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thesis proposal The Effectiveness Of KWL Strategy In Reading Comprehension At The Tenth Grade...

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1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem Mastering English is very important for people because English is an international language to communicate with others people in the world. In Indonesia, it is known as a foreign language. Eventhough English is a foreign language it is taught at elementary level into university. In learning English language, one of the skills that should be improved is reading. In daily life, it is very important to get information from every reading passage, especially in learning English. Reading is one of the basic skills in English which is not simply translated word by word but need to be acquired during language course. Therefore, when the students learn to read, they should be able to comprehend the reading text during the process of reading. They are not only expected to read the text in good pronunciation, but also find out the meaning word within the text. 1
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1.1 Background of the Problem

Mastering English is very important for people because English is an

international language to communicate with others people in the world. In

Indonesia, it is known as a foreign language. Eventhough English is a foreign

language it is taught at elementary level into university. In learning English

language, one of the skills that should be improved is reading. In daily life, it is

very important to get information from every reading passage, especially in

learning English. Reading is one of the basic skills in English which is not simply

translated word by word but need to be acquired during language course.

Therefore, when the students learn to read, they should be able to comprehend the

reading text during the process of reading. They are not only expected to read the

text in good pronunciation, but also find out the meaning word within the text.

Reading in a foreign language is essential not only for promoting the

students’ personal and cognitive development, but also for improving their study

and job prospects in a globalization society. Due to the importance of reading, one

of the priorities of language teaching should provide students with the tools they

need to tackle text in variety of context and to define purposes more intensively.

Although reading is very important, but students still have some

difficulties in mastering reading. In SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Padang

the researcher found that students lacks in comprehending reading English

passage. It is observed that the lack ability of the tenth grade students in SMK

Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Padang in reading English is influenced by

several factors. First, the students have difficulty in understanding English word,


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phrases and sentences in English. As the more they read the more vocabulary and

new words they can encounter. But how can they encounter many understanding

English word, phrases and sentences if they have no interest in reading. They read

only if they are instructed by their teachers. Second, the students have difficulty in

finding the main idea of the text they read. Third, Students are less practice

reading in the classroom and everyday life. Fourth, the teacher could not find the

right method to provide materials for students to learn and quick understanding

the material present. Last, the others problem was that the teacher did not teach

and train the students to use reading strategy in reading. The teacher only have

limited time to cover all of those materials, as they have many things to do besides

reading materials, they have lots of tasks and tests and also the other stuff. So, the

teacher need to train and develop their reading speed to help them learn more

effectively, as it also will support their learning activity that will lead to their

learning achievement. Based on factors that are mentioned above the biggest

problem is how to choose appropriate method because students can easily get

bored if the teacher presents material with traditional technique.

Based on the problem above it is necessary to apply the method or

strategies to solve students from reading problem in English in order to students

can read and understand meaning of every reading passage. KWL (Know-Want-

Learned) strategy is chosen to solve this problem. KWL strategy helps students

engage with texts in deliberate and purposeful ways. In the first phase K (Know),

students activate prior knowledge. Then in the second phase W (Want to know),

they predict what additional information they are likely to need and develop a plan


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to gather that information. In the final phase L (Learned), students reflect on the

new knowledge generated or retrieved as the plan is implemented.

Compare to the traditional method which is usually monotones, the

students only read and review the entire text but that will improve in KWL

strategy because KWL strategy divided the main point of the text into three parts:

K, W, and L. It makes the students more clear about the information and elaborate

with their own knowledge. Traditional method also make the students have a less

motivation to be active questioners, read for specific purpose and reflect following

reading about whether the purpose is met, but KWL strategy can helps the

students to increase their motivation, access what they know, decide what they

want to learn and whether it is likely to be in the passage, and decide what yet

needs to be done after reading.

Considering on the explanation above, the researcher would like to do a

research to find out whether Know-Want-Learned (KWL) strategy gives better

effect on students reading comprehension ability and help them understand what

they are reading, students will be taught a reading comprehension strategy, which

is called K-W-L strategy. K stands for what you know, W stands for what you

want to know, and L stands for what you have learned. The goal beside this

strategy is students will apply the K-W-L strategy when they read to understand

what they have read and they will be able to explain the three steps to the KWL

strategy. It encourages students to make connections between prior knowledge

and new information thus facilitating the construction of meaning. This research

also aimed to find out the effect of Know-Want-Learned (KWL) strategy and

students’ reading attitude toward students’ reading comprehension ability. So, the


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research is conducted entitled “The Effectiveness of KWL Strategy In Reading

Comprehension at The Tenth Grade of SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri


1.2 Identification of the Problem

Referring to the background of the problem above, there are some

student’s problems found in reading comprehension. First, the students have

difficulty in understanding English word, phrases and sentences in English. As the

more they read the more vocabulary and new word they can encounter. But how

can they encounter many vocabularies if they have no interest in reading. They

read only if they are instructed by their teachers. Second, the students have

difficulty in finding the main idea of the text they read. Third, Students are less

practice reading in the classroom and everyday life. Fourth, the teacher could not

find the right method to provide materials for students to learn and quick

understanding the material present. Last, the others problem was that the teacher

did not teach and train the studentsto use reading strategy in reading.

1.3 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the research, the research problems are

formulated as follows:

a. How is the students’ ability in reading comprehension before teach

by using KWL strategy?

b. How is the students’ ability in reading comprehension after teach by

using KWL strategy?

c. Is there any significant of students’ ability before and after teach by

using KWL strategy?


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1.4 Purpose of the Research

Based on the research problem above, the main purpose of this research is to

explain the effectiveness of KWL strategy in order to help the student to improve

their ability in comprehending reading passage. The purposes of the research are


a. To describe the students’ ability in reading comprehension before

using KWL Strategy.

b. To describe the students’ ability in reading comprehension after using

KWL Strategy.

c. To describe whether there is significant influence between the

students’ ability that are before and after being taught using KWL

Strategy in reading comprehension.

1.5 Hypothesis of Research

a. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) states that there is significant effect of

using KWL Strategy on students’ ability in reading comprehension.

b. Null Hypothesis (Ho) states that there is no significant effect of using

KWL Strategy on students’ ability in reading comprehension.

1.6 Significances of the Research

The result of the study is expected to bring some significance and contribution in

teaching and learning English as follows:

a. For the English Teacher

The result of this research is expected to help teachers especially for those

who taught the tenth grade student of SMK Pertanian Pembangunan

Negeri Padang in improving their reading comprehension.


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b. For The Students

It will be useful for student get the opportunities to improve their readings

specify in understanding, developing, and explain main idea of the text.

c. For the Researcher

It can give an experience in teaching reading by using KWL strategy

which is appropriate and effective in teaching reading comprehension.

d. For the other Researcher

As a reference to other researchers who want to study KWL strategy more

intensively in teaching reading comprehension.

1.7 Definition of Key Term

To avoid the ambiguity to this research, the term of this research are

defined as follow:

a. Effectiveness is the result of using KWL strategy as media in reading


b. KWL Strategy is an instructional reading strategy that is used to guide

students through a text. Students begin by brainstorming everything

they Know about a topic. This information is recorded in the K

column of a K-W-L chart. Students then generate a list of questions

about what they Want to Know about the topic. These questions are

listed in the W column of the chart. During or after reading, students

answer the questions that are in the W column. This new information

that they have Learned is recorded in the L column of the K-W-L

chart. Ogle ( 1986 ) on http://www.nea.org/tools/k-w-l-know-want-to-

know-learned.html retrieved 20 November 2015


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c. Reading Comprehension is the process of simultaneously extracting

and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with

written language. It consists of three elements: the reader, the text, and

the activity or purpose for reading. Reading comprehension involves

the ability in finding out main ideas, specific information, and word

meaning. (Rand, 2002 ,11)


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2.1 Reading

There are four skills in English, they are: speaking, listening, reading and

writing. All those skills are very important for English learner. Each skill has

different function in English. So it is better for English learner to master all of

those skills. One of those skills is reading skill. According to Nunan (2003:68-69)

reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their

own background knowledge to build meaning. The goal of reading is

comprehension. In addition, Nunan stated that reading is an essential skill for

learners of English as a second language. For most of these learners it is the most

important skill to master in order to ensure success not only in learning English,

but also in learning in some content class where reading in English is required.

With strengthened reading skills, learners will make greater progress and

development in all other areas of learning.

Teixeira (2012:1) explains that reading as follow: reading is a key language

skill that has a significant place in the teaching and learning of foreign language.

Teixeira stated that this skill allows students to have access to ideas that is

communicated by people in different locations and eras, gives the opportunity to

broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. Moreover, reading in a

foreign language is essential not only for promoting the students’ personal and

cognitive development, but also for improving their study and job prospects in a

globalization society. Due to the importance of reading, one of the priorities of

language teaching should provide students with the tools they need to tackle text

in variety of context and to define purposes more intensively. According to


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Grimes (2006:5) reading as an active process of constructing meaning; those who

understand the process best-librarians, reading specialists, and researchers-must

make explicit and active what good readers do subconsciously and internally.

Patel (2008:113) defines reading as an active process which consists of

recognition and comprehension skill. Furthermore, Wren (2000:13) stated that

reading comprehension is the ability to construct linguistic meaning from written

representations of language.

Finally, according to National Council of Researchers of English (2014)

reading is a complex and purposeful socio cultural, cognitive, and linguistic

process in which readers simultaneously use their knowledge of spoken and

written language, their knowledge of the topic of the text, and their knowledge of

their culture to construct meaning with text. Each of these types of knowledge

impacts the sense that readers construct through print. Readers easily comprehend

text with familiar language but are less successful at comprehending text with

unfamiliar language. Readers easily comprehend text on familiar topics but are

less successful at comprehending texts on unfamiliar topics. At the same time, the

interpretations readers construct with texts as well as the types of texts they read

are influenced by their life experiences.

Based on definition above we can conclude that reading is fluent process of

readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge

to build meaning, also an active process which consists of recognition and

comprehension skill, this skill allows students to have access to ideas that is

communicated by people in different locations and eras, give the opportunity to

broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge, furthermore, reading is the


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most important skill to master in order to ensure success not only in learning

English, but also in learning in any content class where reading in English is


2.2 Reading Comprehension

According to Rand (2002:11) reading comprehension is the process of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and

involvement with written language. It consists of three elements: the reader, the

text, and the activity or purpose for reading. Reading comprehension involves the

ability in finding out main ideas, specific information, and word meaning.

Considering this sentence whether it can be read and comprehended: “Apple

banana blue walk tree happy sing”. Surely students are able to read each of the

words in that sentence and understand what they meant independently. An apple

is a fruit that is usually round and red, green or yellow. A banana is another fruit

that is yellow. Blue is a color and so forth. However, when you look at the

sentence as a whole, it does not make a sense. This nonsense sentence

demonstrates the difference between being able to read words and comprehend

text. Mikulacky (2007:74) states that reading comprehension is more than just

recognizing and understanding words. True comprehension means making sense

of what you read and connecting the ideas in the text to what you already know. It

also means remembering what you have read. In other words, comprehending

means thinking while you read.

Thus, based on the explanation above the researcher can sum up that reading

comprehension is the act of understanding what readers are being read. It is an

intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during and after a person


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reads a particular piece of writing. Without comprehension, reading is nothing

more than tracking symbols on a page with eyes and sounding them out. People

read for many reasons but understanding is always a part of their purpose.

Reading comprehension is most important because without it, reading does not

provide the reader with any information.

2.3 KWL Strategy

According to Ogle (1986:564-570) K-W-L is an instructional reading

strategy that is used to guide students through a text. Students begin by

brainstorming everything their Know about a topic. This information is recorded

in the K column of a K-W-L chart. Students then generate a list of questions about

what they Want to Know about the topic. These questions are listed in the W

column of the chart. During or after reading, students answer the questions that

are in the W column. This new information that they have Learned is recorded in

the L column of K-W-L chart. Follow is an example of the KWL Chart:

Table 1KWL Chart

Name :_________________ Date :_________________Class :_________________ Topic :

What I Already Know… What I Want to Know… What I Have Learned...

Bellanca (2007:2) states that KWL (Know-Want-Learned) strategy is an organizer

to help students check theirs prior knowledge of a topic, concept, or process


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before learning about it. With this prior knowledge, the brains of the students will

recall what their already know about the topic. When they get new information,

students will use their brains to join the old knowledge with the new.

Furthermore, He added KWL strategy helps students engage with texts in

deliberate and purposeful ways. In the first phase K (Know), students activate

prior knowledge. Then in the second phase they predict what additional

information they are likely to need W (Want to know), and develop a plan to

gather that information. In the final phase L (Learned), students reflect on the new

knowledge generated or retrieved as the plan is implemented. This strategy is

particularly effective in setting a purpose for reading of non-fiction text and

motivating further reading. Students may use a content-area text, an article, or any

other non-fiction source that can lead to further “uncovering” of information

about a topic through continued reading in search of answers to questions they

themselves generate.

Based on some definition above, the writer can sum up that KWL strategy

is most effective way to help students’ comprehension about the texts, because

KWL strategy is designed for the teachers to effectively respond to students'

knowledge when they read expository material, but can also be used for narrative

material that comes under the heading of genres such as myths, poems, etc. It also

encourages students to become involved in active thinking and cooperative

learning with their classmates. The main purpose of the KWL Teaching Strategy

is to elicit students' prior knowledge of the topic of the text, set reading goals (for

what they want to know), and monitor their comprehension of the topic after

reading the text. KWL strategy is designed to help students develop for more


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active approach to reading expository material. The teachers first model and

stimulate the kinds of thinking needed for learning and then give students

individual opportunities to list what they know, what questions they want answer,

and what they have learned from reading the text. In this way, the benefits of

group instruction are combined with individual student commitment and

responsibility. The strategy was developed to translate current research findings

about the active, constructive nature of reading into an instructional lesson format.

It has also been useful in helping the teachers better communicate the active

nature of reading in group settings. And also, will help them make predictions

about what they will be reading through the generation of question they would

like to have answer, helps students to organize what they have learned when they

are finished reading.

2.4 The Use of KWL Strategy in Teaching Reading

According to Ogle (1986: 570) KWL is an instructional scheme that

develops active reading of expository texts by activating learners‟ background

knowledge. It provides a structure for recalling what learners know about a topic,

noting what they want to know, and finally listing what has been learned and is

yet to be learned. Learners begin by brainstorming everything they know about

the topic. The relevant information is recorded in the K column of the KWL

Chart. Learners then generate a list of questions about what they want to know

about the topic. These questions are listed in the W column. During or after

reading, learners answer these questions. What they have learned is recorded in

the L column.


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Purpose of The KWL (Know-Want-Learned) strategy provides a structure

for activating and building prior knowledge, establishing a purpose for reading

and for summarizing what was learned. The strategy can help students reflect and

evaluate their learning experience, as well as serve as a useful assessment tool for


2.5 Procedure of Using KWL Strategy

According to Ogle (1986:565) the procedure of K-W-L have three basic

cognitive steps required: accessing what I Know, determining what I Want to

learn, and recalling what I did learn as a result of reading. There are the

procedures of KWL (Know, Want, and Learned) technique:

a. Researcher needs to create a KWL chart to guide the students. This can be

done on large chart or on the chalkboard. It is very simply, just divide the

space into three columns and label them “Know”, “Want to Know”,

“Learned”. In this step, the researcher takes a role as an organizer as well as

the controller. The researcher explains what the students will do in every

column and give information needed to make sure that the students

understand the activity.

b. After making the chart, the researcher gives the students the topic and asks

the students what they know about it. Generate as many ideas as possible

relying on the students’ prior knowledge. Record all the ideas in the first

column. This is a brainstorming activity, which is considered as a great way

to begin a reading lesson because it engages all the students, including the

silent ones who may not be talking but in listening to their peers. The


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researcher should also provide some words or terms to help if they can’t find

ones related to the topic given.

c. On the “K” column is complete with all possible ideas, the researcher

together with the students categorizes the information. This step will help

the students to structure the content for the next step that is formulating

questions to be investigated that bring more meaning and clarify to the topic.

d. Researcher asking the students to write down things they want to know

about the topics or generating questions they want to answer as they read the

text. These questions they want to answer as they read the text. These

questions become the basis for “W” (what students want to learn). Questions

may be developed from information gleaned in the preceding discussion and

from thinking of the major categories of anticipated information. This

process helps the students define their purpose independently for reading.

e. After filling the column, the students are asked to share and discuss their

ideas. This is an excellent opportunity to model and show the students the

value of inquiry. It is possible that the students do not know what they

should ask or what they want to know. To anticipate this condition, the

researcher should also provide some questions to guide the students. Doing

the K and W column, the researcher takes a role a source. This role is

important in these steps because the researcher’s questions and information

actually will also lead the students to understand what is discussed in the

text that they are about to read.

f. The researcher asks the students to look for the answers of the questions in

their W column while they are reading. Students can fill out their “L”


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columns either during or after reading. As they read, students should note

new information in L column. This will help them select important

information from each paragraph and it provides a basis for future reference

and review. After filling the column, the researcher will help and guide

students to classify the information into classes. The first one is information

needed to answer the question from “W” column and the second one is new

information found in every paragraph. In this step, the researcher’s role is

more as a participant.

g. Students discuss what they have learned from the passage. Questions

develop before and during the reading should be reviews to determine how

they were solved. If some questions have not been answers, students can be

guided to seek further information in appropriate materials. In this step, the

researcher will be an assessor who gives feedbacks and do some corrections

so that the students will get better understanding about the text.

2.6 The Previous of the Research

In fact, there are many researchers have reported about the effectiveness of

using KWL strategy to improve students ability in English teaching reading to

make the teaching and learning process more effective.

The first is Hamdan (2014) by the title of “KWL-Plus Effectiveness on

Improving Reading Comprehension of Tenth Graders of Jordanian Male

Students“. The problem of this research was that Jordanian English teachers use

almost one set of reading strategies among which no meta-cognitive strategies as

KWL-Plus was used. In an open survey of a pilot study conducted on 70 teachers

of English in10 Jordanian public schools and 10 private schools teaching grades


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seven through ten, the researcher asked the English teachers to list down all the

reading strategies they use with their students. He found that none of them listed

KWL-Plus. This study examines the effect of the meta-cognitive strategy, the

KWL-PLUS, on improving reading comprehension of Tenth Graders of Jordanian

students. It aims at improving tenth graders’ abilities to construct meaning from

text. The findings indicated that the experimental group of the public school

scored higher on the reading comprehension post-tests than their peers did in the

control group. The researcher concluded that the strategy was effective in

improving the reading comprehension performance and recommended that the

strategy should be integrated into the English curriculum of the Jordanian schools.

The second is Samaikomsun ( 2012 ) by the title “The effect of KWL

technique on reading comprehension of Mattayom Suksa III Students Watratcha-

o-rot School”. The problem of this study was most student need to improve

reading comprehension skill because the method of teaching did not support them

to read and think. Moreover, they lacked of practice of appropriate ways and the

use of inappropriate reading strategies in the reading instruction. As the finding of

this research was that students’ English reading ability was significantly different

at 0.01 level after learning through KWL- plus. The scorer of students’ post-test

(M=14.59) was higher than the scorer of students’ pre-test (M=8.52). The main

gain difference between the pre-test and post-test was 6.07. According to the

results, the KWL-plus technique had positive effect on students’ English reading

comprehension. That is, students improved their reading ability after learning

through KWL-plus technique. She has conducted her research at Mattayom Suksa

III Students Watratcha-o-rot School.


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The third is Utami (2014) by the tittle of “ The Effect Of Know-Want-

Learned (KWL) Strategy And Students’ Reading Attitude Toward Students’

Reading Speed Of Hortatory Exposition Text At Grade Xi Of SMAN 1 Curup

Selatan. The problem of her research was he students had difficulty to

comprehend the text in appropriate or given time and they weren’t interest to read

English text or material. It led the students reluctant to be active reader, and

showed negative attitude toward reading English. In addition, the teacher also

tended to ignore to train the students to use reading strategy and improving their

reading speed. The teacher usually used monotones strategy in teaching reading.

The finding of the research was that 1) KWL strategy gives significant effect

toward students’ reading speed compared to Three-Phased strategy. 2) Students’

reading speed with high reading attitude who are taught through KWL strategy is

significantly higher than those who are taught through Three-Phased strategy 3)

Students’ reading speed with low reading attitude who are taught through KWL

strategy is not significantly higher than students who were taught through Three-

Phased strategy. 4) There is no interaction between teaching strategies (KWL

strategy and Three Phase strategy) and students’ reading attitude towards

students’ reading speed. In sort, the use of KWL strategy for teaching reading

speed is more effective to be applied for the students with high reading attitude.

Their research finding and result showed the use of KWL reading strategy

can make teaching reading comprehension to students more effective, and make

students get achievement in reading comprehension. This research is different

from the research that mentioned above, because this is focus on report text.

Actually, KWL strategy is useful to comprehend the text which contains general


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classification and description. So the writer wants to try to conduct the research

focusing on KWL strategy in providing report text. Then, this research will be

take different places. This is at first grade students of SMK Pertanian

Pembangunan Negeri Padang. Because ideally, the first student of SMK must to

mastered reading and have skill in reading comprehension for improving their

study and job prospects in a globalization society.


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c.1 Research Design

Based on the research problem, it reflects that this study as the research

employed a true experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design.

The diagram is below:

R O1 X O2

R O3 O4

Where :

R = Random assignment

X = Treatment

O = Pretest and Posttest for both groups

(Sugiyono, 2012:92)

This research aims to explain KWL strategy as the treatment to improve

students’ reading comprehension. This research will achieved if the experiment

design will used because the purpose of the experimental research will investigate

the possible cause-and-effect relationship by manipulating one independent

variable to influence the other variable.

Gay (2000:367) explains that an experimental research is the only type of

research that can test hypotheses to establish cause-and-effect relationship.

Furthermore, Arikunto (2010: 9) stated that an experimental research is the

method to seek causal relationship between two factors that is intentional to be

appeared by researcher with eliminating or alleviating the other factor that disturb.

The purpose of experiment research is to describe whether there is an effect or not


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from the treatment that given to the subject there are three kind of experimental

research; they are pre experimental design, quasi experimental design, and true

experimental design or pure experimental. Finally, Sugiyono (2010:57) stated that

experimental method is a method of research used to search for a specific

treatment effect against the other under conditions unmanageable.

Based on the definition of some experts, it is understood that the

experimental research will conduct to determine the effect of a treatment or

treatment of research subjects. Thus experimental studies in education is research

that aims to assess the effect of a treatment on student behavior or testing

hypotheses about the presence or absence of the influence of the action when

compared with other measures.

The treatment gives after pre-test. Pre-test is to describe the students score

before treatment. After give treatment the researcher also gives post-test to

describe the score after treatment (KWL strategy be effectiveness), is it any

significant differences between and after post-test. The result of the test is in the

numerical form. The researcher analyzes the data used numerical calculation

especially use kind of statistic method T-test.

c.2 Population and Sample

a. Population

According to Gay (2000:122) population is the group of interest to the

researcher, the group to which she or he would like the result of the study to be

generalization. Furthermore, they stated generalization is the extent to which the

results of one study can be applied to the other population or situation.


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According to Sugiyono (2012:119) population is “wilayah generalisasi

yang terdiri atas: obyek / subyek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik

tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari dan kemudian ditarik

kesimpulannya”.(Population is the generalization areas that consist of:

object/subject that have specific quality and characteristic determine by the

researcher to study and then drawn the conclusions).The population of this

research is the tenth grade of SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Padang in

academic year 2015/2016. The population is all of the second semester students,

which consist of four classes they are class X. 1.1, X. 1.2., X.2.1 and X.2.2 Figure

3 follow is for the relevant information:

Table 2The Population of Research

No Class Number of Students1 X.1.1 322 X.1.2 323 X.2.1 294 X.2.2 29

Total 122Sources: SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Padang, academic year 2015/2016

b. SampleGay (2000:121) states that sampling is the process of selecting a number

of individuals for a study in such a way that they represent the large group from

which they were selected. Furthermore, Gay stated that the purpose of sampling is

to gain information about the population by using sample. According to Arikunto

(2002:112) sample is half or represent of the population of the subject research. If

the subject is less than 100 peoples, it would be better to take all of the population.

But, if the total subject is more than 100 peoples, it is better to take 10 – 15 % or

20 -25 %.


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Based on the explanation above this research is using the simple random

sampling. According to Gay ( 2000:123) Simple random sampling is the process

of selecting a sample in such a way that all individuals in the defined population

have an equal and independent chance of being selected for the sample. The

researcher chose the class X.1.1 as the experimental group and the class X.1.2 as

control group.

3.3 Research Variables

This research consists of two variables; they are the independent variable

and the dependent variable.According to Narbuko(1997:119) the independent

variable is the single variable that is not influenced by other variables, while the

dependent variable is a kind of variable that is affected by other variables.

a. Independent Variable

The independent variable in this research is the KWL strategy that will be

used to make students more interest in teaching and learning process of

English reading.

b. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the English reading comprehension of the tenth

grade students of SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Padang.

3.4 Research Setting and Subject

The subject and setting of this research is the tenth grade students of

SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Padang is located at Jl. Pertanian Lubuk

Minturun, Keluruhan Lubuk Minturun, Kota Padang. The students from ATPH

department will selected as the subject of this research

3.5 Research Instrument


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The main technique is test to obtain the data needed for analyzing the data

to the researcher. The test divides into pretest and posttest. The pretest will give

before apply KWL strategy. After treatment, the post test will be given. To

explain whether or not KWL strategy can improve students comprehend in

reading, the researcher use data from evaluation test. The researcher would

compare the result of students’ scores in the first (pre-test) and second (post-test)

based on the criteria of success. If at least 55% or more of students can reach 75

or more on reading test, it is considered successful. It is based on the students

reading test score which are still under the minimum passing criterion or Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).

Test is done before and after treatment. The pretest is given before the

treatment to explain the students’ score before treatment. Posttest is given after

treatment to explain the students’ score after treatment and how far treatment can

influence the reading ability of the students. Both of the tests in the form of

reading worksheet test which ask students to do the evaluation test. The tests

before and after treatment have same type in order to make the data which is

gotten valid.

3.6 Research Hypothesis

This study consist of two hypotheses, they are:

Ha : There is significant effect of using KWL Strategy on students’ ability in

reading comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMK Pertanian

Pembangunan Negeri Padang.


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Ho: There is no significant effect of using KWL Strategy on students’ ability in

reading comprehension at the tenth grade students of SMK Pertanian

Pembangunan Negeri Padang.


Ha will be accepted if t-value > t-table H0will be rejected if t-value < t-table

T-table is the score gotten from t distribution, while t-value is the score gotten

from calculation using the formula of t-test.

3.7 Data Collection Technique

In conducting a research, it is necessary to collect the data required.

Sugiyono (2010:137) stated that data collecting can be done in many setting,

various sources, and various means. It also known that research was a system

attempt to provide answer to problems or to question. Then, to solve the problem,

test will take to collect the data.

a. Test

1) Pre-test

In this research, the pre-test will used to find the students' English

reading comprehend in reading text. It will conduct to all class X1.1 and X.1.2

at SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri Padang.

2) Post-test

Afterward, the post-test will conduct to measure the effect of KWL

strategy used after the application of treatment in experimental group. The

use of post-test also determines whether the test is effective or not by


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comparing the achievement of post-test scores in both classes those

experimental and control

3.9 Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher used statistical data analysis technique to

describe the different score between the students’ achievement in reading

comprehension before and after teach by using KWL strategy. This technique of

data analysis belonged to quantitative data analysis and the data will analyzed

statistically by using T-test. The T- test is used to determine whether two means

are significantly different at a sellected probability level.

Sources: ncalculators.com


x̄1 is the mean of first data set

x̄2 is the mean of first data set

S12 is the standard deviation of first data set

S22 is the standard deviation of first data set

N1 is the number of elements in the first data set

N2 is the number of elements in the first data set


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