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Fage 2 - Criterion Sat Auc. 6-22. 1* *; BEGINNING OF THE END—SOUTHERN POWER Sl RUCTURE! THE BUFFALO CRITERION rt'BLtSHM) « m u AT #» nitUAM SI BVrVALO t, 7*. r. WRA\Z E. MEKRiW LATHER....................................... EDITOR * PUBI.LsHKit Adarrm aJf Oatt^amtHaAi a*» tn The Bufioio Criterion CrfiiuMnl I t a t — TL S~XtnS TT 2-»57«l EirnUlf <hw> ra«*l nurtt Tl»«- Buitofo (Viterum »<>• fetter t>ui<i MoimU) «im f<-r imMkata* uf tb it week U*ta! tsw V i-nt ll.'Jj Sj Month*, $!.Ml Sum*) O sw I'ijoUqt*’ ***M nt Hut Into, .New Turn SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Or** of the most impressive statements, in *o»tr judgment, that President Johnson imuie ufton his recent trip to Buffalo vas: “As I look over the places on the map of the world, there i? not another nation 1 would rather live in than America, and we ought to i>e proud of it,” There is so much truth in this statement. This paper has always been of this same opin ion. There are shortcomings here, and one of them is the racial question. But despite some opposition, it is slowly but surely improving. Radical changes for the better have been manifest tince the beginning of t h i s paper some 40-odd years ago in this area. In fact, as slowly or as f a s t aa these improvements are c o m i n g about, they may overtake the treatment and attitudes of Negroes, one to an other—which are problems the race Itself will and must resolve to assure its self - improve ment, as well as that of the nation. U fm ssa H A R I - C O R E V T H E R N ST A T E S Jgg**' * > A . Y-. v These Are The Facts By MARK E. O’RILEY (NOTE: The opinions expressed helow are those ol the eofe uninist, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion* ol thto publication.—Editor). Editor s Mail WHITE POWER It was during the period of American im perialist adventure abroad (as today), that most of the state l a w s segregating Negroes and illegally denying them the vote were en acted in the Southern states. Disfranchisement laws were passed in Lou isiana in 1898. in North Carolina and Alabama in 1901; Virginia, 1902; Georgia, 1908; Ok lahoma, 1910. T h e y but codified what was taking place in life. It was during t h i s period, too, in which Negroes still had a remnant of political pow er, that the spurious charge of rape was ele vated into an institution, an extra-legal'polit- ______________________________________ ical instalment for terrorizing all Negroes— Neighbor Award in 1964 from of Naval Personnel (Per*,- particularly those demanding theil fights UI1- former Mayor Row ah 1-6 2 6 1), Departmen* ol the del' the Constitution In November, 1898. during the Spanish- SUPPORT SHOULD MOUNT Despite inclement weather, the Annual Ne gro American Parade materialized as planned Saturday, SenL 3rd, under the leadership o f ________ _____ Ws founder and president, Rev, John 11. Mon- id w pemonai attack* roe. ti mllcje graduate.''' Retire him when he to tligilrie for iris pension ar.d For 25 y e a r * he was a N a v y . Washington. D. C Tlw opinion* expressed tn credj, to a ,rea| gentie. member of the Committee on 20379 Loner* tent to tbe Editor, man a man 0{ courage, a ore the*.© ol the writer, and man dedicated to children they do not necessarily re- lirid a man whn has some- fii*tt the views of this paper. (hmg to give Our Crtv Of Sender. are requested lu C,ood Neighbors write en the k « « i. avoiding Jult u. fair dfcmt and honest, not just to Ernie, hut to all our boys and girls Of special note wa* the cooperation of the Buffalo Bin* Manager-. who w'ii be th,‘ ,nen and citL ,K.li«, ileptmmentc which -tern- onstrates t h e i r (teslie to recognize the fart- four bitd examples of tbe m«n»ky and country for us growing Negro segment of our Queen City, " ''<*■ ol behaviour I *B- An even break for a thre uitrno anw .a lu m ,>ti*«si» .»>- * * bavc come in contact wtih in rasn Wr‘ rar> proud of ■n x DVrtUT ttfthiCJjrtHlpS. sever*I year*. Two are per- in the yrers tn cume, for alt Rev. Monroe its to be commended for the *«n*i wia two concern p<*<*<* w children who win be establishment of t h i s ratherv o u n irNoirro plf 1 love vcry much und fht T n a » j * i .. * , i wuccl. I canmi EfYiit* uifri LOuisti, I 3IH American Dayobwn^no^ Suchcelebrations jn food fanh %u uiiy by and yo« an rbe way 1 have be« featuredby Other ethnic groups for onr, brnie w*rlu.li. hurt. km,w *”a *v more jieople rnanv vears without *pc«kmg up for B*el a* I do, as ! have re- rfwv * t .1 1 principal, dedication. morale «-w iw*a many catto and many 1 rie puriicise of trie observance IS not to and character. people have exprcosed the fucue the group at segivgitu.n,u*i.,, hm rather ,nU *I(X1U. WurIK .k ^ ,n ^ to flisplay theI «cn>m|»lishments. rantrihiitioiw m, m«£. n « c»w i« ► and dMurea of a racial group, p r o u d of it's ni^d* a fr>«id when he ts 0nC | American War, Colonel A. M. Wadell said in North Carolina: “We are resolved to win tho elections in Wilmington, North Carolina, if we have to choke the current of C a p e Fear with carcasse*. The time for smooth words ha* gone by, the extremest limit of forebear- ance has been reached.” Five days later the colonel le d an armed force against the Ne- g r o - w h i t e administration of Wilmington, chjirmap of the Citizens Com- glory. H- help, us to see the slaughtereds c o r e s , andannouncedhinuelf dtiitoe on Retk-veUip-wem. beauty and good rather than the newmayor. TheGovernment gave silent 6 native ot Lou'sv IW . Ky. th* l,tfy and consent Mr Evans earned his bache- He helps us to be wpttrmstic mr’s degree in sociology ai ;!' , 8 w°ft4 that fester* pcs»,- Eisk Liniverhty and his mas- m‘*m ” , . , itr's dcyree from the Uftiver- ___ . . - . . Sify of ftjf/uRo Tte Vnuth Is In Family Care of Dependent — rtlir tT A T in V k Children of the Ch.ldrtn's Aid Q U O I A I H jN S society. WITH A MEANING It's e f f r t s wen! beyond From Various Antbors seeking a p p r o priations. He By ALMA BltOOH* served on influential comr.ut- teea thn- helped detcrmin** “The life .w e live should appropriation*. He had be- be a masterpece to reflect longed to the Ci t y Councd the beauty of God. Chrst, the Committee on Capital Ex pen- Master artist, softens the tiu .ire* atK i fire Ctmmdte* on sl adows and estimate* that Tul l Employment and was which distract* from God's the forward look; we grow In 1900, when both men and newspaper* .“poke less circuitously than today, The San Francisco Argonaut said: “We do not want Filipinos. We want the Philippines. The is- roal identity, which aim to keep ah,,-ast p, «re-. ZZ * sively m a world of fart-movmg acUviUv* o,t*p -w- ♦--* w*. -n » achievements leaders wilt take care of hi* pcopic. It may be a they are i n f e s t e d by Filipinos. There are many millions t h e r e and it is to he feared their extinction will be sl ow. ' i^ the same vein and in the same year Senator Tillman of ____________ *, j, tX STX tJ S , , Lrb" T » P-»** «- ,W » -South Carolina took the floor of the Untteil .hievements. Each year ita support by Negro >c^ !f fndh bcaf^ , yw> grew from twa people at thr afl«rv and onranizaf inns nhrinM mmmi . ? , , r . and many thnustnds of fans hreinning to 14. and an en- aoers anu organizations should mount. tum -and i Uow hr, heart an injustfcc n fy h3ve lft ll t)00 chlIdrpn at CURRY VOICE RECITAL WELL RECEIVED _____________________i* hreakmfr and he keep, a voungot^r* down who l -A D T V *m“* anf T «**“ andt^r'«Ps wi» FORTY CHILDREN ww and «and* by his side ^ footvter* PARTICIPA1E IE* h'^ SySSLl oauy > *»*» always be your At le*« 49 chi'dren oar- a ? * « Buttato BiUs fr\9nd and -nay God bless At icam w cni.uren par- have letdown one of the J tic--- ■ ta tbe Summer ^ yOUT ’, ***** U Mt OUoe Boptst Church Hrt^r.m at the Dels eve has b e m ROOd iu,| kn^'ng in Utckawasnu, preneiued WaringAME Churoh. 6H(l Ernieneed* only three y°° and y°ur family. If you I d n t Curry, ho** baritone, .Swan Sf. game* for retirement for taxi greener roots elsewhere, •ccompna*4 hy hi* wife.The program offered prtw- hi* pension. I say nomatter it will be Bttffalo’s lost and Huttf, Sontoay. Sept 4. ml tical help m Reaihng Writ- whut the Buffalo Dills offer your gain. I want and hope 7.36 p. m. ing and Argbmetk-. Group hi,n, rould “three game» be vou know that I am your The Mi, Oiae Mom Choir acuvntex *ucb game* and 100 much” for a man who friend, and this ia the way offered lour *ei«*ct rots under pxtur*. improved the re la- has given blood, sweat and >* *h»U always be with me. Ute direction of Mr. Wiliurm (iumlirp between the chil- tear*:> For a man who help- Moat sincerely yours and Inn* Mi». Mamie Lang wa* dren Devoeom, tours und ed 'hem win the champion- Htadeet jiersona! regards to ptanis-’ and Mrs. RosaUe quiet time offered them •hip? Who was tight end Lotrise Hough orgaaau, aecotnpoai- cultural enrichment. when no replacement over ed the Ma** Chou. The program wux super- 0,1 lh* yea™ he has played The Curry'* were warmly vised hy Mr*. Margaret WMh th,r Buffalo BiHs? Who received tiv a very emhu*:- f rrvmunuel, Mr*, lam'ne Kel- ** ,h<? "Best Pubhc Relation* wstsc auduNkee. ley. Mra. Sylvia Griffin nnd Ma n ' on ,ht' "'am for our H ts selection* included the Neighborhood Youth lind K'ris—yes the work* fn*n* the pen* of Hon- Corp provided 12 young peo- ' urxt.'' The bust and most del, Scarioai. Catdnra. Bach, pie to assist Meal man for race relations Schumann, R, Vaughn WU- Rev. s Trnnk F.rn mane al, ,n ,mr c‘,>r. ahd a “Heart of hama PturctU. Cadi Sharp, pastor of the church, feels Gold“ 10 “u- B'hier Gudiet and Bruno tKit this program offered to Huhn, and also several the children of the rommu- *P'rituals, arrang-d hy Riv n tv an opponunity for edu- Love, LILLIAN J. MEADOWS Supervisor, 11 Ward teei-her and a member of a cW ***"J * r «*« “ >*5 Jj ntls are BnOTTTKiUBly HCI1, but. UnfortUIUltelyr '.utovrtle archrtechtural brm * « • hf«* “ ^ .. ......... ~ h .n he Ironed the rhirs--0 can ^ I i nun League. D u r i n g h« 0'" %at *"> *** . came the first Industrial! * e - * ** a ^ retary of msyUrban Leagu, ,,0' d- and th' m,ddl* ^ ttr f ** ..roran!Rf\ , * >f. states Senate and announced: “We took the * * Government away. e MtuiicA W tW i. W tw . “when one has learned to yye sj,c^ Negroes. We are not ashamed of it.” h,TkreRer f r N wtat‘WHfeH !hrwr* atTIL hod Rossville, August 21, 1948 — A crowd of, i«i . Fven-ng News no( yieW tw temptations. He 7,000 turned out to see a klan demonstration l r . featuring r o b e d hors«. “No i.w that wiU leadership in a clean-up c-m j flvc ^ PGod and hi him- ever be drafted will make us accept the Ne- paignthat memualb- he-ip I ^ ^ a ^ #f ^ ^roes aj ^ eq<ja)s » Drapon Qreen *aid. “If ing^here '**'* ? ^ “Everywhere chnsttans are jt j tried, the grandsons of klan members who . ; . . . . praying for one another— , , * , . , In fa 1ms oearih racentb/. that the gmgdom o* God routed the carpetbaggers will do ihe job over he nevertheless condnued his COIT le t0 earth. Truly, aeain.” b e h h v of pam'ing ani had God ..hath mac,„ of ^ * llim W AnmlH 1 K K K “xrhite been working on a boon. ^ al, nalions o{ mcn- Columbus, Apill 8. 1948 — KKK ‘TVhlte surviving are h.s w-fe, the and we are united in {he s u p re m a c y propaganda leaflets dropped from TSJ- ofhi< work " airplane over Negro neighborhoods on eve of cer; and a son. W. Leonard primary. Evans Jr., both of Chicago: ATTEND WEDDING S e n a t o r Walter F. George of Georgia t vo *tcpd.iughters. Dr. There- Mr ant! Mrs. Clifford .not,„ fnr f.eorvi* aa well as tbe United States sa G. Reed, a physician (har(„ and s0n< clIfford Jr„ ^ oke for Oeorgia as well as the(United Dtates St. Louia. Mo., and Miss B. at (,nded th# weddkt? ol as a whole when he wrote; Wny apologue Gwendolyn Green of Buffalo; M;ls Cp0ff;8 r n„ or evade? \y c have been very careful to obey and, a brother, Arthur P. EV- and Marion Thompkins, .. i , . r rv,n«fitution but we ans of Louisville. in Nfw Y.rk Cttv. Au*. 27. he ,e*ter of the hJC,dcra! UonstrtaUon but we at the Presbyteria« Charch have been very diligent and astute tn violat- PROTE6T MARCH of the Master, preformed by jn g spirit of such amendments and stat- (From poge 1) tbo formw p n * ^ . » « v- ^ lftad thc ^egfo to beHeve him. Ttrls U my opinion, and I feel not many people know U w r e a c a WrlUam*. men, that otherwise would ''^ h~ ^ At the rnecbuam of the not have been reaped, h ^ irtth me until proifrtm. Rev Buxhlt*, on The N Y C workma re I*”*3 ' puf(* “*#d ,h^ chweb. —- .._Y_IL I ™ I* home. I have m-ver heard WM. L. EVANS <I rotn page 1) secretary o', the Mayor'* Co-n mfttee on lluixw.rv Relation*. predecessor of the present tbe buildups md»»stry bv rhi James Robinson. They re- , , . , , ,, Hurm.-in Relation* Commsvion, state CorrvmtoKion on Human turned with the Charles’ and self theequal of the w h ite man. And we snail Mr. Evuna was a co ere found- Rlght*. d a t e d M an* 1965 spent » weak. They visited c o n t i n u e toconduct ourselves in that w ay.” " o* ‘h Buff-l.o V nth Board, showed that there -were only Niagara Falls. Toron’a and an agency which has assisted six Nc«ro ano Puerto Rican other Interesting points In hundreds of youth* in scrapes apprentice* enrolled in Btif- Canada, with the law to avoid more fain trade- union* at that time. . -------------- behalf ot,. (R r pressed for the program •umrei iaiton V OP-lhe-lub y;rn|c complain He love* Tn,mi"K7‘f«lrtn* «?xperifn»'c l(«tb»ll. The end I* due. but *«. m.m owr * 2 TS Sa. 22 * J ST iS. £ ‘T «*r" r s ., u,“ *r£*SS, T c *.,™ ....... » .jii £ZrZn«! £ 7 ”' ip o n »0 , v ‘* tence in .pons and this i* anrk he r prog rum. prim.rdy whal , ,t> l0 tcttch. 4NNOI IMfTMITNT peisonahty and attitudes _ . . 'or 4 -l'<- workin-j mothers to Mr. Warlick'i replacement ' y ll<K3- i>r>* i w* * n b^’r'n Sent. i?rh For further has someone to back him up nouneet «tw re-op. nme “I bet information you may cull according to the press. I serious trouble. He heipeu to sponsor the minimum housing law passed while t h e r e were approxi- D » DTICID A MTC mott-ly 459 v.Tutes Therefore iA«v i lU lr A il 1 O we urge every union to open THANKED Evangelist Amelia Mlnyard So what shall we answer to you good white folks and Uncle Tom black folks, who would THESE ARE THE FACTS (See page 4) FAITH CHURCH . . T up apprentice prog'ams so ________ ______ _________ ___ «~es ami Puert: Ri- wUhes to thank the porteb TO PRESENT City Planning Consro's*ion> interesting attractions. The public to invited. M r*. Corine Tuttle to chairman and the Rev. Ros- the Advisory C om m iitee of CJd carn a who took p a r t on the EXTRAVAGANZA ,h^ ranl« of organized labor. \n isU ' Muvicale Benefit Pro- An evening of enioyni£nt coe M. MitcheH. pastor. rhe Buffalo Police Department and khe Puhl.c Relation* Com mittee ol the Board of Edu cation. “ Bt .use of the history of gram held at Calvary C.M.E. office at I] S p r u c e S-:. «n tl 2-2341 - »- -V •«»*« •* m em o rial rites 626 (From page 1) , . . . - Humboldt Pkwy., Friday, Con-resit man Dulski and Mr. Evans' role to fosteriw? forts must he mode bythe The program wa* very well ^ n at 7:30 p m. Governor Rockafeller. g o o d leiatkm* between Ne- unuoM tn comprnxatt for ihi* r*ne}rred a n d received t h eFean,r(.d m t)M . program The N'aEonal Baprivt Cmv proe* and whites, and to a- »“>*»« ptactce Many appar- prai„ s 0, »ho heard it. which w<a ^ in the ven.ion dr»wf. from 10.00* d^cr«m.: nation aaoinat Nugroe* (hurch. ! • • ? Fllicoti St. at r „ lrav. „ in n arsd Pum-ta R i c a n s In the |v>dge Sunday. June is, at « F th ryaotixt Church burfdm* induatrv. specwl ef- p .m Fj,,h Fiap“ ' t <-nuI,cn- hair nothing or any malice v<,voin* drfheu-tto* « V - 1 ^ e part.cularli ihankx .11 lower auditorium will ba: to 15/19# delegate* and Tuesday, Sept. 27, IM« at I Rev S Frank Emmanuel toward the replacement, but tha* had plagued other c i t i e * . el.aru but rofMe bi ,hr mintoter* who came and ^ r t a pmkard. noted solo r. and Min Margaret 1 know that until Ernie wa* pubUc.y recogniied. *ivp and ^Puerto Hi- brought their congregaikmx. n!; Fm i, noted rcowr.i- ar p.m Office will hr ooen «« j, py,,.., nm, MlN Margaret • ___________________________________________ _ Tuesdays and rhutvdav*. TI. Emmanuel director lSiuJiiu aui naAmd an -unu , c‘ ',r" *** cfuuae at u.l There an<j .j,. prese nt of lh> Bibl. M*4«. eqhMA 1 ,a c STS ftieS and is Z ”C *“ in •«*» «« many tpaHM young |u*ti.0,.. Prof. D Zarimtoiie. -bL_*7 * t "** * * * *■ ----- MANY THANKS’ - MUCHAS GRACIAS! “ •% . M ^ EXTENDS T gemiemen und the kind of was . m,wher <rf a s8ry w demonsirare >n order T H A N K S ~ ® aR Dvmocrats and I its- n-" - * ‘ ' ' “ ’’P'e wan ctumuittee on care and treat- to dramaeuze thi* d tp h n H c To My J rimd* in the I.ilieott er-to wha yutrd for Art Hard- ment ,9 prtoooer* appearing S - S S T S f t o h S T . i to Mali: June P r i m al Mto to follow, for a belter V ' P e “ ** “U*Bt40“ °f ********* My 8ftd hW*r?,” t ** i H.-miwd T ,l , tomorrow for us ali 1 h" NiH,,>na! Congress cie- who con persutde c:w precifmn for yoor pmronace I .,it s s t j ? r : ; - .a / i ,; ,- «w«— *»• •«- r -..-» » « > « « .* * -•... mrg. ,* , 8* C. Murv s n r the receiv-.*d o *h> er modW Puerto Ricans before hnvmg tended to me - over (he p»* fotrse* fo .hr m S le J S ««« «« vourtt center*'whum **m m ent for sellmg 12 m:l- “ We wffl rifoi mm the ,nub- stream, o, vou. .vwtoJdsure ha» '"**« a»d crhourug- ^ ’n . *'^ ?. ** ' ,n ’ * « P <»« »qtf* on prvvattto-ft- lo My New I m ads and Pa- .1 'W»nii*d sup- *“ World Wat if The LS Con- mimed buiJdmg* rtiar are be- trwe*: rUrs- >H VT T !'i° ' Sth ' kkn-s presrn-'ed him h service tog constructed bv men drawn Tho.ak vm Vrr alfowfog m- Ui*'!.,’*' b,< Ernie loves fuothail. I m e d a l signed bv Pn-.s.dent ir - m i drecriramwttoa Ubnr fo verve vou artrf for the'wav f 1(1 R! » | Hardwick as vin.r don't care If he s t, on the Trams ' A* nbii wan. and spiritual Ids '* artist in Chalk Talk and cf orr city. Choral Reading: Singing V a-. re,.fo yours, gr.up from Trimdad, Fall REV. JOSEPH W. MOORE fashion and many other Paatar pt ■ivivl.-r, |> •Cads « U tl tare if he s is on the bench, he can sstiil play -o.-r i- s. Re- iRH-d.-d l don't wan: •|*’fii?<. Inn, i-^u-vd fin 1 tr* 1 kro-w ■* * ' M .-k -<■ ••-. . \s ,i: t he ‘ ' •••wn'-m* -nf xv„, luv,a4 th*s r.v. He - eg,» tickets. Vote Hardwick able .,( ,n*Liag .tdev-tu on Vucseday. Nov. Ssh. listog for hs© fo.T"v he -s poo; to s*h eh vroi rece-rved m e tc Numerous other hocars and ’ We urge you to join us in Try near toearton. ft vM ".1: . h<- rr; .'O f - -P th - -< -- 1! u n-, v*ii -d -tvia fo! th State i'OTorshf- IT r R’y.he- a.-d o! •» ‘-.Went uf ifca :rv march og Sarirrdwv. Sept t IS lit a.m . »R-j ro brine l r » <s “ h •«*» H-ip us a- t h i s th r fc'8j?'e.s; ir.d OKs: effcv;,v« nvarcli Lu t.s-o J 3 C->-l ha* seen. my pnv.ege si cater te your xuRgtorttoits and serve you to the- l>e*£ j ( mv CciH'i-s T.soma*. C.ag.t Susy Urfi Market »X F. bet:r. ar, _c P.tr r,. FRIENDS OF JUDGE WM. SIMS SAY — “If we want to keep Negro representation in th e C i t y Court, we must register Thurs day. Oct. 4 and Sat.. Oc* In order to vote for Judge William Sims on Tuesday, November Hh. No matter with whsch p a r l y you affiliate— Democrat. Republican, I Sfeer- a :—yon ran ka»k and vote for the. name nf icrfge S i m * 04 Tuesday, November *«h.
Page 1: These Are Thenyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066599/1966-08-06/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · in 1901; Virginia, 1902; Georgia, 1908; Ok lahoma, 1910. T hey but codified what was taking place

Fage 2 - Criterion Sat Auc. 6-22. 1* *; BEGINNING OF THE END—SOUTHERN POWER S l RUCTURE!

THE BUFFALO CRITERIONr t'B L tS H M ) « m u AT # » n i t U A M S I

BVrVALO t, 7*. r.W R A \Z E. MEKRiW LATHER.......................................EDITOR

* PUBI.LsHKit Adarrm aJf Oatt^amtHaAi a*» tn The Bufioio Criterion CrfiiuMnl I t a t — TL S~XtnS TT 2-»57«l E irnU lf<hw> ra«*l nurtt Tl»«- Buitofo (Viterum »<>• fetter t>ui<i

MoimU) « im f<-r imM kata* uf tb it week U*ta! tsw Vi-nt ll.'Jj Sj Month*, $!.Ml

Sum *) O sw I'ijoUqt*’ ***M nt Hut Into, .New Turn


Or** of the most impressive statements, in *o»tr judgment, that President Johnson imuie ufton his recent trip to Buffalo vas:

“As I look over the places on the map of the world, there i? not another nation 1 would rather live in than America, and we ought to i>e proud of it,”

There is so much truth in this statement. This paper has always been of this same opin­ion. There are shortcomings here, and one of them is the racial question. But despite some opposition, it is slowly but surely improving.

Radical changes for the better have been manifest tince the beginning of t h i s paper some 40-odd years ago in this area. In fact, as slowly or as f a s t aa these improvements are c o m i n g about, they may overtake the treatment and attitudes of Negroes, one to an­other— which are problems the race Itself will and must resolve to assure its self - improve­ment, as well as that of the nation.

U fm s s a

H A R I - C O R E


Jgg**' ■ * > A . Y-.

v —

These Are The

FactsBy MARK E. O’RILEY(NOTE: The opinions expressed helow are those ol the eofe uninist, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion* ol thto


Editor s Mail

W H I T E P O W E RIt was during the period of American im­

perialist adventure abroad (as today), that most of the state l a w s segregating Negroes and illegally denying them the vote were en­acted in the Southern states.

Disfranchisement laws were passed in Lou­isiana in 1898. in North Carolina and Alabama in 1901; Virginia, 1902; Georgia, 1908; Ok­lahoma, 1910. T h e y but codified what was taking place in life.

It was during t h i s period, too, in which Negroes still had a remnant of political pow­er, that the spurious charge of rape was ele­vated into an institution, an extra-legal'polit-

______________________________________ical instalment for terrorizing all Negroes—Neighbor Award in 1964 from of Naval Personnel (Per*,- particularly those demanding theil fights UI1-former Mayor Row ah 1-6 2 6 1), Depart men* ol the del' the Constitution

In November, 1898. during the Spanish-

SUPPORT SHOULD MOUNTDespite inclement weather, the Annual Ne­

gro American Parade materialized as plannedSaturday, SenL 3rd, under the leadership o f ________ _____Ws founder and president, Rev, John 11. Mon- id w pemonai attack* roe.

ti mllcje graduate.'''Retire him when he to

tligilrie for iris pension ar.d For 25 y e a r * he was a N a v y . Washington. D. C Tlw opinion* expressed tn credj, to a ,rea | gentie . member of the Committee on 20379

Loner* tent to tbe Editor, man a man 0{ courage, a ore the*.© ol the writer, and man dedicated to children they do not necessarily re- lirid a man whn has some-fii*tt the views of this paper. (hmg to give Our Crtv OfSender. are requested lu C,ood Neighbors write en the k « « i . avoiding J u lt u . fair d fcm t and

honest, not just to Ernie, hut to all our boys and girls

Of special note wa* the cooperation of the Buffalo Bin* Manager-. who w'ii be th,‘ ,nen andcitL ,K.li«, ileptmmentc which -tern-onstrates t h e i r (teslie to recognize the fart- four bitd examples of tbe m«n»ky and country for us growing Negro segment of our Queen City, " ''<*■ ol behaviour I *B- An even break for ath re u itrn o a n w . a l u m ,>ti*«si» .»>- * * bavc come in contact wtih in rasn Wr‘ rar> proud of

■n x DVrtUT t t f th i C JjrtH lpS . sever*I year*. Two are per- in the yrers tn cume, for altRev. Monroe its to be commended f o r the *«n*i wia two concern p<*<* <* w children who win be

establishment of t h i s rather v o u n ir Noirro plf 1 love vcry much und fht T na » j * i .. * , i w uccl. I canm i EfYiit* uifri LOuisti, I 3IHAmerican Day obw n^no^ Such celebrations jn food fanh %u uiiy by and yo« an rbe way 1have b e « featured by Other ethnic groups for onr, brnie w*rlu.li. hurt. km,w *”a *v more jieopler n a n v v e a r s without *pc«kmg up for B*el a* I do, as ! have re-

rfwv * t .1 1 • principal, dedication. morale «-wiw*a many catto and many1 rie p u r i ic is e o f t r i e o b s e r v a n c e IS n o t t o and character. people have exprcosed the

fucue the group at segivgitu.n,u*i.,, hm rather ,nU *I(X1U. WurIK.k ^ ,n ^to flisplay theI «cn>m|»lishments. rantrihiitioiw m, m«£. n« c » w i« ►and dMurea of a racial group, p r o u d of it's ni d* a fr>«id when he ts 0nC|

American War, Colonel A. M. Wadell said in North Carolina: “W e are resolved to win tho elections in Wilmington, North Carolina, if we have to choke the current of C a p e Fear with carcasse*. The time for smooth words ha* gone by, the extremest limit of forebear- ance has been reached.” Five days later the colonel l e d an armed force against the Ne- g r o - w h i t e administration of Wilmington,

ch jirm ap of the Citizens Com- glory. H- help, us to see the slaughtered s c o r e s , and announced hinuelfdtiitoe on Retk-veUip-wem. beauty and good ra the r than the new mayor. The Government gave silent

6 native ot Lou'sv IW. Ky. th* l,tfy and consentMr Evans earned his bache- He helps us to be wpttrmstic mr’s degree in sociology a i ;!' , 8 w°ft4 that fester* pcs»,- Eisk Liniverhty and his mas- m‘*m ” , . ,i t r 's dcyree from the Uftiver- ___ . . - . .Sify of ftjf/uRo T te Vnuth Is In

Family Care of Dependent — rtlirtTATinVkChildren of the Ch.ldrtn's Aid Q U O I A I H j N Ssociety. WITH A MEANING

It's e f f r t s wen! beyond F ro m V ario u s Antborsseeking a p p r o priations. He By ALMA BltOOH*served on influential comr.ut-teea thn- helped detcrmin** “The life .w e live should appropriation*. He had be- be a masterpece to reflect longed to the City Councd the beauty of God. Chrst, the Committee on Capital Ex pen- Master artist, softens the tiu .ire* atKi fire Ctmmdte* on sl adows and estimate* that Tull Employment and was which distract* from God's

the forward look; we grow

In 1900, when both men and newspaper* .“poke less circuitously than today, The San Francisco Argonaut said: “We do not want Filipinos. We want the Philippines. The is-

roalidentity, which a im to keep ah,,-ast p, «re-. Z Z *sively m a world of fart-movmg acUviUv* o,t*p -w - ♦--* w*. -n »achievements leaders

wilt take care of hi*pcopic. It may be a

they are i n f e s t e d by Filipinos. There are many millions t h e r e and it is to he feared their extinction will be s l o w. ' i^ the same vein and in the same year Senator Tillman of

____________ * , j , t X S T X tJ S , , Lrb" T » P - » * * « - , W » -South C a r o lin a to o k t h e f lo o r o f t h e U n tte il

.hievements. Each year ita support by Negro >c ! f fndh bcaf^ , yw> grew from tw a people at thra f l« r v a n d o n r a n i z a f i n n s n h r in M m m m i . ? , , r . ‘ and many thnustnds of fans hreinning to 14. and an en-aoers anu organizations should mount. tum -and i Uow hr, heart an injustfcc n fy h3ve lft ll t)00 chlIdrpn at


_____________________i* hreakm fr and he keep, a voungot r* down whol -A D T V *m“* anf T «**“ and t ^ r'« P s wi»FORTY CHILDREN ww and «and* by his side ^ footvter*PARTICIPA1E I E * h'^ S y S S L l oauy > *»*» always be your

At le*« 49 chi'dren oar- a ? * « Buttato BiUs f r\9nd and -nay God blessAt icam w cni.uren par- have let down one of the Jtic--- ■ ta tbe Sum m er ^ yOUT ’, ** * * * UMt OUoe B optst Church H rt^ r .m at t h e Dels eve has b em ROOd i u ,| k n ^ 'n g

in Utckawasnu, preneiued Waring AME Churoh. 6H(l Ernie need* only three y°° and y°u r family. If youI d n t Curry, ho** baritone, .Swan Sf. game* for retirem ent for taxi greener roots elsewhere,•ccom pna*4 hy hi* wife. The program offered prtw- hi* pension. I say no m atter it will be Bttffalo’s lost andHuttf, Sontoay. Sept 4. ml tical help m Reaihng Writ- whut the Buffalo Dills offer your gain. I want and hope7.36 p. m . ing and Argbmetk-. Group h i,n , rould “ three game» be vou know that I am your

The Mi, O iae Mom Choir acuvntex *ucb a» game* and 100 much” for a man who friend, and this ia the wayoffered lour *ei«*ct rots under pxtur*. improved the re la- has given blood, sweat and >* *h»U always be with me.Ute direction of Mr. Wiliurm (iumlirp between the chil- tear* :> For a man who help- Moat sincerely yours andInn* Mi». Mamie Lang wa* dren Devoeom, tours und ed 'hem win the champion- Htadeet jiersona! regards toptanis-’ and Mrs. RosaUe quiet time offered them •hip? Who was tight end LotriseHough orgaaau, aecotnpoai- cultural enrichment. when no replacement overed the Ma** Chou. The program wux super- 0,1 lh* yea™ he has played

The Curry'* were warmly vised hy Mr*. M argaret WMh th,r Buffalo BiHs? Whoreceived tiv a very emhu*:- f rrvmunuel, Mr*, lam'ne Kel- ** ,h<? "Best Pubhc Relation*wstsc auduNkee. ley. Mra. Sylvia Griffin nnd M a n ' on ,ht' " 'a m for our

H t s selection* included the Neighborhood Y o u t h lind K'ris—yes t h ework* fn*n* the pen* of Hon- Corp provided 12 young peo- ' u rx t.'' The bust and most del, Scarioai. Catdnra. Bach, pie to assist Meal man for race relationsSchumann, R , Vaughn WU- Rev. s Trnnk F.rn mane al, ,n ,mr c‘,>r. ahd a “ Heart of hama PturctU. Cadi Sharp, pastor of the church, feels Gold “ 10 “ u - B'hier G udiet and Bruno tKit this program offered toHuhn, and a l s o several the children of the rommu-*P'rituals, arrang-d hy Riv n tv an opponunity for edu -

Love,LILLIAN J. MEADOWS Supervisor, 11 Ward

teei-her and a member of a cW ***"J * r «*« “ >*5 Jj n tls a re BnOTTTKiUBly HCI1, but. UnfortUIUltelyr'.utovrtle archrtechtural brm * « • hf«* “ ^ ........... ~■ h .n he Ironed the rh irs --0 can ^I i nun League. D u r i n g h« 0'" % at *"> *** .

came the first Industrial! *e - * * * a ^retary of msy Urban Leagu, ,,0 ' d- and th' m,ddl* ^ t tr

f * * ..roran!Rf\ , * >f. s t a t e s S e n a te a n d a n n o u n c e d : “ W e to o k th e• * * G o v e rn m e n t a w a y . e MtuiicA W tW i. W t w .

“when one has learned to yye s j,c N e g ro e s. W e a re n o t a s h a m e d o f i t .”

h,TkreRer f r • N wtat‘WHfeH!hrwr* atTIL hod Rossville, August 21, 1948 — A crowd of, • i«i . Fven-ng News no( yieW tw temptations. He 7,000 turned out to see a klan demonstrationl r . featuring r o b e d hors«. “No i.w that wiUleadership in a clean-up c-m j flvc ^ PGod and hi him- ever be drafted will make us accept the Ne-paign that memualb- he-ip I ^ ^ a ^ #f ^ „ ^roes aj ^ eq<ja)s » Drapon Qreen *aid. “Ifing^here '**'* ? ^ “Everywhere chnsttans are jt j tried, the grandsons of klan members who

. ; . . . . praying for one another— , , * , . ,In fa 1ms oearih racentb/. that the gmgdom o* God routed the carpetbaggers will do ihe job over

he nevertheless condnued his COITle t0 earth. Truly, aeain.”b e h h v of pam 'ing a n i had God ..hath mac,„ of ^ * l l i m W A n m l H 1 K K K “ x r h i t ebeen working on a boon. ^ al, nalions o{ mcn- C o lu m b u s, Apill 8. 1 9 4 8 — K K K ‘TVhlte

surviving are h.s w-fe, the and we are united in {he s u p re m a c y p r o p a g a n d a le a f le ts d r o p p e d f ro m

T S J - of hi< work " a ir p la n e o v e r N e g ro n e ig h b o r h o o d s on e v e o fcer; and a son. W. Leonard primary.Evans Jr., both of Chicago: ATTEND WEDDING S e n a t o r Walter F. George of Georgiat vo *tcpd.iughters. Dr. There- Mr ant! Mrs. Clifford . n o t ,„ f n r f . e o r v i * a a well as tbe United States sa G. Reed, a physician o£ (h ar(„ and s0n< clIfford Jr„ ^ oke for Oeorgia as well as the(United DtatesSt. Louia. Mo., and Miss B. at (,nded th# weddkt? ol a s a w h o l e w h e n h e w r o t e ; W n y a p o l o g u eGwendolyn Green of Buffalo; M;ls Cp0ff;8 r n„ or evade ? \ y c have been very careful to obeyand, a brother, Arthur P. EV- and M a r i o n Thompkins, . . i , . r r v ,n « f i t u t i o n b u t w eans of Louisville. in N fw Y.rk Cttv. Au*. 27. h e , e *t e r o f t h e hJC,d c r a ! U o n s t r t a U o n b u t w e

— at the Presbyteria« Charch h a v e b e e n v e r y d i l i g e n t a n d a s t u t e tn v i o l a t -PROTE6T MARCH of the Master, preformed by j n g spirit of such amendments and stat-

(From poge 1) tbo form w p n * ^ . » « v- ^ l f ta d t h c ^ e g f o t o b e H e v e h i m .

Ttrls U my opinion, and I feel not many people know

U w reaca WrlUam*. men, that otherwise would ' ' ^ h~ ^At the rnecbuam of the not have been re a p e d , h ^ irtth me until

proifrtm. Rev Buxhlt*, on The N Y C workma re I*”*3' puf(*“*#d ,hchweb. —- .._Y _IL I ™ I* home. I have m-ver heard

WM. L. EVANS< I rotn page 1)

secretary o', the Mayor'* Co-n mfttee on lluixw.rv Relation*.predecessor of t h e present tbe buildups md»»stry bv rh i Jam es Robinson. They re- , , . , , , ,Hurm.-in Relation* Commsvion, sta te CorrvmtoKion on Human turned with the Charles’ and s e l f t h e e q u a l o f t h e w h i t e m a n . A n d w e s n a i lMr. Evuna was a co ere found- R lght*. d a t e d M a n * 1965 spent » weak. They visited c o n t i n u e t o c o n d u c t o u r s e l v e s i n t h a t w a y . ”" o* ‘h Buff-l.o V nth Board, showed that there -were only Niagara Falls. Toron’a andan agency which has assisted six Nc«ro ano Puerto Rican other Interesting points Inhundreds of youth* in scrapes apprentice* enrolled in Btif- Canada,with the law to avoid more fain trade- union* at that time. . — --------------—

behalf ot,. (Rr pressedfor the program

•umrei iaiton V OP-lhe-lub y;rn|c complain He love*Tn,m i"K7‘f«lrtn* «?xperifn»'c l(«tb»ll. The end I* due. but

* « . m .m owr *2 T S S a .2 2 * J S T i S . £ ‘T « * r " r s ., u,“* r £ * S S , T c

* . , ™ . . . . . . . » . j i i £ Z r Z n « ! £7 ” '

“ ipon»0 ,v ‘* tence in .p o n s and this i* anrk he r prog rum. prim .rdy whal , , t> l0 tcttch.

4 N N O I I M f T M I T N T peisonahty and attitudes_ . . 'or 4-l'<- workin-j mothers to Mr. Warlick'i replacement

' y ll<K3- i>r>*i w* * n b^’r'n Sent. i?rh For further has someone to back him upnouneet «tw re-op. nme “I bet information you may cull according to the press. I

serious trouble.

He heipeu to sponsor the minimum housing law passed

while t h e r e were approxi- D » D T I C I D A M T C mott-ly 459 v.Tutes Therefore i A « v i l U l r A i l 1 O we urge every union to open T H A N K E D

Evangelist Amelia Mlnyard

So what shall we answer to you good white folks and Uncle Tom black folks, who wouldT H E S E A R E T H E F A C T S ( S e e p a g e 4 )

F A I T H C H U R C H. . “ T up a p p r e n t ic e prog'am s so ________ ______ _________ ___• « ~ e s ami Puert: Ri- wUhes to thank the p orteb T O P R E S E N TC i t y Planning Consro's*ion>

interesting attractions.The public to invited.M r*. Corine Tuttle to

chairman and the Rev. Ros-the Advisory C o m m iite e of CJd carn a who took p a r t on the EXTRAVAGANZA,h^ ranl« of organized labor. \n is U ' Muvicale Benefit Pro- An evening of enioyni£nt coe M. MitcheH. pastor.rhe Buffalo Police Department

and khe Puhl.c Relation* Com­mittee ol the Board of Edu­cation.

“ Bt .use of the history of gram held at Calvary C.M.E.

office at I] S p r u c e S-:. «n t l 2-2341

™ - » - -V • « » * « • * m e m o r i a l r i t e s

626 (From page 1), . . . - Humboldt P k w y . , Friday, Con-resit man Dulski a n d

Mr. Evans' role to fosteriw? forts must he mode by the The program wa* very well ^ n at 7:30 p m. Governor Rockafeller.g o o d leiatkm* between Ne- unuoM tn com prnxatt for ihi* r*ne}rred a n d received t h e Fean, r(.d m t)M. program The N'aEonal Baprivt Cmvproe* and whites, and to a- »“ >*»« p ta c tc e Many appar- prai„ s 0, »ho heard it. which w<a ^ in the ven. ion dr»wf. from 10.00*

d^cr«m.: nation aaoinat Nugroe* (hurch. ! • • ? Fllicoti St. at r „ lrav. „ i n narsd Pum-ta R i c a n s In the |v>dge Sunday. June is, at « F th ryaotixt Churchburfdm* induatrv. specwl ef- p .m F j,,h Fiap“ ' t <-nuI,cn-

h a ir nothing or any malice v<,voin* drfheu-tto* « V - 1 ^ e part.cularli ihankx .11 lower auditorium will ba: to 15/19# delegate* a n dTuesday, Sept. 27, IM« at I Rev S Frank Emmanuel toward the replacement, but tha* had plagued other c i t i e * . e l . aru but rofMe bi ,hr mintoter* who came and ^ r t a pmkard. noted solo- wx'uid r.iaan much to ther. and Min Margaret 1 know that until Ernie wa* pubUc.y recogniied. *ivp and ^Puerto Hi- brought their congregaikmx. n!; Fm i , noted r c o w r .i- arp.m Office will h r ooen «« j, py ,,.., nm, MlN M argaret • ___________________________________________ _

Tuesdays and rhutvdav*. TI. Emmanuel director lSiuJiiu aui naAmd an -unu , c‘',r" *** cfuuae at u.l There an<j .j,. p re s e nt of lh> Bibl.M*4«. eqhMA 1 , a c S T S f t i e S and is Z ” C * “ in • « * » « « many t p a H M y o u n g |u*ti.0, . . Prof. D Zarimtoiie.

-b L _ * 7 * t " ** * * * *■ -----MANY THANKS’ - MUCHAS GRACIAS! “ • % . M ^ EXTENDS

T „ gemiemen und the kind of was . m,w h e r <rf a s8ry w demonsirare >n order T H A N K S~ ® aR Dvmocrats and I its- n -" - * ‘ ' ' “ ’’P'e wan ctumuittee on care and treat- to dramaeuze thi* d tp h n H c To My J rim d* in the I.ilieotter-to wha yutrd for Art Hard- ment ,9 prtoooer* appearing S - S S T S f t o h S T . i to Mali:

June P r i m a l Mto to follow, for a belter V ' P e “ * * “U*Bt40“ ° f * * * * * * * * * My 8ftd hW*r?,” t * *i H.-miwd T , l , tomorrow for us ali 1 h" NiH,,>na! Congress cie- who con persu tde c :w precifmn for yoor pmronaceI . , i t s s t j ? r : ; - . a / i , ; , - « w« — *»• • « - r - . . - » » « > « . « « . * * - » - • . . .mrg. ,* , 8* C. Murv s n r the receiv-.*d o *h> e r modW Puerto Ricans before hnvmg tended to me - over (he p»*

fotrse* fo .hr m S l e J S « « « «« vourtt center* 'w hum **m m ent for sellmg 12 m:l- “ We wffl rifoi mm the ,nub- —stream , o, vou. .v w to J d s u re ha» '" * * « a»d crhourug- ^ ’n . *'^ ? . * * ' ,n ’ * « P <»« »qtf* on prvvattto-ft- l o My New I m a d s and Pa-

. 1 'W»nii*d sup- *“ World Wat if The L S Con- mimed buiJdmg* rtiar are be- trwe*:rUrs- >H VT T !'i° ' Sth ' kkn-s presrn-'ed him h service tog constructed bv men drawn Tho.ak v m Vrr alfowfog m -„ Ui*'!.,’*' b,< Ernie loves fuothail. I m e d a l signed bv Pn-.s.dent i r - m i drecriramwttoa Ubnr fo verve vou artrf for the 'w av f1(1 R! » | Hardwick as vin.r don't care If he s t , on the T ram s 'A* nbii wan.

and spiritual Ids '* artist in Chalk Talk and cf orr city.C h o r a l Reading: Singing V a -. re,.fo yours,gr .u p from Trimdad, Fall REV. JOSEPH W. MOORE fashion and many other Paatar

pt■ivivl.-r, |>

•Cads « U tl

tare if he s is on thebench, he can sstiil play

-o.-r i-s. Re- iRH-d.-d l don't wan:•|*’fii?<. ■ Inn, i-^u-vd fin 1 tr* 1 kro-w

■* * ' M .-k -<■ ••-. . \s ,i: t he‘ ' •••wn'-m* -nf xv„, luv,a4 th*s r.v. He - eg,»

tickets. Vote Hardwick able .,( ,n*Liag .t dev-tuon Vucseday. Nov. Ssh. listog for hs© fo.T"v he -s

poo; to s*h eh vroi rece-rved me tcNumerous other hocars and ’ W e urge you to join us in Try near toearton. ft v M".1 : . h<- rr;.'O f - -P th- -< -- 1! u n-,


-d -tvia fo! thState i'OTorshf- IT r R’y.he- a.-d o!

•» ‘ -.Went uf ifca :rv

march og Sarirrdwv. Septt IS lit a.m . »R-j ro brine l r » <s “ h •«*» H-ip us

a- t h i s th r fc'8j?'e.s; ir.d OKs: effcv;,v« nvarcli Lu t.s-o

J 3 C->-l ha* seen.

my p n v .e g e s i cater te your xuRgtorttoits and serve you to the- l>e*£ j( mv

CciH'i-s T.soma*. C.ag.t Susy Urfi Market »X F. bet:r. ar, _c P.tr r , .

FRIENDS OF JUDGE WM. SIMS SAY —“ If we want to keep Negro

representation in t h e C i t y

Court, we must register Thurs­

day. Oct. 4 and Sat.. Oc*

In order to vote for Judge

William S i m s on Tuesday,

November Hh. No matter with

whsch p a r l y you affiliate—

Democrat. Republican, I Sfeer-

a :—yon ran ka»k and vote for the. nam e nf icrfge S i m * 04 Tuesday, November *«h.
