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Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 28th June 2020.pdfParish e-mail address:...

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1 | Page Scripture Readings First Reading 2 King: 4: 8-11, 14-16a Hospitality extended to Elisha will be rewarded. Psalm Psalm 89: 2-3, 16-19 Sing God’s praises forever. Second Reading Romans 6: 3-4, 8-11 Through Christ we are dead to sin but alive in God. Gospel Matthew 10: 37-42 Jesus outlines the costs and rewards of discipleship. Reflection Background on the Gospel Reading The conditions of discipleship outlined in Matthew’s Gospel may appear harsh. Yet they underline for us a truth—choosing anything with one’s whole heart has consequences. Choosing life with Christ means that every relationship we have must be understood from a new perspective. For many in Matthew’s community, this choice brought division to their family. Matthew also outlines the reward of hospitality offered to Jesus’ followers. In today’s Gospel, Jesus explains the difficulties of discipleship, yet reveals that those who welcome the disciples have also welcomed him. Today’s Gospel also highlights for us the importance of hospitality in the Christian life. To welcome another in Jesus’ name is to extend hospitality to Jesus himself. We have many opportunities in our daily life to reach out to others, to be a welcoming presence and a sign of God’s love. (www.loyolapress.com) Parish of St. Bernadette Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 28 th June 2020 Sunday Cycle A Psalter Week 1
Page 1: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 28th June 2020.pdfParish e-mail address: stbernadettes@downandconnor.org Fr. Brendan Hickland PP: Holy Rosary Presbytery, 503 Ormeau Road.

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Scripture Readings First Reading 2 King: 4: 8-11, 14-16a Hospitality extended to Elisha will be rewarded. Psalm Psalm 89: 2-3, 16-19 Sing God’s praises forever. Second Reading Romans 6: 3-4, 8-11 Through Christ we are dead to sin but alive in God.

Gospel Matthew 10: 37-42 Jesus outlines the costs and rewards of discipleship.


Background on the Gospel Reading

The conditions of discipleship outlined in Matthew’s Gospel

may appear harsh. Yet they underline for us a truth—choosing

anything with one’s whole heart has consequences. Choosing

life with Christ means that every relationship we have must be

understood from a new perspective. For many in Matthew’s

community, this choice brought division to their family.

Matthew also outlines the reward of hospitality offered to Jesus’ followers. In today’s Gospel, Jesus

explains the difficulties of discipleship, yet reveals that those who welcome the disciples have also

welcomed him.

Today’s Gospel also highlights for us the importance of hospitality in the Christian life. To welcome

another in Jesus’ name is to extend hospitality to Jesus himself. We have many opportunities in our daily

life to reach out to others, to be a welcoming presence and a sign of God’s love.


Parish of St. Bernadette

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday 28th June 2020

Sunday Cycle A

Psalter Week 1

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Some more thoughts on today's scripture

Jesus would probably have taught the fifth commandment - Honour thy father and thy mother - in the

synagogue. But sometimes when God tries to come into my heart it is cluttered with people and things

that I love dearly. I will talk to Jesus about this. A cup of cold water’ - a simple example of kindness. Can I

learn anything from this?

The Gospel of Jesus is not only about a way of life founded on love and mercy, but above all about the

person of Jesus himself. Today he claims a special place in our lives, more important than our dearest

ones. Being a disciple is not a marginal aspect of my life, it is central. I ask for the grace to be a real

disciple of Jesus, capable of taking up my cross and following him.

At the same time, Jesus assures us that even the smallest gesture of mercy to those in need will not go

unnoticed. Let me reflect on the many such gestures that fill my life.

We are rarely asked for a cup of water. But the rewards promised by Jesus extend beyond individual

almsgiving to those who work for others in a thousand hidden ways, for instance maintaining a city

water system, or caring for public hygiene, as civil servants, plumbers, engineers, scientists, street-

cleaners or parents of families. We live in a more complex society, but the same care and generosity are

found in all walks of life, wherever people devote themselves to the service of others.

Thank you, Lord, for the opportunities I have to serve others.


Anyone who does not take his cross is not worthy of me. Anyone

who welcomes you welcomes me.

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Parish Contact Details

Parish website: www.stbernadettesparish.org

Parish e-mail address: [email protected]

Fr. Brendan Hickland PP: Holy Rosary Presbytery, 503 Ormeau Road. Telephone 90642446

Fr. Michael Spence CC: 28 Willowbank Park. Telephone 90793023 Option 2

Parish Office: Telephone 90793023 Option 1

June: The month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

Words of Wisdom from Pedro Arrupe SJ (former superior of the Jesuit order)

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that

is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final

way...... What you are in love with, what seizes

your imagination, will affect everything. It will

decide what gets you out if bed in the mornings,

what you do with your evenings, how you spend

your weekends, what you read, who you know,

what breaks your heart, and what amazes you

with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love,

and it will decide everything."

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MASS TIMES THIS WEEK Sat. 27th June Vigil 6pm Sun. 28th June 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10am & 12 Mon. 29th June St. Peter & St. Paul, Apostles 9.30am Tues. 30th June First Martyrs of Rome 9.30am Wed. 1st July St. Oliver Plunkett 9.30am Thur. 2nd July 13th Week in Ordinary Time 9.30am Fri. 3rd July St. Thomas, Apostle 9.30am Sat. 4th July St. Elizabeth of Portugal

All Masses in St. Bernadette's are broadcast live on the internet. Visit www.stbernadettesparish.org and Click on "Watch Live".

Saints of the Week This week the Church celebrates the lives of some famous and some not so famous saints who gave

their lives for Jesus' sake.

Tradition says that St. Peter and St. Paul died during the first great

persecution of the Church by the Roman authorities in AD 64 during

the reign of the emperor Nero. At the same time an unknown number

of other Christians, of all ages, were also tortured and executed by

Nero simply because they bore the name Christian. Although the

names of these martyrs are

unknown, they are remembered

each year on June 30th.

On 1st July St Oliver Plunkett is remembered. Ordained in Rome in

1654 he became a professor of theology from 1654 through 1669. He

was appointed archbishop of Armagh in 1669. He was forced to

conduct a covert ministry during the suppression of priests. He was arrested and tried at Dundalk in

1679 for conspiring against the state. It was seen that

Oliver would never be convicted in Ireland and he was

moved to Newgate prison, London. St Oliver Plunkett was

found guilty of high treason "for promoting the Catholic

faith", and was condemned to a gruesome death. He was

martyred 1 July 1681 at Tyburn, by hanging,

disembowelling, quartering and beheading. He was the

last Catholic to die for his faith at Tyburn, and the first of

the Irish martyrs to be beatified. His body was initially buried in two tin boxes next to five Jesuits who

had died before; his head is in St. Peter's church at Drogheda; most of his body is at Downside Abbey,

England; and some relics are in Ireland.

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Bethany Bereavement Support Group Our Parish Bethany Bereavement Support Group offers listening and support to those who have been

bereaved. Telephone No. 07733773758.

Reintroduction of Funeral Services, Requiem Masses and Wedding Ceremonies

On Thursday 4th June 2020 Bishop Noel Treanor issued a statement regarding Funeral Services,

Requiem Masses and Wedding Ceremonies. The full text of the bishop's statement is available on the

diocesan website at www.downandconnor.org

Our Faithful Departed Please pray for those who have died recently and those who anniversaries occur around this time.

Recently Deceased Fr. Johnny O'Sullivan, Betty Dawson, Nuala Lynch, Eddie Hinds, Mark Hughes, Frank Corrigan, James Jelley, Patricia Chapman, Colette Quigley, Charles Mulholland.

Anniversaries Gary Radcliffe, Peter Hodgson, Brendan Wright, Annie McElhatton, Maura Forde, Sarah Mulholland, Margaret King, Maureen O'Rourke, Fr. Aodh Bennett CSsR, Bridget McPeake, James McQuillan, Rose Gallagher. May they rest in peace.

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Dear Parishioners of the Parishes of Holy Rosary and St. Bernadettes,

I am sure many will welcome the decision of the Northern Ireland Executive on June 25th, that Churches

may reopen for Public Worship and the celebration of the Eucharist from 29th June 2020. Further detail

on the celebration of Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals will be released, by the Executive, week

beginning 29th June.

At the time of writing this note we are awaiting some further guidance from the Diocese regarding the

Re-opening of Churches. The Priests of the 8 parishes in the South and East Belfast Pastoral Community,

have met (via Zoom) and will meet again on Monday 29th June. It was agreed that we will announce the

starting dates for the reopening of the Churches in our Pastoral Community together. The Pastoral

Council in both parishes have met (via Zoom) and will meet again this coming week.

In order to comply with the necessary protocols for the safety of parishioners, ministers, and priests we

require a large number of volunteers to assist with welcoming and stewarding parishioners coming to

the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments. The Churches are required to be cleaned

after each Mass and this too will require a greater number of volunteers to assist. I take this

opportunity to offer sincere thanks, on behalf of us all, to those who have already volunteered to

welcome, clean and steward in our Churches, since they were opened for private prayer. I thank in

particular Roisin Smylie (Holy Rosary) and Gillian McKeever (St. Bernadettes) for co-ordinating the teams

of volunteers.

If anyone is willing to help please email: [email protected] or

[email protected]

These continue to be challenging times for everyone and, as you are very aware, we must do our best

both collectively and individually to ensure the safety and health of one another both inside and outside

of the churches. This is a responsibility for each individual, but government guidance says that those

who are over 70 or who have underlying health problems - including those who have been asked to

shield - are at a significantly higher risk of COVID-19.

The number of parishioners able to celebrate Mass and in keeping with the guidelines, will depend upon

the mix of individuals and family groups. We will have limited capacity.

Remember that the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays/Holy Days has been dispensed with during

the COVID pandemic. Mass will continue to be streamed via the webcam in St. Bernadettes Church.

It is challenging for all of us, as we come out of lockdown so our next steps will need to be careful,

cautious, and gradual. More detailed information will be given next weekend via the Parish websites and

via the Masses, via webcam.

I again express my gratitude to all, in both Parishes, for the way you continue to adapt and to serve the

needs of parishioners and the wider community. I thank you for your understanding, patience, and

support. In the meantime, I hope you all keep well and safe and let us remember one another before

the Lord in prayer.

With every good wish and blessing,

Fr. Brendan Hickland

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Church opening times for private prayer

You are welcome to visit the church for personal prayer only.

Opening Times

St. Bernadette's


Good Shepherd


Monday - Friday

Monday - Saturday

2pm - 4pm

10am until 12


We would be grateful for your strict compliance with the social distancing rules and instructions

concerning hygiene posted at the Entrance and around the church.

There will be a one way system in operation in the church. Hand-gels will be available at the entrance

and exit. Parishioners are asked to wipe down any surfaces they have contact with. The benches will

be sealed off, but individual chairs will be placed close to the altar. There will be no toilet facilities


These measures have been implemented to reduce the risk for everyone attending the church.

Do not feel obliged to venture out and visit the church if you are elderly or vulnerable.

If you are 'clinically at risk' of Covid-19 or have been advised to shield, please do not visit.


Many thanks also to our teams of cleaners and new volunteers who are making it possible to keep

the church open.

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Parish Draw 500 Club The winners for Week 41 are: Jim Livingstone and Anne Greer. Congratulations to the lucky winners. Each receives £50.

St. Bernadette's SVP conference Dear Parishioners,

despite the Covid 19 crisis the work of St. Bernadette's SVP conference

has not stopped. We continue to provide vital assistance to those in

need. Our main source of income has always been your generous

donations via the red box collections after Mass. Unfortunately the

cessation of public Mass has understandably seen a significant

reduction in donations. If you are able to, could you please consider

making a donation via the donation box in St. Bernadette's church or

via the parochial house at 28 Willowbank Park (marking your envelope St. Bernadette's SVP)? Your

generosity, as always is very much appreciated and never so important as in this health and economic


Foodbank at Good Shepherd Parish Centre

The Foodbank at the Good Shepherd Parish Centre has now closed and

will not be accepting any further donations.

Bredagh GAC, Ormeau Boxing and Rosario YFC would like to take this

opportunity to thank all those who contributed to the Foodbank for their

enormous support, generosity and kindness over the last 15 weeks.

The Foodbank was testament to how our local Community pulled together in a difficult period for us all.

Parish Collections Many thanks to all those who have been able to contribute to

the parish finances through standing order, PayPal or the parish


We recognise that this is a time of financial worry for many, and

for that reason giving to the parish should be secondary to your

own particular needs.

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Trócaire Every year Trócaire asks for your help during Lent to fund

lifesaving programmes around the world. This year, of

course, it was not possible to return Trócaire boxes through

schools or parishes in the usual way. This is the worst

possible timing coming just as the world’s poorest people

need us most. Therefore, Trócaire are appealing to you to

return your Lenten donation. Simply count or estimate what

is in your box and donate in the following ways:

1. Online at www.trocaire.org

2. By phone: 0800 912 1200

3. By post to Trócaire, 10 King Street, Belfast, BT1 6AD

4. Alternatively retain your box until it is safe to return your donation and for parishes to accept them.

The contents of each and every Trócaire box, no matter how small, come together to make a significant

difference. This virus knows no borders, but neither does our compassion.

Please note the new section on the Parish website dedicated to the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). You will find information there on: membership of the Parish Pastoral Council, contact details and copies of the Annual Reports for the past number of years. The Parish Pastoral Council would like parishioners to know that the Annual Report for 2019-2020 is now available on line. See parish website: www.stbernadettesparish.org

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St. Bernard's Primary School We wish all the boys and girls , their teachers, classroom

assistants, all who work in St. Bernard's Primary School

and all the parents every blessing for the summer, after

what has been an exceptional year.

We especially remember and pray for all the boys and

girls in Primary 7 who are leaving St. Bernard's this

summer. We wish you every blessing in your new school.

Enjoy your summer holidays everyone.

Camino-style pilgrim walk, St Patrick's Way

A new Camino-style pilgrim walk, St Patrick's Way, is being launched in Downpatrick from July 1st. New

pilgrim guides, Martina Purdy and Elaine Kelly, will in turn lead pilgrims on the journey which includes

Inch Abbey, Saul Church, the site of St Patrick’s first church in Ireland, Slieve Patrick and the national

monument, Struell Wells, and St Patrick's Grave. The BBC's Donna Traynor will walk a second 8 mile

route with guides and pilgrims in Newcastle on July 4. Bookings for all or part of the walk, and details

available at St Patrick Centre, Downpatrick on 028 44 619 000.

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ACTIVITY: Colour this picture.

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The feast of St Peter and St Paul is celebrated on 29th June.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul were Jesus' foremost Apostles; St. Peter was the leader of the Twelve, while

the Resurrected Christ appeared to St. Paul after his Ascension into heaven. Together the two saints are

the founders and patrons of the Church in Rome because of their apostolic preaching, ministry, and

martyrdom in that city.
