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This I believe final Homework assignment-Swiha

Date post: 19-Jun-2015
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To summarize what I believe today
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2. I believe in Choices and Responsibility I grew up believing in many things, a form of Religion, going to school, celebrating Holidays, having a Job, all of these ideals have been introduced to me from a very young age, because my parents believed many of these ideals would make life better, and their parents, and this was the way society says it should be and it is politically correct, at least that is what everyone says. Now I find that these same ideals are not only manipulative, and disturbing but unsafe, destructive, and the long term use will be unfortunately the End of mankind? My first thought is why have we allowed the use of Genetically manufactured foods, chemically preserved and altered food, medications with severe adverse effects. I can tell you why one reason, we are consistently having images projected at us, mass marketing, by corporate America to make money, this pill will help this problem, and this car will really make you look successful, and eat these foods, because they appear so enticing and delicious and so on. So if we did not choose these ideals of our own free will then what is everyone waiting for, and why is everyone so accepting, is it because we were induced into this way of life at a young age, and we do not know how to break free of everything we feel we are, to face that we are a lie, that our life is a lie, I believe this is the hardest thing we are facing to make a choice and go against that what we stand for and what we believe and what holds a part of us captive, and enslaved. Because we cannot see the truth, we are blind because this has been our whole life , so I wonder does anyone feel the way I do, and then after I came to this acceptance, I began to live differently, I chose to do things because it felt right, not because everyone else does it, and so begins my Journey to what I believe .. 3. Beginning from Somewhere? As I started to question things, and research what I ate, and what I believed, I lost many friends, my family criticized me, and people made fun of me, That was the most difficult thing to face, I would often cry, and wondered doesnt anyone see what I see? They chose not to see, or be open to ideas, It was hard and yet I still face it everyday, but I see more and more people wondering about what I think, what I believe. But mostly they are beginning to find who they are and what they believe, and That gives me hope. Religion I was always catholic I still am, but now I believe God is everywhere, and in everything, in every moment and within our very selves, so instead of praying only on Sundays ,I feel my life is the embodiment of a prayer, every thought, action, word and deed, is noticed and heard, and the effects are ever reaching, with my soul connecting to others in every way. 4. What Is Free Will I believe we are eternal souls, we have lived many ,many lifetimes, where is the proof , often I must ask myself, then I realize, we find the answers within our very selves.. Remember the words Jesus spoke The kingdom of God is within you. Why do we find these words so difficult to accept, we look for God or who we are in a physical tangible world, but we are none of these we are an eternal spirit, we live forever, and if this is so ,we have had to experience many races, places and creeds, we have made choices to live and be free, or die and suffer, we choose our life, and live a path which we chose, We question and doubt who we are, if God exists and we fear what we do not understand, we fear what we cannot see, but how is it, we do not fear the air we breath ? we cannot see it, or contain it, but we do feel it, so we know that it exists. This is the same with all things we question, how do we know? We have this incredible power called free will this is a gift from God ,to decide what we believe, and how we choose to live in this lifetime. 5. From the very beginning we are given a choice. 6. Window to the soul I believe the eyes are the window to the soul why, well I think when we look deep enough into someones eyes we can catch a glimmer of who they really are, a flash of their soul,.. I believe this, I have taken many pictures of my own eyes, and I see images of figures, faces, and people, I would not have believed this if I had not taken pictures of my eyes close up, maybe they are who I once was, in a former life, personalities all somehow intertwined in the web of life. where have we heard this? In the bible , Matt 6:22-23 , and why is that? Why do the eyes hold so much mystery, and yet we all possess a set of unique and complex eyes, sometimes the eyes are so captivating I wonder what kinds of secrets they hold.. Have you ever seen how captivating and beautiful some eyes are, how you can just be completely mesmerized by the beauty of ones eyes.. 7. I often sit alone and contemplate so much, I wonder am I crazy or am I just wasting my time, but then I realize God wants me to question things, to find answers to seek truth, why else would I have been given free willNow I am free to believe ,even though I may stand alone, I must find out for myself, God gave us this great gift, do I dare waste it, or do I search for answers, where God is, and who I am, this is an amazing Journey in the school of life, and I am just getting started. 8. As a Young girl I swathe world was full of so many possibilities, I lost my way for a long time, now I feel that way again, but now I feel a greater sense of responsibility to those around me, to all life, I believe if I make choices out of love, I can never go wrong, but choices made for selfish gain, may find a heavier price to pay. I see a homeless man without food, people say it is not my responsibility, but one day that homeless man, may be my great grandson, that was ignored, and cast aside like garbage. We are all responsible for the choices we make, for the things we do, and especially for the things we do not do? I believe that so much, I feel it deep within my soul, I cannot explain this, but I know it to be true. I imagine a little boy that is abused, and many people look the other way, many will say it is not my problem, but he grows up to be a serial killer, a rapist, a drug addict , a child molestor . He was once a beautiful sweet little boy but no one heard his crying at night, no one cared he grew up unwanted and unloved. Until we take responsibility for everything that happens, things will not change they will only become worse. This I believe 9. Beauty is within the Child in you.. I believe in the beauty of a child, that is where we must begin, to love unconditionally as a child loves a parent, to hold the world as an amazing adventure, to find life exciting and new. We were given glimpses of who we are, we were told to become as little children then we shall see the kingdom of God, to remove all negative emotions and focus on love and kindness, to see the world from the eyes of a child, come with me on this adventure, close your eyes, and remember your best childhood memory, now magnify that and let it over flow, send it in every direction 10. You are More than that which you can see 11. I believe in Love, which only can heal, where there is love and light darkness cannot exist I believe that when we feel love and positive emotions we only draw into ourselves that positive light, the beauty within ourselves. Evil feeds from darkness and despair, if we feel positive then we feel compassion and love. Love is the key, if you believe
