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Thermodynamics of Aminogl.–rRNA Recognition

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Thermodynamics of Aminoglycoside–rRNA Recognition Daniel S. Pilch 1,2 Malvika Kaul 1 Christopher M. Barbieri 1 John E. Kerrigan 2,3 1 Department of Pharmacology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey–Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 675 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-5635 2 The Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 3 Division of Academic Computing, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ 08854 Received 18 February 2003; accepted 18 February 2003 Abstract: 2-Deoxystreptamine (2-DOS) aminoglycosides are a family of structurally related broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used widely in the treatment of infections caused by aerobic Gram-negative bacilli. Their antibiotic activities are ascribed to their abilities to bind a highly conserved A site in the 16 S rRNA of the 30 S ribosomal subunit and interfere with protein synthesis. The abilities of the 2-DOS aminoglycosides to recognize a specific subdomain of a large RNA molecule make these compounds archetypical models for RNA-targeting drugs. This article presents a series of calorimetric, spectroscopic, osmotic stress, and computational studies designed to evaluate the thermodynamics (G, H, S, C p ) of aminoglycoside–rRNA interactions, as well as the hydration changes that accompany these interactions. In conjunction with the current structural database, the results of these studies provide important insights into the molecular forces that dictate and control the rRNA binding affinities and specificities of the aminoglycosides. Signifi- cantly, identification of these molecular driving forces [which include binding-linked drug proto- nation reactions, polyelectrolyte contributions from counterion release, conformational changes, hydration effects, and molecular interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interac- Correspondence to: Daniel S. Pilch; email: [email protected] Contract grant sponsor: American Cancer Society (ACS) and NIH Contract grant number: RSG-99-153-04-CDD (ACS) and RR15959-01 (NIH) Biopolymers, Vol. 70, 58 –79 (2003) © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 58
Page 1: Thermodynamics of Aminogl.–rRNA Recognition

Thermodynamics ofAminoglycoside–rRNARecognition

Daniel S. Pilch1,2

Malvika Kaul1

Christopher M. Barbieri1

John E. Kerrigan2,3

1 Department ofPharmacology,

University of Medicine andDentistry of New

Jersey–Robert Wood JohnsonMedical School,675 Hoes Lane,

Piscataway,NJ 08854-5635

2 The Cancer Institute ofNew Jersey,

New Brunswick,NJ 08901

3 Division of AcademicComputing,

University of Medicine andDentistry of New Jersey,

Piscataway,NJ 08854

Received 18 February 2003;accepted 18 February 2003

Abstract: 2-Deoxystreptamine (2-DOS) aminoglycosides are a family of structurally relatedbroad-spectrum antibiotics that are used widely in the treatment of infections caused by aerobicGram-negative bacilli. Their antibiotic activities are ascribed to their abilities to bind a highlyconserved A site in the 16 S rRNA of the 30 S ribosomal subunit and interfere with protein synthesis.The abilities of the 2-DOS aminoglycosides to recognize a specific subdomain of a large RNAmolecule make these compounds archetypical models for RNA-targeting drugs. This article presentsa series of calorimetric, spectroscopic, osmotic stress, and computational studies designed toevaluate the thermodynamics (�G, �H, �S, �Cp) of aminoglycoside–rRNA interactions, as well asthe hydration changes that accompany these interactions. In conjunction with the current structuraldatabase, the results of these studies provide important insights into the molecular forces thatdictate and control the rRNA binding affinities and specificities of the aminoglycosides. Signifi-cantly, identification of these molecular driving forces [which include binding-linked drug proto-nation reactions, polyelectrolyte contributions from counterion release, conformational changes,hydration effects, and molecular interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interac-

Correspondence to: Daniel S. Pilch; email: [email protected] grant sponsor: American Cancer Society (ACS) and

NIHContract grant number: RSG-99-153-04-CDD (ACS) and

RR15959-01 (NIH)Biopolymers, Vol. 70, 58–79 (2003)© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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tions)], as well as the relative magnitudes of their contributions to the binding free energy, couldnot be achieved by consideration of structural data alone, highlighting the importance of acquiringboth thermodynamic and structural information for developing a complete understanding of thedrug–RNA binding process. The results presented here begin to establish a database that can beused to predict, over a range of conditions, the relative affinity of a given aminoglycoside oraminoglycoside mimetic for a targeted RNA site vs binding to potential competing secondary sites.This type of predictive capability is essential for establishment of a rational design approach to thedevelopment of new RNA-targeted drugs. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 70: 58–79,2003

Keywords: drug–RNA interactions; calorimetry; major groove binders; binding-induced drugprotonation; heat capacity; molecular dynamics; osmotic stress; hydration; free energy; polyelec-trolyte effect


RNA is a versatile molecule that, like proteins, iscapable of folding into a broad range of differentstructures and conformations, which can serve as spe-cific recognition elements for small molecules. Thetargeting of small molecules to specific RNA struc-tures and sequences offers the potential for modulat-ing the biological activities of the host RNA mole-cules, and in turn, the development of effective phar-maceutical agents. Realizing this potential requires anintimate understanding of small molecule–RNA bind-ing interactions. Such information is critical not onlyfor defining mechanism of action, but also for thedevelopment of a rational approach to the design ofnew compounds that exhibit desired activities. Smallmolecule–RNA interactions are also of interest from amore fundamental point of view in that they offer awell-defined model system for defining the factorsthat are important in the selective recognition ofRNA. Numerous cellular and viral biochemical pro-cesses that are critical for replication and gene expres-sion involve specific protein–RNA interactions. Thus,there is considerable interest in understanding thegeneral principles that contribute to selective RNArecognition. Thermodynamic studies of small mol-ecule–RNA interactions can provide insight into themolecular forces that dictate and control RNA bindingaffinity and specificity.

The high-resolution structural database of drug–RNA complexes has grown considerably in recentyears, due, in part, to advances in NMR and crystal-lographic methodologies as well as in both enzymaticand chemical synthesis of RNA. The structures ofmore than 40 drug–RNA complexes have now beendeposited in the Nucleic Acid Data Base and ProteinData Bank.1,2 This wealth of structural data has pro-vided enormous insight into the molecular basis ofobserved binding specificities. One of the features toemerge from the structural database is that many

small molecule–RNA interactions are accompaniedby conformational changes,3–16 a feature that compli-cates attempts to correlate structure with binding af-finity. The contributions of hydration effects to bind-ing affinity and specificity are also difficult to ascer-tain from structural information alone. Whileextremely valuable, high-resolution structural infor-mation does not provide a complete understanding ofthe small molecule–RNA interaction. Such an under-standing also requires detailed kinetic and thermody-namic information about the complexes. In this con-nection, recent attempts at structure-based drug de-sign have met with only modest success, due, in largepart, to a poor understanding of the thermodynamicforces governing the binding process. Using amino-glycoside antibiotics as models, one of the goals ofthis article is to illustrate how thermodynamic andstructural information can be integrated to provide amore complete understanding of the molecular driv-ing forces for drug–RNA complex formation.

The aminoglycosides are a structurally relatedgroup of broad-spectrum antibiotics that are usedwidely in the treatment of infections caused by aero-bic Gram-negative bacilli.17 They have predictablepharmacokinetic properties and often act in synergywith other antibiotics, two appealing characteristicsthat bolster their clinical value.17,18 The aminoglyco-sides target a highly conserved sequence in the 16 SrRNA of the 30 S ribosomal subunit in pro-karyotes.19,20 This conserved RNA sequence formsthe site, termed the A site, at which the interactionbetween the anticodon of the aminoacyl–tRNA andthe mRNA codon occurs.21 The antibiotic activities ofthe aminoglycosides are attributed to their abilities tointerfere with this crucial step in the translation pro-cess.20 The deleterious impact of aminoglycosides onprotein synthesis includes both a reduction in transla-tional fidelity as well as inhibition of the translocationstep.20,22,23 The abilities of the aminoglycosides torecognize a specific subdomain of a large RNA mol-

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ecule make these compounds archetypical models forRNA-targeting drugs. In this connection, the amino-glycosides represent the paradigm for drug–ribosomeinteractions, and information gleaned from their studyhas relevance to other ribosome-directed antibiotics ofacute clinical importance.

Aminoglycosides derive their name from theirstructures, which consist of amino sugars and cycli-tols that are linked glycosidically. Reported pKa val-ues for aminoglycoside amino groups range fromapproximately 5.7 to 9.5.24–28 Thus, aminoglycosidesexist as oligocations at physiologically relevant valuesof pH. All of the clinically useful aminoglycosidescontain a highly substituted aminocyclitol as either acentral or terminal ring. This ring is streptidinein streptomycin, while being 2-deoxystreptamine(2-DOS) in the other aminoglycosides. There are twomajor classes of 2-DOS aminoglycosides, the 4,5-disubstituted 2-DOS class, which includes neomycinB, paromomycin I, lividomycin A, and ribostamycin(see structures in Figure 1), and the 4,6-disubstituted

2-DOS class, which includes tobramycin, kanamycinsA and B, amikacin, and the gentamicins.

The central potion of the 16 S rRNA A site con-tains an asymmetric internal loop formed by nucleo-tides A1408, A1492, and A1493 (see Figure 2). Foot-printing studies have indicated that this region of 16 SrRNA is essentially free of contacts with ribosomalproteins,29 an observation later confirmed by the re-cently reported crystal structure of the 30 S ribosomalsubunit of Thermus thermophilus.30,31 In the aggre-gate, these results suggested that appropriately de-signed RNA oligonucleotides might be able to reca-pitulate the local structure and/or conformation thatexists in the decoding region A site within the ribo-some. The Puglisi group took such a reductionistapproach by designing a 27-mer hairpin oligonucleo-tide (whose sequence and secondary structure areshown in Figure 2) intended to mimic the decodingregion A site of Escherichia coli 16 S rRNA.9,32

Significantly, they demonstrated that the pattern ofaminoglycoside-induced protection of the RNA bases

FIGURE 1 Structures of paromomycin I, neomycin B, lividomycin A, and ribostamycin in theirfully protonated cationic states, with the atomic and ring numbering systems denoted in Arabic andRoman numerals, respectively. In each of the drugs depicted, ring I is 2-DOS.

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from methylation by dimethylsulfate (DMS) was vir-tually identical in the oligonucleotide construct as itwas in the 30 S ribosomal subunit.9,32

To date, only a handful of structural studies prob-ing the interactions of aminoglycosides with rRNAsequences have been reported.9,11,14–16,33 In the firstset of these studies, Puglisi and co-workers usedNMR techniques to determine the solution structureof the 27-mer A site model oligonucleotide shown inFigure 2, as well as those of its complexes withparomomycin I9 and gentamicin C1a.33 These studiesrevealed the first insights into some of the key mo-lecular interactions that underlie the specificities ofrepresentative members of both the 4,5- and 4,6-disubstituted 2-DOS classes of aminoglycosides forthe rRNA A site. Some of the key structural featuresto emerge from these studies are summarized as fol-lows: (a) Both drugs bind in the major groove of theRNA at the site of the internal loop formed by A1408,A1492, and A1493 (Figure 2). (b) Both drugs inducea similar conformational change in the RNA, whichincludes a displacement of A1492 and A1493 towardsthe minor groove by approximately 3 and 4 Å, respec-tively. (c) The drugs bind in a pocket created, in part,by the displacement of A1492 and A1493 where they

form an array of hydrogen-bonding, van der Waals,and electrostatic contacts with the host RNA.

Subsequent to the NMR studies noted above, Ra-makrishnan and co-workers reported a crystal struc-ture at 3.0 Å resolution of the 30 S ribosomal subunitof T. thermophilus in complex with paromomycin I.30

Significantly, this structure revealed the same basicfeatures as described above for the complex betweenparomomycin I and the A site model oligonucleotide,with the exception that the extents to which A1492and 1493 were displaced toward the minor groovewere greater in the crystal structure. The similaritiesbetween the structures of the 30 S ribosomal subunitand the A site model oligonucleotide in complex withparomomycin I underscore the usefulness and validityof the oligonucleotide model system. Westhof andco-workers have recently reported the crystal struc-tures of A-site model oligonucleotides in complexwith paromomycin I and tobramycin.14,16 These struc-tures emulate the global features revealed by the crys-tal structure of the paromomycin I complex with the30 S ribosomal subunit, but also reveal additionaldrug–RNA contacts by virtue of their superior reso-lution (�2.5 Å). One of the more significant contri-butions of these latter crystal structures was the indi-cation of the specific participation of water moleculesin aminoglycoside–rRNA recognition.14,16

The studies reported here are intended to providethermodynamic information that can be integratedwith the structural picture described above to enhanceour understanding of the molecular forces that con-tribute to the rRNA binding affinities and specificitiesof the aminoglycosides. Such an understanding isrequired to establish a database that can be used topredict, over a range of conditions, the relative affinityof a given aminoglycoside or aminoglycoside mimeticfor the targeted RNA site vs binding to potentialcompeting secondary sites (e.g., other looped or non-looped duplex RNA regions). This type of predictivecapability, in turn, facilitates the rational design ap-proach to the development of new RNA-targeteddrugs.


One of the hallmarks of aminoglycoside–RNA inter-actions is the pH dependence of the RNA bindingproperties.28,34,35 In this connection, we have shownthat pH modulates the extent to which aminoglyco-sides thermally stabilize the host RNA (�Tm) as wellas the observed binding energetics.28,35 Specifically,

FIGURE 2 Secondary structure of the 27-mer A sitemodel RNA oligonucleotide, as derived by NMR.9 Watson–Crick base pairs are denoted by solid lines, while nonca-nonical base pairs are denoted by dashed lines. Basespresent in E. coli 16 S rRNA are depicted in bold face, andare numbered as they are in 16 S rRNA. The aminoglyco-side binding site, as revealed by NMR and footprintingstudies,9,32,76 is as indicated.

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increasing pH results in a concomitant decrease in�Tm and observed binding free energy (�Gobs). Inaddition, the observed binding enthalpy (�Hobs) be-comes more exothermic (favorable), while the ob-served entropic contribution to binding (T�Sobs) be-comes less favorable.35 Thus, the pH-induced reduc-tion in �Gobs is entirely entropic in origin.

At pH 5.5, Aminoglycoside–rRNAComplexation is Independent ofProtonation or Deprotonation Effects

We have recently reported the pKa values of theamino groups in paromomycin I, neomycin B, andlividomycin A sulfate, as determined by 15N-NMR.28

Hereafter, we will refer to these three drugs as paro-momycin, neomycin, and lividomycin, respectively.Note that the pKa values we have determined rangefrom 6.92 to 9.51.28 Thus, at pH 5.5, all three drugsare essentially fully protonated. At this pH value, weprobed for coupled protonation or deprotonation re-actions to the complexation of the three drugs with theA site model RNA oligonucleotide shown in Figure 2using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in thepresence of two different buffers (cacodylate and2-[N-morpholino]ethanesulfonic acid, or MES) thatexhibit differing heats of ionization (�0.47 and�3.71 kcal/mol, respectively). If RNA complexationwere linked to the uptake or release of protons, thenthe observed binding enthalpies (�Hobs) would differin the two buffers. Figure 3 shows representative ITCprofiles resulting from the injection of paromomycininto a solution of A site RNA oligonucleotide incacodylate (A) and MES (B) buffers. Each of the heatburst curves in Figures 3A and B corresponds to asingle drug injection. The areas under these heat burstcurves were determined by integration to yield theassociated injection heats. These injection heats werecorrected by subtraction of the corresponding dilutionheats derived from the injection of identical amountsof drug into buffer alone. Figures 3C and D show theresulting corrected injection heats plotted as a func-tion of the [drug]/[duplex] ratio. The binding param-eters that emerged from the fits of these ITC profilesare summarized in Table I. Note that the values of�Hobs are essentially identical in the two buffers(�2.8 � 0.1 kcal/mol in cacodylate buffer and �2.9� 0.1 kcal/mol in MES buffer), an observation indic-ative of an absence of binding-linked protonationeffects at pH 5.5. Likewise, the association constants(Ka) determined in the two buffers are also similar[(3.7 � 0.7) � 107M�1 in cacodylate buffer and (3.8� 1.3) � 107M�1 in MES buffer]. Thus, the RNAbinding profiles of paromomycin sulfate acquired at

pH 5.5 and summarized in Table I reflect bindingparameters (e.g., �H and Ka) that are intrinsic to thedrug–RNA interaction and do not include contribu-tions from protonation or deprotonation effects. Neo-mycin and lividomycin sulfate exhibited a similarbinding behavior at pH 5.5, with their values of �Hobs

being �4.2 and �5.7 kcal/mol, respectively.

At pH Values >5.5,Aminoglycoside–rRNA Complexation isCoupled to Drug Protonation

Recall that the pKa values of the amino groups inparomomycin, neomycin, and lividomycin sulfaterange from 6.92 to 9.51. Thus, increasing pH valuesabove 5.5 will reduce the extent to which the aminogroups on these drugs are protonated. The protonationof NH2 groups, such as the 2-NH2 group on D-glu-cosamine and the �-amino groups of amino acids, areknown exothermic reactions. Such protonation events,while being enthalpically favorable, are entropicallycostly. Hence, it is likely that the pH dependence of�Hobs and T�Sobs noted above reflects binding-in-duced protonation of one or more drug NH2 groups. Inthis connection, we sought to determine whether thepH dependence of the observed aminoglycoside–RNA binding properties described above reflects alinkage between drug binding and the release or up-take of protons. We conducted ITC experiments overa range of pH values using buffers that differ withrespect to their heats of ionization (�Hion). Thus, ifthe pH dependence of �Hobs reflects binding-induceduptake or release of protons, then its value at a givenpH should vary with the �Hion value of the buffer.Furthermore, the number of protons linked to bindingat a specific pH (�n), as well as the intrinsic bindingenthalpy (�Hint), a value that differs from �Hobs inthat it excludes enthalpic contributions from ioniza-tion of the buffer, can be determined by simultaneoussolution of the following two equations36:

�Hobs1 � �Hint � �Hion1�n (1a)

�Hobs2 � �Hint � �Hion2�n (1b)

In these equations, the numerical subscripts refer tothe different buffers. A positive value of �n is indic-ative of a net uptake of protons, while a negativevalue of �n is indicative of a net release of protons.

Figure 4 shows representative ITC profiles result-ing from the injection of paromomycin sulfate into asolution of A site RNA oligonucleotide in bicine (Aand C) and N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-3-amin-

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opropane sulfonic acid, or TAPS (B and D) buffers atpH 9.0. A comparison of panels A and C with panelsB and D reveals that the magnitude of the exothermicsignal is substantially greater in bicine (�Hion

� �6.47 kcal/mol) than in TAPS (�Hion � �9.92kcal/mol). This observation is indicative of binding-linked proton uptake and is therefore consistent withbinding-linked drug protonation.

Table II summarizes the observed enthalpies(�Hobs) derived from the ITC experiments shown inFigure 4, as well from corresponding experimentswith neomycin and lividomycin sulfate conducted atpH 9.0 and 8.8, respectively. In addition, Table II alsoincludes the values of �Hint and �n, as calculated bysolution of Eqs. (1a) and (1b). Inspection of these data

reveals �n values of 3.25 and 3.80 for paromomycinand neomycin sulfate at pH 9.0 and 3.25 for livido-mycin sulfate at pH 8.8. Note that these values of �nreflect contributions from all the drug amino groupswhose protonation is linked to RNA complexation. Infact, the number of drug amino groups involved inRNA binding-linked proton uptake reactions at agiven pH (the identities of which are defined below)can exceed the magnitude of the observed �n at thatpH.

A comparison of the �n values listed in Table IIwith the protonation states of the drugs predicted byour NMR-derived pKa values allows us to identify thespecific drug amino groups whose protonation islinked to complexation with the host RNA. These

FIGURE 3 ITC profiles at 25°C for the titration of paromomycin sulfate into a solution of the Asite RNA oligonucleotide at pH 5.5 in cacodylate (A, C) and MES (B, D) buffer. Each heat burstcurve in panels A and B is the result of a 10 �L injection of 250 �M drug. The RNA concentrationwas 10 �M in strand, with each experimental solution containing 10 mM buffer, 0.1 mM EDTA, andsufficient NaCl to bring the total Na� concentration to 150 mM. The corrected injection heats shownin panels C and D were derived by integration of the corresponding heat burst curves shown inpanels A and B, followed by subtraction of the corresponding dilution heats derived from controltitrations of drug into buffer alone. The data points in panels C and D reflect the correctedexperimental injection heats, while the solid lines reflect the calculated fits of the data. Data weretaken from Kaul et al.28

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determinations reveal that the binding of lividomycinto the host RNA is coupled to the protonation of allfive of its amino groups, with the RNA binding ofparomomycin and neomycin being linked to the pro-tonation of four and at least five amino groups, re-spectively. For paromomycin, the protonation reac-tions involve the 1-, 3-, 2�-, and 2-amino groups,while, for neomycin, the binding-linked protonationreactions involve at least the 1-, 3-, 2�-, 6�-, and2-amino groups. In other words, these amino groupsmust be in their fully protonated NH3

� states when thedrugs are bound to the host RNA. Note that thisrequirement is not evident in the previously reportedNMR-derived and crystal structures of paromomycinin complex with various A site model RNA oli-gomers. Significantly, in these structures, the drugamino groups are in their deprotonated NH2 states.Our results clearly identify drug protonation reactionsas important thermodynamic participants in the spe-cific binding of 2-DOS aminoglycosides to the A siteof 16 S rRNA.

Estimation of the Average Heat ofProtonation of Aminoglycoside AminoGroups

Inspection of the data in Table II reveals �Hint valuesof �37.8, �43.8, and �39.7 kcal/mol for the RNAbinding of paromomycin, neomycin, and lividomycin,respectively. Although these �Hint values are inde-pendent of buffer ionization effects, they include con-tributions from both intrinsic drug–RNA interactionsas well as binding-linked protonation reactions. Re-call that the RNA binding of the three drugs at pH 5.5

is independent of drug protonation effects. In otherwords, the observed binding enthalpies (�Hobs) of thedrugs at pH 5.5 do not include contributions frombinding-linked protonation reactions. Thus, the en-thalpic contributions from such protonation reactions(�Hp-cont) to the values of �Hint listed in Table II canbe determined from the difference between the valuesof �Hobs at pH 5.5 and the corresponding values of�Hint at the higher pH value. These calculations yield�Hp-cont values of �34.9, �39.6, and �34.0 kcal/molfor the binding of paromomycin (at pH 9.0), neomy-cin (at pH 9.0), and lividomycin (at pH 8.8), respec-tively. These values of �Hp-cont allow one to deter-mine the average heats of protonation (�Hprot) of thedrug amino groups whose protonation is linked toRNA complexation using the following relationship:

�Hprot ��Hp�cont


Solution of Eq. (2) yields �Hprot values of �10.7,�10.4, and �10.5 kcal/mol for paromomycin, neo-mycin, and lividomycin, respectively. These protona-tion heats are in excellent agreement with those pre-viously reported37 for the �-amino groups of aminoacids, whose heats of protonation typically range from�9.2 to �10.9 kcal/mol, as well as for 2-amino- and3-aminoglucose, whose heats of protonation are�10.2 and �10.1 kcal/mol, respectively.


Free Energy, Enthalpy, and Entropy ofComplex Formation

We used ITC to characterize the binding of neomycin,paromomycin, lividomycin, and ribostamycin to the Asite model oligonucleotide at pH 5.5 and a Na� con-centration of 150 mM. By conducting such compara-tive studies at pH 5.5 (a pH at which the drugs arefully protonated), one can determine the impact ofspecific alterations in drug structure on the thermody-namics of RNA binding, in the absence of contribu-tions from drug protonation effects. The thermody-namic binding profiles that resulted from our ITCstudies are summarized in Table III. Inspection of thedata in Table III reveals several significant features.Note that the potential role of hydration effects in thethermodynamics of aminoglycoside–RNA complex-ation is not included in our discussion of these fea-

Table I ITC-Derived Binding Profiles at pH 5.5 forthe Complexation of Paromomycin Sulfate with the ASite Model RNA Oligonucleotide at 25°C and a Na�

Concentration of 150 mMa





(kcal/mol) Nb

Cacodylate (3.7 � 0.7) � 107 �2.8 � 0.1 0.9 � 0.1MES (3.8 � 1.3) � 107 �2.9 � 0.1 1.0 � 0.1

aBuffer solutions contained either 10 mM sodium cacodylate or10 mM MES, 0.1 mM EDTA, and sufficient NaCl to bring the totalNa� concentration to 150 mM.

bValues for the association constant (Ka), the observed bindingenthalpy (�Hobs), and the binding stoichiometry (N) are derivedfrom fits of the ITC profiles shown in Figure 3, with the indicateduncertainties reflecting the standard deviations of the experimentaldata from the fitted curves (depicted as solid lines in Figures 3C andD). Data are taken from Kaul et al.28

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tures, as it will be discussed separately in a latersection.

Neomycin vs Paromomycin: 6�-NH3� vs 6�-OH.

Neomycin binds to the host RNA with a 1.2 kcal/molhigher affinity (7-fold in Ka) than paromomycin, anenhanced affinity similar in magnitude to those re-cently reported based on computational38 and surfaceplasmon resonance studies.39,40 This enhanced bind-ing affinity of neomycin relative to that of paromo-mycin is the result of a more favorable (exothermic)binding enthalpy, with the entropic contributions tothe RNA binding of both drugs being essentiallyidentical. Recall that neomycin and paromomycin dif-

fer with respect to the substituent at the 6� position,with this functionality being a hydroxyl group inparomomycin and an amino group in neomycin (seeFigure 1). Thus, the presence of a 6�-amino vs a6�-hydroxyl group results in an enthalpically drivenenhancement in affinity. The molecular basis for thisenthalpy-driven enhanced affinity may reflect contri-butions from a number of different potential sources,including differential hydrogen bonding and van derWaals interactions (which are typically manifestedenthalpically). To evaluate this possibility, we con-ducted a series of computational studies using theNMR-derived structure of paromomycin in complexwith the A-site model oligomer as a starting point.

FIGURE 4 ITC profiles at 25°C for the titration of paromomycin sulfate into a solution of the Asite RNA oligonucleotide at pH 9.0 in bicine (A, C) and TAPS (B, D) buffer. Each heat burst curvein panels A and B is the result of a 5 �L injection of 250 �M drug. The RNA concentration was10 �M in strand, with each experimental solution containing 10 mM buffer, 0.1 mM EDTA, andsufficient NaCl to bring the total Na� concentration to 11 mM. The corrected injection heats shownin panels C and D were derived by integration of the corresponding heat burst curves shown inpanels A and B, followed by subtraction of the corresponding dilution heats derived from controltitrations of drug into buffer alone. The data points in panels C and D reflect the correctedexperimental injection heats, while the solid lines reflect the calculated fits of the data. Data weretaken from Kaul et al.28

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Specifically, we converted the amino groups of theparomomycin molecule in this complex to their pro-tonated NH3

� states and then conducted a 1 ns molec-ular dynamics simulation on the resulting drug–RNAcomplex in which aqueous solvent was incorporatedexplicitly. In addition, we conducted a similar molec-ular dynamics simulation on the corresponding neo-mycin–RNA complex, following conversion the6�-OH group of paromomycin to a NH3

� group. Thelowest energy conformations of the paromomycin–RNA and neomycin–RNA complexes to emerge fromthese molecular dynamics simulations are shown inFigures 5 and 6, respectively. Note that neomycinforms three more direct hydrogen-bonding contactswith the host RNA than paromomycin (11 vs 8).

These three additional hydrogen bonds may account,at least in part, for the enhanced affinity of neomycinfor the RNA relative to paromomycin.

Neomycin vs Ribostamycin: Presence vs Absence ofRing IV. Neomycin binds to the host RNA with a 3.8kcal/mol higher affinity (619-fold in Ka) than ribostamy-cin. Recall that ribostamycin differs from neomycin inthat it lacks ring IV (see Figure 1). Thus, the presence ofring IV contributes substantially to affinity for the A site.Note that the enhanced affinity of neomycin for the Asite relative to ribostamycin is 50% enthalpic and 50%entropic in origin. The reduced binding enthalpy ofribostamycin relative to neomycin may reflect dimin-ished contacts with the host RNA by virtue of the ab-

Table II Number of Protons Linked to the Binding of Paromomycin, Neomycin, and Lividomycin Sulfate to the ASite Model RNA Oligonucleotide at pH 8.8 or 9.0 and a Na� Concentration of 11 mMa

Buffer(10 mM) pH







(per drug)

Paromomycin sulfateBicine 9.0 �6.47 �16.8 � 0.1 �37.8 � 0.5 3.25 � 0.06TAPS 9.0 �9.92 �5.6 � 0.1 �37.8 � 0.5 3.25 � 0.06

Neomycin sulfateBicine 9.0 �6.47 �19.2 � 0.1 �43.8 � 0.5 3.80 � 0.06TAPS 9.0 �9.92 �6.1 � 0.1 �43.8 � 0.5 3.80 � 0.06

Lividomycin sulfateBicine 8.8 �6.47 �18.7 � 0.1 �39.7 � 0.5 3.25 � 0.06TAPS 8.8 �9.92 �7.5 � 0.1 �39.7 � 0.5 3.25 � 0.06

aBuffer solutions contained either 10 mM bicine or 10 mM TAPS, 0.1 mM EDTA, and sufficient NaCl to bring the total Na� concentrationto 11 mM. Data were taken from Kaul et al.28

bIonization heats (�Hion) at 25°C for the indicated buffers were taken from Fukada et al.75 and Fukada and Takahashi (1987, unpublishedresults).

cThe number of binding-linked protons (�n) and intrinsic binding enthalpies (�Hint) at 25°C were calculated using Eqs. (1a) and (1b), aswell as the corresponding experimentally observed binding enthalpies (�Hobs).

Table III Thermodynamic Profiles at pH 5.5 for the Binding of 4,5-Disubstituted 2-DOS Aminoglycosides to the ASite Model RNA Oligonucleotide at 25°C and a Na� Concentration of 150 mMa



(kcal/mol)�G @ 25°Cc

(kcal/mol)Ka @ 25°Cb


Paromomycin �2.9 � 0.1 �7.4 � 0.2 �10.3 � 0.1 (3.7 � 0.7) � 107

Neomycin �4.2 � 0.1 �7.3 � 0.2 �11.5 � 0.1 (2.6 � 0.7) � 108

Lividomycin �5.7 � 0.1 �4.8 � 0.2 �10.5 � 0.1 (5.1 � 1.3) � 107

Ribostamycin �2.3 � 0.2 �5.4 � 0.4 �7.7 � 0.2 (4.2 � 2.1) � 105

aBuffer solutions contained 10 mM sodium cacodylate, 0.1 mM EDTA, and sufficient NaCl to bring the total Na� concentration to 150mM.

bValues of �H were derived from fits of ITC data, with the indicated uncertainties reflecting the standard deviations of the experimentaldata from the fitted curves. Values of Ka for paromomycin, lividomycin, and ribostamycin were also derived from fits of the correspondingITC profiles, while the Ka for neomycin was derived using the �Tm-based approach described in the text.

cValues of T�S were determined using the standard relationship T�S � �H � �G, while the values of �G were determined using thestandard relationship �G � �RTlnK.

66 Pilch et al.

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sence of ring IV. In this regard, our computational stud-ies discussed above reveal that ring IV of neomycinforms three direct and four water-mediated hydrogenbonding contacts with the target RNA (see Figure 6).Such contacts would be absent in the ribostamycin–RNA complex. The reduced binding entropy of ribosta-

mycin relative to neomycin may reflect, at least in part,a diminished extent of binding-induced counterion re-lease. Recall that our buffer-dependent ITC studies re-veal that the 2-amino group on ring IV of neomycinmust be protonated (charged) when the drug is bound tothe target RNA. Furthermore, the computational studies

FIGURE 5 (A) Stereo view looking into the major groove of the fully protonated form ofparomomycin in complex with the A site model RNA oligonucleotide. This structure represents thelowest energy conformation to emerge from computational studies conducted as described previ-ously.28 The drug is depicted in tan, while the RNA is depicted in green. The amino and hydroxylgroups of the drug that form direct hydrogen bonds with the host RNA are depicted as balls andsticks in standard CPK colors (nitrogen in blue, oxygen in red, and hydrogen in white). Thehydrogen bonds are depicted as dotted yellow lines. The hydrogen bond accepting groups on theRNA (the phosphate groups of U1490, G1491, A1492, and A1493; the 4-carbonyl group of U1495;and the O5� atom of U1406) are depicted as balls and sticks in standard CPK colors (phosphorus inorange). (B) Schematic representation of the direct and water (W)-mediated hydrogen bondsbetween the drug and the host RNA. In this representation, the color scheme for the drug atoms isas follows: Oxygen in red, nitrogen in blue, carbon in gray, and hydrogen in white.

Aminoglycoside–rRNA Recognition 67

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discussed above reveal that this charged amino groupmakes electrostatic contact with the phosphate group ofU1406. Such electrostatic contacts are typically associ-ated with favorable entropies, since they are accompa-nied by counterion release. Any counterion release in-duced by the electrostatic interaction between the 2-amino group of neomycin and the phosphate group of

U1406 would not occur in the RNA complex withribostamycin, which lacks ring IV.

Paromomycin vs Lividomycin: Presence vs Absenceof Ring V (a Mannopyranose Ring) and a 3�-OHFunctionality. Lividomycin binds to the target RNAwith a 2.8 kcal/mol more favorable enthalpy than

FIGURE 6 (A) Stereo view looking into the major groove of the fully protonated form ofneomycin in complex with the A site model RNA oligonucleotide. This structure represents thelowest energy conformation to emerge from computational studies conducted as described previ-ously.28 The 6�-NH3

� group of the drug, which differs from the 6�-OH group present in paromo-mycin, is highlighted with a green label. In this complex, the hydrogen bond accepting groups onthe RNA are as follows: The phosphate groups of U1406, C1407, G1489, G1491, and A1492, the4-carbonyl group of U1495, the N7 atoms of G1491, A1492, and A1493, and the O5� atom ofA1492. (B) Schematic representation of the direct and water (W)-mediated hydrogen bonds betweenthe drug and the host RNA. The color scheme for the drug is the same as described in the legendto Figure 5B.

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paromomycin. However, this gain in binding enthalpyis almost completely offset by a corresponding loss of2.6 kcal/mol in the entropic contribution to binding,thereby yielding virtually identical binding free ener-gies and constants for the two drugs (the differencesbeing within the experimental uncertainty). In otherwords, the thermodynamic driving forces that dictatethe similar binding affinities of the two drugs differmarkedly, with the binding of paromomycin beingprimarily (72%) entropy driven and the binding oflividomycin being more (54%) enthalpy driven. Re-call that the structures of lividomycin and paromomy-cin differ in two ways (see Figure 1): (a) Paromomy-cin contains a 3�-OH group, which lividomycin lacks.(b) Lividomycin has a mannopyranose moiety (a fifthring) tethered to the 4 position in place of the 4-OHgroup that is present in paromomycin. Molecular dy-namics studies on the paromomycin–RNA and livido-mycin–RNA complexes reveal that the 3�-OH groupof paromomycin makes hydrogen bonding contactwith the O2 atom of the A1492 phosphate group (seeFigure 5), while all four hydroxyl groups of the man-nopyranose ring (ring V) of lividomycin form directand/or water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the targetRNA (not shown). It is likely that the enhanced bind-ing enthalpy of lividomycin relative to paromomycinreflects, at least in part, the latter contacts involvingring V of lividomycin, which more than compensatethe loss of the contact involving the 3�-OH group ofparomomycin. The potential molecular origins of thereduced binding entropy of lividomycin relative toparomomycin are more difficult to address. Two ob-vious potential explanations are reduced extents coun-terion and water release upon the binding of livido-mycin relative to paromomycin. However, our salt-dependent and osmolyte-dependent binding studiesdiscussed in later sections indicate that paromomycinand lividomycin do not differ significantly with re-spect to these two binding behaviors. An alternativeexplanation for the reduced binding entropy of livido-mycin relative to paromomycin may be that the twodrug–RNA complexes have differential configura-tional entropies.

Heat Capacity Change Associated withComplex Formation

The heat capacity change (�Cp) associated with anaminoglycoside–RNA interaction can be determinedfrom the temperature dependence of the observedbinding enthalpy using the standard relationship:

�Cp ���Hobs


In this connection, we conducted additional ITC ex-periments to those described in the previous section,which were all conducted at 25°C, at two other tem-peratures, 35 and 45°C. Figure 7 shows representativeITC profiles for the RNA binding of paromomycin at25°C (A), 35°C (B), and 45°C (C). Note that theobserved binding enthalpy becomes increasingly exo-thermic with increasing temperature. Table IV sum-marizes the �Hobs values derived from the ITC pro-files shown in Figure 7, as well as from correspondingITC studies with neomycin and lividomycin. Inspec-tion of the data in Table IV reveals that, like paromo-mycin, the observed binding enthalpies of neomycinand lividomycin also become increasingly exothermicwith increasing temperature. Figure 8 graphically por-trays the data in Table IV in the form of �Hobs vstemperature plots. The data points in these plots werefit by linear regression, with the slopes of the resultinglines yielding estimates of �Cp for the RNA bindingof the three drugs. This analysis yielded �Cp values of�210, �290, and �180 cal/mol � K for the binding ofparomomycin, neomycin, and lividomycin, respec-tively (Table IV). The magnitude and sign of these�Cp values fall within the range of �100 to �550cal/mol � K that is typically observed for both ligand–nucleic acid as well as ligand–protein interac-tions.41–45

Reductions in solvent accessible surface arethought to have an impact on the value of �Cp, withthe burial of nonpolar surfaces causing �Cp values tobe more negative and the burial of polar surfacescausing �Cp values to be more positive.42,44–47 Thus,it is tempting to ascribe the negative �Cp values weobserve accompanying aminoglycoside–RNA com-plexation to binding-induced reductions in nonpolarsolvent accessible surface. However, our osmoticstress studies described in a later section reveal littleor no net change in hydration upon aminoglycoside–RNA complexation, an observation consistent withcomplex formation being accompanied by little or nonet change in solvent-accessible surface. Hence, it isunlikely that our observed negative �Cp values reflectbinding-induced alterations in solvent accessible sur-face. As detailed in the section below, electrostaticinteractions play a role in stabilizing aminoglycoside–rRNA complexes. Electrostatic interactions can alsohave an impact on observed �Cp.48 However, Sharpand co-workers have shown that this impact is posi-tive in sign and small in magnitude (15–90 cal/mol� K).48 Thus, our observed negative �Cp values are notthe result of electrostatic interactions, although theyare likely to include small positive contributions fromsuch interactions. Another potential contributor to�Cp is binding-induced conformational change. In

Aminoglycoside–rRNA Recognition 69

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this regard, structural studies9,11,14,16,30 have shownthat aminoglycoside binding to the rRNA A site in-duces a conformational change in the host RNA, thedetails of which are highlighted in the introduction.Furthermore, Eftink et al.49 have demonstrated thatbinding-linked conformational changes can result innegative apparent heat capacity changes of the samemagnitude as those reported here. We therefore sug-gest that our observed negative heat capacity changesreflect, at least in part, aminoglycoside-inducedchanges in the structure of target RNA.


In order to determine the salt dependence of theaminoglycoside–RNA association constants at pH5.5, we employed an approach that is predicated onthe extent to which drug binding enhances the thermalstability (as measured by the drug-induced change induplex melting temperature, �Tm) of the host RNA.Specifically, we measured the aminoglycoside-in-duced �Tm over a range of Na� concentrations to

Table IV Temperature Dependence of the Enthalpiesand Corresponding Heat Capacity Changes for theBinding of Paromomycin, Neomycin, and LividomycinSulfate to the A Site Model RNA Oligonucleotide atpH 5.5a






(cal/mol � K)

Paromomycin 25 �2.8 � 0.1Paromomycin 35 �4.8 � 0.1 �210 � 10Paromomycin 45 �7.0 � 0.1Neomycin 25 �4.2 � 0.1Neomycin 35 �7.0 � 0.1 �290 � 10Neomycin 45 �10.0 � 0.1Lividomycin 25 �5.7 � 0.1Lividomycin 35 �7.3 � 0.1 �180 � 12Lividomycin 45 �9.3 � 0.1

aBuffer solutions contained 10 mM sodium cacodylate, 0.1 mMEDTA, and sufficient NaCl to bring the total Na� concentration toeither 150 mM (for paromomycin and lividomycin) or 200 mM (forneomycin).

bValues of �Hobs were derived from fits of ITC data, with theindicated uncertainties reflecting the standard deviations of theexperimental data from the fitted curves.

cHeat capacity changes (�Cp) were derived from linear regres-sion analyses of the plots shown in Figure 8, with the indicateduncertainties reflecting the standard deviations of the experimentaldata from the fitted lines.

FIGURE 7 ITC profiles for the binding of paromomycinto the A site model RNA oligonucleotide at 25°C (A), 35°C(B), and 45°C (C). Each heat burst curve is the result of a 10�L injection of 250 �M drug into a solution of RNA 10 �Min strand. The experimental solution conditions were 10 mMsodium cacodylate (pH 5.5), 0.1 mM EDTA, and sufficientNaCl to bring the total Na� concentration to 150 mM. TheITC experiments were conducted as described previously.28

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estimate the apparent drug–RNA association constantat Tm (KTm) from the following expression50:






�HDupln1 � KTmL� (4)

In this expression, Tm0 and Tm are the melting tem-peratures of the drug-free and drug-bound duplex,respectively, N is the number of drug moleculesbound per duplex, �HDup is the enthalpy change forthe melting of the duplex in the absence of bound drug[a value we determined by differential scanning cal-orimetry (DSC) to be �76.0 � 2.5 kcal/mol], and L isthe free drug concentration at Tm (which can be esti-mated by one half the total drug concentration). Wethen extrapolated this binding constant at Tm to areference temperature of 25 °C (K25

Tm) using the fol-lowing relationship51:



e��HT/R� �1/Tm��1/T� e��CPT/R� �1/Tm��1/T� Tm/T��CP/R


The resulting K25Tm values of paromomycin, neomycin,

and lividomycin are listed in Table V. Note that, foreach drug, K25

Tm decreases with increasing Na� con-centration. This observation indicates that electro-static interactions play an important role in the bind-ing of the drugs to the host RNA duplex. Record andco-workers have derived the following relationship52:

� �log K25Tm

�log�Na� � � � Z� (6)

In this relationship, Z denotes the apparent charge onthe bound ligand and � is the fraction of Na� boundper RNA phosphate. The value of � for the A-formpoly(rA) � poly(rU) duplex is 0.89, while that forsingle-stranded poly(rA) is 0.78.52 It is likely that the� value for the internal loop region of the A site isintermediate between these two values. Equation (6)

FIGURE 8 Temperature dependence of the observed en-thalpies (�Hobs) for the binding of paromomycin (filledcircles), neomycin (filled squares), and lividomycin (opencircles) to the A-site model RNA oligonucleotide. The ex-perimental data points (which were derived from ITC ex-periments conducted in cacodylate buffer at pH 5.5 and Na�

concentration of 150 mM) were fit by linear regression, withthe resulting fits depicted as solid lines.

Table V Salt Dependence of the �Tm-DerivedAssociation Constants at 25°C for the Complexation ofParomomycin, Neomycin, and Lividomycin Sulfatewith the A Site Model RNA Oligonucleotide at pH 5.5a





(°C) K25Tm c (M�1)

Paromomycin109 70.9 78.0 (6.8 � 1.7) � 107

129 71.8 77.4 (3.8 � 0.9) � 107

150 72.4 77.0 (2.5 � 0.6) � 107

174 73.3 76.6 (1.4 � 0.3) � 107

200 73.6 76.0 (8.4 � 2.2) � 106

Neomycin109 70.9 81.7 (7.2 � 2.1) � 108

129 71.8 81.4 (4.7 � 1.3) � 108

150 72.4 80.5 (2.6 � 0.7) � 108

174 73.3 79.6 (1.3 � 0.3) � 108

200 73.6 79.2 (9.9 � 2.4) � 107

Lividomycin109 70.9 77.8 (1.1 � 0.3) � 108

129 71.8 77.6 (7.0 � 2.0) � 107

150 72.4 77.0 (4.2 � 1.2) � 107

174 73.3 76.6 (2.3 � 0.7) � 107

200 73.6 76.5 (1.9 � 0.5) � 107

aBuffer solutions contained 10 mM sodium cacodylate, 0.1 mMEDTA, and sufficient NaCl to bring the total Na� concentration tothe value indicated in column 1.

bTm values were derived from uv melting profiles of the A-sitemodel oligonucleotide in the absence (Tm0) and presence of drug (ata total drug to RNA ratio of 1.0), with an uncertainty in the data of�0.1°C. The UV melting experiments were conducted as previ-ously described.35

cAssociation constants at 25°C (K25Tm) were determined as de-

scribed in the text, with the indicated uncertainties reflecting themaximum errors as propagated through Eqs. (4) and (5).

Aminoglycoside–rRNA Recognition 71

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postulates that an estimate for the minimum numberof drug NH3

� groups that participate in electrostaticinteractions (Z�) with the host RNA can be derivedfrom plots of log(K25

Tm) vs log([Na�]). Such plots forthe data listed in Table V are shown in Figure 9. Notethe linear dependencies of the data for all three drugs,which upon linear regression analyses, yield slopes of�3.4 � 0.1 for paromomycin, �3.5 � 0.2 for neo-mycin, and �3.1 � 0.2 for lividomycin. These valuesof �Z� indicate that at least four NH3

� groups on eachdrug participate in electrostatic interactions with thehost RNA, an observation consistent with our pH-dependent ITC and NMR studies discussed above,which revealed the RNA binding of paromomycin,lividomycin, and neomycin to be coupled to the pro-tonation of four, five, and at least five amino groups,respectively. In the aggregate, these data suggest thatelectrostatic interactions provide the driving force formost if not all the observed RNA binding-linked drugprotonation reactions.

Our structural models of the aminoglycoside–RNAcomplexes provide insight into the nature of the elec-trostatic contacts that drive the protonation reactions.Using the paromomycin–RNA complex as an illustra-tive example, Figure 5 reveals that the 3-, 2�-, and2-amino groups of the drug make hydrogen-bondingcontacts with the phosphate groups of A1493, G1491,

and U1490, respectively. The close proximity of thesecationic amino and anionic phosphate groups is alsoindicative of favorable electrostatic interactions be-tween the charged functionalities. These favorableelectrostatic contacts are highlighted in Figure 10,which presents a view of the drug–RNA complex inwhich the RNA is depicted in its solvent-accessiblesurface and colored according to its electrostatic po-tential. It is likely that these electrostatic contactsprovide the driving force for the observed RNA bind-ing-linked protonation of the 3-, 2�-, and 2-aminogroups noted above in an earlier section. In contrast tothese three amino groups, the 1-amino group of paro-momycin, whose protonation is also linked to RNAcomplexation, does not form contacts with any phos-phate functionalities on the RNA. Instead, it is di-rected toward the floor of the major groove, forminga hydrogen bond with the 4-carbonyl group of U1495(see Figure 5). Note that the region of the majorgroove surrounding the 1-NH3

� group is an area ofelectronegative potential (see Figure 10) formed bythe 4-carbonyl groups of U1406 and U1495, as wellas the 6-carbonyl group of G1494. Thus, the RNAbinding-linked protonation of the 1-NH3

� group maybe driven by favorable electrostatic interactions be-tween this cationic functionality of the drug and theelectronegative region of the major groove towardwhich it is directed.

In addition to electrostatic contacts, hydrogen-bonding interactions between drug amino groups and

FIGURE 9 Salt dependence of the �Tm-derived associa-tion constants at 25°C (K25

Tm) for the binding of paromomy-cin (filled circles), neomycin (filled squares), and lividomy-cin (open circles) to the A site RNA oligonucleotide at pH5.5. Plots of log(K25

Tm) vs log([Na�]) for the three drugs werederived from the data in Table V. The experimental datapoints were fit by linear regression, with the resulting fitsdepicted as solid lines.

FIGURE 10 Another representation of the same paromo-mycin–RNA complex shown in Figure 5 in which the RNAis depicted in its solvent accessible surface (water proberadius � 1.4 Å). The surface of the RNA is colored accord-ing to its electrostatic potential, with red being negative,white being neutral, and blue being positive. The drug isdepicted according to the same coloring scheme as de-scribed in the legend to Figure 5B. The four drug aminogroups whose protonation is coupled to RNA binding areindicated.

72 Pilch et al.

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the RNA bases may also play a role in driving certainobserved protonation reactions. A potential exampleof this behavior suggested by our computational stud-ies involves the 6�-amino group of neomycin. Recallthat protonation of the 6�-amino group is coupled toformation of the neomycin–RNA complex. In otherwords, the 6�-amino group of neomycin must be in itsprotonated state when the drug is bound to the hostRNA. Despite this requirement, the �Z� value ofneomycin is essentially identical to that of paromo-mycin, whose sole structural difference relative toneomycin is the presence of a 6�-hydroxyl groupinstead of an amino group (see Figure 1). Moleculardynamics studies of the neomycin–RNA complex re-veal that the 6-NH3

� group of the drug makes hydro-gen-bonding contact with the N7 atoms of bothA1492 and A1493 (see Figure 6). Thus, the binding-linked protonation of the 6�-amino group of neomycinmay be driven by hydrogen-bonding interactions withRNA bases rather than electrostatic interactions withelectronegative regions of the RNA.


The osmotic stress method has been used extensivelyto evaluate the participation of water molecules in awide variety of biochemical reactions.53,54 One ver-sion of this method involves the addition of neutral

solutes or cosolvents to solutions containing the mac-romolecules and the ligands being studied, therebyaltering the water activity in the solution. We usedthis osmotic stress method to investigate the hydrationchanges that accompany the binding of paromomycinand lividomycin to the A-site model RNA oligonu-cleotide. In these studies, we evaluated the impact oftwo different osmolytes, sucrose and tri(ethylene gly-col) (TEG), on the ITC-derived affinities of paromo-mycin and lividomycin for the host RNA at pH 5.5and a Na� concentration of 150 mM. These twoosmolytes have been used successfully to study wateruptake or release in DNA duplex and triplex meltingreactions,55 in the interaction of gal repressor withDNA,56 and in the interactions of intercalatingligands with DNA.57 Table VI summarizes the drug–RNA association constants obtained in the presence(Ka-Osm) and absence (Ka) of osmolytes at the indi-cated osmolalities (Osm). Note that, for both drugs,the presence of either 2.3 Osm sucrose or 4.6 OsmTEG does not significantly alter affinity for the targetRNA, with the difference between Ka-Osm and Ka

being essentially within the experimental uncertainty.These observations suggest that the RNA binding ofparomomycin and lividomycin is accompanied bylittle or no net change in hydration. In other words,under the experimental conditions employed, we findno evidence for a net uptake or release of water uponcomplex formation. This result is somewhat surpris-ing in light of recent crystallographic studies,14,16 as

Table VI Osmolyte Dependence of the ITC-Derived Association Constants at 35°C for the Binding ofParomomycin and Lividomycin Sulfate to the A Site Model RNA Oligonucleotide at pH 5.5 and a Na�

Concentration of 150 mMa

Drug OsmolyteOsmolality






Paromomycin None 0 (1.7 � 0.3) � 107 —Paromomycin Sucrose 2.3 — (1.0 � 0.2) � 107

Paromomycin Tri(ethylene glycol) 4.6 — (1.2 � 0.2) � 107

Lividomycin None 0 (1.1 � 0.1) � 107 —Lividomycin Sucrose 2.3 — (1.2 � 0.2) � 107

Lividomycin Tri(ethylene glycol) 4.6 — (1.1 � 0.2) � 107

aBuffer solutions contained 10 mM sodium cacodylate, 0.1 mM EDTA, and sufficient NaCl to bring the total Na� concentration to 150mM. Experimental RNA and drug solutions for use in osmotic stress experiments were prepared as follows: (a) Appropriate aliquots of bufferand drug or buffer and RNA were combined and lyophilized to dryness. (b) The lyophilized pellets then were resuspended in the appropriatevolume of an osmolyte solution [sucrose or tri(ethylene glycol)] at the desired osmolality. The osmolalities of the experimental solutions weremeasured using a Fiske Model 2400 Multi-Sample Osmometer. Control UV melting experiments were conducted (as previously described35)to ensure that the RNA remained in its folded duplex form in the presence of the osmolytes. The presence of the osmolytes decreased the Tm

of the RNA. However, at the concentrations of osmolyte used here, the Tm of the RNA remained well above the temperature used in ourbinding studies.

bAssociation constants in the presence (Ka-Osm) and absence (Ka) of osmolyte were derived from fits of ITC data, with the indicateduncertainties reflecting the standard deviations of the experimental data from the fitted curves. The ITC experiments using the osmolyte-containing solutions were conducted at 35°C as previously described.28

Aminoglycoside–rRNA Recognition 73

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well as our computational studies, which reveal nu-merous water-mediated interactions in aminoglyco-side–rRNA complexes. It is possible that such inter-actions make use of water molecules that preexist inthe hydration shells of the free RNA and/or drugs, aconcept that has been previously proposed by theWesthof group based on an analysis of the hydrationpatterns in the crystal structures of a multitude ofnucleic acids as well as of protein–nucleic acid anddrug–nucleic acid complexes.58–60 In the aggregate,our osmotic stress studies suggest that water does notprovide a major driving force in the binding of paro-momycin and lividomycin to the A site of rRNA. Thegenerality of this observation with regard to otheraminoglycosides remains to be assessed.


The Chaires group has recently presented a concep-tual model for parsing the observed free energies ofdrug–nucleic acid interactions into contributions fromthe various molecular processes that accompany com-plex formation.43,45 This model, which assumes theadditivity of free energy contributions, expresses theobserved binding free energy (�Gobs) as the sum ofcontributions from at least five terms:

�Gobs � �Gt�r � �Gconf � �Ghyd � �Gpe � �Gmol


The five terms on the right-hand side of this expres-sion are defined as follows: �Gt�r is the free energycost resulting from the losses of translational androtational degrees of freedom that accompany bimo-lecular complex formation. �Gconf is the free energycontribution from binding-induced conformationalchanges in both the nucleic acid and the drug. �Ghyd

is the free energy change associated with the hydro-phobic transfer of the drug from solution into itsnucleic acid binding site. �Gpe is the polyelectrolytecontribution to the binding free energy that arisesfrom the binding-induced release of condensed coun-terions from the nucleic acid. �Gmol is the free energycontribution from noncovalent interactions betweenthe drug and the nucleic acid, which include hydro-gen-bond formation and van der Waals interactions.We describe below how we have employed the modeldescribed by Eq. (7) to parse the observed free energy

for the binding of paromomycin to the A-site modelRNA oligonucleotide.

Entropic Cost of Bimolecular ComplexFormation (�Gt�r)

�Gt�r reflects the entropic penalty associated withbimolecular complex formation that results from aloss of translational and rotational degrees of free-dom. Application of the Sakur–Tetrode equation,61

describing the translational entropy of a monatomicideal gas, has yielded a theoretical estimate of �15kcal/mol for �Gt�r.

62,63 An essentially identical valueof 14.9 � 3.0 kcal/mol at 25 °C was derived empir-ically by the Record group,47 based on considerationof specific instances of rigid body associations. Wetherefore use this value of �Gt�r in our parse of theparomomycin–RNA binding free energy. It should benoted that lower estimates of �Gt�r in the range of�6–10 kcal/mol also have been reported.64,65 Thus,�15 kcal/mol may reflect an upper limit for the valueof �Gt�r.

Estimation of �Gconf for Paromomycin–rRNA Complex Formation

As noted above, NMR and crystallographic studies ofparomomycin in complex with both model rRNAoligonucleotides and the 30 S ribosomal subunit haverevealed that the binding of the antibiotic causes alocal conformational change in the A site of the RNA,which involves the displacement of A1492 and A1493toward the minor groove.9,11,14,16,30,33 This conforma-tional change results in both bases becoming essen-tially destacked from the helix. Previously reportedthermodynamic studies66,67 of base-stacking interac-tions in riboadenylic acid polymers and oligomersprovide us with a means of deriving an estimate forthe free energy cost associated with the destacking ofA1492 and A1493. These thermodynamic studies in-dicate that the disruption of an ApA stack is associ-ated with a free energy cost of approximately �0.5kcal/mol.66,67 The destacking of A1492 and A1493involves the disruption of the stack that exists in thedrug-free RNA between A1492 and A1493 as well asthe stack between A1493 and G1494. With the rea-sonable assumption that the free energy associatedwith an ApA stack is similar to that associated with anApG stack, we estimate a value of �1 kcal/mol for�Gconf. A second binding-induced alteration in thestructure of the host RNA revealed by the NMRstudies cited above is a bend in the RNA helicalaxis.9,11 Like the destacking of the two adenine resi-dues, such a conformational change should also be

74 Pilch et al.

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energetically costly.68 However, it is difficult to de-rive a meaningful quantitative estimate for this freeenergy cost, since the thermodynamics of RNA bend-ing are poorly understood. Instead, we note that ourestimate of �1 kcal/mol for �Gconf should probablybe considered a lower limit.

Hydrophobic Contributions (�Ghyd) toParomomycin–rRNA Complex Formation

Record and co-workers have derived the followingempirical formalism relating the free energy of hy-drophobic transfer (�Ghyd) and the heat capacitychange (�Cp) for a binding reaction:47,69

�Ghyd � 80 (�10) � �Cp (8)

This formalism implies that �Ghyd can be determinedin a straightforward and direct way by experimentallydetermining �Cp. Recall that our temperature-depen-dent ITC measurements yielded a �Cp value of �210cal/mol � K for the RNA binding of paromomycin,which, in turn, would appear to imply a corresponding�Ghyd value of �16.8 kcal/mol. However, as dis-cussed above, we believe that our observed �Cp re-flects a binding-induced conformational change in thetarget RNA rather than binding-induced burial of hy-drophobic surface. For this reason, we suggest a hy-drophobic contribution to the binding free energy ofessentially zero.

Polyelectrolyte Contributions (�Gpe) toParomomycin–rRNA Complex Formation

Our salt-dependent binding studies described aboveyielded a Z� value of 3.4 for the RNA binding ofparomomycin. This value of Z� allows us to deter-mine the polyelectrolyte contribution to the observedbinding free energy (�Gpe) using the following rela-tionship52:

�Gpe �Z�RTln([Na�]) (9)

Solution of Eq. (9) yields a �Gpe value of �3.8kcal/mol for the A site RNA binding of paromomycinat 150 mM Na�. Thus, while �Gpe is an importantfavorable contributor to the overall free energy ofparomomycin–RNA complex formation, it is not suf-ficiently large in magnitude to overcome the unfavor-able free energies associated with binding-inducedconformational changes and the reduction in transla-tional and rotational degrees of freedom that accom-

pany complex formation (�Gconf ��Gt�r � �16.0kcal/mol).

Contributions to Paromomycin–rRNAComplex Formation from MolecularInteractions (�Gmol)

Determining the free energy contributions of nonco-valent molecular interactions (e.g., hydrogen bondsand van der Waals contacts) formed upon drug–RNAcomplexation is one of the more challenging tasks thatconfronts us. Numerous such contacts have been de-scribed in the structures of the aminoglycoside–rRNAcomplexes reported to date.9,14,16,33 In principle, itshould be possible to sum up the free energies asso-ciated with each type of interaction using estimatesfor the thermodynamic parameters for each type ofnoncovalent bond. The problem with this type ofapproach is that there is no general consensus for thefree energy contribution of each type of noncovalentinteraction. Reported estimates for the thermody-namic parameters associated with various noncova-lent interactions vary widely,70,71 highlighting thelack of a general consensus. An alternative approachis to subtract the sum of the free energy contributionsfrom entropic, conformational, hydrophobic, andpolyelectrolyte effects (�Gt�r � �Gconf � �Ghyd

��Gpe) from the observed binding free energy(�Gobs), and then attribute the resulting free energydifference to all the remaining noncovalent interac-tions. The Chaires and Wilson groups have appliedthis approach to parse the free energy of a broad rangeof drug–DNA interactions, including both intercala-tive and minor groove-directed interactions.42–44,72

Here, we use this approach to complete our parse ofthe paromomycin–RNA binding free energy observedat pH 5.5 and 150 mM Na�. The resulting energeticcontributions to the overall binding free energy areshown in Figure 11. The observed binding free energy(�Gobs) is �10.3 kcal/mol. This �Gobs is achievedbecause the unfavorable contributions resulting fromthe entropic cost of complex formation (�Gt�r) andbinding-induced conformational changes (�Gconf) areovercome by favorable contributions from polyelec-trolyte effects (�Gpe) and specific molecular interac-tions (�Gmol), with �Gmol providing the major favor-able contribution (�22.5 kcal/mol) to binding freeenergy. This value of �Gmol is fully consistent withNMR,9 crystallographic,14 and computational (seeFigure 5) studies on paromomycin–rRNA complexes,which reveal 8–13 direct and 11–12 water-mediatedhydrogen bonds between the drug and the RNA. Re-cent studies by the Chaires and Wilson groups prob-ing the DNA binding energetics of a broad range of

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intercalating and minor groove-directed ligands havedemonstrated that hydrophobic effects (�Ghyd)provide major driving forces for complex forma-tion.42–44,72 In some cases, the contribution from�Gmol was substantially lower in magnitude than thatfrom �Ghyd.42,44 These observations are in markedcontrast to those reported here for paromomycin–rRNA complex formation, which is 86% driven bydrug–RNA contacts (�Gmol). This difference is likelydue to the highly polar nature of paromomycin andaminoglycosides in general, a feature that distin-guishes them from most DNA binding ligands, whichtypically contain more nonpolar atoms and fewer dis-crete charges than the aminoglycosides.


Recent NMR and crystallographic studies have pro-vided important structural information about amino-

glycoside-rRNA interactions.9,11,14–16,30,33 Correla-tion of this valuable structural information with theRNA binding affinities and specificities exhibited bythe aminoglycosides requires detailed thermodynamicinformation to complement the existing structural da-tabase. The studies described in this article are in-tended to provide the requisite thermodynamic infor-mation.

We have previously demonstrated that the proto-nation state of the aminoglycoside is a critical factorin determining the affinity of the drug for its desig-nated RNA target.28,34,35 It is therefore important tounderstand the pH-dependent chemical properties ofthe aminoglycosides, as well as the nature of therelationship between these properties and the RNAbinding affinity and specificity exhibited by the drugs.Such information would be difficult to obtain fromstructural studies alone. The pH- and buffer-depen-dent ITC studies described here have allowed us todetermine the number of protons linked to the com-plexation of several aminoglycosides with an A-sitemodel RNA oligomer at pH values �5.5. By compar-ing the number of RNA binding-linked protons to theprotonation states of the drugs predicted by NMR-derived pKa values, we have also identified the spe-cific drug amino groups whose protonation is linkedto complexation with the host RNA. We have usedthis information and the existing structural database togenerate explicitly solvated structural models of sev-eral aminoglycoside–rRNA complexes in which thedrugs are in the protonated and charged states dictatedby our results. These models provide important in-sights into the noncovalent drug–RNA interactions(e.g., hydrogen bonds, van der Waals interactions, andelectrostatic interactions) that drive the observedbinding-linked protonation reactions and contribute tothe stabilities of the drug–RNA complexes. In theaggregate, our pH- and buffer-dependent bindingstudies clearly identify drug protonation reactions asimportant thermodynamic participants in the bindingof aminoglycosides to specific RNA targets. Suchprotonation reactions also have the potential of influ-encing the interactions of aminoglycosides with othermacromolecular targets. In this connection, Fong andBerghuis73 have recently reported crystal structures ofboth neomycin and kanamycin A in ternary complexwith the aminoglycoside kinase APH(3�)-IIIa andADP. Significantly, both complexes involve substan-tial interactions between negatively charged aminoacid residues at the C-terminus of the enzyme andamino groups on the drugs, with the 1- and 3-aminogroups on the 2-DOS ring being particularly impor-tant players. It is likely that these interactions will bemodulated by the protonation state of the aminogly-

FIGURE 11 Parsing the free energy of paromomycinbinding to the A-site model RNA oligonucleotide at pH 5.5(i.e., in the absence of binding-induced drug protonationeffects). The estimated contributions to the observed bind-ing free energy (�Gobs) from the different sources discussedin the text are shown. For reasons discussed in the text, thefree energy contribution from the hydrophobic transfer pro-cess (�Ghyd) is assumed to be 0. �Gt�r is the free energycontribution from changes in translational and rotationaldegrees of freedom upon bimolecular complex formation,�Gconf is the free energy contribution from binding-inducedconformational changes, �Gpe is the polyelectrolyte contri-bution to the binding free energy, and �Gmol is the freeenergy contribution from the formation of specific nonco-valent molecular interactions between the drug and hostRNA.

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coside. Thus, the pH-dependent chemical propertiesof the aminoglycosides not only have implicationswith regard to the specific recognition of designatedRNA targets, but also with regard to the recognitionof these drugs by modifying enzymes, an interactionthat represents a critical step in the primary pathwayfor aminoglycoside resistance.17,18

In addition to the binding-linked protonation ef-fects described above, the studies reported here alsoprovide insights into the molecular forces that con-tribute to the observed RNA binding free energiesexhibited by aminoglycosides in the absence of pro-tonation effects (i.e., at pH 5.5). Using paromomycinas a representative example, we find that the observedRNA binding free energy reflects a balance of twounfavorable and two favorable contributions. The twounfavorable contributions stem from the entropic costof bimolecular complex formation as well as confor-mational changes in the RNA required for formationof the drug binding site. These unfavorable energeticcontributions are not only balanced, but are over-whelmed by the two favorable contributions, whichstem from the polyelectrolyte effect and noncovalentdrug–RNA interactions. Between these two favorablecontributions to the observed binding free energy, thenoncovalent interactions provide the predominantdriving force for complex formation, with the poly-electrolyte effect providing a smaller, but still critical,contribution to the binding reaction. Interestingly, theobserved RNA binding free energies of the aminogly-cosides that we have examined to date (includingparomomycin) do not appear to include significantcontributions from binding-linked changes in hydra-tion or from the hydrophobic transfer process, thelatter observation probably reflecting the polar natureof the aminoglycosides. Our observation that the pri-mary driving force for paromomycin–rRNA compl-exation appears to be derived from noncovalent drug–RNA interactions suggests that these compounds maybe good candidates for structure-based drug designstrategies, with the added caveat that any binding-induced conformational changes are well character-ized. Such an approach need not be restricted to theaddition or removal of polar hydrogen-bond forminggroups (e.g., amino and hydroxyl groups), but also ofhydrophobic groups (e.g., alkyl and aromatic substitu-ents). However, structural alterations involving hy-drophobic groups will change the overall hydropho-bicity of the drug and are thus likely to introducecontributions to complex formation from binding-linked changes in hydration as well as from the hy-drophobic transfer process. Assessment of the magni-tudes of these contributions to observed binding freeenergies requires thermodynamic measurements,

since they are difficult to obtain from structural andcomputational data alone.

A third significant feature that emerges from ther-modynamic studies presented here is a determinationof the contributions of specific functional groups tothe rRNA binding free energies of the 4,5-disubsti-tuted 2-DOS family of aminoglycosides, which in-cludes neomycin, paromomycin, lividomycin, and ri-bostamycin. Specifically, we show that ring IV con-tributes 3.8 kcal/mol to the observed RNA bindingfree energy, while a 6�-amino vs a 6�-hydroxyl groupcontributes 1.2 kcal/mol. The magnitudes of thesecontributions correlate well with the drug–RNA hy-drogen-bonding patterns revealed by previously re-ported9,14 structural as well as our computationalstudies. However, it is interesting to note that thecorrelation between the magnitudes of these contribu-tions to binding free energy and the correspondingcontributions to bactericidal activity is not one-to-one.For example, the 3.8 kcal/mol contribution of ring IVtranslates to a 619-fold enhancement in rRNA bindingaffinity, but only a 5-fold enhancement in antibacte-rial activity (unpublished results). These observationssuggest that rRNA binding affinity is not the solemodulator of bactericidal activity. It has been sug-gested that the conformational change in the hostRNA induced by the aminoglycosides is responsiblefor their deleterious effects on protein synthesis andthus their bactericidal activity.9,14,30,33,74 Whether andhow such a conformational change elicits these bio-logical activities represent challenging, but important,questions to be addressed by future studies.

This work was supported, in part, by a grant from theAmerican Cancer Society (RSG-99-153-04-CDD). The cal-orimetric instrumentation was purchased through fundsfrom NIH grant S10 RR15959-01. DSP was supported, inpart, by a Young Investigator Award from the Cancer In-stitute of New Jersey. We thank Barbara A. Barbieri for herassistance with the osmolality measurements.


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