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theory on soya milk preparation

Date post: 13-Apr-2018
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INDEX  Introduction  Experiment  Aim  Apparatus Required  Material Required  Theory  Procedure  Obserations  Result  !iblio"raphy
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Introduction  Experiment




 Material Required






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IntroductionNatural milk is an opaque white fuid. The

main constituents o natural milk areproteins,carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins,ats and water and is a complete balanceddiet. Fresh milk is sweetish in taste. However,when it is kept or a long time at atemperature ! " !#$ , it becomes sour

because o bacteria present in air. Thesebacteria convert lactose o milk into lacticacid which is sour in taste. %n acidicconditions casein o milk starts separatingout as a precipitate. &hen the acidity inmilk is su'cient and temperature is around(#$, it orms semi)solid mass,called curd.

*oyabean milk is made rom soybeans. %tresembles natural milk. The mainconstituents o soya bean milk are proteins,carbohydrates, ats minerals and vitamins. %t

is prepared by keeping soyabens dipped inwater or sometime. The swollen soyabeansare then crushed to a paste which is thenmi+ed with water. The solution is lteredand ltrate is soyabean milk.

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Experiment Aim#

-reparation o soyabeanmilk and its comparison

with the natural milk withrespect to curd ormation,eect o temperature andtaste.

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 Apparatus Required#

/eakers, pestle and mortar,measuring cylinder, glass

rod, tripod)stand,thermometer, muslin cloth,burner.


Material Required#

*oyabeans, bualo milk,

resh curd and distilledwater.

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 Theory#$actic acid present in curd is%ormed by %ermentation o%lactose present in naturalmil&'The sour taste o% curd isdue to lactic acid'The rate o%%ermentation increases (ithrise o% temperature'$actose isnot present in )oyabeanmil& *so no lactic acid is%ormed on%ermentation'There%ore*soyabean curd has not sourtaste'+ence*rise o%temperature has no e,ect on

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the taste o% curd %ormed %romsoyabean mil&'

The %ormation o% curd and thetaste in the t(o types o% mil&

may be obsered by ta&in"the same olume o% samplesat di,erent temperature andobserin" the taste o% curd


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01 *oak about 0!2g o *oyabeans in su'cient amount owater so that they arecompletely dipped in it.

31 Take out swollen *oyabeansand grind them to a very nepaste.1 Filter it through a muslincloth. $lear white ltrate issoyabean milk. $ompare itstaste with bualo milk.41 Take !2 ml o soyabean milkin three other beakers and heat

the beakers to 2#, 42#and

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!2#$ respectively. 5dd 6spoonul curd to each o these

beakers. 7eave the beakersundisturbed or 8 hours tillcurd is ormed.!1 *imilarly, take !2 ml o

bualo milk in three beakersand heat the beakers to 2#,42# and !2#$ respectively. 5dd6 spoonul curd to each othese beakers. 7eave the

beakers undisturbed or 8 hourstill curd is ormed.

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 Obserations# Taste o bualo milk9 ::::::::::

 Taste o soyabean


;olume o milk taken in each

beaker9!2.2 ml

 Time given or curd ormation98

hours .

Type o%mil& 




Timeta&en %or



1uantityo% curd

Taste o% curd

/ualo 5 2 ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::  

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/ 42 ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::  


$ !2 ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::  


*oyabean 5 2 ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::  
















0.1The rate o curd ormation

increases with rise o

temperature in soya as well as

bualo milk.3.15t higher temperature,the curd

ormed rom bualo milk is more


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.1/ualo milk is sweet while

soyabean milk is not.

!I!$IO2RAP+3   /hemistry $ab Manual 4Pan&a5

Mittal  /hemistry Textboo&6N/ERT

  /hemistry teacher6Ms')apna)in"h

  2oo"le India-7ebsite06


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