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Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION An educated manpower serves as a prime mover of the nation's economic growth and sustainable development to the focus must be given to the quality mentors/teachers at all levels of education. Licensure Examination for Teacher is the examination given by the Professional Regulations Commission to all graduates who wish become professional licensed teacher. IT is one of the standard test from teaching program effectiveness and aside from standardizing the teaching the said examination indicates the quality of teacher training program of a particular institution. Technological University of the Philippines offers of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education Technical Teaching in Education. Part of the curriculum of the said program are Professional Industrial Education Subjects. Major Subjects and General Education subjects that have a great effect on the perfomance of the respondents in LET. Many professional teachers were produced by TUP since College of Industrial Education was founded. The Tracer Study on the Performance on the BSIE and BTTE graduate in the Licensure Examination for Teacher April and October


INTRODUCTION An educated manpower serves as a prime mover of the nation's economic growth and sustainable development to the focus must be given to the quality mentors/teachers at all levels of education. Licensure Examination for Teacher is the examination given by the Professional Regulations Commission to all graduates who wish become professional licensed teacher. IT is one of the standard test from teaching program effectiveness and aside from standardizing the teaching the said examination indicates the quality of teacher training program of a particular institution. Technological University of the Philippines offers of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education Technical Teaching in Education. Part of the curriculum of the said program are Professional Industrial Education Subjects. Major Subjects and General Education subjects that have a great effect on the perfomance of the respondents in LET. Many professional teachers were produced by TUP since College of Industrial Education was founded. The Tracer Study on the Performance on the BSIE and BTTE graduate in the Licensure Examination for Teacher April and October 2009, April and September 2010 and April & September 2011 aims to trace the passers career status after passing the examination. Identifying the factors that influenced the performance of graduates in LET is one of the concerns of this research. The passing rate of the respondents in terms of national passing will be reveal on this research as well as the school performance of TUP in LET. The findings of the study will serve as a "wake-up call" to both BSIE/BTEE students and instructors to improve the quality of instruction.

Background of the Study The Philippines prohibits any individual from practicing or offering to service the teaching profession without having previously obtained a certificate of registration and a valid professional license from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to ensure that the student teachers become competent teachers. This is the main reason why the commission conducts the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) to regulate the profession and to provide license to deserving individuals who passed the LET.

The LET serves as an initial benhcmarker in determining the strength of the teacher Education program particularly at the TUP. The tracers study the performance of the BSIE/BTTE graduates in LET for the year 2009, 2010, 2011 instead to trace the status of the LET passers. The employability of the graduates is also including in this study because the researchers find it relevant in the study conducted. The list of the top performing schools in the PRC board exam result dated April and September 209, 2010 and 2011 were taken from the officer website of the agency. To get the LET performance of each passer the researcher personally went to the office of Educational Statistic Department to request the results of the said years. As BSIE students, it will come to a point that the researchers will also take the said examination. Technological University of the Philippines produces LET passers but in the entire history of the college of Industrial education none of the passers become topnotchers. The researchers come up with this study to know why TUP was not able to produce topnotchers. To be one of the top performing schools on the said examination, there must be 50% passers graduates from the

school. According the official website of PRC TUP is not belonging to the top performing school. The passing rate of the TUP base on the PRC is ranging to 31%- 37% only.

Statement of the Problem: The study intends to trace the performance of the BSIE/BTTE graduates in the Licensure Examination of 2009, 2010, 2011 September and March in terms of their scores. The purpose of teachers of the study is to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: a. Age b. Gender c. Year Graduated d. Date Employee e. Current job f. Monthly income 2. What are the scores of BSIE-BTTE graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers of 2009, 2010, 2011 (September and March)? 3. What mode of reviews they undergone before getting the exam? 4. What is the passing rate of the BSIE/BTTE LET passers in terms of national passing rate? 5. What is the school performance of TUP in 2009, 2010 and 2011 LET?

6. Which of the following variables significantly influence the BSIE/BTTE graduates' performance in LET?

Scope and Limitations The researcher was limiting the study on the competencies acquired by the Technological University of the Philippines LET passers during 2009-2011 examinations. The respondents of this study were graduated of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and Bachelor of Technical Teaching Education. Total numbers of the passers were 400 BSIE/ BTTE and the researcher's target population was 100% of the population, taken as samples. The dependent variable of the study is the performance of BSIE/BTTE students in LET examination in terms of their scores. The independent variables of the study are the graduate's profile, school related factors and teaching specialization.

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will serve as the basis for the administration to evaluate the content of the subjects, curriculum offerings, instruction, methods and technologies and school facilities. Likewise the administration will be able to look for remedial measures to upgrade the areas where college students are found weak. In addition, competencies acquired by the LET passers will give insights in evaluating test results.

Finally, information provided in the investigation is guide to students who are interested to take education courses.

CHAPTER II CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that have bearing study using the key variables as point of sequence and reference. It also includes the research framework, hypothesis, and definition of terms.

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES According to Duque 1999, The quality of education in the country is low as stipulated in research findings. This issue particularly on low quality education poses more implications as one strives to deal with globalization, educational reform, technological change and survival issue.

Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

Licensure means a restricted practice requiring a license, which gives a "permission to practice." Such licenses are usually issued in order to regulate some activity that is deemed to be dangerous or a threat to the person or the public or which involves a high level of specialized skill. The danger and skill elements inspire governments not to allow a free-for-all, but to regulate the activity, and licensing is a well-established and convenient method of regulation. Licensing includes such things as pilot and driving licenses, licenses to play professional sports, etc. In the case of certain occupations and professions, licensing is often granted through a professional body or a licensing board composed of advanced practitioners who oversee the applications for licenses. This often involves accredited training and examinations, but varies a great deal for different activities and in different countries. Practicing without a license may carry civil or criminal penalties. TEACHERS Teachers refers to all persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels, whether on fulltime or part-time basis, including industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and/ or administrative functions in all schools in the aforesaid levels and qualified to practice teaching under this Act. This Act shall be known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994. Cited by Professional Regulation Commission. TRACER One way to evaluate a curriculum is via tracer studies.

According to Kumar (1991, as cited in Zainab, A. N., Edzan, N. N., & Rahman, S. S. A, 2004), tracer studies are recommended to be carried at least a year after students have graduated.

While, Loughbridge (1990, as cited in Zainab, A. N., Edzan, N. N., & Rahman, S. S. A, 2004) emphasized that in an ideal situation, the target graduates should not be too long on the job so as to achieve an effective tracer feedback since it is often difficult to remember courses taken up to 10 years previously.

Besides, reasons such as those who have changed addresses, changed jobs or gone overseas may make it difficult in tracing the graduates as explained by Zainab, A. N., Edzan, N. N., & Rahman, S. S. A. (2004) in their research. Furthermore, they said that a number of those located or reached were not willing to participate.

Curran & Greenwald (2006) emphasized that if graduates want an opportunity to get their feet in the door and prove themselves, they will have to redefine for their future employer what they have really learned after four years. Furthermore, they mentioned that there is no shortage of ways to demonstrate transferable skills through liberal arts education. On the other hand, Camenson (2008) reiterated that todays liberal arts majors learn a wide range of skills with just as wide a range of applications. A variety of studies, however, also show that the most important skill remains the ability to communicate effectively. The ideal communications specialist might actually be

a generalist. With an understanding of how to penetrate public awareness, as well as mold and respond to public opinion, communications can be public relations. With the knowledge of how to reach and influence consumers, communications can be advertising or publicity and promotion. Through the techniques of writing and editing, communications can be journalism. With problem-solving and group-management skills, communications can be

corporate troubleshooting or training.

With things becoming more uncertain in the Philippines, Moleke (2006) explained a similar phenomenon in South Africa. He observed that some of the South African graduates were voluntarily unemployed but majority of the graduates were involuntarily unemployed. Most of them who experienced periods of unemployment stated that they were unemployed because they could not find any kind of job. And a big bulk of these graduates were in the natural sciences, humanities and arts, and education.

Meanwhile, Wylie (2003) opined that graduates typically express openmindedness and willingness to learn and try new ideas, that seasoned candidates sometimes have trouble with. They have an eagerness to prove themselves, which can spur an entire organization on to the next level. They are prepared for change, and embrace it, and are not jaded by past experiences in the industry as more seasoned professionals can be. Nor, are they set in the ways things should be done, as this is an entirely new experience for them. (p. 7)

Moreover, Wylie (2003) posited that the skills organizations look for in job apllicants, including recent college graduates, differ from position to position. He said that technical skills, or what some would call quantitative skills are a concern or must be viewed with concern. However, interpersonal skills (or qualititative skills) are of primary importance. And finally, communication skills, to round off the top three categories of what one should look for when recruiting graduates.

The profile of the graduates is described in terms of: AGE As a factor affecting performance on the job had been cited in different literature and studies. Pendaliday as cited by Alonzo (1988) found that age is significantly related to work values of education and administrators particularly in achievement and decision-making. He pointed out that the older the administrator the more he values decision making involvement and achievement. Other studies also showed that the older students take longer time to learn than young students. According to Charles Dicken Father Time is not always a hard parent, and, though he tarries for none of his children, often lays his hand lightly upon those who have used him well; making them old men and women inexorably enough, but leaving their hearts and spirits young and in full vigour. With such people the grey head is but the impression of the old fellow's hand in giving them his blessing, and every wrinkle but a notch in the quiet calendar of a well-spent life.

In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber. So long as it receives a message of beauty, hope, cheer, and courage - so long are you young. When the wires are all down and our heart is covered with the snow of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, and only then, are you grown old. -By Douglas MacArthur.

There are two barriers that often prevent communication between the young and their elders. The first is middle-aged forgetfulness of the fact that they themselves are no longer young. The second is youthful ignorance of the fact that the middle aged are still alive cited Jessamyn West.

GENDER Stephanie Coontz, writer and educator, explains in her data rich article, The Myth of Male Decline(9.30.12), that women are doing better than they were decades ago. At the same time, however, there still unassailable professional and educational gaps relative to men. In a nutshell, women must work harder (e.g., more years in higher education) than men for similar payoffs. Men still enjoy what has been referred to as the patriarchal dividend; the expectation and realization that maleness and masculinity bestows long term benefits based on the institutional structures that invisibly (and visibly) surround us. As a research psychologist, I study the manifestations of power and power strategies in social groups from an evolutionary perspective. Fairly recently and from a decidedly non-evolutionary angle, my students and I have turned our

attention to social processes and institutional cues long understood by second wave feminist scholars. These social processes, this research shows, effectively keep women in their place just below men. You've probably read the studies showing how as the proportion of women in an occupational/professional category increases average earnings go down. Well what happens when women become "winners" in that institution that legitimates claims to the best positions in the work world: higher education? According

to Business Roundtable (June 2003), in 1999-2000, women received 133 bachelor's degrees for every 100 to men. A decade later, during the 2009-2010 school years, women are projected to receive 142 bachelor's degrees for every 100 for men. These socially constructed gender roles are considered to be hierarchical and characterized as a male-advantaged gender hierarchy (Wood & Eagly, 2002). The activities men were involved in were often those that provided them with more access to or control of resources and decision making power, rendering men not only superior dispositional attributes via correspondence bias(Gilbert, 1998), but also higher status and authority as society progressed. The particular pattern of the labor division within a certain society is a dynamic process and determined by its specific economical and cultural characteristics. For instance, in an industrial economy, the emphasis on physical strength in social activities becomes less compared with that in a less advanced economy. In a low birth rate society, women will be less confined to reproductive activities and thus more likely to be involved in a wide range of social activities. The beliefs that people

hold about the sexes are derived from observations of the role performances of men and women and thus reflect the sexual division of labor and gender hierarchy of the society (Eagly et al., 2000). In summary, social role theory treats these differing distributions of women and men into roles as the primary origin of sex-differentiated social behavior, their impact on behavior is mediated by psychological and social processes (Eagly, 1997), including developmental and socialization processes, as well as by processes involved in social interaction (e.g., expectancy confirmation) and selfregulation (Eagly et al., 2004). CIVIL STATUS A persons civil status is his or her name, filiation and marital status. Acts of civil status exist for birth, marriage and death. Since 1994, only civil status documents issued by the Directeur de ltat civil are recognized by the law. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the universal Declaration of Human Rights, without distinction of any kind, such as race, creed, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person cited by Principle 1, ICPD Programme of Action.

We all know that human rights cannot just be transplanted as external principles into individuals or their communities. Human rights principles must be internalized by each individual, women and men, and must be absorbed and

expressed in their own ways and within the positive aspects of their cultural values and beliefs. In order for this to happen, women must believe in human rights and must believe that these rights will protect them and not expose them in a battle against the society. They do weigh the social costs of entering into conflict as opposed to the benefits coming from the status quo. Women will claim their rights if they know there is a support system that will protect them from the reaction of their own communities. This support system should certainly include some of those who hold the keys to the power structures religious, community and traditional leaders.UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya A. Obaid.

SPECIALIZATION Human cultures progress through a dance of specialization and integration. The problem is that the human trait of abstract thinking has allowed our ability to specialize to outpace our ability to integrate knowledge. Thus, we know more and more details about nothing particularly relevant. Life becomes a game of trivia played between people who don't have an intrinsic understanding of who, or what, they are and who have little idea how larger social, scientific and cultural systems operate.

All the "freedom" in the world cannot solve this problem, but rather leads to greater confusion. Lack of freedom throws us into panic and again causes confusion. We often seek grounding in religion or political movements, but the price of suspending our disbelief is our relinquishment of authority to others no more qualified than the rest of us. We cannot afford, in our globalized,

interdependent world, to turn over our otherwise intelligent minds to ideologies and theologies. We cannot afford the divisiveness and arrogance inherent when one believes that theirs is the only way, the "right" way, and that other paths are "evil" or inferior even if they work very well.

If we declare our race to be HUMAN, our religion to be KINDNESS and our nature to be A WONDERFUL SPECIES OF PRIMATES, we will gradually learn to exercise rational control over our minds, our culture and our planet contributed by Earon Davis. For no continuity of social act is possible without a corresponding social status and the many different kinds of act required in an industrial state, with its high degree of specialization, make for corresponding classification of status stated by Kenneth Burke. School Related Factors Curriculum. Have numerous definitions, which can be slightly confusing. In its broadest sense, the word is used to refer to all courses offered at a school. This is particularly true of schools at the university level, where the diversity of classes might be an attractive point to a potential student. In colleges, specific courses make up the individuals curriculum, allowing a student to obtain a degree or certification in a certain field. Usually an individual will have to complete a certain amount of general education courses, and then specialized courses within a chosen field. In this way, the plan is individualized to

the persons desire for a certain type of expertise. Not following the prescribed course of study may mean not obtaining a degree by Psychology Phd of Walden University. Administrative Support. Specialist is a senior administrative assistant who supports one or several professionals for an organization. These professionals ensure successful business operations by performing a variety of administrative and clerical duties on a daily basis. This occupation was previously referred to as a secretary, but as these roles continue to evolve, many organizations recognized the importance of this occupation and reclassified the title by Lucy Friend, eHow contributor. SCHOOL FACILITIES According to 34 [Title 34 Education; Subtitle B -- Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education; Chapter IV -- Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Department of Education; Part 222 -- Impact Aid Programs; Subpart L -- Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program Under Section 8007(B) of the Act; General], the term school facility means a building used to provide free public education, including instructional, resource, food service, and general or administrative support areas, so long as they are a part of the facility. Part 400 -- Vocational and Applied Technology Education Programs -- General Provisions], the term school facilities mean classrooms and related facilities, including initial equipment, and interests in lands on which the facilities are

constructed. The term does not include any facility intended primarily for events for which admission is to be charged to the general public. This paper shows that the condition of school facilities has an important impact on student performance and teacher effectiveness. In particular, research demonstrates that comfortable classroom temperature and noise level are very important to efficient student performance by Jennifer Landrum Hadden.

RESEARCH FRAMEWORK This tracer study, with the findings of previous studies and concepts in the related literature, is based on the assumptions that one of the best means to measure the quality of teacher education program is through the performance of graduates in the qualifying examination- Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET); that graduates performance in LET could be influenced namely, students factors which when associated with other variable, could be considered significant in the performance of graduates in LET; that if the above stated variables have greatly influenced graduates performance in other related concepts. Conducting this research will confirm the existing relationship between graduates performance in LET and the students factors.

Paradigm of the Study

Independent Variable Profile of BSIE & BTTE graduates a. Age b. Gender c. Year Graduated e. Date Employed f. Current job g. Monthly income Performance of BSIE and BTTE graduates in LET Dependent Variable

Preparation of BSIE & BTTE graduates a. Mode of Review

DEFINITION OF TERMS GENDER- is the sex of a person; in this study, this was measured on the personal profile of respondents. SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS strategic position of the family in the society. This will be based on the following: parent/s occupation/s, parent/s highest educational attainment and family income. AGE- it refers to the period as how long the respondents existed, a time in life. CIVIL STATUS- it describes whether a respondent is single or married. LET (LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS)- This is the examination given by the Professional Regulations Commission to all graduates of teacher education courses/ programs who wish to become professional licensed teachers. PASSING RATE- This is the percentage of the teacher education graduates who passed the LET or board exam given by the Professional Regulation Commission. it is analyzed by determining the number of examinees who passed and divided by the number of examinees who took the exam. NATIONAL PASSING RATEPERFORMANCE- This is the output of an activity, program or any endeavor w/c is measured according to some predetermined criteria or instruments. This also

refers to the passing rate in the LET. PREPARATION FOR BOARD EXAM- this refers to schools policy and practices relative to taking the licensure examination like school based board exam review and pre- board and linkages to other review centers as pre- requisite for graduation. PRC BOARD EXAM RANKING- this is the ranking of the top performing schools with the number of examinees and the required percentage passing. Atleast 10 examinees and a minimum percentage rate of 80 percent. The ranking is categorized 20, 50, 100 or more. The schools with the most number of examinees who passed the board exams will be considered top performing school here in the Philippines only. BSIE PROGRAM- refers to the program designed to provide pre- service teacher training for would- be- teachers of vocational education. A four year course designed to produce effective technical vocational teachers in shop at tertiary level. TEACHING EXPERIENCE- this refers to the length of time or number of years a BSIE & BTTE graduates has been teaching at teaching at the time of study.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the discussion of the method of the study. Population and samples, research instruments, procedures in gathering its data and the statistical treatment applied in processing and analyzing the gathered data.

Research Design This is primarily a descriptive study wherein the independent variables were analyzed for possible relation to the dependent variable. The descriptive research design was used in this study, with documentary analysis, questionnaire and interviews as the means of gathering data. Population and Sampling Procedure The respondents of this study were the graduates of BSIE and BTTE program in Technological University of the Philippines Manila, who took Licensure Examination for Teachers from year 2009, 2010 and 2011. From among the total graduates,400 responded to our approach using the social networking sites and were used as research samples.

Research Instrument With the nature of variables and the indicative data involved in this study, the researchers used documentary analysis such as list of examinees of BSIE and BTTE graduates who took LET from year 2009, 2010 and 2011, questionnaire and interviews as the main tools from gathering data. The researchers secured permission from the College of Industrial Education Dean to allow us to request the statistical data on the said examination to the Professional Regulatory Commission. The questionnaire was validated by the researchers adviser in Introduction to Research. To further ensure the validity of the questionnaire, suggestions and recommendations for the improvement and refinement of the inputs of the questions were solicited before it was administered to the respondents. Data Gathering Procedure A letter of approval was sent to the president of Technological University of the Philippines to allow the researchers to go out the campus and have an access to the said commission. The researchers personally went to the office of the president of the Technological University to have the sign of Dr. Olympio V. Caparas (TUP President) The PRC is asking for the request letter noted by the Dean of the College of Industrial Education and Department Head of Professional Industrial Education before they start the process of researching the data needed on the tracer study on the Performance of BSIE and BTTE

graduates of TUP- Manila from year 2009, 2010 and 2011. The researchers sent the request letter to Dr. Helen D. Caparas (CIE Dean) noted by Dr. Cherrypyn Barbacena (PIE Department Head). It took 15 working days to have the said data. The complete list of LET examinees and their ratings on three areas of LET (General Education, Professional Education and Major Subjects) of the institution were obtained from the Education Statistical Department of PRC. Distribution and administration of the questionnaire was done personally by the researchers through Social networking site namely Facebook and through the cooperative effort and assistance of friends, relatives and currently enrolled students who have direct contact with the BSIE and BTTE graduates. Networking sites such as Facebook and Yahoo mail was the bridge of the researchers to contact the BSIE and BTTE graduates who are in different locations.

CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS This chapter presents the statistical findings of the study. Figures and tables are interpreted following the order of the statement of the problem and the hypothesis forth in the study. Profile of Graduate-Respondents To establish the personal profile of the respondents, descriptive statistics was used through computation of frequency and percentage. Variable Civil Status



Single Married

29 3

94% 6%


Female Male

17 14

55% 45%


21-25 26-28 29-40

25 3 3

82% 9% 9%

Monthly Income 10,000-19,999 20,000-29,999 30,000-49,000 12 10 1 39% 32% 3%

Table 1. Respondents Profile as a Civil Status, Gender, Age, and Family Income CIVIL STATUS

Single Married

Figure 1. Percentage and distribution of respondents in terms of civil status Based on figure 1, 29 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 94% of total number of respondents are single, 3 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 6% of total number of respondents are married.




1 Male 2 Female


Figure 2. Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents in terms of gender Based on figure 2, 68% or 272 LET passers out of 400 BSIE and BTTE graduates from the College of Industrial Education are female while 32% or 128 LET passers out of 400 are male. It shows that majority of the LET passers are female.

20091 Female 2 Male 41% 59%

Figure 3. Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents in terms of gender

Based on figure 3, 59% or 83 LET passers out of 400 respondents from the College of Industrial Education are female while 41% or 56 LET passers out of 400 are male.

20101 25% 2

Male Female


Figure 4. Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents in terms of gender Based on figure 4, 75% or 85 LET passers out of 400 respondents from the College of Industrial Education are female while 25% 0r 28 LET passers out of 400 are male.

Gender 20111 2 30%

Male Female


Figure 5. Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents in terms of gender Based on figure 5, 70% or 104 LET passers out of 400 respondents from the College of Industrial Education are female while 30% 0r 44 LET passers out of 400 are male.


21-25 yrs old 26-28 yrs old 20-40 yrs old

Figure 6. Frequency and percentage Distribution of Respondents in terms of age. Based on figure 6, 25 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 82 % of the total respondents are 21-25 years of age, 3 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 9% of the total respondents are 26-28 years of age and 3 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 9% of the total respondents are 29-40 years of age. It shows that the modal age of BSIE and BTTE graduates who passed the LET ranges from 21-25 years of age.PERFORMANCE OF TUP-MANILA OCTOBER 2009 RESULTS OF LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS

First timers Passed School

Repeaters % Passed Passed

Overall performance % Passed Passed % Passed 31%






Technological University of the PhilippinesManila

65 81

14 6

45 %




10 %


165 239



First timers Passed % Passed Failed School Total

Repeaters Passed % Passed Failed Total

Overall performance Passed % Passed 35%24.88 % 36.46 %


Technological University of the PhilippinesManila (April 2010) Technological University of the PhilippinesManila (September 2010)

40 35





10 1



115 176

40 87

12 7

31.50 %




15.5 6%


163 217


First timers Passed School

Repeaters % Passed Passed

Overall performance % Passed Passed % Passed31.68 %



Failed 12 2 17 9



Technologic al University of the PhilippinesManila (April 2011) Technologic al University of the PhilippinesManila (September 2011)




52.8 1%



10 3

22.3 3%





15 1

42.3 8%



11 1

17.1 2%






April 2009

78.2 78.1 78 77.9 77.8 77.7 77.6 77.5







Figure 7. Performance of BSIE and BTTE passers in LET in terms of General subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Based on figure 7, 61 passers got a 78.09% rating in general subject, 78.9% rating in professional education subject and 77.73% rating in major subject. October 2009

80 78 76 74 72 70 68

78.37 75.63 71.74




Figure 8. Performance of BSIE and BTTE passers in LET in terms of General subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Based on figure 8, 61 passers got a 78.09% rating in general subject, 78.9% rating in professional education subject and 77.73% rating in major subject. It shows that in April 2009 LET graduates of BSIE and BTTE passers got highest rating in general education subject and lowest rating in major subject.

October 2009

78.5 78 77.5 77 76.5 76 75.5







Figure 9. Frequency and distribution of respondents in terms of general, PIE, and major subject Based on figure 9, 74 passers got a 78.14% rating in general subject, 76.62% rating in professional education subject and 76.79% rating in major subject. It shows that in October 2009 LET graduates of BSIE and BTTE passers got highest rating in major subject and lowest rating in general education subject.

April 2010

76 75 74 73 72 71 70







Figure 10. Performance of BSIE and BTTE passers in LET in terms of General subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Based on figure 10, 61 passers got a 72.07% rating in general subject, 72.39% rating in professional education subject and 75.26% rating in major subject. It shows that in April 2010 LET graduates of BSIE and BTTE passers got highest rating in major subject and lowest rating in general education subject.

September 201076.29 74.88 73.42

77 76 75 74 73 72 71




Figure 11. Performance of BSIE and BTTE passers in LET in terms of General subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Based on figure 11, 61 passers got a 72.07% rating in general subject, 72.39% rating in professional education subject and 75.26% rating in major subject. It shows that in September 2010 LET graduates of BSIE and

BTTE passers got highest rating in general education subject and lowest rating in professional education subject. April 2011

76.9377 76.5 76 75.5 75 74.5






Figure 12. Performance of BSIE and BTTE passers in LET in terms of General subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject.

Based on figure 12, 70 passers got a 75.37% rating in general subject, 76.93% rating in professional education subject and 76.7% rating in major subject. It shows that in April 2011 LET graduates of BSIE and BTTE passers got highest rating in professional education subject and lowest rating in general education subject.

September 201180 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72







Figure13. Performance of BSIE and BTTE passers in LET in terms of General subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject.

Based on figure 13, 83 passers got a 74.95% rating in general subject, 74.96% rating in professional education subject and 79.16% rating in major subject. It shows that in September 2011 LET graduates of BSIE and BTTE passers got highest rating in major subject and lowest rating in general education subject.


73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65





Figure 14. Overall performance of BSIE and BTTE in LET in terms of General

subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Base on figure 14, BSIE and BTTE graduates got an average of 71.92% in general education subject, 68.15% in professional industrial education subject and 72.56% in major subject.

October 200969.73 70 68 66 64 62 66.28





Figure 15. Overall performance of BSIE and BTTE in LET in terms of General

subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Base on figure 15, BSIE and BTTE graduates got an average of 66.28% in general education subject, 65.68% in professional industrial education subject and 69.73% in major subject.

April 2010

75 70 65 60 55







Figure 16. Overall performance of BSIE and BTTE in LET in terms of General

subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject.

Base on figure 16, BSIE and BTTE graduates got an average of 71.81% in general education subject, 61.89% in professional industrial education subject and 61% in major subject.

September 201069.73 70 68 66 64 62 66.28





Figure 17. Overall performance of BSIE and BTTE in LET in terms of General

subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Base on figure 17, BSIE and BTTE graduates got an average of 66.28% in general education subject, 65.68% in professional industrial education subject and 69.73% in major subject. April 201172.98 69.97

74 72 70 68 66 69.19




Figure 18. Overall performance of BSIE and BTTE in LET in terms of General

subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject.

Base on figure 15, BSIE and BTTE graduates got an average of 69.19% in general education subject, 72.98% in professional industrial education subject and 69.97% in major subject.

September 201169.870 69.5 69 68.5 68 67.5 67 66.5 66 65.5 65






Figure 19. Overall performance of BSIE and BTTE in LET in terms of General

subject, Professional Education subject and Major subject. Base on figure 19, BSIE and BTTE graduates got an average of 68.95% in general education subject, 66.69% in professional industrial education subject and 69.8% in major subject.



Figure 20. Percentage of BSIE and BTTE graduates who undergone the in-home and formal review. Base on figure 20, 51.61% or 16 respondents took a formal review and 48.38% or 15 respondents have an in-home review only. It shows that majority of the respondents took a formal review.



Figure 21. Percentage of BSIE and BTTE LET passers who continue the teaching profession.

Based on figure 21, 74.19% of BSIE and BTTE LET passers pursue their teaching profession after passing the said examination, 25.81% of BSIE and BTTE LET passers did not pursue their teaching profession.

TUP passing rate vs National passing rate20091 Over all National passing

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

rate in Phil. Passing rate in TUP-M



figure 22. percentage of TUP passing rate vs National passing rate Based on figure 22, 26.84% is the national passing rate of Licensure Examination for Teachers while 35.46% is the passing rate of BSIE and BTTE graduates in TUP Manila . It shows that the passing rate in TUP Manila is higher than the national passing rate.

TUP passing rate vs National passing rate20101 Over all National

30 25 20 15 10 5 0

passing rate in Phil.2 Passing rate in


29.26 21.45

figure 23. Percentage of TUP passing rate vs National passing rate

Based on figure 23, 21.45% is the national passing rate of Licensure Examination for Teachers while 29.26% is the passing rate of BSIE and BTTE graduates in TUP Manila . It shows that the passing rate in TUP Manila is higher than the national passing rate.

TUP passing rate vs National passing rate2011

1 Over all National passing rate 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26

in Phil.2 Passing rate in TUP-M



figure 24. Percentage of TUP passing rate vs National passing rateBased on figure 23, 28.87% is the national passing rate of Licensure Examination for Teachers while 33.70% is the passing rate of BSIE and BTTE graduates in TUP Manila. It shows that the passing rate in TUP Manila is higher than the national passing rate.

8 passers

BTTE78 passers 75 passers


EST72 passers 9 passers 17 passers

HE ArtEd

Figure 25. Frequency of BSIE and BTTE graduates in terms of major courses Based on figure 25, 78 BSIE major in Home Economics graduates passed the LET, 75 BSIE BTTE graduates passed the LET, 72 BSIE major in Computer Education graduates passed the LET, 17 BSIE major in Industrial Arts graduates passed the LET, 9 BSIE major in Electronics passed the LET and 8 BSIE major in Art Education graduates passed the LET from years 2009-2011.

Chapter 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and the corresponding recommendations of the member based on the analysis of date gathered to provide objective answers to the specific problem posed in this study. Summary of Findings The population of the study consists of 400 BSIE and BTTE LET passers on years 2009, 2010 and 2011. 65 graduates of BSIE and BTTE passed the LET last April 2009 out of 153 takers, 74 graduates of BSIE and BTTE passed the LET last October 2009 out of 239 takers , 61 graduates of BSIE and BTTE passed the LET last April 2010 out of 176 takers, 54 graduates of BSIE and BTTE passed the LET last September 2010 out of 217 takers, 70 graduates of BSIE and BTTE passed the LET last April 2011 out of 192 takers and 83 graduates of BSIE and BTTE passed the LET last September 2011out of 262 takers. Based on the number of passers, 68% or 272 LET passers out of 400 BSIE and BTTE graduates from the College of Industrial Education are female while 32% or 128 LET passers out of 400 are male. It shows that majority of the LET passers are female. Based on the number of respondents which is 31 BSIE and BTTE graduates, 29 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 94% of total number of respondents are single, 3 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 6% of total number of respondents are married. In terms of age, 25 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 82 % of the total

respondents are 21-25 years of age, 3 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 9% of the total respondents are 26-28 years of age and 3 BSIE and BTTE graduates or 9% of the total respondents are 29-40 years of age. Based on the data collected, 51.61% of respondents took a formal review and 48.38% respondents have an in-home review only. It shows that formal review is an effective instrument to pass the LET. Most of the passers pursue their teaching profession after passing the said examination. Aside from that, TUP- Manila passing rate is always higher versus the national passing rate of the Philippines in Licensure Examination for Teachers from 2009-2011. Conclusions The findings of this investigation lead to the following conclusions: 1. Majority of the population of the BSIE and BTTE graduates who passed the Licensure Examination or Teachers are female. 2. Every graduates of BSIE and BTTE has different ways to review the subject taught in their program. In this study, according to the gathered information from the respondents, most of the BSIE and BTTE graduates who took the formal review or enrolled in review centers passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers. 3. Based on the gathered information using the official website of Professional Regulatory Commission, the passing rate of Technological

University of the Philippines- Manila is higher than the national passing rate in LET. 4. The respondents serve as the resources that the researchers used in order to come up with this analysis. Most of the BSIE and BTTE LET passers pursue their teaching profession.

Recommendations The statistical findings of this study yielded to the following recommendations: 1. This study is a call for professional education teachers as well as major subject teachers to review subject taught, update course syllabus, and institute relevant changes that would improve the scores of graduates in these areas of the Licensure Examination for Teachers. 2. For LET review, LET reviewers should be specialists or experts in their fields of specialization. A mock licensure examination should be developed which should be closely similar to the actual LET. 3. Graduating students of BSIE and BTTE students must hand an answer sample tests and reviewers. An answering sample tests, complete with answer sheets, it will serve as a practice for BSIE and BTTE graduates in managing their time during the examination and in shading circles. 4. An orientation for graduating BTTE and BSIE students must have the objective of familiarizing the graduating BTTE and BSIE graduates with LETs table of specifications and point system. The table of specifications,

as every teacher should know, identifies the topics covered by a test and how much weight each topic is given.

Respondents Gender 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Age 29 26 27 26 25 23 22 22 22 23 25 23 23 35 31 22 24 21 23 24 25 24 23

Q1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2

Q2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

Q3 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Q4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2

Q5 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

Ave. 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.4 1 1 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Total

1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

24 24 23 22 24 24 22 22 23

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.75

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1

1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

1.2 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.40625 0.193337

1.25 1.21875

1.5 1.3125 SD Z Value


Q1- Q5 Legend: 1- YES 2- NO


Good day! We found out that youre a LET passer. Congratulations! May I request you to answer this questionnaire as part of our research entitles Tracer Study on the Performance of BSIE/ BTTE graduates of TUP-Manila for the 2009, 2010 and 2011. This questionnaire is designed to get your current status in life after passing the said examination. Information you will give will be kept confidential. Please do not leave any item unanswered. Thank you very much. Godbless!

Name: Age: Gender: Civil Status:

Year graduated: Monthly Income:

Date took LET: What is your Rating in LET? Are you a LET repeater? Did you pursue your teaching career after passing the LET? Where have you work? (Please indicate the date you hired) What is your position? Number of year in teaching profession before taking the LET: I only had an in-home review for the preparation of LET? Did you undergo any formal review for the preparation of LET? If yes, indicate the review center Did your family pursue you to take the LET?

Regine M. Bayles470 Bo. Bayanihan, Maricaban, Pasay City Mobile number: 09295937470 Email Address: [email protected]


I am looking for a job where I can gain knowledge and upgrade my skills to the best to meet the companys requirement and satisfaction.

Work Experience:October 2010- Present Yellow Cab Pizza Corp. NAIA Terminal 3 Cashier

Supervised Industrial TrainingEducational Attainment:2009- Present

ComElec- Pasay City

Technological University of the Philippines Ermita, Manila City BSIE-Computer Education Undergraduate Pasay City East High School Pasay City Marcela Marcelo Elementary School Pasay City

2005- 2009

Batch 2005

Skills: Communications -- Good written and verbal presentation skills. Use proper grammar and have a good speaking voice. Profound knowledge of various computer applications Operation of office equipment: computer, printer Capacity to solve the problems pertaining to the computer programs

Personal Data:Age: Date of Birth: Gender: Marital status: 18 years old July 24, 1993 Female Single Nationality: Filipino Height: 52 Weight: 130 lbs

Character References:Rea Garillos Store Manager Yellow Cab Pizza Corp. NAIA Terminal 3 09156586532 Raquel Besmano Physics Teacher Pasay City East High School Josephine J. Pasamon Professor College of Industrial Education Technological University of the Philippines 09231032983 This is to certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Regine M. Bayles

MYRNA ANIERDES BIROG: Blk 57, Lot 17 Casimiro Townhomes Deparo Rd., Caloocan City : 09077731944 : [email protected]


To be able to apply my knowledge and skills and be a part of your successful company in whatever position I may serve.


BSIE-Computer Education

Technological University of the Philippines Deparo High School Caloocan City


Secondary Education

March 2009

Elementary Education

Deparo High School, Caloocan City

March 2005


Have a good communication skills

Computer Literate Application: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Video Editing Profound knowledge of various computer applications Can solve a problems pertaining to computer programs SEMINARS ATTENDED

1. TUP Chapter Climate Change- United Nation Youth Association of the Philippines 2. 1, 2, 3, 4, EDU-KA-DUDE ka ba? 3. Breast Care awareness seminar- Breast care study


Association of Computer Education Students (ACES)- Member


Date of Birth: Civil Status: Citizenship: Language Spoken: Height: Weight: Place of birth:

October 20,1992 Single Filipino English and Filipino 54 50kg Quezon City


Christian M. Dedel

OIC-Manager Mang Inasal Eton Ortigas Branch 09234685713

Joanna Marie Notada

Hinduja, Outsourcing Corp. 09333827977

Josephine J. Pasamon

Professor College of Industrial Education Technological University of the Philippines 09231032983

This is to certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Myrna Birog

Nadine Roumiel D. Magsipoc105 Manapat St., Taong, Malabon City [email protected] 09351336636

Career Objective: To be able to enhance skill and ability for the betterment of the company.


Birthday: October 20, 1992 Birthplace: Nueva Ecija Age: 19 Civil Status: Single Height: 55 Weight: 58 pounds Gender: Female


Primary Level General de Jesus College 2002 Nueva Ecija Alua Elementary School 2003 Nueva Ecija 20021998-

Taong Intergraded School former Taong Elementary School (Main) 2005 Malabon City


Secondary Level Taong National High School 2006 Malabon City 2005-

Tertiary Level Technological University of the Philippines (Manila) 2009-Present Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education major in Computer


Stephen Dale Louis De Guzman PUP Student 09158044096

Karen Galicha TUP Student 09997313910

PRINCESS DIANA B. CASTILLO#131 Tisa St. P-1 Sampaloc Site 2, Paraaque City Email Address: [email protected] Contact Nos. 09269712041


To fit my capability in a dynamic organization that will take my advantage of my education and experience.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDClass Year Attended * Technological University of the Philippines Ayala Blvd. Ermita, Manila Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education Major in Computer Education * Paraaque National Highschool Dr. A Santos Kaytalise St. Paraaque City *Sampaloc Site 2 Elementary School P-5 Sampaloc Site 2, Paraaque City 1999-2005 2009 2013


SEMINARS* EDUK-A-DUDE T.U.P IRTC Hall August 16, 2010

CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESCollege Association of Computer Education Students (ACES) Technological University of the Philippines June 18, 2009 up to present Theories of Personality Technological University of the Philippines August 2010

PERSONAL DATAAge : 20 years old Date of Birth : December 11, 1992 Place of Birth : Quezon City Height : 411 Weight : 110 lbs. Sex : Female Marital Status : Single Citizenship : Filipino Religion : Christian

SPECIAL SKILLS Proficiency in Microsoft office application. Speaks Filipino and English. Strong interpersonal relations. Positive work attitude. Interested in communicating with other people. A responsible, goal-oriented, hardworking person and willing to learn more.

CHARACTER REFERENCEMecca Gabieta Paraaque City Gemma Santos Paraaque City Contact no. 09301503121

Contact no. 09129812941

I hereby certified that all information is true and correct.

Princess Diana B. Castillo

ROSE ANN U. SABADO2844 Uruguay St. Brgy. San Isidro Makati City E-mail Add: [email protected] Contact No.: 09196736670 PERSONAL DATA Age : 19 years old Date of Birth : April 21, 1992 Place of Birth: Makati City Height : 52 Brake bonding Weight : 44 kg Sex : Female Marital Status: Single Citizenship : Filipino Religion : Roman Catholic EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Year Attended Primary Secondary Tertiary : Hen. Pio Del Pilar Elementary School : Caditaan National High School :Technological University of the Philippines Manila City BSIE-ComEd 4th Year Level 1999-2005 2005-2009 2009-2011 Mother : BenildaSabado Occupation: Housewife Father: Robert Sabado Occupation::Sales Owner of Siblings: RezielSabado : JhonRonilSabado

SPECIAL SKILLS - Computer Literacy - SpeaksBicol, Bisaya , Filipino and English - A responsible, goal-oriented, hardworking person and willing to learn more. - Strong interpersonal relations - Positive work attitude

Working Experience: Excellent Star Maritime Center-OJT (encoder) Help Labs (marketing) Pasay City West High School (student teacher) CHARACTERISTICS REFERENCES Reziel U. Sabado Admin Accounting Executive 2844 Uruguay St., Brgy. San Isidro Makati City Cellphone #: 09166735344 Mr. Nonilon V. Maricatol TUP Professor Cooperating Teacher Mr. Paul Esber Former President of ESMC

Rose Ann U. Sabado Applicant
