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THEME – 2 Adaption of potato crops to climate change

Date post: 10-May-2015
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avrdc.org R. Schafleitner 1 J. Ramirez 2 A. Jarvis 2 D. Evers 3 R. Gutierrez 4 M. Scurrah 4 1 AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan 2 CIAT, Colombia 3 CRP - Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg 4 CIP Peru Adaption of the potato crop to climate change Walter Amoros
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R . S c h a f l e i t n e r 1

J . R a m i r e z 2

A . J a r v i s 2

D . E v e r s 3

R . G u t i e r r e z 4

M . S c u r r a h 4

1 A V R D C – T h e W o r l d V e g e t a b l e C e n t e r , T a i w a n 2 C I A T , C o l o m b i a 3 C R P - G a b r i e l L i p p m a n n , L u x e m b o u r g 4 C I P P e r u

Adaption of the potato crop to climate change

Walter Amoros

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AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center

Founded in 1971 as the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center with a regional research focus on Asia

Our research and development is nonprofit

Our research outputs are global public goods

The World Vegetable Center has an expanding global role with a growing network of regional offices

Alleviate poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of health-promoting vegetables.

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• Vegetable production generates higher farm income and more jobs than other crops

• Especially suited for small farms and women farmer

• Vegetable value chains strengthen the rural economy

Vegetables are healthy – and a path out of poverty

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AVRDC – The WORLD Vegetable Center


Africa Central America

East & Southeast Asia

South Asia

Central & West Asia and North Africa


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Our Crop Portfolio


− Tomato

− Pepper

− Eggplant

Bulb Alliums:

− Onion

− Garlic

− Shallot


− Mungbean

− Vegetable



− Pak Choi

− Broccoli


− Cucumber

− Pumpkin



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AVRDC Themes





60,000 accessions 150 vegetable species

Adapted lines suitable for smallholder farmers for variety and hybrid development

Production technologies, disease resistance genes, integrated pest management

Postharvest, nutritional value, access to markets, promoting healthy diets

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AVRDC Biotech - Molecular breeding

Molecular marker technologies for genebank scientists, breeders and pathologists

Population development, wide crosses, embryo rescue

Genetic engineering

Enhance efficiency, effectiveness and economy of cultivar improvement

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Potato and Climate Change

Global temperatures are likely to rise

Precipitation patterns are likely to change

Potato is sensitive to heat and drought

Potato production is likely to be affected by climate change

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Potato and Climate Change

Which climatic effect will affect potato production where and to which extent?


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Climate changes projections for potato growing regions


Averages 1960 – 2000 of monthly max, min. and mean temperatures and precipitation

Resolution of 30-arcsecond (~1 km), reduced to 5-arcminute (10 km)

Future climate

Statistically downscaled output of Global Circulation Models 2010-2039

SRES-A2 emission scenario “business as usual”

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Potato production areas

Summer potato in temperate zones: 45° N – 57°N Winter potato in subtropical lowlands: 23° N – 34° N 25% of the potato area > 1000 m altitude

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Present and future climate suitability for potato production

EcoCrop model (based on FAO database of crop ecological requirements)

Parameters: Tkill: Temperature at which the crop will die

Tmin: Minimum temperature at which the crop will grow

Topmin: Minimum optimum temperature at which the crop grows

Topmax: Maximum optimum temperature at which the crop grows

Tmax: Maximum temperature at which the crop will grow

Rmin: Minimum amount of rain water required for the crop to grow

Ropmin: Minimum optimum amount of rain water required for the crop to grow

Ropmax: Maximum optimum amount of water for the crop to grow

Rmax: Maximum amount of rain water below which the crop grows

Gmin: Minimum length of the growing season

Gmax: Maximum length of the growing season.

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Present and future climate suitability for potato production

EcoCrop model (based on FAO database of crop ecological requirements)

Separate suitability indices for temperature and rainfall

Computing final suitability rating by multiplying temperature and precipitation suitabilities


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Present climate suitability for potato

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Present climate suitability for potato

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Current climatic limitations for potato

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Predicted suitability 2020

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Predicted suitability 2020

• Highest reduction in suitability in tropical highlands & southern Africa

• Large gains in suitability in high latitudes or high tropical altitudes

• Net change: +1.3 % suitability

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Potential benefits from improved stress tolerance

1) Heat tolerance (+2.5°C)

Climate change impact reduction on 65% of current potato area

Expansion to 15.5 million hectares of new area

2) Cold tolerance (-2.5°C)

Plus 8.7 million hectares of new suitable area

3) Drought tolerance (25% less water requirement)

Benefit for 2.8 million hectares – overlapping with heat stress tolerance impact areas

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CC predictions suggest potato yield reductions in the tropics and large gains in high latitudes

Reducing temperature sensitivity would have largest impact on CC adaptation of the potato crop

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Suitability Modeling for Vegetable Production

Scattered production area



Protected agriculture

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