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Third Annual Family Office Congress

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Managing risk, succession and family legacy.
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Separate Family Office Services Workshop 30 Nov 2010 + PLUS Living insights into how fortunes are kept, and lost Strategies for managing the risks facing family offices today Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit in the next generation Ideas for and psychology of business succession Philanthrocapitalism: can it work? How to choose your advisers wisely 1-2 Dec 2010 Park Hyatt Melbourne 3rd Annual Family Office Congress Managing risk, succession and family legacy
Page 1: Third Annual Family Office Congress

Separate Family Office Services Workshop 30 Nov 2010


Living insights into how fortunes are kept, and lost

Strategies for managing the risks facing family offices today

Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit in the next generation

Ideas for and psychology of business succession

Philanthrocapitalism: can it work?

How to choose your advisers wisely

1-2 Dec 2010 Park Hyatt Melbourne

3rd Annual Family Office Congress

Managing risk, succession and family legacy

Page 2: Third Annual Family Office Congress

Rupert Myer, AM B.Comm (Hons), MA Cantab

Mr Myer is the Chairman of The Myer Family Company Ltd and a Director of the publicly listed Myer Holdings Ltd, AMCIL Limited & DUI Limited. He serves as Chairman of the National Gallery of Australia. He also serves as Chairman of Kaldor Public Art Projects, as a Board Member of The Felton Bequests’ Committee and as a Director of Jawun-Indigenous Corporate Partnerships.

Andrew Reid

Andrew was born and educated in New Zealand, and commenced his working life as a photojournalist from 1989 until 1994, documenting conflict primarily in North Africa, Croatia and Bosnia for many different international publications. Returning to New Zealand he married Atka, with whom he had worked in Bosnia. He formed and grew a successful aviation business over the next 12 years before selling his interest and he now chairs the Todd Family Council. Andrew holds an MBA (with Distinction) from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Candice Beaumont

Candice is the Managing Director of L Investments in New York, a family office with a portfolio of public and private equity that is primarily focused on commodities. She is also a financial consultant to Genoil Inc, (www.Genoil.net) an emerging heavy oil technology and portfolio company of L Investments. Candice has well over a decade of experience working with and for family offices.

Peter Fletcher

Peter is the Managing Director of Parly Company, Switzerland. A family office which invests internationally in private/direct equity and alternative investment strategies. Peter has over 30 years of international experience in financial management functions in the trust and banking industry in Canada, Australia, Bermuda, Hong Kong and Switzerland. In addition to holding numerous directorships of investment funds and companies, Peter has served on various governments financial regulatory bodies.

Malcolm Wood

Malcolm Wood is head of investment strategy at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Australia. Prior to this role, Malcolm was based in Hong Kong for five years as Asia-Pacific equity strategist for Morgan Stanley and strategist at Minerva Capital Management. Preceding this, Malcolm was at Morgan Stanley in Sydney for five years, as Australia equity strategist and head of research. In earlier roles, Malcolm was a director of international and domestic equity strategy at Credit Suisse First Boston Australia, and a US equities portfolio manager at BT Funds Management in Sydney and New York.

Amin Al-Rashid

Amin is the CEO of AR Investment Partners where he works with Family Offices, including Royal Families in the Middle East and financial institutions globally, on their private equity investments. Amin has co-invested on several billion dollar private equity investments. He has also managed the private equity investments for a number of high net worth families in Europe. Amin commenced his career in Strategy Consulting at Andersen Consulting and later in Mergers and Acquisitions at Rothschild.

Kripa Sethuraman

Kripa leads Family Office Exchange’s international client relationship management and content and insight development efforts as Managing Partner, International. Kripa works with UHNW families on issues ranging from governance, family office operations, asset allocation, and succession planning, on a one-on-one basis, as well as presenting on Family Office issues.

Michael Southam

Michael has worked as an independent consultant in Geneva’s financial community since 1990. He has also consulted to leading Swiss banks and financial institutions over the years. Based on accumulated research with families who have lost much or all of their fortunes, his presentation is littered with compelling insights into how wealth is lost over generations. Michael’s own family story is a case study itself… this is a must-see presentation for families and advisers who are concerned about risks and want to preserve family wealth for future generations.

International guest speakers and Australian family offices


Page 3: Third Annual Family Office Congress

Workshop facilitators

tim Gullifer Partner

Deloitte Private

laurent roux Founder

Gallatin Wealth Management

case study

Managing liquidity for uhNW clients and families

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney will provide an insight into how wealth

families can better manage liquidity events – specifically from a wealth

management perspective.

Delivered by: eraklis panagiotakis Head of Wealth Management, Morgan

Stanley Smith Barney

case study

Mutual trust Multi-family office

Founded by The Hon. W L Baillieu and five of his brothers in the 1930’s and

incorporated in 1951, Mutual Trust Pty Ltd today provides a comprehensive range of financial and wealth man-

agement services to extended family members and other selected clients.

Delivered by: tim hammon CEO, Mutual Trust

Complex clients demand a higher level of serviceseparate full-day Workshop

30 Nov, hilton on the park, Melbourne

Family Office Services

the evolution of project management services to wealthy families and the emergence of the family office structure have led to a strategic shift in direction for many inte-grated wealth advisory firms. these forward thinking firms want to re-position their suite of services to take advantage of the growing number of complex clients with dynamic family issues.

in this practical full-day workshop, attendees have the opportunity to learn best practice in operational services to wealthy families, examine the different frame-works for engaging 2nd, 3rd and later generation clients, and delve into a number of case studies featuring Mfo and advisory firm operations.

scope of family office servicesSetting strategic family direction

Delivery and process of services

Integrated wealth management

Investment reporting and policy

leadership, longevity and continuityDefining family vision, governance and constitutions

Decision making processes and rules for operation

Multi-generational involvement

Setting priorities around education and development

operational management within family office servicesInformation management and storage

IT infrastructure and reporting

Personal and human capital management

Scale and measures of success

key learning outcomes for attendeesFamily wealth services within a SFO & MFO context

Strategic collaboration and multi-disciplinary advice to complex families

Generational engagement, leadership development and education

Comparing operational advice models

We will encourage input from all attendees before, during and after the workshop. Advanced feedback and specific issues of all attendees will be taken into account and worked into the agenda.

We will encourage input from all attendees before, during and after the workshop. Advanced feedback and specific issues of all attendees will be taken into account and worked into the agenda. Workbook and case studies will be provided.

Page 4: Third Annual Family Office Congress


8.45am Welcome to countryOpening remarks from the chair

9.00am Opening PresentationThe essence and development of family offices in Australia■ WhatisafamilyofficeinAustraliatoday?■ TrendsintheprovisionofUHNWservices■ ChallengesandopportunitiesfacingAustralianfamilyoffices■ CAse sTuDY:TheevolutionofMutualTrustintoamulti-


Tim Hammon, CEO,Mutual Trust


9.20amHow to Lose a Billion“ReadOthello:wealthdoesnotbreedrespect”.

Born into well-established families on both sides, Michaelwitnessedthebreak-upof the family fortuneoverhis lifetime,andwentbacktoanalysewhathadhappenedoverthepreceding100years.Hetooktheopportunitytospeakwith35otherfamilieswho had experienced similar losses, and identified commonthemesandmilestonesthatledtothelossoffamilyfortunes.

Michael southam, Rockliffe Partners, Geneva

10.00am Coffee

10.30amA Roadmap for the futureOur journey and the development of the Todd family ‘roadmap’Recognisedasoneof the leading familyoffices in theregion,theToddfamilyhasprosperedover7generations,andnowhasover190 familymembers.With thehugegrowth innumbers,the Family Council (formed in 2003) has developed its ownRoadmap for the future and the family has been generousenoughtosharetheirplanswithusattheCongress.

Andrew Reid, ToddFamilyCouncilChairman,New Zealand

11.10amNext Generation: Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit in a Risky environmentDevelopingnextgenerationleadersiscriticaltothesuccessofthefamilybusinessandtothefamilyasawhole.

■ Howdoyoubestteachthenextgenerationstrategiesto achievesuccess?■ Howdoyouencourageentrepreneurialismneededto developthefamilybusinessinanever-changing marketwhilebalancingrisktaking?■ Whatarethebestmethodstoensurethefree-flowof newideaswhileoperatingunderdifficultglobaleco- nomicconditionswithnoclearpatternsforrecovery?

Candice Beaumont, Managing Director, L Investments, New York

Followed by panel discussion featuring:Richard Weinberg, ManagingDirector,Terrace Tower GroupRichard Davies, ManagingDirector,JagenAndrew Reid, Chairman,Todd Family Council

Moderated by Candice Beaumont, MD,L Investments

12.00pm Lunch


1.30pmGlobal Investment strategy OutlookMalcolm Wood, HeadofInvestmentStrategy,Morgen stanley smith Barney

Followed by panel discussion:1.What is the new normal? Are we there yet? TheriseofChina,peakoiland the“sustainabilityofgrowth”,theglobalfinancialcrisisandtheenormousburdenofUSandEuropeansovereigndebt.Giventhechangedglobaleconomiclandscape, is there a “new normal” for investors around theglobe?Orisassetallocationandinvestmentbestpracticethesameasithasalwaysbeen?

Barry Carp, CIO,River CapitalMalcolm Wood, HeadofInvestmentStrategy,Morgan stanley smith BarneyAdrian Redlich, CIO,Merricks CapitalDennison Hambling, CIO,First samuel, Melbournesession moderated by Peter Fletcher, Parly Company sA

3.00pm Coffee

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3.30pm – 5.00pm Breakout sessions: We break into smaller groups to allow for more interactive sessions. Each session will last 90 minutes.

stream two:understanding risks in the family contextIn this session we explore in more detail how wealthy families can best understand and mitigate the variety of risks they face. Ownership and control, risks around succession, risks relating to non-family advisors and directors and risks arising from inter-family relationships are all explored.

Hosted by: elise elliott, Director, Deloitte Private

stream one:Looking at Co-investments and inter-family collaboration (closed session by invitation only)Looking in more detail at emerging family office investment strategies, co-investment models and latest thinking for SFOs. A limited attendance session promoting conversations and the sharing of ideas and opportunities.

Hosted by: Peter Fletcher, Parly Company sa

5.00 – 7.00pm Cocktail & networking drinks

Page 6: Third Annual Family Office Congress


family business evolution

9.00amThe evolution of a family business to a family office and beyondA look at the history and development of the Myer Family in Australia and the priorities and challenges that have faced the family over several generations.

Rupert Myer, Myer Family Company

9.40am PAnel SeSSion

Managing business risk and successionIn this session we explore different triggers for business suc-cession such as intergenerational transfer, sale of equity to non-family members, and distressed or turnaround situations. We look at the risks associated with each situation and how these risks can be planned for and managed.

Panellist: TBCSession moderated by: Greg Smith, Director, Champ Ventures

10.30am Coffee


11.00amWhere next for social entrepreneurs?The “third sector” AKA the non-profit sector has been a hot-bed of innovation over the last decade and more. Concepts of social entrepreneurs, social enterprise, the emergence of social media based campaigns and awareness of climate change have gained increasing prominence.

Alongside this the sophistication of the sector has developed rapidly. Some modern philanthropists are asking new questions such as "can we create social good and seek financial returns at the same time? If so can we invest the corpus for social good? And how do we measure the value of social impacts?"

Other philanthropists have returned to simpler and more traditional roles, and perhaps re-discovered the impact they can have in their local communities. Should philanthropy be this sophisticated, or really should we just be supporting worthy causes with more dollars?

Suzi Carp, Chair, River Capital FoundationWendy Brookes, Head of Personal Services, The Trust CompanyTerry Farris, CEO, Unitus CapitalPeter Winneke, Head of Philanthropic Services, Myer Family Company

12.00pmSession tbc

12.30pm Lunch

choosinG eXternal anD internal aDvisers

1.30 - 2.15pmHow to Choose a Wealth Advisor: Understanding the Wealth Management landscapeSelecting the right organisation to partner with you in the management and oversight of your family enterprise is one of the most important decisions you will make. Success in this endeavour requires a significant investment of the fam-ily’s time, talent, and resources to ensure a thorough and dis-ciplined due diligence process. This presentation will review some of the key success factors in ensuring a successful and long-term relationship with your wealth advisor.

Kripa Sethuraman, Head of international Practice, Family office exchange (london)

2.15 - 3.15pm PAnel SeSSion

Structuring an advisory boardWe can’t choose our family, and perhaps we wouldn’t want to… but we can choose our closest advisers. Choosing the wrong ex-ternal advisers can be a disaster for wealthy families; choosing the right ones can establish the family for generations to come.

So what is the essence of the best-trusted advisers? And how do we best establish an advisory board for the family? What blend of skills and attributes should we seek?

Kripa Sethuraman, Family office exchageAri Bergman, General Counsel/Co. Secretary, Spotlight GroupAllen Robinson, Bridgestarelise elliott, Director, Deloitte Private

3.15 - 3.30pm Coffee break

3.30 - 4.15pm PAnel SeSSion

eyes Wide open: Seeing risks before they become disastersSo how do we spot the hidden risks we are taking? In this session we look more closely at some war stories involving fraud, mis-management and sheer incompetence.

Alex Wise, Managing Director, orchard HarbourDavid Bell, Managing Director, St David’s Road Advisory

other panelists tbc

4.00pm Conference close

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Supporting Sponsors

Lead Sponsor

Dealers’ GroupDealers’ Group is a multi-disciplinary membership group for private client advisers and family offices.

We facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information to encourage an ever higher standard of advice for private clients in Australia.

Benefits include:

• Preferred pricing: Discounted attendance to all Dealers’ Group events

• Private Client Advisor newsletter: Monthly newsletter covers topical issues related to private client advisory.

• Access to Dealers’ Group website: Access to papers, presentations and audio files

• Webinars: Monthly webinars direct to your desktop

• Private lunch meetings: held quarterly

For enquiries regarding membership, please contact Paul Salmon on 02 9555 4203 or email psalmon@dealers group.com.au.

Council of FamiliesIn conjunction with FOX and the Myer Family Company, Dealers’ Group is hosting a one-day mini-retreat for family members and CEOs of family offices, to be held in Melbourne and Brisbane. Numbers are strictly limited and this event is by invitation only. If you would like to be considered for invitation, please email Richard Milroy at [email protected]

Please note that confidentially is assured. For any enquiries on this matter please contact Richard as above.


Event Partners

to our sponsors and event partners

Thank you

Page 8: Third Annual Family Office Congress

The Dealers’ Groups reserves the right to change the programme without notice.ABN 78 117 870 943


3rd Annual Family Office Congress + Family Office Services Workshop Family Office Congress only

Family Office Services Workshop Only

eaRlYBiRDRegistRationRate– BOOK & PAY BEFORE 29 OCTOBER 2010

Congress Congress+Workshop Workshoponly

Single Family Offices & $1295 + GST $1995 + GST $995 + GST Dealers' Group Members = $1424.50 = $2194.50 = $1094.50

Private client adviser $1495 + GST $2095 + GST $995 + GST = $1644.50 = $2304.50 = $1094.50

Service provider $2295 + GST $2995 + GST $995 + GST = $2524.50 = $3294.50 = $1094.50

Discountsavailable for tables and group bookings. privateclientadviserrate is reserved for accountants, lawyers and financial advisers. specialrates:for not-for-profits are also available, please contact Paul Salmon on 02 9555 4203 or [email protected]

stanDaRDRegistRationRate– BOOK & PAY AFTER 29 OCTOBER 2010

Congress Congress+Workshop Workshoponly

Single Family Offices & $1495 + GST $2195 + GST $1195 + GST Dealers' Group Members = $1644.50 = $2414.50 = $1314.50

Private client adviser $1795 + GST $2395 + GST $1195 + GST = $1974.50 = $2634.50 = $1314.50

Service provider $2695 + GST $3495 + GST $1295 + GST = $2964.50 = $3844.50 = $1314.50


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toRegisteRWeb www.dealersgroup.com.auFax 02 9810 6746mail Dealers’ Group 212A Darling Street Balmain NSW 2041

enquiRiesRegistrationsZafmakdum Tel 02 9555 [email protected]

sponsoRshipJennaJaaniste Tel 0404 344 [email protected]

VenuesFamilyofficeCongressPark Hyatt Melbourne1 Parliament SquareMelbourne VIC 300203 9224 1234

FamilyofficeservicesWorkshopHilton on the Park192 Wellington ParadeMelbourne VIC 300203 9419 2000

aCCommoDationSpecial rates have been organised with the hotel. To access these rates, please contact the Park Hyatt Melbourne during business hours on 03 9224 1234 and quote Family Office Congress. Rooms are limited. To avoid disappointment please ensure you book your accommodation early.

DealeRs’gRoupmemBeRshipMembership is open to single family, multi-family offices and private client advisers including financial advisers, accountants and lawyers.

Cancellation policy Should you be unable to attend a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra cost. Alternatively a full refund, minus 50% (incl. GST) service charge will be made for cancellations received in writing up to one month prior to the event. Regrettably, no refund will be given for cancellations received later than one month prior to the event. However, a full credit note will be issued.

privacy The information you have given will be recorded in our delegate database. Dealers’ Group may also share this information with our event partners. Please tick the appropriate box if you DO NOT wish to receive further correspond-ence.
