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They Are Two Prophets! (Deuteronomy 18-15-19)

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THEY ARE TWO PROPHETS! (Deuteronomy 18:15-19) http://www.testimonios-de-un-discipulo.com/They-Are-Two-Prophets-Deuteronomy-18%2015-19.html[22/01/2015 10:02:41 p.m.] THEY ARE TWO PROPHETS! (Deuteronomy 18:15-19) The Prophet like God (Deut. 18:15)  and The Prophet like Moses (Deut. 18:18)  - I - He who has Understanding to Understand, let him Understand. He who has Ears to Hear, let him Hear. Almost everyone has interpreted that what is written in the  Book of Deuteronomy 18:15-19 refers to only one Prophet: a  Prophet like Moses or equal to Moses.

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EY ARE TWO PROPHETS! (Deuteronomy 18:15-19)

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(Deuteronomy 18:15-19)

The Prophet like God(Deut. 18:15)

 and The Prophet like Moses(Deut. 18:18)

 - I -

He who has Understanding to Understand, let him Understand.

He who has Ears to Hear, let him Hear.

Almost everyone has interpreted that what is written in the

 Book of Deuteronomy 18:15-19 refers to only one Prophet: a

 Prophet like Moses or equal to Moses.

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EY ARE TWO PROPHETS! (Deuteronomy 18:15-19)

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The fact that the promise that The Lord our Elohim (YHVH

 ELOHIM) will raise up a Prophet is written twice is an allusion

 to not only one Prophet, but to Two Prophets.

Many believe that our Lord Jesus The Christ is the Prophet

 "equal to" Moses or "like Moses", but it is not so.

There is a great distinction between Jesus and Moses:

Jesus says:

"Do not think that I will accuse you before the

  Father; there is one who accuses you, Moses, on

 whom you have set your hope. For if you believed 

 Moses, you would believe me; for He wrote of me.

 And if you do not believe his writings, how will you

 believe my words?" (John 5:45.46).

Jesus clearly says that Moses wrote of Him, of Jesus The Christ

 (Deuteronomy 18:15).

Jesus does not accuse "before the Father"; "who… accuses",

 "before the Father" is "Moses".

And Jesus says that "He wrote" of Him (of Jesus The Christ,

 and not of Moses) (in Deuteronomy 18:15).

For if it were interpreted that our Lord Jesus The Christ was  also referring to Deuteronomy 18:18-19, He would be saying

 that He was the Prophet "equal to" or "like" Moses.

However, while Jesus does not accuse "before the Father",

 "who... accuses" "before the Father" is "Moses".

Jesus says, "It was not Moses who gave you the bread from

 heaven; but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven" :

"So they said to him, Then what sign do you do, that

  we may see and believe you? What work do you

  perform? Our fathers ate the manna in the

  wilderness, as it is written, He gave them bread 

 from heaven to eat. Jesus then said to them, Truly,

 truly, I say to you, It was not Moses who gave you

 the bread from heaven; but my Father gives you the

 true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he

 who comes down from heaven and gives life to the

 world [Ecclesiastes VII, 12]." (John 6: 30-33).

Our Lord Jesus The Christ refers to the Bread from Heaven

 "from an even higher region, from the sphere of Wisdom..." ,

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  i.e. from the Sephirah CHOKMAH of the Tree of Life.

 Whereas the Bread from Heaven which fed the Israelites in the

 wilderness was from the Sephirah TIPHERETH:

"373. Rabbi Shimon said: Many people are

  nourished from it today. And who are they? They

 are the friends, who are occupied with Torah days

 and nights. And if it you think that it was actually

  the same food THAT THE CHILDREN OF


  but it is very similar to that food, for it is worth



  "374. Come and behold: when Yisrael came and 

  cleaved unto the Holy King, they merited then to

 eat a much higher bread because of the uncovering

  of the holy sign OF THE CIRCUMCISED

 ORGAN. Before, when they left Egypt, they came with bread called unleavened bread  (Heb. Matzah),

 WHICH IS MALCHUT. Now they merited to eat a

 different, much higher bread, from a high place, as

  is written: "Behold I will rain bread from the

  heavens for you,"   actually from the heavens,


 became available to Yisrael from this place at that

  time. The friends who are occupied with Torah

 are nourished from a higher place. What is it? It is as written: "Wisdom [CHOKMAH] gives life to

  those who have it"  (Kohelet [ECCLESIASTES]

 7:12), which is a place far higher THAN ZEIR

 ANPIN." (The Zohar).

Jesus The Christ our Lord is obviously DIFFERENT from the

 Prophet Moses. The Prophet Moses is the Faithful Servant of 

 our Lord Jesus The Christ and His Faithful Shepherd.

In the light of this understanding, the correct interpretation of   Deuteronomy 18:15-19 is to understand that it clearly speaks


The Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15 is the Prophet "equal to"


The Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19 is the Prophet "equal to"


"A prophet from among you, from your brothers,  like me, ADONAI your God [The Lord your God]

  will set up for you, you shall hearken to him.

 According to all that you asked of Adonai your God 

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  [The Lord your God] in Horeb, on the day of the

 Assembly, saying, "Let me not continue to hear the

  Voice of ADONAI my God [The Lord my God],

 and let me no longer see this great fire, so that I will

  not die."  And ADONAI [The Lord] said to me,

 "They have done well in what they have spoken,  I

  will set up a prophet for them from among their 

 brothers like YOU; and I will put My words into his  mouth, and he will speak to them all that I

 command him. And it will be that whoever does not

 hearken to My Words -that he speaks in My name- I

 will exact it of him." (Deuteronomy, 18:15-19).

It is the Lord our God (YHVH OUR ELOHIM) Who is

 speaking to Moses:

"PROPHET from among you,...", "like Me",  the Lord our God 

 says to Moses...

"A prophet from among you, from your brothers,

  like me, ADONAI your God [The Lord your God]

 will set up for you, you shall hearken to him."

- II -

"Listen to Him"

AT that time YHVH (IAO) The Holy One, Blessed Be He, the

 Lord our True God, said to His Servant, His Faithful Shepherd,


"YHVH your God will raise up for you a Prophet  like Me from among you, from your brothers, you

 shall listen to him..." (Deuteronomy 18:15).

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"A Prophet from among you, from your brothers,

 like me, ADONAY your God [the Lord your God]

  will set up for you, you shall hearken to Him."

 (Deuteronomy 18:15, "Torah").

"AND AFTER six days, Jesus took with him Peter 

 and James and John his brother, and led them up on

  a high mountain apart: And he was transfigured 

 before them; and his face shone like the sun, and his

  garments became as white as light. And behold,

  there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking

  with Him. And Peter answered and said to Jesus,

 Lord, it is good for us to be here: if you wish, we

 will make three booths here: one for you, and one

 for Moses, and one for Elijah. He was still speaking

  when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them;

 and behold, a voice from the cloud said, This is my

 beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased:  listen to him." (Matthew 17: 1-5).

"And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came

  out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son:

 listen to him." (Mark 9: 7).

The Lord our God, the Holy One, Blessed Be He, Announces to

 His Servant Moses that He, the Lord our God, will Raise up A

  Prophet "LIKE" HIM, Like The Lord Our God... And He

  Commands: "...  you shall listen to HIM ...", "...  you shall

 hearken to Him..."

In THE TRANSFIGURATION, and being The Prophet Moses:

  THE LAW... The Prophet Elijah: THE PROPHETS and the

 Three Apostles: James, Peter and John as witnesses TO OUR 


 VOICE is Heard, is Listened to, Speaking in the Midst of THE


"This is My Beloved Son: listen to Him...", "… you

  shall listen to Him", "... you shall hearken to

 Him...", (Deuteronomy 18:15).

"... listen to Him..." (Matthew 17:15; Mark 9:7).

The first promise of the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15 which

 says, "you shall listen to Him...", "you shall hearken to Him...",

  is confirmed by the (Father's) Voice from the Cloud (of the

  Shekinah) that in the Transfiguration says to Moses, Elijah,  Peter, James and John about our Lord Jesus The Christ: "...

 listen to Him...".

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The coming of the Prophet "like" God of Deuteronomy 18:15

 has already occurred with our Lord Jesus The Christ, the Son

 of Man and the Heavenly Father's Only Begotten Son.

The coming of the Prophet "Like" Moses of Deuteronomy

  18:18-19, the "other Comforter", "the Father's Holy Spirit" is

 for these "final days".

- III -

The Prophet like God

and The Prophet like Moses

The common understanding of Deuteronomy 18:15-19 is that it

  speaks as if it were only a Prophet, for it is believed that in

 Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses is speaking in the first person; i.e.

 of himself:

"A Prophet from among YOU, from YOUR 

 brothers, like me, YHVH your God  will set up for 

 you, you shall hearken to him..."

But if we understand that He who says: "Prophet among YOU"  is not Moses who is speaking of himself using "YOU", but it is

 God who speaks through Moses' Mouth (*), the Prophet here is

 the Prophet "like"  God.

(*) "I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what

 thou shalt say..." (Exodus 4: 12).

"... the seed of the woman  [Gen. 3:15]  & the

  Prophet [Deut. 18:15]  & the Shiloh [Gen. 49:10;

  Deut. 18:18-19] spoken of by Moses..."  (Isaac Newton, "Our religion to Iesus Christ").

In Deuteronomy 18:15 it is God Who speaks through Moses'

 Mouth, and (God) says: "Prophet ... like [or "equal to"] Me..." .

In Deuteronomy 18:18 it is God Who SPEAKS to Moses,

 saying to him: "Prophet ... like [or "equal to"] you...".

When John the Baptist was asked whether he was "Elijah" or 

  "the Prophet" (of Deuteronomy 18:15), he replied saying: "No..." .

Our Lord Jesus The Christ bore witness that Prophet Elijah was

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 reincarnated in John the Baptist:

"And if you are willing to accept it, He [John the

 Baptist] is the Elijah who was to come." (The Holy

 Gospel According to St. Matthew 11:14).

The Prophet Elijah was indeed incarnated in John the Baptist.

But what spoke in John the Baptist when he was asked whether  he was the Prophet Elijah was another Soul called "the Little

 Iao" which along with Prophet Elijah's Soul were reincarnated 

 in him.

In "The Pistis Sophia"   (which contains the Gnostic Esoteric

 Teachings that our Lord The Christ entrusted to His Disciples

 after the Resurrection), Jesus The Christ our Lord explains to

 us the Mystery of the incarnation of John the Baptist:

"Of the incarnation of John the Baptist."

"Now it happened that when I came into the midst of 

  the archons of the Aeons, I looked down at the

  world of mankind, at the command of the First

 Mystery. I found Elisabeth, the mother of John the

  Baptist, before she had conceived him, and I cast

 into her the power which I had received from the

 little IAO, the Good, who is in the midst, He who

  has the power to preach before me and to  prepare the way, and to baptise with water of 

 forgiveness of sins. That power is then in the body

 of John."

"Moreover, in the region of the soul of the archons

  which he was due to receive, I found the soul of 

  Elias in the Aeons of the sphere and I remove it

 from there and receiving his soul again, I brought it

  to the Virgin of light, and she gave it to her 

  receivers; they brought it to the sphere of the

 archons and they cast it into the womb of Elisabeth.

 Wherefore the power of the little IAO, he of the

  midst, and the soul of the Prophet Elias were

 bound in the body of John the Baptist. For this

  cause you doubted at the time when I said to you

 "John said, I am not the Christ", and you said to me,

 "It is written that When the Christ shall come, there

 will come Elias before Him, and he will prepare his

  way". But when you said this to me, I replied to  you, "Elias has indeed come, and he has prepared 

  all things, as it is written, and they did to Him as

  they pleased". And when I knew that you did not

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 understand what I said to you concerning the soul of 

 Elias which is bound in John the Baptist, I answered 

  you openly and face to face, saying: "If it pleases

 you to accept John the Baptist, He is Elias of whom

 I have said that he will come"..." ("Pistis Sophia").

Th "Little IAO" within each of us is one of the Parts of the


But, in another meaning, the "Little Iao" is one of the "Seventy

 Names" of Enoch-Metatron Sar haPanim, the "Prince of the"

  Heavenly "Faces", the Angel of the Face of the Lord, who

 prepared the Way of the Lord:

"As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: Behold, I send 

 my messenger [Angel] before your face, Who shall

 prepare your way. The voice of one crying in the

 wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, Make  his paths straight. John baptised in the

 wilderness and preached a baptism of repentance

 for the forgiveness of sins." (Mark 1: 2,4).

"Then [the pharisees] said to him [to John the

  Baptist], Who are you, so that we may give an

  answer to those who sent us? What do you say

  about yourself? He said, I am the voice of one

 crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way

 of the Lord,  as the prophet Isaiah said. Now they had been sent from the Pharisees. They asked him,

 and said to him, Then why are you baptising, if you

  are neither the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?

 John answered them saying: I baptise with water;

 but among you stands one whom you do not know.

  He is the one who comes after me: the thong of 

 whose sandal I am not worthy to untie. These things

  took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan, where

 John was baptising." (John 1:22-28).

When John the Baptist replied that he was not "Elijah" nor "the

  Prophet", it was the part of the "Lesser Iao" reincarnated in

 him that was answering, and not the Soul of the Prophet Elijah

 who also was simultaneously incarnated in him along with the

 portion of the "Little Iao".

In the "Hebrew Book of Enoch"   or "Sefer Hekalot"   Enoch-

Metatron (Matatron) is called the "little Iao":

"I have seventy names, corresponding to the seventy

  tongues of the world, and all of them are based 

 upon the Name of my King, the Holy One, Blessed 

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 be He, but my King calls me 'youth'... [...] the Holy

 One, Blessed Be He,... called me the 'Little Iao' in

  the presence of his whole household in the height,

 as it is written: 'For My Name is in him'...". (Exodus

 23, 21). ("Hebrew Book of Enoch", 12. 1, 5).

"... in the Zohar hakadosh in the Raayah Mihemnah

 (Pinchas 219a): The neshamah of Moshe Rabeinu is

  told that only he is permitted to employ Matatron

  Sar HaPanim; for his name is alluded to by your 


It was the Voice of the Prophet Moses, "the voice of one crying

  in the wilderness" and who prepares "the way of the Lord",

 who Baptises with Water, the Angel of the Face of the Lord,

  Enoch-Metatron, the Little Iao who, reincarnated in John the

  Baptist, said that he was not the Prophet Elijah and "the

 Prophet" either.

Obviously, John the Baptist did not say that he was not the

  Prophet "like" Moses of Deuteronomy 18:18-19, but that he

  was not "the Prophet" of Deuteronomy 18:15, the Prophet

 "like" God.

John the Baptist confirmed that He was indeed "the voice of one

 crying in the wilderness" , who makes straight "the way of the

 Lord, as the prophet Isaiah said". And he who baptises "with

  water...",  as our Lord Jesus The Christ says in the "Pistis Sophia" that John the Baptist is "… the little IAO, the Good,

 who is in the midst, He who has the power to preach before me

  and to prepare the way, and to baptise with water of 

 forgiveness of sins. That power is then in the body of John..." ,

  the power of the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19, the

 Prophet like Moses.

It is written of the Prophet Moses:

"10 And there has not arisen a prophet since in

  Israel like Moses, whom YHVH knew face to

  face;..." (Deuteronomy 34:10).  "... Moses, the

 faithful prophet, the greatest of all the prophets..."

 (The Zohar). And likewise, it is written of John the

 Baptist that "there is not a greater prophet than

 John the Baptist..." (Luke 7:28).

Our Lord Jesus The Christ says about the aspect of Moses'

 Soul, the Little Iao, "He who has the power to preach before [Jesus The Christ] and to prepare the way", incarnated in John

 the Baptist:

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