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Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

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Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012
Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier Year 2 • Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Tel. 028 214 1294 Exclusive to Club Card Members Competition rules available on www.thecaledon.co.za or at the Casino Club Desk. Terms and Conditions Apply JOIN CLUB FESTIVAL NOW R6000 WEEKLY DRAWS In Casino XtraCredit to be won Fridays @ 8PM 01 OCT - 01 DEC 2012 028 214 5100 | www.thecaledon.co.za LICENSED BY THE WESTERN CAPE GAMBLING AND RACING BOARD.NO PERSON UNDER 18YEARS ALLOWED IN THE CASINO. WINNERS KNOW WHENTO STOP. NATIONAL RESPONSIBLE GAMBLING PROGRAMME PHONE 0800 006 008TOLL-FREE. It was a bittersweet evening when the Caledon Rotary Club handed out cheques, to the value of R630 000, for the last time at the Earl at The Caledon Casino, Hotel & Spa last Thursday. The R630 000 represented the proceeds of the sale of their building in Caledon. After serving the Caledon community for 52 years, the club closed its doors due to a lack of interest shown in membership. In addition to the cheque donations, the Rotarians handed over the Rotary Safe House – valued at R1 million, and also in Caledon – to the Dutch Reformed Church, and the Tafelronde ACVV Crèche building, valued at R100 000, to the Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereniging (ACVV) Dagsorg, resulting in a total donation of R1,73 million. Seen at the farewell function are (from left) Rotary Club members Noel Morkel, Heini Esbach, Roy Anderson, Peter Henderson, Deon van Zyl (past district governor), Nico Louw, David Good (assistant governor) and Hennie Johannes (chairperson). PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON Farewell to Caledon Rotary Rain may harm harvest ANNETTE THERON The harvest of oats, barley, wheat and can- ola has been delayed due to the rain. The damage that the heavy rainfall of this past weekend might have caused is uncertain at this stage. Theewaterskloof Mayor Chris Punt says he is concerned about the impact the rain will have on the harvest. “My thoughts are with the farm- ers and the degree of uncertainty that now ex- ists on the outcome of the harvest.” Caledon farmer Willie Theunissen, who farms oats, wheat, barley and canola, said on Monday morning that the harvest had been de- layed for about two weeks. “Nobody really knows what the damage is go- ing to be, as that can only be determined on the day you start to harvest.” He is worried that the rain will have had a negative impact on the grade of the barley. Farmers also face a logistical nightmare. There is usually a separation of three weeks be- tween the harvest in Swellendam and the har- vest in Caledon – an important gap, as farmers use one another’s machinery and help each oth- er with the harvest. “But the rain has caused a delay, and everybody will now harvest at the same time, resulting in a lack of available ma- chinery,” Theunissen says. Making matters worse, bakkies are getting stuck on the farm roads, and it will be impossi- ble for trucks to get close to the land within the next two weeks, he adds. According to SA Grain chairperson Richard Krige, who grows wheat, barley and oats locally, some farmers had already cut their grain into wind-rows to counteract wind damage. “There will definitely be some damage, more towards the eastern side, because the grain was ripe and they had already been cut into wind-rows,” Krige says. He adds that canola is not as badly affected by the rain, as it does not germinate as readily as barley and wheat does. “Therefore, it will not have been damaged by the rain and late har- vest. Farmers whose crops are still green will not really have a crisis, as the harvesters will still be able to run.” Francois Joubert, managing director of Over- berg Agri Bedrywe, says the impact of the wide- spread rain in the area over the last few days is a concern for all the farmers. “The result of the rain in the area will only be calculated in the next two weeks, when it is possible to begin harvesting.” Johan Montgomery, Agri Western Cape’s re- gional representative, says October has seen 150 mm of rain in the Hemel-en-Aarde valley. While rain in October is nothing unusual, he says the last rainfall of this magnitude was seen in 2004, when 179 mm was recorded. Seun (8) sterf onder skoolbus ANNETTE THERON “Mammie, ek wil graag eendag ’n bloupakkie- man (polisieman) wees.” So het Stanton-Lee Theodore vir sy ma, Cheryleen Theodore, gesê terwyl hulle na 50/50 – een van sy gunsteling TV-programme – gekyk het. Maar ’n fratson- geluk in Bereaville het Donderdag 18 Oktober die agtjarige Stanton-Lee se lewe kortgeknip toe hy onder die skoolbus se wiele beland het. Hy was ’n lewenslustige seun, onthou Cheryleen. “Hy het graag in die rivier gespeel en ons het saans saam televisie gekyk.” Emelia Ungwyn, hulle buurvrou, sê hy was soos haar eie kind. “Stanton-Lee was my seun Werner se boesemvriend.” Wat haar altyd van Stanton-Lee sal bybly, is die respek wat hy teenoor volwassenes betoon het. Stanton-Lee is Donderdag op slag dood toe hy onder die skoolbus se wiele beland het. Volgens lt. Cryil Coetzee van die Caledon-po- lisie het Stanton-Lee glo om 14:05 ná skool, aan die kant van die bus gehang. Toe die bus weg- trek het hy afgeval en onder die wiele beland. Die skoolsielkundige bied tans berading aan leerlinge wat die ongeluk aanskou het. Stanton-Lee was in graad 2 by Bereaville Pri- mêr. Die skoolhoof Ferlin Beukes sê Stanton- Lee was baie behulpsaam en was altyd bereid om te help. “Almal het hom geken en al die kinders was baie lief vir hom.” Stanton-Lee is Sondag om 12:00 in Voorste- kraal vanuit die Morawiese-kerk begrawe. Stanton-Lee se ouers, Cheryleen Theodore en Stanley Scholtz, is ondersteun deur die perso- neel en leerlinge van Bereaville Primêr, asook vriende en familie. ’n Saak van strafbare man- slag word ondersoek.
Page 1: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 2 • Tuesday 23 October 2012 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Exclusive to ClubCard Members

Competition rules available on www.thecaledon.co.zaor at the Casino Club Desk. Terms and Conditions Apply



In Casino XtraCreditto be won

WEEKLY DRAWSFridays @ 8PM01 OCT - 01 DEC 2012

028 214 5100 | www.thecaledon.co.za


It was a bittersweet evening when the Caledon Rotary Club handed out cheques, to the value of R630 000, for the last time at the Earl at The CaledonCasino, Hotel & Spa last Thursday. The R630 000 represented the proceeds of the sale of their building in Caledon. After serving the Caledon communityfor 52 years, the club closed its doors due to a lack of interest shown in membership. In addition to the cheque donations, the Rotarians handed overthe Rotary Safe House – valued at R1 million, and also in Caledon – to the Dutch Reformed Church, and the Tafelronde ACVV Crèche building, valuedat R100 000, to the Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereniging (ACVV) Dagsorg, resulting in a total donation of R1,73 million. Seen at the farewell functionare (from left) Rotary Club members Noel Morkel, Heini Esbach, Roy Anderson, Peter Henderson, Deon van Zyl (past district governor), Nico Louw, DavidGood (assistant governor) and Hennie Johannes (chairperson). PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON

Farewell to Caledon Rotary

Rain may harm harvestANNETTE THERON

The harvest of oats, barley, wheat and can-ola has been delayed due to the rain.

The damage that the heavy rainfall of thispast weekend might have caused is uncertainat this stage.Theewaterskloof Mayor Chris Punt says he

isconcernedabouttheimpact therainwillhaveon theharvest. “My thoughts arewith the farm-ers and the degree of uncertainty that now ex-ists on the outcome of the harvest.”Caledon farmer Willie Theunissen, who

farms oats, wheat, barley and canola, said onMondaymorning that the harvest had been de-layed for about two weeks.“Nobodyreallyknowswhat thedamage is go-

ing to be, as that can only be determined on theday you start to harvest.”

He is worried that the rain will have had a

negative impact on the grade of the barley.Farmers also face a logistical nightmare.

There is usually a separation of threeweeks be-tween the harvest in Swellendam and the har-vest in Caledon – an important gap, as farmersuse oneanother’smachineryandhelp eachoth-er with the harvest. “But the rain has causeda delay, and everybody will now harvest at thesame time, resulting in a lack of available ma-chinery,” Theunissen says.Making matters worse, bakkies are getting

stuck on the farm roads, and it will be impossi-ble for trucks to get close to the land within thenext two weeks, he adds.According to SA Grain chairperson Richard

Krige, who grows wheat, barley and oatslocally, some farmers had already cut theirgrain into wind-rows to counteract winddamage.“Therewilldefinitelybesomedamage,more towards the eastern side, because thegrain was ripe and they had already been cut

into wind-rows,” Krige says.He adds that canola is not as badly affected

by the rain, as it does not germinate as readilyas barley and wheat does. “Therefore, it willnothavebeendamagedby the rainand latehar-vest. Farmers whose crops are still green willnot really have a crisis, as the harvesters willstill be able to run.”FrancoisJoubert,managingdirectorofOver-

bergAgriBedrywe, says the impact of thewide-spread rain in the area over the last few daysis a concern for all the farmers. “The result ofthe rain in the area will only be calculated inthe next twoweeks, when it is possible to beginharvesting.”JohanMontgomery, Agri Western Cape’s re-

gional representative, says October has seen150 mm of rain in the Hemel-en-Aarde valley.While rain in October is nothing unusual, hesays the last rainfall of thismagnitudewasseenin 2004, when 179 mm was recorded.

Seun (8) sterfonder skoolbusANNETTE THERON

“Mammie, ekwil graag eendag ’n bloupakkie-man (polisieman) wees.” So het Stanton-LeeTheodorevirsyma,CheryleenTheodore,gesêterwyl hulle na 50/50 – een van sy gunstelingTV-programme – gekyk het. Maar ’n fratson-geluk in Bereaville het Donderdag 18Oktoberdie agtjarige Stanton-Lee se lewe kortgekniptoe hy onder die skoolbus se wiele beland het.Hy was ’n lewenslustige seun, onthou

Cheryleen. “Hyhet graag in die rivier gespeelen ons het saans saam televisie gekyk.”Emelia Ungwyn, hulle buurvrou, sê hywas

soos haar eie kind. “Stanton-Leewasmy seunWernerseboesemvriend.”WathaaraltydvanStanton-Lee sal bybly, is die respek wat hyteenoor volwassenes betoon het.Stanton-Lee is Donderdag op slag dood toe

hy onder die skoolbus se wiele beland het.Volgenslt.CryilCoetzeevandieCaledon-po-

lisiehetStanton-Leegloom14:05náskool, aandie kant van die bus gehang. Toe die bus weg-trek het hy afgeval en onder die wiele beland.Dieskoolsielkundigebiedtansberadingaan

leerlinge wat die ongeluk aanskou het.Stanton-Leewasingraad2byBereavillePri-

mêr. Die skoolhoof Ferlin Beukes sê Stanton-Lee was baie behulpsaam enwas altyd bereidom te help. “Almal het hom geken en al diekinders was baie lief vir hom.”Stanton-Lee is Sondag om 12:00 in Voorste-

kraal vanuit die Morawiese-kerk begrawe.Stanton-Lee se ouers, Cheryleen Theodore enStanley Scholtz, is ondersteun deur die perso-neel en leerlingevanBereavillePrimêr,asookvriendeen familie. ’nSaakvanstrafbareman-slag word ondersoek.

Page 2: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 23 October 20122

25 Oktober) Alkoholiste Anoniem vergadering om 19:00.NG-kerksaal Napier. Navrae Willie 082 332 8454.

Vrydag 26 Oktober) DieCaltexKalkoenGholfdagvindoor9putjiesplaas vanaf 13:00. Skryf in by die gholfklub opdiekennisgewingbord.Diegeleentheidworddie-selfdeaandgevolgmetdie laaste “steakaand”vir2012 enkaartjies isbeskikbaarvanafR65perper-soon.

Saturday 27 October) CaledonGolfClubhosts the 87thplayingof theNewmark Shield between clubs from theBolandand WP Unions. It is a 36 hole-strokeplay eventintended for the single-digit handicappers. De-fending champions Parow have confirmed theirparticipation with clubs like Mowbray, Milner-ton, Langebaan, Kleinmond, Bredasdorp and ofcourse Caledon already entered.We expect a fullfield of 12 clubs to participate. The course willunfortunately be closed formembers until 16:30.) AgsteVan der StelpasUitdaging vind plaas opBotrivier. Inskrywingsvorms en meer inligtingbeskikbaar op www.bef.org.za.

27 – 28 October) Greyton Roosfees

30 November – 2 Desember) TESSFEES op Tesselaarsdal

) Die Caledon-biblioteek rig ’n vriendelikeversoek aan ouers wie nuwe aansoek vormsvoltooi het vir hul kinders vir die gerekenari-seerde stelsel om hul lidmaatskapkaart sospoedig moontlik te gaan afhaal en daarvoorte teken.Kaartekannieaandiekinders gegeeword sonder hul ouers se handtekening nie.Diebiblioteekwilgraaghêdiekindersmoet

lees, en vra vir die ouers se samewerking.) Romanz kom weer op 7 Februarie 2013 inCaledon kuier. Die konsert beloof om ’n tref-fer tewees, en sal by dieNGMoedergemeentein Caledon gehou word. Kaartjies sal vanaf25 Oktober reeds beskikbaar wees teen R100per sitplek. Daar is 60 kinder-sitplekke be-skikbaar teen R50. Bel gerus vir StephanieVisser (082 921 4971) of Esni by die kerkkan-

toor op 028 212 1202 vir enige navrae.) The Swellendam Bursary Fund plans to in-troduce the heroes of the 1975 Swellendam busdisaster to the community at its BursaryBreakfast, taking place at 10:00 on Saturday 27October at the Swellengrebel Hotel. Tickets, atR70, are obtainable from the old Gaol Restau-rant andmembers of the Swellendam BursaryFund. Contact Basil May, chairperson of thefund, at 021 951 4915 or 084 583 3811 for moreinformation.) Villiersdorp Cellar’s next Slowmarket willbe held on Saturday 3November from 09:00 till13:00 on the grassy area in front of KelkiewynRestaurant, Villiersdorp (weather permit-ting), otherwise in the Tractor Museum.Fresh produce, baked bread, pancakes, flow-

ers, olives, cheese, coffee, jamsandmanyotherproducts will be on offer. Handmade clothesandmanyother art and craft productswill alsobeonsale.Enjoyafun-filledmorningwithwon-derful food, wine and company. Contact Carenon 028 840 1120 or at [email protected] ifyou would like a stall – and don’t forget theChristmas Slowmarket, happening on Satur-day 1 December from 09:00 to 13:00.) Op 31 Oktober word ’n enkel Stableford

gholfkompetisie gespeel ter viering van dieklubhuis se 20-jarige bestaan. Die kompetisievervang die normale Woensdag hoender.Slegs die eerste nege putjies se telling word

in ag geneem vir die pryse. Die prysuitdelinggeskied om 18:45, en ’n heerlike braaivleis isdaarna ingesluit by die R100 inskrywingsfooi.Spelers kan vanaf die oggend reeds speel soosdit hulle pas.Die klubhuis is destyds onder kaptein Heinie

Esbach se leiding gebou. Die destydse burge-meester, Dr. T Oberholzer, het die klubhuis ge-open met Ian Toerien, wat die president was.KontakvirHenryMetcalfofMauritsvanRooyenby Caledon Gholfklub by 028 212 1931.) Greyton Rose Fair invites you to bid for anoriginalpaintingbyDerricvanRensburg.Thisyear, for the first time, Greyton Rose Fair isconducting a blind auction to raise funds tobuild a children’s play park in Greyton.Renowned landscape artist Derric vanRens-

burg has donated a superb painting (valued atR12 000) for the cause; it will be auctionedthrough the website of Chrizenda Gunter At-torneys. Please visit www.gunterlaw.co.za/art.php to view the painting, review the bid-ding process and place your bid.) Greyton Primêr hou op 23 November om20:00 ’n langarm dans om hul 30ste bestaans-jaar by die skoolsaal te vier.Die Five Stars Dance Band, die wenners van

die 2003 DStv–Kyknet kompetisie, sal optree.Vir navrae, skakel Greyton Primêr by028 254 9943.

) Caledon Dieresorg se Snuffelwinkel inDonkinstraat, langs Kontrei Printing, is drin-gend opsoek na kombuisware, beddegoed, gor-dyne en klere. Enige iets wat kan uitgegooiword maar steeds bruikbaar is, is welkom.Die items kan by die perseel afgelewerword.

Dieresorg is dankbaar vir die skenkings watreeds ontvang is.

) ) Kontak die Theewaterskloof Gazette senuusredakteur, Annette Theron, by0 028 214 1294 met nuusgebeure, of e-pos haarby 2 [email protected].

OF FLAGONS, FOOD AND FLAGSTONES: At the recent wine and dine at The Caledon Casino, Hotel & Spa,Flagstone winemaker Gerhard Swart (third from left) told guests that it takes him two days to journey to allthe estate’s carefully selected vineyards. These vineyards are positioned specifically for capturing the essenceof their wines, with emphasis on important factors such as soil types and differing climates. “Every bottleof Flagstone wine is a journey with many twists and turns,” Swart said. “It can never be hurried, and thereare no shortcuts.” From the left are Casper Pieter (sous chef of The Caledon Casino, Hotel, & Spa), LindaBurger (sales representative from Vinimark), Gerhard Swart (winemaker of Flagstone) and Pam Deutschen (roomsdivision manager of The Caledon). PHOTO: HELGA SCHÖFMANN

TROUKLOKKE LUI: Jessica en Pieter Van Wyk op hulle huweliksdag 29 September.Hulle het by die St. Augustine-kerk in Villiersdorp in die huwelik getree. Pieteren Jessica het hul wittebroodsdae by twee wonderlike plekke, Kat Ma Koep endie River Lodge in Vredendal, deurgebring. FOTO: VERSKAF

HY VORS GEMEENSKAPSTRUST SE GESKIEDENIS NA:Die Overberg Gemeenskapstrust het vroeër vanjaar op-drag gegee aan Tizzie Mangiagalli om die geskiedenisvan die trust na te speur en aan die trust beskikbaarte stel.Mangiagalli is bekend vir sy navorsing oor verskeiehistoriese geboue op die dorp. Hy is ’n voormaligemuse-umbestuurder van Caledon en is tans verbonde aan dieKleinplasie-museum by Worcester. Volgens Mangiagalliis die boek byna voltooi en gereed om aan die trustoorhandig te word. Die Overberg Gemeenskapstrust isveertien jaar gelede op 9 Junie 1998 gestig, met wylevader Richard Arendsen as die voorsitter. Die trust isgestig met die doel om agtergeblewe gemeenskappevan die Overberg te bemagtig.


PRENTJIEMOOI: Gerhard Dreyer en Lin-Mari le Roux is op 8 Septemberop Stanford getroud waarna die onthaal by Raka gehou is. Lin-Mari isAndre le Roux van Grabouw se jongste dogter en Gerhard is die oudsteseun van Piet en Elna Dreyer van Stanford. FOTO: . PIETER WOLMARANS

Mina Smit gesoekBadisa Maatskaplike Dienste in Vil-liersdorpisopsoeknaMinaSmit (39).Sy het voorheen op die plaas Vye-boomrivier in Villiersdorp gewoon.Sy is glo van Athlone in Kaapstad af-komstig.Enige iemand wat weet waar sy

haar bevind moet vir Susan Groene-wald, die maatskaplike werker, by028 840 1700 kontak. Hulle kantore isin Malherbestraat geleë.

Document driveHome Affairs personnel will pay a visit toBredasdorp Library this Thursday (25 Octo-ber) from 10:00 to 14:00 to offer residents theopportunity to obtain their birth certificatesand identity documents.On Friday, they will be at the Grabouw of-

fice from 09:00 to 14:00.For further information, contact the De-

partment of Home Affairs on 0800 601 190.

Page 3: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 23 October 2012 3

Manuel at GroenbergThe Media24 Rachel’s Angels Trusthosted their second annual lecture atGroenberg Secondary School inGrabouw on 11 October.

Rachel’s Angels Trust which was found-ed in 2007 is a joint project between Media24 and Stellenbosch University that aimsto contribute towards the building of excel-lence in high school education in theWest-ernCape. It currently includesmentorshipprogrammes between grade 11 pupils from20 disadvanted schools and second- andthird-year students fromStellenboschUni-versity.Minister in the Presidency and chairper-

son of the National Planning Commission(NPC), Trevor Manuel was the keynotespeaker. He outlined theNPC’s Vision 2030

“Improving the quality of education inSouth Africa.” He received a standing ova-tion from educators, pupils, business andpolitical leaders, aswell asother stakehold-ers who attended the lecture.The role of teachers cameunder the spot-

light with continued evaluation of compe-tency. “Weneed to ensure that teachers feelaccountable to principals. Principals needto be appointed on competency and skills– it is a job that requires a skills set toman-age 1200 pupils.”The role of oversight and responsibility

of Vision 2030 education policy was a ques-tionmost asked. Minister Manuel reiterat-ed that every citizen in South Africa hasa responsibility in ensuring thepositive fu-ture of education over the next 18 years.“You cannot pass sole responsibility on to

government; everyone has toget involved, including thelearners here tonight, whowillbethecountry’s leadersin18 years’ time. It is a role thatgovernment, educators, civilsocietyandbusinesseshavetobe involved in.”Commenting on the

Rachel’s Angels Trust, Minis-terManuel said there needs tobe more “angels” coming for-ward to implement pro-grammes to impove the quali-ty of education and mentorlearners, some of whom arethe first generation to com-plete matric and go on to fur-ther education.

Minister Trevor Manuel and Professor Rachel Jaftaat the second annual lecture at Groenberg Sec-ondary School in Grabouw.

Trustee member Heindrich Wyngaard and chair-person of the Media24 Rachel’s Angels Trust, Pro-fessor Rachel Jafta. PHOTOS: ANNETTE THERON

The Groenberg Secondary Marimba band entertained the packedauditorium before keynote speaker Minister Trevor Manuel tookto the stage.

Noue ontkoming in VrystaatANNETTE THERON

Die bekende en geliefde egpaar James enAnnaBadenhorst van Caledon was op 10 Oktober oppadnadieRapportryersLandsberaad toehullein ’n trompop-botsing betrokke was net buiteHarrismith.James en Anna was albei vir vyf dae in die

Mediclinic Betlehem en Anna se lyf is potblouas gevolg van die impak van die ongeluk. Syhet ook haar pols gebreek. James se ribbes isgebreek en sy knieligamente is geskeur asook

ligamente in sy arm. Albei sê hulle is gelukkigom dié ongeluk te oorleef het.“Die Harrismith-pad was toe onder die hael

enalmalhet stadiggery.Toekomdaar ’nCadil-lac van voor. Die kar het op die hael gegly enreg voor ons in gery,” vertel James.James vertel hoe sy voet vasgesit het aan die

rempedaal, maar hy het dit losgeruk en deurdie passasier se venster na buite geklim.Die noodpersoneel was gou op die toneel en

die egpaar is beïndruk met die nooddiensteasook die personeel van die Mediclinic.HeinPunt, die seunvanChrisPunt,Theewa-

terskloof-munisipaliteit se burgemeester, hetook by die hospitaal ingeloer.“Ek is ’n voormalige raadslid in my kapasi-

teit as speaker,” vertel James. Die egpaar hetPunt se besoek geweldig waardeer en is op diehande gedra deur die mense van Bethlehem.

James en Anna Badenhorst sterk tans tuis aan nahulle in ’n ongeluk betrokke was. Hulle Mercedes (in-las) is afgeskryf FOTO: ANNETTE THERON

SAMEWER-KING LEI TOTINHEGTENIS-NEMING: Indrie verskillen-de ondersoekehet die Cale-don-polisie be-slag gelê optwee 9mm-pis-tole en een Zip-pistool. Hier iskonst. NevilleFredericks metdie een 9 mm-pistole. Die ander twee vuurwapens is wegge-stuur vir ballistiese toetse. Lt. Cryil Coetzee,mediawoordvoerder van die Caledon-polisie,wil graag die publiek bedank vir hulle same-werking wat gelei het tot die inhegtenisne-ming en beslaglegging van dié wapens.


Page 4: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof Gazette Leader - Hoofartikel Tuesday 23 October 20124

Sterkte matrieksDie matriekafskeid is verby, die laaste dag vanskool het aangebreek en nou het die eksamenamptelik Maandag begin.

Die laaste tree na 12 jaar se swoeg en sweetin die skoolbanke.

Vir party is dit ’n wonderlike tyd, want hulleis slag gereed vir die eksamen en om hul skool-dae vir altyd vaarwel te roep, terwyl ander dalkskrikkerig is vir dié laaste hekkie wat hul moetoorkomendiegroot,wyewêreldwatdaarbuitevir hulle wag.

Moenie bang wees nie. Die grootmens-wê-reld is nie so erg soos wat julle dink nie. Aldie grootmense kan seker hier saampraat.

Die volgende paar jaar is dalk die mees op-windende tydperk van jou lewe.

Of jy nou gaan werk, verder studeer of ’n afjaar oorsee geniet, dit bly steeds ’n fantastiesenuwe ontdekking waar jy jouself en jou toe-koms gaan vorm.

Ons by dieGazettewens al ons matrieks baiesterkte toe vir die eksamen.

Ons glo in julle en is baie trots op julle.

Genootskap reageer op rubriek ‘in swak smaak’Genootskap reageer op rubriek ‘in swak smaak’Na aanleiding van die rubriek van Lei de Grif-fier Moeder van veldblomfeeste in die Gazette(11/09/2012) lewer die Veldblommegenootskapdie volgende kommentaar na herhaalde po-gings om deur die ombudsman die saak uitge-klaar te kry maar sonder sukses.

Die genootskap beskou die rubriek in baieswak smaak en as swak joernalistiek en is baieteleurgestel dat die Gazette wel so ’n onware,onsmaaklike rubriek van ’n genootskap watreeds 120 jaar goeie diens aan Caledon lewer,kon plaas. Ons wys u op die volgende onwarepunte in die rubriek:

1)Dat die genootskap gedreig het dit sal dielaaste sien van die skou sal wees sou die Victo-riasaal gesloop word. – Hierdie stelling is ’nalgehele verdraaiing van woorde, ons het gesêdatsuksesonwaarskynliksalweesbydienuweligging van die saal.

2)Die plaaslike owerheid het agteroor gebuigom die beswaardes van hul griewe te bevry.–Weereens ’n verdigsel, ons is totaal deur dieplaaslike owerheid geïgnoreer.

3)Die plegtige onderneming van die munisi-paliteit en die ontwikkelaars dat die saal elders

herbou sou word kon ons nie troos nie. – Reedsin1995wasdiebesluitdeurdaardiemunisipali-teit geneem dat die saal vervang moet word bydie veldblommetuin, dit was deel van die ont-wikkelaar se vereistes.

4)Waarom die genootskap die inkopiesen-trum loop en beskinder is ewe vreemd. – Diegenootskap was nog altyd ’n voorstander vansinvolle ontwikkeling en steun, derhalwe dieontwikkeling.

5)Skindertonge wou hê dat die nuwe liggingte ver van die plaaslike kwekery is. – Watternuwe ligging, watter kwekery?

6)Die voorvatters van die genootskap hetaangedui dat hulle nie ’n vinger sal trek omdie skou aan te bied nie totdat die Victoriasaalelders herbou word. – Die bestuur van die ge-nootskap, in oorleg met hul lede, het besluitom liewers geen skou in 2012 aan te bied nieaangesien ’n geskikte perseel nie beskikbaarwas nie en die logistieke probleme om ons ma-teriaal na en van ’n geskikte perseel te vervoersou daar een wees. Onthou asseblief, ’n skouin ’n tent is nie haalbaar nie, die weer en kostesorg daarvoor!

7)Die arrogante aanname dat sekere instan-sies “besit” van die plaaslike veldblomme endie bekendstelling daarvan aan die mensdomkanneem.–Waarwashierdienuwekampioenevoorheen? Waarom het hulle nie by ons komaansluit en hul hulp aangebied nie? Dit bly ver-agtelik om ander in die pers te beskinder ter-wyl dit oor die eie ek gaan.

8)Niemand moet hom of haar in die “vyan-digheid” verbly nie. – Uiteindelik ’n waarheiduit sy pen! Die manier waarop die blomgenoot-skap die afgelope tyd behandel was, is absoluutkommerwekkend en dit hou niks goeds vir diedorp in nie.NAMENS DIE CALEDON VELDBLOMMEGENOOTSKAP:




Die Ombudsman het voorgestel dat ’n responsop die rubriek gepubliseer word, en daarom pu-bliseer die Gazette bogemelde respons van diekomitee. Red.

Skaak-broers by SA’sSkaak-broers by SA’sDis nie elke dag dat twee broers in dieselfdejaar gekies word om aan die SA kampioenskap-pe deel te neem nie. Mitch Magerman het vroe-er vanjaar aan die SA toutrek-kampioenskapdeelgeneem en baie goed gevaar. Kort op syhakke volg sy jongste broer Nathan, wat on-langs vir die SA junior-kampioenskap gekiesis. Die toernooi vind tussen 15 en 21 Desemberby die Universiteit Kaapstad plaas. Nathan hetdrie jaar gelede begin belangstel in skaak enhy het ’n passie vir skaak. Hy is toegewyd enoefen elke dag. Ten spyte van die baie ure wathy per dag aan skaak spandeer, het hy bo ge-middeld gevaar in die vorige kwartaal.

Hy het ’n groot liefde vir diere, lees en navor-sing. Nathan droom groot om dit vêr te bringmet sy skaak. Skaak is ’n baie duur sport enword nie deur die skole geborg. Enigeen watfinansieel wil bydra is welkom om ’n donasiete maak (bel skrywer onder). Die totale kostevir die toernooi beloop ongeveer R5 000.

ERNA MAGERMAN, 076 081 1137

Dankie vir Old TimersDankie vir Old TimersSwartberg Primêr wil graag die ouers en ledevandiegemeenskapbedankvirhulgoeieonder-steuning en bydrae tot die Old Timers- funksiewat op 13 Augustus gehou was. Sonder u bydraesou die poging nie so suksesvol gewees het nie.Die doel van hierdie poging was om geld in tesamel om die skool se terrein op te knap en teverfraai. Indien enige persoon in die gemeen-skap nog ’n bydrae tot hierdie poging wil maak,isubaiewelkomensalditopregwaardeerword.Die skool bedank ook die volgende instansiesen persone vir hul onbaatsugtige bydrae tot diefunksie: Elton Oncker – Caledon Casino; LouisJordaan – Caledon Spar; Lood Burger – CaledonApteek; M.Morkel/Anderson – Venster Apteek;Calvin Esau – Cally’s en Mandi’s Liquor store.

BOLAND KOLLEGE HANG UIT: Boland Kollege het op Vrydagaand hulle jaareindfunksie by The Barnin Caledon gehou. Van links is Tanja Boshoff, Charles Krige en Wouter en Karin Crafford in die pragtigetuin van die Caledon Casino Hotel & Spa. UR Styles in Caledon was verantwoordelik vir Karin sepragtige haarstyl FOTO: VERSKAF

Differences as seen through a drop of waterWe city slickers take water for granted; afterall, the stuff just keeps falling out of the sky.

Dire predictions are being made, though,about the place of water in our brave newworld with its seven billion people.

Everyone informed about the world ateventhemostbasic levelknowsthat limitingthe world’s population is crucial. The prob-lem, judging by what I hear around me, isthat it is always someone else’s duty. I sug-gest in the mildest terms to parents of three,four, five or even six children that their deci-sions hold dire consequences for future gen-erations, but the answer is invariably, “Wehave X children because we can afford to.”

Then comes the ugly addendum: “Whydon’t you rather tell all those other people(myeuphemism)tostophavingsomanychil-dren?” The subtext refers of course to the un-bridled lust and copulation in which “thosepeople”apparentlyindulgein,dayandnight,with never a thought for the future.

I suggest that buying birth control is a lux-ury to those who spend all their cash on food,shelter and transport, and that improving

living conditions and educating women isstill the only sensible form of birth control.This is also rejected on the grounds that thisis “the government’s duty”, which is sadlynear enough to some kind of truth to makeit sound like a good argument.

But I digress: since I’ve undertaken to pro-videmymodesthouseholdwithitsownwater,I’ve come to understand what it takes to havea tap that produces a predictable supply. Theprice of town water may put it into perspec-tive: the local authority, whom I employ tosupply me with roads, drains and the like, aswell as with water, now charges a cool R19 000per site for access to water – to get actual rath-er than potential water means buying all thepipes and meters, digging the holes, and yourmonthly supply on top of that. Luckily, youget the first 1 000 litres or so a month for free.

I have a near-perennial spring fed by amountain-top aquifer. The water that comesout of my taps is admittedly a bit brown andacidic,butacupfulofJikandcloudyammoniain a tankful does wonders to make it more pal-atable to the urban effete. If you’re planning

to raise your ethically correct 2,2 children onit, though, you need to add some calcium anda smidgen of fluorine for their teeth’s sake.

It seems that when the Russians marchedinto Germany for Onkel Adi Hitler’s godlytwilight, they were amazed at the sight of wa-ter coming out of taps. Sadly not one of thosetaps, hefted to Russia in rucksacks and stuckinto cottage walls, ever produced a drop.

2 [email protected]


Page 5: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenTuesday 23 October 2012 5

Flower power blooms in GreytonThisyearGreytoncelebrates the21st annual Greyton Rose Fair,and plans are well under way tomake this a birthday party toremember.

Thefairwill takeplacethisSatur-dayandSunday(27and28October),and the main attraction, as always,is the fabulous display of roses,which draws the crowds back yearafter year. With judging and prize-giving set to take place on Friday,the display will be open to the pub-lic on both Saturday and Sunday.

Inaddition,anumberof localgar-dens are also on show, many ofthem within strolling distance ofeach other.

Greyton is renowned for its Sat-urday morning market, and thiswill be expanded on Rose Fairweekend to include more than 100stalls selling everything from art toartichokes, pansies to potjiekos – aswell as roses of every colour, shapeand description.

Each year the Greyton Rose Fairis organised by the Greyton Sen-iors, who work tirelessly through-out the year to uplift those less for-tunate than themselves.

They do this each week by givingbetween 30 and 40 people abalanced, substantial meal – anoccasion that is for many the high-light of their week.

The Greyton Rose Fair is a primefundraiser for the Greyton Seniors.Members do all the work for therose fair weekend themselves sothat absolutely every cent raisedcan be ploughed back into the com-munity.

This year the aim is to makeenough money to build a play parkalongside Greyton Library for theuse of all the children in the town.

To find out more, contact GillMooreon083 324 0547or028 254 9601,or at 2 [email protected] direct publicity enquiries toJenny Duncan on 082 886 4093 or028 254 9975, or at [email protected].

This is just one of the gardens that will be open to the public during theannual Greyton Rose Fair. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Unflappable team holds court over Elgin’s golden eggANNETTE THERON

Being the owner of a vast chicken farm – withalmost 300 employees and supplying 70 000chickens per week – was not quite what JeanneGroenewald had in mind after obtaining herdegree in agricultural science from Stellen-bosch University.

Groenewald, the managing director of ElginFree Range Chickens in Grabouw, says her ca-reer started when she started running a duckfarm for her dad in Joostenbergvlakte. Onceshe got married and moved to Grabouw, shedecided to keep a few chickens on the farm.

“Itwasmainlyforourownconsumption.Thechickens could roam freely and enjoyed a natu-ral diet. Whenever friends came over for din-ner they would ask where the chicken camefrom as they said it still tasted like chicken.”

So Jeanne started supplying chickens to herfriends; she had established an abattoir on theduck farm and could slaughter them there.Soon neighbouring farmers in the area also putin orders for their workers. “I went from 100a week to 200, and in 1998 I was supplying thearea with 500 chickens a week.”

She was then approached to supply Pick nPay, and when she hit the 2 000 mark, she rea-lised she couldn’t go bigger on the farm, andso bought a property in Industrial Road,Grabouw.

Elgin Free Range Chickens opened its doorsin 2001, while still slaughtering in Cape Town.Supply figures jumped from 7 000 to 15 000. To-day the factory supplies 70 000 chickens a week

to Woolworths, Spar, Checkers and Pick n Pay.And Jeanne prides herself on the fact that

all their chickens are grain-fed and on a drug-free diet. This hands-on owner says she’s doneeverything from slaughtering to drivingtrucks, and the experience has assisted greatlyin her management style.

Jeanne has received numerous awards forher business acumen as a farmer and entrepre-neur. In 2008 she won the entrepreneurs cate-gory of the BWA Business Woman of the YearAward. The year before she was runner-up inthe Old Mutual Enterprise of the Year Award,and in 2006 she won South Africa’s FemaleFarmer of the Year Award.

Elgin Free Range Chickens has also starteda restaurant line, and delivers free-rangechicken to the whole of the Western Cape tocater to theneedsofagrowinggroupofmindfulconsumers who demand a free-range option.

Six years ago, as the business got bigger andbigger, she decided that she wanted to spendmore time with her children. “My business islike my baby and I am a total control freak, butthen Linka Bester, straight from university,joined the company in 2009 after completingher MSc. She started in product development.”

Linka took over the food safety side of thebusiness, maintaining the high standards re-quiredtopassstrictandregularaudits,butthisposition was made redundant and she was re-tained as technical manager.

Jeanne says the more work she gave Linka,the more she excelled. In December 2010Jeanne offered her the position as general ma-

nager, and in January 2011 Linka took up thejob. Jeanne went away for four weeks in theJune holidays and left Linka in charge. “Yes,”nods Linka, “and everything that could gowrong during those four weeks did.”

But Linka survived, and today Jeanne onlygoes in on Tuesdays.

The arrangement suits both these dynamicwomen who are making their mark in this fast-moving, ever-changing industry.

Linka Bester, gene-ral manager of ElginFree Range Chic-kens, and JeanneGroenewald, foun-der and managingdirector of the verysuccessful busi-ness.PHOTO:ANNETTE THERON

FOR THE CHILDREN: This year for the first time, theGreyton Rose Fair is conducting a blind auction toraise funds for their annual fundraising project – thebuilding of a children’s play park next to the libraryinGreyton. Renowned (andgenerous) landscapeartistDerric van Rensburg has donated Lake Cottage, a su-perb painting valued at some R12 000, which willbe auctioned through the website of Greyton attorneyChrizenda Gunter. Visit www.gunterlaw.co.za/art.phpto view the painting, review the bidding process andplace your bid!

Page 6: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 23 October 20126

DOREENOCTOBER19/10/2012.Reeds 'n jaar weg van ons.Elke dag dink ons aan jousoms met 'n glimlag somsmet 'n traan, maar die soetherinneringe bring berus-ting. Tot ons weer ontmoet.Van Johannes, Hetta, Dora,Oompie, Rosalene, familie& kleinkinders



Funeral Services

DOVES. Begrafnisdiens-te/Funeral Services. Givingcomfort. Taking care. Cale-don: 18 Plein St, 028-2123054. Her-manus: 64 DirkieUys St, Sandbaai, 028-3164205. Kleinmond: 27 MainRd, 028-271 4971.Gansbaai:61 Main Rd, 028-384 3344.



Op Soek Na . . .

In Search Of . . .

20 Duim seunsfiets & 24duim meisiesfiets om tekoop. Sywielietjies vir fiets,splinternuut R60 te koop.Skakel 082 330 7085.FOREVERMEMORIES.Kontak Sharon Burger viralle foto-albums enscrapbooking toebehore.Tel. 028-212 2631/083 2935301.PADSTAL/RESTAU-RANT, DASSIES-FON-TEIN: Vir etes, funksies envele meer! Tel. 028-2141475.




OVERBERGCATER-ING/HIRING. Demperstraat10, Caledon. Te huur:Breekgoed, messegoed,glasware, linne,stoeloortreksels, bykom-stighede. Skakel Egbert 082789 7260.





TV kas R500; TV R650;Dubbelbed R1000; StoofR950; Wasmasjien R1200;Sitkamerstel R1500; PramR450; Bad R150; SpieëlkasR850; Mikrogolfoond R300;Vensterrame R200. Skakel072 4666 900



Attorney’s Services

F I N C K P R O K U R E U R SCA L E DON . S k a k e l g e r u sRonnie Finck by 073 4950998 of 028-212 1030 om' n k o n s u l t a s i e t e r e ë l .Ons beskerm u belange.




12 10 CASH LOANSLenings tot R200 000.Swartlys welkom. Goed-keuring in 5 min. Skakel021-696 0676.


te Huur/to Hire

KRAGGEREEDSKAP. Virdie huur van hoë-drukspuite en kragge-reedskap, skakel Gabriëlvan der Merwe by Over-berg Dienssentrum by 083551 5406 alle ure.




General Services

AUTOELECTRICAL-DIET-LOF'S. Gespesialiseerdeauto elektriese diens. 23Jaar ondervinding. Ookverskaffers van professio-nele weerstasies en solarpanele. New Cross straat,reg langs Overberg Supafit.Dietlof (Wên) van der Mer-we. Tel. 028-214 1614 of082788 5276.

CALEDONKEYS&LOCKS. Ons sluit die wegvir u oop. Skakel 028-2121775 / 082 969 0975.

VRAGMOTOR&BE-STUURDER beskikbaar virenige tipe vervoer. Buite-deure vanaf R350 ensinkplate vanaf R25/m be-skikbaar. Skakel 028-2121571 of 083 534 0130.


STORAGE. Secure anddry units from R299 pm.Best prices. Transportavailable. Call De Wet 082439 9704.TO LET: 320m Office space at 8Haw Street, Caledon. Call XpertProperty Administration 028-3130132/082 870 5704.

CALEDON: Large room tolet, share kitchen / lounge/ bathroom. Kuil street.R1300 pm. incl electricity.Available immediately. Call082 416 6680.

WELL-DESERVED: These Over-berg pensioners enjoyed a rare,good old-fashioned picnic afteran invigorating bird-watchingand flower-spotting walk off theR43 near De Vlei Farm. Thegroup was led by Avril Youngfrom Bot River, formerly an eco-tour guide leader of KleinmondBird Club. She says she spendsher time driving around andfinds great joy in “locating un-obtrusive items along the way”.


KOLLEGE-STUDENTE KUIER BY GAZETTE:Dié groep N5-studente van Boland Kolle-ge het 9 Oktober die Gazette-kantore be-soek om meer te leer van die daaglikseaktiwiteite by hul plaaslike koerant. Hulkursus behels inleidende rekeningkunde,entrepreneurskap en ondernemingsbe-stuur, rekenaarpraktyk, bestuurskommu-nikasie, verkoopsbestuur en openbareskakelwese. BolandKollegewil ook vakkesoos finansiële rekeningkunde en Pastel-rekenaarprogram inkorporeer sodat diestudente ook in ’n boekhouding-rigtingkan gaan werk. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON







CANWILL LOUW26/10/12.Canwill baie geluk met jou13de verjaarsdag. Jy wasmiskien nie stroopsoet nie,maar soet genoeg. Lekkerverjaar. Van Mammie, Ma,Cayleb, uncle Freddie,Gavin, Desmond, aunty Hes& Wilbur. Ons wens jou al-le sterkte toe met jouHoërskool jare by 'n nuweskool.JOHANNES (Hansie)SWART 27/10/2012.Reeds 5 verjaarsdae wegvan ons. Sou so graag byjou wou wees, maar onsberus ons daarin want onsis met jou in die gees. VanjouVrou, Kinders &Kleinkinders


LAWRENCE LOINEL PE-TERSEN 24/10/2012.Veels geluk Boeta!Van Pappie, Mammie,Broer,Suster & Shieda.


In Memoriam

CECIL PETRUSMICHAELHENN 21/10/58-12/10/10.Alreeds 2 jaar en joutweede verjaarsdag wegvan ons. Die verlange isnog groot. Mis jou baie.Van Vrou, kinders, 2kleinkinder & familie

Page 7: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenTuesday 23 October 2012 7

BENUT BIBLIOTEEK-MAAND: Laerskool Bre-dasdorp het, as bewus-making van Biblioteek-maand in Oktober,LAPA-uitgewers genooiom ’n boekuitstallingby die skool te komhou. Vir twee dae konleerlinge, ouers en on-derwysers die boekegoed bestudeer. CarinaDiedericks Hugo, be-kende skrywer van kin-derboeke, het by ’nsaalbyeenkoms metdie leerlinge kom ge-sels. Sy het aan hulleverduidelik hoe sy alle-daagse gebeure gebruik om ’n storie te skryf. Die leerlinge het haar praatjie baie geniet. Elke leerling enonderwyser van Laerskool Bredasdorp sal vir die res van die maand op ’n Vrydag ’n punt daarvan maakom gedurende die leesperiodes te lees. Hier is van Laerskool Bredasdorp se leerlinge by Nikki Swanepoelvan LAPA-uitgewers. Diedericks Hugo was ongelukkig nie teenwoordig toe die foto geneem is nie.

DIS ’N SES VIR OVERBERG: Keenan Delport het dieBoland Platteland krieketspan gehaal en sal in De-sember aan toernooie deelneem. Hy verwerf dus Ho-erskool Overberg se erekleure. FOTO: VERSKAF

GRAAD 11-PRESTEER: Swartberg Sekondêr het 11 Oktober hul diploma-plegtigheidgehou. Gr. 11 se top-presteerders in akademie is van links Teneal Appollis (derdebeste gemiddelde – 70,2%), Elru Hansen (eerste beste gemiddelde - 75,%) enPaulette Fortuin( tweede beste gemiddelde – 70,4%).


UITMUNTENDE PRESTASIE: Tydens die diploma-plegtigheid van SwartbergSekondêr het hierdie drie leerlinge toekennings vir uitmuntende prestasiesontvang. Hier (van links) is Robin Bosman (deurlopend meer as 80%),Wilmark Hans (Boland-kleure vir atletiek) en Carlynn Armoed (deurlopendmeer as 80%). FOTO: VERSKAF

SLIM WISKUNDEKOP: Matteo Louis, ’n gr. 2-leerling van Tesselaarsdal Primêr, het eerste geëindigin ’n Wiskunde-kompetisie wat in die Overberg-streek aangebied is. Hier staan Matteo by sy juffrou,Simona Page. FOTO: VERSKAF

NUWE HOOFLEIERS: Hoërskool Overberg se hoofleiers vir 2013 is Elsabe Fourie (hoofmeisie), Lampie Fick(hoofseun), Pieter Edwards (onderhoofseun) en Jané Botes (onderhoofmeisie). FOTO: VERSKAF

Page 8: Theewaterskloof Gazette 23 Okt 2012

Theewaterskloof | Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 2 • Dinsdag 23 Oktober 2012 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Cycle, run or walk to benefiteducation in Bot RiverThecommunityofBotRiver isbracingitselfto host close to 2 000 cyclists, runners andwalkers on 27 October for the eighth BotRiver van der Stel Pass Challenge.

Known for its great vibe, this popular raceis presented by the community to raise fundsfor promising local students. It’s hosted by theBot River Education Foundation (BEF), andserves as its main fundraising event.

Fromamere80athletes eightyearsago, 1 600entered during 2011.

And this is more than a race. Success hasproved toordinarymembersof the communitywhat they can achieve through unity and hardwork.Poorpeople fromBotRiverdugdeep intotheir pockets during the infant years of therace. As the race grew, it became more andmore professionally organised.

The growth of the event is manifested in the2012 race budget of R114 000, with prize money

close toR35 000. “This isaprovenhumandevel-opment exercise that has brought passion tothe people of Bot River,” a spokesperson says.

A welcome addition in 2011 was the 6 km BotRiver Cultural Historic Race.

“This is the first such ‘race’ known to takeplaceinSouthAfrica,andwith130participantsit surpassed all expectations. It is called a racebecause participants are expected to arrive atfour cultural historic sites at a certain time,and need to complete the route within two anda half hours to receive a medal.”

The 21 km and 10 km running events thatform part of the challenge on 27 October areofficial Boland Athletics races.

For online entries and more information,visit www.bef.org.za. To become a sponsor ofthis educational fundraising event, contact DrAnthony Hess at [email protected] or on083 773 2574.Sponsorsareespeciallyneededforwider school participation.

X-Mas wish-gholfdag kookDie vierde jaarlikseX-Mas Wish-gholfdag is13 Oktober by CaledonGholfklub aangebied.Dié geleentheid, watjaarliks deur Tanya Bip-pert gereël word, is ’ngeldinsamelingsprojektot voordeel van diestraatkinders van Cale-don. Met die geld wat ge-in is sal sy weereens viral die kinders ’n smaakli-ke Kersete voorsit.

Dié jaar het nege span-ne ingeskryf vir die kom-petisie wat op ’n Stable-ford sametelling-for-maat beslis is. Spannehet bestaan uit vier spe-lers en om dinge bietjie meer interessantte maak het al vier spelers se tellings opdie syfer 3’s getel. Behalwe die pryse watvir die wenners op die spel was, was daarook ’n natgat aangebied.

Jurgens Jacobs, Egbert Niemand, Wy-nand Myburgh en Pieter Conradie is as diewenners aangewys met ’n telling van 125,slegs eenpuntbeter asdie spanvanJeremy

Prins, Marius Mac Kenzie, John Smit enTerry Saunders wat 124 punte behaal het.Indiederdeplekmet118puntewasdiespanvan Ivan Benjamin, Danie Tobias, PJ Ben-jamin en Jeremia Abrahams.

Die verrigtinge is afgesluit met ’n veilingwaartydens die gholfspelers weereens hulharteenbeursiesoopgemaakhetomaddisi-onele fondse vir die projek te genereer.

Die wenners van die vierde X-Mas Wish-gholfdag was van links PieterConradie, Wynand Myburg, Egbert Niemand en Jurgens Jacobs. Hierontvang hul die trofee vanaf Tanya Bippert, organiseerder van die ge-leentheid FOTO: VERSKAF

Albert Myburgh se sportsterImmanuelPietersen, ’n leerlingvanAlbertMy-burgh Sekondêre Skool, is vir die tweede op-eenvolgende jaar indie o.18-Boland-sewesspanopgeneem. Die span het op 4 en 5 Oktober aandie Interprovinsiale@tlantic sewestoernooi inPretoria deelgeneem.

Opdie eerste daghetBoland teendie Sharks,die Blou Bulle en Grens gespeel. Hulle hetGrens gewen, gelykop teen die Sharks, verloorteendieBlouBulleeneindigderdeinhulgroep.

IndiekwarteindstrydklopBolanddieOoste-like Provinsie. In die Bowl-halfeindstryd klopBolandvirGrensenkwalifiseervirdieBowl-fi-naal. In die finaal klop Boland vir Griekwasoortuigend met ’n telling van 45–0. ImmanuelwaseenvandieuitblinkersvirdieBolandspan.

Immanuel is ook tydens die jaarlikse Presti-ge-aand aangewys as die Sportman van 2012.Boland-sewes se o.18’s is afgerig deur TyroneWeits, ’n onderwyser by Albert Myburgh SS.

Immanuel Pietersen met sy Sportman van die Jaar-toekenning FOTO: VERSKAF

BOLANDSPAN NA INDIË: Rikus Brand vanLaerskool Overberg is in die o.13 A-krieket-span van die Wes-Kaap ingesluit wat uit diebeste o.13-krieketspelers van SWD, WP enBoland saamgestel is. Dié o.13-krieketspangaan gedurende Maart 2013 in Indië aan’n internasionale kriekettoernooi deelneem


Wiele vir wennersJan van Schalkwyk, eienaar van Euodia Ad-venture&CycleCentre indieHemel-en-Aar-de sentrum in Hermanus, het goedgunstig-

lik twee fietse as pryse geskenk vir wennersin die agste Van der Stelpas-uitdaag wat op27 Oktober in Botrivier gaan plaasvind

Hier, (van links) isLorn Julius, RiaanTurck, ChrisandaHamman, Daphnevan Niekerk, Zu-sanne van der Vy-ver, Nathan Ja-mes, Melvin Vantoen Jannie Nel.FO-TO: VERSKAF


Wedvlug vanaf Hopetown Ope 13 Okto-ber

1. P. du Toit; 2. D. King; 3. M. Otto; 4.M. Otto; 5. P. du Toit; 6. G. Hoffman; 7. M.Otto; 8.G.Hoffman; 9.M.Otto; 10.D.King.

Villiersdorp-posduifklubWedvlug vanaf Hopetown (2) 13 Okto-

ber1. T. dos Santos; 2. Blackie & Elton; 3.

S. de Kock; 4. S. de Kock; 5. Blackie & El-ton.
