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Thermodynamic behaviour of a one-dimensional Bose gas at ...

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Thermodynamic behaviour of a one-dimensional Bose gas at low temperature Giulia De Rosi, 1, * Grigori E. Astrakharchik, 2, and Sandro Stringari 1, 1 INO-CNR BEC Center and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit` a di Trento, Via Sommarive 14, I-38123 Povo, Italy 2 Departament de F´ ısica, Universitat Polit` ecnica de Catalunya, 08034 Barcelona, Spain (Dated: September 20, 2017) We show that the chemical potential of a one-dimensional (1D) interacting Bose gas exhibits a non-monotonic temperature dependence which is peculiar of superfluids. The effect is a direct consequence of the phononic nature of the excitation spectrum at large wavelengths exhibited by 1D Bose gases. For low temperatures T , we demonstrate that the coefficient in T 2 expansion of the chemical potential is entirely defined by the zero-temperature density dependence of the sound velocity. We calculate that coefficient along the crossover between the Bogoliubov weakly- interacting gas and the Tonks-Girardeau gas of impenetrable bosons. Analytic expansions are provided in the asymptotic regimes. The theoretical predictions along the crossover are confirmed by comparison with the exactly solvable Yang-Yang model in which the finite-temperature equation of state is obtained numerically by solving Bethe-ansatz equations. A 1D ring geometry is equivalent to imposing periodic boundary conditions and arising finite-size effects are studied in details. At T = 0 we calculated various thermodynamic functions, including the inelastic structure factor, as a function of the number of atoms, pointing out the occurrence of important deviations from the thermodynamic limit. PACS numbers: PACS numbers I. INTRODUCTION It is well known that the thermodynamic behaviour of a superfluid is dominated, at low temperature, by the thermal excitation of phonons [1]. This explains, in par- ticular, the peculiar behaviour exhibited by the specific heat as well as by other fundamental thermodynamic functions. A non trivial (and less investigated in the literature) consequence of superfluidity shows up in the non-monotonic behaviour of the chemical potential [2]. At low temperature T the chemical potential increases with T as a consequence of the thermal excitation of phonons. At high temperature, in the ideal gas classi- cal regime, the chemical potential is instead a decreasing function of T . This non-monotonic behaviour has been recently measured in a strongly interacting atomic Fermi gas [3], where it was shown that the chemical potential exhibits a maximum in the vicinity of the superfluid crit- ical temperature. It is consequently interesting to explore the low- temperature thermodynamic behaviour of other systems, like one-dimensional (1D) interacting Bose gases, which are known to exhibit a phononic excitation spectrum, de- spite the fact that they cannot be considered superfluids according to standard definition. By investigating the drag flow caused by a moving external perturbation, As- trakharchik and Pitaevskii [4] have in fact shown that 1D Bose gases interacting with contact potential exhibit a traditional superfluid behaviour, characterized by the * [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] absence of friction force, only in the weakly interaction regime, where Bogoliubov theory applies and the gas can be locally considered Bose-Einstein condensed, despite the absence of true long range order. In this work, we investigate the low-temperature ex- pansion of the chemical potential μ of a 1D Bose gas with contact repulsive interaction for the whole crossover, ranging from the weakly to the strongly interaction lim- its. A major motivation is given by the possibility of comparing the low-T expansion of the chemical potential with the numerical results now available within the Yang- Yang theory [5, 6], along the whole interaction strength crossover. Previous comparisons were in fact available only in the case of the Tonks-Girardeau limit [7], corre- sponding to the ideal Fermi gas, where the low-T expan- sion corresponds to the Sommerfeld expansion. We find that for all intermediate interaction regimes, described at T = 0 by Lieb-Liniger (LL) theory, the increase of the chemical potential at low temperature follows the μ T 2 law and is actually caused by the phononic nature of the long wavelength elementary excitations, as in usual su- perfluids [2]. The relevant coefficient fixing the T 2 law depends on the density derivative of the T = 0 sound ve- locity which is calculated using Lieb-Liniger theory. This feature strengthens the analogy with superfluids even in 1D dimension. Importantly, our results can be also gener- alized to every Luttinger liquid at low temperature whose macroscopic elementary excitations can be described in terms of phonons. Recently, a ring geometry has been experimentally re- alized for a microscopic system of N =8 - 20 atoms [8]. Motivated by the experimental progress, we study in details also the behavior of a gas containing a finite number of atoms in a ring, focusing on the deviations of its thermodynamic behavior from the one in the large N

Thermodynamic behaviour of a one-dimensional Bose gas at low temperature

Giulia De Rosi,1, ∗ Grigori E. Astrakharchik,2, † and Sandro Stringari1, ‡

1INO-CNR BEC Center and Dipartimento di Fisica,Universita di Trento, Via Sommarive 14, I-38123 Povo, Italy

2Departament de Fısica, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 08034 Barcelona, Spain(Dated: September 20, 2017)

We show that the chemical potential of a one-dimensional (1D) interacting Bose gas exhibitsa non-monotonic temperature dependence which is peculiar of superfluids. The effect is a directconsequence of the phononic nature of the excitation spectrum at large wavelengths exhibited by1D Bose gases. For low temperatures T , we demonstrate that the coefficient in T 2 expansionof the chemical potential is entirely defined by the zero-temperature density dependence of thesound velocity. We calculate that coefficient along the crossover between the Bogoliubov weakly-interacting gas and the Tonks-Girardeau gas of impenetrable bosons. Analytic expansions areprovided in the asymptotic regimes. The theoretical predictions along the crossover are confirmedby comparison with the exactly solvable Yang-Yang model in which the finite-temperature equationof state is obtained numerically by solving Bethe-ansatz equations. A 1D ring geometry is equivalentto imposing periodic boundary conditions and arising finite-size effects are studied in details. AtT = 0 we calculated various thermodynamic functions, including the inelastic structure factor, asa function of the number of atoms, pointing out the occurrence of important deviations from thethermodynamic limit.

PACS numbers: PACS numbers


It is well known that the thermodynamic behaviour ofa superfluid is dominated, at low temperature, by thethermal excitation of phonons [1]. This explains, in par-ticular, the peculiar behaviour exhibited by the specificheat as well as by other fundamental thermodynamicfunctions. A non trivial (and less investigated in theliterature) consequence of superfluidity shows up in thenon-monotonic behaviour of the chemical potential [2].At low temperature T the chemical potential increaseswith T as a consequence of the thermal excitation ofphonons. At high temperature, in the ideal gas classi-cal regime, the chemical potential is instead a decreasingfunction of T . This non-monotonic behaviour has beenrecently measured in a strongly interacting atomic Fermigas [3], where it was shown that the chemical potentialexhibits a maximum in the vicinity of the superfluid crit-ical temperature.

It is consequently interesting to explore the low-temperature thermodynamic behaviour of other systems,like one-dimensional (1D) interacting Bose gases, whichare known to exhibit a phononic excitation spectrum, de-spite the fact that they cannot be considered superfluidsaccording to standard definition. By investigating thedrag flow caused by a moving external perturbation, As-trakharchik and Pitaevskii [4] have in fact shown that1D Bose gases interacting with contact potential exhibita traditional superfluid behaviour, characterized by the

[email protected][email protected][email protected]

absence of friction force, only in the weakly interactionregime, where Bogoliubov theory applies and the gas canbe locally considered Bose-Einstein condensed, despitethe absence of true long range order.

In this work, we investigate the low-temperature ex-pansion of the chemical potential µ of a 1D Bose gaswith contact repulsive interaction for the whole crossover,ranging from the weakly to the strongly interaction lim-its. A major motivation is given by the possibility ofcomparing the low-T expansion of the chemical potentialwith the numerical results now available within the Yang-Yang theory [5, 6], along the whole interaction strengthcrossover. Previous comparisons were in fact availableonly in the case of the Tonks-Girardeau limit [7], corre-sponding to the ideal Fermi gas, where the low-T expan-sion corresponds to the Sommerfeld expansion. We findthat for all intermediate interaction regimes, describedat T = 0 by Lieb-Liniger (LL) theory, the increase of thechemical potential at low temperature follows the µ ∝ T 2

law and is actually caused by the phononic nature of thelong wavelength elementary excitations, as in usual su-perfluids [2]. The relevant coefficient fixing the T 2 lawdepends on the density derivative of the T = 0 sound ve-locity which is calculated using Lieb-Liniger theory. Thisfeature strengthens the analogy with superfluids even in1D dimension. Importantly, our results can be also gener-alized to every Luttinger liquid at low temperature whosemacroscopic elementary excitations can be described interms of phonons.

Recently, a ring geometry has been experimentally re-alized for a microscopic system of N = 8 − 20 atoms[8]. Motivated by the experimental progress, we studyin details also the behavior of a gas containing a finitenumber of atoms in a ring, focusing on the deviations ofits thermodynamic behavior from the one in the large N


limit.Our system is a uniform gas of bosons interacting with

a repulsive contact interaction

H = − ~2





+ 2c


δ(xi − xj) (1)

where the interaction parameter c is related to the 1Dcoupling constant g1D = −2~2/(ma1D) through c =mg1D/~2, where a1D is the 1D scattering length. The sys-tem (1) has been realized experimentally for the wholeinteraction crossover by suitably tuning the interactionstrength [9–11], described by the dimensionless parame-ter

γ =c

n= − 2


from weak (γ → 0) to strong (γ � 1) interactions [10, 12–15]. The Bogoliubov (BG) perturbative theory can beused in the limit of weak interactions. In the Tonks-Girardeau (TG) limit of strong repulsions the bosons areimpenetrable and their wave function can be mappedonto that of an ideal Fermi gas [16].

The paper is organized as follows.In Sec. II we derive the low-temperature expansion of

the chemical potential, starting from the free energy ofan ideal phononic gas. This assumption is fully justifiedby the low-momenta behavior of the Lieb-Liniger excita-tion spectrum. The low-temperature expansion exhibitsa T 2-dependence on temperature, with the coefficient re-lated to the density derivative of the LL sound velocity atzero temperature. The Bethe-ansatz results for the chem-ical potential are shown to agree very well with the low-temperature expansion, for the whole BG-TG crossover.

In Sec. III we investigate the BG weakly-interactinggas. By considering the quantum fluctuation contribu-tion in the ground-state energy at T = 0, we explorethe behavior of the chemical potential and of the soundvelocity. While this correction is important at T = 0,it does not affect the low-temperature expansion of thechemical potential.

Similarly to Sec. III, we calculate in Sec. IV the firstcorrections in the interaction parameter γ to the TGstrongly interacting gas. The starting point is the ex-pansion, for large values of γ, of the ground-state energyof a hard-sphere gas.

In Sec. V we derive the low-temperature expansions ofboth the adiabatic and the isothermal inverse compress-ibilities. The coefficients of the T 2 laws are studied as afunction of the interaction parameter γ and analyticallycalculated in the BG and TG limits.

In Sec. VI we consider a ring configuration with a finitenumber of particles at zero temperature and calculate thefinite-size corrections with respect to the thermodynamiclimit for the energy, the chemical potential and the soundvelocity. Results for the static inelastic structure factorfor a finite number of particles are also reported.

In Sec. VII, we draw our final conclusions.


It is well known that at T = 0 the elementary exci-tations of an interacting 1D Bose gas have a phononiccharacter at small momenta [17, 18], characterized bythe linear dispersion relation

ε(p)p→0 = vsp . (3)

At T = 0 the sound velocity is related to the densitydependence of the chemical potential according to therelation

vs(γ) =



∂µ(T = 0, γ)

∂n, (4)

where µ is the chemical potential and n = N/L de-notes the linear density. The density dependence of thechemical potential at zero temperature can be calculatedwithin the Lieb–Liniger model. The ratio between thesound velocity and the Fermi velocity vF = π~n/m isknown as the Luttinger parameter, KL = vF /vs, and itplays an important role in defining the long-range prop-erties of one-dimensional systems. Figure 1 shows the de-pendence of the sound velocity on the interaction param-eter γ for the Lieb-Liniger model, described by Hamilto-nian (1). There is a smooth crossover between the mean-field BG value defined as mv2

s = g1Dn for weak inter-actions to the Tonks-Girardeau (ideal Fermi gas) valuevs = vF in the limit of strong repulsion.

10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103









v s(γ

)/v F


vBGs (γ)/vF

vTGs /vF

vs(γ � 1)/vF

vs(γ � 1)/vF

FIG. 1. (Color online) Sound velocity vs in units of Fermivelocity vF (solid line) as a function of the interactionparameter γ, calculated by solving the Lieb-Liniger equa-tions. The Bogoliubov (dotted line, vBG

s (γ)/vF =√γ/π)

and Tonks-Girardeau (dashed line, vTGs = vF ) limits, in-

cluding their first-order corrections (thin solid line vs(γ �1)/vF = vBG

s (γ)/vF√

1−√γ/(2π) and thin dot-dashed line

vs(γ � 1)/vF =√

1− 8/γ, respectively) are present too, seeSecs. III and IV.

For larger momenta the 1D excitation spectrum ischaracterized by a continuous structure, bounded by twobranches of elementary excitations [5, 17, 18], which havebeen the object of recent measurements [19, 20]. For


small values of γ, the Lieb-I particle-like branch corre-sponds to the Bogoliubov excitation spectrum [17, 18,21]. The Lieb-II hole-like branch is instead associated inthe weakly-interacting regime with the dark soliton dis-persion predicted by Gross-Pitaevskii theory [18, 21, 22].The two branches merge into the phononic spectrum forp� mvs, Fig. 2.

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1p/pF








GP soliton


0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1p/pF







Lieb I

Lieb II


FIG. 2. (Color online) Lieb–Liniger excitation spectrum inthe BG regime with γ = 4.52 (left) and in the deep TG regimewith γ =∞ (right). The units are the Fermi energy EF andthe Fermi momentum pF . The shaded region represents thecontinuum of the excitations and is delimited by the upper(Lieb I) and the lower (Lieb II) branch of the spectrum. Onthe left, the Lieb I and II branches are not reported. Onthe left, the dashed line gives the Bogoliubov dispersion andthe dotted line gives the mean field soliton spectrum. In thelimit γ → 0, the Lieb I branch tends to be equal to the Bo-goliubov dispersion, while the Lieb II one coincides with thesoliton spectrum. The solid line is the Lieb–Liniger phononicspectrum calculated with γ = 4.52. On the right, Lieb I andLieb II branches are reported and they coincide with the par-ticle and hole ideal Fermi gas excitations, respectively. Thesolid line is the phononic spectrum calculated with the Fermivelocity.

At low temperature (kBT � mv2s) we expect that the

thermodynamic behaviour of the system can be calcu-lated in terms of a gas of non interacting phonons. Thefree energy A = E − TS of this gas is then given by

A(T, L) = E0 +kBTL


∫ +∞

−∞log[1− e−βε(p)

]dp (5)

where ε(p) is dispersion (3) and we have added the en-ergy E0 calculated at T = 0 with the Lieb–Liniger the-ory. Notice that the thermal contribution to A is affectedby two-body interactions through the dependence of ε(p)on the interaction parameter γ. The integral of Eq. (5)yields the following low-temperature expansion for thefree energy

A(T, L) = E0 −π


(kBT )2L

~vs, (6)

which differs from the usual T 4 behaviour exhibited bythree-dimensional (3D) superfluids [18] because of the 1Dstructure of the integral (5). Starting from result (6) for

the free energy, one can calculate the low-temperatureexpansion of the chemical potential:

µ(T, γ) =




= EF

[α(γ) + β(γ)





where we have introduced the energy scale EF = kBTF =~2π2n2/(2m) given by the Fermi energy of a 1D Fermigas, because it exhibits the same density dependence ofthe quantum degeneracy temperature of the system. Wehave also defined the relevant dimensionless parametersof the expansion

α(γ) =µ(T = 0, γ)



β(γ) =πEF6~v2



, (9)

which are functions of the interaction parameter γ andcan be calculated at zero temperature using Lieb–Linigertheory. It is worth noticing that the parameter β(γ),which is the most relevant because it fixes the leadingcoefficient of the low-T expansion, depends on the den-sity derivative of the sound velocity. The two numericalfunctions α(γ), Eq. (8), and β(γ), Eq. (9), have been cal-culated within LL theory and their values are reportedin Figs. 3 and 4 with their BG and TG limits. In par-ticular, the TG limits for α(γ) and β(γ) reproduce thelow-temperature Sommerfeld expansion of the chemicalpotential for the 1D ideal Fermi gas, Eq. (21).

10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103












α(γ � 1)

α(γ � 1)

FIG. 3. (Color online) α(γ) (solid line) with the lead-ing dependence (dashed line, αTG = 1 and dotted line,αBG(γ) = 2γ/π2) and first order corrections [thin dot-dashedline, α(γ � 1) = 1− 16/(3γ) and thin solid line, α(γ � 1) =αBG(γ)(1−√γ/π)] for Tonks-Girardeau and Bogoliubov lim-its, respectively.

In Figs. 5-6 we report the temperature dependence ofthe chemical potential of the system described by Hamil-tonian (1) as obtained numerically from the Bethe-ansatz(BA) approach first developed by Yang-Yang [5–7, 23]for several characteristic values of γ. The Yang-Yang


10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103










FIG. 4. (Color online) β(γ) (solid line) with the Tonks-Girardeau (dashed line, βTG = π2/12) and Bogoliubov (dot-ted line, βBG(γ) = π3/(24

√γ)) limits.

description has been probed experimentally [24, 25] andallows not only to investigate the thermodynamics, butalso the Luttinger liquid physics and the quantum crit-icality of the system [26–28]. The numerical results forthe thermodynamics have been derived recently in ananalytic fashion by using the polylog functions at finitetemperature by Guan and Batchelor [26, 28].

The crossover from mean-field to Tonks-Girardeauregimes (see Fig. 1) introduces two distinct energy scales.Correspondingly, we rescale the chemical potential inunits of the Fermi energy EF in Fig. 5 and in unitsof the mean-field zero-temperature chemical potentialµBG(T = 0) = g1Dn in Fig. 6. The first choice pro-vides natural units in the TG regime in which stronglyrepulsive bosons behave similarly to an ideal Fermi gas(IFG) in the limit of γ →∞. In this regime, the chemicalpotential as a function of T is calculated by inverting theFermi–Dirac distribution (upper dashed line in Fig. 5):

nIFG(p) =1





+ 1

; (10)

and, despite the absence of superfluidity, it still exhibitsthe quadratic low-temperature dependence µ ∝ T 2,which follows from the low-temperature Sommerfeld ex-pansion, Eq. (21).

By reducing the interaction parameter γ, the systembecomes softer and the limit of vanishing interactions,γ → 0, corresponds to an ideal Bose gas (IBG) with thechemical potential µ(T ) fixed by the relationship (lowerdashed line in Fig. 5):

nIBG(p) =1




2m−µ)− 1

. (11)

Notice that, because of the absence of Bose-Einstein con-densation [29, 30], the chemical potential of the 1D idealBose gas is always negative and approaches the valueµ = 0 as T → 0. Remarkably, for all finite interactionstrengths the temperature dependence is not monotonic.Moreover, the initial increase is perfectly described by the

quadratic low-temperature expansion (7), thereby prov-ing that the model based on a gas of independent phononswell accounts for the thermodynamic behaviour of the1D interacting Bose gas. This is a non trivial result dueto the complex structure of the elementary excitationsat larger wave vectors exhibiting a double branch con-verging into the phonon law (3) only at small momenta.We notice also that the chemical potential for high tem-peratures, which is a decreasing function of T , can beconsidered as a shift of the ideal Bose chemical potential,Eq. (11), for every value of γ.

The behavior of the chemical potential in the weakly-interacting regime (γ � 1) is best seen in Fig. 6. For lowtemperatures T � µ the gas behaves like a quasicon-densate, exhibiting typical features of superfluids. Forµ� T � TF , the gas is a thermal degenerate gas, whilefor T � TF the gas behaves classically with µ < 0. Asimilar classification of the quantum degeneracy states in1D trapped configurations was first proposed in [31].

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4T/TF












γ = 0.1

γ = 1

γ = 10

γ = 100

γ = 1000





FIG. 5. (Color online) Chemical potential as a function oftemperature T in Fermi units for several values of γ and ata fixed density n|a1D| = 2/γ. The solid lines represent theBethe–ansatz (BA) solutions for different values of γ. Thedot-dashed lines are the low–temperature expansions of thechemical potential taking into account only the phononic con-tribution, Eq. (7). The phononic expansions for γ ≥ 1000 areequal to the analytical Sommerfeld expansion of Eq. (21).Both the chemical potentials as a function of T for the idealFermi (upper dashed line) and ideal Bose (lower dashed line)gas are also reported, Eq. (10) and (11), respectively.

Although there is no phase transition in 1D systems atfinite T , in the canonical ensemble, there exists a criticalpoint, corresponding to the value µ = 0 of the chemi-cal potential, which separates the vacuum from the filled“Fermi sea” of repulsive bosons at T = 0. In particular,a universality class is present in the temperature regimeT � |µ| and near the critical point µ = 0 [26–28].

Figure 6 is similar to Fig. 5, but with the chemicalpotential expressed in units of the BG chemical poten-tial at zero temperature: µBG(T = 0) = g1Dn and thetemperature in units of:

TBG(γ) =mv2





which has been introduced as an appropriate tempera-ture scale for visualizing the behavior of the chemicalpotential at low temperature. With the new units, thephononic expansion (7) takes the form:

µ(T, γ) = g1Dn



2γ+ 2β(γ)



)2]. (13)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1T/TBG(γ)







µ/(g 1



γ = 0.001

γ = 0.01

γ = 0.1

γ = 1

γ = 0.001

γ = 0.01

γ = 0.1

γ = 1



FIG. 6. (Color online) Chemical potential as a function oftemperature in BG units for several values of γ. The solidlines represent the Bethe–ansatz (BA) solutions for differentvalues of γ. The dashed lines are the low–temperature ex-pansions of the chemical potential taking into account onlythe phononic contribution, Eq. (13). We notice also that thephononic expansion (13) does not hold for very small γ, likeγ = 0.001, for which value the low–temperature expansion isnot reported.

Figures 5 and 6 point out in a clear way the non-monotonic behavior of the chemical potential µ as a func-tion of T for a fixed value of the density. This is a generalfeature exhibited by superfluids [2] and it is shown herethat it characterizes also interacting 1D Bose gas for allfinite values of the interaction parameter γ.

Both figures show also that the phononic expansiondescribes very well the low-T thermodynamics for all val-ues of γ, although the region of the applicability of thephononic description depends on γ. As pointed out inRef. [32], for small values of the interaction parameterγ, higher-order corrections beyond the linear phononiccontribution in the excitation spectrum (3) might be im-portant.


In the mean-field theory, the chemical potential is lin-ear in density, µBG(T = 0) = g1Dn and the velocity ofsound takes the value vBG

s (γ) = ~n√γ/m = vF√γ/π,

see Fig. 1.The first correction to the mean-field expression for

the equation of state comes from the quantum fluctua-tions [18, 33, 34]. With respect to the 3D case, in 1Dthis calculation is simpler because it does not require the

renormalization of the scattering length due to the ab-sence of ultraviolet divergencies in the calculation of theground-state energy. Therefore in 1D one can considerall ranges of momenta and one finds [17]:








[ε(p)− g1Dn−





ε(p) =


mp2 +





is the Bogoliubov excitation spectrum. By consider-ing the thermodynamic limit of Eq. (14) and by solvingthe integral in momentum space, one finally finds thefirst-order correction in the interaction parameter for theground state energy [17]


N(γ � 1) =



(1− 4


). (16)

The same result can be also found by performing a powerseries expansion of the Lieb-Liniger equations [35, 36].The correction is negative as it comes from second orderperturbation theory and, contrary to the higher dimen-sions, in 1D there is no renormalization of the couplingconstant thus no additional terms have to be added.

Equation (16) allows one to calculate the higher-ordercorrections for the other thermodynamic quantities atT = 0. For the chemical potential, one finds the result

µ(γ � 1) ≈ ~2n2γ





which implies the result

α(γ � 1) ≈ αBG(γ)




for the expansion of the coefficient α(γ), where αBG(γ) =2γ/π2 is the mean-field value. The corresponding resulthas been plotted in Fig. 3 and well reproduces the exactvalue of α(γ) up to values γ ∼ 1.

From Eq. (4) and Eq. (17), one can calculate also thecorrection to the sound velocity [17]

vs(γ � 1) ≈ vBGs (γ)



which is also reported in Fig. 1, yielding the expression

β(γ � 1) ≈ βBG(γ) , (20)

for the coefficient β(γ), Eq. (9) with βBG(γ) =π3/(24

√γ) the Bogoliubov value. Notice that, differently

from the case of α(γ) [see Eq. (18)], the first correctionβBG(γ) vanishes because of an exact cancellation betweenthe corrections provided by the terms ∂vs/∂n and v2

s ofEq. (9). This explains why the Bogoliubov approxima-tion describes correctly the value of β(γ) for a large in-terval of values of γ, up to γ ∼ 1 (see Fig. 4).



In the TG limit of strong repulsion, γ → ∞, the en-ergetic properties are the same as in an ideal Fermi gas.The thermodynamic quantities do not depend on the cou-pling constant g1D, but only on the density n, encodedin the Fermi energy EF . This regime can be interpretedas that of a unitary Bose gas with the Bertsch parameterequal to 1 as the chemical potential is equal to the Fermienergy [µTG(T = 0) = EF ]. Similarly, the sound velocity

is equal to the Fermi velocity vTGs = vF =

√2EF /m, see

Fig. 1. The low-temperature expansion of the chemicalpotential in this limit is equal to the first terms of theSommerfeld expansion (dot-dashed line for γ = 1000 inFig. 5) of the 1D ideal Fermi gas, as already pointed outin [7]:

µSomm(T ) = EF

[1 +







which contains the TG limits of α(γ) and β(γ) parame-ters, Figs. 3 and 4.

Leading corrections to the ground-state energy in theTG regime arise from the “excluded volume” and can beobtained from the equation of state of hard spheres (i. e.impenetrable) bosons with diameter a1D > 0 [16]:





(1− na1D)2. (22)

In the limit of point-like bosons a1D = 0, Eq. (22) re-produces the ground state energy of the ideal Fermi gas,ETG = π2~2n2/(6m). Expanding the denominator inEq. (22) generates a power series with integer coefficients,E/ETG = 1 + 2na1D + 3(na1D)2 + 4(na1D)3 + · · · . Itis interesting to notice that for a δ-interacting poten-tial the momentum-dependent s-wave scattering length,a1D(k) = arctan(ka1D)/k = a1D − (1/3)k2a2

1D, does notaffect first and second corrections in na1D but induces anegative correction in front of the third correction. In-deed, the universality of the first and the second correc-tions becomes evident by comparing low-density expan-sion of the equation of state for hard spheres, Eq. (22),and contact δ-potential obtained by solving Bethe equa-tions recursively [37],





(4− 4π2




(23)The non-universal correction depends on the shape of thepotential and for the LL model it has a non-integer coef-ficient, which qualitatively can be understood by notingthat the typical value of the scattering momentum in TGregime is proportional to kF = π~n/m, which is consis-tent with π2 terms appearing in expansion (23). Theuniversal terms are the same both in the super Tonks-Girardeau [38] (a1D > 0) and the strongly repulsive [36](a1D < 0) regimes. From Eq. (23), by introducing the

parameter (2) and by considering only the leading term,one finds


N(|γ| � 1) ≈ π2~2n2


(1− 4


). (24)

From Eq. (24), one easily calculates the correction ofthe chemical potential at T = 0, Eq. (8):

µ(|γ| � 1) ≈ EF(

1− 16


which implies the result [36]

α(|γ| � 1) ≈ 1− 16


for α(γ), including the first correction to the TG resultαTG = 1. Prediction (26) is reported in Fig. 3 for positivevalues of γ, its accuracy being good for values of γ largerthan ∼ 10.

From Eq. (4) and Eq. (25), one can calculate also thefirst correction, at large γ, to the sound velocity [36, 39]:

vs(|γ| � 1) ≈ vF√

1− 8


which is reported in Fig. 1. For the coefficient β(γ),which provides the T 2-correction in the expansion ofthe chemical potential, we find again an exact cancel-lation between the 1/γ correction (provided by the term∂vs/∂n) and v2

s entering the expression (9) for β(γ), sim-ilarly to what happens in the small γ expansion discussedin the previous Section III in the case of the Bogoliubovgas. We then find that the Tonks-Girardeau expressionβTG = π2/12 provides an accurate estimate of β(γ) forvalues of γ larger than ∼ 10 (see Fig. 4).

More accurate analytical expressions for the abovethermodynamical quantities, which allow to probe thewhole range of interaction strength with excellent accu-racy, are reported in [32, 40–42].


Here we derive the dependence of the adiabatic andisothermal inverse compressibilities on the interaction pa-rameter γ in the limit of low temperature.

A. Adiabatic inverse compressibility and soundvelocity

From the Gibbs–Duhem relation dP = ndµ+sdT , onefinds (




= n




+ ns






where s is the entropy density and s = s/n is the entropyper particle.

At low temperature the entropy per particle of a non–interacting gas of phonons takes the form [18]

s(T ) =πk2


3~vsn, (29)

which depends on the T = 0 value (4) of the sound ve-locity. Use of relation (29) permits to express the depen-dence of the second contribution to the adiabatic inversecompressibility on the r.h.s. of Eq. (28) on the interac-tion parameter γ(






(1 +



), (30)

in terms of the coefficient β(γ), Eq. (9) related to thedensity derivative of the sound velocity at constant en-tropy. The first contribution on the r.h.s. of Eq. (28) canbe obtained by using Eqs. (7) and (29),(∂µ




nv2s +

(kBT )2



β2(γ)− γ ∂β(γ)



(31)From the above equations one finally finds the low tem-perature expansion(

∂P (T, γ)




(∂P (γ)



+ EF δ(γ)





of the adiabatic inverse compressibility, where(∂P (γ)



= mv2s(γ) (33)

is its T = 0 value and we have defined the positive quan-tity

δ(γ) =24



vF− γ ∂β(γ)




+ 2β(γ) ,

(34)which is reported in Fig. 7 together with its asymptoticlimits in the Bogoliubov and Tonks–Girardeau regimes.

B. Isothermal inverse compressibility

By fixing the temperature T in Eq. (28) and by con-sidering the low-temperature expansion of the chemicalpotential (7), one can also calculate the low-temperatureexpression for the isothermal inverse compressibility(

∂P (T, γ)




(∂P (γ)



+EF η(γ)





where we have defined the negative dimensionless coeffi-cient

η(γ) = −2β(γ)− γ ∂β(γ)

∂γ. (36)

10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103











FIG. 7. (Color online) Value of the dimensionless coefficientδ(γ) of the low–temperature expansion of the adiabatic in-verse compressibility (solid line). The BG and TG analyticallimits are also shown: δBG(γ) = 5π3/(16

√γ) (dotted line)

and δTG = π2/2 (dashed line).

Notice that the thermal corrections to the isother-mal and adiabatic inverse compressibilities have oppo-site sign, being the coefficient η(γ) always negative. Theabsolute value of η(γ) is reported in Fig. 8 togetherwith the asymptotic limits in the Bogoliubov and Tonks–Girardeau regimes. The negative value of η(γ) is the con-sequence of the peculiar temperature dependence of thefree energy (6).

10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103








FIG. 8. (Color online) Absolute value of the dimensionless co-efficient η(γ) of the low–temperature expansion of the isother-mal inverse compressibility (solid line). The BG and TG an-alytical limits are also shown: ηBG(γ) = −π3/(16

√γ) (dotted

line) and ηTG = −π2/6 (dashed line).


The physics in one dimension is unusual in many as-pects. The mean–field regime is reached at large densitiescontrarily to what happens in three dimensions wherethe weakly–interacting limit corresponds to small densi-ties, according to the limit na3 → 0. For a fixed num-ber of particles N the mean–field limit in one dimension,


n|a1D| → ∞, can be obtained either increasing the lin-ear density n = N/L, by decreasing the system size L,or by increasing the s–wave scattering length a1D, i.e.decreasing the coupling constant g1D = −2~2/(ma1D).Asymptotically, at a certain point, the size of the systemL will become comparable to the healing length

ξ =



and finite–size effects will become important. This shouldbe contrasted to the three-dimensional case where themean–field regime is instead achieved by increasing thesystem size L which consequently becomes larger thanthe healing length.

Finite–size effects depend on the system geometry.Interestingly, periodic boundary conditions, commonlyused as a mathematical tool in the three–dimensionalworld, in one dimension can be explicitly realized in a ringand have consequently a direct physical interest. This isanother peculiarity of the one–dimensional world. In thefollowing we calculate the finite–size dependence of ther-modynamic quantities for a gas confined in a ring whoseproperties are then equivalent to the ones of a linear 1Dsystem satisfying periodic boundary conditions (PBC). Ifone considers a plane wave ∝ eikz and one imposes PBC,one finds that the momentum is quantized according to

pi = ~ki =2π~niL


where ni = 0,± are integers. Moreover, in 1D, all theintegrals in momentum space, defined in the thermody-namic limit (N,L → +∞, n = finite), are replaced by asum over the discretized momenta (38) as:∫ +∞

−∞dp→ 2π~



. (39)

In the following, we calculate the finite-size correctionsin both BG and TG regimes at zero temperature, as wellas the static inelastic structure factor for a finite numberof particles.

A. Bogoliubov regime at T = 0

Let us consider the T = 0 ground-state energy perparticle given by








[ε(p)− g1Dn−




corresponding to the Bogoliubov regime of small γ, whereε(p) is provided by the Bogoliubov spectrum (15). Equa-tion (40) differs from Eq. (14) because it contains thep = 0 term in the sum. This term has been includedin order to avoid self-interaction effects in the leading

mean-field term of Eq. (14) which should be replaced byg1D(N − 1)/(2L).

By introducing the discretized values of p (38), theenergy can be rewritten in the form




2g1Dn [1 +

√γG(y)] (41)

where we have introduced the dimensionless variable

y = γN2, (42)

depending on the interaction parameter γ and the func-tion

G(y) =2




√y + (πni)2 − 2(πni)

2 − y]+


(43)where the adding of the quantity 1/

√y ensures that the

term ni = 0 in the sum is counted just once.By using the Euler-Maclaurin expansion (see Ap-

pendix A), one can calculate the expression for the se-ries (43) for large values of y:

G(y � 1) ≈ − 4

3π− π

3y. (44)

In Fig. 9 we report the comparison of the series (43) withits expansion (44). We notice that the two curves agreein an excellent way for y > 10. The thermodynamic limit−4/(3π) is also reported.

100 101 102 103 104

y = γN 2










G(y � 1)


FIG. 9. (Color online) Comparison of the numerical se-ries G(y) (43) (solid line) and its analytical expansion (44)(dashed line) holding for y � 1. The dot-dashed line repre-sents the thermodynamic value.

For large number of particles, the ground-state energyper particle (41) then takes the form:


N(γN2 � 1, γ � 1) ≈ 1


[1− 4

√γ − π



and, in the thermodynamic limit, reproduces Eq. (16).The condition y = γN2 � 1 is equivalent to requiringthat the healing length (37) be smaller than the size L ofthe system.


The ground-state energy contains three contributions:the leading term corresponds to the usual mean field en-ergy, the second contribution arises from the quantumfluctuations and is a one-dimensional analog of the Lee-Huang-Yang correction in 3D, while the last term ac-counts for finite-size effects and depends explicitly on theinteraction parameter γ.

Finite size corrections can be sizeable, as clearly shownby Fig. 10 where we report the energy per particle asa function of y for the thermodynamic limit (16) (dot-dashed line), the Bethe-ansatz (BA) calculation (circle),the Bogoliubov expression (41) (solid line) and the expan-sion (45) (dashed line). The figure reveals a general goodagreement between the BA and the Bogoliubov predic-tions (41), except for γ = 1, where Eq. (41), being basedon the Bogoliubov approach, is no longer adequate.

100 101 102 103 104

y = N 2γ











γ = 0.01

γ = 0.1

γ = 1 γ = 0.01

γ = 0.1

γ = 1

y � 1

1− 4√γ/(3π)


FIG. 10. (Color online) Comparison of the ground state en-ergy per particle, in BG units, as a function of y = γN2 in thethermodynamic limit of Bogoliubov theory (16) (dot-dashedline), the Bethe-ansatz (BA) calculation (circle), the Bogoli-ubov expression (41) (solid line) and the y � 1 expansion (45)(dashed line), for several values of the interaction parameterγ.

The chemical potential can be obtained by derivingEq. (40) with respect to N , at fixed L. One finds

µ =




= g1Dn

[1 +







ε(p)− 1


which can be rewritten as µ = g1Dn[1 +√γF (y)], where

y is provided by Eq. (42) and we have introduced theseries

F (y) =1√y



y + (niπ)2− 1





depending on the quantized momenta (38) and such thatthe zero-momentum term is accounted for once. TheEuler-Maclaurin expression, applied to the sum (47),yields

F (y � 1) ≈ − 1

π− π


holding in the y � 1 limit. In Fig. 11 we report the com-parison of the series (47) with its expansion (48) holdingfor y � 1. The two curves agree very well for y > 10.

100 101 102 103

y = γN 2







F (y)

F (y � 1)


FIG. 11. (Color online) Comparison of the numerical se-ries F (y) (47) (solid line) and its analytical expansion (48)(dashed line) holding for y � 1. The dot-dashed line repre-sents the thermodynamic value.

Using Eq. (48), one can finally write the following ex-pansion for the chemical potential

µ(γN2 � 1, γ � 1) ≈ g1Dn


π− π



(49)In Fig. 12 we report the results for the chemical po-

tential as a function of y (42) for the thermodynamiclimit (17) (dot-dashed line), the Bethe-ansatz calcula-tion (symbols) and the Bogoliubov expression (46) (solidline). The y � 1 expansion (49) practically coincideswith the full series (46). The square symbol correspondsto the “forward” definition µ+ = E0(N + 1) − E0(N)of the chemical potential, the star symbol to the “back-ward” expression µ− = E0(N) − E0(N − 1), while thecircles to the “symmetric” value µ = (µ+ +µ−)/2. Whilethe three definitions of the chemical potential coincide inthe thermodynamic limit N → ∞, they are different ina finite system [44]. In particular, the symmetric defi-nition µ well agrees with the calculation (46), based onthe differential definition µ = (∂E0/∂N)L, except for theγ = 1 case.

From Eq. (46), one can also calculate the sound ve-locity (4), corresponding to the density derivative of thechemical potential for a fixed value of L. The resultingexpression,

vs(γ) = vBGs (γ)

√√√√1− g1Dn







with vBGs (γ) the sound velocity defined in the Bogoli-

ubov regime, used in Fig. 1. The above expression canbe rewritten as vs(γ) = vBG

s (γ)√

1−√γH(y) where wehave defined the series

H(y) =





[y + (πni)2]3/2

, (51)


100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

y = N 2γ






µ/(g 1


)γ = 0.01

γ = 0.1

γ = 1γ = 0.01

γ = 0.1

γ = 1

1−√γ/πBA, µBA, µ+

BA, µ−

FIG. 12. (Color online) Comparison of the chemical potentialin BG units as a function of y = γN2 in the thermodynamiclimit (17) (dot-dashed line), the Bethe-ansatz (BA) calcula-tion (symbols) and the Bogoliubov expression (46) (solid line),for several values of the interaction parameter γ. For the BA:µ+ = E0(N + 1)−E0(N) (square), µ− = E0(N)−E0(N − 1)(star) and µ = (µ+ + µ−)/2 (circle).

after introducing the variable y (42) and the quantizedmomenta (38). As before, we apply the Euler-Maclaurinformula and we find the expansion

H(y � 1) ≈ 1

2π− π


holding in the y � 1 limit, yielding the asymptotic ex-pansion

vs(γN2 � 1, γ � 1) ≈ vBG

s (γ)





for the sound velocity.

B. Tonks–Girardeau regime at T = 0

According to Girardeau [16], the ground-state energyof the gas in the strongly-interacting limit is the same asthat of an ideal Fermi gas. The energy for a finite numberof particles N in a box with periodic boundary conditionsis obtained by summing the energy of the single-particlelevels in the box,


N(N) =



12 (N−1)∑ni=1





(1− 1




(54)In the thermodynamic limit, N = ∞, Eq. (54) resultsin ETG = π2~2n2/(6m). The “excluded volume” correc-tion should be present for a finite interaction strength,see the hard–sphere like expression, Eq. (22), and thediscussion below it. In order to incorporate the leadingfinite-size correction close to the Tonks-Girardeau regimewe replace L with L−Na1D in Eq. (54) resulting in the

following expression for the energy per particle


N(N, γ) =





(1− 1


)(1 +




. (55)

For large values of the interaction parameter γ one canreplace the factor (1 + 2/γ)

−2with (1− 4/γ). In Fig. 13

we report the energy per particle as a function of N forthe TG regime (54) (solid line), the hard-sphere (HS)like model (55) (dashed and dotted lines) and the Bethe-ansatz solution (symbols) for several values of γ. Weobserve a very good agreement between the BA solutionand the analytical hard-sphere (55) expression. For γ =1000 the BA results are indistinguishable from the TGlimit (54) and they are not reported in the figure. Thecomparison between Eq. (55) and Eq. (45) reveals thatfinite-size effects are less important in the TG regimesince in the weakly interacting Bogoliubov regime, thecorrection 1/(N2√γ) is amplified by the smallness of γ.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14N











HS, γ = 100

HS, γ = 10

BA, γ = 100

BA, γ = 10

FIG. 13. (Color online) Energy per particle in units of the TGgas energy ETG = π2~2n2/(6m) as a function of N . Bethe–ansatz (BA) results (symbols) with different values of the in-teraction parameter γ are compared with the TG gas (54)(solid line) and the hard–sphere (HS) model (55) (dashed anddotted lines).

For strong repulsion we obtain the finite-size correctionto the chemical potential

µ(N, |γ| � 1) =




≈ EF[1− 16

3γ− 1


(1− 8



and to the sound velocity (4):

vs(N, |γ| � 1) ≈ vF√

1− 8



3γN2. (57)

It is interesting to note that while the finite-size correc-tion to the energy (55) and the chemical potential (56)scales as 1/N2 with the number of particles, such a cor-rection is instead asymptotically vanishing in the soundvelocity (57).

In Fig. 14, we plot the chemical potential µ =(∂E0/∂N)|L with E0 given by Eq. (55) (solid line) asa function of N for different values of γ [46]. In the same


figure we plot also the values of µ+ and µ− which dif-fer from the symmetric value µ = (µ+ + µ−)/2 for smallvalues of N [44], similarly to the case of the weakly inter-acting Bose gas. Differently from the weakly interactingBG gas, the symmetric value µ however exhibits signifi-cant deviations with respect to the differential estimate(∂E0/∂N)|L, for small values of N .

100 101 102 103













γ = 100

γ = 10

γ = 100

γ = 101+ 2

(1+ 2γ )3

BA, µBA, µ+

BA, µ−

FIG. 14. (Color online) Chemical potential at T = 0 in Fermiunits as a function of the number of particles N in the TGregime (A5) for fixed values of γ (solid line). The dashed linescorrespond to the thermodynamic limit [1+2/(3γ)]/(1+2/γ)3

of the TG model (A6). The symbols correspond to the Bethe-ansatz (BA) calculation: µ+ = E0(N + 1)− E0(N) (square),µ− = E0(N)−E0(N−1) (star) and µ = (µ+ +µ−)/2 (circle).

C. Static inelastic structure factor

The ring geometry has a profound effect on the cor-relation functions. Here we analyze the inelastic staticstructure factor at zero temperature,

S(k) =1


[〈ρkρ−k〉 − |〈ρk〉|2


where ρk =∑Nj=1 e

−ikxj is the density operator in mo-mentum representation. The static structure factor givesinformation about two-body correlations and can be mea-sured in experiments by means of Bragg spectroscopy.

In the thermodynamic limit, the static structure fac-tor has a linear behavior at small momenta, S(k) =~|k|/(2mvs), with the slope determined by the soundvelocity vs. The ring geometry introduces both dis-cretization in the allowed momentum and a change inthe slope due to the finite-size correction to the soundvelocity. The latter effect is rather weak, especially in theTonks-Girardeau regime, but is important in the contextof the finite-size dependence of the Luttinger parameterKL(N).

The strongest effect comes from the discretization ofthe allowed momenta on a ring. For the standing wavevalues (38), the last term in Eq. (58), corresponding tothe square of the so-called elastic form factor, does notcontribute. Indeed, one finds |〈ρk〉|2/N = N |〈eikx〉|2 =

N [sin(kL/2)/(kL/2)]2, which exactly vanishes for k =ni.

0 2 4 6 8 10k/n










N = 2

N = 3

N = 4N = 5

N= 2

N= 3

N= 4

N= 5


FIG. 15. (Color online) Static structure factor at T = 0 in theTonks-Girardeau limit for different number of particles (solidlines). Values of momenta (38) ki = 2πni/L corresponding tostanding waves on a ring are shown with circles. The dashedline represents the phononic law S(k) = ~|k|/(2mvF ), whichcoincides with the static structure factor in the thermody-namic limit for |k| < 2πn in the TG regime.

Figure 15 reports the static structure factor in theTonks-Girardeau regime. When the probing momentumk is equal to a standing wave value (38) in the ring, thevalue of the static structure factor is exactly the same asin the thermodynamic limit. In this way, discrete S(ki)points form a linear phononic dependence. As the num-ber of particles is increased, the phononic behavior isbetter resolved. The absence of the change of the slopemeans that the finite-size corrections to the sound ve-locity are negligible in the Tonks-Girardeau regime, con-firming the predictions of Eq. (57).

When the probing momentum k is different from theallowed values in the ring, the value of S(k) dependsstrongly on the number of particles. Importantly, thesmall-momentum behavior is no longer linear but rathershows a quadratic dependence on k. This qualitativechange reflects the change in the structure of the exci-tation spectrum which becomes discrete. A quadraticdependence on the momentum, S(k) = ~2k2/(2m∆), istypical to gapped systems with ∆ being the value of thegap. In the discrete case it is not possible to create anexcitation with energy smaller than ∆ ∝ ~2/(mL2), re-sulting in a quadratic low-momentum dependence. Inthe thermodynamic limit ∆→ 0 and the phononic linearbehavior is restored.

In Fig. 16 we show the static structure factor for γ = 1,calculated using the diffusion Monte Carlo method. Simi-larly, the finite-size quadratic behavior at small momentais replaced by the linear phononic dependence in the ther-modynamic limit. Contrarily to the TG case, here thevalues at S(ki) depend on the number of particles, al-though the effect is weak (see, for example, the value atk = πn). In terms of the Luttinger parameter, which in


0 2 4 6 8 10k/n









N = 2

N = 3

N = 4

N = 5

N= 2

N= 3

N= 4

N= 5

FIG. 16. (Color online) Static structure factor at T = 0 andγ = 1 for different number of particles (solid lines). Values ofmomenta (38) ki = 2πni/L corresponding to standing waveson a ring are shown with circles.

the linear regime corresponds to KL = 2πnS(k)/k, thisresults in its finite-size dependence.

While for the TG regime, the linear dependence ex-tends up to k = 2πn, for weaker interactions the lin-ear regime shrinks (compare Figs. 15-16). Eventually forγ → 0 the linear regime becomes very small and phononictheory cannot provide a good description of the systemproperties. A similar effect was observed in Figs. 5-6 inthe applicability of the phononic theory in the limit ofweak interactions.


In this paper we have investigated the low tempera-ture properties of 1D Bose gases along the whole Bogoli-ubov (BG) — Tonks-Girardeau (TG) crossover. We haveshown that, at low temperature, the chemical potentialexhibits a typical T 2 behavior, which follows from theleading contribution to thermodynamics arising from thethermal excitation of phonons, similarly to what hap-pens in superfluids. The chemical potential is always adecreasing function of T at high temperature, thus theT 2 increase exhibited by the chemical potential at lowtemperature is responsible for a typical non-monotonicbehavior as a function of T . The coefficient of the T 2

law has been calculated using the Lieb-Liniger results forthe sound velocity and the resulting behavior has beensuccessfully compared with thermodynamic functions ob-tained from the Yang-Yang theory of 1D interacting Bosegases. We have also presented results for the tempera-ture dependence of the isothermal and adiabatic inversecompressibilities. In particular we have shown that theT 2 correction has opposite sign in the two cases.

In the second part of the paper we have focused onthe corrections to the thermodynamic functions causedby the finite size of the system. To this purpose, wehave considered the useful ring geometry and the map-

ping with the 1D problem where calculations are carriedout using periodic boundary conditions. Explicit resultshave been obtained in the weakly and strongly interactingregimes where, at zero temperature, the first correctionsto the thermodynamic limit, due to finite size effects, canbe calculated in analytic form, in excellent agreementwith the numerical results provided by the Bethe-ansatz.We have found that finite-size corrections are particu-larly important in the weakly interacting regime wherethe healing length can easily become comparable to thesize of the system.

Concerning future developments of the analysis car-ried out in this paper, it is worth mentioning the phys-ical understanding of higher-order corrections (beyondthe T 2-law caused by the real excitations of the phononicbranch) to the low-temperature thermodynamic behav-ior. In particular, it is important to understand thetemperature corrections arising due to non-symmetricspreading of the phononic branch (different beyond-linearbehavior of the lower and upper branches) as well as ef-fects originating from the non-linear behavior of the Bo-goliubov spectrum at large momenta. A further perspec-tive of research concerns the finite temperature thermo-dynamic behavior of 1D Bose gases containing a smallnumber of atoms and confined in a ring of finite size.

Appendix A: Euler-Maclaurin expansion for G(y)

In this Appendix, we show the detailed derivation ofthe expansion holding for y � 1 (44) for the series (43).

We use the Euler-Maclaurin expansion which allows toapproximate a series as follows [43]:


f(k) ≈∫ +∞




Bkk!f (k−1)(x)|+∞0 (A1)

where f(x) is a continuous function of real numbers x inthe interval [0,+∞]. For m = 2, one considers only thefirst terms in the sum, whose Bernoulli’s numbers are{

B1 = − 12

B2 = 16


and f (k)(x) are the k–derivatives of the function f(x).By defining the following function

f(x) = 2πx√y + (πx)2 − 2(πx)2 − y (A3)

entering the series (43), one estimates the integral∫ +∞


dxf(x) = −2y√y

3π, (A4)

which allows to calculate the thermodynamic limit ofthe ground-state energy per particle on a ring configu-ration (41), provided by Eq. (16).

By calculating the first derivative of the function (A3),and by using Eq. (A1) and Eq. (A2), one finally gets theexpansion (44) holding for large values of the y parame-ter.



G. De Rosi and S. Stringari would like to acknowledgefruitful and helpful discussions with L. P. Pitaevskii, C.Menotti, S. Giorgini, M. Di Liberto and G. Bertaina.This work has been supported by ERC through theQGBE grant, by the QUIC grant of the Horizon2020 FETprogram and by Provincia Autonoma di Trento (De Rosi& Stringari).

G. De Rosi acknowledges the hospitality of the Com-puter Simulation in Condensed Matter Research Group(SIMCON) of Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya inBarcelona, where this work was partially done.

G. E. Astrakharchik acknowledges partial financial

support from the MICINN (Spain) Grant No. FIS2014-56257-C2-1-P. The Barcelona Supercomputing Center(The Spanish National Supercomputing Center – Cen-tro Nacional de Supercomputacion) is acknowledged forthe provided computational facilities.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centrefor Supercomputing e.V. (www.gauss-centre.eu) for fund-ing this project by providing computing time on the GCSSupercomputer SuperMUC at Leibniz SupercomputingCentre (LRZ, www.lrz.de).

The authors would like to acknowledge also G. Lang,X.-W. Guan and the referees of this manuscript for use-ful comments and suggestions which have allowed someimprovements in the revised version of this work.

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[46] The explicit expression for the chemical potential is

µ(N, γ) =EF(

1 + 2γ

)3 [1 +2

3γ− 1


(1− 2



which, in the thermodynamic limit, gives

µ(γ) =EF(

1 + 2γ

)3 (1 +2


and for large values of the interaction parameter γ pro-vides Eq. (56).
