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#ThinkBig Welcome to the Y12 Parents Information Evening

Date post: 08-Dec-2021
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#ThinkBig @thesixthformgas Welcome to the Y12 Parents Information Evening



Welcome to the Y12 Parents

Information Evening

Sixth Form Team



Mr T Robinson – Director of Sixth FormMr C Brinsden – Assistant Director of Sixth Form Mrs S Keegan – Head of Year 13Mr P Synge – Head of Year 12

Mrs D Head – Higher Education AdvisorMrs J Smith – Sixth Form Administration ManagerMrs H Rose – Work Experience Coordinator & Careers Lead

Team of 23 personal tutors



Graduation Programme


Graduation Ceremony



Graduation Programme



Academic ElementAchievement of minimum of 3 A levels or

BTEC equivalent.

School or Community ServiceEvidence of hours service within school based

activity. For example: mentoring, paired reading, Duke of Edinburgh Award, helping

with sports clubs etc.

Individual AchievementAchievement of a personal goal that the student would like to achieve outside of

academic attainment. For example: learning to drive, learning to play the guitar etc.

Working With OthersParticipating in in a work experience activity

related to possible future employment aspirations that takes place at the end of

Year 12

Graduation Certificate

Work Experience Week



• Week beginning 11th May 2019• Compulsory part of the

graduation program.• Competitive advantage.• Good placement essential.• Early confirmation necessary.• Health and Safety checks

Enrichment Options




Academic Skills Options

Vocational and Practical Options

Additional Options

Universities and employers widely recognise the importance of students having a wide range of experiences and skills beyond their academic qualifications.

Students are expected to complete the compulsory element of the programme plus a minimum of one other option

Enrichment Options




Feature Lecture Programme Work Experience Week

Higher Education Conference & Apprenticeship Roadshow

Next Steps Week

Academic Skills Options

Advanced Study Skills

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Core Maths Qualification (equivalent of AS taught in Year 12)

Vocational & Practical Options

Sports Leaders Award

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Additional OptionsPeer MentoringPeer Tutoring Supporting extra-curricular clubs / events / lessons



Being A Successful Sixth

Form Student




The Successful Student



Attends all lessons.Communicates with staff.Becomes an independent

learner.Works hard and realises

that mistakes are key toprogress.Has a balanced life.Has breadth of knowledge

Key Habits – Sixth Form Six



Help others to learn

Act on feedback

Balance your study approach

Interact with your teachers

Timetable your free time

Spec and Stretch

Key Habits – Sixth Form Six



Help others to learn

Collaborate with other students so you can help and test each other. Maybe try starting a study group with our members of your class and meet regularly.

Act on feedbackMake sure you follow up on feedback you are given by subject staff and really embed what they are asking you to do.

Balance your study approach

Use different approaches for revision / making notes / presenting your homework to enable greater retention of information.

Interact with your teachers

Develop mature and positive relationships with your subject staff. They have a wealth of expertise and resources, you them!

Timetable your free time

Have a clear structured timetable for your non-contact lessons and your home study and review and adapt every month.

Spec and stretchMake sure you have a copy of the specifications for each subject and learn every part of it! Stretch yourself by conducting wider reading around different areas of the specification to deepen your understanding.

What to do when homework is done…



1. Reread notes and ensure understanding 2. Produce revision notes on topics covered3. Practice recall of information 4. Complete wider reading around topic area5. Complete practice exam question(s) 6. Read ahead of next topic coming up on the

specification7. Develop practical work

Student Workload



Number of hours of

taught lessons=

Number of hours of

independent study

Minimum Expectations

Learning Licence



The Learning Licence has been designed to help students make an excellent transition into how they need to learn and study as a Sixth Form student.

Completing the Learning Licence gives students specific privileges:

They may leave the school site / come in late / go home early if they wish, when they have private study time (not in lessons)

The licence is the first step to develop the Sixth Form Six.

Learning Licence



Time Line



W/C 9th September: Learning Licence programme booklet issued. Students will need to complete the student checklist requirements. Their subject teachers will confirm that they have completed their pre-Sixth Form Summer tasks.

Thursday 12th September: Parents are informed about the Learning Licence at Sixth Form Parents Information Evening.

Tuesday 17th September: Students and parents have the opportunity to discuss the Learning Licence at the Parent –Tutor evening..

Time Line



W/C 23rd September:Subject teachers to complete the Subject Transition Report. If any teachers feel that students have significant areas to improve then these will be addressed before granting your off site study privileges.Once all subject teachers have completed their report then parents can complete the Parental Transition Report.

W/C 30th September:During tutor time on Monday 30th Sept and Tuesday 1st October students personal tutor will check their Learning Licence report.

If they have successfully completed the Learning Licence then on Wednesday 2nd October they will gain the privilege of leaving the school site during free study periods.



Expectations & Routines


Form Time



First 3 weeks = form time every day


• Mon and Tuesday (with one assembly every two weeks)• Wed, Thurs, Fri – One to One tutorials (once or twice a half term.)


• Compulsory part of their curriculum and provides guidance and information regarding careers, personal and social development and a whole range of other issues which affects young people in the modern world.

• Opportunity to build relationship with tutor who will be writing their reference.

Signing In and Signing Out



Leaving the School Site

If students are leaving the school site at break / lunch (all students are allowed from start of term) or during lessons after 2nd October must sign out and sign in, when they return to school, on the paper sheets which are located in Raynham Office.

Leaving school site for medical appointment / illness / other circumstances involving missing lessons.

Students must speak to Mrs Smith to confirm registers have been marked accordingly before signing out at Raynham office.

Non Attendance



• Dedicated 6th Form absence line:

• 01483 888151

• Lesson absence alerts will be sent to notify you of missed lessons.

• If students have unauthorised absences and reasons cannot be given then the learning time that has been lost will be made up in an after school supervised study session on a Tuesday. You will notified if this occurs.

• Continued absence will be followed up with meetings with parents to establish action plan to improve.




All adults (including Sixth Form students) on the school site who are not in school uniform are required to wear ID badges at all times. This is to ensure that the school site is as secure as possible and that we will fulfil safeguarding requirements.

If students forget your ID badge they must go to Sixth Form reception and collect a temporary badge for the day. Lost lanyards must be paid for at £2 each and lost photo ID’s £3 each.

Mobile Phones



•We trust Sixth Form students to model good self-control over their mobile phones but must respect the lower school policy of banning the use of phones on the school site.

•Mobiles may be used within Sixth Form Centre)

•Students should not have their phones out while elsewhere in the school. If Sixth Form students have their phones out in the wrong place, they will be asked to put them away.

Part Time Work



•Jobs can affect A-level results.

•Up to 8 hours has no significant influence on performance.

•More than 15 hours will have a serious impact in year 12.

•More than 10 hours in year 13.

•Full time students – no employment during school hours.




• Information logged by teaching staff in lessons (lack of homework, excessive lateness, behaviour etc.)

• Students will be placed in after-school supervised study sessions if a pattern is repeated.

• Non attendance at these will trigger further supervised study.

• Isolations and exclusions can take place in extreme circumstances.




House Points• Top form group Domino’s lunch• Lunch vouchers & other prizes.• Reduced priced prom tickets and

other vouchers.

Superhero Reward Assemblies • We also ask for subject feedback

every term for nominations for subject superheroes.

• Identified students are rewarded with prizes and the opportunity to be part of our Super Six and wear a cape and mask for a day



Monitoring and Consultation


Monitoring and Consultation



17th September 2019 Tutor / Parent ConsultationEvening

11th November 2019 Academic Clinic

18th December 2019 Autumn Data Released to Parents

18th March 2019 Spring Data Released to Parents

19th March 2019 Academic Clinic

Monitoring and Consultation



30th April to 07th

May 2020Year 12 Internal Exams

8th June 2020 Year 12 Internal Exams Data Released

16th and 17th June2020

Transition Meetings

23rd June 2020 Parents Evening

Monitoring – SIMS App



• App Store• Google Play• www.sims-parent.co.uk

Log on instructions will be distributed next week



Setting Aspirational Targets


Target Setting using L3VA



Every Year 12 student achieves an average GCSE points score.

We use L3VA data set to work out what the average grade achieved at A level would be for a student with a particular average points score.

As an outstanding Sixth Form we set a minimum expected grade (MEG) that students should achieve, based on achieving above the national average.




“Targets & goals are there to be smashed, not just achieved”

Mo Farah



Communication Structure


Communication Structure



Assistant Director / Director of Sixth Form

Head of Year

Form Tutor

Subject Teacher



How Parents Can Help


How Parents Can Help



Don’t accept answer of ‘I have

done my homework’

Promote the Study HABITS.

Year 12 is the key to Sixth Form


Communicate with form tutors

Use ‘Show My Homework’

Encourage to complete

Graduation Programme.



Thank you for attending

All the information given tonight can be accessed on the school’s


