 18 ÏTMJU SALE, FOUR McC AR THY KOL* ; LEB GINS, second hand, but httle used 1 Premium Farm Grist AIM, "Proseus" Patent 1 Hand-power -teel Grist Mill 18 Plough)?, of varied and moat approved patterns, all but little used, an i at low prices 1 Cotton U Gaker 1 Fonr-horse Power Steam Engine, second baud, in good condition. Apply to «.AWekON, BARKLEY & CO., Noribeaat corner.Meeting and Cumberland streets Anguat 9_lmo TJM1H »ALK ONE HVNDIilOU 1'Ut'VS- JC AND ACRES OF LAND in Keranaw County, Booth Carolina 00NBlUT.uia of: FIFTY VERY 6ELEOT FABM"> near Camaeu ana on the Railroad, varying In size from 150 to 600 acres These and adjoining rarmaars being taken by our best eitiaeux, and afford every advantage for health- ful, com tor able and profitable tarma. M\N? LARGE AND CHOICE PLA>TATION3. convenient to market. DEtdRABLE RESIDENCES in Camden and Kirk- wood. SEVERAL LABGB TRACTS OF WOOD LAND AMD A few very VALUABLE hlTEf for manufactories. Address, WM. U. SHANNON, Attorney at Law, Camden, S. C. July 23 _ue_lmo* AUCTIONEERS, R llOKERS, AND others wishing "tor Sals" Placards, Business Cards, or other Jon Printing executed with neat- ness and dispatch, will consult their interest by leav- ing their orders at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 149 East, Bay. _ POH SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS IN any quantity. Price 75 cents per hundred. The cheapest wrapping paper that can be used. Ap- ply at the office of l'HE N KWS. March 1 LOST. ON MONDAY, 9TH, A PAIR UV <iOLI> SPECTACLES, suppoved to have been dropped between the corner of King and Hanoi streo'B and Fogarbe's Book store. The finder will be rewarded by leaving them at THIS OFFICE. * AUgUet lS 1 OST..A LI«*'HAL KKWA HD WILL be given for the recovery of a Brown and Whi e hiii 1 TER PI I OH, About five months old. strayed or stolen from the H Ubers House, .-o 284 King-a reot. Apply at Store of W -ONER & MON si EES, corner of East Bay and Queen.Btreets. 2 'August 18 OST. IN THE MARK ET, ON TolJitM- BAY morning, a PO0KETBO» K, with owner's name and place of residence written on inside. It contained papers of no value to anyone nut the own- er and a bnnob of beys; also, six dol ars and nom1 small change If returned to o. 101 KI^G-Sl'REHT. the money can be retained and no questions asked. Au. net 18 :! I G HAUL JB S TON HOTEL CHARLE3SON. SOUTH CAÎW5LTNA. THIS FIE8T-0LABS BOTHL.^ITUATED IN A pleasant location, and In the business portion of (he cits renders it the most desirable Hotel for either .permanentortranftbntguests. -heaccommodations are unsurpassed, having extensive suites of elegantly rarnlshsd^ap,irtments lor fumbles a d single «entfe- rnen Tue proprietor will endeavor to maintain the Mab reputation e< Joyed by thé "Charleston" aa a first class house, and no effort .vhl be spared to <ia- serve a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto- fore bestowed upon 1* The best of Live y. scconunodatlom will be found adjoining the establishment. . , Ihs house i- snpplkd with the celebrated Arte Ulan Water of winch d<?ifc{b.:fm ba'hs can bo bad either day or np^ht, ,y F, B. J veK>ON, July 18 Proprietor. S t . o LP U fBIB NEW AND COMMÖfclÖüS BOU8E, T OdAl«. ED corner ot Broadway and. Forty-Recosd-sireet. possesses advantages ovtgp all other hou*es for «be ar couumodatlon oi its guests. It was built expressly for a flrst-cliss family boarding house.the retmi» being large and en unite, heated by steam.wlm hot and cold w ter. and furnished second to noae; while the culinary department is in the roost experienced hands, affording guests an unequalled table. One of Atwood'a Patent Elevators is sue among the "modern improvements" and at the service or guette at all hours. . lbs Broadway and University Plae*> Cars-.pass the door everv four ndnutes, running from the ntt; Hall io Central Park, while the sixth and eventb Avenue tines are but a short block on either sine aflording ample facilities for communicating with ai< the depots, steamboat landings, olaces of amuse, uept and business of the great metropolis. MORE *js HOLLKY. proprietors. ^Marçh^ia" j,'.^,, ^nic* i IL LUS «St OMViSOLM. w »ACXOllH. OOaiMISöION MKRCHAKTB .... , :" «TILL ATTEND TO TMÄ PLKCHASIÏ/ SALE AWI < SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Doaiemtlc Portai of COTTON, RIO«, LUMBER AND NAVAL I3TÖRKÖ. ATLANTIO WHARF, Obsrleston. 8. Q. ,K,'<StSborN'^ 4 WWSWsHi * *' . .; u. .. fj .... »ff! ,«t <iv- '..HM« .t;*A PAIiMETlTü KUCAMPMIKVr, Ko. 1, I. 0 OAF, AtTFXTBA MEETING OF THIS1 ENCAMPMENT will be held at odd Fellow's Hall, at half past Eight o'clock prectselv. Members are requested to be punctual, as business of Importance will be sub- mitted. Candidates for Degrees will report at the Hall. By order C. P August 13 E. JNO. WHITE, Scribe. CAHULltla BASE HALLCLUB. AN EXTRA MEETING OF THE CLUB WILL BE held at Vigilant Ha l, This Kreuma, at Eight o'clock. a punctual attendance is requested, as business of impor ance is to be considered. By order. E. G. CHUPEIN, Angus 13 Socretary pro toin. notices in pankenptcq. IN THK DISTRICT COUUT OF THIS UNITED STATES, FOR bOUTH CAROLINA.. AUGUST TI-RM. 1869. . IN THE MATTER OF W J. V ere EN. BANKRUPT_petition for FULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE IN BANK- RUPT 'Y.. Ordernd, That a hearing be bad on the thirty Fins* dat or August, 1889, at Fed- a'1 creditors, &c, of said Bankrupt appear at said time and pacn, and show cause, if any they car, why the prayer of the pctitlouor should not be granted And that the secoud and third mooting* of Creditors of said Biukrupt will be held at the offl e of J. C. lARPEN 1ER, Esq., Boglstrar of First and Seeond (longressloual Districts. s. C.,on the twenty-fourth oav or August. 1889 at 12 m. Byorderof the Court, the n b day of August 1869. DANIEL HOl'LBIv'K, Clerk of the District Court of he U. s. for S. C August 13_12 IN THK DISTUICT COURT OF TllK UNITED -»TATES, FOR SOUTH CAEOLINA- AUGUs L' TERM, 1869 .IN THE MATTER OF w w. s«i.e Bankrupt .petition for FULL A vD FINA DIsOUArtGE IN BANKRUPl- <Y.Ordered That n hearing be had on the ftïth day of October a . D. Z869. at Federal Court- house In Charleston, 8. C. ; and that all Creditors. Ac. of said Bankrupt appear at said time and pbv e, and show cuuto, if any they cou, wby the pray- er of the petitioner should uotbe ur.int* d. By order of iho court the 9 h «i.*y ol «umist, 18C9 daniel HORLBEt'K Clerk of the District Court of the U. &. for S. 0. Auuust 13 12 I* THE DISTRICT C' l'RT OK THK UNITKDBt Al>r>, Fi >R SOÜIH OA KOLIN A. AUGUST term, 18*8 . in THi MATTER OF A. a. McDOWrLL, OF ,AMDEN. bank HUPT..HE- TITloN OR full AND FINAL DISCHARGE IN BAN-KRUPTOY. . O derei, T bat. bear- ing be bad on the eighteenth dax of October, A. D. 1869, at Federal Courthouse in Cbarientou. », C-; and that all creditors éec.of said Bankrupt ap- 8ear at said time and place, and show cause, it nnv ley can, why the prayer ol the petitioner f hould not be granted. By ord r of ihe Court, the 9th da? of August, 1869. DANIEL H or BECK, Clerk of the District Court et the United states lor Boni h Carolina._f2_August 18 IN iHE DISTRICT COUltl' OF'AHK UNITED states, for south CARO- LINA_AUGUiTlE* M, 1869..IN HK MATTER OF JAMES L. MoDOW LL, OF CAMDEN COUN IY, RANKRUPr.PETITION FOR FULL AND FINAL D!KCBaR<*E IN B * >KRUPTCY .Ordered, That a hearing be had on the eighteenth dat of Octo beb A.D. I860, at Federal Courthouse in Charleston, ITc.; and that all Creditors. &c. of eaid Bank- rupt appear at said time and place, and show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the peti- tioner should not be p ranted. By ortfer of the Court, the 9th day of ugust, 1869. D NIELHORLBECK, Clerk of the District Court of the United States for south Carolina. 12 Auuust 13 3pi9s0ltttt0u» of Copartnership. COP/% KTHERBHIP NOTICE..TH k CO- l'ARTNERSH p heretofore existing betweenO. B.\rt and JNO. WIKTH, under the name of BAul & WiRtH, Ir 1 his Day dissolved. All person-indebt eato the said firm will make payment immediately, and all persons hiving claims against the said firm will present them at once. Either party is author- ized to sign in liquidation. O hart. JNO. WIR1H. Charleston, August 12, 18C9. THE FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION bu- SINESS will hereafter be conducted at No.j. 65 and 57 MARKET-STREET, by C. BART. C. BART. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORM- ED a Copartnership, for the transaction of the FRUIT *ND PKODUCE COMMISSION BU-INE<S, at the southeast coruer of Market and Church streets, under the name and stylo of JNO. W1BTH & CO. . JOHN WIRTH. HENRY BYER. Charleston, August 12,1869. August 13 _ 2 l^suLUi iOM oar copaktnuuship. The Copartnership heretofore existing be- tween I. & M. IHE M AN. No. 361 King-street, has been dissolved b\ mutual consent. lhQ business w>ll be contluuod by IsaaC IiEMAN, at the same ?tand who ussumt s the liabilities of the old concern. August 11 wfuvi* l. & M. Isr.MAN DAYBOAHUO^i MOD K îl AT K TENAIS can be bad by applying at No. 154 MEE1ING- S4IREET, near Aatesian Well, or at THIS 0FF1OK. August 4 wfm6* Cou ûtïonûi. UNIVERSITY OF VfllGniA.-THE Session of this Institution commences anau- allv on the first day ot October, and continues, with- out interruption, till the Thursday preceding the four h of July ensuing The organization of the Institution is very com- plets embracing extensive and thorough courses ' of instruction in LIlERATURE AND science, and in the Professions of Law, Medicine and Engi- neering. be expense of the Aoademio or Law Student, ex- clusive of the cost of text-books and clothing and pocket money, amount to about 8366 per ses- sion o' nine montn.<; and of the Engineering or Medical Student to about 8396. of which -uieas, re- spectlvelv, £220 or 8250 is payable on aamission, and the tmlan. e in the progress of the session. For details send for catalogue P O., "Univ- rsity of Virginia." 8. M AU PIN, July 24 lino Chairman of the Faculty. y^T A 8 H I £1 « T O IV OOLLBaS, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA. PRESIDENT, GENERAL It. E. LEE, Aided bt a füll Corps of Pbofkssobb. THE NEXT 8BSSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 1ÛTH 1869, and closes Juie 25th, 1870. In nd.iition to the regular Collegiate Course, the Protessional ,-choolt» of Law and Civil and Mining Engineerjug, are in lull operation. Necessary expen Ses. from $300 to S375. For catalogue, address J. M. LEECH, July 19 Imo_Clerk of Faoohjr. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. J The Uext Session will begin on the first Mon- Ldaf in October, and continue without internus- 9 fcib»r to<lieensuinRJuiy. . » n vantages are offered. at this Institution to Stu- dents in Law. (the graduates being entitled to prac- tice m'tt-e CourU ol tht- state;) in. Me.deine (the course of u st uctias being extensiv« and thorough, wbb two wtitten examinations during the *e«8lon;i In Engineering, Mathematics, Mental. Moral and Political Philosophy, H story, Rhetoric, English Literature, Ancient and Modern Languages, and in the various Scientific sehoo .8. Expenses for esstou of nine months: Annual fee, *5; Library fee, »10; Boom Rent fee. 815; » union fee: .. ; lor each of three tchoois. 815; Tuition in Law or Medicine. 850 Hoard can be bad at 816 to 820 per month. Bv mesalpa it wl:l bo less. For furrier information, eead for Catalogue to *he -ccretary of the Faculty, Hey 0. BI>UCE WALKER. B.W. B»RNWKM. Chairman otFaCulty. Columbia, S. C, August i860. August 6 fmw24 TOMES, HELVAIN & CO., Ho. 6 MA1DKV LAN!-, UKW YORK. YOWLING PIECES OF ALL QUALITIES, 8UITA BLB tor the Southern trade, both MUZZLE AND BREECH LGADURS. IN STOCK A FfLL ASHORTMENT OF CUTLE- RY, PERFUMERY BRUSHES. SOAPS, (kc. sole aobets for tob GENUINE DEBINQER PISTOL. July 19 mwflmo '.! i. «CARD. M . CAOÉFIELD, Wh OU M I Jf 8 P MOTOR, OFFIÖÄ Ko. 165 1ÀHT BAY. V July l* lmo I ;( .- ; p>j w t-.;) /inaniiol. J A HIB S H. WILSON, BANKER AND BROKER, No. 5 Broad-street. STOCKS, BOND3 AND GOLD BOUGHT AND carried, or sold short in New York on ncarglus. DEPOSITS received sad interest allowed. EXCHANGE, STOCK8. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER, COUPONS AND UNCURRENT BANK NOTES, bought and sold on current rates and on commis- sion. COLLECTIONS promptly attended to. DRAFTS lor *<alo of £1 aud upwards on England, Ireland, Paris and Berlin. 1'lulO .Julv 30 T|> A rv Iv K U S , STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS AND MER- CHANTS, wishing Checks, Blanks, Letter Heads, or Job Printing of any description, o: n get their orders filled promptly and in the u^otest i.tyle, at cheap rates, by applylug at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. liO East Bay. > R O S P E C 'P US of the CITA It LESION CITY DIRECTORY and BUSINESS REGISTER. Copyright Applied For. THE UNDFR3IGNED PROPOSES TO PUBLISH, at i.n early day. "THE CHaRI-ESTQ/N < 'ITY DIitEC- TOBY**and "UU-INESS REGISTER," containing the names of the Inhabitants ot the City, their Oc- oupati v, Places ot Business, and Dwelling Houses. embracing a ela-ain -utton of all business.thereby afford mu a r.'ady and accessible medium to the resi- dent and visiting merchant. It will couiaiu a MI-CELL ANEOUS RECORD, embracing the City lovernmeut, Police and Ftro De- partments. Public Buil'ttngs, and vcryth'nB recog- nized as of advantage b >th to residents aud those seeking infoi mati n, which cannot be obtained oth- erwise than throuph a work of this character. It will alBO contain a LI i HOORAPHIC MAP OF THE.CUT, embracing Streets, Wards and Fire Dis- tricts. Competent and experienced canvassers hate been employed, which gives a guarantee that the work wüi be compiled with great cure. A limited number of First-class Advertisements will inserted at reasonable rates. aar OL- ONLY BY .-UBsuRIPTION Subscri- ber- names will be puolished in the Directory in ''Capital Letters." aar Price.iwo dollar?. THAD. C. JOWITT, Publisher. August 10 rata G HEAT UEUIICTION IN PRICES. IMMENSE SUCCESS. POPULAR BOOKS SENT FREE OF POSTAGE AT THE PRICES ANNEXED : JOHN MAcOHMONT'S LEGACY, a Novel, by Miss M. E. Brad don.30 MISTRESS AND MAID, a Novel, by Miss Mu- loch.30 ! SAD IALE OF THE COURTSHIP OF CHEVA- LIER SLY FOX.Wieb of..30 THE WONDERFUL AND AMU INO DOINGS OE OSO AR SHANGHAI.80 MIND YOUR RTOPS.20 READY RECKONER. .40. WHIST, LOO kUOHBE AND POKE' .20 MADAME LE .V ARCH AND'f» FOK i UNE TEL- LER AND DREAMER'.t DICTIONARY.40 SPENCER'S OOML! SPEECHES AND HUMOU- OU3 RECITATIONS...66 MADAME LE NORMAND'a UNERBtNG FOB- TUNE 'i BLLEB.4K LAWS Ob LOVfc,.36 LADIES' LOVEORUJT.E.36 LADLES' GUIDE 10 BEAU \ Y.30 BOXING MADB ZASY.20 FONiAINE'i GO I DEN WHEEL FOR I UN h. TELLER AND PRIAM Ü0015.40 BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD PET-..6* THE ART OF BEAUTY, by Lola Montez.80 TBE PLAY GROUND.65 AM f RIO AN CARD player.65 HOW « AMB' ERS WIN, OR 1 HE SEOBETS OF ADVANTAGE PLaTING.66 TTT ÏJ4.I. T»4T.T «tlS»B.IK LEWLiK'.-. PICTORIAL.16 HARPER'S WEEKLY.16 CHIMNEY CORNER.16 LI i F,l> Alt Y AL HUM.-.16 DAT' DOINGS. 15 POLK E NEWS OR OAZE1TE.15 ilsur-ERS EAZ»AR.15 BUNYAN'S PILGRIMS PRO'JBKSfi.»5 OUR LIFE IN IHK HIGHLANDS, by Queen Victoria.86 COMIC MONTHLY.20 BODGET OF FUN.».20 Either of the followlug Books mailed on receipt of four 3 .! stamps. Old numbers of LESLIE'S, GODET'S, PETER- SON'S, LAND WE LOVE, or DEMOREST'S. Any one of Beadles or Munro's DIME NOVELS. Also, a Comic or sentimental SONG BOOK. Novels by Charles Diestens» OLIVER TWIST, 172 PAGES, 30 CENTS; AMERI- CAN Notes, 104 pages 20c; Dombcy A Son,366 cages. 40c; Marlin «'nuzzle wit, 842 pages, 40o; Our Mutual Friend, 330 pages, 40c; ohnstmas Stories, 162 pages. 80c; I ale of Two Cilles, 144 pages 26c; Hard Times snd Additional Christmas Stories 200 pages, 80o; Nicholas Nlckleby. 340 pages, 40c; Bleak House, 840 pages, 40r; Little Dorrit, M30 pagts, 4M; Pickwick .Papers. 826 pages, 40.:; David Copperfield. 330 pages, due; Barnaby Budge 267 pages, 8Cc; Old Curiosity shop. 221 pages, 85c; Great Expectations, 184 pages, 30c; sketches, 198 pages, 30c, The following Novels, by Sir Walter Scott Bailed at 30 cents Hacht WAVERLT, IYANHÖB. KBNILWOR1H, GUT Mannering, yntiquary, Rob Boy. Old Mortality. The Black Dwarf and a Legend of Moutrose, Bride of Lammermoor, Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Monas tery, The Abbot, The Pirate, Fortunes of Ntgel, Peve- ril of the Peas, Quentin Durward, St. Ronan's Well, Bed Gauntlet, ihe Betrothed and Highland Widow, Tbe Talismtn, Woodstock, Fair Maid of Perth, Anne of Geierstein, Count Robert of Paris, The Surgeon's Daughter. On receipt of the price, either in cash or stamps, copies of any books in this list will be sent by mull postpaid. CHAM. C. MIGHT EM, No. 161 King-street, July 12 dao Oharlostoo, S. O. R USSHLdu'S BOOK «TORK, RECENT PUBLICATIONS. THE MJMTEB AND THE ALABAMA, Service Afioat during the War fc-inS^E the States, by Ad- miral Hommes, 1 vol 8vc«., cloth, $6. RKSOUttCEs OF 1 HE SOUTHERN FIELDS AND FoRbS 18, Medical. Economical and Agricultural, by F. Psyre Porcher, M. D., 1 vol 8vo., 83 60. CHRISTIAN ^INGERS OF G.-RMA NY, by Cathe- rine Winttwortb, transi* or and compiler ot "Lyra c erma lea." Illustrated. 12mo., forming volume 6 Of the "Sunday Library." fine cloth, 12. HISTORY op EUE; PB-.N MORsL->. from Au- gustus to Cbailemaano 2 vols., 8vo., «6. FOKEvr LD7- IN ACADIE, ketcues of Rpojt and Natural History in the Lower Provl ces of the Cans- dian Dominion, by Captain O Hardy, Illustrated, 8vo.. a. IHE NEW AF1 INITIES OF FAITH, A Plea for Free Christian Union, by Jamee Martine m, 26c. SPEC1 HUM ANALYSIS, Six Lecture», by H E fioacoe, with appendices, co.ored Plates and Blus- tratcd. Svo, 89. MIND ANo BRAIN; or. The Cortelation of Con- ecipusne.-ir aud Organization. Systematically Inves- tigated and Applica to Philosophy. Mental -cleiico and Practice, with a P.elimuiarv Dissertation on Method and illustrative ot the Text, by ihos. Lay- cock. M. D.. 2 vols . 12mo., 4*5; XVi. 494, 87. LIFE OF PLZARRO, with omo i count of his As- «oclates in the Couquestof Peru, by Arthur Heltjs, I vtd., »2 76 lBK OLD TESTAMENT BISTORT, iront the Creation to tho Return from tue Cautivity, edited by W. «-mi b, L.I/. D., 1 vol.. 12mo., 82 WOM AN'S sUFFR\G , the teiorm Agalust Na- fuie by Horace Bu-bnell, 1 vol, 12mo., 81 60. THE sUBJEClION oF WOMAN, by John Stuart. M. 1 vol, 12mo., $1 PRE-HlSiOTuO NAIIONS; or Iuqulrio* ' oneern- i=S sca;c ifae Great Peoples and civdizaticus of Antiquity, and their Probable Relation to a still Old- er ObrthHnon ot the Ethiopian a or Ouahites of Ara- bis, bv John d. Baldwin, 12mo , 8t 76. ElObTTEAB-' WANDERINUS IS CETLON, by r Samuel White Baker. Iflastrated, lümo., cloth, 60. THE SCIENCE OF RIGHT-", by F. G. Flehte, translated by A. e. Kroog r, 12mo. "loth, 82. iH «kB THOUSAND MILE". THROUGH THE HOCKT MOUNTAINS, by A. K. Mcolure. Illustrât, ed. lamo.cloth 82. «j BKal HICK, A Poem, by Hon. Boden Noel, fquare lOmo.. cloth, gilt top, 8L _, IB ESI Xi-.k, H .BE AND HEREäF "ER, by Wit- II a m H. Hoicombe, M D, 12mo.. paper loth, 81 80. iIVils t>F Si. LOCI* AMD OALVIN, toy M. Gulait Illustrated, 12mo , oioth 8j. I He QU KER Par i aNS, a Revolutionary Story, with Illustrations. Wmo , cloth, at SO. FIw'ilON.-Auerback'« Villa on tbe Rhine; Erok. insnn- hstrain's Waterloo; H iff tnson's Ma boue; Hoffmunn's »Lee Murray; Hugo's L'Homme q ,i Bit; Lettice Lisle; i'heips' Men, Women and Ghosts; ibe Quaker Partisans; Hobmaon's For Her t*aso; south worth's Obanged Brides; sptelhageu's Problem- atical Characters; Woods' Gsb*s Wide Open; Kftius- l.y's Straiten; My Daughter if It nor; Tbe Lac rieten.'» Household; >sbmld's Btbenieistor; >outbworth's the Brioe's Puto; Troltope'a He Knew Be.Was ..lght;7.*cti0Bk«'« bead oneh ; Freytag's Lost Man. unrript; Jean Inglelow's Mopsa tbe Fairy. January 1 1ft it ... m -...^ ,M =3 G»RBON'S^YRUPS^^D PRE- sekvbr, JUST RECEIVED: ASUPPLY OF G >bdon's sUPERIOli LEkMON» Pweapute. Raaoberry sud Orgeat oYRUP^ aD(i Raspberry Vinegar Preserved Peaches aud Qutncos Ra>pberrles and strawberries Tumblers of assorted Jeliles, viz: Quince, Crab-ap- ple, Red and Black currant. Kasiiberry, straw- berry and Blackberry Jelly, Quava Jelly, Orange Marmalade and Tamarinds. For sale by W. 8. CORWIN & CO , August 11_wf2 _No 876 King street. ROPE AND TWIiiËT erffT half toils "GREENLEAF" dope I t) 7 bundles Twbie. fr or silo by J. N. RORHON, August 11 wfj Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. COTTON WINS. 3McCarthy gins, for sale by W. GUliNEY, August 9 mwl3 No. 102 Fast Bay. FRESH DRUGS. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY Dit. H. BAEB, No. 131 MEE IT NO-STREET. RISON'.s TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Hose's Cou^h Syrup Schouk's Pulmouio Syrup Schunk's Soawoed Tonic Cherokee Remedy Cherokee Cure Cherokee Pills Cherokeo Injection opears' Fruit Preserving Solutiau Brown's Chlorodyno German Blood or "Kaiser" Pill*. kc.< Ac. Fleming's Worm Confections Wi ßht'» Rejuvenating Elixir Churchill's *yrup Hypophosphlt« of T.lmo Van Deusen's Worm oute.eiious Hurloy'rtWo m Candy Bardotte'" Worm ^uptar Drops Graueuberg Pills* Cephalic Pills Schallenberger's Fever and Ague Pills Strouß's Pill« McLane's Liver rill- Llnn'K Vegetable Pills Russell's s'oothtng Cordial lor Children Teething Jayue's Iterative Jayne's Expectorant Jayue's Carminative, Jayue's sanative Pills Rad way's Ready Relief Rad way's R. PUls Rsdway's Ready Resolvent. June 21 7ii wf TIMBER. ?\C\f\ AAA FEETOF HEWN TIMBER, OF ?}\J\J 9\s\J\J various sizes and qualities. For sale by CHISOLM BROTHERS, West End '1 raid-street, August 4 wstu'4 Or Adger's forth Wharf- BACON AM) 31 il KiiltEl, 20 2000 BOXÜS LONG CLEAR SIDES IN DRY ALT 20 b 'X*s Long Clear Rib Sides in Dry Salt SO pkvs. New No*. 2 and 3 Mackerel. For sale by JEFFORDS & CO. August 12 3 EASTERN HAY. 1 BALES PRIME EASTERN HAY. Xl/U For sale by OLNEY & CO. August 10 NEW YORK BA60INO, DOUBLE ANCHOR BHAND. THE STANDARD WEIGHT 2J£@2?{. THE standard Width full 44 inches. It iS wider, closer stronger, and affords bettor pro- tection tor the entire covering ot the Cotton bale than any other n uso We sell at manufacturer's price and expea*CB laid down here, a supply always on hand. WILLIAM ROACH & CO. August 9 lmo Agents. PEAS. BUSHELS BLACK PEAS, SUITABLE for Beed an t leedL.g. for sale by July 24 _T. J. KERR & CO. CHEAP CORN. qaaa BUSHELS WESTERN WHITE CORN, O'./VTV/ slightly heated. For fale. at a low price, by T. J. KEUR & CO. July 22 NEW GOODS. EAST INBÎAN MAN IOC A, A NEW, AGREEA- BLE, mostde.icloub aud healthy food. uood for Paddings, Jellies, Blanc Mange, Ice,Cream, Gridiile Cakes, Soups, ic, put up in I lb. pack- ages, with directions for me. Desiccated cocoauut. for Pics, Puddings, Cakes, . put up lu L...H u>. [vii>lra:!,>M. w Hi .Urcotluno. Sweet Oil, French and Ameriom in half pints, pints and quarts. Cider and White.Wine Viocgvc, warranted pure- Fresh Roasted i>lo Coffee, of good quality, at 35o. V «J. Just, received and for sale by CO-OPERA ITVE GROCERY STORE, Southwest corner Meeting and Market streets. Goodb delivered free. May 28 SPEAR'ö PATENT FRUITPRE- SEKVIVG SOLUTION. ASUPPLY RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIP MAG- NOLIA. The cheapest and most reliable method known for preserving all kinds jf Fruits. Tomatoes, Vegetables, Cider, &o Warranted health- ful, and will P-eserve Fruits, kc , wlthour air fight- ing the jars or can*, with or without sugar, at obo- half the cost of any other known -nethod. For sale by W. S. CORWIN k CO., No. 275 King-street, Between Wentworth and Hasel streets. August 10 tuf2 F HONEY ! OR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAL. BY Dr. H. BAEB, June 26 No. 1:11 Meeting-stroet. Cötten (Bias, <£tc. ICL,LNTÏ"S STIbltE. BttUsH COTTON GINS. THE SUBSCRIBER NOW PREPARED TO fill orders for these justly celebrated GINS. Certifi- cate« from reliable planters in this fate, who have bought and used them the past season, ss well as from the Fa-tors and Brokers, îully confirm all that is claimed for them: and the fact is now well estab- lished that the increase in the pne« of Cotton ginned on this Gin wilt, on every forty bales, fully pay for the cost of the Gin. ALSO, HALL'S PATENT COrrON GIN FEEDER, A valuable Machine, saving both time and labor in the gtnnmg of a crop. Can be attached to any Gin made * Send for Circulars. C. GRAVE LEY, No. 52 EAST BAY, SOUTH OF OLD POSTOFFI0E, August 2 mwt2mos Charleston, 8. C. .au w b it m *t » » H IMPROVED MoVARTBY GIN", ADAPTED TO Ginning «* fine YJpln nd Cottons." LATE CHANGES MADE IN THIS GIN ADAPT8 it to the ginning or UPLAND O 1 ON: The use of it, <>y a fe k. on this cotton lant season proved that it enhanced the value ot the Cotton, as It does not in- jure the staple in the slightest degree. Plauters will find itrto their udvan age. and are re- quested to eximlne into this Gin, particularly those who nave planten the finer grades ot Uplaud Cotton. be Win has b*en in use noon the -c a Island Coiton for over fifteen years, and its reputation for that cot- ton fully established. Apply to WILL! VM S. HENERVY, Machinist and Foundry, August 11 wnnlmo No. 814 Meefrng-street. si li ' "...i - UbkE« dt MACBETH, No. 30 Broad'itreeti Charleston, b. C. BROKERS. AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE ABT) OKSEflAL COMMISSION AGENTS _* Will atttend to Renting aud Collecting of Beats and purchase and sale ot mocks. Bonds, Gold, Silver and Real Estate. AXSO. Xo the Purchase ot Goods and supplies far partlo .in the soon try upon reason able terms. Geobob l. Montas.aibxabdbb Hacbbtb. JaBtt*rvi; , _Xyr_ JAMB* WOXu.... 1..JTOHB OXUb n o x 4k © a ii i*. Cotton Vavetera amd GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jtvo. 126 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, CONSIGNMENT OF COTTON, BICE, &c, RE- «PEOTFCLLY solicited, and liberal advances made theveoa. Orders for CORN and BACON promptly executed with ctrs and attention. 8mos May
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · THEDAILYNEWS.-o-ft 1,0 RDAN I DAW80H * 00« PROPRIETORS. OFFICENo. 149 EASTBAT. o Tz8MB.DailyNews, one yeaif.96 00 Dajxi Nkv.'b, six months . 3


ft 1,0 R D A N I DAW80H * 0 0«




T z 8MB .Daily News, one yeaif.96 00Dajxi Nkv.'b, six months . 3 00jjAu.sc News, three months....3 00

Tbi-Weeexy News, one year. 3 00Tbi-Weebxy News, six months.3 00

Paymebt invariably In advar.ce. No paper sent

unless the csTsh accompanies the order, or for a long-er Urne than paid for.

Tee Data's N»rwB win h« served to subscribers in

he city at 16 cents a week.Abvebtimmeitts..First Insertion, 15 cents a Une;

eubsocjnout Insertions, 10 cents a Une. BaslnessHotlees. 20 centn a Une. Marriage and Funeral No-tires. One Dollar each.

N JE w s a ÜMMA It r.

.Gold closed quiet yesterday at New Yorkat 31*..Tito New York cotton market closed firm.

Sales 23J0 bales at 33Jc..At Liverpool cotton was unchanged. Sales

10,000 biles..Au illustrated daily paper is to be started

in San Francisco..ThoD« mocrat s olcot three and the Badi-

oals three members of Congress in Alabama..It is proposed to found a fellowship in

Trinity College, Dublin, which will be open tothe competition of Catholics..The ceremony of breaking ground for the

building of the new postofflce was duly per-formed in New York on Monday morning..The first business to come before the Span-

ish Cortes, which reassembles in October, aMadrid dispatch announces, will be the elec-tion of a King..The Londou Pall Mall Gazette estimates

the amount of United States bonds held abroadto be about $1 200 000 000, which, if the. esti-mate be correct, would cause a drain of $80,000,-003 a year Irom this country to pay the intereston them..A young blood in New York sold smoked

bits of glass on Broadway, on Saturday, for a

wager. He netted flty dollars besides thestakes, which were one thousand dollars. Hisgroom and horses took him from bis stand atthe expiration of the time agreed upon to de-cide the wager..And now, Cleveland, Ohio, and Quincy,

111., demand the national capital, while Akron,Ohio, cries for the naval acadomy. The for-mer citios found their claim «on location, andthe latter on the possession of a fine canal, onwhich tho middies could be taught navigationwithout getting seasick..Dr. Osgood gives his impressions of Rpur-

geon m this language : "Ho does a large andgood business in souls. His gifts areas muchof tbe bowels as of the brains, and he seemsto be full of sympathetic juices, in which hisgreat audiences float like a great navy in anample harbor." No wonder Mr. Osgood'sNew York congregation accepted his resigna»tion..Hungarian journals relate a singular case

of suicide. A shopkeeper at Pesth, shot him-self With a pistol, having previously written toa friend that "life is insupportable. I adoremy wife, but she has grown so stout.she thatwas of so ravishing a figure when I marriedher." Ho added that he preterred to die rath-er than be unfaithful to his wife on this ac-count, or te uso legal means to be separatedfrom her..A mechanic in Memphis has produced a

plan lor a low pressure steamboat, which heclaims will have double the speed ot any nowin use, while it will cost little more than boatson tho old plan. It can also be run at half tboexpense for lab >r and fuel. It is divided intocompartments, water and air tight, and cannotbe snatrgod bo as to sink. Fire in the hold canbe confined to a single compartment, and willbe roadily extinguished by steam, for whichsuitable apparatus is provided..Farmers starting ramie culture would do

well to devote the first year entrely to propa-gating the roots, and setting them out in thefield intended tor permanent culture after thefirst year. Three harvests can be made an-

nually, each giving a very handsome return fora very little labor and capital. The growth otstems become more dense after each cutting,and produce fibre of finoi texture as the growthbecomes closer. A machine has been invent-ed capable of preparing the product of oneacre per diem..Tbo Spanish army in Cuba,, il is estimated,

amounts to about 70,000 well equipped soldiers.Of this number 38,000 are native volunteers.Tbe number of troops landed from Spain sinceNovember, 1868, amounts to 20 557 ; to thesemust be added mobilized militia. 8500; Spanishvolunteers at tho front. 6000 ; Spanish volun-teers iu garrison, 7000--making a total of42 077. But from this number must be deduct-ed about 10 000 carried off by disease amiwounds, leaving 82,077. Cespedes, the revo-

lutionist, it is reported, has under him 50 ( 00men 25 000 well and 25,000 poorly armed.James fl. Day, formerly private secretary

to General By an, arrived et tho clifton Ho.'";,Niagara Falls, last Friday, with letters pur-porting to come from tho Cuban Junta inNew York: asking the General to come toNew York immediately with Day. Byan. sus-pecting the letter was a forgery, accusedDay of treachery, which the latter was Anal-ly compelled to adroit, whereupon Byan gavehim a severe and unmerciful horsewhipping.Day, on his kuees, begged for mercy, butnone was sbono him until tbe guests rushedin and tcok tho whip from tbo General. Theaffair créai od considerable excitement..According to a correspondent of the New

York Tiibuuo, every one in Canada is anxioustor a Ouange in tho plan of the Government ofthe Dominion. Tho newspapers of the Domin-ion tell a very different--story, most of themopposing independence as likely to weaken thegovernment and givo up tho material aidwhich bo mother country bas Iii therto afford-ed, bot U in a military and in a financial way,whilo they are equally unanimous in declaringthat annexation is not to bo thought of for amoment, and that there is not even an insig-nificant party in favor of soon a change. Thodiscrepancy between the two accounts is noteasily explained..Tbe Cuban Junta in New York City, on

Monday, received a mail from Pr, eidont Ces»pedes. which contained what purpoits to beimportant news. Puerto Principe it to beattacked On the 15th instant ; the attackingforce are only ^waiting tbe arrival of artillery,which batifceeu recently landed. The whoknumber of vessels so far landed in Cuba witibmen and supplies for the revolutionists is nine.The whole number of filibuster* landed is 2600.mostly Americans. General Quesad* bashhis command 7000 men, well armed and supplied, besides 800Ö men enrolled who have atamis except the machete. The army is itgood health and has » superibnndanco of pro-visions. :.( ,.t .,,.The Washington co^içMpondents say thai

. the indications are by no meaos few of a Uijrnl£ed row in tha Radie d party before the inau

» »v» Mit.,> < :... )»i*'n.-:-!.<i*t.Y,r "4o fcv.r«i';!*':««o,! i \Tj;if v:

Kuration or the new year. Disaffected Repot-licans in the camp proolaim Tfithont hesitationtheir intention to bave certain slights sufferedby them since the present administration oameinto offioe remedied, and promise no end ot tbewar when Congress meets unless ample satis-faction be obtained for their grievances. TheBontwell faction, composed or the ultra Radi-cals, who favor oontinual proscription of tbeSouthern people, aud tbe election of Bcutwellto the next Presidency will, undoubtedly, pre-sent a strong front, and rely upon thoir leaderto rule the President in Cabinet deliberationsif possible..Notwithstanding the heat, says the Pall

Ma'l Gazotte. tbe eroa.tc.st activity is shown inpushing forward the structure erecting in St.Petor's for the QSourmnical Counoil. The ar-chitect, Signor Yospignani, is daily in atten-dance and he is kept at high pressure by thePope. A circular bas been addroBsed to thebishops, enjoining them to choose coadjutorsto disobarge the.r duties during their presenceat the counoil. It was to give facilities foesueh arrangements that the Pope nominatedso many bishops in partibus in the last Consis-tory. The counoil will suppress several rohfc-ons orders and useless congregations, andmany communities ot women. It will also for-bid reliqieux to accept tho functions of parishpriests, requiring tho last to bo secular schol-ars. Cardinal Tuai lei, dean of the Sitcred Col-lege, is dangerously ill. He lately made hiswill, bequeathing his immense fortune to hisnear relations. He loavos a milUon of francsin gold, and a half million m notes.


A Thief, For^- and Murderer in. Congress.

It is a notorious fact that the RadicalRepublicans of South Carolina are led bymen of doubtful character, whose integrityin nearly every case is in the inverse ratioof their smartness and party skill. Asthere are but a handful of decent Republi-cans in the State, this was to be expected,and the bickering of rival demagogueswould possess no public interest only thai,when rogues fall out, damning facta corneto light which would otherwise be coveredforever by the broad blade mande of Radi-cal party charity. In this way publio at -

tention has been directed to the wordy duelbetween United States Senator Sawyer andCongressman Bowen on one side, and theMackey family on the other. The Maokeysdenounced Sawyer and Bowen as traitors.Sawyer and Bowen denounced the Maokeysas wholly unworthy of trust. Very littlewas said by either party of the personalantecedents of their foes, and it was matterfor surprise that Sawyer, Bowen and tbeMaokeys ehould have foregone so brave an

opportunity of using with effeot the deadlyBpear of truth.Expediency and a desire to save the par-

ty from the scorn aud contempt of even theluckless oolored people, who are its stayand strength, caused the disputants for htime to hold their hands. But, apparently,even Radical endurance has its limita, andAlderman T. J Mackey, in his reply toCongressman Bowen, throws modesty tothe dogs, and proposes "to show from thereoord that C. G Bowen is not a crediblewitness upon a questionsof faot." The let-tor is, in truth, an arraignment of Coûtgressman Bowen upon charges as serionsas have ever been brought against a publioofficer in this or any other country. Con-gressman Bowen is branded by AldermanMackey, the president of the Union Leagueof this oity, as a thief, forger and mur-

derer, and we print these charges that theRepublicans: of the North may read andjudge for themselves. As a member of theUnited States House of Representatives*Congressman Bowen has a voice in makinglaws for Illinois, and Ohio, and Massachu-setts, and Pennsylvania, as well as for theStates of the South. It is proper that thewhole country should know the oharaoterof the men who oontrol the destinies of thenation, and it is proper that every honestcitizen, whether Republican or Democrat,should know who and what are the menwho, while "representing" the South, hold,the bala&8& of power between the East andWest.The charges brought against Congress-

man Bowen by Alderman Maokey ar* asfollows:

1. ThatC. C Bowen stole a valuable setof faro checks from a gambler in this oity,which oheoks were sold by Bowen in NewYork, where they were identified and ulti-mately recovered by the owner.

2 That 0. C. Bowen was imprisoned inCastle Pinckney in 1867 by GovernorScott, then Assistant Commissioner of theFreedmen'e Bureau, on the charge of mis-appropriating the funds of the UnionLeague.

3. That C. C. Bowen, then Captain of the21st Battalion Georgia Cavalry, was triedby court-martial, found guilty, and cashiered for forging pay folia, the result beingannounced in general orders from GeneralBeanregard's headqu*r»«*-8.4 That 0 C Bowen, was arrested upon

the oharge of having planned the' murderof Colonel White, at Georgetown, S C.,in November, 1864. that he escaped punish-ment by the flight of his accomplice, andwas released from jail when the Federaltroops took possession of Charleston in1865 '

Some of these oharges against C C.Bowen have already been published; othersare altogether new. What we now desireis to show the people the oharaoter of one

of the leaders of the South Carolina Radioat Republicans; pno of tn_e trusted chieflainu of the parly; one of the men sent bynegro Radical voteB to represent South Carolina in the Congress of the United States.

'«lue interest en th« btatc Ue»t.

We-are informed by the State Treasureithat the'intereat On the publio debt is nearljall paid, and that the reoeipts at the treasury are largely in excess of the payments1,| Thé interest now unpaid cannot, we are In-formed,'be called, for until the principal

(a d interest unpaid previous to July 1,

Ï' 1867, is funded under the act of 1860 Wheethe provisions of that not are comp tied

! holders maj preient7 their ojaima.1 Which will be promptly paid.We are informed that eome five hundred

t thousand, «altera of Slate stock have beat. converted id bonds under the act to provïdi. for the conversion ©f State a*curii«».

1«l.'.v. iifci- W «i/o-ra : m ,1«! M tili' cIfcTSn >AH j j)ïn'.',.,,' toi ebo' f '.'-ii.iviria.t*

.r ,ti» - < -: le i, .aetOï< ><. ««isW - . 4-.

The Chinese.

A Boston clergyman, Mr. >bott, who hasbeen studying the Chinese in San Francisco,is strongly in favor of their emigration tothis country He says they are all bound togo hack to China, and will do it as soon as

they have a little money. He remarks tbatthe Chinese character is a perfect incarna-tion of non-resistance. It answers to theethics of the gospel in many ways. Itnever renders evil for evlL Its obier" glory.8 meekness of spirit. At first men abuseacd make a mook of this disposition, butby-and-by it commanda respect, and the re-mark is made that the Chinaman is harm-less, therefore, leave < him alone. Thewriter observes tbat a hundred differentbranches of labor are already dependentupon the Chinese. They are faithful totheir employers. They are ant imitators,and can do anything that is shown them.The writer regards them as an open mis-sionary field, andptsays that hundreds ofthem arc in the Ban Francisco Sundayschools. j&

This is the intelligent, frugal, cheap in-dustry that we requira/or the low countryof South Carolina. If the pigtails are notwanted in 'Virginia and Georgia, so muchthe better for us. We want them, and willhave them despite the dog-in-the-mangerpolioy of some of our contemporaries.

JtauttTiM t.-1 E O K « I A




Authorized Capital..'.. .$500.000

FIRE AND LIFE DEP*RTMttfîTS SEPARATEand distinct by charter. $10 ',000 paid into the In-surance Department of Georgia accoruiog to lawfor the benefit of the assured iu this Company.Stockholders wealthy aud responsible gentlemen ofGeorgia.A purely Southern Company, allowing only six

per cent ot its earnings to. the -Stockholder.-* ; therest o f the profits dividad among the Policyholderson the cLutribution plan.

tire Department, has been In successful opera-tion tor six months, aud has already accumulatedbandtome sssets.

Life Department in full and successful operation,and vicing with old companies m its success.

All of its Policies nonforfeitable, and of everydescription of Life and Endowment, together withan annuity table and return premium plan.No r'-Glrictious upon travel, place Of residence or

occupation.Women Insured on same terms as men.Loans half of ils premiums. No notes taken,

omexns:W. J. LAWTON. President.J. C. MCBURNEY, Vice-PresidentR. J. LTDHTFOOr, cccrotar-y.O. F. MoO AY, Constituting Actuary..P. H. WRiGET, Examining Physician.

Tbis Company Is now prepared to take risks eitherin the Fire or Life Departments, and solicits a shareot the patronage of the city and State.

J. G. HOI*MB8, Jr.,General Agent for South Carolina.

Local aui Travelling agents wanted in all parts ofthe >ta'o. Liberal commissions allowed, or a sal-ary if preferred. Applications to be made toJ. G. HOLMES. .Jr.. General Agont, No. 80 Broad.street, Charleston,JLO.

July'.! _TDtc_wfmfti t' (iKDl.ll «I fj T I) A h


& E.W YORK.Organised In 1859.



Polices in force..935,000,000Assets. 1,500.000Annual Income.... 800.000Losses Paid.. 500,000

omocBs,W, H. PECKHAM, President,Wh. T. BOOKER, Vico-BresldentL. MoADAM. Secretary and Actuary.' '

G. A. FUDIOKAR, Superintendent.nrsBcxoas.

Hen. Joan A. Dix, New York. *

Hon James Hasps*, Firm ofHarper A Bros., ex-Mayor New York.

John J. Chane, President Bank Republic.Wm M. Vebjctltk, Banker (Vermilye A Co.)ChabG. Rcoxwood. Cashier Newark Banking Com.

pany.Hon. Geoboe Opdyke, ex-Mayor of New York.Mnror c. Moboan, Banker.Thomas Biosst.Firm Thorns/ aigney A-Co. iBsn?. B. hhbxah, Treasurer ,ew York Stevn Su-

gar Refining Company.aauon abhold, Firm of Arnold, Constable & Co.RiCHASp H. Bowhb, Wetmore A Howne, Lawyers.IV Y. Hauohwout, Firm e. v. Banghwoat & Co.Wm Wilsens, firm of W. Wilkaus At Co.Jouus B. Paarr. Merchant.Wm. W Wiuoht, Merchant.chas J. -taub, MerchantWnutxAK uleh, Merchant'Gxo. V%, Ccylkk, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. '<OSO. T. Horn, President Continental Fire Iusur-

ànéè Company. /'J Join* O. hhe*wood. Park Place.Waltos H. Pxcxkam, Cotaac Pith Avenue- and

Twonty-third-streetEnwAnn H. Wbiqiit, Newark, n. S.Gxo. W Fabixe, (Muuseilor.W. L. CoosWEr.L, Morelia:i t.


. ..

Dr. T. REEN.STJfiRNA, Examining Physician. !tt. laSEKTï'.L,

GENERAL AGENT FOB,CHARLESTON.;office No. »65 Kinu-strcct,

CHARLESTON, S. O.January 10 daolyr


MENT POLICIES Dividends snnn»lly la cashQnlv Company having the Deficite Guaranteed Surrender-Value Plan Policies, worid-wide. second hno Company in the United Sîetes ior stability, iibérality and economy.iijäjb* HC 141 Broedjtay, Few York.

CHBlbTIaVJ W. BOUCK, President.Wm. M, CdûÉ; ^eeretary.. ',[ Bt«te Agency No. »5 Broad-street, Scoond Floor.Local and1, Canvas/sing Agents wanted througuou

ths bteto. :':<*app!y in person or br letter to

JAMK» «. ElObMKB. Jr.,I General Attest for South Carolina.

July 12 mwf «mes


. fresh eve-y day. by I u < d*. b. BARB,\ MaysB No. 181 M«etiOg-*rr*et«MSltlU» -.-vi 'Wal*? 1t» .YT'-y X .jW .

t term* I ..



ren or do honaowori. Apply At Wo. 5 ST. PHILIP-BTBEBf._2*_August 13

WASITH), AN IDXHRRIBNCLEPtNURSBto mind a jouug infant. None n«ed applywithout go d recoiumendatious. Apply to the COR-NER UF UAYNJt AND MUEUNO STBEfcTS.

Augnet 13_ _2*WANTBD, bvkrybudi tu know

that PiiE><OBlP1TOf« No. 19,716 gives mme-diate relief, and is a permanent ehr«- for Neuraleia.August 18_ljj_WAliTBP to RBKT, a SCHOOU

HOUSE and RE-IDENlE. Addroxs, statingterms, P. O. ThxNo. 169. wfm2î Augvut 11

Wantrd. A «»fU^tion BY A com-PETENT Bookkeeper, but who is willing

to take tne place o au Arsietant. Wtll net as Sales-man and make bunseif generally useful. Las noobjection to travel. Salary not i>o much an object asperm nent employment Boi-tof references given.Address " OBABLES1ON IAN," care ol "News Or-

ncE." August 11

WANTED, PART OP a RESIDEncr,say THBKt OB FOUR ROOM*, on or tearW. t.*w(,rtii.titr«r.t or i/,itu*ii(,(, Avenue. Rent nnlto exceed $350. Address X. O. Z., at this office.July 37_. _

WaNTBD, bv a MAKRIKD man, asituation in «orne Cotton Mill -oath or South-

west; is acquainted with all branches, having work-ed in them all, but should select WEAVING as achoice, laities wishing to engage tacha personwill please address a note, stat-.ng terms, to JOHN j."TELLY, Bo. 148 Mate-street, boston. MayM

WANTED, KVMtttlOUl TO SUB.SCRIBE to the CIU<)U"LATING LIBRARÏ _CHARLES O. RIGHTER'B Belect Library of NewRooks contains all of the latest publications.April21_No. 161 K1NO-STREET.

CHINES K LABOHERS.PAItTmSwishing to employ large or Brual! numbers, ofCHINESE LABORERS, xruy make the necessaryarrangement» for procuring gang- of alif- requireddelivered in vby part of the country, by applicationto KUOPMaN&CBAAP, ban Francisco, CaliforniaJuly 20_

WANTED, KVEMybody to KNOWthat JOB PRINTING of «»11 kinds, plain and

ornamental, is executed promptly in the neateststyie and at tho lowest New York prices, a' t hsmvs Job Office, No. 149 EAST BAY ( all and ex-amine the scale of prices before giving your orderselsewhere.

WANTED. AGEMPs KOR TUE AMERI-GAN FARMERS' HORSE BOOK, in both Eng-lish and German, by Robert -tewart, V b., ol Miss,the wora covers the whole ground of the breedingand raiding, and the treatment of hones and mules,bo'.h In sickness and health. It ban won its way topopular favor, and is tvday the most popular andbent Helling Hone Book out. Address O. F. YEN

Punhrthor, Cincinnati. O. 6mo* March 19

Co torni.TO KENT, THB T11RHU l'PPKRSTORIES of the ADOEB BUILDING, eachfloor forming a fine hall, being 85 feet doep and 54feet wide with a bold entrance on King-stre-t; willbe fitted up to suit any purpose for which they mavbe desired. Apply to J. L.. M'SES, Collector andBeat Estate Agent, Fi. 34 Broad-Btreet.July 14


_wlm 13

TO KENT ON SVLUVAN'H ISLAND, Aneat COTTAGE-BUILT HOUSE, with ciBternand some Furniture, situated on Middle street,about five minutes' walk from the steamboat landing.Terms liberal if auplied forthis week to W. HUNT,No, 42 Market-street, no th side.August 12 . ......_ 3»

To rrNT, T ' » SQ PLKASilNTLY «ITU-A'j.ED TWO AND A VALF BjgORY RESI-DENCE, No. K Gadsden-street, oppodttrWeutworth.Apply at CHARLESTON BTBaMSaW MILL.June 14_ ^

ER1L « STATE AOKVTS, AND Ol HESShaving houses to rent, can have their Placards,Ac, printed at the lowest rates and in the newestand neatest stvies of typo, nt IHR NEWS JOB OF-FICE, No. 140 East Hay

Jn Salt.FOR 8ALK Tfl-DAÏ, A V\T MI'.t'H


ÏTMJU SALE, FOUR McC ARTHY KOL*; LEB GINS, second hand, but httle used1 Premium Farm Grist AIM, "Proseus" Patent1 Hand-power -teel Grist Mill

18 Plough)?, of varied and moat approved patterns,all but little used, an i at low prices1 Cotton U Gaker1 Fonr-horse Power Steam Engine, second baud, in

good condition.Apply to «.AWekON, BARKLEY & CO.,Noribeaat corner.Meeting and Cumberland streetsAnguat 9_lmo

TJM1H »ALK ONE HVNDIilOU 1'Ut'VS-JC AND ACRES OF LAND in Keranaw County,Booth Carolina00NBlUT.uia of:

FIFTY VERY 6ELEOT FABM"> near Camaeu anaon the Railroad, varying In size from 150 to 600 acresThese and adjoining rarmaars being taken by ourbest eitiaeux, and afford every advantage for health-ful, comtor able and profitable tarma.M\N? LARGE AND CHOICE PLA>TATION3.convenient to market.DEtdRABLE RESIDENCES in Camden and Kirk-wood.SEVERAL LABGB TRACTS OF WOOD LAND

AMDA few very VALUABLE hlTEf for manufactories.Address, WM. U. SHANNON,Attorney at Law, Camden, S. C.July 23 _ue_lmo*AUCTIONEERS, R llOKERS, ANDothers wishing "tor Sals" Placards, BusinessCards, or other Jon Printing executed with neat-ness and dispatch, will consult their interest by leav-ing their orders at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No.149 East, Bay.


POH SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS INany quantity. Price 75 cents per hundred.The cheapest wrapping paper that can be used. Ap-ply at the office of l'HE N KWS. March 1

LOST. ON MONDAY, 9TH, A PAIR UV<iOLI> SPECTACLES, suppoved to have beendropped between the corner of King and Hanoistreo'B and Fogarbe's Book store. The finder willbe rewarded by leaving them at THIS OFFICE.* AUgUet lS 1OST..A LI«*'HAL KKWAHD WILLbe given for the recovery of a Brown and Whi ehiii 1TER PI I OH, About five months old. strayed orstolen from the HUbers House, .-o 284 King-a reot.Apply at Store of W -ONER & MON siEES, corner ofEast Bay and Queen.Btreets. 2 'August 18OST. IN THE MARK ET, ON TolJitM-BAY morning, a PO0KETBO» K, with owner's

name and place of residence written on inside. Itcontained papers of no value to anyone nut the own-er and a bnnob of beys; also, six dol ars and nom1small change If returned to o. 101 KI^G-Sl'REHT.the money can be retained and no questions asked.Au. net 18 :!I


THIS FIE8T-0LABS BOTHL.^ITUATED IN Apleasant location, and In the business portion of (hecits renders it the most desirable Hotel for either.permanentortranftbntguests. -heaccommodationsare unsurpassed, having extensive suites of elegantlyrarnlshsd^ap,irtments lor fumbles a d single «entfe-rnen Tue proprietor will endeavor to maintain theMab reputation e< Joyed by thé "Charleston" aa afirst class house, and no effort .vhl be spared to <ia-serve a continuance of the liberal patronage hereto-fore bestowed upon 1*The best of Live y. scconunodatlom will be foundadjoining the establishment.

. ,Ihs house i- snpplkd with the celebrated ArteUlan Water of winch d<?ifc{b.:fm ba'hs can bo badeither day or np^ht, ,y F, B. J veK>ON,July 18 Proprietor.

S t . o LP U

fBIB NEW AND COMMÖfclÖüS BOU8E, T OdAl«.ED corner ot Broadway and. Forty-Recosd-sireet.possesses advantages ovtgp all other hou*es for «be arcouumodatlon oi its guests. It was built expresslyfor a flrst-cliss family boarding house.the retmi»being large and en unite, heated by steam.wlm hotand cold w ter. and furnished second to noae; whilethe culinary department is in the roost experiencedhands, affording guests an unequalled table.One of Atwood'a Patent Elevators is sue amongthe "modern improvements" and at the service orguette at all hours. .lbs Broadway and University Plae*> Cars-.pass thedoor everv four ndnutes, running from the ntt;Hall io Central Park, while the sixth and eventbAvenue tines are but a short block on either sineaflording ample facilities for communicating with ai<the depots, steamboat landings, olaces of amuse,uept and business of the great metropolis.

MORE *js HOLLKY. proprietors.^Marçh^ia" j,'.^,, ^nic*


.... , :"


SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Doaiemtlc Portai ofCOTTON, RIO«, LUMBER AND NAVAL I3TÖRKÖ.

ATLANTIO WHARF, Obsrleston. 8. Q.

,K,'<StSborN'^ 4 WWSWsHi* *'

. .; u. .. fj .... »ff! ,«t <iv- '..HM« .t;*A

PAIiMETlTü KUCAMPMIKVr, Ko. 1,I. 0 OAF,AtTFXTBA MEETING OF THIS1 ENCAMPMENTwill be held at odd Fellow's Hall, at half pastEight o'clock prectselv. Members are requested tobe punctual, as business of Importance will be sub-mitted. Candidates for Degrees will report at theHall. By order C. PAugust 13 E. JNO. WHITE, Scribe.

CAHULltla BASE HALLCLUB.AN EXTRA MEETING OF THE CLUB WILL BEheld at Vigilant Ha l, This Kreuma, at Eighto'clock.

a punctual attendance is requested, as business ofimpor ance is to be considered.By order. E. G. CHUPEIN,

Angus 13 Socretary pro toin.

notices in pankenptcq.IN THK DISTRICT COUUT OF THIS

UNITED STATES, FOR bOUTH CAROLINA..AUGUST TI-RM. 1869. . IN THE MATTER OFW J. VereEN. BANKRUPT_petition forFULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE IN BANK-RUPT 'Y.. Ordernd, That a hearing be bad onthe thirty Fins* dat or August, 1889, at Fed-

a'1 creditors, &c, of said Bankrupt appear atsaid time and pacn, and show cause, if any theycar, why the prayer of the pctitlouor should not begranted And that the secoud and third mooting*of Creditors of said Biukrupt will be held at theoffl e of J. C. lARPEN 1ER, Esq., Boglstrar of Firstand Seeond (longressloual Districts. s. C.,on thetwenty-fourth oav or August. 1889 at 12 m.Byorderof the Court, the n b day of August 1869.

DANIEL HOl'LBIv'K,Clerk of the District Court of he U. s. for S. C


UNITED -»TATES, FOR SOUTH CAEOLINA-AUGUs L' TERM, 1869 .IN THE MATTER OFw w. s«i.e Bankrupt .petition forFULL A vD FINA DIsOUArtGE IN BANKRUPl-<Y.Ordered That n hearing be had on the ftïthday of October a . D. Z869. at Federal Court-house In Charleston, 8. C. ; and that all Creditors.Ac. of said Bankrupt appear at said time andpbv e, and show cuuto, if any they cou, wby the pray-er of the petitioner should uotbe ur.int* d.By order of iho court the 9 h «i.*y ol «umist, 18C9

daniel HORLBEt'KClerk of the District Court of the U. &. for S. 0.

Auuust 13 12


AUGUST term, 18*8. in THi MATTER OF A.a. McDOWrLL, OF ,AMDEN. bankHUPT..HE-TITloN OR full AND FINAL DISCHARGEIN BAN-KRUPTOY. . O derei, T bat. bear-ing be bad on the eighteenth dax of October,A. D. 1869, at Federal Courthouse in Cbarientou. »,C-; and that all creditors éec.of said Bankrupt ap-8ear at said time and place, and show cause, it nnvley can, why the prayer ol the petitioner f hould

not be granted.By ord r of ihe Court, the 9th da? of August, 1869.

DANIEL Hor BECK,Clerk of the District Court et the United states lorBonih Carolina._f2_August 18

IN iHE DISTRICT COUltl' OF'AHKUNITED states, for south CARO-

LINA_AUGUiTlE* M, 1869..IN HK MATTEROF JAMES L. MoDOW LL, OF CAMDEN COUN IY,RANKRUPr.PETITION FOR FULL AND FINALD!KCBaR<*E IN B * >KRUPTCY .Ordered, Thata hearing be had on the eighteenth dat of Octobeb A.D. I860, at Federal Courthouse in Charleston,ITc.; and that all Creditors. &c. of eaid Bank-rupt appear at said time and place, and showcause, if any they can, why the prayer of the peti-tioner should not be pranted.By ortfer of the Court, the 9th day of ugust, 1869.

D NIELHORLBECK,Clerk of the District Court of the United States for

south Carolina. 12 Auuust 13

3pi9s0ltttt0u» of Copartnership.COP/%KTHERBHIP NOTICE..TH k CO-

l'ARTNERSH p heretofore existing betweenO.B.\rt and JNO. WIKTH, under the name of BAul& WiRtH, Ir 1 his Day dissolved. All person-indebteato the said firm will make payment immediately,and all persons hiving claims against the said firmwill present them at once. Either party is author-ized to sign in liquidation. O hart.

JNO. WIR1H.Charleston, August 12, 18C9.

THE FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION bu-SINESS will hereafter be conducted at No.j. 65 and57 MARKET-STREET, by C. BART.C. BART.

THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORM-ED a Copartnership, for the transaction of theFRUIT *ND PKODUCE COMMISSION BU-INE<S,at the southeast coruer of Market and Churchstreets, under the name and stylo of JNO. W1BTH& CO. . JOHN WIRTH.

HENRY BYER.Charleston, August 12,1869.August 13

_ 2l^suLUi iOM oar copaktnuuship.The Copartnership heretofore existing be-

tween I. & M. IHEM AN. No. 361 King-street, hasbeen dissolved b\ mutual consent. lhQ businessw>ll be contluuod by IsaaC IiEMAN, at the same?tand who ussumt s the liabilities of the old concern.August 11 wfuvi* l. & M. Isr.MAN

DAYBOAHUO^i MODK îlAT K TENAIScan be bad by applying at No. 154 MEE1ING-S4IREET, near Aatesian Well, or at THIS 0FF1OK.August 4 wfm6*

Cou ûtïonûi.UNIVERSITY OF VfllGniA.-THE

Session of this Institution commences anau-allv on the first day ot October, and continues, with-out interruption, till the Thursday preceding thefour h of July ensuingThe organization of the Institution is very com-plets embracing extensive and thorough courses


of instruction in LIlERATURE AND science,and in the Professions of Law, Medicine and Engi-neering.be expense of the Aoademio or Law Student, ex-clusive of the cost of text-books and clothing andpocket money, amount to about 8366 per ses-

sion o' nine montn.<; and of the Engineering orMedical Student to about 8396. of which -uieas, re-spectlvelv, £220 or 8250 is payable on aamission, andthe tmlan. e in the progress of the session.For details send for catalogueP O., "Univ- rsity of Virginia."

8. MAU PIN,July 24 lino Chairman of the Faculty.


PRESIDENT, GENERAL It. E. LEE,Aided bt a füll Corps of Pbofkssobb.

THE NEXT 8BSSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 1ÛTH1869, and closes Juie 25th, 1870.In nd.iition to the regular Collegiate Course, theProtessional ,-choolt» of Law and Civil and MiningEngineerjug, are in lull operation.Necessary expen Ses. from $300 to S375.For catalogue, address J. M. LEECH,July 19 Imo_Clerk of Faoohjr.

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.J The Uext Session will begin on the first Mon-Ldaf in October, and continue without internus-9 fcib»r to<lieensuinRJuiy.

. » nvantages are offered. at this Institution to Stu-dents in Law. (the graduates being entitled to prac-tice m'tt-e CourU ol tht- state;) in. Me.deine (thecourse of u st uctias being extensiv« and thorough,wbb two wtitten examinations during the *e«8lon;iIn Engineering, Mathematics, Mental. Moral andPolitical Philosophy, H story, Rhetoric, EnglishLiterature, Ancient and Modern Languages, and inthe various Scientific sehoo .8.Expenses for esstou of nine months: Annual

fee, *5; Library fee, »10; Boom Rent fee. 815; » unionfee: .. ; lor each of three tchoois. 815; Tuition inLaw or Medicine. 850 Hoard can be bad at 816 to820 per month. Bv mesalpa it wl:l bo less.For furrier information, eead for Catalogue to

*he -ccretary of the Faculty, Hey 0. BI>UCEWALKER. B.W. B»RNWKM.Chairman otFaCulty.Columbia, S. C, August 2» i860.

August 6 fmw24




sole aobets for tobGENUINE DEBINQER PISTOL.

July19 mwflmo'.! i.



OFFIÖÄ Ko. 165 1ÀHT BAY.V July l* lmo

I ;( .- ; p>j w t-.;)

/inaniiol.J A HIB S H. WILSON,

BANKER AND BROKER,No. 5 Broad-street.

STOCKS, BOND3 AND GOLD BOUGHT ANDcarried, or sold short in New York on ncarglus.DEPOSITS received sad interest allowed.EXCHANGE, STOCK8. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER,

COUPONS AND UNCURRENT BANK NOTES,bought and sold on current rates and on commis-sion.COLLECTIONS promptly attended to.DRAFTS lor *<alo of £1 aud upwards on England,Ireland, Paris and Berlin. 1'lulO .Julv 30

T|> A rv Iv K U S ,


CHANTS, wishing Checks, Blanks, Letter Heads, or

Job Printing of any description, o: n get their ordersfilled promptly and in the u^otest i.tyle, at cheaprates, by applylug at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No.liO East Bay.

> R O S P E C 'P US

of the



Copyright Applied For.

THE UNDFR3IGNED PROPOSES TO PUBLISH,at i.n early day. "THE CHaRI-ESTQ/N < 'ITY DIitEC-TOBY**and "UU-INESS REGISTER," containingthe names of the Inhabitants ot the City, their Oc-oupati v, Places ot Business, and Dwelling Houses.embracing a ela-ain -utton of all business.therebyaffordmu a r.'ady and accessible medium to the resi-dent and visiting merchant.

It will couiaiu a MI-CELLANEOUS RECORD,embracing the City lovernmeut, Police and Ftro De-partments. Public Buil'ttngs, and vcryth'nB recog-nized as of advantage b >th to residents aud thoseseeking infoi mati n, which cannot be obtained oth-erwise than throuph a work of this character.

It will alBO contain a LI i HOORAPHIC MAP OFTHE.CUT, embracing Streets, Wards and Fire Dis-tricts.Competent and experienced canvassers hate been

employed, which gives a guarantee that the workwüi be compiled with great cure.A limited number of First-class Advertisements

will b« inserted at reasonable rates.aar OL- ONLY BY .-UBsuRIPTION Subscri-ber- names will be puolished in the Directory in''Capital Letters."aar Price.iwo dollar?.

THAD. C. JOWITT, Publisher.August 10 rata




JOHN MAcOHMONT'S LEGACY, a Novel, byMiss M. E. Brad don.30MISTRESS AND MAID, a Novel, by Miss Mu-








OF ADVANTAGE PLaTING.66TTT ÏJ4.I. T»4T.T «tlS»B.IKLEWLiK'.-. PICTORIAL.16HARPER'S WEEKLY.16CHIMNEY CORNER.16LI i F,l> AltY ALHUM.-.16DAT' DOINGS. 15POLK E NEWS OR OAZE1TE.15ilsur-ERS EAZ»AR.15BUNYAN'S PILGRIMS PRO'JBKSfi.»5OUR LIFE IN IHK HIGHLANDS, by QueenVictoria.86COMIC MONTHLY.20BODGET OF FUN.».20Either of the followlug Books mailed on receipt offour 3 .! stamps.Old numbers of LESLIE'S, GODET'S, PETER-SON'S, LAND WE LOVE, or DEMOREST'S.Any one of Beadles or Munro's DIME NOVELS.Also, a Comic or sentimental SONG BOOK.

Novels by Charles Diestens»OLIVER TWIST, 172 PAGES, 30 CENTS; AMERI-CAN Notes, 104 pages 20c; Dombcy A Son,366 cages.40c; Marlin «'nuzzle wit, 842 pages, 40o; Our MutualFriend, 330 pages, 40c; ohnstmas Stories, 162 pages.80c; I ale of Two Cilles, 144 pages 26c; Hard Times

snd Additional Christmas Stories 200 pages, 80o;Nicholas Nlckleby. 340 pages, 40c; Bleak House, 840pages, 40r; Little Dorrit, M30 pagts, 4M; Pickwick.Papers. 826 pages, 40.:; David Copperfield. 330 pages,due; Barnaby Budge 267 pages, 8Cc; Old Curiosityshop. 221 pages, 85c; Great Expectations, 184 pages,30c; sketches, 198 pages, 30c,The following Novels, by Sir Walter

Scott Bailed at 30 cents HachtWAVERLT, IYANHÖB. KBNILWOR1H, GUTMannering, yntiquary, Rob Boy. Old Mortality. TheBlack Dwarf and a Legend of Moutrose, Bride of

Lammermoor, Heart of Mid-Lothian, The Monastery, The Abbot, The Pirate, Fortunes of Ntgel, Peve-ril of the Peas, Quentin Durward, St. Ronan's Well,Bed Gauntlet, ihe Betrothed and Highland Widow,Tbe Talismtn, Woodstock, Fair Maid of Perth, Anneof Geierstein, Count Robert of Paris, The Surgeon'sDaughter.On receipt of the price, either in cash or stamps,copies of any books in this list will be sent by mull

postpaid. CHAM. C. MIGHTEM,No. 161 King-street,July12 dao Oharlostoo, S. O.



THE MJMTEB AND THE ALABAMA, ServiceAfioat during the War fc-inS^E the States, by Ad-miral Hommes, 1 vol 8vc«., cloth, $6.RKSOUttCEs OF 1 HE SOUTHERN FIELDS AND

FoRbS 18, Medical. Economical and Agricultural,by F. Psyre Porcher, M. D., 1 vol 8vo., 83 60.CHRISTIAN ^INGERS OF G.-RMA NY, by Cathe-

rine Winttwortb, transi* or and compiler ot "Lyrac erma lea." Illustrated. 12mo., forming volume 6Of the "Sunday Library." fine cloth, 12.HISTORY op EUE; PB-.N MORsL->. from Au-

gustus to Cbailemaano 2 vols., 8vo., «6.FOKEvr LD7- IN ACADIE, ketcues of Rpojt andNatural History in the Lower Provl ces of the Cans-dian Dominion, by Captain O Hardy, Illustrated,8vo.. a.IHE NEW AF1 INITIES OF FAITH, A Plea forFree Christian Union, by Jamee Martine m, 26c.SPEC1 HUM ANALYSIS, Six Lecture», by H Efioacoe, with appendices, co.ored Plates and Blus-tratcd. Svo, 89.MIND ANo BRAIN; or. The Cortelation of Con-

ecipusne.-ir aud Organization. Systematically Inves-tigated and Applica to Philosophy. Mental -cleiicoand Practice, with a P.elimuiarv Dissertation onMethod and illustrative ot the Text, by ihos. Lay-cock. M. D.. 2 vols . 12mo., 4*5; XVi. 494, 87.LIFE OF PLZARRO, with omo icount of his As-

«oclates in the Couquestof Peru, by Arthur Heltjs,I vtd., »2 76lBK OLD TESTAMENT BISTORT, iront theCreation to tho Return from tue Cautivity, edited

by W. «-mi b, L.I/. D., 1 vol.. 12mo., 82WOM AN'S sUFFR\G , the teiorm Agalust Na-fuie by Horace Bu-bnell, 1 vol, 12mo., 81 60.THE sUBJEClION oF WOMAN, by John Stuart.M. M» 1 vol, 12mo., $1PRE-HlSiOTuO NAIIONS; or Iuqulrio* ' oneern-

i=S sca;c cî ifae Great Peoples and civdizaticus ofAntiquity, and their Probable Relation to a still Old-er ObrthHnon ot the Ethiopiana or Ouahites of Ara-bis, bv John d. Baldwin, 12mo , 8t 76.ElObTTEAB-' WANDERINUS IS CETLON, byr Samuel White Baker. Iflastrated, lümo., cloth,60.THE SCIENCE OF RIGHT-", by F. G. Flehte,translated by A. e. Kroog r, 12mo. "loth, 82.iH «kB THOUSAND MILE". THROUGH THE

HOCKT MOUNTAINS, by A. K. Mcolure. Illustrât,ed. lamo.cloth 82. «jBKal HICK, A Poem, by Hon. Boden Noel, fquarelOmo.. cloth, gilt top, 8L _,IB ESI Xi-.k, H .BE AND HEREäF "ER, by Wit-IIam H. Hoicombe, M D, 12mo.. paper loth, 81 80.

iIVils t>F Si. LOCI* AMD OALVIN, toy M.Gulait Illustrated, 12mo , oioth 8j.

I He QU KER Par i aNS, a RevolutionaryStory, with Illustrations. Wmo , cloth, at SO.FIw'ilON.-Auerback'« Villa on tbe Rhine; Erok.

insnn- hstrain's Waterloo; H iff tnson's Ma boue;Hoffmunn's »Lee Murray; Hugo's L'Homme q ,iBit; Lettice Lisle; i'heips' Men, Women and Ghosts;ibe Quaker Partisans; Hobmaon's For Her t*aso;southworth's Obanged Brides; sptelhageu's Problem-atical Characters; Woods' Gsb*s Wide Open; Kftius-l.y's Straiten; My Daughter if Itnor; Tbe Lac rieten.'»Household; >sbmld's Btbenieistor; >outbworth'sthe Brioe's Puto; Troltope'a He Knew Be.Was..lght;7.*cti0Bk«'« bead oneh ; Freytag's Lost Man.unrript; Jean Inglelow's Mopsa tbe Fairy.January 1 1ft


... m -...^ ,M =3


JUST RECEIVED:ASUPPLY OF G >bdon's sUPERIOli LEkMON»Pweapute. Raaoberry sud Orgeat oYRUP^ aD(i

Raspberry VinegarPreserved Peaches aud QutncosRa>pberrles and strawberriesTumblers of assorted Jeliles, viz: Quince, Crab-ap-ple, Red and Black currant. Kasiiberry, straw-berry and Blackberry Jelly, Quava Jelly, OrangeMarmalade and Tamarinds.

For sale by W. 8. CORWIN & CO ,August 11_wf2 _No 876 King street.

ROPE AND TWIiiËTerffT half toils "GREENLEAF" dopeI t) 7 bundles Twbie.

fr or silo by J. N. RORHON,August 11 wfj Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf.

COTTON WINS.3McCarthy gins, for sale by

W. GUliNEY,August 9 mwl3 No. 102 Fast Bay.FRESH DRUGS.


Schouk's Pulmouio SyrupSchunk's Soawoed TonicCherokee Remedy

Cherokee CureCherokee PillsCherokeo Injection

opears' Fruit Preserving SolutiauBrown's ChlorodynoGerman Blood or "Kaiser" Pill*. kc.< Ac.Fleming's Worm Confections

Wi ßht'» Rejuvenating ElixirChurchill's *yrup Hypophosphlt« of T.lmoVan Deusen's Worm oute.eiiousHurloy'rtWo m CandyBardotte'" Worm ^uptar DropsGraueuberg Pills*

Cephalic PillsSchallenberger's Fever and Ague PillsStrouß's Pill«McLane's Liver rill-

Llnn'K Vegetable PillsRussell's s'oothtng Cordial lor Children TeethingJayue's IterativeJayne's Expectorant

Jayue's Carminative,Jayue's sanative Pills

Rad way's Ready ReliefRadway's R. PUlsRsdway's Ready Resolvent.June 21 7ii wf

TIMBER.?\C\f\ AAA FEETOF HEWN TIMBER, OF?}\J\J 9\s\J\J various sizes and qualities.For sale by CHISOLM BROTHERS,West End '1 raid-street,August 4 wstu'4 Or Adger's forth Wharf-BACON AM) 31 il KiiltEl,



BOXÜS LONG CLEAR SIDES IN DRYALT20 b 'X*s Long Clear Rib Sides in Dry SaltSO pkvs. New No*. 2 and 3 Mackerel.For sale by JEFFORDS & CO.August 12 3



THE STANDARD WEIGHT 2J£@2?{. THEstandard Width full 44 inches.It iS wider, closer stronger, and affords bettorpro-tection tor the entire covering ot the Cotton balethan any other n usoWe sell at manufacturer's price and expea*CB laiddown here, a supply always on hand.

WILLIAM ROACH & CO.August 9 lmo Agents.PEAS.

BUSHELS BLACK PEAS, SUITABLEfor Beed an t leedL.g. for sale byJuly24 _T. J. KERR & CO.

CHEAP CORN.qaaa BUSHELS WESTERN WHITE CORN,O'./VTV/ slightly heated. For fale. at a lowprice, by T. J. KEUR & CO.July 22


BLE, mostde.icloub aud healthy food. uoodfor Paddings, Jellies, Blanc Mange, Ice,Cream,Gridiile Cakes, Soups, ic, put up in I lb. pack-ages, with directions for me.

Desiccated cocoauut. for Pics, Puddings, Cakes,. put up lu L...H u>. [vii>lra:!,>M. w Hi .Urcotluno.Sweet Oil, French and Ameriom in half pints, pintsand quarts.

Cider and White.Wine Viocgvc, warranted pure-Fresh Roasted i>lo Coffee, of good quality, at 35o.V «J.Just, received and for sale byCO-OPERA ITVE GROCERY STORE,Southwest corner Meeting and Market streets.Goodb delivered free. May 28


ASUPPLY RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIP MAG-NOLIA. The cheapest and most reliablemethod known for preserving all kinds jf Fruits.Tomatoes, Vegetables, Cider, &o Warranted health-ful, and will P-eserve Fruits, kc , wlthour air fight-ing the jars or can*, with or without sugar, at obo-half the cost of any other known -nethod.For sale by W. S. CORWIN k CO.,No. 275 King-street,Between Wentworth and Hasel streets.August 10 tuf2


OR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAL. BYDr. H. BAEB,June 26 No. 1:11 Meeting-stroet.

Cötten (Bias, <£tc.ICL,LNTÏ"S STIbltE. BttUsH


THE SUBSCRIBER I» NOW PREPARED TOfill orders for these justly celebrated GINS. Certifi-cate« from reliable planters in this fate, who havebought and used them the past season, ss well asfrom the Fa-tors and Brokers, îully confirm all thatis claimed for them: and the fact is now well estab-lished that the increase in the pne« of Cotton ginnedon this Gin wilt, on every forty bales, fully pay forthe cost of the Gin.

ALSO,HALL'S PATENT COrrON GIN FEEDER,A valuable Machine, saving both time and labor inthe gtnnmg of a crop. Can be attached to any Ginmade *Send for Circulars.

C. GRAVELEY,No. 52 EAST BAY, SOUTH OF OLD POSTOFFI0E,August 2 mwt2mos Charleston, 8. C.

.au w b it m *t » »HIMPROVED MoVARTBY GIN",


Ginning «* fine YJplnnd Cottons."

LATE CHANGES MADE IN THIS GIN ADAPT8it to the ginning or UPLAND O 1 ON: The use ofit, <>y a fe k. on this cotton lant season proved that itenhanced the value ot the Cotton, as It does not in-jure the staple in the slightest degree.Plauters will find itrto their udvan age. and are re-quested to eximlne into this Gin, particularly thosewho nave planten the finer grades ot Uplaud Cotton.be Win has b*en in use noon the -c a Island Coitonfor over fifteen years, and its reputation for that cot-ton fully established. Apply to

WILL! VM S. HENERVY,Machinist and Foundry,August 11 wnnlmo No. 814 Meefrng-street.

si li ' "...i -

UbkE« dt MACBETH,No. 30 Broad'itreeti



_*Will atttend to Renting aud Collecting of Beatsand purchase and sale ot mocks. Bonds, Gold,Silver and Real Estate.

AXSO.Xo the Purchase ot Goods and supplies far partlo.in the soontry upon reasonable terms.Geobob l. Montas.aibxabdbb Hacbbtb.JaBtt*rvi; , _Xyr_

JAMB* WOXu.... 1..JTOHB OXUbn o x 4k © a ii i*.

Cotton Vaveteraamd


CONSIGNMENT OF COTTON, BICE, &c, RE-«PEOTFCLLY solicited, and liberal advances madetheveoa. Orders for CORN and BACON promptlyexecuted with ctrs and attention. 8mos May 1«
