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Research Collection Doctoral Thesis Toluene removal from waste air by combined biological and non- thermal plasma techniques Author(s): Sjöberg, Anders Publication Date: 1999 Permanent Link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-002093505 Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection . For more information please consult the Terms of use . ETH Library

Research Collection

Doctoral Thesis

Toluene removal from waste air by combined biological and non-thermal plasma techniques

Author(s): Sjöberg, Anders

Publication Date: 1999

Permanent Link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-002093505

Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted

This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For moreinformation please consult the Terms of use.

ETH Library

Diss. ETH Nr. 13092

Toluene Removal from Waste Air byCombined Biological and Non-Thermal

Plasma Techniques

Dissertation submitted to the


for the degree of

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Presented by

Anders Sjöberg

Dipl.-Chem. Ing., Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Lund

Born August 20, 1968

Citizen of Sweden

Accepted on the recommendation of

Prof. Dr. K. Hungerbühler, examiner

Prof. Dr. E. Heinzle, co-examiner

Dr. T. H. Teich, co-examiner

Zürich 1999


Als Erinnerung meiner Dissertationszeit wird nicht die Arbeit bleiben,

sondern die Menschen, welche ich während meiner Dissertation

kennengelernt habe und die mich unterstützt haben, meine Dissertation

fertig zu schreiben. Ausser der grössten Unterstützung und Freude meines

Lebens, die nicht namentlich erwähnt werden möchte, bin ich einer

ganzen Reihe von Menschen zu speziellem Dank verpflichtet.

Ein besonderer Dank an Professor Konrad Hungerbühler, der meine

Dissertation ermöglicht hat und mich während der ganzen Zeit mit Rat

und Tat, sowie mit speditivem Durchlesen verschiedener Manuskripte

unterstützt hat.

Speziellen Dank an Elmar Heinzle, der diese Arbeit initiiert hat und mich

weiterhin betreut hat, obwohl es ihn in den fernen Norden gezogen hat.

Seine Anregungen und vielen kreativen Ideen haben über weite Bereiche

zum Inhalt und zur Gestaltung meiner Dissertation beigetragen.

Ein grosser Dank an Timm Teich, der das Koreferat übernommen hat

und alle Manuskripte mit zeitaufwendiger Genauigkeit geprüft hat. Er hat

mich mit seinem grossen Fachwissen durch die Welt des Plasmas geführtund die "Plasmakapitel" wesentlich mitbeeinflusst.

Vielen Dank an Franz Mayer und Oemer Kut, die mich in täglichen

Gesprächen aufgemuntert und unterstützt haben. Danke an Franz Mayer

für die Hilfe mit analytischen und anderen praktischen Problemen und

Danke an Oemer Kut für das Durchlesen aller Manuskripte, die

Literaturrecherchen und alle guten Hinweise zu meiner Arbeit.

Hr. Rohrer und Hr. Rafflenbeul möchte ich für interessante Diskussionen

und Anregungen danken.

Max Wohlwend hat nicht nur nach der SOLA-Stafette gezaubert, sondern

hat auch in seiner Elektronikwerkstatt kleine elektronische Wunder

vollbracht: Danke!

Das Werkstatt-Team hat mir sehr geholfen beim Bauen verschiedener

Geräte und ich möchte Hr. Seinecke, Pascal Corrodi und Peter Steiner für

die gute Zusammenarbeit danken.

Danke an Francois Nilles, Richard Sherry und Cristina Maria, die mit

ihren Arbeiten einige Seiten zu meiner Disseration beigetragen haben.

Auch Danke an Patrik Rüdiger, der immer für eine gute Diskussion bereit

war und mir wichtige Hinweise gegeben hat.

Ein kollektives Danke an alle, die zum offenen und angenehmen

Arbeitsklima beigetragen haben. Für das speziell gute Büroklima waren

nicht nur die vielen Pflanzen, sondern auch Gerald Jödicke und Christoph

Blickenstorfer verantwortlich.

Danke an meinen Vater, der mir Schwedisch wieder beigebracht hat.

Ganz zuletzt einen Dank an die SBB, die mich während meiner

Dissertation ohne grössere Intermezzi zweimal rund um die Erde

transportiert hat.

Abstract 1

Zusammenfassung 2


1. Introduction 4

1.1 Industrial Waste Gas Treatment Techniques 4

1.1.1 General Overview 4

1.1.2 Non-Thermal Plasma 8

1.1.3 Biological Waste Gas Treatment 10

1.2 Scope of this Thesis 12

1.2.1 Problem Definition 12

1.2.2 Aims12

1.2.3 Research Procedure 13

2. Fundamentals1 4

2.1 Bio-Trickling Filter 14

2.1.1 Biofilm15

2.1.2 Toluene Biodegradation16

2.1.3 Biodegradation Kinetics 18

2.1.4 Diffusion19

2.1.5 Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer 19

2.2 Non-Thermal Plasma 21

2.2.1 Dielectric Barrier Discharge 22

2.2.2 Mechanism of Gas Phase Toluene Oxidation by Electrical


2.2.3 Kinetics of the Gas Phase Oxidation 27

2.2.4 Reactions with Ozone in Aqueous Solution 29

3. Material and Methods 32

3.1 Experimental Set-Up32

3.1.1 Bio-Trickling Filter 32

3.1.2 Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor 36

3.1.3 Ozonation Batch Reactor 42

3.2 Analytical Methods 43

3.2.1 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) 43

3.2.2 Ion Chromatography (IC) 44

3.2.3 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 45

3.2.4 On-line Mass Spectrometry (MS) 45

3.2.5 Analytical Methods Used for Analysing the Aerosol Deposit 46

3.2.6 Simulation Software 47

3.3 Short Cut Life Cycle Assessment 47

4. Bio-Trickling Filter: Experimental Results 50

4.1 Characterisation of the Bio-Trickling Filter 51

4.1.1 Biomass Accumulation 51

4.1.2 Pressure Drop 52

4.1.3 Liquid Hold-Up 54

4.1.4 Oxygen Limitation 54

4.1.5 Carbon Mass Balance 55

4.1.6 Toluene Concentration Profiles 57

4.2 Elimination Capacity at Steady Inlet Gas Conditions 59

4.3 Elimination Capacity at Fluctuating Load 61

4.3.1 C02 Production under Dynamic Conditions 62

4.4 Discussion 64

5. Non-Thermal Plasma: Experimental Results and

Proposed Reaction Pathways 66

5.1 Removal Efficiency in the Dibarrier Discharge

Reactor 66

5.2 Inorganic By-Products Formed 68

5.3 Toluene Oxidation Products and Reaction Mechanism 69

5.3.1 Intermediate Oxidation Products Formed in the Gas Phase 70

5.3.2 Aerosol Formation 73

5.3.3 Proposed Reaction Pathways for the Gas Phase Oxidation 74

5.3.4 Intermediate Oxidation Products Formed by Ozonation in

Aqeous Solution 78

5.3.5 Proposed Reaction Pathways in Aqueous Solution 80

5.4 Discussion 83

6. Modelling 85

6.1 Ideal Reactor Models 85

6.1.1 The Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor 85

6.1.2 The Tubular Reactor 86

6.2 The Bio-Trickling Filter Model 86

6.2.1 The Steady-State One Phase Model 87

6.2.2 The Dynamic One Phase Model 90

6.2.3 The Dynamic Three-Phase Biofilm Model 94

6.2.4 Simulation of the C02 Production Using the Dynamic

Three Phase Model 98

6.2.5 Simulation of the C02 Production Using the Dynamic

Three Phase Model with Two Biofilm Layers 105

6.2.6 Discussion 107

6.3 The Non-Thermal Plasma Model 109

6.3.1 Mass Balances of the Steady-State Model 109

6.3.2 Simulation of the Toluene Removal 112

7. Scale-Up Evaluation 115

7.1 The Bio-Trickling Filter 116

7.1.1 Economic Assessment 117

7.1.2 Ecological Assessment 122

7.1.3 Sensitivity Analysis 124

7.2 The Non-Thermal Plasma 125

7.2.1 Economic Assessment 127

7.2.2 Ecological Assessment 130

7.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis 132

7.3 Bio-Trickling Filter Combined with Non-Thermal

Plasma 133

7.3.1 Case Study 1: Fluctuating Toluene Concentration 133

7.3.2 Case Study 2: Toluene in Mixture with Acetone 135

7.4 Discussion 136

8. Concluding Remarks 137

Symbol and Abbrevations 143

References 147

Appendix 162



The bio-trickling filter and the non-thermal plasma are two oxidative

treatment techniques for waste gas streams with low concentrations of

volatile organic compounds (VOC). The low energy consumption of the

bio-trickling filter and the high flexibility of the non-thermal plasmamake a combination of the two techniques attractive, especially for the

treatment of waste gas streams with fluctuating load and composition. The

two systems were experimentally investigated using toluene as a model

compound to gain an understanding of the governing physical, chemical

and biological processes and to determine their energy efficiencies which

have to be taken into account for the evaluation of full scale plants.

The elimination capacity of the bio-trickling filter was limited by the

biological degradation rate. The measured CO2 production under transient

conditions could be described by a dynamic mathematical model including

substrate inhibition kinetics and biofilm diffusion. The numerical

simulation indicated that the biological activity is located in a thin upper

layer of the biofilm and that the lower layers act as sorption volume for


Toluene was mineralised in a dibarrier discharge reactor via several

intermediate products, mainly organic acids and aldehydes. Comparison

with the ozonation products of toluene in aqueous solution strongly

suggested that oxidation pathways known for organic compounds in the

aqueous solution are also applicable for the gas phase oxidation. The

energy efficiency of the dibarrier discharge reactor could be described bythe ße-value (Rosocha et al., 1993), which depended on the toluene

concentration and the air humidity.

The economic and ecological evaluation of a full scale bio-trickling filter

and a dibarrier discharge reactor showed that the bio-trickling filter is

more efficient than the non-thermal plasma for purifying toluene-

containing waste gas streams. The economic working range of the bio-

trickling filter is limited to toluene concentrations lower than 1 g m-3. A

combined bio-plasma system may be advantageous in some special cases

for the purification of waste gas streams with fluctuations in load and

composition or with mixtures of well and poorly biodegradable




Der Bio-Trickling Filter und das nicht-thermische Plasma sind zwei

oxidative Abluftreinigungsverfahren für Abluftströme mit tiefen Konzen¬

trationen flüchtiger organischer Stoffe (VOC). Der tiefe Energieverbrauchdes Bio-Trickling Filters und die hohe Flexibilität des nicht-thermischen

Plasmas macht eine Kombination der beiden Verfahren interessant,

insbesondere für die Behandlung von Abluftströmen schwankender

Zusammensetzung und Konzentration. Die beiden Verfahren wurden mit

Toluol als Modellsubstanz experimentell untersucht, um die vorherrschenden

physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Vorgänge besser zu verstehen.

Weiter wurden die Energieeffizienzen der beiden Verfahren bestimmt, die

für die Evaluation im grossen Masstab notwendig sind.

Die Abbaukapazität des Bio-Trickling Filters ist durch die biologische

Abbaugeschwindigkeit limitiert. Die gemessene CC^-Produktion konnte auch

mittels eines dynamischen mathematischen Modells mit Substrat-

inhibierungskinetik und Biofilmdiffusion beschrieben werden. Die

numerische Simulation deutete auf die Existenz einer oberen Biofilmschicht

mit hoher biologischer Aktivität und eine untere Sorptionsschicht für Toluol.

Toluol wurde im Barrieren-Entladungsreaktor auf dem Wege über mehrere

Zwischenprodukte, hauptsächlich Aldehyde und organische Säuren,

mineralisiert. Ein Vergleich zwischen diesen Zwischenprodukten und den

Ozonierungssprodukten von Toluol in der wässrigen Phase lässt auf ähnliche

Abbauwege für die Oxidation organischer Stoffe in der Gasphase schliessen.

Die Energieeffizienz des Barrieren-Entladungsreaktors konnte mittels des ße-Wertes beschrieben werden (Rosocha et al., 1993). Der ße-Wert war von der

Toluolkonzentration und die Luftfeuchte abhängig.

Die ökonomische und ökologische Evaluation bei Anwendung in grossem

Masstab zeigte, dass für die Reinigung toluolbeladener Abluftströme tiefer

Konzentration der Bio-Trickling Filter effizienter war als das nicht¬

thermische Plasma. Der ökonomische Arbeitsbereich des Bio-Trickling

Filters ist auf Toluol-Konzentrationen unter 1 g m-3 beschränkt. Eine

Kombination der beiden Verfahren kann für die Reinigung von

Abluftströmen schwankender Konzentration sowie für Abluftströme mit

Stoffgemischen unterschiedlicher biologischer Abbaubarkeit vorteilhaft sein.



Biotricklingfilter och icke-termiskt plasma är tvâ oxiderande metoder för

rening av luft med lâga koncentrationer av flyktiga organiska ämnen

(VOC). Genom att kombinera de tvâ luftreningsmetoderna kan man dra

fördel av biotricklingfiltrets lâga energiförbrukning och den icke-

termiska plasmans höga flexibilitet, speciellt vid rening av luft, dar

sammansättning och koncentrationer av VOC fluktuerar. För att bättre

första de styrande fysiska, kemiska och biologiska processerna

undersöktes de tvâ luftreningsmetoderna expérimentent med toluol som

modellsubstans. Även luftreningsmetodernas energiförbrukning

bestämdes, vilket gjorde det möjligt att bedöma förutsättningarna för

anläggningar i full skala.

Biotricklingfiltrets nedbrytningskapacitet begränsades av den biologiska

nedbrytningshastigheten. Produktionen av CO2 mattes under dynamiska

förhallanden och künde beskrivas med hjälp av substratinhiberingskinetikoch biofilmdiffusion i en dynamisk matematisk modell. Den numeriska

simuleringen visade att biofilmen förmodligen bestod av ett tunt övre

skikt med en hög biologisk aktivitet samt ett undre skikt som lagrade

toluol och fungerade som en toluolbuffert för den biologiska


Toluol oxiderades till CO2 och vatten i den icke-termiska plasman via

fiera organiska mellanprodukter, huvudsakligen aldehyder och organiska

syror. En jämförelse mellan dessa mellanprodukter och de frân ozonering

av toluol i vattenfas visar, att nedbrytningsvägarna för toluol i vattenfas

med största sannolikhet även gäller för nedbrytning av toluol i gasfas.Den icke-termiska plasmans energiförbrukning künde beskrivas med ße

(Rosocha et al., 1993), vars värde berodde pâ toluolkoncentrationen och


Den ekonomiska och ekologiska bedömningen av biotricklingfiltret och

icke-termiska plasman i full skala visade, att biotricklingfiltret är mer

effektivt an den icke-termiska plasman för rening av luft innehâllande

toluol. Biotricklingfiltrets ekonomiska arbetsomräde är begränsad tili

toluolkoncentrationer lägre an 1 g m-3. Ett kombinerat bioplasmasystemkan i vissa fall vara fördelaktigt för rening av luft med fluktuerande

sammansättningar och koncentrationer av VOC eller för rening av luft

med blandningar av biologiskt lätt- och svärnedbrytbara ämnen.


1. Introduction

Waste gas streams are produced by human activities, i.e. from industry,

traffic, farming and private households. They are usually air streams

containing organic and/or inorganic compounds which are toxic or may

affect the environment in different ways, for instance by causing global

warming, formation of acid rain and smog, depletion of ozone layer,

unacceptable odours, etc.

An important group of waste gas compounds are non-methane volatile

organic compounds (NMVOC, below only referred to as VOC) which are

precursors of ozone and smog formation in the troposphere (Seinfeld,

1986). They may also contribute to the global warming and may be

directly harmful to human health even at low concentrations. The major

source of VOC emissions are industrial processes from where emissions

increased exponentially from early industrialisation until 1980 when

legislation was passed to force industry to reduce them (Evans, S., 1996).

Emissions have now stabilised but efforts are made to reduce them to the

levels of 1960 by replacing industrial processes and products by new ones

from which VOC emissions are reduced or even eliminated (Schnitzer,

1998; Hungerbühler et al., 1999). Until these novel processes have been

developed and implemented, emissions have to be reduced to meet legallimits by using different waste gas purification techniques (end-of-pipe

solutions) where VOCs are recycled or oxidised preferably into carbon

dioxide and water. The numerous processes governing the performance of

these purification techniques are poorly understood and they need to be

optimised to reduce energy consumption and increase removal capacity.

1.1 Industrial Waste Gas Treatment Techniques

1.1.1 General Overview

Chemical industry, painting facilities, food industry etc. are major sources

of VOC emissions to the atmosphere. VOCs are mainly used as solvents or

as reactants or they may be formed in chemical processes as by-products.

They escape to the atmosphere also from diffuse sources, such as leaking

pumps, or from specific processes, for instance drying.


Waste gas streams containing separable and recyclable compounds can be

treated with regenerative techniques, that is condensation, absorption,adsorption and membrane techniques (Reschke and Mathews, 1995).Before recycling, removed waste gas compounds often have to be treated

in additional process steps, for instance by distillation. Pollutants in

diluted waste gas streams or mixtures of waste gas compounds which

cannot be recycled economically must be destroyed. Oxidative techniquesare thermal oxidation, absorption with chemical oxidation, non-thermal

plasma and biological oxidation. All of the techniques mentioned above

can be used economically only in specific ranges of VOC concentrations

and waste gas flow rates (Table 1.1). Other factors limit the working

range too, such as waste gas temperature and the presence of inert

compounds or inhibiting compounds which can reduce the overall

removal capacity. The flexibility towards fluctuations in load and

composition varies between the different waste gas treatment techniques,where biological techniques have the lowest flexibility and incineration

has the highest (Table 1.1).

Selecting an end-of-pipe solution for a certain waste gas problem is

ultimately a compromise between what is technically feasible (must be

able to reduce emissions to meet legal limits) and the most economical

solution. The legal limits in Switzerland are set by the Swiss Clean Air

Act (LRV, 1985). It divides the VOCs into three different classes

according to their hazard to the environment and human health (Table

1.2). VOC emissions are limited by concentration if the mass flow exceeds

a specified limit. If the waste gas contains several compounds of the same

class, the sum of the individual concentrations is not allowed to exceed the

limit of that class. If the waste gas contains compounds of different

classes, the limits of the individual classes must be met and the total

concentration must not exceed 150 mg nr3.


Table 1.1. Comparison of oxidative waste gas purification techniquesfor diluted waste gas streams.

Concentration Air flow Energy consumption Flexibility11Process [g nr3] [1000m3h-!] [Wh m-3] comp./load

Non-thermal Plasma:

- Barrier Discharge3 <1 0.5-100 l-1300d 0/++

- Corona Discharge13 n.aj n.aj 4-154d 0/++

- Electron Beamc <0.3e n.a. l-24d 0/++


- Regenerativef 1-10 >2 2-30 ++/+

- Catalyticf 1-10 >2 2-30 +/++

Biological oxidation

- Bio-scrubberf <l-3 1-50 0.3-3 -/+

- Bio-trickling filter -/o

- Biofilter -/-

Rotor-adsorberS <2 10-250 2-5 +/+

Adsorptionf 1-25 >1 2-30 +/+

a (Evans, D. et al., 1993; Rosocha et al, 1993; Rohrer, 1996), b (Penetrante et al,

1996), c (Paur, 1993; Penetrante et al, 1996; Vitale et al, 1996),d Values calculated for

90% removal., e (Paur, 1993), f (Ciba, 1995), g Rotamill, Siegen, Germanyh Flexibility towards fluctuating composition (comp.) and load, - poor, 0 moderate, +

good, ++ very good, J In general, similar to barrier discharge but tolerant of dust and

condensation; energy efficiency similar or lower than barrier discharge.

n.a. no data available

Table 1.2. Emission limits of mass flow and concentration of VOCs

according to the Swiss Clean Air Act (LRV, 1985).

Class Examples of VOC Mass flow [kg h-1] Concentration [mg nr3]

1 dichloromethane 0.1 20

perchloroethylene2 toluene 2.0 100

xylene3 isopropanol 3.0 150

diethyl ether



Thermal combustion is used economically only with VOC concentrations

of 10 g m-3 and higher. Combustion takes place between 750 and 900°C

usually with supplementary energy depending on the heat value of the

waste gas and on the raw gas temperature. Catalytic and regenerativecombustion takes place at 300-600°C and may already be run without

supplementary furnace gas at VOC concentrations of 0.8-3 g m-3 by pre¬

heating the inlet gas with the heat from the off gas (Carlowitz, 1996). The

catalyst is, however, subject to poisoning from sulphur, phosphor and

halogen containing compounds. Development of new catalysts has made

catalytic incineration of chlorinated compounds possible (Krumbäck,

1996) where hydrogen chloride (HCl) produced is removed in a scrubber.

Incineration is flexible towards fluctuations in load and composition but

needs supplementary furnace gas at low calorific value of the pollutant.


Adsorption is a batch operation where the waste gas compounds are first

enriched on the surface of a porous material (adsorbent) such as activated

carbon, molecular sieves (zeoliths) or polymer materials, until

equilibrium with the gas-phase is reached. Depending on the nature of the

adsorbed molecules, they can be desorbed with temperature or pressure

swing, with extraction or with steam (<500°C). Mixtures of desorbed

compounds can be recycled after treatment in a second process step, such

as distillation. If desorption is not possible, the adsorbent must be

regenerated oxidatively. Regeneration of the adsorbent is made with steam

at 850°C or with other oxidative reagents such as ozone (Shugarman,

1991). Adsorption is used for a wide range of substances and is flexible

towards fluctuations in load.


Absorption is a continuous operation where VOCs are dissolved in a high

boiling point solvent, such as polyglykolether or silicon oil. The liquid is

usually distributed over a packing and is regenerated through distillation,

extraction, temperature or pressure swing. Desorbed waste gas


compounds can be recycled. Absorption is a flexible technique towards

peak loads but is limited to readily soluble compounds.

Many odorous substances, such as organic sulphur, nitrogen and

oxygenated compounds as well as nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrogen

sulphide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) which can be absorbed in water, can

simultaneously be oxidised in the aqueous phase. Oxidising agents are

ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), potassium permanganate

(KMnOzO as well as sodium hypochlorite and sodium chlorite (NaOCl and

NaClÛ2) which produce different salts, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water as

end products (VDI, 1995). Advantages of the oxidative absorption is a

higher absorption capacity compared to physical absorption but toxic and

caustic substances must be handled and the absorption liquid must be

safely disposed of.

Heterogeneous photocatalysis using UV/TÎ02

Light in the near UV region with a wavelength <350nm can be used to

excite electrons in a semiconductor, usually titanium dioxide (TiÛ2).

Excited electrons migrate to the catalyst surface where they may react

with adsorbed gas molecules. Energy consumption may be low for certain

compounds but an economic evaluation of large scale plants is difficult to

make because most research has been done in small laboratory scale

reactors (Al-Ekabi et al., 1993). Today UV/Ti02 is mainly used for

indoor applications with very low waste gas concentrations.

1.1.2 Non-Thermal Plasma

Non-thermal plasma has been used for ozone generation for about 100

years and is now also emerging as a technique for the purification of low

concentration waste gas streams (Penetrante, 1993). The aim is to put the

energy mainly into generating highly energetic electrons which react with

matrix gas components, thus creating highly reactive radicals and excited

species at ambient gas temperature. At high VOC concentrations, direct

reactions of electrons with the VOC will also be of some importance, e.g.

by dissociative attachment. The electrons are generated by electron beam,

corona discharge, microwave plasma or barrier discharge (Figure 1.1). In

an electron beam, electrons are generated in a vacuum chamber and


emitted through a very thin titanium or aluminium foil into the waste gas

(Koch, 1994). Corona discharge uses either pulsed voltage or direct

current (DC) power supply, usually in a coaxial wire to cylinder or a

wire to plate reactor configuration (Chang, J.-S., 1993). The barrier

discharge reactor usually has a concentric cylinder or a plane-to-plane

configuration where one or both of the electrodes are covered with a

dielectric barrier, thus alternating current (AC) power supply must be

used (Rosocha et al., 1993; Kogelschatz, 1997). In a microwave plasma,the plasma is sustained by a microwave source (Hutchison and Wright,


The energy consumption of the different non-thermal plasma techniquesvaries under the same working conditions, where electron beam ionisation

seems to be the most energy efficient technique, especially for chlorinated

VOCs (Penetrante et al., 1996). Electron beam is, however, a more

complex technique and investment costs are higher than for the dielectric

barrier discharge reactor or the corona discharge reactor. Experience on

a large scale has been gained for the removal of NOx and SOx by a corona

discharge and a barrier discharge (Bittenson et al., 1998) as well as with

an electron beam (Mätzing, 1993). Large scale barrier discharge reactors

have also been built for odour control (Rohrer, 1996; Rafflenbeul, 1998).

Electron beam



from heated



transparentmetal foil

Waste gas

T^n *_




7e e" e




in a high Clean gas

electric field

in vacuum

Barrier discharge

Waste gas

Corona discharge,point-to-plane

Waste gas


1e~e e~


IClean gas

Figure 1.1. Three different non-thermal plasma techniques. AC =

alternating current, DC = direct current.


Non-thermal plasma techniques are flexible with respect to fluctuations in

load. At times of no load the discharge can be shut off thus saving energy.

They are less flexible towards fluctuations in composition where the

energy consumption may be high for the removal of certain VOCs.

1.1.3 Biological Waste Gas Treatment

Biological waste gas treatment uses immobilised bacteria and fungi or

bacteria in suspension to purify low concentration waste gas streams (van

Groenestijn and Hesselink, 1993). Biological waste gas treatment

techniques are classified into biofilters, trickling filters and bio-scrubbers

(Figure 1.2).

Biofilters have a simple construction with a layer of compost peat with

immobilised biomass and have proved useful for odour control in several

different applications (BUWAL, 1993; Heslinga, 1994). They can,

however, be unstable and difficult to control (Deshusses, 1994).

Bio-trickling filters are packed columns with an immobilised biomass and

a mobile water phase which makes them easier to control (Kirchner et al.,

1989; Diks and Ottengraf, 1994). At high loads of well biodegradable

compounds trickling filters tend, however, to clog due to high biomass

growth. Large scale bio-trickling filters have been used for odour control

as well as for removing solvents (Schippert, 1989; VDI, 1996).

Clogging is avoided in a bio-scrubber where the water flow in the

absorption column is high (>20 m3 nr2 h-1). Here absorption and

biological degradation are separated which makes the bio-scrubber more

flexible towards fluctuating waste gas streams. Due to the high liquid

recirculation rate and the extra aeration of the activated sludge, energy

consumption in the system may be high.

Biological waste gas treatment is cost and energy efficient but it is not

flexible with respect to fluctuations in load and composition. It also has a

low capacity for poorly water soluble compounds and it cannot purifywaste gas streams containing non-biodegradable compounds. The low

flexibility of biological waste gas treatment has been improved by

combining it with other conventional techniques (Table 1.3).


Biofilter Bio-Trickling filter Bio-scrubber

Clean gas


tWaste gas

Waste gas

Waste water <]

Nutrients r>Fresh water


Ajr Waste gas

Nutrients r>Fresh water

Waste water <j.

Figure 1.2. Schematic process schemes of the biological waste

treatment techniques.


Table 1.3. Technical solutions to improvewaste gas treatment.

flexibility of biological

Low flexibility due


Technical solutions References

Slow mass transfer

of poorly water

soluble compounds

Wash water mixed with high

boiling point silicon oils (Biosolv)

or activated carbon.

Combination with membrane


(Schippert, 1994)

(Reij et al., 1995)

Low flexibility

towards fluctuations

in load

Flattening of peak loads with an

pre-adsorption / desorption unit.

Breakthrough from biofilter

adsorbed and recirculated back at

times of no load

(Weber and Hartmanns,


(Rüdiger, 1998)

(Thissen, 1995)

No removal of



Use of specially adapted bacteria

Combination with UV/Ti02

Combination with plasma

(Kirchner et al., 1989; Diks et

al., 1994)

(van Groenestijn et al., 1994)

(Wittorf, 1997)

Long adaptation time

to new loads

Bioreactor connected to a waste

water treatment plant

(Stockhammer, 1992)


1.2 Scope of this Thesis

This thesis presents an investigation of the fundamental processes

governing the performance of the bio-trickling filter and the non-thermal

plasma, as well as the economical and ecological evaluation of the

combined biotreatment / plasma system.

1.2.1 Problem Definition

The advantage of low energy consumption of the biological process and

the high flexibility of the non-thermal plasma makes a combination of the

two processes attractive (Wittorf, 1997). The advantages of a combined

system have already been shown for waste water treatment where the non¬

thermal plasma is used to produce ozone which is added to the waste

water to oxidise poorly biodegradable compounds (Stockinger et al.,

1995). There are several possible reactor configurations of the combined

system. The non-thermal plasma may be used for indirect oxidation of the

VOCs by producing ozone which is mixed into the waste gas stream. By

leading the waste gas stream through the non-thermal plasma unit, the

VOCs can be directly oxidized in the plasma. The plasma reactor can then

be placed either subsequent to the biological step for mineralisation of

VOC not removed by the biological filter or it can be placed before the

biological step where the VOCs are partially oxidised to intermediate

organic oxidation products. These intermediates generally have higherwater solubility and biodegradability than the original VOCs and can

often be readily removed by the biological system.

The waste gas streams considered in this work are restricted to air

streams with low concentrations of organic solvents (< 2 g m-3) and with

peak loads of less than 10 g m-3. Toluene was chosen as model compoundsince it is a commonly used solvent in industry and is found in highconcentrations in the troposphere (BUWAL, 1994).


1.2.2 Aims

The aims of this thesis are to

- gain knowledge of the physical and biological processes governing the

performance of the bio-trickling filter

- determine the intermediate oxidation products of toluene in a dibarrier

discharge reactor

- determine the energy efficiency of the plasma process

- identify possible reactor configurations of the combined bio-trickling

filter/plasma system

- evaluate the working range, cost and ecological benefit of the combined


1.2.3 Research Procedure

The fundamental processes and the removal efficiencies of toluene were

experimentally investigated in a laboratory scale bio-trickling filter and a

dibarrier discharge reactor. Mathematical models were developed to

describe their performance. The models were also used to calculate size

and energy consumption of large scale reactors. The working range of the

combined system in a large scale set-up was evaluated by calculating its

economic and ecological efficiency.


2. Fundamentals

2.1 Bio-Trickling Filter

The bio-trickling filter is used to purify low concentration waste gas streams

containing VOCs. The waste gas is led through a packed column where the

VOCs are absorbed and subsequently oxidised by immobilised micro¬

organisms in a biofilm (Figure 2.1). The packing serves as a carrier for the

biofilm and gives a large contact surface to the gas phase. The packing maybe structured or unstructured, like Raschig rings. Water is evenly distributed

over the packing to supply the biofilm with nutrients and to control pH. The

trickling liquid is recirculated and fresh water is added to prevent

accumulation of toxic substances. The gas flow can be either co-current or

counter-current to the liquid flow.

Three phases exist inside the column: gas phase, water phase (trickling

liquid) and biofilm (Figure 2.1). The VOCs are transported from the gas

phase to the biofilm surface where they are absorbed through a gas-liquid

boundary layer. The absorbed VOCs diffuse into the biofilm where they are

oxidised by the immobilised bacteria and other micro-organisms. End

products are mainly CO2, water and biomass. The biomass accumulates in the

biofilm whereas CO2 diffuses out of the biofilm and desorbs into the gas

phase. Excess biofilm accumulation can obstruct or even plug gas and liquid

flow channels. This is usually referred to as clogging which leads to

channelling, large pressure drop and decreased removal efficiency.

Therefore, biomass must be removed periodically from the packing, for

instance by back washing (Sorial et al., 1997).


Clean gas

T Gas PhaseConcentration

Biofilm profile of toluene

Waste gas


pH control ^—'Nutrient addition

Water PhaseConcentration

Packing profile of CO2

Figure 2.1. Schematic description of the bio-trickling filter in macro-

and microscale (adapted from Devinny et al. (1999)).

2.1.1 Biofilm

Micro-organisms easily attach to surfaces where they may accumulate and

form a biofilm (Characklis and Marshall, 1990). Biofilms are encountered

frequently in natural aquatic systems but may also be found on humans, for

instance plaque on teeth causing caries. Because of their stability towards

external influence they are often used in biotechnology for waste water and

waste gas treatment. Biofilms may, however, also cause problems like

corrosion in water piping.

A typical biofilm consists mainly of water (>95%), extracellular polymeric

substances (EPS) and immobilised micro-organisms, such as bacteria, fungi,

algae and protozoa (Characklis and Marshall, 1990). Bacteria produce EPS

to attach themselves to the surface and to other bacteria. The EPS mainly

consist of polysaccharides and proteins which form a porous three-

dimensional gel in which the micro-organisms are embedded (Blenkinsopp

and Costerton, 1991). The cells are, however, not uniformly distributed in


the gel but are more or less segregated (Gottschalk and Knackmuss, 1993).

The cells form a multitude of colonies and clusters which may develop

independently of each other depending on the local conditions. Substrates and

nutrients are transported from the biofilm surface towards the carrier wall,

thus concentration gradients across the biofilm depth or within cell clusters

are created, since transport is often slower than biological degradation (or

production) (Figure 2.1).

There is so far no universal model for transport of solutes in the biofilm

(Wanner, 1995). Solutes are mainly transported by diffusion within the

clusters. Diffusitivity is influenced by the biofilm properties, that is biofilm

porosity and density (Fan et al., 1990; Hinson and Kocher, 1996) which

varies with biofilm depth and loading (Trulear and Characklis, 1982;

Wanner, 1995). Between the clusters, however, a three dimensional structure

of wide pore channels may allow transport of solutes by convection (de Beer

and Stoodley, 1995).

The toluene degrading biofilms contain several bacteria able to degrade

toluene, mainly Pseudomonas and Enterobacter species (Schönduve et al.,

1996; Pedersen et al., 1997). The biological activity has been observed to be

concentrated in the upper layer (Arcangeli and Arvin, 1995; Schönduve et

al., 1996) as well as in the lower layers of the biofilm (Jones et al., 1997),

depending on the shear forces acting upon the biofilm surface. Toluene has a

toxic effect on the bacteria which results in a decreasing fraction of the

toluene degrading cells with time of exposure and with higher toluene

concentration (Mirpuri et al., 1997; Villaverde and Fernandez, 1997).

2.1.2 Toluene Biodegradation

In the bio-trickling filter, bacteria are primarily responsible for the

degradation of toluene which may occur under aerobic as well as under

anaerobic conditions (Arcangeli and Arvin, 1995). Both the aerobic and the

anaerobic respirations use toluene as an electron donor. The electrons are

carried through an electron transport pathway where energy is produced in

the form of adenosin triphosphate (ATP) (Schlegel, 1992). The aerobic


respiration uses oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor which is reduced to

water whereas the anaerobic respiration uses nitrate as electron donor which

is reduced to nitrite or nitrogen (J0rgensen et al., 1995; Chaudhuri and

Wiesmann, 1996). A common toluene degrading bacterium is Pseudomonas

putida which has been used to inoculate bio-trickling filters for toluene

removal (Pedersen and Arvin, 1997).

Under aerobic conditions, toluene is degraded in steps by different enzymes

in two different pathways, the so called toi and the tod pathways (Lee et al.,

1995). The first enzyme in the toi pathway is the xylene oxygenase which

oxidises toluene to benzyl alcohol whereas the first enzyme in the tod

pathway, the toluene dioxygenase, oxidises toluene to 2,3-dihydroxy-toluene

(Figure 2.2). These compounds are further oxidised in steps to CO2 or to

intermediate products used for the synthesis of new biomass.






benzyl alcohol




benzyl alcohol benzaldehyde







ring cleavageproducts

Figure 2.2. The two initial aerobic metabolic pathways of toluene, the toi

and tod pathway. Adapted from Lee et al. (1995).


2.1.3 Biodegradation Kinetics

The most extensively used expression for describing growth of micro¬

organisms was proposed by Monod (1949)

^ = ^max^—77- P-US + Ks

where |i is the specific growth rate of the microorganisms [h-1], |imax the

maximum growth rate [fr1], S the concentration of the limiting substrate

[g nr3] and Ks the half saturation coefficient [g nr3]. The substrate uptake

rate, or pollutant degradation rate, can be assumed to be proportional to the

growth rate

_S_S + K,

R = Vm ;—^r- [2.2]

where R is the degradation rate [g m^h"1], Vmthe maximum degradation rate

[g m-3h4]. The model parameter Vm is proportional to the biomass

concentration and the maximum growth rate, jamax.

Toluene, however, inhibits growth at higher concentrations (Mirpuri et al.,

1997). This substrate inhibition can be described by the extended Monod

kinetics suggested by Andrews (1968)

Rtol = Vm^ [2.3]

YT+ Stol + Ks

where Kj is the inhibition constant [g nr3].

The production rate of CO2 is connected to the toluene degradation rate by

RC02 = YC02/tol Rtol + KC02 t2-4]

where Yco2/toi is the CO2 yield coefficient from toluene [g g1] and Kco2

[g m-3h-!] the contribution to the CO2 production from the degradation of

other carbon sources than directly from toluene, for instance the

decomposition products acetic acid and formic acid which were detected in

the circulating liquid, as well as from endogenous respiration (degradation of


storage compounds) (Villaverde and Fernandez, 1997). These alternative

carbon sources may have served as constant nutrient supply for the non-

toluene associated CO2 production. Endogenous respiration and the

degradation of other carbon sources (in the text below referred to only as

endogenous respiration) were assumed to be constant.

2.1.4 Diffusion

Diffusion is a way of transport which occurs in the direction of decreasingconcentration of the solute. It is mathematically described by Fick's law

where the diffusion rate is proportional to the concentration gradient


J = ADjw-1 [2.5]J' dz

where J is mass flux through an interface [g rr1], A the interfacial area [m2],

Djw the diffusivity of component j in water [m2 lr1], S the concentration of

compound j and z the axial distance [m]. The diffusitivity in biofilms is

usually smaller than that in water

Dj,B = * Dj,w M

where DjB is the diffusitivity of compound j in the biofilm and X is a

proportionality coefficient (k<l). The value of X has been found to vary

between 1 and 0.08 depending on the biofilm properties and its interaction

with the diffusing solute (Christensen and Characklis, 1990).

2.1.5 Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer

The mass transfer rate between gas and liquid phases is a diffusion limited

process and can be described by Fick's law according to the two-film theory.It approximates the real concentration profiles across the boundary layerwith a linear gradient in two thin films on either side of the interface. For

poorly water soluble compounds, such as toluene and CO2, only diffusion

resistance in the liquid film is considered


Jj =aVr DjwSi 'j,bulk


where J is the mass flux through the gas-liquid interface of compound j

[g fr1], Vr is reactor volume [m3], a the specific interfacial area [m2 nr3],

Sj,buik the liquid bulk concentration [g nr3], Sj* the equilibrium liquidconcentration at the gas-liquid interface [g nr3] and <5l the liquid film

thickness [m] (Figure 2.3). The diffusion rate through the liquid film is rate

limiting for poorly water soluble compounds, thus the interfacial

concentration on the gas side is assumed to be identical to the gas bulk

concentration. At the gas-liquid interface, the liquid concentration is in

equilibrium with the gas phase and can be calculated with Henry's law which

is valid for diluted solutions

* ^ i,bulkÇ





where Cj;buik is the gas phase bulk concentration of compound j [g nr3] and Hjthe dimensionless Henry's law constant of compound j.









Figure 2.3. Concentration profile across the gas and liquid films in the

two-film model. Cj* is assumed to be identical to Cj,buik-


2.2 Non-Thermal Plasma

Common for all plasmas is that they are partly ionised gases (1 molecule in

104 to 106) with equal numbers of positive and negative species (Chapman,

1980). They may exist under many different conditions, e.g. high

temperature, low pressure and are naturally encountered in solar corona,

flames, interstellar gas clouds and in the ionosphere. Man-made plasmas are

used in light sources, fusion reactors and in industrial processes such as

welding, etching, sputtering and waste treatment.

For waste gas treatment, usually non-thermal plasmas are used. Non-thermal

means that the free electrons, ions and neutral molecules in the plasma have

different kinetic energies, which also can be expressed in temperatures

according to the equation (Table 2.1)

mv 3 kRm T—— = ^— [2.9]

2 2

where m is the mass of the species [kg], v the electron, ion or molecule

velocity [m s-1], kBm Boltzmann's constant [J K"1] and T the temperature of

the species [K]. The kinetic energy of an electron is usually expressed in

electron volts [eV] where 1 eV = 1.6xl0"19 J.

Table 2.1. Typical energy distribution expressed in velocity and

temperature of the species in a non-thermal plasma

(Chapman, 1980).

Electrons Typical ions Typical neutral molecules

me = 9.M0-31kg

ve = 9.540-5 m s-l

Te = 23200 K = 2 eV

mion = 6.6-10-26 kg

vion = 5.2-10-2ms-1

Tion = 500 K ee 0.04 eV

mneu = 6.6-10-26 kg

vneu = 4.0-10-2ms-1

Tneu = 293 Ks0.025 eV


2.2.1 Dielectric Barrier Discharge

In a dielectric barrier reactor (Figure 2.4), the conducting electrodes are

separated by an insulating barrier which is limiting the amount of chargewhich can be transported in each discharge. The barrier particularly

prevents the development into a spark discharge with its associated acoustical

phenomena, hence the term silent discharge. With a dibarrier discharge of

the type used in this work each electrode is shrouded by an insulating layer

(borosilicate glass) chosen so that electrical breakdown can only occur in the

gas gap between the shrouded electrodes, not across the barrier (Carlins and

Clark, 1982). When the electric field across the gas gap exceeds a certain

value (in the range 30 to 70 kV cm-1) a local electric discharge can develop

(Braun et al., 1991; Pietsch, 1996): This requires initial electrons, at first

these may have had their origin in cosmic radiation, natural radioactivity or

detachment from negative ions. The electrons take up energy from the

applied field so that they can dissociate, excite and ionise the gas. The

ionisation provides the growth of the discharge, initially as an electron

avalanche, on reaching electron numbers greater than 108 as a kind of a

streamer. Electrons progress towards the (positive) counter-electrode, but

will be held up by - and accumulate on - the barrier. In this way, the local

electric field will collapse within 10 ns to a value which can no longer sustain

the discharge which will therefore extinguish. This is a localised

phenomenon and similar short-lived discharges will develop elsewhere

between the barriers. This leads to unipolar charge accumulation which will

eventually stop all further generation of discharges. To restart the process,

the polarity of the applied field must be reversed - continuous operation of a

barrier reactor can only be secured by applying an alternating field. Usually

frequencies between 50-60 Hz and a few kHz are used (Rosocha et al., 1993;

Rafflenbeul, 1998).


Purified gas

Dielectric A Electrode

i t t


l^4Waste gas

+ +e~ + + f.

e-+ + e"l|-




Figure 2.4. The dibarrier discharge reactor and the electric discharge in

three steps: 1. build-up of the electric field, 2. streamer

propagation, 3. collapse of the electric field due to chargeaccumulation on the boundary surface.

2.2.2 Mechanism of Gas Phase Toluene Oxidation by Electrical


The initial reactants are generated by inelastic collisions between neutral

molecules (matrix gas and VOC) and highly energetic electrons. These

electron impact reactions lead to the formation of additional electrons, ions,radicals and excited molecules (Table 2.2), which react further in secondaryreactions.

For an ionisation to occur, two conditions must be fulfilled: an electron must

hit a molecule and the electron must have enough energy to remove the most

weakly bound electron. This minimum energy requirement is called the

ionisation potential [eV]. The probability of collision depends on the gas

particle density, on the radius of the molecule and on the approach velocityof the electron (Chapman, 1980). These parameters are expressed in the

electron collision cross section which, together with the electron energy

distribution function, determines the energy efficiency of the dissociation and

ionisation processes (Eliasson et al., 1994).


Table 2.2. Important electron impact collisions in the plasma

e" + AB => AB+ + 2e" electron impact ionisation

e" + AB => AB" electron attachment

e- + AB => A" + B' dissociative attachment

e' + AB => A* + B* + e- dissociation

e- + AB => A+ + B* + 2e" dissociative ionisation

e- + A+ => A and A+ + B" => A + B or AB recombination

A+ + B=>A + B+ charge transfer

e~ + A => A* + e~ and A* => A + hv excitation / relaxation by photo emission

In diluted gas streams, direct electron impact dissociation of toluene is

unlikely because the probability of a collision is small (Neely et al., 1992).

More likely is the initial reaction of toluene with matrix gas radicals, ions or

excited molecules formed in the plasma.

Oxygen plays an important role in the oxidation of toluene (Chang, M. B.

and Chang, C.-C, 1995; Tezuka and Yajima, 1996; Chang, M. B. and Chang,

C.-C, 1997; Futamara et al., 1998; Miyagawa et al., 1998). There are

several very reactive oxygen radicals formed largely via molecular

excitation in the discharge depending on electron average energy (Cosby,

1993b; Eliasson et al, 1987)

e- + 02 -» 2 0(3P) + e- [2.10]

e- + 02 -> 0(3P) + O(iD) + e- [2.11]

and to a lesser extent (Cosby, 1993b)

e- + 02 -» 0(3P) + O(iS) + e" [2.12]

where 0(3P) are oxygen atoms in the ground state and 0(XD) and 0(!S) in an

excited state. 0(3P) has the longest lifetime in the reaction zone and reacts

with toluene by addition to the ring. The resulting aromatic products are m-,

o- and p-cresol and phenol (Gaffney et al., 1976). 0(3P) also reacts with

oxygen to produce ozone

0(3p) + 02 -^ 03 M = N2 or 02 [2.13]


Ozone generally reacts only slowly with organic compounds in the gas phaseand is of no importance in the oxidation of organic compounds in the

discharge (Atkinson and Carter, 1984; Atkinson, 1990; Yamamoto, T. et al.,

1996). Another important oxygen species formed in the discharge, but so far

less investigated, is the positive oxygen ion which is formed by electron

impact ionisation and charge transfer reactions (Mätzing, 1991)

e- + 02^02+ + 2e- [2.14]

X+ + 02^02+ + X [2.15]

where X represents species of nitrogen, water and carbon dioxide. Oxygenions play an important role in the decomposition of VOCs by further

reaction with water and oxygen forming highly reactive radicals (Ferguson

et al., 1979). Oxygen ion reactions with VOC molecules have been suggested

to be an important removal process of VOCs (Krasnoperov et al., 1997). The

reaction mechanism for oxygen ions with VOCs have so far only been

investigated for methane (van Doren et al., 1986) and no mechanisms have

been suggested for the reaction with aromatic compounds.

'OH radicals in ground or excited states are formed in the discharge from

water by electron impact dissociation and by reaction with excited oxygen

atoms or with water ions (Rowe et al., 1988)

e- + H20 -> 'OH + H* + e- [2.16]

O(iD) + H20 -* 2 'OH [2.17]

e- + H20 -> H20+ + 2e- [2.18]

H20 + N2+ -» H20+ + N2 [2.19]

H20 + 0+ -> H20+ + *0 [2.20]

H20+ + H20 -> H30+ + 'OH [2.21]

or with molecular positive oxygen ions (Fehsenfeld et al., 1971)

02+ + H20 -^-> 02+ (H20) [2.22]

02+ (H20) + H20 > H30+ + 'OH + 02 [2.23]

-^H30+ (H20)+'OH + 02 [2.24]


or by the reaction of H02* and NO which is always formed in the air

discharge (Peyrous et al., 1989)

H02-+ NO -4 'OH + N02 [2.25]

The peroxyl radical, *H02, may be formed by (Peyrous et al., 1989)

•H + 02 -^-> *H02 [2.26]

•OH + 03 -> *H02 + 02 [2.27]

Initial reactions of *OH radicals with toluene under atmospheric conditions

are well known (Seuwen and Warneck, 1995). The major share of the initial

reactions leads to *OH radical addition to the ring, forming o- and p-cresol,and the remainder reacts through hydrogen abstraction from the methyl

group to form benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol. Hydrogen abstraction is,

however, the dominating reaction at temperatures above 380K (Perry et al.,

1977). *OH radicals are also lost in the reactive zone by recombination

(Bortner and Baurer, 1972; Atkinson et al., 1989; Peyrous et al., 1989)

•OH + 'OH -^ H202 M = N2, 02 or H20 [2.28]

•OH + *H02 -> H20 + 02 [2.29]

•OH + -H -> H20 [2.30]

•OH + -0^02 + *H [2.31]

and by reactions with other species in the reactive zone, for instance

(Bortner and Baurer, 1972; Atkinson et al., 1989; Peyrous et al., 1989)

•OH + H202 -» -H02 + H20 [2.32]

•OH + N02 -> HN03 [2.33]

•OH + NO -> HN02 [2.34]

•OH + N->-H + NO [2.35]

as well as by reaction with ozone (Equation 2.27).

Nitrogen excited states, nitrogen ions and nitrogen radicals are formed by

electron collisions in the reaction zone (Itikawa et al., 1986)

e- + N2 -» N2* + e- [2.36]


where * indicates the different excited states of nitrogen (A,B,C,D,a,a',b

etc.). Nitrogen is also to a small extent dissociated where the most probablereaction is (Cosby, 1993a)

e- + N2 -> N(2D) + N(4S) + e- [2.37]

where N(4S) is the ground state and N(2D) an excited state. Atomic and

molecular nitrogen ions are formed by (Dutton, 1975; Itikawa et al., 1986)

e- + N2 -» N+ + N + 2e- [2.38]

e- + N2 -> N2(X)+ + e- [2.39]

e- + N2 -> N2(B)+ + e- [2.40]

The most common excited nitrogen species is N2(A), which contributes to

toluene oxidation by reacting with 02, forming atomic oxygen (lannuzzi et

al, 1982)

N2 (A) + 02 -> 2 -O + N2 [2.41]

Nitrogen ions are present in the discharge only at low concentrations due to

the high ionising potential of N2 and rapid charge transfer reaction to 02.

The extent of nitrogen ion reactions with VOC molecules is unclear. Other

researchers have shown that removal of toluene in a pure nitrogen

atmosphere is possible, but with a much lower removal efficiency (Chang,

M. B. and Chang, C.-C, 1995; Futamura and Zhang, 1996; Chang, M. B.

and Chang, C.-C, 1997). The observed removal of VOCs in a nitrogen

atmosphere may also be attributed to electron impact dissociation of VOCs

(Futamura and Zhang, 1996).

2.2.3 Kinetics of the Gas Phase Oxidation

The accurate determination of the reaction rates of VOCs in the plasma is

difficult because of the heterogeneous nature of the plasma, where the fast

reactions take place in or near the streamer. The reactive species, that is

electrons, radicals and ions, also interact with each other as well as with

other neutral molecules than the VOCs. The local reaction conditions, that is

temperature and concentrations of reactive species, are functions of time and


space. The initial electron impact reactions take place within nanoseconds

producing radicals and other excited species. These react within

microseconds whereas more slowly reacting species, for instance ozone,

react with VOCs only within seconds or even hours depending on the nature

of the VOC (Eliasson et al., 1994).

These complex and linked kinetics can be simplified by assuming a non-

limited reaction space (Miziolek et al., 1994). The reaction space is then

spatially homogenous and the sum of all reactions leading to the destruction

of the VOC can be expressed using average parameters

rvoc =-kVoc [VOC] [R] [2.42]

where ryoc is the reaction rate of the VOC [molecules m-3s-1], [VOC] the

VOC concentration [molecules nr3], [R] the concentration of all VOC

oxidising species [molecules nr3] and kyoc the average reaction rate

coefficient for these reactive species [molecules-1m3s-1]. The amount of

reactive species is proportional to the specific power input, 8 [J s-im-3], which

is the power [W] divided by reactor volume [m3]. It determines the electron

concentration and dissociation rates of gas molecules (Rosocha et al., 1993).

In the homogenous steady-state plasma, the concentration of reactive species

[R] reaches equilibrium very quickly, thus their rate of formation is equal to

their rate of consumption

GRe = kV0C [VOC] [R] + kn [n] [R] [2.43]

where Gr is the energy efficiency of the radical production [number of

molecules J-1], [n] the concentration of other species than the VOCs, that is

neutral molecules, ions, radicals and electrons, which also react with the

reactive species [molecules nr3] and kn the corresponding reaction rate

coefficient [molecules-1m3s-1]. G is also called the g-value which usually is

expressed in number of molecules per lOOeV. There is a g-value for

formation of particular radicals and a g-value for destruction of particularmolecules (VOC etc.). Solving Equation 2.43 for [R] and substituting into

equation 2.42 gives

kVnr [VOC]

rvor= - GR e

^Çi [2.44]Y0C R

kvoc [VOC]+kn [n]


2.2.4 Reactions with Ozone in Aqueous Solution

Ozone produced in the discharge can be used to oxidise organic compoundsin aqueous solution. Ozone is a strongly polarised molecule with several

resonance structures, allowing it to behave as dipole, electrophile or a

nucleophile (Figure 2.5). It has a high oxidation potential (2.07 V) but reacts

very selectively with organic compounds and reaction rates range over many

orders of magnitude (Hoigné and Bader, 1983). In aqueous solution, ozone

either reacts directly with organic compounds (ozonolysis) or it decomposes

into various radical species which subsequently oxidise the organic

compounds (Hoigné, 1988; Bablon et al., 1991).

Figure 2.5. Two possible resonance structures of ozone (Bailey, 1978).

Ozonolysis. Ozone may act as an electrophilic reactant and add directly to

double or triple bonds of organic compounds. The main mechanism of

ozonolysis are the Criegee mechanism and the electrophilic addition (Bailey,

1982). In the Criegee mechanism, the ozone addition leads to a primary

ozonide which quickly decomposes to a carboxyl and a hydroxyl group or a

carbonyl group and hydrogen peroxide (Figure 2.6). Electrophilic addition

to a double bond can also proceed in two directions, with the ozonide

forming either a carbonyl compound or an epoxide (Figure 2.7).


J& O

O' *0 çf \)WxR \\ /,R

c=c —»- c-c —»

r' nr r' vr

primary ozonide

1, 2, 3-trioxalane

Figure 2.6. The Criegee mechanism of the ozone addition to a double

bond (March, 1985).





62 ' V N

Figure 2.7. Schematic description of the electrophilic addition of ozone

to a double bond (Bailey, 1982).

Ozone decomposition. Parallel to ozonolysis, organic solutes are oxidised

by different inorganic radical species generated from the decomposition of

ozone (Staehelin and Hoigné, 1985). Ozone decomposition is initiated byhydroxyl ions (OH"), hydroperoxy ions (H02" ) and a few organic

compounds. These initial reactions lead to the formation of superoxideradicals (*027 *H02), which can react further with a second ozone molecule,

starting a radical chain cycle where superoxide radicals are reproduced over

several intermediate species as discussed by Stockinger (Stockinger, 1995)).The hydroxyl-radical ('OH) is the most reactive intermediate formed in this

radical chain cycle. It is reactive not only towards organic compounds but

also inorganic compounds (Hoigné and Bader, 1976; Buxton et al., 1988).


Carbonate and bicarbonate ions, for instance, break the radical chain by

converting 'OH-radicals into slowly reacting 'CO32- -radicals (Staehelin and

Hoigné, 1985). 'OH-radicals also react with phosphate ions but more slowlythan with carbonate ions (Buxton et al., 1988). Phosphate radicals formed

also have the ability to act as radical chain carriers (Staehelin and Hoigné,



3. Material and Methods

3.1 Experimental Set-Up

Three different experimental set-ups were used in this work: a continuous

bio-trickling filter, a non-thermal plasma reactor and a batch reactor for

ozonation of toluene in aqueous solution.

The inlet air flow of the bio-trickling filter and the non-thermal plasmareactor was dry compressed air (2.5% relative humidity at 25°C) controlled

by a thermal mass flow controller (Brooks 5850E, Emerson Electric Co.,

Hatfield, Pennsylvania). The toluene (99.7%, Riedel-de Haën AG, Seelze,

Germany) was pumped with an automatic dispenser (Metrohm Dosimat 665,

Herisau) directly into the air flow where it evaporated on a piece of filter

paper. The gas was subsequently mixed in a static mixer. The gas phaseconcentrations of toluene and CO2 from both set-ups were measured on-line

with a mass spectrometer (Chapter 3.3.4).

3.1.1 Bio-Trickling Filter

The experimental set-up consisted of a packed column and systems to control

gas and liquid flow, pH and temperature (Figure 3.1). The glass column

(Buechi, Uster) had an inner diameter of 10 cm and a total height of 170 cm.

It had six capped openings on the side, so called sample ports. The column

contained a structured packing (Mellapak 350, Sulzer AG, Winterthur) made

of stainless steel DIN 1.4301. It had a surface of 350 m2m-3 and was divided

into 5 segments placed on top of each other. The packing had a total heightof 105 cm.

The bio-trickling filter was inoculated with an adapted culture from a similar

bio-trickling filter (Rüdiger, 1998). The inoculum was first cultivated in

shake flasks before it was added to the reactor liquid. It was recirculated

over the packing and a biofilm formed on the packing already after a few

days. The bio-trickling filter was operated continuously during one year at

the conditions listed in Table 3.1.


The inlet gas was heated to 30°C before entering the bottom of the column,

using a heat coil wrapped around the static gas mixer. To avoid condensation

in the sampling capillary to the MS, the outlet gas was cooled in a glass heat

exchanger and the condensed water led back to reactor liquid. The gas pipes

were made of PVC or glass.

Toluene Air <l


Liquid feed h>-

0.5M NaOH|>Liquid purge/J-

Figure 3.1. Reactor configuration of the bio-trickling filter. FC=flow

controller, LC=liquid level controller, MS=mass

spectrometer, P=pressure drop, pHC=pH controller, TC=

temperature controller.


Table 3.1. Description and standard operating conditions of the bio-

trickling filter.

Column cross section 0.00728 m2

Empty volume of the packing 0.00764 m3

Void packing volume 0.00749 m3

Temperature 30°C

PH 7.9

Gas flow 0.75-3.0 m-3^1

Superficial gas velocity 103-412 m h-1

Liquid flow 0.06 m-%-1

Superficial liquid velocity 8.2 m h"1

Inlet toluene conentration 0.25 - 0.4 g m"3

The reactor liquid was recirculated and spread over the packing at the top of

the column using a stainless steel distributor designed by Zuber (Zuber,

1995). The liquid trickled down over the packing and was collected at the

bottom of the column. The liquid height was sensed by two electrodes. The

signal was connected with a PI controller for a peristaltic pump (HeidolphRGL 85, Kelheim, Germany). One electrode was immersed in the liquid and

the other placed with the tip at the height of a set liquid level. When the

circuit closed the liquid was pumped to a small tank (1.2 1). It was stirred

with a magnetic stirrer (Heidolph MR 2002, Kelheim, Germany). The stirred

tank was used to measure pH (Conducta 7162 GS, Gerlingen, Germany) and

automatically adjust it by means of a pH controller (Mostec M8832N,

Liestal) by adding 0.5 M NaOH using a peristaltic pump (Watson-Marlow

101 U, Falmouth, England). The liquid feed containing minerals (Table 3.2)

was also added to the liquid in the stirred tank at a continuos flow rate of 150

ml h-1. The liquid level in the stirred tank was self-regulated by an overflow.

The liquid was pumped to the top of the column with a centrifugal pump.

The flow was controlled manually by a valve and a rotameter. The liquid

pipes were made of PVC and Teflon.


Table 3.2. Composition of the liquid feed.

K2HP04 0.28 g H

NH4CI 1.0 gl-1

MgS04 0.1 g 1-1

CaCl2 • 2 H20 0.01 g H

Trace element solution 1 mil'1

The trace element solution

ZnCl2 70 mg H

MnCl2 • 4 H20 100 mg H

CoCl2 6 H20 100 mg H

CuS04 • 5 H20 39 mg H

Na2Mo04 • 2 H20 50 mg H

Na2Se03 • 5 H20 26 mg H

NiCl2 100 mg H

Ammonium ferric(III) citrate, green (Fluka, Buchs) 4600 mg I"1

H3BO4 2860 mg H

HCl (37%) 0.7 ml H

The liquid temperature was measured by means of a thermosensitive

resistance (PT100) placed in the bottom sample port. The signal was

amplified (Amplifier M7829-AR, Mostec, Liestal) and sent to a process

control system (Münster+Diel Electronic GmbH, Overath, Germany) which

was programmed as a PI-controller. It regulated the temperature by turning

a heat coil on and off which was wrapped around the column.

The packing pressure drop was measured by a 1.5 m high U-tube filled with

water. It was connected to the bottom and top sample ports (65 cm of column


The wet biomass and the liquid hold-up on the packing was determined

gravimetrically by suspending the whole column on a load cell (Z6-4,

Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, Darmstadt). This method was introduced

and tested by Zuber (Zuber, 1995). Before determining the biofilm wet

weight, the liquid flow was stopped and the liquid on the biofilm surface was

allowed to drip off for 30 minutes. The biofilm wet weight was the

difference to the weight of the column with no biofilm determined before

inoculation of the culture. The liquid hold-up was determined by measuringthe column weight at different water loads and subtracting the column weightwithout water load.

The wet weight and the porosity of each packing segment was determined byfirst letting the packing drip off for 30 minutes. The segments were then

removed from the column and put on a scale to determine the wet weight.The volume of each packing segment was measured by lowering it into a

vessel filled with water. The water overflow was collected and measured

volumetrically. The volume of each segment was added to calculate the bed


Column empty volume - Total Packing volumeBed porosity = [3.1]

Column empty volume

3.1.2 Non-Thermal Plasma Reactor

The experimental set-up consisted of a modified commercial dibarrier

discharge unit (PlasmaCat, Up-to-Date Technology, Oberurnen), which

included a transformer (HT 15K, Trafonic AG, Reussbühl), a frequency

generator (BMI S07, Reliance Electronic AG, Dierikon) and two differentlysized ionisation reactors, as well as a cold trap, an ozone scrubber and

systems to control the air flow, air humidity and air temperature (Figure

3.2). Gas piping and connections were made of Teflon or glass.

The discharge unit was operated at the conditions listed in Table 3.3. The

averaged voltage waveform as supplied to the reactor was sinusoidal; the

resulting current (after averaging) was also nearly sinusoidal (Figure 3.3).

The uneven curves were due to shortcomings of the power supply system

which had originally been constructed for larger discharge units. The

specific energy input was regulated by adjusting the air flow, keeping the

voltage constant. The small ionisation unit was built up of 3 rows of 12 to 13

copper rods coated with borosilicate glass (4 mm outer diameter) (Figure

3.4). The large ionisation unit contained 5 rows of 24 to 25 steel rods (2 mm


diameter) which were insulated with borosilicate glass tubes (4 mm outer

diameter, 2 mm inner diameter). The discharge zone was 49 mm wide in

both reactors. The shortest gap between the dielectric surfaces was 1.6 mm

in the small ionisation unit and 1.53 mm in the large ionisation unit which

gave an maximum electric field of approximately 40 kV cm-1.

The inlet air was humidified by bubbling it through a water container kept at

40°C. The inlet gas temperature was measured by a PT100 thermometer

connected to a PI controller regulating a water thermostat (Type 4200,

Haake, Karlsruhe). It regulated the inlet air temperature to 25°C via a heat

exchanger. The air humidity was measured at 25°C (HMP233, Vaisala Oy,

Finland). The air humidity sensor was calibrated using different saturated

salt solutions with defined water vapour pressures.

Ozone in the gas outlet disturbed the measurements of toluene by the mass

spectrometer. Ozone was therefore destroyed before the entry of the gas

sample into the MS by adding 3 ml min-1 of IM sodium nitrite solution to the

sample gas (500 ml min-1). The nitrite reacted with the ozone in a 4 m long

Teflon tube (4 mm inner diameter) before gas and liquid were separated in a

glass vessel. Less than 1% of toluene and carbon dioxide were lost in the

ozone scrubber.

Gas phase ozone was measured photometrically at 254 nm (Anseros Ozomat

Multi, Tübingen, Germany). A 0.2um Teflon filter was placed in front of the

cuvette to remove aerosol particles.

Gaseous organic oxidation products as well as nitric acid were collected in a

cold trap. The cold trap consisted of two 100 ml glass vials in series, cooled

to approximately -70°C by means of a mixture of dry ice and methanol. The

trapped compounds on the glass walls were dissolved in 9 ml bidistilled

water before analysis with GC-MS and ion chromatography. The trapping

efficiency was high for acids and nitrate but low for volatile compounds like

aldehydes. Reaction of the condensed gaseous organic compounds with ozone

during sampling can be excluded due to the low temperature. Ozone that

might have dissolved in the wash water was destroyed by adding 0.1 ml 0.1M

Na2S203 to the liquid sample.



Heater coil-




Tube for the

removal of ozone




Figure 3.2. Reactor configuration of the dibarrier discharge reactor.

The discharge zone is marked with e-. FC=flow controller,

MS=mass spectrometer, T=PT100, RH=measurement of

relative humidity, A=current integrator, V=high voltage

probe, 03=ozone analyser.




5 T —20

0 =< Ä 0

"5P P -20


15 -40

Time [ms]

4 6

Time [ms]

Figure 3.3. Voltage and current input to the small (left, 200Hz, average

of 256 cycles) and large (right, 212 Hz, average of 32

cycles) discharge unit. The current integral was measured as

the voltage over the measuring capacitor (Figure 3.5)

lass tube

air flow

Steel rod

Figure 3.4. Electrode configuration of the small ionisation unit viewed

from the side. Two rows were grounded and one row was

connected to the high voltage. In the large ionisation unit (5

rows of electrodes), three rows were grounded.


Table 3.3. Description and operating conditions of the dibarrier


small ionisation unit large ionisation unit

Voltage peak 25 kV 22 kV

Voltage average 15 kV 14 kV

Frequency 202 Hz 212 Hz

Plasma energy input 6W 54 W

Maximum specific energy input 57 kJ nr3 250 kJ nr3

Empty volume of the discharge zone 62 cm3 285 cm3

Void volume of the discharge zone 45 cm3 261 cm3

Shortest gap between the dielectric surfaces 1.60 mm 1.53 mm

Gas flow 0.38-3.0 m3hrl 0.75-3.0 m3h-i

Gas residence time in the discharge zone 0.05-0.43 s 0.3-1.2 s

Inlet gas temperature 25°C 25°C

Maximum measured gas temperature at outlet 47°C 110°C

Inlet gas relative humidity 2%-100% 65%

The energy deposited in the discharge, W [J], was determined as the productof reactor voltage (Ur(t)) and current (i(t)) integrated over a specific time

(one cycle)

W= JUr(t)i(t)dt [3.2]

The integral was determined by means of the Lissajous figure method

(Manley, 1943; Kogelschatz, 1988). The reactor voltage was measured by

means of a high voltage probe (P6015, Tektronix Inc., Beaverton, Oregon)and the current was integrated in a charge integrator (Figure 3.5). The main

component of the charge integrator was a capacitor of 685 nF. The chargewas proportional to the voltage over the measuring capacitor (Um) which

was recorded versus the reactor voltage (Ur) by means of a digital

oscilloscope (4072 Gould, Hainault, England). Because the current is

displaced with respect to the reactor voltage, a rhomb shape oscillogram is

obtained (Figure 3.6). This is called a Lissajous figure and its area is

proportional to the energy input per cycle. The power was calculated by


P = f Cm JUr(t)Um(t)dt0


where P is the power [W], f the frequency [s-1], Cm the capacitance of the

measuring capacitor [F] and the integral value the area covered by the

Lissajous figure.

The increase of heat content in the gas flow was in the same range as the

energy input determined by the Lissajous figure. For small temperature

differences between the gas flow inlet and outlet, the energy inputdetermined by the Lissajous figure could be recovered in the gas flow. For

temperature differences around 20 degrees up to 50% less heat was

recovered probably due to the larger heat losses in the reactor.


1 i





10 20

Ur [kV]


Figure 3.5. Electrical

connections of the charge

integrator (dashed line box) and

the connections to the oscillographfor determining the energy input

by means of the Lissajous figuremethod. V = voltage divider or


Figure 3.6. The Lissajous figure

obtained for the large ionisation

unit at 12 kV average reactor



3.1.3 Ozonation Batch Reactor

The experimental set-up used for batch ozonation of toluene in aqueous

solution consisted of a glass bubble column, a Teflon coated gear pump (MV-

Z P1830, Ismatec, Zürich) and on-line analytic instrumentation to measure

pH (7162 GS, Conducta GmbH, Gerlingen, Germany) as well as the aqueous

ozone concentration (Figure 3.7). The aqueous ozone concentration was

measured by an amperometric ozone electrode (model 26501, sensor 2301,

Orbisphere, Geneva). All experiments were carried out at room


The glass column had a volume of 783 ml, a height of 36 cm and an internal

diameter of 5 cm. The gas stream was fed through a porous glass plate (16 to

30 Jim maximum pore diameter) at the bottom of the column. All tubings

contacting ozone (water and liquid) were made of Teflon or glass. The

valves were made of glass, Teflon or stainless steel.

The ozone generator (Fischer Model 500, Zürich, Switzerland) was fed with

830 ml mim1 dry oxygen. The outgoing gas flow contained 0.6% ozone from

which 10 ml min-1 was led through the column. The remaining ozone was

destroyed by bubbling it through a IM sodiumnitrite solution.

In all batch experiments bidistilled water was used with an initial toluene

concentration of 1 mM (92 g m-3). The reaction in the liquid sample was

stopped by adding 0.1 ml of 0.1M Na2S203. The reactor liquid level was

maintained at a constant value by replenishing with bidistilled water.



<) KN02









* ï



Figure 3.7. Reactor configuration for batch ozonation.

3.2 Analytical Methods

3.2.1 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

Aromatic oxidation products (cresols, benzyl alcohol) and aldehydes were

analysed by GC-MS. The sensitivity for aldehydes was improved byderivatisation (Glaze et al., 1989; Yu et al., 1998). To the 4 ml aqueous

sample (from the cold trap or the ozonation batch), 0.9 ml of 4 mM

(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine hydrochloride (PFBHA«HC1,

Aldrich, Switzerland) solution for the aldehyde derivation and 0.32 ml of lgF 4-bromophenol (99%, Fluka) solution as internal standard was added into

a sealable glass vial. After two hours of reaction at room temperature, the

aqueous solution was extracted twice with 0.75 ml n-hexane (95%, Romil

Chemicals, Shepshed, Leics., England).

The gas Chromatograph (Hewlett Packard, type 5890A, USA) was equippedwith a split-splitless injection system. 1 jll of sample was injected splitless at

265°C. Helium (purity class 5.0) was used as a carrier gas at a flow of 1 ml

mim1. Separation was made with a wide-bore column (DB-5, J&W Scientific,


30 m x 0.32 mm ID x 25 Jim film). The temperature programme applied was

2.5 min at starting temperature of 45°C, constant heating rate of 8°C mur1 to

240°C, 3 min holding at final temperature and cooling down. The connected

mass spectrometer was an Ion Trap Detector (electron impact ionisation,

model ITD 800, Finnigan MAT, USA).

The substances were identified by comparison of retention times and mass

spectra with standard aqueous solutions. These were prepared as the normal

samples described above. The linearity was poor for low concentrations and

four- to five-point calibrations were necessary to cover the whole

concentration range. The detection limit was less than 5 \iM for all


3.2.2 Ion Chromatography (IC)

Organic acids as well as nitrite and nitrate were detected by ion

chromatography. To the 0.9 ml aqueous sample, 0.1 ml of 4 mM iodide

solution as internal standard was added. Samples from the bio-trickling filter

were filtered (0.2 p,m) before measurement.

The ion chromatography system consisted of a HPLC pump (Waters, USA),

a carbonate trap (ATC-1, Dionex), an ion exchange column (Ion Pac ASH, 4

mm diameter, Dionex, USA), a membrane suppressor (Anion Self-

Regenerating Suppressor 1, Dionex, USA) and a conductivity detection cell

(Dionex, USA). A 15 jil sample was injected. The eluent was bidistilled

water mixed with carbonate free solutions of 5 and 200 mM NaOH at a total

flow of 1.1 ml mim1. The gradient program is listed in Table 3.4.

The organic acids were identified by spiking the samples with 20 to 50 |ll of

1 mM standard aqueous solutions. The same standard solutions were used to

make three-point calibrations used for the quantification. The detection limit

was less than 10 \XM of all acids.


Table 3.4. Gradient program for the analysis of organic acids by ion

chromatography. The total liquid flow was 1.1 ml min-1.

Time [min] Gradient Water 5mMNaOH 200 mM NaOH

0-4.5 none 90% 10%

4.5 - 13 linear gradient from 10% to 0% 0% to 10%

13-24 linear gradient from 90% to 75% 10% to 25%

24-30 none 75% 25%

30-40 none 90% 10%

3.2.3 Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

The total organic carbon content in the aqueous solution was analysed using a

TOC-Analyser (TOC-5050 A, Shimadzu Corp., Japan) equipped with an

autosampler. The TOC-value was the difference between measured amount

of total carbon (TC) and the amount of carbonate. TC was determined by

catalytically oxidising the sample at 600°C and quantifying the formed CO2

by means of an infrared detector. The carbonate content was determined by

injecting the sample into 25% phosphoric acid and quantifying the evolved

CO2 with the same detector.

The TOC analyser was calibrated with standard solutions of carbonate and

phthalate (>99.5%, Fluka). The linearity was very good also for small TOC


3.2.4 On-line Mass Spectrometry (MS)

The gas phase concentrations of toluene and CO2 were measured

simultaneously using a quadropole mass spectrometer (Balzers PGM 407,

Balzers, Liechtenstein). The concentrations were measured every 15 seconds

and stored on a personal computer.

The gas samples were transported in a heated capillary (70°C, inner diameter

2 mm) at 500 ml min-1 to the MS gas inlet valve where the temperature was

kept at 90°C and the pressure held at 490 mbar. A small part of the gas


sample stream was split off into the ionisation chamber where the gas

molecules were dissociated by electron impact into charged fragments at a

pressure lower than 10"5 mbar. They were transported between four rods in

an alternating electric field which separated the charged fragments according

to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). Toluene was detected by the intensities of

IÏIC6H7/Z 91 and mc6Hs/Z 92 and CO2 by the intensity of mco2/Z 44. The

intensities were measured by means of a secondary electron multiplier

(SEM) with the multiplier voltage set to 1800 V. The intensities of toluene

and CO2 were normalised to the intensity of nitrogen (111N2/Z 28) which was

measured by a Faraday cup detector. The SEM is more sensitive than the

Faraday cup detector but drifted slightly and had to be recalibrated every

three to four weeks.

The MS was calibrated for N2, 02 (m02/Z 32), Ar (mAr/Z 40) and C02 using

a reference gas with known composition (10.024% CO2, balance dry air).

The calibration factors for toluene and water vapour (m/z 18) were

determined using the inlet gas for which the mass flow of each component

was known. The linearity was excellent and a one-point calibration was

found to be sufficient to cover the whole concentration range of interest.

3.2.5 Analytical Methods Used for Analysing the Aerosol Deposit

The biological oxygen demand (BOD) was determined using a standard

method (APHA-AWWA-WPCF, 1992) measuring the oxygen concentration

amperometrically (Oximeter 323, WTW, Weilheim, Germany).

The chemical oxygen demand (COD) was measured photometrically using a

commercial cuvette test based on a standard method with potassiumdichromate as oxidising agent (Nanocolor 100 D, Machery-Nagel, Düren,


Size exclusion chromatography was made using a PL-Gel mixed C column

(7.5mm x 600mm x 5nm gel, Polymer Laboratories Ltd, England) at 45°C

with tetrahydrofuran as solvent and three detectors. The detectors used were

a differential refractometer (Knauer), a KMX-6 LALLS detector

(Chromatix) and a differential viscosimeter (Viscotek Mod. H 502).


3.2.6 Simulation Software

The differential equations formulated in Chapter 6 were solved numericallyusing the simulation software Simusolv© (Dow Chemical Company,Midland, Michigan) which is based on the Advanced Continuous Simulation

Language (ACSL) (Steiner et al., 1990). Simusolv contains a parameterestimation tool which uses the method of maximum likelyhood to fit

parameter values so that the model output fits experimental data. The

likelyhood function calculates the probability that a set of parameter values

can describe the experimental data. The parameter values are varied with the

objective to maximise the likelyhood function, that is to find the most

probable parameter values.

3.3 Short Cut Life Cycle Assessment

The ecological assessment method used here is a simplified version (called"short cut") of a more detailed life cycle assessment (LCA) made for

different waste gas treatment techniques (Meier, 1997). It considers only the

material and energy consumption contributing to 95% of the total ecologicalburden using standard background data generally accepted for LCA. The

ecological benefit is calculated as the amount of VOC [kg] removed

multiplied by a weighting factor (Table 3.5). The ecological burden is the

consumed raw material and energy as well as the production of by-productsmultiplied with a specific weighting factor (Table 3.5). The weightingfactors are calculated with a classification method (Eco-Indicatormod 95

(Meier, 1997)) which includes the potential for smog formation, global

warming, ozone layer depletion, photochemical ozone formation,

acidification, eutrophication, odour, human toxicity, ecotoxicity and other

impact categories. It is also weighted for the area considered and the number

of people affected.

The weighting factor for the electrical energy is different depending on

where the electricity is produced (Table 3.5). Electricity produced in

Switzerland (CH) has a high share of hydro- and nuclear power which, in

this method, have a lower ecological impact than the European electricity


mixture (UCPTE) which is predominantly produced by combustion of fossil

energy resources (Frischknecht et al., 1996).

The ecological burden of the bio-trickling filter was calculated with the same

short-cut method as used for biofilters (Meier, 1997). The method was

adjusted by excluding disposal and transportation of the packing material and

including the mass flow of TOC in the waste water (Table 3.6). A similar

short-cut method is suggested in Table 3.7 to calculate the ecological burden

of the non-thermal plasma. It is, however, not based on a detailed life cycle

analysis and should be considered as a rough estimation.

Table 3.5. Weighting factors for the calculation of the ecological

benefit and burden (Meier, 1997).

Weighting factor

Ecological [points per kg Ecological Weighting factor

Benefit removed VOC] Burden [points per unit]

Toluene 0.0895 steel (low alloyed) 0.01375 kg-1Acetone 0.0260 activated carbon (new) 0.0138 kg-1DCM 0.0731 waste water 0.0207 kg"1 TOC

PCE 0.717 electricity (UCPTE) 0.00102 kWh-1

electricity (CH) 0.000084 kWh"1

CC-2 (VOC final product) 0.00019 kg"1NOx as NO2 0.079 kg"1CO O.OOOSakg"1

aCalculated from the ratio of the weighting factors for CO and CO2 used in the Swiss

Ecopoints LCA-method (Meier, 1997)

UCPTE=Union pour la coordination de la production et du transport de l'électricité,

CH=Switzerland, DCM=dichloromethane, PCE=perchloroethene


Table 3.6. Factors included to calculate the ecological burden of the

bio-trickling filter. Adapted from Meier (Meier, 1997).

General data Materials Energy and degradation products

lifetime [years]

hours of operation [h year1]waste gas volume [m3h_1]

steel [kg]

polystyrene [kg]

electricity [kWh]

C02 [kg]

TOC [kg]

Table 3.7. Factors included to calculate the ecological burden of the

non-thermal plasma reactor.

General data Materials Energy and degradation products

lifetime [years]

hours of operation [h year1]waste gas volume [m3h_1]

steel [kg]

activated carbon [kg]

electricity [kWh]

C02 [kg]


4. Bio-Trickling Filter: Experimental Results

This chapter contains a characterisation of the biological activity and of the

bio-trickling filter. It also reports on the measured elimination capacity and

removal efficiency for toluene which is essential for the evaluation of a full

scale bio-trickling filter (Chapter 7.1). The elimination capacity is defined as

FgEC =

TT (Ctol,in " Ctol,out ) t4-1]vr

where EC is the elimination capacity [g m^h-1], Ctoi,in the toluene inlet gas

concentration [g nr3], Ctoi,out the toluene outlet gas concentration [g nr3], Fgthe gas flow [m3h-1] and Vr the reactor volume [m3]. The elimination capacity

is often displayed versus inlet load [g m-3h4]

Ctol,in FgLoad = [4.2]


The removal efficiency is defined as

RE = 100(CtoUn " Ctol-out }

[A3]c^ tol,in

where RE is the removal efficiency [%].

The performance of the bio-trickling filter was studied over approximately

one year. During this time, excess biomass was removed from the packing on

four occasions. The bio-trickling filter was re-inoculated using the biomass

saved from the previous culture. The following results originate mainly

from the second and fourth culture.


4.1 Characterisation of the Bio-Trickling Filter

4.1.1 Biomass Accumulation

Biomass accumulated on the packing forming a biofilm up to 2 mm thick.

The biomass accumulation was measured by removing the packing elements

from the column and determining the wet weight of each element. This

includes not only the cell mass but also the water enclosed by the biofilm.

The water content ranged between 95.1% and 98.4% which was determined

at the end of two different cultures. The wet weight increased rapidly after

inoculation but its accumulation rate decreased during the time of operation

(Figure 4.1), probably due to the higher shear forces acting upon the

biofilm. The shear forces are proportional to the interpore gas velocity

(Peyton and Characklis, 1993) which will increase as the biofilm grows

thicker and reduces the bed porosity (Figure 4.1).

The biomass was not homogenously distributed on the packing but tended to

be more concentrated in the centre part of the reactor (Figure 4.2). In the

top part of the column, the biomass accumulated more slowly probably due

to the lower toluene concentration which decreased along the column height.


Bed porosity2nd Culture

4th Culture

10 20

Time [d]30 40

Figure 4.1. Bed porosity (4th culture) and biomass wet weight for two

different cultures.


The effect may also have been due to different hydrodynamic conditions

close to the liquid inlet. The low amount of biomass in the lower part of the

column can not be explained by toluene inhibition because the toluene

concentration was too low to cause any inhibition (0.40 g m-3). It may have

been due to channeling of the liquid flow which may have led to drying out

of the non-wetted part of the biofilm because of the low relative humidity

(2%) of the inlet air. This would have reduced the water activity in the

biofilm which leads to growth inhibitation (Schönduve et al., 1996; Mairitsch

and Friedl, 1997).

Figure 4.2.








Column height



Biomass distribution on the packing (4th culture) as a

function of time and column height (1.05 m in five


4.1.2 Pressure Drop

The higher interpore gas velocity did not only cause high shear forces but

also caused the pressure drop to rise, which is proportional to the gas

velocity squared. The connection between high pressure drop and high shear

forces explains the strong correlation between the amount of suspendedbiomass in the recirculating liquid and the pressure drop (Figure 4.3).

Detachment of bacteria or parts of the biofilm is a commonly occurring


process which takes place at different rates mainly depending on the amount

of attached biomass and the hydrodynamic conditions (Speitel and DiGiano,

1987; Peyton and Characklis, 1993). At high interpore gas velocities, the

pressure drop is high and the high shear forces cause the microorganisms to

detach from the biofilm into the liquid. The pressure drop fell when the

packing was removed from the column for determining the bed porosity

(Chapter 3.1.2). This obviously opened new gas flow channels, although the

bed porosity did not change.

The pressure drop increased very rapidly and already ranged between 400

and 600 Pa/m after a few weeks of operation. This is about a factor of 10

higher than the pressure drop measured in other similar bio-trickling filters

described in the literature (VDI, 1996; Hekmat et al., 1997; Rüdiger, 1998).

The reason for this variance is unclear. The rapid clogging observed here

may have been due to too small a pore size of the packing, or due to a very

high accumulation rate of biomass. Excess production of extracellular

polymer substances with rapid clogging as result has been observed with

nitrogen limitation (Hekmat et al., 1997). Nitrogen limitation may have

occurred in those parts of the biofilm not wetted by the liquid flow due to

channelling of the liquid flow.

la 200 -

q. 150 4-o





100 --


Pressure dropSuspended biomass


Time [d]

15 20







Figure 4.3. Pressure drop and suspended biomass concentration (g dry

weight per litre) in the recirculating liquid versus time (4th



4.1.3 Liquid Hold-Up

The gas phase fraction of the reactor volume decreased not only due to

reduced bed porosity but also due to the increased liquid hold-up. It was

determined by weighing the whole column with and without circulating

liquid and calculating the difference. It rose quickly in the beginning of the

culture, probably because the biofilm area increased, but decreased slightlyafter 25 days of operation (Figure 4.4). This may have been caused by

clogging of the liquid flow paths due to excess biomass growth.

15 -r

0 40 80

Time [d]


Figure 4.4. Liquid hold-up (normalised to the reactor volume) as a

function of time and liquid flow (2nd culture).

4.1.4 Oxygen Limitation

By analysing the circulating liquid, large amounts of acetic acid (12 g m-3)

and formic acid (2 g m-3) were detected. They may have originated from

decomposed polysaccharides which contain carboxyl groups (Schmitt et al.,

1995). Accumulation of organic acids has also been observed at oxygen

limitation (Devinny and Hodge, 1995). To determine if the biological activity

was limited by oxygen or not, the elimination capacity was measured at an

elevated inlet oxygen concentration, that is 30.9%. The elimination capacity


was, however, not improved compared to the elimination capacitydetermined at normal oxygen concentrations, that is 20.9% (Figure 4.5). The

acids may, however, still have been produced as a result of oxygen

limitation. The upper layer of the biofilm was a loose whitish thin gel,whereas the thicker layer below was more dense and had a darker colour

(brownish to black). This suggests that toluene was mainly degraded in the

upper thin layer where oxygen was not limiting. In the deeper layers of the

biofilm, however, anaerobic conditions may have been dominating, resultingin the acidic degradation products. A similar layered structure of the biofilm

has also been observed in other bio-trickling filters (Hugler et al., 1996).

day 6

02 cone.

0 400 800 1200

load [g m"3 h"1]1600

Figure 4.5. Elimination capacity (EC) at elevated oxygen concentration

(30.9%) compared to EC at normal oxygen concentration

(20.9%) on day 6 and 15 of the 4th culture.

4.1.5 Carbon Mass Balance

Toluene was the only carbon source, fed through the inlet gas. The carbon of

the removed toluene either accumulated in the reactor system as biomass or

left it through the gas phase as CO2 or through the purge liquid as carbonate,

suspended biomass or as dissolved organic compounds, such as short chain

organic acids and soluble polymers (Figure 4.6). Soluble polymers are

produced by filamentous bacteria or from the decomposition of dead bacteria

in the biofilm (Arcangeli and Arvin, 1995). The purge liquid was analysed


for its carbonate concentration, biomass content and its content of dissolved

organic substances, measured as total organic carbon (TOC). The carbon

yield coefficients of the different carbon containing end products were

calculated as the relation between the amount of carbon found and the

amount of carbon removed during a specific period of time (At, usually 3-4




ACtol 4>tol Fe

Y =

ACC02 frcQ2 Fg + Shcq3- V03- *WC°2

ACtol «,,„, Fg


AtDW *bio + AXliq *bio Ppurge


ACtol $tol Fg[46]

where ACtoi is the average difference of the inlet and outlet toluene gas

concentrations during At [g nr3], <J)toi the carbon content of toluene, Fg the

gas flow rate [m3 h-1], AXfiim the increase of the wet weight of the packing

during At [g], DW the dry weight of the biofilm (3.0%±1.1% of the wet

weight), (f»bio the carbon content of the biofilm (43.0% as determined byelemental analysis), AXnq the average dry weight content of the purge liquid

during At [g nr3], Fpurge the purge liquid flow [m3 lr1], Stoc the

concentration of total organic carbon (TOC, biomass subtracted) in the purge

liquid [g nr3], ACco2 the average difference of outlet and inlet CO2 gas

concentrations during At, (j)co2 the carbon content of C02, <|>hco3- the carbon

content of HCO3- and Shco3- the carbonate concentration in the purge liquid

[g nr3]. The sum of all carbon yield coefficients should be unity

(Ybiomass+Yt0C+Yc02= 1 )

The values of the three yield coefficients as well as their sum fluctuated

strongly (Figure 4.7). This was mainly due to the frequent changes in

biological activity as well as biofilm growth and detachment. It was also due

to the large error in the determination of the biofilm growth by measuring


the biofilm wet weight since the water content of the biofilm varied. The

yield of CO2 from toluene during steady inlet conditions increased duringstart-up and stabilised at approximately 0.6 gcarbon/gcarbon which is in the same

range as found for a similar bio-trickling filter by Tautz et al. (1992).

Carbon in


Carbon out



C02 «TOC aBiofilm



Figure 4.6. Schematic flow

chart over the carbon mass flows

into and out of the bio-tricklingfilter.

3 6 7 8 9 10151617

Time [d]

Figure 4.7. The calculated

carbon yields from toluene and

their sum as measured for the 4th


4.1.6 Toluene Concentration Profiles

The toluene concentration profile along the column height was measured by

inserting a long needle through the sample ports in the glass column into pre-

made holes in the packing. Sample air was withdrawn by vacuum and

analysed by means of the mass spectrometer.

The concentration profile along the column height was found to be

approximately linear (Figure 4.8) which is typical for a zero order kinetic

process (Kirchner et al., 1996). This indicates that the biological degradation

(Monod kinetics is zero order for concentrations much larger than the value

of Ks) was the rate limiting step at the measured inlet toluene gas


concentration (0.40 g m-3). At lower inlet gas concentrations, the removal

process may become mass transfer limited. The removal process then

becomes first order exhibiting exponential concentration gradients along the

column height.













0.6 -

0.4 --

0.2 -

0 -




1 --

0.8 -

0.6 --

0.4 -

0.2 -

0 -



Day 22

0.1 0.2



Day 36


0.1 0.2

Toluene [g m"3]0.3 0.4


2-3 cm from wall

at the wall

4-6 cm from wal

Figure 4.8. Column concentration profile of toluene after 22 days (left)

and 36 days (right) of the 4th culture. The superficial gas

velocity was 206 mh4,


The measured concentration profile after 36 days shows that the toluene

concentration varies strongly across the column cross section (Figure 4.8).

The gas flow was no longer plug flow but clogging of the packing had led to

channeling and variable gas velocities. Also the fact that after 22 days as well

as after 36 days the concentrations along the wall was higher than in the

centre of the packing points out the effects of channeling. The lower gas

velocities in the centre of the packing led to longer gas residence times which

resulted in the lower measured toluene gas concentrations, e.g. 0.15 g m-3 at

0.15 m column height and 2-6 cm from the column wall. The variable gas

flow pattern, however, does not influence the overall elimination capacity of

a zero order elimination process, as long as the surface area of the active

biofilm remains the same and the concentration inside the filter does not

approach zero.

4.2 Elimination Capacity at Steady Inlet Gas Conditions

The elimination capacities of the 2nd and the 4th culture were measured over

two weeks, at constant inlet toluene gas phase concentrations of 0.25 g m-3

and 0.40 g m-3, respectively, and at a superficial gas velocity of 206 m h"1

(Figure 4.9) The elimination capacity quickly rose during the first days as

the biofilm area increased and it reached full capacity after 3-4 days. The

elimination capacity of the 4th culture was also measured with and without

circulating liquid, but it did not significantly influence the elimination

capacity (Figure 4.10). The circulating liquid was, however, necessary to

supply the biofilm with nutrients and controlling pH and saving the biofilm

from drying out.

The fluctuations of the elimination capacity at steady state inlet gas

concentrations were very large. The fluctuations may have been a

consequence of the natural variations in the micro-organism population as

observed in other biofilm systems (Bohn, 1996). It may also have been due

to the constantly changing gas and liquid flow pattern caused by growth and

loss of biofilm. Clogging of the flow channels in the packing may have

caused a larger share of the gas flow to flow along the wall. Here the contact


area between biofilm and gas is much smaller than in the packing, thus the

elimination capacity is reduced. This effect may have been accentuated by the

small column diameter to height ratio. Clogging may also have caused

channelling of the liquid flow. It may have led to nitrogen limitation in those

parts of the biofilm not directly in contact with the liquid. Also pH will dropin these parts of the biofilm due to the accumulation of organic acids.

Phosphor and nitrogen limitation as well as low pH have been observed to

reduce the toluene degradation rate (Hekmat and Vortmeyer, 1994;

Schönduve et al, 1996; Hekmat et al., 1997; Sorial et al., 1997).

4th Culture, Ct0|,in 0.40 g m"3

2nd Culture, Ctoi,in0.25 g m-3

" 60 --

5 10 15

Time [d]20

Figure 4.9. Measured toluene

elimination capacities (EC) of the

2nd and the 4th culture versus

time at standard operatingconditions (Table 3.1) and steadyinlet toluene concentrations.

Liquid flow 0.06 m3 h"

o No liquid flow

^ 60 -\ aK!c UW> V-, A

Vo-320-f >y^




1 1 1 1

5 10 15

Time [d]20

Figure 4.10. Toluene elimin¬

ation capacity (EC) of the 4th

culture with and without

circulating liquid and standard

operating conditions (Table 3.1).


4.3 Elimination Capacity at Fluctuating Load

The elimination capacity of peak loads was measured by applying short (10

minutes) pulses of higher inlet toluene gas concentrations at three different

superficial gas velocities. The elimination capacity increased with higherinlet peak concentrations up to a maximum value (Figure 4.11). The

maximum elimination capacity was in the same range as observed for toluene

in other similar bio-trickling filters (Ottengraf, 1986; Diks and Ottengraf,

1991a; Pedersen and Arvin, 1995; Heits et al., 1997; Laurenzis et al., 1998).

The dependence of the maximum elimination capacity on the superficial gas

velocity was, however, untypical. This may have been due to a greater liquid

hold-up caused by the higher gas superficial velocities. Since the bio-

trickling filter was operated counter-current, the liquid may have flooded the

smaller gas flow channels, thus decreasing the contact area between the

biofilm and the gas phase. The dependence of the maximum elimination

capacity on the superficial gas velocity may also have been caused by a

systematic error in the concentration measurements. Since the difference

between outlet and inlet gas concentrations of toluene was very small (less

than 5% relative difference) at high inlet concentrations, a relative analyticalerror of 1% would cause the elimination capacity to vary up to 14%. It was,

however, not possible to detect such a small systematic error since the

random error of the gas analytics was in the same range.


103 m h'1

206 m h-1

500 1000

Load [g m-3 h-1]1500

Figure 4.11. The highest measured elimination capacity (EC) for peakloads (4th culture) at standard operating conditions (Table

3.1) as a function of the superficial gas velocity.


4.3.1 C02 Production under Dynamic Conditions

The CO2 production rate is a measure of biological activity and is coupled to

the toluene degradation rate (Chapter 2.1.3). The CO2 yield coefficient from

the toluene degradation, Yco2/tob and the CO2 production from other carbon

sources, Kco2 in Equation 2.4, could be determined by measuring the CO2

production as a function of the toluene removal rate at steady-state by

changing the toluene inlet concentration (Figure 4.12). The value of Yco2/toi

was determined by the slope and Kco2 from the axis intersection.










150 --

100 --

50 4




103 m/h

206 m/h


0 25 50 75



Toluene removal [g m h" ]

Figure 4.12. CO2 production of the 4th culture at steady toluene inlet

concentrations as a function of the toluene removal rate at

standard operating conditions (Table 3.1).

The CO2 production under transient conditions was measured by stopping the

toluene feed and measuring the toluene and CO2 outlet concentrations on-line

with the mass spectrometer. As expected, the toluene outlet concentration

always dropped quickly to low values when the feed was stopped (Figure

4.13, left half). The CO2 concentration also dropped but only for toluene

inlet concentrations lower than 1.6 g m-3. At higher toluene concentrations,

the CO2 production increased initially as the toluene feed was stopped


(Figure 4.13 and 4.14). After some minutes, it dropped again, havingformed a characteristic CO2 peak. This behaviour was reproducible at pH 7.8

as well as at pH 6.5, thus the observed increase of the CO2 production

originated from biological degradation of toluene and not from conversion

of carbonate to CO2 due to pH changes. The CO2 peak can be explained by

the inhibition of the toluene degradation rate at high concentrations of

toluene. Substrate inhibition of toluene has been observed before in batch

experiments with Pseudomonas putida (Mirpuri et al., 1997) but not in-situ

with a whole biofilm. The formation of the CO2 peaks is explained and

discussed in more detail in Chapter 6.2 where the CO2 production under

transient conditions is simulated using a dynamic mathematical model.


Inlet toluene cone, [g m"3]

0.3Time [h]


Figure 4.13. The responses of the toluene and CO2 outlet concentrations

(4th culture) from stopping the toluene feed at a low (0.8 g

m-3) and a high (6.4 g m-3) toluene inlet concentration at a

superficial gas velocity of 103 m h-1 and standard operatingconditions (Table 3.1).


n 2.2

J>1-8 +cm i 4 4r


O 1.0


Toluene inlet conentration [g m" ]0.8 1.6 3.2 6.4 12.8

103 m h"1

« 1.3-


0)1-1 +


Ö0.9 +

0.7206 m h

Time 15 min

Figure 4.14. The dynamic response of the CO2 outlet concentration when

stopping the toluene feed at different toluene inlet

concentrations (up to 12.8 g m-3 toluene at 103 m h-1 and up

to 6.4 g m-3 toluene at 206 m h-1). The upper line is the CO2

outlet concentration measured at a superficial gas velocity of

103 m h-1 and the lower line at 206 m h-1. The arrows

indicate when the toluene feed was stopped.

4.4 Discussion

Some of the observed phenomena could not be satisfactorily explained, such

as the strongly fluctuating elimination capacities. This is because the bio-

trickling filter was characterised only by measuring macroscopic parameters,such as biomass accumulation, pressure drop as well as the inlet and outlet

gas concentrations. The biological activity and the observed macroscopic

parameters are, however, governed by the microscopic conditions within the

biofilm which could not be anaytically investigated in this work. This makes

it difficult to understand and explain the dynamic behaviour of the bio-

trickling filter. Knowledge from other biofilm systems must be used with

caution since every biofilm is unique and two biofilms never look the same.


The experimental results indicate that an even water distribution over the

packing is important for a well functioning bio-trickling filter. The water

distribution in the experimental set-up can be improved by dividing the

packing into segments. Between the segments, the water flowing along the

wall is collected and re-distributed over the packing. In a full scale bio-

trickling filter, water flowing along the wall is probably a minor problemsince the column diameter to height ratio is larger.

For any industrial application, the low conversion of toluene into CO2 (0.6

gcarbon/gcarbon) must be taken into account. The waste gas problem is, to a

large extent, transformed into a wastewater problem since the carbon not

mineralised will leave the reactor through the purge liquid as dissolved

organic compounds or as organic particles, like cells or biofilm fragments.The treatment of the wastewater in a wastewater treatment plant must thus be

included when planning a full scale bio-trickling filter.


5. Non-Thermal Plasma: Experimental Results and

Proposed Reaction Pathways

This chapter is a report on the removal of toluene by gas phase oxidation

in the non-thermal plasma and on the intermediate oxidation products

produced in the gas phase and by ozonation in aqueous solution. The

possible reaction pathways leading to the intermediate products found are

also discussed.

5.1 Removal Efficiency in the Dibarrier Discharge Reactor

The removal of toluene by direct gas phase oxidation in the dibarrier

discharge reactor was studied at 25°C. The removal efficiency of toluene

depended on the air humidity (Figure 5.1), probably due to a higher

concentration of *OH radicals which are produced from electron impact

dissociation of water and other discharge related processes in humid air

(Chapter 2.2.2). The removal efficiency as a function of toluene

concentration and energy input, was determined at 65% relative humidity

(Figure 5.2). For the same energy input, higher degrees of removal were

achieved at lower toluene concentrations. The energy efficiency, however,

decreased with lower toluene concentration (Figure 5.3) because a larger

fraction of the reactive species reacted among themselves and/or with

other neutral molecules than toluene. The g-values were not considerably

influenced by the gas residence time (error bars in Figure 5.3).








60 --

40 --

20 --




2.5% relative humidity

100% relative humidity

20 40 60

Energy input [kJ m ]


Figure 5.1. Toluene removal as a function of energy input and air

humidity at 0.1 g m-3 of toluene and 25°C.








60 -

40 -

20 --

0 --


0.21 g m

+ + + +

50 100 150 200

Energy input [kJ m'3]

0.34 g m"

0.82 g m"

1.38 g m"

3.32 g m"


Figure 5.2. Degree of toluene removal as a function of initial toluene

concentration and energy input at 65% relative humidityat 25°C.


^ou -

^7-200 -


XL 150 - \ ^~^^


100 -



50 -


0 - 1 1— 1


Toluene inlet cone, [g m" ]

-r 0.6













Figure 5.3. Measured energy efficiencies in kWh per kg removed

toluene and in g-values at 25°C, 65% relative humidity

and at a energy input of 54 W. The error bars indicate the

influence of the gas residence time (0.31 to 1.05 s)

5.2 Inorganic By-Products Formed

Ozone was produced in concentrations up to 1.4 g m-3 at 0.1 g m-3 toluene

inlet concentration in dry gas (Figure 5.4). The g-values for the ozone

formation ranged between 1.8 and 6.4. Ozone formation was much

reduced in presence of toluene and water, maybe because 0(3P)-radicals,

which are necessary for the ozone production, were scavenged by OH-

radicals, toluene or other reactive species formed from toluene and water.

Water vapour also changes the discharge itself which also may have

contributed to the reduced formation of ozone (Teich, 1998).

Nitrate was detected in the cold trap corresponding to gas phase

concentrations of up to 10 mg nr3 (Figure 5.4). Nitrite was also detected,

but in concentrations about two orders of magnitude lower. Nitrate and

nitrite may have been formed from NO, NO2 or N2O5 reacting with *OH-

radicals or water to HN02 and HNO3 (Gentile and Kushner, 1995). NyOx,

including N2O, are formed in the reactive zone from different reactions

between nitrogen and oxygen (Gentile and Kushner, 1995). It seems that

less nitrate is formed at higher concentrations of toluene, maybe because

the probability of reaction of reactive oxygen species with nitrogen

compounds is reduced.


^ 0 20 40 60

Energy Input [kJ m"3]2.5% r.h.

100% r.h.

0.1 g m"

0.1 g m-3

-a- 0.8 g m"

-A- 0.8 g m"


Figure 5.4 Ozone (top) and nitrate (bottom) formation at different

toluene concentrations (0.1 and 0.8 g nr3) and relative

humidities (r.h.) at 25°C.

5.3 Toluene Oxidation Products and Reaction Mechanism

The formation of intermediate oxidation products of toluene was

experimentally investigated by direct gas phase oxidation in the dibarrier

discharge as well as by ozonation in aqueous solution. This allowed a

comparative study of the intermediate products formed and the oxidation

mechanisms involved.


5.3.1 Intermediate Oxidation Products Formed in the Gas


In order to study the formation of intermediate oxidation products in the

gas phase, toluene was oxidised at low plasma energy inputs, i.e. up to

63 kJ nr3. The major oxidation products were an aerosol deposit (Chapter

5.3.2), CO2 and organic acids with approximately the same relative shares

in humid and dry air. Identified aromatic products were benzyl alcohol,

benzaldehyde, benzoic acid and cresols (Table 5.1). These were formed in

very small amounts, except for benzoic acid. Amounts of aliphatic

aldehydes found were one order of magnitude smaller than the amounts of

organic acids detected, probably due to the lower reactivity of organicacids with respect to onward reactions. Oxidation products detected were

similar to those found from the discharge oxidation of xylene (Hirota et

al., 1995). The reaction pathways and mechanisms leading to the oxidation

products found are discussed in Chapter 5.3.3.

The formation of aldehydes and acids reached a saturation or decreased

with increasing energy input whereas the formation of C02 continued to

increase (Figure 5.5). This is typical for consecutive reactions

QH5CH3 -> CxHyOz -» C02 + H20 [5.1]

where CxHyOz are formed as intermediate oxidation products. The

detected organic compounds are thus assumed to be intermediate products

subject to further reactions in the mineralisation of toluene. The

mechanisms controlling the oxidation pathways depend on target

molecule, matrix gas and discharge conditions (Chapter 2.2.2).


Figure 5.5. Carbon content of unreacted toluene (thick line)

compared to carbon content of acids, aldehydes and

carbon dioxide formed (thin lines) in air with low

(broken lines) and high (continuous lines) relative

humidity (r.h.) at 25°C. The carbon content of the

deposits are excluded. The toluene inlet concentration was

0.1 g m-3.

The total carbon recovery was less than 70% which may be attributed to

formation of oxidation products not determined, e.g. carbon monoxide

(CO) which under similar experimental conditions has been found to be a

major oxidation product of toluene (Yamamoto, T. et al., 1993; Chang,

M. B. and Chang, C.-C, 1997). CO could not be analysed in the mass

spectrometer because its mass fragments are interfered with by nitrogen

(niN2/Z=28) and by compounds containing carbon (mc/Z=12) and oxygen

(mo/Z=16), that is toluene, CO2 and O2. Carbon was also lost through

aerosol formation, of which only the aerosol deposited in the reactor was

quantitatively determined (Chapter 5.3.3).


Table 5.1 Recovered carbon in detected products [%]. The

intermediate products were determined at 0.8 g m-3 and

1.6 g m-3 toluene and at 32 kJ nr3. Dry and humid air

means 2.5% and 100% relative humidity at 25°C,


Experimental conditions Recovered carbon in products referred to toluene removed

Toluene Deposit co2 Benzyl Cresol Benzoate

Inlet gas removed [%] [%] alcohol [%] [%] [%]

0.8 g m-3, dry air 7% 38 7.2 n.d. n.d. 0.20

1.6 g m-3, dry air 5% 49 9.7 0.0005 0.0013 0.18

0.8 g nr3, moist air 11% no data 7.3 n.d. 0.0024 0.23

1.6 g ni"3, moist air 8% 31 6.9 0.0016 0.0047 0.14

n.d. means not detected

Table 5.1. (continued)

Recovered carbon in products referred to toluene removed

Acetate Formate Pyruvate Glyoxalate

[%] [%] [%] [%]





2.8 2.4 0.15 0.43 0.11 0.13

5.6 5.1 0.33 0.20 0.092 0.092

3.6 3.8 0.14 0.10 0.11 0.065

2.4 2.3 0.074 0.11 0.074 0.031

Table 5.1. (continued)

Recovered carbon inproducts_ referred to toluene removed

Benzaldehyde Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Glyoxal

[%] [%] >] [%]



0.012 0.0069 n.d. 0.0049 0.0030

0.010 0.0033 0.0004 0.0014 0.00066

0.012 0.0041 0.0004 0.0019 0.0040

0.015 0.0019 0.0003 0.0019 0.0034


5.3.2 Aerosol Formation

The observed aerosols were deposited as a yellow-brown film in the

reactor and in the tubing connected to the reactor outlet. Similar depositsfrom toluene oxidation in barrier discharge reactors have also been

observed by other researchers (Yamamoto, T. et al., 1993; Hirota et al.,

1995). The aerosol deposit was probably a mixture of different

compounds. The deposit contained an average of 42% carbon, 52%

oxygen, 1.3% nitrogen and the balance hydrogen as determined byelemental analysis. It contained 30% particulate matter which was not

soluble in water. The soluble part contained very small amounts of short

chained aldehydes and acids. The biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and

the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the soluble part was analysed

(Chapter 3.2.5). The biological oxygen demand (BOD5, 0.27-0.31 g02 g-

l) was lower than chemical oxygen demand (COD, 0.92-1.16 g02 g"1),thus it was only partially biodegradable. A mass spectrum of the deposit

was analysed by electron impact (VG Tribrid, Micromass, Manchester,

England). The deposit was heated in vacuum and evaporated compoundswere analysed. The highest mass revealed was 194 (Figure 5.6), thus the

deposit is believed to contain highly oxygenated condensation products.Size exclusion chromatography (Chapter 3.2.5) revealed no polymeric

compounds. Yamamoto, T. et al. (1993) analysed the deposit with

infrared spectroscopy and found the functional groups OH, NH, C=0,

C=C, aromatics and indications of CN. A possible nitrogen containing

compound is methylamine which was found in aerosols produced in

discharges (Yamamoto, T. et al., 1996). Nitrogen may also be included bythe reaction of NOx with toluene (Atkinson, 1990). Investigation of a

similar deposit found after treating toluene in a pellet barrier reactor

made by Rückauf (1998), revealed a content of polyaromatic compounds,

biphenyls and alkanes. Ozone is known to oxidise the surface of soot

particles (Matter et al., 1995), and similar oxidation of aerosols and

deposit in the reaction zone seems feasible.

The mechanism of aerosol formation is not well understood (Chang, J.-S.,

1993). Ions produced in the discharge may induce aerosol formation and

enhance aerosol growth (Chang, J.-S., 1983). Furthermore, neutral

compounds are known to form aerosols in the atmosphere, e.g. nucleation

of difunctionally substituted alkane dérivâtes (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts,

1986), recombination of aromatic or peroxy radicals (Franz, 1991) and


nucleation of HNO3 and water (Seinfeld, 1986). The formation of a

deposit has also been observed in reaction of 0(3P) with toluene (Gaffneyet al, 1976).


Figure 5.6. Mass spectrum of the volatile compounds in the deposit.

5.3.3 Proposed Reaction Pathways for the Gas Phase Oxidation

Several mechanisms and reactive species are responsible for the toluene

decomposition as described in Chapter 2.2.2. Initial reactions of toluene

with the *OH radical lead to addition to the ring or to a benzyl radical

through hydrogen abstraction from the methyl group (Figure 5.7). Benzylradicals react rapidly with oxygen molecules to benzylperoxy radicals.

The benzylperoxy radicals may react further by hydrogen abstraction or

with NO to form N02 and the benzoxy radical (Atkinson, 1990; Franz,


C6H5CH2- + 02 -> C6H5CH200'

C6H5CH200* + NO -> C6H5CH20' + N02

C6H5CH200' + -H02 -> C6H5CH200H + 02





Hydrogen abstraction by the benzylperoxy radical from another toluene

molecule, so called auto-oxidation, is slow at temperatures below 420K

(Elmaimouni et al., 1993). Benzylperoxy radicals rather abstract

hydrogen from hydroperoxy-radicals (*H02) or aldehydes. The

hydroperoxide formed may decompose to a benzoxy radical and an 'OH

radical (Atkinson, 1990)

C6H5CH2OOH -» C6H5CH20- + 'OH [5.5]

'CH2'H abstraction

benzyl radical


O2 addition


with NO


CH3 'O or 'OH

'/VS addition



benzoxyNO2 radical



°2 addition




Figure 5.7. Suggested initial reactions of toluene leading to

benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and cresol detected in this

work. Adapted from Atkinson (1990).

Benzoxy radicals may react further by hydrogen abstraction to benzylalcohol (Franz, 1991), or by oxygen addition to benzaldehyde and *H02

(Atkinson, 1990)

C6H5CH20' + H-R -» C6H5CH2OH + R*

C6H5CH20' + 02 -> C6H5CHO + 'H02




Benzaldehyde formed from toluene is subject to hydrogen abstration by*OH radicals but probably not to ring addition (Figure 5.8) (Atkinson,

1990). The benzoyl radical formed may react further with oxygen to a

peroxy radical and subsequently with NO to form N02 and a benzoyloxyradical (Atkinson, 1990)

C6H5CHO + *OH -> C6H5CO* + H20

C6H5CO- + 02 -> C6H5C(0)00-

C6H5C(0)00'+ NO -> C6H5C(0)0-+ N02




Benzoyloxy radicals are easily decarboxylated but may also form benzoic

acid by hydrogen abstraction from an aldehyde (Neely et al., 1992;

Griffith and Barnad, 1995)

C6H5C(0)0' -> C6H5-+ C02

C6H5C(0)0' + RCHO-^ C6H5C(0)OH+ RCO*




'H abstraction



benzoyl radical

O2 addition

benzoyldioxy 'O or 'OH radical addition


phenol quinone

(Q>c°2phenyl radical

I s\ decarboxylation

reaction with NO OC=0 / HOC=0

'H addition or

H abstraction

N02 benzoyloxyradical

Figure 5.8. Assumed reactions of benzaldehyde leading to detected

benzoic acid. Adapted from Atkinson (1990).


A termination reaction of the benzoyloxy radical with a H* radical would

also lead to benzoic acid. The phenyl radical formed may react further

with an oxygen molecule or with an 'O or 'OH to a phenol or a quinone

(Neely et al, 1992).

Further addition of 'O and 'OH to the ring leads to ring opening. A ring

opening mechanism for *OH radicals has been suggested by Atkinson et al.

(1980) where ring opening proceeds via an oxygen bridging intermediate.

The chemistry of the ring opening fragments is complex and poorlyknown. The oxidation mechanisms are assumed to be mainly radical

reactions of 'OH, *0, *H02 , *H, alkyl, alkoxy, peroxy, acyl and acyloxy

radicals, similar to those radical reactions suggested for ring opening

products of aromatic compounds in aqueous solution (see further Chapter

5.3.5, Figure 5.10).

A known atmospheric reaction of *OH radicals is hydrogen abstraction

from aldehydes (Atkinson, 1990), but addition of 'OH to C=C double

bonds or to peroxy radicals is also possible. Toluene oxidation productsfrom reaction with 'OH under atmospheric conditions are similar to those

found in this work, i.e. aromatic compounds, short-chained aldehydes and

formic acid (Bierbach et al., 1993; Yu et al., 1997).

'O radicals may react with ring opening products by hydrogen abstraction

and addition to C=C double bonds forming aldehydes, epoxides and 'OH

radicals (Hucknall, 1985). Hydrogen abstraction by 'O has, however,

roughly a 3 times higher activation energy than hydrogen abstraction by'OH (Griffith and Barnad, 1995).

Alkoxy and peroxy radicals are precursors to aldehydes (Franz, 1991).

Peroxy radicals primarily react by hydrogen abstraction but may also

recombine to aldehydes and alcohols or add to C=C double bonds. Alkoxyradicals are more reactive than peroxy radicals and may form aldehydes

(Atkinson, 1990) by:

- decomposition to aldehyde and alkyl radical

- reaction with oxygen to form an aldehyde and *H02 radical.

Aldehydes are subject to hydrogen abstraction but probably not to

decarbonylation (Hucknall, 1985; Neely et al., 1992).

Formation of carboxylic acids in the gas phase probably proceeds via the

corresponding aldehydes. In the aqueous phase, peroxy radicals are also

known to decompose to acids, depending on the precursor (von Sonntag et


al., 1997). Acids are relatively unreactive in the gas phase (Atkinson,

1990) but may be subject to hydrogen abstraction. Pyruvic acid has been

observed to photolyse rapidly under atmospheric conditions to

acetaldehyde and CO2 (Grosjean, 1985).

Secondary ions and radicals, e.g. H30+ and *H02 may be formed in the

reaction zone (Chapter 2.2.2). *H02 may participate in the oxidation of

toluene. These reactions have, however, not yet been studied well

(Hucknall, 1985) and are probably slow due to high activation energies

(Griffith and Barnad, 1995). Suggested reactions in the atmosphere with

hydroperoxy radicals (Atkinson et al., 1980) are

ROO' + *H02 -> ROOH + 02 [5.13]

RH + *H02 -> R* + H202 [5.14]

Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are mainly formed from the

decomposition of acyl and acyloxy radicals (Franz, 1991)

RC'=0 ->R' + CO [5.15]

RC(0')=0 -* R' + C02 [5.16]

At temperatures below 55OK, acyl radicals may react with oxygen,

decomposing to C02 rather than to CO (Griffith and Barnad, 1995).

Decomposition of formaldehyde may also result in formation of CO

(Atkinson, 1990)

H2CO + 'OH -> HCO' + H20 [5.17]

HCO* + 02 -» CO + *H02 [5.18]

5.3.4 Intermediate Oxidation Products Formed by Ozonation in

Aqeous Solution

Ozonation of toluene was carried out in buffered solutions (100 g m-3

PO43-) as well as in unbuffered solutions at various pH (Table 5.2). In the

buffered solutions the pH dropped more slowly than in the unbuffered

solution which led to very low dissolved ozone concentration due to the

reaction of ozone with hydroxyl ions (Chapter 2.2.4). The fast

decomposition of ozone resulted probably in a higher concentration of

*OH-radicals, which may explain the slightly faster oxidation rate of

toluene in the buffered solution.


Table 5.2. Experimental conditions of the ozonation batch. Initial

concentration of toluene was 92 g m-3 in all experiments.

Buffer Initial pH pH at 90% Ozonation time for Dissolved O3

toluene removal 90% toluene removal [h] [g nr3]no 6.1-10.1 3.8-3.9 4.37-4.62 0.1-0.5

phosphate 8.9 7X) 3M <0.005

Approximately the same amounts of aliphatic aldehydes and organic acids

were found in the unbuffered solutions, whereas in the buffered solutions,the amounts of detected glyoxal and methylglyoxal were about one order

of magnitude lower than the amount of organic acids detected (Table 5.3).This may have been caused by a higher reactivity of these aldehydestoward *OH-radicals or by the fact that less aldehydes were formed due to

the low concentration of ozone. The only aromatic compound identified

was benzaldehyde which was formed in approximately the same amounts

in buffered and unbuffered solutions. The oxidation products detected

here were similar to those found in ozonation of other aromatic

compounds (Table 5.4).

Table 5.3. Detected organic ozonation products at 90% toluene

removal [g nr3]. Initial toluene concentration was 92 g m-3.

Product unbuffered phosphate buffer

acetate 24.0-26.4 22.8

formate 12.0-14.7 17.9

glyoxalate 4.4-28.9 31.8

maleinate 2.3 3.5

malonate 8.3 4.2

oxalate 3.6 5.4

pyruvate 16.7 4.4

X acids 71.3-100.9 90.0

benzaldehyde 0.7-0.9 0.6

formaldehyde 0.33-0.42 0.21

glyoxal 17.4-19.7 0.70

methylglyoxal 11.5-15.8 -


5.3.5 Proposed Reaction Pathways in Aqueous Solution

In Figure 5.9 a reaction scheme of the initial attack on toluene is

suggested. The initial attack of ozone on an aromatic compound can either

take place on the functional group or on the aromatic ring (Decoret et al.,

1984). Ozone adds to the aromatic ring in a similar way as it adds to a

double bond. The mechanism is not known but may be according to the

Criegee mechanism (Figure 2.6) or to the mechanism of electrophilicaddition (Figure 2.7) (Bailey, 1982; Decoret et al., 1984). Ring addition

leads to phenolic and quionone type ring retaining products and/or ring

opening products containing carbonyl and carboxyl groups (Legube et al.,


Table 5.4. Ozonation products in aqueous solution of selected

aromatic compounds.

Substrate Identified Oxidation Products Reference

toluene benzoate, oxalate, C02 (Oehlschlaeger, 1978)

benzoate, formate (Renard, 1895)

benzaldehyde benzoate, maleinate, 2-oxo-propan-dioic (Legube et al., 1983)

acid, oxalate, formate

o-cresol salicylic acid (o-hydroxy-benzoic acid), (Wang et al., 1989)

propanic acid, glyoxalate, oxalate, acetate,


phenol catechol, hydroquinone, maleinaldehyde (4- (Yamamoto, Y. et al., 1979)

oxo-2-butenoic acid), muconic acid (2,4-

hexadienediacid), muconaldehyde (6-oxo-

2,4-hexadienoic acid), glyoxal, glyoxalate,

oxalate, formate, CO?

*OH-radicals react with aromatic compounds through addition to the ringand through hydrogen abstraction from the alkyl group. Pulse radiolysis

experiments indicate that 'OH-radical ring addition dominates over

hydrogen abstraction (Dorfman et al., 1964). 'OH-radicals add to the

aromatic ring in a analogous way to 'OH-radical addition to double bonds,

forming a cyclohexadienyl radical which reacts further with 02 to a

peroxy radical (Dorfman et al., 1962). This peroxy radical decomposes to


phenolic compounds, benzoquinone and *027'H02-radicals or to ring

opening products (Kunai et al., 1986; Getoff and Solar, 1988). Hydrogenabstraction of the methyl group leads to a benzyl radical which reacts

further with molecular oxygen to a benzylperoxy radical. It probably

decomposes by a termination reaction with a second peroxy radical to

benzaldehyde or to a benzoxy radical, but elimination of *02/*H02-

radicals, addition to an internal double bond and hydrogen abstraction are

also potential decomposition reactions (Feuerstein et al., 1981; von

Sonntag and Schuchmann, 1991). Likely end products of the peroxy

radical decomposition are *027'H02-radicals, 02, H202, alkyl radicals,

ketones, aldehydes and carboxylic acids.

'H abstraction

by 'OH radical


o.benzyl radical

02 addition



OH/O2 addition










RCHO + 02

benzoxy radical

+ RCH2OH + 02



* [OJ +RCHO + H202


Figure 5.9. Suggested initial reactions of toluene in aqueous solution.

Adapted from Decoret et al. (1984) and von Sonntag and

Schuchmann (1991).


In Figure 5.10 a reaction scheme of the ring opening products found in

aqueous solution is proposed. Maleinate formed may react further with

ozone to glyoxalate and formate (Gilbert, 1976; Caprio et al., 1987).

Glyoxal can be oxidised via a radical chain mechanism initiated by ozone

or 'OH-radicals to glyoxalate which is further oxidised to oxalate (Caprioet al., 1987). Oxalate is unreactive towards ozone but is oxidized further

to formate by 'OH radicals (Yamamoto, Y. et al., 1979; Caprio et al.,

1987). Methylglyoxal may be oxidised by ozone to pyruvate and acetate

(Gilbert, 1976). Glyoxal and methylglyoxal are also able to react with

hydrogen peroxide to acetate and formate (Yamamoto, Y. et al., 1979).

Hydrogen peroxide can be produced from the addition of ozone to a

double bond (Chapter 2.2.4) and by the reaction of ozone with hydroxylions (von Sonntag et al., 1993).


^COOHmaleinic acid (a,g)



^COOHmalonic acid (a)




acetic acid (a,g)



glyoxal (a,g)



glyoxalic acid (a,g)




oxalic acid (a,g)


formic acid (a,g)




methylglyoxal (a,g)




pyruvic acid (a,g)

acetaldehyde (g)


formaldehyde (a,g)

Figure 5.10. Suggested decomposition scheme leading to the detected

ring opening products from toluene, (a) means

compounds detected in the aqueous phase and (g)

compounds found in the gas phase.


5.4 Discussion

In the ozonolysis of toluene in the aqeuous phase, the same oxidation

products were detected at low as well as at high pH, although the share of

"OH-radical reactions should be larger at high pH. The reaction pathwaysin Figure 5.10 have also been suggested for the ring opening products of

phenol at elevated pressure and temperatures in aqeous solution (Devlinand Harris, 1984). At these conditions the oxidation reactions are initiated

mainly by the oxygen radical, 'O. It seems that the reaction pathways of

the aromatic ring opening products may be initiated by several different

reactive species and that different reaction mechanisms lead to the same

oxidation products. This strongly suggests that the same reaction pathwaysknown for the oxidation of organic compounds in aqueous phase also

apply for the radical reactions of the same compounds in the gas phase

(Franz, 1991).

There are several reactive oxygen species created in the plasma, that is *0,*OH and 02+ (Chapter 2.2.2). It is difficult to reach conclusions on the

relative importance of these different species for the toluene

decomposition merely considering the intermediate products. The initial

concentration of *0 radicals in the reaction zone is approximately one to

three orders of magnitude higher than that of *OH radicals in humid air

(Jacob, 1993; Gentile and Kushner, 1995). The rate constant for the

reaction of 0(3P) with toluene is, however, about two orders of

magnitude smaller than that for 'OH at 298K (Atkinson and Lloyd, 1984),thus reaction rates of *0 and 'OH radicals with toluene (assuming second

order kinetics) should be approximately in the same range. The

concentration of 02+ in the discharge is about the same as that of 'OH

radicals (Jacob, 1993). The reaction rate with toluene is unknown but the

rate constant with CH4 is 510"12 cmV1 at 300K (van Doren et al., 1986).A similar rate constant with toluene would mean a reaction rate of the

same order as that of neutral radical reactions.

Besides the concentration of reactive species, the local reaction

temperature in the plasma can also play an important role in determiningthe dominant mechanisms. For instance, 'OH radicals are present only in

or near the streamer channel (Coogan and Sappey, 1996), where the

temperature locally may be of the order of 500K (Tochikubo, 1998). At

this high temperature, hydrogen abstraction and not ring addition is the


dominating reaction mechanism (Perry et al., 1977) which could explain

the small amounts of cresol observed.

Another mechanism for oxidation in the plasma not mentioned as yet is

photolysis, which for aldehydes is known to occur in the atmosphere

(Atkinson, 1990). Photolysis caused by radiation from relaxing molecules

may be an important mechanism for the decomposition of some

intermediate oxidation products but probably not for toluene itself.

Photolysis has been used to enhance VOC destruction in non-thermal

plasma processes (Falkenstein, 1997).

For the industrial application, a higher energy efficiency could be

achieved by utilizing the oxidation potential of ozone. This could be done

by adsorbing the organic compounds not oxidised in the plasma reactor on

activated carbon at the reactor outlet. Adsorbed compounds may then be

oxidised on the activated carbon by ozone. Ozone has been used to

regenerate activated carbon in other applications (Shugarman, 1991;

Paulsen, 1995). Also the use of metal catalyst, that is Mn203 combined

with silver, can be used to oxidise organic compounds at temperatures

above 125°C (Watanabe et al., 1996). Metal oxides, for instance Ag02,

NiO, C03O4, can also be used to oxidise VOC (Imamura et al., 1991).


6. Modelling

A model tries to explain, describe and to predict the behaviour of an

observed system. For engineering purposes, the model is described bymathematical terms which often are formulated as differential equations.

The mathematical models either describe the actual physical, chemical and

biological processes taking place in the system or they are empiricalcorrelations without relation to any natural phenomena. The purpose of

the model decides how close it has to describe reality. The mathematical

model can not always be solved analytically and then it has to be solved

numerically by computer simulation.

6.1 Ideal Reactor Models

The reactor models used here are considered ideal, that is phenomena like

back-mixing, dispersion, channelling and dead zones are not taken into

account. All reactor models are based on the laws of mass, energy and

momentum conservation, which means that all mass and energy entering

the system either leaves it or accumulates within it. Single components are

balanced by extending the mass balance equation with a kinetic term

describing the rate of mass conversion.

6.1.1 The Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor

The mass balance for a single component in an ideally mixed CSTR is

expressed in differential form as



g,in j,in"

g,out ^j,out + ^j ^r L°-1J

where d(Vr Cj)/dt is the change of mass of component j with respect to

time [g lr1], Vr is the reactor volume [m3], Cj the concentration of

component j [g nr3], Fg the flow rate [m3 lr1] and Rj the production or

consumption (when negative) rate [g nr3 lr1]. All concentrations in an

ideally mixed CSTR are assumed to be uniform, hence the concentration

in the outlet stream is the same as the concentration in the reactor.


6.1.2 The Tubular Reactor

In contrast to the CSTR, the concentrations in a tubular reactor vary

along reactor length. Assuming a constant flow rate F and expressing dV

as Ac*3h, the mass balance in differential form is

dC] Fs 9C;—- = - — + R : [6.2]at ac ah J

where Ac is the reactor cross sectional area [m2] and h the reactor length

(or height) [m]. This partial differential equation can be solved by

assuming a steady-state (3Cj/9t=0) which means that no time dependent

concentration changes occur. The differential equation is then solved by

integrating over reactor height. If the steady-state assumption is not valid,

the reactor length is often expressed in a finite-difference form by

approximating the tubular reactor with a series of CSTRs each formingindividual balance regions with the reactor height Ah. The accuracy of

this approximation increases with the number of CSTRs (Ah—>3h).

6.2 The Bio-Trickling Filter Model

The performance of the bio-trickling filter is described here by using two


1) a steady-state model to simulate the elimination capacity at steady inlet

gas concentrations. It is used to calculate the size of a full scale bio-

trickling filter

2) a dynamic model to describe the dynamic behaviour of the CO2


The gas flow in both models is assumed to be plug flow, thus the bio-

trickling filter can be modelled as an ideal counter-current tubular

reactor. The steady-state scale-up model contains equations for mass

transport in the gas phase by convection and a kinetic term for the toluene

degradation which is assumed to be the rate limiting step of the

elimination process. The dynamic model is divided into three sub-models:

the one, two and three phase models, to demonstrate the separate effects

of biodégradation kinetics and biofilm diffusion on the CO2 production

under transient conditions (Chapter 4.3.1). The three phase model


considers all three existing phases; gas phase, liquid phase and biofilm and

contains equations for mass transport in the gas phase by convection, gas

to liquid mass transfer, transport in the biofilm by diffusion as well as

toluene biodégradation.

6.2.1 The Steady-State One Phase Model

The purpose of the steady-state model was to calculate the gas residence

times needed in a full scale bio-trickling filter to reduce the inlet toluene

concentration to the legal limit. This model considers only one phase and

assumes that the degradation of toluene takes place in the whole reactor


dCtol Ac—— = -

— Rtol [6-3]dh Fg


where Rtoi is the toluene degradation rate per reactor volume [g m^h-1].

Both the Monod kinetics and the substrate inhibition kinetics (Chapter

2.1.3) could be used to calculate the toluene outlet concentrations and

removal efficiency. Neither the Monod kinetics nor the substrate

inhibition kinetics were, however, able to describe the influence of the

superficial gas velocity on the elimination capacity (Figure 6.1 and 6.2).

The Monod kinetics predicted the same maximum elimination capacity at

high loads for all gas velocities because of the zero kinetics assumed bythe Monod kinetics. For higher values of Ks, the maximum elimination

capacity was reached at higher loads (Figure 6.1). The substrate inhibition

kinetics also predicted the same elimination capacity at higher loads, but

only for values of IQ larger than 50 where the effect of the substrate

inhibition was negligible. For lower values of Kj, the elimination capacity

decreased at high concentrations of toluene (Figure 6.2).


150 -r


Figure 6.1.

500 1000

Load [g m"3h"1]1500

Simulated elimination capacities (thick lines) using the

Monod kinetics (Ks=0.2 g m-3) compared with experi¬

mental data (points with thin lines) for different

superficial gas velocities (SGV).




100 --

S 50



Figure 6.2.

lower Ki

m /| i ^rît ~""—


if f*

Ift **'

W &£v '


-"-A -/ *

o- --J- o


---a-- 103 m/h—a-- 206 m/h—o- 412 m/h

I \ 1

500 1000

Load [g nrV1]1500

Calculated elimination capacities (thick lines) using the

substrate inhibition kinetics (Kj= 30 g m-3, Ks =0.1 g m-3)

compared with experimental data (points with thin lines)for different superficial gas velocities (SGV).


Since both kinetics were able to describe the elimination capacity under

steady-state conditions equally well, the simpler Monod kinetics was

chosen to describe the degradation rate in the scale-up model. The values

of the Monod parameters Vm and Ks where estimated so that the

calculated toluene outlet concentrations fit the experimental data at a

steady-state (Figure 6.3). The calculated values were within 5% of the

measured outlet concentrations, except for very low toluene

concentrations where the deviation was larger. The required gas residence

time was calculated by assuming a steady-state and integrating equation6.3

c c^ in ^ legal

T = +






VC legal J


where t is the gas residence time [h] and Ciegai the highest allowed outlet

concentration of toluene (0.1 g m-3). Since the performance of the bio-

trickling filter fluctuated strongly, a best case was assumed and the values

of Vm and Ks were fitted to the highest measured removal efficiency

(Figure 6.4).











>/^ i i i1







d 103 m/ha 206 m/ho 412 m/h

Toluene inlet cone, [g m'3]

Figure 6.3. Calculated toluene outlet concentrations (lines) using the

Monod kinetics compared with experimental data (points)for different superficial gas velocities (SGV).



C c




ECO •*—



8 T

6 --

4 --

2 --




Vm=52 g m"Jh


2 4 6 8 10

Toluene inlet cone, [g m"3]

Figure 6.4. Gas residence times T calculated with equation 6.4 usingvalues of Vm and Ks fitted to the highest (thick line) and

the lowest (thin line) measured removal efficiencies.

6.2.2 The Dynamic One Phase Model

The purpose of the dynamic one phase model is to demonstrate the

importance of the kinetics to explain the observed CO2 production under

transient conditions and thereby gain understanding of the processes

governing the performance of the bio-trickling filter. To formulate the

dynamic model, the partial differential Equation 6.2 was solved by

dividing the column height into a sequence of 10 finite differences. The

column was divided into 10 axial layers and each layer was modelled as an

ideally mixed CSTR. The degradation of toluene was assumed to take

place in the whole reactor volume (one phase only) or on a catalyticsurface (Figure 6.5). The concentration on the catalytic surface was

assumed to be in equilibrium with the gas phase and calculated accordingto Henry's Law. The time constant of diffusion in the biofilm was thus

assumed to be much smaller than that of mass transport by convection in

the gas phase. The simulation results were the same for both models, so

only the one phase model will be treated further.

Assuming that the gas phase makes up the whole reactor volume, the mass

balance for toluene or CO2 in the Mth CSTR can be formulated as



Fg (Cj,M-l -CJ,m)A


+ R [6.5]

where dCj^/dt is the gas phase accumulation term in the Mth axial CSTR

for compound j [g m^h"1], Cj,m the gas phase concentration [g nr3], Fg the

gas flow rate [m3^1], Ag the cross section area of the gas phase fraction

[m2], Ah the height of one axial segment [m] and Rj the degradation rate

of toluene or the production rate of CO2 [g m-%-1]. The degradation rate

of toluene can be computed using Monod kinetics or substrate inhibition

kinetics as described by Equations 2.2 and 2.3 in Chapter 2.1.5. The

production rate of CO2, Rco2, is coupled to the toluene degradation rate

as defined in Equation 2.4.








Gas phase


One phase

Rtol - VmQol.M

Qol,M + Ks

CC02,M Rc02 = Rtol * Yc02/tol + Kc02


Two phases

Catalytic surface

/Stoi,M = Qol.M / Htol

^Rtol= aVm

StoiM + Ks

Cc02,M V RC02 = Rtol * YC02/tol + a Kco2

Figure 6.5. Schematic description of the dynamic gas phase model.

The column height is divided into M CSTRs. Toluene is

either degraded directly in the gas phase or on a catalyticsurface with the specific surface a [m2nr3]. Stoi,M is the

toluene concentration on the catalytic surface.


The time constant of the gas analysis system (transport capillaries and

mass spectrometer) was found to be in the same range as the gas residence

time in the column. This caused a lag between the real outlet

concentrations and the measured ones. This was accounted for in the

model as suggested by Ingham et al. (1994)

dCtol,meas ^tol,10 " Ctol,meas )^

;= [6.6]

dt Tms

where Ctoi,meas is the outlet concentration of toluene measured by the mass

spectrometer [g nr3], Ctoi,io the gas phase concentration in the last axial

CSTR [g nr3] and Tms the time constant of the gas analysis system. The

time constant was experimentally determined as 21.6 s by measuring step

changes of the inlet toluene concentration.

The CO2 production at toluene concentrations higher than 1.6 g nr3 could

be described only by substrate inhibition kinetics. In contrast to Monod

kinetics, it could describe the steady-state CO2 production and the

appearance of CO2 peaks under transient conditions (Figures 6.6 and 6.7).

The appearance of the CO2 peaks at toluene concentrations larger than

1.6 g m-3 was due to inhibition of toluene. As the concentration of toluene

in the reactor volume decreased (after turning off the toluene input) due

to decomposition, the inhibition effect of toluene was reduced which led

to an increased toluene degradation and CO2 production rate. This was

observed as an increase of the CO2 outlet concentration as the toluene feed

was stopped. The CO2 outlet concentration continued to increase until the

toluene concentration became too low and the toluene degradation rate

decreased due to substrate limitation. The CO2 production then decreased,

having formed the observed CO2 peak.

The value of the substrate inhibition constant, Ki, influenced the model

output only at high toluene concentrations. For low values of Kx, the CO2

outlet concentrations at a steady-state decreased and the amplitude of the

CO2 peaks increased (Figure 6.7). The value of Ks influenced the CO2

outlet concentration mainly at low toluene concentrations (<1.6 gm-3).The CO2 outlet concentration at low toluene concentrations decreased at

high values of Ks (Figure 6.7).

The one-phase model as well as the two-phase model (catalytic surface)

could, however, not describe the height, the width and the fall-off of the


CO2 peaks for all combinations of parameter values tested. The three-

phase model (see below) will show that biofilm diffusion must be included

in the model to be able to describe the CO2 peaks quantitatively.



Toluene inlet concentrations [g m"3]

c^ 2.2

E1.8 -

Ö 1"4



1.3 --

1 .i-n



0.8 1.6

1 I .Vi







|103 m h'1






rTime [h]r

•-'O 206 m h"


Figure 6.6. Observed CO2 outlet concentration (open circles)

compared with simulated values (lines) at transient

conditions using Monod kinetics (Ks=0.2 g m-3) at two

different gas velocities. Arrows indicate the time at which

toluene feed was stopped.


CO2 peaks for all combinations of parameter values tested. The three-

phase model (see below) will show that biofilm diffusion must be included

in the model to be able to describe the CO2 peaks quantitatively.

Toluene inlet concentrations [g m"3]" 2.2-I-0-4 °-8 1-6 3-2 6-4 12-8

D)1.8 -

d 1"4


4 -# ^


r- n

<? 1.3--

a 1-1 + Id °-9



Figure 6.6.


n- n

rTime [h]

f 't"t

103 m h"1

206 m h"

Observed CO2 outlet concentration (open circles)

compared with simulated values (lines) at transient

conditions using Monod kinetics (Ks=0.2 g m-3) at two

different gas velocities. Arrows indicate the time at which

toluene feed was stopped.


Toluene inlet concentrations [g m"3]0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2 6.4 12.8

lower K,"

2.2 4- ni9ner Ks


1.3 -

O) 1.1 -HÖ 0.9 f LÜ



Figure 6.7.



Time [h]1.0

206 m h"


Simulation of the same situation as used for Figure 6.6

but employing substrate inhibition kinetics (Kx=30 g m-3,

Ks=0.2 g m-3). The arrows indicate the influence on the

model output of Kx and Ks. The CO2 outlet concentration

is lowered for increasing values of Ks at low toluene

concentrations and for decreasing values of Kx (high

inhibition effect) at high toluene concentrations.

6.2.3 The Dynamic Three-Phase Biofilm Model

The three-phase dynamic model contains the gas phase, liquid phase and

the biofilm and is used here to demonstrate the influence of diffusion of

toluene and CO2 on the CO2 production under transient conditions. The

real biofilm has a very complex and irregular structure which changeswith time. The following assumptions were used to overcome this

complexity in the formulation of the mathematical model (Ottengraf,1986; Rittmann and Manem, 1992; Devinny et al., 1999):

- The volumes of the gas phase, liquid phase and biofilm are constant.

This assumption is valid only for the short period of time during which

the measurements were conducted.


- The biofilm has a flat surface and the same thickness over the whole


- The active biomass is uniformly distributed within the biofilm.

- The solutes in the biofilm are transported perpendicular to the surface

of the biofilm carrier by diffusion only.

- The biofilm is covered with a thin static liquid film according to the

two-film mass transfer theory.

Additional to these assumptions, the model was further simplified by not

including the trickling liquid since it did not significantly influence the

CO2 production and by neglecting the influence of high salt concentrations

on the gas solubility (Schumpe et al., 1982). Moreover, CO2 produced in

the biofilm was assumed to exist only as dissolved gas, since the time

constant for the reaction of CO2 with water to dihydrogen-carbonate (25-

40 s, (Stumm and Morgan, 1996)) is larger than that for the diffusion of

C02 through the biofilm (5.9 s for DCO2=l-7T0-9 m2^1 and a biofilm

thickness of 100 (im). Unless the biofilm is much thicker than 100 plm or

the diffusion coefficient in the biofilm is much smaller than in water, the

produced CO2 has enough time to escape from the biofilm before it reacts

with water.

The partial differential Equation 6.2 was solved by dividing the column

height and biofilm depth into finite difference sections. The column was

divided into 10 axial layers (suffix M in Figure 6.8) and the biofilm was

divided into one liquid film contacting the gas phase and three biofilm

layers (suffix N in Figure 6.8). This partition resulted in 10 gas phase-,

10 liquid film- and 30 biofilm-compartments. Each compartment formed

an individual balance region. The concentration gradients in the liquid

film and the biofilm were calculated using the distances between the

centres of individual compartments (Figure 6.8).


Gas phase Gas-Liquid Liquid film







ÔL öl + Az

2 2 Az Az

Stol,M,NRtol,M,N = Vm—

(Sztol,M,N / Ki)+St0l,M,N+^s

RC02,M,N = Rtol,M,N * Yc02/tol + Kcj02

Figure 6.8. Schematic description of the three-phase biofilm model.

The vertical arrows indicate the transport of toluene and

CO2 by convection and the horizontal arrows indicate

transport by diffusion. Interfacial equilibrium is assumed

and the solutes are transported through the liquid film

before reaching the biofilm where toluene is degradedand CO2 is produced.

The gas phase mass balance of toluene and CO2 considers the mass flow

into and out of the Mth CSTR and absorption into the liquid interphase

dCj,M j,M-l


dt Ac 9 Ah+ D;

j,w afVr iSj,M" Sj,M,l

V, 'L


where dCj;M/dt is the gas phase accumulation rate of compound j [g nr3

h_1], Cj,M the gas phase concentration in the Mth axial CSTR [g nr3],


Fg the gas flow rate [m^rr1], Ac the column cross sectional area [m2], (p the

gas phase fraction of the reactor volume [-], Ah the column height of one

axial compartment [m], DjiW the diffusion rate constant in the aqeuous

phase [m2 lr1], af the specific biofilm surface (m2nr3), Vr the reactor

volume [m3], Vg the volume of the gas phase fraction [m3], S*j,m the

interface liquid concentration [g nr3], Sj,m,i the liquid film concentration

in the centre (5l/2) of the liquid layer [g nr3] and 5l the liquid film

thickness [m]. The time lag in the outlet gas phase concentrations of

toluene and CO2 caused by the mass spectrometer was accounted for

according to Equation 6.6.

The accumulation rates of toluene and CO2 in the liquid film contain

terms for the diffusion rate into and out of the liquid film

AVL dSj;M,ldt

=-Af Dj,w


j,M Sj,M,l


(Sj,M,l 'j,M,2

8L + Az[6.8]

where Sj,m,2 is the concentration in the centre (Az/2) of the first biofilm

layer [g nr3], AVL the volume of the liquid film segment [m3], Af the

biofilm surface [m2] and Az the thickness of the Nth biofilm segment [m].

Writing AVl as Af Ôl gives






Sj,M,l " Sj,M,2

6L + AzôL[6.9]

The accumulation rate of toluene and CO2 in the biofilm contains terms

for the diffusion rate into and out of the Nth CSTR as well as a kinetic

term for the degradation of toluene or production of CO2; thus for the

first biofilm layer writing AVb as Af Az gives



Sj,M,l " Sj,M,2

Az2+ Az Ô


(sj,M,; - S;j,M,3


+ Rj,M,2



where Sj,m,i is the toluene concentration in the first biofilm segment

[g nr3], Dj,b the diffusion rate constant in the biofilm [m2 lr1], and Rj,m,2the degradation rate of toluene (R negative) or production rate of CO2 (R

positive) [g m^h-1]. Toluene degradation was calculated with the substrate

inhibition kinetics (Equation 2.6) and CO2 production rate was calculated

according to Equation 2.7.

For the centre biofilm layer the accumulation rate is


dt= "DJ,B


j,M,3+ Sj,M,4 )

+ R

Azj,M,3 [6.11]

There is no diffusion out of the last layer, thus the accumulation term of

the last layer is


dt= -D:


SjM,3 " SjM,4+ R;jM,4 [6.12]

6.2.4 Simulation of the CO2 Production Using the Dynamic

Three Phase Model

The dynamic three-phase biofilm model could describe the experimentaldata more or less well depending on the values of the model parameters.

The values of some model parameters could be experimentally determined

or were found in the literature (Table 6.1). The value of the specific film

area was assumed to be that of the packing, that is 350 m2nr3. The values

of the other parameters, that is Vm, Dtoi,B, DCo2,b, Ks, Kj, KCo2, Ôb and 5L

had to be estimated, so that the model output fits the experimental data.

Table 6.1. Predefined parameter values at 25°C.

Parameter Value Reference

Dtol.w 3.42-10-6 m2^1 (Hayduk and Laudie, 1974)

DC02,w 6.26-10-6 m2^1 (Gmelin, 1973)

Htol 0.263 - (Allen et al., 1998)

Hc02 0.94- (Gmelin, 1973)

Yc02/tol 1.27- experimentally determined (Chapter 4.3.1)

CP 0.8- experimentally determined (Chapter 4.1.1)


The parameter estimation tool in the simulation software was, however,

not able to estimate all unknown parameter values simultaneously.

Furthermore, these parameters were more or less correlated and several

combinations of parameter values gave the same model output. To find

the optimal parameter values for the dynamic three-phase model, the

unknown parameter values were first estimated to fit experimental data at

a steady-state using the simulation software tool for parameter estimation

("steady-state fit" in Figure 6.9). This resulted in several sets of optimal

parameter values of Vm, Dtoi,B, Dco2,b, Ks, Ki and Kco2 for ranges of

values of 5b and 5l- Subsequently, the best values of Ôb and 5l were

estimated by comparison of the dynamic model output with dynamic

experimental data ("dynamic fit" in Figure 6.9).

The "steady-state fit" procedure was as follows (Figure 6.9):

1) Values for the liquid film (Ôl) and biofilm thickness (Ôb) were selected

within a wide range (Figure 6.10).

2) Starting values for Vm, Dtoi,B, DCo2,b, Ks, Ki and KCo2 were guessed

(usually the values from the previous estimation).

3) The values of Vm, D^b, Dco2,B and Ks were estimated simultaneously

with the estimation software tool (Chapter 3.3.5) to fit the measured

steady-state outlet concentrations of toluene and CO2.

4) The value of Kco2 was changed and step 3 performed again. This was

repeated until the highest value of the likelyhood function was found.

The value of Kco2 differed slightly for the two different superficial

gas velocities and an average value was used in the numerical


5) The value of Ki was changed and step 3 and 4 performed again. This

was repeated until the highest value of the likelyhood function was


6) The values of the likelyhood function obtained in step 3 was recorded

as a function of the liquid film and the biofilm thickness. Steps 1 to 5

were repeated.


"Steady-state fit'

Select öl and oß

IGuess initial values of Vm,

Dtol,B, DC02,B andKs

ISelect Ki and KC02

Fit values of Vm, Dtol,B, Dc02,B and

Ks to steady-state experimental data


"Dynamic fit' £Select 8l and 8ß from the

white area in Figure 6.10.

Dynamic simulation with the

parameter values estimated above



Figure 6.9. Procedure used to find the optimal values of the

parameters in the three-phase model.


The dynamic three-phase model could best describe the measured outlet

concentrations of toluene and CO2 at a steady-state for liquid film depthsless than 4 pm and for biofilm depths less than 100 pm. (Figure 6.10). At

larger film depths the toluene removal rate became diffusion limited at

low toluene concentrations which resulted in a poor fit of the model

output to the experimental data and low values of the likelyhood function.

*=0.05 I 1 1 1 ^

o- 10 40 70 100 130"^

Biofilm thickness [jim]

Figure 6.10. Ranges of the biofilm and liquid film depths (5b and Ôl)defined from the parameter value estimation when fittingthe measured steady-state concentrations of toluene and

C02 ("steady-state fit" in Figure 6.9). Best fits (highvalues of the likelyhood function) were obtained in the

non-shaded area.

The parameter values found by fitting the model output to the steady-stateoutlet concentrations were used to simulate the CO2 production under

transient conditions. The best agreement between model dynamic outputand measured experimental data was obtained for a liquid film thickness

of 3 pirn and a biofilm thickness of 70 \xm (Figure 6.11). The estimated

values of all model parameters at these film depths are listed in Table 6.2.

The value of Ki is similar to that determined for pure cultures of

Pseudomonas putida, whereas the value of Ks is about two orders of

magnitude smaller (Oh et al., 1994; Mirpuri et al., 1997). This is because

the removal process was nearly diffusion limited at these film depths. The

parameter estimation then resulted in low values of Ks which avoided

diffusion limitation at low toluene concentration. For smaller liquid film


and biofilm depths, for instance 8b=10 \lm and Ôl=0.1 p,m, the values of

Ks were 5 to 18 times lower than those of the pure cultures of

Pseudomonas putida (Oh et al., 1994; Mirpuri et al., 1997). Low values

of Ks have also been observed for mixed cultures grown at low and steadyconcentrations of toluene, thus the value of Ks may depend on the

operating conditions (Arcangeli and Arvin, 1992).


ôL=3um, ôB=10Lxm-\

öi_=3um, ôB=70(im

*"* wU Ov\



ôL=0.3um, ÔB=10um

föL=0.3jim, ôB=70|im

—' 1

Time [h] o.3 o.o ' Time [h] o.3r

Figure 6.11. The influence of the biofilm and liquid film depths on the

dynamic CO2 response in the gas phase. The dynamic

model output (lines) simulated at a toluene concentration

of 12.8 g m-3 and a superficial gas velocity of 103 m lr1

compared to experimental data (points). The simulation

was made using the parameter values estimated at steady-

state conditions. The arrows indicate where the toluene

feed was stopped.

Table 6.2. Estimated parameter values for the dynamic three-phase


Parameter Value Parameter Value

a 350 m2 nr3 Ks 0.059 g m-3

Kcj02 190 g m^h'1 Ki 50 g m'3

ÔL 3-10"6m Dtol,B 4.8-10"7m2h-1

ÔB 70-10-6 m DC02,B 8.8-IO-7 m2 h-1

Vm 436 g m^h"1


Comparison with the one-phase model. The three-phase model

calculates the same toluene and CO2 outlet concentrations as well as

elimination capacities for the steady-state as the one-phase model. Under

transient conditions, however, the three-phase model describes the CO2

production better where the CO2 peaks appear higher and wider (Figure

6.12). This is because the biofilm functions as a toluene and CO2 reserve,

retaining toluene after that it has disappeared from the gas phase.

"2.2 --


o 1

Toluene inlet concentrations [g m ]0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2 6.4 12.8

L L.103 m h




1.3 -



CM 0.9 - !O



206 m h"1

0r^r t"t' 't"t

Time [h]


Figure 6.12. Observed CO2 outlet concentration (open circles)

compared with simulated values (lines) under transient

conditions using the model parameter values in Tables 6.1

and 6.2. Arrows indicate the time at which the toluene

feed was stopped.

The values of Kj and Ks have the largest influence on the model output

under transient conditions. Their values correlate only marginally with

those of other parameters. The effect of toluene inhibition on the CO2

production rate, which means decreasing steady-state CO2 outlet

concentrations and the appearance of C02 peaks under transient

conditions, is enhanced when one lowers the values of Kj and Ks (Figure

6.13). This is so because low values of Kj and Ks allow the inhibition term

in Equation 2.6 to become more dominant at high toluene concentrations.


Low values of Ks also result in higher CO2 production rates at low

toluene concentrations (Figure 6.13).

The three-phase model could describe the performance under transient

conditions better than the one-phase model but still the amplitude, the

width and the fall-off of the CO2 peaks could not be described sufficientlywell. The two-layered biofilm described below shows that the storage of

toluene in the biofilm must be considered in the model to be able to

describe the CO2 peaks quantitatively.


peaks appear at lower Ct0ifor low values of Ks and Ki

-3iToluene inlet concentrations [g m ]


1.8 -

O 1-4



0.4 0.8

higher Ks

1.6 3.2 6.4





*** iL

103 m h-1

higher K,

v 1 1 1



J 0.9




_J L_l-I l_


Time [h]

_l I I L.

206 m h'1

Figure 6.13. An equivalent simulation to that in Figure 6.12 but with

higher values of Ki and Ks (Kj=70 g m-3 and Ks=0.3 g

m-3). The arrows indicate the influence of Ki and Ks on

the CO2 production.


6.2.5 Simulation of the C02 Production Using the DynamicThree Phase Model with Two Biofilm Layers

The CO2 production under transient conditions could be described better

by adding a non-active biofilm layer between the active layer and the

wall. In the three-phase model, three additional biofilm layers were

introduced (Equation 6.10 without the degradation term) with the total

thickness ôNB (Figure 6.14). The non-active layer did not influence the

model output under steady-state but under transient conditions it

functioned as an additional toluene reserve. The two-layer biofilm model

could thus describe experimental data better for all biofilm depthsbetween 10 and 100 \im by adjusting the thickness of the non-active

biofilm layer (100-250 |lm). The value of the non-active biofilm layerthickness influenced the width and the amplitude of the CO2 peak (Figure


Gas phase Gas-Liquid Liquid film





Active Non-active

N=l N=2 N=3 N=4 N=5 N=6 N=7


t r


ttk '



sL 5b ÔNB

Figure 6.14. Schematic description of the two-layer biofilm model. A

sorption layer with no biological activity is added to the

biofilm model described in Figure 6.8.


2.1 --

ôL=0.3um, 6B=10|im ÖL=3(im, ÔB=70[im

:1.7 4








0.0Vime [h] 0.3 0.0 Time [h] 0.3

Figure 6.15. The influence of the non-active biofilm thickness (Ônb) on

the model output (lines) compared with measured CO2

concentrations for different liquid film and biofilm

depths. The inlet toluene concentration was 12.8 g m-3 and

the superficial gas velocity 103 m h4.

Best agreement between the two-film model output and experimental data

was obtained for large biofilm depths, that is larger than 70 |im (Figure

6.16). The influence of the liquid film thickness on the CO2 peak was

negligible. The liquid film thickness did, however, influence the value of

Vm. This was due to the greater diffusion resistance caused by the large

liquid film thickness which was compensated by a greater concentration

gradient across the liquid film to obtain the same flux across the liquidfilm. The parameter estimation therefore resulted in high values of Vm

for large liquid film depths which resulted in a higher toluene degradation

rate and larger concentration gradients due to the lower toluene

concentrations in the biofilm.


"2.2 4-


D)1.8 -

Toluene inlet concentrations [g m ]0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2 6.4 12.8

31.4-rÜ 1

i 103 m h



1.3 +E


'0.9- ',

O 0.7

i_ LJ 206 m h"1



t' 't' 't'

't' 'tH

Time [h]

Figure 6.16. The dynamic three-phase model with two biofilm layersunder transient conditions (lines) compared with

experimental data. The simulation was made for an active

biofilm thickness of 70 [im and a non-active biofilm

thickness of 100 |lm. The values of the other parameters

are listed in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. The arrows indicate the

time at which the toluene feed was stopped.

6.2.6 Discussion

Studying bio-trickling filters under transient conditions underlines the

importance of sorption processes in the biofilm (Deshusses, 1994). Bystudying the CO2 production under dynamic conditions, conclusions about

the toluene degradation kinetics could be made by discriminating between

different mathematical models. The models used here strongly simplifythe actual conditions in the bio-trickling filter by making several

assumptions. These assumptions influence the model output and the

potential of the model to describe observed phenomena. The largest

divergence from the real conditions is probably the assumption of plugflow. Channelling of the gas flow may explain why the model failed to

describe the dependence of the elimination capacity on the gas velocityand the slow decay of the CO2 peaks under transient conditions. To be


able to describe channeling, more detailed knowledge about the processes

leading to clogging and about the variable flow patterns would be


The observed biofilm thickness in the bio-trickling filter was about 1 mm

after a few weeks of operation. This is much thicker than the values found

in the parameter estimation, maybe because no internal liquid flow in the

biofilm had been incorporated in the model. If included, the mass

transport within the biofilm will be faster and a larger share of the

biofilm would be active. The numerical simulation indicated the existence

of two biofilm layers; a central biologically active layer and a lower non-

active sorption volume. The exact values of the film depths, biofilm

diffusion coefficients and kinetic parameters could, however, not be

determined here since independent measurements were not available.

If the biofilm thickness is greater, the hydration reaction of CO2 to

carbonic acid will become important. At pH 7.8, carbonic acid converts

rapidly into hydrogen carbonate (pKa=6.35 (25°C) assuming all dissolved

CO2 as H2CO3). The diffusion rate in the biofilm is then determined

mainly by the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen carbonate which is

smaller than that of dissolved C02 (DHco3-=4.3-10-6 m2 lr1, (Gmelin,

1973)). The liquid to gas mass transfer rate of CO2 will, however, still be

determined by the diffusion rate of dissolved CO2 through the liquid film.


6.3 The Non-Thermal Plasma Model

Complete modelling of the transient processes of microdischarges as a

function of time and space involves the determination of the electron

collision cross sections, calculation of the electron energy distribution by

solving the Boltzmann equation and calculation of the reaction rate

coefficients which depend upon the reduced electric field (Eliasson et al.,

1994). Although some of the individual parameters mentioned available in

the literature, the large number of involved reaction species makes these

calculations complex and the simulation results are difficult to verify with

experimental measurements. The aim in this work is, however, not to

develop a mechanistic model but to simulate the measured removal

efficiency as a function of energy input.

6.3.1 Mass Balances of the Steady-State Model

The purpose of this steady-state model is to calculate the energy

consumption of a full size non-thermal plasma reactor. The model

assumes a homogenous reaction volume and an ideal tubular reactor

d[TOL] Act;—

= "

=— rtoi t6-13!dh F


where Fg is the gas flow [m3 s-1]. The reactive species oxidising toluene

are assumed not to be transported with the gas flow but to be consumed

immediately after they are formed. The kinetic term can then be written

as derived in Chapter 2.2.3

d[TOL] A ktol [TOL]= Grj 8 [6.14J

dh FgR

ktol [TOL]+kn [n]

We can distinguish between two cases. In the first case, the reactive

species mainly react with the pollutant, that is (ktoi [TOL]) >>(kn [n]). In

the second case, the reactive species mainly react with other species, such

as other neutral molecules, ions, radicals and electrons, rather than with

the VOC, that is (kn [n])»(ktoi [TOL]). The first case is more energy

efficient since a lower amount of reactive species per energy unit need be

produced to achieve the same removal rate. Plotting the outlet

concentration as a function of the inlet concentration for different values


of (ktoi[TOL])/(kn[n]) clearly distinguishes between the two cases (Figure

6.17). The two cases mentioned can be described by two empiricallyderived exponential equations (Figure 6.18):

for (ktoi [TOL]) >>(kn [n]) (Rosocha et al., 1993)

[TOL] out(

[TOL]= exp

m V



for (kn [n])»(ktoi [TOL]) (Krasnoperov et al., 1997)

[TOL] out

[TOL]= exp



\a [TOL]

[6.16]in ;

where E is the energy density [kJ nr3] and a and ß are compound specificfactors which determine how efficiently the VOC can be removed in the

plasma and which are, in contrast to ktoi and kn, relatively easy to

determine experimentally.

30 kJ m FOUoufUOL],,values of





48 In [TOL]in 50

Figure 6.17. The outlet concentration of toluene as a function of the

inlet concentration calculated with Equation 6.14 for

different values of (ktoi[TOL])/(kn[n]) and energy

densities. The calculations were made for an assumed gas

residence time of 1 s in the reactive zone and g-values for

the production of reactive species (Gr) of 96

molecules/lOOeV in the case of the lower values of

(ktoi[TOL])/(kn[n]) and of 0.22 molecules/lOOeV for the

higher values of (ktoiTOL])/(kn[n]).


30 kJ m-3 IJOUouFTroaifl-fl

Eqn. 6.15

---- Eqn. 6.16

43 A ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1

48 In [TOLin] 50

Figure 6.18. Comparison of the outlet concentrations calculated with

Equations 6.15 and 6.16 for two different energy

densities. The calculations were made for values of

cc=3.3-10-20 kJ molecule-1 and ße=50 kJ nr3.

Equation 6.15 is most commonly used in the literature and can be used to

describe, for instance, the removal of NO (Nasciuti, 1995). The ß-value is

the amount of energy needed to reduce the VOC inlet concentration by a

factor e-1 or by a factor of 10 (Penetrante et al., 1997). The two different

ß-values are correlated by ßio=ße ln(10).

Since the ß-values of many VOCs vary with concentration (Krasnoperov

et al., 1997), the ß-value should be used only within the concentration

range for which it had been determined. The a value in Equation 6.16 is,

however, supposed to be independent of the VOC concentration. The a

and ß values both depend on the reduced electric field which influences

the reaction rate coefficients. They also depend on the gas compositionand on temperature, which influence [n] and the reaction rate coefficients.

For instance, humid air enhances the removal efficiency of toluene but

reduces that of trichloroethylene, due to a different radical oxidation

mechanism (Evans, D. et al., 1993) and change of the electron energy

distribution in the presence of moisture. The temperature may also

influence ktoi and kn differently, depending on the activation energy, thus

the value of (ktoi[TOL])/(kn[n]) may change with temperature. The rate of

radical termination reactions, for instance OH' + OH*, also increases with

the square of OH* concentration since initial OH* concentration is

proportional to energy input, the OH* loss also increases proportional to

the square of energy input. This would decrease the value of


(ktoi[TOL])/(kn[n]) at higher energy inputs, in general agreement with


6.3.2 Simulation of the Toluene Removal

The experimentally determined toluene removal could be calculated usinga modified Equation 6.16. To simplify the comparison of the energy

efficiency with the bio-trickling filter, the concentrations were given in

the unit g m-3. The ße-value depended upon on the toluene concentration

(Figure 6.19) thus the degree of removal could be calculated by

r (^toi,out

=exp^ toLin 143 CtoUn + 112


This empirical function does not consider air humidity, temperature or

any variable reactor characteristics, such as the reduced electric field.

However, Equation 6.17 allows the description of the degree of removal

as function of the energy input for the toluene concentrations tested

(Figure 6.20).

In Figure 6.21, the ße-values determined in this work are compared to

those determined by other researchers using a barrier discharge

(Krasnoperov et al., 1997) and a pulsed corona discharge (van Paasen et

al., 1997). Toluene is more efficiently removed by the pulsed power

supply. This is due to the lower pulse risetime, which leads to a more

uniform discharge spread, and the lower pulse width, which permits

operation at a higher reduced electric field and reduces the energy deposit

after the discharge has been formed (Ingram, 1996). The energy loss in

the pulse generator may, however, be as large as 40%, thus decreasing the

overall efficiency (van Paasen et al., 1997).






400 -

200 -


ßP = 143 Coi + 112

0 12 3

Toluene inlet cone, [g m"3]

Figure 6.19. Determined ße-values as a function of the toluene

concentration at 65% relative humidity.




0.34 g m"

0.82 g m"

1.38 g m"

3.32 g m"

100 200 300

Energy input [kJ m ]

Figure 6.20. Measured toluene removal at different concentrations

(points) compared with removal efficiencies calculated bymeans of equation 6.17 (lines).


„400 y


E 300

own data-—-van Paasen et al, 1997

^EiDKrasnoperov et al, 1997


Toluene inlet cone, [g m"3]

Figure 6.21. Comparison of determined ße-values with those of other



7. Scale-Up Evaluation

A complete evaluation of a full scale waste purification system considers

technical, social, economic as well as ecological aspects (Meier, 1997). In

this chapter, a full scale bio-trickling filter and barrier discharge are

evaluated from point of view of economy and ecology, demonstrating the

possible working ranges of the bio-trickling filter as well as of the non¬

thermal plasma and of their combination. The technical evaluation has

been treated elsewhere (Chapter 1.1).

The following assumptions and simplifications have been made:

- The investment cost and pressure drop caused by the pipe connections

to the emitting source are neglected.

- The waste air is assumed to be free of dust and aerosols, thus it does not

have to be pre-treated and it is assumed to have a constant temperature

of 20°C and a relative humidity of 65%.

- The lifetime was for all cases assumed to be 20 years and operatingtime 8400 hours/year.

The economic evaluation is based on the treatment cost per 1000m3 waste


Inv.Cost + Op.Cost x LTTreatment cost = [7.1]

Fg x OT x LT

where Inv.Cost is the investment cost [$], Op.Cost the operational cost [$

year1], LT the lifetime [year], Fg the gas flow [m3 lr1] and OT the time of

operation [h year1]. The treatment cost does not include interest on

investment capital. Price information older than 1998 was recalculated to

the cost level of 1998 using the Marshall & Swift cost index factor which

is published monthly in Chemical Engineering News (1998 M&S index:

1061). All costs were converted into US$ using an average exchange rate

of the time period September 1997 to September 1998

(l$=1.49Sfr=1.82DM). The calculated treatment costs were comparedwith those of other waste gas purification techniques which also are used

for purification of low concentration waste gas streams (Table 7.1).

The ecological evaluation is based on the calculated Net Ecological Benefit

(NEB) which has been described elsewhere (Chapter 3.4). The energy


consumption of air blowers and liquid pumps was calculated using the

energy balance of incompressible media:

Pair blower = AP Fg ~ t7-2]

Ppump = P g Ah Fji


where Pair blower and PpUmp is the power consumption [W], Ap is the

pressure drop between gas inlet and gas outlet [Pa], Ah the pump height

[m], Fg and Fl gas and liquid flow, respectively [m3 s-1], p the liquid

density [kg nr3] and r| the pump efficiency factor which was assumed to

be 0.7.

Table 7.1. Treatment cost of different waste gas purification


Waste gas flow [m3 lr1] Treatment cost [$/1000m3]

Bioscrubber n.a. 0.4-0.7 a

Biofilter n.a. 0.2-0.6a

Catalytic incineration 57'

000 1.9 b

Catalytic incineration n.a. 0.9-1.2a

Regenerative incineration n.a. 0.6-1.2a

Adsorption (act. carbon) 5000 2.5 b

Adsorption (act, carbon) rua. 0.7-1.0 a

n.a. = no data available, act.=activated a(Rafflenbeul, 1996), b(Meier, 1997)

7.1 The Bio-Trickling Filter

The treatment cost and ecological burden is largely determined by the size

of the bio-trickling filter. The size is a function of the gas flow and the

gas residence time needed to reduce the VOC inlet concentration to meet

legal limits. The gas residence time depends on inlet concentration,

biodegradability and water solubility of the VOC as well as on the specific

area of the packing and the gas inlet conditions, such as temperature. The

temperature should be between 10°C and 40°C, otherwise the gas must be

preheated or cooled (BUWAL, 1993). The column diameter, packing

height and liquid flow were calculated using typical operating conditions

of full scale bio-trickling filters (Table 7.2). The column height was


calculated by adding one meter to the packing height for the gas inlet and

the gas outlet connections.

Table 7.2. Operating conditions used of the full scale bio-tricklingfilter (VDI, 1996)

Gas velocity 1000 m rr1

Trickling liquid flow 10 m3 nr2 h"1

C:N:P ratio 100 : 5 : 1

Pressure drop 1250 Pa nr1 (calculated from 50 Pa nr1 at 200 m lr1)

7.1.1 Economic Assessment

The basic investment costs of the packed column (carbon steel, includinginstallation and auxiliaries), air blower and liquid pump were estimated

with correlations for investment cost and apparatus size described byPeters and Timmerhaus (1991). Secondary investment costs (Table 7.3)

were added as a fixed fraction of the basic investment resulting in the total

investment cost.

Table 7.3. Secondary cost added to basic investment cost (Peters and

Timmerhaus, 1991).

Secondary cost Added to basic investment

Piping 20%

Instrumentation and controls 12%

Insulation 7%

Electrical 5%

Storage Tanks 3% (own approximation)

The investment cost per m3^1 (total investment cost divided by the gas

flow) depends on the gas residence time as well as on the gas flow rate

(Figure 7.1). It increases rapidly for small gas flows, similar to that of

biofilters (Leson and Smith, 1997). The main shares of the total

investment cost were the costs of the column, the air blower and


secondary costs (Figure 7.2). The calculated investment cost per cubic

meter reactor volume is in the same range as manufacture's data, except

for small reactor volumes where calculated investment cost is a factor of

2 higher than manufacture's data (Table 7.4).

^ 200 t

E 150 ~\


Gas residence times

1 s

10 s

30 s

60 s


5 10 15

Gas flow rate [1000m3 h'1]


Figure 7.1. Calculated total investment cost as a function of gas flow

rate and gas residence time.

ÎS — 100

*- oO O

g £in CD


Figure 7.2.

imm m

1s 10s 60s

1000 m"3h"1

S secondary cost D column

^blower pump

1s 10s 60s

20000 m'3 h"1

The relative shares of the calculated total investment cost

at different gas flow rates and gas residence times.


Table 7.4. Calculated investment cost (the highest cost for the

smallest reactor volume) compared with data from

manufacture's of bio-trickling filters and scrubbers.

Reactor volume Investment cost

[m3l [$/m3reactor]a

3-42 15800-5600 own calculations13

2-42 7040-6050 (Clairtech, 1998)

2-30 9400-1700 (Colasit, 1998)

a The higher investment cost corresponds to the smaller reactor volume.

b Calculated for 10 to 30s gas residence time and 0.4 gcarbon m"3-

Operating cost includes electrical energy consumption of the air blower

and the liquid pump, fresh water consumption, treatment of waste water,

addition of mineral salts and sodium hydroxide as well as personnelneeded for routine analytics, refilling storage tanks and cleaning the

packing (Table 7.5). The energy consumption of the air blower was

calculated only for the pressure drop caused by the packing. It was

assumed to be proportional to the gas velocity up to 1000 m h"1. The fresh

water consumption was calculated as the sum of the waste water producedand the water loss due to evaporation (100% relative humidity at the gas

outlet). The amount of waste water was calculated for a liquid residence

time of 24 hours of the total reactor liquid volume. It was calculated as

the sum of the liquid hold up on the packing (10%v/v, own

measurements) and the liquid sludge at the bottom of the column (0.3 m

of column height).

Table 7.5. Data used to calculate operational cost of the bio-trickling


Fresh water a 0.72 $ nr3

Waste water a 1.05 $ nr3

Personnelb 730 $ day1,4 days per month

NaOH addition c 0.2 kg kg-1 removed carbon

(NH4)2S04b 8.5 3 kg-1KH2P04 b 14 $ kg-1NaOHb 0.95 $ kg-1

a(Meier, 1997), b(Zuber et al., 1997), cour own measurements


The operation cost per m3 gas flow (operation cost per hour divided bythe gas flow) depends on the gas flow rate but less on the gas residence

time and the organic carbon concentration (Figure 7.3), mainly because

the cost of personnel is assumed to be independent of the bio-tricklingfilter size. Cost of personnel makes up the major share of operational cost

at low gas flows (Figure 7.4). At higher gas flows, that is 20'000 m3 lr1,

the cost of electrical energy (air blower and pump) reaches approximatelythe same share as that for the cost of personnel.

g- 0.0 -I 1 1 1 1

0 5 10 15 20

Gas flow rate [1000m3 h"1]

Figure 7.3. Operational cost as a function of gas flow, removed organiccarbon (gcarbon m-3) and gas residence time (Is and 60s).

co 1s 10s 60s 1s 10s 60s

1000 m3h"1 20000 m3h"1

SiPersonell ©Blower H Pump

gä Mineral salts Fresh water S Waste water

Figure 7.4. The relative shares of operational cost at different gas

flow and gas residence times and a carbon load of 0.4

gCarbon nr3.


The treatment cost follows the same trend as that for investment and

operational cost (Figure 7.5). The main share of the annual cost is the

operational cost (Figure 7.5). The annual cost for gas flows above 5000

m3 h-1 is in the same range as literature and manufacture's data for

biological waste gas treatment (compare Table 7.1).


^ 2 +






1 -


Fig 7.5.

60s, 0.1-1 gCarbon m

0 5 10 15

Gas flow rate [1000m3h"1]

-r-50 ?£










Treatment cost (shaded areas) and share of investment

cost of the treatment cost (thick lines) as a function of gas

flow rate, gas residence time (Is and 60s) and organiccarbon concentration (0.1-1.0 gcarbon nr3).

The treatment cost for the removal of toluene was calculated using the

same operation conditions and parameter values as in the generalassessment (Figure 7.6). The gas residence time needed to reduce the inlet

concentration to legal limits (0.1 gm3) was determined using the

simplified steady-state model described in Chapter 6.2.1 with the Monod

parameters determined for the highest measured removal capacities (Vm=

112 g m-3 h-1, Ks=0.26 g m-3). The removal capacity is thus assumed to be

the same at 1000 m h4 as at the superficial gas velocities applied in the

experimental measurements (103-412 m h"1).

The working range of the bio-trickling filter will, however, be limited to

low concentrations of toluene, since the treatment cost of treatment by

regenerative incineration may become lower than that of the bio-tricklingfilter at toluene concentrations above 0.8 g m-3 (Rafflenbeul, 1998).


Fig 7.6.

0 5 10 15

Gas flow rate [1000m3 h"1]


Treatment cost for the removal of toluene with a bio-

trickling filter as a function of gas flow and toluene

concentration. The gas residence times ranged between 9 s

and 86 s.

7.1.2 Ecological Assessment

The ecological benefit of the bio-trickling filter is the amount of VOC

eliminated (kg nr3). The ecological burden is the sum of the amount of

steel (or polypropylene) needed for construction, electrical energy

consumed and CO2 produced (assuming 70% yield of the eliminated

carbon), and TOC in the waste water (assuming 30% yield of the

eliminated carbon) per m3 treated waste gas. The amount of construction

material needed for the whole bio-trickling filter (column and piping) was

estimated with manufacture's data of bio-trickling filter size and weight,where the whole weight was assumed to be only steel or polypropylene(Table 7.6).

Table 7.6. Empirical correlation of the weight of construction


Steela, total weight

Polypropylene b, column weightarriair-tp^ii iqc^ bcrvjaeit ioo



a(Clairtech, 1998), b(Colasit, 1998)

c Calculated for a wall thickness of 8- 15mm, a column diameter of 2-4 m and a density of

polypropylene of 900 kg nr3


The net ecological benefit (NEB) was calculated for toluene as well as for

dichloromethane (DCM) and acetone for comparison (Figure 7.7). The

bio-trickling filter size was calculated in the same way as in the economic

assessment. The Monod coefficients for DCM (Vm=250 g m-3h-!, Ks=1.5 g

m-3) and acetone (Vm=275 g m-%-1, Ks=0 g m-3) were estimated from

other studies with bio-trickling filters (Diks and Ottengraf, 1991b;Kirchner et al., 1996). The net ecological benefit is positive for all

compounds at all concentrations and is, for the calculations made here,

independent of the gas flow rate. The ecological burden for poorlydegradable compounds is mainly caused by the construction material

(assumed to be steel), electricity consumption and for well biodegradablecompounds (acetone), by TOC in the waste water (Figure 7.8).

— 0mLU

0.5 1.5

VOC concentration [g m ]

Figure 7.7. Net ecological benefit as a function of VOC concentration.


oÜ C



a 60


40CO 01sz



Toluene DCM Acetone

Ssteel HC02 Delectricity S TOC

Figure 7.8. Shares of ecological burden at 0.5 g m-3 VOC concentration.


7.1.3 Sensitivity Analysis

This analysis investigates the relative influence of single parameters on the

treatment cost and net ecological benefit (NEB) for the case of toluene.

The single parameters were reduced or increased one at a time to a value

cited by other literature sources or to other realistic values (Table 7.7).

This analysis does not consider any combined effects when changing

several parameters simultaneously as in a global sensitivity analysis

(McRae et al., 1982).

Treatment cost

The treatment cost was influenced mainly by the life time, fresh water

consumption (approximately proportional to the liquid residence time)

and the mineral salt consumption (proportional to the C:N:P ratio).

Maybe lowering the operational time from 8400 hours/year to 6000

hours/year is not a very realistic assumption for a bio-trickling filter, but

it shows that the treatment cost actually increases although the operational

cost decreases. Comparing the treatment cost of similar waste gas

purification systems should thus be made for the same operational time.

Table 7.7 does not include the parameters influence of which on the

treatment cost was less than 10% when their values were changed by

±50%. These parameters were the trickling liquid flow, biomass

conversion factor, investment cost and reactor liquid volume. Opposite to

the net ecological benefit, the relative changes of the treatment cost varied

with the gas flow rate but less with the pollutant concentration in the

waste gas. Only the influence of the C:N:P ratio varied strongly with the

toluene concentration.

The lower C:N:P ratio in Table 7.7 had been used in a bioscrubber

removing a mixture of VOCs (Schippert, 1989) and a lower liquid

residence time was suggested by Zuber et al. (1997) for the removal of


Net ecological benefit (NEB)

The NEB is mainly influenced by the weighting factor of the ecological

benefit, but is also strongly influenced by the mass flow of TOC in the

waste water and the weighting factor of the electrical energy consumption

(Table 7.7). The relative changes were independent of the gas flow rate.


Table 7.7. The relative change of treatment and net ecologicalbenefit for modified parameter values. The original

values are given in brackets.

Influence on:

Parameter New value

Treatment cost NEB

Fei Fsr20 Co.2 Ci.o

Life time (20) 10 years +14% +23% -3.1% -1.8%

Time of operation (8400) 6000 hours/year +34% +21% -1.1% -0.6%

Monod constant, Vm reduced by 25% +5% +11% -2.5% -1.4%

Pressure drop (50) 100 Pa/m +2% +8% -3.3% -1.9%

Liquid residence time (24) 6 hours +7% +32% <0.1% <0.1%

Personnel (4) 2 days/month -35% -10%

C:N:P (100:5:1) 100 : 0.65 : 0.2 -8% -28%

Toluene weighting factor reduced by 5% -5.9% -5.7%

Electricity (UCPTE) Swiss (CH) mix 3.8% 2.2%

TOC yield (0.3) 0.5 -6.3% -6.1%

Steel consumption increased by 50% -1.5% -0.9%

Fgi = 1000 m-3h-!, Fg20 = 20'000 m-%1, C0.2 = 0.2 g m"3, CL0 = 1.0 g m"3

7.2 The Non-Thermal Plasma

This full scale evaluation is made for a barrier discharge reactor

consisting of a power supply, waste gas ionisation unit and an activated

carbon filter to destroy the ozone formed. The most important parameter

for calculating treatment cost and NEB is the power consumption. It is a

function of waste gas flow, VOC inlet concentration and how efficient the

VOC is removed in the plasma. The power consumption for removingtoluene in humid air (65% relative humidity at 25°C) was calculated using

our own measured removal efficiencies (Chapter 6.3.1)

P = - Intoljn

V tol,out

(143 CtoUn + 112)T|


where the P is the energy consumption [kWh], Fg the gas flow [m3 lr1],

Ctoi,out the outlet concentration set by legislation [0.1 g m-3 for toluene]

and r\ is an efficiency factor considering energy losses in the power

supply and the dielectric. The major loss is in the power supply (Teich,

1998) which is assumed to be 5%, thus r| = 0.95 (Ozonek et al., 1997).

The parameter values used for calculating operational cost and ecological


burden are listed in Table 7.8. For comparison, the power consumptionwas also calculated for other compounds using the ße-values in Table 7.9.

The large differences of the ße-values are due to the different power

supplies (discussed in Chapter 6.3.2) and the different oxidation

mechansim of trichloroethylene (TCE) compared to that of toluene

(Evans, D. et al., 1993).

Table 7.8. Parameter values used for calculating treatment cost and

ecological burden

Specific power input 208 kW nr3 our own measurements

Gas velocity in the reactor 1000 m h"1 assumed

Pressure drop ionisation unit 140 Pa nr1 our own measurements

Pressure drop act. carb. unit 1300 Pa nr1 (Lurgi, )

Gas residence time in act. carb. unit 3s assumed

act. carb. = activated carbon

Table 7.9. ße-values of selected compounds.

Compound Reactor type ße [kJ nr3] Concentration

range [g nr3]


Toluene Barrier 141-255 0.2-1 our own data

Toluene Pulsed corona 20-95 0.2-1 (van Paasen et al., 1997)

TCE Barrier 33 0.55-2.7 (Rosochaetal., 1993)

Acetone Pulsed Corona 3543 1.9 (Penetrante et al., 1997)

DCM Pulsed Corona 1480 0.57 (Penetrante et al., 1997)

Phosgene and hydrogen chloride (HCl) are by-products formed treating

chlorinated organic compounds. They are easily removed in a scrubber

with water. The investment cost and operational cost for a scrubber is,

however, assumed to be low in comparison to that of the barrier

discharge reactor and is not separately accounted for. The energy

consumption of the scrubber is assumed to be low compared to that of the

ionisation unit and the scrubber is therefore also neglected in the

ecological assessment. Removed non-chlorinated organic compounds are

assumed to be completely oxidised to CO2 and H2O.


7.2.1 Economie Assessment

The total investment cost includes air blower, AC power supply, power

connections, ionisation unit, activated carbon, installation and engineering.The power supply makes up the major share of the investment cost (air

blower not included) which therefore can be estimated as a function of

installed power (Figure 7.9). This estimation is based on literature sources

containing investment cost estimates of barrier discharge reactors for

VOC control (Cummings and Coogan, 1997) and ozone generators

(Bellamy et al., 1991) as well as on cost information from Swiss and

German manufactures of ozone generators (Ozonia, 1998; Wedeco, 1998)

and barrier discharge reactors for odour control (Rohrer, 1996;

Rafflenbeul, 1998). Conventional ozone generators are unsuitable for

direct oxidation of VOCs (Rafflenbeul, 1998) but are constructed in a

similar way as barrier discharge reactors used for VOC control. The data

were fitted with an exponential function, commonly used for estimatinginvestment costs (Peters and Timmerhaus, 1991)

/ p \0.65

Investment cost [$] = 440000 — [7.5]U25j

where P is the installed power [kW]. Plants larger than 200-300 kW are

not built as one single unit but will rather consist of several smaller units

placed in parallel. Extrapolations of Equation 7.5 may be made for a

rough estimate of the investment cost for larger barrier discharge

reactors. In Table 7.10, such an extrapolated value is compared to the

estimated investment cost of a pulsed corona reactor, which generally is

more expensive than a barrier discharge reactor due to the higher cost of

the power supply, and the investment cost of an ozone generator.

Operational cost includes power consumption of the power supply as well

as the air blower (calculated for the pressure drop caused by the

ionisation unit and activated carbon filter). Cost of personnel was not

considered since the reactor can be fully automated and should need little

maintenance. The main share (>98%) of the operational cost is caused by

the power consumption of the ionisation unit. The operational cost for the

removal of toluene increases rapidly with inlet concentration to very high

levels (Figure 7.10). Also for TCE, which is more efficiently removed in

the plasma than toluene, the operational cost is high for concentrations

above 0.1 g m-3 (Figure 7.10).


Table 7.10. Comparison of investment cost estimates made with

extrapolation of Equation 7.5 for large reactors.

Installed power Eqn. 7.5 [$] Ref. Price [$] Reference



3.3-105 4.5-105 Ozone generator (Bellamy et al, 1991)

11.9-105 18.3105 Pulsed corona (Civitano, 1993)








1000 -r

800 --

600 -

400 -

200 +



Ozone Generation

o Ozonia

a Bellamyo Wedeco

D VOC Control

n Rafflenbeul

+Cummingsx Rohrer

100 200 300

Installed Power [kW]


Figure 7.9. Estimation of investment cost of barrier discharge











O co

VOC inlet cone, [g m"J]

Figure 7.10. Operational cost for the removal of toluene (own

measured ße-values at 65% relative humidity at 25°C) and

TCE (100% relative humidity at room temperature,

(Rosocha et al., 1993)) as a function of the inlet

concentration. The outlet concentrations were assumed to

be those of the legal limits, that is 0.1 g m-3 for toluene

and 0.02 g m-3 for TCE.


The treatment cost [$/1000m3] is nearly independent of the gas flow and is

mainly determined by the operational cost (Figure 7.11). Treating toluene

with a barrier discharge reactor is not economically competitive with the

bio-trickling filter, not even for strongly fluctuating waste gas streams

where the plasma can be turned off at times of no load (Figure 7.12).



O r—,

O "













Biotrickling Filter


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Toluene cone, [g m ]

Figure 7.11. Treatment cost of a barrier discharge reactor and a bio¬

trickling filter for the removal of toluene at 10'000 m3^1

calculated for own measured ße-values and removal

capacities. The outlet concentration was assumed to be the

legal limit, that is 0.1 g m-3.


§ 4--

«à 3 --







-.r.T. 840 h/a— —4200 h/a=8400 h/a

t100 Ô5

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Toluene cone, [g m ]











Figure 7.12. Treatment cost (thick line) of the barrier dischargereactor and share of investment cost (thin line) as a

function of the toluene inlet concentration and time of



7.2.2 Ecological Assessment

The ecological benefit of the barrier discharge reactor is calculated from

the amount of VOC eliminated (kg nr3). The ecological burden was

mainly determined by the electrical energy consumption of the ionisation

unit (>95%) but also by the amount of steel needed for construction,

electrical energy consumption of the air blower and CO2 produced per m3

of waste gas treated. The consumption of construction steel was roughlyestimated using a linear function of installed power fitted to

manufacturer's reactor weight data (Table 7.11), assuming that the entire

reactor is made of steel

Steel consumption [kg] = 94 P [7.6]

where P is the installed power [kW].

Ozone produced was not included in the calculation of ecological burden

since it was assumed to be destroyed within the reactor. The contribution

to the ecological burden from the small amounts of produced NOx

produced was neglected. Carbon monoxide (CO) is an oxidation product

of toluene (Yamamoto, T. et al., 1993; Chang, M. B. and Chang, C.-C,

1997). CO has, however, only a 1.6 times higher weighting factor than

CO2. Since CO production could not be measured in this work, eliminated

toluene was assumed to be completely oxidised to CO2 and water.

Table 7.11. Manufacturer's data on reactor weight.

Reactor weight Reference

54 kg steel kW"1 (Rafflenbeul, 1998)

105 kg steel kW'1 (Wedeco, 1998)

The net ecological benefit (NEB) was calculated for toluene as well as for

TCE, DCM and acetone for comparison (Figure 7.13). The weightingfactor of perchloroethylene (PCE) was used when calculating the

ecological benefit of TCE, since no data on TCE were available for use in

the LCA method used (Chapter 3.4). The NEB is clearly positive only for

TCE, whereas for toluene the NEB is slightly negative using the UCPTE

electricity mix (Figure 7.13). The very low NEB values for acetone and


DCM are mainly due to the very high ße-values (low removal efficiency).For strongly fluctuating waste gas streams, the plasma reactor can be

turned off at times of low load. This has a positive influence on the NEB

which becomes positive for strongly fluctuating waste gas streams where

the annual operating time is reduced (Figure 7.14). The share of

electricity consumption as part of the ecological burden is for all cases

greater than 99%.







100 --


-100 :-

-200 --

-300 -

0.5 1/1.5 2

A Toluene

DCM Acetone


VOC cone, [g m"3]

Figure 7.13. Net ecological benefit of the non-thermal plasmatreatment as a function of VOC concentration at 10'000

m3^1. The calculations were made using the UCPTE

electricity mix and for a operation time of 8400 h/a.


CO 21—'





O- 9


fc '

0ÛLU -4

840 h/a

4200 h/a8400 h/a

Toluene cone, [g m ]

Figure 7.14. Net ecological benefit for fluctuating waste gas streams of

toluene as a function of operating time. The calculations

were made using the UCPTE electricity mix.


7.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis

This analysis was carried out in the same way as that of the bio-tricklingfilter. The influence of the operational time on treatment cost and NEB is

illustrated in Figures 7.12 and 7.14.

Treatment cost

Apart from the cost of electric energy, the treatment cost is mainlyinfluenced by the life time, ße-value and the energy efficiency of the

power supply. Table 7.12 does not include the pressure drop because its

influence on the treatment cost was less than 1 % when changing its value

by ±50%. The relative changes of the treatment cost varied with the gas

flow rate as well as with the waste gas concentration.

Net ecological benefit (NEB)

The NEB is mainly influenced by the choice of electricity mix, the energy

efficiency factor of the power supply, the ße-value and weighting factor

of the ecological benefit (Table 7.13). Changing to the Swiss electricitymix as well as reducing the ße-value by 50%, resulted in a positive NEB.

The pressured drop, steel and activated carbon consumption had less than

1% influence on the NEB when their values were changed by ±50% and

thus are not included in Table 7.13. The relative changes were

independent of the gas flow rate.

Table 7.12. The relative change of treatment cost for modified

parameter values. Original values are given in brackets.

Relative change:

Fg2 Fg20Parameter New value C0.15/C0.5 Q).15/Co.5

Life time (20) 10 years +32/+20% +17/+10%

ße-value reduced by 50% -44/-47% -46/-48%

Personnel (0) 1 day/month +20/+4% +2/+0.5%

Investment cost reduced by 50% -16/-10% -9/-5%

ri (0.95) 0.6 +49/+53% +52/+56%

Fg2 = 2'000 nPh-1, Fg2o = 20'000 m3^1, Co. 15 = 0.15 g m"3, C0.5 = 0.5 g m"3


Table 7.13. The change of net ecological benefit for other parameter

values. Original parameter values are given in brackets.

New values of the NEB

Q).i5 Q).5

Parameter New value NEB= -0.46 NEB= -4.58

Life time (20) 10 years -0.47 -4.65

ße-value reduced by 50% 0.35 -0.14

n (0.95) 0.6 -1.41 -9.76

Weighting factor reduced by 5% -0.52 -4.80

Electricity Swiss (CH) mix 1.01 3.50

Co.i5 = 0.15 g m'3, Co.5 = 0.5 g m-3

7.3 Bio-Trickling Filter Combined with Non-Thermal Plasma

This chapter contains two case studies where the treatment cost of the bio-

trickling filter in combination with the barrier discharge reactor is

calculated for the treatment of fluctuating waste gas streams and waste gas

streams with a mixture of two VOCs. The treatment cost was determined

only for those conditions where the calculated NEB was positive.

There are several possible reactor configurations of the combined system

(Wittorf, 1997). Placing the plasma before the bio-trickling filter is

advantageous only if the waste gas stream contains non-biodegradable

compounds which can be partially oxidised in the plasma reactor and

subsequently mineralised in the bio-trickling filter. In the case of toluene,

the amount of intermediate products was too low relative to the amount of

removed toluene to make this combination attractive (Chapter 5.3).

Therefore, only the combination with the plasma placed after the bio-

trickling filter will be considered here.

7.3.1 Case Study 1: Fluctuating Toluene Concentration

The waste gas stream considered in this case study is assumed to have a

base concentration with peaks of higher concentrations (Figure 7.15).

These peaks are characterised by the peak concentration and the duration

(peak period, expressed in percent of the total time of operation). At

times of base concentration only, the plasma reactor is turned off and the

toluene is removed by the bio-trickling filter. When a peak occurs, the

plasma reactor is turned on and the toluene not removed by the bio-


trickling filter is mineralised by the plasma reactor. This assumes an on¬

line VOC control system and that the plasma reactor can be turned on and

off without delay and loss in functionality. Pre-heating the ionisation unit

may be necessary to remove condensed water on the dielectric surface

which otherwise would prevent the barrier discharge reactor to function

normally. The additional cost caused by pre-heating is not included in the

calculations here.

In Figure 7.16, the treatment cost of the combined system is comparedwith that of a bio-trickling filter for treating fluctuating waste gas streams

containing toluene. The estimated investment cost of the bio-tricklingfilter depends on the peak concentration, whereas the operation cost

depends on the base and the peak concentrations. The treatment cost of the

combined system depends mostly on the peak period (Figure 7.16) due to

the high operating cost of barrier discharge unit. For peak periods below

2% of the total time of operation, the treatment cost of the combined

system is lower than that of the bio-trickling filter, for all peakconcentrations exceeding the base load.







A Peak period [%]

. Peak cone.

0.8-6.2 g m"3

Base cone.

0.5 g m-3

co 3 T




^ 2 +03-

1 --


Time of operation

Figure 7.15. The waste gas

stream with fluctuating toluene

load investigated in the first case

study .



E 0


Biotricklingfilter onl

2% peak


1 % peakperiod

0 2 4 6 8

Toluene peak cone, [g m"3]

Figure 7.16. Calculated

treatment cost of the bio-tricklingfilter (thick line) compared to that

of the combined system (thin

lines) for a waste gas stream with

fluctuating toluene load. The

calculations were made for a base

concentration of 0.5 g nr3 and a

gas flow of 10'000m3h-i.


7.3.2 Case Study 2: Toluene in Mixture with Acetone

The waste gas stream considered in the second case study is a mixture of

acetone and toluene. The acetone concentration is assumed to be constant

and low (Figure 7.17). The base concentration of toluene is assumed to be

zero, thus the biological degradation activity of toluene is negligible. The

acetone is removed by the bio-trickling filter and the toluene peak by the

plasma reactor which is turned on only when a toluene peak occurs.

The treatment cost of the combined system is very high (Figure 7.18),

mainly due to the assumption that toluene is not biologically degraded.

This also prevents a direct comparison of the treatment cost with the bio-

trickling filter since it is not able to purify the waste gas stream from

acetone and toluene on its own. The treatment cost of the combined

system mainly depends on the duration of the peak periods but also on the

toluene peak concentration. The share of the treatment cost caused by the

bio-trickling filter for removing acetone was, for toluene peakconcentrations above 0.2-0.4 g m-3, less than half of the treatment cost.






Toluene peak period [%]


0.4-1.6 gm-3


0.4 g m"3


Time of operation

Figure 7.17. Schematic displayof the waste gas stream used in

case study 2.

coT 3j 10% toluene

peak p--1—-1ooo



o 1 -- Bio-trick, filter only


E 0






£ Toluene peak cone, [g m"3]

Figure 7.18. The treatment cost

of the combined system (thin

lines) for the removal of acetone

and toluene. For comparison the

treatment cost of the bio-trickling

filter for the removal of acetone

(thick line) is shown. Toluene was

removed by the plasma reactor



7.4 Discussion

This evaluation clearly shows that the bio-trickling filter is economicallyand ecologically more efficient than the barrier discharge reactor for

removing toluene. The evaluation has, however, only a limited practicalvalue since the result of the evaluation strongly depends on the data used.

Using literature data is advantageous since they are usually transparent

and based on a large data collection. It does, however, not consider any

local conditions, such as the gas composition and any special

manufacturing techniques which may considerably influence the

evaluation result. An economic and ecological assessment should therefore

be made "case-to-case" where the local conditions are also included.

The barrier discharge reactor used in this work was not optimised for

toluene removal. The poor energy efficiency may, however, improve

drastically in the future as new and more energy efficient plasma reactors

are developed. Using a more efficient plasma reactor would not only

improve its working range for treating low concentration waste gas

streams, but also increase the performance of the combined bio-plasma

system where the operational cost of the barrier discharge reactor made

up a large share of the treatment cost. The high treatment cost was also

caused by the high investment cost since it is necessary to invest in two

systems. Two systems will also increase the complexity for the user who

would rather choose to invest in one single technology. Adsorption is an

alternative to the combined system to purify the waste gas streams in the

two case studies. Adsorption is an accepted waste gas purification

technology for fluctuating low concentration waste gas streams and it

would probably have lower treatment costs than those calculated for the

combined system presented here (Rafflenbeul, 1998). Adsorption may

also be combined with a bio-trickling filter to dampen peak loads. This

combination is currently being studied in a parallell project (Rüdiger,



8. Concluding Remarks

Use of the non-thermal plasma is a flexible technique with respect to

fluctuations in load and composition but energy consumption may be highfor specific compounds. Contrary to the non-thermal plasma, the energy

consumption of the bio-trickling filter is low but degradation is limited to

readily water soluble and biodegradable compounds. It is also not flexible

with respect to peak loads and fluctuations in composition. The advantageof low energy consumption of the biological process and the high

flexibility of the plasma oxidation process, makes a combination of the two

processes attractive. The advantages of combined systems have alreadybeen shown for waste water treatment (Stockinger et al., 1995). One

possible combination for waste gas treatment is to use the plasma

subsequent to the biological step for mineralisation of VOC not removed

by the biological filter. The second possibility is to use the plasma before

the biological step and partially oxidise the VOCs to intermediate organicoxidation products. These oxidation products generally have higher water

solubility and biodegradability than the original VOCs. To improve one's

understanding of the removal processes active in the two systems, the

formation of toluene intermediate oxidation products in the plasma was

investigated and rigorous modelling of the bio-trickling filter was

performed. Also the energy efficiency of the plasma and removal capacityof the bio-trickling filter were studied using toluene as a model compoundto be able to asses the possibilities of a combined process.

The bio-trickling filter

The experimental results at steady inlet gas conditions confirmed the

findings made elewhere with other similar bio-trickling filters. The

biodégradation was the rate limiting step under steady state conditions and

the elimination capacity could be predicted using a one-phase model with

Monod kinetics.

It was possible to gain additional information about the kinetics and the

structure of the biofilm by measuring the CO2 production under dynamic

conditions and by simulating the performance using a dynamic biofilm


model. This was found to be a powerful non-destructive method to

investigate biofilm kinetics in-situ without influencing the biofilm by any

analytic devices. By discriminating between different mathematical models,

it could be shown that toluene inhibits the biodégradation rate at higherconcentrations and that the biofilm acts as a sorption volume for toluene.

The non-thermal plasma

The elimination rate of toluene was determined considering the specific

energy input but the rate was also influenced by the toluene concentration

and air humidity. It did not depend on the gas residence time in the

reaction zone. A large fraction of the reactive species reacted in the

reactive zone with other species than toluene which resulted in a low

energy efficiency.

An important oxidation mechanism was the reaction with *OH radicals. The

detected organic oxidation products were almost identical to those found by

ozonolysis of toluene in aqueous solution. This strongly suggests that

known oxidation pathways of aldehydes and organic acids in the aqueous

solution are also valid in the gas phase.

General working range of the combined biotreatment / plasma


With the available plasma system the amount of intermediate oxidation

products from toluene was too small to allow a useful combination with the

plasma placed before the bio-trickling filter. Instead, the working ranges

were determined only for the plasma placed subsequently to the bio-

trickling filter. From Chapter 7 it can be concluded that the treatment cost

and not the net ecological benefit (NEB) is the limiting factor determining

the working ranges. The NEB was negative only for waste gas conditions

where the treatment cost was much higher than that of other waste gas

purification technologies. NEB may be used as an additional criterion to

discriminate between waste gas purification technologies with similar

treatment cost. The working ranges presented below are assumed to be for


those waste gas concentrations where the treatment cost is less than

l$/1000m3. At higher treatment costs other waste gas purification

techniques, such as incineration or adsorption, may be more economically


The working range of the full scale bio-trickling filter is assumed to

depend only on the biodegradability of the VOC which is described here bythe Monod kinetics (Ks=0.1 g m-3). Even for well biodegradable

compounds, the working range is predicted to be limited to waste gas

concentrations of less than 1 g m-3 (Figure 8.1), although limitation by

VOC or oxygen diffusion has not been considered.

The energy consumption makes up about half of the treatment cost by non¬

thermal plasma. The working range is therefore very much determined bythe energy efficiency with which the VOC is removed. In Figure 8.1 the

energy efficiency is given by the ße-value (Rosocha et al, 1993). The

working range is predicted to be for the treatment of very low VOC

concentration waste gas streams with well oxidisable compounds (Figure

8.1), for instance odour control or low concentrations of some chlorinated

solvents, for instance TCE, which are removed very efficiently in the

plasma (Rosocha et al., 1993; Penetrante et al., 1996).













Figure 8.1. Suggested general working ranges of the bio-tricklingfilter ( Ya ) and the non-thermal plasma (s? ) using the values

of Vm [g m^h"1! and ße [kJ nr3] as measure for oxidisability

of the VOCs in the bio-trickling filter and the non-thermal

plasma, respectively. In the shaded areas, the treatment cost

is lower than l$/1000m3. The dotted lines mark the

treatment cost of 1.5$/1000m3 for the bio-trickling filter

and the non-thermal plasma. The gas flow is assumed to be


The working range of the combined system for the removal of fluctuatingload is mainly determined by the energy effiency of the non-thermal

plasma (Figure 8.2 and 8.3). The biodegradability (represented in the

Figures 8.2 and 8.3 by different values of Vm) has a smaller influence on

the economic working range than the removal efficiency of the non¬

thermal plasma (represented in the Figures 8.2 and 8.3 by different values

of ß). Consequently, the peak period (the time of the peak load duration

expressed as fraction of the total operating time) has also a large influence

on the working range. The working ranges in Figure 8.2 and 8.3 are very

similar to those for a mixture of two compounds if one compound has a

steady base concentration and the second compound has a zero base


0.1 1

VOC inlet cone, [g m"3]



Peak period =10%

Figure 8.2.

* ^ ~v *> -t


Vm=100 g m"3h"1

'—-Vm=500 g m"3h"1'—')" 'r l' ' ' '!"—|

- '

" ' Y ""T

-3nPeak cone, [g m ]


Suggested general working range of the combined system

for fluctuating load of one or two compounds during peak

periods totalling 10% and a gas flow of lO'OOO m3h-!. The

two shaded areas represent the working ranges where the

treatment cost is less than l$/1000m3 for two different ße-values for compounds with fluctuating concentrations: for

the area ^ ße=20 kJ nr3 and for the area^ ße =100 kJ nr3.

The continuous and brokens thin lines show the working

range for two different values of Vm at specific ße-values.The thick line indicates where the peak concentration

equals the base concentration.


Peak period =30%

Vm=100 g m"3h"1

Vm=500 g m"3h"1

Peak cone, [g m"3]10

Figure 8.3. The same quantities as plotted in Figure 8.2 but presentedfor a peak duration of 30%.



The performance of the bio-trickling filter in a steady state was influenced

most strongly by clogging. The processes governing the development of

clogging could, however, not be determined. In the literature, little work

has been published on how the micro-environment in the biofilm influences

the performance characteristics of the bio-trickling filter, such as e.g.

pressure drop. An investigation of this property would be possible by using

a small segmented packing where single packing elements can be removed

and investigated outside the column. A segmented packing would also allow

the investigation of the variable gas and liquid flow patterns. Such studies

are essential for the design of new bio-trickling filters.

The oxidation mechanism of toluene and its intermediate products in the

non-thermal plasma are still unclear. A more detailed study of the

governing reaction mechanisms could be done by direct gas phasemeasurements of the organic intermediate products using IR absorption and

of the radical species in the reactive zone using emission spectroscopy and

LIF. The evolution of species may also be investigated by rigorous

modelling of the plasma processes by solving the Boltzmann equation to

obtain the reaction rates of electrons followed by a kinetics simulation to

follow the further fate of the species generated and decomposed.

The working range of the combined system was limited mainly by the poor

energy efficiency of the non-thermal plasma process. The energy efficiencyof the non-thermal plasma may be improved by using a pulsed power

supply or by using a dielectric with catalytic acticity. More understandingof the reaction mechanism in the non-thermal plasma is required to

optimise the plasma process parameters for the removal of a specific



Symbols and Abbreviations


AC alternate current

ACSL advanced continuous simulation language

BOD biological oxygen demand

CH Switzerland

COD chemical oxygen demand

cone. concentration

CSTR continuous stirred tank reactor

DC direct current

DCM dichloromethane

DW dry weight

EC elimination capacity

GC gas chromatography

GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

HPLC high performance liquid chromatography

IC ion chromatography

MS mass spectrometry

LCA life cycle assessment

LIF Laser induced flouresence

Liq liquid

LT life time

NEB net ecological benefit

NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compounds

NOx nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, N2O5)

OT time of operation

PCE tetrachloroethylene

PI proportional and integral controller

RE removal efficiency

SEM secondary electron multiplier

SGV superficial gas velocity

SOx sulphur oxides (SO, S02, SO3)

TC total carbon

TCE trichloroethylene

TOC total organic compound

UCPTE Union pour la coordination de la production et du transport de l'électricité

VOC volatile organic compounds



A mz area

Ac m2 cross sectional area of the reactor

a m2nr3 specific area

C gm-3 gas phase concentration

C F capacitance

D m2 h"1 diffusion coefficient

E kJm-3 energy density

f s-1 frequency

F m3h-l flow

F m3 s-1 flow

g-value number of molecules/100ev a measure of the plasma energy efficiency

G number of molecules J-1 a measure of the plasma energy efficiency

h m height

H - dimensionless Henry's law constant

i A current

J g h'1 mass flux

k m3 molecules-1 s-1 two body reaction rate coefficient

kBm JK-l Boltzmann's constant

Kc02 g m-3h_1 endogenous CO2 production

Ks gm"3 half saturation coefficient

Ki gm"3 inhibition coefficient

m kg mass; mass referred to N2=28, 0=16, C=12

M molecules m-3 the concentration of all species in the plasma, that

is electrons, ions, radicals and neutral molecules

P Pa pressure

P W power

S gm"3 liquid concentration

r molecules nrV1 plasma oxidation rate

R g m-3h_1 biodégradation rate

[R] molecules m-3 concentration of reactive species in the plasma

t s time














concentration of toluene in the plasma



maximum degradation rate

concentration of VOC in the plasma


biomass dry weight

yield coefficient

axial distance

number of elementary charges

a kJ molecules-1 a measure of the plasma energy efficiency

ß kJm-3 a measure of the plasma energy efficiency

ße kJm-3 the amount of energy needed to reduce the inlet

concentration by a factor of e-1

ßio kJm-3 the amount of energy needed to reduce the inlet

concentration by a factor of 10

A - difference operator

ÔL m liquid film thickness

ÔB m biofilm thickness

e Jh-1m-3 specific power input

«> - relative carbon content

9 - gas phase fraction

M- efficiency factor

X - proportionality constant

H h-1 specific growth rate

M-max h-1 maximum specific growth rate

V m s-1 velocity

P kg m-3 density

r s time constant


B biofilm

C02 carbon dioxide


e electron

g gas phase

HC03- hydrogen carbonate

in inlet

j refers to an arbitrary compound

L liquid

M gas phase compartment

m measuring capacitor

n refers to all species in the plasma, that is electrons, ions, radicals

and neutral molecules

N film layer

NB non-active biofilm

out outlet

r reactor

R radicals

TOC total organic carbon

toi toluene

w water

Superscripts* refers to equilibrium• radical specie



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The steady state one-phase model written for Simusolv in ACSL

programm-counter current bio trickling filter


variable h

constant OUTPUT=50

constant Vm=112

constant Ks=0.26

constant Kco2=43

constant Y=1.27

constant Fg=0.75

constant Ac=0.00728

constant hmax=1.28

constant C0=0.39

constant C20=0.59


END S'Initia!'

S'column height, m'

$'communication points'

$'max rate const g/m3/h'

$'half saturation constant g/m3'

$'endogenic C02 production, g/m3/h'

S'yield coeff gC02/gTol'

$'gasflow, m3h-l'

$'crossection area, m2'

S'column height,m (height of gas inlet+packing height)'

S'inlet toluene cone, g/m3'

$'inlet C02 cone, g/m3'

S'height increment, m'









END $'Derivative'

S'Monod kinetic'

$'outlet toluene cone, g/m3'

S'outlet C02 cone, g/m3'

TERMT (h.ge.hmax)

END $'Dynamic'

END $'Program'


Dynamic three phase model written for Simusolv in ACSL

programm-counter current bio trickling filter


variable t,t0=0.005 $'h'

constant Tmax=0.6

constant Tstop=0.4

constant Tlog=0.3

constant OUTPUT=120

constant NAST=10.0

constant NFL=4.0

constant NAL=3.0

constant Ac=0.00728

constant height=1.28

constant Vm=436

constant Ks=0.059

constant Ki=50

constant Y=1.27

constant Kco2=190

constant eta=0.8

constant a=350

constant Hy2=0.94

constant Hy=0.27

constant zLIQ=3E-6

constant zABS=100E-6

constant zBIO=70E-6

constant Dw=3.42E-6

constant Dw2=6.26E-6

constant Db=4.8E-7

constant Db2=8.8E-7

constant MS=0.006

constant Cin2=0.592

$'max time'

$'stops toluene feed'

$'time to start saving data'

$'communication points'

S'number of axial segments'

$'number of film layers'

S'number of absorption layers'

S'cross section area, m2'

$'column height, m (height of gas inlet+packing height)'

$'max degradation rate, g/m3/h'

$'half saturation constant, g/m3'

$'inhibition constant, g/m3'


S'endogenic C02 production, g/m2/h'

$'bed porosity, -'

$'film area, m2/m3'

$'Henrys Law constant, C02, -'

$'Henrys Law constant, toluene, -'

S'interphase liquid film thickness, m'

$'absorption layer thickness, m'

S'active biofilm thickness'

S'Diffusion coeff in water, toluene, m2/h'

$'Diffusion coeff in water, C02, m2/h'

S'Diffusion coeff in biofilm, toluene, m2/h'

$'Diffusion coeff in biofilm, C02, m2/h'

$'time delay mass spectrometer, h'

$'C02 inlet gas cone, g/m3'



$'initial gas flow, m3/h'

$'initial toluene inlet cone, g/m3, in cmd-file'

array dC(10), C(10), C0(10)

array dC2(10), C2(10), C20(10)

array dS(70), S(70), S0(70)

array dS2(70), S2(70), S20(70)

$'toluene gas phase cone'

$'C02 gas phase cone'

$'toluene liq phase cone'

$'C02 liq phase cone'


array r(40),r2(40)

array Cini(18)







$'toluene degradation and C02 production rate'

$'inlet toluene cone, g/m3, in cmd-file'

$'reactor volume, m3'

$'height of one column segment'

$'time used for plotting'$'thickness of liquid film layer'

$'thickness of one active biofilm layer'

$'thickness of one nonactive biofilm layer'

NAST1=NAST+1 $'11'

NAST2=NAST*(NFL-2) $'20'

NAST3=NAST2+1 $'21'

NAST4=NAST*(NFL-1) $'30'

NAST5=NAST4+1 $'31'

NAST6=NAST*(NFL) $'40'

NAST7=NAST6+1 $'41'

NAST8=NAST*(NFL+NAL-2) $'50'

NAST9=NAST8+1 $'51'

NAST10=NAST*(NFL+NAL-1) $'60'

NAST11=NAST10+1 $'61'





INI 1..continue






$'set initial gas phase concentrations'

$'set initial film concentrations'

CINT=Tmax/OUTPUT $'integration step length'END $Tnitial'








dC2(l)=l/etaG*(Fg/Ac*(Cin2-C2(l))/h-Dw2*a*2/z*(C2(l)/Hy2-S2(l)))DO DERI bb=2, NAST



dC2out=(C2( 10)-C2out)/MS

END $'Procedural'






END $'procedural'



do DER3 dd=NASTl,NAST2







END $'procedural'



do DER4 ee=NAST3,NAST4






END $'procedural'




do DER5 ff=NAST5,NAST6





END $'procedural'


proceduraldo DER6 gg=NAST7,NAST8



END $'procedural'


proceduraldo DER7 hh=NAST9,NAST10




END $'procedural'



do DER8 ii=NASTl 1.NAST12




END $'procedural'






END $'Derivative'



write(41,20)time,c2(10),cin $'stores data in data file'


'stops feed at time tstop'

if(t.le.Tstop)goto LI00


goto L200

LI 00..continue



time=time+Tmax/output $'total time,minutes'

TERMT (T.ge.Tmax)END $'Dynamic'



if (count.eq.7)Fg=1.5if (count.eq.13) goto ENDPRG









goto START


END $'Terminal'

END $'Program'


prepare t,time,c,c2,sa,s,ctol,cco2,cin,ceff,reff,c2out

proc pi


plot c2out,'type'=71 l,'xaxis'=time,'char'=46



proc peak242503

s Cini(l)=0.39, Cini(2)=0.78

s Cini(3)=1.6,Cini(4)=3.23,Cini(5)=6.42,Cini(6)=12.96s Cini(7)=0.19,Cini(8)=0.4


t time c2out c(10)

0.005 0.005 1.49 0.033

0.07 0.07 1.49 0.033

0.1 0.1 1.49 0.033

0.17 3.47 1.26 0.24

0.175 3.475 1.24 0.20

0.18 3.48 1.23 0.18




Curriculum Vitae

Anders Sjöberg

1968 Born on 20 of August in Â1, Kopparberg, Sweden

Citizen of Sweden

1975-1984 Primary and secondary school, Uddeholm and Hagfors,


1984-1987 Gymnasium technical-natural sciences, Hagfors, Sweden

1987-1988 Military service, Sweden

1989-1992 Studies in chemical engineering at the Lund Institute of

Technology (LTH), Lund, Sweden

1992-1994 Studies in biotechnology at the Swiss Federal Institute of

Technology (ETH), Zürich. Diploma work: "Anaerober

Abbau von Trichlorethylen zu cw-Dichlorethylen in einer

kontinuerlichen Kultur mit on-line Massenspektrometer-


1994 Degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering,

Lund, Sweden

1995-1999 Doctoral studies at the Chemical Engineering Department,

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich. Titel:

"Toluene Removal from Waste Air by Combined Biological

and Non-Thermal Plasma Techniques"

1999 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Zürich
