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They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update

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  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    They Shoot Abortionist, Dont They? Part 4c. 2009, Gateway Pregnancy Center, Inc.

    Belov ed , never avenge yourse lves , bu t leave it to thewrath of God, for it is w ri tten, "Ve ngeance is min e, Iwi ll r epay, sa ys the L ord. "Roma ns 12:19 (ESV )

    2009Abo rtion Provid er Sho t Dead In Chur chWashington Post Staff Writer / Monday, June 1, 2009

    George R. Tiller, the nation's most prominent provider ofcontroversial late-term abortions, was shot and killed yesterday in thelobby of his Lutheran church in Wichita, where he was serving as anusher.

    The best updates on this developing story are at:http://www.kansas.com/ THE WITCHITA EAGLE

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Recent photo of George Tiller Smokestack at Tillers onsite crematorium

    Although George Tillers actions as an abortionist were reprehensible,

    retribution should have been left to God.

    Although the polls show a shift in American thinking on the issue ofabortion we cannot be guided by polls.

    {In 1995, when Gallup started asking the question, the split was 56-33 in favor ofabortion rights. Now the lines have crossed, and 51% call themselves pro-life while only42% say they are pro-choice.}http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1899143,00.html

    Many hearts still need change and they will NEVER really change unlessthey are softened by the Holy Spirit of God. Abortion is a spiritual issue andmust be fought on the spiritual battlefield. Here is a case in point.

    Before he died of cancer, George Gardner was the chaplain at George Tillers abortionfacility.

    Operation Rescue writes this of Rev. Garner: Gardner has publicly

    defended the sin of abortion on numerous occasions and is a founder of

    the Wichita Chapter of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. In

    fact, Gardner considers himself a Zen Buddist Hindu with Christian

    overtones. He rejects the authority of the Bible and supports gay


    A page from George Tillers


    The site was removed afterhis death . It replaced by


    which opposed his actions.

    It offers some insights into

    Tillers background.

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Meet Our Chaplain George Gardner

    The Chaplaincy program is designed to bring spiritual resources to those who come to the Clinicfor help and assistance. Spiritually, abortion is acceptable in ten of theworld's religions and in Christianity many denominations affirm and uphold

    the right of a woman to make the choice of abortion.

    The Chaplaincy program works with people from all religious backgroundsas well as those who are not a part of a spiritual tradition.

    The program offers individual counseling, group counseling and thecelebration of spiritual sacraments such as baptism of the still born fetus andblessings for the aborted fetus. The program works with many differentreligions and is prepared to do, or arrange for, religious services from any

    spiritual religion. The services of Women's Health Care Serves is a coordinated effort so thatevery patient and significant other can experience the healing of body, mind and spirit.

    Quotable quotes:

    Dr. Martin Luther King Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that

    Dr. Alveda King,Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin LutherKing, Jr., Two years ago (2007), I visited George Tillers clinic in hope of telling himthat babies desire mercy, said Dr. King. I wanted to share with him the harm Iexperienced from abortion. My prayer was that one day he would join me in repentance.I am deeply sorry that his life was taken before that could happen.

    Its especially horrifying that Dr. Tiller was shot in church, added Dr. King. My

    grandmother, Alberta King, was killed by a Christian-hating gunman as she played theorgan during Sunday services. Just as the womb should be a safe haven, so shouldchurch. I condemn this murder in the strongest possible terms.

    A colleague of Dr. Kings in a pro-life African-American coalition, Pastor StephenBroden, also declared, Pro-lifers are devastated by the Tiller killing. In the greattradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we pray, march, and counsel peacefully. Just asearlier civil rights workers, pro-lifers do not answer violence with violence.

    Carol Everett, former abortion provider, now a born again believer Stick with theperson ..hate the sin and love the sinner.. pray Ezekiel 11:19 for abortionists known to


    Words to Consider:


  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Pl ease pray fo r th e sa lvation of these l oca labor tio ni sts :St even Chase Brigham Prayer Guid e:ht tp: //ww w.ga teway.o rg /co nt en t/pd f/b righ ampr ayer ca rd.pdfBackgrou nd : http :/ /www .peop le for lif e.o rg /b rig ham .htm l

    Steven brighams 15 locations infour states (Pa, NJ, MD, and Va.) six alone in NJ



    Notice OF HEARING in the matter ofSTEVEN BRIGHAM, M.D.: Respondent, constitutes

    imminent danger to the health of the peopleof this state - April 29, 1994

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Kenneth TreadwellIrvington, Elizabeth, Perth Amboy

    Darryl Boffard NJ GYN. South Orange, Cranford, Union

    Julio Caban Irvington and Newark

    Nicolas Campanella Montclair

    Kenneth S. Chang Jersey City

    Robert Davis Morristown Julio Fleisher -Irvington and Newark

    Robert Gordon Elizabeth Martin Hyman Union

    James Kusnierz Irvington Naomi Miller Morristown

    Elrick Murray Westfield / Plainfield / Iselin N. Poulos Englewood

    James Ramieri Morristown Edward and Susan Roth Irvington -Newark

    Karen Ryer Morristown Li Tienshun Fort Lee

    Ron Zevin - Irvington

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    They Shoot Abortionist, Dont They?

    (Part 3) c. 2002, Gateway Pregnancy Center, Inc.

    Harmin g an abor tionis t e nds th e oppor tu nityto tell him /he r abou t the love of Jesus Chr ist

    and the need fo r pe rson al sa lv at ion by repent ance andfai th !

    See a p rime examp le of this be low Slepian Softens Before His Death

    Abortion doc began seeking out pro-life protesters

    By Jack Cashill / WorldNetDaily.com / May 09, 2002

    Bob Behn, executive director of Last Call Ministries, and Dr. Barnett Slepian met one-on-one for nearly two hours. Behn acknowledges that when asked, Slepian argued that hewas "OK spiritually."

    But when Behn asked him why he persisted in his abortion practice, Slepian grew highlyagitated and answered, "These women make me do them," wording that Behn could notforget. So disturbed was Slepian that Behn chose not to ask who those women were.Slepian's behavior toward the protesters changed after that breakfast.

    As Behn related, "Instead of cursing or throwing the finger, he would stop and talk to us."Slepian even asked one woman, "How do you become saved?"

    It seems that Barnett Slepian never again had the chance he was shot dead!

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    They Shoot Abortionist, Dont They?

    (Part 2) c. 2001, Gateway Pregnancy Center, Inc.

    No!not if youre truly prolife.

    What you do is witness to abortionproviders, and often, God, in His Grace,

    brings them to salvation.

    On April 4 ,2001 Priest for Life issued this pressrelease press release:

    PRIESTS FOR LIFE Puts up Reward Money For Stopping Abortion Violence

    New York -- Priests for Life, the Catholic association which assists clergy of alldenominations to address the abortion issue, announced today that it is offering $50,000to anyone providing authorities with information leading to the capture of fugitiveswanted for abortion clinic shootings.

    Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of the group, stated: "The purpose of this reward isnot only to help police apprehend abortion clinic shooting suspects, but also to activelydiscourage this kind of violence."

    "The pro-life movement categorically rejects the philosophy of violence," Fr. Pavonecontinued. "It is never permissible to take a life, whether it is that of an unborn child orthat of an abortion provider. We are dedicated to stopping the evil of abortion throughnon-violent means.

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    In response, ArmyofGod.com, a radical group believing in violence against abortionistsand abortion mills stated on their site:

    This month's Neville Chamberlain Appeasement Award goes to: Fr. Frank Pavone and

    the Priest for Life. Neville Chamberlain is best known for his "compromise at all costsposition as the Nazis began slaughtering the Jews.

    On Sat, 05 May 2001, Gateway began an email dialogue with "Rev. Donald Spitz" whoheads Pro-Life Virginia and operates the website: ArmyofGod.com.

    Here are some of those emails. I dont believe Rev. Spitz clearly answered me from

    Scripture. See if you agree:

    Dean Gavaris wrote:

    If all it takes to win your award is to reach out in God's love to abortionists, who are also

    made in Gods image, then I'd like to request consideration.

    As a Christian, I am called to hate the sin and love the sinner. You seem to use a greatdeal of scripture, but miss the point. Feel free to go to this link and let me know if I, too,am a 'winner'.http://www.gateway.org/pdf/brighamprayercard.pdf and http://www.gateway.org/pdf/go-summer2k.pdf

    I am unclear as to how you believe that you are loving in the Name of Jesus by justifyingkilling abortionists. Isn't that God's job and not our? Who gave man the right to playGod?

    I'm still interested in how you can justify this from Scripture, considering Jesus words in

    Matthew 26:51-52. Thanks, Dean {see: :http://www.gateway.org/content/hear.htm clickunder Acrobat sermon: "Who, then is my enemy?"

    Rev. Donald Spitz" wrote:

    How can you say you love God if you turn your back on helpless children and let babykilling abortionists keep on murdering babies?

    You say we are to love the baby killing abortionists and do them no harm. You have thesame mentality as those Christians in Germany who turned their backs when the Jewswere being put into the ovens.

    You would say, don't stop the Nazi's, we have to love them. It is not right to use force todefend innocent people being put to death.

    Dean Gavaris wrote:

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Force or rescue? Force is aggressive against someone, not defensive of the babies. Itsusually done in secret, when the 'target' is unsuspecting. That's cold-blooded murder, notthe type of 'hold them back from slaughter' mentioned in Proverbs. 24:11-12.

    The real issue is where in Scripture do we see a violent, non-defensive approach toward

    those who harm innocent people?

    You allude to Germany as if I would lead the preborn to slaughter. I direct a pregnancycenter right above a noted abortionist. I see him regularly. I take away his business. Iallow God the room to be God and use me to save the babies.I care about what God thinks more than caring about the cause, so God can put me inOPEN positions to rescue babies and moms rather than in bushes, crouching to wait forthe baby killer so I can kill him.

    Why would anyone listen to me if I did the same thing that the baby killer does?

    How can I ask God to stop him or save him or put him out of business when I refuse todo it God's way? On the surface, your position seems so brave and honorable and right. Itactually is weak in your trust in God to be God.

    New Testament warriors use wisdom not violence. In no way do we 'compromise' whenwe refuse to play by Satan's rules (death); in like manner, we agree with Satan (the authorof death) when we use aggressive deadly force to save innocent babies.

    Why don't you sit in the abortion mill and take the scalpel in place of the baby, ratherthan crouch in the bush to use Satan's methods?

    The answer is that none of us are that brave, but if the situation arose, many of us wouldtake the scalpel..that's the kind of defensive posture Jesus spoke about in 'laying downour life'.

    I have nothing against you, but your view distracts the attention from child killing tochild killer killing, and I'm sure Satan loves it. You and the AOG feel proud that you are'suffering for Jesus' and being true when all of us are wimps and co-conspirators.In the final analysis, more babies die because people defend or oppose your view ratherthan be used by God to end abortion.

    Are Joan Andrews or Frank Pavone wimps because they have discovered the better way?I dare say 'no'. Please wake up to what God wants you to do (and prove it from all of theScripture, not selected OT theocracy passages) before more babies die. Respectfully,Dean

    Rev. Donald Spitz" wrote:What does unsuspecting have to do with it? A distinction a helpless baby about to bemurdered doesn't make I'm sure. So you don't believe in the use of force?

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    What if a man broke into your house and was about to rape and murder your wife?Nothing I suppose because you do not believe in "violence." You cannot answer aboutprotecting the Jews from being put into ovens without using "violence."

    Therefore, because of your cowardly pacifism, you would let them die as well. What if asniper was in a school yard sniping off 5 year olds one by one, you would let himcontinue to murder the children, because you do not believe in violence.

    Please do not write me again. Go in peace and do what you do for the LORD.

    LifeTimes ONLINE!The Quarterly Internet Newsletter of Gateway Pregnancy Centers / Vol. 10

    No 1 Summer, 2000

    {See below for a report of Deans two-hour jailhouse visit with abortionist StevenBrigham in late January, 2000}

    My Visit Wit h StevenOn January 20, 2000 I had the privilege of visiting abortionist Dr. Steven ChaseBrigham at the Albany Correctional Facility, where he was serving a four monthsentence for tax evasion.

    Steven has lost his medical license in New York,Florida, Pennsylvania, and California, and has limited privileges in New Jersey.Still, he operates some five abortion facilities in NJ and Pa., allowing otherabortionists to travel from neighboring states to do abortions on a part-timebasis.

    Steven is a very engaging man.

    He is quite charming. I found him very friendly and he was thankful for my visit.

    I was able to clearly explain the plan of salvation. Steven told me he was aUnitarian Universalist, who believes in peace, love, and harmony. His criteria fordoing abortions often is to look in the eyes of the woman on the table, and if Isee she needs the abortion, I would do it.

    He feels he is doing a sacrificial service for women, and complimented me on myintensity in the pro-life cause. He said that if Jesus were here today, He would bedoing abortions.

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    When I pointed out the great Biblical discrepancies in many of his statements, he made itvery clear by saying, Now Dean, Im not a Christian.

    His eyes darted back and forth as he listened intently, taking notes with a smallpencil. When I asked if he needed anything, he told me he had enough money. He

    was genuinely thankful for a visit from someone who was supposed to be hisenemy. The visit ended only when the guard terminated it.

    Steven suggested we get together again.

    Since that day, Steven has been released, but I havent seen him. Joan Vitale, ourAssociate Director, met him recently at 700 North Broad Street (the site of bothour offices). Again he was quite charming. Joan spent 20 minutes sharing Christwith Steven.

    Weve told him that were praying regularly for him and second-trimester abortionist,

    Kenneth Treadwell. (Weve also had opportunities to speak with Ken about his need forChrist). Steven asked that we be good and kind to my clients.

    He realizes that many who try to find his abortion facility decide to visit Gatewayinstead. The business he has lost has caused him to frequently change hishours and his office procedures.

    Its apparent that Steven does second trimester abortions, even though prohibited by hispartial license revocation.

    The issue here is not abortion, but Christ reaching down to Steven, Ken, and thedozens who are victimized at his facility.

    We are well aware of the statement of former abortionist Carol Everett: Abortionis a skillfully marketed product sold to a woman at a crisis time. She buys theproduct because they tell her it is the answer. She finds it defective. She cannotreturn it. Her baby is dead. While realizing all this is true, we realize that abortionis a spiritual problem.

    {Pray that Stevens eyes be opened and that he may .. turn from darkness to lightand from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that .. he.. may receive

    forgiveness of sins (Acts 26:18)

    Abortionists and their clients both need Christ. The Lord has opened the door forministry.

    As missionary Hudson Taylor once said, Gods work, done in Gods way,will never lack Gods blessing.

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    Please keep Steven, Ken and our staff in your prayers. We desire to be ambassadors of thegospel, knowing full well that it is the Lord who opens hearts.

    We go because we are no different than Steven, except some of us know Himpersonally, but all through His Grace!

    (And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but youwere justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God. -- 1Cor. 6:11)

    They Shoot Abortionist, Dont They? (Part 1)c. 1995, revised 1998 Gateway Pregnancy Center, Inc.

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Gateway Pregnancy Centers Position

    on non-violence:

    Martin Luther King stated: Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is bothimpractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending indestruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather thanwin his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoralbecause it thrives on hatred rather than love.

    Our St at emen t Agains t V iol enceWe oppose any form of violence done in the name of the Pro-Life cause.

    We believe the very term "Pro-Life" is the antithesis of violence. As Christians, we arecalled to abhor the sin of abortion, yet to love all of God's people. This is not a love thatoverlooks wrong. Rather, it recognizes the worth of every individual.

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    Christ died for the born and the unborn alike. If we offer violence and hatred, how are weany different than the rest of the world?

    If we can offer the love of Christ instead, then we give those that may disagree with us a

    glimpse of God.

    "Shouldn't we all take a strong stand against abortion?" Yes, that is absolutely our belief!And to Pro-Lifers around the country, the violence at abortion facilities - the bombingsand shootings - is sickening. Yet, that violence no more negates the moral wrong ofabortion occurring inside those clinics than the violence of the Civil War negated themoral wrong of slavery.

    As long as innocent human beings are being legally killed in this nation, the Pro-Lifemovement will fight for their right to life and we will do it without violence.

    Unanimously approved by the Gateway Board of Directors, April 9, 2001

    Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that

    (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

    May we suggest?

    A response to violence against abortionists: The Way of The Cross or- The CheapSolution by Rev. Flip Benham, director of Operation Save America, located on the webat: http://www.operationsaveamerica.org/articles/articles/wayofthecross.html or by

    writing to Gateway for a free copy

    They Shoot Abortionist, Dont They?

    Web Links

    Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God,

    for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."

    Romans 12:19 (ESV)

    George TillerAbortion Provider Shot Dead In Church: The best updates on this developing story

    are in THE WITCHITA EAGLE at:http://www.kansas.com/

    www.drtiller.com The site was removed after his death

  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Dr. Alveda King shares a link to a disturbing website:http://kgov.com/gallery/abortion/wichita-memorial/memorial.html

    http://www.dr-tiller.com/which opposed his actions.It offers some insights into

    Tillers background.

    Words to Considerhttp://www.operationsaveamerica.org/cms/assets/brochures/WeDontShootAbortioni


    Other abortionists to consider..

    Steven Chase BrighamPrayer Guide: http://www.gateway.org/content/pdf/brighamprayercard.pdfBackground: http://www.peopleforlife.org/brigham.html

    Harming an abortionist ends the opportunity

    to tell him/her about the love of Jesus Christ

    and the need for personal salvation by repentance and faith!

    Barnett SlepianSlepian Softens Before His Death - Abortion doc began seeking out pro-life protesters: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=27546

    Rev. Donald Spitz: Army of God - a radical group believingin violence against abortionists and abortion mills: www.ArmyofGod.com

    Gateways ResponseWho, then is my enemy?"Audio sermon: http://www.gateway.org/content/hear.htm click under Acrobat sermon

    Gateway Pregnancy Centers Position on


  • 8/14/2019 They Shoot Abortionists, Don't They 2009 Update


    Rev. Flip BenhamA response to violence against abortionists: The Way of The Cross or- TheCheapSolution by Rev. Flip Benham, director of Operation Save America:http://www.operationsaveamerica.org/articles/articles/wayofthecross.html

    Gateway Pregnancy Centers960 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ 07111

    65 Jefferson Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07201

    705 Park Avenue, Plainfield, NJ 07060

    (973) 399-8378 email: [email protected]

    Check out our

    at our website: www.gateway.org c. 209, Gateway Pregnancy Center

    mailto:[email protected]://www.gateway.org/mailto:[email protected]://www.gateway.org/
