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THEDISTRICT EMANCIPATION UIGDLV IMPORTAN? … › lccn › sn83030213 › 1862...arstion ull...

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íírilmnc V*» XXII.N°- 6,561. »VEW-YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1862. ? PRICE TWO CEXTS. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. -..>_- SLAVES CUIMING MILITARY PROTECI.ON. Xhe President's Opinion in the natter. THE DISTRICT EMANCIPATION BEL X-rtirtiika ami Califoruia Contfttrd Seat fasf». -a»- THE GENERAL BANKRUPT BILL. TBE REPORTED CAPTURE OF GEN. BLENIER. The Reorgftuiization of the Mf-dical Buroau .CONFIRMATIONS BY THE SENATE. WiiHiM-T"». M.nttay, April It IM«. ».natororimeiVs «.priu h ob si.ave-» atchin«.. Stíiiator lirimnaa excellent aj^ixh againil ila\r- eateliuiir. .iirt-.'ilv or indirectly, by amy officer!, sini In favor of gati-ieoniug lbs Southern f rt* witb bla-cke in order to save Nortbeni b»e» diirin»- tbe u- kly lea*«'ii. nu litUned to ** iib marked 8* toni on. Ita r/enerul viewt are under»'.»> -d to meet sr.ta ibe approval of lu'-e'^if not all tbe Republican Senaion. BLAVER ( l.AIMINC, MILITARY PROTECTION. Tits precise wo»-da of the Pietid»Dt to the Com- -»liteea» of tbe FreedmeQ 6 Aie-xiat-on ir. their inter- «new on Saturday »iver»)» tbeie: " I in entirely asti-fied that no ilave who biî^ime» for Ibe time fie* ivill-in the American linea will ever be re-eiktlsved. iia'.ber than have it to, 1 would give up and «.'..l'esté. THE DISTRIl T FMAM1PAT10» BILL. Tbe bill emancipating tbe slaves in lbs Diatriet of »Columbia, was laid before ths Preeident at f oelork this evening. THE CABE OF COI.. MAüOFFIl». Th« Precid.nt ii mal» îiu- S ir.e .-nx-h exair.it...»iou ef the iniporunt principle«, involved ia it.e case of Col. Magoffin, wht-»te t»-iit«*nc« of death for breach ef .»¡«role he has re.»'.!«-.!. Meantime, io eonae- qaencs of the reprceontauoua of lol. Mapiffiu * irieude. that he ie treated w-.»h nudne teventj by Gin. Halleck, being kepi in iioua, although he bad tut juit recovered from a typhoid f»v er, »ii»; sine« rece!ve«i a etr-oka partial parsly»i«. the P-a-iidest Lai ordered ibe rigors ot bia coutiu»ment to be re- bsvsd. Tilt TAX Bli I- The Finance ¦Con.niti.--e oí the 8**nat* tavok n«j fin*! action ri-e*f-»-tiug ibe llo-ie Tax bill, at kal Bva>eij-v.g tt..a« aaaSBSBttJo Tbe Crat-l Bt*«*tioni, all re- IsiiBg to tbe lüaiiiinery <>í the bill, were «ratai OOM, and Uitise jirieKiigrr to wbi«h differencee of opinion Wo»»» li'uu.l to exist. were marked for future c n».(i «wallon. THE NEBRASKA UMIMIB »<EAT CASE. Mr. Da-area, ¡rou. t!.. «louie ('ommirtae« on elec¬ tions, tbi. morning re;-ort>d in ibe Nebraaka con- Uñosa «"ai-e in favor of Mr. Daley, the aittitig mem her. and in the California «ase aiTainst Mr. J-c-vve. eisimiug t<> r-epreifeCc: a UM llntriof under a new law of apffetirtKiiiiiient. In Bat c-aise of Jo*ej"*h »Vimr, BO report wa.« u,.<la*. Tbe ('omii.itt.B ha-ina Leen cnabl. to ax,T.-t». tb« »i.». I- -»i. t»»»« re'.t ried lo :i > Q<jt.ee for »»tiJ» rm.-nt. THE HANKIU PT hil Tbs frieiitis of th« l'ai.krciri I. li do not eoniider tbe vote of the Honae to-day, po»ipobing ite coueid* arstion ull Di-.-en.l-er as a lina! dw<-*t*siti<an of tbe meaaurt*. AoothcT bill will probably be in- i><dii< »s *jxto tbe tv nat«, «ukI a.-, eiaroeat ei»*brt will he made te .«attire tia pasiags. «ATTIRE OF BO VE OF LEV Bl> *K 1 OFF1CFBB. The i*«|»ert that Gan. Blanker sod his b«:«ly-g-asrd have »->fe*«n lakes by ti« K-l*-els it pt-tably tosnded upon tbs iaet that a nnmb«r of bis oUcsrs metro < sp- twA Istt wssk, asar Msussias, «vi-J esrried lo Hieb- tomtom üUt. BOHEARA**, Gea. life-*-*, run- will s«»oij n'.tiru te Wtsvhin-fiou. Be hat not i-ay-arivsd hit Baal «.rd.!-*. BRI«;.-i»r.!4. FERRY. Brig.-Gen. Kerry bss bssn assigned lo a ««maand ¦Slider Gen. Rank*, and la**v.i for K kenbu g ta>mor- row or next day. 8E14ATOR HALI.'f- REMIiKATIOB. rka-ala-.r Hale'B n»..ta' . n ot the Cbairnianabip ot the Naval Cornai-*"*-*** will probably not, la BaSSfBBdL It wai not made ¡n « ou»«quenc« of diM'-reeiaect bstween Mr. Hale aid the Navy iJa-jaitment, lu. bscauae of a tntitiootA ind.-.tiiry uti the part of tbe f rvi.dini/ officer ia «»«nittili-j, khtt ti'u tbe 1 « ivv ".r. of Confereiiv« on rl.e Narai Apr.-vipiialion bill. le tarna ont tbat the iu¡ r* »**d thy bl vrua an -1 -i.«. THE Milli« AL lil Uf.M . The Joint C luimittoe of loafer «...<«. on» tbe lill to .*»- 'yu'..'" »- tbe M' iii ... I'.»«, of Army «¦« r.fiit- iag of BerjitoiB Wit-ou ot Maiafea-xacbíiSett«, Ijul» ol bc.iip.t Bud Ni^mit» «f Oing8a\ aad It»p....««.r.:*¦ thti Blair of Mitsui n, Mrl'L».-» ,u oi P.ijjii'ylvar.ia, .hsele of New-York, bav. uirrotd la rocotoBMttd tbs idoptii.li of tho bill it |ia»»eu tb», BhtatB witb I'.*». BV)di5c»t:or.» The pay of H<*pi'i,: 8tcwarda to be ptl per month; Ibe .Medical Ladela lo Luve «.-,. «Li'.-, pet d*> in k.nd or eSttttjajtaliBBj ti e act to I». on.-, »d t tl-e .,!it;ii'.a.rii. v; ii.. ¡..-...»¦.',t w.r. lint officeri j. r< uivtel u..der it are f/> retao tne.r rank in Ibe M<-i]i'..' S"iif, R',d to nave the jro-iiouon ü ey ¦Bouid bavt i>»«a-u eiii.t't-sd to if tina a«t lad lot b*»»ii .o^tiatd. \«-.'uiiterr iSiirgeon» are »ligille Ita BB*aÍBt BSataaSnrihan bill. THE « Ht« K AtiAIXSI KlIlNAPi'IM.. Ger. Wadrwerttj B "military pr-.t-e.-tiou» l.a-.a ttore tban anea lavr«| fr«et eu from tbe kidnap'xsr- B»«)»«rt; apaa Heir tr ck. 'Ibe se-vant «.f an <»f- w«r ot a il'ifi..Jo iri/iriierit, vvbioli bad mart iied muy, .«.a\.iJ>a búa tit k bstte, only ye.t«rday barely ttitxl Liaeell ír.-m baianj aoid Hito tSlaveiy by pio- Ott'.tyt.: c ..) lAaaa innniiii.-iitu of t,üe to bimaelí. On. r\ BdesfBllA réf.!-», .11 rlaiinsn'a of »lava» to the enl kutbo-.iie. ..id the afttira hiavs I»«iw. IM IK J Al MlJNrttlE, V*. A P>'vtu«Ji.p.!di, tai.-dAlonn>e, JO o'«look last <¦', Bsttl«Sfl4attia rbi. n vriiiiii/, »i-p,.»jjia»ri*ij| ibal tt*'* »u» dear mix.nligbt Bttd all BBSnt in tbst IttaBj -i in-, i vx m anana, IScd.» eflba , «-vv«j,a,.en «-noiie«,i.ily .ia'« tl.al Bat .¦-bill , .»»*j| ,,y ,|,e JJ0.ie, lux. Ulf. e,1>rk gt emu«^.j( ;ti jijUojilijii)(. ^ y, a Ray, ., AJ'I DISI MINI. *es li B4MI Bl Sj.i.niaúel,). Jil., i, .j, toe si,u ., mexxjoi rjatrt, k,,-,,,.,,!, w. ** ' «i Um aad »»»¦.¦iii», j te Gna. Kelly. "»Mitt« .h um vaarota boats. J1«-fi aptajtatad bj Ihejtav» Papartatasl bj j?*. '.«; «»asBud».«:',ii«a.i'.!i«i.,. I,,.*,« forth« ??t»»« wu,,..aaaensk ..- al < -eaannanraa leaeah ,,;"', ''"' ^ '." ¦. » beahnand i.ni» ** I-.1..I.I t'm»f..,||.,.... , m. y ,,v'.' trntahm i I. ..jrd llu,t ».»a« CouatMur, -sad Daahl B. Mai Eh Be« ".* U.t..'i tomm beef, iiutiv r.. n., anas! ihm contract* be made with th« following pa-artiest Tom- linaon and H.tus, ee, PitUbnigh, for two iron vi-a- tela, Brown ¿W McCard, St. Laonis, three wooden vasse.»; Oeo'»ge C Bei'sr, Cairo, one wooden ves- nl; Jinna It. Kadi, »***t. Louii, two iron Testéis. The aggregate cet of the eight vi «nil will be $l,'¿A»,a»00. CONFIRMAI IONS HY THE «.KATE. The Senat« to-day in Executive session confirmed th« appoint merits of a large number of Paymasters, Anistaut Conmisiarie», and (jtiartennastera of Vat» unteera, and alio the following; (.'apt. Cuvier Grove* of the 10th Infantry and lAmiel W. W nipple ot the Corpi of Topographical Kn m err. to be brigadter-Generuls. Clarke Mi Derm.-it of Ohio, Itrigade Surgeon. Major Win. It. Talnnr of the Corps of Topo- grap).i, al I-iisineeis, to be Colon*]. Cant. Franklin 11. (.'allen, er of the Oi-dnauce I>e- pertinent, Major by brevet, for faithfiU and roerito- rious serviles in his department. Caj t. lint-.» Iii|í»l¡», A-aistant (¿-..ar term liter, per- lorming »ervicei for I ,i*,it<*en yean, to lie Major. baaanal B. Kiiiott of Mstoaaka to Secretary for Colorado Territory, vice Weld, reiigned. I.-wi» Kliue, »Sartev, r of Cm.omi al Havre de On.ce, Md. John l-<>-«e, Indian Agent for the Indians of the Upper Platt«. O. H. C. Salter of New-York, Muiihal of the Con¬ sular Court at Hankow, China. Charle« Ma Alton of New-York, Comul st B-r- muda. iàlish« F. Wa!! «ne of New-Yotk, CobiuI at St. Jago de Cur>a. Jasper Hiniih of New-York, Comul at Stui Juas, l Porto Rico. Aaron 8. Wnt«rv«.-lt of New-York, Cavti-nl at Bangkok. Georg« F Stewart of New-York, Consul st Sha-ugbee. 1 red« .. k C1 arlei Weiich of New York, Consol st Cotiija. FROH tt AMIl.tfiTOM. TBe Basaaela-atiea BIM. Piatri An Or«-.»»or.ni Cgrrei'oiiilect. Wa'io« .ton, April 12, IM, The first act of record of this (lovt-rnmrnt sime the prohibition of '.he slave trade was yesterday made distinctly in the interests of K eedom. At last we begee tkatoaam nknb »« uni m »nd until the t.n- t»r Ina lins of 1 recedeute established during halt a rant'iry in favor of Slavery, hat» been revena.il, anti tlie (lovernmeiit brought ba ¦* to fal original pnipaBS. While looking at tt.e B«-etie on the floor of the house, I tlhuktd Gel evan I r this war with it» ,.-».!.: ¡i-.*, pi ok p.-, t ve miseiy and e*.tr»-i ¡1,,» If »tier the event «-Í tie liât \tnr. Repiet» iitatn»-» from the N--rtti.Itepuhlu-aui tee en found 1 .. cringe before the now impotent hlave-j-ower in »he halls of i: -'-.»<¦ "u, what earthly txeiibility ii tiki-re thai any action favorable lo Freedom «-«mid fen** leen lniiii.ted in the fa«*e of tbie power, iu»«oleii(, dtliant, ftuiied with the iu»««saes of lialf a ret, lurv mid haling ibe preitiife of Ion,«- continuad rule. Har«: as < ur i reaent exi-erieu.es may eeern, terrible aie tl.e aggregate i»f present antbetog, at,»I fright* lal asare tbr bimien« we must be |i.«-atb to our ih¡i- d.en, it,« arlono'js ¡rinmphi of ngl.t.of wiiUh toe noiay -.¡«Hee.ioii ol event« i«tlie oi.iy uimietei mai r.i-t nave »»ern purchased at a « i»»«t. "L««iao .. tot anffic« for the ago -ulturo ot (iod. I"|«»n ¦light uf earl, qua kei be lu.Ida a tbotu-and year» ». plea»anl biil-iUt'i'-t:» tor men. I.e»a toan thetv« heir« |. .-._! aiiur»» would u»t bare rt-.rre-l the Itnkksta 'nil." Ihs bearing ef ttos kspubl'.CJkT. memba-rs wi'u ¡certain tiidividual eAceptitiJ»- is a-n.i.ra'i'e. Idooii'-uatuied, aa »«mr o.» alr«iigt.i alva ay» )», bs_) free ln»m levily or iron» au«, 'otjih i<t the banian I of the " plaiiia'.ion n.^nner» to which, while .*. lomori'y. they were »»j ofteu treated. 11 ii ibei« w ia a protound eameatne»«., and «le. iiivenei«, 1 t-bt»d u,. will: «1 «eaioiiavii ttaa'.ei of humor, and with a pei-viel- 1 big t heerfuliirM, ai «-'. tneu rejol» in/ 111 the aiattre-i [aaeesn oi a akariaked j«ii.cy. I tSlavsry died a hard death ot. Ile leM of (be li us», tai ex. 1'it'«J in Ibe vindi-nv« boatility -I Wsdiworth ol H«i.t»i*ky, '.he i«nile weak 1.»-a* if .Crittenden, tb. loud juo. ikfel blatancy »,.' V«,!»:» diglum, and the ham.'ess vtnotr. el C< 1. There were little parja-aagaa whit .1 needed lobs ss«ii tin appm .ned. Mr. V allan-iigham »ti.j n ». i the ,.| je-iriui. ;y : >i-..,r a pt-'ut for possible fu'ure u- asnina lbs 1»*' 1 ii .. aaa, and w th.* »«..., tim« to »xa'i lie own BMWM« I ¡ii a »seer, cbarginii that titit t.m il.* flint of a tmin of ineaaieiire»,, deliberately lonut-ived, in tin onabiag nut <-f Blavnrj, aal an» «.UiiUg Is hal pr. phntod ii tx\o |*an hf;o, bul that the penpkaap aai daasnaasd *,» a " |_g «,-Foco he.' Duiin of Iiul'ki.a, in reply. andeSM <-f tbore rringini- Iexl.it»¡oom A Krviiily oi wt.,t h 1 have »j-okei,. Wright > t I'» n-.ny Ivania ¦». anted '.Le lull auLo-jtted to tknnnapla ot tl-e Ilia'n.t ujion which tl,s j_lor)oi,» «ild ('on.nioner, IwBddaai tmvjwomt, replied that h<- lied rea«! itori.ewbere thal all »ninerr abeeld be «¡au ned, and mat inn pr »jositiou to B.»hn»it thi» bul to ina trallon- of the District waa suicli sa though the »iniii-ii »-.'»nil be a lowe;! to put it to vote wheüier the »ei tenet »hould be CAroed out. Mr. Cnlteiicn urge«) that the ptwiaag» of Üie bill »ould irritate the It.-t-i-la.a» though ii weie a time to talk ot avoiding inettfrire». which ubi irri'.ite ii:»i' wiio kit' an an* * of ure toan half a million of ti.ei. on fo », and who .1 », :.»;. a leadnh ma!.gnu y never patallel d u.i.-i'.n lill Hiand ana or Bavki>e» nnlkilag toe bedan at%m brother», aud eons, «nd Bfeneng theil »an to ti.- r arirw and siiu. prerou» keej ra. >'i Mr. Weeawatth éwannnaed the n^aasanaai ta abeto to «'ea1 it - ,-.. part) i'¡ win» h th« Inbabatonli d lbs Diairitt Iih-I tu,led ,',,r, u|«,i, «kiab Mr. L-ova« joy, related this it»u«l.i,t. .f mRtiR be had uie p-00f_ in hi« bund. A fana co. i BBBB in th» Digr:.< married a woman vib.» wa» a »lave, and by ber bad a ebilda He eataead bato an agnsaaeaa wfak the mi.«ter to pay L.111 |i,Hui tot tkefa fraseen, «a it h, affr jean ai toil ka Banaaaliahad. Hut u»« n,¡- ored mil, by (he law» ol ¡Slavery, vtii« no1 a BM j » tent witueM to prov the (»[lirait-, itiul |fa| wie'. 1, who " owneal ina i«, fo leaadialed 9, altor ka had raareiviKl ti o atwpnlated nm. When the eu-ar.a ,.¡ th«» Knuojcijiiti .n i.jii tonaan aaa-eri a. ti.ih m m i b'-r child this V, tt «i"l M*tkl r, i»«Jl-et:.' «1 ! i, »till enthrall-«!-- Wl ie «eui lo Maiy li.iul, i,ntl :,.. esM iftiial.'y in h «lan -¡»en m lU.tniioi.-, a-A.iiiir | n -,tir BaaatB« "Whal *a't Mi. Iiu-tejej, "wiai ian tim »geatntaea fren Kuatachj 1..11 thiel tbb atanling, <»r nrfcto n -t I i fea " -. --lilli niall ii i, K.t.Iü. It* m ,.li no n j ly. 'li.e fr.-f ii¡». m ¦." and renlik o, « ,, I n ay say lo ..* Mea lit to li»;lit uiuli.'ii.l»,. ¡i.«tur,i < ¦ ;-i» M BB1 Ml II. Vi..M .| lu tim t .n »n,,»tant »i ntotsd vMtti so nilli b aft» < t by Mr l/i\tioy. leonld »111 n with «in hu InManeri »viiii «Ahi»l. I inn», bnauBia Brumlin-H D ab of »¦-!.: .i «i-»-i,ii. aej ..H eirei the S »uti*. tombera lena ban at ¡» Beaeesd as ol ik« Nortb al annajarnnting ina .*d»i»» aid um.neend euh la.av.rj li tt,An »i,-. ,!_,, |.,j,,,., t. mut Dn'-rirt, it is my deliberate r.nviclion, that, aa the light of liberty it let in upon the great prison-boBie of humanity, tbs South, we abell find that never half its horrors have been told. It cannot bs other- wits: cupidity, BelfiahnesB and ¿ndoW.ce are all t-uliited againtt unprotected weakni-«a. Jiitlioe, iu all the Southern States at a necessity, ia deaf to the uegro. There ia do Prest to bl».on bil wrongs. Indis .duals «san only alleviate, not remedy, them. Where all are partaken of the fruits of violence i«, d- ci not do lo examine too nicely into otiti-af-es, tbs complete paniahnient of which wonld involve dettructiou of tbe ty st tra itself, out of which they grow. Hut to return to the à irens* ion in the Home. Amendments to the bill were otfered, hot were promptly voted down. Every expedient known to pat lu. meutary art wes resorted to to Binl-arrase tbs passB-s'C, bat st laat tbs tot« wita readied. Foar liemocThta nobly joint-d with the Republicans. Odell and Haight of New-York, browns of Rhode lakSad, snd Fuher of 1 »elswars. A fifth, I«ebmsn of PenntyIrania, would bave y, .ne with tbsm bad be been piesent. Cox of Ohio, one of the mott tu- peraerviceshle in hu zeal for Slavery, and one of ii.» bittsrest in opposition to tbe bill, shrunk from retoidiug bia vote agaioit it, and evaded the vol*. Other Northern members, Kepub!i<**»jjs, w-im butt thrown tbe whole weight of tt»eir moral influence af-sinst tl»e bill, V'teal tor it on ita rojiisage. It ii not (.«»ceBBary tpeeify them. Their eonttiiatnta will attend t». them Bt the proper time. Said sue of ibe** man to a ttanch Republican, " Tbit mesaure as good aa adding V0,»>*00 men lo ile Rabel army." " 0, never mind that," rt-plied the other, " Ibert are tsveral hundrsd thousand good lellowi who will tight the better for it. Anothtr Rspublican said, *' There are some tbiugi ia the lill which I don't like, bat I csn't n.»k» up my mind lo deny te my « bildren the pride they wil! feel iu my having con¬ tribuí ed lo make the ground on whit h lbs Federal (.'ap.tol t'.ixtaiii, fres soil. Til ANNIVERSARY OK SIMTER. Tb. llepulilicana of lbs Kixtsenth Win «I cels- bist.d the uiaivera*ry of the evsaruation of Kort Suinter, last evei in«/, by s rusas n.«**-'* ii»- tit the Hall No. MS Eighth avenue, lbs ball was deurrly crowded, many ladies bri.;.- reg»tit. The iup*i;i.«- wa» ml od to ordi-r by S. lii.'Ait, Cia.rmau «>f the < ou.v..ve« of Arrain-« ti.enu, who nominated the lion. I«xi« litrro»« ».- I Chairman. The nomination wai uiiauitMously m eded to, and tin- »'¡.aliu.it... on r»t»e n...i»|c !;-.» j "*.* li n, I«rielly reca| ii.listed the etaati wbi« h tia» uieet- ii« wa» ailed lo ci-lomt rat'in'e. ifr* TttSttlBBBB TtATttB, the tint speaker, ia tbe cour», of s »t tniii» ri-i'ii ra ivh ¡r tttta] afrikin-r but at lb* event! «u.tl »oro ot I ti« year. 1 bs aila* k on Snmier, be tais, wi» ibe .mi.tm aaaleetBB of |Matsryj it w»» tt). attack ¦¦( Slaven upon Liter*) Iiti« iriumpb oi I,ib*r*.r over Havsiy. rue Ut.oi on one »ide »rvl **lav« labor on tatt SaaSr. bad al bn' at« od up ia ariiiwl ea.ntJic«. If a ap|<eal <>f Hvi .tar .r i"!1.» tier, arba lad laid Iie.u.lo. an: atti «1 »- boo« hard i'utly «aork tie Ballett -d iu»n I.e. pride. He tti.lr.u-tetl (be ( iMiiialii-ri «f Ile «.re ? » »:»., of lal-or with tie bar''.»i»i». nf t1 « ..!' »t, »:..) vIllili Hta-1 tb« be... r ot <»!.: n/iu.ri »i.irti, »a.«l, »l.oiilil lever «eaae undi Baavtari trotted, li» did not know but th»«t if Wettdsll l'hil"ui>» it*- .*-*- to » i i/c-.»d old age, be wo dal be l're»idrn« ef the I'nilsd ** aa». Mi. ItAStn .'¦»-i S l»!l»r tr-u. Mt. liai. W'ni dir- tfa, in wi.xh bs »aid in« queiti.-i wea ntl now whetbrr Slavery iii.-old ale, but bow ii tv>u!«l «li» Be»-.-«! le«e*itlf. Iii« Rev. Ifr» i*4 II tri i ..«».< wai then introdnirfeti. He »le..,r.i it a very ri-ifular thing that mat IBttttld in «a-t li o.aii*ru..'ii'« the hailing down ef tt.« st.tr» .id Stripe». 1 el dermt it . x/I.tioji B-fBttt a. Sun.tsr. ToTtt lowciin.- ot fat ting nut pt«ir .1. i»pb, with lil « oat if n uri» ra 1 -i n«- into 'he | r la 11 j »«.Id ro th« Klin.t"4ite». IVehadttBttttttjaajh that, B'.-'d down ihroQgt. tb. corn parlo! I», clear to the ii Kin. We hnd J.ned li rOfe.ifeii eirbt of tie I'l.Mue» H Bilerst, Yeti li".»-:, ii'-iiiioke I.liiii.f, I Mill di-riiix.«, Fort Mi-'.r». Kori .ri«!».-n. btaad 1". und I'lUlbii-. laSIiditiif. We In,.! «-i.lt lw, BBattBBB mort, and lier, iln KnsdBB .'¦«.mo «oui«-, ai liod livetb. 1 1.* .'.>. il.o.ii »..' U aiiLiii >,\rr *"T Slimier in s ve:/ f.-w «liyt, ai.d wie j it «lid y. Bl ii W'",ltl nu-nn s (p-« at Heal mur»* thin it ever tv! bar- Iota. Ii wo!.k1 si.as tia*, th».-» elvuld t* in m». » ¡hrtaaatng «J tfenbain ¦salaibt kaasbi i ¦ atañí um\taty Atejo, and thal all n..-n a..oui hats * ¡i.ti y hin ni righi!. We lad I. »ted BMBCh airead». 1 hare eanll be no ll*ek niau ki<lnapi*d ard reiuru.d t/> Slavery more. 'Ibe Kmaiicip.lion Meii.fr« oi ii.« 1're.KiOtnt wi.» s pu-») Hep, »nd a«,, toi, waa tie i u «n» i|'iit)oo ii. tie Lal»*:iel ..1 ( "lumbla, lie tiankti i»«»«!, be ¡ba'iknd Mi. Uaeab, Coap'raai, Bttd e »»i i man tr/ktt had brid snytbiug to .1 with t'.ii, ant ha bMSSbI tittil l> ile tisú aniii» ertary al tin» eventful day w6 would all be leady. North and N-jth, to en-it a BBtasattttttl tii*fliar linn avv ii.» »'i.i.'li'>-, an-! |., ,.-«,, »i«<au li «be», aimplr w'«.rd»~- »lohn Brown. H'.ittir Cr run was th»r. Introl it. I. Ile au! that w. lad lived a «rear while- ia a veai it »e-nu .1 lo bim lvn.ei li.an any prevkou«« t»ii years of hie life. Al l,ii'i)/li a tear <-l ji-:eat tiui-tdi«» and ¡.reat »... i.d'i» le 'hoi.-vi it oil« of tie liawt |*t»riana yertr» in trie liatory of ti ii or any oller ufciaon. It wai worth to ui u.ore tlan all li« -tupend mr.st. V rota a dividid people, a larg«- BBrttett .; n»jatli rinxJr mors willi the Krb» » th-i,¡ witb the Isiti'imsto Oov- srnment, we had lacoi .<¦ unitead al ibe »n ,a,J ,.f ibe rsiiiion st Snmter. Mr Otnatt« allmle'l lo ibo «li»- B-rui.-fiil fact Hal A bra! au. Lim «di wa» .<.:. .-11.J lo para ibrotiKh IlaJtiroors «a bn way io W sal-iii«.- t"i., in tbe night and io >i.».¦;,, - til», hu mui!, though couiidersd sicst-ritc c.ntivn by rome at ii - tim«-, wai fully juitlfitd wier, tfco BhaVtaSCIS of tbe I'.Hh of Ai-ril rev.:ale«l lb« I lo»«ly fBB «.' tbe Maryland ]<el>eli>. II» totnJi'd niaon the fsSBBJ Men'B (.'lirieiuui Aae'" lal io;, oi li-illirrioie. 11er» were .'»v. "»"' BBtn lu lbs sruy ot Ibe Ciii'««l .-*-Ul»*a, BS s.i'l, who, iiji to tb. I n- lardn.eu' of Kuri,t«-¡, w«-re B" mjiaih..« rt ti the Rebellion; that i», t«>»-ir »v ¦pnAtnSl vv»i- with ii arid ilu y bttd looked op to Um i.-iulni. J'«*' BB Heir landatSb I B8 bl ml ai'ln.ti.t of .-vi..t«-i »ov- ervr-d li.e I ik» li. .' ¡"»vii I'.»til. 'J at .1. tt lit A lie worth more than B.'iy vn'oii. li wa- BStStttttt Klaverv bud made vi.r iijeiii tin- i;v»«*iniiient tl.ut we wars Ir«*«» Iro-u all o' i/aii-via Mi.veiy Tbev b.d slot aw.v all iii ti.-, «ii«! Bteeaad i. Mad Iba lt«i i'lu iodeapotiaai. ThetabalU-tai a lattaaAea i.tt.-iiii t to rb'iw tbut Slav« ry wa» mu; Ibafl ii« Coneii'ntioii .iti.i the lini^-! nifiii. Jl<- Nrjatnad thal Its ii'l .'. | Igb, I l.r'i'iia-tii -t vi ni tv ;i» ii of ile Kel.l d'iiiii!ii"iii Un-:.' Hin a iti-iu-rui feeling tin. I' tbiyinu1-! i.ii.k«-a i; d«-»¡ei»t» onward ui'V«;iie'.i tam tail in. o lum. IVa ah anil tea s ist-rrhla «<»i n t in iba w rt in ton ti ellen» el tin Bkaatb, and i.e'h'! n-'i !'-ur li i- i »nil. Hut wi.tvlii, Iha hiiu.- ¦I' '.. 1 "ii I ia war or nikt, in c<uipli-t«j tiiuin'l» or fat partial (aliare, ha l I asia thal tie »ud ed fUavsrj ,v .li »e aated bj ibe bJasytaiaa ii«m Iba i-« »kelli m oi |r*a.|. I ii«-«-. Dr. I'm« i\nt «SJBSlbs but »p«-Mk«-r. Ile "I'llrf'l bin.r«*lf willi an n ".«.i,'*. Ile iii.in,lil tlv v,ma gn .'»u i,t«,,, teneeoiarj nara thaattaek«aa i"i: Sei ter,the paaeaaaal the FbibbiIpaltea A»t hy l"iii' «, aad His publication, bj ibe Ain.-n an ii.ni N'i'ii- ,<i -i »|» »(loi w iii»-«! .¦«.i. iu«; in»i tbe »,. v. «trad«. Hi nu b .i-l tin tv» Prat th ... w. ul i-, itiii« ii,,I Batlttraa i«»< ia Iba ion. roi ibe rreei.i.'i.t or ai.voi« alas to |i.-veiii lbs iuBtatdl .;¦» im ct| ..'ion oi the slaves lath* IMetiteta. Cti-laai« 11, or say whare alee in lbs N lUiara m ii«-». II«- iib i-.-1 t'i« m |li' ii e igiiiii. n by tna last aneakai ,i anj «iii> Uiarard Hlavsrj aver exialing. II« Bttd llt-M-r be.-li lionl!.».l lv BDV 'Mi li oMl .' lion, In« I..-, "i liod liibniii» tt, and lie luwaot ..II tbe I I.l -mi.I lui' Mill»! IBBÍB8I 'I Bia A! 1.1 j in .i..-1 vie vi i¡.nuki, to tie »j ink' i«, H«" IJieetfalg U'ljoi.) II da UIGDLV IMPORTAN? FRÜH ALABABA. Seigvei on the ChArletrton and Memphii Eawlroi-d. GEN. HITCHEL HOLDS 100 MILES OF IT. »,0O0 KEBEIiS raâlBalC-BlTMLXn.. Hpe-lal Dltialek to Th« N. Y Trlbnaa Wi-aitttre.«, Maetoy, April 1!, lMl Oen. Mitehel reports thal hs baa occupied two other important poin'e on tb* ndlroavi. Deeatsr to th* west, and a station st some distance to tba luit of Bunuvill«. Tim following dispatrh ban been received by the Be,oreti,y of War, datad Nashville, Temi-, 11th: On »Saturday morning twe »«.¡»editions ware atarted iiosi II lataville in the tai*. Ou« antier Col. Sill, of th« .id I »ni.., wei't esst te Stevens, the junction of the ( hiii-au.»«.._a witta the Memphis and Cbarlnton Kailroad, which ptint they leized, '.»,000 of tb« enemy retreating without tiring a «hot. Col. Sill ruptured five !>~*comotivee and a large amount of roll¬ ing «.«¦k. The stbsr eipedition, nnder Col. Turebin of »tit l'.ith Illiroii, went writ, and arrived at Decetnr in tim« to nv« th« raiLr ad bridge, which waa m idamn. Ges. Mi'chel now ho! ii IDO milei of the Mimphi» and Charleston Kailroad. «A T Ala OPRHATIOtn OM THK WT.ñT- KB.t NHOKK OP VIBUI.tlA. lae jeer lata l I a pi uti-« .( Itefe-el Veeaels. Binnmn Mend»», April 14. li-Kl. Tbs United Stau« at«Bin.er Herculu, Thomas S. Dangan. I.ie-n»i.ant ,«,.».i.ai:o:iy, rsauhed thi« port thia morning, having with her tb« scboottrr Pude, 1 re vi..nilly noted ii beim,* raptured, and the eli«.| s Wren and Veliua, both of Great Wycomito Uiver, enattna ibore of Virginie, siro prize*. I bl llercu'i» left ll.i» ¡»»rt a »hurt titne »ince, tow- u.g i! ¦.« n the Hgkt««jki|. tv',i.li 1.ii«l been previously Amtii up for the lallef II« r»r Khoe Khoai. Alter tina, Lieut. riuiAgitn m.». <i in the vi. inity of Smith » lalaBd, and »i reeded in t«| luring tiie «¦!,.» un >*» big and 1'rde. II» I' en placed on U»ard the latter Iiie*it. J. Q. Baker willi an urmsd new, who mi Friday niiih». observed in ('.ger'» Str»it», otf Koií l»l»ii»l I.i,'l»t, the alo».- Wien, and, after a chase <f '¦¦«i- henri,lbs latter -a»» run uahore at Hintiii i Peint by her crew, whoa», aj el. II e riaSf wi» imi-e.i.a't'ly I, a. Ja!, fen! BO goodi or r-aiKo t f any Baa n; t. -n weie lound ic her. tk« m*tm wer» found Iii» reoiaiia» Bf «ertaiu pa'»¦>, whirl» bad bsSB partially burned, among in« ni a |«..uit of liiere to trttde, aigned hythe Clerk of Norttinu.t>erlaiid County, Va. Th« Ha-rtcl»», a.'h her new loiia-rts, ctuiied »'.ou', aad ob Hundir a »iii wea BB_tosd_ sboul »ii ! lailaa c*ñ, sietring dnnrtly fnr the itein-er, «ahltli, J it ti»« tu. ¡rim, wa» anchored. The ataaner baan> iii»!«-') git under way, and pn-reeded towanl the' vi at« I, the ii¡ '.».ii o', xx hi li, on peneiiiug tb* li- T* i "I. », i l.aiigr.l hi» («anne, li.»', «.iideavoarid lo « tie. '. biseacapto .*.''. ra lia»» T l._Jt an hour, the lie--! « lea an,e up'. t'aie»««!, whuh provtd lo la» thi- llss| Vsfaan, besieg os i>«r »uni the cauie of! " ltri'lgei'iwn. but. La.It !.-.:.. <ij««t VVyu>mi«o It.ver, In Wett.ru Virgin». l'o.-eefai,»u v.«» ia... ii A I", together with the ,-aptaiii, a«at4j.iitl 1). 1-aiik- f'.nl if (lr. at Anneni» n, and < ew wfaft liv | {«»eel.-, get», from Ki hi,-nd. One if »he Utter w«» a tap-1 um u the Hebel «riuy. (»n ein h-.ni; tb« Velrra, thir»» waa Mukd a lu-e-t j u.a.l, onikiii;. k al-oat lOO litter», s iitiinbsr o'. »ii li were aildrewed to |* >. n» ia Hal i:t,.,r«-. and a laige nntubrr to peía- in vnrioui | nr« ot tb« Stale of M-irvland. < >u »»arrbiDg the crew (leie wai silo found I'aflK) in «»Id Viijfiiiia bauk-tio'ei. The Yt-lir.u La«', Borne time previ.»uily, leen »leared fnm thi.« . ort for Pokoinoke 8«,ui.'l, with a cargo con-iating of proviiiom of «raMwBa kind«. This cargo, instead of I « ii.,/ dnrimged m a Maryland |>ort, an t»«.en over to (.rent W«codi»co Bivi r, and there di e'.ar^-etl vAiiiin the !i»uiida»r:ti of Virjyinta. The altMB_ in ballait, waa ..ming baa (o g.-i a nsw cargo. The Hebel lapiam, preiloiii to biing < apturrd, burned bia emu.«»non in the fire, muan ti which bein, found anting the aaheat, he acknowledged the fait, and al««' thai he Lad bean em-aged in the baille of Mau«-»**. Lankford, the Captain, ia | ir*. owner of the verne!, and bn heil, » i.Bugi d in this contraband trade f<r live wombi. Til pura« nia-ei. and crew were all, with th-»»»e cap- .uit-t! a lev. du;.» lime by the ltoliia_.ee, given in < bergf of Col. Morni, al Fort Mclleary. Tb« fob low ,ug ii a list of ih« iiaeetigeis on ¡'0*1.1 the Velona: Joi.ii li. little of New Tsskl Ja« ('. Wtlaate. lal« . i.., » i! cf M-l-lr »ore .:.». *4in te I,»» i-f th» bin», »f T J Marti' uf I aiiiaime, .iii 11 A llr.M.k«, . »ou of Pief ti. C .' ..-.ki uf li. le."i» . a;Ta', ia lit« Habel »rut Tue crevv are: ( »it Innal O I.«i.k'ord I>»bt II. I'i««aw«!l, Haoiutl H u art. ai d A. I WtiiitiDfUii. «tu. it part owner. .lobn F. M,Jilt«in,e»i.., Surveyor of this port, want on board,and «ucreedrd ni liiidin-* the mail» und money. ( AI'IUHi- OF VTXSF.LS BUNNING TIIE BhOCKADK. Wialii-aiiio«, M»n'»y, April M, Util Com. I*u.» ni rep .rta Ki the Navy Department, under dnte of Apul <», that the avhoouer Julia Waideu and «"lioener I.ydiu «b1 Mary were cap¬ tured in Cam Honan PntoBJB, balwina the Sante» Hiver and Charleston, the fnat on Ike Vil and tin- «» oud on the .."»th ultimo, by the D. S armed b.ir«. Hentle«»«, Altin« Volunteer Lieut. I¡. Conroy , 0111- ___aB»Bg» Their eBBBBMS WBie rue .uni «oin meal. Ha aleo rt-|.»i(a that th* »hip Ki lily St. 1'ierie A CtkaBatatoa, fana Orieatot. waa lantatad aa me l8 ultimo hythe MaafaadbBJ »i| lailion, wl.il»- steerm-,* directly f«.r Ckariaaa o ¦H'-trher« II» t Miga a tAatt ,,i ',171 lilli.'« of BJBBBJ '"th. Cull.. «Joldebt.. 'ti ».ut hw to I'hilad« Ijliu» "i i».!_'i o alien. M,«t «>i I,»- cr» vv went «forth In ths toesnsrOitontnl, whl fa lill I'or» It yal on tilt» ."-lili »»It. Tin English »wson Cojusll ol Maane, N. P., «n-na ra 'ture'l bj tho ÍVI»,»neilin,nu, Cop,. I.ti.l.i, SB lbs n. Tiling' "f the Id in*., ii.i t*«.» adln li.»n. (¦¡...»ih»..i*i ii.i!. ah* bal u eargeaafeabb nr,aal in (jriat d' iiiiiinl m, a .*«. Bthera p"»!- I ipi. hanlin r i.l l,i r Li Til»! itli I) hill ÍOf .i.ijililii'itli ii, Ail"l!i'i .mu. r vi.ii run Baken by ii,»- blorhetting rcawfa on BalUfBB'l i»i-.iil, w I-«»« »hu f t-iiuiiiai, a wttjiak. THE BATTLE OF PITTSBURG, LATEST ADVICES. The Rebels Shot Up io Corinth. BEA\7»EOJLXI> WOT DB«AJ>. He Claims a Victory tbe Second Day. SITS II£ TOOK 36 GUNS AND 8,000 PBISOTORN. Fobt mi Movioi, M*al*y, April IS, Uti A Korfolh paper has been received here, contain« inga Hiipstcb fiors Beaorej-ard in relation to the .econd «lay i fighting at 1'iiteburg Landing. He claime a complete vi« tory, and says that u;:er eaptur- iii-i 36 of our gum and 8,000 priaonera, bia for- e fell back upon hit woikt at Corinth, which they sr. fu'ly site to hold. Tin ».¦»«. Mot ¿tj, A- «. 1«. l»«.'a In r«f*reucs to Ueatutgard . diapatch, ailu.le-l.j-. ¡tie.ve. niiiuiiici bata leen im.de of tie War ii.:[.;.rt-neni, and ws sie antbori/e.l to say tia'. His reports from Pit'-I iiyg, I.an Jin.- ¡dri «A«! y given to the public couimdi t ibe report iu the Nor« tolk papera. Al! reporta received et tbe War lu partsiai I confirm lb« aUtvtostita that the enemy were luufe-J and ¡miiued aa ia: at tbepreviois orders of (len. ii rant would permit, and tbe enea.y are low abai up in Corinth. PROS -Hcriafr.I.laA.VB DIVINIOV H«»^nr« referai eat at tike t*a*m» nl;neu»«7 TOeting- lae.Seau. 11 em I'm Sper.ioJ Corr«troad..». ra. r««.i:«irii. Va, Ar I». I-1**-*- During the cannonading for lbs frai ter. dsy««'f ibe occupation of this pla« e by our army, no1 more '.lan four or five khui were developed, and haSSI 'A light artillery. Ti.is. however, is not the «are now. We may infer for a ceituinty, tba» lui,,*«*' rr-eiifiirt-r- ii.i ')-» have air, « arrived tim- mon* and h.-av.« ¡ xu: « buve b««n pi» ed in position, and the araranBtrattglk tii«d. ljt.t night our pickets held s <-onvi-isa::-¦ tuib .!«!.« bal pttksta "ti tie otlit-r »i«"» it Iha Waa» wicl. ¡Uiver. ;¡«.t inore t¡.an IM fee; w-i<b- la the eames ui wliicb tb« fa«.t tit the arrival oi re.Bufoice- ruin'.« and Johnson was confirmed. I do no» ltmler- .tatid, however, il.it even tb« «it infoined bate anythtag tmatttsttby ataaeera ag tb« ttienfSb al iha i-iiomy. Ii ia a-mnied to be large. tie M-.r,.««uta anny, in fact. An i.rmy never wai .'<>[ ;-*d in a pla«* Wuk mor* ohj«i-ti«'u*ible f.atnnri. Ties t ountry, sa ¡l bit pre- aentt-d iti-ell situ« we bave leen here, ia of little valus to snyb.»dy. From iu general flattiesa tier« ia but lilli« Jr.iiiM-». and tbe vwt .ltxantity of n»iii that baa fallen dunn,' tb« lust week liea on tbs surfa«**. Aa a I'.ii.i quel. «.., ti» ion da or« bad beyond «1« scrip- rion. Empty trame, drawn by four ni'ilen, are fre-, -|U*ntlt. unable bl gal aU-ng. Ths thief aSSBJJBalan of ii* hr:r.y ibu* lar hue been to make new r -aila and ti».-» mil -a of corduroy road bsvs been made dunns; rtie pani vvea-k thai. I would dare say, tot tem of bsiig .»le..t ved. Ir. tliis work the Manie and MiettjaSJ men lend. Tb.y are BBSS e o.' tin« lim K- Ocn. MrCl. Ban, who». h< adquarter» at» ahattt ths ov»r t ile .nun»..hv Ita. .-»¡.««ia n>iii !ii:,e.iitary older to ile lil Vermont, f.-r tbs exielm.r luanusr in "»bill-, nailer (Jen. Hamock, they tut.ie the re- aasnaataanaa of the Rubel ¡-«.»it mi« a t.w »»- »iu«*»*. Ihe ii"fic«i is de», rved, Bud <r*p*ciallt it |ba Bd i«t «it I jen. Haiict. . draírvii.'- of t-ommeiidtitiou. He lawU-d ( u Iii lan»» and knet-i for a lug .¡fiance itBttttgh tbe -rvo-.il t». o' tam ri li.-ut of a 1:»!» 1 forti¬ fication, al pjjxot.1 «jsnal.ia-rably shuni of hi« -k'i'.ii»' .nid, laving taken a d»lile ,:* aaSttSJ lb« loriititatioi., suddeuly f.-nud bimitil ,-. ...».» ]>ri»aionly to s nuiibtr al Ret-el lold'iei-t. BBetSg ibu, (len. II. bent a retrent. A volley M <w«-d bim, but Uckily le v, -.» not 1,.', and wit ali« «o make g.«.d bil i-sca¡-e. A a«ld er esme sn.ki» r.Jy upon s una.lier ««f tin tnemy, who tin-d a* b. .*» i-ldenly retreating, bis kna¡»sa(k, belt, indeed lu eialire " traps," »sere aboi Many, bat h. got i-tTwiibont a wound. A ni nier ot iii'iiv.-i of pamanal dating r. ¡eiafjt'i cliHrmtei j»tit ot the (rt*-a;i'-ne.,t. Datfakg ¡Infini day» »kiituiib on our right, two midier», ..ne from Marne, (lie oi.'.t-r from G«*"-a,a. .¦oite.! ibsiutelvca eu< h bcîrind it tree, land Ittdshaad Bl »niidry ii.'ti, witlotit elTect on eilher «kle, at the .au* time kee] i.---up a lively «but. r'iii.-illy, tia*. irriiii.'a bule tcttioüi. (îe*org:a «alls out to Maine "(live me a BBS******* BMBSSBf step out ana give su opportauuy to lit. Mains, in re»; .-nie, pdei out Lis bend a lew mil.ea, sut! (Ict-rgis in. ii away and n.i reí " Too high," naya Mu.ne. "Now «ive me a si., w.' ('«orgiit pokes «luther bead, aud Mitiue bla/t-a away. "'Too low' BBBJ8 ('«.orgia, in this way the two slernated «ev- Ball time», without billing. Finally, Mu.ne lendi Bl ball so a* to grn/e the tree wiibm an indi or two of :bn car of Ceorgia. "Ceuaü firing, ' ahv ti licor», a. ''C«Mi»e it it, reij-oTili Ma ne. " Look her«-," any» oue, "we have cunied «»> thi» bii'm«-«« hSBJ nnou(i-!i for one dey. '8i»*se we iidjotim lor rat.« r, " At-rtK-d," Baya the other. Aid «x> tb« two murdie.i away in diflerent dir»-ctious, one wbia»tling '* Yankee lliaodl«,'' the txher " Dixie." Toward sveiiinii-, will« wo lay ia font <«f the Hebel work st lj«e h Mil!». Coi. *-.«>'../'ilo-i .eu li» tine band t<> a point of land windi bad be B tbtt KttBB of sharp skiruiiBling, wid where Bat totht ia w»rc in t far off. Ho baud played 'Tie huir BBBBglad Km . ne»," 'Hull Columbia," und o»h«-r piitn. tit" BbsS« and ti« RskttlaS nixti'iid if »Wag, It-eiet. hsUBSI »¦ TI)«* it eue lud its BlfninVttBt le.mire,. an 1 BOM EDl-iMll'lid. li'«si.u.g iMnlit A*xffl it 188*. j\» an old i;i»ti itiiiiivx», Boveu miu> tmn. the tarn» pike, albert a hsda al Mrmty, i.ifaulry, nuil ur'il!« ry nu. Btatknttd i<» pratsat Im iging part - «, ttro Bah«-i v ti. v ,.i. ¡i»;«.!!*.!*, atas hsss bann bn o hi In» 'I I«' li"l< »n m. Iir.ii« Bl our pii-k.-ti OnlBSBIIllj ,,:ii ¡tr« not r-plied to. The i'lotoet MaasaalBl ;-'. I'¬ ll iff i.uiioviry in ^r ben.' «lol tbtt I .«..»»» .- h*f ibsBk, Hiiividi ".-li.ic.al Ratal mid bis Badi iav.ilry lil' I Jill! Ill Heil llOtll to all« Ba A »itlt-t.j .t» li. n iu.lt iel in colobrí» iou I the r«- .'lu victor!' h t'.-.| iv. TI. .I.n;.i..ii». BSttBtand Iii«' cvei'la in SB afStS» p. inte rsSBtttSI oi» lim lUhhulli a tomb if11 IBt raft- mt ula. PROM FORTRESS MONROE. -meat Hie .Merrimac did not Appear on .Sunday. -.»a»- ¦IRREST OF A CORRESPONDENT. GENERAL PORTER IN A BALLOQN. rearssM Mmreot, April II, IBtt, » ..«Va. at __ Tta ¦s-wiaoaa. Maud»,, Apiti U. J . ««mBiss ntasissd la the tamt pwikoa nil day ynterday, .-¿j eeesing, when, Utfeiker wkb the rest of tb« Babel lasa, «h. ratoraii^orfolk. Shs WM ^n*rally .uppo-ed te h.v« bees aground. Nona of the Rabel g,,t )__T. ^^ ~-^f *_ day; Several captain! «f «ewell in port laetify, to rsto» tion to ths three viaeel» capta.«»* by to« Bibel «te*m«r Jameatown, (bat they wen eHend to Move >«r ou'iide Fortren Monroe or inside of Hamptea Aa the jxaiuon of the ve»nla in qoeitios «aas de the bar, the btoise, if any, on account of their captare, «bonld reto apa» the Harbor Master, rattier iban upon tb« captain« ti »ths csptored vsnela. Ths United Stain schooner Haz* eslla for Hat» terae this afterwxm with |be mail« and p***engen. Mr. Qoigg, . eorreirvoniaWia t of Tit jV. Y. World, waa arreitid here this moruinö*, on n ebarg* ot hav¬ ing 1 repared niatter for public»', on of a toiursbsod character. Carraayeidtn«« ef Tba ti. Y. T-il ,.t-»e. rOBTBBM V 'Mil, BniidaJ- o, i' an. Whether it wai prudenoe or a aand-lf.. whieh reatruined ths MeiTimae from making an aua»:k yes¬ terday, ia not known. While ehe was stàj*r«iuii4led .'.ciiL her vs]»oiing latelliL:», hve in snober, I too* v i ned with an ancient African, who, nated spaa the ...'..m of s 'londetiiued yawl upon (he aanda, waa vuteinplating ibe monster et her tar-oft' poai- ..',u v-nh eve» of t»ile«cop:c power. " Uncle," said I, ¦' v- hy doe« not th« Merriiiiiv come donn I«*?" " 'tau «» «he «ant, Mut sa -I».- ! be* I waa th« _o__- faabag if eiiigmaiiitel reply. " I know dsse «esters, 'aud I r«ll by to color where ihe »i ibsl site's ajaiToiind. D»n, jos lee, brets your heart, if yan» eyes be good, dat de toga are pallin' at bet to get ht r ntf. Wheu de tide be high, may be ano ooma dewai hu', M.tssa, ihs neb» r go back! Bel h*H I «a'. itouitor sinash har jaw, »bur« !" I »io d«'-id«dly of ihm Au an brotbsr'» «ipiití-an. Tue Monitor will whip the Merrima« in hall taSs time that llt-enau whipped J- lyia, Perhape »t «.onld tie more ,u-4 meaeure by (he time <n wbieB 1 "«-.-iii di»,-»ed of (jol)aJi, uni say that ah« », ii nat her in tb«- throwing from a iling of fifty eell-i-el-at-At*. brook pebble». I viei'ed tbe Monitor this morning, and can n«d uer tbor-rtiyhly, under the . -.ort. mhb show hi/ of bet aennaalas» Mhaaa Th* *.e«»ei.i»>e« n«»t 'i..*t »bat ia a mat» h f«r her. She is lin cully the >k e reign of the I*»- a». 1 .x« erie ne« hiia n»i,c*trateti the a»>- v¡-.ii'.:ge of giving lo «onie of her parla a», l«»*oi«__J form; but, Mike ber all in ni), she ii, withou» »»peri- men», an.» complete st birth, Ibe Bsjffeto ina of a WBB ah ¡. Ti.'- reiulviui5 r»nt'.«*ry was tue coneeptioa efnganiaBa Blinna has eel ¡edlorever ti vtiaar- BBterkBat A 'he develigaed Am«rican war viawl. Cup'. J«!'.»» in the .¦o.,.-» of the ii»-.- uoo "! .tie imp made a remark wtiicli I ¡eel it a duty to make public. He auid: Su It I knew tai much of tbe »_»_t_BBBB from ne»ansBBj do i ¡| tiona 'uid pictorial repreaeiiUtiorri« and diagi-aat»«, M 'he H<) ela know of the Monitor, I w »uld go apto Nortoîk and nuk her before snn.lown. " lh.awn the only compluint, if complaint it »an be -tiled, which t-iie brave sailor lumle of the unpiiu.-ipled and »*!i,'id feveriibnes« of the managers of ¡»noy of nar daily and weeklj papera to pahiiah w..r newa, withont the alighteat care or thought of ibe «»I and comfort it ¡.-ay give tbe enemy. Ineurita-ve broken, undervtu'tre, ship o «tiers, mircbania, and motley leaden of New-York, leJke bean. Have no fear uf 9m» lit'I« mailed ws.rr.er at youre in lbs Hampton Boade. She will whip bar \ ig adversary, und all ber back«!-» with »Vier. Tea may underwrite on her, nmk«chitr*.«r-r»»rtie* «in bair, laud money on her, and bet on her. Northern g«alse, ascendant in peace, will yet «bow iii Bncndasaty*h> war. ("apt. le ti.-ra i linking remark opt« ih» pittilieity of anny end navy intelligence ot a ciiaraeter to aid the enemy received a more itrikisg «omineuiary to- day fron, -the action of Col. Sontord, the Military IMnntn of TekgrapbB. Tb« War <*-»e-i*t*uiry kee itolegstetl to this energetic oil. «r tb« in,<er» non ot tbe preM ..-reap, iideti at this poit, and iron» th« l-naJaanla .:.*... u tb« York «nd 'lie Jan Kiven Ile tias to-day put u ¡der parole of honor all ths «or- (a»i.t.iid»i.ta «o tightly and carefully thit only a trai¬ tor ol' a v.-riler and a fool of a publisher ran be »after err agafatol ihe i»7th ankle of « ar. We leam from (»eu. Wool ibsl there wae an aecl- di":.t ..f ... in »t thrill:!)", nature at (»en. Mt ..'lane beti«.in .riere yesterday, («eiieral Fit« J«il i. I'ort«» BBBBBaawd ti the balloon, foi th« purpoa» ,(f ticking i r,. nu .¡..lance. When hi^'h up, «h« roi «b.ok«, aiitl otf floated the bali, jil dir«elly ovci the enemy . in tiene h ments. The «.tbcer wa« «.«ooiideir.) >o be inevitably loet. Tbe hear'i iii «it were WIBBg «*iU> the 1..:!:., m ui.d itraugeoeM of bia ¡ate, were aud- d -lily cheered tit well as aina-ed with the »|-elalie uf the return of the balh-on o,ei- our «ian «111.1«. It 1 ad aasceui.-d to s toiint-i- I'Ti.ii' of a 1, 1.ml nar waftod, »**.ih ita« precious freight, b* k lo »afety. ( »ne* «ia'»iti over hie own ""Om-s, tiie auld.er 1-011*01 pulled tiie valvs sn-J »1:»» !:tai>¦-«1 the ga« limn Iii« lallt..iu, Liad carne down »o eirth "by the rus, ' eu'1 rd«- unJiarmed. What ba saw ia fo. iii.litary tus, uud not for publication. --a» FKOM WOODS IOC K, VA. W.v.iD.T,,! x. Munday. April 14. tlveï. A patty of Ashby a cavalry, nail to number two compati «a, a'.'a» ke.l a lx>ly f tufan ry at ihe rail* ro-vl I'iidi'C, yesterday, eat-t of Straahnr.-. g »«(uei .ou ot ths Vermont cavalry weie tallai BBt, but no en» my vi «een, and returned. Due hundí« d Heb«'l «uvalry have Leen BBM «.«rosii ihe R.i'ti'iuiu, ueai* thi» pin«». IVl'diTANV OEDO < rOVOIII IM IIIK SHU PINO OK COAIa. fenAsn » »m, MouJa*». Ai-r.l m nar. AAapateh ^as isseiied taia annfaigfaeai the >.-. ut i-y "f the Tiettatuy, directing the Coll» «Tor of the Pott not to clear any Banal Wfab anflra« i.e i«v_l 1'ot ftnige otte, or ! ma l-orts I «th of I). u«v,ir« i'..-, aatUt-tkarnrkasranind. Thiidi»!*'.!, t,eing i,-.i» Dauned on tha iii»: lasert, nsatod aaiM m ato »tbe Inab H"-i"i ü »,einr< tappnaad to , ,.'.piv in! «wan i«. -"» I aa Ettogten that ¡!¦» -Mer- ril u-h ni «-ot «.Mt. Knm. ¦. I BtoÉI ¡»that BBS* iBBflB» i-i,,..; t!,i-»H.(-r bl nppaesd t». t,e api«sai.-i«'ui*-y iiir.itüir* "¡i ti' part "' na t**-n*nannl to prevent _leb»fa n ringanpplka tdeaaltla I lavan«. ti,f., S «"taken ports in barrel» ¿v. I.Ml'i » KIA NT i"«)Ki:t..\ NKW.«,. t -i " e I ''...,. .( lil« lu., '. , »Vi »«.to«, Ajnii inat? It ri.io-n-d tliut Lnnortnnt loreign latoU gean |..tii.r-..v im..i. iii. »i m a»..., Wim ratonan to »m- »¡, »i nana, bm bw o r».« ived hy tiiu s et« 1)* arte eut. li ia I», lit-vetl that the I I aiet \.t|x.leon is abont to u « "iwi.lei hu i-i-. t)_{itiii«.ii ni tho Hebel« bSBBg* ansia, and ia viaw >.i las Awl that tb« Hiii.e«i S '. .. u.o.t- n. it» ty State e>it|t «me, io give ht. h tu»i to Oat (¡oven m't-nt ne lie latui io 1'ippreBt .'.». rai ih,»n, ».!._: o a will al w:. i ¡.'iii." Il »bia fiA-'i't

íírilmncV*» XXII.N°- 6,561. »VEW-YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1862.





Xhe President's Opinion in thenatter.


X-rtirtiika ami Califoruia Contfttrd Seat fasf».-a»-



The Reorgftuiization of the Mf-dical Buroau


WiiHiM-T"». M.nttay, April It IM«.

».natororimeiVs «.priu h ob si.ave-» atchin«..

Stíiiator lirimnaa excellent aj^ixh againil ila\r-eateliuiir. .iirt-.'ilv or indirectly, by amy officer!, siniIn favor of gati-ieoniug lbs Southern f rt* witbbla-cke in order to save Nortbeni b»e» diirin»- tbeu- kly lea*«'ii. nu litUned to ** iib marked 8* toni on.

Ita r/enerul viewt are under»'.»> -d to meet sr.ta ibe

approval of lu'-e'^if not all tbe Republican Senaion.BLAVER ( l.AIMINC, MILITARY PROTECTION.Tits precise wo»-da of the Pietid»Dt to the Com-

-»liteea» of tbe FreedmeQ 6 Aie-xiat-on ir. their inter-«new on Saturday »iver»)» tbeie:

" I in entirely asti-fied that no ilave who biî^ime»for Ibe time fie* ivill-in the American linea will ever

be re-eiktlsved. iia'.ber than have it to, 1 wouldgive up and «.'..l'esté.

THE DISTRIl T FMAM1PAT10» BILL.Tbe bill emancipating tbe slaves in lbs Diatriet of

»Columbia, was laid before ths Preeident at f oelorkthis evening.

THE CABE OF COI.. MAüOFFIl».Th« Precid.nt ii mal» îiu- S ir.e .-nx-h exair.it...»iou

ef the iniporunt principle«, involved ia it.e case of

Col. Magoffin, wht-»te t»-iit«*nc« of death for breachef .»¡«role he has re.»'.!«-.!. Meantime, io eonae-

qaencs of the reprceontauoua of lol. Mapiffiu *

irieude. that he ie treated w-.»h nudne teventj byGin. Halleck, being kepi in iioua, although he badtut juit recovered from a typhoid f»v er, »ii»; sine«rece!ve«i a etr-oka oí partial parsly»i«. the P-a-iidestLai ordered ibe rigors ot bia coutiu»ment to be re-

bsvsd.Tilt TAX Bli I-

The Finance ¦Con.niti.--e oí the 8**nat* tavok n«j

fin*! action ri-e*f-»-tiug ibe llo-ie Tax bill, at kalBva>eij-v.g tt..a« aaaSBSBttJo Tbe Crat-l Bt*«*tioni, all re-

IsiiBg to tbe lüaiiiinery <>í the bill, were «ratai OOM,and Uitise jirieKiigrr a» to wbi«h differencee of opinionWo»»» li'uu.l to exist. were marked for future c n».(i«wallon.

THE NEBRASKA UMIMIB »<EAT CASE.Mr. Da-area, ¡rou. t!.. «louie ('ommirtae« on elec¬

tions, tbi. morning re;-ort>d in ibe Nebraaka con-

Uñosa «"ai-e in favor of Mr. Daley, the aittitig memher. and in the California «ase aiTainst Mr. J-c-vve.

eisimiug t<> r-epreifeCc: a UM llntriof under a new

law of apffetirtKiiiiiient. In Bat c-aise of Jo*ej"*h »Vimr,BO report wa.« u,.<la*. Tbe ('omii.itt.B ha-ina Leencnabl. to ax,T.-t». tb« »i.». I- -»i. t»»»« re'.t ried lo :i >

Q<jt.ee for »»tiJ» rm.-nt.THE HANKIU PT hil I«

Tbs frieiitis of th« l'ai.krciri I. li do not eoniidertbe vote of the Honae to-day, po»ipobing ite coueid*arstion ull Di-.-en.l-er as a lina! dw<-*t*siti<an of tbemeaaurt*. AoothcT bill will probably be in- i><dii< »s*jxto tbe tv nat«, «ukI a.-, eiaroeat ei»*brt will he madete .«attire tia pasiags.«ATTIRE OF BOVE OF LEV Bl> *K 1 K»

OFF1CFBB.The i*«|»ert that Gan. Blanker sod his b«:«ly-g-asrd

have »->fe*«n lakes by ti« K-l*-els it pt-tably tosndedupon tbs iaet that a nnmb«r of bis oUcsrs metro < sp-twA Istt wssk, asar Msussias, «vi-J esrried lo Hieb-tomtom

üUt. BOHEARA**,Gea. life-*-*, run- will s«»oij n'.tiru te Wtsvhin-fiou.

Be hat not i-ay-arivsd hit Baal «.rd.!-*.BRI«;.-i»r.!4. FERRY.

Brig.-Gen. Kerry bss bssn assigned lo a ««maand¦Slider Gen. Rank*, and la**v.i for K kenbu g ta>mor-

row or next day.8E14ATOR HALI.'f- REMIiKATIOB.

rka-ala-.r Hale'B n»..ta' . n ot the Cbairnianabip ot

the Naval Cornai-*"*-*** will probably not, la BaSSfBBdLIt wai not made ¡n « ou»«quenc« of diM'-reeiaectbstween Mr. Hale aid the Navy iJa-jaitment, lu.bscauae of a tntitiootA ind.-.tiiry uti the part of tbe

f rvi.dini/ officer ia «»«nittili-j, khtt ti'u tbe 1 « ivv ".r.

of Confereiiv« on rl.e Narai Apr.-vipiialion bill. letarna ont tbat the iu¡ r* »**d thy bl vrua an a« .¦ -1 -i.«.

THE Milli« AL lil Uf.M .

The Joint C luimittoe of loafer «...<«. on» tbe lill to

.*»- 'yu'..'" »- tbe M' iii ... I'.»«, of -» Army «¦« r.fiit-iag of BerjitoiB Wit-ou ot Maiafea-xacbíiSett«, Ijul» olbc.iip.t Bud Ni^mit» «f Oing8a\ aad It»p....««.r.:*¦thti Blair of Mitsui n, Mrl'L».-» ,u oi P.ijjii'ylvar.ia,.hsele of New-York, bav. uirrotd la rocotoBMttd tbsidoptii.li of tho bill 6» it |ia»»eu tb», BhtatB witb I'.*».BV)di5c»t:or.» The pay of H<*pi'i,: 8tcwarda to beptl per month; Ibe .Medical Ladela lo Luve «.-,.

«Li'.-, pet d*> in k.nd or eSttttjajtaliBBj ti e act to I».on.-, »d t tl-e .,!it;ii'.a.rii. v; ii.. ¡..-...»¦.',t w.r. lintofficeri j. r< uivtel u..der it are f/> retao tne.r rank inIbe M<-i]i'..' S"iif, R',d to nave the jro-iiouon ü ey¦Bouid bavt i>»«a-u eiii.t't-sd to if tina a«t lad lot b*»»ii.o^tiatd. \«-.'uiiterr iSiirgeon» are »ligille Ita BB*aÍBtBSataaSnrihan bill.

THE « Ht« K AtiAIXSI KlIlNAPi'IM..Ger. Wadrwerttj B "military pr-.t-e.-tiou» l.a-.a

ttore tban anea lavr«| fr«et eu from tbe kidnap'xsr-B»«)»«rt; apaa Heir tr ck. 'Ibe se-vant «.f an <»f-w«r ot a il'ifi..Jo iri/iriierit, vvbioli bad mart iiedmuy, .«.a\.iJ>a búa tit k bstte, only ye.t«rday barelyttitxl Liaeell ír.-m baianj aoid Hito tSlaveiy by pio-Ott'.tyt.: c ..) lAaaa innniiii.-iitu of t,üe to bimaelí.On. r\ BdesfBllA réf.!-», .11 rlaiinsn'a of »lava» to theenl kutbo-.iie. ..id the 1« afttira hiavs I»«iw.

IM IK J Al MlJNrttlE, V*.A P>'vtu«Ji.p.!di, tai.-dAlonn>e, JO o'«look last<¦', Bsttl«Sfl4attia rbi. n vriiiiii/, »i-p,.»jjia»ri*ij| ibal

tt*'* »u» dear mix.nligbt Bttd all BBSnt in tbstIttaBj

-i in-, i vx m anana,IScd.» eflba , «-vv«j,a,.en «-noiie«,i.ily .ia'« tl.al Bat.¦-bill B» , .»»*j| ,,y ,|,e JJ0.ie, lux. Ulf. e,1>rk gtemu«^.j( ;ti jijUojilijii)(. ^ y,a Ray,

., AJ'I DISI MINI.*es li B4MI Bl Sj.i.niaúel,). Jil., i, .j,M» toe si,u ., mexxjoi rjatrt, k,,-,,,.,,!, w.** ' «i Um aad »»»¦.¦iii», j te Gna. Kelly."»Mitt« .h um vaarota boats.

J1«-fi aptajtatad bj Ihejtav» Papartatasl bjj?*. '.«; «»asBud».«:',ii«a.i'.!i«i.,. I,,.*,« forth«

??t»»« wu,,..aaaensk ..- al < -eaannanraa leaeah,,;"', ''"' ^ '." ¦. » beahnand i.ni»** I-.1..I.I t'm»f..,||.,.... , m.

y'¦ ,,v'.' trntahm i I. ..jrd llu,t

».»a« CouatMur, -sad Daahl B. Mai Eh Be«".* U.t..'i tomm beef, iiutiv r.. n., anas! ihm

contract* be made with th« following pa-artiest Tom-linaon and H.tus, ee, PitUbnigh, for two iron vi-a-

tela, Brown ¿W McCard, St. Laonis, three woodenvasse.»; Oeo'»ge C Bei'sr, Cairo, one wooden ves-

nl; Jinna It. Kadi, »***t. Louii, two iron Testéis.The aggregate cet of the eight vi«nil will be


The Senat« to-day in Executive session confirmedth« appoint merits of a large number of Paymasters,Anistaut Conmisiarie», and (jtiartennastera of Vat»unteera, and alio the following;

(.'apt. Cuvier Grove* of the 10th Infantry andlAmiel W. W nipple ot the Corpi of TopographicalKnm n» err. to be brigadter-Generuls.Clarke Mi Derm.-it of Ohio, Itrigade Surgeon.Major Win. It. Talnnr of the Corps of Topo-

grap).i, al I-iisineeis, to be Colon*].Cant. Franklin 11. (.'allen, er of the Oi-dnauce I>e-

pertinent, Major by brevet, for faithfiU and roerito-rious serviles in his department.

Caj t. lint-.» Iii|í»l¡», A-aistant (¿-..arterm liter, per-lorming »ervicei for I ,i*,it<*en yean, to lie Major.

baaanal B. Kiiiott of Mstoaaka to t« Secretary forColorado Territory, vice Weld, reiigned.

I.-wi» Kliue, »Sartev, r of Cm.omi al Havre deOn.ce, Md.John l-<>-«e, Indian Agent for the Indians of the

Upper Platt«.O. H. C. Salter of New-York, Muiihal of the Con¬

sular Court at Hankow, China.Charle« Ma Alton of New-York, Comul st B-r-

muda.iàlish« F. Wa!! «ne of New-Yotk, CobiuI at St.

Jago de Cur>a.Jasper Hiniih of New-York, Comul at Stui Juas,

l Porto Rico.Aaron 8. Wnt«rv«.-lt of New-York, Cavti-nl at

Bangkok.Georg« F Stewart of New-York, Consul st

Sha-ugbee.1 red« .. k C1 arlei Weiich of New York, Consol st

Cotiija.FROH tt AMIl.tfiTOM.

TBe Basaaela-atiea BIM.Piatri An Or«-.»»or.ni Cgrrei'oiiilect.

Wa'io« .ton, April 12, IM,The first act of record of this (lovt-rnmrnt sime the

prohibition of '.he slave trade was yesterday madedistinctly in the interests of K eedom. At last we

begee tkatoaam nknb »« uni m »nd until the t.n-

t»r Ina lins of 1 recedeute established during halt a

rant'iry in favor of Slavery, hat» been revena.il, antitlie (lovernmeiit brought ba ¦* to fal original pnipaBS.While looking at tt.e B«-etie on the floor of the

house, I tlhuktd Gel evan I r this war with it»

,.-».!.: ¡i-.*, pi ok p.-, t ve miseiy and e*.tr»-i ¡1,,» If»tier the event «-Í tie liât \tnr. Repiet» iitatn»-»

from the N--rtti.Itepuhlu-aui tee en found 1 ..

cringe before the now impotent hlave-j-ower in »hehalls of 1» i: -'-.»<¦ "u, what earthly txeiibility ii tiki-rethai any action favorable lo Freedom «-«mid fen**leen lniiii.ted in the fa«*e of tbie power, iu»«oleii(,dtliant, ftuiied with the iu»««saes of lialf a ret,

lurv mid haling ibe preitiife of Ion,«- continuad rule.Har«: as < ur i reaent exi-erieu.es may eeern, terriblea« aie tl.e aggregate i»f present antbetog, at,»I fright*lal asare tbr bimien« we must be |i.«-atb to our ih¡i-

d.en, it,« arlono'js ¡rinmphi of ngl.t.of wiiUh toe

noiay -.¡«Hee.ioii ol event« i«tlie oi.iy uimietei mair.i-t nave »»ern purchased at a I« « i»»«t. "L««iao ..

tot anffic« for the ago -ulturo ot (iod. I"|«»n¦light uf earl,quakei be lu.Ida a tbotu-and year» ».

plea»anl biil-iUt'i'-t:» tor men. I.e»a toan thetv« heir«

|. .-._! aiiur»» would u»t bare rt-.rre-l the Itnkksta'nil."

Ihs bearing ef ttos kspubl'.CJkT. memba-rs wi'u

¡certain tiidividual eAceptitiJ»- is a-n.i.ra'i'e.Idooii'-uatuied, aa »«mr o.» alr«iigt.i alva ay» )», bs_)free ln»m levily or iron» au«, 'otjih i<t the banian I

of the " plaiiia'.ion n.^nner» to which, while .*.

lomori'y. they were »»j ofteu treated. 11 ii ibei« w ia

a protound eameatne»«., and «le. iiivenei«, 1 t-bt»d u,.will: «1 «eaioiiavii ttaa'.ei of humor, and with a pei-viel-

1 big t heerfuliirM, ai «-'. tneu rejol» in/ 111 the aiattre-i

[aaeesn oi a akariaked j«ii.cy.I tSlavsry died a hard death ot. Ile leM of (beli us», tai ex. 1'it'«J in Ibe vindi-nv« boatility -I

Wsdiworth ol H«i.t»i*ky, '.he i«nile weak 1.»-a* if

.Crittenden, tb. loud juo. ikfel blatancy »,.' V«,!»:»

diglum, and the ham.'ess vtnotr. el C< 1.

There were little parja-aagaa whit .1 needed lobsss«ii o» tin appm .ned. Mr. V allan-iigham »ti.j n ». i

the ,.| je-iriui. ;y : >i-..,r a pt-'ut for possible fu'ureu- asnina lbs 1»*' 1 ii .. aaa, and w th.* »«..., tim« to

»xa'i lie own BMWM« I ¡ii a »seer, cbarginii that tititt.m il.* flint of a tmin of ineaaieiire»,, deliberatelylonut-ived, in tin onabiag nut <-f Blavnrj, aal an»

«.UiiUg Is hal pr. phntod ii tx\o |*an hf;o, bul thatthe penpkaap aai daasnaasd *,» a " |_g «,-Foco he.'Duiin of Iiul'ki.a, in reply. andeSM <-f tbore rringini-

Iexl.it»¡oom A Krviiily oi wt.,t h 1 have »j-okei,.Wright > t I'» n-.ny Ivania ¦». anted '.Le lull auLo-jtted to

tknnnapla ot tl-e Ilia'n.t ujion which tl,s j_lor)oi,»«ild ('on.nioner, IwBddaai tmvjwomt, replied that h<-lied rea«! itori.ewbere thal all »ninerr abeeld be«¡au ned, and mat inn pr »jositiou to B.»hn»it thi» bulto ina trallon- of the District waa suicli sa thoughthe »iniii-ii »-.'»nil be a lowe;! to put it to vote

wheüier the »ei tenet »hould be CAroed out.

Mr. Cnlteiicn urge«) that the ptwiaag» of Üie bill»ould irritate the It.-t-i-la.a» though ii weie a timeto talk ot avoiding inettfrire». which w« ubi irri'.iteii:»i' wiio kit' an an* * of ure toan half a millionof ti.ei. on fo », and who .1 », :.»;. a leadnh ma!.gnu ynever patallel d u.i.-i'.n lill Hiand ana or Bavki>e»nnlkilag toe bedanat%m brother», aud eons, «ndBfeneng theil 1» »an to ti.- r arirw and siiu. a»

prerou» keej ra. >'i

Mr. Weeawatth éwannnaed the n^aasanaai ta

abeto to «'ea1 it - ,-.. part) i'¡ win» h th« Inbabatonlid lbs Diairitt Iih-I tu,led ,',,r, u|«,i, «kiab Mr. L-ova«

joy, related this it»u«l.i,t. .f mRtiR be had uie p-00f_in hi« bund. A fana co. i» i BBBB in th» Digr:.<married a woman vib.» wa» a »lave, and by ber bada ebilda He eataead bato an agnsaaeaa wfak themi.«ter to pay L.111 |i,Hui tot tkefa fraseen, «a it h,affr jean ai toil ka Banaaaliahad. Hut u»« n,¡-ored mil, by (he law» ol ¡Slavery, vtii« no1 a BM j »tent witueM to prov the (»[lirait-, itiul |fa| wie'. 1,

who " owneal ina i«, fo leaadialed 9, altor ka hadraareiviKl ti o atwpnlated nm. When the eu-ar.a ,.¡

th«» Knuojcijiiti .n i.jii tonaan aaa-eri a. ti.ih w« t¡ mm i b'-r child this V, tt «i"l M*tkl r, i»«Jl-et:.' «1 ! i,

»till enthrall-«!-- Wl ie «eui lo Maiy li.iul, i,ntl :,.. esM

iftiial.'y in h «lan -¡»en m lU.tniioi.-, a-A.iiiir | n -,tir

BaaatB« "Whal *a't Mi. Iiu-tejej, "wiai iantim »geatntaea fren Kuatachj 1..11 thiel I« tbbatanling, <»r nrfcto n -t I

i fea "-. --lilli niall ii i, K.t.Iü. It* m ,.li no n j ly.

'li.e fr.-f ii¡». m ¦." and renlik o, « ,,

I n ay say lo .» ..* Mea lit to li»;lit uiuli.'ii.l»,.¡i.«tur,i ,« < ¦ ;-i» M BB1 Ml II. Vi..M .| lu

tim t .n »n,,»tant »i ntotsd vMtti so nilli b aft» < t by Mrl/i\tioy. leonld »111 n with «in hu InManeri»viiii «Ahi»l. I inn», bnauBia Brumlin-H D ab

of »¦-!.: .i «i-»-i,ii. aej ..H eirei the S »uti*.tombera lena ban at ¡» Beaeesd as ol ik« Nortb

al annajarnnting ina .*d»i»» aid um.neendeuh la.av.rj li tt,An »i,-. ,!_,, |.,j,,,., t. mut

Dn'-rirt, it is my deliberate r.nviclion, that, aa thelight of liberty it let in upon the great prison-boBieof humanity, tbs South, we abell find that never

half its horrors have been told. It cannot bs other-wits: cupidity, BelfiahnesB and ¿ndoW.ce are allt-uliited againtt unprotected weakni-«a. Jiitlioe, iuall the Southern States at a necessity, ia deaf to theuegro. There ia do Prest to bl».on bil wrongs.Indis .duals «san only alleviate, not remedy, them.Where all are partaken of the fruits of violencei«, d- ci not do lo examine too nicely into otiti-af-es,tbs complete paniahnient of which wonld involvedettructiou of tbe ty st tra itself, out of which theygrow.Hut to return to the à irens*ion in the Home.

Amendments to the bill were otfered, hot were

promptly voted down. Every expedient known to

pat lu. meutary art wes resorted to to Binl-arrase tbs

passB-s'C, bat st laat tbs tot« wita readied. FoarliemocThta nobly joint-d with the Republicans.Odell and Haight of New-York, browns of RhodelakSad, snd Fuher of 1 »elswars. A fifth, I«ebmsnof PenntyIrania, would bave y, .ne with tbsm badbe been piesent. Cox of Ohio, one of the mott tu-

peraerviceshle in hu zeal for Slavery, and one ofii.» bittsrest in opposition to tbe bill, shrunk from

retoidiug bia vote agaioit it, and evaded the vol*.

Other Northern members, Kepub!i<**»jjs, w-im buttthrown tbe whole weight of tt»eir moral influenceaf-sinst tl»e bill, V'teal tor it on ita rojiisage. It ii not

(.«»ceBBary t» tpeeify them. Their eonttiiatnta willattend t». them Bt the proper time. Said sue ofibe** man to a ttanch Republican, " Tbit mesaurei» as good aa adding V0,»>*00 men lo ile Rabel army."" 0, never mind that," rt-plied the other, " Ibertare tsveral hundrsd thousand good lellowi who willtight the better for it. Anothtr Rspublican said,*' There are some tbiugi ia the lill which I don'tlike, bat I csn't n.»k» up my mind lo deny te my« bildren the pride they wil! feel iu my having con¬

tribuí ed lo make the ground on whit h lbs Federal(.'ap.tol t'.ixtaiii, fres soil.

Til F» ANNIVERSARY OK SIMTER.Tb. llepulilicana of lbs Kixtsenth Win «I cels-

bist.d the uiaivera*ry of the evsaruation ofKort Suinter, last evei in«/, by s rusas n.«**-'*

ii»- tit the Hall No. MS Eighth avenue, lbsball was deurrly crowded, many ladies bri.;.-reg»tit. The iup*i;i.«- wa» ml od to ordi-r by S.

lii.'Ait, Cia.rmau «>f the < ou.v..ve« of Arrain-«ti.enu, who nominated the lion. I«xi« litrro»« ».-

I Chairman. The nomination wai uiiauitMously m

eded to, and tin- »'¡.aliu.it... on r»t»e n...i»|c !;-.» j "*.*

li n, I«rielly reca| ii.listed the etaati wbi« h tia» uieet-ii« wa» ailed lo ci-lomt rat'in'e.

ifr* TttSttlBBBB TtATttB, the tint speaker, ia tbecour», of s »t tniii» ri-i'ii ra ivh ¡r tttta] afrikin-r butat lb* event! «u.tl a« »oro ot I ti« year. 1 bs aila* k on

Snmier, be tais, wi» ibe .mi.tm aaaleetBB of

|Matsryj it w»» tt). attack ¦¦( Slaven upon Liter*)Iiti« iriumpb oi I,ib*r*.r over Havsiy. rue Ut.oion one »ide »rvl **lav« labor on tatt SaaSr. bad al bn'at« od up ia ariiiwl ea.ntJic«. If a ap|<eal <>f Hvi .tar

.r i"!1.» tier, arba lad laid Iie.u.lo. an: atti «1

»- boo« hard i'utly «aork tie Ballett -d iu»n I» I.e.pride. He tti.lr.u-tetl (be ( iMiiialii-ri «f Ile «.re? » »:»., of lal-or with tie bar''.»i»i». nf t1 « ..!' »t, »:..)vIllili Hta-1 tb« be... r ot A» <»!.: n/iu.ri »i.irti, b»»a.«l, »l.oiilil lever «eaae undi Baavtari trotted, li»did not know but th»«t if Wettdsll l'hil"ui>» it*- .*-*- to »

i i/c-.»d old age, be wo dal be l're»idrn« ef the I'nilsd** aa».

Mi. ItAStn .'¦»-i S l»!l»r tr-u. Mt. liai. W'ni dir-tfa, in wi.xh bs »aid in« queiti.-i wea ntl now

whetbrr Slavery iii.-old ale, but bow ii tv>u!«l «li»Be»-.-«! le«e*itlf.

Iii« Rev. Ifr» i*4 II tri i ..«».< wai then introdnirfeti.He »le..,r.i it a very ri-ifular thing that mat IBttttldin «a-t li o.aii*ru..'ii'« the hailing down ef tt.« st.tr».id Stripe». 1 el b» dermt it . x/I.tioji B-fBttt a.

Sun.tsr. ToTtt lowciin.- ot fat ting nut pt«ir .1. i»pb,with lil « oat if n uri» ra 1 -i n«- into 'he | r la 11

j »«.Id ro th« Klin.t"4ite». IVehadttBttttttjaajh that,B'.-'d down ihroQgt. tb. corn parlo! I», clear to theii Kin. We hnd J.ned li rOfe.ifeii eirbt of tieI'l.Mue» H Bilerst, Yeti li".»-:, ii'-iiiioke I.liiii.f,

I Mill di-riiix.«, Fort Mi-'.r». Kori I» .ri«!».-n. btaad N«1". und I'lUlbii-. laSIiditiif. We In,.! «-i.lt lw,BBattBBB mort, and lier, iln KnsdBB .'¦«.mo «oui«-, ai

liod livetb. 1 1.* .'.>. il.o.ii »..' U aiiLiii >,\rr *"TSlimier in s ve:/ f.-w «liyt, ai.d wie j it «lid y. Bl iiW'",ltl nu-nn s (p-« at Heal mur»* thin it ever tv! bar-Iota. Ii wo!.k1 si.as tia*, th».-» elvuld t* in m». »

¡hrtaaatng «J tfenbain ¦salaibt kaasbi i ¦ atañíum\taty Atejo, and thal all n..-n a..oui hats * ¡i.tiy hin ni righi!. We lad a« I. »ted BMBCh airead».1 hare eanll be no ll*ek niau ki<lnapi*d ard reiuru.dt/> Slavery more. 'Ibe Kmaiicip.lion Meii.fr« oi ii.«1're.KiOtnt wi.» s pu-») Hep, »nd a«,, toi, waa tiei u «n» i|'iit)oo ii. tie Lal»*:iel ..1 ( "lumbla, lietiankti i»«»«!, be ¡ba'iknd Mi. Uaeab, Coap'raai,Bttd e »»i i man tr/ktt had brid snytbiug to .1 witht'.ii, ant ha bMSSbI tittil l> ile tisú aniii» ertary altin» eventful day w6 would all be leady. North andN-jth, to en-it a BBtasattttttl tii*fliar linn avv ii.»

»'i.i.'li'>-, an-! |., ,.-«,, »i«<au li «be», aimplr w'«.rd»~-»lohn Brown.

H'.ittir Cr run was th»r. Introl it. I. Ile au!that w. lad lived a «rear while- ia a veai it »e-nu .1lo bim lvn.ei li.an any prevkou«« t»ii years of hielife. Al l,ii'i)/li a tear <-l ji-:eat tiui-tdi«» and ¡.reat»... i.d'i» le 'hoi.-vi it oil« of tie liawt |*t»rianayertr» in trie liatory of ti ii or any oller ufciaon. Itwai worth to ui u.ore tlan all li« -tupend mr.st.V rota a dividid people, a larg«- BBrttett .; n»jatli rinxJrmors willi the Krb» » th-i,¡ witb the Isiti'imsto Oov-srnment, we had lacoi .<¦ unitead al ibe »n ,a,J ,.f ibersiiiion st Snmter. Mr Otnatt« allmle'l lo ibo «li»-B-rui.-fiil fact Hal A bra! au. Lim «di wa» .<.:. .-11.Jlo para ibrotiKh IlaJtiroors «a bn way io W sal-iii«.-t"i., in tbe night and io >i.».¦;,, - til», hu mui!,though couiidersd sicst-ritc c.ntivn by rome at ii -

tim«-, wai fully juitlfitd wier, tfco BhaVtaSCIS of tbeI'.Hh of Ai-ril rev.:ale«l lb« I lo»«ly d« fBB «.' tbeMaryland ]<el>eli>. II» totnJi'd niaon the fsSBBJMen'B (.'lirieiuui Aae'" lal io;, oi li-illirrioie. 11er»were .'»v. "»"' BBtn lu lbs sruy ot IbeCiii'««l .-*-Ul»*a, BS s.i'l, who, iiji to tb. I n-

lardn.eu' of Kuri,t«-¡, w«-re B" mjiaih..« rt tithe Rebellion; that i», t«>»-ir »v ¦pnAtnSl vv»i-

with ii arid ilu y bttd looked op to Um i.-iulni. J'«*'BB Heir landatSb I B8 bl ml ai'ln.ti.t of .-vi..t«-i »ov-

ervr-d li.e I ik» li. .' ¡"»vii I'.»til. 'J at .1. tt lit A lie

worth more than B.'iy vn'oii. li wa- BStSttttttKlaverv bud made vi.r iijeiii tin- i;v»«*iniiient tl.utwe wars Ir«*«» Iro-u all o' i/aii-via I« Mi.veiy Tbevb.d slot aw.v all iii ti.-, «ii«! Bteeaad i. Mad Ibalt«i i'lu iodeapotiaai. ThetabalU-tai a lattaaAeai.tt.-iiii t to rb'iw tbut Slav« ry wa» mu; Ibafl ii«Coneii'ntioii .iti.i the lini^-! nifiii. Jl<- Nrjatnad thalIts ii'l .'. a» | Igb, I l.r'i'iia-tii -t vi ni tv ;i» I« ii of ileKel.l d'iiiii!ii"iii Un-:.' Hin a iti-iu-rui feeling tin. I'

tbiyinu1-! i.ii.k«-a v« i; d«-»¡ei»t» onward ui'V«;iie'.itam tail in. o lum. IVa ahanil tea s ist-rrhla «<»i

n t in iba w rt in ton ti ellen» el tin Bkaatb, andi.e'h'! n-'i !'-ur li i- i »nil. Hut wi.tvlii, Iha hiiu.-¦I' '.. 1 "ii I ia war or nikt, in c<uipli-t«j tiiuin'l»or fat partial (aliare, ha l I asia thal tie »ud edfUavsrj ,v .li »e aated bj ibe bJasytaiaa ii«m Ibai-« »kelli m oi |r*a.|.

I ii«-«-. Dr. I'm« i\nt «SJBSlbs but »p«-Mk«-r. Ile"I'llrf'l bin.r«*lf willi an n ".«.i,'*. Ile iii.in,lil tlvv,ma gn .'»u i,t«,,, teneeoiarj nara thaattaek«aai"i: Sei ter,the paaeaaaal the FbibbiIpaltea A»thy l"iii' «, aad His publication, bj ibe Ain.-n an

ii.ni N'i'ii- ,<i -i »|» »(loi w iii»-«! .¦«.i. iu«; in»i tbe»,. v. «trad«. Hi nu b .i-l tin tv» Prat th ... w. ul

i-, itiii« ii,,I Batlttraa i«»< ia Iba ion. roi iberreei.i.'i.t or ai.voi« alas to |i.-veiii lbs iuBtatdl .;¦»

im ct| ..'ion oi the slaves lath* IMetiteta. Cti-laai«11, or say whare alee in lbs N lUiara m ii«-». II«-

iib i-.-1 t'i« m |li' ii e igiiiii. n by tna last aneakai,i anj «iii> Uiarard Hlavsrj u« aver exialing. II«Bttd llt-M-r be.-li lionl!.».l lv BDV 'Mi li oMl .' lion,In« I..-, "i liod liibniii» tt, and lie luwaot ..II tbe

I I.l -mi.I lui' Mill»! IBBÍB8I 'I BiaA! 1.1 j in .i..-1 vie vi i¡.nuki, to tie »j ink' i«, H«"

IJieetfalg U'ljoi.) II da

UIGDLV IMPORTAN? FRÜH ALABABA.Seigvei on the ChArletrton and Memphii



»,0O0 KEBEIiS raâlBalC-BlTMLXn..

Hpe-lal Dltialek to Th« N. Y TrlbnaaWi-aitttre.«, Maetoy, April 1!, lMl

Oen. Mitehel reports thal hs baa occupied two

other important poin'e on tb* ndlroavi.Deeatsr to

th* west, and a station st some distance to tba luit

of Bunuvill«.Tim following dispatrh ban been received by the

Be,oreti,y of War, datad Nashville, Temi-, 11th:On »Saturday morning twe »«.¡»editions ware atarted

iiosi II lataville in the tai*. Ou« antier Col. Sill, of

th« .id I »ni.., wei't esst te Stevens, the junction ofthe ( hiii-au.»«.._a witta the Memphis and CbarlntonKailroad, which ptint they leized, '.»,000 of tb«

enemy retreating without tiring a «hot. Col. Sill

ruptured five !>~*comotivee and a large amount of roll¬

ing «.«¦k.The stbsr eipedition, nnder Col. Turebin of »tit

l'.ith Illiroii, went writ, and arrived at Decetnr in

tim« to nv« th« raiLr ad bridge, which waa m

idamn.Ges. Mi'chel now ho! ii IDO milei of the Mimphi»

and Charleston Kailroad.


lae jeer lata l I a pi uti-« .( Itefe-el Veeaels.Binnmn Mend»», April 14. li-Kl.

Tbs United Stau« at«Bin.er Herculu, Thomas S.Dangan. I.ie-n»i.ant ,«,.».i.ai:o:iy, rsauhed thi« portthia morning, having with her tb« scboottrr Pude,1 re vi..nilly noted ii beim,* raptured, and the eli«.| sWren and Veliua, both of Great Wycomito Uiver,enattna ibore of Virginie, siro prize*.I bl llercu'i» left ll.i» ¡»»rt a »hurt titne »ince, tow-

u.g i! ¦.« n the Hgkt««jki|. tv',i.li 1.ii«l been previouslyAmtii up for the lallef II« r»r Khoe Khoai. Alter tina,Lieut. riuiAgitn m.». <i in the vi. inity of Smith »

lalaBd, and »i reeded in t«| luring tiie «¦!,.» un

>*» big and 1'rde. II» I' en placed on U»ard the latterIiie*it. J. Q. Baker willi an urmsd new, who mi

Friday niiih». observed in ('.ger'» Str»it», otf Koiíl»l»ii»l I.i,'l»t, the alo».- Wien, and, after a chase <f'¦¦«i- henri,lbs latter -a»» run uahore at Hintiii i Peintby her crew, whoa», aj el.

II e riaSf wi» imi-e.i.a't'ly I, a. Ja!, fen! BO goodior r-aiKo t f any Baa n; t. -n weie lound ic her. I»tk« m*tm wer» found Iii» reoiaiia» Bf «ertaiu pa'»¦>,whirl» bad bsSB partially burned, among in« ni a

|«..uit of liiere to trttde, aigned hythe Clerk ofNorttinu.t>erlaiid County, Va.Th« Ha-rtcl»», a.'h her new loiia-rts, ctuiied

»'.ou', aad ob Hundir a »iii wea BB_tosd_ sboul »ii !lailaa c*ñ, sietring dnnrtly fnr the itein-er, «ahltli, Jit ti»« tu. ¡rim, wa» anchored. The ataaner baan>iii»!«-') git under way, and pn-reeded towanl the'vi at« I, the ii¡ '.».ii o', xx hi li, on peneiiiug tb* li- T*i "I. », i l.aiigr.l hi» («anne, li.»', «.iideavoarid lo « tie. '.

biseacapto .*.''. ra lia»» T l._Jt an hour, the lie--!« lea an,e up'. t'aie»««!, whuh provtd lo la» thi-

llss| Vsfaan, besieg os i>«r »uni the cauie of!" ltri'lgei'iwn. but. La.It !.-.:.. <ij««t VVyu>mi«oIt.ver, In Wett.ru Virgin». l'o.-eefai,»u v.«» ia... ii

A I", together with the ,-aptaiii, a«at4j.iitl 1). 1-aiik-f'.nl if (lr. at Anneni» n, and < ew wfaft liv | {«»eel.-,get», from Ki hi,-nd. One if »he Utter w«» a tap-1um u the Hebel «riuy.

(»n ein h-.ni; tb« Velrra, thir»» waa Mukd a lu-e-t ju.a.l, onikiii;. k al-oat lOO litter», s iitiinbsr o'.»ii li were aildrewed to |* >. n» ia Hal i:t,.,r«-. and a

laige nntubrr to peía- n» in vnrioui | nr« ot tb« Staleof M-irvland. < >u »»arrbiDg the crew (leie wai silofound I'aflK) in «»Id Viijfiiiia bauk-tio'ei. The Yt-lir.uLa«', Borne time previ.»uily, leen »leared fnm thi.«. ort for Pokoinoke 8«,ui.'l, with a cargo con-iating of

proviiiom of «raMwBa kind«. This cargo, instead ofI « ii.,/ dnrimged m a Maryland |>ort, an t»«.en over

to (.rent W«codi»co Bivi r, and there di e'.ar^-etlvAiiiin the !i»uiida»r:ti of Virjyinta. The altMB_ in

ballait, waa ..ming baa 1» (o g.-i a nsw cargo.The Hebel lapiam, preiloiii to biing < apturrd,

burned bia emu.«»non in the fire, r» muanti oí whichbein, found anting the aaheat, he acknowledged thefait, and al««' thai he Lad bean em-aged in the bailleof Mau«-»**.

Lankford, the Captain, ia | ir*. owner of the verne!,and bn heil, » i.Bugi d in this contraband trade f<rlive wombi.Til pura« nia-ei. and crew were all, with th-»»»e cap-

.uit-t! a lev. du;.» lime by the ltoliia_.ee, given in< bergf of Col. Morni, al Fort Mclleary. Tb« foblow ,ug ii a list of ih« iiaeetigeis on ¡'0*1.1 the Velona:

Joi.ii li. little of New Tsskl Ja« ('. Wtlaate. lal« .

i.., » i! cf M-l-lr »ore .:.». *4in te I,»» i-f th» bin», »f TJ Marti' uf I aiiiaime, .iii 11 A llr.M.k«, . »ou of Pief ti.C .' ..-.ki uf li. le."i» . a;Ta', ia lit« Habel »rut

Tue crevv are:( »it Innal O I.«i.k'ord I>»bt II. I'i««aw«!l, Haoiutl

H u art. ai d A. I WtiiitiDfUii. «tu. it part owner.

.lobn F. M,Jilt«in,e»i.., Surveyor of this port, wanton board,and «ucreedrd ni liiidin-* the mail» und money.

( AI'IUHi- OF VTXSF.LS BUNNING TIIEBhOCKADK.Wialii-aiiio«, M»n'»y, April M, Util

Com. I*u.» ni rep .rta Ki the Navy Department,under dnte of Apul <», that the avhoouer JuliaWaideu and «"lioener I.ydiu «b1 Mary were cap¬tured in Cam Honan PntoBJB, balwina the Sante»

Hiver and Charleston, the fnat on Ike Vil and tin-«» oud on the .."»th ultimo, by the D. S armed b.ir«.

Hentle«»«, Altin« Volunteer Lieut. I¡. Conroy , 0111-

___aB»Bg» Their eBBBBMS WBie rue .uni «oin meal.

Ha aleo rt-|.»i(a that th* »hip Ki lily St. 1'ierie ACtkaBatatoa, fana Orieatot. waa lantatad aa me l8ultimo hythe MaafaadbBJ »i| lailion, wl.il»- steerm-,*

directly f«.r Ckariaaa o ¦H'-trher« II» t Miga a tAatt,,i ',171 lilli.'« of BJBBBJ '"th. Cull.. «Joldebt.. 'ti

».ut hw to I'hilad« Ijliu» "i i».!_'i o alien. M,«t «>i

I,»- cr» vv went «forth In ths toesnsrOitontnl, whl falill I'or» It yal on tilt» ."-lili »»It.Tin English »wson Cojusll ol Maane, N. P., «n-na

ra 'ture'l bj tho ÍVI»,»neilin,nu, Cop,. I.ti.l.i, SB lbsn. Tiling' "f the Id in*., ii.i t*«.» adln li.»n.

(¦¡...»ih»..i*i ii.i!. ah* bal u eargeaafeabb nr,aalin (jriat d' iiiiiinl m, a .*«. Bthera p"»!- I ipi. hanlin r

a» i.l l,i r Li Til»! itli I) hill ÍOf .i.ijililii'itli ii, Ail"l!i'i

r» .mu. r vi.ii run Baken by ii,»- blorhetting rcawfaon BalUfBB'l i»i-.iil, w I-«»« »hu f t-iiuiiiai, a wttjiak.



The Rebels Shot Up io Corinth.


He Claims a Victory tbe Second Day.


Fobtmi Movioi, M*al*y, April IS, UtiA Korfolh paper has been received here, contain«

inga Hiipstcb fiors Beaorej-ard in relation to the.econd «lay i fighting at 1'iiteburg Landing. Heclaime a complete vi« tory, and says that u;:er eaptur-iii-i 36 of our gum and 8,000 priaonera, bia for- e fellback upon hit woikt at Corinth, which they sr.

fu'ly site to hold.Tin ».¦»«. Mot ¿tj, A- «. 1«. l»«.'a

In r«f*reucs to Ueatutgard . diapatch, ailu.le-l.j-.¡tie.ve. niiiuiiici bata leen im.de of tie Warii.:[.;.rt-neni, and ws sie antbori/e.l to saytia'. His reports from Pit'-I iiyg, I.an Jin.- ¡dri «A«! ygiven to the public couimdi t ibe report iu the Nor«tolk papera. Al! reporta received et tbe War lu

partsiai I confirm lb« aUtvtostita that the enemywere luufe-J and ¡miiued aa ia: at tbepreviois ordersof (len. ii rant would permit, and tbe enea.y are low

abai up in Corinth.


H«»^nr« referai eat at tike t*a*m» nl;neu»«7mí TOeting- lae.Seau.

11em I'm Sper.ioJ Corr«troad..».O« ra. r««.i:«irii. Va, Ar I». I-1**-*-

During the cannonading for lbs frai ter. dsy««'fibe occupation of this pla« e by our army, no1 more

'.lan four or five khui were developed, and haSSI 'A

light artillery. Ti.is. however, is not the «are now.

We may infer for a ceituinty, tba» lui,,*«*' rr-eiifiirt-r-ii.i ')-» have air, « arrived tim- mon* and h.-av.« ¡ xu: «

buve b««n pi» ed in position, and the araranBtrattglktii«d. ljt.t night our pickets held s <-onvi-isa::-¦tuib .!«!.« bal pttksta "ti tie otlit-r »i«"» it Iha Waa»wicl. ¡Uiver. ;¡«.t inore t¡.an IM fee; w-i<b- la theeames ui wliicb tb« fa«.t tit the arrival oi re.Bufoice-ruin'.« and Johnson was confirmed. I do no» ltmler-.tatid, however, il.it even tb« «it infoined bateanythtag tmatttsttby ataaeera ag tb« ttienfSb al ihai-iiomy. Ii ia a-mnied to be large. tie M-.r,.««utaanny, in fact.An i.rmy never wai .'<>[ ;-*d in a pla«* Wuk mor*

ohj«i-ti«'u*ible f.atnnri. Ties t ountry, sa ¡l bit pre-aentt-d iti-ell situ« we bave leen here, ia of littlevalus to snyb.»dy. From iu general flattiesa tier« iabut lilli« Jr.iiiM-». and tbe vwt .ltxantity of n»iii thatbaa fallen dunn,' tb« lust week liea on tbs surfa«**.Aa a I'.ii.i quel. «.., ti» ion da or« bad beyond «1« scrip-rion. Empty trame, drawn by four ni'ilen, are fre-,-|U*ntlt. unable bl gal aU-ng. Ths thief aSSBJJBalanof ii* hr:r.y ibu* lar hue been to make new r -ailaand ti».-» mil -a of corduroy road bsvs been madedunns; rtie pani vvea-k thai. I would dare say, tot temof bsiig .»le..t ved. Ir. tliis work the Manie andMiettjaSJ men lend. Tb.y are BBSS e o.' tin«

lim K-Ocn. MrCl. Ban, who». h< adquarter» at» ahattt thsov»r t ile .nun»..hv Ita. .-»¡.««ia n>iii !ii:,e.iitaryolder to ile lil Vermont, f.-r tbs exielm.r luanusr

in "»bill-, nailer (Jen. Hamock, they tut.ie the re-

aasnaataanaa of the Rubel ¡-«.»it mi« a t.w »»- »iu«*»*.Ihe ii"fic«i is de», rved, Bud <r*p*ciallt it |ba .« Bd i«t«it I jen. Haiict. . draírvii.'- of t-ommeiidtitiou. HelawU-d ( u Iii lan»» and knet-i for a lug .¡fiance

itBttttgh tbe -rvo-.il t». o' tam ri li.-ut of a 1:»!» 1 forti¬fication, al pjjxot.1 «jsnal.ia-rably shuni of hi«-k'i'.ii»' r» .nid, laving taken a d»lile ,:* aaSttSJoí lb« loriititatioi., suddeuly f.-nud bimitil ,-. ...».»

]>ri»aionly to s nuiibtr al Ret-el lold'iei-t. BBetSgibu, (len. II. bent a retrent. A volleyM <w«-d bim,but Uckily le v, -.» not 1,.', and wit ali« «o makeg.«.d bil i-sca¡-e. A a«ld er esme sn.ki» r.Jy upon s

una.lier ««f tin tnemy, who tin-d a* b. .*» i-ldenlyretreating, bis kna¡»sa(k, belt, indeed lu eialire" traps," »sere aboi Many, bat h. got i-tTwiibont a

wound. A ni nier ot iii'iiv.-i of pamanal datingr. ¡eiafjt'i cliHrmtei j»tit ot the (rt*-a;i'-ne.,t. Datfakg

¡Infini day» »kiituiib on our right, two midier»,..ne from Marne, (lie oi.'.t-r from G«*"-a,a. .¦oite.!ibsiutelvca eu< h bcîrind it tree, land Ittdshaad Bl»niidry ii.'ti, witlotit elTect on eilher «kle, at the.au* time kee] i.---up a lively «but. r'iii.-illy, tia*.irriiii.'a bule tcttioüi. (îe*org:a «alls out to Maine"(live me a BBS******* BMBSSBf step out ana give su

opportauuy to lit. Mains, in re»; .-nie, pdeiout Lis bend a lew mil.ea, sut! (Ict-rgisin. ii away and n.i reí

" Too high," nayaMu.ne. "Now «ive me a si., w.' ('«orgiit pokes«luther bead, aud Mitiue bla/t-a away. "'Too low'

BBBJ8 ('«.orgia, in this way the two slernated «ev-

Ball time», without billing. Finally, Mu.ne lendi Blball so a* to grn/e the tree wiibm an indi or two of:bn car of Ceorgia. "Ceuaü firing, ' ahv ti licor», a.

''C«Mi»e it it, reij-oTili Ma ne. " Look her«-," any»oue, "we have cunied «»> thi» bii'm«-«« hSBJ nnou(i-!ifor one dey. '8i»*se we iidjotim lor rat.« r,

" At-rtK-d," Baya the other. Aid «x> tb« two murdie.i

away in diflerent dir»-ctious, one wbia»tling '* Yankeelliaodl«,'' the txher " Dixie."Toward sveiiinii-, will« wo lay ia font <«f the

Hebel work st lj«e h Mil!». Coi. *-.«>'../'ilo-i .eu li»tine band t<> a point of land windi bad be B tbtt KttBBof sharp skiruiiBling, wid where Bat totht ia w»rc in t

far off. Ho baud played 'Tie huir BBBBglad Km .

ne»," 'Hull Columbia," und o»h«-r piitn. tit" BbsS«and ti« RskttlaS nixti'iid if »Wag, It-eiet. hsUBSI »¦ .¦

TI)«* it eue lud its BlfninVttBt le.mire,.


1 BOM EDl-iMll'lid.li'«si.u.g iMnlit A*xffl it 188*.

j\» an old i;i»ti itiiiiivx», Boveu miu> tmn. the tarn»

pike, albert a hsda al Mrmty, i.ifaulry, nuil ur'il!« rynu. Btatknttd i<» pratsat Im iging part - «, ttro Bah«-i

v ti. v ,.i. ¡i»;«.!!*.!*, atas hsss bann bn o hi In»'I I«' li"l< »n m. Iir.ii« Bl our pii-k.-ti OnlBSBIIllj ,,:ii

¡tr« not r-plied to. The i'lotoet MaasaalBl ;-'. I'¬

ll iff i.uiioviry in ^r ben.' «lol tbtt I .«..»»» .- h*fibsBk,

Hiiividi ".-li.ic.al Ratal mid bis Badi "» iav.ilrylil' I Jill! Ill Heil llOtll to all« BaA »itlt-t.j .t» li. n iu.lt iel in colobrí» iou I the r«-

.'lu victor!' h t'.-.| iv.

TI. .I.n;.i..ii». BSttBtand Iii«' cvei'la in SB afStS»p. inte rsSBtttSI oi» lim lUhhulli a tomb if11 IBt raft-mt ula.


Hie .Merrimac did not Appear on .Sunday.-.»a»-


rearssM Mmreot, April II, IBtt, »

..«Va. at __

Tta ¦s-wiaoaa. Maud»,, Apiti U. J. ««mBiss ntasissd la the tamt pwikoa nil

day ynterday, .-¿j eeesing, when, Utfeiker wkbthe rest of tb« Babel lasa, «h. ratoraii^orfolk.Shs WM ^n*rally .uppo-ed te h.v« bees aground.Nona of the Rabel g,,t )__T.^^ ~-^f *_day;Several captain! «f «ewell in port laetify, to rsto»

tion to ths three viaeel» capta.«»* by to« Bibel«te*m«r Jameatown, (bat they wen eHend to Move

>«r ou'iide Fortren Monroe or inside of HampteaAa the jxaiuon of the ve»nla in qoeitios «aas

de the bar, the btoise, if any, on account of theircaptare, «bonld reto apa» the Harbor Master, rattieriban upon tb« captain« ti »ths csptored vsnela.Ths United Stain schooner Haz* eslla for Hat»

terae this afterwxm with |be mail« and p***engen.Mr. Qoigg, . eorreirvoniaWia t of Tit jV. Y. World,

waa arreitid here this moruinö*, on n ebarg* ot hav¬

ing 1 repared niatter for public»', on of a toiursbsodcharacter.

Carraayeidtn«« ef Tba ti. Y. T-il ,.t-»e.

rOBTBBM V 'Mil, BniidaJ- o, i' an.

Whether it wai prudenoe or a aand-lf.. whiehreatruined ths MeiTimae from making an aua»:k yes¬terday, ia not known. While ehe was stàj*r«iuii4led.'.ciiL her vs]»oiing latelliL:», hve in snober, I too*

v i ned with an ancient African, who, nated spaathe ...'..m of s 'londetiiued yawl upon (he aanda,waa vuteinplating ibe monster et her tar-oft' poai-..',u v-nh eve» of t»ile«cop:c power. " Uncle," saidI, ¦' v- hy doe« not th« Merriiiiiv come donn I«*?"" 'tau «» «he «ant, Mut sa -I».- ! be* I waa th« _o__-

faabag if eiiigmaiiitel reply. " I know dsse «esters,'aud I r«ll by to color where ihe »i ibsl site'sajaiToiind. D»n, jos lee, brets your heart, if yan»eyes be good, dat de toga are pallin' at bet to getht r ntf. Wheu de tide be high, may be ano ooma

dewai hu', M.tssa, ihs neb» r go back! Bel h*HI «a'. itouitor sinash har jaw, »bur« !"

I »io d«'-id«dly of ihm Au an brotbsr'» «ipiití-an.Tue Monitor will whip the Merrima« in hall taSstime that llt-enau whipped J- lyia, Perhape »t «.onldtie more ,u-4 t» meaeure by (he time <n wbieB1 "«-.-iii di»,-»ed of (jol)aJi, uni say that ah« », ii nather in tb«- throwing from a iling of fifty eell-i-el-at-At*.brook pebble».

I viei'ed tbe Monitor this morning, and can n«duer tbor-rtiyhly, under the . -.ort. mhb show hi/ of betaennaalas» Mhaaa Th* *.e«»ei.i»>e« n«»t 'i..*t »batia a mat» h f«r her. She is lin cully the >k ereign ofthe I*»- a». 1 .x« erie ne« hiia d» n»i,c*trateti the a»>-

v¡-.ii'.:ge of giving lo «onie of her parla a», l«»*oi«__Jform; but, Mike ber all in ni), she ii, withou» »»peri-men», an.» complete st birth, Ibe Bsjffeto ina of a

WBB ah ¡. Ti.'- reiulviui5 r»nt'.«*ry was tue coneeptioaefnganiaBa Blinna has eel ¡edlorever ti vtiaar-

BBterkBat A 'he develigaed Am«rican war viawl.

Cup'. J«!'.»» in the .¦o.,.-» of the ii»-.- uoo

"! .tie imp made a remark wtiicli I ¡eel ita duty to make public. He auid: Su It Iknew tai much of tbe »_»_t_BBBB from ne»ansBBj doi ¡| tiona 'uid pictorial repreaeiiUtiorri« and diagi-aat»«,M 'he H<) ela know of the Monitor, I w »uld go aptoNortoîk and nuk her before snn.lown. " lh.awnthe only compluint, if complaint it »an be -tiled,which t-iie brave sailor lumle of the unpiiu.-ipledand »*!i,'id feveriibnes« of the managers of ¡»noy ofnar daily and weeklj papera to pahiiah w..r newa,

withont the alighteat care or thought of ibe «»I andcomfort it ¡.-ay give tbe enemy.

Ineurita-ve broken, undervtu'tre, ship o «tiers,

mircbania, and motley leaden of New-York, leJkebean. Have no fear uf 9m» lit'I« mailed ws.rr.er atyoure in lbs Hampton Boade. She will whip bar\ ig adversary, und all ber back«!-» with »Vier. Teamay underwrite on her, nmk«chitr*.«r-r»»rtie* «in bair,laud money on her, and bet on her. Northern g«alse,ascendant in peace, will yet «bow iii Bncndasaty*h>war.

("apt. le ti.-ra i linking remark opt« ih» pittilieityof anny end navy intelligence ot a ciiaraeter to aidthe enemy received a more itrikisg «omineuiary to-

day fron, -the action of Col. Sontord, the MilitaryIMnntn of TekgrapbB. Tb« War <*-»e-i*t*uiry keeitolegstetl to this energetic oil. «r tb« in,<er» non ottbe preM ..-reap, iideti .« at this poit, and iron» th«l-naJaanla .:.*... u tb« York «nd 'lie Jan e« KivenIle tias to-day put u ¡der parole of honor all ths «or-

(a»i.t.iid»i.ta «o tightly and carefully thit only a trai¬tor ol' a v.-riler and a fool of a publisher ran be »aftererr agafatol ihe i»7th ankle of « ar.

We leam from (»eu. Wool ibsl there wae an aecl-

di":.t ..f ... in »t thrill:!)", nature at (»en. Mt ..'lanebeti«.in .riere yesterday, («eiieral Fit« J«il i. I'ort«»BBBBBaawd ti the balloon, foi th« purpoa» ,(f tickingi r,. nu .¡..lance. When hi^'h up, «h« roi «b.ok«,aiitl otf floated the bali, jil dir«elly ovci the enemy .

intieneh ments. The «.tbcer wa« «.«ooiideir.) >o beinevitably loet. Tbe hear'i iii «it were WIBBg «*iU>the 1..:!:., m ui.d itraugeoeM of bia ¡ate, were aud-d -lily cheered tit well as aina-ed with the »|-elalieuf the return of the balh-on o,ei- our «ian «111.1«. It1 ad aasceui.-d to s toiint-i- I'Ti.ii' of a 1, 1.ml nar

waftod, »**.ih ita« precious freight, b* k lo »afety.( »ne* «ia'»iti over hie own ""Om-s, tiie auld.er 1-011*01

pulled tiie valvs sn-J »1:»» !:tai>¦-«1 the ga« limn Iii«

lallt..iu, Liad carne down »o eirth "by the rus,'

eu'1 rd«- unJiarmed. What ba saw ia fo. iii.litarytus, uud not for publication.


FKOM WOODS IOC K, VA.W.v.iD.T,,! x. Munday. April 14. tlveï.

A patty of Ashby a cavalry, nail to number two

compati «a, a'.'a» ke.l a lx>ly f tufan ry at ihe rail*ro-vl I'iidi'C, yesterday, eat-t of Straahnr.-. g »«(uei.ou ot ths Vermont cavalry weie tallai BBt, but no

en» my vi a« «een, and returned.Due hundí« d Heb«'l «uvalry have Leen BBM «.«rosii

ihe R.i'ti'iuiu, ueai* thi» pin«».IVl'diTANV OEDO < rOVOIII IM IIIK

SHU PINO OK COAIa.fenAsn » »m, MouJa*». Ai-r.l m nar.

AAapateh ^as isseiied taia annfaigfaeai the>.-. ut i-y "f the Tiettatuy, directing the Coll» «Tor of

the Pott not to clear any Banal Wfab anflra« i.e i«v_l1'ot ftnige otte, or ! ma l-orts I «th of I). u«v,ir«

i'..-, aatUt-tkarnrkasranind. Thiidi»!*'.!, t,eingi,-.i» Dauned on tha iii»: lasert, nsatod aaiM m m»

ato »tbe Inab H"-i"i ü »,einr< tappnaad to,

,.'.piv in! «wan i«. -"» I aa Ettogten that ¡!¦» -Mer-ril u-h ni «-ot «.Mt. Knm. ¦. I BtoÉI ¡»that BBS* iBBflB»i-i,,..; t!,i-»H.(-r bl nppaesd t». t,e api«sai.-i«'ui*-yiiir.itüir* "¡i ti' part "' na t**-n*nannl to prevent_leb»fa n ringanpplka tdeaaltla I lavan«.

ti,f., S «"taken ports in barrel» ¿v.a»

I.Ml'i »KIA NT i"«)Ki:t..\ NKW.«,.t -i " e .» I I» ''...,. .( lil« lu., '. ,

»Vi »«.to«, Ajnii inat?It i« ri.io-n-d tliut Lnnortnnt loreign latoU gean

|..tii.r-..v im..i. iii. »i m a»..., Wim ratonan to»m- »¡, »i nana, bm bw o r».« ived hy tiiu s et« 1)*arte eut.li ia I», lit-vetl that the I I aiet \.t|x.leon is abont

to u « "iwi.lei hu i-i-. t)_{itiii«.ii ni tho Hebel« a» bSBBg*ansia, and ia viaw >.i las Awl that tb« Hiii.e«iS '. .. u.o.t- n. it» ty State e>it|t «me, io giveht. h tu»i to Oat (¡oven m't-nt ne lie latui io 1'ippreBt.'.». rai ih,»n,

».!._: o a will al w:. i ¡.'iii." Il »bia fiA-'i't i«
