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The Journal of the Institute of Hospitality Malta & more NNeewwssppaappeerr ppoosstt WWiinntteerr IIssssuuee NNoo 22
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theHospitality manager Newspaper post Winter Issue No 2 The Journal of the Institute of Hospitality Malta Scotland an unforgettable experience Work, Leisure and Holiday HACCP Explained SOPs, Standard Operational Procedures & more
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NNeewwssppaappeerr ppoosstt

WWiinntteerr IIssssuuee NNoo 22

The Journal of the Institute of Hospitality Malta

Scotland an unforgettable experience Work, Leisure and HolidayHACCP Explained SOPs, Standard Operational Procedures

& more

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November 2008


11 13 19 23

Welcome - Julian Zarb

From the Chairman’s desk - Tony Coleiro

News Page

National Competition 2008: The Experience - Sarah Demarco

Scotland an unforgettable experience - Bertrand Gatt

VocMat Qualify for an Eu approved qualification at yourown pace

End of Signature on debit and credit card slip

Making Attractions Sustainable:EUTO Conference in Nottingham and London

Work, Leisure and Holiday - Rebecca Gatt

A quick glimpse to the islands’ Music Culture overthe centuries Part2 – The early years - Joyce Guillaumier

HACCP Explained SOPs, Standard Operational Procedures- Paulino Schembri

Pork and its Versatility in Catering- by James Muscat













theHospitalitymmaannaaggeerr is published on behalf of:

The Institute of Hospitality Maltac/o The Travel Malta Business CentreSt Helena BuildingTriq Tumas FenechB’Kara BKR03www. Instituteofhospitalitymalta.org

Design and production:Mejoris HospitalityAjiree 5, Triq TestaferrataMsida MSD 1402Email: [email protected]: 79867587

Editorboard: Julian C. Zarb, Tony Coleiro

Contributions: Dr.Mario DeMarco, Nicole Borg Costanzi, Rebecca Gatt, Julian Zarb, Charles Martin, Joyce Guillaumier, Paulino Schembri

Front Cover:

The Institute of HospitalityChairman Mr. Tony Coleiro

WWiinntteerr IIssssuuee NNoo.. 22

theHospitalitymmaannaaggeerr is the only publication that is distributeddirectly to the desk of all Hotel and Restaurants Managers inMalta and Gozo, Members of the Institute of Hospitality, Banksand Government Departments and the Institute Overseas branch-es. It is also found at most Hospitality establishments’ foyers. The publication is distributed as is without warranty of any kind,respecting the contents but without holding any liability to anyparts of this publication as these do not necessarily represent thePublishers views. All views and opinions expressed intheHospitalitymmaannaaggeerr are those of the author and do not neces-sarily reflect the views and opinions of the publishers.

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WelcomeChallenging Times call forChallenging LeadersThese are times when we need to work together even more than usual.

We have a notable tendency in these islands to create little pockets of

resistance when we are faced with challenges, we form cliques, we close

ranks with certain people at work, we protect ourselves by becoming

introverts! Well, perhaps this is news to some of you! Those tactics just

don’t work...they never did and they never will! Working together,

believing and acting in synergies and being innovative are the key to

success for the tourism industry.

In this second issue of the IoH magazine, we have tried to include both

industry oriented articles as well as features that look at new methods

for producing that extra value, such as the HACCP process and the

development and inclusive policies for Human Resources today; James

Muscat also gives us some interesting facts about Pork; two members

give a brief account of their experience in Scotland and Ireland earlier

this year, after they successfully participated in the first ever IOH Award

that focuses on creating innovation and new ideas for the industry.

It is these ideas that will bring better results for the industry, it is not the

recycling of those well used and outdated strategies and marketing

plans that we have worked with for over forty years! We need to recog-

nize the changes that are necessary to become more competitive, we cer-

tainly need to recognize the need to innovate and most certainly we

should recognize the effect of simply doing nothing about anything!

Take Care

Julian Zarb MBA MA isss FIH MTS Dip. Adult Training and Development

Editor, the Hospitality Manager �

�I hope you will

find this first issue

interesting and

informative �

Julian Zarb



November 2008

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From the Chairman’s desk

�We must always

keep our main objec-

tive to promote the

highest standards

in hospitality


Tony Coleiro



November 2008

In these last few years we have been hearing a lot about Climate Changeand after years of debate, consensus among most of the world's scientistsholds that we are warming the planet. Unless we take steps now to curbglobal warming, our way of life, our planet, and our children are all in gravedanger. There is hope. Each of us can make simple decisions that will reduceglobal warming pollution.

There is every reason to believe that the variability of global temperatureand other climate characteristics experienced over the past century are partof the natural variability of the climate system and are not a consequence ofrecent anthropogenic activities. The world needs all forms of energy — fromconventional crude oil and natural gas to the emerging sources of the future.Diversifying our sources of energy is essential in order to meet the world'sgrowing demand in an environmentally sound way. Developing the infra-structure to produce and distribute new forms of energy such as biofuels on alarge scale is a significant challenge. To succeed, we need energy solutionsthat are innovative, practical and enduring.

Renewable and advanced technologies have the potential to alter the energyportfolio over the long term. They can create new raw materials for fuel, newsources for power and new benefits for the environment. Although theseresources may not be commercially available for decades, there is real andchallenging work to be done right now.

We're committed to helping meet the world's demand for energy while takingsteps to protect the environment. We believe that it's the right thing to doand that it's critical to our success in a world in which energy sources shouldbe developed in an environment that's clean, safe and healthy.

That's why we are continually improving our processes to minimize pollutionand waste, conserve natural resources, and reduce potentially negative envi-ronmental impacts of our activities and operations. To achieve these goalswe need to learn more from and respect the cultures in which we work. Wemust value and demonstrate respect for the uniqueness of individuals andthe varied perspectives and talents they provide. We have an inclusive workenvironment and actively embrace a diversity of people, ideas, talents andexperiences.

We must always keep this objective in mind. It is the Institute’s mission topromote such initiatives which reflects the highest standards in all tourismbusinesses. This can be achieved only with your support and by being activein The Institute’s educational activities.

Tony Coleiro M.B.A., F.I.H., F.I.S.M.M., F.Inst.T.T, CC

Chairman, Institute of Hospitality – Malta �

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November 2008

News PageThe Institute of Hospitality Malta signs up to theEuropean Road Safety CharterThe European Union has set a target to save 25,000 lives within thenext 3 years. This is a noble target and should be supported by every-body. This is the reason why the Institute has agreed to take part inthis initiative. Over the last few weeks we have been actively discussinghow to be of assistance in this initiative. In a signing ceremony whichwas held on the 23rd October the Institute has signed its commitmenttowards this programme. We have agreed to take two main initiatives:

1. We shall promote the great responsibility and ethical issues thatemployees have when serving alcohol to their clients. We shall printinformation posters to distribute to all bars, restaurants and hotels inMalta and Gozo.

2. Work stress and fatigue can cause accidents that could have beenavoided if their mental awareness was greater. Discuss with the 2major Unions in Malta to reduce work stress and fatigue and includemeasures in collective agreements. Organise seminars with theUnions to discuss and find practical ways of reducing such risks for theindustry’s employees.

We urge everyone to do their best efforts to avoid all preventabledeaths! �

InternationalInternational News and EventsThe World Tourism Market opened this yearat London’s Excel Centre from the 10th tothe 13th November 2008. This event

attracts over 45,000 travel professionals representing 202countries and regions; it is considered one of the key events for net-working and discussing new business deals as well as seeing the lat-est destinations and market trends.

Some of the highlights from the WTM Seminar, Conference and Events programme included:• The unmissable WTM Global Economic Forum debating how the current economic state will affect your

business• Making a profit from Responsible Tourism • Travel technology, culinary tourism & the lucrative gay market - just some of the free sector focused semi-

nars taking place during WTM. �

AppreciationThe death has been announced ofEric Gerada-Azzopardi, in Londonon October 4, he was aged 69; aspart of his London posting, heheaded the Malta Tourist Officeduring the early years of thetourism industry and at a timewhen this socio-economic activitydepended so heavily on the BritishMarket.

During the 1970’s he joined AirMalta and for the next twenty fiveyears headed such entities asHoliday Malta as well as AirMalta’s operations in the UnitedKingdom, Ireland andScandinavia.

Eric Gerada Azzopardi also wroteone of the first modern and illus-trated books: Malta: An IslandRepublic, a historical travelogue ofMalta.

The Chairman and Committee ofInsitute of Hospitality (Malta)would like to pay their lastrespects to one of the industry’sleading pioneers. It is at momentslike this that we show solidaritywith the Eric Gerada Azzopardi’sfamily in their hour of grief. �


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As I walked past the large stone

lions guarding the entrance,

through the glass doors and into

the enormous, historical lobby, I

could clearly make out the warm,

welcoming smile coming from the

person behind the reception desk.

I would be staying at the Clontarf

Castle Hotel in Dublin for the

next 2 weeks, on a work place-


As the days passed it was clear to

me that the staff at this Hotel gen-

uinely enjoyed working here, exe-

cuted their jobs to the best of their

abilities and where always ready

and waiting to go the extra mile.

Every department I visited and

every person I met made it obvi-

ous that they were not only enjoy-

ing their job but they were also

proud of the Hotel and they

showed me round as if it was

their own.

It was then, that I made it my pri-

ority to find out why the staff at

the Clontarf Castle Hotel where so

genuinely happy to be at work.

The Clontarf Castle Hotel is pas-

sionate about 4 things, one of

which is their employees; here is a

quote from the management:

“Our people are the heart and soul

of our business…we rely on them

100% to deliver our promise of excel-

lence to our guests, day in and day

out. That's why we only employ the

very best people in the hospitality

industry. Clontarf Castle people are

always friendly, knowledgeable, pas-

sionate and ready to help. There are

common things we believe in - peo-

ple and team work; passion for excel-

lence, continuous improvement and

caring for guests”.

We encourage everyone to express

their views and be respectful and

understanding towards each other's

needs, we believe in fair recruit-

ment, two-way communication

and an investment in training and

development of our team, we aim

to achieve the highest possible stan-

dards by sustaining, developing

and advancing our guest facilities.

That’s why Clontarf Castle is

ranked in the top 100 companies

in Europe to work for and the

only hotel to make the list!

The management empowers their

staff to take decisions; they

encourage them to take owner-

ship of the job, which in turn

makes them take responsibility

and pride.

The management has effectively

bridged the gap between the staff

and the management, making it

easier for staff to approach them

with ideas and problems that

might arise, whilst still managing

to obtain the respect that is

required between staff and man-

agement. �

Page 11November 2008

National Competition 2008 The Experience - Sarah Demarco

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November 2008

I had the opportunity to work in

one of Scotland’s most distin-

guished hotels, The Balmoral Hotel,

Scotland’s finest Hotel which is situ-

ated at No.1 Princes Street in the

very centre of Edinburgh.

The Balmoral is located eight miles

from Edinburgh International

Airport and is adjacent to Waverley

Rail Station. It is not just a hotel, it

is also a landmark thanks to its

majestic clock tower which is an

important feature in the city’s sky-


The hotel has 188 bedrooms,

including 20 suites, many of which

have views of Edinburgh Castle, the

old town and the surrounding hills.

The hotel offers various food and

beverage outlets. The Number

One, Edinburgh’s only Michelin-

starred hotel restaurant, offers out-

standing Scottish cuisine. Hadrian’s,

the Balmoral’s chic and buzzy

brasserie, provides delicious cuisine

in an informal ambience. The

Balmoral Bar, Edinburgh’s most

stylish bar was launched in

November 2007 and offers classic

champagne, innovative cocktails,

fine wines and five star service in

chic and luxurious surroundings.

The Bollinger Bar, the only one in

the UK, is a very sophisticated and

glamorous setting for a glass of

champagne and canapés. The

majestic Palm Court, where after-

noon tea is served, is truly a world

class affair.

When I arrived at the hotel, I was

welcomed by Mrs. Angela Mc. Lean

who was my training mentor

throughout the length of my stay.

On the first day I was given an

induction course about the hotel,

the Rocco Forte Group (Mother

Company) and the targets and

policies of the Group. I was also

given a work experience action

plan that explained every depart-

ment, timings, and the head of





an unforgettable experience- Bertrand Gatt


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Educational theHospitalitymmaannaaggeerr

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department with whom I would be


A phrase that remains imprinted in

my mind during the induction

course were the words by the H.R.

manager, “We are ladies and gen-

tlemen serving ladies and gentle-

men”. After my work experience at

the Balmoral, I can attest to this


I had the opportunity to work in

most of the hotel departments,

these also included the back of

house department, housekeeping,

front office and sales and market-

ing department.

I was given the standard opera-

tion procedure of each depart-

ment and was guided to follow

these procedures by the relevant

head of department. Some

departments also have detailed

check lists that have to be

checked on every shift.

The Human Resources

Department provides a personal

development plan for each and

every employee, this plan is fol-

lowed by a training mentor and

the employee is given target dates

and goals to achieve.

The Balmoral has also its GAP stan-

dards. Gap Standards are imple-

mented to ensure that all guests

receive a level of service consistent

with the image that the hotel seeks

to portray. These standards are to

be met at all times with every guest

that enters the establishment

regardless of what is requested,

staffing issues, and business levels.

Throughout my experience at the

Balmoral I perceived that the per-

sonnel are very proud to be work-

ing at the Balmoral. They have a

lot of respect for each other and

work as a team.

I believe that this is due to good

management that grants good

motivation and respect to each and

every employee. �

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November 2008

In the European Union the travel

and tourism industry is expected

to continue to grow. Consequently

there will be a need for continuos

development programmes for all

those who are employed in this

activity as well as for those who

should enter the industry. Tourism

is not a static industry, trends

change, concepts change with

them and all the stakeholders

need to be able to respond to these

changes rapidly, efficiently and

effectively.CPD ensures that the

level of response to changes in the

tourism industry are understood

and can be managed in a profes-

sional manner. The Insitute of

Hospitality supports all initatives

that will improve the level of pro-

fessional service and management

within the tourism industry, par-

ticularly within the hospitality sec-


The European Union of Tourism

Officers (EUTO) has since October

2005 been working together with

a number of Partners coming

from Catalonia; England; Estonia;

Italy; Latvia; Malta; Scotland and

Turkey on “VocMat” a new con-

cept for on line or e learning for

those involved directly or indirect-

ly in the tourism industry. The

Partners also include University of

Girona; University of Florence;

Sheffield Hallam University;

University of

Malta; Parnu

College of the

University of Tartu;

Tourist Board

Training Scotland;

Tourism Management Institute

England; Enterprise Estonia /

Estonia Tourist Board; Malta

Tourism Society and Sungurlu

Vocation & Technology

Development Association Turkey.

In 2007, two more Partners from

Malta decided to join, these were

the Malta Tourism Society and

University of Malta. Initially it was

planed that the number of student

participants from each participat-

ing country should be limited, in

fact Malta was allowed to have a

maximum of 9 students. Perhaps,

it would be useful to explain just

what the VocMat principles and

objectives are all about.

Each university has validated four

core modules currently making up

the VocMat curriculum, which

include: (1) Strategic Management

for Tourism; (2) Tourism

VocMat Qualify for an Eu approved qualification at yourown pace

The VocMat Curriculum

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Educational theHospitalitymmaannaaggeerr

Marketing Management; (3) Human Resource

Management in Tourism & (4) Operations

Management in Tourism.

Each module is set at postgraduate level, appropri-

ate for its target audience of senior and middle

level managers, and attracts credit points from the

university which delivers it, as well as the equiva-

lent European Credit Transfer Scheme points. On

completion of each module, participants will be

awarded a certificate showing the module and

number of credit points achieved. �

Further information on VocMat can be found onthe website www.vocmat.com or by e-mailing: The Malta Tourism Society on (www.malta-tourismsociety.org.mt).The project representatives: Noel E Falzon [email protected] or Julian C Zarb on [email protected] orUniversity of Malta – Dr. Nadia Theuma [email protected]

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November 2008

A chip is an electronic device,

generally silver or gold in colour

and that stores card holder’s

information securely. The Chip

card offers enhanced security

benefits that verify the identity of

the cardholder. Furthermore it

can incorporate updates and

other future value-added services.

In contrast to Magnetic Stripe

technology, Chip and PIN tech-

nology offers:

• Quicker checkout times: partic-

ularly at retail outlets. A tradi-

tional magnetic stripe and signa-

ture transaction usually takes 43

seconds at a High Street shop

whilst a Chip and PIN one takes

only 29 seconds;

• Lower fraud rates: According to

a recent study conducted by Visa

Europe, through the introduction

of Chip and PIN, merchants and

customers have experienced an

81% reduction in fraud in coun-

tries where Chip and PIN cards

are accepted; and

• Fewer charge backs: Experience

has shown that migration to

Chip and PIN has also brought

about a decrease in the number

of charge backs.

Across the European Union, more

than 4,500 banks are in the

process of upgrading up to a bil-

lion debit and credit cards. The

Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

project brings added momentum

to the European EMV migration

process. Driven by the European

Central Bank and the European

Payments Council, this initiative

is bringing more harmonisation

to the European market place.

Since EMV provides a consistent

card and terminal standard, the

Chip card is seen as a core com-

ponent of the SEPA project. Under

the terms of the SEPA Cards

Framework , the migration

process must be completed by the

end of 2010.

The end of 2010 can, therefore,

be looked upon as the “back

stop” of the entire European EMV

migration programme. Chip and

PIN-enabled point of sale (POS)

terminals are being placed at sev-

eral million merchants. The

European region’s ATM network

is also being completely upgrad-

ed. In most European countries,

the majority of cards and/or ter-

minals have already been


The local perspective

Currently, the banks are in the

process of sending out an infor-

mation leaflet to all their card-

holders informing them about

Chip and PIN. By the end of

2010, all magnetic stripe cards

would have been converted to

Chip and PIN. These cards could

be used anywhere in the SEPA

area and beyond. Due to the

Magnetic Stripe, the Chip card

may be also used in countries

where Chip technology is not


BOV began its EMV project in

October 2004, when it started

replacing its POS equipment with

new, EMV enabled machines. The

Bank has also upgraded all its

ATMs by Q1 2005 and replaced

the last POS units, by mid 2007.

During the next few months, all

BOV Cashlink Visa cards will

have been migrated to Chip and

PIN. This will be followed by the

Platinum and Gold Cards. Our

Classic Visa and MasterCard will

migrate to Chip and PIN during


End of Signatureon debit and credit card slip

The article has been compiled

by Mr Peter J. Sant, Senior

Manager on EU and SME and

Ms. Josephine Scerri, Senior

Manager Card Issuing at Bank

of Valletta.

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JMP & CAdvert

Still to Come from Patrick

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November 2008

A Pan European Organization. The

theme chosen for the event was:

'Attractions and events as catalysts

for regeneration and social change'.

The conference coincided with a

conference hosted by The Centre for

Tourism and Cultural Change

(CTCC) at Leeds Met University and

included case studies and study vis-

its about the regeneration of attrac-

tions and tourist sites in

Nottingham and London.

The delegates were able to see for

themselves how sites such as

Nottingham “Castle”; Sherwood

Forest and Clumber Park were able

to create new interest and potential

by rebranding and repackaging

their assets and features.

Nottingham is a town that is very

much associated with the legend of

Robin Hood and the Sherriff of

Nottingham – but visitors to the

town may be very disappointed to

see that the medieval castle that is

associated with this story has long

been replaced with a 17th Century

Ducal Palace and Sherwood Forest

is no longer the thickly wooded

expanse that has been made so

popular in countless films and tele-

vision series over the past decades!

And how does one alleviate this dis-

illusionment of a perception with

the real experience of the attraction


The secret is in creating a series of

“Living History” experiences; hands

on educational activities such as

the Robin Hood Festival held every

August in Nottingham or the

Pageant held in October. For the

more ardous visitor there can be a

series of cycle, walking or camping

holidays. The delegates also heard

about case studies from other coun-

tries such as Spain, Scotland and

Sweden. The Malta Tourism Society

President, Julian Zarb, also gave a

presentation on the Mediterranea

Festival held every year in October

in Gozo. Dr. Josanne Cutajar from

the University of Malta presented a

background to the Birgu

Rehabilitation Project and its

impact on the local community.

The Malta Tourism Society will be

preparing a detailed and focused

report on the conference and study

visit and how some of the principles

used in the process of regeneration

could be adopted or adapted in the

local scenario. The report will be

the topic for discussion at a work-

shop to be held in the coming year

together with the national authori-

ties, NGOs and corporate members

of the MTS: CHI Hotels; Supreme

Coaches; Limestone Heritage and

Malta Experience. The public will

also be invited to attend the work-

shop and members of the MTS will








Making Attractions Sustainable:EUTO Conference in Nottingham and London

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be able to receive a copy of the full

report once it is complete. Necstour

Conference – Marseilles (30th to

31st October 2008)

The launch of the European agen-

da for a sustainable and competi-

tive tourism in October 2007

prompted the Region Provence-

Alpes-Cote d'Azur, with the Region

Tuscany and Cataluña, to initiate

the Network of European

Competitive and Sustainable

Tourism Regions, called


The network’s objectives are to

develop and strengthen a frame-

work for the coordination of

national and regional develop-

ment and research programmes in

the field of sustainable tourism,

exchange information and imple-

ment joint activities. In general,

research and innovation in all

their forms must be central to the

sustainable development of

tourism. The conference aims to

gather European Regions working

for sustainable tourism and to

affirm the role of regions in

Europe. It will also be an opportu-

nity to identify steps necessary to

reach the goals set by the new

European agenda. The Region

Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur is

pleased to host the second confer-

ence of the European Regions for a

sustainable and competitive

tourism and wishes fruitful

exchanges to all participants. The

meeting which was held in

Marseilles at the end of October

focussed on five main issues that

were discussed during workshops:

• Social and Environmental


• Quality of life for residents

• Widening seasonal concentration

• Active conservation of heritage

and identity

• Transport and mobility

These issues are all important for

a sustainable and more effective

tourism destination since it

enhances the attractiveness and

“feel good” factor of the

locations. �



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educationand tourism


Page 21November 2008

There are characteristics linked with

work such as income, since people

need money to satisfy their needs.

Work also provides and exercises

people with the learning and devel-

opment of skills and the acquisition

of knowledge and experience.

Routine work tends to provide peo-

ple with structural environment. It

may also offer people a variety of

tasks to perform. At least people

are given the opportunity of doing

something different from the every-

day-home tasks. And, on the place

of work workers have the opportu-

nity to interact with their col-

leagues and to participate in

shared activities. Further, through

employment people also acquire a

social identity.

The time left over after any obliga-

tion, especially paid work, is

defined as leisure. The workers

eagerly await free time, no matter

what how vital their job is, and

most often is used for recuperation,

relaxation, recreation and for cul-

tural or artistic pursuits. During

such moments, people are compe-

tent to do what ever they yearn to

do. Most often leisure time is more

significant to the employee rather

than to others who organise their

own work and so can plan their

own rest.

Holidays, which are periods of

leisure, sometime provide an ambi-

guity. This is sensed when a person

decides to spend a couple of hours

of his day off work carrying out an

exhausting performance. Does this

imply less leisure as a result? In fact

there is no straightforward answer,

however some activities can be

described as leisure but others cer-

tainly not.

As employment becomes the domi-

nant form of work, the distinction

between occupation and leisure

becomes sharper and come to

mean what people do in the time

they have for themselves.

Nowadays the range of leisure

activities and facilities are spread-

ing. The employees are prepared to

make use of and invest in such

recreation when off work and going

on holiday, even though they

might undergo certain sacrifices to

gain extensive leisure. But even

workers need their break.

Leisure tends to be measured

against employment rather than

work, therefore without the time

spent at any employment leisure is

not fully appreciated. Workers have

earned the right for holidays, days

off and weekends, and such attain-

ment need to be conserved. �

Work, Leisure and Holiday

�At this point I am

not trying to state

the fact that the

Maltese woman’s life

is insupportable but

certainly they lead a

stressful one. �

Rebecca GattM.A. Ind. Rel. & HRM KeeleUni. UK, B.A. Sociology (Hons)

[email protected]

For most people, the activity ‘work’ is a centralfeature of their life. In fact this activity occupies alarge part of their day than any other single typeof activity.

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November 2008

A more affluent society, a large

British military community and an

emergent middle-class provided the

patrons who used to attend the RJAL

as the theatre was commonly known

by the Maltese. Its shell can still be

seen at the entrance to our capital

city, and although plans have been

made for its reconstruction, we are still

without an adequate opera house in

Valletta. Lately the idea has been

mooted to transform the bombed-out

shell into an open-air theatre. This, I

hope, is only a temporary measure to

utilize the site until a new theatre can

be built.

Many Band Clubs too know their exis-

tence to the British period. Military

bands parading in the Capital’s streets

provided the inspiration to volunteers

to set up their musical societies which

spread like wild-fire, and now there is

hardly a town or village in Malta and

Gozo that does not boast of its own

band club, in some instances even two

or three. In general these clubs pro-

vided the first approach to music for

many Maltese. Nowadays they still

form the kernel round which a num-

ber of activities are organized during

festivities held every year in different

parishes to honour their respective

patron saints. To the present day,

band clubs provide basic music teach-

ing without charge, besides holding

annual concerts in various parts of

the Islands and to which the general

public is invited to attend free of


Local feasts, celebrated in the many

new parishes that were being estab-

lished in different localities due to an

explosion in the population - there

were 120,000 inhabitants in Malta

and Gozo in 1850, but 180,000 in

1900(7) also gave a boost to sacred

music. During the 19th century,

many important Maltese cappellas

flourished. One must mention here

the Nani, Diacono, Bugeja and

Camilleri dynasties that have provid-

ed music linked to festas in Malta and

which are still part of the celebrations.

For many Maltese, a festa is not com-

plete without the well-known

Antifona, which is robust music in

quick time meant to praise the Saint,

create a sense of euphoria and give

A quick glimpse to the islands’Music Culture over the centuriesPart 2 – The early years

�Folkloristic music

is transmitted orally

from one generation

to another, so it was

never recorded


During the British Rule, the opera tradition in Malta notonly continued but was reinforced. A new, bigger, betterequipped Royal Theatre was built in Valletta in 1866.Lavish productions were held at this ill-fortuned theatrewhich was first burnt down just seven years after itsopening and eventually bombed in 1942 during theSecond World War.

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culture theHospitalitymmaannaaggeerr

vent to religious emotions and

devotion. During a week or two

prior to the festa, the musical cap-

pella, made up of the maestro di

cappella, his musicians and the

singers, provided – and still do - the

different music at the appointed

day and hour. The ensemble nor-

mally does not belong to a particu-

lar parish but is hired privately

according to exigencies. However,

many parishes have their own

choir that provides the required

services during the normal liturgi-

cal functions throughout the year.

Since Latin is no longer the preva-

lent language used in the Catholic

Church, hymns and other sacred

music are sung nowadays in


THE building of the Royal Opera

House in the 19th century meant

that the Manoel Theatre had to

find an alternative form of enter-

tainment instead of the repertoire

that had moved to the new theatre.

Operettas provided this relief and

many Italian and continental ones

were all the rage. Music halls, bars

and restaurants became a part of

life especially in Valletta which

remains even today the birthplace

of many of our popular and jazz

musicians. Freddie Mizzi, a clar-

inettist of world renown, the Curmi,

Schembri, Galea, Dowling, Borg,

Lucas and Vella families, all from

Valletta, are but a few who formed

the backbone of our popular music,

a particular genre which has grown

enormously in the last years.

Serious music has also developed

significantly in the

20th century.

Carmelo Pace can be

considered as the

doyen of 20th centu-

ry Maltese musi-

cians. This eminent

composer and

teacher was born in

Valletta in 1906 and

died in Sliema in

1993. During his

long career he com-

posed more than

3,000 works in every

genre, starting from

simple, short hymns

to full-blown operas

of which he com-

posed four (8) Being

a much sought-after teacher, he

has influenced most of the musi-

cians who were or are still active in

the music field on the island. Other

notable names are Charles

Camilleri, who has recorded thirty-

six CDs and whose works are

played regularly in concert-halls

and theatres both here in Malta

and abroad, Joseph Vella, compos-

er, researcher, conductor and uni-

versity professor, who has recorded

his compositions on Cds and who

has edited a number of manu-

scripts found at the Archives in

Mdina, Joseph Sammut, who set

up the first Orchestra in Malta in

1966 from the Admirality Orchestra

which was about to be disbanded

at that time and who has now

turned to composition besides con-

ducting and teaching, Michael

Laus, a pianist and the present con-

ductor of our National Orchestra

and a university professor teaching

performing and interpretation and

Dr Dion Buhagiar, musicologist,

composer and university professor.

The younger generation is also very

active, participating in music activi-

ties in Malta and abroad.

Composers, conductors, soloists,

choirs and singers in various fields

keep the Malta scene alive and

active in spite of the many difficul-

ties that result from the fact that

Photo Theatru

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this is a very small island situated at the southern-

most end of Europe. This results in much travelling

and expenses, time and money that could be other-

wise used more profitably in the quest for further

improvement by Maltese musicians.

However where there is a will there is a way, and as

this Choir Festival well illustrates, it only needs enthu-

siasm and dedication to increase more musical experi-

ences to the audiences. But seeing that, as we say in

Maltese ‘Bla flus la tghannaq u lanqas tbus’ which

liberally translated means that money is indispensa-

ble, may I also say a big Thank You to all sponsors

but primarily to those who, like me, believe that Man

cannot live by bread alone, and that music should

form a large chunk of our daily diet.

Joyce Guillaumier is a free lance author and

Cultural critic. She has also produces and pres-

ents several cultural programmes both on radio

and television stations �

GDLVery LowResolution

TATAMI OKLAHOMA MODELTop of the Range in Catering Footwear

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Standards Operational Proceduresare required for all HACCP plans.SOPs are acceptable practices andprocedures that the food serviceoperation sets for the employees tofollow. SOPs play an important rolein all HACCP plans for the safety ofthe facility and also the food service.

SOPs are the procedures and prac-tices that will ensure the productionof safe food. These procedures mustbe in writing. SOPs are the instru-ments to keep food service opera-tions consistent and safe. Theyshould be read by all the employeeswithin the operation and thansigned as proof of acknowledgingand understanding the procedure.The case may arise where someemployees will not understand allof the SOPs. Than it would be wiseto explain in simple words the pro-cedure and the way one shouldoperate the procedure.

When setting up the SOPs, oneshould keep in mind thewhole operation and coverall the steps that areinvolved in the operation.Writing down SOPs shouldbe in a consistent format,and this should include pur-pose, scope, keywords,instructions, monitoring, cor-rective actions, verificationand record keeping. The dateof implementation, reviewand revisions, and the signa-tures are required to verifythat the action has takenplace.

SOPs are the mechanics of any foodoperation and should be verified bydoing a walk through the operationand make sure that all the proce-dures of the operation are cover,leaving nothing out from purchas-ing to serving food. The SOPsshould be broken down into stepsand preferably aided by pictures.Besides having each SOP signedand filed, there should also be alarge format sign of the SOP in awell chosen place, visible to all thepersons working in that particulararea.

SOPs from a large part of the Prps,and they should not be inter-changed. For example, PersonalHygiene is a Prp, but than an SOPfor personal hygiene will aid allemployees keeping in line with thestandards that the operation hasseen fit to operate as a procedure.A food operation that wants toembrace a food safety system thatinvolves the use of the HACCP prin-ciples, which is requisite in ECNo.852/2004, should put in place acustomized set of SOPs that willenhance the operation and makethe food business operation saferand easier to follow.

HACCP ExplainedSOPs, Standard Operational Procedures

“Paulino Schembri graduatedwith the Federal Polytechnic ofLausanne in Switzerland underthe direct tutorship of worldrenowned professors in the fieldof HACCP, specializing in CodexAlimenarius and ISO 22000 aspart of a Food Safety System.Paulino provides HACCP consul-tancy to the local food industry.�

SOP; Standard Operational Procedure Prp; Prerequisite ProgramsHACCP; Hazards Analysis Critical Control Point

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Pork and its nutritional value

Nutrition is a concern of food serv-

ice operators because the consum-

ing public is continually reminded

with claims about fats, calories,

cholesterol and what not.

A manager’s conception about a

particular food and what he thinks

others feels about it affect all his

menu planning decisions including

those on pork. Pork has an impor-

tant place in foodservice menu

planning due to its nutritive value

and wholesomeness. No meal plan-

ner can afford to overlook pork on

the menu because it provides the

high quality protein so necessary to

build, maintain and repair body tis-

sue. Pork is an excellent source of

thiamin, a B vitamin so necessary

for healthy nervous systems, good

appetites and proper digestion. It is

also a very good source of iron and

other minerals and the vitamins

riboflavin, B6 and B12.

Merchandising pork

Properly prepared, attractively

served and actively merchandised

on the menu, pork can become the

number one profit item for foodser-

vice installations. One of the basic

but often neglected steps in mer-

chandising is people – yourself,

your employees and your cus-

tomers. This is especially true in

merchandising pork because of the

many misconceptions that have

existed so long about this outstand-

ing food product. An entire mer-

chandising programme can be set

back, your reputation for fine foods

can be endangered and any num-

ber of repeat sales lost all because a

chef does not know the proper

cooking temperature for pork or

insists on overcooking roasts and

chops. Educate and sell your

employees first and then they will

help you to sell your establishment.

Profits can easily be boosted

through merchandising although

an intelligent and efficient purchas-

ing programme is important and

necessary in every top-notch food-

service installation. Whether you

are planning an English breakfast,

a buffet lunch or a carvery dinner,

the creation of appetizing quality

products is imperative. The next

thing is to encourage your cus-

tomers to order those menu items

that yield most profit. It is far easier

to make a profit at the selling stage

and to entice your clients with taste,

smell and appearance than to

spend a lot of time looking for a

chance to cut cost in buying.

Buying pork

Purchasing pork and pork products

is a combination of basic business

principles plus a knowledge of and

confidence in the product. With

interest and some effort, buying

pork can be a simple and profitable

side of any foodservice business, be

it a hotel, restaurant, canteen,

snack bar or any catering outlet for

that matter. One of the best

approaches to successful menu

planning, merchandising and of

course, buying, is first recognizing

the many possible uses of pork.

Think beyond simply a pork chop

for lunch or some bacon for break-

fast. Do not think of pork as a

standby menu-filler. Instead think

of the many cuts, fresh and

processed, in numerous options for

any and every meal. With several

menu items in mind, it is far easier

to check the kinds of cuts available,

give them proper exposure on the

menu and carry out a more knowl-

edgeable purchasing policy. In

planning any particular pork

entrée, how much pork to buy

becomes an early and important

consideration. The objective, of

course, is to order enough to handle

orders with an absolute minimum

leftover. The actual quantity to pur-

chase will be determined on the

basis of past business and on the

anticipated volume of business

expected. General guidelines are

helpful although exact figuring is

difficult due to variables like

weight, size and shape of cuts,

whether these are boneless or on-

the-bone, the amount of fat cover,

cooking loss, trimming before and

after cooking, holding time and

how a roast is sliced. All of these

effect the yield and how much

meat to buy. Another very impor-

Pork and its Versatility in Catering- by James Muscat


November 2008

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tant determining factor is whether

the pork joints are of local origin or

imported. Caterers know that the

quality of locally bred pork is very

high and, in most cases, far superi-

or when compared the imported

versions. Consequently, the yields

and food cost are normally much

better when using fresh local pork

cuts as, for example, the loin or the

leg. Moreover, the taste, presenta-

tion and succulence of Maltese pork

are reputed to be the best in all of

Europe. An added advantage of

using local pork is that your suppli-

er can prepare the meats to your

specifications. Thus a simple pork

loin can be converted into a bone-

less, skinless and rolled oven-ready


Menu variety with pork

Pork offers infinite variety and

many choices to the caterer who

especially wants to expand or

change his menu. The number of

menu items that can be produced

from both fresh and processed pork

products is virtually limitless. Pork

is extremely adaptable and com-

plements a variety of sauces, prepa-

ration methods and garnishes. In a

few words, pork is truly versatile

and fits any occasion. Put pork on

your menu, promote it and you will

be pleasantly surprised at the way

customers order it. Any item with

quality is saleable and anything

that can be sold can be a profit

maker. Fresh pork cuts like the fillet,

also referred to as the tenderloin,

the loin medallion and the collar

chop are becoming increasing pop-

ular on both a la carte and func-

tion menus. Of the four major pri-

mal cuts, the two most widely used

for catering purposes are the loin

and the leg.

The concept of buffet breakfast

within the local hotel industry has

resulted in an array of processed

meats being offered in the dining

room. Bacon, English type

sausages, local Maltese sausage,

cooked ham, gammon, smoked

arrosto, mortadella and luncheon

meat with olives are but a few of

the possible options of locally pro-

duced processed meats that are of

very good value and can dramati-

cally enhance the variety of hot

and cold cuts offered for breakfast.

Meat processing plants in Malta

are today also manufacturing a

number of specialised products like

pork and tomato sausage, Italian

style sausage and Maltese salami.

Such unusual but very appetising

products can very easily offer a bet-

ter variety at a reduced cost.

Learn more about pork and

meat in general

In the event that you would like to

enhance your knowledge on this

topic, James Muscat can offer effec-

tive guidelines to the caterer in

respect of fresh and processed

meats with particular focus on the

various cuts available on the local

market, ways to minimise your

food costs and recommendations

on planning your menus to opti-

mise customer satisfaction.

James commenced his career in

1976 by enrolling for the hotel

management diploma course at

the Malta College of Science, Arts &

Technology in Msida. Three years

later he furthered his studies in

Montreux, Switzerland at the

famous hotel school “Centre

International de Glion” His sum-

mers were taken up by working in

a number of hotels both locally

and overseas. In 1981 James trav-

elled to Miami to follow a bachelors

degree programme in hospitality

management at Florida

International University. After grad-

uating from the USA, he returned

to Malta to join the family busi-

ness. In the past 25 years James has

been very actively involved in meat

processing and catering consultan-

cy. He and his brother John are

directors of Prime Ltd and, together,

they also operate a chain of eight

meat shops specialising in a wide

variety of products intended for all

client groups including restaura-

teurs and caterers.

James was one of the very first

members of HCIMA in Malta and

has been a fellow member of the

Institute of Hospitality for a long

number of years. He was recently

elected as a committee member of

IOH Malta. James is also ITEC

qualified in Nutrition & Diet

Theory and, more recently, has

been a guest on a number of televi-

sion and radio programmes with a

variety of original and healthy


James may be contacted by email

on [email protected]

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