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They Tellus it’s a goer - · PDF fileposed Chandler Salt Mine project, ... Duncan van...

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2 — Centralian Advocate, Tuesday, December 24, 2013 Alice Plaza 12 Days of Christmas Winners! Congratulations to the following winners from our Major Prize Draw conducted on Friday 20th December 2013. Thank you to all who entered. Kate, Tamara and all of the Alice Plaza Traders would like to wish everyone a happy, safe Christmas and look forward to seeing you again soon. 1st Prize – 5 Seater ‘Relaxer’ Spa valued at $8,000. Joan Evans. 2nd Prize – Gold & Diamond Ring valued at $4,415. Steve Cole. 3rd Prize – Pacific Island Cruise valued at $3,000. Sam Day. www.transport.nt.gov.au DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT MVR CENTREPOINT OFFICE CLOSURE TUESDAY 31 DECEMBER 2013 As of close of business Tuesday 31 December, the Motor Vehicle Registry Office located in the Centrepoint Building, Hartley Street will close. Following the closure, all customers wanting to obtain an EVIDENCE OF AGE CARD or DRIVER LICENCE will need to visit the North Stuart Highway Office, where a full range of MVR services are available . To ensure a high level of customer service is maintained in the Alice Springs Region, the following arrangements will be put in place: ĵ $QHZ4XLFNSD\VWDWLRQSURYLGLQJRQOLQHSD\PHQW and phone services will be available early 2014 at the Greenwell Building, 50 Bath Street Alice Springs. ĵ 7KH$XVWUDOLD3RVW5HWDLO2XWOHWVSURYLGHVVHUYLFHV where: - A licence renewal notice with a barcode has been received and a new photograph or eyesight test is not required. - A vehicle registration renewal notice with a barcode has been received and a roadworthy inspection is not required. ĵ &XVWRPHUVFDQDFFHVVDQXPEHURI095 4XLFNSD\VHUYLFHVWKURXJKZZZPYUQWJRYDXRU via phone on 1300 654 628. For more information, please contact the Department of Transport on 8951 5551. Tinh & Lan wish to thank all their valued customers for their patronage in 2013. We wish you all the best for Christmas and The New Year. 1900 Heffernan Rd 8952 8396 Alice Vietnamese Restaurant Fully licensed - Bookings essential Alice Vietnamese Restaurant will be closed 23rd, 24th & 25th December and re-open our normal hours from 26th December. We look forward to seeing you then. NEWS Reaching out to the needy Mluleki Moyo ALICE Springs churches are gearing up for Christmas and have vowed to make it a year to remember for many less-privileged children in and around Alice. John Flynn Memorial Uniting Church leader the Reverend Gerda Olafsen says the congregation has been very generous and that will make this year’s Christ- mas special. ‘‘We started preparing for Christmas four weeks be- fore and we call this the advent period which means waiting for Christ,’’ she said. ‘‘We work with one of Alice Springs’ biggest stores to collect gifts, which we then distribute to children with particular needs whose parents have limited means. ‘‘Well-wishers have been giving donations by placing gifts at Target where we have a Christmas tree. ‘‘Individual members of our congregation are very generous givers, they have supported the tear-fund very well.’’ Desert Life Church pastor Keith Ainge said prep- arations for Christmas were at an advanced stage and more than 40 families were going to get a hand from the church. ‘‘Christmas is a tie to cele- brations for families as well as individuals. ‘‘Given that there are many families that struggle, we endeavour to have mem- bers of the church bring food that is non-perishable. ‘‘We then make those into food hampers which we then give to people, some connected to the church, some not. ‘‘Our target group is any- one we realise needs a hand. ‘‘Usually we help between 30 and 40 people or families. ‘‘On Christmas day we will then hold a service from 9am to 10am.’’ Roman Catholic Father Jan Szweda there was a lot in store this Christmas both spiritually and socially. ‘‘Christmas is a religious event,’’ Father Szweda said. ‘‘Therefore spiritual prep- aration is paramount, the time of preparation is called Advent, and is aimed at preparing Catholics for cele- brating the birth of Christ. ‘‘A Christmas lunch was organised for senior par- ishioners. It was held at the OLSH College Bath Street campus on December 7. ‘‘The parish community raised $2500 to help needy families at the time of Christmas. Food hampers have been donated and the gifts would be distributed to children and families in town camps, as well as in outback communities. ‘‘This is done through the St Vincent de Paul Society.’’ Tellus mining managing director Duncan van der Merwe talks about salt core samples with NT Mining Minister Willem Westra van Holthe Picture: BARRY SKIPSEY They Tellus it’s a goer MINING REPORTER Sasha Petrova THE first exploratory drilling pro- gram in Australia’s largest under- ground rock salt deposit has returned viable edible and industrial salt samples. New player Tellus Holdings’ pro- posed Chandler Salt Mine project, 120km south of Alice Springs, has marked another step in the planning process with managing director Duncan van der Merwe saying he was ‘‘pleased with the results’’. After inspections of the samples, Mr van der Merwe said a leading salt expert ‘‘could spot no fatal flaws and he thinks we have a goer’’. With an exploration target of 4.5 to 5 billion tonnes, extending to 23,000 years of mine life, Tellus Holdings has seen expressions of interest from buyers in China, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. Mr van der Merwe said the company planned to sell mainly industrial salts, as well as high-value edible salts and fertilisers. ‘‘The industrial salts have got a lower sale value but there’s a much larger market,’’ he said. The company awarded the first drilling project to confirm assump- tions and volume of underground salts to local company Mitchell Services in early November as part of of its definitive feasibility study. Mr van der Merwe said the various phases of the project had already injected ‘‘a few million dollars into the local economy’’ and the ‘‘unlimited’’ supply of underground salt meant job opportunities for ‘‘generations’’. Tellus plans on lodging the appli- cation for a mining lease in April 2014. Ride Dr. Elephant into the new year HAVE you made plans for New Year’s Eve? Why not come down to the lawns of the Juicy Rump at Lasseters Hotel Casino and see in the new year the right way. With local musician Gareth Dawkins performing from 6.30pm, followed by Territory favourite Dr. Elephant, this event guarantees a great evening of live entertainment. Lead singer of Dr. Elephant, Damien Wicks said the band was looking forward to the gig. ‘‘I can’t wait, we love coming down to Alice Springs,’’ Damien said. Dr. Elephant first formed in 2000, and Damien who is the original member said the band had since ‘‘been through many incarnations’’. He is now joined by Danny Johnson on guitar, and Ben Robson the on drums. Playing a range of party favourites, this rock cover band is sure to have you on your feet. On the night there will also be fire- works at 9pm and midnight and a live DJ from 12.30am to continue the festivities well into the wee hours of 2014. Sarah Butler, the marketing manager at Lasseters Hotel Casino, and said that the free event would be fun for the entire family. Children are welcome until 10pm. CLARIFICATION AN article in Friday’s Centralian Advocate on a bus crash involving a Wayoutback Tours vehicle raised the point fatigue would be a key consideration in the investi- gation of the accident. Wayoutback Tours manager Don Wait was quoted in the article to say the company was waiting on information from the police investigation. At no point did Mr Wait suggest a possible cause of the accident. The article implies fatigue would be a key consideration in the investigation, as is consistent with such accident investigations.

2 — Centralian Advocate, Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Alice Plaza12 Days of

Christmas Winners!Congratulations to the following winnersfrom our Major Prize Draw conducted on

Friday 20th December 2013.

Thank you to all who entered.Kate, Tamara and all of the Alice Plaza Traders would

like to wish everyone a happy, safe Christmas and

look forward to seeing you again soon.

1st Prize – 5 Seater ‘Relaxer’ Spa valued at $8,000. Joan Evans.2nd Prize – Gold & Diamond Ring valued at $4,415. Steve Cole.3rd Prize – Pacific Island Cruise valued at $3,000. Sam Day.





As of close of business Tuesday 31 December, the

Motor Vehicle Registry Office located in the

Centrepoint Building, Hartley Street will close.

Following the closure, all customers wanting to obtain


will need to visit the North Stuart Highway Office,

where a full range of MVR services are available .

To ensure a high level of customer service is

maintained in the Alice Springs Region, the following

arrangements will be put in place:


and phone services will be available early 2014 at

the Greenwell Building, 50 Bath Street

Alice Springs.



- A licence renewal notice with a barcode has been

received and a new photograph or eyesight test

is not required.

- A vehicle registration renewal notice with a

barcode has been received and a roadworthy

inspection is not required.



via phone on 1300 654 628.

For more information, please contact the

Department of Transport on 8951 5551.

Tinh & Lanwish to thank all their

valued customers for

their patronage in 2013.

We wish you all the best for

Christmas and The New Year.

1900 Heffernan Rd

8952 8396

A l i c e V i e t n a m e s e R e s t a u r a n t

Fully licensed - Bookings essential

Alice Vietnamese Restaurant will be closed 23rd, 24th & 25th December and re-open our normal hours from 26th December. We

look forward to seeing you then.


Reaching outto the needyMluleki Moyo

ALICE Springs churches aregearing up for Christmasand have vowed to make it ayear to remember for manyless-privileged children inand around Alice.

John Flynn MemorialUniting Church leader theReverend Gerda Olafsensays the congregation hasbeen very generous and thatwill make this year’s Christ-mas special.

‘‘We started preparing forChristmas four weeks be-fore and we call this theadvent period which meanswaiting for Christ,’’ she said.

‘‘We work with one ofAlice Springs’ biggest storesto collect gifts, which wethen distribute to childrenwith particular needs whoseparents have limited means.

‘‘Well-wishers have beengiving donations by placinggifts at Target where wehave a Christmas tree.

‘‘Individual members ofour congregation are verygenerous givers, they havesupported the tear-fundvery well.’’

Desert Life Church pastorKeith Ainge said prep-arations for Christmas wereat an advanced stage andmore than 40 families weregoing to get a hand fromthe church.

‘‘Christmas is a tie to cele-brations for families as wellas individuals.

‘‘Given that there aremany families that struggle,we endeavour to have mem-bers of the church bringfood that is non-perishable.

‘‘We then make those intofood hampers which wethen give to people, someconnected to the church,some not.

‘‘Our target group is any-one we realise needs a hand.

‘‘Usually we help between30 and 40 people or families.

‘‘On Christmas day we willthen hold a service from9am to 10am.’’

Roman Catholic FatherJan Szweda there was a lotin store this Christmas bothspiritually and socially.

‘‘Christmas is a religiousevent,’’ Father Szweda said.

‘‘Therefore spiritual prep-aration is paramount, thetime of preparation is calledAdvent, and is aimed atpreparing Catholics for cele-brating the birth of Christ.

‘‘A Christmas lunch wasorganised for senior par-ishioners. It was held at theOLSH College Bath Streetcampus on December 7.

‘‘The parish communityraised $2500 to help needyfamilies at the time ofChristmas. Food hampershave been donated and thegifts would be distributed tochildren and families intown camps, as well as inoutback communities.

‘‘This is done through theSt Vincent de Paul Society.’’

Tellus mining managingdirector Duncan van derMerwe talks about saltcore samples with NT

Mining Minister WillemWestra van Holthe


They Tellus it’s a goerMINING REPORTER

Sasha Petrova

THE first exploratory drilling pro-gram in Australia’s largest under-ground rock salt deposit hasreturned viable edible and industrialsalt samples.

New player Tellus Holdings’ pro-posed Chandler Salt Mine project,120km south of Alice Springs, hasmarked another step in the planningprocess with managing directorDuncan van der Merwe saying he was‘‘pleased with the results’’.

After inspections of the samples, Mrvan der Merwe said a leading saltexpert ‘‘could spot no fatal flaws andhe thinks we have a goer’’.

With an exploration target of 4.5 to5 billion tonnes, extending to 23,000years of mine life, Tellus Holdings hasseen expressions of interest frombuyers in China, Japan, Indonesia, thePhilippines and Thailand.

Mr van der Merwe said the companyplanned to sell mainly industrialsalts, as well as high-value edible saltsand fertilisers.

‘‘The industrial salts have got a

lower sale value but there’s a muchlarger market,’’ he said.

The company awarded the firstdrilling project to confirm assump-tions and volume of underground saltsto local company Mitchell Services inearly November as part of of itsdefinitive feasibility study.

Mr van der Merwe said the variousphases of the project had alreadyinjected ‘‘a few million dollars into thelocal economy’’ and the ‘‘unlimited’’supply of underground salt meant jobopportunities for ‘‘generations’’.

Tellus plans on lodging the appli-cation for a mining lease in April 2014.

Ride Dr. Elephant into the new yearHAVE you made plans for New Year’sEve?

Why not come down to the lawns ofthe Juicy Rump at Lasseters HotelCasino and see in the new year the rightway.

With local musician Gareth Dawkinsperforming from 6.30pm, followed byTerritory favourite Dr. Elephant, thisevent guarantees a great evening of liveentertainment.

Lead singer of Dr. Elephant, DamienWicks said the band was looking forwardto the gig.

‘‘I can’t wait, we love coming down toAlice Springs,’’ Damien said.

Dr. Elephant first formed in 2000, and

Damien who is the original member saidthe band had since ‘‘been through manyincarnations’’.

He is now joined by Danny Johnson onguitar, and Ben Robson the on drums.

Playing a range of party favourites,this rock cover band is sure to have youon your feet.

On the night there will also be fire-works at 9pm and midnight and a live DJfrom 12.30am to continue the festivitieswell into the wee hours of 2014.

Sarah Butler, the marketing managerat Lasseters Hotel Casino, and said thatthe free event would be fun for the entirefamily.

Children are welcome until 10pm.

CLARIFICATIONAN article in Friday’s Centralian

Advocate on a bus crash involvinga Wayoutback Tours vehicleraised the point fatigue would be akey consideration in the investi-gation of the accident.

Wayoutback Tours managerDon Wait was quoted in thearticle to say the company waswaiting on information from thepolice investigation. At no pointdid Mr Wait suggest a possiblecause of the accident.

The article implies fatiguewould be a key consideration inthe investigation, as is consistentwith such accident investigations.
