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Research Article The Improvement of Dry Eye Symptoms after Pinguecula Excision and Conjunctival Autograft with Fibrin Glue Jinho Jeong , 1 Gabriel M. Rand, 2 Taejung Kwon, 3 and Ji-Won Kwon 4 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Jeju National University College of Medicine, Jeju, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA 3 Department of Pathology, Myongji Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Goyang, Republic of Korea 4 Department of Ophthalmology, Myongji Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Goyang, Republic of Korea CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoJi-WonKwon;[email protected] Received 23 December 2018; Revised 15 April 2019; Accepted 23 April 2019; Published 9 June 2019 AcademicEditor:MartaSacchetti Copyright©2019JinhoJeongetal.isisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Purpose. To evaluate the association between pinguecula excision and subsequent improvement in dry eye syndrome. Methods. Weincluded30consecutivepatientswithprimarynasalpingueculaanddryeyesymptomsundergoingocularsurgeryforthefirst time.Criteriaforpingueculaexcisionsurgerywerenasallocation,yellowishcolor,andprotrusionofconjunctivaatleast2times thickerthanadjacentnormalconjunctivaasmeasuredbyanteriorsegmentopticalcoherencetomography.Ourprimaryoutcomes were3-monthpostoperativechangesintearfilmbreakuptime(TBUT),Schirmertest,andadryeyesymptomscore. Results.30 eyesfrom30differentpatients(12menand18women)underwentpingueculaexcisionandconjunctivalautograftingusingfibrin glue.emeanagewas42.5 ± 8.35 (range 28–63) years. e preoperative protrusion ratio of pinguecula was 2.33 ± 0.28 (range 2.00–2.90).MeanpreoperativeTBUT,Schirmertest,anddryeyesymptomscoreswere5.10 ± 1.27seconds,6.07 ± 2.27mm,and 2.80 ± 0.76 points. Mean postoperative 3-month TBUT, Schirmer test, and dry eye symptom scores were 7.80 ± 1.13seconds, 7.27 ± 2.02mm, and 0.30 ± 0.47 points, respectively. e median pre- and postoperative changes were found to be statistically significant by Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for TBUT, Schirmer test score, and dry eye symptom score. Conclusion. Surgical excisionofpingueculaandconjunctivalautograftusingfibringlueisaneffectiveandsafemethodtoimprovesymptomsofdry eye syndrome. 1. Introduction Apingueculaisaround,yellowish,elevatedfleshytissueon the bulbar conjunctiva. It is more common in nasal limbal conjunctiva and often contains deposits of protein, fat, or calcium [1]. Although pinguecula are in most cases asymptomatic, they may cause symptoms of dryness or burning by disrupting the ocular tear film distribution, particularly when they become protruded [2]. eprimaryreasonpingueculaisexcisedisforcosmesis. Argon photocoagulation has shown good results for small, nonvascularizedpinguecula[3,4],whereassurgicalexcision and sutureless conjunctival autografting using fibrin glue have shown good outcomes for high-grade pinguecula [5]. Grading of pinguecula is dependent on office-based as- sessmentofpingueculaareaandthickness.Inthepast,itwas difficult to measure the thickness of pinguecula accurately, but recently, anterior segment optical coherence tomogra- phy (AS-OCT) has been used to quickly and accurately determine dimensions [6]. Inourclinicalpractice,similartopublishedreportsafter pterygium excision, we have consistently found improve- ment in patients’ dry eye symptoms after pinguecula exci- sion.Interestingly,thereisscantliteratureontheassociation between pinguecula and dry eye. e contribution of this studyisthatweexaminetherelationshipofpingueculaand dry eye pre- and postoperatively in a quantitative manner usingaccuratehigh-resolutionOCTdataandchangesintear Hindawi Journal of Ophthalmology Volume 2019, Article ID 6438157, 6 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/6438157
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Research ArticleThe Improvement of Dry Eye Symptoms after PingueculaExcision and Conjunctival Autograft with Fibrin Glue

Jinho Jeong ,1 Gabriel M. Rand,2 Taejung Kwon,3 and Ji-Won Kwon 4

1Department of Ophthalmology, Jeju National University College of Medicine, Jeju, Republic of Korea2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,New York, NY, USA3Department of Pathology, Myongji Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Goyang, Republic of Korea4Department of Ophthalmology, Myongji Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Goyang, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Ji-Won Kwon; [email protected]

Received 23 December 2018; Revised 15 April 2019; Accepted 23 April 2019; Published 9 June 2019

Academic Editor: Marta Sacchetti

Copyright © 2019 Jinho Jeong et al. ,is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Purpose. To evaluate the association between pinguecula excision and subsequent improvement in dry eye syndrome. Methods.We included 30 consecutive patients with primary nasal pinguecula and dry eye symptoms undergoing ocular surgery for the firsttime. Criteria for pinguecula excision surgery were nasal location, yellowish color, and protrusion of conjunctiva at least 2 timesthicker than adjacent normal conjunctiva as measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Our primary outcomeswere 3-month postoperative changes in tear film breakup time (TBUT), Schirmer test, and a dry eye symptom score. Results. 30eyes from 30 different patients (12 men and 18 women) underwent pinguecula excision and conjunctival autografting using fibringlue. ,e mean age was 42.5± 8.35 (range 28–63) years. ,e preoperative protrusion ratio of pinguecula was 2.33± 0.28 (range2.00–2.90). Mean preoperative TBUT, Schirmer test, and dry eye symptom scores were 5.10± 1.27 seconds, 6.07± 2.27mm, and2.80± 0.76 points. Mean postoperative 3-month TBUT, Schirmer test, and dry eye symptom scores were 7.80± 1.13 seconds,7.27± 2.02mm, and 0.30± 0.47 points, respectively. ,e median pre- and postoperative changes were found to be statisticallysignificant by Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for TBUT, Schirmer test score, and dry eye symptom score. Conclusion. Surgicalexcision of pinguecula and conjunctival autograft using fibrin glue is an effective and safe method to improve symptoms of dryeye syndrome.

1. Introduction

A pinguecula is a round, yellowish, elevated fleshy tissue onthe bulbar conjunctiva. It is more common in nasal limbalconjunctiva and often contains deposits of protein, fat, orcalcium [1]. Although pinguecula are in most casesasymptomatic, they may cause symptoms of dryness orburning by disrupting the ocular tear film distribution,particularly when they become protruded [2].

,e primary reason pinguecula is excised is for cosmesis.Argon photocoagulation has shown good results for small,nonvascularized pinguecula [3, 4], whereas surgical excisionand sutureless conjunctival autografting using fibrin gluehave shown good outcomes for high-grade pinguecula [5].

Grading of pinguecula is dependent on office-based as-sessment of pinguecula area and thickness. In the past, it wasdifficult to measure the thickness of pinguecula accurately,but recently, anterior segment optical coherence tomogra-phy (AS-OCT) has been used to quickly and accuratelydetermine dimensions [6].

In our clinical practice, similar to published reports afterpterygium excision, we have consistently found improve-ment in patients’ dry eye symptoms after pinguecula exci-sion. Interestingly, there is scant literature on the associationbetween pinguecula and dry eye. ,e contribution of thisstudy is that we examine the relationship of pinguecula anddry eye pre- and postoperatively in a quantitative mannerusing accurate high-resolution OCTdata and changes in tear

HindawiJournal of OphthalmologyVolume 2019, Article ID 6438157, 6 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2019/6438157

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film breakup time (TBUT), Schirmer tests, and dry eyesymptom scores.

2. Methods

,is study is a retrospective chart review of patients havingexcision of high-grade primary pinguecula for cosmeticreasons and/or irritation. We included 30 consecutive pa-tients meeting inclusion criteria from May 2016 to April2017. Inclusion criteria were patients with a noninflamed,vascularized nasal pinguecula, dimensions greater than2.0mm× 2.0mm, and thickness greater than 2 times that ofthe adjacent conjunctiva. Tissue thicknesses were measuredusing AS-OCT (RS-3000 Advance, Nidek Co LTD, Japan)(Figure 1). ,e pinguecula protrusion ratio is the thicknessof the pinguecula divided by the thickness of adjacentnormal conjunctiva. In cases of bilateral pinguecula, the eyewith more symptoms was selected for surgery. Patients withactive surface inflammation such as pingueculitis or pre-vious ocular surface surgeries were excluded. Patients weremade aware of the risks and benefits of surgery and ofnonsurgical treatment modalities. We adhered to the tenetsof the Declaration of Helsinki, and appropriate InstitutionalReview Board/Ethics Committee approvals were obtained.

All surgeries and pre-/postoperative evaluations wereperformed by a single surgeon (J. W. K.) using a standardtechnique [5]. Under topical anesthesia (0.05% proparacainehydrochloride, Alcaine; Alcon, Ft. Worth, TX), the border ofthe pinguecula was first marked with gentian violet, and theoutlined pinguecula was then gently excised from the un-derlying tenon tissue or sclera using Vannas scissors. Aftermeasuring the dimensions of the resulting defect, the su-perior conjunctiva was marked to the corresponding sizeand a free conjunctival graft was harvested. ,e graft wasthen transferred to the defective area and glued to the placeusing fibrin adhesives (Tisseel; Baxter, Westlake Village,CA). We excised only the pinguecula without additionalmargins. ,ere was minimal tissue retraction, so graft di-mensions were matched to the same dimensions of theoriginal defect [5]. ,e cornea was covered with a thera-peutic contact lens (Johnson and Johnson Acuvue 1 day,−0.50 diopter, 14.2mm in diameter, 8.5mm in base curve),and patients received levofloxacin (Cravit; Santen Phar-maceutical Company, Osaka, Japan) and 1% prednisoloneacetate (Pred Forte; Allergan, Irvine, CA) eye drops fourtimes daily for 1 week and then three times per day for1week. ,e therapeutic contact lens was removed at post-operative 1week.

We measured preoperative and 1- and 3-month post-operative changes of TBUT, Schirmer test, and dry eyesymptom scores. 3months was considered to be a sufficientamount of time for post-op healing and prednisolone acetatedrop washout. ,e TBUT was measured by asking the pa-tient to look nasally and then staining the superotemporalbulbar conjunctiva with fluorescein (Fluorescein paper;Haag-Streit Diagnostics, Koeniz, Switzerland). ,e breakuptime of the corneal tear film after one blink was recorded[7, 8]. TBUT was reported as the average of 3 consecutivemeasurements. ,e Schirmer test was performed without

topical anesthesia, whereby a Schirmer strip was placed atthe inferotemporal fornix, and the wet length of the strip wasmeasured after 5minutes [8, 9]. Patients were asked to gradecumulative ocular symptoms of dryness, stinging, foreignbody sensation, and redness into one of the 5 followingcategories: 0 (asymptomatic); 1 (occasional symptoms butno obstacle to daily life); 2 (continuous symptoms but noobstacle to daily life); 3 (continuous symptoms with in-terference of daily life); 4 (continuous symptoms with in-terference of daily life and desiring surgical treatment). Afterthe postoperative 1- and 3-month evaluations, patients werefollowed up in roughly 3-month intervals for a range of10–15months in order to evaluate for discomfort and/orrecurrences. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSSstatistical software (version 21.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).,eWilcoxon signed-rank test was used to test preoperative andpostoperative differences in our outcome variables. Linearcorrelations were used to assess the association of pingueculaprotrusion and preoperative and postoperative changes ofour outcome variables. A p-value of less than 0.05 wasconsidered statistically significant.

3. Results

From May 2016 to April 2017, 30 eyes of 30 patients (12men and 18 women) underwent pinguecula excision andconjunctival autografting using fibrin glue. ,eir mean agewas 42.5± 8.35(range 28–63) years. Preoperative oph-thalmic examination showed a yellowish, raised pingueculawith significant vascularization in each case and a meanprotrusion ratio of 2.33 ± 0.28 (range 2.00–2.90). Histologicexamination of excised tissues confirmed subepithelialsolar elastosis with thinning of the overlying epithelium.,e mean postoperative follow-up period was 12.27 ± 1.34(range 10–15) months. After pinguecula excision withconjunctival autograft, it showed vascular shrinkage andflattening of the conjunctival surface (Figure 2). ,ere wasno case of recurrence during the follow-up periods. Meanpreoperative TBUT, Schirmer test, and dry eye symptomscore were 5.10± 1.27 seconds, 6.07 ± 2.27mm, and2.80 ± 0.76 points, respectively. At the 1-month post-operative visit, mean TBUT and Schirmer test were7.63 ± 1.19 seconds and 6.80 ± 2.25mm, respectively. At the3-month postoperative visit, mean TBUT, Schirmer test,and dry eye symptom score were 7.80± 1.13 seconds,7.27 ± 2.02mm, and 0.30± 0.47 points, respectively.3months after surgery, the dry eye symptom score of 9 eyeswas 1 and the remaining 21 eyes was 0. Nonparametricanalyses using Wilcoxon signed-rank test confirmed sta-tistically significant changes in the median preoperativeand 3-month postoperative TBUT (sig.<0.001), Schirmertest (sig. � 0.001), and dry eye symptom score (sig. <0.001)(Tables 1 and 2).

,e protrusion of the pinguecula was negatively cor-related with lower TBUT (r�−0.552, p � 0.002) andSchirmer test score (r�−0.436, p � 0.016) and positivelycorrelated with preoperative dry eye symptom score(r� 0.581, p � 0.001) and postoperative change in dry eyesymptom score (r� 0.504, p � 0.005) (Table 3).

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4. Discussion

,ere is a significant amount of research on the association ofpterygium and dry eye syndrome [9], but very little on theassociation between pinguecula and dry eye, even thoughpinguecula is more prevalent and its pathophysiology may bedifferent [10–12]. In this study, we found that all includedmeasures of dry eye syndrome (TBUT, Schirmer test, and dryeye symptom score) improved after surgery. ,is improve-ment was statistically and clinically significant. ,ere wasobjective 3-month improvement postoperatively in averageTBUT and Schirmer test scores of 2.7 sec and 1.2mm, re-spectively, and subjective improvement from symptoms onaverage being continuous and impacting quality of life to atworst being occasional and not bothersome.

Previous reports showed improvement in tear filmstability after pinguecula and pterygium excision[2, 13–16]. It was hypothesized that the improvement indry eye syndrome status after pinguecula surgery resultsfrom removal of the physical protrusion causing tear filminstability. Most pinguecula-grading systems includequantitative measures of surface dimensions but notprotrusion. We found the protrusion of the pinguecula tobe statistically significantly correlated with all our dry eyeoutcome variables. Greater protrusion was moderatelycorrelated with lower TBUT and Schirmer test scores. Itwas also moderately correlated with higher dry eyesymptom scores and a greater postexcision improvement

in symptoms. It follows that pinguecula protrusion mayaffect tear film stability and therefore TBUT, but we alsofound that tear film production improved postoperatively.,is finding is supported by evidence in the literature oflower tear osmolarity after pterygium excision surgery[14]. Pinguecula and pterygium may influence aqueoustear production via friction against the tarsus causinglocal inflammation and decreasing accessory lacrimalgland secretion. Interestingly, Viso et al. published a studyin which pinguecula was not associated with dry eye signsand symptoms [12]. ,is discrepancy is possibly due to adifference in patient populations; one including a generalpopulation and the other a population of patients withhigh-grade pinguecula referred to our specialty clinic.

Importantly, we found no clinically significant compli-cations after our pinguecula excision surgeries. At a meanfollow-up period of 12.3months, there was not a singlerecurrence, and all patients were satisfied with their results.With respect to our surgical approach, we preferred using aconjunctival autograft with sutureless fibrin adhesive ap-plication rather than a conjunctival rotational flap orreapproximation because the latter technique often requiresconjunctival sutures and may result in stretching tension tothe wound. ,e sizes of our conjunctival autograft wererelatively small; however, in instances when conjunctiva maybe needed for future surgery (e.g., glaucoma filtering sur-gery), an amniotic membrane graft could also be consideredas an alternative to our approach.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1: Slit lamp photograph and respective anterior segment optical coherence tomography of two patients. (a) A 27-year-old malepatient with yellowish, nasal, protruded pinguecula. (b) AS-OCT of (a) showing pinguecula thickness (yellow star) more than 2 times theadjacent conjunctival thickness (distance between arrow and arrowhead). (c) A 32-year-old female patient with nasal pinguecula lessprotruded than that in the patient in (a). (d) AS-OCTof (c) shows pinguecula thickness less than 2 times the adjacent conjunctival thickness(distance between conjunctival epithelium (arrow) and conjunctiva-sclera junction (arrowhead)). Yellow star: pinguecula; arrow: con-junctival epithelium; arrowhead: conjunctiva-sclera junction.

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Our study has a number of limitations. ,e study is aretrospective analysis and was not designed to prove thecausality of pinguecula excision in improving dry eyesyndrome. ,e study does not include grading of fluo-rescein staining, an important measure in the study and

treatment of dry eye syndrome. We attempted to controlfor confounders by excluding patients with active in-flammation and including a prednisolone acetate washoutperiod of more than 10 weeks. However, we did not includea nonsurgical control group and so symptom improvement

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f )

Figure 2: Pre- and postoperative slit-lamp biomicroscopic photographs of three patients. A 53-year-old woman with protruded nasalpinguecula (a) underwent surgery and showed vascular shrinkage and flattening of conjunctival surface; 6months after the surgery (b). A50-year-old man with nasal pinguecula (c) showed improvement of vascularization and conjunctival protrusion; 4months after the surgery(d). A 48-year-old woman with prominent nasal pinguecula (e) showed improvement and restored conjunctival surface; 2 months after thesurgery (f ).

Table 1: Clinical profile of the preoperative pinguecula patients.

Mean SD Min MaxAge (years) 42.47 8.35 28 63M : F 12 :18Protrusion ratio 2.33 0.28 2 2.9Follow-up period (months) 12.27 1.34 10 15Tear film breakup time (seconds) 5.10 1.27 3 7Schirmer test (mm) 6.07 2.27 3 11Dry eye symptom score 2.80 0.76 2 4

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may be due to a placebo effect. Lastly, the sample size wasnot sufficiently large to perform subgroup analyses toexamine if the effect varied across different patientdemographics.

In conclusion, we accurately measured the protrusion ofpinguecula by comparing the relative thickness with adja-cent normal conjunctiva using AS-OCT, and we found thatprotrusion was statistically correlated with preoperative dryeye symptom scores and that the surgical excision ofsymptomatic pinguecula improved not only cosmesis butalso improved dry eye syndrome without any instances ofrecurrence or other serious complications with properlyselected patients. Given the high prevalence of pinguecula[15, 16], its potential relationship to dry eye syndromeshould not be overlooked, especially with significantlyprotruded lesions.

Data Availability

,epatient data used to support the findings of this study areavailable from the corresponding author upon request.

Ethical Approval

,e study protocol was in accordance with the Declarationof Helsinki and was approved by the Institutional ReviewBoard of Myongji Hospital, Hanyang University College ofMedicine, Seoul, Korea (MIRB 2018-05-002–001). Addi-tionally, written informed consent was obtained from allparticipants.


Patients provided written informed consent after beinggiven a detailed explanation of the study.,e patients agreedto data publication in a journal.

Conflicts of Interest

,e authors have no other proprietary or commercial in-terest in any materials discussed in this article. No con-flicting relationship exists for any author.

Authors’ Contributions

JJ designed the study, GR revised the manuscript, TK carriedout statistical analysis and pathology analysis, and JWKparticipated in its design and coordination and helped draftthe manuscript. All authors read and approved the finalmanuscript.


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Table 2: Nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test for the preoperative and 3-month postoperative change of dry eye outcome variables.

Preoperative Post-op 1-month Post-op 3-month SignificanceTear film breakup time 5.10± 1.27 7.63± 1.19 7.80± 1.13 <0.001Schirmer test 6.07± 2.27 6.80± 2.25 7.27± 2.02 <0.001Dry eye symptom score 2.80± 0.76 0.30± 0.47 <0.001

Table 3: Correlation analysis of protrusion ratio of pinguecula and dry eye outcome variables.

Pearson correlation Protrusion ratio ofpinguecula

Tear film BUT∗(sec)

Schirmer test(mm)

Preoperative dry eyesymptom score

Δ dry eye symptomscore

Protrusion ratio ofpinguecula 1 −0.552

(p � 0.002)−0.436

(p � 0.016) 0.581 (p � 0.001) −0.504 (p � 0.005)

Tear film BUT∗ (sec) −0.552 (p � 0.002) 1 0.691(p< 0.001) −0.407 (p � 0.026) 0.465 (p � 0.010)

Schirmer test (mm) −0.436 (p � 0.016) 0.691(p< 0.001) 1 −0.231 (p � 0.219) −0.270 (p � 0.149)

Preoperative dry eyesymptom score 0.581 (p � 0.001) −0.407

(p � 0.026)−0.231

(p � 0.219) 1 0.806 (p< 0.001)

Δ dry eye symptom score 0.504 (p � 0.005) −0.465(p � 0.010)

−0.270(p � 0.149) 0.806 (p< 0.001) 1

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