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Theo. l. iavies m L ft - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Standard Grade of Csnuod...

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f v.t "f1. ""r,-,- p ' tvt" ( 5.i r wvfrjf mrs v Vol. Y. ONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1897. No. (559. Theo. l. iavies & m L ft SUGAR FACTORS, IMPORTERS OF General Merchandise AND oonM:issio3sr Vgonts for Lloyds, Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line, British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life), Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Pioneer Line oC Packetn from Liverpool. Telephone 92. M, E. McIMTYRE & BRO., Hast Corner fort &c kino Sts. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed New (mil Fresh Goods received by every paoket from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grade of Csnuod Vegetables, Fruits anO Fish. Ca- - Goods delivered to any part of the City W& TRr.ATn tkatiw fim.mrrwn qTrqniTinw on PiMTti-ir- Oceanic Steamship Company. t TIME TABLE: The Fine Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave This Fort as Hereunder. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA AUG. 17th I MARIPOSA AUG. 19th ALAMEDA AUG. 20th J AUSTRALIA Aug, 25th In connection with tlio sailing of the above steamer?, the Agents are proparod to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by any railroad from Sau Francisco, to all points in the United Statep, and from Now York by any steamship lino to all European portB. For further particulars apply to Wm. Irwin General Oceanic Camping Season is Coming WHEN YOU GET OUT INTO THE MOUNTAIN wo can bo with you. The memory of n wolbslockod larder in your camp will liolp the enjoyment of tho vceiiery picturesque or.tnajestlo, as ltuppcals to the oyn. Tho climate genial, bmcing, rejuvonntlng will be nldod by good groceries. Whatever you do rustlcntinc. hnniing, fishing, rid. fag. boating, whcoling, mountain climbing or in valcly repOHlng oar goods nra the best and neuessury The season for tills sari of thought mid aotion h upon us. All lho world, takes an outing onca a year if It doesn't, it ouuht to. whllo making up your- - mind whero you will go, put these places bofore your mind's ovo: ON MAUI-IIaleuk- ala, Lnhnlnn, Wal-kap- a. Mnkawao, Huna, Kula, Kahului, Haiku, Makeua. ON KAUAI HtiiMlol.Hnnariopo, Lihno, Koloa, Walmcn, Nuwliiwill and Knwnl-ha- ON HAWAII-Kllu- uen and Haleniau-iunu- t, tho rainy nlty, Kapapali, Kealnke-ka- a Day una Dr. Liiulloy's Bniittarium, Wnlpio, Kohala, 1'una, Komi, Lniipnhoo-ho- o und Uamakun. ON OAHU-Walk- ikl. Tantnlus, Puo-waln- a, Olympus or Leahl Makapuu nnd Mokapn, wuianao, Pearl Harbor, Ilemoud Grove, Moannlua and Manoa. Tho Island1) of Lanal, Molokal. Kahoo-l- a wo and Niihau. & CO, HAS THKM ALL Telephone 210. Froo dollvory twice dally Subsoribo for The Independent, 50 coats month. tv 3Hi:R,OEa:.A.:isrTs P. O. Box 145. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: TWO REASONS Why peoplo come long distances to bay at the JPalama Grocery REASON 1 Bccaupo one customer tells nnottior how muoh they havo saved by dealing at this livo and lot lire establish- ment. HEASON the saving from their grocory bill helps thorn to pay tho houso rent. If you ilou't believe what our customer say just givo ub a call ond bo convinced. KCay and Grain HARRY OANON, Pnlaina Oroeory. TKli 7W Oppnsitn Hallway Depot THOS. LINDSAY. JweiT. IB PREPARED TO Manufacture and Repair All kinds of Jewolry. FIRST-CLAS- S WORK ONLY. NK T.ovh TIiiIIiIIhk, T1W Br. tf THESE MOONLIGHT NIGHTS. When Luna lights Our troplo Islo nnd sea Just take 'his tip Go got a dip At Lomu Branch, Waikiki, Bathing parties ran obtain special cloon suits ami proper treatment Tramcars pass the donr, 0. J. SHERWOOD, Proprietor Long Urouuh Baths.. G. & Go. LIMITED. Agents S. S. Company. accompaniments. LEWIS per ac- commodations; WATERFKONT WHISPEIUNQB. Tho ihip Commodore now loading sugar at tho Railroad wharf for Now York, will bo placed morning at lho O. S. S. Co.'s dook, whora several thousand bags of sugar await shipmont. Outgoing coasters yesterday for tho shores of California are known as tho S. G. Wildor and Ceylon. The last bit of gold dust in The In- dependent's safo is "up" on tho S. G. Wildor to arrivo first at the Golden Gate Yot the JOimond loft Tues- day may clear out the lot. By the steamship Noeau, Sohaefer & Co. shipped 3 rollers and an on-gin- o for tho Honokaa Sugar Mill, amounting to 35 tons. Tho bark Martha Davis, Captain FriiB, is alongside the Irmgard wharf discharging a full cargo of hay and grain consigned to C. Brewer & Co. Limited. Frank P. Mclntyro is improving his poultry stock to a high degree. By tho Andrew Welch a splendid breed of foreign fowls were present- ed to him by Captain Edwin P. Drew. Tho Turkish Float. Special Dispatches to the Chronicle Oanea, (Crete), August . Upon receipt of tho news that the Turkish squadron from tho Dardanelles was coming into theso waters tho foreign war ships got up steam and the international troops on shore have taken measures to auticipate any possible complications, The report and those preparations have greatly excited tho Mussulmans, Tho admirals and commanders met to day on board tho Italian flag- ship to discuss the matter. In viow of tho possible arrival of the"squad-ro- n a French war ahip has beon dis- patched to Sitia, an Italian men-of-w- to Suda bay, an Austriau to ICaBtolli and a Russian to Rotimo. Constantinople, August !. Tho second squadron of Turkish war shipp, consisting of seven vossels, commanded by Hari Pasha, which sailed from the Dardanelles yester- day, has arrived at Sigri, Island of Mityleno, Referring to tho fears expressed here that the departure of the Tur- kish ships might lead to a collision with tho international fleet in Cro-ta- n waters, in viow of the announce- ment of the foreign admirals that they hare decided to oppose the lauding of Turkish in the Island of Creto, tho Turkish newspapers say that tho squadron has only boen ordered to carry out evolutions in tho islands of tho archipelago. Was It Andreef Rotterdam, July 2J. A lettor from Captain Lohmau of the Dutch stuamor Dordrocht, appears in one of the papers of this city, in which he says ho saw a curious object float- ing in tho White sea on July 17th, which was neither a ship nor a dead whale, but which resembled a bal- loon. Captaiu Lehman suggests that it may havo beon Audree's balloon which ho saw. Gotiienbuho, July 27. Lieutenant Svendonburg, son-in-la- of Dr. Otto Nordenskjold, lho Arctic exploror, roports from Ascension that if noth- ing is heard from HerrAndreeiu six weeks it is not likely that any. thing will be hoard from him this year. Brazil's Groat Battle. Buknoes Atres, August . I am informed by tho Herald's correspon- dent in Rio Janoiro, Brazil, that the latest official advices from Canudos etato that 2000 Govornmont soldiors were killed in tho recent big .battle there. This loaves tho rebel loss in tho same fight about 1000, BUSINESS LOCALS. A lady, who is an accomplished toucher of mtisic, desires to givo lessons to a fow pupils at their home, at 50 cents a losBon. Address, tho editor of The Independent. ' "Historical Truths" may bo had at 327 King street, if applied for early. Although the edition was considered large enough for all de- mands the books nro already rathor scarce. Paddy Rvau is now assisted by popular "William Carlisle at the An- chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer is always on draught and other stimu- lants furnished. Pointers on all sporting events can be had, freo of charge from tho athletic manager of tho Anchor. Buffalo Boor has provod its so popularity at the Royal, Paci- fic and Cosmopolitan Saloons. The colobrated Pabst is also retained thero in draft or in bottle. Tho in- terchangeable check system that has proved such a convenience to tho patrons of these popular resorts is also in vogue. Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolilau is recommending the celebrated Put- nam's Blackberry Brandy, a tonic which is unrivalled, assisted by Jim Thompson formerly of tho S. S. Australia an excellent "half and half" is served to the thirsty customers of tho Cosmopolitan There is only one place where tho p'roper drink can be obtained when loyal Americans celebrate, "Annex- ation" and the Fourth of July. Pomery Sec. and Gold Lac, are the special brands of Champagne served by the Royal Auuex. Como on, you annexationists, and let the corks fly, and the wino flow. One ounce of prevention is better than ten ounces of cure. The Em- pire boasts of infallible remedies against tho varioloid. Wieland beer on draft beats vaccination, and Doctor Charlie Andrew presides over tho finest stock of 'remedies" that can bo found in town. All for medi- cinal purposes and cash. FISHERIES NOTICE, BEEN THIS DAY HAVING by Her Mujesty lho. Qaoen DoAngor, Kapiolnni, as Agent iKoilohlkiJ of tho Fisheries of Hunuuinu nnd Awawa-mal- n, obtalnod by her under Lease from the Trustees of tho 15. P. Bishop Es ate, extending from Mnkapuu Point to Kuko head to the south of tnis Islnnd, I here- by warn ad s ftom ushint; in or ticspapsing upon the same without first obtaining porrulse ion. Anyone disregard- ing thU nottco will bo prosecuted to tho fullest extent of tho law. WM. AULD. Honolnln. .Tnly 28, 18117- - Ct7-l- m NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. THE existing between A. S, Humidirevs and h. J. MAcdonald for the imu tl-- of law under tho 11 'iu name of Humphioys ifc Mucdonald has been dissolved. Mr. Humphreys will occupy tho ethics ot cor- ner King nnd Bethel htroo s, and will nt-t- o ml to Ml civil matters now in the hands of tho firm HUMPHREYS & MACDONALD, A. 8 HUMPHREYS, S. J MACDONALD Honolulu, August 4, 1897. 05J lw TO LET OH LEASE. A COTTAGE ON KING ex. Street, Kuluokahua Plains, containing six rooms, with outhouses be tween tlio residences f tlio Hon A. Rosa and T 11. Walter, Esq ond laely occupied by B. Thool Artesian water laid on. For further particular, apply to ABRAHAM FliRNANDEZ. Honolulu, July 15 807 Tele. -- SO. iHK-- rf TO LET. A DESIRABLE TEN-limi- t, TO h beautiful resl-dew- o furnUhedlhroiuhout situated at the Peninsula. Gootl boating Oloyn to tho Rallroid For further particulars apply tn J. O UARTEH, Jit, at tho Bank of Bishop & Co C2.'-- tf FOR BENT. I BURNISHED OR UN-- ? furnUlied House; Par- lor, Dining Room, Two Bedrooms. Kitchen. Bath. oto . all in llrnt class condition. Stable room nnd Servants' qnartcrsj grounds In elegant condition, l.uoitlon upper Lillhn Stroot, Apply nt Independent Otlice, W2-- tf Wilte's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. O. L. WIGHT, Pros B. B. KOBE, Seo Capt. J. A. KING, Port Supt, Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching at Lnhoirm, Maalsea Bny and Makera the same day; Mnhnknnn. Knwalbae and Lau-pah- hoe the following day; arriving at Hllo the snmn afternoon. liKWK HONOLULU. ABItlVES noKOLULB, Friday Aug SO Tuesday Ang 17 Tuetiiay Aug 81 l'riday Aug 27 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Bepl 7 Tuesday Sept 21 riduv Soptl7 Friday Oct I luosday Sept 28 luesday Oct 12 Friday Oot 8 Friday Oct aa 'Juesday Oct 19 Tuesday Nov 2 Friduy Oct 88 Fridny Nov 12 Tuesday Nov 9 Tuoday .... Nov 2.) Friday. Nov 18 Friduy Dec 3 Tuesday Nor'St Tuesday ....Deoll Friday Deo 10 Thursduj Dto 23 Tii"S(fay Deo 31 Friday Dec SI Returning will leavo Hllo at 8 o'clock A. m , touching nt Laupahoehoe, Mhn-kon- u nnd Kawaihao same day: Makn. Moalnea Day nnd Lahaina the followln day: arriving at Honolulu the afternoona of luesdnys nnd F'rldoys. ma"kV '" tuU 0t Pot'olk1' Puna on Wp BSr No Freight ill be received after A. m. on day of eailing. The popular routo to the Volcano is via Hllo A good carriage road the entire dis- tance. Round trip tickots, coreriur all expenses, IJ5O.00. Stmr. GLAUDINB, CAMERON, Commander, Will leavo Honolulu Taesdays at 6 jr. u. touching at Kahului, Huna, Hamoa and Klpahulu, Maul. Returning arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, once eaoh month. JH&- - No Freight will be received after i p. m. on day ofsalling. 1 his Company will reserves the right to make chaugeB in the tlmoof departure arid arrival of its Steamers without notice an 4 it will not bo responsible for any conse- quences arising therefrom. Consignees must be at the Landings to receive their freight; this Company will not hold itself responsible for freight after It has been landed. Live Stock received only at owner's.rlsk. This Company will not be responsible fox Money or Valuables of passengers unless placed In the care of Pursers. GSf Passengers are requested to pur- chase Tickets before embarking. Thoit failing to do so will be subject to an of twenty-fiv- e per cent. OLAU3 Sf BE0KEL3. WM. Q. IBWIW. Clans SprecKels & Co., BANKERS. HONOLULU San Rantisco Agents. THE NEVADA DANK OF SAN M1ANCISCO. DRAW EX0IIANUE OH BAN FRANOISCO-T- he Novada Bank of San Francisco, LONDON-T- ho Union Bank of London Lt'd. NEW YORK American Exchange Na- - tlonal Bank. OHIOAGO-Meroha- nts National Bank. PARIS Comptolr National d'Escomptede Paris v BKRLIN-Dresd- nor Bank. HONG KONG AND YOKUHAMA-H-on Kong A Hhanghni BankingCorporatlon. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSl'RALIA- - Bank of New Zealand. VIOIORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North Amorica. Dansacl a General Hanking and JCxehani Business. DopoMts Rocelved, Loans made on Ap- proved hoourlty. Commercial and Trarel-er- a Credit Issued. Bills of ICxotiJrig bought nnd sold. Collections Promptly Accounted For WQf
Page 1: Theo. l. iavies m L ft - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Standard Grade of Csnuod Vegetables, Fruits anO Fish. ... Haiku, Makeua. ON KAUAI HtiiMlol.Hnnariopo, Lihno, Koloa,


v.t "f1. ""r,-,- p ' tvt" ( 5.i r wvfrjf mrs

vVol. Y. ONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1897. No. (559.

Theo. l. iavies & m L ft


General MerchandiseAND

oonM:issio3srVgonts for Lloyds,

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line,British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co.,

Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life),Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,

Pioneer Line oC Packetn from Liverpool.

Telephone 92.

M, E. McIMTYRE & BRO.,Hast Corner fort &c kino Sts.


Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew (mil Fresh Goods received by every paoket from California, Eastern

States and European Markets.

Standard Grade of Csnuod Vegetables, Fruits anO Fish.Ca- - Goods delivered to any part of the City W&

TRr.ATn tkatiw fim.mrrwn qTrqniTinw on PiMTti-ir-

Oceanic Steamship Company.t

TIME TABLE:The Fine Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave

This Fort as Hereunder.



In connection with tlio sailing of the above steamer?, the Agents areproparod to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by anyrailroad from Sau Francisco, to all points in the United Statep, and fromNow York by any steamship lino to all European portB.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. IrwinGeneral Oceanic

Camping Season

is Coming



wo can bo with you. The memory of nwolbslockod larder in your camp will liolpthe enjoyment of tho vceiiery picturesqueor.tnajestlo, as ltuppcals to the oyn. Thoclimate genial, bmcing, rejuvonntlngwill be nldod by good groceries. Whateveryou do rustlcntinc. hnniing, fishing, rid.fag. boating, whcoling, mountain climbingor in valcly repOHlng oar goods nra thebest and neuessury

The season for tills sari of thought midaotion h upon us. All lho world, takes anouting onca a year if It doesn't, it ouuhtto. whllo making up your- - mind wheroyou will go, put these places bofore yourmind's ovo:

ON MAUI-IIaleuk- ala, Lnhnlnn, Wal-kap- a.

Mnkawao, Huna, Kula, Kahului,Haiku, Makeua.

ON KAUAI HtiiMlol.Hnnariopo, Lihno,Koloa, Walmcn, Nuwliiwill and Knwnl-ha-

ON HAWAII-Kllu- uen and Haleniau-iunu- t,

tho rainy nlty, Kapapali, Kealnke-ka- aDay una Dr. Liiulloy's Bniittarium,

Wnlpio, Kohala, 1'una, Komi, Lniipnhoo-ho- o

und Uamakun.ON OAHU-Walk- ikl. Tantnlus, Puo-waln- a,

Olympus or Leahl Makapuu nndMokapn, wuianao, Pearl Harbor, IlemoudGrove, Moannlua and Manoa.

Tho Island1) of Lanal, Molokal. Kahoo-l- a

wo and Niihau.


Telephone 210. Froo dollvory twice dally

Subsoribo for The Independent, 50coats month.



P. O. Box 145.


TWO REASONSWhy peoplo come long distances to bay at


JPalama GroceryREASON 1 Bccaupo one customer tells

nnottior how muoh they havo saved bydealing at this livo and lot lire establish-ment.

HEASON the saving fromtheir grocory bill helps thorn to pay thohouso rent.

If you ilou't believe what our customersay just givo ub a call ond bo convinced.

KCay and GrainHARRY OANON,

Pnlaina Oroeory.TKli 7W Oppnsitn Hallway Depot



Manufacture and RepairAll kinds of Jewolry.



When Luna lightsOur troplo Islo nnd seaJust take 'his tipGo got a dip

At Lomu Branch, Waikiki,Bathing parties ran obtain special

cloon suits ami propertreatment Tramcars pass the donr,

0. J. SHERWOOD,Proprietor Long Urouuh Baths..


Agents S. S. Company.






Tho ihip Commodore now loadingsugar at tho Railroad wharf for NowYork, will bo placedmorning at lho O. S. S. Co.'s dook,whora several thousand bags ofsugar await shipmont.

Outgoing coasters yesterday fortho shores of California are knownas tho S. G. Wildor and Ceylon.The last bit of gold dust in The In-

dependent's safo is "up" on tho S. G.Wildor to arrivo first at the GoldenGate Yot the JOimond loft Tues-

day may clear out the lot.By the steamship Noeau, Sohaefer

& Co. shipped 3 rollers and an on-gin- o

for tho Honokaa Sugar Mill,amounting to 35 tons.

Tho bark Martha Davis, CaptainFriiB, is alongside the Irmgardwharf discharging a full cargo ofhay and grain consigned to C.Brewer & Co. Limited.

Frank P. Mclntyro is improvinghis poultry stock to a high degree.By tho Andrew Welch a splendidbreed of foreign fowls were present-ed to him by Captain Edwin P.Drew.

Tho Turkish Float.

Special Dispatches to the ChronicleOanea, (Crete), August . Upon

receipt of tho news that the Turkishsquadron from tho Dardanelles wascoming into theso waters tho foreignwar ships got up steam and theinternational troops on shore havetaken measures to auticipate anypossible complications, The reportand those preparations have greatlyexcited tho Mussulmans,

Tho admirals and commandersmet to day on board tho Italian flag-

ship to discuss the matter. In viowof tho possible arrival of the"squad-ro- n

a French war ahip has beon dis-

patched to Sitia, an Italian men-of-w-

to Suda bay, an Austriau toICaBtolli and a Russian to Rotimo.

Constantinople, August !. Thosecond squadron of Turkish warshipp, consisting of seven vossels,commanded by Hari Pasha, whichsailed from the Dardanelles yester-day, has arrived at Sigri, Island ofMityleno,

Referring to tho fears expressedhere that the departure of the Tur-kish ships might lead to a collisionwith tho international fleet in Cro-ta- n

waters, in viow of the announce-ment of the foreign admirals thatthey hare decided to oppose thelauding of Turkishin the Island of Creto, tho Turkishnewspapers say that tho squadronhas only boen ordered to carry outevolutions in tho islands of thoarchipelago.

Was It Andreef

Rotterdam, July 2J. A lettorfrom Captain Lohmau of the Dutchstuamor Dordrocht, appears in oneof the papers of this city, in whichhe says ho saw a curious object float-ing in tho White sea on July 17th,which was neither a ship nor a deadwhale, but which resembled a bal-

loon.Captaiu Lehman suggests that it

may havo beon Audree's balloonwhich ho saw.

Gotiienbuho, July 27. LieutenantSvendonburg, son-in-la- of Dr. OttoNordenskjold, lho Arctic exploror,roports from Ascension that if noth-ing is heard from HerrAndreeiusix weeks it is not likely that any.thing will be hoard from him thisyear.

Brazil's Groat Battle.

Buknoes Atres, August . I aminformed by tho Herald's correspon-dent in Rio Janoiro, Brazil, that thelatest official advices from Canudosetato that 2000 Govornmont soldiorswere killed in tho recent big .battlethere. This loaves tho rebel loss intho same fight about 1000,


A lady, who is an accomplishedtoucher of mtisic, desires to givolessons to a fow pupils at theirhome, at 50 cents a losBon. Address,tho editor of The Independent. '

"Historical Truths" may bo hadat 327 King street, if applied forearly. Although the edition wasconsidered large enough for all de-mands the books nro already

rathor scarce.Paddy Rvau is now assisted by

popular "William Carlisle at the An-chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer isalways on draught and other stimu-lants furnished. Pointers on allsporting events can be had, freo ofcharge from tho athletic manager oftho Anchor.

Buffalo Boor has provod its so

popularity at the Royal, Paci-fic and Cosmopolitan Saloons. Thecolobrated Pabst is also retainedthero in draft or in bottle. Tho in-

terchangeable check system that hasproved such a convenience to thopatrons of these popular resorts isalso in vogue.

Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolilau isrecommending the celebrated Put-nam's Blackberry Brandy, a tonicwhich is unrivalled, assisted by JimThompson formerly of tho S. S.Australia an excellent "half andhalf" is served to the thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan

There is only one place where thop'roper drink can be obtained whenloyal Americans celebrate, "Annex-ation" and the Fourth of July.Pomery Sec. and Gold Lac, are thespecial brands of Champagne servedby the Royal Auuex. Como on, youannexationists, and let the corks fly,and the wino flow.

One ounce of prevention is betterthan ten ounces of cure. The Em-pire boasts of infallible remediesagainst tho varioloid. Wieland beeron draft beats vaccination, andDoctor Charlie Andrew presides overtho finest stock of 'remedies" thatcan bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash.


BEEN THIS DAYHAVING by Her Mujesty lho. QaoenDoAngor, Kapiolnni, as Agent iKoilohlkiJof tho Fisheries of Hunuuinu nnd Awawa-mal- n,

obtalnod by her under Lease fromthe Trustees of tho 15. P. Bishop Es ate,extending from Mnkapuu Point to Kukohead to the south of tnis Islnnd, I here-by warn ad s ftom ushint; in orticspapsing upon the same without firstobtaining porrulse ion. Anyone disregard-ing thU nottco will bo prosecuted to thofullest extent of tho law.

WM. AULD.Honolnln. .Tnly 28, 18117- - Ct7-l- m


THE existing between A. S, Humidirevsand h. J. MAcdonald for the imu tl-- oflaw under tho 11 'iu name of Humphioysifc Mucdonald has been dissolved. Mr.Humphreys will occupy tho ethics ot cor-ner King nnd Bethel htroo s, and will nt-t- o

ml to Ml civil matters now in the handsof tho firm


Honolulu, August 4, 1897. 05J lw


A COTTAGE ON KINGex. Street, KuluokahuaPlains, containing sixrooms, with outhouses between tlio residences f tlio Hon A. Rosaand T 11. Walter, Esq ond laely occupiedby B. Thool Artesian water laid on.For further particular, apply to

ABRAHAM FliRNANDEZ.Honolulu, July 15 807 Tele. -- SO.

iHK-- rf


A DESIRABLE TEN-limi- t,TO h beautiful resl-dew- o

furnUhedlhroiuhoutsituated at the Peninsula.Gootl boating Oloyn to tho Rallroid Forfurther particulars apply tn

J. O UARTEH, Jit,at tho Bank of Bishop & Co

C2.'-- tf


IBURNISHED OR UN-- ?furnUlied House; Par-

lor, Dining Room, TwoBedrooms. Kitchen. Bath.oto . all in llrnt class condition. Stableroom nnd Servants' qnartcrsj grounds Inelegant condition, l.uoitlon upper LillhnStroot, Apply nt Independent Otlice,

W2-- tf

Wilte's Steamship Co.


O. L. WIGHT, Pros B. B. KOBE, SeoCapt. J. A. KING, Port Supt,

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLnhoirm, Maalsea Bny and Makera thesame day; Mnhnknnn. Knwalbae and Lau-pah-

hoe the following day; arriving atHllo the snmn afternoon.


Friday Aug SO Tuesday Ang 17Tuetiiay Aug 81 l'riday Aug 27Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Bepl 7Tuesday Sept 21 riduv Soptl7Friday Oct I luosday Sept 28luesday Oct 12 Friday Oot 8Friday Oct aa 'Juesday Oct 19Tuesday Nov 2 Friduy Oct 88Fridny Nov 12 Tuesday Nov 9Tuoday .... Nov 2.) Friday. Nov 18Friduy Dec 3 Tuesday Nor'StTuesday ....Deoll Friday Deo 10Thursduj Dto 23 Tii"S(fay Deo 31Friday Dec SI

Returning will leavo Hllo at 8 o'clockA. m , touching nt Laupahoehoe, Mhn-kon- u

nnd Kawaihao same day: Makn.Moalnea Day nnd Lahaina the followlnday: arriving at Honolulu the afternoonaof luesdnys nnd F'rldoys.

ma"kV '" tuU 0t Pot'olk1' Puna on WpBSr No Freight ill be received after

A. m. on day of eailing.The popular routo to the Volcano is viaHllo A good carriage road the entire dis-tance. Round trip tickots, coreriur allexpenses, IJ5O.00.

Stmr. GLAUDINB,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu Taesdays at 6 jr. u.touching at Kahului, Huna, Hamoa andKlpahulu, Maul. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, once eaoh

month.JH&-- No Freight will be received after ip. m. on day ofsalling.

1 his Company will reserves the right tomake chaugeB in the tlmoof departure aridarrival of its Steamers without notice an 4it will not bo responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive their freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterIt has been landed.

Live Stock received only at owner's.rlsk.This Company will not be responsible fox

Money or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced In the care of Pursers.

GSf Passengers are requested to pur-chase Tickets before embarking. Thoitfailing to do so will be subject to an

of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


Clans SprecKels & Co.,




BAN FRANOISCO-T- he Novada Bank ofSan Francisco,

LONDON-T- ho Union Bank of LondonLt'd.

NEW YORK American Exchange Na- -tlonal Bank.

OHIOAGO-Meroha- nts National Bank.PARIS Comptolr National d'Escomptede


Kong A Hhanghni BankingCorporatlon.NEW ZEALAND AND AUSl'RALIA- -


of British North Amorica.

Dansacl a General Hanking and JCxehaniBusiness.

DopoMts Rocelved, Loans made on Ap-proved hoourlty. Commercial and Trarel-er- a

Credit Issued. Bills of ICxotiJrigbought nnd sold.

Collections Promptly Accounted ForWQf

Page 2: Theo. l. iavies m L ft - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Standard Grade of Csnuod Vegetables, Fruits anO Fish. ... Haiku, Makeua. ON KAUAI HtiiMlol.Hnnariopo, Lihno, Koloa,




(Kxunjit Hamlny)

At "Erito HrU." ICnui.i Sti-oot- .

8j& Tkuci-hon- 811 JK3


Por Month, nnywlicro In tho Hn- -

wallan Inlands ? MPor Year 0 00Per Year, postpaid to Fornlgn Cou-

ntries.'.. ... T. 8 00

Payftblo Invariably in Advanco.

F. J. TESTA, Proprietor and Pub-lisher.


Editor.ItesMiiiK in Honolulu.

THURSDAY, AUG. 12, 1897.


SOf nil the ahuniiiiR thnt Mr. Dolo's

organs havo beon called upon to tloto Bustaiu this funny little republicthat by the Advertiser, on thestcmn-hi- p

Ohina dual, is the most awk-

ward performance. Wo cau under-stand thnt "when no d's must thodevil drives," but could not thoohuffling hnvu been done moregracefully.

Wo aro wondering what SenatorPerkins and his colleagues, whoheard Mr. Hatch explain how thoHawaiian flag had beon secured bysundry vessels, will think when thoyread the Advertiser's explanation ofthe reasons that led "tho best gov-

ernment these islands over had" tobreak its solemn promise to abstainfrom granting tho flag to othor thanAmerican vessels.

Tho writer for the Advortisorshows the hand of tho Governmentwhen it explains that Mr. Hatchand Mr. Huntington had arrangedtho matter satisfactorily.

Thk Independent was right againwhen it Baid that Consul Wilder wasnot the man to disobey instructions.

Said the Minister of the Interior,with a big, big, D, "the Chineseshall not havo tho flag." Snid thoMinister of Finauce, clothed in hisusual smilo: "The Ohina has thoflag."


The wet blanket put upon thecause of annexation by the Adver-tiser and Star in their recent editor-ial admissions has sent a chillthrough tho Annexation Olub. Re-

cent advices recoivod by The Inde-pendent justify the blankettiug thecause has recoived.

The Advertiser tolls how ccrtaiufirms in San Francisco have workedfor annexation, but omitted to tollthat tho money to keep the causebooming was a tax on every ton ofsugar arriving to tho consignmentof a certain firm. The stockholdersmay havo something to say, aboutthis levy on their shares. U savorsstrongly of a broach of trust.


It is pleasing to read that thoOooper-Hatn- h aunoxntiou scheme ofa war between Japan and Hawniiwith tho United States eutangledhas boon disrupted. Tho declara-tion of tho Japanoso that such a waris impossible should bo accepted byall in good faith.

And so tho American Union Partyhave everything out and dried fortho noxt election, ami their candi-

dates will have a walk ovor. Thisexplains tho reason for diminishingtho electoral frnnchisu privilege tofavor mainly Government employeesSince 1893 all tho votes that have

been polled have boon mainly togivo a logal color in registering thodegrees of tho head centres of theoligarchial government of the "Fili-busters."

Our annexationist friouds nro"cocksure" of early annexation, audclaim that thoy aro supported bytho outiro nation, save by a few dis-

gruntled ones, in the dosiro for acloser Uuiou with the United States.If this bo the truth, it is very oaByto prove it by a plebiscite. Thatvole 'will havo to bo taken sooner orlater; and tho longer it, and annex-

ation, aro delayed tho worso it willbo for tho "pirate-pilots- " at thehjlni of this shipwrecked vessel ofState.

Thero is an ominous rumbling inthe news-curren- ts from tho oldworld thnt suggest anything butpeace on earth aud good will towardall men for our next Ohristmasgreotiugs. In spito of nauseousjingoes the two great n

nations may thon find them-

selves fighting sh nildnr to shoulderon laud and sea, aud their combinedHoots may bo holding Hawaii againsttho attack of their, as yot undev-eloped, enemies. Stranger ovoutshavo happened in history as thoCrimean War exemplifies.

Utopia, Xiimitod.

A company, which ii not with-

out a certain amount of interest forthe romaucist as well as the fiuan-aie- r,

has been registered by Messrs.Ashurst, Morris, Crisp and Co. ThePacific Island Company, Limited,with n capital of 200,000, has forits object to carry into effect anagreemont for tho acquisitionby purchase, or otherwise of thebusiness of planting aud realis-ing product of the cocoa-nu- t

treo known as Copra, and raisingand shipping gunno in certain islandsiu tho Pacific Ocean; to developpearl shell fisheries, oyster beds, andgeneral fisheries; as planters, farmors,and graziers, &c; to carry on allkinds of agency business; as minors:smelters, and metallurgists; to dovelop the resources ef land by drain-ing, clearing, planting, and build-ing thereon; to lay out towns audvillages, and to promote immigrationthereto: as shippers and exportersof frozen meats, and to constructand maintain rail and tram roads.This is, indeed, Utopia, Limited.May it prove an El Doradol TheWhitehall Review.

Tho Bonnington's Movements.

Tho gunboat Renniugton went toSan Francisco from Maro Island onJuly 27, on route for San Diego.Tho gunboat will stop at tho south-ern port for a week to givo theNaval Rattalion a thorough drilland a good cruise and will then goto Honolulu. It is believed that theBennington will go thoro in place oftho Oregon, whioh will remain herofor further orders.

Itoms of Interest.Sin has many tools, but a lie is tho

handlo whioh fits them all.

Attornoy "What was thoro abouttho deceased that led you to believeho was of unsound mind?" Wit-ness Well, for.ono thing ho abhor-red bioyoles,"

Queen Victoria's coronation ringis never out of her sight, and isworn by her ovory evening. It is abaud of gold containing a cross iurubies, surrounded by white bril-liants. A coronation ring is Bupposodto symbolize tho wedding of thosovoreign with tho nation.

The gunmnking firms of Sir W. G,Armstrong & Co., of Newcastle,England, and Sir Joseph Whitworthof New Castle aro boing consol-idated. The forraor has a capital of$20,000,000 and employs' 10,000 man,and tho latter has a capital of$5,000,000 and employs 3000 men.

Tho gas that 1b usod for inflatingtoy balloons is hydrogen, whichmay bo obtained by pouring slightlydiluted muriatic acid upon an equalweight of zino in a covorod vossolhaving a small tap or stopoock iuthe top for filling the balloon. Thevessol i njado of load to provontoorrosiou,



Rowling Along in tho Lund of Song,and Mirth A Merry EveningWith tho Oriekotoro.

Thoro was no nocossity for Secre-tary Thompson, or St. MartinMackintosh, tho ubiquituous andversatile genius of tho F. O., to apo-logiz- o

to their numorous guests lastevening for tho abjenco from thoprogram of tho n a trios of promisedentertaiuerfi, whoso duties had calledthorn to loss pleasing conditions audmoro uufavoriug circumstancos; fortho toc?ia of tho Churchwarden andtho ruddy ninber fluids developed astore of uew talent, hithorty mutoin Honolulu, as gratifying to thosopresent asOlondyko fakos and fablesare to sloambpat owners, cannedgoods manufacturers and Friscopublishers.

Of oourso all missed tho familiarfaces of tho facile joker of the medi-cal fraternity, tho modest and bash-ful diffidence of tho Court interpre-ter, tho witty Irish songs of Dublin'sancient mayoralty, tho cheery cavaHer songs of the bright youug TrinjColl: lawyer, (with a degree it issaid,) tho doliciously sweet aud sent-imental fiddle of F. O.'s amanuensisaud socret-coutaiuo- r, aud theromantic tingling-kinklin- g of thomandolin. They were not there, butsuch old favorites as Uerger, Ross,Mackintosh, Sinclair, VincentHughes, and Tom MoTigho were,nnd tho cricket not had grabbed alot of new meu who wore a surpriseaud delight to all aud who sped thethe hearty ohoruses along their wayorgavo food for relleotiou or cheeryexcuses for sampling the brow. Thorowero Macdonald aud Henshall withrecitation nnd song which necess-itated warm repetitious; Murray andLaugford from tho Penguin, storm-ing all before them; Hollander andLeon with tho musical violiu andpiauo most grntifyiuglj plnyed forth,and Goorgo Allen with his capitaland fresh manly voico iu excellentorder.

Tho eveniug was a grand success

and tho managers, decorators andall concerned won n honrty voto ofthauko from all present,

m m

"Oh yisl Oh yisl" cried an Irishtown crier, ringing his boll, "lot

twelvo o'clock nnd Mr. Kin-noy'- fl

store to Market Street a largobrass koy. I'll not be after tollingyou'what it was, but it was tho keyof tho bank, shurel"


HAWAIIAN KKMEF SOOIKTYTHE meet nt the residence of lira. 8.C. Allen, on tho lJlth inst., nt10:30 a. m. A full nttondance is doircd.

058 2t I'EH OUDKIt.



KATIE PUTNAMAnd Hor Oomody Company.

THURSDAY, AUG. 12:Swnrtz's Dentil Kill Idylllo l'lay,


SATURDAY, AUG. 11:Glmrlcs Dickon's Immortnl Slory,

The Old Cariosity Shop.KATIE PUTNAM ns Little Nell

and the Mnrcliionf ss,

Grand Family Matinee.SATURDAY, AT 2 P. M.


PRICES: Adults, r,0o.;Chi)dron, 25c.

txiviitiititti&oow ttttwtwmQMtttm-mttmwm-


Timely Topics.Honolulu, Aug, 0, 1807.

The Outer Test of aGentleman according to theChosterfieldian Code is to boWell slioed, hutted mid gloved,well groomed, in fact. A truegentleman also looks after thecomfort of his horse, and inno way can he do this betterthan in seeing that his ani-

mal's shoe gear is also thebest the market can give

The almost universal ex-

perience of all horseshoers inthe Hawaiian Islands and inthe United States, provesthat SOHOEN tt ERGER'SSHOES stand without a rivalin all respects, and wo are theEXCLUMVE AGENTS forthem. Ask any of our lead-

ing horseshoes and thoy willtell you that they give excel-lent, and the very best, satis-faction. The lino quality ofmaterial, superior make andfinish rc ommend them to allThe general shape of the shoofill fills the latest and most ap-

proved ideas of practical horse-shoerf- c.

They are smooth andin form the concave made toconform fo the horse's hoof,the creasing neat, punchingclean and properly done, andin a word they are the finest,beat shaped and cheapestHhoes on the market. ThePUTNAM, C1IAMPLAINand shoenailsarc also the best that can bomanufactured The Light-ning is a new brand that haswon very great favor in theAmerican market on accountof its quality and low priceTry it.

Tae'taaiian Hardware Co,, L'l2G8 Four Stkeet,

Ab Enormous Success!! .

Reductions made on many of thelines means an actual loss

Worn GO.

A Dollar Saved is a Dollar earnedYon can save lots of Dollars

ZB"2T SHZOn?I2sT3- - .A.T KERR'SIn addition to the various .lots adver- - '

tised last week we shall sell youLadies IHIats sit lOc.

Ladies Sailor Kats at'lSo.Ladies Blaolc KCats at 25c.

These Goods are worth respectively,50c, $1.00. W e shall

offer a choice lot ofZDeicLies Trimmed Hats.




Blaols. SailorBlack.


75c. and

9Queen St., Honolulu

Page 3: Theo. l. iavies m L ft - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Standard Grade of Csnuod Vegetables, Fruits anO Fish. ... Haiku, Makeua. ON KAUAI HtiiMlol.Hnnariopo, Lihno, Koloa,




i? '"





Tho China is hooked to (mil nt dp. tn.

Tho S. S, Aorntigi is not oxpeotodboforo tho 25th inst.

KatiH Ptuniiiu in "Dud's Girl'' attho Opera llousu thin ovuniujf.

J. F. Colburn nstsitfuou of H. P.Poor has filed his final account.

Big roduotions in Childronn trim-med hats for ono woek ouly at N. S.Sach's.

Tho Quintet Club was pleasinglyin eridonce at tho Hawaiian Hotellast OToning.

Mr. Damon has resumed tho port-folio of Finance, and tho govern-ment is happy.

Tho next mail to tho coast is bytho S. S. Coptic nominally duo onSunday next.

The Commissioners of Educationmeet this afternoon. Will tho scan-dals be investigated.

John Milton who died nt tho Hos-pital from wounds received in afracas at Iwilei was buried yester-day.

ThocaBe of tho men charged withtho murder of John Milton noniusup in tho Police Courtrnoru'iug.

Katie Putnam will give a bargainmatineo on Saturday. Children willbo admitted to all parts of tho housefor 25 conts.

The nows boyn gather in thegallery at the Opera House thisovoning. Tho "gods" aro alwaystho true critics.

Tho pretty comedy drama, Dd'sGirl, will be played by Katie Put-nam this evening. It ought to drawa crowded house.

A number of itiuorant missionariesfor China andJapau, escorted byl?v.H.VW. Peck took a trip over therailroad this morning.

Aubroy Fair, a drummer, wasfined $50 this morning for a viola-tion of tho license laws. Tho cus-tomary fine is $500.

Tho Hawaiian Relief Society meetsat tho residence of Mrs. S. C. Allen at10:30 morning. A fullattendance of mombers is requested.

Tho Penguin may go to FarmingsIsland with tho Cablemattors at heart. Hor movementsafter that are at present unknown.

Dr. S. L. Baldwin of Now York,'spoko at tho Methodist Church lastevoning of the great increase amongtho number of Christian Cliiuamouin China.

W. W. Dimoud has something veryinteresting to say in another col-

umn, and somothing channing togazo upon in his artistically ar-ranged storo rooms.

Although tho donkey eugiuo ofthe Andrew Welch is out of gearstill skipper Drew says ho will beprepared to take all sugar shipments


Tho local liner Australia due atthis port on tho 17 inst., will be twodays lato arriving at this port assovoral now plates have to bo put intho steamer's side.

Every wanton and causoIe3s res-traint of the will of the subjectvrhother practised by a mouarcb. anobility, or a popular assembly, is adegree of tyranny.

It is pleasing to know that BortFuller after two weeks of sickness isagain on deck, and able enough tolook after tho lslaud fleet of schoon-ers owned by Mr. Sam Alien.

The Hawaiian Edition of tho SanFrauoiaoo Evening Bulletin is fullof interesting and tlattoring noticesabout Honolulu and Hawaii. ItBdato is August Ctu. Its cuts arecheap in comparison with those ofit contemporaries.

Do not forget tho free concort bytho Sunday Suhools at KaumakapiliChurch this evening at 7:30, undertho direction of Rav. E. S. Timoteo.To gain a seat it will bo necessary tobo on haudoarly. Theso experiment-al concerts among tho Hawaiiaushave proved a raro treat.

California Fruit Mnrkot.

Tho old established CaliforniaFruit Market, (P. G. Camarinos),corner King and Alakea Streets, arebuyers of Alligator Poars, Turkeys,Chickens, Eggs and every desoription of home products. All partieswishing to dispose of anything intho abovo ljno, please address: P. O.Box 179, or ring up Telophono 378.

059-St- s


A tow Woitla of Intorost FromOapt. Juliue A. l'almur.

Ed. Tub iNDEpnNnnNT:

Sinco my last letter to you HorMajesty ha visited the city of NowYork, but has now returned to thonational capital. She received aspecial invitation to bo prosont attho first presentation of an operaotyloil "Captain Cook," tho scouo ofwhich was supposed to bo in Hawaii,and tho termination of which wasthe timo-hnuore- d contost betwixtBritish and United States forces inwhich, of course, tho latter woretriumphantly victorious. Therewero dances which tho Hawaiianpeoplo would never have recognizorand other peculiarities as unlikeanything pertaining to tho islandsas thoy would have been to SanFrancisco, However, tho musio waslight and entertaining, several visit-

ors whom Hor Majesty know anfriends came to hor box, and theeveniug passed off vory pleasantly.The assembled multitude were in-

tensely rospoctful to the Queen,made way for her to step with horsuito through the throng, and gavoa subdued cheor of enthusiasm asshe passed out to her carriage.

Duriug her flay in New York, nopublic recoption was given j it wastho season of duluoBs in societythere, besides which Her Majesty is

vory busy, intent on tho completionof musical and literary works onwhich she has been engaged forquite a long timo. But, numerouspersonal friends, some of whom had,at former times, been residents ofHonolulu, called, so that the pleas-

ures of social life wero not at alllacking during our visit. By n day'strip to Coney Island, Her Majestyalso had an opportunity to seo howthe peoplo who do not leave thegreat cities permanently for thosummer, yet manage to see some-thing of tho ocean and enjoy lifefor n day at a time nt the sea-shor- e

resorts alont; the Atlantic coast.From thence Hor Majesty return-

ed to Washington arriving hero ontho last day of the extra session ofCongress which adjourned onSaturday, tho 21th of July. It isscarcely necessary for mo to repeatto you thit which I wrote just assoon as tho corpse of Annexationwas galvanized for political effeot.Nothing was done about tho pro-

posed treaty, and no an, not evenits best friends, supposed therowould be anything done at this ses-

sion. The Independent has beenjust right about it from first to last.It was a mero scaro-cro- for warn-

ing off foreign powors and for keep-

ing dornostio feuds out of tho Re-

publican party, who nt its auuouuce-me- nt

ceased to quarrol over reci-

procity and tho sugar sohedulo.Having accomplished this purpose,congressmen have all gone homo,and Presidont McKiuley is in hissummor retreat on Lake Chaplain,leaving orders that no public busi-

ness or political visitors shall followhim there, Those fire-wor- boughtby tho clubs of annexationists willhave a ohanco to get vory, verydamp all through next winter, andjudging from the active oppositionthe troaty has exoitod they will notbo needed for that purposo in thespring. If tho purchasers roallywish for a good timo at burningthoir powder, it would be my advicethat thoy should lot them all off,

in oaso Her Majesty should returnto Honolulu, and in this manner itis possible, they may got souio re-

turn and haro somo lawful fun fromthoir investment.

Tho President loft tho city onWednesday, July 28th, aud (entirolywithout previous announcement) onMonday, Hor Majesty called withhor party at tho executive mansion.You may contradict without tholeast fear of raistako ovory statementthat, sinco tho very first of this ad-

ministration to this hour, tho Quoenhas dirootly or indirectly sought tobo roceivod at tho Whitn House. Toany porsou who knows Liliuokalanithis assortion would bo superfluous,Never havo 1 mot any lady whosoviows of otiquotlo of social or diplo-

matic life wero so strict as those of

Her Majesty. Tho items whichfrom time to timo havo found theirway iu tho papors saying that 1 hadboon to tho Presidont iu hor bohalfor that sho horself had sought andnot gained an interview, aroabsolutolfalsehoods. Mr. McKiuley has al-

most brokon down under thopross of office soekors, and it is afact that tho floor of tho rooms audtho corridors whore the crowd waitto press their own claims or thoseof thoir frionds has Bottled fourinches, and is uow undergoing re-

pairs. Under these circumstancessince congratulating the presidenton his forthcoming administration,not tho loast verbal or written com-

munication has passed between thoQuoon's party and the executivemansion. I will add to this lettera truthful account of our visit fromanother source:

"Ex-Quee- n Liliuokalani saw thoPresident this afternoon and had atalk with him.

"During the morning, as statod iuyesterday's Star, Secretary Julius A.

Palmer and Mr. Jos. Heleluho leftsome papers at the White House forthe President, the exact uaturn ofwhich is not known. A fow minutesafter 3 o'clock in the afternoon,when a crowd was gathering to at-

tend tho public reception of thePresident, a closed carriage droveup to tho White House, aud thoformer Queon, accompanied by Mr.and Mrs. Heleluho and SecretaryPalmer, alighted. Tho n

was attired in a red and blackstriped silk dress, while SocrotaryPalmer wore white duck trousersaud waistcoat aud a black coat. Theparly did not at onco go into thoeast room, but took seats in thevestibule. A police sergoaut carriedtheir cards upstairs and presentedthem to tho President. PresidentMcKiuley instructed tho oflicer togive tho aud her Buitocomfortablo seats in tho east room,apart from the crowd, aud to tollthem that ho would givo them anaudience immediately upon closinghis reception to th large number ofvisitors. The seats set aside for thoparty were at tho southwest ond ofthe oast room.

"About 3:80 o'clock tho Presidontcommenced his reception, and inabout fifteen minutes the room wasoloared with tho excoption of theHawaiians and a few spectators,Tho President did not wait for tho

to walk to whoro ho wasstanding, but walked over to whorosho waa and groeted her in a pleas-

ant manner, oxteuding a similargreeting to tho other members oftho party. Tho conversation wastoo brief for any important matterto have boon discussed.

"The Prosidentoxpressedawish tohavo tho Queen meet Mrs. McKin-lo- y

told her that Mrs. MoKiuley'shoalth would not permit her to seooven her best friend. At tho closoof tho conversation the Presidentbowed gracefully to thoaud eaoh of hor party. Liliuokalanithon walked by tho Prosideut andwont to her carriage. As sho passedtho Presidont on her way out shegave him a bow Buoh as would become Queon Victoria.

"Tho fact that tho President wentout of his way somewhat to speakto tho n is not unusual withhim aB ho has boeu kuown at thocloso of publia receptions to singloout peoplo and to walk to aud speakto them. Throughout the littlocoromouy th demeanorwas as formal as if she had beensitting upou a throno and was re-

ceiving tho Prosidont instoad ofboing rocoived by him.

"Liliuokalaui and hor suite aroquartered at the Ebbitt House, hav-

ing arrived hero n fow days ago.How long thoy will remain iu thocity is not known.

Julius A. Palmer.Washington, July 31, 1897.

Said on old English lady ononight at a ball in Edinburgh, "Ipity Scotchwomen, because tho mennovor marry till thoy woary of lodg-

ings." Tho remark caught the oarof tho beautiful aud witty Countessof W who rotorted, "Your owncountrywomen aro rat hor to ho pi-tio- d,

because tho mon novor woaryfor lodgings till they aro married,"


Founded, 1792 Cash Capital, $3,000,000Oldoht Firo Insurance Company in tho United Stateo.Losses paid since organization over - - - $90,000,000.


Established, .... Capital $5,000,000.Insurance effected on Buildiugs, Goods, Ships, and Morchandiso

fj& For lowest rates apply to

5. LOSEIGeneral Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.



Improved Planters HoSolid Cast Stoel Eyo and Blado Forged Entire.




"V .A. O XT TJ 3VI OILS,The Standard of Merit



A Large Assrluisnt of General Hardware.



about OUT the as-

sortment in our windows to-

day will interest you. It isthe product of the MeridanManufacturing Company, andis without question the hand-somest now on the market.The designs are exclusive, thecuts tho keenest and brightestand the prices the lowest.

This make of Grlass rateshigher among collectors thanany other and is used by thebest peoplo in tho UnitedStates. Tho pieces includeeverything used in the tableas as those for ornament.Some of the articles are smalland the prices within tho reachof everyone it's only the bigpieces that command largoprices, and even they arecheap.

If you are fond of CUTGLASS you never had abetter opportunity to secure acollection at ridiculously lowprices than now.

Vt4.Von TTnlt Rlonk.


IS HEKEBY GIVEN THATNOTIOK has this day been ap-pointed Administratrix ot tho Estate- ofJohn Cnmncho, deceased, ot Honolulu,Island of Ouhu, Hawaiian Islunds, mid allorodltors uro horaby not Med to presentthoir claims duly authenticated, ana withpropor vouchors, If any exist, feven If thoclaim Is secured by mortgage, nt tho olllcoof A. G. Oorroa, liOd Morchnnt Klieot, Jionolulu, within six months from dato or boforever barred. And all persons Indebtedto tho said Estate uro requested to mokeimmediate payment of said indebtednessto A. O, Corren, nt his olHco.

KMHKL1NA OAMA.OHO,Administratis Estate of John Onmncho,

doceascd.July 20, 1807. 031Moaw




There are three brands of.Jams and Jellies known to beabsolutely pure. Crosse &

Blackwclls, Morton's andCode, Elfelt & Co. Duringthe pure food crusade in Cali-

fornia the goods of the latterpassed every inspection andnow come out of the factoryspecially stamped ' 'PureFood.' We have a completestock of these goods and offerthem to the public at very low

prices.Our grocery department is

full to tho brim with reliablegoods aud our prices arejowenough as to diww commentfrom other dealers. We buyfor cash in quantities to suitthe demand and consequentlythey are always fresh.

"We handle the celebratedAlbeit boneless sardines andtho Palace brand of slicedbacon, two articles for thetable that are unexcelled.

"Vu carry a full line of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-ican and promptly fill orders.Prompt delivery in all caseswhether in person or by tele-

phone and careful attentionpaid to the selection of goods.



rpilil UNDEIISIONKD HAVING BEENJL duly appointed by tho Honorable John

W. Kama, circuit Judge of the SecondJudicial Circuit, us Administrator of theEstntoof Josopli It. Whltfoid.of Wailuku,Mnui, de cased, therefore, nollco Is here-by given to all t'fi-ron- having any claimsngaii'st tho said Estate to present tjio sameduly authenticated within six months fromdate to tho umlorslgtied nt his law ofllco inpaid Wnlluku.ovthny will bo forovor barred,and all those indebted to tho said Estateurn requested to nut to Immediate paymentof tho Ettino to tho niiderlgned at his saidlaw olllco. A. W KKl'OIKAI.Administrator of tlio Estato of Josopli 11

Whltford.WftUuku, July t, 1807, C33-- B 0T?

Page 4: Theo. l. iavies m L ft - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · Standard Grade of Csnuod Vegetables, Fruits anO Fish. ... Haiku, Makeua. ON KAUAI HtiiMlol.Hnnariopo, Lihno, Koloa,

A now lot of the I- - met

Musical Instruments.Autoharps, Guitars, Violins, Etc.

Also a now lnvoico of tho Celebrated

Westernieyer Pianos,Specially manufactured for tho tropical

olltnnto, second to none,


On tho Hawaiian Islands during the lastyears.



General Merchandise.

Also tho choicest European and Ameri-


Beers, Me, Wines & LiquorsAT MOST REASONABLE rMCKS.


Corner King & UetUol StrcetB.

T. sm1a (,

321 & 323 King Btreet.

Tho Leading .

Carriaga and

Wagon tSaimiactnrer., ALL MATERIALS" OH HAKD . .

Will furnish everything outside steamboats and boilers.

Horse Shoeing a Specialty.


rKi,ErnoE 607. P. 0 Box 321.


Carriage Manufactory,128 & 130 Fort Btreet.

H3aa?pagG BuilderAND REPAIRER.

Blacksmith to all Its Branches

Orders from the other Islands In BuildingTrimming, Fainting, Etc., Etc.,

promptly attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Bnccessor to Q. West).

Win. G. Irwin k Co,(LIMITED)

Wm.Q.Iiwin President & Managercasus Bpreckels nt

WVM.Giflard Secretary & TreasurerIheo. 0. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THE

Oceanic Steamship ttomp'yOf San Friumlsno. Oal.

Metropolitan Meat Co.


Q, J. Walleb, - - Manaueiu

Wholesalo andRetail . . .


Navy Contractors

it u

A. B'arw.lly Hotel.. KBOUBE, ... Prop.

Per Day ? 2.00Per Weolr 12.00


Toe Best of Attendance, the Bost Situation

W III , U. 1 ll W 1 1 lH UU .



San Francisco, Oal.

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS..Philadelphia, Poun., U B. A.

NEWELL UNIVER8AL MTLL CO.(Manf. "National Cane Shredder" .

New York, U. S. A.

N. OHLANDT A TO.,San Francisco, Cal.


582-- tf Ban Francisco, Oal.

Occidental Hotel.Corner Klnc and Alakea Streots,


Mrs. A. S0HMEDEN, Proprietress,

Rooms Ensuito and Single, withBoard, from S5 50 par week, accord-ing to rpquiremonts of tbo guests,with Hot and Cold Bathe

The only Promenade Roof Gardeniu the city. GEO. OAVENAGH,

Manager.EST" Tolephono : : : 054



General Business Agent


Conveyancing in All Its BranchesCollecting and AH Business

Mnttors of Trust.

All business entrusted to him will receiveprompt and careful atteutlon.

Office, Howikna. Hmnnkna, Hawaii.


ARE RESPECTFULLYSUn80RIBERSall m Inscriptions are pay-ab- lo

Btrictly in advanco by the monthquarter or year.


Business Cards.


Counsellor at Law,

204 Merchant S'reet lone door fromFort Street.)

655 Honolulu, H, I. tf.


Real Estate and General BusinessAgents, Also &ubveyors.

Ottlco 7j Konia Btreet, Honolulu.


SunvEXon and Real Estate Agent.

Offlco: Bethel Btreet, over the Now230 Model Restaurant. y


Plumbino, Tin, Coppeii.and Sheet' Iron Work.

King Street, Honolulu.


Attorney- - at-La-

Kaahumanu Btreet, Honolulu.


Frank Brown, Mauagor.


Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBuilding Materials or

All Kinds.

Onnn tHi. fTnnnlnln


Dema ds a Royalty of Ten andTwonty Percent nnd Tnltoa fortho Government Every AltornutoClaim.

Ottawa, Ontario, July 27. At theolosn of tho sopoud Bitting of tlmCabinet this ovening it was announced that tho Government haddecided to impose a royalty on allplacer diggings on the Yukon, inaddition to $15 registration fee nnd$100 nuuual assessment.

The royalty will bo ton porceuteach on claims with an output of5500 or less monthly, and 20 porceuton every claim yielding above thatamount yearly.

Besides this royalty, it ban beendecided iu regard to all futuroclaims staked out on other streamsor rivers, that overy altornato claimshall bo the property of the Govern-ment, aud bo roservod for publicpurposes, and sold or worked by theGovornmout for tho beuefit of thorevenue of the Dominion.

Trouble Iu tho Obitral,

London, August 5. A dispatch tothe Times from Camp Mulakaud, intho Chitral, says Fort Chakdara,which was relieved Tuesday byColonels Golduey aud Moiklejohuof tho British forco under GeneralBlood, was invested by largo bodio3of Pathans on tho tvoning of July26th. Tho natives mado repeatedcharges simultaneously on all aidesof the fort, advancing right up tothe walls, and giving tho garrisonno rest day or night. When finallyrelieved the garrison, according totho dispatch, was beginning to runvery short of food aud ammunition.

Bombay, August 1. GaugdaharTilak, the native member of thoExecutive Council aud publisher oftho Kosari, who was formally com-

mitted for trial on Monday last,charged with iucitiug tho natives todisaffection, has been admitted tobail iu tho sum of 100,000 rupees.The magistrato who hoard thecharges, refused to admit tho pri-

soner to bail, and the latter wascompelled to make an applicationto the highor court judges for anorder roquiring tho authorities toreleaso him on bail ponding his trial.

Getting Ituady.

London, July 27. In the Com-

mittee of Supply of tho Houso ofCommons to-da- y Georgo J. GoschenFirst Lord of the Admiralty, an-

nounced the supplementary navalestimate of 500,000, which, ho saidwas necessitated by rapid additionsto foreign navies.

It is proposed to utilize thoamount mentioned iu the immediatecommencement of the constructionof tho four additional very fastarmored cruisers of 11,850 tons eachcapable of tho double duty of takingpart in action with battle-ship- s andprotecting the lines of communi-cation.

In addition to theso 60,000 willbo spout for now torpedo-boa- t de-

stroyers. Tho completion of theships now in course of constructionwill bo accelerated so as to leave thecoming yoar free for the new designs.

Straight Tips.

Charles O. Berger, head of theGovorumont band in the HawaiianIslands, is in tho city. Mr, Borgerwas sent to Honolulu about twenty-fiv- e

years ago by tho German Gov-

orumont at the request of tho theuHawaiian King to orgauizo a band,Ho has continued at tho hoad of thoGovernment baud OTer since,

C. A. Brown of Houolulu wasamong the passengers on tho steam-o- r

Australia which arrived here yos-tord-

from tho iBhuds. Mr. Brownwho is socrotary of tho AnnexationClub of Hawaii, owns most of thoreal estate surrounding Pearl Har-bor, ono of tho interesting pointsvisited by tourists to tho islands. Attho present time ho is a candidatefor tho secretaryship of tho Hawai-ian Logatiou at Washington, nnd is

hero on that businoss. S. F, Chroni-


Ohildrous trimmed sailor hats innil aolors ouly 50 cents at N, S.Saoh'H. i

No War With Japan.Special Dispit h to tho Chronlclo

New York, July 27 Tho Herald'sParis lorrespoudunt says: If warshould ultimately break out betweenthe United States ntid Japan it willbo iu spite of Marquis Tto personallyas well as politically. Tho formerPrimo Minister of tho Japanese Em-pire is a strong friend of America.His admiration for tho United Statesis not based on mere sentiment, forho visitod the country no loss thanfivo times. Tho Marquis denies thatho is here to protest against Hawai-ian annexation.

Tho Marquis said to-da- y to theHerald correspondent: "The Japa-nese aro bouud by sontimout andsympathy to tho Amerioaua. Fromthe very begining of modern Japanit is America that has given herevery mark of friendliness, encour-agement and support. There-- is nota single European country that hasmanifested such a strong feeling forJapan as has the United States fromour very birth as a constitutionalcountry. Tho Emperor, I know, willnot support any bellicose polic.All my friends in tho Ministry or iucontrol of tho different brauchos ofth Government are of tho samomind as the Emperor upon this sub-ject, aud tho Japanese public senti-

ment is ono of strong friendship forthe United States. Thus the Ha-

waiian question cannot possiblybring about conflict, either armed ordiplomatic, with the Americans."


The President's Vacation.

Wasuinoton, July 27. The Presi-

dential party will leave here to-

morrow for their vacation on thoHuoroa of Lako Champlain. ThoChief Executive desires to obtain, asfar as possible, a completo rest fromofficial duties during his absence,and for this roason it is probablethat but few appointments will bemade during that time. It is statedat tho White Houso that all paperssont to tho Prosident to his summorhomo will bo mailod to Washingtonwithout being opened.

New York, July 27. Vice-Preside- nt

Garret A. Hobart is at hishome iu Patorsou. He v ill leavewith Mrs. Hobart on Friday forNewport, where ho will bo tho guetitof Liapouard Stewart for a week.From there ho will go to LakoChamplain to join the Presidentialparty.

NUW STORIUS RETOLD.Certain inembeis of the Chamber of

Commerce were discussing the ubilltyof Germans to drink beer, and one ofthem oil'orcd to wager that any Teu-

ton out of a crowd nt work on a build-ing near by could drink a gallon oflugcr without stopping. The party ap-

proached a sturdy-lookin- g stone m.i-so- n,

aud tho sporting man asked:"Will you drink a bucketful of beerIf I pay for It?" The mason thoughtn minute. "Veil, I drink It If I can.I don't know.though, If I can. Youwait n minute." He disappeared intoFort street, but returned a mo-

ment later, smiling. "All right," hesaid, "I vas ready." They went intoan ndjolning saloon and the Teutondrang the gallon of lager without awink. Coming back to his mallet nivlchisel, he said: "I vns not sure if Icould drink a pall of beer or not, soI vent Into The Criterion and tried aglass of Rainer first."


SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOTIFIEDthat Subscriptions to Tun Inde-

pendent aro payable in advance attho rate of 50 cents a month or ?6 ayoar.

Tho paporB of those in arrear willbo stopped unless payment ispromptly made.

No former subscriber desirous ofrenowiug will bo sorvod unless ar-rearages aro paid.

The Independent it conducted ontho cash aud contract prioiplo inpayments and rocoiptB, and is nowso firmly established on a payingbasis that it doolines absolutely toservo subsoribors who do not pay.If you want Tun Independent youmust buy it.


BEING NO LONGER Apublic retort, tho Proprietress will be

glad to lot tho wholo or part (with boardK desired,) to private familios wishing ahealthy summer resort. For tonus, ad-dress P, O. Box 248, or on tho premises.

015-lr- a,


First-clas- s Canoes With Exporioucod

Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained on fivo minutes no-

tice at any hour iu tho day nfrom tho

"HOI PAKAKA MM"Of Waikiki.

fjST Tickets, $1 per hour for eachperson, to be obtained from tho

"Hale Oiwi"(W. W. Dimond's store, von Holt

Block) or at any of the popularbeach resorts or by telephone "56"on week days or "921" on Sundays.

Canoes sent tmywhero on tho Beach,f.81-- tf

Merc laiits Exchange

B. 1. SHAW, Proprietor.

Corner King ana Nnuanu Streets.

Choice LipeirsAND

Fiaa Beers

TELEPHONE till. -- a

Empire Saloon,Corner Nuuitmi and Hotel Bts.

OnuaES V. Akdhews - - Manager

Gliieo IMS, liiwrs, MhsHALV-AN- D HALF ON DRAUGHT.

Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP.

Rainier iu Bottles.

Handmade Sour MashA SPECIALTY.

Bruce Waring 4- - Co.,

Real Estate Dealers.603 Fort St., near King.

Building lots,Houses and Lots, and

Lands for sale

W' Parties wishing to disposo ol their.Proportion, Arp Invltpil in mil on Tin.

Hawaiian GrownOysters.

Tho nbovo dolicaoy jan now beprocured iu such quantities as re-

quired upon leaving ordors with -

H. E. Mclntvre' Sl Bro.w

.W- -t


JOHN PHILLIPSHas romov.d ills Plumbing Huslnesi. rora

King stroot to tho promises on

Hotel StreetFormnrly occupied by "Wnwn'iri.,ii'n.ii.w

"ip vnna

Horse or DogIS SIOK

Cnll on A. It. KOWAT, D. V. 6.WW Ofltes-Ol- nh Btahlen. U
