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Thesis Template Instructions

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  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    Simon Fraser University Library:

    Thesis Template Instructions


    Summer "#$%


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    Table o& 'ontents

    Table of Contents..............................................................................................................List of Tables....................................................................................................................List of Figures..................................................................................................................

    'hapter $( The Thesis Template((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1.1. Introduction..............................................................................................................

    1.1.1. About the Thesis Template.........................................................................1.1.2. Citation Styles and Template Formatting....................................................

    1.2. Ho to !egin...........................................................................................................1.2.1. "umbered and #nnumbered Templates.....................................................1.2.2. $onloading a Thesis Template File..........................................................1.2.%. #sing Sho&Hide '.....................................................................................1.2.(. )rgani*ation of the Thesis Template..........................................................

    1.%. About +ord Styles...................................................................................................1.%.1. Ho to See All the Styles...........................................................................1.%.2. $escription of the Template Styles..............................................................

    +hat is "ormal,...............................................................................................Heading styles..................................................................................................Custom template styles....................................................................................

    1.%.%. Ho to Apply a Style...................................................................................1.%.(. Ho to See +hich Style is Currently Applied..............................................

    1.(. The "a-igation ane & $ocument /ap....................................................................1.0. Important eminders...............................................................................................

    1.0.1. euirements and Format..........................................................................1.0.2. Adding Section !rea3s...............................................................................

    1.0.%. /anual Formatting......................................................................................1.0.(. edacting ersonal Information.................................................................

    'hapter "( Formattin) !our Thesis((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2.1. #sing the Template................................................................................................

    2.1.1. Composing $irectly in the Template.........................................................2.1.2. Transferring Te4t from Another File...........................................................

    2.2. The Thesis !ody....................................................................................................2.2.1. Heading Styles..........................................................................................

    Subsections ithout true headings................................................................./odifying heading styles................................................................................

    2.2.2. 5uotations6 Lists6 and oems...................................................................5uotations............................................................................................................

    From publications...........................................................................................articipant uotations.....................................................................................7pigrams........................................................................................................!ulleted lists................................................................................................ ..."umbered or lettered lists........................................................................... ...


    2.2.%. Stories6 "arrati-es6 8ournal 7ntries6 other te4t..........................................


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    2.%. #sing Tables6 Figures6 and )ther )b9ects.............................................................2.(. 7lements of Tables6 Figures6 and )b9ects..............................................................2.0. Captions and "otes...............................................................................................

    Captions................................................................................................................Adding ne caption labels..............................................................................e:numbering captions after adding6 editing6 or mo-ing sections............. .....

    "otes....................................................................................................................2.0.1. Tables.......................................................................................................

    Tables ith captions abo-e...................................................................................7diting table properties.........................................................................................Footnotes for tables..............................................................................................

    2.0.2. Figures.....................................................................................................Figures ith captions belo..................................................................................Figures ith captions abo-e................................................................................ .Large figures.........................................................................................................#sing tables to place multiple images in one figure..............................................

    2.0.%. 7uations.................................................................................................2.0.(. Copyright ermissions; Including )b9ects that Are "ot . Appendices............................................................................................................2.>.1. Appendi4 Headings..................................................................................2.>.2. Appendi4 Styles........................................................................................2.>.%. Including )ther $ocuments ithin the Appendices...................................2.>.(. Supplementary /aterial............................................................................

    2.?. Landscape ages and Sections............................................................................2.?.1. Landscape ages and Sections @ Important "ote for /ac #sers.............2.?.2. )ther /ethods of Landscaping.................................................................

    'hapter *( Table o& 'ontents+ List o& Tables+ List o& Fi)ures((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((%.1. Table of Contents ToCB.........................................................................................

    %.1.1. Troubleshooting the Table of Contents.....................................................%.2. Lists opulated by Auto:numbered Captions.........................................................

    %.2.1. List of Tables LoTB and List of Figures LoFB...........................................%.2.2. Adding )ther Lists to the reliminary ages............................................%.2.%. lacing /ore than )ne reliminary age List on a age.........................

    %.%. 7rror /essages in the ToC or Lists........................................................................

    'hapter ,( Mo-i&yin) Styles((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.1. Changing the Font of the $ocument......................................................................

    (.2. aragraph /argins and 8ustification......................................................................(.%. /odifying )ther Styles...........................................................................................

    'hapter %( Formattin) &or Speci&ic .isciplines an- .ocuments(((((((((((((((((((((((((((0.1. 7thics Appro-al for Human or Animal esearch....................................................0.2. 7ducation and Arts 7ducation Theses...................................................................0.%. /FA ro9ects.........................................................................................................


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    0.(. Scripts and Screenplays........................................................................................0.0. 74tended 7ssays...................................................................................................

    0.0.1. Title age.................................................................................................0.0.2. $ocument Structure..................................................................................

    7ach 7ssay as a Chapter.....................................................................................7ach 7ssay as a art................................................................................. ..........

    0.=. A Cumulati-e Thesis or Compilation of Articles&apers.........................................0.=.1. $ocument Structure..................................................................................

    0.>. esearch ro9ects and Capstones........................................................................0.>.1. 7/ ro9ects...........................................................................................0.>.2. "on:7/ ro9ects....................................................................................

    'hapter /( Submission an- A&ter Submission((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((=.1. Submit

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    List o& Tables

    Table 1.1. "on:printing HiddenB Symbols.................................................................

    Table 1.2 Sections and Corresponding Styles #sed to Format

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    List o& Fi)ures

    Figure 2.1. The Caption dialogue bo4 +indosB......................................................

    Figure 2.2. Creating a "e Caption Label................................................................Figure 2.%. The Table roperties dialogue bo4 +indosB........................................

    Figure 2.(. Sample Figure folloed by a Caption......................................................

    Figure 2.0. Sample Figure folloed by a Caption and a "ote...................................

    Figure 2.=. Sample ith Caption folloed by the Figure and a "ote.........................

    Figure 2.>. 74ample of Three Images in a Table; )ne o......................................

    Figure %.1. The Insert Table of Figures dialogue bo4 +indosB...............................

    Figure (.1. Changing the 9ustification of "ormal paragraphs.....................................


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    'hapter $(

    The Thesis Template

    $($( Intro-uction

    This document ser-es as a set of instructions for use ith the SF# Library thesis

    template http;&&.lib.sfu.ca&help&riting&thesis&templates B(

    $($($( About the Thesis Template

    The SF# Library template is a +ord file .doc4B designed to assist students in

    preparing theses6 dissertations6 e4tended essays6 and pro9ects.

    Features of the template can sa-e time and labour hen preparing your


    D The template contains styles for formatting all the parts of a thesis; headings6paragraphs6 uotes6 captions6 figures6 tables6 and so on. #sing styles helps to3eep formatting consistent see 1.%6About Word StylesB.

    D Headings6 figures6 and tables can be numbered automatically.

    D The Table of Contents6 List of Figures6 and List of Tables are populated andpaginated automatically.

    $($("( 'itation Styles an- Template Formattin)

    Authors follo citation style guides such as AA6 /LA6 or Chicago&Turabian toformat or3 for submission to 9ournals or publishersE the format is often changed for final


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    The Librarys thesis template is designed to prepare your or3 for publication as

    an SF# thesis. The template is meant to accommodate documents from a -ariety of

    disciplines6 and does not conform to any single citation style.

    SF#s publication style supersedes the citation style for certain format-relatedelements; for e4ample6 font6 line spacing6 or margin si*e. These differences beteen

    citation styles and the template formatting are acceptable for SF# Library submission.

    $("( 0o1 to 2e)in

    $("($( Numbere- an- Unnumbere- Templates

    There are to template files a-ailable from the Library6 ith numbered headings

    as seen in this documentB or unnumbered headings. Consult your senior super-isor if

    you are unsure hich option to use. The ma9ority of science and social science theses

    use numbered headings. #nnumbered headings are typically used in the arts and


    $("("( .o1nloa-in) a Thesis Template File

    isit http;&&.lib.sfu.ca&help&riting&thesis&templates to donload the latest

    -ersion of a thesis template( The template files ha-e been tested on +indos and Apple

    +ord releases from 2GG? through 2G1%. If you reuire an older format .doc file to or3

    ith6 please contact the Theses )ffice.

    Some changes to +ords default -ieing options and autocorrect settings are

    recommended. The settings instructions are a-ailable on the templates ebpage(

    $("(*( Usin) Sho130i-e 4

    Sho130i-e 4allos you to -ie hidden&non:printing symbols6 including spaces6

    tabs6 brea3s6 and paragraph mar3s( The Sho130i-e 4button is found on the 0ometab

    in current -ersions of +ord(


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    Table $($( Non5printin) 60i--en7 Symbols



    line break/soft return

    hold [shift] and press [enter] to insert a line break/soft returnwithin a paragraph

    paragraph marker

    shows the end of a paragraph

    indicates that a specific type of paragraph formatting has beenapplied

    for example: a header, table caption, or reference entry

    page break

    use Insert > age !reak "#indows$, Insert > !reak > age!reak "%ac$ to start a new page when re&uired

    section break

    used for ad'anced document setup( see )*+* and )*-*+ fordetails

    $("(,( Or)ani8ation o& the Thesis Template

    The thesis template is designed for all departments and disciplines at SF#6 and

    contains se-eral preformatted pages.

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    +ord uses section brea3s to separate parts of a document(A-oid remo-ing the e4isting

    section brea3s @ doing so ill result in pagination errors( #se Sho130i-e 4to see here

    the brea3s are placed in the document to a-oid accidental deletion(

    $(*( About 9or- Styles

    A style is a formatting preset that determines font6 si*e6 line spacing6 and other

    attributes. Any formatting done from the Font or aragraph menus can be sa-ed as a

    style. Styles alays apply to an entire paragraph.

    Styles ensure that formatting is consistent throughout your document. They allo

    you to ma3e uic3 changes to the hole document instead of formatting paragraphs

    manually. Styles can hold character and paragraph formatting( Character formatting

    refers to font6 font si*e6 bold or italic type6 and so on( aragraph formatting refers to

    indentation6 line spacing6 tab settings6 and page brea3s.

    Styles also control the space beteen paragraphs and the layout of te4t and

    ob9ects( For e4ample6 a figure may consist of three paragraphs; the figure6 the caption6

    and a note( These paragraphs may get separated and brea3 across pages( The

    appropriate styles ill 3eep the figure6 caption6 and note on the same page.

    $(*($( 0o1 to See All the Styles

    In +ord 2G11&2G1%6 the Home tab contains a Styles ribbon -ie. Clic3 the icon in

    the bottom right corner of this ribbon to open the Styles pane.

    To -ie all styles included in the thesis template;

    D +indos; Clic3 )ptions at the loer:right of the style pane. Select Allstyles and Alphabeticalto sort the list 7rror; eference source not foundB(

    D /ac; SelectAll Styles; from theList option at the bottom of the Styles pane.

    If you ha-e an older release of +ord ith different menus6 please feel free to

    contact the Theses )ffice for help.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    $(*("( .escription o& the Template Styles

    The thesis template contains both SF# Library:designed styles and embedded

    /icrosoft styles(A list of all SF# Library:designed styles found in the template is found in

    the Thesis Template Styles Reference Liston the Thesis ebsite.

    9hat is Normal

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    Fi)ure "("( 'reatin) a Ne1 'aption Label

    Re5numberin) captions a&ter a--in)+ e-itin)+ or movin) sections

    If you need to add6 remo-e6 or mo-e captions in your document6 the caption

    numbers may not update automatically( To correct the numbering;

    +2 Select all the body tet containing the captions2

    /2 B4indowsC &ress $./%.right"clic* anywhere in the selection and choose

    0pdate .ield2B8acC "ontrol6click on the selection and choose 0pdate .ield(

    %. #pdate preliminary page lists see 12 Lists 3opulated by Auto-numbered Captionsfor information about updating listsB.


    Additional information about an ob9ect6 such as descripti-e or source information6

    can be added as a note( This is a separate paragraph that ill not appear in the

    preliminary page lists(

    "(%($( Tables

    >NTableoN"ormal is the default style for table data there are se-eral other

    table styles for displaying data and headers a-ailable. lace the cursor in different cells

    and loo3 in the style pane to see the styles used in Table 2.=and Table 2.>.

    Table "(/( Sample table




    4ender56 7 .8

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    )ength of'nter3iew5minutes8

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  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    + DI ++ -)

    < 8D % )B --

    8D % E= -+

    B DI )C =)

    C DI +E =?)E 0 )? NCaptionsNbeloFiguresNith"oteAfter style to the captionparagraph.

    Fi)ure "(,( Sample Fi)ure &ollo1e- by a 'aption

    A fi"ure note can be placed in a para"raph belo# the fi"ure caption5

    +2 nsert a new paragraph for the note below the 3gure7 and apply?,$igureote,$lush#eftor ?,$igureote,*angingndent(

    !o insert multiple notes on new lines in the note paragraph7 use a line break'softreturn (press $Shift%$9nter%)2

    Fi)ure "(%( Sample Fi)ure &ollo1e- by a 'aption an- a Note6ote 7chidna. !y 8/el-ille )n or3B KCC !

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    To include the figure caption and note in the same paragraph6 apply


    ig!res $it% captions abo&e

    nsert a para"raph #here the fi"ure caption #ill be5

    +2 nsert a $igure caption as directed in Captions(Hour caption should read.igure @(@$Tab%Title of .igure2

    2. Apply the >NCaptionsNabo-eTablesFigures style to the captionparagraph.

    The fi"ure should be in a ne# para"raph belo# the caption5

    +2 &lace the 3gure using the 'nsertmenu or paste2

    /2 -ased on whether there is a note below the 3gure7 apply

    ?,$igure,nooter"aptionAfteror ?,$igure,withoter"aptionAfter style

    A fi"ure note can be placed in another para"raph belo# the fi"ure5

    +2 nsert a new paragraph below the 3gure for the note and apply?,$igureote,$lush#eftor ?,$igureote,*angingndent(

    !o insert multiple notes on new lines within the note paragraph7 use a line break'softreturn (press $Shift%$9nter%)2

    Fi)ure "(/( Sample 1ith 'aption &ollo1e- by the Fi)ure an- a Note

    Source5 Random "raphs "enerated in !icrosoft +$cel7liot6 2G10B."ote. emember to consult your style guide to chec3 the proper placement of captions.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    arge fig!res

    For large figures that are hard to fit on a single page6 use the

    >NCaptionsNbeloFiguresNnoSpaceAfter or >NFigure"oteNnoSpaceAfter styles for

    captioning as applicableB( These styles ha-e minimal hite space belo the paragraph6

    hich pro-ides additional space for the figure(

    *sing tables to place m!ltiple images in one fig!re

    #se tables to create figures ith more than one image. For e4ample6 to arrange

    three images in a ro ith one caption6 create a %U1 table and insert the images into

    each cell see Figure 2.>B( emo-e cell borders and apply a figure style to each image.

    a b c

    Fi)ure "(J( EBample o& Three Ima)es in a Table: One Ro16ote hoto of ortrait of SocratesJ released into the public domain ith no restrictions by

    8astro6 2GG>6 -ia +i3imedia Commons.

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    U V < P W 1B

    If using the >N7uationNCentred style6 you must also press DTab before the

    euation: see the e4ample belo.

    U V < P W 1B

    "(%(,( 'opyri)ht ?ermissions: Inclu-in) Ob=ects that Are Not !ourO1n 9or@

    If your or3 includes reproductions of copyright:protected ob9ects figures6

    images6 photos6 maps6 diagrams and so onB6 permission for use must be obtained from

    the copyright holder in most cases.

    If you ha-e pre-iously published any of the content in your document6 you must

    re-ie the author agreement and determine if permission is reuired for you to republish

    this or3 in your thesis.

    ermission can be in the form of an email from the author or publisher6 a

    ightslin3 licence6 a Creati-e Commons declaration on the source ebpage6 and so on.

    The librarys Copyright office can also pro-ide a Fair $ealing opinion on the use of

    copyrighted material. All copyright permissions6 including Fair $ealing memos6 must besubmitted as $F files ith your thesis(

    Important:lease contact the 'opyri)ht at SFU)ffice and seehttp;&&copyright.sfu.cafor information on ho to obtain copyright permissions(


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    "(/( Re&erences+ 2iblio)raphy+ 9or@s 'ite-

    eferences must appear after the body te4t and before the appendices. To add

    categories to the references6 bibliography6 or or3s cited6 use the Heading

    2Neferencesand Heading %Neferencesstyles on the title of each category.

    It is also acceptable to create a eferences section for each chapter. In this case6

    use a regular Heading 2 and place the references at the end of the chapter.

    +ith the e4ception of the American Antiuity style6 references for all citation

    styles are formatted ith a hanging indent AA6 Chicago6 /LA6 I7776 etc.B ( Apply the

    0NeferencesN"ormalstyle to these paragraphs.

    "(/($( American Anti>uity

    For American Antiuity citation style6 place each author and each respecti-e

    publication in a separate paragraph.

    D Apply the 0NeferencesNAmerAntiNAuthorsto the paragraphs ith theauthorsB names in them.

    D Apply the 0NeferencesNAmerAntiN /ounds in the lain of Antioch; An Archaeological Sur-ey. The #ni-ersity of

    Chicago ress6 Chicago.

    an Weist6 +illem and +. +aterbol3:-an ooi9en1M?0 The palaeobotany of Tell !ouras6 eastern Syria. alXorient 11;1%1:1(>.

    1MM2 To interesting floral finds from third millennium !.C. Tell Hammam et:Tur3man6 northern Syria.8e"etation 9istory and Archaeobotany 1;10>:1=1.

    an Weist6 +. and H. +oldring1M?G Holocene egetation and Climate of "orthestern Syria. 3alaeohistoria



  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    "(J( Appen-ices

    Important:Signatures6 personal phone numbers6 or personal email addresses must beredacted from your document.For more information6 see ,:4 Redactin"

    3ersonal nformation

    "(J($( Appen-iB 0ea-in)s

    Appendices should be included in the thesis document after the

    references&bibliography&or3s cited( If you are unsure about hether content should be

    included in the body te4t or in an appendi46 consult ith your senior super-isor.

    If there is more than one appendi46 letter each accordingly Appendi4 A6

    Appendi4 ! B( +rite the appendi4 headings in the same format as the chapter

    headings see 22, 9eadin" StylesB.

    The Heading 1NAppendi4esBstyle is for the main headings of appendices6 hile

    Heading 2NAppendi4esB and Heading %NAppendi4esBcan be used for sub:headings

    ithin each appendi4(

    "(J("( Appen-iB Styles

    The =NAppendN"ormalstyle is the base style for appendices and uses indented

    and single:spaced paragraphs( Nob9ect styles(

    )b9ects in appendices should not appear in preliminary page ListsE these are

    reser-ed for body ob9ects( Thus6 appendi4 caption labels and numbers should be typed

    in man!ally e.g.6 Table A.1.6 Table A.2.6 etc.B6 and not inserted through the Insert

    'aptionmenu( NCaption styles used in the main body.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    "(J(*( Inclu-in) Other .ocuments 1ithin the Appen-ices

    To include content from other documents in an appendi4;

    +2 !ransfer the tet and reformat using the template styles as necessary7 or

    2. Con-ert the documents into images png6 9pg6 or pdfB and insert theminto your document6 one image per page.

    "(J(,( Supplementary Material

    /aterial that cannot be included in the final pdf can be uploaded as a

    supplementary file data6 audio6 -ideo6 large images6 and so onB. lease refer to the

    Requirements & Format ebpages http;&&.lib.sfu.ca&help&riting&thesis&format B for

    guidelines on file format and file si*e6 or contact the Theses )ffice for more information.

    If you are including supplementary material in your submission6 you must also

    include an appendi4 in the thesis containing a description of the material6 credits6 and file



  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    "(K( Lan-scape ?a)es an- Sections

    Including landscape pages in a document is relati-ely simple using 'ustom Mar)ins in current -ersions of +ord 2G1G and

    upB. This method creates reuired section brea3s automatically. To ensure that formatting remains correct6 follo these to steps;

    +2 "reate the landscape section using the Custom 6arginsdialogue2

    D Select the area here you ant the landscape pagesB to appear.

    o 4indows: &age #ayout I "ustom 8argins I set rientation to landscape7 set Apply to: Selected !et28ac: Select tet: #ayout I 8argins I "ustom 8argins I open &age Setup and change to landscape7 set Apply to: Selected !et2

    2. Chec3 the page numbering in the landscape section and set it to Continue from the pre-ious section.J epeat onthe &irst pa)e a&ter the lan-scape section( If this setting is not changed6 e-ery ne section begins ith a pagenumber of 1.

    o 4indows: nsert I &age umber I $ormat &age umbers I "ontinue from &revious Sectionn 8ac: nsert I &age umbers I $ormat I "ontinue from &revious Section

    These steps can also be used to insert bifold 11U1> pagesB. For assistance formatting landscape pages or sections6 please

    contact the Theses )ffice.

    Important:#sing this method6 the page number ill appear at the bottom of a landscape page6 as seen on this page. If the thesis isprinted and bound6 the number ill be rotated. To mo-e the page number bac3 to its original position6 follo the steps onthe folloing page. This &unctionality is only available in 9in-o1s. .

    To rotate a landscape page number to the bottom of a printed page +indos onlyB;


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    +2 Double6click in the footer area of the landscape page and check JDiKerent $irst &ageF to remove the page number fromthe landscape page2

    /2 %o to nsert I &age umber I &age 8argins I &lain umber and select J#arge7 #eft2F !he page number will appear in atet bo in the left margin2 Hou may have to resiLe the tet bo to make the whole number visible2

    02 *ighlight the number and apply the $ooter style from the Styles pane2

    (. o to $raing Tools Y Format Y Te4t $irection and select otate All Te4t MGJ

    The page number ill display in the left margin ith the correct orientation for binding6 as seen on this page. For sections of multiple

    landscape pages6 add a section brea3 at the end of each page and repeat these steps on each page.

    "(K($( Lan-scape ?a)es an- Sections Important Note &or Mac Users

    +hen con-erting to $F6 some -ersions of +ord for /ac split up the con-erted files into separate $F files at each section


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    'hapter *(

    Table o& 'ontents+ List o& Tables+ List o& Fi)ures

    The SF# Library thesis template contains a Table of Contents ToCB6 List of

    Tables LoTB6 and List of Figures LoFB(

    The ToC is alays reuiredE the LoT and LoF are not reuired if there are no

    figures or tables in the document(Additional Lists e.g.6 List of Schemes6 List of oemsB

    can be added to the preliminary pagesE see 122Addin" *ther Lists to the 3reliminary

    3a"es'or contact the Theses )ffice for assistance(

    #pdating the ToC and Lists populates them ith the headings and captions from

    the document. emember to update the ToC and Lists after ma3ing any changes(

    *($( Table o& 'ontents 6To'7

    To update the Table of Contents;

    +2 (4indows) "lick anywhere in the !o" so it becomes fully highlighted in gray2&ight"clic*anywhere in the table to bring up a menu2(8ac) Ctrlclic*anywhere in the table to bring up a menu2

    02 Select 0pdate .ieldand7 if an additional choice appears7 select 0pdate9ntire Table2

    (. The ToC ill populate ith the document headings and their pagenumbers.

    *($($( Troubleshootin) the Table o& 'ontents

    lease note that there is a 3non issue ith +ord Tables of Contents; short

    headings do not alays auto:format properly.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    In the template6 the page number for eferencesJ does not right:align after

    updating the table. )ther short headings may display the same ay6 e.g. Study 1.J

    This must be corrected manually before submission to the library ( To correct the


    lace the cursor to the left of the page number6 and press DTabuntil you see

    the page number align at the right margin. !ac users; place thecursor in theheader te4t and use the arro 3eys to mo-e to the page number6 then pressDTab


    Select the eferences entry line and apply the ToCNefs)r!ibliostyle.

    There are additional styling options you can apply to the Table of Contents after

    updating and before final $F generation( For e4ample6 you can style appendi4 entries

    as follos;

    +2 &lace the cursor before the JAF in the 3rst Appendi and press $9nter%twice

    o !his provides some additional space between the .eferences entry andthe Appendi(es)2

    /2 Apply the!o",Appendi(es)style to each of the main Appendi entries2

    !his is used to ad9ust the alignment of appendi titles2

    *("( Lists ?opulate- by Auto5numbere- 'aptions

    *("($( List o& Tables 6LoT7 an- List o& Fi)ures 6LoF7

    Captions must be created using the Insert'aptionfunction to populate the

    List of Tables and List of Figures see2:' Captions and 6otesB.

    )nce auto:numbered captions are inserted ith the appropriate labelsB6 the Lists

    are updated as follos;

    +2 (4indows) "lick anywhere in the #ist to highlight it in gray2 &ight"clic*anywhere in the highlighted area to bring up a menu2(8ac) Ctrlclic*in the #ist to bring up a menu2

    02 Select 0pdate .ieldand7 if an additional choice appears7 select 0pdate9ntire Table2


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    (. The list ill populate ith the labels and captions in the document.

    If the List doesnt update6 chec3 that captions are inserted correctly ith the

    correct label(

    *("("( A--in) Other Lists to the ?reliminary ?a)es

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    *("(*( ?lacin) More than One ?reliminary ?a)e List on a ?a)e

    If the preliminary page lists are short6 they can all be placed on one page (

    Currently6 the Heading1Nreliminarystyle is applied to all preliminary page headings6

    hich automatically places a page brea3 before the heading( To add another list to the

    same page6 use the Heading 1NListsNnoage!rea3!efore style for the second lists


    *(*( Error Messa)es in the To' or Lists(

    If you see a message such as 7rror !oo3mar3 "ot $efined6J update the Table of

    Contents or List and the error should disappear after updating. For help ith updating

    the ToC or any lists6 or for help ith creating ne lists6 please contact the Theses )ffice.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    'hapter ,(

    Mo-i&yin) Styles

    If you ant to ma3e global changes to the thesis @ such as changing the default

    font: it is preferable to modify styles rather than ma3e manual running changes.

    /odifying styles can ha-e unintended effects. For e4ample6 most styles are

    based on the "ormal style( Therefore6 changing the "ormalstyles font or paragraph

    formatting ill ha-e an effect on almostB e-ery other style.

    +e recommend consulting the Theses )ffice before any ma9or modifications to

    template styles.

    Important:!efore changing fonts6 etc.6 first be sure you are adhering to the )-erallLayout and Specifications at http;&&.lib.sfu.ca&help&riting&thesis&format.

    ,($( 'han)in) the Font o& the .ocument

    The preferred font for SFU thesis submissions is Arial 11pt. This is the default

    Normalfont in the thesis template.

    If you or your committee have a strong preference for another font, this should be

    changed by modifying the Normal style. For eample, a supervisor may recommend

    using Times Ne! "oman 1#pt as specified by $hicago%Turabian style.

    To modify the font of your document&

    1. 'ocate theNormalstyle in your Style Pane(see 1.3.1.How to See All the Styles).

    #. Right-clicktheNormalstyle, and select Modify


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    *. In the Modify Styledialogue bo, change the font and font si+e in the

    Formattingsection. ress OK.

    This !ill change the font in almost every paragraph and header style in the !hole

    document. The eceptions !ill be table styles, !hich are set by default to Arial Narro! .

    $onsult the Theses -ffice for an appropriate font si+e for your table styles.

    ,("( ?ara)raph Mar)ins an- Husti&ication

    The template "ormalstyle creates 9ustified paragraphs by default. Some citation

    styles for e4ample6 /LA and ChicagoB specify left:aligned paragraphs ith a ragged

    right margin6 such as this one. To change this setting6 modify the "ormal style as

    described in (.1and select left:alignment from the main menu or aragraph options see

    Figure (.1B. Chec3 the reuirements of your style guide before ma3ing changes.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    Fi)ure ,(( 'han)in) the =usti&ication o& Normal para)raphs

    ,(*( Mo-i&yin) Other Styles

    If youre interested in modifying other elements of your document6 please consult

    the Theses )ffice early in your riting process. +e can offer help and suggestions that

    may sa-e you a lot of time and effortQ


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    'hapter %(

    Formattin) &or Speci&ic .isciplines an- .ocuments

    %($( Ethics Approval &or 0uman or Animal Research

    If your research in-ol-es or3 ith humans or animals6 ethics appro-al is

    reuired. 7thics appro-al for human research is granted through the SF# )ffice of

    esearch 7thics. 7thics appro-al for animal research is granted through the #ni-ersity

    Animal Care Committee.

    A $F copy of the ethics appro-al is reuired hen you submit your thesis to the

    library( In addition6 the 7thics Statement must appear on page iii of the thesis6

    immediately after the unsigned Appro-al page.

    Important:The 7thics Statement should already be included in the template as page iii(

    lease ensure you remo-e this page if you did notreuire ethics appro-alyour abstract becomes page iiiB.

    If you need to add the 7thics Statement to your thesis6 do as follos;

    +2 pen the Ethics Statement(http:''www2lib2sfu2ca'help'writing'thesis'regulations)7 Select #ll7 andCopy(

    /2 n your thesis document7 place your cursor immediately beforethe MAM of theMAbstractM heading on your abstractNs page2

    02 Pastethe Ethics Statement into your thesis

    12 nce pasted into your thesis7 clic*in the Ethics Statement heading andensure the *eading +,&reliminarystyle is applied

    0. #pdate the Table of Contents : the 7thics Statement should appear aspage iii.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    %("( E-ucation an- Arts E-ucation Theses

    If your document includes multiple fonts and non:standard formatting6 it is

    recommended that you consult the Theses )ffice early in the riting process for ad-ice.

    %(*( MFA ?ro=ects

    lease consult ith your senior super-isor and -ie pre-ious theses from your

    department http;&&summit.sfu.ca&B to -ie e4amples of document format( There is a

    strong preference among /FA students to use the unnumbered thesis template. An /FA

    pro9ect is typically structured as follos;

    D Chapter 1; Artist statement Chapter 1. Heading 1B

    Subsections7 if used (*eading /7*eading 0 )

    -ibliography (*eading /)

    D Chapter 2; ro9ect documentation Chapter 1. Heading 1B

    8ay include images7 slides7 script and other documentation

    D Appendi4; esearch paper Heading 1NAppendi4esBB

    Subsections7 if used (*eading /,Appendi(es)7 *eading 0,Appendi(es))

    -ibliography (*eading /,Appendi(es))

    D Additional appendices; $ocumentation of supplementary files6 if used. See2.>.(6 Supplementary !aterialB Heading 1NAppendi4esBB

    For top:le-el headings that do not sho the ord ChapterJ or a number6

    substitute Heading 1Neferencesfor Chapter 1. Heading 1.

    %(,( Scripts an- Screenplays

    The MN styles are designed for theatre and other scripts( Some e4amples of the

    uses and formatting of the styles are as follos;


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    Characters; Type characters name6DTab and description.Apply the MNlaysNCharacterList style to the paragraphs.

    For a plays introduction6 use the MNlaysNIntroductionstyle.

    K"ame; For the script&dialogue6 type the characters name6 KTab6 and the

    dialogue(Apply the MNlayNScript$ialogueNHangingIndent style.

    If you ish specific te4t to start on the ne4t line6 insert a line brea3 DShi&t


    Sta"e directions use the ;3lays;Sta"e)irectionsstyle

    There is also a sta"e direction nter

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    %(%("( .ocument Structure

    Though for the most part the to essays can be formatted as directed in these

    instructions6 you may choose one of to document structures.

    'ac% 'ssay as a "%apter

    Simply use the template as described in these instructions( !oth essays titles

    ha-e the Chapter 1. Heading 1 style applied6 ith sub:headings styled ith 1.1. Heading

    2&Heading 26 1.1.1. Heading %&Heading %6 etc. see 22,9eadin" StylesB(

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    %(/($( .ocument Structure

    The Introduction6 each of the article titles6 and the conclusion ould all ha-e the

    Chapter 1. Heading 1 style applied to them6 and then main sub:headings6 the 1.1.

    Heading 2&Heading 2 style6 and so on. If you dont ant the o-erall Introduction and

    Conclusion to be numbered6 apply the Heading 1Neferencesstyle to the titles.

    %(J( Research ?ro=ects an- 'apstones

    %(J($( REM ?ro=ects

    School of esource Z 7n-ironmental /anagement 7/B students must add the

    report number to the title page and appro-al page.

    Title Page+2 !he title page should read J.esearch &ro9ect Submitted in &artial $ul3llment ofthe .equirements for the Degree of 8aster of .esource 8anagement2F

    /2 At the end of the above statement7 press $9nter%to create a new paragraph2

    02 !ype in your report number in the format of: &eport +o( @@@@

    (. Apply the 1NTN7/students)nlyNeport"ostyle to that paragraph.

    #ppro3al Page+2 nsert a row between the !itle row and the Eamining "ommittee row2

    /2 !ype J&eport +o(:F in the 3rst (left) column2

    02 !ype the report number (@@@@) in the right column2

    (. Apply the 2NAppro-alN7/students)nlyNeport[[[ style to the rightcolumns te4t.

    %(J("( Non5REM ?ro=ects

    /asters students submitting a research pro9ect or capstone should applyChapter

    1. Heading 1 style to each chapter heading6 the 1.1. Heading 2&Heading 2 style to the

    main sub:headings6 and so on( #se all other styles as directed in these instructions.


  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    'hapter /(

    Submission an- A&ter Submission

    /($( Submit !our Thesis an- .ocumentation to the Library

  • 7/23/2019 Thesis Template Instructions


    Appen-iB A(

    Thesis Template: Important Licensin) In&ormation

    The styles found ithin this document ha-e been modified from those created by

    8oanie +olfe6 in accordance ith CC !
